As the BBC passes ‘peak Cummings’ and the curve flattens out the Far left Biased BBC will be seeking more targets to undermine the newish government and prevent the UK ever leaving the EU
Cummings Derangement Syndrome, or CDS, is spread from the virus known as BBC. The transmission of inaccuracies through the BBC and some other sources cannot be countered by administering facts to the sufferers.
Contagion can come about simply by meeting fellow sufferers. For example, middle class people shopping for their Guardian at Waitrose exhibit strong symptoms. A two meter distance is advised on coming across anyone who exhibits symptoms of CDS else contamination can result. People may not realise they are infected, nor exhibit tell tale indicators such as widening eyes and cheeks shaking with disbelief when BBC transmissions are countered. This can lead to emotional rants in TV studios akin to Tourette’s syndrome.
At present there is no known cure for CDS, though a period of self isolation from BBC transmissions and fellow sufferers can lead to the semblance of normal life. If certain triggers, such as Boris, Trump and Brexit are avoided then sufferers can become less agitated and appear quite reasonable.
All in the same boat (although for many of us in the post-lockdown economy it’s looking like a rickety overloaded inflatable)
The BBC are keen to cover the stories of the recent redundancies at Debenhams department stores.
Of course there’s little space for an explanation of the significant changes to shopping habits, away from the high street to on-line retail, so rapidly exacerbated by the lockdown. Or the prospect of quasi-superstitious social distancing regulations even as we come out of lockdown that will clearly be the death knell to not just the struggling Debenhams in-store cafes but to many many other marginal businesses.
Instead we get a report from well within the BBC’s comfort zone – plenty of BBC platform for complaints about the meaness of the capitalists.
“I don’t fall under the redundancy category to claim any money,” she said. “I have a young family to feed, mortgage to pay, it’s totally unexpected”
“The government announced they’d pay furlough to October. I don’t understand why they couldn’t keep us on furlough until we found a job.”
“It’s pretty dire. But I’ve seen news about protests in Ireland about the lack of a redundancy package, so maybe we’ll see something similar in the UK.”
[I’m sure the BBC will do what it can to stir the pot]
But here’s a comment that is a little more interesting than the usual…
“In this present climate there’s going to be a lot of people looking for jobs, we’re all in the same boat.”
Hmmmm…. interesting use of an idiom there, considering the accelerating numbers of migrants arriving this summer and into the welcoming arms of the Border Farce clambering aboad the fully laden SS Great Britain.
The BBC’s mantra is something like this : the more people in the potential workforce the better – always and forever, with no limits.
Seems just like Gordon Brown’s legendary bigoted woman the ordinary non-elite metropolitan plebs – such as those formerly employed in a store cafe – they still haven’t got themselves drunk on that cool aid.
As Nick, Katty, etc, RT every selective race baiter in US media, you have to wonder who sets the editorial style that leaves in what suits (propaganda) and leaves out what does not (censorship).
Stew : you are quite right, on the other hand -as long as you or anyone else are being forced to pay for the service, you need to monitor them, and call them out for their transgressions. I do not for one minute believe any of their narratives, but I keep an eye open to see what campaigns, exaggerations and fabrications they are currently engaged in.
For example, the ten-day Cummings faux outrage campaign seems to be dying down, having been exploited to the max.,as the next attractive thing comes along: Minneapolis, so -having maximally exploited the Durham story, and seeing another favourite theme drift into view, they can now move on.
A trip to Minneapolis is called for. No condemnation or even negative comment on the burning and looting from beeb; the strategy is to just report, making sure that the ’cause’ of it this always highlighted. The inference is that ‘a’ must cause’b’, it’s only natural, and therefore, kinda justified, they will imply.
Unlike the endless opinion rampage that marked the Cummings issue, the strategy now moves to one of reporting only – but in such a way that the viewer is guided to conclusion without beeb comment. What we can expect is beeb looking for historic similarities, to show that ‘white’ police brutality against ‘unarmed’ black people is a regular occurence.
The employment of a range of reporting styles is actually quite interesting.You have to watch the enemy. Need I say more?
The bBC is part of the global ‘blob’ and provides a useful diversion from those who are arguably more dangerous e.g. civil servants. The blob + the mob are aligned against normal people.
Tucker gives an American example, but we have our own.
Experts in England have said lifting restrictions is “risky”, Covid-19 is “spreading too fast” and they want a fully working test and trace system first.
Ran these ‘Quotes’ by the dogs for actual value as reporting, and they licked their balls. Must check with some English dog experts as to what that “might” signify.
Now if you spat in a public workers face would this not be assault and would not plod prosecute, particularly if you add in to the mix a “hate” crime?
Well according to The Mails report, Police say there is no evidence that the spitting incident took place. The Mail are though equally guilty as the Beeb of a misleading headline.
At the time of the initial reports – screaming national BBC headlines – I was happy to express sympathy but suspected the ground being laid for a big compo claim. Big emphasis was placed on the woman’s employer not investigating her accusations.
I now read the present – tucked away in BBC local news report – and still can’t tell whether the spitting took place.
If it didn’t… well, can we look forward to a wasting police time prosecution?
The Mail report headlines seem to suggest it did not – but they don’t like my ad-blocker and so won’t share the news.
Fed : Misreporting of Covid19 on Death Certificates
.. All deaths were real deaths ..sad
.. Some people claim than real Covid19 deaths were registered as pneumonia
For example>>the nephew of this 97yr old got his Uncles Death Certificate. Nephew Stated NO cases of Covid19 in the Nursing Home yet Dr certifies CV19 as cause of death – probably died of old age?
— 100% Lāƈoƞiƈ Ɓēārʑ™ (@LaconicBearz) May 29, 2020
\\ Autopsies often reveal the unexpected – tests and imaging carried out in life can be misleading
(but for Covid autopsies are forbidden)
Normally, two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom has been treating the patient or who knows them and has seen them recently. That has changed. For Covid-19 only, the certification can be made by a single doctor, and there is no requirement for them to have examined, or even met, the patient. A video-link consultation in the four weeks prior to death is now felt to be sufficient for death to be attributed to Covid-19. For deaths in care homes the situation is even more extraordinary. Care home providers, most of whom are not medically trained, may make a statement to the effect that a patient has died of Covid-19.
From 29 March the numbers of ‘Covid deaths’ have included all cases where Covid-19 was simply mentioned on the death certificate — irrespective of positive testing and whether or not it may have been incidental to, or directly responsible for, death. From 29 April the numbers include the care home cases simply considered likely to be Covid-19.
In what proportion of Covid-19 ‘mentions’ was the disease actually present? And in how many cases, if actually present, was Covid-19 responsible for death? Despite what you may have understood from the daily briefings, the shocking truth is that we just don’t know. How many of the excess deaths during the epidemic are due to Covid-19, and how many are due to our societal responses of healthcare reorganisation, lockdown and social distancing? Again, we don’t know. Despite claims that they’re all due to Covid-19, there’s strong evidence that many, perhaps even a majority, are the result of our responses rather than the disease itself.//
Stew – thank you – it adds an anecdote to my view of the medical mafia . They exploit the emotional attachment people attach to them .
Why bother having death certificates except to do the funeral and sort the probate ?
If doctors are applying a cavalier attitude to citing reason for death why have all those graphs? Or get vexed over numbers at all ?
Perhaps the reality of the situation is that in UK the medics sign them all off as covid whilst in other states being used as comparators they are bribed to sign off another cause of death .
Thr coming second peak – which the MSM is so eager to celebrate – with sobbing relatives blaming boris – will be as inaccurate as what has gone before .
Its a shame the whole system of teaching and certifying the medical
Mafia can never be challenged now .
“Why bother having death certificates except to do the funeral and sort the probate ?”
It’s a bit like plod giving you a ‘case number’ when you’ve been mugged, burgled or raped, it’s a meaningless reference, to tick boxes, and do nothing after the event.
A dear, elderly friend was burgled by some bastard pond life recently, and at least the cops did turn up, as well as forensics, but by then, the scum are far away, probably in open hiding.
I have decided to (leak) this letter. ( in public interest )
I originally sent an email to my labour MP complaining about the BBC and MSM bias and coverage over the DC affair.
The reply included this statement
“ I am afraid that I have no doubt that Mr Cummings’s actions have caused a significant shift in many peoples minds about the continued importance of social distancing and preventing the continued spread of this virus.
