“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”. A quote from 1965 which could have been made for this website – if a little over dramatic . It was written by an American – but I bet Martin Luther King would never have thought someone would use it about the BBC ….
Midweek Thread 3 June 2020
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SkyNewsAust : German authorities are cracking down on ‘climate change dissent’
The BBC gets few comments. And when they do…
When will they stop?
Never, which is why the hate-stirring, victimhood-mongering, race-baiting beeb must be scrapped.
Yes, I’ve “learnt”: Seen & understood the black crime stats in the UK and US. I don’t need to learn anymore.
Hospital deaths are below normal.
I guess if cancer treatment is delayed
people stop dying in hospital and die at home instead
Stew – i fear there are a lot of sad stories that we will never hear because they involve the failure of the NHS .
Now that we know causes of death records are not reliable – stats will turn into guesses .
Fed at some point less people will die
cos you can’t die twice.
Covid deaths are almost always an already prebooked death coming a few weeks early.
The Home Secretary is in parliament Wednesday afternoon trying to explain the 14 day quarantine period starting on 8 june for people coming into the UK
She is rightly taking a kicking over why this is being done and why now .
The opposition want the medical evidence published by SAGE and she ducked a promise to publish
As i write big jets are flying over me in London on finals for Heathrow and Gatwick and have been doing so for weeks without control .
Not too sure the government is sane at the moment and Ms Patel isnt up to her job ( see English Channel ) .
Funny because it’s true.
The BBC continues to show how such a professional and impartial broadcaster it is and therefore so worthy of the license fee.
How The BBC Faked Racism | Ex-Employee Speaks Out | IconoChats #11.
Immigrant taxi service news
Earlier news
More interceptions .
Why bother, what is the point of “interceptions”, its almost as if the Government doesn’t care or that some secret deal has been done with France?
Yet we get this bluster from Priti ………………
“Coronavirus: UK quarantine plans and £1,000 penalties confirmed”
This looks to be the extent of the ‘questioning’ today.
Sally-Ann Hart (Hastings and Rye) (Con)
In terms of our soft borders, which are our beaches, can my right hon. Friend reassure the residents of Hastings and Rye that the migrants illegally crossing the channel in small boats who are not returned to France are being given health checks for their own safety and wellbeing and for the safety and wellbeing of my constituents?
Priti Patel
My hon. Friend is aware of the work we are doing on that, which includes returns to France directly, so she can have that assurance. The self-isolation measures equally apply to people who come to our country illegally.
1990 (TV series)
1990 is a British then-futuristic political drama television series produced by the BBC and shown in 1977 and 1978.
The series is set in a dystopian future in which Britain is under the grip of the Home Office’s Public Control Department (PCD), a tyrannically oppressive bureaucracy riding roughshod over the population’s civil liberties.
Dubbed “Nineteen Eighty-Four plus six” by its creator, Wilfred Greatorex, 1990 stars Edward Woodward as journalist Jim Kyle, Robert Lang as the powerful PCD Controller Herbert Skardon, Barbara Kellerman as PCD Deputy Controller Delly Lomas, John Savident, Yvonne Mitchell (in her last role), Lisa Harrow, Tony Doyle, Michael Napier Brown, and Clive Swift.
Thoughtful, I remember that. Quite enjoyed it for the Citroen 2CV’s starring role. Seem to recall the media were also villains along with the PCD.
4:30pm Amol will have an interview with the chief editor of which newspaper ?
Name a hot story they will talk about for 9 minutes
audio already here
“Katharine Viner on how G & M *broke* the Dominic Cummings lockdown story.”
… By broke they mean CONSTRUCTED
A Labour supporting voter and friend was taken in by that Daily Mirror and Guardian confection. There are a bunch of gullible folk out there at loose in the world. Whether it is Democrat-run cities in the US or Labour-run cities and Local Authorities here in the UK, people turn up in their thousands 😉 and vote for them time after time always believing things will turn out better.
Whether it is Minneapolis or Baltimore, Manchester or Co.Durham, the reality is poor people lose out when Democrats and Labour are in charge.
