Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
Absolutely risible shit-stirring questions from the BBC at the news conference.
Q1. The politics of envy. Poor people are dying of Coronavirus more than rich people.
Q2. Is it true one of the main news conference participants won’t do them any more because of the Dominic Cummings ‘story’.
That’s two questions asked by a vastly overpaid ‘journalist’ (LOL) producing absolutely no insight whatever. Completely useless and pathetic and a total waste of licence fee payers money.
How many senior BBC people benefit from private medicine as part of the employment deal? Is it all of them, or just most of them?
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
How many senior BBC people will get whacking big redundancy payments when it shuts down ?
Maybe, just maybe, there is some logic behind their Anti British propaganda ?
Nothing on the bBC web pages?
However, still many machinations to watch out for.
I am not conversant with the latest “improvements” to the English Language.
Is rejoiniac a word?
“I expect the hard left remainiac traitors, who have betrayed the UK for 50 years and received 30,000 pieces of silver each from the CommEUnists, will now need to be called rejoiniacs.”
Government Briefing
The BBC droid ( just another one ) alleges the chief nurse won’t do the briefings because she refuses to ‘defend’ Dominic Cummings . The BBC just will not let him go . It is beyond normal now – it is an obsession with the BBC News Department .
It’s as though the BBC has decided to formally become the opposition to the Conservative Government as opposed to asking questions on behalf of the people who still pay for it
Of all the questions to ask – it’s a Dominic Cummings one . I want to know why people are still getting infected and where this is happening . Is it geographical ? Is it ethnic ? Is it in Care homes or Hospitals ?
When this data is not provided it makes me suspicious that there is failure by the NHS which is being covered up .
With regard to the preamble I put up for the weekend thread , I am dreading this weekend because I think full plod will take its failure to deal with the Third World last weekend by taking it out on those who might try and get to the various statues which are under threat from left wing vermin .
I’ve seen that ‘far right ‘ is already being thrown around by scum such as the mayor of London whose prejudice against those who do not share his values is there to see. He ll be expecting the lefty senior command of the Met to do his bidding ……
….. it also seems that the weak PM was woken up to the fact that statues are being covered up to try to remove any justification for good people going into central London to stop them being damaged again .
Fedup2, today’s edition of UK column news is worth a watch if you have an hour to spare.
They cover a number of the usual subjects but add some new perspective. One that stood out for me is the evidence relating to deaths, particularly in care homes during the past three months of the lockdown. The prolonged increase in deaths of non-virus causes is very worrying and as one journalist, writing for ( no not the racist far-left bbc) RT reported and asks, where is the public outrage? The idiot Neil Ferguson also crops up to confirm he’s an idiot.
Great link – excellent blog – thanks for that. This is the kind of quality investigative reporting we used to expect from the BBC…
John – thank you – when the dust settles on this i wonder if any proper objective research can be done on what has / is happening in Care Homes .
The official stats are corrupt so i guess staff and relatives will be the most likely source of truth .
That is assuming the theory of Fedup2 – armchair virologist – isnt true – namely that we are only coming to the end of the first half with a half time break of 2 or 3 months then as the climate changes the numbers go up –
Or nature really has a laugh and sends us a nature generated flu rather thN one manufactured by the Chinese ….
Maybe that one will target the young like the 1918 -1923 killer ….. doomy eh ?
New poster here. Have been on this site for months but recent events compelled me to formally join.
I have refused to watch or listen to the ravings of the BBC for 2 years now. Not good for the blood pressure. Sent them a complaint telling where they can stuff their licence. Fawlty Towers was the
final straw. Still at least I can watch my Blazing Saddles DVD with no censorship.
And the merry go round keeps spinning.
Fran Unsworth simply repeated the usual BBC mantra nothing to see here move away.
Draw a line under it and it will quickly go away.
Not a chance of the cowardly useless incompetent Tories doing anything after all.
There is no way that Maitlis went rogue and sprouted that. I have no doubt it was planned and probably scripted with the production crew – remember Clarkson’s “shoot protesters” ??
A BBC film crew ever lob up near a customs post on the German-Polish border… worry.
