“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”. A quote from 1965 which could have been made for this website – if a little over dramatic . It was written by an American – but I bet Martin Luther King would never have thought someone would use it about the BBC ….
Midweek Thread 3 June 2020
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We wonder why the Ferals have no respect for our Police ‘force’.
That picture almost looks real doesn’t it ?
FE2 – I think they must be the stars of a Cbeebies new childrens drama or have they just escaped from the “Cuckoos Nest” after having raided the meds cabinet.
In this country we have policing by consent.
But we did not consent to this particular ‘police service’.
Notice the age group. Says it all.
They didn’t look that way when they came round in darkness to con their way into my house to ask why I was heard locally using the nomenclature, “Muzzies”. Perhaps they just think using facial makeup will make for a closer relationship with the criminal fraternity. That includes all the people behind them not respecting, “Social Distancing” naturally.
I understand anger about government culture of denial but I see it thus:
A nationwide pandemic never seen in the world for over 100 years made worse by globalisation, a virus no one knows anything about and how it works therefore working to protect people as best they can
in the case of an international emergency of this scale, I would have expected the msm led by the socialist bbc, to have supported all efforts to help rather than take every single opportunity to undermine a government they are self evidently opposed to, with their pig ignorant stupid questions designed to undermine rather than elucidate information i.e. do their job
holding a govt to account is one thing, the relentless endless harping of laura karslberg et al I will never forgive or forget
mistakes made ? I would be highly surprised if not, unfortunately with our witch hunting media led by the bbc I can also understand why there is a certain amount of denial
Hey Boris, how about it eh?
When the looting starts, the shooting starts.
Some of the news reports about BLM today seem to be written from the same scripts.
Not surprising as news is often cutNpasted from PR material
At 6am The BBC Hull news about the Hull protest was worded almost exactly the same as the Radio Lincs piece that I transcribed early with the “a PEACEFUL protest will take place”
but by 9am it had evolved to be like a smoother advert as if we were all going to join
Here’s an ITV piece
See how it exactly on script to what this UNION guy wanted
I think I’ve gone deaf – for 10 weeks – every Thursday night at 8pm – I’ve had this noise in my ears – but tonight – silence …..
….. and they’ve gone from Dominic Cummings to American Crime ?
I’ve pondered since March about how people would react to the lock down and threat from the Chinese virus so it has turned out to be a media led infancy – imbuing things of very limited importance to their lives with manufactured importance and emotion . Definite echoes of Diana Spencer …
It’s really hard to see what’s next
Catchup Fed, 2 weeks ago the founder of Clap said it had served it’s purpose and should stop
one week ago the media started reporting this.
They were all quietly down on one knee….
Thank you Stew – but in view of the circumstances of what’s going on at the moment I don’t think I want to catch up – particularly the footage of chaps being harassed whilst they clean graffiti off the cenotaph .
I suppose plod was too busy kneeling to protect it – although I suspect they’d rather turn it into a bike park.
@Fed although the memorial looks like the Cenotaph
Video shows the Haig Memorial base which
#1 has a very similar base to the Cenotaph
#2 is also on Whitehall just 180 metres north
So while no specific damage ON the Cenotaph monument
BLM was scrawled on the building wall AT the Cenotaph
as well as the big graffiti ON HaigM base
Note those words AT & ON.
Reuters have made a rather stupid post saying “Police have said the Cenotaph was not damaged, though a FCO office was graffiti-ed.
How the heck they can call that a fact check without talking
about major graffiti on a memorial o the same street 180 metres away is beyond me
Yes the Haig Memorial has a different status to the Cenotaph but that BLM posh-kid in the video shows complete disrespect.
Most of the tweets I saw were people mixing up the two memorial cos they look the same at the base.
Reuters should have mentioned that.
But in the grand scheme of things it’s nothing compared to the London black kids stabbing each other.
A few people put up a pic of a kid swinging from the Cenotaph flag
but that is an old photo of Pink Floyd star David Gilmour’s son
Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breeds creation ???? ????
This is a new one for me –
“Sexual abuse charities are urging the BBC to remove the statute in front of Broadcasting House made by artist Eric Gill, after it was revealed that he sexually abused his two eldest daughters.
7 year old story dated 2 April 2013
I’ve known of it for a few years
The statues in churches were removed.
