Thinking about the lockdown and the reduction in transport usage and impact on jobs.
One of the groups affected by lack of business is……..Extinction Rebellion.
But luckily, a new job creation opportunity has taken place, fortuitously just after the student exam period and in warm, sunny weather.
The tragic and let’s be clear totally unacceptable George Floyd incident has mutated into Black Lives Matter anti-social distancing demos. And hence new campaigning opportunities for Momentum, the SWP, anarchists, and eco-warriors with little else to do.
And the BBC want to make sure we get the message. Newshite is showing on the Bronzed Bimbo Corporation featuring a female Muslim campaigner aka grievance seeker.
\\ Interesting listening to George the Poet on #Newsnight discussing parallels between #UK & #US when it comes to deaths of black people at hands of police who then go unpunished.//
Imagine if the black community got this upset every time one of their own killed an innocent kid in the neighborhood with a stray bullet from some stupid gang dispute.
Interesting 2014 story
Stunning speech, but Don’t go around making out it’s a new video
“On Nov. 6, 2014, Flynn spoke to reporters
after a tense meeting of the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission, a civilian oversight board.”
Democrat Mayor gets 200K likes for saying “It’s the riot rioters”
but Andy Ngo had already warned about Antifa 18 months ago
wh en they were beating him up
I want to acknowledge that much of the violence and destruction, both here in Seattle and across the country, has been instigated and perpetuated by white men.
I was on the Rising show last year where I warned that the antifa riots in Portland can easily be replicated elsewhere in the United States. American antifa cells have spent years honing skills and training on insurrection.
Apologies if others have mentioned it already but I just found out George Floyd did 5 years in jail for aggravated robbery plus 4 other stays in jail for drugs and theft.
If memory serves, the last gentle giant who had an altercation with the police also turned out to be a repeat felon and violent bully, as shown by subsequently released video.
If only these gentle giants would stop breaking the law, they might not get into stand-offs with the police.
I may have had some respect for the UK protestors if they were holding placards saying ALL lives matter, but no, only black lives matter according to them
Unless said lives are taken by black stabbers,
then, unless they can find anyone to blame apart from the black perpetrators, the usual tumbleweed moment as perfected by the bbc
And as seen in the US, white people beaten within an inch of their lives by feral black thugs posing as protestors around the country do not matter in the slightest
The BBC local radio news kinda says there aren’t any rioting/looting in America
: “Trump says he will send in troops to deal
with WHAT HE CALLS riots & looting”
Then they played audio of 2 or 3 people talking about why the are demonstrating.
Antifa-Jim the BBC Radio Shropshire presenter objected to me tweeting that to TalkRadio
So I had to send him this transcript
7am Lincolnshire newsreader
“Trump has threatened to use soldiers to tackle
WHAT HE CALLED riots & lawlessness across America…”
– Trump clip
– “There was no talk from DT of any police reforms or the root causes
..JoeBiden said he was using military against the American people”
Newsreader “These people in the US explained why they have been taking part in the DEMONSTRATIONS”
Guy “I’m tired ..”
Gal “I don’t want us to be looked at as rioters or looters we are protesters”
Newsreader “Back home govt .. relax quarantine rule”
7:05am The presenter then repeated
“Trump has threatened to use soldiers to tackle
WHAT HE CALLED riots & lawlessness across America…”
#OrangeManBad seems BBC priority
Why insert that phrase “what he called” ?
BBCnews CONSTRUCTS narratives
Why not just say
“soldiers to tackle riots & lawlessness” ?
Antifa-Jim tweeted “No, we don’t kinda or actually say that.
Glad you’re listening to our *proper speech radio*, though.”
That’s him having a dig at TalkRadio’s Mike Graham
Ah I see why Antifa-Jim jumps into tweets
He’s set himself as a BBC online-securityguard.
If you tweet anything with the words ‘BBC local’ it pops up on his screen.
Topic of this weeks Radio4 Desert Island Discs
\\ Elizabeth Anionwu, former nurse
… She left her day job behind in 2007, but as she puts it “it has not turned out to be a quiet retirement”. She spent nine years fundraising and campaigning for a statue to British-Jamaican nurse Mary Seacole. Unveiled in 2016 in the grounds of St Thomas’ Hospital //
Even though shops are starting to open, I am truly dreading the usual experience of casual shopping with some of the shop assistant Warden Hodges in high vis and megaphones (PUT THAT LIGHT OUT!!! replaced by GET BACK !!!) let loose around the country and of course the local authority stasi gearing up for an orgy of cycle lanes, closed car parks and general anti car mayhem after sitting at home for months “unable” to do their job because they cannot answer a phone or an email at home “cos of the virus”
(never seemed to affect 90% of private businesses I called / emailed who remained contactable)
they must be polishing up their pedestrian barricades and red and white tape as I type…
“we have SAFETY on our side no need for daha protection or compuha says no this time”
Ha I agree , I called at local b and m bargains yesterday afternoon, got a trolley then found the queue to get in snaked down shopping area for about 100 yds, 40 people in queue, all standing about 12 foot apart. Idiots waiting in the baking heat while the fellow on the door only let one person in every 10 mins.
I value my health and got in the car and came home.
It would be nice if the UK media were able to report impartially on President Trump. A casual observer of the news would believe that the Washington protests were all peaceful and the police were violently indiscriminate. Of course the truth is more complicated
This on the scene report by Australia Channel 9 does an admirable job of presenting both sides and the reasons why the Police needed to clear the area.
This is just bizarre. If the report is ready it should be released. If the government is concerned about its contents then all the more so – we need more transparency across the board
Bills passing through Parliament should be duplicated and re-worded to represent the white population and, separately the, “People of Colour”. After all, the police have adopted that approach for years.
As I listen to the hostile Mishal Hussein of R4 conducting an interview with one of Trump’s team, I can’t help being assailed by a sneaking feeling that the Democratic Presidential election campaign has actually begun early.
It kicks off by turning the US into a wasteland, for which rioters then hope to blame President Trump. Seen in that light, George Floyd is actually a very minor character in the cast of thousands, who has long ago, served his purpose.
Realising that Sleepy Joe Biden ain’t gonna do it for them, the Left had to dream up something really special to cast Trump in a bad light, and destroying American cities is the strategy they have chosen. That way, they seem to think, when November comes along, Americans will have physical reminders about them of what happens if you don’t vote the right way?
Interestingly, just a couple of weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi (Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives) and her hordes of sycophants were condemning a perfectly peaceful protest against lockdown in a couple of States. They labelled the participants as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ because they were breaking lockdown rules and weren’t wearing PPE.
Their equivalent assessment of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Antifa’ shenanigans in the past week…….. tumbleweed.
I am assailed by yet another sneaking feeling (sorry!)
Although the actual US election campaign hasn’t even started, THE PHYSICAL INTIMIDATION CAMPAIGN TO PRESSURISE VOTERS HAS. Who says these need to coincide in time?
Think about it.
