So, the vicious attack on two police in hackney is just about findable on the BBC website .. Hidden away in regional news London.. In the hope no-one will see it.
And when you do find it, it is simply showing a picture from Google maps of the leafy street with nothing going on .. Not the video that can be found elsewhere.
Makes me sick.
9am Radio4 schedule change and Melvyn’s prog about SLAVERY book from 2018 is repeated.
Prog opens with woman talking about a book where it says the white slave owners beat the female slaves until they bled.
She said “the women resisted *by any means necessary*”
.. Yes I expected her to be a race baiter
but weird she came straight out with Alinsky’s slogan.
\\ 1845 told his story in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
born into slavery in Maryland in 1818 and,
once he had escaped, became one of that century’s most prominent abolitionists.
He went on to address huge audiences in Great Britain and Ireland and there some of his supporters paid off his owner, so Douglass could be free in law and not fear recapture.
Later arguing against those such as Lincoln who had wanted freed slaves to leave America and found a colony elsewhere. //
“he was amazed that monarchical Britain didn’t have slavery
.. although republican America did”
I’ve even heard a rumour that Abraham Lincoln himself was a Republican, rather than a member of the Democratic Party that opposed abolition and continue to promote ‘Jim Crow’ laws for more than a century afterwards.
Thanks for finding this ,
Simon Webb excellent , I knew about the white slaves from School in the 1950s and 60s and that’s obviously disappeared from the curriculum at some point but by who ?
…history of Winning, Victory, and Freedom. The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations…
What a superb leader. All the s**t he has thrown at him day in day out from all over the show. Love the way he stick to his guns, no matter the outcry from the Liberal lefties.
We ain’t renaming and that the end of it. Top man.
My god, i wish we had someone like him here. Anyone, who could just have some backbone and stop pandering to the left all the ruddy time.
I really thought Boris might have had a go at it, but No. Foolishly thought Raab, Patel, Rees Mogg had it in them to be a little that way but even they are way too soft.
The Left know they can get away with anything. Free reign to do what the hell they like. Theres just no-one big enough to stand up to them and stand up for us.
Historic times. We are witnessing the rapid unravelling of the West and in particular, the US and the UK the latter being rudderless.
And I mean ‘rapid’. And I really mean, ‘rudderless’.
G – Let it be said that they are also counting on the millions who will be flooding into Europe, including the Britain, as we speak. A hijacked vessel has just forced Malta to take on 500+ more knife-wielding thugs, who threatened to blow up gas canisters on board. (Coming in from Lybia.)
In the olden days they would have been KEELHAULED for that! Now they are taken in to have asylum claims assessed. (I learnt about keelhauling in school…)
Tens of millions of young people with nothing but Nikes and top of the range mobiles are on their way from Africa.
Oh, and they tend to be male, and the odd knife here or there can be tucked under the Manchester football shirt. Take your pick of which club.
This is the Mediterranean route. Erdogan is further East, waiting to let the Balkans have full blast from ‘migrants’ awaiting THAT route, in Turkey.
Don’t believe, for one minute, that this is unconnected to the BLM movement. They are bringing in reinforcements (as if any were needed). Maybe not directly controlling, but there is a manipulating hand further back, hidden from view, who has the full picture of the ‘battlefield’.
Leaders in Europe are not remotely prepared. Even worse, they do not have the WILL to do anything but submit to the invasion.
When you’re facing an enemy that will do whatever it takes to destroy and humiliate your culture, there is only one option: to stand firm. And -regrettably- you have now to also do whatever it takes to preserve and defend your culture!
Treating thugs with kid gloves cos they have ‘weaponised’ this ‘racism’ thing is leading to a complete polarisation in society. Complete anarchy and the total collapse of Law and Order, beckon.
We also have to deal firmly with the Media, I fear, if they support the thuggery. I will not buy another hard copy of the Telegraph ever, after their language used to describe the conflict developing between BLM and patriots defending statues. I will not subscribe to Telegraph, not even for £1; they keep sending me subscription requests, but to me they are just more dirt now in my eyes. I will never again soil my hands. Hand sanitiser would be needed: some media perpetuate a virus that is WORSE than Coronavirus.
We need to make a list of advertisers here who support the BLM anarchy on ITV, Channel 4 etc and BOYCOTT them. Circulate please,
This is all so predictable, the police having recently shown their mettle by kneeling, and running away. Their authority has now evaporated, and they have made themselves legitimate targets. Although I feel a smidgen of sympathy for the officer, in a way, it effin’ serves ’em right. They have brought it upon themselves.
The McPherson report was probably written with the present outcome as its ultimate goal. Blair used it to force the CCs to become Woke ( although the term was invented then of course) and spread Wokism throughout the ranks. I imagine that if a PC or lower rank didn’t conform they were discriminated against but early adopters and zealots were promoted. Give that process a decade or so and you have the police service that we have today. . One much more interested in enforcing the values of Wokism than in enforcing the law.
Tabs, it’ll kick off alright, this weekend – it’ll be carnage in the capital, and other big cities where statues are being defended by the other faction. Only bad weather might quell it slightly.
The Neil Oliver segment from yesterday
.. where he surprised us by taking a very sensible line against mobs toppling statues
“this selective editing of history is wrong”
“Do we need to teach History in a different way?”
But it would help to actually teach History: the subject is frequently ditched, and yet it is so vital.
And it needs to be taught, not by guilt-ridden, virtue -signalling postmodernists, but in a balanced way that shows both the good and the bad of any person or any thing, and gets learners to think and judge for themselves on the basis of all the available info, not just the selected.
I despise teachers who climb on to the BLM bandwagon cos it’s ‘fashionable’,
Thank you for this link. Together with the one to the D Starkey piece above , it confirms my view that this site , or rather the people who use it and contribute to it, are invaluable in bringing together and providing an alternative view to that of the BBC of what the thoughts and feelings of the British people actually are and I thank you all for it. Somehow I think that Mr Oliver’s time at the BBC is drawing to a close. I will watch his career with interest.
Just think. Out there, right now, is a building somewhere, I imagine a sort of Bletchley Park type building with its own grounds and security where George Soros et al, including a close representative of Xi Jinping and their military advisors are coordinating and controlling their foot soldiers. There will be hotlines directly to the Democrats in the US and direct contact with other World leaders including No.10.
You might think I’m joking. How else is the coordination explained?
Retired police guy Norman Brennan on TalkRadio
‘my officers didn’t kneel down as BLM requested last night
.. you know why ?
Cos we find ourselves kneeling down every day
who have been shot or stabbed by OTHER BLACK YOUTHS
… we police have climbed a mountain to help the black community
…. These BLM are being used to an extent by black criminals
so I am not happy about Neil Bassu’s letter supporting them’ (paraphrased)
Guardianista’s won’t be happy about Guido at Order Order revealing that the Guardian newspaper was founded on the slave owning cotton trade and viciously opposed Lincoln and any slave emancipation…
You certainly won’t see this on the BBC anytime soon!
How about asking the Guardian to run a solid black (or yellow) front page and have their entire staff kneel on the pavement outside the building while it is set on fire?
Here’s a truth to hurt ‘the Wrongists’ with? Ask them if they are in favour of overseas people coming to live and work in the UK? If they say “Yes” then ask them why they support modern trafficking and the slavery that is often linked to it.
Meanwhile , with all the slavery and mad campaigning about stuff in another country – a kid called Alexander Kareem -age 20 is on the funeral waiting list having been shot dead in Shepherds Bush on Monday night .
As you’ll guess – mr Kareem was coloured ….. if I was a coloured drug dealer I’d finance the nonsense campaign as cover – knowing that plod has got the message to be even more ‘hands off ‘ than they were …..
I’m guessing the homicide rate has dropped a bit in London over the last few weeks but it’s still there …..
Fed, Terrible loss of life, especially as this kid was born into a country where he had a roof over his head, food on the table, clothes and shoes, a health system, education and many opportunities to better himself growing up.
Imagine tho, what his prospects would have been if he been a citizen of say, Mogadishu for example.
Stew, some of us had great hopes for the Obama Presidency in 2007, 2008 and on into his first term. By the end of the second we were hugely disappointed or at least I was. I think he left the USA in a worse state than he found it … and that is saying something for a President taking office in 2008/09!
Some of us saw what he was before he was elected, to be honest. I had long since learned to recognise the signs of a media that was presenting a coordinated, one-sided view, so my antennae were twitching straight away.
Once you see what the media is up to, you can’t unsee it and wonder how you never noticed for so long.
Interesting thought. At what point do you think the media really picked up on Obama?
Thing was, RD, Obama was the outsider. The media did not really pick up on him at first. I was in the US from just before Labor Day onward in 2007 and the media there were largely writing him off as the Primaries really got under way or were asking ‘can he really do it?’ just to get the nomination, not even win in November 2008. Even when I got back a month or so later, the media there and here were still voicing uncertainty about Obama or so it seemed to me.
Then the ‘Yes, we can’ message clicked and it became more certain that he would get the Democratic nomination. But there was further to go to become President. Obama was able to surf the wave, I think, once he got the nomination.
Contrast to 2020, where Biden appears to be drowning in the Floyd violence and destruction.
I don’t know about anyone else on here, but this talk of reducing the 2 metre rule to 1 metre is really going back to normal living, I mean, how close does anyone get to other people in their previous every day life anyway? When I’m talking I have a comfort zone of a minimum of 2 ft, and generally start backing off if they start getting closer (unless I want them to).
My biggest bugbear are restaurants that squeeze you in like sardines, and particularly those where you sit cheek by jowl to the next customer, then getting up to leave can be an obstacle course of squeezing past occupied chairs. Perhaps I’m just getting old, as I find restaurant food ain’t that brilliant anymore, and feel I could eat better at home, and cheaper.
They were so pleased in the amount they saved in OAPensions from a clear out of the care homes that they thought very carefully about the next, ‘Trickle Down’ phase. Make life out there as ‘normal’ looking as humanly possible to get the hitherto wary OAP’s out and about and infected.
Brissles, you are right. I seem to recall a programme about personal space some decades ago, may have been on the BBC in their long lost ‘inform and educate’ phase. Seem to recall that around three feet or a metre is the ‘personal space’ of a human unless family, friends, colleagues or teachers, are allowed in closer. Someone researched all this years ago – hence the TV programme.
The two metre thing therefore has some natural sense behind it – two people in a space two metres/six feet for oldies apart leaves each others personal space intact. Obviously in a small shop or cafe or Post Office aisle widths may not permit that when passing others. However, if someone is going to infect another it would take some really good timing for the sneeze or cough of one to coincide with the inward breath of the other. If the droplets are to remain on a face to infect ‘the recipient’ later, it would surely require the one coughing to be exactly the same height or slightly taller than the other. How often does that happen?
I think the most likely high risk – outside of very crowded public transport (think jam packed underground train) – is via a surface transfer. Which takes us back to restaurants, cafes and pubs, things like table edges, chair backs and so on.