FFS 7pm The Live Guardian Pantomime
as promoted by Amol
The behaviour of these protesters in London today in support of George Floyd is now becoming reckless and a danger to life and health..They promised to the police they would stay in Hyde Park, they have now spilled onto the streets of London without any social distancing…
I am sick to the back teeth of these people, at a time when we need restraint these selfish idiots can’t help themselves.
I bet you before the days out we will have rioting in London. Mounted police now been deployed
Most of these people couldn’t give a rat’s arse about George Floyd, they are anacist hell bent on anarchy and destruction..
I hope I’m wrong but it doesn’t look good…and of course the Government will be blamed by the far left and anacists..
And of course the hysterical reporting by the BBC and SKY will sadly inflame the situation
dafydd- this is a disease that will spread and spread, unless it comes up against very firm opposition…
Your absolutely right.
I genuinely believe this country is on a knife edge….and the Primordial Slime we call the media will have blood on there hands if we fall on the wrong side of that knife edge..
I’m looking at the news and they are showing the protester at the moment, you have to just read the placards they are carrying to know what these people really represent…not looking good
dafydd – people think there is a thing called ‘history’, which happened long ago. There was the French Revolution long ago, and that ended eventually. Then there was the Russian Revolution long ago, and that ended eventually. Then there was the Chinese Revolution long ago, and that ended eventually. Then there was the Cuban Revolution long ago, and that ended eventually.
I have only mentioned four; there are many others, and the fact is, NONE of those really ended ‘long ago’.
Oh yes, as a separate event, each one of those may have “ended”. But the mindset and the spirit that drove those on, i.a. the lust for instant power, HAS NEVER ended. The crowds you see will always find a plausible reason to start the next one. I do hope our leaders are vaguely aware of that…
The fire of revolution will only be stifled for as long as you to douse it. It is a continuum, which will flare up again if you try to compromise with it. Parliamentary politics is a fragile construct, and it would be a HUGE mistake to think that having it protects you against a revolution!
Britain thinks it ‘escaped revolution’ cos it only had the Industrial one, a little conclusion from ‘history’. But ‘history’ never stops, it is always churning away out there. And as long as there is history, people will always seek a pretext for revolution. I hope I’m wrong, but we may be living in a fool’s paradise.
Revolutionaries often need no more than a few words at the right time, to put an end to any fool’s paradise. A CATCHY little phrase. Know what I mean? The other well-known fact is that would-be revolutionaries head straight for the radio/TV stations first.
And THAT is no coincidence either. (Of course, they only need to head for those if they’re not already occupied by revolutionary sympathisers.)
Well, dafydd, that’s Dominic Cummings well and truly off the hook as far as encouraging people to ignore the lockdown rules, then.
Most of these great unwashed have probably never heard of him…. but if there’s a spike in Covid illness two or threee weeks from now, we sure as hell will know who to blame. But,l of course, the hypocritical BBC will never lay the blame at the feet of Antifa and Black Lives Matter…
Richard D
Spot on, if I was a resident of London I would be seriously p..sed off knowing there behaviour could allow a second spike
Selfish sods.
Tory MP replied with a please everyone letter
This is an MP who doesn’t know the difference between a plural (“thousands”) and a possessive (“thousand’s”) – I really wonder now why I bothered to study English and other languages back in the era when teachers expected you to get things right. Pathetic.
Mustapha – what is absolutely worse are these so-called ‘journalists’ at the BBC who have no idea what a ‘plural’ is, never mind confusing it with a possessive.
So many of them use shoddy language such as “the BBC are gathering news from around the UK”, as opposed to “the BBC is an out-and out leftist organisation, intent on peddling what its activist employee cohort believes, rather than providing unbiased information”
(Trying to convey two messages here, you understand ?)
Some scenes of ‘peaceful demonstration’ the BBC won’t be showing you.
An excellent but frightening piece about the dystopian future that awaits us if the liberal Globalists remain in control of politics.
No justice no peace
White cop strangles a black man in front of a camera.
Black man strangles a white puppy on national TV
Can we reason about justice to these savages?
I notice this afternoon that Charlie Dimmock has become a of victim the BBC BAME agenda on Garden Rescue. Only a matter of time before the Rich brothers vanish too I expect. Far too white even with muddy hands and faces.
One more BBC program I will be skipping now.