But I did enjoy his response to the implication from Husain that the rioting and looting should continue without interference. He replied, “that’s just your liberal bias”. Well done.
One of the strategies ‘protestors’ in the US have used is to turn ‘peaceful’ protests into violent ones, where they start destroying stuff. This is all supposed to be happening ‘spontaneously’, which is why we hear the word ‘anger’ used so often, especially by beeb.
The inference is that your carefully-controlled anger simply got so fierce that — well you just HAD to start burning stuff, didn’t you? Righteous anger of course, doesn’t need saying. But, if you do need to be told, beeb will do it for you.
Let’s just try to imagine for one moment – Black cop White victim.
Response from Antifa – a big cheer.
I don’t think we need stretch our imagination very far.
Vivo Big Don.
During a traverse of various YT platforms yesterday evening, on one I came across a photo of all the Greta family proudly displaying their ‘ANTIFA’ T shirts. I appreciate that there is no, ‘Lock-Down’ in Sweden (if indeed the family are there – they’re probably being exulted elsewhere) but, for the moment, its all gone very quite on the ‘Climate Change’ front. Got me thinking (and predicting again). The next big nonsensical social movement for the continuation of Marxism and so-called, ‘social justice’ will be encapsulated in and follow the headline:
“Plants heard to scream when their fruit is picked. A scientist (somewhere) has heard a variety of plants and trees “Scream” when their edible fruit is removed”.
Just think about it………….
fakenewswatcher….. and we’re supposed to believe that these ‘spontaneous demonstrations’ just happen to regularly come upon some pallets of bricks/rocks, spontaneously appearing next to a potential target, so these thug rioters somehow don’t even to carry said bricks/rocks any distance, the pooor dears. All this protesting must be just so exhausting !
Ha ha, the Chinese lecturing the US on human rights, after Tibet, The Chinese Gulags, organ harvesting, Tiananmen Square, the Uyghurs, Hong Kong, the oppression of Christians, Falun Gong and all religious minorities, zero democracy, zero freedom of expression, zero freedom of assembly or dissent, etc etc.
Whatever our personal proclivities may happen to be, choosing a partner (be it long-term life partner or even for a short-term hook up) well, that is about the most discriminating personal act we make in our lives.
‘Dating and hook-up app Grindr says it will remove the “ethnicity filter” from the next version of its app, following years of criticism from its users.’
Only some of its users, I guess. And of course the BBC can see absolutely no problem with this peculiar and rather sinister outcome. Apart from the fact that this hasn’t happened quicker. Well, that’s the way with crazy Leftist identity politics – you give them an inch and they say they should have had seven inches, and ought to have had them yesterday.
‘Analysis by Ben Hunte, LGBT correspondent. For years, LGBT people of colour have flagged the ethnicity filter as an issue – but they received no response from Grindr.’
The only possible objection allowed to this (according to our BBC chap) has to come from: ‘Some have told me that they used the ethnicity filter to find people like themselves’ That’s a little vague but he seems to be saying blacks were happy to filter blacks in and presumably whites out – but whites ought not to have the same facility.
Why did this issue pop up just now?
‘On 29 May, Grindr had tweeted “Demand justice. #BlackLivesMatter”
Now you see that was the company’s mistake. They clambered onto some hot button political issue they thought they could virtue signal about thereby boosting their PR whilst causing no cost to themselves.
‘This had prompted several users to accuse the company of hypocrisy. One message saying “remove the ethnicity filter” was retweeted 1,000 times’
Inevitably… ‘Grindr later deleted its own tweet and on 1 June posted a new message explaining its change of position’
So now we know what happens to snowflakes when they have to obey directions for a couple of months –
They either go overboard about someone they’ve always hated ( DC)
they go on shopping trips to set fire to shops they like (USA)
With their MSM feeding the fire in both cases .trying to figure out what comes next but I think it might be an ‘unforseeable ‘
Event ….. but who knows …
Apparently Parliament is back today …. and they are debating whether to stick with the electronic one or not ..
Does anyone really care ? The fixation with DC will continue. The lefties will line up to virtue signal and the less left will scheme to depose BoJo .
Minor matters like less people dying from covid but the NHS still failing to fo its day job will continue. The A and Es will still tout for business and maybe cancer patients get treated ….
It looks like that radio station is just an extension of Radio 4 – again not much evidence of ‘ diversity of thought ‘ just the usual shades of the bubble – with adverts for Death Plans and Equity Release ….
The sooner President Trump sends in the troops to deal with this violent trash the better.
The Antifa, far left anarchist thugs and the virulently racist Black Lives Matter halfwits, have no intention of listening to reason.
Clearly, as others have stated, black lives only matter when a black person is killed by a white person.
If they carried on like this every time some scummy black gangster got taken out by another of his kind there’d be no end to the rioting.
And all the statistics show, both on this side of the pond on the other, that black on white homicide is massively higher that the other way round.
This is no time for conciliatory pussy footing around. This is no time for hand wringing and apologies. That’s not working. It’s actually encouraging their misplaced sense of grievance. There has been a massive wave of carnage, arson and destruction. Businesses have been razed to the ground. Lives have been lost.
Send in the troops.
And don’t bother with the rubber bullets…
But what is interesting is that the FBI will be researching where the Antifa money comes from. As I recall the hoards coming up from South American countries to invade the US at the time of the Border Wall issue were identified as being mainly financed by Soros & Co.
Will the FBI eventually track him down and punish him? I sincerely hope so.
The corrupt FBI is more concerned about covering up its part in the attempted coup against President Trump, initiated before he left office by President Obama. This is far bigger than Watergate, which was the cover up of a failed break in. Just don’t expect to hear about it in the MSM.
Journalists covering anti-racism protests across the US have reported being targeted by security forces using tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray.
Tear gas and pepper spray especially are easy to target at individuals embedded in raging dark clad mobs at night in swirling fog of a riots.
Ask JezBo.
Weird they seem always to have the back of the people kicking off.
BTW, BBC… using ‘anti-racism protests’ for what is happening is laughable.
“But then they need to lead, Joe. All I have heard from Democrats, from very limited radio news and greater internet reading, is ‘excuses for criminality’. How do you think that will sit with US voters come Election time, Joe?”
It is unfortunate that at the present time, both the UK and USA do not have good communicators – people who can think on their feet and not rush to say something – as leaders. President Trump could be excused in my view because of age but that doesn’t apply to our PM.
You almost need someone in the White House and in No.10 Downing Street who is a quick-witted, thoughtful, ex-copy writer from a top advertising agency for situations like the Pandemic and the Floyd death.
Some here , perhaps with a liking for mutton , have been wondering when a 49 year old Production company employee would return to ‘do’ Newsnight ,
Well apparently the Nation was gathered around their TVs on Monday night . Maybe she has been tasked with getting the viewing figures high enough to be measured .
???? Fedup.
We’ve all been there haven’t we?
Have a hissy fit at work and cause the company to issue an embarrassing back down and then….. ask for and get a week off work ????