Exactly ! and I’ve lost count at the number of times I’ve noticed (and felt) that the table tops in pubs and restaurants are as sticky as hell ! and you’d need hazmat suits to sit on some of the upholstery in such places.
Brissles – I heard some pillock from one of the teaching Unions on the BBC Today programme the other day spout that reducing the 2-metre spacing rule to 1 metre would only add 3 pupils per classroom to the existing apparent maximum of 15 !!!
Now, I dunno about you, but I suspect Diane Abbott probably had something to do with these numbers – they sem to be in her league. No challenge, or even wonderment at that number, from the BBC, though
Or – heaven forbid, teaching Unions just do not want to go back to work – something that perhaps only getting 20% more salary and 20% more teachers, and 20% more classroom asssitants, head teachers and administrators would help to solve the problem.
Pupils in more parent-supportive, or private schools (where they really are paid by results, not by a self-assessment of performance by teachers) really will be streets ahead of many others – and poverty/wealth has way less impact than effective support from parents. Just look at whether performance by children from Indian or Far-Eastern parentage will suffer to the extent of children of some other characteristics – no matter how lacking they might be in money.
Wow this video is really important and every person needs to watch and share it. Black Lives Matter donations go directly to a superpac called “ACT BLUE” that has given hundreds of millions to Democrats running for President. How is this legal? #BLM is LITERALLY a shell company.
I’m glad you posted that. I was going to do the same myself. Basically, the Democrats are using BLM as a front to raise money for themselves and their election funds. It is not going to persons of blackness as the useful idiots who donate suppose.
It is worth having a look at the South African website/newspaper ‘Poiliticsweb’. (Sorry, I don’t do electronic links)
On 10 June it featured; ‘Monument to a ‘torturer’, by Gareth van Onselen. All about the ANC celebration of African ‘Human rights abusers’.
It is worth having a look at the South African website/newspaper ‘Politicsweb’. (Sorry, I don’t do electronic links)
On 10 June it featured; ‘Monument to a torturer’, by Gareth van Onselen. All about the ANC celebration of African ‘Human rights abusers’ on that continent.
‘Politicsweb’ is no ‘Right Wing’ publication. Oh no, it is firmly liberal. But, unlike the bbc or the Guardian/Independent/Telegraph, it is not afraid of BALANCE and TRUTH!
We get a brief look into the infamous ANC torture camps, i.a.’Camp Quatro’ in Angola.
We look at the many brutal methods of ANC torture.
Allt his under Comrade Mandela, member of the Communist Party of SA. His statue is safe as houses, here in Britain, and in Sandton, SA.
The utter HYPOCRISY all about us stinks to high heaven!
Even now, torture continues apace in SA, whites singled out for special attention, and beeb’s much-celebrated Saint, for whose death they even interrupted all their programmes to bring us days of propaganda, lives on as a hero!
Fakenewswatcher – a propos Mr Mandela…. does the same rule apply to him that applies to others – i.e. it does not matter what good he has done at some point in his life – it cannot wipe away the bad things he has done…… so……… he was a murdering terrorist who smuggled out plans and directives from Robben Island for attacks on, and the deliberate murder of white people. So he was a racist terrorist as well.
Over to you BLM/Antifa supporters (as in Sinn Fein/IRA – terrorists embedded willingly among the ‘innocent’)… do the rules apply across the board, or not. I think we may know what your answer is likely to be.
Back when they used to do great, educational card collections in their boxes, and proper, quality tea, rather than the dust and scrapings from the floor that were most prevalent last time I purchased their product. Around 3 years ago.
They were a staple growing up. No longer tho.
Zero quality, zero value for money and a poor poor cuppa.
6 a.m. News just heralds the waves of negativity I know I’m going to get throughout the programme from the Knaves of Wegativity a.k.a. the BBC. I switched off after the first look at the newspapers.
I hope the PM publishes the SAGE advice at some time so that we can see what Ferguson was consistently recommending. Currently it appears that ‘hell hath no further like an adviser resigned’ so I suspect all is not as it seems. Would the TOADY programme ask questions about that?
I think you would be more likely to get Hamlet’s soliloquy from one of the plants Prince Charles talks to than get a reasoned unbiased question from the toady programme .
Don’t know what’s happened with my posts today but I’ve had to sack the proof reader. My great line ‘hell hath no fury like an adviser resigned’ was spoiled by my typo or some ancient laptop glitch (it occasionally has a mind of its own) turning ‘fury’ into ‘further’.
On Facebook it is possible (privacy settings willing) to go down the ‘friend of a friend’ route. Some time ago I did this and came across a page of a middle-aged white man who clearly thinks he is a ‘good person’ as he posts about the charity work that he does.
(I must admit to a bit of schadenfreude when at the start of the lock-down he started bleating that his income stream had dried up as his ‘work’ was raising money for charity, i.e. he took his ‘cut’ from his virtuous work.)
What I find really sad is that clearly he would take an opposing line to that taken by most that post here and that many of his friends are like-minded. How could he be so deluded?
But what really saddens me is what he posts and re-posts, pretty much continual pieces showing snarling Trumps and Farrages loaded with hate, most of it lies and untruths.
Perhaps it is because I was brought up in the Judeo-Christian tradition but this hatred cannot be right. It harms others but it mostly harms oneself – it eats away from the inside. It is a really depressing to see people like the Archbishop of Canterbury pushing messages of hate not ‘love’ for political reasons. (I am not bothered about his religious ‘message’, just his message for ‘humanity’).
What I am trying to say is that it is OK to disagree, even to strongly disagree but hate is a different matter, fortunately not often seen here but we should (self) guard against.
Finally a little plea: Can the Twitter fans hunt down the cartoon by ‘scarecrowbar’ on ‘hypocrite’ re. ‘black lives matter’ and post it here? Anyone that needs a twelve-frame cartoon to make a point has no argument!
I don’t usually tweet anything political but since EQUALITY should be a human right and not a question of politics.. thought I’d share this helpful infographic #BlackLivesMatter ????
The character switches from All Lives Matter to Black-Lives-Matter
and says “If I change my mind now, does that make me a hypocrite?”
The reply “No, it means you’re growing as a person.”
It’s BS, cos no character would equate changing their mind with hypocrisy, they are not the same thing.
Hypocrisy, is a BLM protester saying they are caring and then doing something uncaring like vandalism or violence against police.
Yes sure there is a problem with police violence
but white people are vulnerable just as black people are.
I have read it through several times and I just don’t get it. I get the smug attitude of the author though!
As a cartoon, working to the normal ‘rules’ of the strip format the first row makes, to my mind the ‘correct’ human point.
The rest of a cartoon is a lie, the US ‘state’ is definitely not targetting ‘blacks’, (if it was they would have been put on trains and sent to the ‘shower blocks’ not knocked off one-by-one), it isn’t even true numerically.
The last line is pure ‘Orewell’ – we have ‘corrected’ your thinking!
12pm Local radio news
#1 “Labour say” (a common opening line )
.. “Labour say a change in the 2m rule shouldn’t be due to pressure from Tory back bench MPs”
FFS Tories are the govt not Labour
#2 Cancer care down 60% 2m backlog
A Hull City Councillor
has said she wants to see *free ice cream* for all
Oh hang on “equality in society, & better education about SLAVERY”
( FFS BBC didn’t even mention her party
but sounds like they are reading off a Labour press sheet
look at the tickbox bulletin points )
“tens of thousands of young people have demonstrated across the UK ✅
to show support for the BLM anti-racism movement” ✅
“including 2 in Hull that passed off PEACEFULLY ✅
Aneesa Akbar has said these movements can change society ✅
CLIP “as a person of colour” ✅
“I want to see equality” ✅
“white working class or BAME” ✅
who have BOTH being STRUGGLING ✅
under a Tory austerity government” ✅
want them both to feel they’ve got HOPE” ✅
#4 Centrica cuts 5,000 jobs
#5 Scunthorpe woman jailed for hitting policeman last week
Why’s that news when grooming gangs aren’t ?
Your news outlet promoted this silly movement. We tried to warn you that they were radical Marxists. You said the were peaceful protesters. The big clue should have been most of them were white middle class and protesting about white privilege. Who looks silly now?
— Ⓑritain Ⓑattles Ⓒovid (@BBCPropaganda) June 11, 2020
Once the commies have finished destroying and desecrating all the statues, expect them to go after Christians and the cross.
Vandalising crosses in cemeteries, crosses on churches, crosses on war memorials.
In my opinion, this will be the logical conclusion of what they are doing now because destruction of Christianity has always been one of the main objectives of the Marxists.
The question is, if the police will not protect our statues and heritage, will they protect our churches and Christian symbolism?
I suppose it’s just a matter of time before the Beatles ” Penny Lane”
is banned from playing on the BBC by BIG BROTHER from
the diversity dept. Followed by a ban on the film “The Darkest Hour.” Gary Oldman who won the Academy Award for playing
Winston Churchill will have to apologise .
Other than re-writing history the communist anarchists are
actually giving us a history lesson on what Kristallnacht was like
on 9-10 Nov 1938 in Germany.When will the BBC help in getting involved
with book burning?
We’re deleting this tweet as an earlier headline on this story stated the cottage where Dominic Cummings had stayed broke planning rules
To clarify, Durham County Council found breaches of planning regulations on the wider estate but did not specify these related to the building
Fed -Like I said before, the revolution eventually ends up eating its own children. (I won’t go through the long list of victims again.) It may have been Jacques Mallet du Pan, who said that.
But not before a huge amount of damage, murder and mayhem has taken place.
Rioters, and riot instigators and mayhem publicists beware. Violence sweet-talkers/trivialisers, take care.
They will come for you too, and possibly no amount of virtue signalling will save you!
Fake – you must be mistaking me for someone else but I don’t think you’ll find me doing any ‘virtue signalling ‘ . I have to accord with certain rules online – this site – but the real world is a different place .
Fed – I’m relieved to hear you won’t be doing any virtue-signalling!
The real world is certainly a different place, wot with traffic lights unseating police riders and stuff like that…
No, I was thinking more of people like Soros and some of/in our MSM.
Last week she was tweeting her hatey Guardianworld #FakeNews that UK had more deaths in a day that whole EU
Unaware that UK daily report is not deaths in last 24 hours & that day had included a special load of backdated deaths.
ND – Statue of Scouting’s Baden Powell removed from Poole cos our great police say ‘it was a target’.
I see that in the USA, even Columbus has lost his head.
Who would have thought?
Perhaps we should ban the Notting Hill Carnival, since -if the culture of the majority population is apparently of no value- why, on earth, should the ‘victorious’ minority get to celebrate theirs? Actually just a celebration of knives and drugs behind the scenes?
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Isn’t that part of the great and loud socialist ‘equality’ mantra we have been getting ad nauseum?
This is where are our wonderful liberal ‘tolerance’ has got us. We are now able to celebrate a tolerance of evil, masquarading as virtue. Intimidation works.
