A whopper on today’s Good Morning Scotland from Kenneth Macdonald, the science correspondent. Talking about potential cures for COVID, he stated, “Donald Trump was the man who suggested drinking bleach”. I don’t have to point out to many here that that is simply incorrect. And yet here we have a BBC journalist repeating the hoax, without correction.
I see the BBC complaints page basically says, “We are short-staffed, don’t bother” so have for the moment contented myself with a comment rather than burden the poor souls.
There is the Realworld
.. and there is Guardianlalaland
In Guardianlalaland it is 100% true that “Donald Trump was the man who suggested drinking bleach”
Things are certainly coming to a head at last after four long years during which the Dems and their Deep State anti Trump supporters have managed to keep the truth suppressed. The Flynn case is just the tip of the iceberg , an iceberg which extends right into Obama’s WH and an attempt to orchestrate a coup to remove a democratically elected President. They have only been able to do this because 90% of the MSM have conspired with them to do so. This isn’t just the US media but includes the Telegraph and Times over here, both very anti President Trump publications, Sky and of course the BBC. I also suspect that the British government has been active in suppressing the truth.
What we have seen is a breathtaking display of power by the Globalist elite around the world to protect themselves and to retain power , wealth and status. On this side of the Atlantic it has in a way been mirrored by the ferocious resistance to Brexit by those who profit from membership of the EU.
Unless we completely leave the EU and unless several hundred conspirators are indicted tried and jailed in the USA democracy will have been defeated by the forces of Globalism.
There is nothing on Twitter
@BBCLauraMac was presenting #BbcGMS
but the only Twitter traffic is from BBC colleagues or SNP activists
The prog probably has very few listeners.
I have tried with one or two friends to point out that Trump didn’t say it – and what he did say was in response to a presentation he had just sat through. Every time, I am told that Trump did say it – and they know he did because they saw him on the news saying it. When I then ask what exactly he said, I am told, ‘well something like that any’. What is the saying, something about a lie flying around the world whilst the truth is only just putting on his trousers?
Pres Trump:”A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too.
On UV light: One sees that Pres Trump is very interested in the idea of bringing a powerful light inside the body that could destroy virus and bacteria.
Dr. Deborah Birx: “Not as a treatment. I mean, certainly fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But, I’ve not seen heat or light as a —”
Trump: “I think that’s a great thing to look at. OK?”
Pres Trump is encouraging scientists to look at it.
Any intelligent person would be interested if such could be done. Dr Birx , the famous expert didnt think it can be done
UV light is electromagnetic radiation. Radiation has been used for decades for medical purposes. Too, there are instruments that actually use UV light, transported into the body via optical fibre, to destroy invasive elements.
So the curiosity of Pres Trump, and encouragement to scientists , to find anything to alleviate the dire situation of the world, is derided.
The anti-Trumpists have become mad dog rabid in their hatred of a person who stopped Globalist Climate Change Hillary. The BBC too, is rabid anti-Trump, as their Climate Change hoax to drive the West into socialism/communism has been upset.
Similarly with his comment on disinfectant. Its clear that he is thinking aloud, as he is very concerned about lives being lost.
It takes the uneducated journos of the BBC, with their dumbed down degrees in journalism , to miss the obvious.
PS: Some encouraging results for HCO+ antibiotic + zinc, being a very effective treatment for CV19.
This, copyright BBC 2020 bio. of KM, has > law degree > journalism > AlBeeb. So If he is now the science correspondent he is as qualified as the BBC crisp seller.
Wacky medialand “You see London is safer cos KNOWN Covid cases are falling
it will soon be Covid free
.. it is the Northwest that is the problem cos cases are rising”
Really ?
Almost all the villages in my area have close to zero Covid cases
Most have zero deaths ..and those that did caught it not in the villages but in places like the town hospital”
Whereas London with almost 9 million people, certainly has cases floating around and new people arriving every day.
I can’t see London being 100% Covid free before everyone is vaccinated.
But aren’t they shooting themselves in the foot here,hinting at the previously ridiculed herd Immunity, shown in action amongst the Londoners – not confined to their air raid shelters.
Burnham thinks he’s First Minister of Greater Manchester, when really all he’s doing is making sure he’s reelevi next year! The thing is we in the NW see straight through him!
I read the in the Telegraph yesterday that the % infection in the NW was something like 12% which is twice as high as the reported rate in France or Spain! Can this be true? The so called experts seem to disagree on the numbers and on the best way forward. The BBC seems to big up any so called expert that disagrees with the so called expert that the government has chosen to believe.
I note that little Greta is hoping that following the pandemic crisis people will stat to believe experts on climate change and do what they say . Personally I think that the confusion , contradictory views and the conflicting data presented by the so called experts on all aspects of the pandemic , should act as a warning that the experts are very far from always being right and their pronouncements should be viewed with scepticism.
Seems like the First Minister for Wales (Labour) is trying to give the BBC as much ammunition as possible to fire at the Conservatives even if it does mean costing a few more jobs in the Valleys….
And how come it’s illegal say the EU to stop travel between say France and GB but this guy can stop it between Wales and England just by announcing it?
And does this also mean no Welsh can cross into England?
If you regard the attitude of Wales and Scotland as political posturing then it makes sense. The aim in Scotland is independence and everything Sturgeon does reflects this, In Wales who the hell knows.
It’s becoming increasingly clear to anyone who pays attention that the SNP is degenerating into a rather nasty authoritarian left-wing cult. Sadly this is not reflected in their support as most people aren’t paying attention.
Partly due to a supine media who are either frightened off or complicit and encourages them not to. There are, after all, exactly the same COVID problems north of the border as south, and health is a devolved matter, yet there simply isn’t the same ferocity of attack on the Gnats as there is on the Tories.
I avoid the TV news as much as possible these days, but Mrs D likes to hear it so I caught, in the background at least, both the BBC’s 10:00 news and subsequent local Scotland news the other night. The difference in tone could almost be felt. The former was a constant attack on the Tory government, the latter a largely factual list of which party said what about the SNP government.
The Gnats have a rather ugly group of followers on Twitter that the SNP leadership knows will pile in when given the hint. You just need to look at the comments under any post that criticises the SNP or, particularly, when an SNP MSP attacks someone else.
At some point I hope the truth will dawn but it doesn’t look likely to be soon.
Edit: Hmm, I was replying to a post that doesn’t seem to be there now. ????
Devolution is a wonderful scam, anything positive and it is because of the devolved authority, anything negative and that is the UK governments fault.
That works for the NHS too, the good belongs to the devolved staff, the bad to the government.
The trick must be consolidate powers. The EU bosses are masters at that, they take on a ‘competence’, restricting national governments ability to act independently. The successes get blue flags stuck all over them, the failures are blamed on the national governments.
The BBC has learned this lesson. It has taken onto itself all national power. It increasingly dictates national policy. Over the years it has encouraged single-parent families living on benefits, homosexuality, drug tacking, mass-immigration and now, transgendersism. None of these ideas is good for a society, but who is holding Polly Toynbee to account?
Problems with society? Don’t blame us, blame government.
Spot on Jim. Lady T focused entirely on winning the economic argument , which she did hands down, but neglected the cultural one. She allowed the BBC to become a propaganda tool of the left when she ought to have used the mood of the country in the mid eighties to privatise it. Subsequent Tory governments have run scared of the corporation and slowly it has become more and more powerful and , as you say, able to increasingly decide what is politically acceptable and what is not. I hope that the fall out from the pandemic does not derail Boris from trying to cut the BBC down to size but I fear that it will.
I do not want the Union to be split up but at the same time I think that the Blair devolution settlement has resulted in an unstable and increasingly ungovernable UK. In my view the way forward is to call the nationalist bluff and hold referenda in Wales and Scotland asking the people to vote either for full independence or for many of the devolved powers to be returned to Westminster, no half way house like we have now.
As it affects all of the people in Great Britain, the entire population needs to be consulted. Scotland and Wales should hold referenda. If they wish to become independent – fine, good luck, let’s determine a new relationship between the nations. But there should simultaneously be a referendum in England only, in which the English people are extended the same right and asked if they also wish for their independence. And if they do, then the results of the Scottish and Welsh referenda are of no consequence either way.
I don’t agree. England is a viable entity by itself but I personally don’t think that Wales is and I think Scotland will struggle also. If the peopleof those countries choose to become independent then that is their affair and they will have to live with the consequences. But I can’t accept that even if they voted to remain in the union but the English decided that England should become ‘independent’ ie cast them adrift , it would be morally, historically or politically the right thing to do.
The moral and political arguments are certainly strong and may carry it. There are also military considerations, such as the GIUK Gap to protect the North Atlantic. Historically, less so. Scotland was forced to join the Union cap in hand, largely as a result of financial meltdown following the Darien debacle. The Welsh were subjugated by Edward I and others. The relationship between Britain and Eire remains strong, despite greater grievances and a darker history and one that still remains unresolved. Czechoslovakia split into two nations in an amicable manner. There is precedent.
It is, unfortunately, a side effect of our electoral system that the SNP gets far more representation than its support deserves, particularly at Westminster which is where those of you south of the border see and, I regret, hear them most. A consequence of all independence support resting with one party whilst supporters of the union are split three ways.
This gives an all too vocal and unrepresentative minority the chance to drag the country’s image through the gutter. But one cannot get away from the fact that a sizeable level of people with no axe to grind with England are continually prepared to allow this to happen by voting for them and give such as Dave the ammunition they desire.
Roland see my comment above. Those people living in Scotland and Wales should decide if they want full independence or a significant reduction in devolved powers. The country is becoming ungovernable because of the present devolution settlement. If things continue as they are then Dave is right the sooner Scotland and Wales become independent the better.
Roland – I put the post up but then realised I might be breaching subjudice – as Guido was doing – so being cautious – I pulled it – it was about the SNP MP charged with an alleged public order offence …. he was the one who crossed his fingers taking the parliamentary oath …. they might as well all do that ….
I’ve thought so from the beginning, that Britain is now a pagan society, that worships the Golden calf. This god does not even have clay feet, but hooves. Four in all.
What a breath of fresh air that entrepreneur, Luke, was on QT last night.
They couldn’t argue against him because he came out with truths.
I especially liked it when he pointed out that he was the only one on the show who was in the private sector unlike all the others who had secure jobs on full pay in the public sector.
Compare that to in the rest of the Country where about 95% are private sector and are the ones with closed down or locked down jobs and many of the likely to become unemployed, unlike the public sector with nobody losing a job.
If you wanted to know which one was the Tory, it was the one Fiona was interrupting all the time.
There is something decidedly corrupt, that the sector that produces net tax are the ones facing unemployment and bankruptcy, while government employees, NHS, teachers, police etc, government hangers on, dependent on the private sector, have secure jobs and pensions.
The government will have to tighten belts. No doubt.
First a reduction in salary and pensions of all who have secure jobs. MPs, civil servants, NHS staff, particularly NHS management, teachers, university staff, police, BBC, and all who have secure jobs.
Those who actually the produce the wealth that the rest consume, should be the ones we should be clapping.
To make it clear: to those upset I’ve not given more detail of David Frost’s position while I’ve liberally quoted Barnier: I was live tweeting a press conference with Barnier. While Frost published a relatively brief letter just before said pressconference #Brexit#tradetalksEUUK
Talking to Louise Casey about a ‘rumour’ that homeless being thrown out of hotels..despite the interviewee saying not true
Evan interrupts with “Let me clarify, some Local Authorities think, I think.. I think but the Govt says.. so no facts just what he thinks
Then much criticism of Govt handling…still banging on about KS letter – not willing to accept KS was wrong…. just opinion again
Oh now has Andy Burnham on (again)…and what a surprise is allowed to talk uninterrupted…and Evan agrees with everything he says..what a surprise
The fact that the president replied to her quite truthfully, is turned by the MSM, as racist, racist etc.
The reality is that Pres Trump has been denied his victory by continuous badgering by the media and the Democratic controlled Congress. This has been ongoing 24/7 for the last 3 and a half years, by a rabid attack dog media, with all kinds of fake accusations. I’m surprised that Pres Trump has put up with it, with so much forbearance.
What is of concern is that the BBC has joined in this attack. It is none of the business of the BBC to interfere . Pres Trump is the most UK friendly president we have had since Pres Reagan – even more friendly. The most UK hating president was Barak Hussein Obama, but he was adored and worshiped by the BBC.