What a joke Maitlisssss and al beeb are, living in a different world to the rest of us ✌️
Not strictly BBC, but yet another brilliant Delingpole podcast, with yet another doctor who has little sympathy with the lock-down and social distancing rubbish we are currently still undergoing…
(It’s an hour and a quarter long, but worth every minute).
Old Goat- A very interesting and informative interview. I don’t suppose it’s
a surprise but there are quite a few of these interviews I
watch where the interviewer is continually sipping a
cup of tea or coffee. I find it a bit distracting . Not as bad
as adverts but still distracting.
Is it just because the interviewer drinks a dozen cups of tea or
coffee a day? Is it because the interviewer is a chain smoker
and if they were not drinking their coffee they will get terrible
withdrawal symptoms? I suppose doing an interview with a
fag in your mouth is worse than a tea cup. I wonder in the
Guiness book of records if there is an entry for what is the
record for the amount of sips of tea, coffee or for that matter
water or gin during an interview?
Stew – not only do i not partake any BBC any more – i dont even bother looking at the schedules because i know what i will find .
If i was a non british lefty coloured female lesbian with a ‘ partner ‘ on benefits and a range of challenged but multinationally talented kids i d be away
PS – i wrote the above before going to your link – which – i – think – supports my prejuduced view . Glad i dont pay for it or ever will .
.. Look smear labelling someone with the boo-word label racist
is as bad as smear labelling people just cos of their skin colour
It is not a #BeKind thing
I hear on the R4 News that Archbishop Sentimu has leaped in with size 11 wellies where angels fear to tread.
Seems he’s exceptionally well briefed on what is happening in the US?
The BBC, Guardian and Independent all twisting the news stories to “get” Trump.
First they accuse him of hiding in a bunker. He then appears in a photo shoot outside a Church and they accuse him of “using” the Church and find a church guy to complain.
They then link it to police action some distance away where the police were forced to use tear gas, no doubt at Trumps request.
I also notice that they have all reverted to calling him Trump again rather than by his title President Trump.
They are plain evil. This is just the continuation of their hate campaign against him. It certainly isn’t news, it’s political activism. I hope he cracks down big time.
There is no doubt that all of our major news organisations have ditched what were their original news correspondents and replaced them with left-wing activists on a mission to form a society they want. I would even suggest that this “replacement” is organised by global forces trying to take control, Common Purpose for example.
There are way too many problems with any rationale for the media hype around this George Floyd incident (justice needs to be done – which it has/is being) – but to condone looting, setting fire to buildings and to still be banging on about slavery is just bizarre
What amazes me is how the likes of the BBC don’t seem to comment on the seemingly greater proportion of white protesters and the seemingly greater proportion of black looters…now I know it might be skewed due to local demographics but..just saying…
MSM is no longer a source of news – just of political narrative and driver of social unrest
I bravely endured 10 minutes of TOADY yesterday from 6.05 a.m. onward and 20-25 minutes of TOADY today from 7 a.m.. I had a hint that Rick Nobinson (a.k.a. Toenails) was going to be vile on Monday so I switched off.
Monday was a Mishal-free zone but she’s back in charge today. Subject: lack of prosecutions of British soldiers for war crimes, good news in my neck of the woods. Mishal got a good pasting from a female lawyer who knew her stuff, despite Mishal’s slightly slanted questions.
One of main reasons 3,000+ fraudulent accusations against British troops were taken seriously & thousands of troops suffered repeated investigations over a decade was UK’s misjudged membership of the politicised ICC . We must withdraw immediately.
The director of the Service Prosecution Authority is confident that a separate investigation being conducted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague will conclude this year without further action being taken.
Earlier this year the government presented a bill promising to curb historic allegations and tackle what it calls “vexatious claims” against armed forces deployed overseas.
… But human rights groups and some lawyers have already expressed concern – saying the legislation could place the military above the law, and undermine existing international conventions.
The less we have to do with so-called ‘International Courts’ the better. However, it is certain that lawyers such as Starmer (by proxy) and Cherry will be pushing to make sure the UK stays entrapped in the Council of Europe – European Convention – European Court of Human Rights web. (Supreme Court anyone?)
Up2 I dip my hat for listening . One secret reason for listening used to be the gg tips but even that was easy enough to dump .
Now that the ‘news’ has moved from factual expression of the most important things happening to selected use of opinion I don’t need that either . Even the weather is turned into some kind of expression of politics .
It really is a re run of the nazi playbook where that single view infests every part of civil life and dissent is extinguished . I know I’m risking the comparison because the 1930s version put dissenters into camps to shut their voice – whilst the current version shut the voice through non broadcast so far .
It’s difficult to imagine that ‘community safety education camps ‘ might be formed to house dissenters but not impossible .
I’m trying To work out how the government is planning for large scale unemployment as the furlough is tapered off and public spending is modelled on what the snowflakes want ( NHS – overseas giveaways – and the Like ) as opposed to things the economy might really need .
As there’s a Government majority can I suggest a vote takes place to remove the BBC’s License. Or at least a vast reduction of fees as @AboutTheBBC is made to thin down all its platforms. Including the little listened to local Radio stations that cost so much to run!
I hear them shouting “Black Lives Matter” on Al Beeb . Where were the ‘Black Lives Matter’ gang when we had all the weekly ‘black on black’ stabbings in London ? Have they gone away ?
There is an old saying in Taffland, that ‘even dogs don’t foul on their own doorstep’, but look at all the looting, pillaging and wrecking going on the the black areas of the USA – nothing to do with the death of a black man.
The protest heading here in Great Britain are the usual ‘rent a gob and crowd’ that we will find in the usual demos from ‘extinction Rebellion’ to ‘black lives matter’ or ‘not in my name’.
All this going on when Hong Kong, yes remember that place?, is loosing it democracy – not a peep?
IMHO, Al Beeb will weaponise all this mayhem in a last bold attempt to bring this government down , its going to be a tough weekend ahead for LONDON …………..
As the George Floyd protests continue, let’s be clear where the violence is coming from
Rebecca Solnit
[The razor sharp minds on BBBC have already guessed who is to blame.]
Using damage to property as cover, US police have meted out shocking, indiscriminate brutality in the wake of the uprising
[Uprising, and completely justified according to the author.]
… are more like people trapped inside that burning house trying to break out.
[Blacks responsible for the rioting, as they always are, are entitled to do so, according to the author.
The race and slavery card. In fact we should be grateful to the arsonists for not burning everything.]
What is particularly stunning about the brutality of the police across the country is that they seem to expect impunity.
They do not serve the public or keep the peace; they serve themselves.
[Try living in the UK where the police point out where the nicest 9 year old girls can be found if you are interest in a gang rape of white children.
They serve themselves? A good description of Africans in a US riot they started.
Meanwhile in the USA the police are so selfish they are frequently killed or injured on duty, by the same people who are rioting.
Remember Michael Brown? An entitled black thug who attacked and stole from a Korean shopkeeper who could just see over the counter.