This town is very white. It is not that every single person is white but most people are. The BBC must hate it. Leave voting as well but never touched Labour so we are the wrong part of the country to try and get our opinion on anything
Today’s Times has much of its content devoted to BLM, statue toppling, sports stars empathising and so on, with in-depth investigations and descriptions of the slave trade itself, concentrating to a large degree on ‘Britain’s Shameful Past’.
True, some small space is allocated to Wilberforce and others but, read and re-read as I will, not one word is devoted to African and Arab involvement – despite what the MSM obviously regard as the unpalatable and unprintable facts that without the eager, efficient, lucrative and utterly soulless activities of tribal ‘fellow’ Africans and Arabs from North Africa to Saudi and beyond, the trade would not have existed – or indeed would probably have remained centered on white Irish, Welsh, English, Breton and many other undefended coastal communities.
Still, at least we can look forward to the BBC and Guardian putting the record straight in the near future.
PS. While hating to add to Italy’s problems, I feel it only fair to suggest that the whole of the Roman past and associated tourist trade should be defaced and deleted since the Roman Empire – being one of the world’s most savage, inhumane and uncompromising – was based almost entirely on slavery in order to function.
Will be on @BBCr4today shortly talking about how social media is not always a forum for constructive and enlightened discussion, in the wake of @jk_rowling’s recent intervention on an article with the words “people who menstruate” in its headline.
The discussion on @bbcr4today about comedy & the portrayal of black people between Harry Enfield & Ava Vidal has provoked a lot of comment. I’m really sorry a racial slur was used on air. I pointed out that it was offensive & asked Harry not to repeat it 1/2
Presumably the only people who heard it were the mothers of the participants as the listening figures tank . After a life time – not for me any more …. maybe Robinson was referred to as the 4 letter word he resembles so much …
Oh come on looby – a day is not complete without a bit of censoring …. but I’m genuinely surprised if Mr Northern- Tottenham used such a word so early in the day …… I’d pay to tell Robinson that’s what he is …..
Loobyloo – Your last sentence is SO spot on. I made the mistake of trying to listen to the oh so unfunny Damian slash something on R4 after eleven last night. Dire!
But, of course, that’s just my opinion. Perhaps I have missed the Zeitgeist?
Harry Enfield mentioned a blackface act from the 1930s called “the Coloured Coon”. It wasn’t a racial slur, he was just using it to illustrate how attitudes change over time.
Needless to say it nearly gave Robinson a heart attack. I think it may have been the funniest thing Harry Enfield has done in a long time.
Rob – sounds a bit like all those ‘warning ‘ talking pictures puts up before some excellent series from the 1970s …..
……….it would have been worth a listen just to hear Robinson spluttering …… I suppose it was better that talking about Guy Gibson VC’s dog ….
Good on you Daf, I’m no fan of social media but have heard the same from a work colleague who is Ex-RN.
I was semi-trolled here a week or so ago (after stating I believed trouble was coming and that people would have to take a stand) along the lines of – who was going to make a stand as the poster believed there was no one, so i mentioned Ex-Services, Farmers among others.
My crystal ball is now un-serviceable again sadly, but before it went off-line there was a vision of Boris and a big EUSSR U-Turn. I hope it was a malfunction.
Problem is that those who monitor our sites will already planning to disrupt any attempt at taking any action – even protecting national statues .
In fact we could see plod protecting the statues from people trying to protect them .
I just hope that the other brand of plod arent sent in when they are invited to “ take the knee “….
Given their truly appalling support for slavery and treatment of slaves it is only appropriate that the victims receive substantial reparations.
I expect the British government immediately to demand at least £200 bn from Italy in compensation for the Roman occupation of this country over a period of 400 years, and I look forward to the Italian Prime Minister demonstrating his abject humility, sorrow, and apology on the matter by ‘taking the knee’.
One of those paid BBC retainers – Anne McEvoy writes a nothing piece in todays Evening Standard about the new DG – who hope will be a ‘ nice but dim ‘ …
Apparently – unlike the BBC – he has a sense of humour . The bubble dwelling Ms McEvoy reckons Tim will use an axe to cut costs as soon as he arrives – so lets hope he kills off some of the more expensive whitee talent as well as last of the quality stuff hiding on BBC4 gets the monster deep in the swamp looking up at netflix …..
Somebody really needs to go back to the original books authored by Ian Fleming…. Bond was a typically dry-humoured, white, male, Scot….. which is why, in my humble opinion, Sean Connery best portrayed the character.
And whilst Daniel Craig – probably closest – and others have provided some nice distractions (and I quite like the Craig/Bond movies for what they are), they neither have the wit nor the drollery (I really had to look that up, but it is a word, and it means what I meant) of the original character. *sigh*
You are correct about the books, Goldfinger, Casino Royale and esp. Moonraker are superb. If you have the time, and are an insomniac, the full audiobooks on youtube are fantastic.
Daniel Craig always looked more Russian than British to me!
Perhaps that was a good thing for a spy?
[Bond 2021:
Russian Hotelier: “Excuse me, are you working for the British Secret Service?”
J. Bond: “No! Whatever makes you think that?”
R.H.: “You are the only Black, dungharee-wearing, hijab-wearing, wheel-chair-using woman in the casino.”
J. Bond: “Shurley shom mishtake?”]
Jeez, Guest Who – somebody potentially tried to be really polite, it looks like, and got it wrong. She should be grateful that someone even made the effort (so many Asians speak both their ‘mother’ tongue and their local language – I know from wide experience).
She could have simply said, “Sorry mate, I only speak English !” (you have to imagine the Aussie accent, I am afraid) and no-one really had to take any offence at all.
Keerist – most people would have either expressed some thanks that an effort had been made, and/or have laughed it off…… but oh, no, not this ……. person. “I’ll take this to the media”, was her first thought. Lovely whatever (certainly not ‘lady’).
Er, here is my message to Yorkshire Tea, and the reply is below that………………
here is a disconcerting story doing the rounds that Yorkshire Tea supports Black Lives Matter, and that if anyone disagrees with this then they are not welcome to buy the product. If this is correct, then I find it disconcerting, because regardless of what anyone thinks, putting an embargo on buying a product is the action of a police state. What next ? If you are not catholic then don’t buy our biscuits, if you are over 70 then you don’t need to buy more clothes. Any right and fair minded person does not tolerate racism in any form, but to turn grocery products into a political agenda is not the way to go either. I love my Yorkshire Gold, and drink nothing else, but if you are making political statements like this, regardless of a person’s beliefs, could result in a backlash. If this story is not true, then accept my apologies. Thank you.
Hello xxxxxx
Thanks for your email.
Racism has no place in our business and we’re against discrimination in all its forms. We want to be inclusive and we value diversity and difference.
Anti-racism campaigners are raising important issues. We need to hear those and understand what that means for us so we can take proper action.
We know we have more to do and it might take a little time to do it, but we are fully committed.
Thanks again for getting in touch. We really value your input.
Kind Regards,
I sent them an email a while ago telling them their virtue signalling project had really backfired.
By the way I’ve started buying aldi/lidl (they both taste the same) proberly same factory, their gold tea, very nice cuppa, I used to buy twinings but this is just as nice and it’s just 99p a box. Give it a try, I’ll never buy yorkshire/pg tips again ever and as long as aldi/lidl dont start preaching at me I’ll stick with this.
I shan’t be buying Yorkshire Tea from now on and after the company’s pathetic and cringeworthy support for BLM.
I’m sorry if this decision puts poor and often exploited tea pickers out of work in the Dales, but I aim to take a stand and urge others here to do so.
Thanks all. I shall try the suggested online Miles tea, and give aldi/lidl a go. I feel sad about this as I’ve bought Y/Gold for years, but now its left a nasty taste in my mouth.
I’m damned if I’m going to be dictated to by any grocery company – and what about the treatment of tea pickers in the last century and beyond by the Tea Plantation owners ? not exactly covered themselves in glory if I remember.
@ Brissles 2.09 pm. I got the same email obviously it took them 24 hours+ to put together a standard reply. I informed them today that such a shoddy reply to me meant they were ok with rioting, looting, injuring Police officers and horses, desecrating war memorials and were accepting of our National flag being burnt. Because of that I would no longer be buying any product from them. Being a Yorkshire Lass I won’t throw the ones I have away (waste of money) but I’ll be doing research as to where I spend it in future.
I have told Yorkshire tea that not only am I boycotting their Taylor’s of Harrogate coffee but will not be going to Betty’s any more when it reopens. I am assuming they won’t be getting many of their Chinese customers on reopening nor parents of York University’s leftie students, they don’t even have many black customers. I can guess that their ladies who lunch don’t go a bundle on supporters of anarchy. The queues to get in could become a whole lot shorter.
How reassuring that with all the mayhem going on, the BBC finds the time to focus on the really important issue of the day, namely a verbal spat between rich woke lefty feminist JK Rowling and rich woke lefty transgenderist Daniel Radcliffe.
Personally I’m delighted when the bonkers left turns on itself.
Of interest in their silly first-world squabble is that Rowling – perhaps sensing she was losing the sympathy of the howling, deranged, trans mob – is now playing the victim card, hoping no doubt it will trump the LGBTWXYZ victim card. My victimhood is bigger than your victimhood.
“I’ve been in the public eye now for over 20 years and have never talked publicly about being a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor.”
Oh, boo-hoo.
And now other virtue signalling luvvies are piling in to the scrap, like Eddie Redmayne and Emma Watson.
A curse on both your houses, go and get a real job.
If I were JKR I would write the next Harry Potter book and reveal that HP was a secret lgbt/paedo/cross dresser/cruel to animals/islamhater/commie/antisemitic/kkk member and that he picked his nose and ate the snot.
I would say that HP was always like that and kept it secret but now that he’s grown up she can reveal it.
I wonder how the little virtue signaller would like that.
Although I rarely watch the BBC anymore, over the last week I took a look to see their take on the protests. And how utterly predictable it was.
Wanting to give BLM a fair chance, I read their website which has a section “what we believe” and it’s a regurgitation of the worst Marxist, activist humanities lecturer stuff.
BLM is an avowedly Marxist organisation. The whole thing is classic Maoism. The students for the zeal and adherence to the new orthodoxy. The dummies for the oppressed (workers / farmers / “minorites”).
No wonder the BBC is so sympathetic.
Surely this whole sorry state of affairs is confirmation that “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
Thanks for the admin and contributors to this site; it reminds me I’m not alone in my deep concern for the Bolsheviks’ capture of the state.
BBC approved kick off-outfit manifestos are always a hoot.
Especially given the bbc appears coy about going too far there.
Just got this from my chums at… 38… no… Compa… Open… no… ah… XR!
Extinction Rebellion announces a decentralized and digital action wave in June
XR Congo welcomes protection provided to mountain gorillas who are also potentially susceptible to Covid19
Business as usual was the emergency
· Extinction Rebellion Germany plans decentralized and digital actions between 12th June and 21st June
· Actions replace the Rebellion Wave originally planned for early May that was postponed due to COVID-19.