So why is it that the BBC loves those countries and leaders that hate the UK, and hates those that are friendly to the UK. Why has the government allowed the state funded BBC to run UK’s foreign affairs, with potential to cause huge damage to the UK. Why has Boris Johnson, and before him Teresa May, deliberately set out to damage our relations with USA.
Spot on NCBBC. I remember the Deepwater Horizon disaster when Obama kept referring to “British Petroleum ” despite the fact that it had multinational input.
There is a choice of 3 female names, pre-selected by local schoolchildren. Celia, Florence or Marie. I’d prefer Karen, in tribute to the vociferous local protesters.
Local ITV news does talk on the web about the Slovak immigrants area of Sheffield ignoring lockdown
.. but does not risk putting anything on the TV screens.
They been breaching for 9 weeks And they only start patrolling when we're about to come out of lock down the area wants bulldozing it's a drain on Sheffield and south Yorkshire resources
Also ITV local news footage from Leeds and Featherstone parks
“Oh there is mysterious poster about mass gatherings on Saturday
.. we haven’t a clue what it’s about”
..and then about 5 bits of different people tut tutting
It must be a loose loose situation for officers trying to enforce social distancing and I don’t envy them one bit. Looking at that picture however, is that two meters apart? Hard to gauge though it would lend credibility if they were at least seen to be observing social distance. Still, if Neil Ferguson couldn’t follow his own rules who is anyone to judge?
Britain has a bloated public sector. Thatchers work was not followed up, and now we are yet again beset by a permanent entrenched public sector that is sucking the life blood of the nation.
The public sector should be privatised for their own good, viz
1. NHS
2. Schools and universities
3. Quangos
4. Reduction in the civil service.
Police should be retrained for restraining criminals rather then policing Twitter and Facebook.
There are many benefits that will come from this. NHS staff will be hired for medical qualifications and experience rather then to fill dubious political requirements. Too, people should pay for the NHS. Then they will have the right to demand quality.
So too with teachers, university profs, etc. Standard of education will go up, which will attract customers.
The idea that everything is free, is killing Britain, and making it a country populated by supine sheep.
‘The government has denied that travellers from France will be exempted from the planned coronavirus quarantine measures.’
Quite right too. So…. Mr Theo Leggett, Business correspondent, BBC News, what’s your problem?
‘The policy attracted a warning from the EU not to single out one nation, while some experts suggested it would prove unworkable.’
Oh, I see, the BBC taking its lead from Brussels, as per bloody usual.
Anyway, I thought this exemption was mutual between both Britain and France. So how come Macron’s lot arn’t equally criticised for doing a u-turn?
‘Following Mr Johnson’s speech, No 10 confirmed a reciprocal deal with the government in Paris meant restrictions would not apply to passengers from France, but that was ahead of today’s apparent u-turn.’
I will say this – Johnson should stop making half policies on the hoof just to see what flies and what gets shot down.
Listen here Boris, most of the media hate you and will object whatever you propose. Wait until you have a fixed policy in mind then tell them they can like it or lump it and have the guts to stick with it.
Or a P45.
Issue those educational vouchers Boris, PDQ.
Parents with a choice will select private education.
Value for money and no Marxist bollox fed to our children by the lefty haters.
Choose private, are you listening BBC?
Where customers get what they want or go elsewhere.
The country’s education system, from schools to universities, even in hard disciplines such as STEM, has been dumbed down to such a an extant, that even professors in STEM subjects are well below par compared to Singapore etc.
Now there are attempts to use CV 19 as a means to change the course of the nation. There is only one way that is really effective. As you point out, hand out education vouchers to parents to use as they wish. Will soon find that even state schools will start to improve. If they dont they will go bust and some organisation can take over.
If the system shows promise, then the same remedy to be applied to the Golden Calf.
New series of Garden Rescue (I do love it), today we had a 2 lady partnership with their ‘daughter’ wanting a revamped garden. That aside, I cant think the BBC had much difficulty in searching for a black garden designer (cant be too many of those about), to fill the diversity quota so badly needed on this gentle but all white programme. So after years of having 3 gardening professionals, there are now 4 !
Why don’t the BBC come up with a programme format where all the hosts / participants are BAME, and after a series or two introduce a white person ? that would be novel. No, we have to endure this continuance of having a great format, but then the scouring begins to find a person of colour to introduce if the programme is successful. Be it antique dealer, dancing judge, property guru (Lucy from Homes under the Hammer has intimated she didn’t want to leave !!!), a cook, furniture upcycling, and now its garden design.
Whats betting the hunt is already on to replace one of the hosts on Sewing Bee.
It’s such a shame that gardening is now being ‘dumbed down’ by the BBC,. I have to admit, that we have both given up any of their progs now, either radio or TV, because they are just lumping the whole skill-set of proper gardening, with Poundland advice, which helps nobody in the end.
I’m all for encouraging any gardening pursuit – this lockdown has meant that the place has never been better, but I can do/have leaned from proper gardening websites like The Allotment Gardening site, where normal people keep any politics well ‘out’, and tips and friendship ‘in’!
Nobody knows who is what colour, creed, nationality etc, and it is a shining example of the proper way any ‘broadcasting’ service, concentrating on its chosen subject, to behave! The BBC just try and annoy everyone, and in doing so, have alienated a large section of the population which pays their bloated wages, just to politicise and PC a great British way of life.
The BBC have obviously forgotten all about C.H.Middleton, who gave fantastic talks about gardening on what was then, a wartime transmission from The World Service.
He inspired so many people to ‘dig for victory’, which of course, would now be poo-pooed by the snobby BBC elite-bubblers with their indoor imported foreign exotic scrubs, and shiny finger-nails which won’t have seen a bit of compost in their miserable little lives.
‘Your garden in war-time’ by the great man is so apt nowadays, still around to buy, and tells a series of stories which would make the shallow minds of BBC under-managers explode like a dandelion-head!
I just read something that gave me an idea about what is going on within the low IQ brains of BBC managers.
The ‘Climate Panic’ pandemic originated in universities and spread rapidly. Whereas Covid-19 harms the physically frail, ‘Climate’ and its various strains, has mainly affected the brains of healthy, low IQ ‘privileged’ people who work in the cultural, media and teaching sectors. It causes a degeneration in cognitive ability, whereby the sufferer loses the ability to debate honestly or distinguish between facts and assumptions. Sufferers have been known to take offence at any mention of isotopic evidence or thermodynamics.
The worst affected experience the feeling of being physically harmed when they encounter views that differ from their own. These ‘diseases of the brain’ have affected the behaviour of left-wing middle-class morons, such as BBC managers who benefited from Tony Blair’s dumbing down of the Universities. Instead of these people being employed in menial jobs given to immigrants, these Journalists, Politicians and Environmental Activists with Mickey Mouse degrees were the first to fall victim. Most are deluded into thinking they are important experts, especially those at the BBC, even though they don’t have any scientific qualifications, due to low intellectual ability and small brains. Social media was the great super-spreader and their algorithms caused exponential infection rates.
Thus the bizarre and paranoid thoughts of a few academics at the University of East Anglia infected the entire cultural output of the BBC.
The best form of protection is to be alert and wash our hands of the worst ideas. Common sense and ‘asking obvious questions’ has proved to be an effective disinfectant.
The best example was starting with the question “How do you calibrate carbon dioxide warming in an atmospheric chamber”. leading to the answer “You needed a six sided chamber filled with carbon dioxide and with one wall, four infinite dimensions and one dimension that ends in a vacuum. Two such chambers exist near the Earth. One is called Mars and the other Venus“.
This eventually lead to the answer when Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate. Which is thought to be the reason why Donald Trump called man-made Climate change a “Hoax”.
We are not at war with the virus or with those whose job it is to bring it under control. We are in a national crisis. Journalism — fearless and probing, enquiring and curious journalism — matters more than ever. My piece for @thetimeshttps://t.co/OlT5dCvbud
Fearless probing enquiring curious …… four words Mr Robinson uses in his self justification – he left out the ‘interrupting ‘ and ‘cutting across ‘ and ‘bullying’ ( some say ..) ..
Any way – whenever I see one of these high Church BBC drone types making public utterances I search the web to see if they have an agent for ‘after dinner speaking ‘ which is one of those quiet discrete income sources good socialists use to top up their pay .
The fee Mr Robinson charges in peace time for after dinner speaking is not fully disclosed – but the ‘quantum ‘ is in the £10,000 and above level .
There should be a caveat about hiring him – to ever get him to shut the —— up ….
A lot of people I know are at war with BBC Journalists over censorship. Even Labour MP’s complain about BBC journalists censoring what they say.
The BBC ruled that a radio debate about climate change involving former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson should have been censored. This was condemned by the two MP’s with scientific qualifications. Peter Lilley saying it shows the BBC is “afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes”. Labour MP Graham Stringer who is also a scientist said: “This is a form of censorship”.
So who are BBC Journalists at war with and censoring today?
BBC Journalists manipulating public opinion with the use of censorship should be criminalised by law.
It comes down to that awful and overused word “diversity “ . The BBC suffers from Absence of ‘diversity of thought ‘ – which is – in my view – the reason this site exists at all .
There can be only one accepted version of the world . They ( BBC droids ) fear any alternative view . So it is labelled as ‘extreme ‘ or ‘far right ‘ or whatever epithet it uses to slur or undermine Any view contrary to that approved by the editorial .
There is no accountability or transparency or democracy in this . It’s why the BBC has to be destroyed .
#1 The majority of BBC headlines seem to start with
‘There has been criticism of [insert government action/decision here]’
and they think this means they are being objective
.. it’s nonsense.
Just tell us what the government did and we’ll decide whether we wish to criticise them or not.
#2 this style of agenda-driven journalism, set in the context of a massive dumbing down of serious news and foreign reporting, where emotion trumps insight, and fuelled by its own patronising prejudices, has turned a lot of people off.
#3 The BBC may be getting record viewing figures; we want to hear the latest news from the horses’ mouths, but I for one switch off when the likes of Preston and Kuansberg start. They are not trying to clarify anything, they are making a statement and then trying to get the statement they want. I don’t want their opinion I want facts, preferably without the snide, belligerent attitude.
#4 I like probing questions. I like the idea of red teaming.
I don’t like deliberately trying to trip ministers up on individual questions
in order to play it back to all as ‘confused’ policy.
#5 You are so out of touch with the public mood
You may kid yourself you and your fellow journalists at the BBC and the press are doing some sort of public service, you are not, there has never been less trust in the media than now.
Trump is a ridiculous figure but he is spot on about how the media are the enemy of the people.
There has been criticism of
Some say
It has been said that
All standard lines the BBC uses . Those being hit with those openings rarely if never ask for the source .
I’m waiting for someone to do it- particularly when time is precious and Laura is waiting to cone on to translate what some Tory politician has just said because the BBC thinks the listener is too thick to understand first hand ….
So are the BBC going to even bother about the Havant Labour story in the Daily Mail with the ‘blood on his hands’ photoshop of Boris?
They should know about it because lefties are sharing them like mad all over Twitter right now and as usual the BBC have ignored the story yet are still bleating on about the Nadine story against the Tories.
Then again they don’t like the DM do they? At the moment every single story is the same as coming out of the lefty media but not one from a right wing source.
“Havant Labour story in the Daily Mail with the ‘blood on his hands’ photoshop of Boris?”
Time for our turn to point the finger.
I am sure some cartoonist can produce an image of Stramer standing in a swimming pool.
Up to his neck in small pieces of paper bearing the words “Islamic multiple voting slip, not for the use of unbelievers”.
Or up to his waist in fake semen.
Whilst real semen was deposited in the vaginas of white female children gang raped by Muslims imported into the UK by The Labour Party. Whist Starmer and his mates in the CPS, the Police and so-called “social services”, covered up.
I have given up on BBC news but to know a little about what is happening in England (I have gleaned that the Fish woman and Wales are posturing for their own electorate regardless of the cost), I chose to watch the 5pm briefing. I prefer to get my propaganda direct from a minister and the scientists than through the ‘journalists’ eyes and I switch off as the latter get to ask their questions.
Today Matt Hancock was at the podium. I can only assume that the BBC have realised that viewing figures drop like a stone once the stupid questioning by the stupid journalists starts. So whilst Matt was at the podium the BBC chose to strap line underneath him speaking with ***Breaking News *** flashing on and off so you couldn’t help but see it. Apparently the R figure is back to nearly 1. Presumably that was flashed up to undermine what Matt was saying. (I know the Daily Mail was saying the same but are remarkably coy about who actually said it and relevant to which date).
