Burning Books and Bricks: a Brief History of Cultural Destruction
All statues in Labour councils across England and Wales, plus across London and Manchester, will be examined for links to slavery and plantation owners, their leaders have said.
Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, said the city’s landmarks – including street names, the names of public buildings and plaques – will be reviewed by a commission to ensure they reflect the capital’s diversity.
The nazis had a department set up for this kind of thing. It was called the Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer). and was set up in 1933 by Joseph Goebbels….
The Sigma Iota Rho (SIR) Journal of International Relations is one of the nation’s premier undergraduate journals of international studies. With a national distribution of over 3,000, the Journal offers undergraduates the chance to share their research and findings in topics like economics, politics and history.
This extract is taken from The Sigma Iota Rho (SIR) Journal of International Relations.
Burning Books and Bricks: a Brief History of Cultural Destruction
October 12, 2016
By Chloe Kaczvinsky
Cultural monuments and sites have historical and personal significance for nations. A radical group may target such sites to demonstrate a blatant and intentional disregard for a culture’s history and to display the scope of the group’s power over a population. Such tactics have historically been employed in cases of genocide, in which this denigration of physical space symbolizes the destruction a people or a previous history that does not align with the radical group’s cause. Of late, the rise of radical Islam in parts of the Middle East has resulted in the destruction of many monuments and cultural icons. In these cases, radicals believe these symbols violate strict Islamic principles. However, in other instances, this destruction also demonstrates the group’s international presence. The destruction of monuments strives to erase a place’s history and culture.”
Antifa are quickly going down this road aided and abetted by our national broadcaster. MSM and unbelievably, the conservative government….
Ah the new trick is label someone “SLAVE TRADER”
thus MONSTER-ISE them and th mob can do what they want with them.
All usual libmob suspects are tweeting thus about removal of the Robert Milligan statue West India Quay.
I think he inherited a plantation off his father
I’m not sure of the details.
I do know that Nepal politicians owned slaves until the last 30 years
And wonder if it was similar in Pakistan or Bangladesh.
There is a Lie going around, that the wealth of Britain and its daughter America, is based on the slave trade, and thus Black Africans. Its accepted as a truism. Thus is born the demand for Reparations.
Lets consider what wealth is. For thousands of years, almost every country traded and used slaves. Africans were the worst. They not only used slavery but sold their people to the Arabs
Despite thousands of years of slavery, the general wealth of the planet was essentially the same. The population too didn’t change much, as the productivity, and hence the wealth of the planet could not sustain any more humans.
What happened to change the world was the invention of the steam engine.Then the subsequent industrialization of Britain first, and then the West. Manpower was replaced by unlimited mechanical power on a gigantic scale, and then by electrical power. Real Wealth grew exponentially, leading to more and more food, better housing, clean water etc etc. The planet’s population also started to grow. Africa now has the highest population growth in the world.
Surplus wealth lead to the the birth of science as we know it, and the growth of medical invention. Hundreds of millions of people every year lived who would have died otherwise.
Instead of a few people having some wealth, virtually everyone could have food and medicines etc never imagined. This was wealth so huge, that it makes any wealth from slavery miniscule by comparison.
Everyone profited, but the credit and thanks is due to Western man. Instead of being grateful, modern times has seen the propagation of the Big Lie, that White man is to blame.
Test is simple. Remove all contributions of Western man, and within a year, 90% of the world will be dead due to hunger and disease.
Very well put NCBBC-something here that many will not know or have not been taught in the matter of their poor education.
That in 1833 Britain allocated 40% of its total budget at that time to buy freedom for all slaves in the Empire. Britain borrowed such a large sum of money for the Slavery Abolition Act that, it wasn’t paid off until 2015. This means that living British Citizens helped pay for the ending of the slave trade with their taxes.
Perhaps these Black protesters should be reminded of this extraordinary fact-and be reminded also that the development of British Universities in particular would be poorer without the significant donations offered from past business people they now hate so much. Of course we know who is mainly behind such disruption and their reasons are plain to see.
Didn’t know that Britain spent huge amounts of money to abolish the slave trade.
When one thinks of it though, it must have been so. Legal binding contracts have to be fulfilled – based on slavery or not. At the time, slavery was considered normal labour practice. Any contractual obligations would have to be fulfilled by law. That is the reason that Britain’s market is considered secure, and practised everywhere. Contractual law and security of property.
One just have to remove Western man’s engineering civilisation, and starvation would start in less the a few months.
What would you do to bring food to your family? Anything really. You cant be picky when your family is a day from hunger and malnutrition. If slavery is the only way, then the best one can do is get a good slave owner. Market forces.
In revolutions, many lies are accepted as truisms, they don’t mind at all. In fact, the bigger the lie, the better. You simply have to repeat it very often. truth and facts don’t come into it.
Now that you even have the media eager to perpetuate and publicise, and manipulate the lie on behalf of the racist revolutionaries, endlessly, we can -for the first time- follow a major revolution on -screen!
It’s not often that you get a minority easily imposing its will on a large ‘silent’ majority, in a mature parliamentary democracy. So here is another first.
You need to have a really good and simple propaganda message, or two, and whayho, it works like a charm.
I would like to know if these Labour councils have the right to take down statues. These people are elected to run council business for its council tax payers, the usual things like housing, roads etc. surely ripping down historic statues it doesn’t agree with is surely out of its remit.
cromwell: Revolutionaries don’t care about ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. They care about power, pure and simple. In this case, Black power. Impose your will on the majority by playing on their guilt and docility.
We really need to wisen up and toughen up. I can see why we’re 0-8 down and they’re heading for a double figure score!
What’s the betting that this BLM nonsense ends up with the FLA turning up to “guard” public monuments and the unwashed Marxist masses taking them on with fists and weapons?
Headlines in MSM “largely peaceful protests turned nasty after right wing thugs intervene”.
I fear the FLA are playing right into their hands.
All because the police can’t be bothered to protect public property and the government doesn’t have the balls to order them to do so.
Its difficult to understand what is happening to our police. Are they under orders from the government ie Boris Johnson, to appease the cultural terrorists. To what end?
At every step, the police could have stopped all this nonsense stone dead. Instead they have brought shame on us . But the worst was several policemen knelt down and submitted to the rioters.
That was the worst. Lets look at the what every policeman represents. On his helmet or cap, is the emblem of the Crown. Under it is EIIR.
Thus, these kneeling policemen had taken upon themselves, or under orders, for the Crown, along with Her Majesty to down down to the rioters.
This is so far beyond conception, that I dont think it has ever happened in the great history of our nation.
Is this a cunning plan to provoke a civil war. There is no doubt we will win. Winner generally takes all.
Or is it simply a cabinet that is out of its depth?
Thus, these kneeling policemen had taken upon themselves, or under orders, for the Crown, along with Her Majesty to bow down to the rioters.
Are they or their command totally left their senses?
The police aren’t run by the Home Secretary any longer that responsibility was largely removed and handed to local councils. Hence the police take their orders not from Westminster but from the City or Town Hall. Just another example , like devolution, which makes the UK less and less governable.
Part taken from a piece I think is worth showing here-
The coming of Floyd and the end times of nations.
The robbing, looting and burning, the beatings of people trying to defend their properties and the random shooting of innocents by both black and white BLM and Antifa scum in the US, supposedly on behalf of a dead thug and career criminal whom the media have turned into some sort of innocent saint, has nothing to do with the reasons for his arrest nor the circumstances of his death, which will, in due course, be openly dealt with by the courts. What any of this has to do with us in the UK is beyond rational explanation, as is the sight of Met Police officers being repeatedly attacked by the same primitive savages whom we have foolishly welcomed into this country in the name of multiculturalism and enrichment…
…and then ‘taking a knee’ at the feet of the same slavering, predominantly black mob……which was egged on by white co-conspirators who I fervently hope will take that self-asphyxiation process to its ultimate, and for me, rewarding end.
Indeed, coppers such as those obsequiously kneeling, and their Common-Purposed superiors, disgust me to the extent that I almost vomited at the sight.
Violent insurrection is both openly and surreptitiously being used by the Democrats, in the USA who failed so ignominiously to unseat President Truump in their three previous attempts, are using this event to mount another attack on President Trump, and, by extension, to likewise attack PM Johnson for failing to take a metaphorical ‘knee’ and offer groveling apologies for something that he and we had nothing to do with.
Interest-There are at least three GoFundMe pages set up by various family members. The total raised so far is in excess of $15 million. Follow the money and follow the politics and you will see who is really is responsible for this violent debacle on both sides of the Atlantic… and why.
NCBBC, and its god is the NHS who, once again, according to the BBC R4 News on Wednesday morning will be failing the nation – yet again – come this next Christmas.
tlwei- let us hope so.
I shall have to do some research to refind out who said something about the revolution eating its children?
Certainly Robespierre, Danton, Marat, Trotsky -and quite possibly his assassin sender, Stalin, found out the hard way.
Could also do a little research on Stalin to see the latest prognosis of the number of dead resulting from his revolutionary zeal, but he leaves Hitler in the shade, by far. Enslavement? Who knows the number imprisoned and/or perished in his Gulags? Alexander Solshenitsyn, who somehow survived, wrote about it in the Gulag Archipelago. Poor man, also had cancer, wrote about it in Cancer Ward. The cancer he typed, of course, was Marxism – Leninism.
Alas history is not fashionable these days and research seems to be “streng verboten”. Can understand why some ‘schools’ and ‘universities’ have ditched history. Might actually lead people to try and find out what really happened, instead of letting their passions run riot. Can’t have that, can we? Easier to just pick a word. Went to live in the USA. Wonder what he would make of it today, were he still alive?
Probably hasten back to Mother Russia at the sight of Pelosi & Co!
Here is what is happening in the most lefty woke city in America
Watching in real time as Seattle descends into anarchy
On Tuesday, the police in Seattle’s Eastern District had initially battled with the rioters, using tear gas and flashbangs. Eventually, recognizing that anything short of a military-style defense was a waste of police time and put police lives at risk, the police abandoned the Eastern Precinct. They shredded important and confidential documents, boarded up the windows, and walked away, leaving the people whom they serve to the mob’s mercy.
I was thinking, how many black and ethnic minority people are employed under the PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea umbrella. Probably going to be few less when sales drop. The left don’t think about future consequences they just like looking back.
Most walk past our monuments and history in ignorance. To Deliberately search for offence within them is endless and repugnant iconoclasm of the worst kind.
Across the ages, fundamentalists destroy. The Romans cut down the druidic sacred groves because of their perceived threat. Early Christians deliberately built their churches on native religious meeting places only for the Vikings, in turn, to destroy them. The Christian puritans, of the late medieval period, searched Britain deliberately intent on destroying long forgotten stone monuments to lost gods and heroes, erasing stone circles that to them were an affront to their god. Henry VIII, because of religious politics, left us only the skeletons of once great Abbey’s we now pay to visit.
What is beginning here exactly the same. Farage is 100% correct. This is a Liberal Taliban, only it’s not the Buddha statues of the Bamiyan Valley, it’s virtually every single historic British monument that will now be lobbied for decommission. But that will only be the beginning. They want to rewrite British history in their image. They want a structural reset that suits their Marxist aims. The BBC today pulled ‘Little Britain’ (no great loss but symbolic), expect much more.
In the past, puritanism was sponsored from the top. Why then do we have a gaping black hole of leadership against this insanity? Where do I vote to democratically put back the statue of Edward Colston? How do I vote against BLM, a movement I personally see as nothing more than a trojan horse for Liberal Marxism. A movement I fundamentally disagree with.
I do realise it’s not fashionable to be against movements with anti-racism on the ticket. However, this mob forces us all to pick sides. It’s that divisive. It’s Brexit mark II. There are no fences here to sit on.
The BBC have already chosen to be the broadcasting wing, giving endless oxygen to their fundamentalism, Sir Keir and Sadiq Khunt (sic) will no doubt be the political wing.
Where the hell do the rest of us turn? Is it down to us to protect our proud history if the authorities we pay taxes for wont?
This is a coordinated attack by the Democrats in America and the Remainers in Britain. If Pres Trump loses in November, then we will lose our support for WTO and an American trade deal.
The government will not have much option to schedule another referendum to rejoin the EU. For this, not just Labour and Scot MPs but a large fraction of the Remainer Tories will vote for.