· Extinction Rebellion across the world has proved resilient and creative in dealing with the reality posed by the Pandemic
· The Rebellion Wave starts on June 12th with a digital climate festival focused on climate justice
About Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is a leaderfull, decentralised, international, nonpartisan network using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
We have the following three demands in most of our territories:
1. Tell the Truth: Government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
2. Act Now: Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
3. Beyond Politics: Government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.
Doubtless half the bbc will be flying there as they are soooo… ‘busy’ being ‘essential’.
Reading the SA press over a few years, STATE CAPTURE was very much what happened under Zuma. It was a natch for the ANC to go that way, being ‘representative’ of the large majority.
But, who would have thought that WE would be heading down that route? Theoretically, we have no ANC in charge here.
But we do have Marxist revolutionaries aplenty, it seems? Would explain why the ANC was welcome in London, during all the years of their running torture/murder camps in Africa!!
I gather that the ANC boss in London simply became the new Amassador to Britain? I would assume that that made Labour very happy.
Now, it seems, they may just be pulling out of it, over there? Could sanity prevail, as a result of the complete trashing of the SA economy?
There could be some green shoots: A burglar just get sentenced to 30 years in prison, although I have to double check that!
A BURGLAR…no violence (to be checked) That would be a turn up for the books!
It seems the burglar in question was 43-year old Joseph Mahlaba.
He also got caught with stolen goods. 15 years for the burglary and fifteen years for the possession of the stolen goods, sentences to run concurrently. This happened in a place called Lichtenberg.
Police Commissioner for the Northwest, Sello Kwena, welcomed the sentence, and said that this “will send a clear message that the police will show no mercy to criminals” (!) He ALSO THANKED THE COMMUNITY POLICE FORUM for working together with the police to “ensure justice”. (South Africa Today – South Africa News – 1528)
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but do members of the community in the UK who try to help the police to ‘ensure justice’ not get branded as ‘thugs’ by our media?
It is conceivable that some ANC apparatchik will try to get the criminal released, but I have to say to Mr Kwena and the CPF: “Well done”.
What have we come to in Britain when we have to look to a country one rather doesn’t want to look at too closely, for a good example? Is it just possible that the tide is turning there? Perhaps their media aren’t as treacherous as ours?
Nigel Farage’s contract with LBC is up very shortly and, following discussions with him, Nigel is stepping down from LBC with immediate effect. We thank Nigel for the enormous contribution he has made to LBC and wish him well.
Whilst having me dinner the tv was on and the sturgeon was on whining away on the corona situation.
When she had finished there were the questions.
What a difference. The questions were straightforward and relevant.
Compared to our ghastly lot where the questions are childish attempts to get a gotcha moment (what would you say was your biggest mistake Prime Minister or Do you want to apologise for … types of questions)
It’s awful when the tv screen fills with a hate filled face like Eleanor Rigsby where it resembles a scene from the film 1984 (the red hurts my eyes)
If I was Boris I’d call them out for their ridiculous questions.
“Do you really think this is a reasonable question or are you trying to get a cheap headline to virtue signal with or crow about beff”
Frankly beff, we couldn’t give a damn.
I heard one journalist a while ago say that after you ask Sturgeon a question there is no come back on her answer as the mike is switched off to you. I suppose now they are asking questions by zoom but its proberly the same.
As for Beth Rigby surly ber managers can see she is making herself look a pratt.
A contortion of which Harry Houdini would be proud.
President Trump to restart election rallies in Tulsa, where black people were massacred in 1921, on the date that African Americans celebrate end of slavery
Well one remembers when UKIP were going to meet in a town hall that once had a plan that dallied with a plan that may have been a plan to house NAZIIIIIIs if…. the Germans had won the war.
I read the Sun and the Guardian (but others will be piling in too) are getting quite upset that Patriots are going to guard the statues around the country this weekend. Now that is not fair, than means their violent thuggish marauding band of semi illiterate peasants cannot get to them and they want the police to take action to stop the FAR right.
Of course the police say they are having discussions to see how to police it (so the morons can have their weekend fun)
After last weekend’s disgusting police conduct if they suddenly go in for the people guarding the statues not the rioters then the sh*t will hit the fan
I have also seen a statue of Queen Victoria terribly defaced in Leeds. This is getting out of hand and Boris has got to do something fast, hes too blo*dy busy with giving quickie divorces. Now that’s very urgent !
Hard to see how the media can refer to a few pensioners and scouts in uniform standing guard over Baden-Powell, as the FAR right ! They will look hysterically stupid if they do, but it will be interesting to see this Grandad’s Army hold their position if faced with a mob of black faces this weekend. Rourkes Drift on the esplanade in Poole !!!
Residents in Poole, Dorset, are guarding a statue of Robert Baden-Powell who founded the scouts.
Far left agitators have said they want it gone because he was "Racist", elderly man ready to fight physically to preserve our heritage!
The last time I saw a large group of scouts was a few years ago at my local railway station. I don’t know why they were in my neck of the woods but they were clearly gathered for some jamboree or other. All I can tell you about them is that they were well behaved, smartly attired in traditional scouting uniform. . . and African.
Eat s*** and die, virtue signallers.
My grandson who lives in Dubai is a member there, they have groups over UAE,. While there on a visit we drove through Ras al Kaimer and noticed a scout building there.
Lord B-P created a worldwide movement, the scout movement. He had no help from the tinternet, f*ckbook or twatter or vast sums from NGO’s.
He gave boys
Structure to their lives
A sense of duty
Loyalty to his majesty
Caring for others
Self reliance
Life skills
Why on earth would black people find these qualities not worth celebrating? BBC? Huff Post? Labour?
BBC Radio 1 has appointed Aled Haydn Jones as the head of BBC Radio 1. Aled was previously head of programmes on the radio station and has also previously served as producer on the Chris Moyles Breakfast Show.
Aled H Jones was a producer who was seen and heard on the show. Part of the ‘zoo’ format where there are a number of voices in the studio, all mainly agreeing with the inane utterings of the host.
Aled ticks a good number of the AntiBeebs ‘diversity’ boxes.
I hope @LBC take this opportunity to appoint someone (preferably a woman) to take over the Farage slot who is black, asian or other minority ethnic. Their presenters are mostly white, middle aged men and even if some (like my friend @mattfrei) are brilliant they need diversity.
Stormzy has pledged to give £10 million to organisations and charities working to end racial discrimination; bring about judicial reform, and empower the black community
…..and where is the adherence to any rules about safety in that photo – oh right, covering your chin is extremely effective against the COVID virus – probably got that advice from Neil Ferguson – or, more likely, his agent !
I trust the BLM-Antifa hate mob will now turn their attention to an evil cult whose founder captured, owned, bought, sold, traded and raped slaves as well as instructing his followers to do likewise.
The BBC even admitted this on their webshite, sort of: “Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.”
But look what the slippery slimy beeb add to excuse their favourite cult: “It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.”
Can anyone spot the non-sequitur (lie) in that statement?
In the case of islam such behaviour was practised and actively encouraged by its founder, the ‘perfect man’ whose ideal behaviour is to be emulated by all.
Jesus of course did none of the above, but preached only love of neighbour and equality of all men and women: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
In other words there’s a huge difference between what the followers of a religion do DESPITE the teachings and example of their founder, and what is done BECAUSE of the teachings and example of the founder.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
So, the vicious attack on two police in hackney is just about findable on the BBC website .. Hidden away in regional news London.. In the hope no-one will see it.
And when you do find it, it is simply showing a picture from Google maps of the leafy street with nothing going on .. Not the video that can be found elsewhere.
Makes me sick.
Presumably the BBC considered to be a “largely peaceful” vicious attack and hence not truly newsworthy?
9am Radio4 schedule change and Melvyn’s prog about SLAVERY book from 2018 is repeated.
Prog opens with woman talking about a book where it says the white slave owners beat the female slaves until they bled.
She said “the women resisted *by any means necessary*”
.. Yes I expected her to be a race baiter
but weird she came straight out with Alinsky’s slogan.
\\ 1845 told his story in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave
born into slavery in Maryland in 1818 and,
once he had escaped, became one of that century’s most prominent abolitionists.
He went on to address huge audiences in Great Britain and Ireland and there some of his supporters paid off his owner, so Douglass could be free in law and not fear recapture.
Later arguing against those such as Lincoln who had wanted freed slaves to leave America and found a colony elsewhere. //
“he was amazed that monarchical Britain didn’t have slavery
.. although republican America did”
Many people may not realize that one of the champions in the fight for African American rights was a “black, dyed in the wool Republican” by his own account.
I’ve even heard a rumour that Abraham Lincoln himself was a Republican, rather than a member of the Democratic Party that opposed abolition and continue to promote ‘Jim Crow’ laws for more than a century afterwards.
that 2018 prog had only just be repeated 10 months ago
There’s slavery and then there’s slavery – depends who’s doing it if you’re BBC / Marxist.
Thanks for finding this ,
Simon Webb excellent , I knew about the white slaves from School in the 1950s and 60s and that’s obviously disappeared from the curriculum at some point but by who ?
If I recall correctly, Rev. John Newton’s bio line was ‘Servant of Slaves’
Strength, not weakness.
What a superb leader. All the s**t he has thrown at him day in day out from all over the show. Love the way he stick to his guns, no matter the outcry from the Liberal lefties.
We ain’t renaming and that the end of it. Top man.
My god, i wish we had someone like him here. Anyone, who could just have some backbone and stop pandering to the left all the ruddy time.
I really thought Boris might have had a go at it, but No. Foolishly thought Raab, Patel, Rees Mogg had it in them to be a little that way but even they are way too soft.
The Left know they can get away with anything. Free reign to do what the hell they like. Theres just no-one big enough to stand up to them and stand up for us.
its infuriating !!!
Historic times. We are witnessing the rapid unravelling of the West and in particular, the US and the UK the latter being rudderless.
And I mean ‘rapid’. And I really mean, ‘rudderless’.
G – Let it be said that they are also counting on the millions who will be flooding into Europe, including the Britain, as we speak. A hijacked vessel has just forced Malta to take on 500+ more knife-wielding thugs, who threatened to blow up gas canisters on board. (Coming in from Lybia.)
In the olden days they would have been KEELHAULED for that! Now they are taken in to have asylum claims assessed. (I learnt about keelhauling in school…)
Tens of millions of young people with nothing but Nikes and top of the range mobiles are on their way from Africa.
Oh, and they tend to be male, and the odd knife here or there can be tucked under the Manchester football shirt. Take your pick of which club.
This is the Mediterranean route. Erdogan is further East, waiting to let the Balkans have full blast from ‘migrants’ awaiting THAT route, in Turkey.
Don’t believe, for one minute, that this is unconnected to the BLM movement. They are bringing in reinforcements (as if any were needed). Maybe not directly controlling, but there is a manipulating hand further back, hidden from view, who has the full picture of the ‘battlefield’.
Leaders in Europe are not remotely prepared. Even worse, they do not have the WILL to do anything but submit to the invasion.