Jimmy saville and his dad?
Interestingly, there is/was a BBC in-house magazine called Ariel, like this statue by Eric Gill. It was known jokingly as ‘Pravda’. Just think about that: presumably an editorial viewpoint so Left-wing and controlling as to make even BBC lefties joke about it.
Too old for Mohamed
AP Fact Check says that “tear gas was used”
Park Police specifically say they used no tear gas
AP reckons pepper spray effects were noticed
and accuses Park Police of not classifiying peeper spray as tear gas
when most people would classify it as such.
So it finds that Trump was incorrect when he merely quoted Park Police.
I would ask these thugs and protesters, BE SPECIFIC like what are you protesting about ? we take in immigrants en mass and look after them as tax payers, we have race relations laws, hate crime laws and positive discrimination
and all the diversity sh@t that gives you jobs white people will sruggle to get
FFS I strongly believe they will not be happy until they have the kind of power that is causing genocide in South Africa,
genocide of white people never reported by the racist bbc
white women excepted of course…a different future for them..
and reduce us to the corrupt inhuman hell holes they came from.. Somalia, Sudan, etc. etc. models of civilisation and tolerance
The ‘trusted’ BBC News website for North America is full of race-bait at the moment.
‘Surprisingly’ there is nothing about the goings-on in the Senate Judiciary Committee where Senator Graham said during the hearing with Rosenstein that Republicans are concerned that the investigation launched into the Trump campaign in 2016 was “one of the most corrupt, biased, criminal investigations in the history of the FBI, and we would like to see something done about it.”
Essentially it is looking more and more likely that the opponents of President Trump and their agents carried out the sort of actions that they tried and failed to impeach Trump on.
I would have thought that if similar actions had been carried out against presidential candidate Obama there would have been an atomic bomb of outrage in the BBC news rooms, yet now there is nothing to see in the US senate.
What a surprise.
Long term lurker, but now joined on here to report how I’ve just been pursued and bullied on Twitter by a certain BBC local radio presenter. I just said that that I shouldn’t pay for a licence fee as I never watch or use anything BBC related (I didn’t bring up the left wing bias because I didn’t think that I had to justify my reason). Apparently I am wrong and uninformed. And even when I told him this was my opinion he told me that the vast majority of this country appreciated public service broadcasting and that I was selfish. What a complete unprofessional c**t. I am sorry but I am seething at the arrogance and entitlement.
I should point out this wasn’t a thread I posted on his twitter feed, and I hadn’t been talking to him. He jumped into a conversation I was having with someone else. I’ve never heard of him before.
@Pescara93 Ha it was the usual suspect
“he told me ” No one works 24 hours I suspect that more than one person has the pw to that account.
They have a setting to alert them when people use certain key words about the BBC.
.. then that account gatecrashes your twitter thread & starts subtle bullying, with micro-agressions.
.. it also use PR trickery techniques like gaslighting to claim that you have been brainwashed and that your view of the world is not the true one and theirs is
It is full of bluster and I suspect that works against most people
(Ha I just checked ..he tried that on you)
If it is one person I feel sorry for them .. their tweets get few likes.
I’d play a straight bat and stick to the topic.
His micro-aggressions probably cause people to swear back at him
..then he can claim victimhood.
Thanks yes. You’ve seen the thread? I only joined twitter recently (long story), having been put off doing so before. And I appreciate that its a public forum and that you might find strong oposition and abuse.
No probs, ignore, block people etc.
But I wasn’t expecting such guerilla tactics from a BBC presenter. It’s really not on.
And yes I resisted losing my temper because it wouldn’t help my case.
I think you are right about them being rattled. I guess he’s worried about his job, but even so.
Least I wasn’t threatened with abuse like Michael Gove’s wife.
Welcome aboard and sympathy’s over you encounter . But on the ‘up side ‘ I understand that a lot of BBC local radio stations are to be binned – or will be twinned with local hospital radio or similar ….
I’m sure it will be missed ….by somebody …..
I’m guessing you chose not to name names for common sense reasons ….
Thanks! Appreciated.
Well…I don’t want to blow things out of proportion and I don’t want to particularly esculate things necessarily.
It’s just the tone of ‘you are wrong’ ‘you are selfish’. It’s so unprofessional to be trolling people on twitter. Engage, discuss sure. But not like that.