And the announcement that the testing today was at over 130 000 didn’t count for much as MSM was enjoying the ‘under 100,000 ‘ failure so much in the way it does . The fact that this stuff is life and death to non bubble taxpayers meant nothing to these…. vermin .
BTW the bBC did put out a story on the 11th
Why are Trump and Obama in a new spat over Flynn?
commenter : @awzurcher your #fakenews story is nothing but lies.
You’re missing out key parts.
And just for the record. Flynn wasn’t charged with perjury.
You are misleading the British people with your lies.
. It fails to mention the FBI note that said their objective was to get Flynn to lie to get him sacked.
They don’t say Comey admitted sending his agents into the White House against protocol with no crime to investigate”
In this vid commentator Dr Steve Turley mocks CNN and its invitation to Saint Greta How-Dare-You to join a discussion on Covid.
It’s not the BBC bit it could just as well be.
The good news is that commentators are increasingly ridiculing and mocking the liberal / left media. Other examples have been Milo (remember him?) and more recently actor Laurence Fox on QT.
And if there’s one thing sanctimonious beeboids hate it’s being mocked, being irrelevant, passe’, uncool.
I know..I loved his programmes but then he just started adding in apologies for the Empire at any opportunity. Nothing positive.
I said to my wife – do you think he has to do it or he won’t get funded?
I won’t be watching his latest series anymore…
“Brexit: UK warns ‘very little progress’ made in EU trade talks”
\\”The EU’s Michel Barnier suggested the UK’s own demands were “not realistic” and warned of a looming stalemate.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52679053
What other nation in the world surrendered its fishing grounds to trade with the EU?
Its got to be walk away and go WTO !
So, the BBC news is telling us that “people are desperate to have a holiday “, jeezus, really ? I thought that staying alive was the number one priority at the moment. Apparently ‘people’ will be flocking to the beach and beauty spots this weekend.
So, parents are scared to put their kids in school, but its ok to wander along a seafront that will be rammed with others who are like minded. (Pictures of which will be guaranteed to be in the daily press). I never cease to be amazed at the f………g stupidity of the British public.
I’ve never claimed to be particularly bright, but…
I’m still paying the telly tax…and I’m asking the question, what do I actually get out of it?
I never watch any BBC news coverage or current affairs. My blood pressure wouldn’t take it.
Their contemporary comedies are so arse achingly unfunny, patronising and smug I’d end up throwing something at the TV.
There’s a heck of a lot of utter drivel they show about cooking. They have loads of them, but they’re nearly always the same format…three or four judges… one is always black and another is invariably gay. And the winner will either be the really camp gay bloke, the feisty female, or the Muslim. If you’re a straight, white male don’t bother.
Most of my viewing is on Channel 81, Talking Pictures. Lots of decent old films. No one appears to be lecturing me. I’m not being harangued for being Caucasian, male and heterosexual.
So what do I actually ever watch on the Beeb? Only two things, Gardeners’ World and Dads’ Army.
This series, due to the lockdown, GW is repeating all of last years outside broadcasts. I’m sitting there watching this and thinking “hang on, that looks familiar”. Well, of course it does… I was watching the same bloody thing only 6 months ago!
And Dads’ Army, brilliant though it is, was made about 50 years ago… and I own the box set.
And to make matters even worse…
I can’t even escape to the pub!
Jeff, you shouldn’t have bothered with the box set of Dad’s Army. Nearly every episode has been on so many times I could say the words before the actor. “Don’t tell him your name Pike”. It is still one of the best things on tv. We are watching Last of The Summer Wine on Drama, a bit mixed in quality. I hadn’t realised how much Ivy shouts at Sid. Also watching New Tricks on Drama and can see how PC story lines crept into later series.
PC has taken over the world. I came late to the Canadian Murdoch Mysteries 6 years after it started on Alibi. Great concept, turn of the century detective but with some historical characters and/or modern events thrown into the mix, with a main character from Sheffield for the comedy aspect. All was enjoyable until in the last couple of series a black detective was taken on – this was the 19th Century in Toronto remember, a black female was the pathologist, and then one of the detectives was portrayed as gay – which was a real jaw dropper. Historical accuracy is no longer relevant where drama writers or casting directors are concerned any more
Here ITV serve up a narrative
Grannie is sent out of hospital back to a home
they accept her and then realise the hospital notes are blank
They are told a few hours later that in hospital granny had shown Covid symptoms
10 days later her Covid test results come back postive
Somehow Covid spread thru the home and some residents died
ITV think showing us a map is usseful
FFS thieves are bad, but if you leave the keys in the works van and someone steals it, it is your fault.
Likewise the home manager has broken health and safety law big time.
2 weeks before lockdown , we naturally treated our coffee morning pensioners as if they already had Covid .
Sure the NHS broke the law by sending her an infected patient
but at that time that home should not only have been locked down, but compartmentalised.
They would have already had measures like stopped visitors and had a system to deal with tradesmen.
so even if a carer had been forced to accept granny , that carer should not have been all over the home.
The 10 days for test is a red herring.
Unless told otherwise someone who came in from a hotzone like a hospital should not have come straight back into the regular home system,
but rather treated as if they were Covid positive especially after the warning that came with in a few hours
ie being treated to quarantine procedure
with ONE carer only allowed to deal with her. etc.
I've had a big discussion about this today. Surely to God they would treat the admission as if they potentially had it if the notes weren't available? Isolate and use PPE around them as much as possible until a suitable period has passed? Is that not common sense?
Sounds like it’s the government/ NHS who committed the crime to me, not the care homes.
They wanted to clear the hospitals of covid old folk to make room for the expected surge of younger patients all in the name of Save the NHS..
They as good as seeded the care homes with covid.
Then when the epidemic got going they wouldn’t àdmit old folk to hospitals, where they may have received ventilators , oxygen, and adrenaline, instead they were left to die in the care homes.
They had a drive to get Do not Resuscitate noticed signed by the elderly, even those living independently in their own homes.
Old folk sacraficed, but £125 000,000,000 spent
Something stinks..
Stew – you know what I think about the way the most at risk from covid have been treated in this crisis – I see it as manslaughter – with the main suspects being NHS doctors and management . But I’m a conspiracy theorist …
Jesus these poor devils died in their thousands without either paliative care or loved ones . I’m effing livid .
“Without loved ones”
.. they are allowed to be outside the window or online or on the phone
… “without paliative care” “End of life care includes palliative care.
If you have an illness that cannot be cured, palliative care makes you as comfortable as possible, by managing your pain”
Well you’d still get that except for the Covid19 treatment.
Barring care home incompetance.
Even for care home residents, they are more likely to recover than die from Covid19.
Bio security at a care home is the care home managers responsibility, not the NHS’s
But German care homes also have significant deaths including at least 37 staff.
And wiping 40 years off a worker’s life is worse than dozens of residents dying 6 months earlier than expected.
So greg’s ,mcdonald’s subway and maybe football opening but not the churches and when they eventually do ,no singing allowed.What’s the difference between talking and singing in the spread of this?
A lovely, elderly neighbour is bereft of her church association.
Yup, the vicar keeps in touch by phone, but with summer approaching, what on earth is wrong with an open-air service? They can all bellow to their hearts content, and really enjoy themselves.
The BBC could do ‘Songs of Praise’ somewhere open, and get an iota of credit!
Oh, wait, there’d have to be all the other religions represented…
“elderly neighbour is bereft of her church association.”
It’s not your neighbour’s church the gov is concerned about
but rather other kinds of religions where they can’t control themselves from close contact
.. Happy clappy African/Brazilian churches, certain mosques etc.
In Germany and all across Europe, people are taking their freedom back from the police state. The Irish will too. Bring your ???????????????????????? to Dollymount Strand on Tuesday to mark 100 days of the unelected government. We’re drawing a line in the sand on this coup for once and for all pic.twitter.com/qiT90dMMWc
Scottish – I thought The Omega Man was a real life Daytime TV documentary ….. anyway if you are looking for inspiration try the daily press conferences by crankie –
aimed at 1. Making her President 2. Undermining the overall UK effort 3. Giving comedy moments for those who enjoy watching fat signers
The emerging war between the SNP and Scottish Labour – both supported by Tory Arms dealers must also be good value .
I see there was a casualty of the war with an SNP MP charged with a public order offence ….. over a Celtic flag .
He was the one who crossed if fingers taking the parliamentary oath – not a fan of the Queen of his country it seems ….
… thinking about it – maybe the SNP aim is to have a separate monarch again – push the clock back 3 0r 400 years – Queen `Nicola ….
The Omega Man was recently remade as I Am Legend with Will Smith. Which is why I ain’t taking a hastily-developed vaccine doled out to billions of people, thank you. ????
The best part of the Sturgeon briefings is when they have a partisan hack asking a loaded pro-SNP question. It’s like when PMQs has a “question” like “does the prime minister agree that the opposition would hurt the economy?”
There was a sturgeon ‘question’ along the lines of “does the first minister believe that Police Scotland should copy the heavy-handed and overzealous approach of the facist English police forces?”
Under cover of coronavirus, the world’s bad guys are wreaking havoc
Jonathan Freedland
The pandemic has allowed strongmen and tyrants to get away with murder and mayhem while we look the other way
[Plenty of Brazil, Hungary and USA bashing, as one would expect.
The PRC also receives the sharp end of the Freedland pen well, sort of ..]
That, according to one observer, “is reflective of how the Republic of China views [Uighur Muslims] as nothing but disposable commodities”.
[This according to another observer, me, is reflective of how low the “facts are sacred” liars can get.
The Guardian responded to the Rotherham report in particular, by criticising the Local Councils and police
for not doing a better job of concealing the mass racist MUSLIM gang rapes of white children”.
No coverage of the rapists.
No criticism of the concealer-in-chief, Lord Starmer of HideTheRapes.
“disposable commodities” is exactly the term. Every time I think the Guardian cannot become more disgusting
I am wrong. Comments allowed and they love Freedland BTL.]
So why this special venom for our teachers? Why do we trust these professionals to care for and educate our precious youngsters, but not to consider school safety?
[We have special venom for liars who get on the HOL gravy train.
The truth is, millions of parents do NOT trust teachers.
Millions of parents believe teachers ignore professional standards, in favour of inculcation of the young and vulnerable with NUT lefty bollox.
Make the UK great again, privatise everything but the armed forces (and keep the Commies away from the military).]
A tennis ball.
When Labour loving leftie lovely Jo Brand approved of acid against Conservatives; not only were there no apologies, but Tories should have understood the “joke”.
Easy to see why the BBC feels such input is vital.
"People are starting to realize that we are actually depending on science and that we need to listen to scientists and experts." -Teen activist Greta Thunberg on how people are reacting to science and what that means for the climate crisis. #CNNTownHallhttps://t.co/EvUEaN7gzapic.twitter.com/HLQb1AQ7ax
I’ve been delving into Glastonbury 5G report. It heard expert evidence from a dowser, a purveyor of flower remedies & prof who says wireless networks will make us all sterile. 3 members of committee behind it with a scientific background all resigned https://t.co/jLHzyVmlTt
I had the unfortunate experience of seeing a picture of the “nudist wedding” in the MSM this week. It made me think that those who wish to be nudists are the very people who should never be ones, although the piles of fat do help to hide their bits.
It is exactly the same with socialists and commies, who are happy to sit on piles of money or fat salaries and loudly demand that the working class pay through the nose for taxes to look after rapist asylum seekers too cowardly to fight for their country, and too greedy for benefits to find the first safe country or even France, and the feckless like my local benefit family who run a 68 plate car and pay for a company to landscape their garden while sitting on their very fat arses.
BBC employees especially make my blood boil as they do their level best to avoid paying taxes by forming companies to defraud HMRC claiming they are not employees, so do not have to pay the income tax everyone else does, whilst demanding the Govt pay for anything and everything and complaining about austerity.
The very reason why the genuine self employed are subject to HMRC investigstions who had to tighten up the law because of BBC socialist tax dodgers.
The BBC newspaper – The Guardian reports that the replacement for Lord Hall as DG are
Will Lewis Former journalist
Tim Davie BBC
Charlotte Moore BBC
Alex Mahon CEO channel 4
The article gives a brief resume of the CV of these bubble dwellers . ms Moore is at an instant disadvantage by having a long name . Non females like
tim and Will are at an instant advantage with single syllable names ….
By the way – apparently the BBC is “widely viewed “ as having ‘proved its worth “ During the Chinese virus crisis .