Immediately attacked a police officer and was shot.
Whereupon 200 black “witnesses” lied about the shooting and half a million did their impression of peaceful protest.
So many similar examples exist, books have been written about them.]
One of the stunning things about Saturday night’s police riot was the direct and intentional violence against journalists across the nation.
[Rubbish, there are many hard left fanatics writing nonsense, the Guardian is full of it.
These people are not journalists, before they get on the plane they are determined to blame Trump, Republicans, white people, men.
Facts are old fashioned, just invent actions that you wish were true.
Some of these “journalists” are there to cause trouble.]
Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist
[Finally, let us pemanently bury this lying bollox about Black slaves creating a prosperous USA.
The slaves did housework and picked cotton, simple tasks which required no creativity.
Still no sign of creative minds.]
I have to challenge you on your view that” journalists were there to cause trouble “
Why do that?
To get better pictures?
Win awards from friends ?
Get a better job ?
Enflame things further ?
Undermine a president they hate?
Get a president they approve of ?
No i cant see any ambitious lefty journalist doing that . ……
BLM “George Floyd is the focal point for a lot of black grievances against white establishment”
Some people on Twitter “Lee Rigby is the focal point for a lot of British grievances
but we didn’t riot when he was killed by 2 black men”
… that is now trending
BLM is outraged
“how dare you ! how dare you talk about Lee Rigby in the same breath as George Floyd”
TalkRadio caller
.. “The George Floyd killing has been WEAPONISED
by people for their political ends”
He then went onto talk about
“Why when Ireland is still supposed to be distancing did we have 5,000 people at a Black Lives Matter in Dublin, near the US Embassy ? ”
Another caller said
said “I get it, BAME are especially vulnerable to Covid
so why are they organising big demonstrations in London about this one guy killed 4,000 miles away
… Aren’t people like Sadiq , who support politicising this sad one black death
actually making more black deaths likely ?”
I think this is an important video, particularly for anyone questioning the use of face masks. About 3 mins in to 8:20. And, if you have the time, the item following this is a reference to a new website which offers updates on the progress of all the labs seeking a vaccine.
@G sorry that’s Absolute rubbish.
It’s got the same problem as the BBC science stuff
It takes the OPINION of someone who is a bit SCIENCY and claims it has the authority of science.
I spotted in the intro when the guy is talking about the Covid tallies
“Oh Russia we see alleveling off in the surge of the last few weeks and cos deaths are usually lagging behind we’ll see a fall in them” etc. etc,
FFS as we’d take their stats at face value
Russias deaths should rise first, as the increased cases of the last weeks transform into deaths”
Then his maths test is rubbish
#1 The second video the voice over FRAMES the video
See nothing”
That is wrong cos I can see specks of laser light in that video
Anyway Laser light that I can see is not a proxy for microscopic virus particles I can’t see
And then like anything you have to consider the full life cycle and contexts
Like we all might end up with more Covid as we touch our faces moving the mask etc.
And especially for a senile or special needs person.
I don’t want to wear a mask
but if I go to the rough area of town, I want them to be all wearing masks
cos those tossers can’t obey simple rules like stay at home if you have a cough, and then the stand a foot behind you breathing down your neck.
Sky News’ Cordelia Lynch is in emotional disbelief. The protesters outside the white house have been dispersed by police action and, you won’t believe this, but the President took a calm walk on the now quiet streets to a church where people took pictures of him.
As you can imagine poor Cordelia couldn’t believe that the man she states is hated by everyone and is the cause of the unrest dares to take a stroll on a street.
I wonder if Mayors in other US cites will take note of Cordelia’s view of the world and allow protesters to burn down buildings and steal TVs and trainers. Or, will they further upset the sensitive Sky new crews and bring peace and order back to their cities.
Big demos all over the US, London, Dublin, Amsterdam, to name but a few, will lead to a second wave of Covid.
Still, couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
Peston celebrates the ONS as a gotcha
.. Yeh well it’s obvious that adding diagnostic tests and background research tests together
was a bit cheeky
but the original issue was that there weren’t enough tests there’s more test capacity than people who want them.
Actual diagnostic tests are up from 10K to 80K per day
that is a good thing.
To save you the bother of reading this school report from official stats supremo Norgrove to @MattHancock on the government’s daily publication of #COVID__19 testing data, I will put in nutshell. The data is misleading, confusing and unhelpful. D minus. Must try harder
Alone among the world, headed by facist, autocratic despots, who are despised by 90% of their poplulations, why can’t these countries have the peace and harmony that the BBC leads us to believe exists elsewhere?
Watching the parliament today theres been lots of box ticking over ‘ coloured people matter ‘ because of some report which says coloured people are disproportionately affected by coloured people .
Does this mean that the NHS will have to recruit less coloured people to deal with the chinese virus ? Or put non coloured people further into the so called ‘ front line ‘ which ive always thought was – er – hospitals .
Donuts blackford didnt ask anything about the virus but instead spoke for ‘The People of Scotland ‘ herein refered to as TPOS -about DC .
Deep joy.
BBC radio stations are showing support for BLM by arranging ‘events’ apparently including not broadcasting!
Passing on the irony of that last remark for this website.
My issue is that, although personally I think the policeman whose actions resulted in Mr Floyd’s death should be strung up, oh and BTW we have had BAME pals over to ours in the last few days, I absolutely hate the Leftmob telling me what to think, how to behave, and pressurising me into joining the latest leftmob-inspired purity spiral.
I didn’t clap for our NHS heroes, I’m not going to support ER demos, or BLM demos and it is a disgrace that they BBC dare to assume I should.
Washington DC saw some of the worst violence overnight, as protesters rallied outside the White House to voice their anger over the killing of George Floyd.
Where is the right to commit violence for any reason enshrined anywhere, such that the BBC feel able to make such a description legitimate under its editorial guidelines?
Almost nothing about that paragraph adds up, beyond being utterly irresponsible and inflammatory.
The media and large slices of the political establishment seem to have determined that the destruction of the USA is a price they’re happy for everyone else to pay in order to get rid of the Bad Orange Man.
I’m struggling to understand that level of hatred, but we see it time and time again. Every time they fail to bring him down, they ramp it up and with the elections coming up it appears that no tactic is too low or distasteful.
They must fear he has some incendiary information on them. I pray that he does.
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Thinking about the lockdown and the reduction in transport usage and impact on jobs.
One of the groups affected by lack of business is……..Extinction Rebellion.
But luckily, a new job creation opportunity has taken place, fortuitously just after the student exam period and in warm, sunny weather.
The tragic and let’s be clear totally unacceptable George Floyd incident has mutated into Black Lives Matter anti-social distancing demos. And hence new campaigning opportunities for Momentum, the SWP, anarchists, and eco-warriors with little else to do.
And the BBC want to make sure we get the message. Newshite is showing on the Bronzed Bimbo Corporation featuring a female Muslim campaigner aka grievance seeker.