If that is the case, that would be a great shame, given the huge sacrifices that have already been made, by so many, over many weeks.“
So I replied with another email reminding him of the shenanigans three of his Labour companions had been up to during the lockdown…
Here is the reply from the I Mearns office….
Dear Mr *****
Thanks for your further email to which Ian has asked me to reply.
All breaches of the lockdown by any member of the public or parliament erode the integrity of the regulations. While Ian is not aware of the particular nuances of the three cases you present below, the distinct difference in this instance is the prolonged and sustained apparent breach, followed by the denials from number 10 of a story which turned out to be true, followed by the press conference given by DC which raised more questions than it answered; set against a backdrop of DC as the Prime Ministers most senior advisor, who by his own admission has played an integral part in the creation of the regulations he flouted.
This is significantly different to any of the cases you list below, or any of the cases involving backbench Members of Parliament reported so far.
If the very individuals who create the rules then break them, then lie about it, that is perhaps the most damaging situation in any circumstance.
I trust this clarifies Ian’s position on this matter.
Mubarak Bala, president of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, was arrested last month for ‘blasphemy’ after allegedly insulting the Islamic prophet Muhammad on Facebook.
I see beeb tries to excuse Emily’s behaviour cos it ‘has to hold power to account’.
This is BS, with all due respect. As MSM it has arguably a lot more POWER than government, since it controls what is said to us peasants, and when and how it is said. And we even hve to pay for those morsels.
Who holds beeb to account? Certainly not their bosom buddies, Ofcom!
For those seeking a respite from DC HK
USA COVID – at 2022 londonistan sharia time Saturday – the are going to try and launch a rocket again .
Im sure the UK government will get the blame if it fails – apologies will be demanded -resignations sought – public inquiries – and another reason for our eternal ‘extension ‘ from leaving the orbit of the Death Star otherwise known as the EU….
A growing chorus of ‘told you so’ comments from another growth industry, the expert scientists, warns of the dire effects of too early a release from lockdown.
Of course, as experts, they are there to be believed – why else would their worship be so universally admired? – but perhaps it might be wiser to recognise that these are the same or similar ‘experts’ that drive the climate change agenda. As such they may not crave fortune but they certainly crave fame – there’s little more to gain from devoting a lifetime to bean counting.
‘Writing a paper’ or ‘constructing a thesis’ to become a noted scientist, respected and consulted by their peers is what motivates far more powerfully than cash rewards, and when all the parameters revolve so conveniently around consistently grey areas, what better way to become famous?
I noticed this morning that Nick Robinson of the Today programme got his testicles flattened by one expert (I have no idea who it was, since I only heard snippets of the interview as I was doing other things) who told him time and again that he was not an expert in the field that Mr Robinson was presenting him to be, and couldn’t/wouldn’t answer the (slanted) questions he was being asked.
The interviewee’s final barb was again along the same lines…. i.e. he was not going to answer questions in areas outside of his own expertise, and it behooves others to shut up when they, similarly, are not at all versed in the subjects they are being asked about.
Clearly the BBC is not doing its homework when asking people on to its programmes – and basically allowing people to pontificate as if they were expert….as long as it fitted the BBC mindset.
You could almost feel the heat via the radio – even at 10 paces away – from the beetroot face (rage/embarassment/sheer effrontery ?) of said Nick Robinson at the end of the interview.
It’s the ‘professor’ label that seems to count more than its actual relevance for those at the BBC.
In the same way as a degree course in hairdressing does not essentially confer – or even require – great intelligence, a professorship in media studies is, to their minds, all that is needed to speak with authority on any subject that might suit the agenda. Like virology.
I would apologise for the amount of Bill Still videos that I post on this website, but cannot in good conscience do so. Many, if not most, of my fellow-contributors out there seem to appreciate the daily battle we are engaged in, not merely against the shilling BBC, but a wider alliance of political confidence tricksters and selfish multi-millionaires.
Bill homes in on the problems epitomised by events in Minneapolis, starting at 1:27.
12pm news Scottish expert has an American accent
She’s on I guess cos the BBC is cherrypicking experts who want more lockdown… as part of their Boris Bashing Campaign.
After the BS stats, Guido could do worse than analyse (actual analysis, rather than sticking the word at the end of a BBC personal diatribe masquerading as news) the demographic make up up of local ‘experts’.
If anti current Government narrative, would hazard Galswegian first by a country mile, then Liverpewllian…
She’s (American) Professor Devi Sridhar Edinburgh’s Chair of Public Health
@Guest Who knows about her
cos Sky brought her on : She said some factually incorrect things about Cummings
eg that he’d left his child with his elderly parents
and then said See he must be sacked.
Read her May 24th Guardian piece
“This is not a left-right issue. Instead it is about right and wrong.”
\\ Incredible! Devi Sridhar silently deleted her (wrong )tweet (about Swden), and blocked me after just one answer //
BBC Radio Ulster’s Nuala McKeever was caught on hot mic yesterday shortly before Dominic Cummings’ press conference describing the senior Number 10 aide as “such a dick”. During yesterday’s 3pm news bulletin, McKeever’s microphone repeatedly cut across “I was thinking he was such a *dick* I had written his name down as Richard Cummings”
Last night the BBC told the Belfast Telegraph that McKeever regretted any upset caused:
Late last night inadvertently turned on BBC News24 , Think it was Simon the interviewer ( another Emily) and the so called professor from Sage was saying it was too early to open up the lockdown and he was also working and ” not being paid for it ” , then a question about DC …..of course he’s guilty and must go ….still they go on and on .
The Appalling Bastard Biased Clowns !
So many sensible comments on Trust Pilot , just a pity you’re not able to vote minus 100 for the BBbc
I see that the BBC is again quoting some (now 3 ?) members of the SAGE group as being against the lockdown being lifted as per the UK Government’s policy.
I thought to myself….. that’s a small number of people, but is it at all reflective of the total membership of the SAGE Group ? So I ‘googled’ SAGE Group membership, and what with all the Group, specialist subgroups, etc., there appear to be hundreds of members…
So does the BBC think it is doing a service to the public by continually hyping a very tiny proportion of this vast group as if they were ‘the’ experts on the subject ?
Or is it cherry-picking people who support the same mindset and purpose as the BBC – i.e. get Boris Johnson out of Downing Street ?
Prior to the pandemic, we spent about £100 bn a year on the NHS.
Guess how much the NHS pension scheme cost us?
The answer is an eye-watering £19 bn.
Not that that figure is easy to find. In fact they deliberately make it as hard as possible. The ONS make no reference for instance. The taxpayer cost for all public sector pensions has risen from £40 bn to £60 bn in just 5 years.
I wonder how many of those cheering for our NHS heroes realise how much they are paying through the nose for them.
Let’s hope Rishi Sunak has the b**** to do something about this largesse, given that he now has a hole in his finances as deep as the Marianas trench.
I think that NHS figure was nearer £150 billion. The pension scheme is one thing but there’s also the huge amount set aside for compensation / litigation (e.g. after botched operations) which I think runs into billions.
I think the average pension scheme for local authorities is around 20%, give or take a few quid either way.
So if your poll tax is – say – £2,000 pa, you’re paying a whopping £400 so that some lazy git who’s never produced anything, a load of cash so ‘it’ can then retire at fifty, and get another ‘job’ with another LA, again doing F*** all.
I’d do the same figures with the grossly inflated BBBC wages, but as I have a glass of red in front of me, I may spill it…
Am I Biased when I say that Al Beeb appears to let their News ‘Comments’ run open for as long as it suits them depending on how it favours Al Beeb’s propaganda?
Some end sooner than others with ‘Closed now’.
There was a time, know as the Great BBC Turkey Poot where they would open them during election periods after actual workers had headed off and close them before they got home.
During these periods only those with access and permission to use the internet posted.
I wonder if Twitter might consider that they really couldn’t have chosen more poorly when selecting which of the President’s tweets to flex their muscles over. And how many journalists who criticised him for it will admit he was right all along. (My bet: zero.)
An American teenager has been killed in Detroit as shots were fired into a crowd at a George Floyd protest.
I believe that we are rapidly accelerating towards complete societal and democracy breakdown, which will be the bitter fruits of 50 plus years of liberal policies across the West. Some obvious examples are:
# The minority in a democracy no longer feel bound to accept the vote of the majority.
# Protest , always legitimate in a democracy, now rapidly turns to violence and some influential idiots not only condone it but actually promote it, provided of course it helps them politically. However those same idiots are willing to use any and all state power to suppress any movement or protest that they disagree with.