The Public Health England report on the racist Covid-19 virus is out. The BBC uses some interesting presentation in links but is – to be fair – fairly accurate in the anonymously authored article:
especially in an added comment by Health Editor, Michelle Roberts.
No such constraints on Matt Hancock, who makes a political point.
I wonder if piku has read it yet? And whether he has noted that it relates to solely to morbidity. The conclusion is that although the Covid-19 virus is no respecter of persons, there could be a variety of reasons why Bangladeshi males, especially, die from the virus.
“Today is about innocent people who were halfway through their process – we don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved, we don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved, but today we’re going to make sure that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones.”
John Boyega gave an emotional speech to fellow protestors in London’s Hyde Park, saying he spoke from the heart and didn’t know if he’d have a career after it.
Seen him act. He’ll be fine. Smart agent.
Guido has a story that the Standard , ex Chancellor Osbourne is the editor, is running a story which advises Hyde Park protesters how to avoid police being able to identify them. It seems highly irresponsible to me and something he would have abhorred when he was in government. So why has allowed it in his paper? My guess is that he is still suffering from anvanced BDS and believes that anything which might harm or cause trouble for the government will hinder Brexit and keep us closer to the EU.
On this site we have long speculated how far the irreconcilable Remainers would go to wreck Brexit and force us back into the EU. With each passing month their fanaticism seems to increase , they are prepared to go to any lengths to thwart or damage Brexit no matter what the cost to the country is. The problem is that many of them hold the levers of power and they will use them ruthlessly to get their way.
In this particular case the Standard must be at least on the fringes of incitement or of aiding those determined to break the law. The government should prosecute the editor. Oh hang on , the police , the Crown prosecution service and the judiciary are all run by Remainers! See what I mean.
“Ozzy’s got the answer!” Except that he hasn’t. I used to respect Gideon O but not so sure now.
Beth goes to a briefing about Covis
Her first question was ONLY about Trump re BLM
BJ: I don’t think racism has any place in our society.
People have a right to protest, but peacefully and keep social distancing.
Stew- I think Coronavirus is not the only virus that is out and about. And it may well be the less harmful one, by far…
R4 is ever hopeful. Two nights ago it featured a documentary: “The British Road to Bolshevism”, by a gentleman called Rosenbaum. All about Lenin and his affection for London…
A bite-sized bit of Marxism was, bizarrely, included in the BBC R4 news at 9 a.m. Remember that this is a very short bulletin, not at all like ‘Toady’ or ‘PM’. A Black American (judging by his accent) interviewed about the protests and riots, used the expression “means of production”, sounding like someone who’d just read the Communist Manifesto and thought, “hey, you know what?” Poor, even by the BBC’s dreadful standards. Talk about student Lefties!
I noticed the BBC News web report of the analysis of Covid deaths and the impacts on a variety of groups. One phrase that caught my eye begoins… “Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer criticised …….”
Funny, it’s a phrase that I have seen oft repeated over the past few weeks in BBC articles on TV, rado, web pages, etc., despite Sir Keir’s protestations that, up till now, he’s actually been fully supportive of the government in the current circumstances (????? any evidence of this…..at all ?)
But then, the BBC would never fail to investigate claims like those of Sir Keir, about things so important as this, would it ?
And, just to feed back to the original quote at the top of the thread “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”
When Starmer became Labour leader I predicted it would become increasingly difficult for him to obscure his well-practised duplicity.
Thank goodness others are beginning to realise.
derek ropner2h
Forensic Starmers tactic of facing as many ways as possible on as many issues as possible will run out of road soon enough, and people will recognise him for the dreary internationalist prat that he has always been.
There are 89 pages In the PHE report on ethnic disparities and covid .
Particular groups like Bangladeshi s are twice as likely to die from covid than whites . As a whole group men are twice as likely to die than women ( any colour ) .
And if you add all the factors up it’s really not Good being a Bangladeshi man over 70 who is obese and has asthma . The life insurance premiums must be astronomical .
If it is accepted that non white are more likely to get covid and die from it – surely a recommendation should be that their lockdown is both longer and stricter – whilst the white population can go back to a distanced way of life .
There was lots of shouting about the need for such a report but not so much from the race industry about what should be done – such as what I’ve just suggested .
