The real joy was last night, watching ITV news with an unkempt Robert Moore (ITN’s minor public school Sopel-clone) wetting himself outside the White House in a mixture of excitement at the thought of Trump’s downfall and bladder-draining fright at the risk of catching an entirely merited rubber bullet.
Fascinating mindset isnt it ? That cops wearing riot gear- afraid of attack – possibily by bullets – will take the time to treat people with cameras differently to anyone else ?
The level of ‘ entitlement ‘ journos expect far exceeds their value – particularly BBC staff who treat themselves as royalty .,,
But there is never a shortage of ‘ journalists’ or politicians …
If it weren’t for the presence of the so-called, “Journalists” the rioters would have no audience. Even without cajoling, their presence has an inflammatory effect.
Worth reminding ourselves too of the output of failed newspaper The Independent, that exists mainly to provide one degree of separation backside cover RT fodder for bbc ‘journalists’.
Journalists everywhere are being attacked or abused, not least by the US President
This is your regular reminder that most journalists are decent, public-spirited people, neither rich nor famous, who just want the truth. If you want to do without them, try living in North Korea
Leftmob journalists like to dish it out but don’t like taking it.
Whitewashes from each and every enquiry into BBC impartiality being just one case in point.
..”journalists are decent public-spirited people, neither rich nor famous, who just want to tell the truth”…….What the hell has he been sniffing, most are no better than Primordial Slime….what a complete knob
“…..most journalists are decent, public-spirited people……….who just want the truth”
Really – you think that people will believe that after the past few years – classically including the BBC – continually kowtowing to Blair/Brown/Mandelson/Campbell, and then the Libdems (so easily forgotten to still remember their names) – and more recently Corbyn, Abbott and McDonnell, and now Keir Starmer ? The long-term adoration of the Millibands. The connivance to cover up the thousands the grooming (to put it idiotically poilitely) of young white girls all over England ? After the hounding of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his family, Boris Johnson and his family, Dominic Cummings and his family, the Cliff Richard fiasco ?After the Brexit bias, the ‘adoration’ of an autistic school-kid (Greta) with no formal training whatsoever in the subject she’s continuing to try to ram down our throats ? The general hatred of Britain ‘s potential to be a success…..
I could go on for a lot longer…
But you want us to believe that journalists just want the truth – like Piers Morgan, Emily Maitlis, John Sweeney, Evan Davies, Mishal Husain, Nick Robinson….etc., etc.
No they don’t, they want ‘their’ truth – whatever they believe – they are not journalists, they are political activists, and far from public-spirited – and the BBC is right up here in the vanguard.
Everyone on the Left in the US, Democrat representatives, MSM, etc., are adamant that all of the trouble is really being directed by white people (and many here in the UK now, apparently, are of the same mind.)
Somebody has yet to explain why the vast majority (black) of these crowds of so-called ‘protesters’ allow themselves to be led like lambs to the slaughter, apparently blindly following their white ‘massas’ bidding….as opposed to running, screaming, in the opposite direction – which appears to me to be what sane and sensible, peacefully-minded, people would do.
Seems to me that the Left believes that these ‘people of colour’ are so stupid and gullible, perhaps it might be genetic to be so widespread…or that they’re really not so innocent after all, but the Left in the US is never going to accept the latter of these two options, so…….
The Daily Press Conferences at the weekend are to be ended .
Lets hope rest are stopped as well . Lets face it – inaccurate data – mindless comparisons with other countries and a ritualist set of ego driven gotchas by journalists who could care less about the number of dead .
The MSM will moan about this but theyd moan anyway and are so anti they never held the government to account – yet alone were ever critical of their blessed NHS .
Today the briefing will be all about coloured lives matter …. more than non white ones ? Ridiculous isnt it – how they actively try to divide .
Lefty – I think it is part of the DC strategy to reduce contact of the government and enemy MSMBBC again
As I write – watching parliament – a number of SNP have worn shorts in the commons voting – the speaker made a comment about ‘dress ‘ – I wonder if that would be acceptable in the Scottish Parliament .
One can also get a ‘steer’ on the brains of MPs – or lack of them ….
Fedup2, I no longer watch BBC news but I do watch the daily briefing and usually switch off before the questions, I don’t always listen to what is being said eg when told numbers are going down when it is obvious the Welsh numbers are rising, but I see the numbers and make my own mind up. I don’t like ministers pandering to every minority, we are all in this together, eg thanking Muslims at Eid but not Christians at Easter or Jews at Passover. Today we had an aggressive young woman from the BBC asking about Black Lives. Mr Hancock should have reminded us that all lives matter, and if black people go demonstrating in Trafalger Square and not keeping their distance, they will suffer the consequence. Let the BBC squark!
Deborah – the will to live can be so easily lost listening to those ‘journos’ doing the gotcha questions – the coloured work experience girl for the BBC did the full “coloured lives “ thing with a question so long that she made Peston sound abrupt . Can’t remember what it was about but I got the feeling she wanted coloured people to have preferential treatment .
Perhaps the same should go for people who are obese or are asthmatic because I understand they are more likely to be victims too . I’m glad I’m none of these .
I think the ‘coloured lives matter ‘ thing has echoes of the mindless clapping about it – triggered by a murder thousands of miles away with no relative to a different society which uses the same language but is different .
To me – all lives matter – from the unborn unto the oldest , any other declarations are just boxticking , racism or something else .
I wonder what the reaction would be in the ‘community ‘ if coloured people were instructed to ‘lockdown ‘ for a month or two longer than white people ? ….. as one of those ‘recommendations ‘ the MSM coloured fraternity were so eager for …?
The MSN particularly the BBC, Guardian, Independent, and Channel 4.
The Civil Service.
The Union Bosses.
The Universities.
The top tier of the NHS.
The Christian Church.
The majority of Celebrities.
Left-wing and Liberal Politicians.
World Organisations like the WHO and UN.
Major International Charities.
Activist groups like Momentum, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion.
The devious false emperors of the UK regions outside England.
30 years ago I would never have thought of these as Enemies of the State but there is little doubt that that is what they have become….
The silent majority (silent because that’s the way the MSM have made them) will need to find the voice and the metal to break up this unholy cartel and oppose their horrible deliberate or misguided mantra in some way.
This will need hard work as the aforesaid are doing their damnedest to try to demonise any dissenters and thus silence them.
The media, including the state broadcaster, are creating reporting the news that the TV, radio and music industries are observing ‘Blackout Tuesday’. Is this like the Black Friday sale, but with the proviso that rather than buy goods at a discount, you can simply help yourself free of charge and create some work for glaziers in the process?
That title “Prayer space” instead of mosque
is PR trickery
A prayer room for 200 people is a mini-mosque
so a 1000 is not just a room
even though the operation is only a portion of a very large building.