When you’re facing an enemy that will do whatever it takes to destroy and humiliate your culture, there is only one option: to stand firm. And -regrettably- you have now to also do whatever it takes to preserve and defend your culture!
Treating thugs with kid gloves cos they have ‘weaponised’ this ‘racism’ thing is leading to a complete polarisation in society. Complete anarchy and the total collapse of Law and Order, beckon.
We also have to deal firmly with the Media, I fear, if they support the thuggery. I will not buy another hard copy of the Telegraph ever, after their language used to describe the conflict developing between BLM and patriots defending statues. I will not subscribe to Telegraph, not even for £1; they keep sending me subscription requests, but to me they are just more dirt now in my eyes. I will never again soil my hands. Hand sanitiser would be needed: some media perpetuate a virus that is WORSE than Coronavirus.
We need to make a list of advertisers here who support the BLM anarchy on ITV, Channel 4 etc and BOYCOTT them. Circulate please,
Are you watching Boris?
Or too busy genuflecting in front of a mirror?
We must get it just right for the MSM.
This might cause a few sideways glances at a 28 person in camera meeting in Frankie Howerd hosted by the BBC for Antifa, BLM and XR.
I may have to qualify my generalist comments on blondes to just the BBc variety.
bBC erase the present as well as the past.
She is great. I will leave YOU with a question she says ….
“Shall we rename the Biden Welcome Center” ??
They are still all shouting and she just walks off. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Throwing it all right back at those pathetic journo’s.
Conveniently, the article omits the kicking of the the policeman by passers by and the angry baseball bat wielding thug.
The entire video is on the Daily Mail website
Make your own mind up, but I ask 2 Qs;
1. Are these the lives that matter so much that we stand aside and watch our history burn?
2. What will it take for our government and the police ditch the ‘consent’ nonsense, get off the knee, and act?
This is all so predictable, the police having recently shown their mettle by kneeling, and running away. Their authority has now evaporated, and they have made themselves legitimate targets. Although I feel a smidgen of sympathy for the officer, in a way, it effin’ serves ’em right. They have brought it upon themselves.
The McPherson report was probably written with the present outcome as its ultimate goal. Blair used it to force the CCs to become Woke ( although the term was invented then of course) and spread Wokism throughout the ranks. I imagine that if a PC or lower rank didn’t conform they were discriminated against but early adopters and zealots were promoted. Give that process a decade or so and you have the police service that we have today. . One much more interested in enforcing the values of Wokism than in enforcing the law.
They’re complicit, that’s why.
Anyone remember the Broadwater Farm riot and the death of PC Keith Blakelock? It’s going to happen again if the police don’t start getting control.
Tabs, it’ll kick off alright, this weekend – it’ll be carnage in the capital, and other big cities where statues are being defended by the other faction. Only bad weather might quell it slightly.
Brazil’s Covid deaths will surpass UK’s in a day or so
not that we can believe China & Russia’s figures
The Neil Oliver segment from yesterday
.. where he surprised us by taking a very sensible line against mobs toppling statues
“this selective editing of history is wrong”
He was very good Stew . Good news
“Do we need to teach History in a different way?”
But it would help to actually teach History: the subject is frequently ditched, and yet it is so vital.
And it needs to be taught, not by guilt-ridden, virtue -signalling postmodernists, but in a balanced way that shows both the good and the bad of any person or any thing, and gets learners to think and judge for themselves on the basis of all the available info, not just the selected.
I despise teachers who climb on to the BLM bandwagon cos it’s ‘fashionable’,
Thank you for this link. Together with the one to the D Starkey piece above , it confirms my view that this site , or rather the people who use it and contribute to it, are invaluable in bringing together and providing an alternative view to that of the BBC of what the thoughts and feelings of the British people actually are and I thank you all for it. Somehow I think that Mr Oliver’s time at the BBC is drawing to a close. I will watch his career with interest.
Just think. Out there, right now, is a building somewhere, I imagine a sort of Bletchley Park type building with its own grounds and security where George Soros et al, including a close representative of Xi Jinping and their military advisors are coordinating and controlling their foot soldiers. There will be hotlines directly to the Democrats in the US and direct contact with other World leaders including No.10.
You might think I’m joking. How else is the coordination explained?
This got ‘orphaned’ at the end of the last thread. We learn a lot about ‘fake news’ and how ‘journalists’ just happen to use the same words!
Retired police guy Norman Brennan on TalkRadio
‘my officers didn’t kneel down as BLM requested last night
.. you know why ?
Cos we find ourselves kneeling down every day
who have been shot or stabbed by OTHER BLACK YOUTHS
… we police have climbed a mountain to help the black community
…. These BLM are being used to an extent by black criminals
so I am not happy about Neil Bassu’s letter supporting them’ (paraphrased)
Retired policeman from Chicago on Talk Radio…………………….
Guardianista’s won’t be happy about Guido at Order Order revealing that the Guardian newspaper was founded on the slave owning cotton trade and viciously opposed Lincoln and any slave emancipation…
You certainly won’t see this on the BBC anytime soon!
How about asking the Guardian to run a solid black (or yellow) front page and have their entire staff kneel on the pavement outside the building while it is set on fire?
Reap what you sow lefties!ll
digg, it used to called The Manchester Guardian.
Now, where did Manchester get its affluence from, what trade was it engaged in?
I think we need to champion a new slogan with the following abbreviation, to use every time an example as you provided Up2, appears.
When presented with a simple fact, It will trigger many lefties, I’m sure.
TTH – The Truth HURTS.
Interesting idea.
Here’s a truth to hurt ‘the Wrongists’ with? Ask them if they are in favour of overseas people coming to live and work in the UK? If they say “Yes” then ask them why they support modern trafficking and the slavery that is often linked to it.
Londonistan Crime
Meanwhile , with all the slavery and mad campaigning about stuff in another country – a kid called Alexander Kareem -age 20 is on the funeral waiting list having been shot dead in Shepherds Bush on Monday night .
As you’ll guess – mr Kareem was coloured ….. if I was a coloured drug dealer I’d finance the nonsense campaign as cover – knowing that plod has got the message to be even more ‘hands off ‘ than they were …..
I’m guessing the homicide rate has dropped a bit in London over the last few weeks but it’s still there …..
Fed, Terrible loss of life, especially as this kid was born into a country where he had a roof over his head, food on the table, clothes and shoes, a health system, education and many opportunities to better himself growing up.
Imagine tho, what his prospects would have been if he been a citizen of say, Mogadishu for example.
Stefan Molyneux in 2014
The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future
Emailed a link of this to the BBC !
Suggested they broadcast this to show they are not BIASED !!!!!!!!
SkyNewsAust again
President Obama ‘fueled, aided, and abetted’ anti-cop movement in US
… BBC’s reply “OrangeManBad”
Stew, some of us had great hopes for the Obama Presidency in 2007, 2008 and on into his first term. By the end of the second we were hugely disappointed or at least I was. I think he left the USA in a worse state than he found it … and that is saying something for a President taking office in 2008/09!
Some of us saw what he was before he was elected, to be honest. I had long since learned to recognise the signs of a media that was presenting a coordinated, one-sided view, so my antennae were twitching straight away.
Once you see what the media is up to, you can’t unsee it and wonder how you never noticed for so long.
Interesting thought. At what point do you think the media really picked up on Obama?
Thing was, RD, Obama was the outsider. The media did not really pick up on him at first. I was in the US from just before Labor Day onward in 2007 and the media there were largely writing him off as the Primaries really got under way or were asking ‘can he really do it?’ just to get the nomination, not even win in November 2008. Even when I got back a month or so later, the media there and here were still voicing uncertainty about Obama or so it seemed to me.
Then the ‘Yes, we can’ message clicked and it became more certain that he would get the Democratic nomination. But there was further to go to become President. Obama was able to surf the wave, I think, once he got the nomination.
Contrast to 2020, where Biden appears to be drowning in the Floyd violence and destruction.
Exactly, RD. I was never taken in, it all just seemed too neat.
Mixed feelings, tbh.
I wonder how his officer on the ground would feel with him coming over to get a head shot in?
PC Plod is becoming PC Pratt.
I don’t know about anyone else on here, but this talk of reducing the 2 metre rule to 1 metre is really going back to normal living, I mean, how close does anyone get to other people in their previous every day life anyway? When I’m talking I have a comfort zone of a minimum of 2 ft, and generally start backing off if they start getting closer (unless I want them to).
My biggest bugbear are restaurants that squeeze you in like sardines, and particularly those where you sit cheek by jowl to the next customer, then getting up to leave can be an obstacle course of squeezing past occupied chairs. Perhaps I’m just getting old, as I find restaurant food ain’t that brilliant anymore, and feel I could eat better at home, and cheaper.
They were so pleased in the amount they saved in OAPensions from a clear out of the care homes that they thought very carefully about the next, ‘Trickle Down’ phase. Make life out there as ‘normal’ looking as humanly possible to get the hitherto wary OAP’s out and about and infected.
Brissles, you are right. I seem to recall a programme about personal space some decades ago, may have been on the BBC in their long lost ‘inform and educate’ phase. Seem to recall that around three feet or a metre is the ‘personal space’ of a human unless family, friends, colleagues or teachers, are allowed in closer. Someone researched all this years ago – hence the TV programme.
The two metre thing therefore has some natural sense behind it – two people in a space two metres/six feet for oldies apart leaves each others personal space intact. Obviously in a small shop or cafe or Post Office aisle widths may not permit that when passing others. However, if someone is going to infect another it would take some really good timing for the sneeze or cough of one to coincide with the inward breath of the other. If the droplets are to remain on a face to infect ‘the recipient’ later, it would surely require the one coughing to be exactly the same height or slightly taller than the other. How often does that happen?
I think the most likely high risk – outside of very crowded public transport (think jam packed underground train) – is via a surface transfer. Which takes us back to restaurants, cafes and pubs, things like table edges, chair backs and so on.
Exactly ! and I’ve lost count at the number of times I’ve noticed (and felt) that the table tops in pubs and restaurants are as sticky as hell ! and you’d need hazmat suits to sit on some of the upholstery in such places.
Brissles – I heard some pillock from one of the teaching Unions on the BBC Today programme the other day spout that reducing the 2-metre spacing rule to 1 metre would only add 3 pupils per classroom to the existing apparent maximum of 15 !!!
Now, I dunno about you, but I suspect Diane Abbott probably had something to do with these numbers – they sem to be in her league. No challenge, or even wonderment at that number, from the BBC, though
Or – heaven forbid, teaching Unions just do not want to go back to work – something that perhaps only getting 20% more salary and 20% more teachers, and 20% more classroom asssitants, head teachers and administrators would help to solve the problem.
Pupils in more parent-supportive, or private schools (where they really are paid by results, not by a self-assessment of performance by teachers) really will be streets ahead of many others – and poverty/wealth has way less impact than effective support from parents. Just look at whether performance by children from Indian or Far-Eastern parentage will suffer to the extent of children of some other characteristics – no matter how lacking they might be in money.