Perhaps treating racial groups so differently even before the overblown distraction of American cops killing a Black prisoner on camera – is just too much even for the race industry / BBC to contemplate …..
There is also the potential for racial groups to be labelled as ‘health hazards ‘ due to their increased propensity to have the virus . Dangerous …
Just maybe if they weren’t so keen to live with 3 generations and all of their extended family flown in from Bangladesh packed into the same terraced house, work cheek-by-jowl in curry houses etc. or sit in Taxis with every man and his dog all day the stats might tend to show a drop in infection rates.
Care home hullabaloo on R4, trying the blame the government by emptying the hospitals of older covid patients into care homes.
I look at it this way, if you were a hospital manager and had an elderly patient from a care home develop the disease whilst on a ward you have two choices…
Allow them to stay on the ward and risk the health of hundreds of other patients sick with all manner of ailments as well as highly trained NHS staff including the specialist who are capable of saving lives as well as risking the closure of the hospital in worst case, or send them back to the care home where the potential for spread would surely exist but the scale would be possibly less.
No win scenario!
Yep – that’s why the NHS executives get paid the big bucks – (and they definitely do – I suspect most of them get paid waaaaaay more than our PM) – to make the difficult decisions.
But far too often they try to shift the blame to central government rather than accept their own responsibilities – as has become abundantly evident as a result of the Coronavirus.
But this is not just a result of a one-off event, simple example – why do NHS Chief Execs and Finance Execs never, ever, accept responsibility for being unable to live within the budgets, for which they, themselves, are responsible – year, after year, after year……. and they get away with it ?
“If it is accepted that non-whites are more likely to get covid and die from it – surely a recommendation should be that their lockdown is both longer and stricter – whilst the white population can go back to a distanced way of life . ”
Couldn’t we just go back to the social distancing, i.e. 5,000 miles, that nature intended? The ‘new’ normal could be the ‘old’ normal!
Seriously we don’t need to live with our neighbour to love our neighbour. The colours in my paint box look better in their own pots, mix them all together and they produce a drab, dull mess.
Jim /digg
At Questions to the Health sec and PMQs some opposition MPs were moaning that there are not recommendations in the report .
I think they failed to think through what I have implied need happen for ‘ effective ‘ protection . A lot was said about removing coloured medical staff From potential covid environments such as hospitals – but the ‘added lock down ‘ which follows on from this hasn’t been debated – as far as I know ( yeah – I know someone will post an article ).
But thinking about it – if the government is introducing 14 compulsory quarantine for people like me coming back to the country then surely racial groups most likely affected by covid need ‘special treatment ‘ too ….
No wonder they didn’t put any recommendations is – and it will be interesting to see what politicians of any colour will do with the report …. methinks long grass…
All of this manufactured, faux outrage over a bloke killed by police in a foreign country thousands of miles away…
The screaming, the tantrums, the endless sycophantic interviews and the wails about the injustice.
Where was all the outrage when thousands upon thousands of under age white girls were being savagely raped a passed around like scraps of discarded meat?
Where were the police? Where was the media? Where were all the holier than thou celebrities and politicians?
I’ll tell you.
They were keeping their heads down. They didn’t want to know. There’s no kudos in protecting innocent working class white kids from Pakistani rapists.
That’s left to the likes of Tommy Robinson. And for his heroic efforts he’s abused, sneered at by the snotty middle class pseuds that infest the BBC and imprisoned.
Little white girls on their doorstep and the sympathetic chattering classes don’t give a sh1t. The Antifa mob turn a blind eye. The police cock a deaf ‘un. And the BBC tell us that several “men” have appeared in court.
Yet some black geezer thousands of miles away…
“Yet some black geezer thousands of miles away…”.
It’s not that. The Communists/Lefties have been patiently waiting for an issue to rally around, a vehicle to jump on. Now they have it. In the US, all else has failed to return their politics to Communist inspired Socialism, China style from Donald J Trump so, the Civil War is all that’s left.
Fox News, Tucker Carlson: Watch this and weep. The Civil War has started.
But don’t forget that 48% of the UK population would want the same to happen in the UK………….
