As the BBC passes ‘peak Cummings’ and the curve flattens out the Far left Biased BBC will be seeking more targets to undermine the newish government and prevent the UK ever leaving the EU
Missed it . Shame – shock news via twitter rumour – The SNPs’ Ian Donuts Blackford in alleged “affair “ shocker …… ? I mean really ? Who with ? “The people of Scotland “ deserve to know !
Wonder if that would move DC off the the front page …
Well it won’t be Krankie, who’d want to experience rimming with that tiny piranha mouth to snog?
Perhaps he ‘liases’ with Salmond, that might explain the failure of all those groping claims.
At 1545 today Saturday on the BBC news channel Simon McCoy was interviewing a member of the public called Alistair Campbell . The footage in on the twitter of mr Campbell clearing using the Eff word . I don’t know if there was an instant apology –
But it seems to me that the mentally affected Mr Campbell should t be allowed to speak to the public if he conducts himself like that .
My goldfish was with me when I watched the interview and I could see he was visibly upset . When I watched it a second time a minute later he was visibly upset again ????
Genuine question, has the peroxide blonde done a Newsnight since her outburst ????
And, hypotheticallly, whoever it was that asked the last daily briefing question today, I wonder if those 1 million signers of that petition took a truth pill and were asked whether they voted AGAINST Brexit, how many would say yes? ????
That leaves how many million that haven’t signed the bloody thing ????
I don’t think you will get an answer because no one watches it . Guardian journos and readers might watch it but they don’t count – I’m referring the decent people who might have sent their household staff to bed …
.. I’m fairly sure my kitchen staff , gardeners , game keeper, footmen and butler don’t watch it – but I’ll need to ask the PA and diary secretary ….
Radio4 Every prog must contain a #HateSignal against Cummings
Loose Ends opens and Clive Anderson added a sneer at Cummings to his traditional opening sneering at Trump.
Profile opens .. its of the Attorney General*
..we her an anonymous voice saying that Cummings was her test and she failed it
Later there was a long segment against her from Blair’s pal Charlie Falconer.
The prog contained very few Tory voices.
BBC has two flagpoles :
one with the EU banner
… and the other has the Red Flag
Oh I forgot the 11am Politics show was entirely Labour Left Out of Power
Steve Richards examines the challenges for the Labour Party under Keir Starmer.
but hang on Stew didn’t Radio4 have this show about Labour under Starmer ..about 7 weeks ago ?
Yes they did ..this the SAME prog but updated include sneers at Cummings
This prog has been tweeted by the Official Greenwich Momentum account
Fedup, I don’t consume al beeb on my telly too but I am interested in how this is likely to pan out, long term ????
I read a Telegraph headline today that implied Maitlisssss is in a win-win, whereas al beeb is lose-lose ????
Yes I read that too and I think I pre wrote the same thing here a couple of days ago. If she want to be a true social justice warrior she should become a politician because she is not a journalist now – if she ever was .
Personally what I find vile is the fact that she and her husband are extremely wealthy and the BBC gives her the opportunity to display her personal views as some form of ‘ neutrality ‘ which it is anything but .
I note that she is not a direct BBC employee so avoids PAYE NIC through her production company – which I guess is ‘off shore ‘. Her husband , after all, is a banker for a foreign bank .
Is anybody else watching the first Politicaly Correct Space launch ?
Talk about cringy …..Buzz must be thinking what the f@@k, watching gimps putting playmobil people Into somthing that looks like it was designed by Blue Peter …..
Its pc gone mad Latino African American male and female presenters and nobody over 40 ….
I wonder how many white over 50 men where actually involved ???
Halifax – I’m sure there were a few offspring of German V2 rocket engineers …. to think the Saturn 5 could have had a swastika on it and be called the V5 or similar …..
I like to bring good news -and the BBC traitors wont like this – Austria is objecting to the proposed EU ‘ rescue package ‘ because Austrian taxpayers will be ‘ too burdened ‘ .
Let the cats fight it out without The UK
And just to add on the BBC – the first target for backs is the ‘ local ‘ politics shows – such as the one on Sunday morning designed by and for lefties – no loss .
Are bbc staff qualified and/or meant to offer such opinion?
#Coronavirus#COVID19 Government irresponsibly slow responding to the #pandemic and imposing lockdown too late, now irresponsibly eager to ease it too early and risk a second wave and a second lockdown. Imagine – another ten weeks?
The wiki on sykes says he has been at the BBC since 1974 in various bits of BbC News – so i suppose the tweet breeches editorial rules –
Perhaps he has been with the monster for so long he thinks he can say what he wants a based on the Maitlis doctrine – or perhaps the lockdown has done his nut …
Another patient for the ‘ BBC Executive Complaints whitewash unit ‘
I switched off the Government briefing after I heard the question from the member of the public about public loos opening to allow disabled people to go out. Whilst I have sympathy for disabled people but common sense tells you disabled people are probably more vulnerable and that public loos are never the cleanest of places. How is a disabled user going to clean a loo sufficiently before using it?
But I decided to watch the 10pm news on BBC1. We had film of Dominic linked with Professor Van Tamm. The latter was shown saying that it was a dangerous time and nobody should break the rules. The police had decided that Dom had not broken the rules taking his wife and son away from a place they didn’t feel safe. As far as the trip to Barnard Castle was concerned, it was of course Dom’s stamina he was testing not just his eyesight and he did not break the distancing rules. The BBC never give up.
There is something weird about a ‘journalist’ in the USA working for a UK broadcaster re-tweeting a comment made by an Italian ‘journalist’ (lover of Mrs Meerkat’s shut-down of free speech) about her ‘home’ country.
What is the point?
(Why didn’t she re-tweet his comments re. masses of people in Rome? Why would an Italian in London tweet about Rome anyway?)
Ok Its finally been sussed out that the Chinese virus is
an old man’s disease . Just as 60 years ago when I was a teenager
pneumonia was the old man’s friend. I know an oxymoron. But
it put the old out of their misery very quickly when life had
worn them out.
Now I am an old man with a heart condition and myself and my
wife cannot afford to behave like the lemmings at Durdle Door
or all the other beaches all over the country.
Of course there will be another spike in cases of the virus
but to 99% of those under 55 or thereabouts it will only be
somewhat worse than a bad dose of flu .
Yes flu kills as well in the thousands , but who cares? Two metres
apart? Do me a favour.
Just keep away from me cyclists , sweaty runners. Cheltenham?
You aint seen nothing yet.
Lots of coverage of the non-white population in the U.S who are understandably angry at the death of one of their own at the hands of an obviously thuggish policeman. This has sparked a bit of vandalism in various cities, one of which is LA, a place where it doesn’t take much for violence to kick off.
I wonder what Mr Sussex is making of it all, as the unrest is almost at the gates of his enclosure, with no Met police to soothe his troubled brow.
Anna Brees just got caught out today
.. she one of the of the few UK journos not in the nasty pack
She retweeted the US anti-Antifa journo Andy Ngo
.. and an account said to her “Don’t retweet him, he’s a white sumpremacist”
So stupidly she obeyed FFS
It was a couple of hours before she apologised
for falling for the bullying trick from the pro-antifa account who smear-label everyone as “white supremacist”… even gay Vietnamese guys like Ngo
Just heard Rosie Duffield, Labour M.P. for Canterbury, has resigned her position as Labour Whip after admitting she met her married lover against lockdown rules – they met for a walk – observing distancing rules – oh yeah? – he later visited her residence – sound familiar? She has apologised as she claimed she was going through a difficult time in her personal life.
This was a 100% breach of lockdown rules whereas DC was a 5% breach at most but let’s see how much effort is expended by the media in reporting Rosie Duffield’s misdemeanours.
Lying Labour will doubtless now point to Duffield’s virtues in resigning.
Meanwhile the Remainer Leftoids’ ‘case’ against DC is falling further apart and shows itself ever more as an anti-Brexit plot.The supposed second sighting was a ‘bit of a joke’ according to the remain supporting Twatter poster who made the claim.
Lees, the original Guardian informant, said …
‘I gave my name for something I saw which has been lied about. Total lies, follow that up. Nothing to do with me. I have kept to the rules throughout, I have walked once a day.’ When asked what lies he was referring to, Mr Lees said: ‘That he came here to test his eyesight, everybody knows that.’“..
but being stupid and undoubtedly flustered by the for once adverse media attention rather than the flattery and praise he got from the Grauniad and the Crack’d, relies upon ‘lies’ about eyesight testing which only came up at DC’s inquisition, sorry, press conference. On top of that, Lees drove 250 miles on lockdown as well.