I suspect his BBC inspired antagonism is a reaction to the BBC’s realisation of how much of the public their woke, liberal, lefty crap has left behind. Must be scary to be part of an organisation so formerly loved to wake up and realise that the last 25 years (at least) of propaganda has left you out on a limb with the prospect of losing economic and popular support. Not sure I would want to be a BBC employee or pensioner in the current public mood.
I don’t have any sympathy with this presenter after reading said person’s twitter home page. Full of support for kneeling policemen, BLM, Meghan, talking of white racism and other wokeness.
Please tell me why public broadcasting figures on a supposedly impartial public service broadcaster that is paid by a licence fee are allowed to promote such biased causes.
Btw, someone has just joined the threat and announced that BBC presenters are …. (leave that to your imagination).
This could get explosive.
I’m saying nothing.
Pescara93 That guy has no right to be cocky
For a start all phone in competitions at the BBC had to banned
cos their staff could not be trusted to not cheat
The BBC and media got into this culture where they thought they gods
… and management let that happen until it got to the stage
where they had to say, NO, there will be no more these competitions.
The moment the police bend to the will of the mob that moment is the beginning of the end of the rule of law. The sight of the police kneeling in London was horrific. It is nothing to do with any cause however important it might seem. It is the sight of the mob demanding obedience and overiding the rule of law,.
The Home Secretary should demand the dismissal of those police involved and reassure us in the shires that the common law of England will be upheld.
Absolutely agree our police force making political gestures during their duty either bloody cowards not fit for office or agreeing with those attacking property and people either way should be sacked
Strange that kneeling is demanded from the police when George Floyd was killed by a copper kneeling on his neck. It’s like a sick reenactment or am I missing something?
As my handle shows, I was once a member of a Police FORCE in the UK. No doubt considered a dinosaur cop by today’s social workers in drag !! There is no way on God’s Earth I , or any of my colleagues at that time, would have even considered acting like that. Showing “weakness” or deference in the face of a wimp protest? Ha! No chance. Having said that, we were banned from banging on our riot shields in time (ala “Zulu”), so as not to “inflame the situation” (early 80’s). Even then, the rot had started.
I read somewhere yesterday that the consent for any police officer inclined, came from the top.
#exposeantifa is trending ..guess who is angry ?
@prageru tweeted
Defending #Antifa
by saying their name means “anti-fascist”
.. is like defending North Korea
because they call themselves
“THE DEMOCRATIC People’s Republic of Korea.”
Saying nothing appears not to be an option with this woman unfortunately..
‘The only wrong thing to say is to say nothing,’ Duchess of Sussex addresses George Floyd’s death
8:08 PM · Jun 4, 2020·Twitter
one who seems to have followed Michael Jacksons cosmetic advice in advancing whiteness in appearance
Saying nothing appears not to be an option with this woman unfortunately..
‘The only wrong thing to say is to say nothing,’ Duchess of Sussex addresses George Floyd’s death
8:08 PM · Jun 4, 2020·Twitter
one who seems to have achieved Michael Jacksons cosmetic whiteness of appearance in direct correlation to their economic status and career
now whiter than white but apparently still black hmm confusing or what ?
She’s clearly a pupil at the school of Sarah Ferguson – y’know she “who is the conductor of her own orchestra” and ex wife of he who must not be mentioned.
If I may, I would urge people on here to watch ‘Do The Right Thing’ by Spike Lee if you can find it ????
I know people’s opinion on here of him now but back in 1989 he was different – it’s a very funny, very realistic and he pokes fun at the blacks, Koreans, Italians, latinos, everyone ????
It forewarned exactly what has happened in America now, 30 years ago ????
It is difficult to find however cos it’s regarded as an explosive and divisive film ????
I’ll be glad when all this nonsense is over. Next week perhaps?
By the way, you chaps might want to look away now. But due to the lack of male eye candy on the box, it seems that Matt Hancock and Dominic Raab are the new heart throbs !
One overanxious young filly cant get enough of Hancock’s face, and another has said Dominic could put his shoes under her bed anytime ! ooooerr!
Talking of eye candy, my pinup girl is ‘BS’ – I throw darts at my poster of her! [Only joking.]
Matt Hancock and Dominic Raab are setting female pulses racing…
What on Earth was this on?
