The BBC and teaching unions won’t like this !!!! Narrative busted !!!!
People like Prof Sikora are thorn on the side of hyperbolic hypocrites like @piersmorgan, who are agitators and love to see this pandemic fester so that they can continue to be the centre of attention.
Hollywood started doing this decades ago. They were aware that certain cultures get upset quickly apart from the White British who just laugh it off. Therefore just about all baddies are played by white British actors so noone complains.
The Monkey Dust cartoon episode called The Crusades parodied this with the Crusader Knights played by Americans and the Muslims all had British accents.
Someone once told me that Americans find the more RP British accents to be evil/suspicious, so they would be good as baddies in films. One example I recall was the serial “Lost in Space” (1960s) with the Robinson astronaut family and the token bad British guy on board, Dr Zachary Smith.
I used to love Lost in Space.
The actor who played Zachery Smith was actually an American, but I noted the rather odd attempt at a British accent.
This wasn’t exclusively Anglophobic. There were other kids series at the same time with similar line ups. One that I remember Land of the Giants and the regular baddie in that was supposed to be German.
The Yanks have been well ahead of us in these areas of “cultural sensibilities”.
The hunky hero was usually a handsome young, white all American boy. His side kick was often his black lieutenant.
And the cowardly baddie would be usually be a European.
Tafdfman – I already thought it had been banned altogether – at least that’s what if seems like if you consider what the BBC deems to be ‘comedy’ these days.
Of course she is unable to name her parliamentary colleagues who mistook her for someone else because all the ‘white’ women MPs look the same.
She should be glad they didn’t run up to her and say , “Diane! Oh! Sorry!”
One does wonder what she expects ‘the house’ to do about it. Perhaps have mandatory training sessions where MPs have to be exposed to thousands of photographs, like the old aircraft recognition training of the Observer Corps, or the I-spy Book of MPs?
The real test will be whether she seeks to earn respect by the traditional British method of being good at her job, or by the traditional African method of carrying a big knife.
The original Newsnight promo tweet has been almost universally panned.
There has been the odd Champion.
Ask yourself what sort of nasty, evil, sad excuse for a human being hasn't done their research & found out that George served his time for that offence? Or, what sort of evil guy thinks it's ok for police to deliberately kill a suspect for having a counterfeit bill? Hey, It's YOU
And so it begins, the potential lawsuits by the families of those frontliners who have died as a result of Covid19 due to a lack of PPEs. Health & Safety Executive are to begin investigations. And the ethnicity of the majority of those who have passed is……………..
If the NHS is sued en masse, then that’s another bill for the tax payer to fork out for, along with all the other court cases in the NHS intray.
Talking today to a friend, we have decided that this world is no longer a ‘nice’ place to live. Its fine to be reporting on the clap for carers, and the odd act of neighbourly kindness – which is rarer than can be believed, but everywhere is in turmoil. No country has escaped. Civil unrest, disease ravaged, economic uncertainty, social media awash with vile people, and now folks are hoping for a massive payday by suing the pants off someone. No Government will come out of this smelling of roses, as the modern age has never been in this situation before, but the word ‘leeway’ is not in the vocabulary of the media, instead its criticise criticise criticise . And now we have reached blame blame blame.
Society has developed even more of an attitude of “everyone for themselves” , and sod the ‘women and children first’. The rights of the minorities are on an equal footing with those who look to take offense at everything.
Well, I find it all exhausting, but one thing I will not do, and that’s apologise for being born white.
Lack of PPE ? It was caused by JIT.
JIT ? = Just in time technology . It’s a philosophy that this island should rid it self of before we get out of the EU .
I said same this morning – it is all exhausting – keeping up with who is offended by whom..and all of the complete negativity from the MSM
We all know what it is really about – in the US get POTUS out and in the UK..stop Brexit and get Boris out…
What is it with this limp liberals who keep taking the bloody knee! They are just telling bullies they can keep bullying…
“President Trump was giving a news conference about positive jobs numbers when he mentioned George Floyd.”
Why not simply say Floyd would think the job numbers were great? Because that’s not what the President said. It’s what the BBC want you to think he said, whilst not directly saying so.
We’ve seen this before. Deliberately, maliciously taking things out of context. Injecting bleach, anyone? Nazis were fine people?
I listened to all the speech and I must admit to wincing slightly when I heard him say that. I understood the context but I immediately recognised what the ‘Evil Ones’ (MSM and our own, “Beauty”) would make of it.
Incidentally, has it even been established that it was racism that motivated the American cop? Officers of all shades kill suspects of all shades on a regular basis. Some are trigger happy, some are brutal, some feel threatened, some are enraged at being regularly taunted, insulted and threatened – often with guns – in a violent society in the course of their work. Why the immediate assumption that race was the determining factor, before any trial or investigation?
I would go even further than that. It is dangerous to rush to judgement on the basis of videos that appear on social media or mainstream media. There are established procedures in the US and we have no reason to believe that they will not be followed.
That said the racial argument looks to be rather weak when the police team was clearly mixed race.
I read somewhere else that restraining someone by using the knee is a recognised police procedure and had been used 49 times this year. Supposing that to be true the trial might end up being seen as an ‘injustice’ whichever way it goes.
As a general principle I wish politician weren’t drawn into these matters by the media, why has a prime minister or president got to comment on matters outside their knowledge and immediate responsibility? Boris doesn’t stock the shelves at Little Wallup Cottage Hospital and Donald doesn’t polish the belt buckles of State Troopers in Little Rock.
“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine”.
Doodle and thoughts on the week. Talking of food, have you heard of that new US based cooking series… oh, what’s it called again? Oh yes, “Floyd on pavements”
Tim Davie has every opportunity to be a great DG who takes the BBC on, tackles some of its deep, systemic problems and helps restore confidence inside and out. He clearly knows he needs to deliver real change and vision. Sometimes the best reformers come from within.
The next Americast from the Beauty and the BS is going to be a must watch.
With cities across America burning and black communities in pain, many white people have continued posting selfies and pictures of food on social media as if nothing is wrong — and it is not going unnoticed
Preemptive. Bbcstyle. Like it. Worried frowns from the emergency HR meet chaired by June Sarpong, Amol and Clive in Frankie Howerd (soon to renamed the SurLenny suite)…
Sir Geoffrey Boycott’s has hinted that he believes his future as a BBC pundit is in doubt because he is a white male, Tory supporter
And probably because he’s a straight talking Yorkshireman!
Reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago with on of TMS’s lunchtime guests who had a pop at Sir Geoff who conveniently was convalescing at home at the time after a serious illness.It was on of BBC’s very own Sue MacGregor talking about her broadcast career and one time on the Today programme she said how Geoffrey Boycott refused to be interviewed by her as he didn’t want to talk to a woman about cricket.
Later in the interview though her right on lefty mask slipped when talking about her fathers career in the army and traveling around the world with him she said something about ‘the Japs’ quickly realizing her mistake she said ‘sorry the Japanese’
You were correct the first time Sue because that was what you were really thinking wasn’t it!
Father of four Smitthy Sr. doubtless featured in the copy?
"I've just had to give them plain pasta, if we haven't had anything else."
Mother-of-four Aimee Smith on how free school meal vouchers are needed. @rosschawkins on a threat of court action to keep them going this summer.
The BBC State once again gives contradictory rules. We need elected representatives in this state to question the executive. Rather like we had in that place called Parliament before Cameron, May, Johnson abdicated in favour of the BBC.
I’m disappointed in Boris Johnson. Yes, I know he’s an opportunist libertine leading a party of social liberals, but late last year there was a feint hope we might have something different.
