FooC is covering a Zimbabwe item about 3 women in hospital awaiting trial for “inciting violence”
after they were seized thrown in a pit… beaten and sexually assaulted by “security forces men”
Tweet is dated May 21 so that is before George Floyd
Three @MDCAllianceZW leaders in Zimbabwe were abducted, beaten, sexually assaulted, and forced to drink each other's urine.
Now the government is mounting a smear campaign against the women — including claims they are prostitutes
Second item Brooklyn, New York situation
The reporter Lara Trevalyan has said 4 times so far that “Black and Hispanic were hit disproportionately by the Covid virus”
“mass unemployement
.. “When George Floyd in was yet another INJUSTICE heaped on Black Americans”
“protests began peacefully BUT… ”
“the whirring of police helicopters”
“Trump in a combative mood ” (as if the Democrats aren’t !!)
“Curfew starts at 8pm”
The Australian reporter is in Beijing he says no of his friends know any one who has has had Covid
That is is weird cos in the Shanghai documentary
The black girl said there were 8 kids in her school who got it
Then to Ireland where Brian went on about different animals having to live together, and not wipe each others’ CHILDREN out.
I guess he his on about black/white people
.. then he goes on about humans raping nature and nature taking revenge now.
I also found the treatment of George Floyd unacceptable, but I do wonder what went before that, which we don’t see on video? A citizen going about his legal business in a peaceful manner and -if arrest was warranted because he was wanted- not resisting same? Doubt it.
Which reminds me of the media narrative that ‘people of colour’ are unfairly subjected to ‘stop and search’ more often. This would indeed be unfair, if there were no empirical evidence to support the necessity for this apparent discrimination. But, we know, don’t we, why this happens? It is often for the safety of the members of that very same offended community. But THAT is NOT what the would-be revolutionaries want publicised.
What I find doubly unacceptable is the hijacking of that (incompletely recorded) event (George F) by would-be revolutionaries, hiding behind ‘injustice’ and ‘inequality’ camouflage, when the officer concerned is due in court where the FACTS will be established. ANYBODY STILL INTERESTED IN FACTS, MEDIA?
What I find trebly unacceptable is the incitement from the media, disguised as news reporting, to get ‘protests’ going.
The fact that these become VIOLENT ‘protests’ is never mentioned, just as the fact that there are ILLEGAL migrants crossing borders, is also never mentioned.
The MSM have become skilled in omitting/leaving out important descriptive adjectives, because it serves their purposes to MANIPULATE LANGUAGE.
My first reaction to the video was that the police were well out of order. It still is. But I’m also well aware that there can be far more to an incident than what shows up on a bit of video, and justice must be allowed to run its course.
The media, BLM protesters and virtue-signalling businesses aren’t interested in justice. They want a head to roll because they’ve already decided what happened from partial evidence. The outrage when TR was adjudged to have put a trial at risk and jailed for merely asking questions at the wrong time has disappeared, to be replaced by statements in advance of trial that the accused are all guilty and must be locked up.
Meanwhile, the antics of these brainwashed imbeciles and their cheerleaders have removed any feelings of sympathy I originally had. I despise them all, and their self-hatred.
Yep whenever someone shows you an EDITED or incomplete video clip
and you feel outraged .. you are probably being played.
There are rapes/murders/injustices done every single hour on this planet
and when we focus on one injustice in one corner
we are probably letting thousands of crimes in another place go on.
Stew – which leads us ever more confidently to the conclusion that this isn’t about George Floyd at all. The assassinated BLACK policewoman, who was sitting in her police cruiser when she was shot this week, has gone ENTIRELY without so much as a whisper from the mob.
So could it all be anti-police (i.e.Law and Order?) That would mean i.a. that The Donald read the situation perfectly yet again.
But there is also not a whisper about WHITE lives, say thousands of them, being lost in the South African farm murders! So, one has to conclude, THEY don’t matter at all. In fact, so little do they matter that no-one would dream of taking to the streets to protest their mass execution. Does that mean THEY matter even less than black lives?
Certainly, beeb -which has just fed us a lunch-time bulletin full of BLM hate propaganda- couldn’t care about them one bit. Even though MANY OF THEM DIED A MUCH FOULER DEATH THAN DID GEORGE FLOYD, because they were deliberately tortured in vile ways, often quite beyond description.
But that is of no interest to beeb or the MSM in general. Wrong agenda.
The stench of hypocrisy drifts across the US, UK, SA and many other places, where the media stir, and a very foul smell it is.
Disgusting too, the manner in which George Floyd’s death is being hijacked and manipulated by people who claim to care about it.
Maybe this is -at least in part- all about BLACK POWER? And for a little visual update: the raised, clenched fist has now been replaced by the ‘taking the knee’ thing; if you think about it, it certainly makes sense that it has exactly the same meaning.
RD and fnw above, I agree with your horror at the way the police behaved. Not for the first time on here, I find myself wondering out loud in print about the intelligence of some Police Officers whether European, UK or American. It is not as though the death of a BAME person on challenge, arrest or in custody has never happened before now and has provoked and been used by unscrupulous others to provoke protest, riot and criminality.
The carelessness and thoughtlessness of ex-Officer Chauvin has caused a lot of damage and anger.
You also have to wonder, in this case, at the mentality and ethics of the Democratic Party in the USA. They have truly moved far away from the Republicans (there used to be very little difference pre- and post-WW2.) and have very much become the Nasty Party of world politics in my view.
As I understand it from a media that I have been fed on here, Floyd was challenged and questioned about a currency violation. What happened next I know not but then the video comes into play and he is seen face down, cuffed and with the officer leaning his weight via a knee on Floyd’s neck.
Coincidence, but I have just been watching through the Pandemic Lockdown a boxed set of Hill Street Blues Series 1. I would normally have expected at that point in the video of Floyd to have seen two officers pull him to his feet using a baton under his arms, Marandize him and get him in their car for the trip to the Station and booking and detention. Unless a smart lawyer turns up and frees him if there is no case to hold him further.
Why the former Officer continued to kneel on Floyd we will have to wait for the trial of ex-Officer Chauvin. The UK media have been negligent in eliciting facts of the challenge and arrest of George Floyd and they must bear responsibility for what happens here, just as any negligence in correct reporting in the US must take its share of the blame for what has followed. The media in the UK, US and maybe elsewhere may pass the blame to the limitations imposed by the Pandemic.
That, I think, is a lame excuse. In the 24/7, telecom era of news there is nothing to stop an Editor at the BBC (or anywhere else) telephoning or e-mailing for a statement from the Minneapolis Police. That is what I would have done and reported factually what was known by them. Then it is important to wait for the trial and for facts under oath to be presented to the Court in the US.
I often notice that when someone who is complaining of “structural racism” is asked by journalists what measures they would like to see introduced to tackle it, nothing specific is ever mentioned. It happened again on the Today programme this morning. The truth as I see it is that there isn’t any more (fair) legislation that could be passed to improve opportunities for blacks. They already have everything they need to put them on an equal footing with whites. It should occur to BBC interviewers to then ask the obvious question: If they are chasing phantoms with the “structural racism” myth, is it something inherent in blacks themselves that accounts for their relative failure, their poor outcomes, and their perpetually unresolvable sense of grievance? That could be the starting-point for an illuminating discussion, an oldstyle BBC discussion programme that for once might be interesting, socially useful, reverse their plummeting viewing figures and even be worth the licence fee. I would watch it.
Zelazek – This ‘structural’ or ‘institutional’ racism phantom is such a favourite, precisely because it would be hard to define, and is very complex when you attempt to do so.
That generalisation can, however, be employed when you have a political objective, as the self-loathing, virtue-signalling McPherson showed in his ‘report’, in which he simply tarred every officer in the Met with the same brush, regardless.
His approach reminded me a bit of SS/Gestapo tactics in WW2: Don’t know who carried out the assassination of, say Reynhard Heydrich or whoever? Well, solve the problem: simply execute the entire village to which the assassins are suspected of belonging.
Problem solved.
“… Well, solve the problem: simply execute the entire village to which the assassins are suspected of belonging.”
My understanding is that you are wrong.
Conquered peoples have certain rights under international military law, if there has been a formal surrender.
Those resisting the conquest lose most of those rights when taking up arms against occupying forces.
When occupying forces are acting in accordance with these laws, and their forces are being, in effect, murdered,
it is legal to to take hostages and carry out reprisals, including shooting INNOCENT people, to discourage further lawbreaking.
No, BBC, they’re not defying advice. They’re defying the law.
Apparently, however, a cure has been found for coronavirus. And it isn’t hydroxychloroquine. It’s an incantation. Just say “black lives matter” and both you and those you live with will miraculously become immune.
Seriously, though, this blatant difference in treatment before the law cannot be allowed to continue without descending into anarchy. Yet the media and authorities are evidently prepared to risk this to achieve their goal.
island- I note Davie wants to speed up “change”, a very revealing little word in the present supercharged atmosphere.
He certainly won’t be using my money to do it.
As for the Tories? Yup, another FAIL.
They certainly won’t be getting my vote to ‘bend the knee’ unto beeb.
Today, 1944, greatest amphibious invasion in history. On D-Day alone 2,200 bombers, 5,000 landing & assault craft, 289 escort vessels, 277 minesweepers & 160,000 troops crossed the Channel & attacked. It was a major turning point in WW2 which led to defeat of the German Reich.
For all this talk of BAME people being attacked by a racist Covid-19 virus and killed by it, Yemen and Syria have had precious few infections and consequent deaths.
OK, it can be argued that both are still Civil War zones and diagnosing an illness, let alone collecting & reporting statistics, may be very difficult. But I recall the BBC at the start of the UK Lockdown speculating how the Pandemic would devastate Yemen and also possibly Syria.
She said the same with the prospect of Boris becoming PM, but she’s still here. And then when Trump looked like being President, she said if that happened she would never set foot in the US again. Funny how she has this left wing ideology when she was one of the wealthy Asians exploiting the Africans in Kenya, when Amin kicked them out. First boat to the UK eh Brown ? and then what ? has done nothing but criticised the hands that fed her.
This isn’t her first threat to leave the UK. She welshed on her previous one, which was rather a shame, as I’d already pledged money towards buying her a one-way ticket to the international destination of her choice, ideally one that wouldn’t send her straight back…
Poor Julia H-B. Presented herself as some form of conservative radio communicator, supported Brexit, but never had the bottle to oppose the left media bubble. Hence her regular attacks on Trump and then Cummings, which lost her credibility along with many followers.
Time the BBC offered her a minor post. Helping out on wimmins hour or one of their cookery programmes
Sunday 1pm WATO looks like a Common Purpose special
“The programme will hear from leaders in economics, finance and politics including
– the former US treasury secretary Larry Summers,
– the president of the World Bank
and former Prime Minister Tony Blair.”
Barrow News
all equipment & vehicles seized
TR released, police looking to charge with perverting cause of justice.
So far replies to this BBC tweet don’t show up.
Four men from outside Cumbria have been released on bail, following reports of an assault at a rally in Barrow. The event was calling for action over an alleged grooming gang in the town. @Cumbriapolice is keen to speak to any witnesses.
ah it’s not even a new story
They seem to have simply added the words
“All four have been released on bail, police said.”
to its Friday page about the arrest.
This video by Katie Hopkins on the extermination of whites in South Africa. It’s 45 minutes long but well worth watching.
The white dross in our country who are outraged by the death of one black in the USA couldn’t give a damn about real brutality against a whole race of people, white people, our fellow brothers in race, who are being systematically exterminated by blacks.
john – Thanks for that! I don’t think the ‘authorities’ will be pleased with you, though. Lauren Southern tried to alert us to what was going on there, and -if memory serves- she wasn’t even allowed into Britain. By a ‘conservative’ government, would you believe. Not by e.g. Comrade Corbyn, from whom one would have expected such totalitarian insolence. But then, I listened to the brown-nosing J Bercow on R4 QT last night, and I perfectly came to understand that ‘Tory’ mindset. It’s the sort Mugabe would have delighted in.