Their doc has framing trickery
putting “less than” twice
before moving to a big total of 1000
also framed as “950 to 1000”
Just watching our ‘brilliant’ MPs social distancing voting in Parliament.
How difficult can it be?
To vote ‘Aye’ Walk to the left hand side dispatch box
and say your name and ‘Aye’ into the microphone.
To vote ‘Nay’ Walk to the right hand side dispatch box
and say your name and ‘Nay’ into the microphone.
The general
For fans of cross contamination – the number of MPs who touch the despatch box is something to see – and the vote took ages because so many of them have to engage in ‘drama ‘ …..
I hope they remember all this when it comes to dealing with the Chinese …..
4pm Radio4 news
Item #1 clip of Biden bashing Trump
Item #2 about BAME Covid deaths
the clip was of a Labour minister, his opening words were “Black Lives Matter”
If this thread is correct, every mainstream reporter got this story catastrophically wrong yesterday. —No tear gas —Park police didn’t know about Trump’s walk —No coordination with White House —Clearance prompted by objects being thrown at cops by crowd & prior destructive acts
Will the BBC (and media in general):
(a) try to disprove US Park Police’s assertions
(b) ignore the assertions and carry on saying that tear gas was used at Trump’s request on innocent and peaceful rioters protesters
(c ) admit they and most of the media got it wrong and apologise?
I don’t think (c ) is very likely, do you?
(Sorry about the image size. There doesn’t seem to be any means of controlling it here.)
I think we are waiting for the Park Police to issue a proper statement
For now both sides have their own narrative and are sticking to it.
There is an MSNBC reporter saying they saw no violence but saw no tear gas.
#1 I have been in this circumstance before
when reporters were in one corner and saw no violence
when ll was kicking off in the other.
#2 The source said Park Police threw only harmless smoke bombs
..again that could mean another agency or agitator threw tear gas.
Things are not working out well for the BBC web-site today. Not only did they duplicate a whole bunch of stuff (running short of items or brains concentrating too much on the USA?) which has since been corrected, their copy-writing has been dire.
“The executioner who turned on the death penalty” was not a wise or accurate title – especially at the present time – for an item about Jerry Givens taken from the Radio4 Obituary programme, Last Word.
Why not ‘The executioner who turned against the death penalty’ or ‘The executioner who campaigned against the death penalty’ ?
Given that Jerry Givens died almost two months ago, the BBC’s motives for including that item on their Home Page now might just come under some scrutiny.
Absolutely disgraceful interview with historian David Olusoga on World at One today, following a very one-sided piece on Donald Trump. Olusoga insisted that police killings in America were a problem of racism, ignoring the fact that more white people than black people are killed by the police in the USA. He went on to suggest that young black children were in incredible peril. He accused those pointing to Martin Luther King’s espousal of non-violence as “weaponising” him, thereby effectively supporting the violent riots in the USA.
Finally, most disgracefully and after giving him a very easy ride, Sarah Montague invited him to draw parallels with Britain, which he did, despite the totally different historical background and the much lower scale of police brutality in this country. Given his support for “resistance” in the USA, this was tantamount to inviting people here to riot.
Wouldn’t it be good just for once to hear someone on the BBC say that rioting, looting and violence is wrong, period; and that far from solving problems, makes them more difficult to resolve…
DickMart if you want the reason why the last comment in your post will never happen it’s this…
BBC staff are ordered to respond in only one way. It MUST ALWAYS be a response that is bitterly opposed to Trump, The Conservatives and/or white males. It’s in their rule book so they just have to do it!
Describing Olusoga as an historian is only to encourage and establish his BBC label. Historians appreciate broad pictures and demographics to understand the times of which they write and speak. Olusoga is in a tunnel – one he occupies through choice, but one which offers a very restricted and partisan view.
Just the way the BBC like him.
“Are @BBCNews racist?
Rihanna Croxford allowed to ask a question about ethnic mortality rates
but has to cite a ‘colleague’ to ask a general question.”
The Guardian sinks deeper into it’s primordial slime.
‘Words of a dictator’: Trump’s threat to deploy military raises spectre of fascism. The president suggested the US could use troops against Americans – true to the instincts of a man surrounded by sycophants
Totally ignoring the facts that have surfaced, the Guardian are prepared to ignore that a lot of innocent folk lost their property and goods and were beaten to a pulp… Simply to try to paint Trump as a fascist threat.
I would hope that if people in this country suffered the animal behaviour of the thugs in the USA that the government would not hesitate in bringing in our military to protect innocent lives and property.
The Guardian’s take on this mirrors the repulsive political tactics used by the partisan gutter press in 3rd World countries like Pakistan and Indonesia.
Two observations, if I may, please.
Firstly, back in February I met the head of research of a large NHS trust. I don’t know how and I can’t remember why, but they spent some time educating me about drugs and ethnicity. Most of it went way over my head, but I gather from what I was told that some drugs behave differently depending on the ethnicity of the person taking the drugs; and that most clinical drug trials are conducted mainly on Caucasians. So in some circumstances there is a gap in the knowledge base. And, pre-CV-19, there was an open[ish] acceptance that white and BAME physiology is, in some areas, different.
I put that first, because secondly I went to the local ASDA superstore this lunchtime. Not too busy, no queue to get in. They’ve had directional arrows up and down the aisles for months. But today they had some new No Entry signs on the floor to stop people going the wrong way in a one-way aisle. I came across just two families ‘going the wrong way’. And yes, you guessed correctly.
So, in this afternoon’s briefing, the CME (or assistant chief medical expert) said that, yes, BAME people are more likely to catch CV-19 but the reasons behind WHY are many and varid. So tough luck to the MSM journo looking for a binary answer.
Beeb TV news at 6pm launching a heavy, undisguised attack on President Trump. Particularly upset that he is out there with a bible. So we’re in for more Trump attacking by beeb , as the election draws closer.
Not with MY money, it won’t be. And I shall be telling them why.
Calls itself a news channel, but there is no sign of objectivity or balance.
It’s pure propaganda. Does the ‘liberal’ narrative feel so threatened? Why do they hate him so?
Yes, hate.
More than high time beeb was dismantled.
R4 news at 18:00 was very slanted too: boring Biden’s attack on Trump for lack of leadership, doubts about the validity / usefulness of the UK Covid19 testing numbers, endless “people of colour” hustling regarding health and policing in the US, yet more on BAME being more at risk from Covid19 in the UK but nothing new. Agenda-driven bias.
The primary responsibilty of government is to protect lives and property…. so DT is dong just that, yet the black AG of New York has no such sense of responsibility in protecting people from feral black thugs and would rather sue DT ?
sounds like she is a racist, an irresponsible. black racist putting lives at risk while she plays politics
If it were the oft quoted “far right” whites attacking the police and citizens she would be doing what ?
