Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
And get rid of other divisive institutions that attack our country and our way of life.
Here’s a couple of corporal Jones’ sayings I need to repeat before they are banned:
The mad mahdi
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 6 started on Friday 8:20am
– page 5 started on Thursday 5:20pm …. page 4
Anyone know where Jo Brand was?
Guest/Island – Looking at the Twitter, I would agree with the comment suggesting “Dad’s Army” is next. Old, white men, defending Britain. An obvious target! They won’t understand the humour either.
The Revolutionary Council will remove or the beeb will be intimidated to do it for them!
Depends on the 4hr meeting in Frankie Howerd on the Wuzzies of fuzz issue.
Who was Alfred Fagon?
And why should we care?
” the Jamaican actor, playwright, and poet Alfred Fagon has been vandalised with bleach or another corrosive substance in Bristol”
Came to Britain in 1937, served in the army in 60s, where won boxing awards.
Got into acting , last time was in a BBC show. Died at 49, with no proper funeral cos the police said they couldn’t identify him.
Later they named an award after him
and that award date once a year is about the only time anyone mentions him on Twitter.
Should have gone to Spec Savers.
BBC man Adil Ray calming racial tensions, NOT.
Who knows who acid attacked the Bristol statue ?
Antifa are mad enough to do stuff like that to stir trouble.
Here’s another little gem.
The daughter of a friend of mine, works at home for the NHS. A few days ago she received a request/directive on her email to join her colleagues at 11.00am earlier this week, to ‘take the knee’ for 9 minutes.
She was furious that she was being bamboozled like this, and felt that if she was physically at work she would be made to feel obliged to take part or eyebrows would be raised. She didn’t take part, more for the reason that it was a directive rather than something she wanted to do of her own accord.
This is how things are going now, like Yorkshire Tea, if you don’t agree or wont comply, then you will be ostracised. We have to make a stand against this, or there is no hope for future generations.
We have cancelled all future purchases of Yorkshire tea – and as as my wife is from Yorkshire that is a big thing 🙂
JA – we need to make a product/store list for boycotts – and circulate as widely as possible. Economic enterprises, who decide to take sides in politics and support the revolution, need to know that that decision will hit their pocket! No business as usual.
Sadly, there is a war on, started by the Trots/Anarchists and BLM, and they are ‘capturing’ economic enterprises all over; those knuckle under to the tyranny, or even rather like Antifa &Co, thinking there is no price to pay.
We have sadly reached that stage where revolutionaries intimidate everyone into submitting to their will. Sickening to watch the acquiescence. They need to know they won’t have it all their way and that there will be resistence.
Companies will have to pick. Regrettable, but there it is.
Won’t be long before there’s a ” sign ” painted on shop windows to stop the party members from using them…sound familiar
Just a reminder that boycotts work; Gillette lost something like 8 billion dollars in revenue as a result of their woke advertising. Given such punishment, most companies would not have survived. I doubt Yorkshire Tea and similarly sized companies are capable of doing so.
It will serve them right if they go under. I doubt their ethnic customer base is large enough to compensate for white consumers abandoning them, even if the ethnics choose to support them, which they probably won’t.
Can anyone advise me on Iceland (the supermarket)? Wiki says it is based in N Wales and British, with a smallish share of the UK market. I’m getting pi$$ed off with Sainsbury’s (Leftish, latest was LGBTQXYZ crap week) and am considering buying more (non-frozen) at Iceland. They did well during the Covid19 panic and staff were wearing masks early on. Have they done anything woke? Just wondering.
I use them.Seem all right to me. Prices are good on the branded products.
Highly recommend Iceland but as always, buyer beware. Friendly staff. Suggest you get their Loyalty Card. There’s scope for saving on it at an interest rate that would make a Bank Manager’s eyes water.
So these tea bags support “Black Lives matter”.
By their own admission therefore they do not support White or Asian lives matter.
And its definitely OK to mass murder Christians all over the world.
What a bunch of ignorant hypocritical cowards.
For those who are no longer drinking Yorkshire Tea, I suggest, like me you write to them and say you will be boycotting Betty’s Tea Rooms (all part of the same company). I told them that as they obviously support Marxist organisations I could no longer give them my business. As Betty’s won’t be getting many foreign tourists for a good while yet they will be very reliant on local people for their business. Upsetting the locals isn’t a good business plan.
PG also is off my shopping list,hit them where it hurts in their pocket.
Just a note for those of us who live in or visit Yorkshire. The makers of Yorkshire Tea are Taylor’s of Harrogate , at least I think that they are, part of the same company that runs Betty’s Tea Rooms across the county. So their stupidity means that not only do we need to find a different tea and coffee supplier but we can no longer visit these iconic cafes. If I’m wrong about the ownership of the Tea Rooms pl advice as visits there were a great treat which I shall sorely miss.
Doublethinker – I have just posted the same but apologies it appears above your comment. Yes Betty’s, and Taylors of Harrogate are all part of the same group. And yes, I have written to them and said I will be boycotting their cafes. No more Fat Rascals for me.
