“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”. A quote from 1965 which could have been made for this website – if a little over dramatic . It was written by an American – but I bet Martin Luther King would never have thought someone would use it about the BBC ….
Midweek Thread 3 June 2020
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Oh look. Quarter past midnight so the BBC thinks it’s safe to sneak this out.
Unbelievably, looking at the BBC News feed on Twitter for this evening, I can see nothing, absolutely nothing about tonight’s violence in London. Have I missed something?
Shouldn’t that read 166 migrants successfully crossed the English Channel today.And there goes up another ‘no vacancies’ sign in a Britannia Hotel somewhere in the country.
Roland I haven’t looked myself but it may well be there have you tried looking under ‘peaceful protest’ I think that’s what the BBC usually call these things.
Just like it’s not right to let them get away with re-titling Global Warming to Climate Change
and we have to hold them to account about their original promise that everywhere will get way hotter
.. we shouldn’t let them re-title immigrants as migrants.
These guys are queue jumping economic immigrants
stealing the places of genuine refugees, who are seeking asylum the proper way.
Sneaked out after midnight and gone by morning no doubt.
Decades of cultural Marxist infiltration in our schools, universities, churches, political parties, trade unions, media and most of all the BBC have brought us close to societal breakdown and anarchy.
Well done beeb, well done.
Why the hell is that copper fighting like a schoolgirl!! Hasn’t he got a baton or pepper spray on that belt?
He’d be done for police brutality, leading to more riots by the savage packs.
I’m so tired of seeing police casualty numbers higher than the mob’s.
Basically the ‘liberal’ media (that’s you, beeb) have green-lighted violence by the mob: they’re angry, you see, therefore bestial behaviour is condoned, excused and even encouraged.
Agree. If the police hit one with a baton then the law and MSM would be down on them like a ton of bricks. However, if this were a protest against mass raping of white girls the police would be told to use their batons and urged on by the MSM to teach these fascists thugs a lesson. Anyone arrested would get their day in court.
Black louts
More the beeb won’t show you: the police under attack by the beeb’s extremist friends, and in retreat – like they have been metaphorically for decades.
What will the mayor of London and Ms Dick say today about the attacks made on the police last night? IMHO the situation will be repeated if the cops don’t get tough . Have we got any tough cops?
Mayor Khant, Commissioner Dickless Dickhead and her twerking, kneeling, nail-painting rainbow-emblazoned police to protect what’s left of civilisation from the raging mob of barbarians.
Lord help us. Literally.
In science, to find out if a Lockdown works, we need to look at Nations that did not have a Lockdown. The anti-fascist constitution of Japan banned Politicians from imposing a Lockdown on Japan. This resulted in seven Covid-19 deaths for every million Japanese citizens. On the other hand, the worst result was for Sweden. The authority to impose a lockdown in Sweden was also outside the remit of politicians. This resulted in 438 Covid-19 deaths for every million Swedish citizens. Although this was because 75 percent of the deaths were of people in permanent Lockdown in care homes, due to old age.
Sadly, due to a Lockdown imposed by politicians on all of Britain and its people, not just care homes. This resulted in 567 Covid-19 deaths for every million British citizens.
Some Japanese scientists conclude that as in care homes in Western Europe. A Lockdown keeps people inside, increasing the probability of infection. None Lockdown Nations with people spending a lot of time outside, have much lower infection rates than Western Europe Lockdown nations.
So, “Lockdown kills people and the economy” more than “Isolation saves lives”
The Government gets a lot of the blame for the high concentration of incompetent people in London Universities, NHS Administration and the Civil Service. But the Tories do not sack these mostly middle-class left-wing white-European Unionists. Because they would openly weep on the BBC, while announcing they are suing the Government for constructive dismissal by bullying a vulnerable incompetent person.
“Vulnerable” is a left-wing word which means “Inferior”
Did they not have a total ‘lockdown’ on the Diamond Princess, which had a death rate of 1,886 per million?
Something else that the cruise ship showed, and I think that is true for the UK too, the older old people suffered less than the younger old people. It might be that in the older, old group it was quite clear that something else killed them or maybe if one can survive to 80+ one is a ‘good un’?
Diamond Princess Mysteries – Wattsupwiththat.com
Richard, you allude to ‘lockdown’.