If this is how blacks behave why should anyone care what they think “matters”
I think the BBC has totally given up on the majority white population of the UK.
Its favourite topics today are
1. US riots
2.Anything to do with BLM
3. Whities not dying of Coronavirus at the same levels as BAME.
But, ever to support their ‘impartial investigative journalism’ here’s a table of diabetes incidence by country and then another of uk incidence by ethnicity.
Co-morbidity is a very well-known CV19 issue. Right from the start we have been told about high risk groups. Yet the BBC constantly portray the impact on BAME in that race-baiting victimhood way that they so love, with no coverage of the facts which would be so inconvenient to their overall narrative.
UK Press Gazette has revealed the presenters and running order of the so called new radio station starting up some day in June .
There is a wide range of broadcasters ranging from a majority of ex BBC ex C4 ex Labour MP types up to Mickey choo choo portilo – in other words – the bubble again – but no yoof
I’m guessing Rupert Murdock knows there is a gap in the UK broadcasting market for a “Fox TV’ type right wing format but hasn’t got the courage to take on OFCOM or just knows he’d never get approval for ‘diversity of thought ‘.
Apparently there won’t be phone ins or advertising – just sponsorship …. I give it 6 months .
I have realised the way the left wing media BBC, Guardian, CNN, Independent work.
A story like the riots in the USA breaks and what do they do?
They sift through the story and pull out anything that suits their political standpoint and agenda. They then ignore and bury the rest.
They then find tame willing ‘Actors’ to support their version of events.
Then via social media they set things to trend supporting their version.
Finally they double check with their counterparts at the rest of the lefty media to make sure they are all in step so that they don’t end up looking like the utter twats they are.
Perfectly illustrated by the Independent in an article telling eager readers that ‘…Boris told Italian Premier Conte that he wanted herd immunity…..’
I would venture to suggest that he might have mentioned, during a long conversation, that he had considered ‘herd immunity’ but that the risks were too high so dropped the idea early on during the frantic worldwide moves at the time to control the pandemic.
‘Boris Wanted Herd Immunity’ makes a better headline though.
Like beeb, ITV and Channel 4 ran the anti-Trump line for their ‘news’. However, my congratulations to Channel 4, who actually ran a spokesman of ‘Blacks for Trump’, in something vaguely resembling balance. (He was cut off by Jon Snow, in full flight, though)
It was quite staggering to hear that there are two sides to the story, especially from C4!
That is actually what beeb owes us, being publicly force funded! THE OTHER POINT OF VIEW! Don’t suppose beeb would understand that: lotsa head-scratching, as they try to figure out what that means. Does it mean they can’t exclusively run their favourite narrative? Does it mean they actually have to show a black person who approves of Trump?
OUCH! MAN, THAT would undermine the narrative, BIG TIME, wouldn’t it?
Interesting. Evan Davis also spoke with a ‘Blacks for Trump’ man on ‘PM’ this evening; what a pleasant surprise to hear the other side (just once in a while anyway!)
Yup. And I’m not even a Trump fan; Ronald Reagan was more my style of President. But the one-sided ‘liberal’ point of view (which is actually NOT very liberal when you get to think about it, carefully) is so blatant and so constant, it defies description. What really makes me laugh: it’s not very TOLERANT either, which is their big selling point!
I saw some of BBC News channel about 6:45pm with the Bishop of Florida saying Trump is “blasphemous for holding a Bible” FFS. Obviously smashing a church up is totally OK though.
About 7:10pm they had someone else claiming Trump’s activities are all illegal but smashing up the city is OK.
I have just been reminded that a year ago there was a #stopTrump #CarnivalofSnoflakes at Trafalgar Square, complete with zones depending on your chief source of outrage and/or virtual signalling comfort zone.
With the killing of George Floyd by a policemen who had actually
worked with Floyd for quite awhile at a night club , the USA is
getting towards a perfect storm scenario for a civil war .
We know which side the BBC will take in this civil war . But
a real problem is the BBC has got embedded anarchists and
Trotskyists at all levels to exploit the situation in the UK.
Whilst having dinner this evening, the Londonistan programme was on with
Assad Ahmad presenting, We were taken to what we were
told was one of the most diverse parts of the UK, Tower Hamlets
in the east end of London.
There is nothing diverse about Tower Hamlets 75% of
the population are of South Asian heritage. The topic of
conversation was about the fact that Corvid 19 is a racism
issue in the UK.
I expect that for at least a month the Metropolitan Police will
be under instructions to give drug gangs, extortion gangs,
mugging gangs a “free hand.” And that the BBC will have
roaming reporters around to make sure if anything untoward
happens, such as drug gangs, extortion gangs , mugging gangs being
arrested. The full force of the BBC will be watching
and acting.The manslaughter at the very least of George Floyd
by his ex co worker Derek Chauvin could finish up being
a pivotal event in the 21st century.
I wouldn’t be surprised if something kicks off here in the UK; you have only to recall what happened after the shooting of Mark Duggan in 2011, when the initial trouble in Brixton wasn’t dealt with severely enough and spread to many cities and towns in the country. Police fears about inflaming the situation actually made it worse, as the softly-softly approach encouraged others to have a go too. Ex-Mayor Giuliani has made this point on Fox TV about New York.
There are clearly people waiting in the wings ready to fan the flames of any trouble, both in the UK and US. Remember that Cameron and Con-LibDem coalition had been in power for less than 18 months when the 2011 trouble started, so it’s hard to see how ‘austerity’ could have had that much effect. Likewise, people took to the streets in the US in the early days of Pres. Trump, long before Covid19 or George Floyd.
Lacking from BBC Radio 4, as far as I can tell, is any analysis of who funds these travelling armies of protesters, or why some resort to looting shops rather than shouting anti-police slogans and demonstrating outside police stations and town halls. The hair-trigger sensitivities of certain communities, whipped up by agitators, makes policing and government very difficult. The chances of an accident, for instance a black student hit by a fire truck speeding towards a blaze – leading to further rioting – must be quite high.
WE can hope for bad weather. High temperatures exacerbate civil unrest, which never happens in winter when its cold, wet and snowy. No-one likes getting wet even for their cause.
Extraordinary: according to ABC the @Guardian's average weekday paid circulation is less than the number of paid subscribers to the @spectator (87,000 and rising).
I saw Springwatch was on, use to like it, so gave it a chance, 5 minutes droning on about lockdown and mental health then over to Cornwall for the black female ?? (I see so many BAMES in the countryside, (well actually NONE in 10 years of weekly walks )
Got this from You Tube hoping to avoid complaints about image size.
It is a vid from tonights Ch 4 news. First six minutes a report from the US protests which in comparison makes the BBC look objective.