Luckily, there’s a Les Dawson doc. over on ITV
Breaking ………..Sounds coming from US . President is going to get tough!
How will Al Beeb spin it ?
\\ Interesting listening to George the Poet on #Newsnight discussing parallels between #UK & #US when it comes to deaths of black people at hands of police who then go unpunished.//
OMG #IlhanOmar on @BBCNewsnight
American riots: cities burning
BBC tells us who the REAL victims are
not police, not shopkeepers, not householders
It’s reporters
Conservatives has updated their Twitter logo
.. for a special month
..guess what ?
Ridiculous. I prefer the one for @ConHome.
Interesting 2014 story
Stunning speech, but Don’t go around making out it’s a new video
“On Nov. 6, 2014, Flynn spoke to reporters
after a tense meeting of the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission, a civilian oversight board.”
Democrat Mayor gets 200K likes for saying “It’s the riot rioters”
but Andy Ngo had already warned about Antifa 18 months ago
wh en they were beating him up
Typo it’s “the white rioters”
Apologies if others have mentioned it already but I just found out George Floyd did 5 years in jail for aggravated robbery plus 4 other stays in jail for drugs and theft.
I’ve not seen any mention of this on BBC though.
Apparently he was a gentle giant though.
If memory serves, the last gentle giant who had an altercation with the police also turned out to be a repeat felon and violent bully, as shown by subsequently released video.
If only these gentle giants would stop breaking the law, they might not get into stand-offs with the police.
“Apparently he was a gentle giant though.”
That, the Marxists will hope, will be the lasting memory……
Well if a similar thing happened in the UK we know what the cause of death would be, especially if it were to be a BAME victim.
Where will we get our key, Christmas, sofa and take-away advertising workers from in future as Boris fails to protect them?
I may have had some respect for the UK protestors if they were holding placards saying ALL lives matter, but no, only black lives matter according to them
Unless said lives are taken by black stabbers,
then, unless they can find anyone to blame apart from the black perpetrators, the usual tumbleweed moment as perfected by the bbc
And as seen in the US, white people beaten within an inch of their lives by feral black thugs posing as protestors around the country do not matter in the slightest
The BBC local radio news kinda says there aren’t any rioting/looting in America
: “Trump says he will send in troops to deal
with WHAT HE CALLS riots & looting”
Then they played audio of 2 or 3 people talking about why the are demonstrating.
I did not hear it, were they singing ?
What do we want ? TVs when do we want them ? NOW
what do we want ? CHANEL etc
Antifa-Jim the BBC Radio Shropshire presenter objected to me tweeting that to TalkRadio
So I had to send him this transcript
#OrangeManBad seems BBC priority
Why insert that phrase “what he called” ?
BBCnews CONSTRUCTS narratives
Why not just say
“soldiers to tackle riots & lawlessness” ?
Antifa-Jim tweeted
“No, we don’t kinda or actually say that.
Glad you’re listening to our *proper speech radio*, though.”
That’s him having a dig at TalkRadio’s Mike Graham
Ah I see why Antifa-Jim jumps into tweets
He’s set himself as a BBC online-securityguard.
If you tweet anything with the words ‘BBC local’ it pops up on his screen.
Topic of this weeks Radio4 Desert Island Discs
\\ Elizabeth Anionwu, former nurse
… She left her day job behind in 2007, but as she puts it “it has not turned out to be a quiet retirement”.
She spent nine years fundraising and campaigning for a statue to British-Jamaican nurse Mary Seacole. Unveiled in 2016 in the grounds of St Thomas’ Hospital //
Even though shops are starting to open, I am truly dreading the usual experience of casual shopping with some of the shop assistant Warden Hodges in high vis and megaphones (PUT THAT LIGHT OUT!!! replaced by GET BACK !!!) let loose around the country and of course the local authority stasi gearing up for an orgy of cycle lanes, closed car parks and general anti car mayhem after sitting at home for months “unable” to do their job because they cannot answer a phone or an email at home “cos of the virus”
(never seemed to affect 90% of private businesses I called / emailed who remained contactable)
they must be polishing up their pedestrian barricades and red and white tape as I type…
“we have SAFETY on our side no need for daha protection or compuha says no this time”
Ha I agree , I called at local b and m bargains yesterday afternoon, got a trolley then found the queue to get in snaked down shopping area for about 100 yds, 40 people in queue, all standing about 12 foot apart. Idiots waiting in the baking heat while the fellow on the door only let one person in every 10 mins.
I value my health and got in the car and came home.
It would be nice if the UK media were able to report impartially on President Trump. A casual observer of the news would believe that the Washington protests were all peaceful and the police were violently indiscriminate. Of course the truth is more complicated
This on the scene report by Australia Channel 9 does an admirable job of presenting both sides and the reasons why the Police needed to clear the area.
BBC facilitated idiocy.
It’s not the, ‘Chosen People’ again, is it?
Bills passing through Parliament should be duplicated and re-worded to represent the white population and, separately the, “People of Colour”. After all, the police have adopted that approach for years.
I’m all for them risking their lives. Not so keen on them risking my life by spreading Corona.
As I listen to the hostile Mishal Hussein of R4 conducting an interview with one of Trump’s team, I can’t help being assailed by a sneaking feeling that the Democratic Presidential election campaign has actually begun early.
It kicks off by turning the US into a wasteland, for which rioters then hope to blame President Trump. Seen in that light, George Floyd is actually a very minor character in the cast of thousands, who has long ago, served his purpose.
Realising that Sleepy Joe Biden ain’t gonna do it for them, the Left had to dream up something really special to cast Trump in a bad light, and destroying American cities is the strategy they have chosen. That way, they seem to think, when November comes along, Americans will have physical reminders about them of what happens if you don’t vote the right way?
Interestingly, just a couple of weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi (Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives) and her hordes of sycophants were condemning a perfectly peaceful protest against lockdown in a couple of States. They labelled the participants as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ because they were breaking lockdown rules and weren’t wearing PPE.
Their equivalent assessment of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Antifa’ shenanigans in the past week…….. tumbleweed.
I am assailed by yet another sneaking feeling (sorry!)
Although the actual US election campaign hasn’t even started, THE PHYSICAL INTIMIDATION CAMPAIGN TO PRESSURISE VOTERS HAS. Who says these need to coincide in time?
Think about it.
But I did enjoy his response to the implication from Husain that the rioting and looting should continue without interference. He replied, “that’s just your liberal bias”. Well done.
One of the strategies ‘protestors’ in the US have used is to turn ‘peaceful’ protests into violent ones, where they start destroying stuff. This is all supposed to be happening ‘spontaneously’, which is why we hear the word ‘anger’ used so often, especially by beeb.
The inference is that your carefully-controlled anger simply got so fierce that — well you just HAD to start burning stuff, didn’t you? Righteous anger of course, doesn’t need saying. But, if you do need to be told, beeb will do it for you.
Let’s just try to imagine for one moment – Black cop White victim.
Response from Antifa – a big cheer.