ITV local news
Quarantine item
..”who will pick the potatoes ?
… em they are picked by machine here
Next item .. parents are warned not to avoid vaccinating their kids
… Who is that targetted at ?
Item comes on Muslim family
in the carpark with a headscarfed doctor.
No mention of BLM
US Betting odds have changed slightly…………………..
Bidden 10/11. Donald Trump 11/10.
Dates and times not reported, but do I smell the slight stench of hypocrisy from the BBC about this nhs worker travelling from Kings-Lynne to Peterborough a round trip of 2 hours or so…
‘Norfolk health worker reunited with daughters after nine weeks’
Watching BBC South News, the lady reporter in the studio waxing lyrical about the thousands of “dignified” people gathered in Southampton over the USA cop killing stuff. I think “moving” was a word she used.
Of course no social distancing and few masks even though she claimed they were all wearing them despite the shot of the crowd showing the opposite… but this is all understandable unlike the Cummings-the-devil affair of course.
They then interviewed a geezer who looked like rough sleeper complete with cardboard placard with some nonsense on it including a drawing of a hammer and sickle.
They can’t seem to see they are being manipulated.
They are either daft, dense, or evil.
This her ?
Sure is!
Did they report this ?
Oxford deputy mayor spoken to by police over lockdown meeting
Police have spoken to Oxford’s deputy lord mayor and others after they met at a mosque amid the coronavirus lockdown.
Councillor Mohammed Altaf-Khan organised a meeting at the Central Oxford Mosque in Cowley on 27 May, an email sent to the BBC suggests.
In response, Mr Altaf-Khan said the meeting was organised to discuss management issues and to resolve “activities going on”.
Thames Valley Police said no fines had been levied or arrests made.
A spokeswoman said officers had “spoken to the relevant individuals involved in this meeting and have reminded them of the government regulations”.
Mr Altaf-Khan told the BBC the trustees of the mosque met to discuss a “dispute”
BBC local news starts
…5 minute item on BLM
The poor black presenter who does daytime is brought on .. that itself is stereotyping
There is a tangential connection in that 25 years ago Hull police did rough a black paratrooper, and he quickly died.
“Christopher Alder, a trainee computer programmer and former British Army paratrooper who died on the floor of a police station in Hull in 1998”
Then there was cockup at the autopsy 10 years later
cos they mixed up him body with that of a black woman.
When the black dude got killed over here in 2011 by our police did the Americans have protests on his behalf and show solidarity towards him and the black cause in general? ????
I suspect the answer is no or at least hardly at all!
So why now nine years on are certain groups showing their solidarity towards the George Floyd death in the US, what’s the difference?
I personally believe that the reason is because of Trump and Brexit and anybody with half a brain or at least a non-lefty can see this ????
I’m half expecting al beeb to just stick on the film ‘Do The Right Thing’ by Spike Lee tonight and hope that the rioting begins ????
Mega Mohan
“notoriously undiverse” media
Yeh undiverse in the way they all push Guardianlalaland agendas
ah look impartial BBC woman Mega is pushing jobs for blacks only
and in conversation with Owen Jones
Ok, plus side… looking good for pangolins…
Is she comparing the colour of blacks to sh*t?
Sounds a tad racist to me.
Unbelievable !!!
How many of these libtards clap on a Thursday night ? How many bang on and on about lack of PPE ? How many of them are on Twitter all day stating it’s the Government that are killing people and especially the Bames ?
Expecting the same kind of coverage from the looney left as we had with DC !!!!! Yeah , right
Covid One Nine you are cleared for takeoff.
Barry Gardiner – another one of these silver spoon revolutionaries. Like all of his middle class, progressive bretherin no doubt one of the least equipped physically and mentally to cope with the Soros/Cultural Marxist inspired anarchy these illegitimate s are trying to drag us into in the name of “black solidarity”
Unfortunatly as we all here know these creatures now seem to dominate every level of the establishment, we even had coppers in London “taking the knee” at a demo https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8383747/Thousands-Black-Lives-Matter-protestors-head-Londons-Hyde-Park.html
The BBC led MSM 6th formers reveling in every ratcheting up of the violence hoping after having lost brexit this could be their next best chance to launch their revolution aided by mass looting.