But, no. The Daily Telegraph reminds us today with their main headline ‘Green light for no-fault quickie divorces’ telegraphing to us that the Tories care not a jot for the family. The Times chimes in with ‘Plans to open shops all day on Sundays’ ringing in the new normal by sweeping away some of the last vestiges of official Christian observance.
This sudden imposition of the mask rule has the effect of covering up past mistakes by government of bending the knee to a small obsessive band of public health officials to merrily trash the domestic economy and yet still prioritise inward international travel, both legal and not so legal. Now watch this way too late in the day proposed quarantine law crumble. And of course now to endorse certain racial protests.
Oh dear, Boris. Some of us will recall when you were Mayor of London and let the 2011 riots rip for days and days before they petered out or you were obliged to get a grip. Look out when the looting starts, on past form Boris won’t demand that the police protect us.
This mask rule will perpetuate the paranoid sense of emergency in the population further damaging employment.
Rather than promote an optimistic gradual return to normalcy and to hell with the doom mongers with their daft and selective semi-superstitious regulations we get instead new regulations.
New laws are imposed on the already law-abiding. But on law-breakers, not so much.
Boris has dug himself into a hole so he keeps digging. His redemption ought to be Brexit. We’ll see. Oh yes. We’ll be watching you Boris.
BBC PR compliant drama being pushed by BBC PR
The papers feature items about the new drama that airs on BBC1 Monday/Tuesday
‘I May Destroy You’ review: Michaela Coel returns with another transfixing millennial drama via @NME Music News, Reviews, Videos, Galleries, Tickets and Blogs |
Following this incident involving the 75-year old, the two officers charged with ‘police brutality’ have been put on unpaid leave.
Everybody knows this, the video has gone viral. Hate the Police, they are the oppressors of the people, etc, etc.
On the other hand not everybody knows that the entire Tactical Reaction Unit, 57 officers, of the Buffalo Police Department have now resigned as a direct result of the unfair treatment meted out to their fellow officers.
‘You reap what you sow….’ springs to mind, but when those charged with protecting the public give up the task, only anarchy is left – which is the aim of those behind the Great BLM Movement, part of which is now the BBC.
And so the rank hypocrisy continues.
Labour MPs, who a week ago were ranting that Dominic Cummings had to resign due to his blatant breaking of the Covid rules, are seen to be blatantly breaking it themselves.
Oh, but this is different, they whine. They’re showing solidarity with BLM. What ghastly, pathetic little men these are. Calling them hypocrites isn’t really sufficient. These are small minded, cowardly creatures, who would sell their grandmothers for a photo opportunity and a chance to virtue signal. Barry Gardiner has something of a Keith Vaz quality about him; he makes my flesh crawl.
These riots…sorry demonstrations…have been cobbled together on the most spurious of pretexts.
Why didn’t white people take to the streets at the horrendous butchery of Lee Rigby?
Why were there no riots after the despicable terrorist attack in Manchester?
No, we lay flowers, lit candles, stood in the rain singing some hideous pop song and were told by an abject political class that we shouldn’t allow hatred to divide us. The media reiterated this message.
Now that same media that implored us not to take the law into our own hands after the most appalling provocation and criticised us if we went dared go out in the sunshine are backing an openly racist and Marxist movement that does all those things.
And just what stands between us and widespread anarchy? Oh yes, our mincing, emasculated, knee bending police farce.
Sorry, I just don’t understand this obsession with sandwiches. I know B stands for bacon and L stands for lettuce, but what does the M in BLM stand for?
‘Why didn’t white people take to the streets at the horrendous butchery of Lee Rigby?’
Some did, not violently and no looting and some were led by Tommy Robinson and were depicted as far right fascists, racists and Nazis.
And the local churches condemned them, and Unite Against Fascism (founder member David Cameron) together with the police and antifa mobs attacked them whilst the media planted men with tattoos giving Heil Hitler salutes in the crowd.
Should we seek a breakdown of message senders just to ensure that there is no prejudice, you know, are there more messages from white people than black; men rather than women; straight rather than gay. But what about the trans?
#DDay76 Never forget all that gave so much & many that gave all to secure our freedom against oppression, racism & hatred.
I kneel in gratitude for all that sacrificed so much. I kneel for my Queen, My Country & those that continue to protect us & uphold law & order ????????????????????????????????????????????
— Jack of Dorset ???????????????????????????????????? (@JackofDorset) June 6, 2020
All of us at BBC Three feel compelled to speak. Our team stands in solidarity with the global #BlackLivesMatter movement. We must do better and we will. We’re working on a series of pledges that we’ll share with you this month.
I receive one of those little news alert pop ups on my i-phone. I don’t know which mainstream news organisation writes the headline, it doesn’t really matter.
“Britain is not innocent….” Of course they are talking about this presently hightened racial issue.
I take it Britain is guilty then?
And there you have it ladies & gentlemen. There’s the verdict of the media class on our country. In their considered opinion weighing all the evidence Britain is found guilty as charged. Best punish it then, I suppose?
For quite awhile now the BBC has been sailing near the wind
with regards to becoming an an enemy of the state. I
believe now that it has crossed the Rubicon and that the anarchists
and Trotskyists have come out of the woodwork and are now in
complete control of the BBC.
‘For quite awhile now the BBC.. becoming an an enemy of the state’
I wonder, I really wonder. Is the game of push-me pull-you between liberal elite BBC and liberal elite prentend conservatives really not just a bit of theatre for the hoodwinking of us plebs?
WATCH: Veritas undercover journalist describes how he was instructed on ANTIFA 'Black Bloc' and how it is used to conceal evidence of those committing violent
Football is returning to our screens in a week or two. I expect that we shall see great competition . Not to win the games, oh no that will be a poor a second but to virtue signal the players and clubs ‘solidarity’ with George Lloyd. Arm bands, long clapathons, much knee taking, tee shirts emblazoned with his face to be revealed when a goal is scored, no doubt monster donations to charities such as BLM and no doubt other posturing. The crisp man in raptures at the solidarity shown by the players, match officials etc etc. My strong advice is to have sick bags at the ready if you feel you can’t just not watch.
One good thing at least the BBC won’t be able to bang on with one of their pet subjects ‘Alleged racial chanting’ or ‘Police are investigating alleged homophobic chants at a football match.’
I bet they run a story though about a black player something along the lines of how good it is not to have to be bombarded with racist chants each week!
Twice in a few days I have had an email from a company with whom I am subscribed. One flogs razors and the other delivers food from existing restaurants to our home. Good luck to them both in turning a buck in these difficult times.
They have each sent emails declaring their support for Black Lives Matter, cluttered with mindlessly Guardian/BBC logic.
Here is one of the many loony tunes quotes, (honest, this is verbatim):
“– We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with suppliers, vendors and media & advertising partners to ensure that we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of this issue.”
There’s many other comments that help the reader appreciate that they haven’t actually looked into any facts, just listened to the noise from the Left.
I have unsubscribed from both and urge everyone to do the same from the moment they receive this nonsense. It could force companies to appreciate that not everyone reads the Guardian, watches the BBC. They clearly haven’t learnt from the Gillette adverts.
Yes, they must immediately be unsubscribed. Likewise Facebook posts in the same genre should be unfollowed, unfriended, blocked or reported. Consumer power.
I’m thinking of looking for alternatives to my Sainsbury’s Local, a rather expensive shop which does regularly do good special offers and used to be open until 11 pm (pre-Covid19, anyway, it might be only 9 pm at present).