The UK, has, I’ve posted here before, never been in lockdown. This was just a term bandied about by the MSM to brainwash the sheep, old, scared and unsure of these lands.
All the Airports remained open during the lockdown, Gatwick closed ops, but the local and private airfields such as Farnborough still accepted all manner of private Aircaft, all the seaports remained open, many private gin palaces from St Tropez, LaRochelle are moored in Poole harbour enjoying the sun and the fact they can replenish stores after their home ports were closed.
The borders generally and specifically along the eastern channel coast are non existent with 100s arriving everyday.
Lockdown is a myth in the UK.
UK racism victims?
absolute bollox
all I can see in Whithall is feral black thugs in designer gear including ripped jeans costing hundreds, and entitled middle class silly white bitches running riot
hot day in a hoodie ? there’s a reason hoodies are banned in so many places
More concerned about the economic cost of our positive discrimination “diversity” agenda ensuring thousands of incompetents are given jobs for life in hundreds of local authorities because of their black skin colour, regardless of performance, seen it myself many times, and of course the bbc
thats racism, why dont they protest about that ?
Let’s face it: last night was not about George in Minnesota. It was about showing solidarity, yes; black solidarity. And asserting black control of London. Police ‘taking the knee’ didn’t even have riot gear or bring out reinforcements.They didn’t even PRETEND, AND THE MOB WILL HAVE GOT THE MESSAGE. THEY ARE IN CHARGE.
BoJo may be allowed to stay, ditto parliament. But whitee is only tolerated, and the only question is for how long? There were obvious beacons on the road which flared up, from Lee Rigby to Grenfell.
It was the ‘we are all one’ message, and that one has new masters. If you don’t assert yourself, you’re done!
R4 has been preparing us – running so many ‘black’ programmes, if you don’t want to listen, you may as well keep your radio switched off. If London was about a George, it was about George the ‘poet’, who ain’t no Keats. He was foisted on us long ago, to tell us the Keats days are over. As are those of a Larkin or a Betjeman.
And who are the ones that run that one united city? We saw last night.
Now the question will soon apply for the rest of the country.
Will policemen everywhere be ‘bending the knee?
I don’t think so. Beyond the capital there is a vast country, and the time may well come when they’ve had enough of rampaging mobs. How will they act, I wonder? Will it be from behind twitching curtains and face masks? Doubt it.
Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they’re not listening still
Perhaps they never will
Al Beeb tells us that thousands of homeless will be back on the streets by July. At the same time our government is allowing more “Homeless” in to the country by letting them illegally come in across the Channel. I am afraid that Boris is turning his back on all those “Borrowed” votes that gave him such a huge majority in the last election.
Boris is a liberal who , very unusually, supports Brexit. He may deliver Brexit but he won’t cut third world immigration , he won’t arrest the slide into IslamificTion , let alone reverse it. He won’t protect us from the threatening mob . But there is no politician in the UK who will do any of those things . Society in the West is crumbling and there is , as yet , no one who will stop it. Some politicians will make more and more concessions to those who want to overthrow our way of life and buy a little time but non of them will reverse the process and uphold our way of life.
I watched PMQs yesterday. Surkweer Charmer showed himself as the smarmiest, slimiest snake oil salesman ever to crawl the planet.
But man alive, in my view Boris was terrible in repost. He still appears unwell, baby brained, I’m not sure. But I’m afraid the useless cowardly, incompetent tories are failing fast. Patel was up later and just spoke in platitudes.
Private Members bill today on the Brexit extension, should not stand a chance, but nothing would surprise me at this time.
I don’t understand why a Govenrment with an 80 seat majority are not enacting the clear will of the voters.
I don’t subscribe to conspiracy, but can only conclude Soros and his henchmen are calling the shots, but it’s certainly not this government.
Does he really support Brexit , we shall see? We have yet to get to the end of June . I expect to see Al Beeb desperately squealing about the state of the economy in the remaining days until the clock runs out to extend the negotiations.
He was a shambles yesterday, Taff. I’d rule nothing out currently.
Given the misrule on the streets of that foreign country once known as London and the way the politicians ignore and show disdain to the hardworking, tax paying, quiet majority but pander to scum media, race baiters, lefty scum, climate fuckwits and all manner of foreign filth and scum, I’m beginning to think the ‘preppers’ have got the right idea.
There is trouble coming and Brexit will pale into comparrison.