Listening to “Global News” on classic fm today they were even interviewing some guilt ridden middle class teenager wittering on about her “white priveledge”.
In truth the dividing line between savagery and civilisation is a very thin one. Lets just hope Cressida (or whatever her name was) Doesnt live to regret her decision to support this anarchy – and rather like the two anti racist Scandinavian women who were raped and beheaded in Morocco by a couple of Mo’s finest, maybe they should be careful what they wish for.
Meanwhile …… RELENTLESS
Aside from all that:
The so called “7 Year Rule” derives from Section 157(4) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 which says that the local authority may not serve an enforcement notice or take proceedings for an unauthorised development after 7 years have commenced since the unauthorised development commenced.
The building in question was errected in 2001 19 years ago !
BBC is very very diverse
Tonight 8pm on BBC Four
Shock and Awe: The Story of Electricity
with Jim Al-Khalili
Yesterday 8pm on BBC Four
Chemistry – A Volatile History
with Jim Al-Khalili
Hello Stew. I apologise in advance for my rather negative first post.
A couple of science programmes on the BBC is a delight and as such, should be celebrated, not criticised for a lack of diversity.
My experience of Jim Al-Khalili’s output for the BBC has always positive and he is a physicist with an interest of delivering science to the masses. (I confess that I have not seen these particular programmes – I shall try to catch up later.)
I heartily recommend his book “Life on the Edge” which he wrote with JohnJoe McFadden – a really good read.
Further to Mustapha at 6 pm above.
M mentions Leftmob references to marxism and the means of production. Park that for now.
There is a film, maybe a version of 1984, but may be Fahrenheit 451. In the film the action takes place with, in the background, relentless messages on tannoys all referring to the latest record level of this and that. The monthly record for widget making, the biggest production of nuts and bolts, a record turnout at the works meeting. Etc etc etc.
Classic socialism, where production is more important than outcomes, public and customers.
But sorry to say, is not the government handling of Coronavirus sounding rather like this?
Record tests, record capacity, numbers of ventilators, numbers of tracers.
So what ?
Rather than rather more important metrics. Such as % of elderly released back in to care homes having been tested for CV19. Or % of people who are able to return to work after schools re-open?
We shouldn’t be surprised. The religion that is the NHS ensures slavish support to an unreformable, untouchable Nationalised industry.
Meanwhile, the death rate approaches 40,000.
9pm So impartial CHANNEL 4 did you think of an impartial title ?
“Britains Coronavirus Catastrophe did the Government get it wrong ?”
Dispatches CHANNEL 4 WED 3RD JUNE 21.00
“The other three officers face counts of aiding and abetting murder, the documents state.”
Oh, I wonder what their names were, seems the BBC has conviently forgotten, and must not have any photos either…
The Minnesota AG Ellison is a Democrat nabob / bigwig who beats up his girlfriend and has sung the praises of AntiFa in the past.
Escalating the charges is a deliberate ploy to extend and wreck the prosecution and wave the whole mess in people’s faces for longer.
The BBC seems about as keen to give us the names of the 5 black Americans killed by rioters /looters as Joe Biden is to go to their funerals.
One of them in a dollop of sad irony was retired policeman Captain David Dorn who was murdered by looters outside of a pawn shop
– on Martin Luther King Drive in St. Louis.
Don’t ask me why people say only 1 is white
2 look white to me
So Channel5 a sudden change of schedule
9pm “Black Lives Matter: Rivers of Blood – 50 Years On”
… is that insurance against rioters ?
BTW there is a new repeat channel called CCXTV on 23
Oh new TSB advert
headscarf girl
Is this a coincidence ? you can switch to Drama on Channel 20
Inspector George Gently
“The inspector and his ambitious sergeant John Bacchus investigate the murder of Dolores Kenny, a black woman.
She is a regular attender of a local club’s soul all-nighters, events popular with factory workers from across the racial divide. Gently begins to uncover evidence of prejudice within the local community and his own police force as he seeks to identify the victim’s killer. “
A break through in the Madeline McCann case – but takes second place to american domestic racial strife.