Leftier than thou.
PS Read Ernst Roets’: “Kill the Boer”, if you can get hold of it.
If anyone doubts we are rapidly losing the right of free speech…
If you want to know just how much of a chilling effect the current debate is having on free expression and speech, a radio presenter has lost his job for seeking a discussion around 'privilege' and the novel idea that, actually, all lives are important.
Ha was just about to post that but I searched the page first
Some replies @MarkStevenBlurb
An LBC presenter was basically told by a caller the other night that he had no opinion on the subject because he was white.
The result was that they invited the caller on to run a whole hour of his program the following night.
As a black woman, I take issue with the divisive and false concept of “white privilege” too.
This is a poor and disturbing decision, @ManxRadio
Farage gets BAME callers all the time, that say they don’t like the way Labour think they own BAME
.. and quite a few that say they’d vote Trump.
Stew, conservatives (and I include many US Republicans especially some ardent Republican friends of mine under that term) want all people to do well in life, all people to have work and the dignity of work and enjoy a measure of increasing affluence irrespective of skin colour.
Opponents of conservatives seem to only be wanting to find and promote grievances and find and promote victims and to use them as political cannon fodder in attacking conservatives.
President Trump seems to be of the same or similar view. “Get people working, get people richer, then they can afford to stay at my resort and have a great vacation. Let’s make vacations great again.”
First it was ‘racialist’ then it morphed into ‘racist’.
However the word has been over-used, over-applied and its just possible that it can be used against the people using it and ‘we’ can’t have that.
So now we have ‘white supremacist’, a term once used against some whackos holed up in the middle of the Texas outback, used against anyone who is ‘white’ who refuses to accept that they are guilty of original sin. It has the advantage of being ‘one-way’, a ‘black’ can’t be a ‘white supremacist’ though some might (foolishly) try to asset that ‘blacks’ can be racist.
It also follows the pattern of extending a slur wider and wider; back in 1940 one had to murder six-million Jews to be a Nazi, now merely voting for Brexit or stepping into the path of a red-light running lycra-lout is enough!
There was some ideological reason for the change from “racialism” to “racism” but I can’t remember what it was. I think the advantage of “racism” was that you couldn’t prove you weren’t guilty of it, but I can’t remember how the lingistic conjuring trick worked.
Ok – i waa feeling a bit miserable – still no footy – but then i saw that the former speaker was ‘ upset’ about no peerage .
Obviously the BBC missed out the stuff about his subverting democracy and running a corrupt parliament – but with him – lets not let bygones be bygones eh .?
When you think about it – for a retiring speaker not to get a peerage is quite something . Give one to DC -that would be fun
Fed – The fact that Bercow was re-elected as Speaker a number of times, tells us a great deal about our parliament. Not all of it good, I fear.
I think his bullying, hectoring, manipulative style and his fundamental dishonesty-making up the rules to suit his own agenda, would have gone down well in the Zimbawean parliament.
Fake ! You mentioned his name !. I regret having watched too much of that Parliament – he really was repulsive at so many levels and I just hope his claim to ‘fame’ in the end will be the first ? Speaker not to get the retirement ermine .
Fortunately with the 80 ish majority there won’t be the disgusting scenes for a while yet and the only interest will be whether BoJo upsets enough on his side for a coup – which I think unlikely .
Fed -I think if Surkeer ever gets anywhere near the decision-making in that regard, Bercow will be clad in ermine before you can say ‘Cyril Ramaphosa’. Also, there are a great many suspect ‘Conservative’ MPs, so it wouldn’t even surprise me in the least if Bercow didn’t really need Surkeer.
Fed- I see in the Telegraph that Frank Field (Lab) has been accepted for the H.o.L. That’s not too bad, I quite liked some of his activities/statements. Well done, Frank, soft-spoken in a loud era, hitting a six on behalf of old, white men…very much out of fashion, or what?
Although i.m.h.o. that place should best be abolished, before it hits 1000 ‘noble’ members and results in an overflow into the streets, and bankrupts the Treasury (even more)!
Apparently Bercow was one of three Corbyn nominees for the Lords, none of whom were accepted. Well, THAT does not surprise me at all. Comrade Corbyn is partial to Bercow. Who would have thought? (All of us.)
Does it hurt, my wife asks. “Only when I laugh”, I reply.
Fake – yes Mr Field was a victim of being ‘independent labour ‘ having – if I remember – left the Corbyn Labour Party .
I think he lost his seat because of that sickness which exists that anyone labelled as ‘labour ‘ gets elected ( eg Kinnock )
I don’t know how the lords can justify its existence now – it rubber stamped measures to defeat brexit and put through the fixed term parliament act .
It says it has a ‘revision’ responsibility and it is full of experts – I think not on either count . So apart from being a retirement home for dirty or old politicians – it’s not worth the money .
75 years on from the Normandy landings and the BBC’s only focus is BLM.
Who’d have thought, that those men who sacrificed so much, did so for people who hate our history, desecrate our statues, loathe us personally (and by extension the D Day veterans) and march against the law and therefore the health interests of us all.
We all know it’s mainly the same mob who marched to ‘stop the war’, the same people who apologise for Islamism, the same people who did and still do everything possible to stop Brexit.
If there was a march against the abandon of Care home residents, illegal channel crossings or flights arriving form infected countries, you could bet everything you have the police and the state would throw every instrument at prevention and the BBC would shame every face.
Who’d have thought that the government, the police and most of our media are, despite straw man objections, in hock to such a divisive movement. Terrified of offending or preventing protests, despite the public health interest, for fear of nothing more than a word. Racist.
The problem of that inaction is bigger divides not less.
The British never asked for mass immigration or the problems it brings, it was imposed. Therein lies the fundamental problem, unresolved throughout most of Western Europe. A host population simmering and festering against alien concepts and cultures who seem to hate us and our history.
I watched (on the BBC) yesterday some kids cleaning graffiti off historic statues, only to be barracked and berated by BLM protesters for having the temerity to remove their message. These were historic national heroes!
How can our country be like this? Would any 75 years ago have dreamed of this Britain? Where is the leadership? The national pride in our ancestors? The kind of backbone to demand respect and deference to the giants on who’s shoulders we stand?
The American political ideological gap is now so big most issues are beyond healing. We are going the same way and there’s only one possible outcome.
The statue of Sir Winston Churchill, the man who guided our nation through its darkest hour, recognised as one of the greatest ever Britons, has been defaced. Where are the police?
WhiteHouse remembers all those of all colours that helped in the war effort , especially on D-Day
Today, we remember and honor the brave soldiers, sailors, and airmen whose selfless sacrifices on June 6, 1944, secured freedom for decades to come.
On June 6, 1944, our Greatest Generation bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy.
"Those who fought here won a future for our nation. They won the survival of our civilization. And they showed us the way to love, cherish, and defend our way of life for many centuries to come."
Cops with Churchill? Wot, not ‘taking the knee?’
Presumably they won’t be needed at the statue of Nelson Mandela? (Noticed the ‘protesters’ made a point of snaking around it, no surprise, courtesy of beeb, no surprise either.) And while we’re at it, why haven’t we erected one for Robert Mugabe? That would have pleased the ‘protesters’, and surely we would do anything to please them? He did wipe out about thirty thousand or so of his black opponents in Matabeleland in the eighties, but I’m sure that could be overlooked? (As indeed, it was, at the time.)
From SKY’s aerial view there are only half a dozen or so police officers around the Winston Churchill statue surrounded by at least 1,000 protestors – the officers must be feeling nervous even scared – let’s see how peaceful these people really are.
Bulldog – I reckon if they ‘take the knee’ they’ll be OK? At present that more or less equates to a ‘Black Power’ salute, so they should be.
Actually, I got it right. Looking at Beeb News with Comrade Ley at 4pm, he tells us that those ‘taking the knee’ also raised clenched fists in the Black Power salute.
Chichi Nzundu tells us that ‘protesting’ is more important than Coronavirus, and brings in Windrush and Grenfell.
Virus is racist. Fire is racist.
Well said Ven – I’m not sure about ‘outcomes ‘ – nor what is the biggest threat – Islam or the rabble . Hasn’t it always been ‘convention ‘ that if people have their bread and circuses they’ll not be likely to rebel ?
As long as they have their KFC ,iPhones And cannabis they may not be more than the criminal male surplus . On the other side of the Atlantic the availability is weaponry makes things a bit more – stressful ….
I write this about 20 minutes after getting off of a train as a black mugging gang got on – not really enough on board for serious ‘steam in’ innit’…
And you are told by the Police to give them what they demand and don’t resist. We are not allowed to defend ourselves, why not a concealed glock to surprise the scum ?
I cannot get my head around what’s happening, the news. the whole media, our politicians nobody is looking after us.
A lifetime of obeying every law, never even dropped a sweet wrapper on the pavement, millions of us like that, and it’s us that are demonized.
My grandparents landed here in 1912 escaping the pogroms in Russia, no dole, no welfare state, no family allowance. They were happy, they were grateful, they worked hard and loved Great Britain. I watched some third generation “person of colour” on the news the other night “demanding” good jobs, better housing better this better that and the other. They could learn from previous waves how it’s done, work hard, keep your head down and obey the law. Earn respect don’t demand it, don’t demand anything.
RP – “grateful”?
You gotta be kidding. This mob don’t know the meaning of the word.
“Hard work”? Naw…just take, man, take. And if you don’t like what they give you, complain man, complain. Loudly. Do a little threatening…
Let the Cummings matter go, Barry Gardiner did when he broke social distancing rules, what do you think of the Winston Churchill statue being defaced today? Does your son find this inspiring like the officers being attacked in London the other day?
As Katie Hopkins has observed, we know this mob think black lives matter but what exactly did that mean and what is it they want? They never tell us that. Probably because either they haven’t thought that far or, all their wants are racist. I suspect it’s a lot of both.
Somebody needs to remind Piers Morgan what the objective of the lockdown actually was. It was to prevent, as far as possible, the spread of the Coronavirus and to protect, especially, the most vulnerable in our community.
I think, and so do Durham police, apparently, that Dominic Cummings, at worst, may have made a minor transgression of the guidelines, but nothing they would do anything about – whilst making sure he did not come into contact with other members of the public, and taking care, as best he could, he believed, of his 4-year-old son. Autistic or not, it really does not matter.
Now, Piers, explain to me how these stupid protest marches are preventing, as far as possible, the spread of the Coronavirus and protecting the most vulnerable in our society.
And you, you moron, Piers, think that Dominic Cummings is to blame if these is a huge re-spike in Coronavirus a few weeks from now.
Al Beeb watchers, is there anything about Trump and the 2.5 Million extra jobs in the USA or that he is considering taking troops out of Germany ?
I cant find anything on Al Beeb so far . Are we seen censorship in action again ?
One way or another, blatantly or covertly, that is the BBC’s modus operandi. That’s why, as you said, it needs closing down. It cannot be reformed without an effort to ‘start from scratch’ again.
On sky, I was flipping through channels and on their news channel they had one of these panels of 4 (all lefties) and a wall of about 50 faces on tv screens.
I just caught a question asking who would support Trump trying to do some sort of WHO job to improve the state of things such as this pandemic. I must admit I didn’t hear the question properly but my point is that of the 50 on the screen, 0 would support Trump.
What’s the chances of randomly finding a crowd where 0% would support DT unless they were handpicked and vetted first to make sure they were the right kind of random audience.
Even question time let’s in a handful of the audience who are not of the far left.