Taylor’s of Harrogate also sell coffee, which I have tended to purchase. Up to now. But no longer.
Aw! Poor little snowflake!
BRISSELS – typical revolutionary BULLYING/INTIMIDATING tactics. The more you succumb, the more the revolutionaries will demand!
What’s that about Yorkshire Tea? I have some in my cupboard. Should I now dispose of it? Please advise. Yours, Worried of Wimbledon.
Wokeshire Tea declared war on Laura Towler
in their mistaken view that BLM are the good guys
and that anyone not supporting them is RACIST
Here’s Laura’s recent video
*The Media is Distracting You*
Yes appalling that it’s a ‘Directive’…
What does that even mean. Do it or we sack you?
Yes appalling that it’s a ‘Directive’…
What does that even mean. Do it or we sack you?
BBC causing more division, every day. Just what Britain needs . Thank you BBC . You are a disgrace.
Aw Diddums
One of them says ‘They call me the N word behind close doors’.
Serves him right for eavesdropping.
I came across this unexpectedly whilst doing some statistics 🙂 seriously..
This chap John McWhorter speaks more sense about the concept Anti Racism in 13 minutes than any politician/senior cop/lefty combined..worth a listen and as he is Black he can’t be accused of white privilege. Could somebody send it to all the virtue signalling public sector leaders before they bend their knee
You just have to believe that most people are like him …we all agree racism is bad regardless of where it comes from but the actions being taken at the moment and the backward steps by our elected and unelected officials are unnecessary
BBC got Sol in to ‘discuss’ this as he has all others not meeting his singular world view?
Divisiveness has been deliberately built into the system to cater for Globalists and those who hate Britain.
Britain is an old historic nation, with a positive culture of innovation and originality, second to none. Its evident in all manner of thinking – engineering, medicine, social systems, economic systems. This has enriched the world as no other nation even comes close.
A culture so innovative, that its fundaments needs no tinkering. And yet we have been forced by our masters to forcefully integrate systems that are violent, backward and unmalleable to adapt to us. The resulting bastardisation is that we are no longer as innovative as before. Our standards in education are now so fallen that it will take two generations to repair.
This bastardisation g hides under the guise of Diversity and Multicultism, which we are required to celebrate. Diversity always leads to war. We are seeing the beginnings of this. War will destroy Britain, and put us back 500 years.
Note the effects effects of the civil war in America still divide that nation.
I know a lot of people are comparing the present situation to 1984 but it appears as though we have a mix of that plus “Brave New World” on our hands. Perhaps the “silent majority” seem content not to take action against this cultural destruction as they are safe with their job, endless media and consumer consumption, house, drugs of choice etc and also would be at risk of being persecuted just for defending what is important. Whilst I agree that you should be able to rely on those in charge to do this for you, I wonder what it will take for people (including me) to be galvanised and say “Enough is enough!” Good on those who looked after the Baden-Powell statue.
I’m not sure what the answer is but after just finishing the excellent “Strange Death of Europe” I cannot believe that it has accelerated so quickly.
Defund the BBC? The BBC should be charged with treason.
For being an ENEMY OF THE STATE !!!
The BBC will not be defunded, as it is useful for this Tory government to get back into the EU – when the opportunity arises.
The reason is that any British government likes to be to among the Top 3 in the EU. It is also a nuclear state, and has the best military in the EU. Thus a Big Fish in the EU.
Outside the EU, its just one among a lot of US allies.
Al, PMs like the idea of playing top dog.
What has brought about this madness afflicting our nation. The destruction of the icons of our civilisation is unbearable for me to watch.
Is it Marxism? Or is it the attempt to level outcomes within the nation. It appears so. Certain groups are unable to compete in society, despite help, and get left behind. Over time this resentment builds up to violence.
The last will always happen. As society demands ever greater skills, some people will get left behind even more. AI is just around the corner.
Unrestricted immigration is the prime cause of this. The situation is getting worse, but there is still time to avert a catastrophe.
In America its endemic. It can only get worse and is leading to another civil war. Tucker Carlson is aware of it, and is trying desperately to avert this.
“ ”
Plus two associated videos.
NCBBC – It’s REVOLUTION, whether Marxist or otherwise, doesn’t matter any more. We are already too far down the road. IT IS NOW PURELY ABOUT POWER! The power of x to force y to do their bidding, regardless of what that may be.
Now is the time to take a stand or get flattened! They would LOVE you to believe that you have already lost.
fake newswatcher.
I think its unrestricted immigration, and the mantra that all cultures and people are alike. They are not. Coupled with a society that requires ever greater skills, and we have an explosion.
We can either accept defeat or go to war. And if we win, what then?
NCBBC -At this stage it’s not about ‘going to war’ or ‘winning’, although we may have to.
At this stage it’s about drawing the line and standing up to the bullies, so that they will know clearly what the next stage is. As long as everyone bends the knee, they will have won.