Where the donations go.
I’m glad you posted that. I was going to do the same myself. Basically, the Democrats are using BLM as a front to raise money for themselves and their election funds. It is not going to persons of blackness as the useful idiots who donate suppose.
It is worth having a look at the South African website/newspaper ‘Poiliticsweb’. (Sorry, I don’t do electronic links)
On 10 June it featured; ‘Monument to a ‘torturer’, by Gareth van Onselen. All about the ANC celebration of African ‘Human rights abusers’.
It is worth having a look at the South African website/newspaper ‘Politicsweb’. (Sorry, I don’t do electronic links)
On 10 June it featured; ‘Monument to a torturer’, by Gareth van Onselen. All about the ANC celebration of African ‘Human rights abusers’ on that continent.
‘Politicsweb’ is no ‘Right Wing’ publication. Oh no, it is firmly liberal. But, unlike the bbc or the Guardian/Independent/Telegraph, it is not afraid of BALANCE and TRUTH!
We get a brief look into the infamous ANC torture camps, i.a.’Camp Quatro’ in Angola.
We look at the many brutal methods of ANC torture.
Allt his under Comrade Mandela, member of the Communist Party of SA. His statue is safe as houses, here in Britain, and in Sandton, SA.
The utter HYPOCRISY all about us stinks to high heaven!
Even now, torture continues apace in SA, whites singled out for special attention, and beeb’s much-celebrated Saint, for whose death they even interrupted all their programmes to bring us days of propaganda, lives on as a hero!
Fakenewswatcher – a propos Mr Mandela…. does the same rule apply to him that applies to others – i.e. it does not matter what good he has done at some point in his life – it cannot wipe away the bad things he has done…… so……… he was a murdering terrorist who smuggled out plans and directives from Robben Island for attacks on, and the deliberate murder of white people. So he was a racist terrorist as well.
Over to you BLM/Antifa supporters (as in Sinn Fein/IRA – terrorists embedded willingly among the ‘innocent’)… do the rules apply across the board, or not. I think we may know what your answer is likely to be.
Perhaps PG Tips could re-run some of their old adverts. You, know, to let us see how pure, righteous and ‘woke’ they are.
Back when they used to do great, educational card collections in their boxes, and proper, quality tea, rather than the dust and scrapings from the floor that were most prevalent last time I purchased their product. Around 3 years ago.
They were a staple growing up. No longer tho.
Zero quality, zero value for money and a poor poor cuppa.
I moved on.
TOADY Watch #1 – Awake early again to negativity
6 a.m. News just heralds the waves of negativity I know I’m going to get throughout the programme from the Knaves of Wegativity a.k.a. the BBC. I switched off after the first look at the newspapers.
I hope the PM publishes the SAGE advice at some time so that we can see what Ferguson was consistently recommending. Currently it appears that ‘hell hath no further like an adviser resigned’ so I suspect all is not as it seems. Would the TOADY programme ask questions about that?
(Richie Benaud voice:) “Silly question, realleee”
I think you would be more likely to get Hamlet’s soliloquy from one of the plants Prince Charles talks to than get a reasoned unbiased question from the toady programme .
LOL, gb123, very good.
Don’t know what’s happened with my posts today but I’ve had to sack the proof reader. My great line ‘hell hath no fury like an adviser resigned’ was spoiled by my typo or some ancient laptop glitch (it occasionally has a mind of its own) turning ‘fury’ into ‘further’.
On Facebook it is possible (privacy settings willing) to go down the ‘friend of a friend’ route. Some time ago I did this and came across a page of a middle-aged white man who clearly thinks he is a ‘good person’ as he posts about the charity work that he does.
(I must admit to a bit of schadenfreude when at the start of the lock-down he started bleating that his income stream had dried up as his ‘work’ was raising money for charity, i.e. he took his ‘cut’ from his virtuous work.)
What I find really sad is that clearly he would take an opposing line to that taken by most that post here and that many of his friends are like-minded. How could he be so deluded?
But what really saddens me is what he posts and re-posts, pretty much continual pieces showing snarling Trumps and Farrages loaded with hate, most of it lies and untruths.
Perhaps it is because I was brought up in the Judeo-Christian tradition but this hatred cannot be right. It harms others but it mostly harms oneself – it eats away from the inside. It is a really depressing to see people like the Archbishop of Canterbury pushing messages of hate not ‘love’ for political reasons. (I am not bothered about his religious ‘message’, just his message for ‘humanity’).
What I am trying to say is that it is OK to disagree, even to strongly disagree but hate is a different matter, fortunately not often seen here but we should (self) guard against.
Finally a little plea: Can the Twitter fans hunt down the cartoon by ‘scarecrowbar’ on ‘hypocrite’ re. ‘black lives matter’ and post it here? Anyone that needs a twelve-frame cartoon to make a point has no argument!
This one Jim ?
The character switches from All Lives Matter to Black-Lives-Matter
and says “If I change my mind now, does that make me a hypocrite?”
The reply “No, it means you’re growing as a person.”
It’s BS, cos no character would equate changing their mind with hypocrisy, they are not the same thing.
Hypocrisy, is a BLM protester saying they are caring and then doing something uncaring like vandalism or violence against police.
Yes sure there is a problem with police violence
but white people are vulnerable just as black people are.
Yes, thank you!
I have read it through several times and I just don’t get it. I get the smug attitude of the author though!
As a cartoon, working to the normal ‘rules’ of the strip format the first row makes, to my mind the ‘correct’ human point.
The rest of a cartoon is a lie, the US ‘state’ is definitely not targetting ‘blacks’, (if it was they would have been put on trains and sent to the ‘shower blocks’ not knocked off one-by-one), it isn’t even true numerically.
The last line is pure ‘Orewell’ – we have ‘corrected’ your thinking!
12pm Local radio news
#1 “Labour say” (a common opening line )
.. “Labour say a change in the 2m rule shouldn’t be due to pressure from Tory back bench MPs”
FFS Tories are the govt not Labour
#2 Cancer care down 60% 2m backlog
#4 Centrica cuts 5,000 jobs
#5 Scunthorpe woman jailed for hitting policeman last week
Why’s that news when grooming gangs aren’t ?
Bunker down, Jon!
The sound of light bulbs flickering on.
Once the commies have finished destroying and desecrating all the statues, expect them to go after Christians and the cross.
Vandalising crosses in cemeteries, crosses on churches, crosses on war memorials.
In my opinion, this will be the logical conclusion of what they are doing now because destruction of Christianity has always been one of the main objectives of the Marxists.
The question is, if the police will not protect our statues and heritage, will they protect our churches and Christian symbolism?
I suppose it’s just a matter of time before the Beatles ” Penny Lane”
is banned from playing on the BBC by BIG BROTHER from
the diversity dept. Followed by a ban on the film “The Darkest Hour.” Gary Oldman who won the Academy Award for playing
Winston Churchill will have to apologise .
Other than re-writing history the communist anarchists are
actually giving us a history lesson on what Kristallnacht was like
on 9-10 Nov 1938 in Germany.When will the BBC help in getting involved
with book burning?
Professional, impartial and trusted.
Tim, Franny… Dudes… next time you trot the mantra out… fingers AND toes crossed!
Professional, impartial and trusted…
That made me chuckle, Guest.
More like.
Charlatans, biased and liars…
The BBC lines up so the libmob can knock em down
so MPs etc have too begun to delete their own
tweets based on the BBC Fake news headline
\\ Cummings’ lockdown cottage broke planning rules //
eg Catherine West MP (Labour)
Wow – super twitchy in the So called ‘ politics ‘ office – i wonder if all that overstepping the mark is getting to them .
Im surprised that the fury they created hasnt been physically turned on them ….
Can only be a matter of time .
Fed -Like I said before, the revolution eventually ends up eating its own children. (I won’t go through the long list of victims again.) It may have been Jacques Mallet du Pan, who said that.
But not before a huge amount of damage, murder and mayhem has taken place.
Rioters, and riot instigators and mayhem publicists beware. Violence sweet-talkers/trivialisers, take care.
They will come for you too, and possibly no amount of virtue signalling will save you!
Fake – you must be mistaking me for someone else but I don’t think you’ll find me doing any ‘virtue signalling ‘ . I have to accord with certain rules online – this site – but the real world is a different place .
Fed – I’m relieved to hear you won’t be doing any virtue-signalling!
The real world is certainly a different place, wot with traffic lights unseating police riders and stuff like that…
No, I was thinking more of people like Soros and some of/in our MSM.
30 seconds of Radio2
Their expert has praised NZ’s primeminister
then sneered at Cummings
“Christina Patterson
Writer (thesundaytimes guardian),
broadcaster (SkyNews )”
She’s actually no expert on the new Bubble lockdown rules
I don’t know why she is on
“I live in Hackney” she just said , surprised NOT
Vine’s @BBCRadio2 expert seems out of her depth
Last week she was tweeting her hatey Guardianworld #FakeNews that UK had more deaths in a day that whole EU
Unaware that UK daily report is not deaths in last 24 hours & that day had included a special load of backdated deaths.
Tell you what BLM, next Notting Hill carnival, you can have your wish, there will be no police officers allocated to policing the carnival.
Woke white lefty types attending will be perfectly safe, they always bang-on about what a peaceful event it is.
Are there ever? They only attend to entertain the crowd with their twerking and other lewd behaviour.
Anyway, should there be no police, the BLM people will have a field day with a bit of mugging, looting, and other skulduggery, unmolested.
ND – Statue of Scouting’s Baden Powell removed from Poole cos our great police say ‘it was a target’.
I see that in the USA, even Columbus has lost his head.
Who would have thought?
Perhaps we should ban the Notting Hill Carnival, since -if the culture of the majority population is apparently of no value- why, on earth, should the ‘victorious’ minority get to celebrate theirs? Actually just a celebration of knives and drugs behind the scenes?
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Isn’t that part of the great and loud socialist ‘equality’ mantra we have been getting ad nauseum?
This is where are our wonderful liberal ‘tolerance’ has got us. We are now able to celebrate a tolerance of evil, masquarading as virtue. Intimidation works.
I have just got back from Poole. A lot of local support for the statue:
Note the shoddy social distancing from the camera crew!
Gosh, John Snow would be apoplectic, so many white people in one place.
Good to see the resistance on the ground.
This town is very white. It is not that every single person is white but most people are. The BBC must hate it. Leave voting as well but never touched Labour so we are the wrong part of the country to try and get our opinion on anything
The ‘otherwise there would have been a kicking off’ as a wet response has accelerated since Treezer was Home Sec and opened the flood gates.
Not having kids maybe she is unaware how caving to bad behaviour makes it worse.
Though some eunuchs appear still in positions of authority.
The police should be withdrawn from it. They are clearly not wanted by the attendees.
Today’s Times has much of its content devoted to BLM, statue toppling, sports stars empathising and so on, with in-depth investigations and descriptions of the slave trade itself, concentrating to a large degree on ‘Britain’s Shameful Past’.