In search of an attack on the Government there is nobody that the BBC will not use, neither the stupid nor the bereaved. Yesterday on Look North we had grandparents who couldn’t cuddle their new grandchildren. Peter Levy read out an email from a couple who thought it unfair because they were a couple they couldn’t form a bubble with their grownup children’s family. The stupid people obviously couldn’t understand that as a couple they were in a much better place compared to someone who had been on their own for 12 weeks. Obviously Peter Levy was equally stupid that he chose this email to read this out.
Today just before the briefing we had an interview with a young man whose father had passed away at the peak of the outbreak. His father put off going to hospital whilst suffering with the virus but eventually was admitted and had a heart attack. He may have been due a heart attack anyway but why spoil a story which attacks the government. Of course the young man would think, ‘if only things had been different I might have still had Dad’. And maybe he would. But for the BBC he was just a useful fool with which to attack the government.
R4…I am so sick of the narrative..cv19 affects poorest…then to Bradford (comment one of worst hit with covid) implication cos they are poor followed immediately by a child didn’t get first namey Ali – who has written a poem about BLM…FFS…BBC you are a disgrace. .
Anyway new boycott…NATIONAL is taking the statue of black moor down because ONE person complained on face book…about distress …it isn’t a slave ..and it has been there since 1750 without a complaint….but they are still taking it down. So wife’s membership cancelled
If you do facebook please get people to complain about national trust and cancel membership. ..these virtue signalling oafs are forgetting who pays their wages
The Telegraph, that erstwhile sound paper, did not allow comments on their report of this. How can the NT seriously say that distress was caused, on the basis of one complaint? They had obviously decided to remove the statue anyway.
Breaking ……..not confirmed .
Just heard that Gove stated that there will be no Brexit extension ?
Is there anything on Al Beeb?
Maybe they are hoping it is not true?
Its here !
“Brexit: Checks on EU imports to be phased-in amid coronavirus crisis”
“Checks on EU goods coming into the UK will be phased in next year to give firms “time to adjust”, as ministers formally ruled out extending the Brexit transition period beyond 31 December. ”
So much for my ‘breaking news contact’. Well ‘couched’ under the main headline perhaps ?
If this is the ‘final nail’ in the any re-join plans , we as a nation must now put aside any division and all work together for the benefit nation’s economy and security . We must trade with world, regain lost markets in the Commonwealth, trade with the USA, rebuild the nations manufacturing industry, build up our Navy , control our borders. Finally , get your fishing rods out boys !
Come on , lets ‘Make Britain Great Again’!
Amen, taffman, and again I say amen!
“Protests threat to Churchill statue shameful, says Boris Johnson”
C’mon Boris put some meat behind it. How about some soldiers guarding it and the Cenotaph ?
Yes, it’s a bit like Sgt. Wilson asking the platoon to get into 3 nice rows.
ND – “Would you mind awfully if…”
Now I know who Boris reminds me of.
t – Armed soldiers.
Boris called the people who came up to defend the statues racist thugs. Mahyar Tousi interviewed some of them and they were civilized decent conservative people.
‘Caronavirus- deprived areas hit twice as hard’.
So goes the BBC webshite headline, as they again play their LeftMob politics of envy game.
But wait. They have (for now) got a HYS running and to say CCBGB does not really cover it, as sensible people hand the BBC its own a***.
Closed pronto too.
As the bbc tends to do.
Mr Politico video about the sacking of Farage
#1 Farage was sacked, cos LBC wording say that his contract had not yet finished
#2 The pressure came from staff at sister station Capital Xtra
who seem mostly black
That is an interesting idea cos when people complained that LBC is mostly white presenters apart from Maajid Nawaz, I pointed ou that the BBC runs 2 almost exlusively no-white stations : SouthAsian Network and 1Extra, I didn’t know that the gay owner of LBC was also running stations that don’t reflect the UK population.
Jimbo sailing a bit close to the #Metoo cannons with that caption.
BBC Newsbeat
“A couple of times I bumped into Leigh (Keith Lemon), I couldn’t even talk to him I felt so sick”
Trisha Goddard, along with Craig David and Michael Jackson, was imitated on the show
Looks like Keith is toast.
“If the parody was just of me, that would have been one thing, but it was the big lips… all the things that every black child has been bullied about.”