I wonder if we will ban the terrorist organisation antifa?
Piers asks Giuliani “why are you giving him a pass ?”
FFS Piers made a huge allegation about his friend that he Trump had DELIBERATELY chosen to use a quotation from an ancient racist cop
Knowing your friend and denying that wild accusation is not “giving him a pass”
“I am not the left wing media” .. says the Ex editor of the Daily Mirror.
Such lefty pushing from Piers goes down well with the lefty side.
Guido has a 2 min clip from continuing
where Piers clearly thought Giuliani said “I remember the mistakes you made and I remember how you f*cked up!”
when in fact G had said “sucked up”
To me it was clear at first listen and RG wouldn’t have used the F-word that way
after already saying “mistakes you made”
“As a Washington Post database for 2019 makes clear:
10 million police arrests in US
1004 fatal police shootings
41 were of unarmed persons
19 of these unarmed were white
9 were African American
13 other – Asian / Hispanic
(As the Wall Street Journal points out in the piece below, The Post defines ‘unarmed’ broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase.)
The Wall Street Journal: “A police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
In 2018, for every black person killed by a white in America, there were 11 blacks killed by a black person.
This past weekend, 80 Chicagoans were shot in drive-by shootings, 21 fatally, the victims overwhelmingly black.”
International media have said “the four white officers arrested for Floyd’s murder”. Two of them are not white.
Personally I don’t think the police have gone far enough. They should lick the violent rioters’ boots, then drop their pants, bend over and take it up the arse.
Followed by mass ritual hari-kari.
All that in expiation for something 1 rogue cop did thousands of miles away, which they had absolutely nothing to do with.
Old Goat, we are sickened, too. We remember the days of local policing in the Met Police area, when at the local station there were policemen (and probably some policewomen) who were of the Dixon of Dock Green ilk, could be relied on and trusted. They came into our schools, talked to us about road safety, bicycle safety, personal safety and we knew them by sight and sometimes by name. We could greet them in the street and receive a greeting in response and a smile.
Here the fearless Tucker goes where the cowardly msm fear to tread and speaks truth to power (powerful mobs), like the beeb is supposed to but gave up on years ago.
All this crap about Black Lives Matter. What is not being reported in the BBC annals is all of the riots going on across Europe, and further afield in the world. Most of this stuff is a convenient cover for one organisation only – Antifa, and the snowflake generation is so dumb that they can’t see it.
Unfortunately, the media aren’t investigating it either.
There was a trial run of all this late last year – in Chile. Until last year, Chile had been very peaceful, since the Pinochet years. The country was beginning to really get on its feet, it had no enemies, and its economy was a strength in South America, with many outsiders flocking their from neighbouring countries.
I was in Santiago on the day the riots started off. There was discontent when the basic fare on public transport (bus and metro) in the city was raised – by about 4%. A lot of Chileans travel into the city from surrounding poorer areas, and this represented a significant rise in cost of living for some.
At first, there was a day or so where Chileans demonstrated their feelings by standing out in the street banging pots and pans (sound familiar ?) – the standard protest medium used.
However, the next day, it really kicked off when hordes of people suddenly rioted, and kettled Santiago by burning all the Metro stations and every bus they could get their hands on….which sounds crazy, if you are protestring public transport fares – but makes sense if you want to get people out on the street, since they can no longer get to work. Thousands of people from towns all around Santiago were also stranded in the city, because there was no transport out.
I was in the city centre the following morning, and all over the place, Antifa symbols were spray-painted across every targeted building, mainly government, finance and other businesses head-quartered in Santiago. According to people with whom I spoke, Antifa had hardly been heard of in Santiago. They were using any discontent they could find as a shield to create the anarchy they desire. This blew out to cities all across Chile in a matter of days, like Valparaiso/Vina del Mar, which had never had any issues around public transport whatsoever – it became riot central wherever you looked. Within days, therefore, the economy was tanking.
The economy of Chile has not recovered from this, and many are worried that it might never do so – which, of course, creates further discontent.
That’s the Antifa strategy – and we’re seeing it played out all over the world now – any excuse will do, blow it out of proportion, sit behind a convenient shield (BLM, for instance) and start the fires burning in exactly the neighbourhoods where unrest can be agitated again and again, because they have nothing left after the fires and looting.
Make no mistake – Antifa are a group to be feared, all they need is a little bit of discontent anywhere, and they can blow it out of proportion in no time – and COVID lockdowns have provided a great many people with time on their hands….
Richard -I think we all make the same mistake, listing facts and truths. Facts and truths don’t matter to Antifa. They didn’t matter to those feeding Madame Guillotine and they didn’t matter to Trotsky or Lenin.
What matters to them is achieving power through violence and intimidating anyone who disagrees with them; at present that would include most of our weak-kneed politicians, media and even policemen. Look at the way they are all coerced into submission by BLM, inculcating guilt or simply threatening violence. Losers all, who actually don’t understand that in future, what they think is conciliation will have nasty consequences.
Antifa and the BLM crowd thrive on signs of weakness, and I have a feeling that would include any attempt at rational debate.
Just watched Chichi Nzundu on Beeb dragging Windrush, the virus and even Grenfell into the ‘racism’ narrative, so on the rare occasion anyone from the Left does have something to say, don’t look for rational. When ‘the blood is up’, rational don’t come into it.
As for facts and truths, don’t expect those from beebworld, hotbed of propaganda either.
Antifa is every Student Union. In spirit, it’s our entire education system, her majesties opposition, the fabian society, large sections of our police. It’s our media, the FA, our unions, some in the Royal family and most of the British establishment.
Their tactics are simple: disruption and violence. They close down any debate, shout, chant and disrupt to deny voice to anything alt-right or beyond.
Despite the irony of ‘fascist tactics’ against ‘fascists’, they justify these actions very simply. Opposing anything they perceive as racism trumps any argument against their methods.
Pernicious anti intellectual marxist zealots, they are aggressively anti free speech.
Hiding their identities, they go out of their way to expose the identities of those who do nothing more than exercise their right to free speech. Sometimes this exposure has ruined lives.
In my view, they exacerbate, not aid racism, they divide not heal and they should be banned here as they are in the US. Trump was 100% correct to label them as a terrorist organisation.
No body should be allowed to close down free speech. We all deserve to be listened to, criticised or applauded on the strength or weakness of our arguments. The ballot box should be judge jury and executioner not Antifa.
Agree Venetius ????
God knows what these kids have been taught at school since 1997 but it’s a far cry from what I was taught at secondary from ’88-’95 ????
EG – Don’t mention gold, that is not the colour that matters at the mo’.
Although, come to think of it, a good revolutionary like Lenin was rather partial to same-named metal. Most of them turn out to rather fancy it, especially when they’ve achieved power, which -rather than ‘justice’- is what this week has actually been all about.
If you Twitter search on the hashtag with addition of context words like “Portland”
that does get through the noisestorm, that malicious people tried to create by linking it with K-pop.
BBC News posted an episode of BBC’s Cut Through the Noise.
June 4 at 10:30 PM ·
Why does this keep happening?
Young black men are twice as likely to die at the hands of police than white men.
Will George Floyd’s death be a catalyst for change?
From slave patrols to enabling lynchings, we look at the history of police violence in black America. #CutThroughTheNoise
That’s because every 40 hours, a black American dies.
70 million views. I’ve had celebrities and athletes message me from all around the world thanking me—telling me they agree with me, but have to publicly support BLM or risk being labeled as a “racist” by the mob. This is how a silent majority is created. #Trump2020
Tx for that. I must check it out later. The point on suppression is well taken and worth developing. I have my own experience here already as a bunch of spotty soap dodgers have emerged to the delight of the local democracy reporter here funded by the BBC, to tell people that silence is not an option. Ironic if they think about it as the mob rules by threat.
I see the MLK of the UK metro bubble, End of the Piers, has weighed in to set her straight on matters race. In America.
Do he and Mad Al drink from the same water fountain at Sadiq’s Hall of the Moron King?
It’s just possible that the disgusting behaviour of the revolutionary marxists, Antifa, BLM; the craven response of our feminised police, pusillanimous government, treacherous meeja and loathsome BBC are all combining to create a huge repressed surge of resentment towards the lot of them, a seething silent majority, with no voice or representation, that daren’t express what it’s feeling, but is silently taking note, and will remember, and will eventually find a way to have its say, perhaps at the ballot box if and when a real leader emerges – a spiritual Churchill for our age.
island- Candace says her messagers tell her they have to publicly support BLM or risk being labelled by the mob.
There’s the violence, right there: BLM/Antifa may talk ‘peace’, but threats, coercion and the implicit threat of violence ARE IN THEMSELVES A VIOLENT TACTIC.
A bit like a thug, who tells you to hand over your wallet or get knifed. He may actually use that blade, but if he doesn’t, he certainly wants you to imagine feeling it between your ribs. Maybe you would like to take the knee, to increase your chance of survival?
Oh yes, and you’ll have given him what he wants, even though it’s rightfully yours. But HE thinks it’s no more than he’s due. You see his ‘justice’ there? It’s his power over you.
You see it in al beeb too, God knows what’s said behind the scenes to these left leaning young musicians and actors, but most probably – from now on if you support Labour, dislike the right, agree to multiculturalism and immigration then we’ll promote you no end ????
Do the opposite and we’ll drop you like a stone ✌️
Impartial? My white a*se ????
Oh dear, it’s p*ssing down with rain. I do hope the rioters don’t catch a cold, or die of self-inflicted coronavirus – that would be awful.
Not to mention all the bbc reporters out there egging them on. The loss to the nation would be incalculable.
I was looking at a clip on YouTube where New York governor Cuomo turns on his own police force in Buffalo and uses a bit of video to condemn them.
Now what I saw was a police line moving forward and an elderly man refusing to move. If the police stopped advancing then he would have achieved his objective and the police would have failed and their forward movement halted. One of the officers gave him a slight shove and he fell over backwards.
With the wisdom of a post-event Governor or journalist one might not have shoved someone backwards, but what was the alternative?
The police are getting a lot of on-line criticism for not stopping but in fact one cop makes a move to bend down but is directed forward by what looks like an officer of higher rank who then starts to organise a cordon around the fallen man. But the clip ends at that point so it isn’t too obvious that that is what happened.
Of course the event is made into a story, top n’ tailed with the media’s narrative and the Governor joins in. More petrol on the flames, more lives damaged and virtually impossible to have a fair trial.
I don’t think I’ve heard so many lies in a single press statement ever !
You have to hold two opposing truths in your hands and believe in both at the same time?
Well we’ve heard that before, it’s called double think!
Hopefully soon the Police there will go on strike until Cuomo whose rating have plumeted will be forced to resign. He is like many liberals a dreamer without sense, without experience, and they need to suit him up and let him show everyone just how it should be done.
JimS – I saw that (or a similar clip) and also heard an officer say, quite clearly, on the clip I saw, that there was an EMS (Emergency Medical Services) team right there with the police group, and that the police team should move on, presumably so that the EMS team could safely get to any injured, and not be on the ‘front line’ whilst trying to respond to a medical need.
I also read yesterday, somewhere, that the police team are specifically told to keep moving forward, not to touch any injured – because they have no idea whether they may be doing them more harm than good, and to leave the treatment of any injured to professional medical experts. Seems perfectly sensible behaviour to me.
What on earth the old guy thought he was doing in walking up to the police team, God knows – but he literally put his own life in danger since the police would not have known if he had any weapons or not. Any other action is obstruction of police officers….. but I’m guessing that he knew that, and that was his intention – shame it didn’t turn out too well for him.
We can be very thankful that it was an old white guy and therefore unimportant.
Just imagine if this old virtue signaller had been black.