True, some small space is allocated to Wilberforce and others but, read and re-read as I will, not one word is devoted to African and Arab involvement – despite what the MSM obviously regard as the unpalatable and unprintable facts that without the eager, efficient, lucrative and utterly soulless activities of tribal ‘fellow’ Africans and Arabs from North Africa to Saudi and beyond, the trade would not have existed – or indeed would probably have remained centered on white Irish, Welsh, English, Breton and many other undefended coastal communities.
Still, at least we can look forward to the BBC and Guardian putting the record straight in the near future.
PS. While hating to add to Italy’s problems, I feel it only fair to suggest that the whole of the Roman past and associated tourist trade should be defaced and deleted since the Roman Empire – being one of the world’s most savage, inhumane and uncompromising – was based almost entirely on slavery in order to function.
Telegraph likes to play games as well. All MSM!!!
He sooooo sweet.
Anyone know what he said?
Presumably the only people who heard it were the mothers of the participants as the listening figures tank . After a life time – not for me any more …. maybe Robinson was referred to as the 4 letter word he resembles so much …
I won’t repeat it in case Fedup censors me ????
The BBC are shit at comedy, they’re now just removing any trace that they ever tried!
Oh come on looby – a day is not complete without a bit of censoring …. but I’m genuinely surprised if Mr Northern- Tottenham used such a word so early in the day …… I’d pay to tell Robinson that’s what he is …..
What about this then? Have they forgotten it…place your bets…
At least then lots of folks can post the meme of Robert Downey Jr rolling his eyes.. (if someone could do the honours…)
Loobyloo – Your last sentence is SO spot on. I made the mistake of trying to listen to the oh so unfunny Damian slash something on R4 after eleven last night. Dire!
But, of course, that’s just my opinion. Perhaps I have missed the Zeitgeist?
Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, the comedian used the slur “c**n” when quoting the name of a 1930s comedy by GH Elliott and Al Jolson.
Edit – just noticed looby’s post
Harry Enfield mentioned a blackface act from the 1930s called “the Coloured Coon”. It wasn’t a racial slur, he was just using it to illustrate how attitudes change over time.
Needless to say it nearly gave Robinson a heart attack. I think it may have been the funniest thing Harry Enfield has done in a long time.
Rob – sounds a bit like all those ‘warning ‘ talking pictures puts up before some excellent series from the 1970s …..
……….it would have been worth a listen just to hear Robinson spluttering …… I suppose it was better that talking about Guy Gibson VC’s dog ….
As an ex serviceman and as such i am part of many internet forums relating to the military.
There is now a growing mobilizations for ex serviceman to protect our war Memorials and other related monuments…
Where ever there is a protest that has a specific monument, they will be met by a peaceful guard..!!!!
Good on you Daf, I’m no fan of social media but have heard the same from a work colleague who is Ex-RN.
I was semi-trolled here a week or so ago (after stating I believed trouble was coming and that people would have to take a stand) along the lines of – who was going to make a stand as the poster believed there was no one, so i mentioned Ex-Services, Farmers among others.
My crystal ball is now un-serviceable again sadly, but before it went off-line there was a vision of Boris and a big EUSSR U-Turn. I hope it was a malfunction.
Problem is that those who monitor our sites will already planning to disrupt any attempt at taking any action – even protecting national statues .
In fact we could see plod protecting the statues from people trying to protect them .
I just hope that the other brand of plod arent sent in when they are invited to “ take the knee “….
Given their truly appalling support for slavery and treatment of slaves it is only appropriate that the victims receive substantial reparations.
I expect the British government immediately to demand at least £200 bn from Italy in compensation for the Roman occupation of this country over a period of 400 years, and I look forward to the Italian Prime Minister demonstrating his abject humility, sorrow, and apology on the matter by ‘taking the knee’.
And then they cleared off and left the place to fall into rack and ruin ……bloody absentee landlords !
One of those paid BBC retainers – Anne McEvoy writes a nothing piece in todays Evening Standard about the new DG – who hope will be a ‘ nice but dim ‘ …
Apparently – unlike the BBC – he has a sense of humour . The bubble dwelling Ms McEvoy reckons Tim will use an axe to cut costs as soon as he arrives – so lets hope he kills off some of the more expensive whitee talent as well as last of the quality stuff hiding on BBC4 gets the monster deep in the swamp looking up at netflix …..
Consternation abounds in a pre-pro in Frankie Howerd.
They keep inviting Surkeer, Fick Ange, Dawn and Dave on QT, lob them softballs, but then this…?
Maybe do an EdPede and blank him so his ratings go up, and hope none of them do anything as dumb as a tablet pledge or take a kn… oh…
I think all bets are off now that the next James Bond will NOT be white.
… or male either.
Somebody really needs to go back to the original books authored by Ian Fleming…. Bond was a typically dry-humoured, white, male, Scot….. which is why, in my humble opinion, Sean Connery best portrayed the character.
And whilst Daniel Craig – probably closest – and others have provided some nice distractions (and I quite like the Craig/Bond movies for what they are), they neither have the wit nor the drollery (I really had to look that up, but it is a word, and it means what I meant) of the original character. *sigh*
You are correct about the books, Goldfinger, Casino Royale and esp. Moonraker are superb. If you have the time, and are an insomniac, the full audiobooks on youtube are fantastic.
Daniel Craig always looked more Russian than British to me!
Perhaps that was a good thing for a spy?
[Bond 2021:
Russian Hotelier: “Excuse me, are you working for the British Secret Service?”
J. Bond: “No! Whatever makes you think that?”
R.H.: “You are the only Black, dungharee-wearing, hijab-wearing, wheel-chair-using woman in the casino.”
J. Bond: “Shurley shom mishtake?”]
My money’s on trans.
Live and Let Die film has no chance……….’like following a cueball’
Bond gets called a ‘honky’ in it ????
They are as bad as they claim us whitey’s are ????
10,000 Jobs for UK ……………………
Has Al Beeb reported the good news yet or are they still fixated in ethnic vandalism ?
Has Al Beeb reported the good news yet or are they still fixated in EXTOLLING ethnic vandalism, surely!
At least one no longer has to attempt French in Paris lest the waiter torches one’s voiture.
GBBO is set to be a war zone.
And Allah help anyone meeting Nadiya and attempting anything beyond ‘how’s it hanging, Darlin’?”
Jeez, Guest Who – somebody potentially tried to be really polite, it looks like, and got it wrong. She should be grateful that someone even made the effort (so many Asians speak both their ‘mother’ tongue and their local language – I know from wide experience).
She could have simply said, “Sorry mate, I only speak English !” (you have to imagine the Aussie accent, I am afraid) and no-one really had to take any offence at all.
Keerist – most people would have either expressed some thanks that an effort had been made, and/or have laughed it off…… but oh, no, not this ……. person. “I’ll take this to the media”, was her first thought. Lovely whatever (certainly not ‘lady’).
Hope she reaps what she’s sown.
It will be interesting if and which activist #prasasnews outlet simply run it for ratings and, with luck, end up with oafs a la mode on their faces.
Surprised Jondon’s Egyptian/Pakistani sub with the same work ethic has not picked it up.
Or is she restricted to one filing a year too?
Er, here is my message to Yorkshire Tea, and the reply is below that………………
here is a disconcerting story doing the rounds that Yorkshire Tea supports Black Lives Matter, and that if anyone disagrees with this then they are not welcome to buy the product. If this is correct, then I find it disconcerting, because regardless of what anyone thinks, putting an embargo on buying a product is the action of a police state. What next ? If you are not catholic then don’t buy our biscuits, if you are over 70 then you don’t need to buy more clothes. Any right and fair minded person does not tolerate racism in any form, but to turn grocery products into a political agenda is not the way to go either. I love my Yorkshire Gold, and drink nothing else, but if you are making political statements like this, regardless of a person’s beliefs, could result in a backlash. If this story is not true, then accept my apologies. Thank you.
Hello xxxxxx
Thanks for your email.
Racism has no place in our business and we’re against discrimination in all its forms. We want to be inclusive and we value diversity and difference.
Anti-racism campaigners are raising important issues. We need to hear those and understand what that means for us so we can take proper action.
We know we have more to do and it might take a little time to do it, but we are fully committed.
Thanks again for getting in touch. We really value your input.
Kind Regards,
Stopped buying it since, you should do the same.
They are virtue signalling.
No more Yorkshire Tea for me. Pity, I quite liked the tins. AND THE TASTE. But there are many others.
Try Miles Teas ‘West Country Original Blend’. Bootiful! Mail Order, been with them for yonks. Well worth it.
West is best!
Proppa cuppa.
I sent them an email a while ago telling them their virtue signalling project had really backfired.
By the way I’ve started buying aldi/lidl (they both taste the same) proberly same factory, their gold tea, very nice cuppa, I used to buy twinings but this is just as nice and it’s just 99p a box. Give it a try, I’ll never buy yorkshire/pg tips again ever and as long as aldi/lidl dont start preaching at me I’ll stick with this.
‘we know we have more to do’ Gawd almighty!!!! It’s like being back in 6th form debates!!!
when the police have been defunded/disbanded, I’ll nip round to your factory and help myself to a few tonnes of your tea. BLM will be so proud.
You should start a ‘Yorkshire Tea Party’
(Isn’t there a Boston in Lancs?)
I shan’t be buying Yorkshire Tea from now on and after the company’s pathetic and cringeworthy support for BLM.
I’m sorry if this decision puts poor and often exploited tea pickers out of work in the Dales, but I aim to take a stand and urge others here to do so.
Thanks all. I shall try the suggested online Miles tea, and give aldi/lidl a go. I feel sad about this as I’ve bought Y/Gold for years, but now its left a nasty taste in my mouth.
I’m damned if I’m going to be dictated to by any grocery company – and what about the treatment of tea pickers in the last century and beyond by the Tea Plantation owners ? not exactly covered themselves in glory if I remember.
Oh, I did like that, Emmanuel !
EMM I think you mean Lincs !
@ Brissles 2.09 pm. I got the same email obviously it took them 24 hours+ to put together a standard reply. I informed them today that such a shoddy reply to me meant they were ok with rioting, looting, injuring Police officers and horses, desecrating war memorials and were accepting of our National flag being burnt. Because of that I would no longer be buying any product from them. Being a Yorkshire Lass I won’t throw the ones I have away (waste of money) but I’ll be doing research as to where I spend it in future.
I have told Yorkshire tea that not only am I boycotting their Taylor’s of Harrogate coffee but will not be going to Betty’s any more when it reopens. I am assuming they won’t be getting many of their Chinese customers on reopening nor parents of York University’s leftie students, they don’t even have many black customers. I can guess that their ladies who lunch don’t go a bundle on supporters of anarchy. The queues to get in could become a whole lot shorter.
Shortage of Marmite ?
I stopped buying it since Project fear .
Remember ‘project fear’ ?
How reassuring that with all the mayhem going on, the BBC finds the time to focus on the really important issue of the day, namely a verbal spat between rich woke lefty feminist JK Rowling and rich woke lefty transgenderist Daniel Radcliffe.