Then a rejuvenated EU along, with a Democrat America, will pursue the Climate Change agenda full steam, paying trillions to Africa as Reparations, but under the guise of Climate Change agenda.
Yes it’s a good analysis of the broad picture. If Trump loses the Globalists will have total control and we will be forced back inside the EU and the West will continue to spread its accumulated wealth around the globe to the detriment of its own people but benefit of the elite. A free MSM would be quickly able to convince people of this but of course they are all part of the Globalist movement. We can also be certain that the Globalists will ensure that nothing like 2016 can ever happen again.
Good of you to remind me that policing is in local control . I presume Khan has the last word in London. This would explain the treatment of Pres Trump, who was invited by Her Majesty.
So our most important ally, and a president who openly likes the UK, was treated with disdain by London, the capitol of the UK. Neither May or Johnson did anything.
This is absurd. A President of our most important ally, invited by Her Majesty, was treated with contempt in London.
It has been clear that both May’s and Johnson’s heart is not with Brexit, but in the EU. Both have done everything they could to postpone and delay.
By design then, the final moving out of EU date is at the end of Dec. 2020. By 4th November, we will know the outcome of the US election. If Pres Trump loses, Boris Johnson, with a majority of Tories and the rest of Remainer parliament, will have a month to schedule a new EU referendum. With the BBC in full cry, we will be back in the EU.
This explains
1. The cold manner of PM Boris Johnson’s of treatment Pres Trump.
2. Boris Johnson needs the BBC to turn British opinion on the EU.
If Boris Johnson wants, with his huge majority, he can bring police control back to Westminster. But he wont, as he is satisfied with the present arrangement. So too with the BBC.
It now makes sense why the police have been behaving in what one can only regard, as a cowardly manner.
Also the harassment of Tommy Robinson, because he publicly revealed the war crime of the gang rape of English girls by Pakistani Muslims. We don’t know how many yet. Probably never will.
If the PM wants he can do what Margaret Thatcher did to the GLC. But he wont, as its not in the interest of the Globalists, or the EU.
What we see now is that control of law and order in London, is already in Muslim hands. And where London goes, too the rest of the UK.
God help us. And I mean that not metaphorically but literally. Unless we turn to God, we are sunk for good.
I note that very quickly and across the board, we are observing the stripping of any façade hitherto exhibited by any body (private or state run) or the elite as individuals for what they truly are, represent or believe in. Stripped naked in a philosophical sense for all to see.
This is beginning to look like how the Shah of Iran was brought down by a combination of Leftists and Muslims. Too, all the memorials of pre- Islam Persian empire, were torn down. The same in Afghanistan and Egypt.
It’s possible that the current madness on our streets and on our TVs (beeb) will have a positive outcome: that the silent majority of decent, tolerant, humane Brits will finally be red-pilled, and say: enough!
We’ve had enough of being called racist, enough of our police and institutions and history and traditions being (literally) spat on; enough of being white-shamed, white-guilted, and accused of white-privilege; enough of our schools and universities indoctrinating young generations in woke cultural marxism, resulting in them believing all the leftist BLM / Antifa propaganda; enough of our timorous hand-wringing church leaders, politicians and msm; enough lawlessness on our streets; enough luvvies and celebs always siding with those, within and without, who wish us harm; enough of our wonderful country – with all the opportunities it offers to everyone who wants to avail themselves of them – being constantly denigrated; and above all, enough of the BBC with all its lies and bias.
Britons, don’t bend the knee: get OFF your knees and stand tall.
We dont need to give any Reparations to Blacks or anyone else. We have given thousands of times more then any profit that accrued from slavery. Billions of people around the world are alive and well fed today, due to our inventions.
We actually stopped slavery to the annoyance of African and Arab chiefs.
There’s not enough sensible people out there prepared to ‘stand up and be counted’. No, in my book, you cannot turn back the clock when the country is engaged in the early stages of the cycle of Cultural Revolution.
We can turn back if Her Majesty asks her people to defend her realm. The ordinary people will go to her defence immediately, as they did at Dunkirk. Too, the armed forces will respond immediately.
Her Majesty has the power, if she wants to use it.
I wonder if the Democrat Party in the USA has now done enough to ruin Joe Biden’s Presidential prospects? Why should a BAME person in the current fevered atmosphere vote for an old white man, who has not clearly led his Party in speaking out against the violence and destruction, and who holds out prospects of the same-old same-oh? The alternative is to vote for President Trump who holds out the prospect of a job (or a better job) and the ambition of emerging from post-Pandemic USA with some prosperity.
This is a turning point in world history. More so then WWII. If Pres Trump loses, then the West as a cultural entity, is finished. That was never the case with the war with Germany.
I have posted this before. There is a war going on between Boris and his so called Tory Party with Al Beeb. I have a feeling that Al Beeb is losing hence the desperate propaganda.
Al Beeb in its death throes will get more vociferous and belligerent against the true British people.
Boris can win a lot of support now if he first decriminalises the failure to pay the Telly Tax and then make it a charity funded organisation. Who will object?
Only Al Beeb.
I see no evidence of any war, I see a stunning lack of leadership, direction and control. I see no vision, no talent, and a snuffing out of anyone in that party who shows any.
Because of that I ask you to provide some evidence of a ‘war’ The BBC IMHO is completely out of control because it knows the cowardly useless incompetent Tories haven’t any stomach to fight anyone least of all the left.
The snowflake libs and ‘incomers’ to this nation want to pull down statues and symbols of oppression?
Well in Taffland there are many castles, mostly Norman. Should they be demolished? There are many similar castles in England and Scotland, will they be pulled down by the native peoples ? Many, many mansions were built on the labour and exploitation of our ancestors. Do they come down?
Khant wants to erase British history from London. That will put the kibosh on tourism for the capital. Another nail in the coffin along with Covid. The best thing the people of London can do is to pull down the mayor.
Any Londoners agree with that ?
Taff there aren’t many Londoners left in London! Blair’s great replacement has worked a treat and the voters who elect the mayor of London and all those London labour MPs aren’t British. Within a few more decades what applies to London will apply to the rest of the country as they outbreeding the natives more than two to one. Even Ms Abbott’s maths could work that one out!
Just seen a recruitment add on Yesterday for the Police with lots of BAMES but no mention of knee pads being supplied …perhaps there’s a shortage like the PPE !
A few hours ago. Man trying to protect Churchill’s statue from the Antifa mob and it appears that the uniformed wing of Antifa (Cresside’s Division) are trying to move him
Antifa and BLM thugs are currently trying to get to the Churchill monument as one man baring a cross tries to defend it, police are trying to move the cross barer! pic.twitter.com/Vzn7w5hbaT
Meanwhile, it appears that Khan’s started work on removing a monument Need to verify this because I cannot believe it is happening.
UPDATE: The statue of slave trader Robert Milligan has now been removed from West India Quay.
It’s a sad truth that much of our wealth was derived from the slave trade – but this does not have to be celebrated in our public spaces. #BlackLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/ca98capgnQ
GWF – believe it, arch beeb propagandist, Ritula Shah has just gleefully confirmed it on radio 4. Not that I would believe a word she says, but simply because everything is taking the predictable course.
This is the next stage of the revolutionary zeal: fellow travellers start taking down statues ‘voluntarily’. By ‘popular demand’ Lenin would have said. We are learning a lot about how the late, great Soviet Union came to be. history rewind before our very eyes -right down to clenched fist salutes from MPs.
The UK: a little late with the revolution, but what the heck? A little help from the obliging beeb & co may well have given that final push?
R4 almost seemed worthy of a listen, with Emma Bunce, talking about space in the ‘Life Scientific’.
Then along came Ritula with her ‘news’ bulletin. Off switch. The introduction spent a lot of time on the…well, I’ll leave you to guess.
No prizes.
Interesting to see what he will do about all of the Saudi-owned buildings in London. Their ancestors were the original African slave traders so these buildings were gained with the proceeds of slavery.
Ah I mentioned it above
my post got in the wrong slot
How did the action happen so fast ?
Someone demanded it .. “The statue of Robert Milligan was removed from West India Quay after the Museum of London demanded that it’s owners remove it.
Government had no involvement.”
.. and who FUNDS the museum ?
The Museum is funded by the Sainsbury family.
Lord Sainsbury, a Labour peer, spent nearly £8m trying to stop Brexit.
How extraordinary that an Arab as in the case of S Khan should make such a statement, when it was his ancesters who were extensive slave traders throughout Africa and the Middle East as well coastal Europe and who grew rich a powerful on the backs of the Black African-does he not know this? or rather does he prefer not to recognise the facts. How on earth did London allow this individual become its Mayor? Well perhaps we all know why.
We should be pressing for the removal of any statues to Marx Lenin or Engels whose murderous Ideology has led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the name of forced ‘equality’.
Mass murder on that scale is far worse than trading in slaves.
And another thing: will those countries that ban the Nazi Swastika now ban the Communist Hammer and Sickle? Why does the latter get a free pass on student T-shirts along with Ernesto Guevara?
mustapha -you’ve missed a trick: Che is ever so popular, especially on T shirts. Why, I still have a book on him, with pictures, by a French journalist, Jean Larteguy. From my Uni days in the 60s.
Not one to seek a place in parliament, our Che and then raise the clenched fist. No, seeking death in the glorious revolution, after parting of the ways with Castro. Bolivia, I think, if memory serves. Now, I in no way agreed with the man’s politics, but you have to hand it to Ernesto: he practised what he preached. Death and destruction? He was first in line.
Hammer and Sickle? On the cover of my A.Solshenytsin copy of ‘Cancer Ward’. The Soviet Union ditched the idea in 1990, cos they found out it was a real cancer. So had AS.
But quite possibly coming to Britain soon: see ‘forthcoming attractions’, strictly black and white and grainy. There are sounds from Highgate cemetery: I can hear the old guy calling; he is still fully intact, unlikely to be removed by Mayor Khan or any of our current revolutionaries.
Cancer Ward, indeed. The lunatic asylum is a free add-on.
The African tribal system created and ran the trade in slaves. The more powerful predominantly West African tribes – centered on modern Nigeria – subjugating and selling off weaker tribes initially from their immediate areas, subsequently from deeper into Equatorial Africa, but again initially for domestic use.
The East African trade used the (modern) Kenyan catchment area, serviced by Arab traders for sales within the Middle East.
Later, as the value of slaves rose due to the development of the Caribbean and the Americas, the Arabs took over the management of both the West and East African coasts. European traders were simply shippers, the capture, forced marching, penning, assessment and initial sales were organised almost exclusively between black Africans and Arabs.
ARABS- as they did for thousands of years mostly from Africa and still do but under another heading ‘Traffikers’- the wealth in this trade and the power it provokes makes them a force to be reckoned with-but few it would appear have the tenacity or determination if you prefer to tackle the creeping evil head on.
It’s good to know that the BBC have finally come out
of the closet and have become the mouth piece of
the Marxist anarchist organization that goes by the
name of “black lives matter.” The organization don’t
hide their aims to destroy capitalism . Get rid of police
forces, basically to establish an anarchistic society.
I am sure they have learnt quite a bit from the Islamic State.
Particularly the destruction of statues and monuments
from which ISIS showed them how to do it in Palmyra Syria.
All there is left is for the BBC to rename their headquarters
Karl Marx house.
Foscari – I wonder if they would; isn’t he an old, white man?
Still calling out, even now, from Highgate Cemetery…
Presumably proof of the same affection for London, that Lenin had.
What is it about London..? Now going through the next stage of the revolution?
Nick Ferrari is now being MONSTERISED
by misrepresenting his words
I can tell straight away he didn’t say exactly make out he said.
From libmob tweets you’d think he’d just spoken.
AFAIK what’s been dredged up and misrepresnted is something he said 3 years ago
Afua Hirsch’s friend tweeted
BAME people getting baited on tv for raising issues of racial inequality has become normalised.
Watch the ever articulate @afuahirsch get effectively told to piss off to another country by Nick Ferrari even though she’s British. No biggie.
Afua Hirsch herself tweeted “In a former life, when I thought you cd politely persuade people not to be racist
Their response? “If you don’t like it here, LEAVE”.