I’ve read certain conspiracy-type writings about J Sainsbury’s and whom they support in the culture wars, though the same may well go for Tesco and many others. What set me thinking are the coloured streamers at the self-service checkouts in support of LGBTQ etc, akin to Christmas party decorations in their number, visibility and intrusiveness. This is a store which not that long ago was practising “one out, one in” and strict distancing; fair enough but why waste time and increase health risks by decorating instead of cleaning the store?
The woke company that sent out that deranged email missed out two important words, which I have added for them in bold below:
“– We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with suppliers, vendors and media & advertising partners and customers to ensure that we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of this issue.”
Yes, I’ve unsubscribed every business that’s emailed me with that nonsense. Sadly, my football team has also been tweeting it, but one can’t simply unsubscribe support for a team, otherwise I’d have done that years ago.
The new woke religion peddled by the racist BBC demands that we feel perpetual guilt for the oppression of blacks.
Personally, I choose to self-identify with the brave white men who fought, on the battlefield or in Parliament, to abolish slavery. Men like William Wilberforce or the hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers who died in the Civil War.
The final line suggests that the ‘truth’ hasn’t been established, it’s one of those favourite ‘some says’ of the BBC.
The line under the photo is quite definite, ‘Trump’ has made his ‘move’.
The lead line is definite that there is a plan but casts some doubt about the presidential ‘approval’. Did he just nod when a reporter asked the question? Are they doubting his ability to write his name – ‘Trump, his mark’?
Hall’s concession to Munchetty however highlights two pressures on the Corporation. One is the financial temptation of celebrity. Munchetty, at £190,000-195,000 and Maitlis at £260-265,000 in 2019 both earn high salaries – but, as performers with a clear appetite for controversy, would earn much more in the private sector. Piers Morgan, on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, earns a reported £1.5m – and has said he earns a total of more than £20m a year from various appearances. He has in the past mocked BBC salaries, asking rhetorically – “do they get out of bed for THAT?”
“both earn high salaries” wonder what a highest &lowest salary at the BEEB is?
Apologies if I’ve missed it earlier but here is the “revised” response from the Government to the Rape Gang report petition for them to release the results in full. I’m sure it will be as thorough as the BBC is unbiased.
Government responded:
Government intends to publish a paper on group-based child sexual exploitation this year, which will set out key findings of the Home Office’s work in this area and implications for policy.
Child sexual exploitation perpetrated by groups is a truly horrendous crime that shatters the lives of victims and their families. We have heard of truly shocking cases of vulnerable children being preyed upon by ruthless predators and failed by the state and those whose job it was to protect them.
These unthinkable crimes have had devastating impacts on towns and communities – leaving lasting scars that go beyond the direct victims, particularly where it has gone on for years.
This must never be allowed to happen again. This Government has made it our mission to protect the most vulnerable in our society, stamp out all forms of child sexual abuse offending, and support victims and survivors to rebuild their lives.
The Government will publish a paper into group-based child sexual exploitation in order to better understand the characteristics of group-based offending and help deliver justice for victims.
The paper, to be published later this year, will outline the insights gained from this work and focus on how agencies can learn lessons from the past to tackle group-based offending and safeguard vulnerable children.
The Home Office will set up an External Reference Group of experts to review the research before its publication.
The work was commissioned by the previous Home Secretary to better understand the scale and nature of group-based child sexual exploitation, including the characteristics of offenders, victims and the context in which these crimes are committed.
Last September, the Government announced an additional £30 million to take down the worst offenders and safeguard victims.
The Home Office will shortly publish the first of its kind cross-government Child Sexual Abuse Strategy to improve the UK’s response to tackling this abhorrent crime.
It will set out how we will work across all agencies – including government, law enforcement, safeguarding and industry – to stop offenders in their tracks, and to help victims and survivors rebuild their lives.
Its very possible that life as we have known it has changed
in London and it will never be the same. The several million
of us that live in the suburbs of the metropolis would
occasionally travel into central London by tube, maybe have
a meal and go to the theatre , museums or just stroll around.
This has of course stopped. But I cant see it returning.
We have a dick as the head of our police force. and another as
our mayor who have no control over the anarchism which is
now taking place. Who would want
to be a mile anywhere near this
scum let alone 6 feet or less on a tube train?
Yes you can drive to the West End or the City but then there is the
increased congestion charge and then try parking!
I suppose it would help if our national broadcaster were not
controlled by an anarchist hierarchy as well now, who are
encouraging their brethren to do their worse, and most likely
joining them, but of course wearing masks for a double
Both my neighbours are working from home and I expect that
many workers in central London who are able to carry on
working from home , if or when the crisis is over, will stay at home.
I am afraid that the centre of one of the great cities in the
world could be in a very serious crisis.
Foscari – I’m afraid, and I’m sure we’re all aware, that L.ondon has been going down the tubes for quite a few years. I posted on here some years ago the question : ‘What country lets its capital city go into other hands with quite such apparent enthusiasm?’ and I haven’t been able to come up with an answer.
I caught a piece of ‘Any Questions’ on R4 last night, and got something of an answer: “A country that elects people like ex-speaker and virtue-signaller/brown-noser supreme, John Bercow, that insufferable, smug bully, as parliamentary speaker for ten years. A country that pays its public radio/TV service to be taken over by its enemies, and apparently happily continues to pay a sort of ‘protection money’ on demand with threat of jail, every year. Is the BBC as big a bully as Bercow? Which of these two has moved further to the Left, possibly into the Anarchist /Antifa camp?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Whilst I agree London is quite an unpleasant place at the moment, if one good can come from all it will be that the over-inflated Globalist nature of the city of the past 15 years will begin to decrease and it will return to the London of the post-war years to the 90’s.
However with that hope comes the realisation that it is being destroyed socially by people who have absolutely no respect for the city, country or it’s people.
The Beeb informs us that ‘there are concerns coronavirus might be starting to spread in parts of England again’.
Just wait till the after-effects of the BLM / Antifa demos that you encouraged and applauded start to be felt.
There are more peaceful riots planned all over the country this weekend and beyond.
I notice the Standard helpfully list place, day and time when you can meet with fellow Antifa extremists to spit in policemen’s faces, smash up your local community, spread the virus, ramp up the chaos, the hatred and the race war, and generally make life even more difficult for the police and everyone else.
It’s often said that “There’s nowt so ignorant as a liberal” and it is in evidence in this rag edited by George Osborne. In its list of ‘UK protest dates and locations’ (‘please bring your own bricks’), it states that there is one in Dublin on 8th, beginning at 1pm. Dublin back in the UK, eh? That will be news to the Irish. Still, perhaps they partly redeem themselves with the phrase ‘Why are Brits protesting?’, Brits being a term associated with the IRA when referring to what ordinary people would call Britons. One is guessing that they don’t have an editorial policy that has also decided to abbreviate ‘Pakistanis’ to ‘Pakis’.
vlad – Looks very much like a war has begun, in which we will all have to consider what we will do in the face of a very well-organised enemy which has the support and collusion of most of the media.
Prime initiator behind this war is the movement that wants to unseat President Trump and BoJo and reverse Brexit. IT COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT PARLIAMENTARY OR ANY OTHER FORM OF DEMOCRACY, which is why you won’t hear the word being mentioned very often, if at all.
IT IS NOT, REPEAT NOT, a “LIBERAL” MOVEMENT, for that would mean an emphasis on freedom for everyone. It is instead an out and out REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST MOVEMENT, hiding behind the EQUALITY mantra. Listening to Sean Ley on R4 last night, as he whipped up racial antagonism with the (ungiven) support of the licenece fee payer, I heard that word ‘equality’ fall again and again, and I sensed that it was not the sort of ‘equality’ we would recognise in a Democracy.