£300,000,000,000 borrowing to bail out the UK’s fall-out from ‘covid-19’. That’s almost a billion pounds for every person worldwide who has, to date, died with ‘symptoms’ of ‘covid-19’.
I’m no mathematician please correct me if I’m wrong.
Boris was set up by arrangement. At the start, truth be known, Cameron dolled out the roles leading politicians had to play in the Brexit charade. Boris was given the short straw and grudgingly given the role of advocate for Brexit. In my view, if anything, Boris has grown into the role but remains a firm Globalist in reality.
From, “…..across the Channel”. I don’t think the potential 7.5 million Hong Kong Chinese will enter that way……………..
Looks like Al Beeb and the MSM are using the Madeleine story to ‘bury bad’ news .
West Wyvern. Where will the trouble be coming from? Can you name any moderately sized organisation or group of people who are able to offer even a speck of opposition to the liberal left establishment that continue to run and ruin Britain?
By all means convince me that our much longed for great rebellion of the True Brits against the traitor class is just around the corner and I’ll sleep soundly tonight.
Yass, there are many many disgruntled and disillusioned people out there, ranging from former service personnel, ex coppers, and other uniforms to farmers, hauliers and the like.
Plenty that if mobilised could form a strong and meaningful resistance. Sadly though as you state, I don’t think you will sleep well as there is nobody able to coalesce these dispirite groups into a joined up meaningful ‘rebellion’
Whilst people have their keyboards, fake book and strictly come dancing, I fear the worst.
Ain’t going to happen, is it? The British are pussies, now, and so are their police and politicians. All the recent opportunities which have gone to waste, in which the average Brit could have made a stand and said “Not in MY name”, but didn’t bother, have rather given themselves carte blanche to being pushed around by the unruly left, locked up in their homes, and frightened witless by a passing flu virus. Even Brexit failed to enliven their feelings for their mother country, and the continuing influx of unwelcome aliens seems to occur under their noses, and is of little interest, any more than the rape of their ethnic young citizens by those same aliens.
Britain is lost, and torchless.
It’s people have been emasculated over the decades by legislation and many other efforts designed to purely to restrict or eradicate, “freedom” because the growing army of irresponsible’s need that legislation to box them in by setting parameters of behaviour.
The, “Sheeple” cannot see this.
Wed 3 Jun 2020 18.09 BSTLast modified on Thu 4 Jun 2020 00.20 BST
The racism that killed George Floyd was built in Britain
Afua Hirsch
[The world’s leading exponent of special pleading and unbelievable excuses, has been released again.
No doubt I shall quail before the unremitting power and cogency of her literary brilliance, which
blazes in the sky like, er, nonsense.]
African Americans told us this when they lost Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor,
Eric Garner, Chinedu Okobi, Michael Brown, Aiyana Jones, Tamir Rice, Jordan Davis, Alton Sterling,
Philando Castile, and so many more.
[Being a racist European I only recognise a few names in this list.
Michael Brown was a dim, violent thug who attacked Koreans half his size (and twice his IQ).
Trayvon Martin was another low IQ, violent thug.
But the high IQ black response was to burn and loot, how original.
The rest must be intellectuals.
Floyd, the latest martyr, was another violent thug with a long criminal record. But who cares, more violence please.
Now is the time for a catalogue of the murders of Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians (Hindu) at the hands of
racist white US police officers. Which white violence was met with freedom loving arson, theft and destruction by
high IQ people with Asian ancestry.
I am not holding my breath.]
We are also telling you that as long as you send all children out into the world to be actively educated into racism, taught a white supremacist version of history, literature and art, then you are setting up a future generation to perpetuate the same violence on which that system of power depends.
We are telling you that we need to dismantle, not to de-escalate.
Pay attention.
[Here is the answer, history needs to be re-written. By thick black lefties with Everest sized chips on their shoulders.
Everywhere there are intelligent people, they have adopted Western science and technology.
They can take or leave Western painting, music or literature.
They can have their own opinions on Western history.
The science works, everywhere, so there is cultural appropriation.
We let those racist Chinese, Japanese and Koreans to steal our intellectual heritage and acquire, even invent, the latest technology. Acquire a first world standard of living.
All this techology and science has been deliberately withheld from Blacks by racist Europeans.
This is the sole reason that Africa is a backward shit hole. At least if you read the Guardian.