Which I’m yet to hear said to a white British person”
… Well that is false for a start .. I have heard me and other people either complain about the British weather or rave about another country
and be told words to the effect well why don’t you “leave”
To all those race-baiters taking a pop at @NickFerrariLBC appalled that he should ask Norwegian born @afuahirsch to leave the country, HE DIDN'T. He asked her "why do you stay in this country if you take such offence when you see Nelson's Column". BIG DIFFERENCE
NF said “Why do you stay in this country? If you take such offence when you see Nelson’s Column, when you hear Winston Churchill’s name.?
How do you manage to stay here?”
My typo “I can tell straight away he didn’t say exactly, what they make out he said.
Loads of people are taken in by this 2 or 3 year old clip
and are outraged and tweet
“So, when is @NickFerrariLBC being fired for his racist remarks *today* ?
Look who doesn’t check dates !
@DavidLammy tweeted I can’t believe I am watching this in 2020.
Let alone this week of all weeks.
You Lammyhead you’ve been played someone has taken something from its original context and put it in front of your face to get you outraged
.. Almost always when people get outraged by something they see on TV or social media they are BEING PLAYED.
By accident someone hits back at Afua Hirsch
..excellent Twitter account
I am an immigrant to this country. The day I got my British citizenship was a very proud day for me. Those who hate this country to the extent that they’re literally dismantling it piece by piece I say this: leave! You would be doing us all a favour.
Starmer is a lawyer so perhaps I should, like a lawyer, parse his sentence “We kneel with all those opposing anti-Black racism”.
“Mr Starmer, do you oppose ALL racism, or merely anti-Black racism?”
… …
“Ah, you oppose all racism. Good. Now, do you think there was a racial aspect to the proven gang rape and abuse of English girls in, for example, Rotherham in England in the period 1997-2013?”
… …
“Many would disagree. Now, tell us, who was the DPP during this period? And do you think that this person should have done more to protect White girls from rape and anti-White racism?”
Doobster, I share your incredulity, do they imagine any thinking person can see this without bursting out laughing? Starmer looks like he’s posing for the Freemans Catalogue.
It might get them a few woke plaudits now, but hopefully when the madness has died down (?) it’ll come back to haunt them at the next election and be used mercilessly to ridicule the pathetic surrender monkeys.
Why is anyone surprised?
Starmer’s obsequiousness outweighs his arrogance, so when instructed to arrange a photo op by his globalist masters he will acquiesce.
It confirms what all this manufactured mayhem is really about.
(Ange is just thick).
What a foolish idiot Starmer is making of himself kneeling to oppose anti-Black racism-quite certain that such action will only make us all far more racist against those with a black skin-how should then treat those with a lighter coloured skin? Strange is it not that all such racist trouble comes out of the mouths of Black people, rarely hear it from Indian or South Asian people. This endemic disease pervades everywhere there are black coloured people-surely they are not all so virulent in their loathing of us white folks.
Shows an alarming lack of judgement on his part, it’s a fast moving situation and nobody knows how this is going to pan out. That picture alienates a good part of the electorate, naive at best, unless the message is ‘we don’t care what you think anymore.
Why is that lady wearing construction boots?
I have an idea for raising money for our bankrupt (morally as well as financially) government to consider.
A Luvvie tax ! 10% to levied on higher earners on top of the normal tax bands. Most of the so called ‘creative’ sector employ few other people save in the context of servants.
Also no tax concessions for anyone working abroad. You can’t simply hop in a private jet to the USA and suddenly pay no tax – Anyone who wants to keep their British citizenship can damn well pay for it !
Oh, and if you do decide to abandon ship to pay zero tax to the exchequer the media are banned from reporting any comments of a political nature by you.
Religion has clearly moved away from deities and into the worship of Socialism to it’s high time religious buildings lost their tax free status and were rated as business premsis and taxed accordingly.
Not an issue for the Mosques as the Saudis, Omanis, Kuwatis, Qataris etc etc will be queuing up to pay for them and frankly we need the money!
The Synagogues can easily afford it, as can the Gurdwaras and the Temples, I do believe the Roman Catholic Church is pretty flush and can afford to fund itself especially with the Eastern European influx.
Which leave the Church of Socialism with possibly the worst Archbishop it’s ever had. A man another product of the rotten school illustrating just how appallingly crap its alumni really are, who appears to take delight in attacking his own congregation and I don’t think I’ve ever heard talk about Jesus, the Bible and God.
Presiding over one of the largest Exodus’s from the pews, having to attract funding to pay for the huge number of building the Church owns should concentrate his tiny mind wonderfully into perhaps attracting back sufficient numbers to balance the books.
A longish letter in the D/Mail from an Haitian-American immigrant who is now a British Citizen.
She queries why there are no black doctors, dentists, or architects, and what happened to ambitious black British children. According to her English friends they could not recall having a uni friend who wasn’t Caucasian or Asian. And ends by saying that Britian’s racism is as ruthless and cold in slowly killing the aspirations of Afro-Caribbean British people and making them feel excluded from capitalist society.
So once again we indigenous peoples are castigated by yet another ‘immigrant’, who relishes in the title of British citizen, and there is certainly no mention of her relinquishing her citizenship and returning to Haiti. And why is there a lack of ‘ambitious black children’ ? could be what they lack in academic intelligence they make up for in streetwise astuteness knowing that more money could be made selling drugs.
These kids are given the same opportunity as their other counterparts, but perhaps their parents don’t want them to have further education and need them to get out and earn money instead.
Is there another country in the world where migrants have settled and take delight in criticising whatever regime/government/peoples in the land they now call home? I never hear of English ex pats moaning about their new countries of residence, no, its the British soft touch again. And I’m really hacked off with these foreigners – citizens or not, having a pop at the country I was born and raised in.
Brissles, in support.
A primary school teacher friend, no lover of the unions and the politicised profession, points out that, aged 6, children have no idea of black oppression and BAME politicisation of issues, real or imagined, they are just children. And in class, assuming of course they turn up, they get exactly the same teaching and the same opportunities as everyone else. Indeed in London (with high BAME population) , per capita spending on children in schools is way higher than anywhere else.
Maybe the incidence of single parent families (white, except for gypsies, 6%, asian 8%, black 20%) might have something to do with boring things like aspiration and male role models. Which I suppose is all the fault of us whities.
Off now for my BBC-inspired evening self-flagellation. Repeat after me.
I am white therefore I must be racist.
I am white therefore I must be racist.
I am white therefore I must be racist.
(continue for several days)
While the baying mob were crying for the removal of Cecil Rhodes statue, the journalist – Jason Farrell, indicated that ‘no doubt moves will be made for more black students to take up places at Oxford”. How ? If black kids were intelligent enough to get into uni they should be there already !! and like you said Sluff, all kids have equal teaching so there should at least be a few that theoretically would make the grade, but there hasn’t been, there is better incentive for them to be a footballer, or a rap musician or get into a life of crime – so this nonsense that its ‘racism’ is a lie. Most of us couldn’t give a stuff what our BAME neighbours get up to, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our lives.
As with so many other occupations the universities will positively discriminate in favour of BAMEs. In other words white people will be discriminated against. This is already happening in many industries and is particularly rife in the public sector. But of course many white folks don’t get past the fairer society bit they don’t realise that positive discrimination means someone , in this case themselves, is discriminated against.
Perhaps the idots should realise that it was Cecil Rhodes that set up a scholarship for those aspiring students wishing to go to an Oxfored Uni and he did much else with his money-so ill gained as is now being argued over. And created colleges in Southern Africa much for the black Africans benefit.
Barely able to bring myself to the incessant virtue-signallng anti-white hatred of the Black Broadcasting Corporation.
So instead, how about this? Rather long-winded I grant but a healthy dose of realism from an African Amercan lady called Candace Owens with some deliciously pithy descriptors about George Floyd and the Bandwagon Jumpers (were they a 60s beat combo?)
I’d like to claim credit for finding this but with a certain irony the BBC would absolutely loathe, it was sent to Mrs S by a very good…..errr………Indian female friend!
If you thought BBC/SKY and the rest of MSM were bad have a look at SKY SPORTS NEWS.Used to be about sports stories,but now full of wealthy black sports people supporting BLM.Also has white sports people virtue signalling their support of BLM.What has been happening this week in London has finally confirmed that democracy is being eroded,and is being replaced by mob rule.
Sad to see Keir Starmer kneeling,anything to win the black vote.I once wrote on here regarding Jeremy Corbyn, that he would promise anything to anyone.Seems Starmer is exactly the same.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Please note that I write this as SUFC fan and Sol Campbell has done a truly brilliant job as manager since arriving late last year and I hope he stays for next season.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Football is an area where there BAME people do have a genuine grievance.It is very strange that a third of players are black and yet the amount of managers and coaches is so small.
BBC radio prog Great Lives recently did a profile of the late Billy Bremner who apparently did try to do something about the endemic racism at Leeds Utd (that’s why he was on Great Lives!)
and Bremner has said that when Leeds had a black player in their team players in other teams would disgracely try to provoke the black player with the N word etc
International black players have said that there were international teams like Argentina who were notorious for racially abusing them including the 1998 team that included Pottichini and Simeone – 2 of the most high profile managers of recent years.
It is also strange how few Black people are visible in football stadiums to watch their local club play.One has to assume that feel uncomfortable there
I’m not so sure about coloured people having a grievance about footy management … I know that FIFA requires formal training ‘ experience for people to get ‘manager /coach ‘ status . … so if it is structured to deprive certain players from becoming managers I don’t know .
I’ve often thought that professional footy is a pretty closed world – particularly the prem – which I used to regularly go and watch . As a fan top end footy is very expensive and economics is one barrier – it certainly explains why the average age of those attending is now ‘mature ‘ as opposed to the 16 years old the past .
I’ve never heard an explanation as to why ex footballers who are black – land up as pundits and not ( successful )managers…..
Peter Shilton pokes his head above the cross bar
and speaks sense
All you people who are not happy with a government democratically voted by the people with 80 seat majority (and our great country )please go and live somewhere run by dictators (not elected )and see where your actions (like pulling down statues) gets you!!
This Wednesday, June 10th we will join the call to #ShutDownSTEM!
We urge all scientists and STEM workers to stop business as usual for a day to focus on actionable plans that work towards ending anti-Black racism.
FFS strikes without a ballot are ILLEGAL
I hope real science people ignore the call
To all the fake scientists and researchers who are participating in #ShutDownSTEM , please stop using black people as an excuse for your socialist virtue signaling. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are objective disciplines. You are NOT helping anyone.
We shall surrender on the beaches,
we shall surrender on the landing grounds,
we shall surrender in the fields and in the streets,
we shall surrender in the hills;
we shall always surrender.
I am afraid Boris is becoming more like Chamberlain as opposed to his idea of becoming another Churchillian leader. He lost the plot when he surrendered the streets to extinction rebellion. The Antifa mob saw the weakness and took advantage. I fear the next thing to go will be Brexit . He could have dealt with Al Beeb as soon as he had the huge majority in the elections . Boris may be weak, but where are the rest of the Tory MPs ? The Brexit Party should begin now for the next election.
Back in simpler times one was born, grew up a bit, learnt to speak and asked questions. A couple of them would have been about what you were and where you lived. Many a child must have written, ‘the universe, the galaxy, the Earth, Europe etc.’. That was when they found out that they were English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh or Yorkshire folk.
Later on they would learn about Kings and Queens, the lives of ancient peoples and famous individuals. It just was, they weren’t expected to justify Henry marrying more than once or Alfred’s cooking skills.
Some of these children might have found themselves living somewhere else, a few miles away, maybe many thousands, it doesn’t really matter. They might then have asked new questions like, why is this town where it is, or why is it called what it is? Again, things that just are, nothing that they have any control over.
Now we live in more complicated times, open door-immigration has produced schools that ‘proudly’ declare that 150 different languages are spoken within their walls. Do 150 different ‘histories’ now have to be taught, (impossible and who mediates between them?). The history of Henry and Alfred is the history of ‘place’, it is the common factor of all who are British, either by adoption, place of birth or heritage. It isn’t under the control of any of these Britons, it just is.
Those that reject this history either aren’t British, rather they are invaders, or worse, cowardly quisling collaborators.
How to tell if a BBC radio comedy programme is going to be any good before you’ve heard it
If you don’t like to waste time on dross, it pays to listen to the continuity announcer just before a BBC radio comedy programme. It you hear something along the lines of, “This programme includes dated attitudes and opinions that some listeners might find offensive,” then there’s a decent chance the programme will be worth listening to. It will be old, certainly, but it will most likely be funny; it might even be hilarious, and paradoxically it won’t contain even a smidgeon of offensiveness.