I see close parallels to both the French and Russian revolutions, except for the fact that those did not have hidden anti-White imperatives, disguised as ‘anti-racism’.
PS (since everyone is putting their cards on the table): TRUMP 2020
G – many of the ‘young’ see ‘the old’ being wealthier than they, and conclude -not that it has taken a lifetime of work, blood, sweat and tears, to build up that wealth- but that it shows ‘inequalities’, that favourite current buzz phrase for Labour and most Tory politicians alike.
This grievance is made more potent if you see yourself as being in another ‘discriminated against’ group, which gives the solution below, even more ‘justification’…
The solution? I think we may not be far off ‘grab the goodies’, as per the US.
Who wants to spend a lifetime working, when the answer is so simple, and plod is into ‘bending the knee’?
Looks like things are back to normal with our ‘world-beating’ NHS, then.
No, there is no way I am saying that the health service is working anything remotely like it should be, having shut down almost all of its other services to focus on the COVID pandemic. We’ve been hearing for a few weeks now that the NHS is working its way back to normality, but can’t say I’ve seen much evidence of that happening…. and we still have thousands, if not millions of necessary procedures unfulfilled. Peak COVID was many weeks ago now, but we’re still slow-walking ourselves to more deaths through negligence by the NHS.
It wasn’t many weeks ago that the NHS was patting itself on the back all over the news media for the sheer speed with which it had achieved building new Nightingale COVID hospoitals from scratch (actually, it was our armed forces and private contractors with private anf focussed management that did that – not the NHS, who only appeared once the cameras got in position), self-marvelled at the speed with which it had overcome all the difficulties facing the UK with a worls shortage of supplies in most kety areas, managed to train non-ICU staff in days to be able to work in these highly complex units, etc., etc.
Back to normal this morning, though, means that, despite having been warned about the simple changes to be made regarding face covering for outpatients and visitors, and some more staff (still not back to anything like normal levels by any means) the health service unions (and I include amongst these, associations of trusts, hospitals, managers, etc.) are up in arms at not having been consulted about some minor changes to take place more than a week from now. One association ‘union rep’ was on the Today programme this morning trying to tell us how complex it all was, they clearly hadn’t had an appropriate consultation period, enough time for hospital reps to discuss the issue, then report back to Trust reps, to regional reps, to associatin reps, and toi the heads of the NHS to discus it with government…. say a year from now before we get a decision on this extremely complex issue.
‘Complex’ ? – compared to how damned complex it is building an isolation hospital for 4,000 ICU patients in the midst of a pandemic, in the middle of London ? But it got done – with little input or interference from the NHS, but perhaps that’s why it got done.
Not that long ago, either, the NHS was paralysed, apparently, unless it got clear, written instructions, personal to each NHS employee inmdividually, directly from our Prime MInister or Health Secretary. Now, the minute someone suggests a minor change in behavious in a very quiet (at the moment) aspect of the NHS, it’s all about how they don’t need government interfering in the NHS !
Those not working in COVID-related sections of hospitals, and that includes a vast number of highly-paid managers (sorry, administrators), have had weeks to prepare for the eventual resumption of services (or did they think this was going to go on forever ?) and appear to have done nothing. Did they really expect any reversal of the pandemic to happen without change to normal working circumstances, and especially in respect of anti-transmission behaviour in hospitals ? This move was entirely predictable, for God’s sake ! To everyone apart from NHS management, it would appear.
But no – far from having seen the NHS morph into a highly responsive, reactive and effective organisation, we have seen the rapid descent back to the gargantuan, sclerotic, monolithic, static edifice that it was not that far back in time. Entropy didn’t take too long, then.
Jeez – I think the NHS needs a damn good clean-out from the top down.
And before the band-wagon jumpers explode with indignation that I’m criticising really medics and nurses on the front line – re-read the post !
The NHS is getting back to normal – being very slow and inefficient whilst patting itself on the back – I work in a capacity that means I have to interact with it and see the waste and stupidity of systems and the self important arrogance of the NHS culture.
having said that there are good people there – just not in charge.
There they go again with that word they use about themselves.
What is impartiality and why does accurate reporting matter?@BBCNews journalists discuss what it takes to produce trusted news ????
— BBC Young Reporter (@BBCYoungReport) June 6, 2020
It’s part of a government campaign to economise on food wastage Doobs.
Brand is guaranteed to put people off their lunch and the resulting savings will be off-set against NHS catering costs.
Another win win for HMG.
Just listening to Friday’s You and Yours
… they bring on a guy from The Institute of Ethic Entrepreneurship
presenter was Shari Vahl
???? Coming up live on @BBCRadio4 now! A discussion on the future survival of UK curry houses featuring @monderram – Director of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship @AstonBusiness & restaurant owner Shahab Uddin. Listen:
— Aston Centre for Growth (@AstonGrowth) June 5, 2020
Thursday’s item about : Post Covid Weddings, turned out to be entirely about Asian Weddings
..since they spend on average 4 times more than white people they are much more important.
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Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
The BBC and teaching unions won’t like this !!!! Narrative busted !!!!
“Keith Lemon actor sorry for playing ‘offensive’ black characters”
The censorship continues. Before long comedy will be banned altogether.
So all “offensive” characters must be portrayed as being white?
Dangerous ground indeed!
Hollywood started doing this decades ago. They were aware that certain cultures get upset quickly apart from the White British who just laugh it off. Therefore just about all baddies are played by white British actors so noone complains.
The Monkey Dust cartoon episode called The Crusades parodied this with the Crusader Knights played by Americans and the Muslims all had British accents.
Someone once told me that Americans find the more RP British accents to be evil/suspicious, so they would be good as baddies in films. One example I recall was the serial “Lost in Space” (1960s) with the Robinson astronaut family and the token bad British guy on board, Dr Zachary Smith.
I used to love Lost in Space.
The actor who played Zachery Smith was actually an American, but I noted the rather odd attempt at a British accent.
This wasn’t exclusively Anglophobic. There were other kids series at the same time with similar line ups. One that I remember Land of the Giants and the regular baddie in that was supposed to be German.
The Yanks have been well ahead of us in these areas of “cultural sensibilities”.
The hunky hero was usually a handsome young, white all American boy. His side kick was often his black lieutenant.
And the cowardly baddie would be usually be a European.
Blimey, how things have changed…
The humorous interaction between Zachary Smith and Robbie the robot was the best thing about that programme !
A British actor (I forget who) said some time back that British are cast as bad guys because they’re the only ones left that don’t mind.
Tabs. “…Crusader Knights played by Americans and the Muslims all had British accents.”
It looks like they could see the future.
Won’t affect the BBC , it can’t do comedy .
Is he a comedian?
Tafdfman – I already thought it had been banned altogether – at least that’s what if seems like if you consider what the BBC deems to be ‘comedy’ these days.
Is this MP serious ?………….
“Florence Eshalomi: Black MP mistaken for colleagues condemns racism”
Leave it out, Flo! Some people are just face blind. It’s nothing to do with race, it happens with White faces too.
Talk about jumping on the frigging bandwagon!!
Of course she is unable to name her parliamentary colleagues who mistook her for someone else because all the ‘white’ women MPs look the same.
She should be glad they didn’t run up to her and say , “Diane! Oh! Sorry!”
One does wonder what she expects ‘the house’ to do about it. Perhaps have mandatory training sessions where MPs have to be exposed to thousands of photographs, like the old aircraft recognition training of the Observer Corps, or the I-spy Book of MPs?
The real test will be whether she seeks to earn respect by the traditional British method of being good at her job, or by the traditional African method of carrying a big knife.
Anyone know what inspired Newsnight to seek input from this guy rather than more down to earth representatives of color?