I can’t comment on this comment because I no longer use the BBC but I’d like to know by whom it is ‘widely viewed ‘ .
The BBC will claim that it is ‘vital’ in times of national crisis and that viewing figures are higher than normal . But then we’ve never been in a situation where whole populations have been locked up on pain of the Stasi filming you with a drone walking your dog – have we ?
If Al Beeb is as “widely viewed “ as they claim , let the viewers pay for it by subscription. It will make loads of dosh in tax . In the meantime get rid of the compulsory telly tax that poor people are forced to pay that don’t watch the trash . Why does the Tory government let this absurdity continue ? It is so simple to do and to end .
The article also mentioned the BBC faces a ‘challenge ‘ from lost revenue from ‘door step enforcement ‘.
When I saw this I had an image of someone from amazon or Netflix coming round to threaten prosecution – except that – if you don’t pay – you get switched off – the BBC really deserves such an arrangement .
The principle remains of the mindset and it is still going on in the msm , who are happy to make demands in the Govt (ie. taxpayer) 2020:
TV presenter Eamonn Holmes has lost his battle against HM Revenue & Customs in an IR35 tax case after a judge deemed his contract with ITV amounted to employment.
In an appeal decision published on February 21, in relation to a case first heard at the First Tier Tribunal Tax Chamber in June 2018, Judge Harriet Morgan ruled Mr Holmes was employed by TV station ITV and therefore liable to pay tax under the taxman’s IR35 rules.
Mr Holmes, via his personal services company Red White and Green Limited, argued he was “totally freelance” and claimed he had “total control” over how he acted as a presenter on ITV’s This Morning show.
Keep repeating the truth about the evil deeds of the mass murdering Commies so loved by the tax evading lefties.
Last year AlBeeb wasted ?? how many millions “celebrating” the bicentenary of Peterloo.
The recent BBC reporting of VE day was more muted than ever: they are still bitter about being unable to claim that Uncle Joe won it.
Darcy – I love a good tax law scrap – and I see you are using “FTAdviser “ – but the bigger thing is that these referees of public morals use the tax system to avoid paying the tax they morally should through the use of dividend taxes lower than PAYE but still pretend to be moral .
Just can’t have it both ways – particularly those employed by the BBC – even if they are not fully BBC employees ….
By the way – the article in the FTAdviser about the football referees winning their tax case was very interesting – thanks .
There is very little difference in how much tax the individual pays by using a personal service company.
The real saving is the 13% employer national insurance contribution that the bbbc would have to pay if the individual were PAYE. Imagine how much that amounts to across all the bbbc’s similar arrangements! Lineker’s alone would be over 200k per year.
State funded body wilfully withholding funds from the state.
Andy – if there’s little difference in how much tax is paid why fight it in an expensive tax court ? How comes the HMRC is requiring hundreds of thousands from individuals in unpaid tax ?
A few reasons. The disparity was only fairly recently addressed by the treasury raising tax payable on dividends to levels comparable to income tax but HMRC can go back 6 years, hence the cases in court now relate to historic big difference and current small difference. Also cases in court now will also be in respect of the unpaid NI which, as I’ve said, is a huge element of the bbbc fraud on all of us.
Andy – thank you – I’m getting lazy and could have looked it up but thank you for your reply. As someone who is fascinated by tax avoidance schemes but only ever paid PAYE schedule E? I just wondered
I was taught that there is no morality in a tax and that tax avoidance is legal . However when it is being done by ‘ broadcasters ‘ entreating those with considerably less money to give it to charity –
Or just as bad moaning about underfunded public services whilst avoiding tax themselves
That’s why the whole panama papers episode was so revealing as to the moral high ground stance taken by bbbc and other media.
Bbbc robbing the state of many millions by deliberately adopting a scheme whose one and only aim is to avoid paying NI contributions on the wages of the “talent”.
F2 : Arthur Daley school of economics, as I am studying and enjoying most mornings which is why he decided to off himself rather than pay his tax bill, my point, as is yours, is those that insist the working class (read Fiffi Bruce and her “unskilled”) should bear the burden of taxation and the blatant hypocrisy of those that believe the Govt should pay for everything whilst doing their best to avoid PAYEtax, Thatcher got it right in the fact that the government essentialy has no money save for that which we give them through taxes, so go fgure
“tax avoidance, Terry, tax avoidance, but don’t tell them where the lock up is”
I did enjoy that Kay Burley of Sky News versus Angela Rayner of Labour bust up over the factual basis of whether or not Boris ordered people back to work at 12 hours notice.
There are so many interesting aspects to that little spat.
Importantly there’s Raynor’s utter incredulity that a Sky journo doesn’t want to aid and abet her in criticising the Tories. Burely’s waspishness seemed over done. As if Raynor were giving the game away that our Kay was usually more than happy to bash the Tories but that her interviewee was stretching it a bit too far this time.
Maybe our Angela was simply too accustomed to the far easier ride she gets from the BBC where she can push any old nonsense.
I try to imagine the Labour Party zoom conference where their lately senile now famously forensic leader discussed strategy and decided to go with this finely nuanced notion of Boris the murderer of the workers.
Who exactly is this line meant to resonate with? How many honest everyday joes actually got a call from their employer after the Boris speech Sunday evening and were told – listen mate, I just watched Boris on the tv and now I want you back on the shopfloor, in work, Monday morning 9 am sharp!
No, of course Labour don’t really believe this scenario. No horny-handed mechanicals will buy into this tosh. I will tell you what their typical target group is – someone like a Lefty-minded teacher.
You know, that highly unionised group quite content for lockdown to continue indefinitely and making it hard for others who have to work because their kids are holed up at home. Sitting on their sofas emailing the odd ‘work sheet’ to the kids, receiving full pay and refusing to go back with health concerns as their excuse, whilst simultaneously ordering up their shopping on Ocardo and clapping the bravery of the health workers every Thurday like performing seals.
Typical modern Labour hypocrisy and elitism to a tee.
Clearly there are ultra left wing politically motivated reasons to continue the lockdown. Their cheerleaders at the BBC and Channel 4 are loving this.
The teachers’ arguments are fatuous. They want guarantees, but they must know they can’t possibly be given.
Despite the dangers of working cheek by jowl with over sixty colleagues, my postman manages to get my mail to me.
The supermarkets are open. People are being sensible and cautious, but returning to work. On Thursday I saw NHS staff (no masks) standing next to each other applauding themselves. Well, I suppose it makes a change from all the dancing routines we’ve seen.
If people don’t go back to work until there’s a cure or a vaccine they’ll be out for ever.
Sweden hasn’t had a lockdown. Prof’ Pantsdown warned them that by May 1st they would have over 40,000 dying from Covid. Their health service would be overwhelmed. Bodies would be stacking up in the streets. They ignored this dystopian nonsense. Thankfully their death toll isn’t anything like the hysterical predictions and recently just topped 3,000. Their economy is ticking over. Ours has been put into a coma. It’s tanking.
This insanity really can’t be allowed to continue.
I expect most Teachers would want to return in September so they don’t miss out on the summer holidays ! . I have four teachers in my family now retired and with excellent pensions ….two with second homes in France ….you have to feel sorry for them ! , strange thing is they were pro Tory in the past but now very left wing and are very sad Corbyn was not elected ! !
You can guess how they voted on Brexit and the BBC is apparently pro Boris…..
I feel sorry teachers – it’s a great job -it’s just spoilt by having to deal with brats / children / students ….
Just tell them if they don’t go back to work they’re pensions will be ‘downsized ‘ or they’ll need to work longer .
And if they go on strike what difference will it make ?
All that nonsense they come out with about every day of teaching being ‘ previous ‘ sounds a bit lame -.as does the fining of parents for taking their kids on holiday .
Declaration – I have no personal interest in this subject apart from paying their wages through my taxes ….?
I’ve said it before – this policy of unwillingness to come out of lockdown (championed by the BBC and Labour, but I repeat myself) is a heads I win, tails you lose gambit. The tighter the lockdown the more the economy is wrecked, the more they can demand Brexit delay. When we do ease lockdown the media will cry blue murder at any flu death. The public sector workers are presently in the cushiest of situations. Frontline people still working are lionised and poised for pay rise demands. Non-frontliners are on full eternal duvet duty on full pay. The teachers for instance, ought to have been furlowed on 5% or 10% reduced pay. Afterall, think about this – under lockdown rules they ought to have been saving on travel costs, work clothing, non-essential leisure spending, etc. Since infact there’s no incentive to go back to work why would they want to do so? As we know it fits their politics to hold Boris to ransom.
The BBC could copy the model of Radio 4 Extra. It can be quite amusing to hear the ‘continuity’ announcer tell us what is going to happen next ‘this morning’ when it is 8p.m., i.e. it is all ‘on tape’, as it were.
“Boris bad, Trump bad, Boris bad, Trump bad..” a tape loop and patch in a ‘speaking clock’ and who would notice?
YES ! WHY do NHS staff applaud themselves ??? You never see actors in a theatre when lined up at the end applauding themselves. Although it does happen on quiz shows when contestants are seen clapping themselves stupid. Barmy.
I must be really cynical….but why is this a story? I have this view that if you do something out of goodness you don’t need it to be publicised – unless you are collecting your virtue badges…
I’m guessing angie didn’t get asked whether she got her £192 pair of Star Wars shoes ( which guide reported on during the week ) and whether it was right for the deputy leader of the Labour Party to write a letter of complaint to the shoe company on Commons headed paper …..
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
A whopper on today’s Good Morning Scotland from Kenneth Macdonald, the science correspondent. Talking about potential cures for COVID, he stated, “Donald Trump was the man who suggested drinking bleach”. I don’t have to point out to many here that that is simply incorrect. And yet here we have a BBC journalist repeating the hoax, without correction.
I see the BBC complaints page basically says, “We are short-staffed, don’t bother” so have for the moment contented myself with a comment rather than burden the poor souls.
There is the Realworld
.. and there is Guardianlalaland
In Guardianlalaland it is 100% true that “Donald Trump was the man who suggested drinking bleach”
Obama has a lot to worry about as Sydney Powell has him in her sights
Things are certainly coming to a head at last after four long years during which the Dems and their Deep State anti Trump supporters have managed to keep the truth suppressed. The Flynn case is just the tip of the iceberg , an iceberg which extends right into Obama’s WH and an attempt to orchestrate a coup to remove a democratically elected President. They have only been able to do this because 90% of the MSM have conspired with them to do so. This isn’t just the US media but includes the Telegraph and Times over here, both very anti President Trump publications, Sky and of course the BBC. I also suspect that the British government has been active in suppressing the truth.
What we have seen is a breathtaking display of power by the Globalist elite around the world to protect themselves and to retain power , wealth and status. On this side of the Atlantic it has in a way been mirrored by the ferocious resistance to Brexit by those who profit from membership of the EU.
Unless we completely leave the EU and unless several hundred conspirators are indicted tried and jailed in the USA democracy will have been defeated by the forces of Globalism.
There is nothing on Twitter
@BBCLauraMac was presenting #BbcGMS
but the only Twitter traffic is from BBC colleagues or SNP activists
The prog probably has very few listeners.
No one tweets @macdonke (Kenneth MacDonald)
#tellitoftenenough meets #trustandtransparency meets #bbcediotrialintegrity
Franny still in lockdown from her emails like Hugs cheerfully once posted?
I have tried with one or two friends to point out that Trump didn’t say it – and what he did say was in response to a presentation he had just sat through. Every time, I am told that Trump did say it – and they know he did because they saw him on the news saying it. When I then ask what exactly he said, I am told, ‘well something like that any’. What is the saying, something about a lie flying around the world whilst the truth is only just putting on his trousers?
The actual transcript what Pres Trump said below.
Politico is not right wing but left wing.
Pres Trump:”A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too.
On UV light: One sees that Pres Trump is very interested in the idea of bringing a powerful light inside the body that could destroy virus and bacteria.
Dr. Deborah Birx: “Not as a treatment. I mean, certainly fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But, I’ve not seen heat or light as a —”
Trump: “I think that’s a great thing to look at. OK?”
Pres Trump is encouraging scientists to look at it.
Any intelligent person would be interested if such could be done. Dr Birx , the famous expert didnt think it can be done
UV light is electromagnetic radiation. Radiation has been used for decades for medical purposes. Too, there are instruments that actually use UV light, transported into the body via optical fibre, to destroy invasive elements.
So the curiosity of Pres Trump, and encouragement to scientists , to find anything to alleviate the dire situation of the world, is derided.