It can’t have been a BBC prog’, surely.
They’re usually swooning over that prime piece of socialist beefcake, Kier Starmer and old mascara man, Andy Burnham.
And that’s just the blokes…
Trending on soshul meeja apparently ! although I must confess I have to agree with them.
Just noticed
BBC pakis are well on top of hate crime, you 12 year old schoolgirls can now feel safe in every muslim infested city:
A 53-year-old man has been arrested by @WMPolice
in the Erdington area on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence, after this video showing a taxi driver being racially abused went viral – reports @darshnasoni
#hatecrime #taxidriverracistincident
Quote Tweet
Sangita Myska
· 23h
Can you help? West Midlands Police say they are “aware of this video” that shows a Pakistani taxi driver racially abused by a man and are “making enquires”. The Metropolitan Police have appealed for information . #taxidriverabused #racism twitter.com/M73Mohammed/st…
An arrest
Gang raped white schoolgirls ????
no comment ? you were not aware at all over the last 10 years and you are a journalist ?
A prime example of the sickness of mind infecting the bbc and our immigrant population and their priorities
@Darcy3 FFS There is no absolute need to use the P-word
You might have strong feelings
and words are nothing compared to despicable actions
.. but you don’t want to get this site banned from public wifi etc.
wards WHITE establishment/media people who act as facilitators and cover up such crimes.
I have told you before I object to the B word and if you wish to be so precious then please object equally to that, brit two syllables refused through either laziness or abuse, pakistani 4 syllables refused, an acceptable contraction
and please, in your suddenly surprising attention, refer to many occasions on this site of words worse than that that you fail to pick up on
despite that I will accept your concern and moderate although I also hope you understand that we are in an unprecedented situation of racial abuse towards the indigenous population
I can’t see anything objectionable in that word. I am trying to think of other nicknames for nationalities that would be considered unacceptable and cannot think of any.
Damn my words got cut
..Much of our anger is in fact directed towards WHITE establishment/media people who act as facilitators and cover up such crimes.
Of course . I agree and we should, as usual, behave better than them which unfortunatrly will probably do us no favour our only hope is the democratic system which is not yet run by the London liberal media
we will decimate them there again
I call um ‘Stanis ????
I will guarantee you one thing, because of the above at least, WE the indigenous people that gave these people a home, have the absolute moral right, more than any black thug, the moral right to be looting and burning every bloody muslim shop and business
for if they are not directly involved they refuse to condemn and protect the rapists
and if they ever get to a position of influence well look above a paki journalist trying to get someone arrested for talking abuse to a bloody taxi driver whilst aware of the biggest sexual scandal in this country taking place right now by pakis
THAT is racism in action in front of our eyes
Not the BBC yet – or ever ?
Video emerged on Twitter of a lady castigating some chaps Thursday morning – cleaning the graffiti off the cenotaph in Whitehall .
Some of the chaps are thought to be military . They did not engage said lady . Some of the seriously offended people have researched who she is and who she works for in order to deliver some informal summary justice for her vile conduct .
She turns out to be someone called Shelby Alwani Who works for a ‘recruitment consultancy ‘ – which now it seems – claims she doesn’t any more ……
She has disappeared from social media – but I think a number of ex military / current military – are ‘up in arms’ ……
It’s not on the MSM yet as it seems that protesters can do no wrong .
And with a charming name like, Shelby Alwani, I’m guessing she’s probably not a native of these shores.
Let me see…
No, she is one of the Northamptonshire Alwanis. They used to hunt with the Pytchley.
What did they hunt ? monkeys for bushmeat ?
Northampton zoos are always complaining about missing chimps
The FT is fundamentally globalist – what ho Soros? Its former editor Lionel Barber was awarded France’s highest honour the Legion d’ Honneur in 2016 in recognition of his publication’s European coverage. Say no more but prepare the stocks ….
Black lives matter?
How on earth are the police going to prevent the ‘black on black’ deaths in London from now on? The warring drug gangs must be laughing kitbags having seen the London police kowtowing to the lawbreaking mob . They have lost respect having exhibited such weakness . The stabbings will continue, black mothers will be crying that their darling sons are being murdered and the police do nothing or can do nothing.
Yes, Black lives matter?
Who is in charge of the London Police ?