# Impartiality of the MSM and of social media companies is something long gone and they censor the news they feed to the people on a 24/7 basis, and present outright lies as facts.
#Freedom of speech is a distant memory and only approved thoughts are allowed.
# The law is no longer blind as to who you are. The law first determines if you are a liberal Globalist or someone who opposes it, only then is it decided whether to prosecute and punish or to give you a free pass.
Can democracy survive these accelerating trends or will the liberal Globalists achieve complete unchallengeable hegemony across the West?
Two good tests will be the outcome of the Durham Investigation into the attempted coup in the USand Brexit. Are many tens , if not hundreds , of US politicians and government officials successfully prosecuted and severely punished for their part in the coup? P Does the UK become a sovereign nation again and remain outside the EU for more than a few years?
Double – im not so sure about societal breakdown – i believe loads of people could care less – unless the supermarkets are empty or the benefit payment is late .
We saw how false democracy is during the traitor parliament last year . I think the biggest change is a sizable population not accepting the outcome of elections – going much further than purely being the opposition- and part of that population is the MSM – doubting the legitimacy of election results or turning away from overt fraud when it suits them .
You are right about Free Speech rapidly being replaced with approved views . If POTUS doesnt get a second term we will see further control of the web and sites like this .
Rohingya refugee crisis: ‘The bodies were thrown out of the boat’
Interesting practice.
Have the BBC gone near rumours of this reaching shores of safe havens closer to home?
Or are they avoiding it as that would drop the French right in a Manche load of odure, give the Navy all the excuse it needs and kill the practice of importing folk of dubious national value as dead as their aunties.
Yes, I know a lot of the hoo-ha over Mr Cummings movements was deliberately whipped up by a biased political-media complex still sadly miffed about Brexit.
But can I suggest there’s also a subtle sub-text here.
All these impassioned declarations that this one man’s supposed breaking of lockdown rules made fools of those dutifully obeying seem to betray a degree of regret that many took the lockdown too seriously.
Is there a hint that those self-imprisoning themselves with the fervour of the newly converted do feel a little stupid now and rather than admit to their foolishness it is far more comforting to project blame elsewhere? Just a thought.
And now people begin to wake up to the fact that it is relatively safe to venture out what better way to justify their awakening from delusion than to say we can do it now becasue Dom did it first. No need for self-reflection.
I’d like to suggest that Mr Cummings knew exactly what he was doing; poking sharp sticks at the lefties, taking no notice of the awful BBC, and generally making a lot of light entertainment for normal people, while pissing off Momentum, the Guardian, and just about every hod-carrier in W1AA!
Boris could,nt really give a damn either, and there’s only so much that the public takes from non-‘stories’, especially from the BBC, who, ‘sources say,’ and also ‘other reporters say’, just make up fake news by the hour!
What a shower of s*** they are up there – unbelievably bad at their non-jobs!
(Have FI, Maitless and co gone yet? Wouldn’t miss them, but I’d rather my pension went to someone honest and reliable).
There are likely scores of scrotty online rags mysteriously funded to provided the bbc with #1degreeofseparation propaganda to pass on in all innocence.
One such is The Week. And here is a gem to bring tears to the eye of the guardian of the bbc EdGuds:
Boris Johnson has resisted calls from MPs, the media and the public to dismiss Dominic Cummings, despite police concluding that his senior adviser probably broke the law.
They appear to be relying on the faithful only reading their headline, as the comments… oh… the comments…
Thanks Ian-I didn’t know. But it is beginning to answer a few
questions. The BBC’S blind support for the WHO. And
being careful not to mention too
vehemently where
the virus originated from. They wont want to upset
one of their pay masters.
Whats near to 40,000 deaths in the UK BBC or more than 100,000 in the USA or 350,000 worldwide, when you can
attack Dominic Cummings and blame him for everything.
I have as yet not seen anything in the BBC and other left wing scum press about the Civil Servant who left a derogatory comment on the Government web site, I wonder why? have they not been sacked, probably promoted!
Throwing a strop after she was rightly called out for editorializing instead of reporting, interviewing and leaving the opinion to the guests on Newsnight. She appears still not to understand why people are offended. If she wants to be a SJW or do op-eds, she should join the Guardian or New Statesman, where she would be very much at home, BUT IT JUST WON’T DO ON THE (supposedly unbiased) BBC.
I have heard that her husband is very wealthy. The pair of them have a lifestyle far beyond 99% of us. that arrogance she shows is part of it. Money and power.
She would never give 99% of us the time of day.
They were affronted when Brexit happened .
Ms Maitlissss does deserve more from the BBC – she deserves to be DG – she ll get a complementary peerage and be able to spout off however she pleases .
However – becoming DG might be a fall in pay if she has to give up all those speaking engagements she gets £20 + K for .
I want her as DG because any pretence of the BBC being ‘Unbiased ‘ would be blown clear away – otherwise we ll have to wait til ms ssarpong gets the gig as the first female /coloured – coloured / female DG .
Have they started a petition yet ? I think we should start one .
Some people think that Purnell is getting the ‘job’.
‘Sideburns’ ticks all the leftie boxes, ex Labour stooge, is well-rich on our taxes, and probably a shoo-in at some stage.
By then, I’d suggest that nobody will ever believe a word they say, in W1AA and when the next GE starts rolling, Sucker Starms will be way down in the polls as well, so it’s popcorn all over again!
(Looks at calendar, realises that Scrobs will be seventy-seven, so hopefully with most marbles, but not actually, physically, – er – considering starting another family, or putting on a three-hour epic film from the sixties, or perhaps buying green bananas…:0)
R4 now Any Answers are on
It opens of course with pushing
“all the MPs are getting thousands of letters saying that Cummings should go”
and the first caller says that
..second caller diasgrees
and then the crazy bullying tweeters start
There's more gammon on Any Answers #bbcaq than in the local butchers'. BBC still needs to get better at putting opposing views in their context: it's not balance to say you've had thousands of emails against something, but give equal airtime to a couple of people who disagree.
This reeks of BBC ‘false balance’ BS.
Every poll shows the general public to be overwhelming opposed to what Dominic Cummings did.
Yet here we are with the Beeb pre-selecting a ‘one for / one against’ neutral-at-all-costs set of opinions.
Not good enough.
How would you know what is in MPs mailboxes unless you were involved in writing most of the letters ?
#bbcaq Callers to Any Answers so far seem peculiarly unrepresentative of either Mps mailbags or polling on #DominicCummings.
Wonder whether they represent an accurate proportion of @BBCRadio4 #bbcaq callers.
Anita: “The first ten milli-seconds of this programme will be given over to listening to a typical ‘lock Cummings up’ caller, the rest will be a period of silence representing the opinion of the population at large”.
It’s rather sweet she thinks they might once have been of value.
“If you're thinking of inviting a 70-year-old overweight man, I would consider having quite a detailed conversation about the risks they were prepared to accept.” The BBC has gone completely, obscenely, stark raving mad.
Media commentator Tim Luckhurst: "The BBC needs to remind the Newsnight team they are Guardian readers speaking to an electorate who don't all read the Guardian, and they should never forget it".@iromg |
Surely the essence of the Newsnight team et al is that they believe that the electorate really SHOULD read the Guardian, and having crossed that great divide the whole world becomes a better place. Simples.
I thought that, after 10 days of ranting on about DC on beeb, we were finally moving on. Silly me. bbc provided the perfect opportunity for more ranting when they invited Lammy on to ‘Any Qustions?’
Now I’m thinking: this is never going to end. Boring beeb are going to drone on and on, and this insignificant little event will continue getting hyped up by beeb, cos there is nothing else for them to drone on about.
You gotta think of the mentality of the propagandist, who has adopted this as his/her high-water mark. Was it Stalin who said something about repeating a lie, over and over again, to change it into truth? Clearly, we haven’t heard the last of this from beeb. Their little (very small) minds have latched onto what they think is a BIG propaganda coup. And they shall drone on and on….Define ‘petty’ in one word: Beeb.
After all, the licence fee payer is coughing up for this garbage, as per usual. So why not take the public for a ride? (again!)
Fake – they are desperate – desperate to keep it running until parliament ‘returns ‘ – I don’t know if they are really turning up but we can expect the whole ritualised outrage and indignation .
There’s a bit of me that’s looking forward to it – some of them are really good at it – like mrs Balls and others are not so good – like the angie Rayner and her flat mate – the brummie mouthy one.
I’m thinking that another conservative junior minister will do their resigning act to get their 15 minutes of studio tours ….