Read the article by Robert ? in yesterday’s Telegraph about the rise of the silent majority. It must now STOP BEING SILENT!
At this stage of the revolution, words matter and so do SYMBOLS. (That is why Sadiq has boarded up or taken down OUR symbols.)
But our preparations must go on; the enemy thinks they have seen so many white flags, they’re intoxicated with power. We are left with one question only: how will they react when someone stops knuckling under? How do bullies react when someone stands up to them?
Ideally, of course, it is time for Boris and Co to send in the army. The police in London are either WITH the revolutionaries or are running away from them in fear. Churchill needs an armed guard. Rubber bullets at the least. But he should make it clear that all options remain open. WE NEED TO NAG HIM TO DO IT! Priti should get lotsa mail as well.
The answer will determine whetehr it’s war or not.
Robert who?
Christian lives dont matter
So the slaughter of Christian continues all over the world.
The Tea Bags are quite happy sipping their tea.
‘Christian lives don’t matter’
And you’ll get banned on YouTube for even talking about Christian persecution!
Wonderful view from the BBC News Web site on the assault of 2 police officers by a gang in Hackney. First the broadcaster carefully hid the story out of sight of the main news items then ran with the line: “Two police officers … are having to fight for control … surrounded by people, seemingly hostile.
Really BBC, ‘seemingly hostile’? Why no mention of skin colour of those ‘seemingly hostile’ and the victims.
According to Sly Views this morning this incident was an “alleged assault” on the police. Alleged?
Laugh at this, while you still can.
Different cultures live peacefully and appreciate different cultures when they live in separate nations.
Good job he didn’t go to Plymouth and ask for the location of a park!
We need to remember that the BLM , ‘topple the statues movement’ is just a tiny part of the wider cultural Marxist agenda to topple the state and then rebuild along Marxist principles. The decades long attack on our history, our sense of who we are has been fronted by the educational establishment and the BBC. They obviously feel that they have succeeded sufficiently in there aim to launch this particular attack which will they think gain them valuable ground. This project has been going since Blair became PM and we are reaping the bitter harvest. Far worse is planned for us. Only concerted resistance can prevent it. But who will lead the fight back? Who will smash the Cultural Marxist propaganda tool of the BBC? Who will force the rest of the MSM to purge their cultural marxist (Cm) reporters, editors . Who will expose and sack the CM in the civil service . The answer is no one.
That is exactly what it is. An attempt to use any grievance to overthrow capitalism and the West. Soon the only places to go will be Russia , Hungary, Poland and Israel.
DT: But who will lead the fight back?
Boris Johnson, Preeti Patel?
Comedy until its banned completely
Farage “Yeh sure Britain had a slave trade
.. everyone had a slave trade, from the Egyptians, the Romans etc.
but WE WERE the one country that said ENOUGH
and stopped it
no only our own,
but we sent the Royal Navy to stop it elsewhere”
And African chiefs and Arabs were thoroughly peeved when their rich source of income was stopped.
Wow! Apparently if no-one goes to work the economy shrinks.
“UK economy shrinks record 20.4% in April due to lockdown”
And all these years the BBC thought their income came from the magic subsidy tree, without anyone having to work for it.
You are clearly under the impression that the modern global economy is the work of White men.
Its not. it was stolen by White men from Africans.
Give them enough “mike” and they will “drown” themselves
TalkRadio just gave the mike to BLM key activist Gary McFarlane
.. of course he drowned himself in his own Marxist BS
We want to legalise drugs,
we want to abolish the police,
Churchill was a fascist
Marx never said anything racist
and there was no violence at any of the protests.
I’m not proud to British because I’m a internationalist”
The Talk Radio clip is good but see what we’ve got in the second clip at 2:08
\\ Why on Earth aren’t the @metpoliceuk

pressing charges against those who assaulted him in the video.
It is there for all to see! //
Stew – I see from Gary that ‘gimme the money’ is in there, as always.
Pathway to Rolex, Gucci, Diamond earrings and a 4WD with tinted windshield?
In the good ole days you had to rob a bank to be able to demand: ‘Gimme the money’!
Of course, you risked getting shot.
Pity the Sheriff nowadays reaches for his holster and pulls out a white handkerchief.
Wave, wave.
For Gary, it would be a good place to start why Blacks are leaders in robberies, violent muggings, shop lifting and worse.
But they are at the bottom in education, despite every effort by way of reducing standards.
Listened to the whole debate and he patroniseingly suggested he knows his history and others don’t. He would be wise to look closely at the history of various marxist regimes who when power is acheived have a habit of eliminating those who got them the spoils. Danny Devitos character in Other People’s Money suggests to his lawyers that when the commies take over the first thing they do is shoot all the f×@$^*!* lawyers.
first thing they do is shoot all the f×@$^*!* lawyers.
Shakespeare’s King Henry VI- “The first thing we must do is kill all the lawyers,” – the surest way to chaos …
Lists of Anti British Companies.