The bbbc would have gone ballistic and encouraged more riots and tv/x box/trainers cash and carry nights (without the cash)
Honestly, no wonder there are so many mental health problems in today’s youth when they are indoctrinated into having to perform such mental gymnastics in order to find racism in everything.
The BBC continue to cream themselves over George Floyd.
Today the anarchists/SWP/ Extinction Rebellion on furlough folk are demonstrating in close proximity in several cities.
Two points.
1. Has anyone seen any evidence that the attack on George Floyd was racist in nature? The cop was a thug, the action was illegitimate, he should be investigated, but was it racist just because the victim is black? Are we mow saying that any crime of any kind on any BAME person is first and foremost racist, irrespective of any evidence ?
2. The R value is apparently fractionally above 1 in the North West. Yet 15000 demonstrated in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. They were not 2m apart. They will almost certainly kill someone of Coronavirus because of their actions. where are the Police, the government, the NHS, PHE on that one? All AWOL.
And what does the BBC do ? They dredge out a black Professor of African Studies from Duke University in the USA to carry on the race victimhood FFS.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel doesn’t come close. But keeping the narrative going is all that counts with the BBC.
1. Precisely what is being attempted – they hope that any perceived ‘attack’, physical, mental, verbal, imagined or fabricated, on BAME groups is, by definition, racist – so, also by definition, it is a crime ! QED.
2. They are successfully breaking the law, and will feel entitled to break laws with impunity, if they perceive their ’cause’ to be ‘right’, so, in their eyes, it is not a ‘crime’.
They are, in effect, creating new ‘law’, and appointing themselves judge, jury and executioner as well….. can’t be bad, if you can get away with it.
Democracy ? – the snowflakes have made their focus clear – ‘the hell with that’ !
Black Americans are jailed at five times the rate of white Americans and they are sentenced for drug offences six times more, often despite equal rates of drug use, according to the NAACP. Black mothers die in childbirth at over twice the rate of white mothers, according to national health data.
It doesn’t take long to “fact check” this to see if this is racism or something else.
Unfortunately you are not allowed bad life choices these days..
You are only allowed life choices.
Ones that are detrimental to you are no longer defined as yours but are attributable to the actions of others or poor or lack of government provision.
Play truant and get into drugs = lack of money for schools
Obesity= unfettered marketing by Mcdonalds et al
Diabetes = poor people who are not given the state handouts needed for healthy food and gym membership
No qualifications= lack of funding in schools especially for BAME.
The Government (better known as the media) have encouraged the mob to vandalise Lincoln’s statue in London..
Face it, we have a new government, but no Parliamentary representatives.
I note the BBC website reporting, in a very concerned way, that masks are being handed out, willy-nilly, (presumably in packs, since their useful life, we are told, isn’t that long) to protesters/rioters across the UK….
…. and on the other hand, dentists and medical staff are telling us via their ‘unions’, associations, and high-level NHS Trust advocates that they can’t open because… PPE isn’t available for dental patients, hospital visitors and outpatients.
Hmmm…. someone is telling porkies, methinks.
And someone clearly does not want the British public to see the great unwashed mask-less. Otherwise it might spoil the narrative that it’s OK to have mass gatherings if you are protesting – honest, nothing can go wrong – and in the meantime you are under arrest for having a beer with friends from more that one household in your garden, properly distanced, etc.
So many photographs staged for the media seem to bear out the ‘masked’ crimninals concept – until you then notice the one where the ‘slebs’ are completely ignoring all the rules – maskless, innit ?
Spot on. People have now stopped listening to the police and stopped listening to the government.
Our police impose a draconian interpretation of law to some, yet bow and kneel to lawbreakers. This lack of consistency and blatant hypocrisy undermines the fabric of society itself.
This is the media’s very own army. Their ideas are generated by media selebs and distorted facts derived from the media who daily reveal the irrelevance of the institution once known as a Government in in Parliamentary democracy..
All the people? No. I, @JuliaHB1, @IainDale and other righties/ Brexiteers called out Cummings. We’ve tried to be consistent. You Piers? Not so much. After weeks of shouting at govt ministers for risking lives in battle against Covid you became part of the problem. Big time.
Radio4 is profiling a PEACEMAKER this week In Atlanta, at the height of the demonstrations, the rapper Killer Mike – the son of an Atlanta policeman – addressed protesters calling for calm and urging them to go home.
His speech went viral around the world.
Seems peaceful now : Venables thread starts with someone throwing a flare at police
Then riot police moving in
All kettled and allowed to leave drip by drip
Riot police have drawn up two lines, nobody gets past. They’ve got shields up, are facing off against the crowd who are getting louder. Most have been forced back to the other side which is closest to Parliament
— Rachael Venables (@rachaelvenables) June 6, 2020
Oh 7:50pm heavy tone & heavy rain Up to this point, there had been very little movement from the police.
Meanwhile he crowd grew more abusive and hostile, I saw multiple missiles thrown over the fence towards the officers.
Here police were working to part the crowd, and set up cordons to move everyone back
The police should have done this from the start.
All this pansying about trying to pacify these thugs will get you nowhere.
As the man said, “You don’t negotiate with a tiger when your head is in its mouth.”
Nobody respects this gutless knee bending either. It’s utterly pathetic.
You stand up to this sort of anarchic trash and if they want to play tough, then you play tougher.
Riot shields, batons and horses.
That’s the way!
There must be a country in Africa where these savages – black and white – could be deported. Perhaps they could use their superior knowledge and sense of justice to build a perfect multiculty nation.
What a relief, and from beeb, of all things! On bbc2 Michael Portillo is in Singapore, a model of vision, achievement, creativity, cleanliness, hospitality and RACIAL HARMONY. Colonialism is celebrated! A WHITE statue of Stanford Raffles, quite untouched by graffiti, stands proudly in the centre of the futuristic, gleaming, crime-free city, rising from the swamps.
Chinese, Malay, Whites, Indians, Punjabis, live together, build, work, achieve, co-operate, celebrate. Polite, kind, splendid people, getting on with each other and getting on with work. All this from little space, no mineral resources etc. Nobody seems to be looking for what is ‘owed’ to them, nobody is demanding, threatening destruction, etc. Hard work, initiative, setting up shop, is the scene.
For the first time in my life, I think of one ethnic group that would probably ruin everything, were they to be introduced, just by being there: resentment, envy, blame, underachievement, crime and destruction would suddenly appear. A certain political philosophy would be injected. Violence would then probably destroy the peace, tranquility and harmony. The statue of Raffles would likely get vandalised, for starters.
This is probably an unfair assessment. But, after the last ten days, one starts thinking strange thoughts.
There is that word again: ‘unfair’. And presumably ‘unjust’? In need of overthrow/
I think I’m living in an alternative universe . The 9pm BBC TV news portrays the madness in Whitehall as ‘minor ‘ – yet if you see what is on Twitter it bears no relation to what has happened .
I broke my boycott of the monster BBC to witness the bias .It’s disgusting .
If ever there is evidence of the bias of the BBC in lying about events – Christ the talking muppet described it as ‘largely peaceful ‘ – which involves the trivial matter of fully equipped riot plod with a full on charge by mounted police .
I’ve seen the Sky coverage as well even it treats this incident as ‘minor ‘ .
Maybe the Chinese virus lockdown restrictions have really affective the mental condition of the feral
This violent disorder /riot is a test for the MSM – will the newspapers cover it ? Justify it ? Blame any one ? Support it ? Condemn it ?
Meanwhile a useless Home Secretary spouts empty words on Twitter and the woke police commissioner is probably busy clapping for something whilst her cops are attacked . I can’t see either of these ‘ladies ‘ holding their offices much longer ……
I lived in Malaysia for a year when I was 19 fakeneswatcher and visited Singapore a number of times and it is a lovely country/city, although very draconian! ????
Not like China mind ????
The Left -I think when you squeeze 6 million diverse (there is that word) people into such a tiny place, yet maintain order and build, build, build, you need ‘draconian’. There would hardly be space for our House of Lords with about nine hundred ‘noble’ members talking, talking, talking. Then the Commons. The vast administration. The palaces.
I remember Lee Kuan Yew, who seems to have imposed the order required, seemingly ‘all by himself’. A professor wearing a tie (wow) explains the ‘how’ and ‘why’ to Michael. Lee was in Britain, and thought the NHS was a good idea. But when he took it back to S. he decided everyone HAD TO PAY IN a little. So nothing for nothing. Just medical work, no empire of bureaucracy and no worship of a health service. No automatic entitlement and therefore, no sense of entitlement. Maybe therefore no resentment?
There is much food for thought here. Very much.
I pose a question: could we do with a little ‘draconian’ right now, perhaps just for a little while? (Certainly not from Khan, a socialist. Bring in socialism, and the whole edifice would blow.)
But you tell me; you were there.
fakenewswatcher, I thought Singapore to be a very lovely place to visit on the handful of times that I did but also very strange, almost fake and plastic.
It was, and probably still is, illegal to jaywalk from memory, to spit, to pick petals off flowers and no dropping of litter just for starters. All of which I agree with.
But as a city/country it just seemed soulless. ????
But I did like it there!
Bangkok was fantastic though ????
vlad – could it be that Antifa, much loved by German and American revolutionary socialists, have arrived in the UK big time and teamed up with BLM? Aided and abetted by a similarly-minded MSM? Each set-up feeding on, and manipulating, the other?
Trotsky with PR?
News at 10 from beeb. Chichi Nzundu droning on about racism. Whitewash of events. Clive Myrie chats and Aleem Maqbool from Washington says it’s about ‘influencing ‘ police. Shaima Khalil from Sydney seems to agree. Bad ole police, eh?
My congratulations to the horse. Probably went a little beserk cos it couldn’t breathe.
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FooC is covering a Zimbabwe item about 3 women in hospital awaiting trial for “inciting violence”
after they were seized thrown in a pit… beaten and sexually assaulted by “security forces men”
Tweet is dated May 21 so that is before George Floyd
Second item Brooklyn, New York situation
The reporter Lara Trevalyan has said 4 times so far that “Black and Hispanic were hit disproportionately by the Covid virus”
“mass unemployement
.. “When George Floyd in was yet another INJUSTICE heaped on Black Americans”
“protests began peacefully BUT… ”
“the whirring of police helicopters”
“Trump in a combative mood ” (as if the Democrats aren’t !!)
“Curfew starts at 8pm”
The Australian reporter is in Beijing he says no of his friends know any one who has has had Covid
That is is weird cos in the Shanghai documentary
The black girl said there were 8 kids in her school who got it
Then to Ireland where Brian went on about different animals having to live together, and not wipe each others’ CHILDREN out.
I guess he his on about black/white people
.. then he goes on about humans raping nature and nature taking revenge now.
‘FooC’ is right, but I think you mis-spelt it, and there’s a k at the end.
I also found the treatment of George Floyd unacceptable, but I do wonder what went before that, which we don’t see on video? A citizen going about his legal business in a peaceful manner and -if arrest was warranted because he was wanted- not resisting same? Doubt it.
Which reminds me of the media narrative that ‘people of colour’ are unfairly subjected to ‘stop and search’ more often. This would indeed be unfair, if there were no empirical evidence to support the necessity for this apparent discrimination. But, we know, don’t we, why this happens? It is often for the safety of the members of that very same offended community. But THAT is NOT what the would-be revolutionaries want publicised.
What I find doubly unacceptable is the hijacking of that (incompletely recorded) event (George F) by would-be revolutionaries, hiding behind ‘injustice’ and ‘inequality’ camouflage, when the officer concerned is due in court where the FACTS will be established. ANYBODY STILL INTERESTED IN FACTS, MEDIA?
What I find trebly unacceptable is the incitement from the media, disguised as news reporting, to get ‘protests’ going.
The fact that these become VIOLENT ‘protests’ is never mentioned, just as the fact that there are ILLEGAL migrants crossing borders, is also never mentioned.