The anti-Trumpists have become mad dog rabid in their hatred of a person who stopped Globalist Climate Change Hillary. The BBC too, is rabid anti-Trump, as their Climate Change hoax to drive the West into socialism/communism has been upset.
Similarly with his comment on disinfectant. Its clear that he is thinking aloud, as he is very concerned about lives being lost.
It takes the uneducated journos of the BBC, with their dumbed down degrees in journalism , to miss the obvious.
PS: Some encouraging results for HCO+ antibiotic + zinc, being a very effective treatment for CV19.
They also repeated it at about 13.35 on the programme they call ‘news’….as they went into a Trump is an idiot story…
Truth is irrelevant BBC opinion is all that matters…
This, copyright BBC 2020 bio. of KM, has > law degree > journalism > AlBeeb. So If he is now the science correspondent he is as qualified as the BBC crisp seller.
Wacky medialand “You see London is safer cos KNOWN Covid cases are falling
it will soon be Covid free
.. it is the Northwest that is the problem cos cases are rising”
Really ?
Almost all the villages in my area have close to zero Covid cases
Most have zero deaths ..and those that did caught it not in the villages but in places like the town hospital”
Whereas London with almost 9 million people, certainly has cases floating around and new people arriving every day.
I can’t see London being 100% Covid free before everyone is vaccinated.
But aren’t they shooting themselves in the foot here,hinting at the previously ridiculed herd Immunity, shown in action amongst the Londoners – not confined to their air raid shelters.
Depends on where in the North West.. some bits of NW might be more a bit more prone to it – so maybe a skewed statistic 🙂
Burnham is on R4’s PM with Evan Davis at the moment – is he on speed-dial? He always seems to be on.
A relative told me there is a lot of Covid about near her in Manchester area.
Burnham thinks he’s First Minister of Greater Manchester, when really all he’s doing is making sure he’s reelevi next year! The thing is we in the NW see straight through him!
I read the in the Telegraph yesterday that the % infection in the NW was something like 12% which is twice as high as the reported rate in France or Spain! Can this be true? The so called experts seem to disagree on the numbers and on the best way forward. The BBC seems to big up any so called expert that disagrees with the so called expert that the government has chosen to believe.
I note that little Greta is hoping that following the pandemic crisis people will stat to believe experts on climate change and do what they say . Personally I think that the confusion , contradictory views and the conflicting data presented by the so called experts on all aspects of the pandemic , should act as a warning that the experts are very far from always being right and their pronouncements should be viewed with scepticism.
Once it is allowed they will all flock out of London to their second homes in the shires.
3pm BBC2 the classic movie is Brief Encounter
Seems like the First Minister for Wales (Labour) is trying to give the BBC as much ammunition as possible to fire at the Conservatives even if it does mean costing a few more jobs in the Valleys….
And how come it’s illegal say the EU to stop travel between say France and GB but this guy can stop it between Wales and England just by announcing it?
And does this also mean no Welsh can cross into England?
Interesting questions.
If you regard the attitude of Wales and Scotland as political posturing then it makes sense. The aim in Scotland is independence and everything Sturgeon does reflects this, In Wales who the hell knows.
Now the Labour Leader of Gateshead has joined in with Wales with much the same message…
Much more of this to come I suspect, they obviously had a get together at Labour HQ…
Bringing political ambition into this is an insult to their citizens.
And disguising an obvious political manoeuvre as concern for welfare is just cowardly.
Another TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) sufferer at the BBC !!!!
If no-one reports it then no vulnerable girls get raped in Rotherham.
That’s ‘Mr Crisps’ utopia.
It is Lineker. A resident rather intellectually challenged BBC hack.
It’s becoming increasingly clear to anyone who pays attention that the SNP is degenerating into a rather nasty authoritarian left-wing cult. Sadly this is not reflected in their support as most people aren’t paying attention.
Partly due to a supine media who are either frightened off or complicit and encourages them not to. There are, after all, exactly the same COVID problems north of the border as south, and health is a devolved matter, yet there simply isn’t the same ferocity of attack on the Gnats as there is on the Tories.
I avoid the TV news as much as possible these days, but Mrs D likes to hear it so I caught, in the background at least, both the BBC’s 10:00 news and subsequent local Scotland news the other night. The difference in tone could almost be felt. The former was a constant attack on the Tory government, the latter a largely factual list of which party said what about the SNP government.
The Gnats have a rather ugly group of followers on Twitter that the SNP leadership knows will pile in when given the hint. You just need to look at the comments under any post that criticises the SNP or, particularly, when an SNP MSP attacks someone else.
At some point I hope the truth will dawn but it doesn’t look likely to be soon.
Edit: Hmm, I was replying to a post that doesn’t seem to be there now. ????
Devolution is a wonderful scam, anything positive and it is because of the devolved authority, anything negative and that is the UK governments fault.
That works for the NHS too, the good belongs to the devolved staff, the bad to the government.
The trick must be consolidate powers. The EU bosses are masters at that, they take on a ‘competence’, restricting national governments ability to act independently. The successes get blue flags stuck all over them, the failures are blamed on the national governments.
The BBC has learned this lesson. It has taken onto itself all national power. It increasingly dictates national policy. Over the years it has encouraged single-parent families living on benefits, homosexuality, drug tacking, mass-immigration and now, transgendersism. None of these ideas is good for a society, but who is holding Polly Toynbee to account?
Problems with society? Don’t blame us, blame government.
Spot on Jim. Lady T focused entirely on winning the economic argument , which she did hands down, but neglected the cultural one. She allowed the BBC to become a propaganda tool of the left when she ought to have used the mood of the country in the mid eighties to privatise it. Subsequent Tory governments have run scared of the corporation and slowly it has become more and more powerful and , as you say, able to increasingly decide what is politically acceptable and what is not. I hope that the fall out from the pandemic does not derail Boris from trying to cut the BBC down to size but I fear that it will.
It needs to be encouraged. The sooner Scotland is gone the better. The endless hostility towards England is evidence enough that the time is now.
Don’t tar a nation with a krankie brush.
Quite so, JimS. Just as we shouldn’t tar one with a Cameron/May brush.
Our grandfathers did not fight and die alongside one another for us to split up what has been a very successful partnership.
I do not want the Union to be split up but at the same time I think that the Blair devolution settlement has resulted in an unstable and increasingly ungovernable UK. In my view the way forward is to call the nationalist bluff and hold referenda in Wales and Scotland asking the people to vote either for full independence or for many of the devolved powers to be returned to Westminster, no half way house like we have now.
As it affects all of the people in Great Britain, the entire population needs to be consulted. Scotland and Wales should hold referenda. If they wish to become independent – fine, good luck, let’s determine a new relationship between the nations. But there should simultaneously be a referendum in England only, in which the English people are extended the same right and asked if they also wish for their independence. And if they do, then the results of the Scottish and Welsh referenda are of no consequence either way.
Perhaps we need federal government and keep the union that way?
I don’t agree. England is a viable entity by itself but I personally don’t think that Wales is and I think Scotland will struggle also. If the peopleof those countries choose to become independent then that is their affair and they will have to live with the consequences. But I can’t accept that even if they voted to remain in the union but the English decided that England should become ‘independent’ ie cast them adrift , it would be morally, historically or politically the right thing to do.
The moral and political arguments are certainly strong and may carry it. There are also military considerations, such as the GIUK Gap to protect the North Atlantic. Historically, less so. Scotland was forced to join the Union cap in hand, largely as a result of financial meltdown following the Darien debacle. The Welsh were subjugated by Edward I and others. The relationship between Britain and Eire remains strong, despite greater grievances and a darker history and one that still remains unresolved. Czechoslovakia split into two nations in an amicable manner. There is precedent.
It is, unfortunately, a side effect of our electoral system that the SNP gets far more representation than its support deserves, particularly at Westminster which is where those of you south of the border see and, I regret, hear them most. A consequence of all independence support resting with one party whilst supporters of the union are split three ways.
This gives an all too vocal and unrepresentative minority the chance to drag the country’s image through the gutter. But one cannot get away from the fact that a sizeable level of people with no axe to grind with England are continually prepared to allow this to happen by voting for them and give such as Dave the ammunition they desire.
Well put, Roland. You are spot on.
Roland see my comment above. Those people living in Scotland and Wales should decide if they want full independence or a significant reduction in devolved powers. The country is becoming ungovernable because of the present devolution settlement. If things continue as they are then Dave is right the sooner Scotland and Wales become independent the better.
Roland – I put the post up but then realised I might be breaching subjudice – as Guido was doing – so being cautious – I pulled it – it was about the SNP MP charged with an alleged public order offence …. he was the one who crossed his fingers taking the parliamentary oath …. they might as well all do that ….
Be very careful when you worship a golden calf.
Brilliant GWF
I’ve thought so from the beginning, that Britain is now a pagan society, that worships the Golden calf. This god does not even have clay feet, but hooves. Four in all.
That we know of …
Those must be the ones we know about.
Question Time.
What a breath of fresh air that entrepreneur, Luke, was on QT last night.
They couldn’t argue against him because he came out with truths.
I especially liked it when he pointed out that he was the only one on the show who was in the private sector unlike all the others who had secure jobs on full pay in the public sector.
Compare that to in the rest of the Country where about 95% are private sector and are the ones with closed down or locked down jobs and many of the likely to become unemployed, unlike the public sector with nobody losing a job.
If you wanted to know which one was the Tory, it was the one Fiona was interrupting all the time.
EG – Is Fiona biased or a neutral interlocuter?
I think we all know the answer, and we have for a long time.
There is something decidedly corrupt, that the sector that produces net tax are the ones facing unemployment and bankruptcy, while government employees, NHS, teachers, police etc, government hangers on, dependent on the private sector, have secure jobs and pensions.
The government will have to tighten belts. No doubt.
First a reduction in salary and pensions of all who have secure jobs. MPs, civil servants, NHS staff, particularly NHS management, teachers, university staff, police, BBC, and all who have secure jobs.
Those who actually the produce the wealth that the rest consume, should be the ones we should be clapping.
Huw likes this. Gallant.
At least she is not using bizarre quotes this time.
R4 Evan – arrogant – Davis
Talking to Louise Casey about a ‘rumour’ that homeless being thrown out of hotels..despite the interviewee saying not true
Evan interrupts with “Let me clarify, some Local Authorities think, I think.. I think but the Govt says.. so no facts just what he thinks
Then much criticism of Govt handling…still banging on about KS letter – not willing to accept KS was wrong…. just opinion again
Oh now has Andy Burnham on (again)…and what a surprise is allowed to talk uninterrupted…and Evan agrees with everything he says..what a surprise
BBC R4 today has been consistently anti Govt….
Today? Oh, I think it’s been considerably longer than that.
This is a link to the aftermath of a Chinese American reporter questioning Pres Trump
The fact that the president replied to her quite truthfully, is turned by the MSM, as racist, racist etc.
The reality is that Pres Trump has been denied his victory by continuous badgering by the media and the Democratic controlled Congress. This has been ongoing 24/7 for the last 3 and a half years, by a rabid attack dog media, with all kinds of fake accusations. I’m surprised that Pres Trump has put up with it, with so much forbearance.
What is of concern is that the BBC has joined in this attack. It is none of the business of the BBC to interfere . Pres Trump is the most UK friendly president we have had since Pres Reagan – even more friendly. The most UK hating president was Barak Hussein Obama, but he was adored and worshiped by the BBC.
So why is it that the BBC loves those countries and leaders that hate the UK, and hates those that are friendly to the UK. Why has the government allowed the state funded BBC to run UK’s foreign affairs, with potential to cause huge damage to the UK. Why has Boris Johnson, and before him Teresa May, deliberately set out to damage our relations with USA.
Spot on NCBBC. I remember the Deepwater Horizon disaster when Obama kept referring to “British Petroleum ” despite the fact that it had multinational input.
Forgot Deepwater Horizon. Obama was fixated on how to destroy BP.
1. It was British
2. It was a petro-chemical company.
What Obama wanted was solar power. Which led to Solyandra. Tax money funneled to Climate Change hoaxers.
Any suggestions?
Vote to name first HS2 Tunnelling machine.
“Sir Keir Starmer”: Having sunk the Labour party with his anti-Brexit strategy he just ‘keeps on digging’.
‘Our Laura’ must be a close second but I wouldn’t trust the signwriter with the spelling.
There is a choice of 3 female names, pre-selected by local schoolchildren. Celia, Florence or Marie. I’d prefer Karen, in tribute to the vociferous local protesters.