If however the programme is not preceded by the BBC’s moral health warning, it is likely to be fairly new, and as dull as ditchwater, having had any traces of real humour wrung out of it in the name of the BBC’s overweening political correctness. And not only will it be dull, it will be highly offensive. Attitudes will be displayed, opinions will be aired, jokes will be attempted, and assumptions will be made, all of which will be diametrically opposed to the belief system and moral code of a large section of the radio audience. The tiresome repetition of the BBC’s left/liberal metropolitan political and social bias will grate on many listeners. More perceptive listeners will be angered because they will realise that they have been subjected to yet another creepy tendril of the BBC’s great social engineering project.
But it’s that health warning that is really repugnant. “Dated attitudes and opinions that some listeners might find offensive”! By the slimy ‘some listeners’ we know that they mean, ‘all good, right-thinking people’. By implication therefore, the attitudes, opinions, even the vocabulary of most of my generation and previous ones (and anyone to the right of Karl Marx) are offensive. Offensive to who? Of course we know the answer: much of the comedy of all the ages before the present one is offensive to those who share the BBC’s mindset. They haughtily hog the moral high ground – and the rest of us can go to blazes; we can just jolly well pay our licence fees and shut the fuck up.
It’s outrageously intolerant of the BBC to condemn large parts of the moral fabric of all previous generations as ‘offensive’ and ‘outdated’, without any discussion or debate. Much to the disappointment of the BBC many of us are not yet dead. We children of the thirties, forties, and fifties still pay our TV licences; we still vote; and we are still entitled to live by and believe in the moral code that has got us safely through our long lives. We haven’t needed the BBC’s rather spooky left/liberal metropolitan political correctness; we’ve always managed perfectly well with common sense, good manners, and consideration for others.
Al Beeb is attempting to ‘re-educate’ the people of Great Britain very much like the state broadcasters of communist regimes. Viewing figures are dropping while younger generations are seeking other forms of media . The licence fee cash cow is dying. Programs can only get worse and Al Beeb will become insignificant. It is the author of its own demise.
Apart from them having morphed into being the greedy cash grabbing factories they have become, could this be down to a reduction in genuine skilled staff and teaching of value in favour of political tub-thumping and indoctrination?
I know from personal experience that the students are more likely to be blinkered lefty mantra shouting man-child idiots rather than balance thinking adults.
Perhaps this is why its so easy to get them to assemble as a mindless rabble for any “right-on” cause of the moment as we are seeing acted out before our eyes.
Now, the white working class kids who have found an identity in football gangs are termed agitators by the msm for wanting to defend the 85% white indigenous peoples culture because the police stand by and refuse to defend it.
Those white kids regularly pilloried by the msm for lack of education and joining gangs….
Funny that the other lot who screw their education up coz it not cool innit, and turn to gangs with guns and knives, and blame everyone around except themselves for lack of opportunity are feted by the media
if they ever deigned to attend a job inteview dressed with trousers halfway down their arse and talking like a lobotomised jamaican with tourettes I wonder what the result would be ?
racism no doubt
show us your qualifications, CV and job application history, show us you can talk half legible clear English without flipping and pointing your fingers around, show us you can dress suitably for the job you want,
How come George Floyd can have a PAST
… but Britain can’t ??
We judge people for what they ARE
not what they WERE
…. hence the George of the drug gangs and the terror is the George on the past
If he has served his time, come out reformed and serves his community, we respect this new George
and Jesus in the bible taught us that we FORGIVE him.
As people’s life is a journey
Britain’s life is a journey too.
Britain was the country that had slavery abroad
and then rethought and led the world in encouraging countries to give it up.
We do have a concept that things were off their time,
thus great kings of the past may have done vengeance attacks ..and we wouldn’t do that now.
And how any politician can rip down British statues
and then next breath say
“Mohammed, PBUH, peace be upon him” ??
How can they without addressing the issue that Mo took slaves, traded slaves and never spoke of the concept of abolition ?
Do you know that bit in the Koran where slavery was abolished ?
neither do I.
Each nation is entitled to have a past
and be judged for what we do today.
Furthermore we don’t
“Punish the children for the sins of the father”.
Also StewGreen, the media are selective who’s past they decide to reveal or not .TR constantly is referred to as ‘the founder of the EDL ‘ and who’s real name is ……..
It doesn’t happen very often but a small cheer for none other than Rick Nobinson on Toady. And about time too on his salary, I hear you say.
He was interviewing the leader of the National Association of Head Teachers, though amateurishly he did not mention that the NAHT is almost entirely primary school focussed. The context was the abandonment of government hopes to open schools more before the Summer.
The NAHT leader revealed himself as a whingeing why-we-can’t person. Pathetic attempts followed to blame the government for pre-CV underfunding and by implication a ludicrous argument that things would be better if schools had only 10-15 kids in each class pre-lockdown. He blamed the government for lack of planning but in fact it is his members responsibility for school operations. In short the NAHT union leader is part of the problem not of the solution.
But readers. I do ask you not to tar everyone with the same brush. There are plenty of teachers who do want to see the kids again and do want to teach them and to find ways of doing so. The achool at which I volunteer is a case in point. We have measured up the classrooms and other rooms, worked out how many we can fit in and will be open next Monday with a one way system, lots of hand sanitiser stations, and a revised timetable. Our head and his team has put in a big shift to make this happen and written to parents with lots of info. and encouraging the kids to attend. Yet he expects for his efforts only about half of them to do so. That’s not his fault but will mainly be down to lily-livered parents.
Let”s just make sure we direct our praise and criticism at the right deserving targets.
Is there no-one under the age of 60 with a functioning brain anymore?
Around here we have notices requesting vehicle drivers to ‘social distance’ themselves from pedestrians, why?
Has no-one under the age of 60 ever fried some bacon, (probably not, it’s haram) or burnt a bit of toast? Did they not notice that the smell pervades every cubic centimetre of the house?
‘Social distancing’ of a group that spends many hours in an aircraft, train, bus or classroom is beyond stupid.
In a few short years we have gone from a crazy world where liberal means non-liberal, democrat means non-democrat, black means white and white means black.
Now black is black is black. There is only one ‘truth’ and any resemblance to reality is an unfortunate coincidence that ‘progressivism’ will soon fix.
“Wretch 32 shared the clip on his Twitter account with the caption: “This is how the police think they can treat a 62 year old black man in Tottenham but this 1 happens to be my dad.”
They use a “quote” from a hardly impartial party as the headline.
Reading on via the link you learn not much more but it seems context and clarity has been deliberately avoided to maximise ill informed reaction.
No, no. ‘Listed’ will only apply to those wanting to replace old sash windows with UPVC and other similar situations. When it comes to ‘grading’ listed structures the same authority will turn a blind eye to, ‘Unwanted’ statues.
AslSeelt, Stew, G – I fear we constantly see evidence of being in the first stage of a revolutionary situation by many, many ‘little’ signs, as well as the big picture. A minority is out to overthrow a majority in the same way that in the US the work to oust Trump BY ANY MEANS the day he first walked into the White House, began.
One ‘little’ thing is that The Law is -in practice- null and void. The Law is now what the revolutionaries say it is. Planning permission is only relevant to the law-abiding majority. The revolutionaries set the public agenda, they will use ANY MEANS, and they are already mostly ‘beyond the Law.’ to them ‘planning permission is a non-existent joke; it is completely irrelevant.
Councils have been openly blackmailed into removing some statues (but only those the revolutionaries find offensive).Many of the people IN those councils have tacitly begun to support the Revolution and are willing to ditch ‘The Law’- another classic ‘little’ sign.
What the majority thinks is irrelevant. A classic revolutionary situation, that is already almost ‘post-democratic’ in some ways.
If it continues on the classic path, parliament will become irrelevant. That is -in part- because many of those IN PARLIAMENT have tacitly become revolutionaries, although they will pretend otherwise.
Like the media, universities etc. parliament becomes itself, a driver of the revolution .
The Blairs and the Merkels of this world have prepared this situation long, long ago. Like Obama in the US, they are still at it.
“Some people say” that Bristol University needs to close because of its connection with Edward Colston…………..
(fictional thought but in these irrational times, anything goes)
Excellent summation from Tucker C which, as you so rightly point out, we would never hear on the BBC. To those on the Left, a question: is Fox News really any more biased than the supposed ‘national treasure’ BBC? Different biases, that’s all, with Fox closer to the truth.
“Is it true that more people are dying of Covid-19 in the UK than in the 27 countries of the EU put together ?”
#1 Don’t let libmob move the goal posts
the UK strategy was never to have zero Covid deaths.
In a free travel world the disease cannot be 100% contained until a vaccine has been implemented.
Instead the strategy was to prevent the health service becoming overwhelmed.
This was a success.
:James Annan ????????
“Brexit is an atrocity perpetrated by the old against the young. Not all old, I know. But it’s close enough for a tagline.”
I’ll leave it to you to work out the agenda on this one!
ps: Mr Annan appears to be geographical scientist based at Bristol UNI so he’s bound to know lots about healthcare!
Not to worry, he will be out of a job soon, as soon as the connections between Edward Colston and Bristol Uni is recognised and the whole monolith torn down.
8pm Radio4 schedule just changed to include a special
Since the trail was just played on @BBCr4today, I guess it's real. Tonight I'm presenting a special programme on @BBCRadio4 on #BlackLivesMatter & the US/UK Church's complicated relationship with race. Featuring some of my friends and heroes. 8pm in the Moral Maze slot. #r4today
Listening to the Today programme on @BBCRadio4 this morning – reporter states that people were chanting "Black Power", however the audio clip days otherwise – they were chanting "More power to the People"
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Burning Books and Bricks: a Brief History of Cultural Destruction
All statues in Labour councils across England and Wales, plus across London and Manchester, will be examined for links to slavery and plantation owners, their leaders have said.
Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, said the city’s landmarks – including street names, the names of public buildings and plaques – will be reviewed by a commission to ensure they reflect the capital’s diversity.
The nazis had a department set up for this kind of thing. It was called the Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer). and was set up in 1933 by Joseph Goebbels….
The Sigma Iota Rho (SIR) Journal of International Relations is one of the nation’s premier undergraduate journals of international studies. With a national distribution of over 3,000, the Journal offers undergraduates the chance to share their research and findings in topics like economics, politics and history.
This extract is taken from The Sigma Iota Rho (SIR) Journal of International Relations.
Burning Books and Bricks: a Brief History of Cultural Destruction
October 12, 2016
By Chloe Kaczvinsky
Cultural monuments and sites have historical and personal significance for nations. A radical group may target such sites to demonstrate a blatant and intentional disregard for a culture’s history and to display the scope of the group’s power over a population. Such tactics have historically been employed in cases of genocide, in which this denigration of physical space symbolizes the destruction a people or a previous history that does not align with the radical group’s cause. Of late, the rise of radical Islam in parts of the Middle East has resulted in the destruction of many monuments and cultural icons. In these cases, radicals believe these symbols violate strict Islamic principles. However, in other instances, this destruction also demonstrates the group’s international presence. The destruction of monuments strives to erase a place’s history and culture.”
Antifa are quickly going down this road aided and abetted by our national broadcaster. MSM and unbelievably, the conservative government….
Ah the new trick is label someone “SLAVE TRADER”
thus MONSTER-ISE them and th mob can do what they want with them.
All usual libmob suspects are tweeting thus about removal of the Robert Milligan statue West India Quay.
I think he inherited a plantation off his father
I’m not sure of the details.
I do know that Nepal politicians owned slaves until the last 30 years
And wonder if it was similar in Pakistan or Bangladesh.
There is a Lie going around, that the wealth of Britain and its daughter America, is based on the slave trade, and thus Black Africans. Its accepted as a truism. Thus is born the demand for Reparations.
Lets consider what wealth is. For thousands of years, almost every country traded and used slaves. Africans were the worst. They not only used slavery but sold their people to the Arabs
Despite thousands of years of slavery, the general wealth of the planet was essentially the same. The population too didn’t change much, as the productivity, and hence the wealth of the planet could not sustain any more humans.
What happened to change the world was the invention of the steam engine.Then the subsequent industrialization of Britain first, and then the West. Manpower was replaced by unlimited mechanical power on a gigantic scale, and then by electrical power. Real Wealth grew exponentially, leading to more and more food, better housing, clean water etc etc. The planet’s population also started to grow. Africa now has the highest population growth in the world.