Who found the story ?
ANTI BREXITER BARONESS HILARY ARMSTRONG DURHAM LABOUR MP tipped off by a local that he was seen she then told another labour mp who told the newspaper’s!
Anti Brexiter Tim Matthews Admits he lied about seeing him!
Robin Lee’s anti Brexiter had himself broken lockdown driving 500 miles
Rosie Duffield story wasn’t mentioned in Radio4 news
Got a friend in Llandudno ( cheap holidays) she tells me that the police are asking people on the beach and the prom…..are you from the area? If not then go back home …now.
Hmmmm just imagine for one second the English police patrolling as asking …are you local.?……just imagine the lefty outrage about that one !!!! But its ok to send whitey English back home nothing said .
On the promenade in rhos on sea/colwyn bay there have been signs up for a couple of months saying do not stop your car here this is a tow away zone. That is disgusting, even if you cannot go on the beach you should have every right to stop your car on the prom, even if it’s only to look out to sea for a few minutes
Given that the media for decades have wanted to direct how we live shouldn’t we get to elect them?
It grates with me when I hear the likes of Mr. Vine: “Mr Politician, (on a mere £70k), bow down before me, (on £700k and therefore superior), representative of the poor pensioner, (on £7k)”.
Also the lie that they are all just observers and that they have no responsibility for anything that happens. (Apparently we are ‘all’ breaking ‘lock-down’ because Cummings, that 99% of the population had never heard of, ‘broke the rules’. So who put that thought in our minds?).
Much as I enjoy the alternative ‘take’ of US Fox News and Sky Australia when they start talking about ‘the media’ they too are also taking no responsibility as they are also ‘the media’.
“Farage, Nigel, the Brexit Party, 65,023,026 votes. Maitlis, Emily, the Bronzed Strumpet Party, 107 votes, (all posted in W1A). I declare Farage, Nigel, the elected member for the UK. Maitlis, Emily, loses her deposit.”
What a good idea RE media elections, and while we are at let the whole country vote for the Mayor of OUR capital, goodbye Khan. or will we suddenly find 50 million postal voters called mohamed…?
How do you contact the BBC to let them know they need to make a correction to a story?
It turns out that two people lied about Cummings one of which being that teacher who did not actually see him in Durham. Neither the Guardian or the Mirror have made this correction and unsurprisingly neither the have the BBC
Not just a little fib about the April 19 ‘sighting’, the bastard doctored his app to confirm route and time.
How much coverage do you think our heroes Maitless and Hislop will give that one?
It’s another indication of the vast conceit surrounding the BBC-Guardian Axis, as if they believe so firmly in their cause that trifling contradictory details, later discovered and aired by other MSM members can be ignored. DC should be fired, case proven.
I have contacted IPSO about the Mirror lie. The Guardian are so brilliant that they seem to think that they don’t need to be with IPSO but they should also be held to account for their lies.
The BBC are not silent about the whole thing.
The Tories are now polling at 4% or 5% in the polls. All that is down to the extreme bias against them from the MSM. It is fortunate that we are not heading towards an election but this bias needs to stop.
Thanks for the feedback, noted and I’ll keep it in mind when posting future links, on reflection probably should have left it at the soros? funded pallet of bricks. I would probably complain about the repeated msm playing of the George Floyd clip myself if I thought it would do any good.
yes although bland does not begin to describe their response, a non answer, Boris could do with their help in his briefings dealing with the Carlsberg harridan, if no answer the go to OFCOM or IPSO
Dafyd – the executive complaints unit publishes a fortnightly report on complaints . If you take a look – it could be called the ‘not upheld unit’ as that seems to be all it does .
Judging by the way the BBC is conducting itself I think the complaints unit will need additional resources to deal with the sheer volume .
But no doubt the BBC will draw up ‘guidelines’ to limit the number of complaints it accepts – that after all – is what self serving organisations with no accountabilty actually do .
I always ask for a response to make the so-and-sos work for my money. I always get the response after about two weeks to say they are soooo busy they cannot respond in the 10 day time frame. Then months later I get an answer to a general question I didn’t ask rather than the tightly framed question I did ask. And I was wrong! I am not so stupid that I can’t see it is one answer written in response to lots of complaints.
That is a way that lazy or incompetent complaint handlers cheat the targets they are required to meet, such is many local authorites, they send a holding response within a week or so then often claim over 99% complaints responded to on time
weasel words as few complaints are resolved in that time frame, if ever, whoever sets the KPIs should tighten them up considerably and then hold them to acoount
I have seen complaints sitting for 30 -40 days or more at a certain local authority with little inclination for anyone to respond further than the initial holding response
(simple complaints not requiring an extensive investigation)
An LA that claimed over 97% “efficiency in complaints management” FFS
The mail on Sunday – being different from the ordinary daily mail – publishes a ‘defence’ of the DC nonsense – I can’t be bothered reading beyond the headline but I think it is one of the few ‘defence’ pieces written so far .
The MSM to want to report riots in a country 5000 miles away -which is very different to its attitude towards the enemy a few miles away across the water bridge they use to get rid of a few third worlders .
The MSM led by the BBC has managed to keep the DC nonsense in the public’ mind ‘ so that the traitor MPs can carry on the chorus when the Parliament returns on Tuesday . If they had any principle they’d call a ‘vote of no confidence ‘ which – of course – they’d lose. But they won’t .
It may be argued ….that The opposition Labour/BBC Party is responsible for any diminishing of public obedience to the ‘rules’ of lockdown .
They could have ignored it ,or gave him a kicking and moved on but chose to run it into where it is now . Collective national eye rolling …
The Mirror also have a story up that ‘Johnson has Cummings on his last chance’ but failed to mention the rest of what the Mail said. To do that would admit that they are liars
Oh look last week a top media voice calling out BBC for missing out words in the Durham report, that ITV news carefully reported
.. I wonder what happened to him ?
…. oh yeh the sacked him on a trumped up charge.
The BBC is an institution built over many years, formed from our joint history and values. What happened is the founding principles have been overridden by those that wish to shape our futures rather than inform us, so that we may choose. There must be a bonfire of these vanities
Yes, long may the massaged News of, “The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster” continue (not!) to receive support from their delusional supporters.
“I believe the country needs it”. Yes, just like a dose of the chinese virus!!
I note that Labour MP Rosie Duffield resigns after breaking lock down rules, she was caught meeting up with here married lover.
What about Stephen Kinnock Shadow Africa Minister, who drove 100’s of miles to see his dad in Wales. South Wales police have gave him a flee in his ear and told him he had broken the lock down laws.
Yet another transgression by a Labour politician ( 5 so far ) and not a mention on the BBC news yet regarding this new breach.
You wait, if a Conservative MP transgressis, it will be wall to wall coverage
…but, dafydd, she is only giving up her role as a Labour whip. She most definitely is not resigning from her day job (as an MP), which is what she and Starmer’s stormtroopers demanded of Dominic Cummings.
And much of the media are misleading the public by reporting in their headlines simply that she has resigned.
No doubt ‘many’ will see this as an honourable act by a Labour representative as opposed, of course, to the dastardly Mr Cummings, no matter the reports now emerging that some stories used by the gutter press to vilify him were just that – stories – fabrications.
Ed Davey – Private Members’ Bill presented to Parliament on Wednesday 20 May 2020.
Summary of the European Union Withdrawal (Implementation Period) Bill 2019-21
A Bill to require Her Majesty’s Government to seek a two-year extension of the implementation period under Article 132 of the Withdrawal Agreement; to repeal the prohibition on agreeing to such an extension under section 33 of the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020; and for connected purposes.
Poor Ed Davey – in thr liberal bunker benearh berlin surrounded by opposition forces. But still directing nonexisting armies of support …
But he wants to keep his job so maybe not so dekusuonal …
A SENIOR Tory has sent BBC chiefs a dossier of “disgraceful bias” displayed by its star news presenters.
Sir Gerald Howarth has compiled a long list of recent examples in which he says TV and radio hosts have broken their strict rules of impartiality.
The ex-minister has demanded to be told why bosses have not reprimanded Emily Maitlis over her Newsnight Dominic Cummings rant.
And he claims her colleagues tried to bounce an outspoken Tory MP off the programme after he said he planned to defend the PM’s senior aide.
The Beeb received 40,000 complaints in the two days after Maitlis delivered her critical Cummings monologue.
In a hard hitting letter to BBC Director General Lord Hall, Sir Gerald accuses his presenters of delivering a “relentless diet of gloom and negativity” since the pandemic began.