Better to have that as a distraction rather than Hong Kong – which the UK can’t do much about apart from doshing out passports ……
Fed – You are quite right, one can learn from them: had I still been at school, I might have been tempted, learning from beeb, handing the same essay in again and again, all that needs practice is keeping a straight face…and -if necessary-shrugging, shrugging, shrugging. Wot, me? Surely my essay is great enough to repeat endlessly?
Oh yes, and I should have asked the school for payment for that!
I can’t even remember the name of the Scottish one that resigned…and I am interested in these things 🙂
As an aside, as far as I can see at the moment people are just starting to get back to normal and playing at the social distancing – the number of family get together’s around here in the gardens would cause apoplexy at the BBC
I’m wondering if the Scottish Tory will cross the floor when parliament returns in some theatrical way …
I’m also guessing some Sunday paper will have a story about some Tory MP breaching something or other……..
I think only the bubble cares ….. I’m sure people are more concerned about then the furlough and state payments are going to be cut …..
I’m confused – the express online front page has two stories about BBC droids – the first is “Monty donn – I think I’m dying “ and the other is “Sophie Rayworth – I thought I was dying “
Naturally I didn’t look beyond the headline because I was too busy looking for stories condemning Dominic Cummings – it didn’t take me long ….
National Education Union @NEUnion
“Four senior Government scientific advisers have just broken rank and spoken out about their concerns over school opening on 1 June.”
Bad experience engaging with that union tweet
by quietly raising the issue, that with schools being closed more child abuse is happening at home.
– half were Guardian 2+2=5 thinkers
and the other half were the lefty-human-zombie Twitter army
keen to turn everything into hating Tories
Apparently child abuse is only caused by Tory cuts, not actual perps.
..ughh !
Just a quick one. Does anybody know or can anyone direct me to information on the events leading up to the circumstances where the police officer in Miniapolis decided to kneel on the deceased neck? Or, are we to believe that the officer grabbed the deceased at random and carried out the assault for no reason?
Wikipedia is a start Events
– He’d been clean for 5 years
working as a security guard, but laid off cos of Covid
.. Claim he tried to pass a forged $20 bill
Shortly after 8:00 p.m. on May 25, Memorial Day, Minneapolis Police Department officers responded to a “forgery in progress”
According to WCCO, the implication was that Floyd “tried to use forged documents at a nearby deli”.
According to a co-owner of Cup Foods, Floyd attempted to use a $20 bill that a staff member identified as counterfeit.[40] According to police, Floyd was in a nearby car and “appeared to be under the influence”.
A spokesman for the police department said the officers ordered him to exit the vehicle, at which point he “physically resisted”.
According to the Minneapolis police, officers “were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress”, and called for an ambulance.
Stats watch, Piers Morgan tweeted
“It’s official*, and it’s horrifying
– UK now has the highest reported excess death rate in the world. @FT”
* It’s NOT official , it’s a newspaper claim
The UK’s OFFICIAL death stats are not out for up to May 27th
as there is always a 2 week collection delay.
#1 It’s different from/with Covid deaths
in which we have a much lower rate than Belgium.
This stat includes ALL extra deaths above the average so includes
many deaths caused by lockdown effects
.. like delayed cancer diagnosis and treatment
#2 Most countries don’t have accurate death certificate stats to May 27
They may be weeks delayed
#3 San Marino is missing from the FT’s list
#4 Deaths the UK gains this year
are reflected in lower deaths next year
cos you can’t die twice.
But raw deaths is a BS metric
cos it equates someone with an expected 70 more years with someone on their last phase of cancer
Life Years lost QALYs is the proper metric
Mr Morgan has descended so far into the land of his own ego that that egotistical doesn’t scratch the surface as a definition of his egotism…and he is bloody boring now….even POTUS won’t talk to him 🙂
Earlier the BLM-BBC ran with the biased headline ‘Clashes as protestors demand justice’, thereby implicitly condoning the looting and violence as a quest for justice.
Only problem being the police involved had already been sacked, and one of them charged with murder.
A more honest headline might have been: Mobs run amok in a senseless orgy of looting, arson and violence, as usual.
Now wait for the msm and the beeb to politicise and weaponise the whole affair against Trump.
I also see something about “cant”. Is that not related to hypocrisy? Will have to look it up…
Ah yes, hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, it says.
I would be reluctant to carry a label describing myself thus.
van Tham says the rules apply to everyone, so the two beeb wimmin go into ectstasy, thinking they’ve now nailed DC. This little long-past issue still gets beeb so excited…
And, are they not, as ever, so boringly predictable, you wonder why you bother watching beeb at all? Will they still be running with this at Christmas?
The main sport on show is beeb hunting DC -fruitessly. For the rest, the beeb cupboard is bare.
The word ‘robotic’ comes to mind.
“In my opinion the rules are clear and they have always been clear. In my opinion, they are for the benefit of all and in my opinion they apply to all.”
This is interpreted by the usual suspects as Van Tam definitely saying that DC broke the rules. As far as I can see he was just saying the rules are clear and apply to everyone.
Just had the Covid daily briefing, great news about sport, death rate getting lower but what does the BBC newsreader go for after briefing…. Cummings, ffs…
Most of those with even the most tenuous grasp of the word significant will be blissfully unaware of the fact the Independent, HuffPost and other such sources of vital news items are splashing Ian Hislop’s Hamlet-like soliloquy in last night’s HIGNIFY on the theme of Dominic Cummings.
It was, we are assured, of mind-blowing merit in it’s message and on a par with The Sermon on the Mount or similar deliveries regarded as of great benefit to humanity.
Me? I’ve not watched the biased crap for a decade – in fact I gave up buying PE after the Goldenballs Fiasco.
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A Psychiatrist writes.
Cummings Derangement Syndrome, or CDS, is spread from the virus known as BBC. The transmission of inaccuracies through the BBC and some other sources cannot be countered by administering facts to the sufferers.
Contagion can come about simply by meeting fellow sufferers. For example, middle class people shopping for their Guardian at Waitrose exhibit strong symptoms. A two meter distance is advised on coming across anyone who exhibits symptoms of CDS else contamination can result. People may not realise they are infected, nor exhibit tell tale indicators such as widening eyes and cheeks shaking with disbelief when BBC transmissions are countered. This can lead to emotional rants in TV studios akin to Tourette’s syndrome.
At present there is no known cure for CDS, though a period of self isolation from BBC transmissions and fellow sufferers can lead to the semblance of normal life. If certain triggers, such as Boris, Trump and Brexit are avoided then sufferers can become less agitated and appear quite reasonable.
Excellent, SS!
Like some symptoms of another virus, the ‘Toenails’ turn red too…
DACS – Deranged About Cummings Syndrome
DATS – Deranged About Trump Syndrome
DABS – Deranged About Boris Syndrome
All in the same boat (although for many of us in the post-lockdown economy it’s looking like a rickety overloaded inflatable)
The BBC are keen to cover the stories of the recent redundancies at Debenhams department stores.
Of course there’s little space for an explanation of the significant changes to shopping habits, away from the high street to on-line retail, so rapidly exacerbated by the lockdown. Or the prospect of quasi-superstitious social distancing regulations even as we come out of lockdown that will clearly be the death knell to not just the struggling Debenhams in-store cafes but to many many other marginal businesses.
Instead we get a report from well within the BBC’s comfort zone – plenty of BBC platform for complaints about the meaness of the capitalists.
“I don’t fall under the redundancy category to claim any money,” she said. “I have a young family to feed, mortgage to pay, it’s totally unexpected”
“The government announced they’d pay furlough to October. I don’t understand why they couldn’t keep us on furlough until we found a job.”
“It’s pretty dire. But I’ve seen news about protests in Ireland about the lack of a redundancy package, so maybe we’ll see something similar in the UK.”
[I’m sure the BBC will do what it can to stir the pot]
But here’s a comment that is a little more interesting than the usual…
“In this present climate there’s going to be a lot of people looking for jobs, we’re all in the same boat.”
Hmmmm…. interesting use of an idiom there, considering the accelerating numbers of migrants arriving this summer and into the welcoming arms of the Border Farce clambering aboad the fully laden SS Great Britain.
The BBC’s mantra is something like this : the more people in the potential workforce the better – always and forever, with no limits.
Seems just like Gordon Brown’s legendary bigoted woman the ordinary non-elite metropolitan plebs – such as those formerly employed in a store cafe – they still haven’t got themselves drunk on that cool aid.