I don’t think we need stretch our imagination very far.
Vivo Big Don.
During a traverse of various YT platforms yesterday evening, on one I came across a photo of all the Greta family proudly displaying their ‘ANTIFA’ T shirts. I appreciate that there is no, ‘Lock-Down’ in Sweden (if indeed the family are there – they’re probably being exulted elsewhere) but, for the moment, its all gone very quite on the ‘Climate Change’ front. Got me thinking (and predicting again). The next big nonsensical social movement for the continuation of Marxism and so-called, ‘social justice’ will be encapsulated in and follow the headline:
“Plants heard to scream when their fruit is picked. A scientist (somewhere) has heard a variety of plants and trees “Scream” when their edible fruit is removed”.
Just think about it………….
Greta Antifa T shirt, from Amazon. Nice little earner till the climate change bandwagon returns
Remember when they used to delay puberty of East European gymnasts…
She don’t look a normal 17 year old.
fakenewswatcher….. and we’re supposed to believe that these ‘spontaneous demonstrations’ just happen to regularly come upon some pallets of bricks/rocks, spontaneously appearing next to a potential target, so these thug rioters somehow don’t even to carry said bricks/rocks any distance, the pooor dears. All this protesting must be just so exhausting !
Organised rather than ‘spontaneous’ ?
No sh1t, Sherlock
Bet the bbc is excited to be going there for the next jolly.
Who could ever listen to the Chinese now?
Ha ha, the Chinese lecturing the US on human rights, after Tibet, The Chinese Gulags, organ harvesting, Tiananmen Square, the Uyghurs, Hong Kong, the oppression of Christians, Falun Gong and all religious minorities, zero democracy, zero freedom of expression, zero freedom of assembly or dissent, etc etc.
A change of position, or
From: chase me, chase me – to: race me, race me
Whatever our personal proclivities may happen to be, choosing a partner (be it long-term life partner or even for a short-term hook up) well, that is about the most discriminating personal act we make in our lives.
No longer
‘Dating and hook-up app Grindr says it will remove the “ethnicity filter” from the next version of its app, following years of criticism from its users.’
Only some of its users, I guess. And of course the BBC can see absolutely no problem with this peculiar and rather sinister outcome. Apart from the fact that this hasn’t happened quicker. Well, that’s the way with crazy Leftist identity politics – you give them an inch and they say they should have had seven inches, and ought to have had them yesterday.
‘Analysis by Ben Hunte, LGBT correspondent. For years, LGBT people of colour have flagged the ethnicity filter as an issue – but they received no response from Grindr.’
The only possible objection allowed to this (according to our BBC chap) has to come from: ‘Some have told me that they used the ethnicity filter to find people like themselves’ That’s a little vague but he seems to be saying blacks were happy to filter blacks in and presumably whites out – but whites ought not to have the same facility.
Why did this issue pop up just now?
‘On 29 May, Grindr had tweeted “Demand justice. #BlackLivesMatter”
Now you see that was the company’s mistake. They clambered onto some hot button political issue they thought they could virtue signal about thereby boosting their PR whilst causing no cost to themselves.
‘This had prompted several users to accuse the company of hypocrisy. One message saying “remove the ethnicity filter” was retweeted 1,000 times’
Inevitably… ‘Grindr later deleted its own tweet and on 1 June posted a new message explaining its change of position’
So now we know what happens to snowflakes when they have to obey directions for a couple of months –
They either go overboard about someone they’ve always hated ( DC)
they go on shopping trips to set fire to shops they like (USA)
With their MSM feeding the fire in both cases .trying to figure out what comes next but I think it might be an ‘unforseeable ‘
Event ….. but who knows …
Groper and Soph must be worried now.
Pure BBC Press Office.
It’s outside the Westminster bubble because… they say it is!
Apparently Parliament is back today …. and they are debating whether to stick with the electronic one or not ..
Does anyone really care ? The fixation with DC will continue. The lefties will line up to virtue signal and the less left will scheme to depose BoJo .
Minor matters like less people dying from covid but the NHS still failing to fo its day job will continue. The A and Es will still tout for business and maybe cancer patients get treated ….
It looks like that radio station is just an extension of Radio 4 – again not much evidence of ‘ diversity of thought ‘ just the usual shades of the bubble – with adverts for Death Plans and Equity Release ….
But, but, just “Diversity” (of race)? No doubt.
The sooner President Trump sends in the troops to deal with this violent trash the better.
The Antifa, far left anarchist thugs and the virulently racist Black Lives Matter halfwits, have no intention of listening to reason.
Clearly, as others have stated, black lives only matter when a black person is killed by a white person.
If they carried on like this every time some scummy black gangster got taken out by another of his kind there’d be no end to the rioting.
And all the statistics show, both on this side of the pond on the other, that black on white homicide is massively higher that the other way round.
This is no time for conciliatory pussy footing around. This is no time for hand wringing and apologies. That’s not working. It’s actually encouraging their misplaced sense of grievance. There has been a massive wave of carnage, arson and destruction. Businesses have been razed to the ground. Lives have been lost.
Send in the troops.
And don’t bother with the rubber bullets…
But what is interesting is that the FBI will be researching where the Antifa money comes from. As I recall the hoards coming up from South American countries to invade the US at the time of the Border Wall issue were identified as being mainly financed by Soros & Co.
Will the FBI eventually track him down and punish him? I sincerely hope so.
The corrupt FBI is more concerned about covering up its part in the attempted coup against President Trump, initiated before he left office by President Obama. This is far bigger than Watergate, which was the cover up of a failed break in. Just don’t expect to hear about it in the MSM.
BBC ‘News’ reports ‘reports’…
Journalists covering anti-racism protests across the US have reported being targeted by security forces using tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper spray.
Tear gas and pepper spray especially are easy to target at individuals embedded in raging dark clad mobs at night in swirling fog of a riots.
Ask JezBo.
Weird they seem always to have the back of the people kicking off.
BTW, BBC… using ‘anti-racism protests’ for what is happening is laughable.
I am so voting Democrat now.
“But then they need to lead, Joe. All I have heard from Democrats, from very limited radio news and greater internet reading, is ‘excuses for criminality’. How do you think that will sit with US voters come Election time, Joe?”
It is unfortunate that at the present time, both the UK and USA do not have good communicators – people who can think on their feet and not rush to say something – as leaders. President Trump could be excused in my view because of age but that doesn’t apply to our PM.
You almost need someone in the White House and in No.10 Downing Street who is a quick-witted, thoughtful, ex-copy writer from a top advertising agency for situations like the Pandemic and the Floyd death.
“George Floyd protesters tear-gassed so Trump can walk to church”
And your point being ?
Some here , perhaps with a liking for mutton , have been wondering when a 49 year old Production company employee would return to ‘do’ Newsnight ,
Well apparently the Nation was gathered around their TVs on Monday night . Maybe she has been tasked with getting the viewing figures high enough to be measured .
???? Fedup.
We’ve all been there haven’t we?