He names those he believes are the major culprits and provides a list of incidents.
Sir Gerald fired off his four-page missive after what he describes as Ms Maitlis’s “disgraceful performance” on Tuesday night.
In her introduction to the BBC2 current affairs programme, she said Mr Cummings had “broken the rules” during the lockdown.
Sir Gerald says in his letter: “The introduction left the viewer in no doubt as to her — and by extension the BBC’s — views.”
His dossier also accuses BBC Health Editor Hugh Pym of putting “impertinent and disrespectful” questions to Health Secretary Matt Hancock.
He claims Radio 4 presenter Justin Webb used the expression “Conservative supporting” in front of Daily Telegraph, and said “he poisoned the public information well”.
Jugears Serial Philanderer Marr is currently hectoring Dominic Raab quoting, Corbynutta-like, someone who wrote to Radio5Dead saying the advice they had been given by NHS 111 was to stay put at all costs. Even admitted to Raab’s response that he was contrasting with DC.
Al Beeb clearly not giving up despite the increasing probability that this is all Remoaner political chicanery.
THE BBC has been bombarded with more than 40,000 complaints in just two days after Emily Maitlis broke the impartiality rule with a rant about Dominic Cummings.
The Newsnight presenter was swiftly reprimanded by the BBC who admitted she had crossed the line when reporting on the PM’s chief advisor “breaking lockdown rules”.
The number of people writing to the BBC to lodge their anger at Ms Maitlis’ monologue about Mr Cummings’ trip to Durham doubled from 18,000 in 24 hours.
The BBC put out an apology the day after the controversial introduction to the program on May 26.
Ms Maitlis had told her Newsnight viewers that the Prime Minister was playing the country “for fools” and accused him of blind loyalty to his adviser – which was putting Government messaging on coronavirus at risk.
A statement the broadcaster put out on twitter said: “The BBC must uphold the highest standards of due impartiality in its news output.
“We’ve reviewed the entirety of last night’s Newsnight, including the opening section, and while we believe the programme contained fair, reasonable and rigorous journalism.
“We feel that we should have done more to make clear the introduction was a summary of the questions we would examine, with all the accompanying evidence, in the rest of the programme.
“As it was, we believe the introduction we broadcast did not meet our standards of due impartiality.
JOHN Bercow’s hopes of taking a seat in the Lords have been crushed.
The former Commons Speaker was nominated by ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn after the PM refused.
But now it has been rejected by the Lords Appointments Commission.
They also threw out a bid to give a peerage to Karie Murphy, who was executive director of Mr Corbyn’s office.
Mr Bercow was investigated for alleged bullying which he denies.
And Ms Murphy is at the centre of an Equalities Commission probe into the handling of anti-semitism in the party.
A spokesman said: “Our guidelines make clear that an individual must be in good standing in general and with the public regulatory authorities in particular.”
Earlier in the thread I lamented the useless journalist who asked an excellent question but did not follow up the lack of answer.
Her question in terms was How Come 8000 people a day are still getting Cv19 9 weeks after lockdown. The reply was totally evasive, going to great lengths to answer a minor part of her question and avoiding the main issue.
It gets serious. Five doors up the road a frail elderly lady has caught Cv 19. But she is known as a bit of a recluse and never really goes out. She can only have caught it from her carer or by going in to hospital on a non Cv19 matter.
And that’s not all. Five doors the other way is a family where six years ago the man of the household had a massive stroke. He’s been in care with locked-in syndrome ever since, unable to move. Last week he died of CV19.
Two cases. Both a stone’s throw from my house. Both have caught the virus not in spite of but because of the intervention of the health care sector. Meanwhile a couple of weeks ago there was a little flurry of news, from ITV and of all places the Guardian, that a sizeable but conveniently under-researched and so imprecise number, educated guessed as high as 20%, of hospital Cv19 deaths were of people testing negative on initial entry. Did they catch it in hospital? The BBC did not follow this up – not in line with the NHS Heroes narrative. ‘NHS kill thousands’ was not an editorially-acceptable headline for them.
Are we now at the stage where the pandemic is a sort of gigantic public sector job creation scheme? The health sector give us the virus through their negligence, then they look after us, with barely used ventilator wards, ITU wards, numerous officials giving advice, test and trace. Money no object. Etc etc. On Thursdays hitherto we applaud them, mostly brainlessly.
The above proposition may be harsh. But it would certainly explain why they’re so reluctant to tell us how people are still getting infected.
Meanwhile, the NHS pension scheme alone cost the rest of us £19 bn last year.
Last year I had to suggest to my local GP practice that their new “touch screen” registration upon arrival is likely a hotbed of infection and some sanitiser gel should be available nearby
None there thought of that FFS
thank goodness they took up the suggestion, although touch screens and doctors surgeries should not go together IMHO
I could add a few more things like endless fire doors with rat trap strength springs etc, it does not take a genius to work out considering frail, elderly or disabled patients.
I once got scalded in an office by one of these “safety doors” with a hot coffee in my hand as it sprung back at 70 mph
and have spent many a sleepless night in hotels hearing them slam back all along the corridor one after another
Surely, even to the most obtuse, it’s now abundantly clear that this lengthy lockdown has caused far more problems than had we been allowed to work and sensibly socialise after the initial three week span.
I think most of us can understand the fear that prompted BoJo to act. We’d seen what had happened in Italy. The NHS (peace be upon it) wasn’t ready and we needed time to build facilities for the potential patients… But FFS not now!
We have more hospital beds than ever. The new Docklands hospital has 4,000 beds… all of them empty.
And yet there’s a huge backlog of heart and cancer referrals. Continuing in this fashion is bloody bonkers. I keep seeing this silly term “Save the NHS”. That’s arse about face, the NHS exists to save us.
Expecting small businesses to be able to cope with this daft and completely arbitrary two metre rule is simply ludicrous. We’re a service based economy. Restaurants, shops, bars and bistros need customers. Lots of them. It can’t work!
Even before the lockdown strangled our economy the high street was in trouble. Now, if only one were available, it would be put on a life support machine.
Even the likes of Norway have started to acknowledge that the lockdown has done little good.
It seems clear that the government isn’t about to change course.
The media continue with their puerile, pointless and vindictive obsession with Dominic Cummings.
Is it too much to ask that they turn their attention to enquiring how and when we’re going to get out of this crippling economic suicide?
It would seem so…
I was absolutely amazed that the BBC showed a repeat
Celebrity Mastermind last night when cricketer Monty
Panasar just about knew his own name when it came to general
I expect the researchers and editor who put it out just
made the criteria, that the programme for positive
discrimination reasons had to have the correct “mix” of
contestants. Irrespective of the fact that Monty afterwards
said that he had never been so embarrassed.
Maybe we need an alternative for some of our more challenged BAMES as it seems they MUST be represented, unlike whites in the 100 M dash or basketball teams
Foscari – that one was so bad I remember it and bet it’s on the YouTube . I think stress got time and he lost his‘ listening skills ‘ Or alternatively he is just really thick .
I think he even got the “where was the Boston tea party?” Question wrong ….. he didn’t look too worried about looking thick – but I bet with mum and dad watching he got the full broadside ……
The Mail on Sunday today gives us the lowdown on the lies and deceit behind the origins of the Cummings story.
It seems the retired teacher who reported Cummings to police had himself driven 250 miles to collect his daughter during the crisis.
And then the witness who claimed he saw Cummings on a second lockdown trip to Durham has now admitted he made up the story as a joke.
The Mail also reveals that it was a Guardian photographer who daubed graffiti all over the road outside Cummings’s house last week.
Interesting stuff, and good to see Camilla Tominey of the Telegraoh pointing out the details on Marr this morning.
Marr did indeed acknowledge the article – but he typically did what the BBC always does, which is to avoid any culpability itself.
Despite the fact that it was the BBC that fell hook, line and sinker for this deceitful story in the first place, and which led the pile-on against Cummings for a whole week, it is now trying to pretend that this shocking, politically conflated story was someone else’s doing.
I doubt we we’ll see the BBC offering up any apologies or clarifications.
Sometimes tuning in to LBC from Al Beeb at the advice of some of the posters on this site, I am finding LBC heading in the same direction as the LIBlab Al Beeb.
This morning a chap called A. Castle doing a bit of “Race Baiting” ?
Who are the National Black Police Officers Association ?
Yesterday the only TV I watched was the NASA TV live webstream covering the buildup, launch and first orbital maneuvering tests of the Falcon 9 Dragon capsule.