Al Beeb only covers news stories that it wants to cover or has to cover.
As Nick, Katty, etc, RT every selective race baiter in US media, you have to wonder who sets the editorial style that leaves in what suits (propaganda) and leaves out what does not (censorship).
How long before BS gets a high paid gig in Washington for BBC America, and her own parking slot next to the Fiat 500 in HRW short stay?
Babble damages your health.
So turn off the Babble Brainwashing Corporation News
The more Babble you watch
… the more DISINFORMED you are.
Stew : you are quite right, on the other hand -as long as you or anyone else are being forced to pay for the service, you need to monitor them, and call them out for their transgressions. I do not for one minute believe any of their narratives, but I keep an eye open to see what campaigns, exaggerations and fabrications they are currently engaged in.
For example, the ten-day Cummings faux outrage campaign seems to be dying down, having been exploited to the max.,as the next attractive thing comes along: Minneapolis, so -having maximally exploited the Durham story, and seeing another favourite theme drift into view, they can now move on.
A trip to Minneapolis is called for. No condemnation or even negative comment on the burning and looting from beeb; the strategy is to just report, making sure that the ’cause’ of it this always highlighted. The inference is that ‘a’ must cause’b’, it’s only natural, and therefore, kinda justified, they will imply.
Unlike the endless opinion rampage that marked the Cummings issue, the strategy now moves to one of reporting only – but in such a way that the viewer is guided to conclusion without beeb comment. What we can expect is beeb looking for historic similarities, to show that ‘white’ police brutality against ‘unarmed’ black people is a regular occurence.
The employment of a range of reporting styles is actually quite interesting.You have to watch the enemy. Need I say more?
The bBC is part of the global ‘blob’ and provides a useful diversion from those who are arguably more dangerous e.g. civil servants. The blob + the mob are aligned against normal people.
Tucker gives an American example, but we have our own.
“Our leaders have sided with the agents of chaos.”
Likewise the beeb are extremely sympathetic to the violent savages – sorry, ‘demonstrators’.
No surprise half of the BBC is headed there with a can of 4* and Paul Mason’s Molotov Manual.
But quite why every obscure Labour MP is directing their constituents at petitions about legal matters in the USA is beyond me.
Was not the last police murder at the hands of an officer of hue, and the bunch responsible here now on the sharp end of due process?
Are the BBC and MSM there trying to gift their defence lawyers an acquittal to see all urban USA burn like Atlanta?
Quite frankly Katty, folk should give a damn.
BBC News
Experts in England have said lifting restrictions is “risky”, Covid-19 is “spreading too fast” and they want a fully working test and trace system first.
Ran these ‘Quotes’ by the dogs for actual value as reporting, and they licked their balls. Must check with some English dog experts as to what that “might” signify.
Not the ‘lab report’ and ‘cat scan’ joke?
Deer, deer. But a mouse click away.
Remember the lady underground worker who died of covid, whose family said she was spat at whilst at work?
This story always smelt fishy, the apparent culprit will not be brought to trial.
Coronavirus: Death of Belly Mujinga ‘not linked to spit attack’
Now if you spat in a public workers face would this not be assault and would not plod prosecute, particularly if you add in to the mix a “hate” crime?
Well according to The Mails report, Police say there is no evidence that the spitting incident took place. The Mail are though equally guilty as the Beeb of a misleading headline.
Passenger who spat at train ticket inspector before she died of coronavirus will NOT face charges ‘because his COVID-19 antibody test was NEGATIVE’
Spit the difference
At the time of the initial reports – screaming national BBC headlines – I was happy to express sympathy but suspected the ground being laid for a big compo claim. Big emphasis was placed on the woman’s employer not investigating her accusations.
I now read the present – tucked away in BBC local news report – and still can’t tell whether the spitting took place.
If it didn’t… well, can we look forward to a wasting police time prosecution?
The Mail report headlines seem to suggest it did not – but they don’t like my ad-blocker and so won’t share the news.
ED see my post from 9:36pm yesterday one page back
In fact Eddy was typing faster 9:14 pm
Thanks Stew good post, hadnt seen it.
Guardian ‘Labour activists bombard MPs with tens of thousands of emails over Dominic Cummings’
not the exact words the Guardian used
Fed : Misreporting of Covid19 on Death Certificates
.. All deaths were real deaths ..sad
.. Some people claim than real Covid19 deaths were registered as pneumonia
Pathologist writes in Speccie
\\ Autopsies often reveal the unexpected – tests and imaging carried out in life can be misleading
(but for Covid autopsies are forbidden)
Normally, two doctors are needed to certify a death, one of whom has been treating the patient or who knows them and has seen them recently. That has changed. For Covid-19 only, the certification can be made by a single doctor, and there is no requirement for them to have examined, or even met, the patient. A video-link consultation in the four weeks prior to death is now felt to be sufficient for death to be attributed to Covid-19. For deaths in care homes the situation is even more extraordinary. Care home providers, most of whom are not medically trained, may make a statement to the effect that a patient has died of Covid-19.
From 29 March the numbers of ‘Covid deaths’ have included all cases where Covid-19 was simply mentioned on the death certificate — irrespective of positive testing and whether or not it may have been incidental to, or directly responsible for, death. From 29 April the numbers include the care home cases simply considered likely to be Covid-19.
In what proportion of Covid-19 ‘mentions’ was the disease actually present? And in how many cases, if actually present, was Covid-19 responsible for death? Despite what you may have understood from the daily briefings, the shocking truth is that we just don’t know. How many of the excess deaths during the epidemic are due to Covid-19, and how many are due to our societal responses of healthcare reorganisation, lockdown and social distancing? Again, we don’t know. Despite claims that they’re all due to Covid-19, there’s strong evidence that many, perhaps even a majority, are the result of our responses rather than the disease itself.//
I hate to say ‘I told you so’, Stew, but I told you so. 🙂
Stew – thank you – it adds an anecdote to my view of the medical mafia . They exploit the emotional attachment people attach to them .
Why bother having death certificates except to do the funeral and sort the probate ?
If doctors are applying a cavalier attitude to citing reason for death why have all those graphs? Or get vexed over numbers at all ?
Perhaps the reality of the situation is that in UK the medics sign them all off as covid whilst in other states being used as comparators they are bribed to sign off another cause of death .
Thr coming second peak – which the MSM is so eager to celebrate – with sobbing relatives blaming boris – will be as inaccurate as what has gone before .
Its a shame the whole system of teaching and certifying the medical
Mafia can never be challenged now .
“Why bother having death certificates except to do the funeral and sort the probate ?”
It’s a bit like plod giving you a ‘case number’ when you’ve been mugged, burgled or raped, it’s a meaningless reference, to tick boxes, and do nothing after the event.
A dear, elderly friend was burgled by some bastard pond life recently, and at least the cops did turn up, as well as forensics, but by then, the scum are far away, probably in open hiding.
Job done, nothing to see here…
NHS managers do the same sort of hideaway tack.
Footage has emerged of mostly muslim migrants going wild in Berlin over the New Year. I don’t recall the beeb covering this. Boys will be boys, eh?
Interesting they observe others’ holidays when it suits.
Albeit as uniquely as an MSM riot ‘report’.
The BBBC didn’t do anything about Whitsun here.
Absolutely nothing!
How about a slow hand-clap for the BBC, just as they start their ‘news’ at 6.00pm?
Very slow, and very loud please…
I have decided to (leak) this letter. ( in public interest )
I originally sent an email to my labour MP complaining about the BBC and MSM bias and coverage over the DC affair.
The reply included this statement
“ I am afraid that I have no doubt that Mr Cummings’s actions have caused a significant shift in many peoples minds about the continued importance of social distancing and preventing the continued spread of this virus.
If that is the case, that would be a great shame, given the huge sacrifices that have already been made, by so many, over many weeks.“
So I replied with another email reminding him of the shenanigans three of his Labour companions had been up to during the lockdown…
Here is the reply from the I Mearns office….
Dear Mr *****
Thanks for your further email to which Ian has asked me to reply.
All breaches of the lockdown by any member of the public or parliament erode the integrity of the regulations. While Ian is not aware of the particular nuances of the three cases you present below, the distinct difference in this instance is the prolonged and sustained apparent breach, followed by the denials from number 10 of a story which turned out to be true, followed by the press conference given by DC which raised more questions than it answered; set against a backdrop of DC as the Prime Ministers most senior advisor, who by his own admission has played an integral part in the creation of the regulations he flouted.