Wall to wall black.
Difficult to find a “British” phone company.
My Plan, as usual, involves executions.
New treason legislation, first in a raft of laws with the death penalty, mostly mandatory.
A British Company with an anti British attitude? No problem.
Charge, then execute, the Directors.
Seize company assets without compensation, nationalise or sell.
All listed companies will be required to have a Director of Britishness [DoB].
DoB to be paid by the organisation, to report to the newly created Minister for the protection of
Britain and Britishness.
DoB will have powers to examine ALL company documents.
Directors bonuses to be paid into a special account, controlled and monitored by the Government.
50% of the bonus will be paid after five years, providing the Company has fully complied with
pro British legislation. 50% after ten years.
LCS – Thanks for those. I have avoided all these by simply using an old-fashioned ‘pay as you go’ Jupiter TT. I was with EE years ago, and told them to take a running jump, when they started bossing me about and exploiting me.
I shouldn’t think we are at the stage of calling for the ‘execution’ of anyone yet. That would be a whole new ball park.
But sleepy, wordy Boris urgently needs to a) sound a lot firmer b) bring forward urgent legislation. c)bring the Military in. I can see why he would be fearful, but Sadiq has said HE is in charge and Boris must now respond, before London becomes an independent republic. Martial law is always controversial and revolutionaries will be throwing themselves at the soldiers to create ‘martyrs’. We know how revolutions work; I’ve studied them ever since the days Ernesto and Fidel were at it in Cuba.
I see the beeb propaganda carries on ceaselessly, speaking out against the military being involved in Seattle, where ‘protestors’ have all but declared an independent republic. Fits in neatly with their anti-Trump agenda.
The time for Boris to go sailing down wires and muttering stuff under hia breath HAS PASSED. He has the ‘silent majority’ on his side. They too, must stop being silent.
Before we all literally get into the execution phase of the revolution. One can slip down that slippery slope much more quickly than anyone realises.
“I shouldn’t think we are at the stage of calling for the ‘execution’ of anyone yet. That would be a whole new ball park.”
Perhaps I am not very good at explaining this.
Before and since “time immemorial”, these Islands have had numerous laws requiring offenders to be executed.
I want these laws brought back, I want additional laws requiring the death penalty.
I want those guilty of treason and sedition, legally dead, as they deserve to be.
Boris is not the only one requiring balls, we all do.
Yorkshire Tea!
Writing to your MP is not enough.
Defending our statues and buildings is only the first step.
LCS – I’m not in disagreement with you. Regrettably, we do not yet have the laws you refer to, in place. Our objective is to get them back on the statute books.
Forgive me, but we do have to be very good at explaining ourselves. (I get that wrong too, often, so this is not meant to be preachy or personal.) The enemy will latch onto anything and twist it to suit their purposes, so we have to exercise caution. Give them nothing to grab a hold of. Hot blood, but cool heads.
Defending statues? Absolutely. If the police won’t do it and the mayor boards them up, there is no question. Those are legally erected symbols; no one has the right to remove them or board them up. Not even local councils. Labour would like you to think they have the right, but they don’t.
And even if writing to your MP will do nothing, you should still write. Rest assured, the other side is doing it. Some parts of the war may have turned ‘hot’, but we are still very much in the propaganda stage as well. Watch the MSM, and you will see what I mean: propaganda, mostly disguised as reporting and commenting.
This is as much about words and language as it is about statues. Read Gareth Bacon MP in the Telegraph. From him we can deduce it’s time for the army. Let’s hope they haven’t aslo turned soft.
Good idea.
The thing is that when the worm turns these same companies will be running back.
Hypocrites and liars. They betray the country that has given them everything,
BBC home page today:
Quiz: Do you know more grammar than your children?
‘I was sat in my bedroom talking to the Queen’
(The second one would have really upset the late Mr. Wogan).
A handy ‘bite-sized’ summary of what Antifa is all about:
(Part 1 of 2)
Essential reading
I thought Windrush was a character from the classic film ‘I’m alright Jack’
I didn’t really study the ‘Windrush’ business. PS – It sounds like some over-eager bureaucrats possibly got a bit carried away. I’m white and I’ve been on the receiving end of these people’s bosiness and maladministration. It is VERY, VERY important for us to know that whites also ‘get done’. The impression that it is only blacks is being used by some very shrewd people to be utilised in other causes, than getting they’re paper issues sorted.
Because no one seems to be aware, that episode has been hijacked by the revolutionaries for their own purposes. Notice, no one apparently wanted to go back to Jamaica; they all wanted to stay here in ‘racist’ Britain.
Imagine what Britain would have been like today if Windrush hadn’t happened. A very different place no doubt. There would be far fewer mixed race people for a start.
DFS would have a problem though……..
The important thing is that it wasn’t a racist law, cos the vast majority of British Caribbean were fine and never had issues with things like getting deported.
From memory : People came at government request from the Caribbean to the UK to build the economy.
It was intended to be temporary.
Some brought their children.