Hours and hours of people talking about optimism, pride and engineering success. The NASA administrator was saying Trump is only the 3rd sitting Presisdent to watch a live launch from the Cape and the NASA budget is the highest since JFK. He said on Trump’s first day in office Trump assigned all the correct people to the Space Council and gave it the budget it needs to do great things and make America reach the moon and maybe Mars. Nasa hinted but held back saying Obama destroyed the US space industry.
Compare that to the BBC. Always negative and depressing. They don’t care about science or engineering unless its about the latest iPhone. While NASA wants to inspire a generation of kids the BBC want to genital mutilate a generation of kids with their trans obsession.
It makes me wonder what would the UK be like without the BBC holding us all back.
Very apt final sentence, there, Tabs…. it bears repeating – and should be quoted, if necessary acompanied by the phrase, ‘a number of people are saying….’ by any government representative during any interview by the BBC.
Just to make the ‘number of people’ bit true….
“It makes me wonder what would the UK be like without the BBC holding us all back.”
I watched the livecast on the web as well, and noticed that the 3 commentators consisted of a black guy, a black woman, and white female doing the MCing. Once again, even with NASA, there’s an agenda.
BBCnews aired Campbell again and didn’t edit out his f-word
Why is @BBCNews still interviewing this deranged man? He and his daughter need help. Their #mentalhealth is in serious doubt and yet the #MSM still think he is relevant. Unbelievable!!
I’m sure BBC put this idiot on to wind us all up.He is an imbecile and the mental health excuse is a way he may be forgiven for rudeness, ignorance, hatefullness and a desperation to do damage to the government.
Remember he is being used as a weapon in the last desperate attempt to stop Brexit. They will try anything even using a washed up war monger.
Is there any chance we can play a game here, as in “How long can you last listening to the Beeb, before you start screaming, ranting, becoming a Madman”? Or has this been suggested before?
I must be the winner, as today it was only 15 seconds, before I became a screaming lunatic (I woke up the better half!).
First, I lasted 10 seconds, as it was BBC Scotland, with a certifiable moron, who mentioned that “and these people are referred to, by tabloids like the Daily Mail, as “Remainers.”!!! Really? Unbelievable!
Secondly, it was only 3-5 seconds on BBC RSL, with some angry, illiterate Afro-American, going on about “America be a waycist country, a WAYcist country.”
I then switched to Classic FM.
Has anyone lasted for a shorter duration?
PS – When the other half heard me, I had to explain, that I only wanted a church service, or pleasant music on a Sunday morning.
Happy Pentecost to you too . My church has adapted to the youtube mass . But it seems the gods of motoring take precedents over the churches and other places of worship being opened up …
As for turning off the radio – i think youd win every time because it takes a while for the valves to warm up….
Im guessing the MSM is working on getting ‘protests ‘ to spread to the UK where the ritual smashing of the doors of Currys and Dixons can take place .
“As for turning off the radio – i think you’d win every time because it takes a while for the valves to warm up…. ”
Digital TV and radio surely take longer to start up than the old valve kit. As for changing channel…
My mum’s TV can be slow to switch off, you press the button and nothing happens, so you press it again. Two seconds later it does switch off… then it switches back on again.
Under the ‘new normal’ this will no longer be a problem. All TV and Radio will take over the Amazon channels and be re-branded EMILY, (Enhanced Media Integrated Localised Yammering).
The most noticeable difference with the new service is that instead of having to say, “Alexa! Do…” , Emily will say, “Do … NOW!”.
Yes on time being short – you could launch a private space rocket in the time it takes for a Free view box to fire up –
Or miss the first half of a footy match with arsenal going in 2 – 0 down …..
A retired chemistry teacher who spotted Dominic Cummings in Barnard Castle says he has some regrets over getting involved. Robin Lees said it had been a “difficult few days” after his account was initially brushed off. Hear the full interview on our Breakfast show tomorrow.
— BBC Radio Newcastle (@bbcnewcastle) May 26, 2020
There are two guys who claimed the second Durham trip was true
– The chemistry teacher that drove 560 miles to pick his daughter up
.. and claims he can check licence plates on the internet
– The jogger who now says he made his story up ad a joke
Tim Matthews, a keen runner, admitted that he doctored the details on the Strava app, used by joggers and athletes to record routes and times, to make it look as if he had seen Mr Cummings on the afternoon of April 19 – five days after the Prime Minister’s aide returned to London.
John Crace, Paul Mason or perhaps Alastair Campbell, will give us an in-depth summary in tomorrow’s Guardian showing the direct link to heroism within the class struggle, through the name Matthews, to confront and ultimately subjugate elitist government lackeys, such as DC.
Stew, I said on an earlier thread about the inference of being able to look up licence plates on the internet. How did he manage to do that ? surely any junior journalist must have wondered too, as its only the Police who are able to check vehicle data.
Try finding out the swine who continually parks outside your house by checking the reg no. and you hit a brick wall.
These “demonstrations” happening across the US have proved interesting.
Apart from all the torching, general mayhem, violence and anarchy I’ve also witnessed some unusual actions…
I’ve seen people using their democratic rights making off with 40 inch flat screens.
I’ve seen these put upon minorites running down the street with recently acquired top of the range trainers.
They’ve been purloining music systems. They’ve smashed up and robbed liquor stores.
But one retail area seems to have been missed by the freedom fighters and it’s baffled me.
Not a single bookshop has been ransacked.
There must be a reason for this strange oversight, but…
I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Worse, I did notice on a filmed report a pre-printed notice on the shop window ” MINORITY OWNED”, you can only think why. This is very similar to the Bradford riots a few years back. Only certain buildings were raised to the ground, I leave you to guess which one’s. Obviously all the pubs and working men’s clubs were destroyed one with terrified staff and customers inside.
I suppose they get plenty of opportunity to ‘read’ in the State Pen, as there’s little else to do. And did I read somewhere that its African-Americans who make up the greatest percentage of prisoners ?
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Missed it . Shame – shock news via twitter rumour – The SNPs’ Ian Donuts Blackford in alleged “affair “ shocker …… ? I mean really ? Who with ? “The people of Scotland “ deserve to know !
Wonder if that would move DC off the the front page …
Well it won’t be Krankie, who’d want to experience rimming with that tiny piranha mouth to snog?
Perhaps he ‘liases’ with Salmond, that might explain the failure of all those groping claims.
Noted that someone hereabouts had pointed out that journos pursuing Dom Cummings was about the only sport on tv.
I feel constrained to paraphase Oscar Wilde on fox hunting…
the unspeakable in pursuit of the unbeatable
At 1545 today Saturday on the BBC news channel Simon McCoy was interviewing a member of the public called Alistair Campbell . The footage in on the twitter of mr Campbell clearing using the Eff word . I don’t know if there was an instant apology –
But it seems to me that the mentally affected Mr Campbell should t be allowed to speak to the public if he conducts himself like that .
My goldfish was with me when I watched the interview and I could see he was visibly upset . When I watched it a second time a minute later he was visibly upset again ????
I would have thought a goldfish would be transfixed one of his own garners such airtime.
Not helping, Mad Al; not helping them at all.
This popped up because the clown liked it.
Not funny, but I laughed. Bbc to a ‘t’.
Give the rioters a break: it’s been a long lockdown, they’ve got a whole lotta looting and burning to catch up on.
Ha ha and the winner is !
That reminds me – I’m almost out of potatoes.
Genuine question, has the peroxide blonde done a Newsnight since her outburst ????
And, hypotheticallly, whoever it was that asked the last daily briefing question today, I wonder if those 1 million signers of that petition took a truth pill and were asked whether they voted AGAINST Brexit, how many would say yes? ????
That leaves how many million that haven’t signed the bloody thing ????
I don’t think you will get an answer because no one watches it . Guardian journos and readers might watch it but they don’t count – I’m referring the decent people who might have sent their household staff to bed …
.. I’m fairly sure my kitchen staff , gardeners , game keeper, footmen and butler don’t watch it – but I’ll need to ask the PA and diary secretary ….
Radio4 Every prog must contain a #HateSignal against Cummings
Loose Ends opens and Clive Anderson added a sneer at Cummings to his traditional opening sneering at Trump.
Profile opens .. its of the Attorney General*
..we her an anonymous voice saying that Cummings was her test and she failed it
Later there was a long segment against her from Blair’s pal Charlie Falconer.
The prog contained very few Tory voices.