Surplus wealth lead to the the birth of science as we know it, and the growth of medical invention. Hundreds of millions of people every year lived who would have died otherwise.
Instead of a few people having some wealth, virtually everyone could have food and medicines etc never imagined. This was wealth so huge, that it makes any wealth from slavery miniscule by comparison.
Everyone profited, but the credit and thanks is due to Western man. Instead of being grateful, modern times has seen the propagation of the Big Lie, that White man is to blame.
Test is simple. Remove all contributions of Western man, and within a year, 90% of the world will be dead due to hunger and disease.
Very well put NCBBC-something here that many will not know or have not been taught in the matter of their poor education.
That in 1833 Britain allocated 40% of its total budget at that time to buy freedom for all slaves in the Empire. Britain borrowed such a large sum of money for the Slavery Abolition Act that, it wasn’t paid off until 2015. This means that living British Citizens helped pay for the ending of the slave trade with their taxes.
Perhaps these Black protesters should be reminded of this extraordinary fact-and be reminded also that the development of British Universities in particular would be poorer without the significant donations offered from past business people they now hate so much. Of course we know who is mainly behind such disruption and their reasons are plain to see.
Didn’t know that Britain spent huge amounts of money to abolish the slave trade.
When one thinks of it though, it must have been so. Legal binding contracts have to be fulfilled – based on slavery or not. At the time, slavery was considered normal labour practice. Any contractual obligations would have to be fulfilled by law. That is the reason that Britain’s market is considered secure, and practised everywhere. Contractual law and security of property.
One just have to remove Western man’s engineering civilisation, and starvation would start in less the a few months.
What would you do to bring food to your family? Anything really. You cant be picky when your family is a day from hunger and malnutrition. If slavery is the only way, then the best one can do is get a good slave owner. Market forces.
They won’t give a toss.
In revolutions, many lies are accepted as truisms, they don’t mind at all. In fact, the bigger the lie, the better. You simply have to repeat it very often. truth and facts don’t come into it.
Now that you even have the media eager to perpetuate and publicise, and manipulate the lie on behalf of the racist revolutionaries, endlessly, we can -for the first time- follow a major revolution on -screen!
It’s not often that you get a minority easily imposing its will on a large ‘silent’ majority, in a mature parliamentary democracy. So here is another first.
You need to have a really good and simple propaganda message, or two, and whayho, it works like a charm.
I would like to know if these Labour councils have the right to take down statues. These people are elected to run council business for its council tax payers, the usual things like housing, roads etc. surely ripping down historic statues it doesn’t agree with is surely out of its remit.
cromwell: Revolutionaries don’t care about ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. They care about power, pure and simple. In this case, Black power. Impose your will on the majority by playing on their guilt and docility.
We really need to wisen up and toughen up. I can see why we’re 0-8 down and they’re heading for a double figure score!
Exactly. And the leaders of BLM and antifa and morally degenerate Blacks and Whites.
Its the same old story.
“Cultural Revolution Facts for Kids”.
“A 1968 map of Beijing showing streets and landmarks renamed during the Cultural Revolution”
Is this their playbook?
What’s the betting that this BLM nonsense ends up with the FLA turning up to “guard” public monuments and the unwashed Marxist masses taking them on with fists and weapons?
Headlines in MSM “largely peaceful protests turned nasty after right wing thugs intervene”.
I fear the FLA are playing right into their hands.
All because the police can’t be bothered to protect public property and the government doesn’t have the balls to order them to do so.
Its difficult to understand what is happening to our police. Are they under orders from the government ie Boris Johnson, to appease the cultural terrorists. To what end?
At every step, the police could have stopped all this nonsense stone dead. Instead they have brought shame on us . But the worst was several policemen knelt down and submitted to the rioters.
That was the worst. Lets look at the what every policeman represents. On his helmet or cap, is the emblem of the Crown. Under it is EIIR.
Thus, these kneeling policemen had taken upon themselves, or under orders, for the Crown, along with Her Majesty to down down to the rioters.
This is so far beyond conception, that I dont think it has ever happened in the great history of our nation.
Is this a cunning plan to provoke a civil war. There is no doubt we will win. Winner generally takes all.
Or is it simply a cabinet that is out of its depth?
Thus, these kneeling policemen had taken upon themselves, or under orders, for the Crown, along with Her Majesty to bow down to the rioters.
Are they or their command totally left their senses?
The police aren’t run by the Home Secretary any longer that responsibility was largely removed and handed to local councils. Hence the police take their orders not from Westminster but from the City or Town Hall. Just another example , like devolution, which makes the UK less and less governable.
Part taken from a piece I think is worth showing here-
The coming of Floyd and the end times of nations.
The robbing, looting and burning, the beatings of people trying to defend their properties and the random shooting of innocents by both black and white BLM and Antifa scum in the US, supposedly on behalf of a dead thug and career criminal whom the media have turned into some sort of innocent saint, has nothing to do with the reasons for his arrest nor the circumstances of his death, which will, in due course, be openly dealt with by the courts. What any of this has to do with us in the UK is beyond rational explanation, as is the sight of Met Police officers being repeatedly attacked by the same primitive savages whom we have foolishly welcomed into this country in the name of multiculturalism and enrichment…
…and then ‘taking a knee’ at the feet of the same slavering, predominantly black mob……which was egged on by white co-conspirators who I fervently hope will take that self-asphyxiation process to its ultimate, and for me, rewarding end.
Indeed, coppers such as those obsequiously kneeling, and their Common-Purposed superiors, disgust me to the extent that I almost vomited at the sight.
Violent insurrection is both openly and surreptitiously being used by the Democrats, in the USA who failed so ignominiously to unseat President Truump in their three previous attempts, are using this event to mount another attack on President Trump, and, by extension, to likewise attack PM Johnson for failing to take a metaphorical ‘knee’ and offer groveling apologies for something that he and we had nothing to do with.
Interest-There are at least three GoFundMe pages set up by various family members. The total raised so far is in excess of $15 million. Follow the money and follow the politics and you will see who is really is responsible for this violent debacle on both sides of the Atlantic… and why.
What a state the West has come to.
Its saints are
1. A probably Autistic uneducated teenage girl.
2. A convicted violent career criminal.
This shows exactly we are headed.
The teen girl carries the banner of Climate Change.
The Black African criminal symbolizes where the money from the Climate Change fraud will be sent to.
NCBBC, and its god is the NHS who, once again, according to the BBC R4 News on Wednesday morning will be failing the nation – yet again – come this next Christmas.
FLA – what is it please?
Football Lads Alliance
Thank you Jim.
the left WILL eat itself ????
tlwei- let us hope so.
I shall have to do some research to refind out who said something about the revolution eating its children?
Certainly Robespierre, Danton, Marat, Trotsky -and quite possibly his assassin sender, Stalin, found out the hard way.
Could also do a little research on Stalin to see the latest prognosis of the number of dead resulting from his revolutionary zeal, but he leaves Hitler in the shade, by far. Enslavement? Who knows the number imprisoned and/or perished in his Gulags? Alexander Solshenitsyn, who somehow survived, wrote about it in the Gulag Archipelago. Poor man, also had cancer, wrote about it in Cancer Ward. The cancer he typed, of course, was Marxism – Leninism.
Alas history is not fashionable these days and research seems to be “streng verboten”. Can understand why some ‘schools’ and ‘universities’ have ditched history. Might actually lead people to try and find out what really happened, instead of letting their passions run riot. Can’t have that, can we? Easier to just pick a word. Went to live in the USA. Wonder what he would make of it today, were he still alive?
Probably hasten back to Mother Russia at the sight of Pelosi & Co!
Agree fnw ????
But only after its eaten us. Witness when the left takes over – Mass murder, starvation and genocide. Economic collapse.
Here is what is happening in the most lefty woke city in America
Watching in real time as Seattle descends into anarchy
On Tuesday, the police in Seattle’s Eastern District had initially battled with the rioters, using tear gas and flashbangs. Eventually, recognizing that anything short of a military-style defense was a waste of police time and put police lives at risk, the police abandoned the Eastern Precinct. They shredded important and confidential documents, boarded up the windows, and walked away, leaving the people whom they serve to the mob’s mercy.
We are now at the beginning of the end. The police in London and the major cities, have bended the knee to an alien invasion.
I was thinking, how many black and ethnic minority people are employed under the PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea umbrella. Probably going to be few less when sales drop. The left don’t think about future consequences they just like looking back.
Perhaps PG Tips could re-run some of their old adverts. You, know, to let us see how pure, righteous and ‘woke’ they are.
Most walk past our monuments and history in ignorance. To Deliberately search for offence within them is endless and repugnant iconoclasm of the worst kind.
Across the ages, fundamentalists destroy. The Romans cut down the druidic sacred groves because of their perceived threat. Early Christians deliberately built their churches on native religious meeting places only for the Vikings, in turn, to destroy them. The Christian puritans, of the late medieval period, searched Britain deliberately intent on destroying long forgotten stone monuments to lost gods and heroes, erasing stone circles that to them were an affront to their god. Henry VIII, because of religious politics, left us only the skeletons of once great Abbey’s we now pay to visit.
What is beginning here exactly the same. Farage is 100% correct. This is a Liberal Taliban, only it’s not the Buddha statues of the Bamiyan Valley, it’s virtually every single historic British monument that will now be lobbied for decommission. But that will only be the beginning. They want to rewrite British history in their image. They want a structural reset that suits their Marxist aims. The BBC today pulled ‘Little Britain’ (no great loss but symbolic), expect much more.
In the past, puritanism was sponsored from the top. Why then do we have a gaping black hole of leadership against this insanity? Where do I vote to democratically put back the statue of Edward Colston? How do I vote against BLM, a movement I personally see as nothing more than a trojan horse for Liberal Marxism. A movement I fundamentally disagree with.
I do realise it’s not fashionable to be against movements with anti-racism on the ticket. However, this mob forces us all to pick sides. It’s that divisive. It’s Brexit mark II. There are no fences here to sit on.
The BBC have already chosen to be the broadcasting wing, giving endless oxygen to their fundamentalism, Sir Keir and Sadiq Khunt (sic) will no doubt be the political wing.
Where the hell do the rest of us turn? Is it down to us to protect our proud history if the authorities we pay taxes for wont?
This is a coordinated attack by the Democrats in America and the Remainers in Britain. If Pres Trump loses in November, then we will lose our support for WTO and an American trade deal.
The government will not have much option to schedule another referendum to rejoin the EU. For this, not just Labour and Scot MPs but a large fraction of the Remainer Tories will vote for.
Then a rejuvenated EU along, with a Democrat America, will pursue the Climate Change agenda full steam, paying trillions to Africa as Reparations, but under the guise of Climate Change agenda.
Pres Trump has to win, or we are done.
Yes it’s a good analysis of the broad picture. If Trump loses the Globalists will have total control and we will be forced back inside the EU and the West will continue to spread its accumulated wealth around the globe to the detriment of its own people but benefit of the elite. A free MSM would be quickly able to convince people of this but of course they are all part of the Globalist movement. We can also be certain that the Globalists will ensure that nothing like 2016 can ever happen again.
Good of you to remind me that policing is in local control . I presume Khan has the last word in London. This would explain the treatment of Pres Trump, who was invited by Her Majesty.
So our most important ally, and a president who openly likes the UK, was treated with disdain by London, the capitol of the UK. Neither May or Johnson did anything.
This is absurd. A President of our most important ally, invited by Her Majesty, was treated with contempt in London.
It has been clear that both May’s and Johnson’s heart is not with Brexit, but in the EU. Both have done everything they could to postpone and delay.
By design then, the final moving out of EU date is at the end of Dec. 2020. By 4th November, we will know the outcome of the US election. If Pres Trump loses, Boris Johnson, with a majority of Tories and the rest of Remainer parliament, will have a month to schedule a new EU referendum. With the BBC in full cry, we will be back in the EU.
This explains
1. The cold manner of PM Boris Johnson’s of treatment Pres Trump.
2. Boris Johnson needs the BBC to turn British opinion on the EU.
If Boris Johnson wants, with his huge majority, he can bring police control back to Westminster. But he wont, as he is satisfied with the present arrangement. So too with the BBC.