The project never ended temporary became more permanent
At some point the government made a law saying here’s a cut off date ‘If you came here early you automatically get UK British citizenship, but you later guys we are not sure if you Jamaica guys belong to Britain or Jamaica, so you have to go through a procedure of becoming a British citizen”
Most people just did that.
However some didn’t they even kept going to and from Jamaica using Jamaican passports.
Then some people do things like 30 years later go to Jamaica for 6 months and on return immigration say ‘you can’t come in you are not British’
‘But I’ve been a British brain surgeon for 30 years…blah blah
what about my younger sister ?’
… ‘Yes well she came in before the cut off date so she is British automatically’
.. ‘No one told me to apply for citizenship’
.. ‘well everyone else knew’
So then you get stuff like people coming back from Jamaica on a tourist visa and trying to carry on without registering.
And that puts them not in the category of someone who forgot to hand in a form, but in the category of ILLEGAL immigrant selected for harsh treatment.
Immigration say you are a six month over-stayer we’ll deport you.
Then there is genuine pain cos instead of just taking them and putting them on a plane the next day, the deportation dept screw up .. they detain people, then release them, then keep them for 6 weeks etc.
Well that is kinda cruel.
I have a hypothesis that this wan’t just bureaucracy, but that some lefty staff wanted to deliberately sabotage the Tory government so deliberately caused screw ups like that.
1,200 people put in for compensation, but how many are genuine ?
Only 60 so far met the criteria and got compensation.
And then reports say “Organisations and lawyers representing around 100 victims have also criticised the way”
That seems to means the number of actual victims is quite low.
I think only 30 people were actually detained
most others were simply told they couldn’t come back to UK from Jamaica, whilst others were in UK and getting warning letters from UK immigration.
AFAIK no one who had registered properly & taken a British passport had a problem.
The BBC quoted an example of woman who came here in 1975
.. well she was illegal cos she had never registered
Like how can you live in a country for 40 years and never have its passport ?
There are a few stories of people who entered before 1971 being sent letters about their status and then them saying I came here before 1971, but I don’t have any documents now
and the Home office saying well we’ve destroyed our own evidence.. so we think you are illegal. The court ruled that yu can’t class those people as ready for deportation cos it’s up to the HO to provide the proof, not for the accused to provide their own proof .. so I think the HO has caved in on this .
Stew – Here’s our problem: it is good of you to give us this, we certainly need to have the facts; however correct you are, it doesn’t matter. What matters here is how effectively you can exploit all of this to suit your own purposes.
A classic truth in our situation is we are being manipulated by people who couldn’t give a fig for the facts. If it suits the mob – and it doesn’t take many- to desecrate the Cenotaph or vandalise Churchill as a ‘racist’, it doesn’t matter what 60 million other people may think. Or that we are supposedly a parliamentary democracy.
What matters is control of media and the police, and a willingness to break the law, because you have ‘special privileges’.
If you have ‘friends’ in the bureaucracy, even better. They may well do you some favours.
On screen is a woman who complains about ‘not seeing people like her’ in whatever. That’s so strange. This is not Jamaica or Nigeria. Why would she expect to see people like her everywhere?
If I went to Jamaica or Nigeria, I would not expect people who ‘look like me ‘ on every official body and the bureaucracy.
But as I say, all this doesn’t matter. Until a firm hand lays down the Law, and makes it unambiguous that certain behaviour will be met with maximum force, this crap will go on. If the police can’t or won’t do it, the army will have to.
Of course that is not their job. But if the country goes down the drain if they remain in barracks, I don’t care. If you don’t have Law, you have nothing.
I totally agree with you – lefty staff thought they would do something patently ridiculous and unfair, deport people who had been here for decades, expecting the public outcry to make it easier for current undesirable migrants. The public was played, hard not to imagine collusion from the BBC…
I thought windrush was the result of eating too many beans.
The protest this afternoon is being described on the banners on the bottom of your tv as BLM anti racists against the Extreme Far Right.
Very impartial.
All those extremists going to help protect British heritage and history, grannies, grandads, ex servicemen and normal patriotic citizens, all labelled EXTREME FAR RIGHT by our impartial, even handed media.
Yes, its a conundrum isn’t it; that we are such a bloody awful racist country, yet they are clambering across Africa via the Med, via Europe, via the Channel to get to live here ! Um, why ?? – well, we all actually know why, but hey ho.
I guess Flower of Scotland will need to be banned now!
GerardBattenUK tweets
Sadiq Khan & #ScumMedia branding
ordinary decent people who turn out tomorrow in defence of their memorials & culture
as ‘far right’.
Meanwhile the Antifa violent thugs
are lauded as ‘anti racist’ demonstrators.
The MSM are the enemy of the people.
Well, you can’t really argue with that. Somehow, though, many do.
Go, Gerard.
Clearly BBC EdGuds for ‘Cringefactoreleven’ is ‘earnest’ in the MSM.
Leo McKinstrey in the Telegraph, another good article.