Common Purpose are in charge of the police but the immediate agents are diverse from Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan through to gay lefty Met Police chief and murderer Cressida Dick (AKA Dickless) who authorised the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes post the July 2005 London bombings.
Kumarasami has again turned the R4 ‘news’ at 10pm into a racist propaganda feast. The pretence that the BBC gives a fig about the death of George Floyd allows them to hijack a publicly-funded service for their own political agenda.
High time we saw the end of the bbc.
I have heard claims on various radio stations, that over the centuries the wealth of USA and that of Great Britain was built by the hard work of black people. Well most of Africa is in need of some building .
Any volunteers?
Well most of them seem to have had tha last few days off their hard work to go robbing and looting, they must all have liberal employers whilst they are building our wealth FFS (or nicking it)
I would like a Gibson Les Paul 1960s I may eventually buy one but our black thugs who are the victims of racism apparently, will aquire what they want immediately if they are in a position of power or majority, by force
thieving and corrupt just look at where they come from and all becomes clear
how many of those deprived protestors with iphones in their hands filming the police…go figure
It’s enough to make you vomit Darcy3. My only hope, is that since this is now COMPLETELY media lead (in particular by the legacy media on TV), when the advertising money switches mainly to online media sites (and it will), that their power will be non-existent. I actually saw a fascinating TED talk (normally, they’re shite) on this – with the presenter scratching his head as to why this hasn’t happened yet.
Yeah, well, my dad and granddaddies had black faces, — through sheer hard work at the coal face of the mines in Kent and Yorkshire, and in the days when the mines were privately owned, by those who usually lived in a big house on the hill. Like a British slave owner really. I defy anyone these days to work at a height of 3′ for 8 hours straight.
At one time, a lot of Taffmen had black faces and blue scars on their backs from the sharp coal scars, just like tattoos. In old age their dust filled lungs sounded like accordions with every breath they took.
I think the ‘children’ of London need a bit of educating about the rest of Great Britain?
just take a look at their clothes, the black thugs attacking the police in whitehall and as I commented before worth hundreds of pounds all designer gear and I will posit not one of the bastards knows a days work
drug dealing thieving scum a credit to those who gave their lives in the wars as they showed their respect at the cenotaph
personally would happily decimate them for that alone and celebrate it widely
I used to think Henry 8th was a bit of a monster but if surrounded by scum like this ….am tempted to wish for a worthy relative in charge willing to show authority rather than appeasement to thugs who are NOT starving peasants, they all have iphones
And of course how did William deal with northern insurrection ? did his knights kneel before them ?
Something tells me that Boris needs to grow some balls or the Tory party will be finished. There are many angry, Tory voting, ex-servicemen out there. A lot will be moving to the Brexit Party .
Quite right Taff. The lung disease – pneumoconiosis, would eat away at the body while they did their job, culminating in an early death. Subsequent generations were/are only interested in stuffing their bodies with drugs with the same outcome.
(you spoke of blue scars – my dad had one on the back of his neck, where a pit prop fell on it and he had to be stretchered out)
Not only Welsh miners with scars. My dear old long departed Mum used to tell me about her Dad who would come home with red raw shoulders from having carried timber baulks off barges on the timber wharves at Deptford – just before WWII.
Brissles, I’ve long argued that working class Britons were slaves in all but name a couple of centuries ago.
The mines were quite literally hell-holes but the factories that sprung up during the industrial revolution were little better – dangerous, toxic environments in which there was no regard for safety, just profit. And thanks to the pittance they were paid (not to mention the truck system), most people were faced with a choice: accept the appalling working conditions and live their short, miserable lives in grinding poverty or starve to death.
Slaves? Most of us are descended from them.
Many of my family were miners. Some died at Gresford near where I was born. If I had to choose I would opt for picking cotton . Take a look at the video and see the faces of the privileged white workers.
Played Kent Cup Rugby against a colliery side at the time of Grocer Heath’s confrontation with the mining unions. Could not understand a word of the line out calls or chatter, the side was just about 100% Welsh.
Paul is one of the few Labour guys who dares to tweet stuff like this
“Eurozone in fresh emergency action to boost economy”
Something tells me that they will be in need of our money and indeed our trade ?
They will also need to flog some cars to the UK ?