Have a hissy fit at work and cause the company to issue an embarrassing back down and then….. ask for and get a week off work ????
What a joke Maitlisssss and al beeb are, living in a different world to the rest of us ✌️
Have a look at the Radio schedule page for today/yesterday/Sunday
are non-whites represented in the progs
and prog pics ?
Not strictly BBC, but yet another brilliant Delingpole podcast, with yet another doctor who has little sympathy with the lock-down and social distancing rubbish we are currently still undergoing…
(It’s an hour and a quarter long, but worth every minute).
Old Goat- A very interesting and informative interview. I don’t suppose it’s
a surprise but there are quite a few of these interviews I
watch where the interviewer is continually sipping a
cup of tea or coffee. I find it a bit distracting . Not as bad
as adverts but still distracting.
Is it just because the interviewer drinks a dozen cups of tea or
coffee a day? Is it because the interviewer is a chain smoker
and if they were not drinking their coffee they will get terrible
withdrawal symptoms? I suppose doing an interview with a
fag in your mouth is worse than a tea cup. I wonder in the
Guiness book of records if there is an entry for what is the
record for the amount of sips of tea, coffee or for that matter
water or gin during an interview?
Stew – not only do i not partake any BBC any more – i dont even bother looking at the schedules because i know what i will find .
If i was a non british lefty coloured female lesbian with a ‘ partner ‘ on benefits and a range of challenged but multinationally talented kids i d be away
PS – i wrote the above before going to your link – which – i – think – supports my prejuduced view . Glad i dont pay for it or ever will .
LBC JamesOB trailer “Trump’s BLATANT racism”
.. Look smear labelling someone with the boo-word label racist
is as bad as smear labelling people just cos of their skin colour
It is not a #BeKind thing
Too right Stew, I mean how would James like it if we called him a thick, prejudiced rabble-rousing Mick? Even if it was true….
NickFerrariLBC is suffering a lot of #BeKind
… cos he dared to say Obama was in office for 8 years
I hear on the R4 News that Archbishop Sentimu has leaped in with size 11 wellies where angels fear to tread.
Seems he’s exceptionally well briefed on what is happening in the US?
The BBC, Guardian and Independent all twisting the news stories to “get” Trump.
First they accuse him of hiding in a bunker. He then appears in a photo shoot outside a Church and they accuse him of “using” the Church and find a church guy to complain.
They then link it to police action some distance away where the police were forced to use tear gas, no doubt at Trumps request.
I also notice that they have all reverted to calling him Trump again rather than by his title President Trump.
They are plain evil. This is just the continuation of their hate campaign against him. It certainly isn’t news, it’s political activism. I hope he cracks down big time.
There is no doubt that all of our major news organisations have ditched what were their original news correspondents and replaced them with left-wing activists on a mission to form a society they want. I would even suggest that this “replacement” is organised by global forces trying to take control, Common Purpose for example.
There are way too many problems with any rationale for the media hype around this George Floyd incident (justice needs to be done – which it has/is being) – but to condone looting, setting fire to buildings and to still be banging on about slavery is just bizarre
What amazes me is how the likes of the BBC don’t seem to comment on the seemingly greater proportion of white protesters and the seemingly greater proportion of black looters…now I know it might be skewed due to local demographics but..just saying…
MSM is no longer a source of news – just of political narrative and driver of social unrest
TWO DAYS TOADY Watch – the All-in-One Edition
I bravely endured 10 minutes of TOADY yesterday from 6.05 a.m. onward and 20-25 minutes of TOADY today from 7 a.m.. I had a hint that Rick Nobinson (a.k.a. Toenails) was going to be vile on Monday so I switched off.
Monday was a Mishal-free zone but she’s back in charge today. Subject: lack of prosecutions of British soldiers for war crimes, good news in my neck of the woods. Mishal got a good pasting from a female lawyer who knew her stuff, despite Mishal’s slightly slanted questions.
Agenda, what agenda?
You know you can trust the BBC.
To be anti-Britain.
The director of the Service Prosecution Authority is confident that a separate investigation being conducted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague will conclude this year without further action being taken.
Earlier this year the government presented a bill promising to curb historic allegations and tackle what it calls “vexatious claims” against armed forces deployed overseas.
But human rights groups and some lawyers have already expressed concern – saying the legislation could place the military above the law, and undermine existing international conventions.
The less we have to do with so-called ‘International Courts’ the better. However, it is certain that lawyers such as Starmer (by proxy) and Cherry will be pushing to make sure the UK stays entrapped in the Council of Europe – European Convention – European Court of Human Rights web. (Supreme Court anyone?)
Up2 I dip my hat for listening . One secret reason for listening used to be the gg tips but even that was easy enough to dump .
Now that the ‘news’ has moved from factual expression of the most important things happening to selected use of opinion I don’t need that either . Even the weather is turned into some kind of expression of politics .
It really is a re run of the nazi playbook where that single view infests every part of civil life and dissent is extinguished . I know I’m risking the comparison because the 1930s version put dissenters into camps to shut their voice – whilst the current version shut the voice through non broadcast so far .
It’s difficult to imagine that ‘community safety education camps ‘ might be formed to house dissenters but not impossible .
I’m trying To work out how the government is planning for large scale unemployment as the furlough is tapered off and public spending is modelled on what the snowflakes want ( NHS – overseas giveaways – and the Like ) as opposed to things the economy might really need .
Shrewsbury MP tweeted
I hear them shouting “Black Lives Matter” on Al Beeb . Where were the ‘Black Lives Matter’ gang when we had all the weekly ‘black on black’ stabbings in London ? Have they gone away ?
There is an old saying in Taffland, that ‘even dogs don’t foul on their own doorstep’, but look at all the looting, pillaging and wrecking going on the the black areas of the USA – nothing to do with the death of a black man.
The protest heading here in Great Britain are the usual ‘rent a gob and crowd’ that we will find in the usual demos from ‘extinction Rebellion’ to ‘black lives matter’ or ‘not in my name’.
All this going on when Hong Kong, yes remember that place?, is loosing it democracy – not a peep?
IMHO, Al Beeb will weaponise all this mayhem in a last bold attempt to bring this government down , its going to be a tough weekend ahead for LONDON …………..
Mon 1 Jun 2020 15.20 BST
As the George Floyd protests continue, let’s be clear where the violence is coming from
Rebecca Solnit
[The razor sharp minds on BBBC have already guessed who is to blame.]
Using damage to property as cover, US police have meted out shocking, indiscriminate brutality in the wake of the uprising
[Uprising, and completely justified according to the author.]
… are more like people trapped inside that burning house trying to break out.
[Blacks responsible for the rioting, as they always are, are entitled to do so, according to the author.
The race and slavery card. In fact we should be grateful to the arsonists for not burning everything.]
What is particularly stunning about the brutality of the police across the country is that they seem to expect impunity.
They do not serve the public or keep the peace; they serve themselves.