This is significantly different to any of the cases you list below, or any of the cases involving backbench Members of Parliament reported so far.
If the very individuals who create the rules then break them, then lie about it, that is perhaps the most damaging situation in any circumstance.
I trust this clarifies Ian’s position on this matter.
Best wishes,
Office of Ian Mearns MP
Thanks davylars.
A good example of how the ‘useful idiots’ all just parrot each other.
Is Ian Mearns, without the protection of parlimentary privilege as it is in a letter and outside ‘the house’, saying Cummins is a liar?
Trump is the bad man.
Mubarak Bala, president of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, was arrested last month for ‘blasphemy’ after allegedly insulting the Islamic prophet Muhammad on Facebook.
‘Mubarak’ …meaning ‘blessed’.
I see beeb tries to excuse Emily’s behaviour cos it ‘has to hold power to account’.
This is BS, with all due respect. As MSM it has arguably a lot more POWER than government, since it controls what is said to us peasants, and when and how it is said. And we even hve to pay for those morsels.
Who holds beeb to account? Certainly not their bosom buddies, Ofcom!
The powers the BBC holds to account are highly selective.
And never inward. They are even a nonessential state servant exempted from FOIs more than actual security services.
I note the BBC House Magazine (a.k.a. The Grauniad) has a front cover top-line about MPs being deluded over Dominic Cummings.
Well, I think that is what it said.
For those seeking a respite from DC HK
USA COVID – at 2022 londonistan sharia time Saturday – the are going to try and launch a rocket again .
Im sure the UK government will get the blame if it fails – apologies will be demanded -resignations sought – public inquiries – and another reason for our eternal ‘extension ‘ from leaving the orbit of the Death Star otherwise known as the EU….
A growing chorus of ‘told you so’ comments from another growth industry, the expert scientists, warns of the dire effects of too early a release from lockdown.
Of course, as experts, they are there to be believed – why else would their worship be so universally admired? – but perhaps it might be wiser to recognise that these are the same or similar ‘experts’ that drive the climate change agenda. As such they may not crave fortune but they certainly crave fame – there’s little more to gain from devoting a lifetime to bean counting.
‘Writing a paper’ or ‘constructing a thesis’ to become a noted scientist, respected and consulted by their peers is what motivates far more powerfully than cash rewards, and when all the parameters revolve so conveniently around consistently grey areas, what better way to become famous?
I noticed this morning that Nick Robinson of the Today programme got his testicles flattened by one expert (I have no idea who it was, since I only heard snippets of the interview as I was doing other things) who told him time and again that he was not an expert in the field that Mr Robinson was presenting him to be, and couldn’t/wouldn’t answer the (slanted) questions he was being asked.
The interviewee’s final barb was again along the same lines…. i.e. he was not going to answer questions in areas outside of his own expertise, and it behooves others to shut up when they, similarly, are not at all versed in the subjects they are being asked about.
Clearly the BBC is not doing its homework when asking people on to its programmes – and basically allowing people to pontificate as if they were expert….as long as it fitted the BBC mindset.
You could almost feel the heat via the radio – even at 10 paces away – from the beetroot face (rage/embarassment/sheer effrontery ?) of said Nick Robinson at the end of the interview.
But will that change things at the BBC ?
That was Professor Spiegelhalter. Great name for a boffin. I think it means “mirror frame” rather than “Strangelove”.
It’s the ‘professor’ label that seems to count more than its actual relevance for those at the BBC.
In the same way as a degree course in hairdressing does not essentially confer – or even require – great intelligence, a professorship in media studies is, to their minds, all that is needed to speak with authority on any subject that might suit the agenda. Like virology.
I would apologise for the amount of Bill Still videos that I post on this website, but cannot in good conscience do so. Many, if not most, of my fellow-contributors out there seem to appreciate the daily battle we are engaged in, not merely against the shilling BBC, but a wider alliance of political confidence tricksters and selfish multi-millionaires.
Bill homes in on the problems epitomised by events in Minneapolis, starting at 1:27.
Morning all.
Contributors find bias examples from all sorts of sources but is this a first?
In the Times today, the ‘Birthdays tomorrow’ column.
June Sarpong, the ‘Director of Creative Diversity’ at the BBC, will be 43.
Does anyone have the foggiest clue what she actually does, apart from earn a huge six figure salary paid for by a compulsory tax on watching TV?
My hunch is that the job entails ensuring massive under-representation of white anglo saxon males in BBC programmes.
And biggin’ up dem bruvs/bros an ‘ho’s.
Apologies for the poor ‘Uncle Remus’ Brer Rabbit impersonation.
Now I have nothing against Ms Sapong but is it my imagination that you cannot be white to have these positions?
Whilst her remuneration for 3 days a week is not yet reported I was amazed to see just how much most of their’ TV facing people earn
So many earn more than Boris..for doing what exactly..don’t tell me it is down to quality/ ability….
Why are they paid so much for so little?
Keunsberg and Sopel 250K..Huw Edwards 490K, Marr 390K
And who says the bbc don’t do comedy
Funniest thing since Dave Allen
12pm news Scottish expert has an American accent
She’s on I guess cos the BBC is cherrypicking experts who want more lockdown… as part of their Boris Bashing Campaign.
After the BS stats, Guido could do worse than analyse (actual analysis, rather than sticking the word at the end of a BBC personal diatribe masquerading as news) the demographic make up up of local ‘experts’.
If anti current Government narrative, would hazard Galswegian first by a country mile, then Liverpewllian…
GuestWho “Guido” is that a typo for “BBC” ?
She’s (American) Professor Devi Sridhar Edinburgh’s Chair of Public Health
@Guest Who knows about her
cos Sky brought her on : She said some factually incorrect things about Cummings
eg that he’d left his child with his elderly parents
and then said See he must be sacked.
Read her May 24th Guardian piece
“This is not a left-right issue. Instead it is about right and wrong.”
\\ Incredible! Devi Sridhar silently deleted her (wrong )tweet (about Swden), and blocked me after just one answer //
Anti-Tory first
Health adviser second
The BBC simply have no concept of what people think of them anymore… It never ever ends..
BBC Radio Ulster’s Nuala McKeever was caught on hot mic yesterday shortly before Dominic Cummings’ press conference describing the senior Number 10 aide as “such a dick”. During yesterday’s 3pm news bulletin, McKeever’s microphone repeatedly cut across
“I was thinking he was such a *dick* I had written his name down as Richard Cummings”
Last night the BBC told the Belfast Telegraph that McKeever regretted any upset caused:
Late last night inadvertently turned on BBC News24 , Think it was Simon the interviewer ( another Emily) and the so called professor from Sage was saying it was too early to open up the lockdown and he was also working and ” not being paid for it ” , then a question about DC …..of course he’s guilty and must go ….still they go on and on .
The Appalling Bastard Biased Clowns !
So many sensible comments on Trust Pilot , just a pity you’re not able to vote minus 100 for the BBbc
I see that the BBC is again quoting some (now 3 ?) members of the SAGE group as being against the lockdown being lifted as per the UK Government’s policy.
I thought to myself….. that’s a small number of people, but is it at all reflective of the total membership of the SAGE Group ? So I ‘googled’ SAGE Group membership, and what with all the Group, specialist subgroups, etc., there appear to be hundreds of members…
So does the BBC think it is doing a service to the public by continually hyping a very tiny proportion of this vast group as if they were ‘the’ experts on the subject ?
Or is it cherry-picking people who support the same mindset and purpose as the BBC – i.e. get Boris Johnson out of Downing Street ?
Just asking.
Prior to the pandemic, we spent about £100 bn a year on the NHS.
Guess how much the NHS pension scheme cost us?
The answer is an eye-watering £19 bn.
Not that that figure is easy to find. In fact they deliberately make it as hard as possible. The ONS make no reference for instance. The taxpayer cost for all public sector pensions has risen from £40 bn to £60 bn in just 5 years.
I wonder how many of those cheering for our NHS heroes realise how much they are paying through the nose for them.
Let’s hope Rishi Sunak has the b**** to do something about this largesse, given that he now has a hole in his finances as deep as the Marianas trench.
I think that NHS figure was nearer £150 billion. The pension scheme is one thing but there’s also the huge amount set aside for compensation / litigation (e.g. after botched operations) which I think runs into billions.
I think the average pension scheme for local authorities is around 20%, give or take a few quid either way.