At six minutes see John Snow get his come uppance from a fantastic supporter of Blacks for Trump. Snow actually apologises for the robust response of this Trump supporter.
I show this as an example for our gutless Tory leaders to respond to the media.
Official statement
\\ As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.
Throughout the demonstrations, the USPP has not made any arrests. The USPP will always support peaceful assembly but cannot tolerate violence to citizens or officers or damage to our nation’s resources that we are entrusted to protect. //
That looked like a daughter of Mary Beard reporting from.. well anywhere, with the camera on her and nowhere else.
I might be wrong but surely the police that cleared the streets in Washington D.C. come under the control of the local, Democrat-run authority, not the president?
I’m getting fed up (not you Fed) with the complete, 100% persistent anti Trump bbbc but you know what? It will have no effect at all.
The bbbc is completely insignificant in the USA.
It gets a lot of people over here foaming at the mouth but they are only lefty snowflakes who are outraged at everything anyway. The likes of us on here are above all that.
It must really grate if you’re one of the bbbc knowing you mean as much to the USA as Radio Finland means to Boris.
The BBC might be insignificant in the USA but US citizens living here can vote in the presidential election so a bit of ‘foreign influence’ can be exercised, as long as it is in the ‘right’ direction.
@EM you know what they are doing ?
They are gaslighting us
They are forcing on us a different reality
and telling us that the real world we have in our heads is not true
, that we’re deceived by something else.
I think that the reality is that the big American cities vote democrat whatever happens – so POTUS isn’t going to lose votes by enforcing the laws using the national guard /military .
The danger is recycling of victim hood with video of other ‘ victims ‘ At the hands of property owners defending themselves or police dealing with rioters ‘Robustly’..
Democrat politicians are bound to take political advantage due to the coming election . Meanwhile the rest of America looks on …
The MSM are waiting for a ‘European black ‘victim’ To roll out the March – demonstration – disorder – riot – police ‘brutality ‘ cycle and show it’s ‘just as bad ‘here – in that liberal whitee guilt way they feel compelled to do .
Thanks for inviting me on to get a more 'balanced' analysis of current racial tensions, then cancelling me in favour of a left-wing comedian, a left-wing MP, and a left-wing 'Professor of White People Studies'.
Guest: I saw that ‘taking the knee’ crap in the Evening Standard. Isn’t that George Osborne’s rag? Let’s se him setting a good example.
As for me, hell will freeze over before I allow myself to be manipulated like that. In my head I suddenly hear the voice of Enoch Powell: “We must be mad, literally mad…”
There is certainly a lot of madness about at the moment, bordering on the rabid. Enoch had a point.
Was he perhaps really one of the last genuinely conservative Conservatives around? In the days when there were still some politicians with backbone to be found in Britain?
Oh, for just one Enoch Powell in the Tory party now.
Thousands of people have joined protests in France over the death of Adama Traore in a Paris police station in 2014, which has been likened to the killing of George Floyd in the US.
It is going to be a very. long. year.
Still, Macron is used to riots. And the bbc to not reporting them.
‘News’ that an opportunist bandwagon jumping opposition leader has provided a soundbite takes top billing with ‘criticism’ :
PM’s handling criticised
Coronavirus latest
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is urging Boris Johnson to “get a grip” and restore public trust in the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis. In his strongest criticism yet, Sir Keir told the Guardian newspaper there was a suspicion the PM was “winging it”.
Victoria King sits by her PC ready for the next press release via a newspaper selling less than The Speccie to copy and paste as ‘analysis’.
What an infantile, jaundiced, ugly contribution from @gerardtbaker. You’re such a prisoner of your prejudices you can’t imagine I might be speaking for something noble beyond the BBC. Look again. It’s not your eyes deceiving you, but what’s behind them.
Protests after the death of George Floyd have led to a surge in misleading videos and unfounded theories.
???????????????? “The BBC’s anti-disinformation Team” ???????? Don’t make me laugh. Your team of “experts” doesn’t need to look outside their own building to find a raft of fake news and disinformation. YOU ARE THE VIRUS THAT IS FAKE NEWS AND IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM. Your reporting has fallen to levels previously occupied by only the gutter press.
Domestic violence survivor Melanie Clarke says it took her "15 years" to leave her partner and urges victims who want to leave to be "very careful on what they're going to do and how they're going to do it."#KayBurley:
It's this kind of Lefty narrative making – disseminated via the BBC – that keeps stirring up the bitterness, the bizarre addiction to feeling "aggrieved about something".
"After curfew" "Police closing in" "Resident flung open his doors" "You saved us bro!"
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Pro tip: avoid embedding in groups of violent psychos in clusterFUBARS. And then bitching if things go pear shaped.
Mason sent fire extinguishers yet?
The real joy was last night, watching ITV news with an unkempt Robert Moore (ITN’s minor public school Sopel-clone) wetting himself outside the White House in a mixture of excitement at the thought of Trump’s downfall and bladder-draining fright at the risk of catching an entirely merited rubber bullet.
Fascinating mindset isnt it ? That cops wearing riot gear- afraid of attack – possibily by bullets – will take the time to treat people with cameras differently to anyone else ?
The level of ‘ entitlement ‘ journos expect far exceeds their value – particularly BBC staff who treat themselves as royalty .,,
But there is never a shortage of ‘ journalists’ or politicians …
And they’d be the first to complain if knelt on – despite wearing a sign across their backs saying ‘PRESS’.
That took just a second or two to sink in….
If it weren’t for the presence of the so-called, “Journalists” the rioters would have no audience. Even without cajoling, their presence has an inflammatory effect.
Unsure where this ‘ Venezuala’ place is.
Worth reminding ourselves too of the output of failed newspaper The Independent, that exists mainly to provide one degree of separation backside cover RT fodder for bbc ‘journalists’.
‘Journalists everywhere are being attacked or abused……’
What an unfair thing to say. It’s not as though they’ve done anything to create and foster all this animosity, is it?
Leftmob journalists like to dish it out but don’t like taking it.
Whitewashes from each and every enquiry into BBC impartiality being just one case in point.
..”journalists are decent public-spirited people, neither rich nor famous, who just want to tell the truth”…….What the hell has he been sniffing, most are no better than Primordial Slime….what a complete knob
“…..most journalists are decent, public-spirited people……….who just want the truth”
Really – you think that people will believe that after the past few years – classically including the BBC – continually kowtowing to Blair/Brown/Mandelson/Campbell, and then the Libdems (so easily forgotten to still remember their names) – and more recently Corbyn, Abbott and McDonnell, and now Keir Starmer ? The long-term adoration of the Millibands. The connivance to cover up the thousands the grooming (to put it idiotically poilitely) of young white girls all over England ? After the hounding of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his family, Boris Johnson and his family, Dominic Cummings and his family, the Cliff Richard fiasco ?After the Brexit bias, the ‘adoration’ of an autistic school-kid (Greta) with no formal training whatsoever in the subject she’s continuing to try to ram down our throats ? The general hatred of Britain ‘s potential to be a success…..