All other explanations are just white racist lies.
No comments allowed.]
When comments are not allowed, is it because even the Guardian readers cannot be trusted to express the right opinion?
When comments are not allowed, is it because even the Guardian readers cannot be trusted to express the right opinion?
When comments are not allowed, is it because even the Guardian readers cannot be trusted to express the right opinion?
The home of Bunter, Beff and Kay again excels in journalistic speaking for the… deranged.
BBC #tellitoftenenough relying on folk not delving just a smidge behind the surface.
Gary, deft as ever.
You beauty.
Was he as deft following the ritualistic beheading of Fusilier Lee Rigby?
I love the fact 95% are white despite being in London..a lot of virtue points in a field
Do they really have a clue what they are protesting about ? Have any of them really looked into the details or considered the circumstances? Do any of them have an independent thought?
Will any of the protest about the young girls being gang raped..will any of the protest about the black lads killed by black lads in London? Nah…..No virtue points to be gained there
God… I am a cynic today
Many of them probably think that Minneapolis is where their mini comes from!
Proof that BBC R4 doesn’t do self reflection or irony
Doing a piece on how badly Putin has run Russia for the poor..they use quote from Russian woman
“I used to believe everything they said on Russian TV – now she has stopped watching- gets her information on Social media”
Replace Russian Tv with BBC and hey presto…UK
Two Aussie journalists teams attacked at yesterday’s protests. Not on Albeeb. Inconvenient truths?
I’d prefer to see it in terms of a revulsion for MSM per se, rather than the nature of this, “Protest” and in that it is good. A sign that people (whatever their persuasion) have had it up to the back teeth with the lying media.
G, you may be correct but I do however note that they are not attacking the BBC. I believe that this is because the BBC, is for the most part only saying supportive things about Black Knives Matter. Aussie journalists are more likely to call it as they see it. I believe this is why they will have been singled out for special treatment by the peaceful ones.
Question: Is the UK economy being deliberately wrecked to facilitate an excuse to stop or delay Brexit? Keep an eye on Al Beeb and it’s agenda in the next two weeks .
And… here it is…
BBC PRasNews
“The only wrong thing to say is to say nothing, because George Floyd’s life mattered,” the Duchess of Sussex said.
Virtue signalling points being awarded liberally this week
University of Cambridge has announced it is showing solidarity with their black colleagues and those that identify as black …blah blah George Floyd….our diversity and blah department is here for anyone who needs support…..( I paraphrase) But WTF
What I want to know is – do all black people agree with rioting burning and that it is all the fault of Trump and any white person born? I doubt it….but that is the only opinion we will hear on MSM
Here in glorious Twittercolor courtesy of the dumbest, wokest, most trivial excuse of a show on the planet.
Via actually funny satire.
Thank God we’re rid of her.
BBC News
“There’s an internal fire within me that starts to burn like a furnace and I want to do something about it.”
Thousands of Londoners took to the street to protest the killing of George Floyd. Here’s how events in the US is affecting them.
(via BBC London) bbc.in/3dyDcSM
Interesting ‘quote’ by those clearly very affected by something. Lucky the bbc is there to film them. Constantly.
“Track and Trace”, “Track and Trace” (ad infinitum) the current mantra.
Life’s learning/experiences and their intensity give us a range of language to draw analogies from. Here’s an analogy.
“Track and Trace” and ‘Camouflage’ are, chinese virus, synonymous.
Question? – Is the virus still as deadly to the elderly as anytime in its short history?
Answer: Yes. Apart from statisticians “Track and Trace” wet dreams, nothing has changed for the vulnerable elderly. Sorry, the “tested”. Having been “tested” and being a statistic, means nothing if you are dead.
The only means that the “Track and Trace”, “tested” can have any sense of security is when a working vaccine is available.
Don’t be sucked in to the carefully constructed illusion that ‘progress’ is underway. It’s not – yet.
In something like BBC house-style I’m going to express my opinion in a few speculative questions. Just asking…
UK resident young people are clashing with British Bobbies because… well, nothing much do with us here really… but then, they’ve nothing much else to do, have they…?
Are we getting a glimpse of the future Leftist dystopia?