Look – could we just stop 2020 and go straight to 2021
“German prisoner, 43, identified as new suspect in case of Madeleine McCann, who went missing in Portugal in 2007
..travelled around Portugal in a camper van is now the focus of Scotland Yard’s investigation
Police believe the man, now in jail for a sex crime, was in the area where the girl, then aged three, was last seen.”
Bit of a fishing expedition
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news at cowboy time (ten 2 ten)
Zero coverage of the fisticuffs and property damage in London at the “Black Lives Matter protest”
Cops + Journalists attacked too – there’s gratitude for you
This, from BBC Newsbeat, may not have aged well in the last few hours…
‘It’s not black people against white people. It’s black people and white people against racism.’
Regroup in Frankie Howerd first thing?
Golly, who has BS dragged on to give the killer quote she was hoping for?
“I would rather him just step aside and say and do nothing. I don’t expect him to do anything that is going to help the American people.”
Prof Ibram X. Kendi told BBC Newsnight there is nothing Donald Trump can do to unify the United States in the face of protests against police violence. bbc.in/3eKbIJN
At least he kept his kit on, which seems novel for a Prof.
The sacrificing democratic voting in favour of media-driven mob rule… pretty par for the course.
And Barry stands ready no doubt.
Be still your beating loins, BBC.
tomo -You have to get used to the enormous hypocrisy, lies and the self-deception human beings are capable of. Don’t look for facts or truth and especially don’t look for balance from the ‘liberal’ media. Virtue-signallers are often, in the first instance, signalling to themselves.
They are like the ‘protesters’ – looking for a particular narrative which will support their agenda; completely disinterested in anything else. e.g. you would never in a million years have seen ‘protesters’ streaming through London after Lee Rigby was butchered, and that was in London, not Minnesota.
Nor would anyone have dreamt of calling it racism…
So, riots have started in London. Well, who’d have thought it…
If you constantly tell a group of not very bright, under achieving, highly volatile people, that all their problems are the fault of “racism” then this is what you get.
They’ve been endlessly goaded by the left wing media. The BBC and Channel 4 have been showing footage of the Minnesota tragedy on a bloody loop. It’s been like an hypnotic mantra. The repulsive anarchist group, Antifa are embedded in these movements. These are terrorists (as Trump has said) we just haven’t had the balls to call them that.
Our response to the astonishing levels of black crime been all wrong. We’ve been far too weak. Society has been apologetic. Its been accommodating. We’ve bent over backwards to placate their inadequacies.
If they can’t get the grades in schools it’s the white teachers who are at fault.
If they end up in gangs and dealing drugs it’s down to poor housing, a deprived background and being excluded from school.
When they end up in prison it’s due to a bigoted judiciary.
No it’s not, it’s down to them!
And the people that are expected to deal with these scumbags just aren’t up to the job. I’m afraid, from what I’ve seen, nowadays our pathetic police are much better at painting their finger nails in rainbow colours and ticking off innocent white sunbathers than dealing with a rampaging and dangerous mob of violent anarchists…
Where’s Jack Regan when you need him?
Seems it is on ‘us’.
Worth a punt, I guess.
Jeff- I’m quite impressed with our police: ‘taking the knee’ – well, that will show them who’s boss! Some very reassuring law enforcement.
What a pathetic embarrassment! Don’t the cops realise all that submission is simply going to fuel further aggression and attempts to dominate? Don’t they understand that it’s all about ‘signalling’? They are merely signalling weakness, to people who will only understand one thing in that jungle they’re creating: STRENGTH.
Never mind. A great day ends with the news of 166 ‘migrants’ arriving by boat today. No doubt they were ‘intercepted’ by our Border Farce and taken to Dover.
Presumably only after ‘taking the knee’, of course!
We should appoint some of those feisty ‘black’ mothers as Police & Crime Commissioners in our ‘diverse’ districts.
I bet one would do a better job as ‘Met’ Commissioner too!
Had that happened In this country the lefty do-gooder libtards would be calling for the mother to be charged with child abuse. I am afraid we in Great Britain are loosing the plot because we have let the media rule the politicians. If Boris doesn’t get tough with the media he will be loosing the support that he got in the last election.
The media, especially the BBC, are the cancer in the body of Britain. Their emotional incontinence and stupidity are making everything worse, from Covid19 to race relations to the EU Brexit.