Common Purpose are in charge of the police but the immediate agents are diverse from Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan through to gay lefty Met Police chief and murderer Cressida Dick (AKA Dickless) who authorised the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes post the July 2005 London bombings.
“Are you allowed to protest during lockdown?” asks the beeb.
But of course you are, dear, providing it’s a leftie cause.
My take earlier – the right to protest comes a long way behind the right to a family life, something nigh on 7 billion of us have lost.
“George Floyd’s life mattered, says Duchess of Sussex in heartfelt message”
And lo, a new saint is born:
Aren’t you glad she’s gone?
She gets whiter by the day and frizzy hair disappears, as her bank balance and career progresses a bit like michael jackson, funny that
still feels qualified to shoot her ever exercising gob off about black people while doing her best to look as white as possible
I wonder why ?
And the nose has undergone a transformation. But early photos of the offspring show a definite Grandad Markle proboscis.
Definitely a lady with the ultimate game plan.
If you are forced to look at a pic of Harry & Meghan in profile – as we are often forced to do these days despite their desire to live anonymously and quietly out of the public gaze – they have similarly shaped, almost identical, noses.
I think that’s sweet. 🙂
For someone who’s gone, I seem to see rather too much of her.
MSM & BBC team are AGITATORS stirring divide for their political aims
Thomas Sowell answers back … 76 thousand likes
Here’s my application for today’s ‘You can’t make it up’ award.
At yesterday’s news conference, Chris Whitty gave a very long but detailed explanation of the (low) risks associated with sending children back to school.
On QT tonight, they allowed a question from a ‘worried’ person about the risks of sending children back to school.
And which expert did Fiona Bruce turn to for an answer?
David Lammy !!!!!
The ‘Mastermind’ himself. Two planks … and short ones at that.
When will we see maxincony on QT ?
Maybe we have.
Mike Graham was on fire in his Thursday prog
Soapy seems terribly pleased with himself, for reasons that frankly elude.
Still, it’s kept his sycophantic followers happy, so they can all say the same thing and congratulate themselves about how clever they are.
Apologies if already posted.
‘Have I Got News For You stung with complaints over ‘unfair bias’ against Dominic Cummings – The BBC hit back’
Apparently, fatty Hislop had a bit of a Mateless moment re: Mr Cummings, then when viewers dared complain about it, the BBC smugly ‘hit back’ with the wonderfully disingenuous:
“The BBC has a long tradition of satire and it isn’t unusual for public figures to have their actions scrutinised. No-one in the public eye is exempt.”
However, some ‘in the public eye’ are more ‘exempt’ than others, it seems to me.
Who’d want to be a cop in America and face this at work every day?
Now that really does look like something off the Muppets
although Jim Henson has gone too far with that hair
keep it real Jim
Whats he shouting about ?
lost his job in the sofa adverts / LIDL / Cathedral Cheddar etc etc etc with a white wife cos of lockdown ?
The beeb in full BLM campaigning mode in a highly partisan piece of agitprop on George Floyd.
Naturally the ‘Rev’ Al Sharpton is quoted, never one to miss an opportunity for race-baiting, hate-stirring and white-shaming.
“Pandemic of racism’ led to his death, memorial told.”
The blacks can commit genocide against white people in South Africa with impunity
the muslims can commit genocide against Christians with impunity around the world
and British and American blacks get angry about one career criminal whos crimes are never mentioned, rather he is a gentle giant and now to become a bloody saint
The bbc can be quite quiet when it suites them
Given the earlier iconic moments in his career, the BBC’s choice of quote is surprisingly frank.
Al Beeb certainly has an agenda. IMHO it is campaigning to get rid of President Trump. Should that be allowed by OfCom ? I would bet that their viewing numbers will drop even more after the London demos?
I know someone who worked at OFCOM they are the same as those who work at the bbc
The BBC are very selective in respecting which cases they consider to be sub judice and which countries’ laws regarding same are followed.