[Try living in the UK where the police point out where the nicest 9 year old girls can be found if you are interest in a gang rape of white children.
They serve themselves? A good description of Africans in a US riot they started.
Meanwhile in the USA the police are so selfish they are frequently killed or injured on duty, by the same people who are rioting.
Remember Michael Brown? An entitled black thug who attacked and stole from a Korean shopkeeper who could just see over the counter.
Immediately attacked a police officer and was shot.
Whereupon 200 black “witnesses” lied about the shooting and half a million did their impression of peaceful protest.
So many similar examples exist, books have been written about them.]
One of the stunning things about Saturday night’s police riot was the direct and intentional violence against journalists across the nation.
[Rubbish, there are many hard left fanatics writing nonsense, the Guardian is full of it.
These people are not journalists, before they get on the plane they are determined to blame Trump, Republicans, white people, men.
Facts are old fashioned, just invent actions that you wish were true.
Some of these “journalists” are there to cause trouble.]
Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist
[Finally, let us pemanently bury this lying bollox about Black slaves creating a prosperous USA.
The slaves did housework and picked cotton, simple tasks which required no creativity.
Still no sign of creative minds.]
Africa is in need of prosperity and rebuilding, its in a mess. Plenty of work to be done there .
I have to challenge you on your view that” journalists were there to cause trouble “
Why do that?
To get better pictures?
Win awards from friends ?
Get a better job ?
Enflame things further ?
Undermine a president they hate?
Get a president they approve of ?
No i cant see any ambitious lefty journalist doing that . ……
BLM “George Floyd is the focal point for a lot of black grievances against white establishment”
Some people on Twitter “Lee Rigby is the focal point for a lot of British grievances
but we didn’t riot when he was killed by 2 black men”
… that is now trending
BLM is outraged
“how dare you ! how dare you talk about Lee Rigby in the same breath as George Floyd”
“Controlled” looting. Sadiq would approve.
TalkRadio caller
.. “The George Floyd killing has been WEAPONISED
by people for their political ends”
He then went onto talk about
“Why when Ireland is still supposed to be distancing did we have 5,000 people at a Black Lives Matter in Dublin, near the US Embassy ? ”
Another caller said
said “I get it, BAME are especially vulnerable to Covid
so why are they organising big demonstrations in London about this one guy killed 4,000 miles away
… Aren’t people like Sadiq , who support politicising this sad one black death
actually making more black deaths likely ?”
The George Floyd killing has a special odour. Buy it now
Apologies, can’t make the picture small, but it can be imagined. It is a perfume bottle with the label Black Lives Matter.
I think this is an important video, particularly for anyone questioning the use of face masks. About 3 mins in to 8:20. And, if you have the time, the item following this is a reference to a new website which offers updates on the progress of all the labs seeking a vaccine.
@G sorry that’s Absolute rubbish.
It’s got the same problem as the BBC science stuff
It takes the OPINION of someone who is a bit SCIENCY and claims it has the authority of science.
I spotted in the intro when the guy is talking about the Covid tallies
“Oh Russia we see alleveling off in the surge of the last few weeks and cos deaths are usually lagging behind we’ll see a fall in them” etc. etc,
FFS as we’d take their stats at face value
Russias deaths should rise first, as the increased cases of the last weeks transform into deaths”
Then his maths test is rubbish
#1 The second video the voice over FRAMES the video
See nothing”
That is wrong cos I can see specks of laser light in that video
Anyway Laser light that I can see is not a proxy for microscopic virus particles I can’t see
And then like anything you have to consider the full life cycle and contexts
Like we all might end up with more Covid as we touch our faces moving the mask etc.
And especially for a senile or special needs person.
I don’t want to wear a mask
but if I go to the rough area of town, I want them to be all wearing masks
cos those tossers can’t obey simple rules like stay at home if you have a cough, and then the stand a foot behind you breathing down your neck.
Sky News’ Cordelia Lynch is in emotional disbelief. The protesters outside the white house have been dispersed by police action and, you won’t believe this, but the President took a calm walk on the now quiet streets to a church where people took pictures of him.
As you can imagine poor Cordelia couldn’t believe that the man she states is hated by everyone and is the cause of the unrest dares to take a stroll on a street.
I wonder if Mayors in other US cites will take note of Cordelia’s view of the world and allow protesters to burn down buildings and steal TVs and trainers. Or, will they further upset the sensitive Sky new crews and bring peace and order back to their cities.
Big demos all over the US, London, Dublin, Amsterdam, to name but a few, will lead to a second wave of Covid.
Still, couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people.
Covid one nine
You are cleared for take off.
Here’s a take on the politicised, funded, criminal rioting that you’ll never, ever hear on the Beeb.
Do watch.
Peston celebrates the ONS as a gotcha
.. Yeh well it’s obvious that adding diagnostic tests and background research tests together
was a bit cheeky
but the original issue was that there weren’t enough tests there’s more test capacity than people who want them.
Actual diagnostic tests are up from 10K to 80K per day
that is a good thing.
Why are the UK and the USA the outliers?
Alone among the world, headed by facist, autocratic despots, who are despised by 90% of their poplulations, why can’t these countries have the peace and harmony that the BBC leads us to believe exists elsewhere?
Watching the parliament today theres been lots of box ticking over ‘ coloured people matter ‘ because of some report which says coloured people are disproportionately affected by coloured people .
Does this mean that the NHS will have to recruit less coloured people to deal with the chinese virus ? Or put non coloured people further into the so called ‘ front line ‘ which ive always thought was – er – hospitals .
Donuts blackford didnt ask anything about the virus but instead spoke for ‘The People of Scotland ‘ herein refered to as TPOS -about DC .
All in all pretty feable stuff ..
Deep joy.
BBC radio stations are showing support for BLM by arranging ‘events’ apparently including not broadcasting!
Passing on the irony of that last remark for this website.
My issue is that, although personally I think the policeman whose actions resulted in Mr Floyd’s death should be strung up, oh and BTW we have had BAME pals over to ours in the last few days, I absolutely hate the Leftmob telling me what to think, how to behave, and pressurising me into joining the latest leftmob-inspired purity spiral.
I didn’t clap for our NHS heroes, I’m not going to support ER demos, or BLM demos and it is a disgrace that they BBC dare to assume I should.
BBC News
Washington DC saw some of the worst violence overnight, as protesters rallied outside the White House to voice their anger over the killing of George Floyd.
Where is the right to commit violence for any reason enshrined anywhere, such that the BBC feel able to make such a description legitimate under its editorial guidelines?
Almost nothing about that paragraph adds up, beyond being utterly irresponsible and inflammatory.
The media and large slices of the political establishment seem to have determined that the destruction of the USA is a price they’re happy for everyone else to pay in order to get rid of the Bad Orange Man.
I’m struggling to understand that level of hatred, but we see it time and time again. Every time they fail to bring him down, they ramp it up and with the elections coming up it appears that no tactic is too low or distasteful.
They must fear he has some incendiary information on them. I pray that he does.