Have you ever read such twaddle? Coronavirus: Are protests legal amid lockdown?
Don’t we all have a fundamental right to step outside our houses, a right to a ‘family life’? All of that has gone without a squeak from the BBC yet now they worry about ‘protests’ for a person no-one here knows anything about in another country under another jurisdiction!
The lawyer goes on to say:
Which is disingenuous in the extreme as we all know that people in parks naturally spread out and they don’t circulate between groups, whereas protesters pack together and move around.
We also know that the police wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to ‘move on’ people in a park, yet for a London clapathon or ‘protest’ the ‘Met’ in particular will join in!
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (who elected them?) say:
No, you pack of un-elected gauleiters, it is a fundamental right of a free-born Briton to go about their business unhindered and to enjoy a family life, not for legislation designed to control the infected to be used to control the uninfected. The right to ‘protest’ about (what?) the death of an alien is way, way down on the list of the ‘freedoms’ and ‘rights’ that we have lost with scarce a word from the self-righteous, poseur prigs in the BBC.
Kumarasami gets very excited on R4, cos Barack Obama is commenting to end the ‘news’. You can see the halo, but don’t look too hard: you can bet your bottom dollar, Barack is not an innocent bystander. A weird idea creeps up on me: is a lot of what is going on in the US an early attempt to prevent Trump from being re-elected? Barack and his boys tried from day one of Trump’s first term to get rid of him, and -with no hope of Dems getting in- smashing up the place is their version of democracy. Plus you can bag a Gucci in the process AND get your picture onto TV.
A typical evening on R4: before the news, a cosy chat between Amol Rajan and the Editor of the Guardian. A predictable news bulletin from Kumarasami, with THAT cherry on top. Then it’s ‘Girl, woman, other’ a tale about a black woman, who is a bit other. Garbage, pure and simple, but it won a prize! At 11pm, we may have more of the same, or some unfunny ‘comedy’. Last night the ‘off’ switch had to come in when two gays and two lesbians put on something posing as ‘entertainment’.
When, in truth, it’s agenda, agenda, agenda, all the way. Zilch entertainment value anywhere, let alone anything resembling quality.
Meanwhile, the media are ‘adjusting’ accounts.
And in singular directions.
Lucky they don’t need holding to account.
street full of rabble decide to have a go at 2 police
video violence is at end
FFS crowds climbing over each other to get at cops
… Are the crowds asking for RESPECT ?
Newsnight should be interesting?
I’m betting John Boyega and YAB. All good.
Maybe BS will take a knee.
Just to get a feel for the state of media, as all this goes down, here’s what clueless ex-Beeboid pesto tweeted an hour ago.
For the Met police offering up zero resistance to rampaging mobs and responding by taking the knee – submission, capitulation and surrender, go together to make up humiliation.
Cressida Dick, resign. Mayor Khan,resign. Both USELESS. let’s get some real leadership for London.
Hey but at least the rampaging mob of anarcho-terrorists adhered to social distancing, right?
You know, the social distancing that the beeb were getting so exercised about in the case of Cummings.
Thank you, Katie. Well, we’re getting a little taste of what happens when blacks start chucking their weight about. In SA they are fully ‘in control’, so murders, rapes and assaults are the order of the day. Do a bit of research on the numbers and the racist brutality.
Don’t think George in Minnesota had molten plastic poured all over him, or his feet drilled through with an electric drill. Beeb wouldn’t be interested.
SA are great pals with the Communist Chinese, so I hope they enjoy their freedom while it lasts! Over 50 years the much-loathed Afrikaners established large enterprises like SAA, Eskom and Sasol and KWV, but the corrupt Communist ANC took over, LOOTED evrything and have run the country into the ground. Yup, LOOTED; sound familiar?
Communist China to the rescue. At a price!
Cheek by jowl the protestors march. In 14 days time some will fall ill. More column inches about BAME being prone to fall ill and die with Covid19. How many in those protests all over the country will go on to infect others ? How many talking heads will we see then blaming a possible second wave on this lot of non-whites ? None.
What about Elderly Lives Matter ?
Bet some of those protesters either work as carers or people in their household do, so Covid19 will end up in the carehome etc.