Things are hotting up with the EU negotiations. Which side will Al Beeb take ?
Made me laugh.
Have you considered a career in comedy?
Local ITV news does talk on the web about the Slovak immigrants area of Sheffield ignoring lockdown
.. but does not risk putting anything on the TV screens.
Also ITV local news footage from Leeds and Featherstone parks
“Oh there is mysterious poster about mass gatherings on Saturday
.. we haven’t a clue what it’s about”
..and then about 5 bits of different people tut tutting
FFS There was an article in the Sun the other day
It’s anti-vaxxer conspiracy guys.
Then you have antifa “conspiracy theorists” like Stu chbery tweeting out
“it’s Jayda Fransen and Britain First”
It must be a loose loose situation for officers trying to enforce social distancing and I don’t envy them one bit. Looking at that picture however, is that two meters apart? Hard to gauge though it would lend credibility if they were at least seen to be observing social distance. Still, if Neil Ferguson couldn’t follow his own rules who is anyone to judge?
Britain has a bloated public sector. Thatchers work was not followed up, and now we are yet again beset by a permanent entrenched public sector that is sucking the life blood of the nation.
The public sector should be privatised for their own good, viz
1. NHS
2. Schools and universities
3. Quangos
4. Reduction in the civil service.
Police should be retrained for restraining criminals rather then policing Twitter and Facebook.
There are many benefits that will come from this. NHS staff will be hired for medical qualifications and experience rather then to fill dubious political requirements. Too, people should pay for the NHS. Then they will have the right to demand quality.
So too with teachers, university profs, etc. Standard of education will go up, which will attract customers.
The idea that everything is free, is killing Britain, and making it a country populated by supine sheep.
“Guardian & ITV you are fake news” says DHSC
BBC: Government backtracks on French quarantine exemption
Errr, BBC, don’t you mean the government backtracked on their quarantine plans – when they gave the Franch the exemption?
‘The government has denied that travellers from France will be exempted from the planned coronavirus quarantine measures.’
Quite right too. So…. Mr Theo Leggett, Business correspondent, BBC News, what’s your problem?
‘The policy attracted a warning from the EU not to single out one nation, while some experts suggested it would prove unworkable.’
Oh, I see, the BBC taking its lead from Brussels, as per bloody usual.
Anyway, I thought this exemption was mutual between both Britain and France. So how come Macron’s lot arn’t equally criticised for doing a u-turn?
‘Following Mr Johnson’s speech, No 10 confirmed a reciprocal deal with the government in Paris meant restrictions would not apply to passengers from France, but that was ahead of today’s apparent u-turn.’
I will say this – Johnson should stop making half policies on the hoof just to see what flies and what gets shot down.
Listen here Boris, most of the media hate you and will object whatever you propose. Wait until you have a fixed policy in mind then tell them they can like it or lump it and have the guts to stick with it.
BBC: Teachers still unconvinced safe to open schools
Let me rephrase that for you. Teachers prefectly happy to remain at home on full pay more or less indefinately.
Not exactly emulating the heroics of their public sector colleagues in the hospitals, are they?
Shall we propose a Wednesday evening 8 o’clock SLOW hand clap for the teachers?
Maybe teachers need a slow hand clap.
Or a P45.
Issue those educational vouchers Boris, PDQ.
Parents with a choice will select private education.
Value for money and no Marxist bollox fed to our children by the lefty haters.
Choose private, are you listening BBC?
Where customers get what they want or go elsewhere.
The country’s education system, from schools to universities, even in hard disciplines such as STEM, has been dumbed down to such a an extant, that even professors in STEM subjects are well below par compared to Singapore etc.
Now there are attempts to use CV 19 as a means to change the course of the nation. There is only one way that is really effective. As you point out, hand out education vouchers to parents to use as they wish. Will soon find that even state schools will start to improve. If they dont they will go bust and some organisation can take over.
If the system shows promise, then the same remedy to be applied to the Golden Calf.
New series of Garden Rescue (I do love it), today we had a 2 lady partnership with their ‘daughter’ wanting a revamped garden. That aside, I cant think the BBC had much difficulty in searching for a black garden designer (cant be too many of those about), to fill the diversity quota so badly needed on this gentle but all white programme. So after years of having 3 gardening professionals, there are now 4 !
Why don’t the BBC come up with a programme format where all the hosts / participants are BAME, and after a series or two introduce a white person ? that would be novel. No, we have to endure this continuance of having a great format, but then the scouring begins to find a person of colour to introduce if the programme is successful. Be it antique dealer, dancing judge, property guru (Lucy from Homes under the Hammer has intimated she didn’t want to leave !!!), a cook, furniture upcycling, and now its garden design.
Whats betting the hunt is already on to replace one of the hosts on Sewing Bee.
It’s such a shame that gardening is now being ‘dumbed down’ by the BBC,. I have to admit, that we have both given up any of their progs now, either radio or TV, because they are just lumping the whole skill-set of proper gardening, with Poundland advice, which helps nobody in the end.
I’m all for encouraging any gardening pursuit – this lockdown has meant that the place has never been better, but I can do/have leaned from proper gardening websites like The Allotment Gardening site, where normal people keep any politics well ‘out’, and tips and friendship ‘in’!
Nobody knows who is what colour, creed, nationality etc, and it is a shining example of the proper way any ‘broadcasting’ service, concentrating on its chosen subject, to behave! The BBC just try and annoy everyone, and in doing so, have alienated a large section of the population which pays their bloated wages, just to politicise and PC a great British way of life.
The BBC have obviously forgotten all about C.H.Middleton, who gave fantastic talks about gardening on what was then, a wartime transmission from The World Service.
He inspired so many people to ‘dig for victory’, which of course, would now be poo-pooed by the snobby BBC elite-bubblers with their indoor imported foreign exotic scrubs, and shiny finger-nails which won’t have seen a bit of compost in their miserable little lives.
‘Your garden in war-time’ by the great man is so apt nowadays, still around to buy, and tells a series of stories which would make the shallow minds of BBC under-managers explode like a dandelion-head!
(Apologies, Fed et al, for the blatant advertising – we need the alternative to the awful BBC as soon as possible, and I’ll work for that)!
I just read something that gave me an idea about what is going on within the low IQ brains of BBC managers.
The ‘Climate Panic’ pandemic originated in universities and spread rapidly. Whereas Covid-19 harms the physically frail, ‘Climate’ and its various strains, has mainly affected the brains of healthy, low IQ ‘privileged’ people who work in the cultural, media and teaching sectors. It causes a degeneration in cognitive ability, whereby the sufferer loses the ability to debate honestly or distinguish between facts and assumptions. Sufferers have been known to take offence at any mention of isotopic evidence or thermodynamics.
The worst affected experience the feeling of being physically harmed when they encounter views that differ from their own. These ‘diseases of the brain’ have affected the behaviour of left-wing middle-class morons, such as BBC managers who benefited from Tony Blair’s dumbing down of the Universities. Instead of these people being employed in menial jobs given to immigrants, these Journalists, Politicians and Environmental Activists with Mickey Mouse degrees were the first to fall victim. Most are deluded into thinking they are important experts, especially those at the BBC, even though they don’t have any scientific qualifications, due to low intellectual ability and small brains. Social media was the great super-spreader and their algorithms caused exponential infection rates.
Thus the bizarre and paranoid thoughts of a few academics at the University of East Anglia infected the entire cultural output of the BBC.
The best form of protection is to be alert and wash our hands of the worst ideas. Common sense and ‘asking obvious questions’ has proved to be an effective disinfectant.
The best example was starting with the question “How do you calibrate carbon dioxide warming in an atmospheric chamber”. leading to the answer “You needed a six sided chamber filled with carbon dioxide and with one wall, four infinite dimensions and one dimension that ends in a vacuum. Two such chambers exist near the Earth. One is called Mars and the other Venus“.
This eventually lead to the answer when Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller introduced the “Unified Theory of Climate. Which is thought to be the reason why Donald Trump called man-made Climate change a “Hoax”.
I think I just laughed myself silly.
At first, I thought this was a poster for some new horror film.
No, closer to Harry Hill. Robinson just needs to buy those ridiculous shirts with the collars to make the transition. Viz.
Is it just me, or does anyone else here think that Nick R. looks like Harry Hill’s somewhat less intelligent brother?
Fearless probing enquiring curious …… four words Mr Robinson uses in his self justification – he left out the ‘interrupting ‘ and ‘cutting across ‘ and ‘bullying’ ( some say ..) ..
Any way – whenever I see one of these high Church BBC drone types making public utterances I search the web to see if they have an agent for ‘after dinner speaking ‘ which is one of those quiet discrete income sources good socialists use to top up their pay .
The fee Mr Robinson charges in peace time for after dinner speaking is not fully disclosed – but the ‘quantum ‘ is in the £10,000 and above level .
There should be a caveat about hiring him – to ever get him to shut the —— up ….
A lot of people I know are at war with BBC Journalists over censorship. Even Labour MP’s complain about BBC journalists censoring what they say.
The BBC ruled that a radio debate about climate change involving former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson should have been censored. This was condemned by the two MP’s with scientific qualifications. Peter Lilley saying it shows the BBC is “afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes”. Labour MP Graham Stringer who is also a scientist said: “This is a form of censorship”.
So who are BBC Journalists at war with and censoring today?
BBC Journalists manipulating public opinion with the use of censorship should be criminalised by law.
It comes down to that awful and overused word “diversity “ . The BBC suffers from Absence of ‘diversity of thought ‘ – which is – in my view – the reason this site exists at all .
There can be only one accepted version of the world . They ( BBC droids ) fear any alternative view . So it is labelled as ‘extreme ‘ or ‘far right ‘ or whatever epithet it uses to slur or undermine Any view contrary to that approved by the editorial .
There is no accountability or transparency or democracy in this . It’s why the BBC has to be destroyed .
OK I’m into the comments
CCBGBG ..edited
#1 The majority of BBC headlines seem to start with
‘There has been criticism of [insert government action/decision here]’
and they think this means they are being objective
.. it’s nonsense.
Just tell us what the government did and we’ll decide whether we wish to criticise them or not.
#2 this style of agenda-driven journalism, set in the context of a massive dumbing down of serious news and foreign reporting, where emotion trumps insight, and fuelled by its own patronising prejudices, has turned a lot of people off.
#3 The BBC may be getting record viewing figures; we want to hear the latest news from the horses’ mouths, but I for one switch off when the likes of Preston and Kuansberg start. They are not trying to clarify anything, they are making a statement and then trying to get the statement they want. I don’t want their opinion I want facts, preferably without the snide, belligerent attitude.
#4 I like probing questions. I like the idea of red teaming.
I don’t like deliberately trying to trip ministers up on individual questions
in order to play it back to all as ‘confused’ policy.
#5 You are so out of touch with the public mood
You may kid yourself you and your fellow journalists at the BBC and the press are doing some sort of public service, you are not, there has never been less trust in the media than now.
Trump is a ridiculous figure but he is spot on about how the media are the enemy of the people.
There has been criticism of
Some say
It has been said that
All standard lines the BBC uses . Those being hit with those openings rarely if never ask for the source .
I’m waiting for someone to do it- particularly when time is precious and Laura is waiting to cone on to translate what some Tory politician has just said because the BBC thinks the listener is too thick to understand first hand ….
So are the BBC going to even bother about the Havant Labour story in the Daily Mail with the ‘blood on his hands’ photoshop of Boris?
They should know about it because lefties are sharing them like mad all over Twitter right now and as usual the BBC have ignored the story yet are still bleating on about the Nadine story against the Tories.
Then again they don’t like the DM do they? At the moment every single story is the same as coming out of the lefty media but not one from a right wing source.
Time to close them down
The The artist
The backpedalling
“Havant Labour story in the Daily Mail with the ‘blood on his hands’ photoshop of Boris?”
Time for our turn to point the finger.
I am sure some cartoonist can produce an image of Stramer standing in a swimming pool.
Up to his neck in small pieces of paper bearing the words “Islamic multiple voting slip, not for the use of unbelievers”.
Or up to his waist in fake semen.
Whilst real semen was deposited in the vaginas of white female children gang raped by Muslims imported into the UK by The Labour Party. Whist Starmer and his mates in the CPS, the Police and so-called “social services”, covered up.
C4 now “So Jess Phillips is a guest on Jo Lycett’s Got Your Back. Jo, for the record, she doesn’t have anyone’s back but her own.”