BBC has two flagpoles :
one with the EU banner
… and the other has the Red Flag
Oh I forgot the 11am Politics show was entirely Labour
Left Out of Power
Steve Richards examines the challenges for the Labour Party under Keir Starmer.
but hang on Stew didn’t Radio4 have this show about Labour under Starmer ..about 7 weeks ago ?
Yes they did ..this the SAME prog but updated include sneers at Cummings
This prog has been tweeted by the Official Greenwich Momentum account
9am Radio4 favourite Jack Monroe was on
then someone talking about her father’s Jamaican dance costumes
1:15pm Any Questions
with former Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, + David Lammy
6:15pm Loose Ends
with transexual children’s author Juno Dawson
10:15pm Louis Theroux interviews Lenny Henry
Fedup, I don’t consume al beeb on my telly too but I am interested in how this is likely to pan out, long term ????
I read a Telegraph headline today that implied Maitlisssss is in a win-win, whereas al beeb is lose-lose ????
Yes I read that too and I think I pre wrote the same thing here a couple of days ago. If she want to be a true social justice warrior she should become a politician because she is not a journalist now – if she ever was .
Personally what I find vile is the fact that she and her husband are extremely wealthy and the BBC gives her the opportunity to display her personal views as some form of ‘ neutrality ‘ which it is anything but .
I note that she is not a direct BBC employee so avoids PAYE NIC through her production company – which I guess is ‘off shore ‘. Her husband , after all, is a banker for a foreign bank .
Not the best look .
Is anybody else watching the first Politicaly Correct Space launch ?
Talk about cringy …..Buzz must be thinking what the f@@k, watching gimps putting playmobil people Into somthing that looks like it was designed by Blue Peter …..
Its pc gone mad Latino African American male and female presenters and nobody over 40 ….
I wonder how many white over 50 men where actually involved ???
The PC show. Embarrassing, or what?
At least the astronauts are called Doug and Bob……and are white male heterosexual both over 40 so probably would have voted Brexit !!!
Halifax – I’m sure there were a few offspring of German V2 rocket engineers …. to think the Saturn 5 could have had a swastika on it and be called the V5 or similar …..
SpaceX’s workforce is mainly young (younger than us anyway)
And the knockout punch was by a black cop, so the libtard media (that’s you beeb) can’t say a thing. Perfect.
I like to bring good news -and the BBC traitors wont like this – Austria is objecting to the proposed EU ‘ rescue package ‘ because Austrian taxpayers will be ‘ too burdened ‘ .
Let the cats fight it out without The UK
And just to add on the BBC – the first target for backs is the ‘ local ‘ politics shows – such as the one on Sunday morning designed by and for lefties – no loss .
? cutbacks
Yes Stew – sorry – ive switched the spell check off as it kept on turning Maitlisss
Into the worst bad word there is …..
Libmob didn’t like Lord Sumption
cos he said covis isn’t really a big deal
and lockdown is cos politicians have no balls.
Governmenmt guidelines allow people to use the toilet at the home of a relative you are visiting, but it is probably best to bring your own
Are bbc staff qualified and/or meant to offer such opinion?
The wiki on sykes says he has been at the BBC since 1974 in various bits of BbC News – so i suppose the tweet breeches editorial rules –
Perhaps he has been with the monster for so long he thinks he can say what he wants a based on the Maitlis doctrine – or perhaps the lockdown has done his nut …
Another patient for the ‘ BBC Executive Complaints whitewash unit ‘
I switched off the Government briefing after I heard the question from the member of the public about public loos opening to allow disabled people to go out. Whilst I have sympathy for disabled people but common sense tells you disabled people are probably more vulnerable and that public loos are never the cleanest of places. How is a disabled user going to clean a loo sufficiently before using it?
But I decided to watch the 10pm news on BBC1. We had film of Dominic linked with Professor Van Tamm. The latter was shown saying that it was a dangerous time and nobody should break the rules. The police had decided that Dom had not broken the rules taking his wife and son away from a place they didn’t feel safe. As far as the trip to Barnard Castle was concerned, it was of course Dom’s stamina he was testing not just his eyesight and he did not break the distancing rules. The BBC never give up.
Katty has decided to go Italian tonight.
There is something weird about a ‘journalist’ in the USA working for a UK broadcaster re-tweeting a comment made by an Italian ‘journalist’ (lover of Mrs Meerkat’s shut-down of free speech) about her ‘home’ country.
What is the point?
(Why didn’t she re-tweet his comments re. masses of people in Rome? Why would an Italian in London tweet about Rome anyway?)
Ok Its finally been sussed out that the Chinese virus is
an old man’s disease . Just as 60 years ago when I was a teenager
pneumonia was the old man’s friend. I know an oxymoron. But
it put the old out of their misery very quickly when life had
worn them out.
Now I am an old man with a heart condition and myself and my
wife cannot afford to behave like the lemmings at Durdle Door
or all the other beaches all over the country.
Of course there will be another spike in cases of the virus
but to 99% of those under 55 or thereabouts it will only be
somewhat worse than a bad dose of flu .
Yes flu kills as well in the thousands , but who cares? Two metres
apart? Do me a favour.
Just keep away from me cyclists , sweaty runners. Cheltenham?
You aint seen nothing yet.
Lots of coverage of the non-white population in the U.S who are understandably angry at the death of one of their own at the hands of an obviously thuggish policeman. This has sparked a bit of vandalism in various cities, one of which is LA, a place where it doesn’t take much for violence to kick off.
I wonder what Mr Sussex is making of it all, as the unrest is almost at the gates of his enclosure, with no Met police to soothe his troubled brow.
Mr Sussex will probably be OK, it is the ‘Uncle Toms’ who have worked hard who will suffer.
This isn’t ‘anger’ it is just an excuse to steal and destroy.
I didn’t see rioting and looting following the video that emerged last week showing, ‘a person of colour’ beating sh*t out of a OAP.
Why’s that then?
Maitliss hypocrisy & double standards
Cummings = enemy
sacked disreputable hacker = good friend
(Mark di Stefano )
Anna Brees just got caught out today
.. she one of the of the few UK journos not in the nasty pack
She retweeted the US anti-Antifa journo Andy Ngo
.. and an account said to her “Don’t retweet him, he’s a white sumpremacist”
So stupidly she obeyed FFS
It was a couple of hours before she apologised
for falling for the bullying trick from the pro-antifa account who smear-label everyone as “white supremacist”… even gay Vietnamese guys like Ngo
Just heard Rosie Duffield, Labour M.P. for Canterbury, has resigned her position as Labour Whip after admitting she met her married lover against lockdown rules – they met for a walk – observing distancing rules – oh yeah? – he later visited her residence – sound familiar? She has apologised as she claimed she was going through a difficult time in her personal life.
This was a 100% breach of lockdown rules whereas DC was a 5% breach at most but let’s see how much effort is expended by the media in reporting Rosie Duffield’s misdemeanours.
Lying Labour will doubtless now point to Duffield’s virtues in resigning.
Meanwhile the Remainer Leftoids’ ‘case’ against DC is falling further apart and shows itself ever more as an anti-Brexit plot.The supposed second sighting was a ‘bit of a joke’ according to the remain supporting Twatter poster who made the claim.
Lees, the original Guardian informant, said …
‘I gave my name for something I saw which has been lied about. Total lies, follow that up. Nothing to do with me. I have kept to the rules throughout, I have walked once a day.’ When asked what lies he was referring to, Mr Lees said: ‘That he came here to test his eyesight, everybody knows that.’“..
but being stupid and undoubtedly flustered by the for once adverse media attention rather than the flattery and praise he got from the Grauniad and the Crack’d, relies upon ‘lies’ about eyesight testing which only came up at DC’s inquisition, sorry, press conference. On top of that, Lees drove 250 miles on lockdown as well.
You couldn’t make it up, unlike Remoaner Leftoids!
“admits he made it up for a joke”
“Witness who claimed to have seen Cummings return to Durham AGAIN ‘made it up as a joke’”
Do you know where that was in the Radio4 7am news ?
.. buried in the middle of the newspaper review !!!!
Yet of course the original story was the top story
That’s like original story front page
..retraction buried in the middle of page 32.
… #MediaScum
Who found the story ?
ANTI BREXITER BARONESS HILARY ARMSTRONG DURHAM LABOUR MP tipped off by a local that he was seen she then told another labour mp who told the newspaper’s!
Anti Brexiter Tim Matthews Admits he lied about seeing him!