With globalised outsourcing having already eliminated the basic manufacturing trades, mass low-skilled migration depressing wage levels and now on-line shopping and automation of retail rapidly de-employs further swaves of our extensively – should I say ‘comprehensively’ – educated youth, preparing them for just about nothing – other than grievance protest. Add Green de-industrialisation and driverless cars to the mix and about the only poor qualification low-skill job will be MP for Brighton. I exaggerate, just a tad.
A ‘universal wage’ was proposed for our hi-tech world removing any necessity for basic gainful employment (of which there wasn’t going to be any) leaving our bright young sparks to concentrate on writing the great feminist novel or composing some of that slam poetry, or perhaps ‘Chuchill’ the rap symphony?
But all that artistic endeavor is a bit of a palaver, far easier just to pick up a placard and scribble a hashtag and they’re good to go.
What date is the lockdown on looting due to be lifted?
I just wondered where London’s mayor and Cressida were during these ‘demonstrations ‘. Shouldn’t they have been sending the message that these collections of people were breaking lockdown rules. And where were all the people who were complaining about Dom breaking the rules. Why were they not twittering, tell the demonstrators to go home?
I also noticed in the Sky footage one or two police with different face masks on which I presume were their own. Where is the PPE for the police? Shouldn’t the mayor be answerable?
I was looking forward to Al Beeb bigging up the numbers of yesterdays sore knee demos in London this morning on the Radio bore news headlines and on the news front page. 10,000 ,100,000, any advance..
But wait a minute not a mention of the crowds, tumbleweed. I wonder why?
As Deborah eloquently puts it, something to do with the crushing hypocrisy of the media and the policing of people definitely not being 6ft 7 inches apart (2m in new money)
Also the Maddy McCann story popped up, that must be the reason!
Excellent summary of the whole Kafkaesque madness of the current situation with Covid and the leftist riots – sorry, peaceful demos.
BBC News…. some say.
Some staff said they were “ashamed” that a controversial Facebook post by the US president, after the death of George Floyd, was not removed.
There was also ‘anger’. Apparently.
This is all getting tedious.
Can you actually believe this headline ?? Now lets imagine for one moment this was a Tommy Robinson or Pro Brexit protest and that amount of violence towards police was used.
Would it have passed “largely without incident ” then in the eyes of the MSM ?. They would have milked the Far Right thuggery for days on end. They really are scum. Complete scum who make my blood boil.
I don’t understand this ‘protest’. Are they imagining they are kneeling on the necks of white men?
If they keep on like this they will get housemaids knee!
See what would happen if one turned up to the Sunday BLM demo waiving a banner condemning the grooming gangs.
You’d be lynched.
In the prog about unconscious bias featuring expert Pragya Agarwal, at the beginning the presenter chastises the British public
… saying the have bias, cos even though Pragya has been in the country 20 years, they still complement her on her English.
At minute 26 Pragya says “A football T-shirt cannot be”
Well I’ve never heard a native British speaker say “football T-shirt” it’s always “a football shirt”.
When #vital evolves to #essential.
BBC Newsbeat
Love Island stars Molly-Mae Hague and Tommy Fury said a puppy they’d bought from Russia died just six days after they got him home.
Putin? Trump? Boris? Dodgy perfume?
Hit the streets.
Pomeranian Lives Matter!
This black guy speaks more sense in 5 minutes than the entire output of BBC verbal effluent over a year.
Scrap the tax, now!
As he says, I don’t remember worldwide riots in protest at the black ‘nurse’ filmed beating the cr*p out of an elderly white patient in his ‘care’, nor for the daily acts of black-on-white violence committed by the public or the police.
Can you put it up on the BBC twitter feed or would that against their policy to have common sense spoken
BBC TV news this morning – more Black Lives Matter protests in the US, Barak Obama speaks out, Meghan Markle speaks out.
And not one mention of last night’s disgusting scenes in London – police being attacked, baying mobs, graffiti, vandalism, breaking all social distancing rules.
Sums up the rank hypocrisy, double standards and blatant propaganda that drives this organisation.
Two weeks non stop prattle about a man driving his family to a safe house, but not one second on the main bulletin just 12 hours after thousands broke the law and attacked unarmed police in our capital city.
What journalist-haters get wrong by Amol Rajan
Across the world today, journalists are under sustained attack.
When I say attack, I mean punched, beaten, bloodied and killed. For doing their job.