So if your poll tax is – say – £2,000 pa, you’re paying a whopping £400 so that some lazy git who’s never produced anything, a load of cash so ‘it’ can then retire at fifty, and get another ‘job’ with another LA, again doing F*** all.
I’d do the same figures with the grossly inflated BBBC wages, but as I have a glass of red in front of me, I may spill it…
Am I Biased when I say that Al Beeb appears to let their News ‘Comments’ run open for as long as it suits them depending on how it favours Al Beeb’s propaganda?
Some end sooner than others with ‘Closed now’.
There was a time, know as the Great BBC Turkey Poot where they would open them during election periods after actual workers had headed off and close them before they got home.
During these periods only those with access and permission to use the internet posted.
Mostly from Central London and Manchester.
I wonder if Twitter might consider that they really couldn’t have chosen more poorly when selecting which of the President’s tweets to flex their muscles over. And how many journalists who criticised him for it will admit he was right all along. (My bet: zero.)
I see LBC opted for ‘protests’ to accompany arson imagery.
Paul Mason there with his fire extinguisher on the roof?
I believe that we are rapidly accelerating towards complete societal and democracy breakdown, which will be the bitter fruits of 50 plus years of liberal policies across the West. Some obvious examples are:
# The minority in a democracy no longer feel bound to accept the vote of the majority.
# Protest , always legitimate in a democracy, now rapidly turns to violence and some influential idiots not only condone it but actually promote it, provided of course it helps them politically. However those same idiots are willing to use any and all state power to suppress any movement or protest that they disagree with.
# Impartiality of the MSM and of social media companies is something long gone and they censor the news they feed to the people on a 24/7 basis, and present outright lies as facts.
#Freedom of speech is a distant memory and only approved thoughts are allowed.
# The law is no longer blind as to who you are. The law first determines if you are a liberal Globalist or someone who opposes it, only then is it decided whether to prosecute and punish or to give you a free pass.
Can democracy survive these accelerating trends or will the liberal Globalists achieve complete unchallengeable hegemony across the West?
Two good tests will be the outcome of the Durham Investigation into the attempted coup in the USand Brexit. Are many tens , if not hundreds , of US politicians and government officials successfully prosecuted and severely punished for their part in the coup? P Does the UK become a sovereign nation again and remain outside the EU for more than a few years?
Double – im not so sure about societal breakdown – i believe loads of people could care less – unless the supermarkets are empty or the benefit payment is late .
We saw how false democracy is during the traitor parliament last year . I think the biggest change is a sizable population not accepting the outcome of elections – going much further than purely being the opposition- and part of that population is the MSM – doubting the legitimacy of election results or turning away from overt fraud when it suits them .
You are right about Free Speech rapidly being replaced with approved views . If POTUS doesnt get a second term we will see further control of the web and sites like this .
Rohingya refugee crisis: ‘The bodies were thrown out of the boat’
Interesting practice.
Have the BBC gone near rumours of this reaching shores of safe havens closer to home?
Or are they avoiding it as that would drop the French right in a Manche load of odure, give the Navy all the excuse it needs and kill the practice of importing folk of dubious national value as dead as their aunties.
Nige… commence votre moteurs!
Pour les enfants.
Yes, I know a lot of the hoo-ha over Mr Cummings movements was deliberately whipped up by a biased political-media complex still sadly miffed about Brexit.
But can I suggest there’s also a subtle sub-text here.
All these impassioned declarations that this one man’s supposed breaking of lockdown rules made fools of those dutifully obeying seem to betray a degree of regret that many took the lockdown too seriously.
Is there a hint that those self-imprisoning themselves with the fervour of the newly converted do feel a little stupid now and rather than admit to their foolishness it is far more comforting to project blame elsewhere? Just a thought.
And now people begin to wake up to the fact that it is relatively safe to venture out what better way to justify their awakening from delusion than to say we can do it now becasue Dom did it first. No need for self-reflection.
I’d like to suggest that Mr Cummings knew exactly what he was doing; poking sharp sticks at the lefties, taking no notice of the awful BBC, and generally making a lot of light entertainment for normal people, while pissing off Momentum, the Guardian, and just about every hod-carrier in W1AA!
Boris could,nt really give a damn either, and there’s only so much that the public takes from non-‘stories’, especially from the BBC, who, ‘sources say,’ and also ‘other reporters say’, just make up fake news by the hour!
What a shower of s*** they are up there – unbelievably bad at their non-jobs!
(Have FI, Maitless and co gone yet? Wouldn’t miss them, but I’d rather my pension went to someone honest and reliable).
There are likely scores of scrotty online rags mysteriously funded to provided the bbc with #1degreeofseparation propaganda to pass on in all innocence.
One such is The Week. And here is a gem to bring tears to the eye of the guardian of the bbc EdGuds:
Boris Johnson has resisted calls from MPs, the media and the public to dismiss Dominic Cummings, despite police concluding that his senior adviser probably broke the law.
They appear to be relying on the faithful only reading their headline, as the comments… oh… the comments…
from last week : ChangeUK Party, AnnaSoubry’s dog ate their financial records.
Someone for data protection purposes deleted old email accounts.
And didn’t realise that important financial documents were in them.
Same level of financial responsibility as the EU then.
Actually what the auditors say is WORSE than that

large size screenshot
Full page screenshot
and Soubry and her mates can take the remaining £91K for themselves !
Does anybody know if the BBC is funded by China as well as us?
I’m guessing that is some sort of rhetorical question as the answer is ‘yes’, parts of the BBC have indeed received funding from Red China. In fact, they even admit it themselves. Here’s a few examples:
Thanks Ian-I didn’t know. But it is beginning to answer a few
questions. The BBC’S blind support for the WHO. And
being careful not to mention too
vehemently where
the virus originated from. They wont want to upset
one of their pay masters.
Whats near to 40,000 deaths in the UK BBC or more than 100,000 in the USA or 350,000 worldwide, when you can
attack Dominic Cummings and blame him for everything.
Might put a different ‘slant’ on things…
…glances ‘sideways’…
I have as yet not seen anything in the BBC and other left wing scum press about the Civil Servant who left a derogatory comment on the Government web site, I wonder why? have they not been sacked, probably promoted!
If there is footage of BS going “don’t you know who I is?” I might indulge a small extra titter.
Throwing a strop after she was rightly called out for editorializing instead of reporting, interviewing and leaving the opinion to the guests on Newsnight. She appears still not to understand why people are offended. If she wants to be a SJW or do op-eds, she should join the Guardian or New Statesman, where she would be very much at home, BUT IT JUST WON’T DO ON THE (supposedly unbiased) BBC.
I have heard that her husband is very wealthy. The pair of them have a lifestyle far beyond 99% of us. that arrogance she shows is part of it. Money and power.
She would never give 99% of us the time of day.
They were affronted when Brexit happened .
‘She would never give 99% of us the time of day…..’
Hence, Mateless.
Does anyone know if the peroxide blonde has presented Newsnight since her childish little soliloquy the other night ????
Ms Maitlissss does deserve more from the BBC – she deserves to be DG – she ll get a complementary peerage and be able to spout off however she pleases .
However – becoming DG might be a fall in pay if she has to give up all those speaking engagements she gets £20 + K for .
I want her as DG because any pretence of the BBC being ‘Unbiased ‘ would be blown clear away – otherwise we ll have to wait til ms ssarpong gets the gig as the first female /coloured – coloured / female DG .
Have they started a petition yet ? I think we should start one .
Some people think that Purnell is getting the ‘job’.
‘Sideburns’ ticks all the leftie boxes, ex Labour stooge, is well-rich on our taxes, and probably a shoo-in at some stage.
By then, I’d suggest that nobody will ever believe a word they say, in W1AA and when the next GE starts rolling, Sucker Starms will be way down in the polls as well, so it’s popcorn all over again!
(Looks at calendar, realises that Scrobs will be seventy-seven, so hopefully with most marbles, but not actually, physically, – er – considering starting another family, or putting on a three-hour epic film from the sixties, or perhaps buying green bananas…:0)
Sorry Emily darlin’, you broke the BBC impartiality rules, better luck next time pet.
So needs doing with Beeb Babe Crackers.
Who gets OMG? Or Boom! Or Shocked! Or Money!
I was just thinking we could re-start women’s football – there would be no social distancing problems with the volume of crowds it gets.
R4 now Any Answers are on
It opens of course with pushing
“all the MPs are getting thousands of letters saying that Cummings should go”
and the first caller says that
..second caller diasgrees
and then the crazy bullying tweeters start
Another tweeter
How would you know what is in MPs mailboxes unless you were involved in writing most of the letters ?