The original Newsnight promo tweet has been almost universally panned.
There has been the odd Champion.
Interesting bio for a Newsnight groupie.
“US unemployment sees surprise improvement in May”
That headline was well hidden by Al Beeb today.
Yes, that says it all .
The artist illustrates something that I have wondered lately – why do African women not have ‘Afro’ hair?
Why do they wear a collar , tie and trousers ?
Afro hair (for women) went out with Motown. They preferred lighter skin too.
And that girl will soon discover that her clothes and hairdo aren’t the only things that are missing.
And so it begins, the potential lawsuits by the families of those frontliners who have died as a result of Covid19 due to a lack of PPEs. Health & Safety Executive are to begin investigations. And the ethnicity of the majority of those who have passed is……………..
If the NHS is sued en masse, then that’s another bill for the tax payer to fork out for, along with all the other court cases in the NHS intray.
Talking today to a friend, we have decided that this world is no longer a ‘nice’ place to live. Its fine to be reporting on the clap for carers, and the odd act of neighbourly kindness – which is rarer than can be believed, but everywhere is in turmoil. No country has escaped. Civil unrest, disease ravaged, economic uncertainty, social media awash with vile people, and now folks are hoping for a massive payday by suing the pants off someone. No Government will come out of this smelling of roses, as the modern age has never been in this situation before, but the word ‘leeway’ is not in the vocabulary of the media, instead its criticise criticise criticise . And now we have reached blame blame blame.
Society has developed even more of an attitude of “everyone for themselves” , and sod the ‘women and children first’. The rights of the minorities are on an equal footing with those who look to take offense at everything.
Well, I find it all exhausting, but one thing I will not do, and that’s apologise for being born white.
Lack of PPE ? It was caused by JIT.
JIT ? = Just in time technology .
Lack of PPE ? It was caused by JIT.
JIT ? = Just in time technology . It’s a philosophy that this island should rid it self of before we get out of the EU .
Yep Brissles
I said same this morning – it is all exhausting – keeping up with who is offended by whom..and all of the complete negativity from the MSM
We all know what it is really about – in the US get POTUS out and in the UK..stop Brexit and get Boris out…
What is it with this limp liberals who keep taking the bloody knee! They are just telling bullies they can keep bullying…
yes agreed – “not apologise for being born white” & proud to be brits puts us in a minority if you follow the MSM TV channels.
our forefathers/mothers worked hard & payed taxes to build this nation with no “empire” helping out.
and now it seems they & we, their decendants are scum in our own country!!!
This is thoroughly disingenuous.
Does anyone find the wording to be odd?
Why not simply say Floyd would think the job numbers were great? Because that’s not what the President said. It’s what the BBC want you to think he said, whilst not directly saying so.
We’ve seen this before. Deliberately, maliciously taking things out of context. Injecting bleach, anyone? Nazis were fine people?
Here’s the transcript.

Trump was talking about equality. Not jobs.
I listened to all the speech and I must admit to wincing slightly when I heard him say that. I understood the context but I immediately recognised what the ‘Evil Ones’ (MSM and our own, “Beauty”) would make of it.
Incidentally, has it even been established that it was racism that motivated the American cop? Officers of all shades kill suspects of all shades on a regular basis. Some are trigger happy, some are brutal, some feel threatened, some are enraged at being regularly taunted, insulted and threatened – often with guns – in a violent society in the course of their work. Why the immediate assumption that race was the determining factor, before any trial or investigation?
I would go even further than that. It is dangerous to rush to judgement on the basis of videos that appear on social media or mainstream media. There are established procedures in the US and we have no reason to believe that they will not be followed.
That said the racial argument looks to be rather weak when the police team was clearly mixed race.
I read somewhere else that restraining someone by using the knee is a recognised police procedure and had been used 49 times this year. Supposing that to be true the trial might end up being seen as an ‘injustice’ whichever way it goes.
As a general principle I wish politician weren’t drawn into these matters by the media, why has a prime minister or president got to comment on matters outside their knowledge and immediate responsibility? Boris doesn’t stock the shelves at Little Wallup Cottage Hospital and Donald doesn’t polish the belt buckles of State Troopers in Little Rock.
“The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine”.
Ah, but it’s automatically racist in the same way that the killing/rape/abuse/assault of a white person by a black or Asian person isn’t.
Buy Beeb Clothing
Tucker documents the racial insanity in the US.
We’re not far behind. (In fact London gets a mention.)
Doodle and thoughts on the week. Talking of food, have you heard of that new US based cooking series… oh, what’s it called again? Oh yes, “Floyd on pavements”
BBC News
Why poorer people are more likely to catch – and to die from – Covid-19.
BBC News
Alexis Ohanian has resigned from the tech firm’s board and urged the company to replace him with a black candidate.
Re… friggin… lentless.
Sky got excited too.
He wouldn’t even think about that if he were > 50 years of age………
Comments could be going better.. :-))) there are still loads people who don’t believe all this virtue signally crap..they just don’t riot
Amol’s little VS man of the people foray has worked well too.
It’s a mystery. Tim Davie must be proud.
Luckily for BS, lack of audience is key to winning awards.
KGM tries his best. Fails. Again.
The next Americast from the Beauty and the BS is going to be a must watch.
Another RT source for Jon’s squad. Not Russia Today, obvs.
@GW, So there is a *blacklash* against antifa & BLM destroying black communties.
So… the next Banksy?
David Dorn, or American Beauty’s girlfriend?
Preemptive. Bbcstyle. Like it. Worried frowns from the emergency HR meet chaired by June Sarpong, Amol and Clive in Frankie Howerd (soon to renamed the SurLenny suite)…
And probably because he’s a straight talking Yorkshireman!
Reminds me of an incident a couple of years ago with on of TMS’s lunchtime guests who had a pop at Sir Geoff who conveniently was convalescing at home at the time after a serious illness.It was on of BBC’s very own Sue MacGregor talking about her broadcast career and one time on the Today programme she said how Geoffrey Boycott refused to be interviewed by her as he didn’t want to talk to a woman about cricket.
Later in the interview though her right on lefty mask slipped when talking about her fathers career in the army and traveling around the world with him she said something about ‘the Japs’ quickly realizing her mistake she said ‘sorry the Japanese’
You were correct the first time Sue because that was what you were really thinking wasn’t it!
Father of four Smitthy Sr. doubtless featured in the copy?
The BBC correspondent says Black Matters protest must be allowed to go ahead regardless of social distancing, it’s that important..!!
So as a result of these gatherings the R value rises and many more die but that’s ok because the BBC says so..
The BBC went into complete melt down over Cummings but that’s ok because the health of Cummings child does not matter..!!
The BBC never mentioned the 7 Labour MP’s who broke the lock down rules but it’s ok because the BBC says so..!!
When the Covid-19 deaths rise again, let’s see who the BBC blames, I can already see the headline
There’s a one rule for the great unwashed and there a rule for the rest of us..
The hypocrisy of the BBC and other media outlets is now becoming a national scandal..
My question about all this wheres Sadiq Khan…Oh i forgot he’s a Leftie luvvie and as such beyond reproach…
I for one no longer give a rat’s arse about Black Matters, any sympathy I had quickly evaporated when as usual, it was politicised….
The BBC State once again gives contradictory rules. We need elected representatives in this state to question the executive. Rather like we had in that place called Parliament before Cameron, May, Johnson abdicated in favour of the BBC.
Luckily the house journal is back on track.
I’m starting to like the Guardian when it was honest –
“BBC Trust: a decade of controversy from senior payoffs to Jimmy Savile
Oh dear, Boris.