It now makes sense why the police have been behaving in what one can only regard, as a cowardly manner.
Also the harassment of Tommy Robinson, because he publicly revealed the war crime of the gang rape of English girls by Pakistani Muslims. We don’t know how many yet. Probably never will.
If the PM wants he can do what Margaret Thatcher did to the GLC. But he wont, as its not in the interest of the Globalists, or the EU.
What we see now is that control of law and order in London, is already in Muslim hands. And where London goes, too the rest of the UK.
God help us. And I mean that not metaphorically but literally. Unless we turn to God, we are sunk for good.
Interesting times.
I note that very quickly and across the board, we are observing the stripping of any façade hitherto exhibited by any body (private or state run) or the elite as individuals for what they truly are, represent or believe in. Stripped naked in a philosophical sense for all to see.
This is beginning to look like how the Shah of Iran was brought down by a combination of Leftists and Muslims. Too, all the memorials of pre- Islam Persian empire, were torn down. The same in Afghanistan and Egypt.
In effect then, the whole cycle is, with given current conditions, starting all over again.
It’s possible that the current madness on our streets and on our TVs (beeb) will have a positive outcome: that the silent majority of decent, tolerant, humane Brits will finally be red-pilled, and say: enough!
We’ve had enough of being called racist, enough of our police and institutions and history and traditions being (literally) spat on; enough of being white-shamed, white-guilted, and accused of white-privilege; enough of our schools and universities indoctrinating young generations in woke cultural marxism, resulting in them believing all the leftist BLM / Antifa propaganda; enough of our timorous hand-wringing church leaders, politicians and msm; enough lawlessness on our streets; enough luvvies and celebs always siding with those, within and without, who wish us harm; enough of our wonderful country – with all the opportunities it offers to everyone who wants to avail themselves of them – being constantly denigrated; and above all, enough of the BBC with all its lies and bias.
Britons, don’t bend the knee: get OFF your knees and stand tall.
To Defund the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, see here: https://www.change.org/p/everyone-defund-bbc
Vlad, I hope so ????????????
Or are we too far gone?
We dont need to give any Reparations to Blacks or anyone else. We have given thousands of times more then any profit that accrued from slavery. Billions of people around the world are alive and well fed today, due to our inventions.
We actually stopped slavery to the annoyance of African and Arab chiefs.
There’s not enough sensible people out there prepared to ‘stand up and be counted’. No, in my book, you cannot turn back the clock when the country is engaged in the early stages of the cycle of Cultural Revolution.
We can turn back if Her Majesty asks her people to defend her realm. The ordinary people will go to her defence immediately, as they did at Dunkirk. Too, the armed forces will respond immediately.
Her Majesty has the power, if she wants to use it.
God Bless her.
I dont think the BBC will be defunded, as at the moment, it is not in the interest of the PM Boris Johnson government.
It might happen once we are out of the EU. But that depends on the outcome of the US election.
I wonder if the Democrat Party in the USA has now done enough to ruin Joe Biden’s Presidential prospects? Why should a BAME person in the current fevered atmosphere vote for an old white man, who has not clearly led his Party in speaking out against the violence and destruction, and who holds out prospects of the same-old same-oh? The alternative is to vote for President Trump who holds out the prospect of a job (or a better job) and the ambition of emerging from post-Pandemic USA with some prosperity.
I sincerely hope and pray that Pres Trump wins.
This is a turning point in world history. More so then WWII. If Pres Trump loses, then the West as a cultural entity, is finished. That was never the case with the war with Germany.
I have posted this before. There is a war going on between Boris and his so called Tory Party with Al Beeb. I have a feeling that Al Beeb is losing hence the desperate propaganda.
Al Beeb in its death throes will get more vociferous and belligerent against the true British people.
Boris can win a lot of support now if he first decriminalises the failure to pay the Telly Tax and then make it a charity funded organisation. Who will object?
Only Al Beeb.
I see no evidence of any war, I see a stunning lack of leadership, direction and control. I see no vision, no talent, and a snuffing out of anyone in that party who shows any.
Because of that I ask you to provide some evidence of a ‘war’ The BBC IMHO is completely out of control because it knows the cowardly useless incompetent Tories haven’t any stomach to fight anyone least of all the left.
I think we would be better off with Dominic Cummins as PM. At least he seems to have some ba*ls
The snowflake libs and ‘incomers’ to this nation want to pull down statues and symbols of oppression?
Well in Taffland there are many castles, mostly Norman. Should they be demolished? There are many similar castles in England and Scotland, will they be pulled down by the native peoples ? Many, many mansions were built on the labour and exploitation of our ancestors. Do they come down?
Khant wants to erase British history from London. That will put the kibosh on tourism for the capital. Another nail in the coffin along with Covid. The best thing the people of London can do is to pull down the mayor.
Any Londoners agree with that ?
Taff there aren’t many Londoners left in London! Blair’s great replacement has worked a treat and the voters who elect the mayor of London and all those London labour MPs aren’t British. Within a few more decades what applies to London will apply to the rest of the country as they outbreeding the natives more than two to one. Even Ms Abbott’s maths could work that one out!
I notice Paula Barker, Labour MP for a Liverpool constituency, doing her raised fist salute on Twitter.
Who does she think she’s kidding?
Just seen a recruitment add on Yesterday for the Police with lots of BAMES but no mention of knee pads being supplied …perhaps there’s a shortage like the PPE !
A few hours ago. Man trying to protect Churchill’s statue from the Antifa mob and it appears that the uniformed wing of Antifa (Cresside’s Division) are trying to move him
Meanwhile, it appears that Khan’s started work on removing a monument Need to verify this because I cannot believe it is happening.
GWF – believe it, arch beeb propagandist, Ritula Shah has just gleefully confirmed it on radio 4. Not that I would believe a word she says, but simply because everything is taking the predictable course.
This is the next stage of the revolutionary zeal: fellow travellers start taking down statues ‘voluntarily’. By ‘popular demand’ Lenin would have said. We are learning a lot about how the late, great Soviet Union came to be. history rewind before our very eyes -right down to clenched fist salutes from MPs.
The UK: a little late with the revolution, but what the heck? A little help from the obliging beeb & co may well have given that final push?
R4 almost seemed worthy of a listen, with Emma Bunce, talking about space in the ‘Life Scientific’.
Then along came Ritula with her ‘news’ bulletin. Off switch. The introduction spent a lot of time on the…well, I’ll leave you to guess.
No prizes.
Does Khan have the authority to remove the statue? If it is removed what will happen to it? We need to know.
Interesting to see what he will do about all of the Saudi-owned buildings in London. Their ancestors were the original African slave traders so these buildings were gained with the proceeds of slavery.
Ah I mentioned it above
my post got in the wrong slot
How did the action happen so fast ?
Someone demanded it .. “The statue of Robert Milligan was removed from West India Quay after the Museum of London demanded that it’s owners remove it.
Government had no involvement.”
.. and who FUNDS the museum ?
The Museum is funded by the Sainsbury family.
Lord Sainsbury, a Labour peer, spent nearly £8m trying to stop Brexit.
How extraordinary that an Arab as in the case of S Khan should make such a statement, when it was his ancesters who were extensive slave traders throughout Africa and the Middle East as well coastal Europe and who grew rich a powerful on the backs of the Black African-does he not know this? or rather does he prefer not to recognise the facts. How on earth did London allow this individual become its Mayor? Well perhaps we all know why.
It’s a sad truth that much of our wealth was derived from the slave trade – but this does not have to be celebrated in our public spaces.
No its not true. Britain’s wealth is derived from the Industrial revolution.
When the dwarfish muslim mayor of London uses the term ‘our’ in the above tweet, is he referring to pakland? Because he’s not part of my ‘our’.
I think he refers to caliphate or something.
We should be pressing for the removal of any statues to Marx Lenin or Engels whose murderous Ideology has led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the name of forced ‘equality’.
Mass murder on that scale is far worse than trading in slaves.
And another thing: will those countries that ban the Nazi Swastika now ban the Communist Hammer and Sickle? Why does the latter get a free pass on student T-shirts along with Ernesto Guevara?
mustapha -you’ve missed a trick: Che is ever so popular, especially on T shirts. Why, I still have a book on him, with pictures, by a French journalist, Jean Larteguy. From my Uni days in the 60s.
Not one to seek a place in parliament, our Che and then raise the clenched fist. No, seeking death in the glorious revolution, after parting of the ways with Castro. Bolivia, I think, if memory serves. Now, I in no way agreed with the man’s politics, but you have to hand it to Ernesto: he practised what he preached. Death and destruction? He was first in line.
Hammer and Sickle? On the cover of my A.Solshenytsin copy of ‘Cancer Ward’. The Soviet Union ditched the idea in 1990, cos they found out it was a real cancer. So had AS.
But quite possibly coming to Britain soon: see ‘forthcoming attractions’, strictly black and white and grainy. There are sounds from Highgate cemetery: I can hear the old guy calling; he is still fully intact, unlikely to be removed by Mayor Khan or any of our current revolutionaries.
Cancer Ward, indeed. The lunatic asylum is a free add-on.
Who exactly were selling the slaves to the traders?
The African tribal system created and ran the trade in slaves. The more powerful predominantly West African tribes – centered on modern Nigeria – subjugating and selling off weaker tribes initially from their immediate areas, subsequently from deeper into Equatorial Africa, but again initially for domestic use.
The East African trade used the (modern) Kenyan catchment area, serviced by Arab traders for sales within the Middle East.
Later, as the value of slaves rose due to the development of the Caribbean and the Americas, the Arabs took over the management of both the West and East African coasts. European traders were simply shippers, the capture, forced marching, penning, assessment and initial sales were organised almost exclusively between black Africans and Arabs.
ARABS- as they did for thousands of years mostly from Africa and still do but under another heading ‘Traffikers’- the wealth in this trade and the power it provokes makes them a force to be reckoned with-but few it would appear have the tenacity or determination if you prefer to tackle the creeping evil head on.
Apparently Black chiefs and kings.
Our fault is to have bought slaves, and did nothing to stop slave trading till we had no use for slaves, because of the Industrial revolution.
It is now our turn.
It’s good to know that the BBC have finally come out
of the closet and have become the mouth piece of
the Marxist anarchist organization that goes by the
name of “black lives matter.” The organization don’t
hide their aims to destroy capitalism . Get rid of police
forces, basically to establish an anarchistic society.
I am sure they have learnt quite a bit from the Islamic State.
Particularly the destruction of statues and monuments
from which ISIS showed them how to do it in Palmyra Syria.
All there is left is for the BBC to rename their headquarters
Karl Marx house.
Once there is anarchy, Muslims will offer sharia as the life saver.
That is how it normally works. Out of desperation and fear, our MPs will bend their knee and accept.
Foscari – I wonder if they would; isn’t he an old, white man?
Still calling out, even now, from Highgate Cemetery…
Presumably proof of the same affection for London, that Lenin had.
What is it about London..? Now going through the next stage of the revolution?
Yes fakenewswatcher-That was a Freudian slip.
Can I change the BBC headquarters to Zoe Samudzi
house ? I think that ticks a few more boxes.
Boris get your cabinet, your MPs and your party, because we in Great Britain waiting for some action ????? 😀 ……………………………
Is there anyone in the Tory Party that will step forward and replace Boris?
Nick Ferrari is now being MONSTERISED
by misrepresenting his words
I can tell straight away he didn’t say exactly make out he said.
From libmob tweets you’d think he’d just spoken.
AFAIK what’s been dredged up and misrepresnted is something he said 3 years ago
Afua Hirsch’s friend tweeted
Afua Hirsch herself tweeted
“In a former life, when I thought you cd politely persuade people not to be racist
Their response? “If you don’t like it here, LEAVE”.
Which I’m yet to hear said to a white British person”
… Well that is false for a start .. I have heard me and other people either complain about the British weather or rave about another country
and be told words to the effect well why don’t you “leave”
NF said “Why do you stay in this country? If you take such offence when you see Nelson’s Column, when you hear Winston Churchill’s name.?
How do you manage to stay here?”
My typo “I can tell straight away he didn’t say exactly, what they make out he said.
Loads of people are taken in by this 2 or 3 year old clip
and are outraged and tweet
“So, when is @NickFerrariLBC being fired for his racist remarks *today* ?
Always liked the idea of a Ferrari.