The MSM have become skilled in omitting/leaving out important descriptive adjectives, because it serves their purposes to MANIPULATE LANGUAGE.
My first reaction to the video was that the police were well out of order. It still is. But I’m also well aware that there can be far more to an incident than what shows up on a bit of video, and justice must be allowed to run its course.
The media, BLM protesters and virtue-signalling businesses aren’t interested in justice. They want a head to roll because they’ve already decided what happened from partial evidence. The outrage when TR was adjudged to have put a trial at risk and jailed for merely asking questions at the wrong time has disappeared, to be replaced by statements in advance of trial that the accused are all guilty and must be locked up.
Meanwhile, the antics of these brainwashed imbeciles and their cheerleaders have removed any feelings of sympathy I originally had. I despise them all, and their self-hatred.
Yep whenever someone shows you an EDITED or incomplete video clip
and you feel outraged .. you are probably being played.
There are rapes/murders/injustices done every single hour on this planet
and when we focus on one injustice in one corner
we are probably letting thousands of crimes in another place go on.
Stew – which leads us ever more confidently to the conclusion that this isn’t about George Floyd at all. The assassinated BLACK policewoman, who was sitting in her police cruiser when she was shot this week, has gone ENTIRELY without so much as a whisper from the mob.
So could it all be anti-police (i.e.Law and Order?) That would mean i.a. that The Donald read the situation perfectly yet again.
But there is also not a whisper about WHITE lives, say thousands of them, being lost in the South African farm murders! So, one has to conclude, THEY don’t matter at all. In fact, so little do they matter that no-one would dream of taking to the streets to protest their mass execution. Does that mean THEY matter even less than black lives?
Certainly, beeb -which has just fed us a lunch-time bulletin full of BLM hate propaganda- couldn’t care about them one bit. Even though MANY OF THEM DIED A MUCH FOULER DEATH THAN DID GEORGE FLOYD, because they were deliberately tortured in vile ways, often quite beyond description.
But that is of no interest to beeb or the MSM in general. Wrong agenda.
The stench of hypocrisy drifts across the US, UK, SA and many other places, where the media stir, and a very foul smell it is.
Disgusting too, the manner in which George Floyd’s death is being hijacked and manipulated by people who claim to care about it.
Maybe this is -at least in part- all about BLACK POWER? And for a little visual update: the raised, clenched fist has now been replaced by the ‘taking the knee’ thing; if you think about it, it certainly makes sense that it has exactly the same meaning.
RD and fnw above, I agree with your horror at the way the police behaved. Not for the first time on here, I find myself wondering
out loudin print about the intelligence of some Police Officers whether European, UK or American. It is not as though the death of a BAME person on challenge, arrest or in custody has never happened before now and has provoked and been used by unscrupulous others to provoke protest, riot and criminality.The carelessness and thoughtlessness of ex-Officer Chauvin has caused a lot of damage and anger.
You also have to wonder, in this case, at the mentality and ethics of the Democratic Party in the USA. They have truly moved far away from the Republicans (there used to be very little difference pre- and post-WW2.) and have very much become the Nasty Party of world politics in my view.
As I understand it from a media that I have been fed on here, Floyd was challenged and questioned about a currency violation. What happened next I know not but then the video comes into play and he is seen face down, cuffed and with the officer leaning his weight via a knee on Floyd’s neck.
Coincidence, but I have just been watching through the Pandemic Lockdown a boxed set of Hill Street Blues Series 1. I would normally have expected at that point in the video of Floyd to have seen two officers pull him to his feet using a baton under his arms, Marandize him and get him in their car for the trip to the Station and booking and detention. Unless a smart lawyer turns up and frees him if there is no case to hold him further.
Why the former Officer continued to kneel on Floyd we will have to wait for the trial of ex-Officer Chauvin. The UK media have been negligent in eliciting facts of the challenge and arrest of George Floyd and they must bear responsibility for what happens here, just as any negligence in correct reporting in the US must take its share of the blame for what has followed. The media in the UK, US and maybe elsewhere may pass the blame to the limitations imposed by the Pandemic.
That, I think, is a lame excuse. In the 24/7, telecom era of news there is nothing to stop an Editor at the BBC (or anywhere else) telephoning or e-mailing for a statement from the Minneapolis Police. That is what I would have done and reported factually what was known by them. Then it is important to wait for the trial and for facts under oath to be presented to the Court in the US.
I often notice that when someone who is complaining of “structural racism” is asked by journalists what measures they would like to see introduced to tackle it, nothing specific is ever mentioned. It happened again on the Today programme this morning. The truth as I see it is that there isn’t any more (fair) legislation that could be passed to improve opportunities for blacks. They already have everything they need to put them on an equal footing with whites. It should occur to BBC interviewers to then ask the obvious question: If they are chasing phantoms with the “structural racism” myth, is it something inherent in blacks themselves that accounts for their relative failure, their poor outcomes, and their perpetually unresolvable sense of grievance? That could be the starting-point for an illuminating discussion, an oldstyle BBC discussion programme that for once might be interesting, socially useful, reverse their plummeting viewing figures and even be worth the licence fee. I would watch it.
Zelazek – This ‘structural’ or ‘institutional’ racism phantom is such a favourite, precisely because it would be hard to define, and is very complex when you attempt to do so.
That generalisation can, however, be employed when you have a political objective, as the self-loathing, virtue-signalling McPherson showed in his ‘report’, in which he simply tarred every officer in the Met with the same brush, regardless.
His approach reminded me a bit of SS/Gestapo tactics in WW2: Don’t know who carried out the assassination of, say Reynhard Heydrich or whoever? Well, solve the problem: simply execute the entire village to which the assassins are suspected of belonging.
Problem solved.
“… Well, solve the problem: simply execute the entire village to which the assassins are suspected of belonging.”
My understanding is that you are wrong.
Conquered peoples have certain rights under international military law, if there has been a formal surrender.
Those resisting the conquest lose most of those rights when taking up arms against occupying forces.
When occupying forces are acting in accordance with these laws, and their forces are being, in effect, murdered,
it is legal to to take hostages and carry out reprisals, including shooting INNOCENT people, to discourage further lawbreaking.
Let us see what the experts say.
No, BBC, they’re not defying advice. They’re defying the law.
Apparently, however, a cure has been found for coronavirus. And it isn’t hydroxychloroquine. It’s an incantation. Just say “black lives matter” and both you and those you live with will miraculously become immune.
Seriously, though, this blatant difference in treatment before the law cannot be allowed to continue without descending into anarchy. Yet the media and authorities are evidently prepared to risk this to achieve their goal.
The whole system is already verging on anarchy. Wherever you look and wherever you can’t look – like the Civil Service.
As expected – Dowden looks forward to working with new DG Davie “in the months and years ahead.”
Not listening to the voters then.
island- I note Davie wants to speed up “change”, a very revealing little word in the present supercharged atmosphere.
He certainly won’t be using my money to do it.
As for the Tories? Yup, another FAIL.
They certainly won’t be getting my vote to ‘bend the knee’ unto beeb.
How is the bBC recognising the anniversary of D-Day?
(Their websh1te search facility is dreadful.)
Wonderful. Julia Hartley-Brewer falls for a parody account AND gets called out for her hypocrisy.
“If Dominic Cummings gets a knighthood then I’m leaving the country” – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.
Pleeease someone, give him a knighthood.
I’m told Uganda is nice at this time of year.
Or Syria… Iraq… Afghanistan… Iran… Libya… Yemen… Sudan… Somalia…
I’m sure she’d feel right at home in any of those islamic hellholes, with zero rights for wimmin or journos.
For all this talk of BAME people being attacked by a racist Covid-19 virus and killed by it, Yemen and Syria have had precious few infections and consequent deaths.
OK, it can be argued that both are still Civil War zones and diagnosing an illness, let alone collecting & reporting statistics, may be very difficult. But I recall the BBC at the start of the UK Lockdown speculating how the Pandemic would devastate Yemen and also possibly Syria.
She said the same with the prospect of Boris becoming PM, but she’s still here. And then when Trump looked like being President, she said if that happened she would never set foot in the US again. Funny how she has this left wing ideology when she was one of the wealthy Asians exploiting the Africans in Kenya, when Amin kicked them out. First boat to the UK eh Brown ? and then what ? has done nothing but criticised the hands that fed her.
This isn’t her first threat to leave the UK. She welshed on her previous one, which was rather a shame, as I’d already pledged money towards buying her a one-way ticket to the international destination of her choice, ideally one that wouldn’t send her straight back…
Poor Julia H-B. Presented herself as some form of conservative radio communicator, supported Brexit, but never had the bottle to oppose the left media bubble. Hence her regular attacks on Trump and then Cummings, which lost her credibility along with many followers.
Time the BBC offered her a minor post. Helping out on wimmins hour or one of their cookery programmes
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC Releases Voice Assistant
– Tim Davie Appointed as Next BBC Director General
Sunday 1pm WATO looks like a Common Purpose special
“The programme will hear from leaders in economics, finance and politics including
– the former US treasury secretary Larry Summers,
– the president of the World Bank
and former Prime Minister Tony Blair.”
Well, I suppose Bliar cannot be labelled as a “leader in….” “politics”. But he should be described as, “…..a failed leader in politics”.
@G then 9am Monday is the monthly Keir Starmer half hour on LBC
All missable, I think. Must cut my toenails or de-worm the cat instead.
Barrow News
all equipment & vehicles seized
TR released, police looking to charge with perverting cause of justice.
So far replies to this BBC tweet don’t show up.
There’s BBC news story tweet
ah it’s not even a new story
They seem to have simply added the words
“All four have been released on bail, police said.”
to its Friday page about the arrest.
Main question in my interview was “have you got recordings that contradict our stance on what’s happening in barrow”
This video by Katie Hopkins on the extermination of whites in South Africa. It’s 45 minutes long but well worth watching.
The white dross in our country who are outraged by the death of one black in the USA couldn’t give a damn about real brutality against a whole race of people, white people, our fellow brothers in race, who are being systematically exterminated by blacks.
black lives matter! Give me a break. White lives matter more.
Black American guy appreciating classic AC/DC
and not going on about White Privilege or Cultural Appropriation.
john – Thanks for that! I don’t think the ‘authorities’ will be pleased with you, though. Lauren Southern tried to alert us to what was going on there, and -if memory serves- she wasn’t even allowed into Britain. By a ‘conservative’ government, would you believe. Not by e.g. Comrade Corbyn, from whom one would have expected such totalitarian insolence. But then, I listened to the brown-nosing J Bercow on R4 QT last night, and I perfectly came to understand that ‘Tory’ mindset. It’s the sort Mugabe would have delighted in.
Leftier than thou.
PS Read Ernst Roets’: “Kill the Boer”, if you can get hold of it.
If anyone doubts we are rapidly losing the right of free speech…
Saying “all lives matter” is now a disciplinary offence.
Dangerous times.
Ha was just about to post that but I searched the page first
Some replies
An LBC presenter was basically told by a caller the other night that he had no opinion on the subject because he was white.
The result was that they invited the caller on to run a whole hour of his program the following night.
As a black woman, I take issue with the divisive and false concept of “white privilege” too.
This is a poor and disturbing decision, @ManxRadio
Farage gets BAME callers all the time, that say they don’t like the way Labour think they own BAME
.. and quite a few that say they’d vote Trump.
Stew, conservatives (and I include many US Republicans especially some ardent Republican friends of mine under that term) want all people to do well in life, all people to have work and the dignity of work and enjoy a measure of increasing affluence irrespective of skin colour.
Opponents of conservatives seem to only be wanting to find and promote grievances and find and promote victims and to use them as political cannon fodder in attacking conservatives.