I could go on for a lot longer…
But you want us to believe that journalists just want the truth – like Piers Morgan, Emily Maitlis, John Sweeney, Evan Davies, Mishal Husain, Nick Robinson….etc., etc.
No they don’t, they want ‘their’ truth – whatever they believe – they are not journalists, they are political activists, and far from public-spirited – and the BBC is right up here in the vanguard.
I guess I could have shortened my post to be more like dafydd’s… says the same thing, really.
“If you want to do without them, try living in North Korea.
Or, and here’s a thought for you, Amol, in the case of so many of these biased activists, we could stay here, and let them go to North Korea.
So much simpler and cheaper, but much more effective in the outcome.
Unless they work for the BBC or a major UK national or US New York/Washington newspaper.
Wealth? Fame? Beaverbrook. Evans. Woodward and Bernstein. Rees-Mogg. Andreas Whittam-smith. Humphrys. Vine. And many, many, more besides.
Then there’s working for the BBC and a NY paper: Thompson.
Amol, you should really know your stuff better than that!
Everyone on the Left in the US, Democrat representatives, MSM, etc., are adamant that all of the trouble is really being directed by white people (and many here in the UK now, apparently, are of the same mind.)
Somebody has yet to explain why the vast majority (black) of these crowds of so-called ‘protesters’ allow themselves to be led like lambs to the slaughter, apparently blindly following their white ‘massas’ bidding….as opposed to running, screaming, in the opposite direction – which appears to me to be what sane and sensible, peacefully-minded, people would do.
Seems to me that the Left believes that these ‘people of colour’ are so stupid and gullible, perhaps it might be genetic to be so widespread…or that they’re really not so innocent after all, but the Left in the US is never going to accept the latter of these two options, so…….
richard D
The Left are not racist. They don’t care what colour their useful idiots are.
Some honesty from a looter, not the MSM .
When asked about George Floyd. “I mean, a little bit to do with that, too, you feel me? But not really. I am out here for the dough,”
Anyone for ITV?
ITV News
2 hrs ·
ITV News are looking to speak to individuals or groups planning to attend the anti-racism demonstration in Hyde Park tomorrow.
Please email and one of our producers may be in touch.
The Daily Press Conferences at the weekend are to be ended .
Lets hope rest are stopped as well . Lets face it – inaccurate data – mindless comparisons with other countries and a ritualist set of ego driven gotchas by journalists who could care less about the number of dead .
The MSM will moan about this but theyd moan anyway and are so anti they never held the government to account – yet alone were ever critical of their blessed NHS .
Today the briefing will be all about coloured lives matter …. more than non white ones ? Ridiculous isnt it – how they actively try to divide .
Does that mean that the Communist Virus is losing favour with the media??
Lefty – I think it is part of the DC strategy to reduce contact of the government and enemy MSMBBC again
As I write – watching parliament – a number of SNP have worn shorts in the commons voting – the speaker made a comment about ‘dress ‘ – I wonder if that would be acceptable in the Scottish Parliament .
One can also get a ‘steer’ on the brains of MPs – or lack of them ….
Fedup2, I no longer watch BBC news but I do watch the daily briefing and usually switch off before the questions, I don’t always listen to what is being said eg when told numbers are going down when it is obvious the Welsh numbers are rising, but I see the numbers and make my own mind up. I don’t like ministers pandering to every minority, we are all in this together, eg thanking Muslims at Eid but not Christians at Easter or Jews at Passover. Today we had an aggressive young woman from the BBC asking about Black Lives. Mr Hancock should have reminded us that all lives matter, and if black people go demonstrating in Trafalger Square and not keeping their distance, they will suffer the consequence. Let the BBC squark!
Deborah – the will to live can be so easily lost listening to those ‘journos’ doing the gotcha questions – the coloured work experience girl for the BBC did the full “coloured lives “ thing with a question so long that she made Peston sound abrupt . Can’t remember what it was about but I got the feeling she wanted coloured people to have preferential treatment .
Perhaps the same should go for people who are obese or are asthmatic because I understand they are more likely to be victims too . I’m glad I’m none of these .
I think the ‘coloured lives matter ‘ thing has echoes of the mindless clapping about it – triggered by a murder thousands of miles away with no relative to a different society which uses the same language but is different .
To me – all lives matter – from the unborn unto the oldest , any other declarations are just boxticking , racism or something else .
I wonder what the reaction would be in the ‘community ‘ if coloured people were instructed to ‘lockdown ‘ for a month or two longer than white people ? ….. as one of those ‘recommendations ‘ the MSM coloured fraternity were so eager for …?
The MSN particularly the BBC, Guardian, Independent, and Channel 4.
The Civil Service.
The Union Bosses.
The Universities.
The top tier of the NHS.
The Christian Church.
The majority of Celebrities.
Left-wing and Liberal Politicians.
World Organisations like the WHO and UN.
Major International Charities.
Activist groups like Momentum, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion.
The devious false emperors of the UK regions outside England.
30 years ago I would never have thought of these as Enemies of the State but there is little doubt that that is what they have become….
The silent majority (silent because that’s the way the MSM have made them) will need to find the voice and the metal to break up this unholy cartel and oppose their horrible deliberate or misguided mantra in some way.
This will need hard work as the aforesaid are doing their damnedest to try to demonise any dissenters and thus silence them.
The media, including the state broadcaster, are
creatingreporting the news that the TV, radio and music industries are observing ‘Blackout Tuesday’. Is this like the Black Friday sale, but with the proviso that rather than buy goods at a discount, you can simply help yourself free of charge and create some work for glaziers in the process?
Blacks Out Tuesday. Isn’t that a bit racist?
War of words about The Trocadero mosque section plan
* At the Right side, talk of mega mosque, “cover up” “demolition” is hyperbole
* On the Aziz Foundation side there is large PR trickery
From the start they called it a mosque in their tweets
In their tweets they linked to a page titled mosque
but now they use the page
That title “Prayer space” instead of mosque
is PR trickery
A prayer room for 200 people is a mini-mosque
so a 1000 is not just a room
even though the operation is only a portion of a very large building.
Their doc has framing trickery
putting “less than” twice
before moving to a big total of 1000
also framed as “950 to 1000”
And BBC report calls it a mosque
Stew, I also notice that in the example tweets they post on the site is this one…
“Don’t forget to check out our special partnerships with @SussexUni , @StAndrewsUniv and @CityUniLondon to boost your chances. ”
I would refer back to my last post re the political nature of Universities and others….