I have given up on BBC news but to know a little about what is happening in England (I have gleaned that the Fish woman and Wales are posturing for their own electorate regardless of the cost), I chose to watch the 5pm briefing. I prefer to get my propaganda direct from a minister and the scientists than through the ‘journalists’ eyes and I switch off as the latter get to ask their questions.
Today Matt Hancock was at the podium. I can only assume that the BBC have realised that viewing figures drop like a stone once the stupid questioning by the stupid journalists starts. So whilst Matt was at the podium the BBC chose to strap line underneath him speaking with ***Breaking News *** flashing on and off so you couldn’t help but see it. Apparently the R figure is back to nearly 1. Presumably that was flashed up to undermine what Matt was saying. (I know the Daily Mail was saying the same but are remarkably coy about who actually said it and relevant to which date).
Very often it is neither
Nor news
And the announcement that the testing today was at over 130 000 didn’t count for much as MSM was enjoying the ‘under 100,000 ‘ failure so much in the way it does . The fact that this stuff is life and death to non bubble taxpayers meant nothing to these…. vermin .
Which of these is the most likely?
(a) President Obama goes to jail for deploying federal agencies against a political opponent.
(b) The BBC reports anything bad about President Obama.
One of the above is unlikely, the other is impossible.
BTW the bBC did put out a story on the 11th
Why are Trump and Obama in a new spat over Flynn?
commenter : @awzurcher your #fakenews story is nothing but lies.
You’re missing out key parts.
And just for the record. Flynn wasn’t charged with perjury.
You are misleading the British people with your lies.
. It fails to mention the FBI note that said their objective was to get Flynn to lie to get him sacked.
They don’t say Comey admitted sending his agents into the White House against protocol with no crime to investigate”
In this vid commentator Dr Steve Turley mocks CNN and its invitation to Saint Greta How-Dare-You to join a discussion on Covid.
It’s not the BBC bit it could just as well be.
The good news is that commentators are increasingly ridiculing and mocking the liberal / left media. Other examples have been Milo (remember him?) and more recently actor Laurence Fox on QT.
And if there’s one thing sanctimonious beeboids hate it’s being mocked, being irrelevant, passe’, uncool.
Portillo is on Channel 5 in India
from the Times writeup it’s all about his apologising for the British empire
I know..I loved his programmes but then he just started adding in apologies for the Empire at any opportunity. Nothing positive.
I said to my wife – do you think he has to do it or he won’t get funded?
I won’t be watching his latest series anymore…
“Brexit: UK warns ‘very little progress’ made in EU trade talks”
\\”The EU’s Michel Barnier suggested the UK’s own demands were “not realistic” and warned of a looming stalemate.//
What other nation in the world surrendered its fishing grounds to trade with the EU?
Its got to be walk away and go WTO !
Walk away?
Invade the bastards, give Barnier and Co the Nuremberg treatment, because they ARE guilty.
So, the BBC news is telling us that “people are desperate to have a holiday “, jeezus, really ? I thought that staying alive was the number one priority at the moment. Apparently ‘people’ will be flocking to the beach and beauty spots this weekend.
So, parents are scared to put their kids in school, but its ok to wander along a seafront that will be rammed with others who are like minded. (Pictures of which will be guaranteed to be in the daily press). I never cease to be amazed at the f………g stupidity of the British public.
Very little risk of catching it in the open air.
I’ve never claimed to be particularly bright, but…
I’m still paying the telly tax…and I’m asking the question, what do I actually get out of it?
I never watch any BBC news coverage or current affairs. My blood pressure wouldn’t take it.
Their contemporary comedies are so arse achingly unfunny, patronising and smug I’d end up throwing something at the TV.
There’s a heck of a lot of utter drivel they show about cooking. They have loads of them, but they’re nearly always the same format…three or four judges… one is always black and another is invariably gay. And the winner will either be the really camp gay bloke, the feisty female, or the Muslim. If you’re a straight, white male don’t bother.
Most of my viewing is on Channel 81, Talking Pictures. Lots of decent old films. No one appears to be lecturing me. I’m not being harangued for being Caucasian, male and heterosexual.
So what do I actually ever watch on the Beeb? Only two things, Gardeners’ World and Dads’ Army.
This series, due to the lockdown, GW is repeating all of last years outside broadcasts. I’m sitting there watching this and thinking “hang on, that looks familiar”. Well, of course it does… I was watching the same bloody thing only 6 months ago!
And Dads’ Army, brilliant though it is, was made about 50 years ago… and I own the box set.
And to make matters even worse…
I can’t even escape to the pub!
Yes, you can’t be very bright if you are still paying the telly tax . Cut off their life line by not paying it.
Jeff, you shouldn’t have bothered with the box set of Dad’s Army. Nearly every episode has been on so many times I could say the words before the actor. “Don’t tell him your name Pike”. It is still one of the best things on tv. We are watching Last of The Summer Wine on Drama, a bit mixed in quality. I hadn’t realised how much Ivy shouts at Sid. Also watching New Tricks on Drama and can see how PC story lines crept into later series.
PC has taken over the world. I came late to the Canadian Murdoch Mysteries 6 years after it started on Alibi. Great concept, turn of the century detective but with some historical characters and/or modern events thrown into the mix, with a main character from Sheffield for the comedy aspect. All was enjoyable until in the last couple of series a black detective was taken on – this was the 19th Century in Toronto remember, a black female was the pathologist, and then one of the detectives was portrayed as gay – which was a real jaw dropper. Historical accuracy is no longer relevant where drama writers or casting directors are concerned any more
PC happened in Lovejoy too, when Eric left.
Just not using decent actors, then squeezing an idea until it bleeds is the norm with BBC under-managers’ ideals.
Fawlty Towers is a fine example of the way it was when comedy worked well. Two series then bosh…
I suppose the BBC people back then actually enjoyed comedy – not any more.
D – “crept into”?
Not in the episodes I watched, worse than an Oxfam advert.
Here ITV serve up a narrative
Grannie is sent out of hospital back to a home
they accept her and then realise the hospital notes are blank
They are told a few hours later that in hospital granny had shown Covid symptoms
10 days later her Covid test results come back postive
Somehow Covid spread thru the home and some residents died
ITV think showing us a map is usseful
FFS thieves are bad, but if you leave the keys in the works van and someone steals it, it is your fault.
Likewise the home manager has broken health and safety law big time.
2 weeks before lockdown , we naturally treated our coffee morning pensioners as if they already had Covid .
Sure the NHS broke the law by sending her an infected patient
but at that time that home should not only have been locked down, but compartmentalised.
They would have already had measures like stopped visitors and had a system to deal with tradesmen.
so even if a carer had been forced to accept granny , that carer should not have been all over the home.
The 10 days for test is a red herring.
Unless told otherwise someone who came in from a hotzone like a hospital should not have come straight back into the regular home system,
but rather treated as if they were Covid positive especially after the warning that came with in a few hours
ie being treated to quarantine procedure
with ONE carer only allowed to deal with her. etc.
Sounds like it’s the government/ NHS who committed the crime to me, not the care homes.
They wanted to clear the hospitals of covid old folk to make room for the expected surge of younger patients all in the name of Save the NHS..
They as good as seeded the care homes with covid.
Then when the epidemic got going they wouldn’t àdmit old folk to hospitals, where they may have received ventilators , oxygen, and adrenaline, instead they were left to die in the care homes.
They had a drive to get Do not Resuscitate noticed signed by the elderly, even those living independently in their own homes.
Old folk sacraficed, but £125 000,000,000 spent
Something stinks..
Eddy, I’m sorry all that sounds like a conspiracy story from the Daily Mirror.
All narrative, but not proved true.
In my area the Covid wards have been largely empty
I’ve not heard of care home residents being refused hospital treatment.
Stew – you know what I think about the way the most at risk from covid have been treated in this crisis – I see it as manslaughter – with the main suspects being NHS doctors and management . But I’m a conspiracy theorist …
Jesus these poor devils died in their thousands without either paliative care or loved ones . I’m effing livid .
“Without loved ones”
.. they are allowed to be outside the window or online or on the phone
… “without paliative care”
“End of life care includes palliative care.
If you have an illness that cannot be cured, palliative care makes you as comfortable as possible, by managing your pain”
Well you’d still get that except for the Covid19 treatment.
Barring care home incompetance.
Even for care home residents, they are more likely to recover than die from Covid19.
Bio security at a care home is the care home managers responsibility, not the NHS’s
But German care homes also have significant deaths including at least 37 staff.
And wiping 40 years off a worker’s life is worse than dozens of residents dying 6 months earlier than expected.
So greg’s ,mcdonald’s subway and maybe football opening but not the churches and when they eventually do ,no singing allowed.What’s the difference between talking and singing in the spread of this?
A lovely, elderly neighbour is bereft of her church association.
Yup, the vicar keeps in touch by phone, but with summer approaching, what on earth is wrong with an open-air service? They can all bellow to their hearts content, and really enjoy themselves.
The BBC could do ‘Songs of Praise’ somewhere open, and get an iota of credit!
Oh, wait, there’d have to be all the other religions represented…
So that idea’s dead in the water…
“elderly neighbour is bereft of her church association.”
It’s not your neighbour’s church the gov is concerned about
but rather other kinds of religions where they can’t control themselves from close contact
.. Happy clappy African/Brazilian churches, certain mosques etc.
Not on BBC News
Doodle and thoughts
Scottish – I thought The Omega Man was a real life Daytime TV documentary ….. anyway if you are looking for inspiration try the daily press conferences by crankie –
aimed at 1. Making her President 2. Undermining the overall UK effort 3. Giving comedy moments for those who enjoy watching fat signers
The emerging war between the SNP and Scottish Labour – both supported by Tory Arms dealers must also be good value .
I see there was a casualty of the war with an SNP MP charged with a public order offence ….. over a Celtic flag .
He was the one who crossed if fingers taking the parliamentary oath – not a fan of the Queen of his country it seems ….
… thinking about it – maybe the SNP aim is to have a separate monarch again – push the clock back 3 0r 400 years – Queen `Nicola ….
The Omega Man was recently remade as I Am Legend with Will Smith. Which is why I ain’t taking a hastily-developed vaccine doled out to billions of people, thank you. ????
Will Smith v Charlton Heston . No contest . Can you guess which one of them would start ‘ rapping ‘ ( whatever the hell that is )
The best part of the Sturgeon briefings is when they have a partisan hack asking a loaded pro-SNP question. It’s like when PMQs has a “question” like “does the prime minister agree that the opposition would hurt the economy?”
There was a sturgeon ‘question’ along the lines of “does the first minister believe that Police Scotland should copy the heavy-handed and overzealous approach of the facist English police forces?”
Under cover of coronavirus, the world’s bad guys are wreaking havoc
Jonathan Freedland
The pandemic has allowed strongmen and tyrants to get away with murder and mayhem while we look the other way
[Plenty of Brazil, Hungary and USA bashing, as one would expect.
The PRC also receives the sharp end of the Freedland pen well, sort of ..]
That, according to one observer, “is reflective of how the Republic of China views [Uighur Muslims] as nothing but disposable commodities”.
[This according to another observer, me, is reflective of how low the “facts are sacred” liars can get.
The Guardian responded to the Rotherham report in particular, by criticising the Local Councils and police
for not doing a better job of concealing the mass racist MUSLIM gang rapes of white children”.
No coverage of the rapists.
No criticism of the concealer-in-chief, Lord Starmer of HideTheRapes.
“disposable commodities” is exactly the term. Every time I think the Guardian cannot become more disgusting
I am wrong. Comments allowed and they love Freedland BTL.]
Since when did teacher-shaming become Britain’s national sport?
Shami Chakrabarti
[A lot bollox which you may read, but best avoided. Then the “piece de resistance” of her “argument”.]
So why this special venom for our teachers? Why do we trust these professionals to care for and educate our precious youngsters, but not to consider school safety?
[We have special venom for liars who get on the HOL gravy train.
The truth is, millions of parents do NOT trust teachers.
Millions of parents believe teachers ignore professional standards, in favour of inculcation of the young and vulnerable with NUT lefty bollox.
Make the UK great again, privatise everything but the armed forces (and keep the Commies away from the military).]
Amazing where a BBC ‘story’ can lead…
A tennis ball.
When Labour loving leftie lovely Jo Brand approved of acid against Conservatives; not only were there no apologies, but Tories should have understood the “joke”.
Easy to see why the BBC feels such input is vital.
Her hair loss is increasing, incipient comb-over taking place.