Look who doesn’t check dates !
@DavidLammy tweeted
I can’t believe I am watching this in 2020.
Let alone this week of all weeks.
You Lammyhead you’ve been played someone has taken something from its original context and put it in front of your face to get you outraged
.. Almost always when people get outraged by something they see on TV or social media they are BEING PLAYED.
By accident someone hits back at Afua Hirsch
..excellent Twitter account
Jesus wept. What the actual f**k has this country become !!!!
Starmer is a lawyer so perhaps I should, like a lawyer, parse his sentence “We kneel with all those opposing anti-Black racism”.
“Mr Starmer, do you oppose ALL racism, or merely anti-Black racism?”
… …
“Ah, you oppose all racism. Good. Now, do you think there was a racial aspect to the proven gang rape and abuse of English girls in, for example, Rotherham in England in the period 1997-2013?”
… …
“Many would disagree. Now, tell us, who was the DPP during this period? And do you think that this person should have done more to protect White girls from rape and anti-White racism?”
Doobster, I share your incredulity, do they imagine any thinking person can see this without bursting out laughing? Starmer looks like he’s posing for the Freemans Catalogue.
It might get them a few woke plaudits now, but hopefully when the madness has died down (?) it’ll come back to haunt them at the next election and be used mercilessly to ridicule the pathetic surrender monkeys.
Wait till Boris kneels……its inevitable or he will be branded Racist !!
The new Religion.
Which requires perpetual repentance, self abasement and public confession.
Forgive us Father, for we have committed the ultimate sin of being white.
Someone needs to photoshop Peter Hitchens standing in front of them.
Why is anyone surprised?
Starmer’s obsequiousness outweighs his arrogance, so when instructed to arrange a photo op by his globalist masters he will acquiesce.
It confirms what all this manufactured mayhem is really about.
(Ange is just thick).
What a foolish idiot Starmer is making of himself kneeling to oppose anti-Black racism-quite certain that such action will only make us all far more racist against those with a black skin-how should then treat those with a lighter coloured skin? Strange is it not that all such racist trouble comes out of the mouths of Black people, rarely hear it from Indian or South Asian people. This endemic disease pervades everywhere there are black coloured people-surely they are not all so virulent in their loathing of us white folks.
Shows an alarming lack of judgement on his part, it’s a fast moving situation and nobody knows how this is going to pan out. That picture alienates a good part of the electorate, naive at best, unless the message is ‘we don’t care what you think anymore.
Why is that lady wearing construction boots?
The way things are going, Afua Hirsch, may get her wish ! that Nelson is finally ejected from his column !
I have an idea for raising money for our bankrupt (morally as well as financially) government to consider.
A Luvvie tax ! 10% to levied on higher earners on top of the normal tax bands. Most of the so called ‘creative’ sector employ few other people save in the context of servants.
Also no tax concessions for anyone working abroad. You can’t simply hop in a private jet to the USA and suddenly pay no tax – Anyone who wants to keep their British citizenship can damn well pay for it !
Oh, and if you do decide to abandon ship to pay zero tax to the exchequer the media are banned from reporting any comments of a political nature by you.
Religion has clearly moved away from deities and into the worship of Socialism to it’s high time religious buildings lost their tax free status and were rated as business premsis and taxed accordingly.
Not an issue for the Mosques as the Saudis, Omanis, Kuwatis, Qataris etc etc will be queuing up to pay for them and frankly we need the money!
The Synagogues can easily afford it, as can the Gurdwaras and the Temples, I do believe the Roman Catholic Church is pretty flush and can afford to fund itself especially with the Eastern European influx.
Which leave the Church of Socialism with possibly the worst Archbishop it’s ever had. A man another product of the rotten school illustrating just how appallingly crap its alumni really are, who appears to take delight in attacking his own congregation and I don’t think I’ve ever heard talk about Jesus, the Bible and God.
Presiding over one of the largest Exodus’s from the pews, having to attract funding to pay for the huge number of building the Church owns should concentrate his tiny mind wonderfully into perhaps attracting back sufficient numbers to balance the books.
A longish letter in the D/Mail from an Haitian-American immigrant who is now a British Citizen.
She queries why there are no black doctors, dentists, or architects, and what happened to ambitious black British children. According to her English friends they could not recall having a uni friend who wasn’t Caucasian or Asian. And ends by saying that Britian’s racism is as ruthless and cold in slowly killing the aspirations of Afro-Caribbean British people and making them feel excluded from capitalist society.
So once again we indigenous peoples are castigated by yet another ‘immigrant’, who relishes in the title of British citizen, and there is certainly no mention of her relinquishing her citizenship and returning to Haiti. And why is there a lack of ‘ambitious black children’ ? could be what they lack in academic intelligence they make up for in streetwise astuteness knowing that more money could be made selling drugs.
These kids are given the same opportunity as their other counterparts, but perhaps their parents don’t want them to have further education and need them to get out and earn money instead.
Is there another country in the world where migrants have settled and take delight in criticising whatever regime/government/peoples in the land they now call home? I never hear of English ex pats moaning about their new countries of residence, no, its the British soft touch again. And I’m really hacked off with these foreigners – citizens or not, having a pop at the country I was born and raised in.
Brissles, in support.
A primary school teacher friend, no lover of the unions and the politicised profession, points out that, aged 6, children have no idea of black oppression and BAME politicisation of issues, real or imagined, they are just children. And in class, assuming of course they turn up, they get exactly the same teaching and the same opportunities as everyone else. Indeed in London (with high BAME population) , per capita spending on children in schools is way higher than anywhere else.
Maybe the incidence of single parent families (white, except for gypsies, 6%, asian 8%, black 20%) might have something to do with boring things like aspiration and male role models. Which I suppose is all the fault of us whities.
Off now for my BBC-inspired evening self-flagellation. Repeat after me.
I am white therefore I must be racist.
I am white therefore I must be racist.
I am white therefore I must be racist.
(continue for several days)
While the baying mob were crying for the removal of Cecil Rhodes statue, the journalist – Jason Farrell, indicated that ‘no doubt moves will be made for more black students to take up places at Oxford”. How ? If black kids were intelligent enough to get into uni they should be there already !! and like you said Sluff, all kids have equal teaching so there should at least be a few that theoretically would make the grade, but there hasn’t been, there is better incentive for them to be a footballer, or a rap musician or get into a life of crime – so this nonsense that its ‘racism’ is a lie. Most of us couldn’t give a stuff what our BAME neighbours get up to, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our lives.
As with so many other occupations the universities will positively discriminate in favour of BAMEs. In other words white people will be discriminated against. This is already happening in many industries and is particularly rife in the public sector. But of course many white folks don’t get past the fairer society bit they don’t realise that positive discrimination means someone , in this case themselves, is discriminated against.
Perhaps the idots should realise that it was Cecil Rhodes that set up a scholarship for those aspiring students wishing to go to an Oxfored Uni and he did much else with his money-so ill gained as is now being argued over. And created colleges in Southern Africa much for the black Africans benefit.
Citizenship revoked.
One-way ticket back to Haiti.
Barely able to bring myself to the incessant virtue-signallng anti-white hatred of the Black Broadcasting Corporation.
So instead, how about this? Rather long-winded I grant but a healthy dose of realism from an African Amercan lady called Candace Owens with some deliciously pithy descriptors about George Floyd and the Bandwagon Jumpers (were they a 60s beat combo?)
I’d like to claim credit for finding this but with a certain irony the BBC would absolutely loathe, it was sent to Mrs S by a very good…..errr………Indian female friend!
Gosh, wonder how long that will stay up? Getting in the way of the outrage revolution like that! What a nerve…
If you thought BBC/SKY and the rest of MSM were bad have a look at SKY SPORTS NEWS.Used to be about sports stories,but now full of wealthy black sports people supporting BLM.Also has white sports people virtue signalling their support of BLM.What has been happening this week in London has finally confirmed that democracy is being eroded,and is being replaced by mob rule.
Sad to see Keir Starmer kneeling,anything to win the black vote.I once wrote on here regarding Jeremy Corbyn, that he would promise anything to anyone.Seems Starmer is exactly the same.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Please note that I write this as SUFC fan and Sol Campbell has done a truly brilliant job as manager since arriving late last year and I hope he stays for next season.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Yes, it was interesting to see the over-paid and over-rated Raheem Sterling complain on Sky Sports News that players such as Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard were managers, respectively, of Rangers and Chelsea, whereas poor-old Sol Campbell only got to manage now-relegated Southend United (and before that Macclesfield). This was clearly out-and-out racism.
Yet guess which team, Sir Bobby Moore (winner of over 100 England caps and captain, no less, of a World Cup winning team) got to manage? Southend United.
Sir Bobby Charlton (106 caps and also a World Cup winner) only managed Preston NE, Tony Adams (66 caps) Wycombe Wanderers. The list goes on.
Football is an area where there BAME people do have a genuine grievance.It is very strange that a third of players are black and yet the amount of managers and coaches is so small.
BBC radio prog Great Lives recently did a profile of the late Billy Bremner who apparently did try to do something about the endemic racism at Leeds Utd (that’s why he was on Great Lives!)
and Bremner has said that when Leeds had a black player in their team players in other teams would disgracely try to provoke the black player with the N word etc
International black players have said that there were international teams like Argentina who were notorious for racially abusing them including the 1998 team that included Pottichini and Simeone – 2 of the most high profile managers of recent years.
It is also strange how few Black people are visible in football stadiums to watch their local club play.One has to assume that feel uncomfortable there
I’m not so sure about coloured people having a grievance about footy management … I know that FIFA requires formal training ‘ experience for people to get ‘manager /coach ‘ status . … so if it is structured to deprive certain players from becoming managers I don’t know .
I’ve often thought that professional footy is a pretty closed world – particularly the prem – which I used to regularly go and watch . As a fan top end footy is very expensive and economics is one barrier – it certainly explains why the average age of those attending is now ‘mature ‘ as opposed to the 16 years old the past .
I’ve never heard an explanation as to why ex footballers who are black – land up as pundits and not ( successful )managers…..
Peter Shilton pokes his head above the cross bar
and speaks sense
BLM militants and PR people are pushing this
This Wednesday, June 10th we will join the call to #ShutDownSTEM!
We urge all scientists and STEM workers to stop business as usual for a day to focus on actionable plans that work towards ending anti-Black racism.
FFS strikes without a ballot are ILLEGAL
I hope real science people ignore the call
Eh up
We shall surrender on the beaches,
we shall surrender on the landing grounds,
we shall surrender in the fields and in the streets,
we shall surrender in the hills;
we shall always surrender.
On the beaches…
On the landing grounds…
In the streets…
In the fields…
Always, everywhere…
PS. Defund the BBC: https://www.change.org/p/everyone-defund-bbc
I am afraid Boris is becoming more like Chamberlain as opposed to his idea of becoming another Churchillian leader. He lost the plot when he surrendered the streets to extinction rebellion. The Antifa mob saw the weakness and took advantage. I fear the next thing to go will be Brexit . He could have dealt with Al Beeb as soon as he had the huge majority in the elections . Boris may be weak, but where are the rest of the Tory MPs ? The Brexit Party should begin now for the next election.
And if they enemy do invade us our police, prosecutors, professors, priests and the press will cooperate with them
Back in simpler times one was born, grew up a bit, learnt to speak and asked questions. A couple of them would have been about what you were and where you lived. Many a child must have written, ‘the universe, the galaxy, the Earth, Europe etc.’. That was when they found out that they were English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh or Yorkshire folk.
Later on they would learn about Kings and Queens, the lives of ancient peoples and famous individuals. It just was, they weren’t expected to justify Henry marrying more than once or Alfred’s cooking skills.
Some of these children might have found themselves living somewhere else, a few miles away, maybe many thousands, it doesn’t really matter. They might then have asked new questions like, why is this town where it is, or why is it called what it is? Again, things that just are, nothing that they have any control over.
Now we live in more complicated times, open door-immigration has produced schools that ‘proudly’ declare that 150 different languages are spoken within their walls. Do 150 different ‘histories’ now have to be taught, (impossible and who mediates between them?). The history of Henry and Alfred is the history of ‘place’, it is the common factor of all who are British, either by adoption, place of birth or heritage. It isn’t under the control of any of these Britons, it just is.
Those that reject this history either aren’t British, rather they are invaders, or worse, cowardly quisling collaborators.