45 minutes into the prog they are still talking about Cummings
Is that proportinate in an all topic phone-in ?
..still Boris bashing 55 mins in
Anita: “The first ten milli-seconds of this programme will be given over to listening to a typical ‘lock Cummings up’ caller, the rest will be a period of silence representing the opinion of the population at large”.
When Krish met Faisal.
It’s rather sweet she thinks they might once have been of value.
Meanwhile BS and Mad Al keep appearing on screen to tell me that I and the rest of the country love them, we really love them.
Surely the essence of the Newsnight team et al is that they believe that the electorate really SHOULD read the Guardian, and having crossed that great divide the whole world becomes a better place. Simples.
You would think, having nothing else to do, that someone would have cut the grass!
I thought that, after 10 days of ranting on about DC on beeb, we were finally moving on. Silly me. bbc provided the perfect opportunity for more ranting when they invited Lammy on to ‘Any Qustions?’
Now I’m thinking: this is never going to end. Boring beeb are going to drone on and on, and this insignificant little event will continue getting hyped up by beeb, cos there is nothing else for them to drone on about.
You gotta think of the mentality of the propagandist, who has adopted this as his/her high-water mark. Was it Stalin who said something about repeating a lie, over and over again, to change it into truth? Clearly, we haven’t heard the last of this from beeb. Their little (very small) minds have latched onto what they think is a BIG propaganda coup. And they shall drone on and on….Define ‘petty’ in one word: Beeb.
After all, the licence fee payer is coughing up for this garbage, as per usual. So why not take the public for a ride? (again!)
Fake – they are desperate – desperate to keep it running until parliament ‘returns ‘ – I don’t know if they are really turning up but we can expect the whole ritualised outrage and indignation .
There’s a bit of me that’s looking forward to it – some of them are really good at it – like mrs Balls and others are not so good – like the angie Rayner and her flat mate – the brummie mouthy one.
I’m thinking that another conservative junior minister will do their resigning act to get their 15 minutes of studio tours ….
Better to have that as a distraction rather than Hong Kong – which the UK can’t do much about apart from doshing out passports ……
Fed – You are quite right, one can learn from them: had I still been at school, I might have been tempted, learning from beeb, handing the same essay in again and again, all that needs practice is keeping a straight face…and -if necessary-shrugging, shrugging, shrugging. Wot, me? Surely my essay is great enough to repeat endlessly?
Oh yes, and I should have asked the school for payment for that!
I can’t even remember the name of the Scottish one that resigned…and I am interested in these things 🙂
As an aside, as far as I can see at the moment people are just starting to get back to normal and playing at the social distancing – the number of family get together’s around here in the gardens would cause apoplexy at the BBC
I’m wondering if the Scottish Tory will cross the floor when parliament returns in some theatrical way …
I’m also guessing some Sunday paper will have a story about some Tory MP breaching something or other……..
I think only the bubble cares ….. I’m sure people are more concerned about then the furlough and state payments are going to be cut …..
I think we ll also be seeing lots of cases of ‘ furlough fraud ‘…….©️
Just be glad they have stopped banging on about ‘the bus’!
I’m confused – the express online front page has two stories about BBC droids – the first is “Monty donn – I think I’m dying “ and the other is “Sophie Rayworth – I thought I was dying “
Naturally I didn’t look beyond the headline because I was too busy looking for stories condemning Dominic Cummings – it didn’t take me long ….
National Education Union @NEUnion
“Four senior Government scientific advisers have just broken rank and spoken out about their concerns over school opening on 1 June.”
BBC news led with 5 adviser ..lockdown etc.
There was no attempt to hide the editorialising. They are without care now. It makes me wonder if we are heading for some sort of coup.
Bad experience engaging with that union tweet
by quietly raising the issue, that with schools being closed more child abuse is happening at home.
– half were Guardian 2+2=5 thinkers
and the other half were the lefty-human-zombie Twitter army
keen to turn everything into hating Tories
Apparently child abuse is only caused by Tory cuts, not actual perps.
..ughh !
Just a quick one. Does anybody know or can anyone direct me to information on the events leading up to the circumstances where the police officer in Miniapolis decided to kneel on the deceased neck? Or, are we to believe that the officer grabbed the deceased at random and carried out the assault for no reason?
Wikipedia is a start Events
– He’d been clean for 5 years
working as a security guard, but laid off cos of Covid
.. Claim he tried to pass a forged $20 bill
Stats watch, Piers Morgan tweeted
“It’s official*, and it’s horrifying
– UK now has the highest reported excess death rate in the world. @FT”
* It’s NOT official , it’s a newspaper claim
The UK’s OFFICIAL death stats are not out for up to May 27th
as there is always a 2 week collection delay.
#1 It’s different from/with Covid deaths
in which we have a much lower rate than Belgium.
This stat includes ALL extra deaths above the average so includes
many deaths caused by lockdown effects
.. like delayed cancer diagnosis and treatment
#2 Most countries don’t have accurate death certificate stats to May 27
They may be weeks delayed
#3 San Marino is missing from the FT’s list
#4 Deaths the UK gains this year
are reflected in lower deaths next year
cos you can’t die twice.
But raw deaths is a BS metric
cos it equates someone with an expected 70 more years with someone on their last phase of cancer
Life Years lost QALYs is the proper metric
Mr Morgan has descended so far into the land of his own ego that that egotistical doesn’t scratch the surface as a definition of his egotism…and he is bloody boring now….even POTUS won’t talk to him 🙂
Earlier the BLM-BBC ran with the biased headline ‘Clashes as protestors demand justice’, thereby implicitly condoning the looting and violence as a quest for justice.
Only problem being the police involved had already been sacked, and one of them charged with murder.
A more honest headline might have been: Mobs run amok in a senseless orgy of looting, arson and violence, as usual.
Now wait for the msm and the beeb to politicise and weaponise the whole affair against Trump.
Fed from BBC mates Tortoise
‘Care Homes are all about profit’
… em many are charities
It’s dated May 18th
Oh look, all the US rioters, looters and arsonists are white!
That poster on the right, nearest to camera, should read “I CAN’T SPELL” because the word in red should be ‘breathe’ not ‘breath’!
I think you’re reading it wrong there Mustapha, it’s ‘cant’, not ‘can’t’.
What they’re saying is they speak some kind of religious mumbo jumbo, take a breath – I think?
I also see something about “cant”. Is that not related to hypocrisy? Will have to look it up…
Ah yes, hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, it says.
I would be reluctant to carry a label describing myself thus.
van Tham says the rules apply to everyone, so the two beeb wimmin go into ectstasy, thinking they’ve now nailed DC. This little long-past issue still gets beeb so excited…
And, are they not, as ever, so boringly predictable, you wonder why you bother watching beeb at all? Will they still be running with this at Christmas?
The main sport on show is beeb hunting DC -fruitessly. For the rest, the beeb cupboard is bare.
The word ‘robotic’ comes to mind.
Ronald Reagan would have said: ‘There you go again…”
From Reuters. Van Tam says
“In my opinion the rules are clear and they have always been clear. In my opinion, they are for the benefit of all and in my opinion they apply to all.”
This is interpreted by the usual suspects as Van Tam definitely saying that DC broke the rules. As far as I can see he was just saying the rules are clear and apply to everyone.
Just had the Covid daily briefing, great news about sport, death rate getting lower but what does the BBC newsreader go for after briefing…. Cummings, ffs…
Warm out.
Some got burned.
I didn’t even bother to complain
cos I just assume the BBC is for libsupremacists and no me
Partly but not wholly BBC.
The news conference today (Sat) had notably less ‘gotcha’ journalism and was the better for it.
But they still can’t help themselves.
Someone asked an excellent question aboutbwhy wevstill have 8000 daily new cases, based on ONS survey.
Van Tam totally avoided the question but rather than press him she went off with another question and let him off the hook.
So we are still none the wiser.
Most of those with even the most tenuous grasp of the word significant will be blissfully unaware of the fact the Independent, HuffPost and other such sources of vital news items are splashing Ian Hislop’s Hamlet-like soliloquy in last night’s HIGNIFY on the theme of Dominic Cummings.
It was, we are assured, of mind-blowing merit in it’s message and on a par with The Sermon on the Mount or similar deliveries regarded as of great benefit to humanity.
Me? I’ve not watched the biased crap for a decade – in fact I gave up buying PE after the Goldenballs Fiasco.