Soldiers from the Household Cavalry scrub graffiti off Whitehall while George Floyd protesters berate them for protecting ‘precious memorials’
A dozen soldiers from the Household Cavalry scrubbed at graffiti yesterday
The group took horse-grooming brushes down to the Earl Haig statue in London
Black Lives Matter demonstrators were protesting around them as they cleaned
The group were blasted for ‘not waiting even a day’ before cleaning the slogan
ACAB, claiming police are complicit in systemic racism, was spray painted in red
Reuters FactCheck has cocked up this time
They are normally good
But there is a strange one cos it follows the strawman trick
Title : “Protesters did not graffiti place X”
then in the middle “They did graffiti place Y”
The problem is people are using that as a debunk against place Z : the Haig monument which is nearby to the Cenotaph but not even mentioned in the Reuters report
which tries to say the only vandalism was at the Commonwealth Office
So libmob are waving the Reuters report and saying
“see no war memorial was vandalised”
Another protester berated the cavalry regiment for picking up signs and putting them in bin bags, which she says she saw them doing earlier in the day.
She said: ‘Excuse me when I saw you earlier you all picked up signs and put them in bin bags. Why did you pick them up? I don’t understand.’
yeh got it in one I don’t understand
thick as sh@t as well
Pure, unadulterated racism in action : we hate white people, especially blonde white males, especially if they get elected in this 85% white country, that is not good enough for US
we will get rid of you but keep the white blonde females
little wonder why the black females get even more angry LOL
hope their cooking and cleaning skills are up to scratch as that is all they will be doing as it seems our poor victims of racism have sexual tastes that do not conform to black lives matter standards
black male lives matter maybe more appropriate
one of the most sexist cultures I have ever had the misfortune to meet, in Africa and Jamaica
Will they??
They did in the usual way –
“But tensions escalated further this year when the US assassinated top Iranian commander Gen Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike in Iraq in January. Iran retaliated by launching ballistic missiles at Iraqi military bases hosting US forces.”
[Omitted to mention the Ukrainian passenger airplane that was shot down]
Seriously, I don’t think they do it consciously, it’s more like a complete lack of self-awareness
I will never forget, 1998, a white blonde female trying to throw herself out of her bedroom window next door while her occasional black male demanded what is due to him, on a weekly basis
this after dragging her back to the house by her hair
he had at least five of these “friends”, all with his offspring, this one 5 years old whimpering in the corner of the house, we offered respite after 6 police with dogs got rid of him
house was then fitted with alarms etc and next month he was back again and she kept her mouth firmly shut
we moved away the noise of her screams was too much, one can only listen to rape for so long
A local “security” operative in a nightclub, in Hitchin, Hertfordshire you know who you are
So don’t ever try and play the bloody victim with me, personal experience trumps all
I weep for Madeleine McCann. But I wouldn’t expect
Big Brother at the diversity and positive discrimination ,the
anarchist , Trotskyist editors, sub editors, researchers and
hierarchy at the BBC to understand this. Not when the
enemy of the state broadcaster sees they have a chance
of helping to attack the elected government of the UK in every
way they can. And carry on with their perverted “education ”
of us.
So the news that a women who ticks all the right boxes
is going to head the BBC’s TV cricket coverage sums it all
up for the BBC.And this takes precedent over one of the major
domestic horrors of this century.
I take it for granted BBC that black lives matter just as much
as white ones , yellow ones or whatever colour . But I don’t
have to prove this by committing arson , looting, attacking
policemen, desecrating national monuments . And then have the
support of the national broadcaster for doing it, with their
mostly peaceful protest shit.
BBC I weep for Madeleine McCann , but this doesn’t suit you
with your political and warped diversity agenda.
According to The Telegraph the EU is refusing to negotiate an agreement to take back illegal immigrants crossing the Channel if the UK does not back down in the Brexit trade talks.
This suggests to me that they have long been using us as a convenient dumping ground for their riff-raff. Not only are we viewed as their ‘Treasure Island’ but also as a type of personal ‘Alcatraz’.
How long before the whole bbc is out in the forecourt taping over their faces again? Not the ones with beards. Or the men.
Careful on the hypoxia girls.
The local XR must be pissed BBC PR has moved on.
More than 700 people were at tonight’s peaceful* protest in Hereford’s High Town in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign.
*Noting the now mandatory addition.
Peaceful my ar@se give a black thug half a reason to be violent and just watch and learn
compare and contrast : Englands green and pleasant land (outside of London)
versus Somalia, Sudan, South Africa, Jamaica, Nigeria, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, former Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Chad, Congo, Camaroon,, Algeria. Libya, Morocco etc. etc.
coming to a town near you, sooner or later