Personally I’m delighted when the bonkers left turns on itself.
Of interest in their silly first-world squabble is that Rowling – perhaps sensing she was losing the sympathy of the howling, deranged, trans mob – is now playing the victim card, hoping no doubt it will trump the LGBTWXYZ victim card. My victimhood is bigger than your victimhood.
“I’ve been in the public eye now for over 20 years and have never talked publicly about being a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor.”
Oh, boo-hoo.
And now other virtue signalling luvvies are piling in to the scrap, like Eddie Redmayne and Emma Watson.
A curse on both your houses, go and get a real job.
If I were JKR I would write the next Harry Potter book and reveal that HP was a secret lgbt/paedo/cross dresser/cruel to animals/islamhater/commie/antisemitic/kkk member and that he picked his nose and ate the snot.
I would say that HP was always like that and kept it secret but now that he’s grown up she can reveal it.
I wonder how the little virtue signaller would like that.
The adult Daniel Radcliffe is a rubbish actor anyway, as is the super-woke Emma wotsit.
Although I rarely watch the BBC anymore, over the last week I took a look to see their take on the protests. And how utterly predictable it was.
Wanting to give BLM a fair chance, I read their website which has a section “what we believe” and it’s a regurgitation of the worst Marxist, activist humanities lecturer stuff.
BLM is an avowedly Marxist organisation. The whole thing is classic Maoism. The students for the zeal and adherence to the new orthodoxy. The dummies for the oppressed (workers / farmers / “minorites”).
No wonder the BBC is so sympathetic.
Surely this whole sorry state of affairs is confirmation that “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
Thanks for the admin and contributors to this site; it reminds me I’m not alone in my deep concern for the Bolsheviks’ capture of the state.
BBC approved kick off-outfit manifestos are always a hoot.
Especially given the bbc appears coy about going too far there.
Just got this from my chums at… 38… no… Compa… Open… no… ah… XR!
Extinction Rebellion announces a decentralized and digital action wave in June
XR Congo welcomes protection provided to mountain gorillas who are also potentially susceptible to Covid19
Business as usual was the emergency
· Extinction Rebellion Germany plans decentralized and digital actions between 12th June and 21st June
· Actions replace the Rebellion Wave originally planned for early May that was postponed due to COVID-19.
· Extinction Rebellion across the world has proved resilient and creative in dealing with the reality posed by the Pandemic
· The Rebellion Wave starts on June 12th with a digital climate festival focused on climate justice
About Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is a leaderfull, decentralised, international, nonpartisan network using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
We have the following three demands in most of our territories:
1. Tell the Truth: Government must tell the truth by declaring a climate and ecological emergency, working with other institutions to communicate the urgency for change.
2. Act Now: Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
3. Beyond Politics: Government must create and be led by the decisions of a Citizens’ Assembly on climate and ecological justice.
Doubtless half the bbc will be flying there as they are soooo… ‘busy’ being ‘essential’.
Sam S
Sign the petition and de-fund the organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich and tell your mates to do the same .
Interesting that you are using that phrase.
Reading the SA press over a few years, STATE CAPTURE was very much what happened under Zuma. It was a natch for the ANC to go that way, being ‘representative’ of the large majority.
But, who would have thought that WE would be heading down that route? Theoretically, we have no ANC in charge here.
But we do have Marxist revolutionaries aplenty, it seems? Would explain why the ANC was welcome in London, during all the years of their running torture/murder camps in Africa!!
I gather that the ANC boss in London simply became the new Amassador to Britain? I would assume that that made Labour very happy.
Now, it seems, they may just be pulling out of it, over there? Could sanity prevail, as a result of the complete trashing of the SA economy?
There could be some green shoots: A burglar just get sentenced to 30 years in prison, although I have to double check that!
A BURGLAR…no violence (to be checked) That would be a turn up for the books!
The above was in answer to Sam S.
It seems the burglar in question was 43-year old Joseph Mahlaba.
He also got caught with stolen goods. 15 years for the burglary and fifteen years for the possession of the stolen goods, sentences to run concurrently. This happened in a place called Lichtenberg.
Police Commissioner for the Northwest, Sello Kwena, welcomed the sentence, and said that this “will send a clear message that the police will show no mercy to criminals” (!) He ALSO THANKED THE COMMUNITY POLICE FORUM for working together with the police to “ensure justice”. (South Africa Today – South Africa News – 1528)
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but do members of the community in the UK who try to help the police to ‘ensure justice’ not get branded as ‘thugs’ by our media?
It is conceivable that some ANC apparatchik will try to get the criminal released, but I have to say to Mr Kwena and the CPF: “Well done”.
What have we come to in Britain when we have to look to a country one rather doesn’t want to look at too closely, for a good example? Is it just possible that the tide is turning there? Perhaps their media aren’t as treacherous as ours?
He would do better if he joined Talkradio.
LBC has to many lefty snowflakes for my liking.
I’ve stopped listening to LBC. I try listening to their LBC news station but invariably after only a few seconds I have to find another radio station.
I listen more to TWR Christian UK radio these days. And they even have news which in the main is quite even handed.
Whilst having me dinner the tv was on and the sturgeon was on whining away on the corona situation.
When she had finished there were the questions.
What a difference. The questions were straightforward and relevant.
Compared to our ghastly lot where the questions are childish attempts to get a gotcha moment (what would you say was your biggest mistake Prime Minister or Do you want to apologise for … types of questions)
It’s awful when the tv screen fills with a hate filled face like Eleanor Rigsby where it resembles a scene from the film 1984 (the red hurts my eyes)
If I was Boris I’d call them out for their ridiculous questions.
“Do you really think this is a reasonable question or are you trying to get a cheap headline to virtue signal with or crow about beff”
Frankly beff, we couldn’t give a damn.
I heard one journalist a while ago say that after you ask Sturgeon a question there is no come back on her answer as the mike is switched off to you. I suppose now they are asking questions by zoom but its proberly the same.
As for Beth Rigby surly ber managers can see she is making herself look a pratt.
The BBC might have just reported ‘President Trump is to re-start his re-election campaign on 19 June in Tulsa, Oklahoma.’
but instead the BBC choose to head both the clicky and the anonymous article with something very different.
I wonder why?
A contortion of which Harry Houdini would be proud.
Well one remembers when UKIP were going to meet in a town hall that once had a plan that dallied with a plan that may have been a plan to house NAZIIIIIIs if…. the Germans had won the war.
It might have been knocked down already.
I read the Sun and the Guardian (but others will be piling in too) are getting quite upset that Patriots are going to guard the statues around the country this weekend. Now that is not fair, than means their violent thuggish marauding band of semi illiterate peasants cannot get to them and they want the police to take action to stop the FAR right.
Of course the police say they are having discussions to see how to police it (so the morons can have their weekend fun)
After last weekend’s disgusting police conduct if they suddenly go in for the people guarding the statues not the rioters then the sh*t will hit the fan
I have also seen a statue of Queen Victoria terribly defaced in Leeds. This is getting out of hand and Boris has got to do something fast, hes too blo*dy busy with giving quickie divorces. Now that’s very urgent !
Hard to see how the media can refer to a few pensioners and scouts in uniform standing guard over Baden-Powell, as the FAR right ! They will look hysterically stupid if they do, but it will be interesting to see this Grandad’s Army hold their position if faced with a mob of black faces this weekend. Rourkes Drift on the esplanade in Poole !!!
The last time I saw a large group of scouts was a few years ago at my local railway station. I don’t know why they were in my neck of the woods but they were clearly gathered for some jamboree or other. All I can tell you about them is that they were well behaved, smartly attired in traditional scouting uniform. . . and African.
Eat s*** and die, virtue signallers.
My grandson who lives in Dubai is a member there, they have groups over UAE,. While there on a visit we drove through Ras al Kaimer and noticed a scout building there.
Lord B-P created a worldwide movement, the scout movement. He had no help from the tinternet, f*ckbook or twatter or vast sums from NGO’s.
He gave boys
Structure to their lives
A sense of duty
Loyalty to his majesty
Caring for others
Self reliance
Life skills
Why on earth would black people find these qualities not worth celebrating? BBC? Huff Post? Labour?
A Good Sign All Over the World by Norman Rockwell. No doubt somebody has a gripe against Rockwell, too.
Hopefully the people of Poole will get help defending the statue over the weekend.
Coming to a district near you soon
BBC Radio 1 has appointed Aled Haydn Jones as the head of BBC Radio 1. Aled was previously head of programmes on the radio station and has also previously served as producer on the Chris Moyles Breakfast Show.
A saviour is promoted.
I used to listen.
Aled H Jones was a producer who was seen and heard on the show. Part of the ‘zoo’ format where there are a number of voices in the studio, all mainly agreeing with the inane utterings of the host.
Aled ticks a good number of the AntiBeebs ‘diversity’ boxes.
I now need another monitor.
….. but no diversity of thinking, as usual, eh, Krishnan ?
The Stan Collymore Show starts tomorrow.
Crips Gazza’s first tweet on this will be a hoot.
And the rest of the BBC homies.
Ten MIll?
Nice to have that lying around.
Clearly sharing stage with Magic Gramps worked for him.
And he will never be off the BBC now.
Hopefully these empowering causes are not shrouded in the same mystery as those concerning Ms. Owens.
The BBC would be much too polite to ask.
…..and where is the adherence to any rules about safety in that photo – oh right, covering your chin is extremely effective against the COVID virus – probably got that advice from Neil Ferguson – or, more likely, his agent !
Not bad for an oppressed minority whose every step towards fame and wealth was blocked by the racist system.
I trust the BLM-Antifa hate mob will now turn their attention to an evil cult whose founder captured, owned, bought, sold, traded and raped slaves as well as instructing his followers to do likewise.
The BBC even admitted this on their webshite, sort of: “Slaves were owned in all Islamic societies, both sedentary and nomadic, ranging from Arabia in the centre to North Africa in the west and to what is now Pakistan and Indonesia in the east. Some Islamic states, such as the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, and the Sokoto caliphate [Nigeria], must be termed slave societies because slaves there were very important numerically as well as a focus of the polities’ energies.”
But look what the slippery slimy beeb add to excuse their favourite cult: “It’s misleading to use phrases such as ‘Islamic slavery’ and ‘Muslim slave trade’, even though slavery existed in many Muslim cultures at various times, since the Atlantic slave trade is not called the Christian slave trade, even though most of those responsible for it were Christians.”
Can anyone spot the non-sequitur (lie) in that statement?
In the case of islam such behaviour was practised and actively encouraged by its founder, the ‘perfect man’ whose ideal behaviour is to be emulated by all.
Jesus of course did none of the above, but preached only love of neighbour and equality of all men and women: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
In other words there’s a huge difference between what the followers of a religion do DESPITE the teachings and example of their founder, and what is done BECAUSE of the teachings and example of the founder.
BBC up to their Taqiya tricks, as usual.