He mentions a couple of Saudi and Russian journalists who were killed for speaking out about their countries but then we get to the real reason for the piece…
Just this week, we have seen a grim escalation, as protests and riots in response to Floyd’s killing tear at the fabric of America. The attacks on journalists have been led by the US President, who has regularly cast them as “enemy of the people”.
So Amol just to be clear you’re talking about physical attacks and you’re saying that these attacks in America are led by the US President?
As I recall, Nodding Dog, Mr Trump did not include all journalists in the category of ‘enemies of the people’. He made it absolutely clear he was calling out ‘fake news media’ as the enemies of the people.
Now, if Amol wants to include himself and his buddies, on either side of the Atlantic (e.g. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NYT, WaPo, Guardian, Channel 4 etc., etc., but the BBC especially), in the category ‘fake news media’- far be it from us to try to persuade him otherwise, when he is absolutely correct – for once.
Look – being MSM free – im sure theres stuff going on – but I’m confused now – do i clap tonight or do i kneel? Or is it both?
( thanks but really no need to say ) ….
Lets just call it a day for 2020 eh ?
Silly Fee.
Of course you stumble out into the middle of the road and manically whack a pot as you spin around gurning like a guppy, filmed by an adoring acolyte.
And scaring bemused dog walkers.
That… is leadership.
You must clap, bang pots and kneel: it’s all worship to the same god of political correctness, the new religion.
There’s this outfit called ‘Media Masters’, who really should be called ‘Media People of the BBC’.
Jamie Angus
Director, BBC World Service
Jamie Angus is director of the BBC World Service Group. Appointed in 2018, he oversees the World Service, BBC World News and BBC.com, as well as BBC Monitoring. He joined the Beeb in 1999 and has edited Newsnight, The World at One and The World This Weekend, and as editor of Radio 4’s Today programme, he took the show to a peak audience of more than seven million listeners. In this in-depth interview, he recalls taking over Newsnight in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal when the programme’s future was in doubt, argues that social media giants like Facebook and Google have to “step up” in the fight against ‘fake news’, and describes standing up for the BBC’s editorial impartiality and reputation against disinformation around the world as a “war”.
‘Step up’ like the BBC? And block or ban anyone that does not share your perverse bubble view?
That… is how you drive audience success like Newsnight.
The history of demagogues starting ‘wars’ is not great, Jamie.
Especially for the demagogues.
Sleeping giants stir, and all that.
From “The Article”:
… … …
“The bigger problem Mosey addresses [Note: in an article in the New Statesman] is BBC bias in general. It aspires “to be a broadcaster for the whole of the UK.” But it is struggling to do that “because it is a rather liberal organisation which recruits many of its staff from metropolitan areas; and they are typically graduates with a worldview which is different from a car worker in Sunderland or a hill farmer in Brecon. This means the BBC has been ill-equipped to cope with the forces of Brexit or the rise of Boris Johnson… [I]t is hard to think of any BBC presenter who could be accused of a pro-Johnson bias. The traffic is all speeding in the opposite direction.”
This is an understatement. Too many BBC reporters and presenters think they are addressing like-minded people, especially about Brexit, Johnson and Cummings. Damazer [Note: he was also writing in the NS] is wrong. Bias is not “rarely an issue”. It is a growing issue, on Twitter and on air. Why are there so many interviewees from Novara Media, an unrepresentative Leftist organisation? Why are panels so often unbalanced? Why does Newsnight recruit so many key figures from the Guardian, from former editor Ian Katz to political editors Allegra Stratton and Nick Watt and their current policy editor, Lewis Goodall. Newsnight, in particular, often seems as if it is addressing Guardian readers just when the Guardian’s circulation is in free fall. (Its circulation is now 130,484.)
At a time when Britain is deeply divided over Brexit and Boris Johnson, the BBC too often takes one side and has inevitably alienated many listeners and viewers. I have never known a time when so many seem angry about having to pay the licence fee for programmes that denigrate their political views.”
… … …
When I was being trained to select people for jobs ( something I did because I was on a power craze – lie ). Part of the training to do the job was to look out for unconscious discrimination – ‘horns and halo ‘ where you treat people who you judge as ‘like you ‘ more positively than ‘others ‘ – who won’t be getting the job .
The bubble is a pure example of this – it produces the lack of spectrum of view or thought so often described here .