Lament for a lost country.Will we ever get it back?
Excellent post JimS.
“…Do 150 different ‘histories’ now have to be taught,”
That squeezes out any time for science and maths……………
How to tell if a BBC radio comedy programme is going to be any good before you’ve heard it
If you don’t like to waste time on dross, it pays to listen to the continuity announcer just before a BBC radio comedy programme. It you hear something along the lines of, “This programme includes dated attitudes and opinions that some listeners might find offensive,” then there’s a decent chance the programme will be worth listening to. It will be old, certainly, but it will most likely be funny; it might even be hilarious, and paradoxically it won’t contain even a smidgeon of offensiveness.
If however the programme is not preceded by the BBC’s moral health warning, it is likely to be fairly new, and as dull as ditchwater, having had any traces of real humour wrung out of it in the name of the BBC’s overweening political correctness. And not only will it be dull, it will be highly offensive. Attitudes will be displayed, opinions will be aired, jokes will be attempted, and assumptions will be made, all of which will be diametrically opposed to the belief system and moral code of a large section of the radio audience. The tiresome repetition of the BBC’s left/liberal metropolitan political and social bias will grate on many listeners. More perceptive listeners will be angered because they will realise that they have been subjected to yet another creepy tendril of the BBC’s great social engineering project.
But it’s that health warning that is really repugnant. “Dated attitudes and opinions that some listeners might find offensive”! By the slimy ‘some listeners’ we know that they mean, ‘all good, right-thinking people’. By implication therefore, the attitudes, opinions, even the vocabulary of most of my generation and previous ones (and anyone to the right of Karl Marx) are offensive. Offensive to who? Of course we know the answer: much of the comedy of all the ages before the present one is offensive to those who share the BBC’s mindset. They haughtily hog the moral high ground – and the rest of us can go to blazes; we can just jolly well pay our licence fees and shut the fuck up.
It’s outrageously intolerant of the BBC to condemn large parts of the moral fabric of all previous generations as ‘offensive’ and ‘outdated’, without any discussion or debate. Much to the disappointment of the BBC many of us are not yet dead. We children of the thirties, forties, and fifties still pay our TV licences; we still vote; and we are still entitled to live by and believe in the moral code that has got us safely through our long lives. We haven’t needed the BBC’s rather spooky left/liberal metropolitan political correctness; we’ve always managed perfectly well with common sense, good manners, and consideration for others.
Fred – I’m really sorry but I cannot accept the term you use – namely
“BBC radio comedy programme “ ????
Al Beeb is attempting to ‘re-educate’ the people of Great Britain very much like the state broadcasters of communist regimes. Viewing figures are dropping while younger generations are seeking other forms of media . The licence fee cash cow is dying. Programs can only get worse and Al Beeb will become insignificant. It is the author of its own demise.
British Universities are apparently crashing down the International tables for performance.
Apart from them having morphed into being the greedy cash grabbing factories they have become, could this be down to a reduction in genuine skilled staff and teaching of value in favour of political tub-thumping and indoctrination?
I know from personal experience that the students are more likely to be blinkered lefty mantra shouting man-child idiots rather than balance thinking adults.
Perhaps this is why its so easy to get them to assemble as a mindless rabble for any “right-on” cause of the moment as we are seeing acted out before our eyes.
Now, the white working class kids who have found an identity in football gangs are termed agitators by the msm for wanting to defend the 85% white indigenous peoples culture because the police stand by and refuse to defend it.
Those white kids regularly pilloried by the msm for lack of education and joining gangs….
Funny that the other lot who screw their education up coz it not cool innit, and turn to gangs with guns and knives, and blame everyone around except themselves for lack of opportunity are feted by the media
if they ever deigned to attend a job inteview dressed with trousers halfway down their arse and talking like a lobotomised jamaican with tourettes I wonder what the result would be ?
racism no doubt
show us your qualifications, CV and job application history, show us you can talk half legible clear English without flipping and pointing your fingers around, show us you can dress suitably for the job you want,
and then we can talk about racism
Has Al Beeb listed George Ward’s ‘previous crimes’ list yet?
@Taffman I woke up with the same thought
Don’y be silly, he’s a saint. Whiter than white.
Exactly if you are NON-WHITE, you can be whiter than white.
… but if you are WHITE you have the eternal BLACKNESS of having the sins on the past forever imposed on you.
How come George Floyd can have a PAST
… but Britain can’t ??
We judge people for what they ARE
not what they WERE
…. hence the George of the drug gangs and the terror is the George on the past
If he has served his time, come out reformed and serves his community, we respect this new George
and Jesus in the bible taught us that we FORGIVE him.
As people’s life is a journey
Britain’s life is a journey too.
Britain was the country that had slavery abroad
and then rethought and led the world in encouraging countries to give it up.
We do have a concept that things were off their time,
thus great kings of the past may have done vengeance attacks ..and we wouldn’t do that now.
And how any politician can rip down British statues
and then next breath say
“Mohammed, PBUH, peace be upon him” ??
How can they without addressing the issue that Mo took slaves, traded slaves and never spoke of the concept of abolition ?
Do you know that bit in the Koran where slavery was abolished ?
neither do I.
Each nation is entitled to have a past
and be judged for what we do today.
Furthermore we don’t
“Punish the children for the sins of the father”.
Love your argument regarding the sheer hypocrisy of the BBC and LeftMob’s highly selective treatment of the past of different individuals.
Also StewGreen, the media are selective who’s past they decide to reveal or not .TR constantly is referred to as ‘the founder of the EDL ‘ and who’s real name is ……..
Up early this morning to do some work on my computer.
Cup of tea and flick TV on. BBC News Sound comes up first…
“…colonial statues, blah, blah…. …. OFF before the screen lights up!
Half an hour later decide to switch the radio on, R4 …
“…black live matter…. …..OFF
Its like water torture so I will be listening to music for the rest of the day…
It doesn’t happen very often but a small cheer for none other than Rick Nobinson on Toady. And about time too on his salary, I hear you say.
He was interviewing the leader of the National Association of Head Teachers, though amateurishly he did not mention that the NAHT is almost entirely primary school focussed. The context was the abandonment of government hopes to open schools more before the Summer.
The NAHT leader revealed himself as a whingeing why-we-can’t person. Pathetic attempts followed to blame the government for pre-CV underfunding and by implication a ludicrous argument that things would be better if schools had only 10-15 kids in each class pre-lockdown. He blamed the government for lack of planning but in fact it is his members responsibility for school operations. In short the NAHT union leader is part of the problem not of the solution.
But readers. I do ask you not to tar everyone with the same brush. There are plenty of teachers who do want to see the kids again and do want to teach them and to find ways of doing so. The achool at which I volunteer is a case in point. We have measured up the classrooms and other rooms, worked out how many we can fit in and will be open next Monday with a one way system, lots of hand sanitiser stations, and a revised timetable. Our head and his team has put in a big shift to make this happen and written to parents with lots of info. and encouraging the kids to attend. Yet he expects for his efforts only about half of them to do so. That’s not his fault but will mainly be down to lily-livered parents.
Let”s just make sure we direct our praise and criticism at the right deserving targets.
Is there no-one under the age of 60 with a functioning brain anymore?
Around here we have notices requesting vehicle drivers to ‘social distance’ themselves from pedestrians, why?
Has no-one under the age of 60 ever fried some bacon, (probably not, it’s haram) or burnt a bit of toast? Did they not notice that the smell pervades every cubic centimetre of the house?
‘Social distancing’ of a group that spends many hours in an aircraft, train, bus or classroom is beyond stupid.
In a few short years we have gone from a crazy world where liberal means non-liberal, democrat means non-democrat, black means white and white means black.
Now black is black is black. There is only one ‘truth’ and any resemblance to reality is an unfortunate coincidence that ‘progressivism’ will soon fix.
Jim S.
Your first sentence…..”Is there no-one under the age of 60 with a functioning brain anymore ?””
is probably the most sensible thing I’ve read in a long time, and would make a brilliant headline in the daily press.
#BoycottSainsburys is now trending
If you search this page, I brought up Sainsbury’s last night.
it’s said that the anti-statue antifa started that hashtag themselves
as a way of stirring up PR for their own campaign.
Latest from BBC News to beat into the young:
“Wretch 32 shared the clip on his Twitter account with the caption: “This is how the police think they can treat a 62 year old black man in Tottenham but this 1 happens to be my dad.”
They use a “quote” from a hardly impartial party as the headline.
Reading on via the link you learn not much more but it seems context and clarity has been deliberately avoided to maximise ill informed reaction.
The 4th estate has become a 5th column.
Their timeline on twitter is… very bbc.
Fascinating to see how in some cases Planning Permission can be expedited these days.
yes, was the statue “listed”
.. It’s said the Bristol one was, so couldn’t just be taken away.
No, no. ‘Listed’ will only apply to those wanting to replace old sash windows with UPVC and other similar situations. When it comes to ‘grading’ listed structures the same authority will turn a blind eye to, ‘Unwanted’ statues.
AslSeelt, Stew, G – I fear we constantly see evidence of being in the first stage of a revolutionary situation by many, many ‘little’ signs, as well as the big picture. A minority is out to overthrow a majority in the same way that in the US the work to oust Trump BY ANY MEANS the day he first walked into the White House, began.
One ‘little’ thing is that The Law is -in practice- null and void. The Law is now what the revolutionaries say it is. Planning permission is only relevant to the law-abiding majority. The revolutionaries set the public agenda, they will use ANY MEANS, and they are already mostly ‘beyond the Law.’ to them ‘planning permission is a non-existent joke; it is completely irrelevant.
Councils have been openly blackmailed into removing some statues (but only those the revolutionaries find offensive).Many of the people IN those councils have tacitly begun to support the Revolution and are willing to ditch ‘The Law’- another classic ‘little’ sign.
What the majority thinks is irrelevant. A classic revolutionary situation, that is already almost ‘post-democratic’ in some ways.
If it continues on the classic path, parliament will become irrelevant. That is -in part- because many of those IN PARLIAMENT have tacitly become revolutionaries, although they will pretend otherwise.
Like the media, universities etc. parliament becomes itself, a driver of the revolution .
The Blairs and the Merkels of this world have prepared this situation long, long ago. Like Obama in the US, they are still at it.
“Some people say” that Bristol University needs to close because of its connection with Edward Colston…………..
(fictional thought but in these irrational times, anything goes)
JHB vid
And every word that she says is a word of retreat.
You can’t ‘stand up’ if you are walking backwards on the enemy’s killing field.
Tucker expressing some truths you’ll never hear on the beeb.
“The rise of left-wing rage mobs in America”
(coming to a town near you)
“Coming to a town near you” Very soon.
Excellent summation from Tucker C which, as you so rightly point out, we would never hear on the BBC. To those on the Left, a question: is Fox News really any more biased than the supposed ‘national treasure’ BBC? Different biases, that’s all, with Fox closer to the truth.
The Left/Media attack over Cumming’s coming & goings – result score draw.
The Left/Media attack over schools out for summer, schools out forever – result victory
The Left/Media attack over race – result easy victory
What’s next… Brexit Project Fear Mark 17…? And what do we reckon the result will be?
Could someone in the Forensics Dept. please listen to More or Less at 09:00 please?
“Is it true that more people are dying of Covid-19 in the UK than in the 27 countries of the EU put together ?”
#1 Don’t let libmob move the goal posts
the UK strategy was never to have zero Covid deaths.
In a free travel world the disease cannot be 100% contained until a vaccine has been implemented.
Instead the strategy was to prevent the health service becoming overwhelmed.
This was a success.
Belgium started lockdown a week before the UK
..and got a far worse death rate than the UK
And Belgium’s lockdown was harsh.
BBC R4 reporting on Boris dithering caused more deaths and extended lockdown unlike the rest of the EU.
They then thanked scientist James Annan for help in compiling the article..
Yes this James Annan!
:James Annan ????????
“Brexit is an atrocity perpetrated by the old against the young. Not all old, I know. But it’s close enough for a tagline.”
I’ll leave it to you to work out the agenda on this one!
ps: Mr Annan appears to be geographical scientist based at Bristol UNI so he’s bound to know lots about healthcare!
Not to worry, he will be out of a job soon, as soon as the connections between Edward Colston and Bristol Uni is recognised and the whole monolith torn down.
8pm Radio4 schedule just changed to include a special