Robin Lee’s anti Brexiter had himself broken lockdown driving 500 miles
Rosie Duffield story wasn’t mentioned in Radio4 news
charity appeal now : Peruvian Climate Crisis
Look at this Mail title
How story that sparked a week of national rage was fuelled by fake news
Got a friend in Llandudno ( cheap holidays) she tells me that the police are asking people on the beach and the prom…..are you from the area? If not then go back home …now.
Hmmmm just imagine for one second the English police patrolling as asking …are you local.?……just imagine the lefty outrage about that one !!!! But its ok to send whitey English back home nothing said .
“I am from
FranceIran. I demand asylum and a council house!”.On the promenade in rhos on sea/colwyn bay there have been signs up for a couple of months saying do not stop your car here this is a tow away zone. That is disgusting, even if you cannot go on the beach you should have every right to stop your car on the prom, even if it’s only to look out to sea for a few minutes
Given that the media for decades have wanted to direct how we live shouldn’t we get to elect them?
It grates with me when I hear the likes of Mr. Vine: “Mr Politician, (on a mere £70k), bow down before me, (on £700k and therefore superior), representative of the poor pensioner, (on £7k)”.
Also the lie that they are all just observers and that they have no responsibility for anything that happens. (Apparently we are ‘all’ breaking ‘lock-down’ because Cummings, that 99% of the population had never heard of, ‘broke the rules’. So who put that thought in our minds?).
Much as I enjoy the alternative ‘take’ of US Fox News and Sky Australia when they start talking about ‘the media’ they too are also taking no responsibility as they are also ‘the media’.
“Farage, Nigel, the Brexit Party, 65,023,026 votes. Maitlis, Emily, the Bronzed Strumpet Party, 107 votes, (all posted in W1A). I declare Farage, Nigel, the elected member for the UK. Maitlis, Emily, loses her deposit.”
What a good idea RE media elections, and while we are at let the whole country vote for the Mayor of OUR capital, goodbye Khan. or will we suddenly find 50 million postal voters called mohamed…?
How do you contact the BBC to let them know they need to make a correction to a story?
It turns out that two people lied about Cummings one of which being that teacher who did not actually see him in Durham. Neither the Guardian or the Mirror have made this correction and unsurprisingly neither the have the BBC
Not just a little fib about the April 19 ‘sighting’, the bastard doctored his app to confirm route and time.
How much coverage do you think our heroes Maitless and Hislop will give that one?
It’s another indication of the vast conceit surrounding the BBC-Guardian Axis, as if they believe so firmly in their cause that trifling contradictory details, later discovered and aired by other MSM members can be ignored. DC should be fired, case proven.
I have contacted IPSO about the Mirror lie. The Guardian are so brilliant that they seem to think that they don’t need to be with IPSO but they should also be held to account for their lies.
The BBC are not silent about the whole thing.
The Tories are now polling at 4% or 5% in the polls. All that is down to the extreme bias against them from the MSM. It is fortunate that we are not heading towards an election but this bias needs to stop.
The Guardian don’t sign up to IPSOS because they can’t afford the subs.
bbc tells me these are protesters demonstrating when I see rioters rioting. Who ordered the palet of bricks?
“People of colour”………………
With a propensity for irrationality and violence.
Should we be allowed to watch this on here? ????
It seems a bit graphic to me ????
Thanks for the feedback, noted and I’ll keep it in mind when posting future links, on reflection probably should have left it at the soros? funded pallet of bricks. I would probably complain about the repeated msm playing of the George Floyd clip myself if I thought it would do any good.
Perhaps Fed can disable the second link?
Good “biased ” morning….
Quick question, has anybody on this site actually had a response to a complaint sent to the BBC
I never have..!!
yes although bland does not begin to describe their response, a non answer, Boris could do with their help in his briefings dealing with the Carlsberg harridan, if no answer the go to OFCOM or IPSO
That’s outrageous dafydd. I should complain about it…..
Dafyd – the executive complaints unit publishes a fortnightly report on complaints . If you take a look – it could be called the ‘not upheld unit’ as that seems to be all it does .
Judging by the way the BBC is conducting itself I think the complaints unit will need additional resources to deal with the sheer volume .
But no doubt the BBC will draw up ‘guidelines’ to limit the number of complaints it accepts – that after all – is what self serving organisations with no accountabilty actually do .
I always ask for a response to make the so-and-sos work for my money. I always get the response after about two weeks to say they are soooo busy they cannot respond in the 10 day time frame. Then months later I get an answer to a general question I didn’t ask rather than the tightly framed question I did ask. And I was wrong! I am not so stupid that I can’t see it is one answer written in response to lots of complaints.
I know I should write a follow up, but I give up.
That is a way that lazy or incompetent complaint handlers cheat the targets they are required to meet, such is many local authorites, they send a holding response within a week or so then often claim over 99% complaints responded to on time
weasel words as few complaints are resolved in that time frame, if ever, whoever sets the KPIs should tighten them up considerably and then hold them to acoount
I have seen complaints sitting for 30 -40 days or more at a certain local authority with little inclination for anyone to respond further than the initial holding response
(simple complaints not requiring an extensive investigation)
An LA that claimed over 97% “efficiency in complaints management” FFS
how convenient as the target was 96%
(to keep their outsourced contract)
The mail on Sunday – being different from the ordinary daily mail – publishes a ‘defence’ of the DC nonsense – I can’t be bothered reading beyond the headline but I think it is one of the few ‘defence’ pieces written so far .
The MSM to want to report riots in a country 5000 miles away -which is very different to its attitude towards the enemy a few miles away across the water bridge they use to get rid of a few third worlders .
The MSM led by the BBC has managed to keep the DC nonsense in the public’ mind ‘ so that the traitor MPs can carry on the chorus when the Parliament returns on Tuesday . If they had any principle they’d call a ‘vote of no confidence ‘ which – of course – they’d lose. But they won’t .
It may be argued ….that The opposition Labour/BBC Party is responsible for any diminishing of public obedience to the ‘rules’ of lockdown .
They could have ignored it ,or gave him a kicking and moved on but chose to run it into where it is now . Collective national eye rolling …
Riots in Paris for months and not a mention.. wonder why?
I think there might be some argument about the correct spelling for ‘gilet’.
That has never bothered the Grauniad before
The Mirror also have a story up that ‘Johnson has Cummings on his last chance’ but failed to mention the rest of what the Mail said. To do that would admit that they are liars
Oh look last week a top media voice calling out BBC for missing out words in the Durham report, that ITV news carefully reported
.. I wonder what happened to him ?
…. oh yeh the sacked him on a trumped up charge.
Alastair Stewart just retweeted this
Yes, long may the massaged News of, “The World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster” continue (not!) to receive support from their delusional supporters.
“I believe the country needs it”. Yes, just like a dose of the chinese virus!!
I note that Labour MP Rosie Duffield resigns after breaking lock down rules, she was caught meeting up with here married lover.
What about Stephen Kinnock Shadow Africa Minister, who drove 100’s of miles to see his dad in Wales. South Wales police have gave him a flee in his ear and told him he had broken the lock down laws.
Yet another transgression by a Labour politician ( 5 so far ) and not a mention on the BBC news yet regarding this new breach.
You wait, if a Conservative MP transgressis, it will be wall to wall coverage
…but, dafydd, she is only giving up her role as a Labour whip. She most definitely is not resigning from her day job (as an MP), which is what she and Starmer’s stormtroopers demanded of Dominic Cummings.
And much of the media are misleading the public by reporting in their headlines simply that she has resigned.
No doubt ‘many’ will see this as an honourable act by a Labour representative as opposed, of course, to the dastardly Mr Cummings, no matter the reports now emerging that some stories used by the gutter press to vilify him were just that – stories – fabrications.
Ed Davey – Private Members’ Bill presented to Parliament on Wednesday 20 May 2020.
Summary of the European Union Withdrawal (Implementation Period) Bill 2019-21
A Bill to require Her Majesty’s Government to seek a two-year extension of the implementation period under Article 132 of the Withdrawal Agreement; to repeal the prohibition on agreeing to such an extension under section 33 of the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020; and for connected purposes.
2nd Reading on 12 June.
Poor Ed Davey – in thr liberal bunker benearh berlin surrounded by opposition forces. But still directing nonexisting armies of support …
But he wants to keep his job so maybe not so dekusuonal …
A SENIOR Tory has sent BBC chiefs a dossier of “disgraceful bias” displayed by its star news presenters.
Sir Gerald Howarth has compiled a long list of recent examples in which he says TV and radio hosts have broken their strict rules of impartiality.