Masking his mistakes
I’m disappointed in Boris Johnson. Yes, I know he’s an opportunist libertine leading a party of social liberals, but late last year there was a feint hope we might have something different.
But, no. The Daily Telegraph reminds us today with their main headline ‘Green light for no-fault quickie divorces’ telegraphing to us that the Tories care not a jot for the family. The Times chimes in with ‘Plans to open shops all day on Sundays’ ringing in the new normal by sweeping away some of the last vestiges of official Christian observance.
This sudden imposition of the mask rule has the effect of covering up past mistakes by government of bending the knee to a small obsessive band of public health officials to merrily trash the domestic economy and yet still prioritise inward international travel, both legal and not so legal. Now watch this way too late in the day proposed quarantine law crumble. And of course now to endorse certain racial protests.
Oh dear, Boris. Some of us will recall when you were Mayor of London and let the 2011 riots rip for days and days before they petered out or you were obliged to get a grip. Look out when the looting starts, on past form Boris won’t demand that the police protect us.
This mask rule will perpetuate the paranoid sense of emergency in the population further damaging employment.
Rather than promote an optimistic gradual return to normalcy and to hell with the doom mongers with their daft and selective semi-superstitious regulations we get instead new regulations.
New laws are imposed on the already law-abiding. But on law-breakers, not so much.
Boris has dug himself into a hole so he keeps digging. His redemption ought to be Brexit. We’ll see. Oh yes. We’ll be watching you Boris.
The biased BBC continue their campaign of hate against the US police.
They’ve compiled clips of ‘police brutality’.
For some reason they haven’t bothered compiling incidents of rioter brutality. Too many perhaps, it would take a feature-length film.
They use the ‘some people say’ ruse, or in this case ‘there’s renewed anger in United States over video of police violence’.
What they mean is “there’s renewed anger in BBC studios”.
David Lammy must be in a loop.
BBC PR compliant drama being pushed by BBC PR
The papers feature items about the new drama that airs on BBC1 Monday/Tuesday
Following this incident involving the 75-year old, the two officers charged with ‘police brutality’ have been put on unpaid leave.
Everybody knows this, the video has gone viral. Hate the Police, they are the oppressors of the people, etc, etc.
On the other hand not everybody knows that the entire Tactical Reaction Unit, 57 officers, of the Buffalo Police Department have now resigned as a direct result of the unfair treatment meted out to their fellow officers.
‘You reap what you sow….’ springs to mind, but when those charged with protecting the public give up the task, only anarchy is left – which is the aim of those behind the Great BLM Movement, part of which is now the BBC.
For one moment I thought it was this guy!
Jekyll and Hyde?
P.S. I see the BBC is doing well with the ‘youth audience’!
And so the rank hypocrisy continues.
Labour MPs, who a week ago were ranting that Dominic Cummings had to resign due to his blatant breaking of the Covid rules, are seen to be blatantly breaking it themselves.
Oh, but this is different, they whine. They’re showing solidarity with BLM. What ghastly, pathetic little men these are. Calling them hypocrites isn’t really sufficient. These are small minded, cowardly creatures, who would sell their grandmothers for a photo opportunity and a chance to virtue signal. Barry Gardiner has something of a Keith Vaz quality about him; he makes my flesh crawl.
These riots…sorry demonstrations…have been cobbled together on the most spurious of pretexts.
Why didn’t white people take to the streets at the horrendous butchery of Lee Rigby?
Why were there no riots after the despicable terrorist attack in Manchester?
No, we lay flowers, lit candles, stood in the rain singing some hideous pop song and were told by an abject political class that we shouldn’t allow hatred to divide us. The media reiterated this message.
Now that same media that implored us not to take the law into our own hands after the most appalling provocation and criticised us if we went dared go out in the sunshine are backing an openly racist and Marxist movement that does all those things.
And just what stands between us and widespread anarchy? Oh yes, our mincing, emasculated, knee bending police farce.
Thank heavens…
Sorry, I just don’t understand this obsession with sandwiches. I know B stands for bacon and L stands for lettuce, but what does the M in BLM stand for?
M stands for ‘meat’, white meat to be specific.
‘Why didn’t white people take to the streets at the horrendous butchery of Lee Rigby?’
Some did, not violently and no looting and some were led by Tommy Robinson and were depicted as far right fascists, racists and Nazis.
And the local churches condemned them, and Unite Against Fascism (founder member David Cameron) together with the police and antifa mobs attacked them whilst the media planted men with tattoos giving Heil Hitler salutes in the crowd.
BBC News
The Duke of Cambridge has been secretly answering text messages from people needing help.
Endless opportunities present.
Should we seek a breakdown of message senders just to ensure that there is no prejudice, you know, are there more messages from white people than black; men rather than women; straight rather than gay. But what about the trans?
Uh huh.
Cannot. Wait.
I receive one of those little news alert pop ups on my i-phone. I don’t know which mainstream news organisation writes the headline, it doesn’t really matter.
“Britain is not innocent….” Of course they are talking about this presently hightened racial issue.
I take it Britain is guilty then?
And there you have it ladies & gentlemen. There’s the verdict of the media class on our country. In their considered opinion weighing all the evidence Britain is found guilty as charged. Best punish it then, I suppose?
They HAVE been punishing it… for years!
And now the self-flagellation will only intensify.
Peter SImple’s satirical Dr Heinz Kiosk was ahead of the game by several decades, ending every speech (as folk rushed for the doors):
For quite awhile now the BBC has been sailing near the wind
with regards to becoming an an enemy of the state. I
believe now that it has crossed the Rubicon and that the anarchists
and Trotskyists have come out of the woodwork and are now in
complete control of the BBC.
‘For quite awhile now the BBC.. becoming an an enemy of the state’
I wonder, I really wonder. Is the game of push-me pull-you between liberal elite BBC and liberal elite prentend conservatives really not just a bit of theatre for the hoodwinking of us plebs?
More on Antifa dark tactics from Project Veritas
Football is returning to our screens in a week or two. I expect that we shall see great competition . Not to win the games, oh no that will be a poor a second but to virtue signal the players and clubs ‘solidarity’ with George Lloyd. Arm bands, long clapathons, much knee taking, tee shirts emblazoned with his face to be revealed when a goal is scored, no doubt monster donations to charities such as BLM and no doubt other posturing. The crisp man in raptures at the solidarity shown by the players, match officials etc etc. My strong advice is to have sick bags at the ready if you feel you can’t just not watch.
‘Football is returning to our screens’
Well, it will make a change from watching Blacks Burn Rovers, Lootin’ Town and listening to all those Marxism Keen Dons
Time to Exit Our City, before it’s all a Grimsby Town gone for a Burton Albion?
One good thing at least the BBC won’t be able to bang on with one of their pet subjects ‘Alleged racial chanting’ or ‘Police are investigating alleged homophobic chants at a football match.’
I bet they run a story though about a black player something along the lines of how good it is not to have to be bombarded with racist chants each week!
9am Radio4 : Super-woke Saturday Live show
Guest former Mr Gay UK, ex-Mayor of Manchester
.. he’s just been going on about a carbon-neutral island
Twice in a few days I have had an email from a company with whom I am subscribed. One flogs razors and the other delivers food from existing restaurants to our home. Good luck to them both in turning a buck in these difficult times.
They have each sent emails declaring their support for Black Lives Matter, cluttered with mindlessly Guardian/BBC logic.
Here is one of the many loony tunes quotes, (honest, this is verbatim):
“– We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with suppliers, vendors and media & advertising partners to ensure that we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of this issue.”
There’s many other comments that help the reader appreciate that they haven’t actually looked into any facts, just listened to the noise from the Left.