…3 supposedly British Universities backing a scheme for a new Mosque in the centre of the UK’s capital city. Just astounding!
Just watching our ‘brilliant’ MPs social distancing voting in Parliament.
How difficult can it be?
To vote ‘Aye’ Walk to the left hand side dispatch box
and say your name and ‘Aye’ into the microphone.
To vote ‘Nay’ Walk to the right hand side dispatch box
and say your name and ‘Nay’ into the microphone.
Can they all do that ? ‘NAY’
The general
For fans of cross contamination – the number of MPs who touch the despatch box is something to see – and the vote took ages because so many of them have to engage in ‘drama ‘ …..
I hope they remember all this when it comes to dealing with the Chinese …..
4pm Radio4 news
Item #1 clip of Biden bashing Trump
Item #2 about BAME Covid deaths
the clip was of a Labour minister, his opening words were “Black Lives Matter”
I’m not making this up.
It’ll be interesting to see how this goes.
Exhibit 1:

Exhibit 2:
Will the BBC (and media in general):
(a) try to disprove US Park Police’s assertions
(b) ignore the assertions and carry on saying that tear gas was used at Trump’s request on innocent and peaceful
riotersprotesters(c ) admit they and most of the media got it wrong and apologise?
I don’t think (c ) is very likely, do you?
(Sorry about the image size. There doesn’t seem to be any means of controlling it here.)
I reckon if an image is more than 800 pixels wide, then that is too wide for here
Another more gruesome image version from BBC
I think we are waiting for the Park Police to issue a proper statement
For now both sides have their own narrative and are sticking to it.
There is an MSNBC reporter saying they saw no violence but saw no tear gas.
#1 I have been in this circumstance before
when reporters were in one corner and saw no violence
when ll was kicking off in the other.
#2 The source said Park Police threw only harmless smoke bombs
..again that could mean another agency or agitator threw tear gas.
Things are not working out well for the BBC web-site today. Not only did they duplicate a whole bunch of stuff (running short of items or brains concentrating too much on the USA?) which has since been corrected, their copy-writing has been dire.
“The executioner who turned on the death penalty” was not a wise or accurate title – especially at the present time – for an item about Jerry Givens taken from the Radio4 Obituary programme, Last Word.
Why not ‘The executioner who turned against the death penalty’ or ‘The executioner who campaigned against the death penalty’ ?
Given that Jerry Givens died almost two months ago, the BBC’s motives for including that item on their Home Page now might just come under some scrutiny.
Absolutely disgraceful interview with historian David Olusoga on World at One today, following a very one-sided piece on Donald Trump. Olusoga insisted that police killings in America were a problem of racism, ignoring the fact that more white people than black people are killed by the police in the USA. He went on to suggest that young black children were in incredible peril. He accused those pointing to Martin Luther King’s espousal of non-violence as “weaponising” him, thereby effectively supporting the violent riots in the USA.
Finally, most disgracefully and after giving him a very easy ride, Sarah Montague invited him to draw parallels with Britain, which he did, despite the totally different historical background and the much lower scale of police brutality in this country. Given his support for “resistance” in the USA, this was tantamount to inviting people here to riot.
Wouldn’t it be good just for once to hear someone on the BBC say that rioting, looting and violence is wrong, period; and that far from solving problems, makes them more difficult to resolve…
DickMart if you want the reason why the last comment in your post will never happen it’s this…
BBC staff are ordered to respond in only one way. It MUST ALWAYS be a response that is bitterly opposed to Trump, The Conservatives and/or white males. It’s in their rule book so they just have to do it!
The media has an agenda and irritating things like facts aren’t going to be allowed to get in the way.
Describing Olusoga as an historian is only to encourage and establish his BBC label. Historians appreciate broad pictures and demographics to understand the times of which they write and speak. Olusoga is in a tunnel – one he occupies through choice, but one which offers a very restricted and partisan view.
Just the way the BBC like him.
I think no one noticed #BiasedBBC’s race baiting in the Daily Briefing question
The question after Hancock had already given a long speech
beginning “black lives matter” and praising BAME on and on
… but the jouros were going to changed their own speeches disguised as questions.
weren’t going
of course
“Are @BBCNews racist?
Rihanna Croxford allowed to ask a question about ethnic mortality rates
but has to cite a ‘colleague’ to ask a general question.”
The Guardian sinks deeper into it’s primordial slime.
‘Words of a dictator’: Trump’s threat to deploy military raises spectre of fascism. The president suggested the US could use troops against Americans – true to the instincts of a man surrounded by sycophants
Totally ignoring the facts that have surfaced, the Guardian are prepared to ignore that a lot of innocent folk lost their property and goods and were beaten to a pulp… Simply to try to paint Trump as a fascist threat.
I would hope that if people in this country suffered the animal behaviour of the thugs in the USA that the government would not hesitate in bringing in our military to protect innocent lives and property.
The Guardian’s take on this mirrors the repulsive political tactics used by the partisan gutter press in 3rd World countries like Pakistan and Indonesia.
Two observations, if I may, please.
Firstly, back in February I met the head of research of a large NHS trust. I don’t know how and I can’t remember why, but they spent some time educating me about drugs and ethnicity. Most of it went way over my head, but I gather from what I was told that some drugs behave differently depending on the ethnicity of the person taking the drugs; and that most clinical drug trials are conducted mainly on Caucasians. So in some circumstances there is a gap in the knowledge base. And, pre-CV-19, there was an open[ish] acceptance that white and BAME physiology is, in some areas, different.
I put that first, because secondly I went to the local ASDA superstore this lunchtime. Not too busy, no queue to get in. They’ve had directional arrows up and down the aisles for months. But today they had some new No Entry signs on the floor to stop people going the wrong way in a one-way aisle. I came across just two families ‘going the wrong way’. And yes, you guessed correctly.
So, in this afternoon’s briefing, the CME (or assistant chief medical expert) said that, yes, BAME people are more likely to catch CV-19 but the reasons behind WHY are many and varid. So tough luck to the MSM journo looking for a binary answer.
Beeb TV news at 6pm launching a heavy, undisguised attack on President Trump. Particularly upset that he is out there with a bible. So we’re in for more Trump attacking by beeb , as the election draws closer.
Not with MY money, it won’t be. And I shall be telling them why.
Calls itself a news channel, but there is no sign of objectivity or balance.
It’s pure propaganda. Does the ‘liberal’ narrative feel so threatened? Why do they hate him so?
Yes, hate.
More than high time beeb was dismantled.
R4 news at 18:00 was very slanted too: boring Biden’s attack on Trump for lack of leadership, doubts about the validity / usefulness of the UK Covid19 testing numbers, endless “people of colour” hustling regarding health and policing in the US, yet more on BAME being more at risk from Covid19 in the UK but nothing new. Agenda-driven bias.