The ex-minister has demanded to be told why bosses have not reprimanded Emily Maitlis over her Newsnight Dominic Cummings rant.
And he claims her colleagues tried to bounce an outspoken Tory MP off the programme after he said he planned to defend the PM’s senior aide.
The Beeb received 40,000 complaints in the two days after Maitlis delivered her critical Cummings monologue.
In a hard hitting letter to BBC Director General Lord Hall, Sir Gerald accuses his presenters of delivering a “relentless diet of gloom and negativity” since the pandemic began.
He names those he believes are the major culprits and provides a list of incidents.
Sir Gerald fired off his four-page missive after what he describes as Ms Maitlis’s “disgraceful performance” on Tuesday night.
In her introduction to the BBC2 current affairs programme, she said Mr Cummings had “broken the rules” during the lockdown.
Sir Gerald says in his letter: “The introduction left the viewer in no doubt as to her — and by extension the BBC’s — views.”
His dossier also accuses BBC Health Editor Hugh Pym of putting “impertinent and disrespectful” questions to Health Secretary Matt Hancock.
He claims Radio 4 presenter Justin Webb used the expression “Conservative supporting” in front of Daily Telegraph, and said “he poisoned the public information well”.
Jugears Serial Philanderer Marr is currently hectoring Dominic Raab quoting, Corbynutta-like, someone who wrote to Radio5Dead saying the advice they had been given by NHS 111 was to stay put at all costs. Even admitted to Raab’s response that he was contrasting with DC.
Al Beeb clearly not giving up despite the increasing probability that this is all Remoaner political chicanery.
Ok -who – on this site is really Sir Gerald Howarth ?
OK FU2, in the interests of the traditional reply…… I am Sir Gerald Howarth. Who will stand with me?
Thank you Sir Gerald – at least someone is worth their Knighthood .
THE BBC has been bombarded with more than 40,000 complaints in just two days after Emily Maitlis broke the impartiality rule with a rant about Dominic Cummings.
The Newsnight presenter was swiftly reprimanded by the BBC who admitted she had crossed the line when reporting on the PM’s chief advisor “breaking lockdown rules”.
The number of people writing to the BBC to lodge their anger at Ms Maitlis’ monologue about Mr Cummings’ trip to Durham doubled from 18,000 in 24 hours.
The BBC put out an apology the day after the controversial introduction to the program on May 26.
Ms Maitlis had told her Newsnight viewers that the Prime Minister was playing the country “for fools” and accused him of blind loyalty to his adviser – which was putting Government messaging on coronavirus at risk.
A statement the broadcaster put out on twitter said: “The BBC must uphold the highest standards of due impartiality in its news output.
“We’ve reviewed the entirety of last night’s Newsnight, including the opening section, and while we believe the programme contained fair, reasonable and rigorous journalism.
“We feel that we should have done more to make clear the introduction was a summary of the questions we would examine, with all the accompanying evidence, in the rest of the programme.
“As it was, we believe the introduction we broadcast did not meet our standards of due impartiality.
“Our staff have been reminded of the guidelines.”
oh well that’s allright then let’s all move on, nothing to see here
A pity Mr Cummings was not just “reminded”
would have saved a rainforest of print and bbc bile
“Note to self, next time “remind” Dominic, if it is good enough for those at the bbc betraying national trust…”
Something to brighten the morning ?
JOHN Bercow’s hopes of taking a seat in the Lords have been crushed.
The former Commons Speaker was nominated by ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn after the PM refused.
But now it has been rejected by the Lords Appointments Commission.
They also threw out a bid to give a peerage to Karie Murphy, who was executive director of Mr Corbyn’s office.
Mr Bercow was investigated for alleged bullying which he denies.
And Ms Murphy is at the centre of an Equalities Commission probe into the handling of anti-semitism in the party.
A spokesman said: “Our guidelines make clear that an individual must be in good standing in general and with the public regulatory authorities in particular.”
Darcy – thanks – i was going to post that cheery news but was trying not to mention the traitors’ name ,
I will refer in future to “the sawn off little runt with the funny ties”
I had forgotten this.
Last year Mateless libelled Richard Tice on Newsnight and the BBC had to apologise with a full statement live the following week.
According to Richard Tice they also had to remove all trace of the clip from all their media platforms.
Video : Coming out as non-lefty
.. is way harder than coming out as gay
Dave Rubin speaking on SkyNewsAust about identity politics
Earlier in the thread I lamented the useless journalist who asked an excellent question but did not follow up the lack of answer.
Her question in terms was How Come 8000 people a day are still getting Cv19 9 weeks after lockdown. The reply was totally evasive, going to great lengths to answer a minor part of her question and avoiding the main issue.
It gets serious. Five doors up the road a frail elderly lady has caught Cv 19. But she is known as a bit of a recluse and never really goes out. She can only have caught it from her carer or by going in to hospital on a non Cv19 matter.
And that’s not all. Five doors the other way is a family where six years ago the man of the household had a massive stroke. He’s been in care with locked-in syndrome ever since, unable to move. Last week he died of CV19.
Two cases. Both a stone’s throw from my house. Both have caught the virus not in spite of but because of the intervention of the health care sector. Meanwhile a couple of weeks ago there was a little flurry of news, from ITV and of all places the Guardian, that a sizeable but conveniently under-researched and so imprecise number, educated guessed as high as 20%, of hospital Cv19 deaths were of people testing negative on initial entry. Did they catch it in hospital? The BBC did not follow this up – not in line with the NHS Heroes narrative. ‘NHS kill thousands’ was not an editorially-acceptable headline for them.
Are we now at the stage where the pandemic is a sort of gigantic public sector job creation scheme? The health sector give us the virus through their negligence, then they look after us, with barely used ventilator wards, ITU wards, numerous officials giving advice, test and trace. Money no object. Etc etc. On Thursdays hitherto we applaud them, mostly brainlessly.
The above proposition may be harsh. But it would certainly explain why they’re so reluctant to tell us how people are still getting infected.
Meanwhile, the NHS pension scheme alone cost the rest of us £19 bn last year.
“as high as 20%”
probably more like as high as 90%
of Covid originates from health sector
Last year I had to suggest to my local GP practice that their new “touch screen” registration upon arrival is likely a hotbed of infection and some sanitiser gel should be available nearby
None there thought of that FFS
thank goodness they took up the suggestion, although touch screens and doctors surgeries should not go together IMHO
I could add a few more things like endless fire doors with rat trap strength springs etc, it does not take a genius to work out considering frail, elderly or disabled patients.
I once got scalded in an office by one of these “safety doors” with a hot coffee in my hand as it sprung back at 70 mph
and have spent many a sleepless night in hotels hearing them slam back all along the corridor one after another
Surely, even to the most obtuse, it’s now abundantly clear that this lengthy lockdown has caused far more problems than had we been allowed to work and sensibly socialise after the initial three week span.
I think most of us can understand the fear that prompted BoJo to act. We’d seen what had happened in Italy. The NHS (peace be upon it) wasn’t ready and we needed time to build facilities for the potential patients… But FFS not now!
We have more hospital beds than ever. The new Docklands hospital has 4,000 beds… all of them empty.
And yet there’s a huge backlog of heart and cancer referrals. Continuing in this fashion is bloody bonkers. I keep seeing this silly term “Save the NHS”. That’s arse about face, the NHS exists to save us.
Expecting small businesses to be able to cope with this daft and completely arbitrary two metre rule is simply ludicrous. We’re a service based economy. Restaurants, shops, bars and bistros need customers. Lots of them. It can’t work!
Even before the lockdown strangled our economy the high street was in trouble. Now, if only one were available, it would be put on a life support machine.
Even the likes of Norway have started to acknowledge that the lockdown has done little good.
It seems clear that the government isn’t about to change course.
The media continue with their puerile, pointless and vindictive obsession with Dominic Cummings.
Is it too much to ask that they turn their attention to enquiring how and when we’re going to get out of this crippling economic suicide?
It would seem so…
I was absolutely amazed that the BBC showed a repeat
Celebrity Mastermind last night when cricketer Monty
Panasar just about knew his own name when it came to general
I expect the researchers and editor who put it out just
made the criteria, that the programme for positive
discrimination reasons had to have the correct “mix” of
contestants. Irrespective of the fact that Monty afterwards
said that he had never been so embarrassed.
Maybe we need an alternative for some of our more challenged BAMES as it seems they MUST be represented, unlike whites in the 100 M dash or basketball teams
Massah mind or something
Foscari – that one was so bad I remember it and bet it’s on the YouTube . I think stress got time and he lost his‘ listening skills ‘ Or alternatively he is just really thick .