I have unsubscribed from both and urge everyone to do the same from the moment they receive this nonsense. It could force companies to appreciate that not everyone reads the Guardian, watches the BBC. They clearly haven’t learnt from the Gillette adverts.
Yes, they must immediately be unsubscribed. Likewise Facebook posts in the same genre should be unfollowed, unfriended, blocked or reported. Consumer power.
I’m thinking of looking for alternatives to my Sainsbury’s Local, a rather expensive shop which does regularly do good special offers and used to be open until 11 pm (pre-Covid19, anyway, it might be only 9 pm at present).
I’ve read certain conspiracy-type writings about J Sainsbury’s and whom they support in the culture wars, though the same may well go for Tesco and many others. What set me thinking are the coloured streamers at the self-service checkouts in support of LGBTQ etc, akin to Christmas party decorations in their number, visibility and intrusiveness. This is a store which not that long ago was practising “one out, one in” and strict distancing; fair enough but why waste time and increase health risks by decorating instead of cleaning the store?
The woke company that sent out that deranged email missed out two important words, which I have added for them in bold below:
“– We will be conducting an audit of our relationships with suppliers, vendors and media & advertising partners and customers to ensure that we are not doing business with anyone who falls on the wrong side of this issue.”
Yes, I’ve unsubscribed every business that’s emailed me with that nonsense. Sadly, my football team has also been tweeting it, but one can’t simply unsubscribe support for a team, otherwise I’d have done that years ago.
The new woke religion peddled by the racist BBC demands that we feel perpetual guilt for the oppression of blacks.
Personally, I choose to self-identify with the brave white men who fought, on the battlefield or in Parliament, to abolish slavery. Men like William Wilberforce or the hundreds of thousands of Union soldiers who died in the Civil War.
There! Guilt over.
Timing is all.
“Ich bin…”
What a strange way of ‘reporting’!
The final line suggests that the ‘truth’ hasn’t been established, it’s one of those favourite ‘some says’ of the BBC.
The line under the photo is quite definite, ‘Trump’ has made his ‘move’.
The lead line is definite that there is a plan but casts some doubt about the presidential ‘approval’. Did he just nod when a reporter asked the question? Are they doubting his ability to write his name – ‘Trump, his mark’?
The word ‘should’ is a very special one.
GW – from your link
Hall’s concession to Munchetty however highlights two pressures on the Corporation. One is the financial temptation of celebrity. Munchetty, at £190,000-195,000 and Maitlis at £260-265,000 in 2019 both earn high salaries – but, as performers with a clear appetite for controversy, would earn much more in the private sector. Piers Morgan, on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, earns a reported £1.5m – and has said he earns a total of more than £20m a year from various appearances. He has in the past mocked BBC salaries, asking rhetorically – “do they get out of bed for THAT?”
“both earn high salaries” wonder what a highest &lowest salary at the BEEB is?
Apologies if I’ve missed it earlier but here is the “revised” response from the Government to the Rape Gang report petition for them to release the results in full. I’m sure it will be as thorough as the BBC is unbiased.
Government responded:
Government intends to publish a paper on group-based child sexual exploitation this year, which will set out key findings of the Home Office’s work in this area and implications for policy.
Child sexual exploitation perpetrated by groups is a truly horrendous crime that shatters the lives of victims and their families. We have heard of truly shocking cases of vulnerable children being preyed upon by ruthless predators and failed by the state and those whose job it was to protect them.
These unthinkable crimes have had devastating impacts on towns and communities – leaving lasting scars that go beyond the direct victims, particularly where it has gone on for years.
This must never be allowed to happen again. This Government has made it our mission to protect the most vulnerable in our society, stamp out all forms of child sexual abuse offending, and support victims and survivors to rebuild their lives.
The Government will publish a paper into group-based child sexual exploitation in order to better understand the characteristics of group-based offending and help deliver justice for victims.
The paper, to be published later this year, will outline the insights gained from this work and focus on how agencies can learn lessons from the past to tackle group-based offending and safeguard vulnerable children.
The Home Office will set up an External Reference Group of experts to review the research before its publication.
The work was commissioned by the previous Home Secretary to better understand the scale and nature of group-based child sexual exploitation, including the characteristics of offenders, victims and the context in which these crimes are committed.
Last September, the Government announced an additional £30 million to take down the worst offenders and safeguard victims.
The Home Office will shortly publish the first of its kind cross-government Child Sexual Abuse Strategy to improve the UK’s response to tackling this abhorrent crime.
It will set out how we will work across all agencies – including government, law enforcement, safeguarding and industry – to stop offenders in their tracks, and to help victims and survivors rebuild their lives.
Home Office
That reads like a report on the Titanic sinking that doesn’t mention ‘ice’, ‘lifeboats’ or… Titanic!
Hilarious Jim… and sad because you are spot on
‘The Home Office will set up an External Reference Group of experts to review the research before its publication.’
In other words Priti will invite the Moslem Council of GB, Hope not Hate, Tell Mama, and the BBC to provide a few suggested changes.
Its very possible that life as we have known it has changed
in London and it will never be the same. The several million
of us that live in the suburbs of the metropolis would
occasionally travel into central London by tube, maybe have
a meal and go to the theatre , museums or just stroll around.
This has of course stopped. But I cant see it returning.
We have a dick as the head of our police force. and another as
our mayor who have no control over the anarchism which is
now taking place. Who would want
to be a mile anywhere near this
scum let alone 6 feet or less on a tube train?
Yes you can drive to the West End or the City but then there is the
increased congestion charge and then try parking!
I suppose it would help if our national broadcaster were not
controlled by an anarchist hierarchy as well now, who are
encouraging their brethren to do their worse, and most likely
joining them, but of course wearing masks for a double
Both my neighbours are working from home and I expect that
many workers in central London who are able to carry on
working from home , if or when the crisis is over, will stay at home.
I am afraid that the centre of one of the great cities in the
world could be in a very serious crisis.
Foscari – I’m afraid, and I’m sure we’re all aware, that L.ondon has been going down the tubes for quite a few years. I posted on here some years ago the question : ‘What country lets its capital city go into other hands with quite such apparent enthusiasm?’ and I haven’t been able to come up with an answer.
I caught a piece of ‘Any Questions’ on R4 last night, and got something of an answer: “A country that elects people like ex-speaker and virtue-signaller/brown-noser supreme, John Bercow, that insufferable, smug bully, as parliamentary speaker for ten years. A country that pays its public radio/TV service to be taken over by its enemies, and apparently happily continues to pay a sort of ‘protection money’ on demand with threat of jail, every year. Is the BBC as big a bully as Bercow? Which of these two has moved further to the Left, possibly into the Anarchist /Antifa camp?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Whilst I agree London is quite an unpleasant place at the moment, if one good can come from all it will be that the over-inflated Globalist nature of the city of the past 15 years will begin to decrease and it will return to the London of the post-war years to the 90’s.
However with that hope comes the realisation that it is being destroyed socially by people who have absolutely no respect for the city, country or it’s people.
The Beeb informs us that ‘there are concerns coronavirus might be starting to spread in parts of England again’.
Just wait till the after-effects of the BLM / Antifa demos that you encouraged and applauded start to be felt.
There are more peaceful riots planned all over the country this weekend and beyond.
I notice the Standard helpfully list place, day and time when you can meet with fellow Antifa extremists to spit in policemen’s faces, smash up your local community, spread the virus, ramp up the chaos, the hatred and the race war, and generally make life even more difficult for the police and everyone else.
Well done Evening Standard, well done.