Do I still have that old autograph of Bobby Charlton with his ‘phone number?
I might read this by way of balance.
Interesting when the bbc is into science.
And when not.
It was Glastonbury, home of more new-ageism, quackery and tourist tat than just about anywhere.
The earnest ‘tradespeople’ in the tat shops even pretend to believe in it.
Is she 18 already, Now being referred to as a teen not a child.
A bit rich too, a celebrity telling us this.
Dangerous and funny that the bubble has given this character power without accountability .
I had the unfortunate experience of seeing a picture of the “nudist wedding” in the MSM this week. It made me think that those who wish to be nudists are the very people who should never be ones, although the piles of fat do help to hide their bits.
It is exactly the same with socialists and commies, who are happy to sit on piles of money or fat salaries and loudly demand that the working class pay through the nose for taxes to look after rapist asylum seekers too cowardly to fight for their country, and too greedy for benefits to find the first safe country or even France, and the feckless like my local benefit family who run a 68 plate car and pay for a company to landscape their garden while sitting on their very fat arses.
BBC employees especially make my blood boil as they do their level best to avoid paying taxes by forming companies to defraud HMRC claiming they are not employees, so do not have to pay the income tax everyone else does, whilst demanding the Govt pay for anything and everything and complaining about austerity.
The very reason why the genuine self employed are subject to HMRC investigstions who had to tighten up the law because of BBC socialist tax dodgers.
The BBC newspaper – The Guardian reports that the replacement for Lord Hall as DG are
Will Lewis Former journalist
Tim Davie BBC
Charlotte Moore BBC
Alex Mahon CEO channel 4
The article gives a brief resume of the CV of these bubble dwellers . ms Moore is at an instant disadvantage by having a long name . Non females like
tim and Will are at an instant advantage with single syllable names ….
By the way – apparently the BBC is “widely viewed “ as having ‘proved its worth “ During the Chinese virus crisis .
I can’t comment on this comment because I no longer use the BBC but I’d like to know by whom it is ‘widely viewed ‘ .
The BBC will claim that it is ‘vital’ in times of national crisis and that viewing figures are higher than normal . But then we’ve never been in a situation where whole populations have been locked up on pain of the Stasi filming you with a drone walking your dog – have we ?
If Al Beeb is as “widely viewed “ as they claim , let the viewers pay for it by subscription. It will make loads of dosh in tax . In the meantime get rid of the compulsory telly tax that poor people are forced to pay that don’t watch the trash . Why does the Tory government let this absurdity continue ? It is so simple to do and to end .
The article also mentioned the BBC faces a ‘challenge ‘ from lost revenue from ‘door step enforcement ‘.
When I saw this I had an image of someone from amazon or Netflix coming round to threaten prosecution – except that – if you don’t pay – you get switched off – the BBC really deserves such an arrangement .
But you must be forgetting: the BBC brought us all together. So henceforth it must be untouchable and its publicly funded future assured.
How much PPE could this pay for ?:
800 BBC presenters face investigation over alleged tax avoidance
Corporation’s use of personal service companies comes under heavy scrutiny
Darcy – the article is dated November 2018- the BBC paid the tax bill using TV licence Tax Bills – also costs .
The principle remains of the mindset and it is still going on in the msm , who are happy to make demands in the Govt (ie. taxpayer) 2020:
TV presenter Eamonn Holmes has lost his battle against HM Revenue & Customs in an IR35 tax case after a judge deemed his contract with ITV amounted to employment.
In an appeal decision published on February 21, in relation to a case first heard at the First Tier Tribunal Tax Chamber in June 2018, Judge Harriet Morgan ruled Mr Holmes was employed by TV station ITV and therefore liable to pay tax under the taxman’s IR35 rules.
Mr Holmes, via his personal services company Red White and Green Limited, argued he was “totally freelance” and claimed he had “total control” over how he acted as a presenter on ITV’s This Morning show.
Keep repeating the truth about the evil deeds of the mass murdering Commies so loved by the tax evading lefties.
Last year AlBeeb wasted ?? how many millions “celebrating” the bicentenary of Peterloo.
The recent BBC reporting of VE day was more muted than ever: they are still bitter about being unable to claim that Uncle Joe won it.
Darcy – I love a good tax law scrap – and I see you are using “FTAdviser “ – but the bigger thing is that these referees of public morals use the tax system to avoid paying the tax they morally should through the use of dividend taxes lower than PAYE but still pretend to be moral .
Just can’t have it both ways – particularly those employed by the BBC – even if they are not fully BBC employees ….
By the way – the article in the FTAdviser about the football referees winning their tax case was very interesting – thanks .
Already setting twitter afire.
Julia Gillard… a real coup.
There is very little difference in how much tax the individual pays by using a personal service company.
The real saving is the 13% employer national insurance contribution that the bbbc would have to pay if the individual were PAYE. Imagine how much that amounts to across all the bbbc’s similar arrangements! Lineker’s alone would be over 200k per year.
State funded body wilfully withholding funds from the state.
Andy – if there’s little difference in how much tax is paid why fight it in an expensive tax court ? How comes the HMRC is requiring hundreds of thousands from individuals in unpaid tax ?
A few reasons. The disparity was only fairly recently addressed by the treasury raising tax payable on dividends to levels comparable to income tax but HMRC can go back 6 years, hence the cases in court now relate to historic big difference and current small difference. Also cases in court now will also be in respect of the unpaid NI which, as I’ve said, is a huge element of the bbbc fraud on all of us.
Andy – thank you – I’m getting lazy and could have looked it up but thank you for your reply. As someone who is fascinated by tax avoidance schemes but only ever paid PAYE schedule E? I just wondered
I was taught that there is no morality in a tax and that tax avoidance is legal . However when it is being done by ‘ broadcasters ‘ entreating those with considerably less money to give it to charity –
Or just as bad moaning about underfunded public services whilst avoiding tax themselves
I get uppity …..
Me too.
That’s why the whole panama papers episode was so revealing as to the moral high ground stance taken by bbbc and other media.
Bbbc robbing the state of many millions by deliberately adopting a scheme whose one and only aim is to avoid paying NI contributions on the wages of the “talent”.
Enemies of the state and utter hypocrites.
F2 : Arthur Daley school of economics, as I am studying and enjoying most mornings which is why he decided to off himself rather than pay his tax bill, my point, as is yours, is those that insist the working class (read Fiffi Bruce and her “unskilled”) should bear the burden of taxation and the blatant hypocrisy of those that believe the Govt should pay for everything whilst doing their best to avoid PAYEtax, Thatcher got it right in the fact that the government essentialy has no money save for that which we give them through taxes, so go fgure
“tax avoidance, Terry, tax avoidance, but don’t tell them where the lock up is”
Incredible as in Websters primary definition “too extraordinary and improbable to be believed “.
I did enjoy that Kay Burley of Sky News versus Angela Rayner of Labour bust up over the factual basis of whether or not Boris ordered people back to work at 12 hours notice.
There are so many interesting aspects to that little spat.
Importantly there’s Raynor’s utter incredulity that a Sky journo doesn’t want to aid and abet her in criticising the Tories. Burely’s waspishness seemed over done. As if Raynor were giving the game away that our Kay was usually more than happy to bash the Tories but that her interviewee was stretching it a bit too far this time.
Maybe our Angela was simply too accustomed to the far easier ride she gets from the BBC where she can push any old nonsense.
I try to imagine the Labour Party zoom conference where their lately senile now famously forensic leader discussed strategy and decided to go with this finely nuanced notion of Boris the murderer of the workers.
Who exactly is this line meant to resonate with? How many honest everyday joes actually got a call from their employer after the Boris speech Sunday evening and were told – listen mate, I just watched Boris on the tv and now I want you back on the shopfloor, in work, Monday morning 9 am sharp!
No, of course Labour don’t really believe this scenario. No horny-handed mechanicals will buy into this tosh. I will tell you what their typical target group is – someone like a Lefty-minded teacher.
You know, that highly unionised group quite content for lockdown to continue indefinitely and making it hard for others who have to work because their kids are holed up at home. Sitting on their sofas emailing the odd ‘work sheet’ to the kids, receiving full pay and refusing to go back with health concerns as their excuse, whilst simultaneously ordering up their shopping on Ocardo and clapping the bravery of the health workers every Thurday like performing seals.
Typical modern Labour hypocrisy and elitism to a tee.
Clearly there are ultra left wing politically motivated reasons to continue the lockdown. Their cheerleaders at the BBC and Channel 4 are loving this.
The teachers’ arguments are fatuous. They want guarantees, but they must know they can’t possibly be given.
Despite the dangers of working cheek by jowl with over sixty colleagues, my postman manages to get my mail to me.
The supermarkets are open. People are being sensible and cautious, but returning to work. On Thursday I saw NHS staff (no masks) standing next to each other applauding themselves. Well, I suppose it makes a change from all the dancing routines we’ve seen.
If people don’t go back to work until there’s a cure or a vaccine they’ll be out for ever.
Sweden hasn’t had a lockdown. Prof’ Pantsdown warned them that by May 1st they would have over 40,000 dying from Covid. Their health service would be overwhelmed. Bodies would be stacking up in the streets. They ignored this dystopian nonsense. Thankfully their death toll isn’t anything like the hysterical predictions and recently just topped 3,000. Their economy is ticking over. Ours has been put into a coma. It’s tanking.
This insanity really can’t be allowed to continue.
I expect most Teachers would want to return in September so they don’t miss out on the summer holidays ! . I have four teachers in my family now retired and with excellent pensions ….two with second homes in France ….you have to feel sorry for them ! , strange thing is they were pro Tory in the past but now very left wing and are very sad Corbyn was not elected ! !
You can guess how they voted on Brexit and the BBC is apparently pro Boris…..
I feel sorry teachers – it’s a great job -it’s just spoilt by having to deal with brats / children / students ….
Just tell them if they don’t go back to work they’re pensions will be ‘downsized ‘ or they’ll need to work longer .
And if they go on strike what difference will it make ?
All that nonsense they come out with about every day of teaching being ‘ previous ‘ sounds a bit lame -.as does the fining of parents for taking their kids on holiday .
Declaration – I have no personal interest in this subject apart from paying their wages through my taxes ….?
I’ve said it before – this policy of unwillingness to come out of lockdown (championed by the BBC and Labour, but I repeat myself) is a heads I win, tails you lose gambit. The tighter the lockdown the more the economy is wrecked, the more they can demand Brexit delay. When we do ease lockdown the media will cry blue murder at any flu death. The public sector workers are presently in the cushiest of situations. Frontline people still working are lionised and poised for pay rise demands. Non-frontliners are on full eternal duvet duty on full pay. The teachers for instance, ought to have been furlowed on 5% or 10% reduced pay. Afterall, think about this – under lockdown rules they ought to have been saving on travel costs, work clothing, non-essential leisure spending, etc. Since infact there’s no incentive to go back to work why would they want to do so? As we know it fits their politics to hold Boris to ransom.
The BBC could copy the model of Radio 4 Extra. It can be quite amusing to hear the ‘continuity’ announcer tell us what is going to happen next ‘this morning’ when it is 8p.m., i.e. it is all ‘on tape’, as it were.
“Boris bad, Trump bad, Boris bad, Trump bad..” a tape loop and patch in a ‘speaking clock’ and who would notice?
YES ! WHY do NHS staff applaud themselves ??? You never see actors in a theatre when lined up at the end applauding themselves. Although it does happen on quiz shows when contestants are seen clapping themselves stupid. Barmy.
So hitting HRW short stay in case Jon lobs up and notices I don’t have a Fiat 500.
I must be really cynical….but why is this a story? I have this view that if you do something out of goodness you don’t need it to be publicised – unless you are collecting your virtue badges…
But then again it is the BBC….
“Nissan in talks to build Renault models at Sunderland plant”
This good news has been out for some time, why is Al Beeb reluctant to mention it ?
I’m guessing angie didn’t get asked whether she got her £192 pair of Star Wars shoes ( which guide reported on during the week ) and whether it was right for the deputy leader of the Labour Party to write a letter of complaint to the shoe company on Commons headed paper …..
BBC News channel trying to enforce their own version of lockdown rules.
Whilst showing us some lovely drone shots Naga says, “Stay away from the Peak District. Now we can go live to ??? who is there on the ground.”
Cuts to female reported in the Peak District also telling us not to travel there.
I guess with a budget of £5b a year the BBC can send a film crew to any location they choose to tell others not to go there.