He has realised that humiliation is very much part of the revolutionary strategy of intimidating first, then ultimately the path to power is open.
‘If you can humiliate them, getting them to cower and concede is so much easier’.
Boot licking, anyone?
Seen it being done in the USA recently.
Whitey was doing the licking.
That is the sort of thing makes me feel Martial Law would be OK with me.
Sadiq today shouted ‘look over there FAR RIGHT’
.. his tweet got ratio-ed by about 80%
That ‘Burgarly’ – is that theft of Big Macs?
\\ So, 62 officers have been injured over the past week by Blm and Antifa
yet the threat is from the ‘far right’?
F right off you odious little squirt //
Is this compulsory now too, or else?
I followed him and got a free diamond earring, sparkly gold Rolex, and a genuine silk tie. Oh, and in my driveway I found a RR (either will do) with tinted windows, compliments of the man.
It was just its sound system, constantly playing his BS, which you couldn’t switch off, that made me return all the goodies and sign off his Instagram.
The BBC aka BLM, have been bombarding us with propaganda about covid-19 killing brown people and the government deliberately not protecting them.
Now it emerges from the ONS that
” the greatest decrease was in Tower Hamlets where the rate fell by 92.5%.”
In May in deaths. I.e. while covid-19 took off quickly in London and killed many people before we had adequate tests, PPE, etc., at such time as it was possible to actually respond with specific measures, Tower Hamlets, which has very few white British people at all, faired BEST in the country .
Expect to here precisely nothing front he BBC how ethnic minorities were protected more while tens of thousands of old white people continued dying in care homes.
Toenails defends his idol.
GW – the man is really insufferable.
Always THE big question in politics.
Nationally, it’s Boris, with a large, democratic majority.
Locally it’s Sadiq.
Subservient to the PM.
DON’t let them confuse you about the layers/hierarchy of power in government.
Legitimacy for NATIONAL rule, including London, lies with Boris.
Don’t let them BS you!!!
There is a dreadful irony about the situation we are in. Its reality might depend on the depth of personal paranoia – although that’s a widely shared mental state.
Assuming, though, that we accept the world is on the brink of going to hell in a handcart, with industrial and financial structures on the point of collapse and as yet only superficially affected by the pandemic – which is about to resurge globally while the US falls into anarchy – there is only one country that is in a position to capitalise on these facts and move for full domination: Communist China.
And if that were to prove to be the case and the ‘Yellow Peril’ so long feared would become reality, which group do you think will be treated with the most harsh and tyrannical distain?
BLM won’t count for much with Beijing, believe me.
Will they be coming for Fred Trueman’s statue at Skipton?
Yorkshireman and greatest fast bowler ever, BBCs test match commentator from 74-99
I even reminded Yorkshire Tea, of him when I told them I was no longer going to buy any of their product’s…..
Talking of Test Match Special am currently listening to commentary of the 2009 Ashes series on radio 5 sports extra.It’s a joy to listen to the likes of Aggers,Blowers,Boycott,Marks,Maxwell and CMJ and best of all no bloody women commentators!
Interesting. I think this is the first time Soapy has acknowledged Biden’s verbal dribbling.
One has to treat these videos with caution as it’s easy to edit to make it look bad. However there are many of these around and I’d be surprised if Biden makes it to the election. The fact Soapy has acknowledged it suggests a decision has been made to oust him. Which would be bad news for Trump and the free world. Whatever Trump’s shortcomings, the thought of the Democrats in the current incarnation wielding unfettered power just doesn’t bear thinking about.
I think – even on the evidence of this very short clip – that Mr Biden should be withdrawn from the campaign .
I m not saying that as someone who wants Mr Trump to be re elected -.but on thr basis of signs of early dementia . Stress and lack of rest will adversely affect him .
Im guessing he ll have to be replaced by Mrs Obama or Ophrah . Ive got a 50p bet on both of them to stand ….
I dont know enough about US politics but im guessing the bits where they are ‘playing up ‘ are democrat anyway so wont be missed .
@FedUp2 why is this page in a directory called “__trashed/” ?
It might be a WordPress thing
I just hope it is not meaning that whole page is in some kind of trashbin and gets deleted after 7 days etc.
I was expecting
BTW the date on the top of this page says June 13 ..even though today is June 12th
Stew – if you read my comment at the end of the midweek thread I was explaining that I put up the weekend Thread a bit early because of the sheer number of comments .
As far as the trash thing is concerned – I drafted the preamble a couple of days ago and when I went to put it up I put it in the trash by accident and then had to pull it back to ‘draft’ before finally publishing it .
I hope it don’t get deleted after 7 days but I wouldn’t l would know about that . Perhaps you do.
We are running at around 150 comments a day. Back in peacetime that could have been 3 days worth . I hope the way I admin this helps people reading through the comments.
@FedUp2 Cheers, the idea that files in subdirectory named “trashed” get automatically deleted is only theoretical.
If it stays there until Monday that’s all we need
Keep up the good work.