It’s often said that “There’s nowt so ignorant as a liberal” and it is in evidence in this rag edited by George Osborne. In its list of ‘UK protest dates and locations’ (‘please bring your own bricks’), it states that there is one in Dublin on 8th, beginning at 1pm. Dublin back in the UK, eh? That will be news to the Irish. Still, perhaps they partly redeem themselves with the phrase ‘Why are Brits protesting?’, Brits being a term associated with the IRA when referring to what ordinary people would call Britons. One is guessing that they don’t have an editorial policy that has also decided to abbreviate ‘Pakistanis’ to ‘Pakis’.
(‘please bring your own bricks’) – very good 🙂
vlad – Looks very much like a war has begun, in which we will all have to consider what we will do in the face of a very well-organised enemy which has the support and collusion of most of the media.
Prime initiator behind this war is the movement that wants to unseat President Trump and BoJo and reverse Brexit. IT COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT PARLIAMENTARY OR ANY OTHER FORM OF DEMOCRACY, which is why you won’t hear the word being mentioned very often, if at all.
IT IS NOT, REPEAT NOT, a “LIBERAL” MOVEMENT, for that would mean an emphasis on freedom for everyone. It is instead an out and out REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALIST MOVEMENT, hiding behind the EQUALITY mantra. Listening to Sean Ley on R4 last night, as he whipped up racial antagonism with the (ungiven) support of the licenece fee payer, I heard that word ‘equality’ fall again and again, and I sensed that it was not the sort of ‘equality’ we would recognise in a Democracy.
I see close parallels to both the French and Russian revolutions, except for the fact that those did not have hidden anti-White imperatives, disguised as ‘anti-racism’.
PS (since everyone is putting their cards on the table): TRUMP 2020
Indeed, the war has begun. Here’s Tucker on The Cultural Revolution.
Savour the sobbing snowflake at 2:40′.
A madness has gripped the nation, the whole world, especially the young.
“……the whole world, especially the young.”
That’s the really bothering bit. “the young” see the ease by which the Government (and Chinese) has killed off many of the elderly around the World.
A short stretch to a policy for the young in their, ‘New found Politics’?
G – many of the ‘young’ see ‘the old’ being wealthier than they, and conclude -not that it has taken a lifetime of work, blood, sweat and tears, to build up that wealth- but that it shows ‘inequalities’, that favourite current buzz phrase for Labour and most Tory politicians alike.
This grievance is made more potent if you see yourself as being in another ‘discriminated against’ group, which gives the solution below, even more ‘justification’…
The solution? I think we may not be far off ‘grab the goodies’, as per the US.
Who wants to spend a lifetime working, when the answer is so simple, and plod is into ‘bending the knee’?
That poor kid holding the sign saying “privileged” and taking the knee ! !!.
That , quite frankly, is DISGUSTING !!!
That parent needs locking up.
Looks like things are back to normal with our ‘world-beating’ NHS, then.
No, there is no way I am saying that the health service is working anything remotely like it should be, having shut down almost all of its other services to focus on the COVID pandemic. We’ve been hearing for a few weeks now that the NHS is working its way back to normality, but can’t say I’ve seen much evidence of that happening…. and we still have thousands, if not millions of necessary procedures unfulfilled. Peak COVID was many weeks ago now, but we’re still slow-walking ourselves to more deaths through negligence by the NHS.
It wasn’t many weeks ago that the NHS was patting itself on the back all over the news media for the sheer speed with which it had achieved building new Nightingale COVID hospoitals from scratch (actually, it was our armed forces and private contractors with private anf focussed management that did that – not the NHS, who only appeared once the cameras got in position), self-marvelled at the speed with which it had overcome all the difficulties facing the UK with a worls shortage of supplies in most kety areas, managed to train non-ICU staff in days to be able to work in these highly complex units, etc., etc.
Back to normal this morning, though, means that, despite having been warned about the simple changes to be made regarding face covering for outpatients and visitors, and some more staff (still not back to anything like normal levels by any means) the health service unions (and I include amongst these, associations of trusts, hospitals, managers, etc.) are up in arms at not having been consulted about some minor changes to take place more than a week from now. One association ‘union rep’ was on the Today programme this morning trying to tell us how complex it all was, they clearly hadn’t had an appropriate consultation period, enough time for hospital reps to discuss the issue, then report back to Trust reps, to regional reps, to associatin reps, and toi the heads of the NHS to discus it with government…. say a year from now before we get a decision on this extremely complex issue.
‘Complex’ ? – compared to how damned complex it is building an isolation hospital for 4,000 ICU patients in the midst of a pandemic, in the middle of London ? But it got done – with little input or interference from the NHS, but perhaps that’s why it got done.
Not that long ago, either, the NHS was paralysed, apparently, unless it got clear, written instructions, personal to each NHS employee inmdividually, directly from our Prime MInister or Health Secretary. Now, the minute someone suggests a minor change in behavious in a very quiet (at the moment) aspect of the NHS, it’s all about how they don’t need government interfering in the NHS !
Those not working in COVID-related sections of hospitals, and that includes a vast number of highly-paid managers (sorry, administrators), have had weeks to prepare for the eventual resumption of services (or did they think this was going to go on forever ?) and appear to have done nothing. Did they really expect any reversal of the pandemic to happen without change to normal working circumstances, and especially in respect of anti-transmission behaviour in hospitals ? This move was entirely predictable, for God’s sake ! To everyone apart from NHS management, it would appear.
But no – far from having seen the NHS morph into a highly responsive, reactive and effective organisation, we have seen the rapid descent back to the gargantuan, sclerotic, monolithic, static edifice that it was not that far back in time. Entropy didn’t take too long, then.
Jeez – I think the NHS needs a damn good clean-out from the top down.
And before the band-wagon jumpers explode with indignation that I’m criticising really medics and nurses on the front line – re-read the post !
The NHS is getting back to normal – being very slow and inefficient whilst patting itself on the back – I work in a capacity that means I have to interact with it and see the waste and stupidity of systems and the self important arrogance of the NHS culture.
having said that there are good people there – just not in charge.
Perhaps someone could post the image from that site?
Yes, it is an image worth sharing. But it might be too large and cause offence.
Shrinking tends to blur any writing, but it’s just about legible if you squint.
Can you provide a link to the source and / or increase the size?
For those unable to see, the 4 columns left to right read:
Whites killed by blacks; Blacks killed by whites; Whites killed by whites; Blacks killed by whites.
In the light of which, I’m off to start a White Lives Matter demo.
It’s on Thoughtful’s Twitter link. I shrunk it to fit on the page as this site is so God awful at handling images.
Oops, typo: the 4th column is Blacks killed by blacks.
There they go again with that word they use about themselves.
BBC PC-compliant drama being pushed by BBC PR
The papers feature items about the new drama that airs on BBC1 Monday/Tuesday
It is on their radar, so it will be interesting which big beasts follow up, with whom on their shows. Or not.
But Jo Brand, the liberals favourite who advised throwing acid at Nigel Farage, has just appeared on the BBC flagship programme, Saturday kitchen.
Strange world hey.
It’s part of a government campaign to economise on food wastage Doobs.
Brand is guaranteed to put people off their lunch and the resulting savings will be off-set against NHS catering costs.
Another win win for HMG.
He committed the cardinal sin of not bending the knee to BLM, the new religion.
(Until another sinister religion takes over, which will make it compulsory to bow down to a black stone.)
Just listening to Friday’s You and Yours
… they bring on a guy from The Institute of Ethic Entrepreneurship
presenter was Shari Vahl
Thursday’s item about : Post Covid Weddings, turned out to be entirely about Asian Weddings
..since they spend on average 4 times more than white people they are much more important.