The primary responsibilty of government is to protect lives and property…. so DT is dong just that, yet the black AG of New York has no such sense of responsibility in protecting people from feral black thugs and would rather sue DT ?
sounds like she is a racist, an irresponsible. black racist putting lives at risk while she plays politics
If it were the oft quoted “far right” whites attacking the police and citizens she would be doing what ?
If this is how blacks behave why should anyone care what they think “matters”
I think the BBC has totally given up on the majority white population of the UK.
Its favourite topics today are
1. US riots
2.Anything to do with BLM
3. Whities not dying of Coronavirus at the same levels as BAME.
But, ever to support their ‘impartial investigative journalism’ here’s a table of diabetes incidence by country and then another of uk incidence by ethnicity.
Look who is at number 6.
Co-morbidity is a very well-known CV19 issue. Right from the start we have been told about high risk groups. Yet the BBC constantly portray the impact on BAME in that race-baiting victimhood way that they so love, with no coverage of the facts which would be so inconvenient to their overall narrative.
Ps twice as many men die as women
Times Radio
UK Press Gazette has revealed the presenters and running order of the so called new radio station starting up some day in June .
There is a wide range of broadcasters ranging from a majority of ex BBC ex C4 ex Labour MP types up to Mickey choo choo portilo – in other words – the bubble again – but no yoof
I’m guessing Rupert Murdock knows there is a gap in the UK broadcasting market for a “Fox TV’ type right wing format but hasn’t got the courage to take on OFCOM or just knows he’d never get approval for ‘diversity of thought ‘.
Apparently there won’t be phone ins or advertising – just sponsorship …. I give it 6 months .
I have realised the way the left wing media BBC, Guardian, CNN, Independent work.
A story like the riots in the USA breaks and what do they do?
They sift through the story and pull out anything that suits their political standpoint and agenda. They then ignore and bury the rest.
They then find tame willing ‘Actors’ to support their version of events.
Then via social media they set things to trend supporting their version.
Finally they double check with their counterparts at the rest of the lefty media to make sure they are all in step so that they don’t end up looking like the utter twats they are.
Perfectly illustrated by the Independent in an article telling eager readers that ‘…Boris told Italian Premier Conte that he wanted herd immunity…..’
I would venture to suggest that he might have mentioned, during a long conversation, that he had considered ‘herd immunity’ but that the risks were too high so dropped the idea early on during the frantic worldwide moves at the time to control the pandemic.
‘Boris Wanted Herd Immunity’ makes a better headline though.
Like beeb, ITV and Channel 4 ran the anti-Trump line for their ‘news’. However, my congratulations to Channel 4, who actually ran a spokesman of ‘Blacks for Trump’, in something vaguely resembling balance. (He was cut off by Jon Snow, in full flight, though)
It was quite staggering to hear that there are two sides to the story, especially from C4!
That is actually what beeb owes us, being publicly force funded! THE OTHER POINT OF VIEW! Don’t suppose beeb would understand that: lotsa head-scratching, as they try to figure out what that means. Does it mean they can’t exclusively run their favourite narrative? Does it mean they actually have to show a black person who approves of Trump?
OUCH! MAN, THAT would undermine the narrative, BIG TIME, wouldn’t it?
Interesting. Evan Davis also spoke with a ‘Blacks for Trump’ man on ‘PM’ this evening; what a pleasant surprise to hear the other side (just once in a while anyway!)
Yup. And I’m not even a Trump fan; Ronald Reagan was more my style of President. But the one-sided ‘liberal’ point of view (which is actually NOT very liberal when you get to think about it, carefully) is so blatant and so constant, it defies description. What really makes me laugh: it’s not very TOLERANT either, which is their big selling point!
I saw some of BBC News channel about 6:45pm with the Bishop of Florida saying Trump is “blasphemous for holding a Bible” FFS. Obviously smashing a church up is totally OK though.
About 7:10pm they had someone else claiming Trump’s activities are all illegal but smashing up the city is OK.
Only the BBC can twist facts this much.
Facebook has its uses.
I have just been reminded that a year ago there was a #stopTrump #CarnivalofSnoflakes at Trafalgar Square, complete with zones depending on your chief source of outrage and/or virtual signalling comfort zone.
It was a map, courtesy of the BBC.
BBC News
People of Bangladeshi ethnicity have twice the risk of death than those of white British ethnicity, Public Health England has found.
#CCBGB on how the bbc has tried to spin it.
With the killing of George Floyd by a policemen who had actually
worked with Floyd for quite awhile at a night club , the USA is
getting towards a perfect storm scenario for a civil war .
We know which side the BBC will take in this civil war . But
a real problem is the BBC has got embedded anarchists and
Trotskyists at all levels to exploit the situation in the UK.
Whilst having dinner this evening, the Londonistan programme was on with
Assad Ahmad presenting, We were taken to what we were
told was one of the most diverse parts of the UK, Tower Hamlets
in the east end of London.
There is nothing diverse about Tower Hamlets 75% of
the population are of South Asian heritage. The topic of
conversation was about the fact that Corvid 19 is a racism
issue in the UK.
I expect that for at least a month the Metropolitan Police will
be under instructions to give drug gangs, extortion gangs,
mugging gangs a “free hand.” And that the BBC will have
roaming reporters around to make sure if anything untoward
happens, such as drug gangs, extortion gangs , mugging gangs being
arrested. The full force of the BBC will be watching
and acting.The manslaughter at the very least of George Floyd
by his ex co worker Derek Chauvin could finish up being
a pivotal event in the 21st century.
I wouldn’t be surprised if something kicks off here in the UK; you have only to recall what happened after the shooting of Mark Duggan in 2011, when the initial trouble in Brixton wasn’t dealt with severely enough and spread to many cities and towns in the country. Police fears about inflaming the situation actually made it worse, as the softly-softly approach encouraged others to have a go too. Ex-Mayor Giuliani has made this point on Fox TV about New York.
There are clearly people waiting in the wings ready to fan the flames of any trouble, both in the UK and US. Remember that Cameron and Con-LibDem coalition had been in power for less than 18 months when the 2011 trouble started, so it’s hard to see how ‘austerity’ could have had that much effect. Likewise, people took to the streets in the US in the early days of Pres. Trump, long before Covid19 or George Floyd.
Lacking from BBC Radio 4, as far as I can tell, is any analysis of who funds these travelling armies of protesters, or why some resort to looting shops rather than shouting anti-police slogans and demonstrating outside police stations and town halls. The hair-trigger sensitivities of certain communities, whipped up by agitators, makes policing and government very difficult. The chances of an accident, for instance a black student hit by a fire truck speeding towards a blaze – leading to further rioting – must be quite high.