President Trump seems to be of the same or similar view. “Get people working, get people richer, then they can afford to stay at my resort and have a great vacation. Let’s make vacations great again.”
First it was ‘racialist’ then it morphed into ‘racist’.
However the word has been over-used, over-applied and its just possible that it can be used against the people using it and ‘we’ can’t have that.
So now we have ‘white supremacist’, a term once used against some whackos holed up in the middle of the Texas outback, used against anyone who is ‘white’ who refuses to accept that they are guilty of original sin. It has the advantage of being ‘one-way’, a ‘black’ can’t be a ‘white supremacist’ though some might (foolishly) try to asset that ‘blacks’ can be racist.
It also follows the pattern of extending a slur wider and wider; back in 1940 one had to murder six-million Jews to be a Nazi, now merely voting for Brexit or stepping into the path of a red-light running lycra-lout is enough!
There was some ideological reason for the change from “racialism” to “racism” but I can’t remember what it was. I think the advantage of “racism” was that you couldn’t prove you weren’t guilty of it, but I can’t remember how the lingistic conjuring trick worked.
Ok – i waa feeling a bit miserable – still no footy – but then i saw that the former speaker was ‘ upset’ about no peerage .
Obviously the BBC missed out the stuff about his subverting democracy and running a corrupt parliament – but with him – lets not let bygones be bygones eh .?
When you think about it – for a retiring speaker not to get a peerage is quite something . Give one to DC -that would be fun
Fed – The fact that Bercow was re-elected as Speaker a number of times, tells us a great deal about our parliament. Not all of it good, I fear.
I think his bullying, hectoring, manipulative style and his fundamental dishonesty-making up the rules to suit his own agenda, would have gone down well in the Zimbawean parliament.
Fake ! You mentioned his name !. I regret having watched too much of that Parliament – he really was repulsive at so many levels and I just hope his claim to ‘fame’ in the end will be the first ? Speaker not to get the retirement ermine .
Fortunately with the 80 ish majority there won’t be the disgusting scenes for a while yet and the only interest will be whether BoJo upsets enough on his side for a coup – which I think unlikely .
Fed -I think if Surkeer ever gets anywhere near the decision-making in that regard, Bercow will be clad in ermine before you can say ‘Cyril Ramaphosa’. Also, there are a great many suspect ‘Conservative’ MPs, so it wouldn’t even surprise me in the least if Bercow didn’t really need Surkeer.
Fake – as I was writing I pondered that – maybe in 4 years time he ll have his own pals to put in the Lords – unless it is closed – of course …
Fed- I see in the Telegraph that Frank Field (Lab) has been accepted for the H.o.L. That’s not too bad, I quite liked some of his activities/statements. Well done, Frank, soft-spoken in a loud era, hitting a six on behalf of old, white men…very much out of fashion, or what?
Although i.m.h.o. that place should best be abolished, before it hits 1000 ‘noble’ members and results in an overflow into the streets, and bankrupts the Treasury (even more)!
Apparently Bercow was one of three Corbyn nominees for the Lords, none of whom were accepted. Well, THAT does not surprise me at all. Comrade Corbyn is partial to Bercow. Who would have thought? (All of us.)
Does it hurt, my wife asks. “Only when I laugh”, I reply.
Fake – yes Mr Field was a victim of being ‘independent labour ‘ having – if I remember – left the Corbyn Labour Party .
I think he lost his seat because of that sickness which exists that anyone labelled as ‘labour ‘ gets elected ( eg Kinnock )
I don’t know how the lords can justify its existence now – it rubber stamped measures to defeat brexit and put through the fixed term parliament act .
It says it has a ‘revision’ responsibility and it is full of experts – I think not on either count . So apart from being a retirement home for dirty or old politicians – it’s not worth the money .
75 years on from the Normandy landings and the BBC’s only focus is BLM.
Who’d have thought, that those men who sacrificed so much, did so for people who hate our history, desecrate our statues, loathe us personally (and by extension the D Day veterans) and march against the law and therefore the health interests of us all.
We all know it’s mainly the same mob who marched to ‘stop the war’, the same people who apologise for Islamism, the same people who did and still do everything possible to stop Brexit.
If there was a march against the abandon of Care home residents, illegal channel crossings or flights arriving form infected countries, you could bet everything you have the police and the state would throw every instrument at prevention and the BBC would shame every face.
Who’d have thought that the government, the police and most of our media are, despite straw man objections, in hock to such a divisive movement. Terrified of offending or preventing protests, despite the public health interest, for fear of nothing more than a word. Racist.
The problem of that inaction is bigger divides not less.
The British never asked for mass immigration or the problems it brings, it was imposed. Therein lies the fundamental problem, unresolved throughout most of Western Europe. A host population simmering and festering against alien concepts and cultures who seem to hate us and our history.
I watched (on the BBC) yesterday some kids cleaning graffiti off historic statues, only to be barracked and berated by BLM protesters for having the temerity to remove their message. These were historic national heroes!
How can our country be like this? Would any 75 years ago have dreamed of this Britain? Where is the leadership? The national pride in our ancestors? The kind of backbone to demand respect and deference to the giants on who’s shoulders we stand?
The American political ideological gap is now so big most issues are beyond healing. We are going the same way and there’s only one possible outcome.
Here’s what the protesters think of it.
Scum. I’ll not say what I’d like to do, as FU2 would have to ban me.
Police at the statue now
is it a special day or something ? /sarc
WhiteHouse remembers all those of all colours that helped in the war effort , especially on D-Day
Cops with Churchill? Wot, not ‘taking the knee?’
Presumably they won’t be needed at the statue of Nelson Mandela? (Noticed the ‘protesters’ made a point of snaking around it, no surprise, courtesy of beeb, no surprise either.) And while we’re at it, why haven’t we erected one for Robert Mugabe? That would have pleased the ‘protesters’, and surely we would do anything to please them? He did wipe out about thirty thousand or so of his black opponents in Matabeleland in the eighties, but I’m sure that could be overlooked? (As indeed, it was, at the time.)
From SKY’s aerial view there are only half a dozen or so police officers around the Winston Churchill statue surrounded by at least 1,000 protestors – the officers must be feeling nervous even scared – let’s see how peaceful these people really are.
Bulldog – I reckon if they ‘take the knee’ they’ll be OK? At present that more or less equates to a ‘Black Power’ salute, so they should be.
Actually, I got it right. Looking at Beeb News with Comrade Ley at 4pm, he tells us that those ‘taking the knee’ also raised clenched fists in the Black Power salute.
Chichi Nzundu tells us that ‘protesting’ is more important than Coronavirus, and brings in Windrush and Grenfell.
Virus is racist. Fire is racist.
They probably got lost and are resting their knees!
While they are there doing nothing, why don’t they get scrubbing and clean the scum off the statue pedestal?
Plod not scoring many points on preventing such crime – I mean this is the first time there’s been a demonstration in Parliament Square – right ?
“I’ll not say what I’d like to do, as FU2 would have to ban me.”
Just say the codeword FU2 and we’ll understand 😉
Vlad – I share the sentiment …. I’m guessing that the weather ( in the south ) is very much D Day weather ….
Well said Ven – I’m not sure about ‘outcomes ‘ – nor what is the biggest threat – Islam or the rabble . Hasn’t it always been ‘convention ‘ that if people have their bread and circuses they’ll not be likely to rebel ?
As long as they have their KFC ,iPhones And cannabis they may not be more than the criminal male surplus . On the other side of the Atlantic the availability is weaponry makes things a bit more – stressful ….
I write this about 20 minutes after getting off of a train as a black mugging gang got on – not really enough on board for serious ‘steam in’ innit’…
And you are told by the Police to give them what they demand and don’t resist. We are not allowed to defend ourselves, why not a concealed glock to surprise the scum ?
I cannot get my head around what’s happening, the news. the whole media, our politicians nobody is looking after us.
A lifetime of obeying every law, never even dropped a sweet wrapper on the pavement, millions of us like that, and it’s us that are demonized.
My grandparents landed here in 1912 escaping the pogroms in Russia, no dole, no welfare state, no family allowance. They were happy, they were grateful, they worked hard and loved Great Britain. I watched some third generation “person of colour” on the news the other night “demanding” good jobs, better housing better this better that and the other. They could learn from previous waves how it’s done, work hard, keep your head down and obey the law. Earn respect don’t demand it, don’t demand anything.
RP – “grateful”?
You gotta be kidding. This mob don’t know the meaning of the word.
“Hard work”? Naw…just take, man, take. And if you don’t like what they give you, complain man, complain. Loudly. Do a little threatening…
Tweets from the Clownland of Piers Morgan & Sadiq
Piers has quite simply lost the plot. Blaming this all.on Cummings. He alone, wrecked the lockdown. I mean, ffs !!!!
The beaches were full before Cummings story. Other beauty spots were rammed. But, it was Cummings who did it !!!!!
Not all the other Labour MP,s or celebrities then ???
No, a advisor to the Government, not even a fu**ing MP !!!!
The left have a very very strange fixation with Cummings. In fact, it’s bloody weird.
On that note, when is Barry Gardiner being questioned for an hour by a furious Kuensberg, Peston and Rigby about his movements ?? Is it on the BBC ?
I’ll probably get blocked for what I said to Piers. But he symbolises the sickness that infests today’s media and I’m past being subtle about it.
As Katie Hopkins has observed, we know this mob think black lives matter but what exactly did that mean and what is it they want? They never tell us that. Probably because either they haven’t thought that far or, all their wants are racist. I suspect it’s a lot of both.
Somebody needs to remind Piers Morgan what the objective of the lockdown actually was. It was to prevent, as far as possible, the spread of the Coronavirus and to protect, especially, the most vulnerable in our community.
I think, and so do Durham police, apparently, that Dominic Cummings, at worst, may have made a minor transgression of the guidelines, but nothing they would do anything about – whilst making sure he did not come into contact with other members of the public, and taking care, as best he could, he believed, of his 4-year-old son. Autistic or not, it really does not matter.
Now, Piers, explain to me how these stupid protest marches are preventing, as far as possible, the spread of the Coronavirus and protecting the most vulnerable in our society.
And you, you moron, Piers, think that Dominic Cummings is to blame if these is a huge re-spike in Coronavirus a few weeks from now.
You are a ………. …….. ……… ……… ……., with bells on!
What “systemic racism” do black Londoners face? Genuine question.
Al Beeb watchers, is there anything about Trump and the 2.5 Million extra jobs in the USA or that he is considering taking troops out of Germany ?
I cant find anything on Al Beeb so far . Are we seen censorship in action again ?
“….censorship in action again?”
One way or another, blatantly or covertly, that is the BBC’s modus operandi. That’s why, as you said, it needs closing down. It cannot be reformed without an effort to ‘start from scratch’ again.
Not bbbc but the same.
On sky, I was flipping through channels and on their news channel they had one of these panels of 4 (all lefties) and a wall of about 50 faces on tv screens.
I just caught a question asking who would support Trump trying to do some sort of WHO job to improve the state of things such as this pandemic. I must admit I didn’t hear the question properly but my point is that of the 50 on the screen, 0 would support Trump.
What’s the chances of randomly finding a crowd where 0% would support DT unless they were handpicked and vetted first to make sure they were the right kind of random audience.
Even question time let’s in a handful of the audience who are not of the far left.
I wonder if we will ban the terrorist organisation antifa?
An angry Rudy Giuliani pushing back hard on the increasingly obnoxious Piers Moron, the woke Susanna Reid and the Leftwing media, in this case ITV.
Piers asks Giuliani “why are you giving him a pass ?”
FFS Piers made a huge allegation about his friend that he Trump had DELIBERATELY chosen to use a quotation from an ancient racist cop
Knowing your friend and denying that wild accusation is not “giving him a pass”
“I am not the left wing media” .. says the Ex editor of the Daily Mirror.