I think he even got the “where was the Boston tea party?” Question wrong ….. he didn’t look too worried about looking thick – but I bet with mum and dad watching he got the full broadside ……
Screenshots from Mail
– 2 eye witnesses
– The Labour peer that passed the fake evidence on
I don’t believe the “sources say Dom has been given a final warning” story
The Mail on Sunday today gives us the lowdown on the lies and deceit behind the origins of the Cummings story.
It seems the retired teacher who reported Cummings to police had himself driven 250 miles to collect his daughter during the crisis.
And then the witness who claimed he saw Cummings on a second lockdown trip to Durham has now admitted he made up the story as a joke.
The Mail also reveals that it was a Guardian photographer who daubed graffiti all over the road outside Cummings’s house last week.
Interesting stuff, and good to see Camilla Tominey of the Telegraoh pointing out the details on Marr this morning.
Marr did indeed acknowledge the article – but he typically did what the BBC always does, which is to avoid any culpability itself.
Despite the fact that it was the BBC that fell hook, line and sinker for this deceitful story in the first place, and which led the pile-on against Cummings for a whole week, it is now trying to pretend that this shocking, politically conflated story was someone else’s doing.
I doubt we we’ll see the BBC offering up any apologies or clarifications.
I liked Peter Hitchen’s commentary, though…
Sometimes tuning in to LBC from Al Beeb at the advice of some of the posters on this site, I am finding LBC heading in the same direction as the LIBlab Al Beeb.
This morning a chap called A. Castle doing a bit of “Race Baiting” ?
Who are the National Black Police Officers Association ?
Dr. Vernon Coleman has a handle on it…
Yesterday the only TV I watched was the NASA TV live webstream covering the buildup, launch and first orbital maneuvering tests of the Falcon 9 Dragon capsule.
Hours and hours of people talking about optimism, pride and engineering success. The NASA administrator was saying Trump is only the 3rd sitting Presisdent to watch a live launch from the Cape and the NASA budget is the highest since JFK. He said on Trump’s first day in office Trump assigned all the correct people to the Space Council and gave it the budget it needs to do great things and make America reach the moon and maybe Mars. Nasa hinted but held back saying Obama destroyed the US space industry.
Compare that to the BBC. Always negative and depressing. They don’t care about science or engineering unless its about the latest iPhone. While NASA wants to inspire a generation of kids the BBC want to genital mutilate a generation of kids with their trans obsession.
It makes me wonder what would the UK be like without the BBC holding us all back.
Very apt final sentence, there, Tabs…. it bears repeating – and should be quoted, if necessary acompanied by the phrase, ‘a number of people are saying….’ by any government representative during any interview by the BBC.
Just to make the ‘number of people’ bit true….
“It makes me wonder what would the UK be like without the BBC holding us all back.”
I watched the livecast on the web as well, and noticed that the 3 commentators consisted of a black guy, a black woman, and white female doing the MCing. Once again, even with NASA, there’s an agenda.
More in Pres. Trump’s post-launch speech (starts with Minnesota/George Floyd/Activists)
It may all be a bit cheesy but we certainly could do with someone like this to act for and speak up for us.
Instead here we have Sedwill et al. scuppering plans to build the UK’s own global navigation satellite system (GNSS).
Sources say “It makes me wonder what would the UK be like without the BBC holding us all back.”
BBCnews aired Campbell again and didn’t edit out his f-word
I’m sure BBC put this idiot on to wind us all up.He is an imbecile and the mental health excuse is a way he may be forgiven for rudeness, ignorance, hatefullness and a desperation to do damage to the government.
Remember he is being used as a weapon in the last desperate attempt to stop Brexit. They will try anything even using a washed up war monger.
As effective weapon systems go, that is like a static ramp on the beach at Peenemunde.
The tee hee kids do like their NaughtieMarr moments.
Stew – as you know i reported this yesterday and the fact that my goldfish was shocked by it .
Thank you for putting the footage up to evidence that this mentally challenged depressive really does have issues …
Happy Pentecost all!
Is there any chance we can play a game here, as in “How long can you last listening to the Beeb, before you start screaming, ranting, becoming a Madman”? Or has this been suggested before?
I must be the winner, as today it was only 15 seconds, before I became a screaming lunatic (I woke up the better half!).
First, I lasted 10 seconds, as it was BBC Scotland, with a certifiable moron, who mentioned that “and these people are referred to, by tabloids like the Daily Mail, as “Remainers.”!!! Really? Unbelievable!
Secondly, it was only 3-5 seconds on BBC RSL, with some angry, illiterate Afro-American, going on about “America be a waycist country, a WAYcist country.”
I then switched to Classic FM.
Has anyone lasted for a shorter duration?
PS – When the other half heard me, I had to explain, that I only wanted a church service, or pleasant music on a Sunday morning.
Happy Pentecost to you too . My church has adapted to the youtube mass . But it seems the gods of motoring take precedents over the churches and other places of worship being opened up …
As for turning off the radio – i think youd win every time because it takes a while for the valves to warm up….
Im guessing the MSM is working on getting ‘protests ‘ to spread to the UK where the ritual smashing of the doors of Currys and Dixons can take place .
“As for turning off the radio – i think you’d win every time because it takes a while for the valves to warm up…. ”
Digital TV and radio surely take longer to start up than the old valve kit. As for changing channel…
My mum’s TV can be slow to switch off, you press the button and nothing happens, so you press it again. Two seconds later it does switch off… then it switches back on again.
Under the ‘new normal’ this will no longer be a problem. All TV and Radio will take over the Amazon channels and be re-branded EMILY, (Enhanced Media Integrated Localised Yammering).
The most noticeable difference with the new service is that instead of having to say, “Alexa! Do…” , Emily will say, “Do … NOW!”.
Yes on time being short – you could launch a private space rocket in the time it takes for a Free view box to fire up –
Or miss the first half of a footy match with arsenal going in 2 – 0 down …..
“Brushed off”
There are two guys who claimed the second Durham trip was true
– The chemistry teacher that drove 560 miles to pick his daughter up
.. and claims he can check licence plates on the internet
– The jogger who now says he made his story up ad a joke
Durham Police say there is no ANPR evidence
Tim Matthews, a keen runner, admitted that he doctored the details on the Strava app, used by joggers and athletes to record routes and times, to make it look as if he had seen Mr Cummings on the afternoon of April 19 – five days after the Prime Minister’s aide returned to London.
Stew – apart from being a keen runner – does this fraud have any other ‘ attrubutes’? Teacher lawyer councillor – civil servant – remainer ?
He shares a surname with Sir Stanley.
John Crace, Paul Mason or perhaps Alastair Campbell, will give us an in-depth summary in tomorrow’s Guardian showing the direct link to heroism within the class struggle, through the name Matthews, to confront and ultimately subjugate elitist government lackeys, such as DC.
Stew, I said on an earlier thread about the inference of being able to look up licence plates on the internet. How did he manage to do that ? surely any junior journalist must have wondered too, as its only the Police who are able to check vehicle data.
Try finding out the swine who continually parks outside your house by checking the reg no. and you hit a brick wall.
Gotta hand it to the left, StewGreen, they do this hypocrisy thing rather well.
there’s a poll in the Sunday Times asking if we should seek a two year delay to the Brexit transition.
If you are a subscriber to The Times, the link is below and you know what to do.
you cant vote without a Times account
The comments only have about 20 votes
So not many people have read the article.
These “demonstrations” happening across the US have proved interesting.
Apart from all the torching, general mayhem, violence and anarchy I’ve also witnessed some unusual actions…
I’ve seen people using their democratic rights making off with 40 inch flat screens.
I’ve seen these put upon minorites running down the street with recently acquired top of the range trainers.
They’ve been purloining music systems. They’ve smashed up and robbed liquor stores.
But one retail area seems to have been missed by the freedom fighters and it’s baffled me.
Not a single bookshop has been ransacked.
There must be a reason for this strange oversight, but…
I can’t quite put my finger on it.
Worse, I did notice on a filmed report a pre-printed notice on the shop window ” MINORITY OWNED”, you can only think why. This is very similar to the Bradford riots a few years back. Only certain buildings were raised to the ground, I leave you to guess which one’s. Obviously all the pubs and working men’s clubs were destroyed one with terrified staff and customers inside.
I suppose they get plenty of opportunity to ‘read’ in the State Pen, as there’s little else to do. And did I read somewhere that its African-Americans who make up the greatest percentage of prisoners ?