They are all pro EU pro left – pro colour -pro gay -pro Islam – pro green – pro NHS – and you can list the ‘anti ‘s ……
So they land up recruiting And promoting each other , confirming each other’s views .
Any one else outside the approved thought is an ‘extremist ‘ or “Far Right “ or Good old plain racist . .
The few dissenters still allowed on the airwave are instantly attacked challenged interrupted and – in the worst cases – abused .
All we can do is see it , record it and show it here – and one day we ll get change . Tomorrow would be good .
Personally – I’m still wondering about going back to view the BBC out of duty rather than totally avoiding it and the rest of the MSM as I do now –
I am just not willing to be constantly fed propaganda and preached at about values I will never agree with
And for an organisation which hates my country .
Fed, your dilemma is all too familiar. I greatly appreciate the posts and comments here; it feels like an oasis of sanity, almost a second home to me … but the price of having anything BBC-related to comment on is exposure to the 24/7 propaganda and distortions. Just when I think it can’t get any worse, someone here gives a link and a new low is documented.
Since cancelling the Telly Tax, I listen to a bit of R4, though increasingly little in recent months, and watch no BBC TV unless at someone else’s place or as put up on YouTube … and even now it makes me feel ill.
Fed up,
I haven’t watched or listened to BBC news or current affairs programmes for about three years and rely on this site to tell me what nonsense they are spouting. Since the last GE I have stopped bothering with almost all of the MSM. I still skim read the Times and DT , and still fully read the occasional article, but I am increasingly at odds with their editorial stance. Slowly but surely I am beginning to loath modern Britain and its ‘values’ which are increasingly alien to me. I do wonder if this ‘sense of alienation ‘ occurs to every generation as they reach their latter years and is quite natural, or has Britain really changed so much for the worse that it deserves my increasing contempt?
Talk Radio have not rehired a presenter I wonder why
Meanwhile over on LBC James O’Brien is not on
“He’s coming in by motorbike …what happened to working from home?”
So Ian Payne is covering
he just said “To all of you sending me comments against Black Lives Matter .. I am not going to read them out”
In fact he MISREPRESENTED the tweets as “saying black lives don’t matter”
comments like this I guess
There’s a culture war in the west and it’s abundantly clear that the good side is losing.
This has been going on for decades, but we’re only recently beginning to reap what was sown in the 1960s.
The left inveigled themselves into the intellectual institutions. The BBC has been a lost cause for a generation. But it’s schools, universities and every television station (bar Fox in the US). Virtually all of the important opinion forming institutions have been taken by ultra lefties.
And now we we’re getting the rewards.
There’s an entirely illogical imbalance in the approach of the media to these verminous rioters. They’re “protesting” about an event that occurred in another country thousands of miles away. They’ve attacked our pathetic police, smashed, rioted and looted and yet we’re still supposed to treat them like the victims. And the BBC will do just that.
The head of what is laughingly called our police force, is a PC placement. Dick of the Yard couldn’t organise the proverbial piss up in a brewery, but she’s a left wing, woke lesbian, so she’s ticked several boxes already.
London has a Muslim mayor. A former human rights lawyer who fought to get Louis Farrakhan, the racist, Hitler loving, Jew hating, black separatist into the country, but wanted Donald Trump banned.
In recent years we have had soldiers beheaded on the streets of our capital and our children massacred at pop concerts in Manchester, but we’re cajoled to stand together. “Don’t let the bigots divide us”. Light a candle, lay some flowers and we stand there in the rain singing “don’t look back in anger.” Have you ever heard of anything so arse achingly pathetic?
And now we have policemen painting their finger nails and bending the knee to a bunch of violent racist scum bags on the streets of London.
We still have a two week quarantine rule for people wanting to come to Britain…
Just who in their right mind would want to come here?
Decent, right minded people will be the ones who think twice about coming here. But the dross of the world know that its the softest place on the planet, so why wouldn’t they come. Plenty of charities to help, lefty councils who fall over themselves to give hand outs, a justice system that’s bogged down with red tape so no one gets thrown out. Its paradise for any illegals.
Yes, that’s true.
And in a very short period of time these illegals will be out there with the “demonstrators” telling us what a racist country this is.
I cant help but think of Alibi-Brown who couldn’t wait to get her foot in the promised land from Kenya when the wealthy Asians got chucked out, yet has denounced this country almost from the moment she laid her head here. Vile woman.