Such lefty pushing from Piers goes down well with the lefty side.
Guido has a 2 min clip from continuing
where Piers clearly thought Giuliani said “I remember the mistakes you made and I remember how you f*cked up!”
when in fact G had said “sucked up”
To me it was clear at first listen and RG wouldn’t have used the F-word that way
after already saying “mistakes you made”
From the Geller Report of 5/6/2020:
“As a Washington Post database for 2019 makes clear:
10 million police arrests in US
1004 fatal police shootings
41 were of unarmed persons
19 of these unarmed were white
9 were African American
13 other – Asian / Hispanic
(As the Wall Street Journal points out in the piece below, The Post defines ‘unarmed’ broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase.)
The Wall Street Journal: “A police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.
In 2018, for every black person killed by a white in America, there were 11 blacks killed by a black person.
This past weekend, 80 Chicagoans were shot in drive-by shootings, 21 fatally, the victims overwhelmingly black.”
International media have said “the four white officers arrested for Floyd’s murder”. Two of them are not white.
Source: Tom Gross
… … …”
Brendan O’Neill:
‘Guilt ridden white liberals love Black Lives Matter’
Their motto at libmob rallies
is “Kneel down & run backwards”
There’s also a Laurence Fox clip .. you have to move past the presenter waffling
As an ex-Met officer, this behaviour sickens me. These pillocks, like me, took an oath “without fear or favour, malice or ill will….”
Personally I don’t think the police have gone far enough. They should lick the violent rioters’ boots, then drop their pants, bend over and take it up the arse.
Followed by mass ritual hari-kari.
All that in expiation for something 1 rogue cop did thousands of miles away, which they had absolutely nothing to do with.
R.I.P. Western civilisation ✟
Old Goat, we are sickened, too. We remember the days of local policing in the Met Police area, when at the local station there were policemen (and probably some policewomen) who were of the Dixon of Dock Green ilk, could be relied on and trusted. They came into our schools, talked to us about road safety, bicycle safety, personal safety and we knew them by sight and sometimes by name. We could greet them in the street and receive a greeting in response and a smile.
Here the fearless Tucker goes where the cowardly msm fear to tread and speaks truth to power (powerful mobs), like the beeb is supposed to but gave up on years ago.
“Kneeling will never be enough for the mob”
All this crap about Black Lives Matter. What is not being reported in the BBC annals is all of the riots going on across Europe, and further afield in the world. Most of this stuff is a convenient cover for one organisation only – Antifa, and the snowflake generation is so dumb that they can’t see it.
Unfortunately, the media aren’t investigating it either.
There was a trial run of all this late last year – in Chile. Until last year, Chile had been very peaceful, since the Pinochet years. The country was beginning to really get on its feet, it had no enemies, and its economy was a strength in South America, with many outsiders flocking their from neighbouring countries.
I was in Santiago on the day the riots started off. There was discontent when the basic fare on public transport (bus and metro) in the city was raised – by about 4%. A lot of Chileans travel into the city from surrounding poorer areas, and this represented a significant rise in cost of living for some.
At first, there was a day or so where Chileans demonstrated their feelings by standing out in the street banging pots and pans (sound familiar ?) – the standard protest medium used.
However, the next day, it really kicked off when hordes of people suddenly rioted, and kettled Santiago by burning all the Metro stations and every bus they could get their hands on….which sounds crazy, if you are protestring public transport fares – but makes sense if you want to get people out on the street, since they can no longer get to work. Thousands of people from towns all around Santiago were also stranded in the city, because there was no transport out.
I was in the city centre the following morning, and all over the place, Antifa symbols were spray-painted across every targeted building, mainly government, finance and other businesses head-quartered in Santiago. According to people with whom I spoke, Antifa had hardly been heard of in Santiago. They were using any discontent they could find as a shield to create the anarchy they desire. This blew out to cities all across Chile in a matter of days, like Valparaiso/Vina del Mar, which had never had any issues around public transport whatsoever – it became riot central wherever you looked. Within days, therefore, the economy was tanking.
The economy of Chile has not recovered from this, and many are worried that it might never do so – which, of course, creates further discontent.
That’s the Antifa strategy – and we’re seeing it played out all over the world now – any excuse will do, blow it out of proportion, sit behind a convenient shield (BLM, for instance) and start the fires burning in exactly the neighbourhoods where unrest can be agitated again and again, because they have nothing left after the fires and looting.
Make no mistake – Antifa are a group to be feared, all they need is a little bit of discontent anywhere, and they can blow it out of proportion in no time – and COVID lockdowns have provided a great many people with time on their hands….
Its only the Marxist philosophy being applied.
Richard -I think we all make the same mistake, listing facts and truths. Facts and truths don’t matter to Antifa. They didn’t matter to those feeding Madame Guillotine and they didn’t matter to Trotsky or Lenin.
What matters to them is achieving power through violence and intimidating anyone who disagrees with them; at present that would include most of our weak-kneed politicians, media and even policemen. Look at the way they are all coerced into submission by BLM, inculcating guilt or simply threatening violence. Losers all, who actually don’t understand that in future, what they think is conciliation will have nasty consequences.
Antifa and the BLM crowd thrive on signs of weakness, and I have a feeling that would include any attempt at rational debate.
Just watched Chichi Nzundu on Beeb dragging Windrush, the virus and even Grenfell into the ‘racism’ narrative, so on the rare occasion anyone from the Left does have something to say, don’t look for rational. When ‘the blood is up’, rational don’t come into it.
As for facts and truths, don’t expect those from beebworld, hotbed of propaganda either.
Saul Alinsky “By any means necessary” tactics.
Antifa is every Student Union. In spirit, it’s our entire education system, her majesties opposition, the fabian society, large sections of our police. It’s our media, the FA, our unions, some in the Royal family and most of the British establishment.
Their tactics are simple: disruption and violence. They close down any debate, shout, chant and disrupt to deny voice to anything alt-right or beyond.
Despite the irony of ‘fascist tactics’ against ‘fascists’, they justify these actions very simply. Opposing anything they perceive as racism trumps any argument against their methods.
Pernicious anti intellectual marxist zealots, they are aggressively anti free speech.
Hiding their identities, they go out of their way to expose the identities of those who do nothing more than exercise their right to free speech. Sometimes this exposure has ruined lives.
In my view, they exacerbate, not aid racism, they divide not heal and they should be banned here as they are in the US. Trump was 100% correct to label them as a terrorist organisation.
No body should be allowed to close down free speech. We all deserve to be listened to, criticised or applauded on the strength or weakness of our arguments. The ballot box should be judge jury and executioner not Antifa.
Agree Venetius ????
God knows what these kids have been taught at school since 1997 but it’s a far cry from what I was taught at secondary from ’88-’95 ????
The minority is the new majority – time to head for them thar hills!
Thankfully as yet, not at the ballot box !!!
I’ve heard there’s gold there!
EG – Don’t mention gold, that is not the colour that matters at the mo’.
Although, come to think of it, a good revolutionary like Lenin was rather partial to same-named metal. Most of them turn out to rather fancy it, especially when they’ve achieved power, which -rather than ‘justice’- is what this week has actually been all about.
From what have seen gold if very much de rigger if in the BLM co…ughing business.
Gold teeth are quite relevant at the moment fakenewswatcher ????
BBC News
June 4 at 6:38 PM ·
Fans of Korean pop music have taken over the #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag to try and drown out racist or offensive posts.
The national broadcaster of the UK.
If you Twitter search on the hashtag with addition of context words like “Portland”
that does get through the noisestorm, that malicious people tried to create by linking it with K-pop.
Also the national broadcaster of the UK.
BBC News posted an episode of BBC’s Cut Through the Noise.
June 4 at 10:30 PM ·
Why does this keep happening?
Young black men are twice as likely to die at the hands of police than white men.
Will George Floyd’s death be a catalyst for change?
From slave patrols to enabling lynchings, we look at the history of police violence in black America. #CutThroughTheNoise
That’s because every 40 hours, a black American dies.
Re your post on the previous page
Tx for that. I must check it out later. The point on suppression is well taken and worth developing. I have my own experience here already as a bunch of spotty soap dodgers have emerged to the delight of the local democracy reporter here funded by the BBC, to tell people that silence is not an option. Ironic if they think about it as the mob rules by threat.
I see the MLK of the UK metro bubble, End of the Piers, has weighed in to set her straight on matters race. In America.
Do he and Mad Al drink from the same water fountain at Sadiq’s Hall of the Moron King?
It’s just possible that the disgusting behaviour of the revolutionary marxists, Antifa, BLM; the craven response of our feminised police, pusillanimous government, treacherous meeja and loathsome BBC are all combining to create a huge repressed surge of resentment towards the lot of them, a seething silent majority, with no voice or representation, that daren’t express what it’s feeling, but is silently taking note, and will remember, and will eventually find a way to have its say, perhaps at the ballot box if and when a real leader emerges – a spiritual Churchill for our age.
island- Candace says her messagers tell her they have to publicly support BLM or risk being labelled by the mob.
There’s the violence, right there: BLM/Antifa may talk ‘peace’, but threats, coercion and the implicit threat of violence ARE IN THEMSELVES A VIOLENT TACTIC.
A bit like a thug, who tells you to hand over your wallet or get knifed. He may actually use that blade, but if he doesn’t, he certainly wants you to imagine feeling it between your ribs. Maybe you would like to take the knee, to increase your chance of survival?
Oh yes, and you’ll have given him what he wants, even though it’s rightfully yours. But HE thinks it’s no more than he’s due. You see his ‘justice’ there? It’s his power over you.
You see it in al beeb too, God knows what’s said behind the scenes to these left leaning young musicians and actors, but most probably – from now on if you support Labour, dislike the right, agree to multiculturalism and immigration then we’ll promote you no end ????
Do the opposite and we’ll drop you like a stone ✌️
Impartial? My white a*se ????
Oh dear, it’s p*ssing down with rain. I do hope the rioters don’t catch a cold, or die of self-inflicted coronavirus – that would be awful.
Not to mention all the bbc reporters out there egging them on. The loss to the nation would be incalculable.
I was looking at a clip on YouTube where New York governor Cuomo turns on his own police force in Buffalo and uses a bit of video to condemn them.
Now what I saw was a police line moving forward and an elderly man refusing to move. If the police stopped advancing then he would have achieved his objective and the police would have failed and their forward movement halted. One of the officers gave him a slight shove and he fell over backwards.
With the wisdom of a post-event Governor or journalist one might not have shoved someone backwards, but what was the alternative?
The police are getting a lot of on-line criticism for not stopping but in fact one cop makes a move to bend down but is directed forward by what looks like an officer of higher rank who then starts to organise a cordon around the fallen man. But the clip ends at that point so it isn’t too obvious that that is what happened.
Of course the event is made into a story, top n’ tailed with the media’s narrative and the Governor joins in. More petrol on the flames, more lives damaged and virtually impossible to have a fair trial.
But now it is all trial by mob!
Just wait until the mob comes for you.
I don’t think I’ve heard so many lies in a single press statement ever !
You have to hold two opposing truths in your hands and believe in both at the same time?
Well we’ve heard that before, it’s called double think!
Hopefully soon the Police there will go on strike until Cuomo whose rating have plumeted will be forced to resign. He is like many liberals a dreamer without sense, without experience, and they need to suit him up and let him show everyone just how it should be done.
JimS – I saw that (or a similar clip) and also heard an officer say, quite clearly, on the clip I saw, that there was an EMS (Emergency Medical Services) team right there with the police group, and that the police team should move on, presumably so that the EMS team could safely get to any injured, and not be on the ‘front line’ whilst trying to respond to a medical need.