Back in peacetime.
Nice one Fed.
If a black lady ( is that PC ? , the rules change so quickly these days that one is never sure is one) does become the Democrat candidate then it seems possible , even likely, that this whole BLM rebellion has been a political manoeuvre to get Trump out. If Biden doesn’t make the nomination and Mrs Obama does become the candidate there will be instant peace demonstrating her healing powers and persuading millions of swing voters that they would be better off with her as a President than face more unrest with a Trump.
Let’s face it , regrettable though it is , the pandemic and its impact on the economy , which was President Trump’s strongest suit, has done great harm to his chances of re-election . But the BLM rebellion could frighten voters back into supporting him rather than risk further anarchy under a weak and senile Biden but if Mrs Obama calmed it all down then the fear of rebellion would be removed. Coincidentally all the wrong doing by her husband and his co conspirators would be covered up again and the swamp could breath easily again, which may be the primary reason for the whole damn thing.
Double – “a political maneouvre to get Trump out”? That started on day one of his presidency; no actually way before- when it became clear he was elected; no actually, way before- when he held his successful rallies; no actually way before, when it become clear Obama would have to step down, having had his constitutional eight years.
We have the same problem here. Many people are not interested in constitutions, or the laws they establish, if their man/woman is not in power. That legal stuff, all about Democracy, only matters when you have power. “Eqality” and “Justice” freely bandied about, are just pretexts. Most of the people spouting those two concepts day in, day out, wouldn’t recognise them if they fell over them. In part because our education system is defective; in part because constitutional stuff is really alien to them. That’s why it’s so easy to ignore the law, and invent a few slogans instead.
That’s one reason we have yet to have a single ‘protester’ say anything at all about democracy. It’s only nice if it suits.
Right now it doesn’t. Right now, force suits, until they get their way. Constitutions? Laws? Count for nothing. That also means the much-vaunted ‘equality’ actually counts for nothing, if you think about it carefully. Another fig leaf. And, since ‘justice’ also derives from Law, that too is- yes, just another fig leaf.
I wish Boris would understand this.
Nearly a million applications for tickets to Trump’s first election rally at Tulsa – things are going well for him.
Dozy Joe is likely soon due to upgraded.
It is to be hoped his sub will be whiter than… blacker than black.
Or the MSM again acquires elective amnesia.
Does the Licence Tax funded bBC actually have the right to withdraw programmes which have been made and funded by its Customers i.e the British Public?
Imagine you went to the garage to collect your pearlescent black new motor……………only to be told that that colour has been withdrawn and you are getting a red one….
Farage “Nelson Mandela didn’t cancel Rhodes”
\\ The Mandela Rhodes Foundation is a Nelson Mandela legacy organisation that aims to build exceptional leadership capacity in Africa. //
Boris must make his mind up now to support the people of Britain and de-fund Al Beeb or he will go the same way as Mrs May . Something tells me he is about to pull the plug on Brexit?
Boris has had it. Totally shot his bolt. For the good of the nation he should resign. Maybe his illness really finished him in which case that is sad . Put Priti Patel in as caretaker.
I don’t trust Mrs Patel. If she was concerned about our country, she’d have immediately stopped all illegals entering our country, reinforced the border patrols and issued new orders for them to turn all vessels back to France, or wherever. And remove any Border Force managers who refuse to follow orders.
She’d also have announced a plan to deport all the third world illegals who are already here.
The most effective Tory leader to take on the totalitarian left would be somebody from an ethnic background.Priti Patel is prepared to call leftists ‘racists’ and give them back their own medicine.
Imagine left wing celebrities who use the word ‘white privilige’ getting called ‘anti white working class racists’ by a Tory ethnic MP.Lots of voters on the right would love it!
Farage and his Royal Navy comment .
They are still fighting slavery. There are vacancies in the Royal Navy. Would any of those ‘Black Lives Matter’ or middle class Marxist students who feel so strongly about it care to ‘join up’ ?………………….
How to deal with BBC race baiting.
Roland Deschain
Complaints are because to the police clamping down on the criminals. The criminals are bound to complain.
I ever beat a PCSO to a pulp in the park for trying to stop me walking my dog, I am so going with ‘[Some rabid outfit] the police/judicoary/pols/media are in thrall of said I should be frightened and last out’. Totes excused.
“The UK Invented Racism”
Nice try Al Beeb, nice posed photograph. How about putting the other point of view ?……….
Britain is the least racist country in the world. It banned slavery over two hundred years ago.
The guy needs to do a bit of travelling. Pay to send him on a trip to Africa where he can help stop the slavery going there on now.
“Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?”
Thomas Sowell, on Twitter 11/6/2020.
And this, dear reader, is what the Khan, BBC, BLM axis has spun…
Daily Mail
BREAKING NEWS: Boy, 13, admits kicking two police officers in the head claiming he was acting out of fear because of BLM
As you do.
Have the BBC got his Mum in yet?
Dad likely not in the picture.