Agree with every word of the above thread from Guest Who, Mustapha, Fedup etc…
Under the BBC it died eons ago, but they do like kicking corpses (sorry George).
Starmer’s getting an LBC show once month
Jon Gaunt’s opinion
What a disgusting sight. The police literally bending the knee in abject surrender to the leftist extremist mob. The beeb will love it of course.
They have to be kicked out immediately.
Can you imagine these two whoopsies confronting armed robbers?
What a gut churning spectacle.
Jesus H Christ you can’t have jessies like this in the police. Before you know it they’ll be painting their finger nails.
Oh, hang on…
“Can you imagine these two whoopsies confronting BLACK armed robbers?”
One of those situations where the minority know the final outcome. It will come back to haunt…..
The cop training manual probably includes taking the knee, twerking and performing tik tok routines wiv da community.
Oh yes, and a vid on Twitter shows then running like sheep from BLM thugs.
Barry Gardiner the Labour MP and was marching with the George Floyd protesters and was NOT adhering to the 2metre rule , but voted to not return to Westminster yesterday HYPOCRISY at its worst
Try finding any of this on the mainstream scum media.
11am Talk Radio News
#1 Item Maddy McAnn
#2 Labour MP Barry Gardiner has apologised for breaking social distancing rules to attend a protest
..(so will those who backed him also apologise ? )
He joined thousands at BLM protests
#3 Those who took part have also been criticised for increasing the chance of a spike in Covid
Large crowds in Westminster and Hyde Park with social distancing sometimes impossible
#4 Questions are being asked about why officers didn’t step in
MP Tim Loughton of the HoC select committee said it was challenging for the police
“I have sympathy for the police ..large numbers”
#5 There were 13 arrests
#6 In the US charges …
#7 Princess Kate Middleton has spoken out against racism
.. “The wrong thing to say is to say nothing”
#8 Alok Sharma showed signs of Covid yesterday
* But then presenter
“I have never been so disgusted as last night at the baying mob desecrating of the Cenotaph in the name of BM
– The police taking the knee , instead arresting the violent thugs
.. the streets were in the hands of the mob
encouraged by Barry Gardiner
.. the only brutality I saw was against the the police
.. it’s a magnet for bad people/anarchists
Mr error it wasn’t “#7 Princess Kate Middleton”
It was #7 The Duchess of Sussex (ie Megan Markle)
Thank heavens for that!
Under-reporting of things unfavourable to Macron
surely not ?
Meanwhile, YouTube are as bad as the beeb:
Has Starmer become the PM or something? He is all over the BBC website with a lot of praise while Boris Johnson is now being portrayed as our hopeless leader of opposition with Dominic Cummings communicating with him by earpiece.
The BBC need to remember who won the GE last December while Starmer was one of those who helped Labour lose.
Just another week of bias from the BBC
The beeb are grooming him. They like grooming.
Some words, in the hands of the media, either lose meaning or see them utterly corrupted.
One such is ‘Community’
Any so minded might check who considers who ‘essential’, by what criteria, who they serve and what their output comprises.
Words like ‘anger’, ‘fury’, ‘attack’ and… ‘hate’.
11:05am very strong speech against the thuggery last night, from Mike Graham on Talk Radio
see above
If ever there was doubt that our main broadcast and newsheet media were bent then contrast the attitude of high dudgeon over some suspected lockdown transgression by a government advisor with the free pass awarded our homegrown black lives matter protesters.
Typical lefty. Nothing to see here. No riots, no trouble. I actually now despise these people. I really do.
Sadiq’s priorities, he’s just tweeted that more cycle lanes will make the streets safer
… safer for rioting ??
See also
The BBC following up on a story that the local council are investigating whether the cottage Dominic Cummings stayed in on his fathers land had planning permission.
What does it matter if it was the bloody garden shed it was an emergency.
And who tipped off the BBC? …no doubt some lefty council prat.
They are utter loathsome snakes the lot of them including the local council who are no doubt Labour led.
R4 this morning describing all and every riot as, “Protests”.
“Mike_Shapes”? He forgot to take his white stick with him……(with all due respect for the real blind!)
‘Peaceful protesters’ show the cops who are in charge. I love the way that cop does a dainty skip as he retreats from the peaceful protesters. Another tik tok performer.
‘Get back, get back’ they are told and they obey like frightened dogs.