I also read yesterday, somewhere, that the police team are specifically told to keep moving forward, not to touch any injured – because they have no idea whether they may be doing them more harm than good, and to leave the treatment of any injured to professional medical experts. Seems perfectly sensible behaviour to me.
What on earth the old guy thought he was doing in walking up to the police team, God knows – but he literally put his own life in danger since the police would not have known if he had any weapons or not. Any other action is obstruction of police officers….. but I’m guessing that he knew that, and that was his intention – shame it didn’t turn out too well for him.
We can be very thankful that it was an old white guy and therefore unimportant.
Just imagine if this old virtue signaller had been black.
The bbbc would have gone ballistic and encouraged more riots and tv/x box/trainers cash and carry nights (without the cash)
Too true, my friend, too true. I hadn’t even thought about that !
Ha! You’d have thought so, but here’s the reply I got when I made much the same point on Twitter.
Honestly, no wonder there are so many mental health problems in today’s youth when they are indoctrinated into having to perform such mental gymnastics in order to find racism in everything.
The BBC continue to cream themselves over George Floyd.
Today the anarchists/SWP/ Extinction Rebellion on furlough folk are demonstrating in close proximity in several cities.
Two points.
1. Has anyone seen any evidence that the attack on George Floyd was racist in nature? The cop was a thug, the action was illegitimate, he should be investigated, but was it racist just because the victim is black? Are we mow saying that any crime of any kind on any BAME person is first and foremost racist, irrespective of any evidence ?
2. The R value is apparently fractionally above 1 in the North West. Yet 15000 demonstrated in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. They were not 2m apart. They will almost certainly kill someone of Coronavirus because of their actions. where are the Police, the government, the NHS, PHE on that one? All AWOL.
And what does the BBC do ? They dredge out a black Professor of African Studies from Duke University in the USA to carry on the race victimhood FFS.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel doesn’t come close. But keeping the narrative going is all that counts with the BBC.
Sluff – agree with you on both points
1. Precisely what is being attempted – they hope that any perceived ‘attack’, physical, mental, verbal, imagined or fabricated, on BAME groups is, by definition, racist – so, also by definition, it is a crime ! QED.
2. They are successfully breaking the law, and will feel entitled to break laws with impunity, if they perceive their ’cause’ to be ‘right’, so, in their eyes, it is not a ‘crime’.
They are, in effect, creating new ‘law’, and appointing themselves judge, jury and executioner as well….. can’t be bad, if you can get away with it.
Democracy ? – the snowflakes have made their focus clear – ‘the hell with that’ !
Sluff, you are making the mistake of thinking that facts and logic matter to these people.
In one of the numerous race baiting articles today is this paragraph:
Black Americans are jailed at five times the rate of white Americans and they are sentenced for drug offences six times more, often despite equal rates of drug use, according to the NAACP. Black mothers die in childbirth at over twice the rate of white mothers, according to national health data.
It doesn’t take long to “fact check” this to see if this is racism or something else.
Table 2 shows blacks were 8.24 times more likely than Whites to have a sales (drug dealing) charge.
Black females were 2.3 times more likely to be overweight as compared to non-Hispanic white females.
Looks to me that the BBC accusations of state racism are nothing more than bad life choices.
Unfortunately you are not allowed bad life choices these days..
You are only allowed life choices.
Ones that are detrimental to you are no longer defined as yours but are attributable to the actions of others or poor or lack of government provision.
Play truant and get into drugs = lack of money for schools
Obesity= unfettered marketing by Mcdonalds et al
Diabetes = poor people who are not given the state handouts needed for healthy food and gym membership
No qualifications= lack of funding in schools especially for BAME.
Etc etc.
The Government (better known as the media) have encouraged the mob to vandalise Lincoln’s statue in London..
Face it, we have a new government, but no Parliamentary representatives.
Sorry, can’t do a small picture
I thought the picture of Hitler holding Mein Kampf was real. But it was a Red Book.
Adolph Hitler’s Red Book: Reign of Terror in 1945

Mao Tse-Tung’s Red Book: Reign of Terror in 1966

Justin Welby’s Red Book: Reign of Terror in 2020

I note the BBC website reporting, in a very concerned way, that masks are being handed out, willy-nilly, (presumably in packs, since their useful life, we are told, isn’t that long) to protesters/rioters across the UK….
…. and on the other hand, dentists and medical staff are telling us via their ‘unions’, associations, and high-level NHS Trust advocates that they can’t open because… PPE isn’t available for dental patients, hospital visitors and outpatients.
Hmmm…. someone is telling porkies, methinks.
And someone clearly does not want the British public to see the great unwashed mask-less. Otherwise it might spoil the narrative that it’s OK to have mass gatherings if you are protesting – honest, nothing can go wrong – and in the meantime you are under arrest for having a beer with friends from more that one household in your garden, properly distanced, etc.
So many photographs staged for the media seem to bear out the ‘masked’ crimninals concept – until you then notice the one where the ‘slebs’ are completely ignoring all the rules – maskless, innit ?
“It doesn’t matter which skin colour you have.”
Meet the children protesting in the US against racism.
I am struggling with the contradictory messages pumped out.
And endless use of minors.
Gatherings of no more than 6 allowed.
Yep, that looks about right.
Note: once you’ve lost respect for the police and the law, you’ll never get it back.
Spot on. People have now stopped listening to the police and stopped listening to the government.
Our police impose a draconian interpretation of law to some, yet bow and kneel to lawbreakers. This lack of consistency and blatant hypocrisy undermines the fabric of society itself.
This is the media’s very own army. Their ideas are generated by media selebs and distorted facts derived from the media who daily reveal the irrelevance of the institution once known as a Government in in Parliamentary democracy..
Dude. You are so over.
Piers Consistent Morgan in 2016
Radio4 is profiling a PEACEMAKER this week
In Atlanta, at the height of the demonstrations, the rapper Killer Mike – the son of an Atlanta policeman – addressed protesters calling for calm and urging them to go home.
His speech went viral around the world.
Seems peaceful now : Venables thread starts with someone throwing a flare at police
Then riot police moving in
All kettled and allowed to leave drip by drip
Oh 7:50pm heavy tone & heavy rain
Up to this point, there had been very little movement from the police.
Meanwhile he crowd grew more abusive and hostile,
I saw multiple missiles thrown over the fence towards the officers.
Here police were working to part the crowd, and set up cordons to move everyone back
The police should have done this from the start.
All this pansying about trying to pacify these thugs will get you nowhere.
As the man said, “You don’t negotiate with a tiger when your head is in its mouth.”
Nobody respects this gutless knee bending either. It’s utterly pathetic.
You stand up to this sort of anarchic trash and if they want to play tough, then you play tougher.
Riot shields, batons and horses.
That’s the way!
Compilation of violence
There must be a country in Africa where these savages – black and white – could be deported. Perhaps they could use their superior knowledge and sense of justice to build a perfect multiculty nation.
What a relief, and from beeb, of all things! On bbc2 Michael Portillo is in Singapore, a model of vision, achievement, creativity, cleanliness, hospitality and RACIAL HARMONY. Colonialism is celebrated! A WHITE statue of Stanford Raffles, quite untouched by graffiti, stands proudly in the centre of the futuristic, gleaming, crime-free city, rising from the swamps.
Chinese, Malay, Whites, Indians, Punjabis, live together, build, work, achieve, co-operate, celebrate. Polite, kind, splendid people, getting on with each other and getting on with work. All this from little space, no mineral resources etc. Nobody seems to be looking for what is ‘owed’ to them, nobody is demanding, threatening destruction, etc. Hard work, initiative, setting up shop, is the scene.
For the first time in my life, I think of one ethnic group that would probably ruin everything, were they to be introduced, just by being there: resentment, envy, blame, underachievement, crime and destruction would suddenly appear. A certain political philosophy would be injected. Violence would then probably destroy the peace, tranquility and harmony. The statue of Raffles would likely get vandalised, for starters.
This is probably an unfair assessment. But, after the last ten days, one starts thinking strange thoughts.
There is that word again: ‘unfair’. And presumably ‘unjust’? In need of overthrow/
David Vance has more stuff on his Twitter.
I think I’m living in an alternative universe . The 9pm BBC TV news portrays the madness in Whitehall as ‘minor ‘ – yet if you see what is on Twitter it bears no relation to what has happened .
I broke my boycott of the monster BBC to witness the bias .It’s disgusting .
If ever there is evidence of the bias of the BBC in lying about events – Christ the talking muppet described it as ‘largely peaceful ‘ – which involves the trivial matter of fully equipped riot plod with a full on charge by mounted police .
I’ve seen the Sky coverage as well even it treats this incident as ‘minor ‘ .
Maybe the Chinese virus lockdown restrictions have really affective the mental condition of the feral
This violent disorder /riot is a test for the MSM – will the newspapers cover it ? Justify it ? Blame any one ? Support it ? Condemn it ?
Meanwhile a useless Home Secretary spouts empty words on Twitter and the woke police commissioner is probably busy clapping for something whilst her cops are attacked . I can’t see either of these ‘ladies ‘ holding their offices much longer ……
I lived in Malaysia for a year when I was 19 fakeneswatcher and visited Singapore a number of times and it is a lovely country/city, although very draconian! ????
Not like China mind ????
The Left -I think when you squeeze 6 million diverse (there is that word) people into such a tiny place, yet maintain order and build, build, build, you need ‘draconian’. There would hardly be space for our House of Lords with about nine hundred ‘noble’ members talking, talking, talking. Then the Commons. The vast administration. The palaces.
I remember Lee Kuan Yew, who seems to have imposed the order required, seemingly ‘all by himself’. A professor wearing a tie (wow) explains the ‘how’ and ‘why’ to Michael. Lee was in Britain, and thought the NHS was a good idea. But when he took it back to S. he decided everyone HAD TO PAY IN a little. So nothing for nothing. Just medical work, no empire of bureaucracy and no worship of a health service. No automatic entitlement and therefore, no sense of entitlement. Maybe therefore no resentment?
There is much food for thought here. Very much.
I pose a question: could we do with a little ‘draconian’ right now, perhaps just for a little while? (Certainly not from Khan, a socialist. Bring in socialism, and the whole edifice would blow.)
But you tell me; you were there.
fakenewswatcher, I thought Singapore to be a very lovely place to visit on the handful of times that I did but also very strange, almost fake and plastic.
It was, and probably still is, illegal to jaywalk from memory, to spit, to pick petals off flowers and no dropping of litter just for starters. All of which I agree with.
But as a city/country it just seemed soulless. ????
But I did like it there!
Bangkok was fantastic though ????
As evil little pygmies desecrated the statue and memory of Churchill, I wonder if D-Day veterans were asking themselves: We fought and died for THIS?!
vlad – could it be that Antifa, much loved by German and American revolutionary socialists, have arrived in the UK big time and teamed up with BLM? Aided and abetted by a similarly-minded MSM? Each set-up feeding on, and manipulating, the other?
Trotsky with PR?
News at 10 from beeb. Chichi Nzundu droning on about racism. Whitewash of events. Clive Myrie chats and Aleem Maqbool from Washington says it’s about ‘influencing ‘ police. Shaima Khalil from Sydney seems to agree. Bad ole police, eh?
My congratulations to the horse. Probably went a little beserk cos it couldn’t breathe.
Surrounded by anarcho-revolutionary-BLM-Antifa scum, the poor horse couldn’t bear it and bolted. Can’t blame it.
LBC confirm new gaffiti on thecentotaph plus BLM signs
.. nothing like at the same scale as Abraham Lincoln memorial
But Breitbart have started an outrage bus.
I want to know Cressida Dick have you told your police
officers to take it on the chin if they are chased and assaulted
by anarchist scum?
No they have to kneel nicely and ask for forgiveness. For being er …… white.