Or in a picture in Bristol.
Are we allowed to call ourselves race realists?
2020 We have UN-POPULARIST media
… that constantly pushes the agendas of the minority
1970 we had media that was POPULARIST as it tried to cater to the average punter that paid for it.
Boris knows this but does nothing about it although they tried to prevent Brexit and to prevent a Tory win in the last general election .
Which poses the question : is Boris a ‘sock puppet’?
The end of June will reveal all.
The storm in a teacup non-story of JK Rowling rumbles on, breathlessly documented in all its absurd twists and turns by the beeb..
First there was the non-story of JK declaring that women menstruate and trannies don’t. Shock horror, really?
Then there was the non-story of second rate luvvies piling in to denounce her for whatever hate crime or phobia du jour she had committed. (Transphobia maybe? who knows, who cares?)
Followed by the non-story of JK declaring she’d suffered ‘abuse’ in her marriage. Of course real domestic abuse is serious, but the Victimhood Left have so overused the term as to make it meaningless. A heated argument is abuse (unless it’s the woman arguing, or indeed hitting); a funny look is abuse; silence is violence, etc.
Next chapter, the ex in question states in the Sun that he might have slapped her but didn’t abuse her.
Now ‘Abuse Charities’ are up in arms, not against the ex but against the Sun for simply quoting him.
The Sun is now offering grovelling apologies for something or other.
The silly ex is unnecessarily digging himself in deeper by the day. All he had to do was to convert to islam, where wife beating is highly regarded, and where he would have been above reproach by the woke media.
Sahih Bukhari (72:715) – A woman came to Muhammad and begged him to stop her husband from beating her. Her skin was bruised so badly that it is described as being “greener” than the green veil she was wearing. Muhammad did not admonish her husband, but instead ordered her to return to him and submit to his sexual desires.
Sahih Muslim (9:3506) – Muhammad’s fathers-in-law (Abu Bakr and Umar) amused him by slapping his wives (Aisha and Hafsa) for annoying him. According to the Hadith, the prophet of Islam laughed upon hearing this.
Abu Dawud (2141) …when ‘Umar came to the Apostle of Allah and said: Women have become emboldened towards their husbands, he (the Prophet) gave permission to beat them.”
2 points re statues …..
1. I expect the boarded up monuments will still be targeted… ‘behind these boards is a f*****g racist’
2. When will the coverings be removed? This will be an issue on it’s own.
Of course it is. We all know that and are watching.
Jewish man stabbed in London.. Though you would never know from the main BBC news website .. You have to seek it in the London local news section of course, hiding away. No mention on the front page .Can you guess why ?
I wonder if a black person were to get stabbed by a white person if that would be hidden away under local news . Hmmm..
Racist attack (Jewish lives, do they matter ?) attack by the ROP usual suspects
Rabbi in his 50s is stabbed on London street ‘in hate crime’ as ‘knifeman’ is held on ground by two hero builders before being arrested for attempted murder
Witnesses said the man was knifed on Stoke Newington High Street, Hackney
A friend of the victim described seeing blade wounds to the victim’s skull
A man in his 40s has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder
Lets see if Assad Ahmad and Liz Rateef cover the story on
this evenings Londonistan programme on the BBC.
Ah yes, these people who isolate themselves in their own enclaves, refuse to speak English or follow social norms of dress, etc, and segregate their places of worship!
I can no longer watch any news, as a moderate right of centre peace loving but none woke kinda person I find the constant bullshit that is pushed out makes me feel like an Alien in my own County and that my moderate tolerant views are never represented. Somehow the media have managed to make even a centrist view point now seem unacceptable.
How have they done this? I can only tell you my opinion:- it is by constantly ignoring the will and thoughts of the vast majority of the population and only ever interviewing people whose opinions are shared by the presenters. Protesters, moaners, complainers rich luvvie actors and pop stars. That is how! I could but won’t go on time is precious.
“as a moderate right of centre peace loving but none woke kinda person”
That’s FAR RIGHT according to the BBC !!!!
Nothing short of a common thug !!!
Sadly Doobster78 you are almost certainly right.. The world is Mad
Apologies if covered elsewhere.
This morning on Toady at around 0735 they ‘interviewed’ an ex leader of the Met Police Black Police Association.
During the ‘interview’ the interviewee casually referenced protection of statues as a (quote) Far Right activity.
This provoked no response or challenge whatever from Knobson or Remainin.
So there you have it. Official.
In the alternate Universe that is the BBC.
Protest = OK
Protect = Far Right.
So. All those ordinary folk in Poole taking photos of the Baden Powell statue? They’re all racists. According to the BBC.
Wow. I reckon 85% of the whole country are racist, by this definition. The FarLeftMob have a lot more work to do than they thought………..and their BBC chums have an excuse to spend £4bn of our money on the required brainwashing.
Feeling fed up I just turned on Gold Radio – and they were playing The Beatles HELP.
If we’re all going to Hell then one of these will be needed –