WE can hope for bad weather. High temperatures exacerbate civil unrest, which never happens in winter when its cold, wet and snowy. No-one likes getting wet even for their cause.
Except covid…
………and just to make absolutely sure we get the desired message
‘How Coronavirus Tore through Britain’s ethnic minorities’
Tore, you note. Tore.
Subliminally suggesting “Tory” perhaps? Just a thought.
Next they’ll be saying Newsnight has fewer viewers than ‘Watching grass grow, despite the Tories’.
I saw Springwatch was on, use to like it, so gave it a chance, 5 minutes droning on about lockdown and mental health then over to Cornwall for the black female ?? (I see so many BAMES in the countryside, (well actually NONE in 10 years of weekly walks )
meant to be talking about beavers… but, nope,
Events in USA and UK and how I identify with them
Sooo peed off
F@@k off bbc
you just cant bloody stop yourself can you ?
f@@k right off and go to hell
Got this from You Tube hoping to avoid complaints about image size.
It is a vid from tonights Ch 4 news. First six minutes a report from the US protests which in comparison makes the BBC look objective.
At six minutes see John Snow get his come uppance from a fantastic supporter of Blacks for Trump. Snow actually apologises for the robust response of this Trump supporter.
I show this as an example for our gutless Tory leaders to respond to the media.
Just picked this news up. The Park Police deny that they used teargas, which conflicts with the CH4 and MSM news.
Official statement
\\ As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls.
No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.
Throughout the demonstrations, the USPP has not made any arrests. The USPP will always support peaceful assembly but cannot tolerate violence to citizens or officers or damage to our nation’s resources that we are entrusted to protect. //
That looked like a daughter of Mary Beard reporting from.. well anywhere, with the camera on her and nowhere else.
I might be wrong but surely the police that cleared the streets in Washington D.C. come under the control of the local, Democrat-run authority, not the president?
I’m getting fed up (not you Fed) with the complete, 100% persistent anti Trump bbbc but you know what? It will have no effect at all.
The bbbc is completely insignificant in the USA.
It gets a lot of people over here foaming at the mouth but they are only lefty snowflakes who are outraged at everything anyway. The likes of us on here are above all that.
It must really grate if you’re one of the bbbc knowing you mean as much to the USA as Radio Finland means to Boris.
The BBC might be insignificant in the USA but US citizens living here can vote in the presidential election so a bit of ‘foreign influence’ can be exercised, as long as it is in the ‘right’ direction.
@EM you know what they are doing ?
They are gaslighting us
They are forcing on us a different reality
and telling us that the real world we have in our heads is not true
, that we’re deceived by something else.
BS we live in the real world
I think that the reality is that the big American cities vote democrat whatever happens – so POTUS isn’t going to lose votes by enforcing the laws using the national guard /military .
The danger is recycling of victim hood with video of other ‘ victims ‘ At the hands of property owners defending themselves or police dealing with rioters ‘Robustly’..
Democrat politicians are bound to take political advantage due to the coming election . Meanwhile the rest of America looks on …
The MSM are waiting for a ‘European black ‘victim’ To roll out the March – demonstration – disorder – riot – police ‘brutality ‘ cycle and show it’s ‘just as bad ‘here – in that liberal whitee guilt way they feel compelled to do .
\\Lockdown ‘breach’ Liverpool deputy mayor suspended over gathering//
Another Labour one ?
Just a reminder that the MSM not only control the edit.
They control everything before it too.
Moaning all. So, who has kicked off well? Ah, itv comes on strong.
Do we do it while banging pots for Palestine in Islington tonight?
Guest: I saw that ‘taking the knee’ crap in the Evening Standard. Isn’t that George Osborne’s rag? Let’s se him setting a good example.
As for me, hell will freeze over before I allow myself to be manipulated like that. In my head I suddenly hear the voice of Enoch Powell: “We must be mad, literally mad…”
There is certainly a lot of madness about at the moment, bordering on the rabid. Enoch had a point.
Was he perhaps really one of the last genuinely conservative Conservatives around? In the days when there were still some politicians with backbone to be found in Britain?
Oh, for just one Enoch Powell in the Tory party now.
The Ceebeebies book review section writes itself.
Or, maybe, Nish and SurLenny narrating?
BBC News
Mark Zuckerberg is setting a “dangerous precedent” by allowing a post by Donald Trump to remain on Facebook, civil rights leaders have said.
Have they now?
BBC News
The UK is being urged to halt all sales of tear gas and riot shields to the US amid criticism of the police response to the George Floyd protests.
Get the feeling the bbc is in touch with all sorts of very specific folk?
BBC Local radio again popping behind a question to drive agenda…
Experts are warning that deaf people have become ‘the forgotten group’ during the pandemic.
A Bromsgrove organisation says the rise in public mask wearing has made it harder for deaf people to communicate with others.
And there’s concerns deaf people are struggling to access GP services and understand Covid-19 TV ads.
Should the Government be doing more to help them?
Speaking of masks… and speaking for the nation…
George Floyd death: Why US protests resonate in the UK
A) 24/7 media obsession will drive an echo
B) No, it doesn’t.
C) Why wear a mask only to remove it for the glam sho… ohhhhh.
Check @BBCNewsbeat timeline to see how the bbc ‘guides’ the young.
They are beyond saving.
Sky driving the conflict nicely too.
As the BBC might struggle to cover it, google the tragic death of David Dorn.
BBC News… looking back…
Thousands of people have joined protests in France over the death of Adama Traore in a Paris police station in 2014, which has been likened to the killing of George Floyd in the US.
It is going to be a very. long. year.
Still, Macron is used to riots. And the bbc to not reporting them.
BBC Moaning Emole
‘News’ that an opportunist bandwagon jumping opposition leader has provided a soundbite takes top billing with ‘criticism’ :
PM’s handling criticised
Coronavirus latest
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is urging Boris Johnson to “get a grip” and restore public trust in the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis. In his strongest criticism yet, Sir Keir told the Guardian newspaper there was a suspicion the PM was “winging it”.
Victoria King sits by her PC ready for the next press release via a newspaper selling less than The Speccie to copy and paste as ‘analysis’.
BBC News
Protests after the death of George Floyd have led to a surge in misleading videos and unfounded theories.
???????????????? “The BBC’s anti-disinformation Team” ???????? Don’t make me laugh. Your team of “experts” doesn’t need to look outside their own building to find a raft of fake news and disinformation. YOU ARE THE VIRUS THAT IS FAKE NEWS AND IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM. Your reporting has fallen to levels previously occupied by only the gutter press.
I wonder if they will feature… or even ponder this….
Surely it is ‘self isolation protests’ now?
W1A joggers.
How the heck did Rod get allowed on the team?