TV presenter Trisha Goddard was impersonated in Channel 4’s Bo’ Selecta by white comedian Leigh Francis. She told BBC Newsnight how racism in British media has affected her and her family.
The new Spitting Image will be interesting. As will all cartoons.
Guest Who, this is getting to the point where I’m beginning to think that one big compensation claim for blacks is partly behind this whole thing ????
And white kids don’t make fun of other white kids?
And black kids don’t make fun of Chinese and Japanese kids?
And black kids don’t make fun of white kids?
And Asian kids don’t make fun of Chinese and Japanese kids?
And white kids don’t make fun of Asian kids?
And Chinese kids don’t make fun of white ‘Longnose’ kids?
And Greek kids don’t make fun of Jewish kids?
And white kids don’t make fun of Chinese and Japanese kids?
And Jewish kids don’t make fun of Jews?
Oi vey! What is the world coming to?
No fun.
That’s it – for evermore. It is NOT ALLOWED. No fun. Period.
Actually there’s scope for a Chinese joke there.
Sorry … I’ll get my coat and tiptoe away ……..
And I got poked fun at, at school for wearing glasses ! So there is very little difference between being a bully and being racist. Big lips = ginger hair : colour of skin = acne chops/crater bonce :
funny accent = funny accent
We had one black guy at in my year at secondary school. In fact, he was the only black guy at my school. To my knowledge, no-one ever gave him grief about the colour of his skin. Indeed, my recollection is that he was pretty well liked.
Likewise there was a mixed-race lad in my class at primary school. Again, he was unique in that regard. It’s a long time ago but I was pretty chummy with him and don’t recall him ever being the recipient of any racial abuse.
We weren’t an especially well behaved lot, so I don’t think for a second that the reception that the two lads received wasn’t mirrored in many other schools throughout the UK.
Perhaps the difference between then and now is that race hucksters were both fewer and number and less voluble in those days.
I’ve switched from commenting to reading over the last few days . The Momentum crew have manipulated the black thing beyond their wildest dreams and got the reaction they long for – and are hoping to pour petrol on the fire (Literally ) by finding a ‘real ‘ UK grievance such as a bit of police brutality ‘ killing – then the riots can really get going on long summer nights .
I went to school with all sorts – but that didn’t mean much when you are being intimidated by big black thugs – one of whom -I know – is doing ‘life ‘.
If this thing is doing one thing in UK – it’s putting race relations back years – whatever the BBCMSM spits out .
People know this is an artificial imported grievance
Being driven for political purposes – and heightened by ‘online ‘…..
BBC going large.
Well, if six viewers of BS can be so described.
Twitter Watch
Kate Hoey ( supporter of defundtheBBC) has put up a piece of BBC News at 1223 today with the BBC droid making assertions about covid testing which are then challenged by someone from their NHS ….
Definately not in the script .
Guest – “it’s important the bbc gets its facts right”
That’s asking for quite a lot, isn’t it?
“we will take it on board” ????
Read, you’re not coming on again dic*head and we couldn’t give a toss what you think Mr. White ????
More than the bbc seems remotely capable of.
Thank you Guest …
Here’s the Providers Head own tweet
“Patients discharged quickly from hospitals between mid-March and mid-April were sometimes placed in care homes without being tested for COVID-19. On 17 March, hospitals were advised to discharge urgently all in-patients medically fit to leave in order to increase capacity to support those with acute healthcare needs. Between 17 March and 15 April, around 25,000 people were discharged from hospitals into care homes, compared with around 35,000 people in the same period in 2019. Due to government policy at the time, not all patients were tested for COVID-19 before discharge, with priority given to patients with symptoms. On 15 April, the policy was changed to test all those being discharged into care homes. It is not known how many patients discharged to care homes had COVID-19 at the point they left hospital.” – ONS
I take from that that fewer people were discharged than the previous year (about 70%), i.e. more people than usual were held back in hospital.
Given that there were concerns that hospitals would be overwhelmed those patients that appeared to be fit were discharged. It isn’t clear whether there was the ability to test everyone in the early days anyway.
This was a time of unknowns (it still is), do they clear the hospitals and run the risk of being overwhelmed, (i.e. people dying in corridors) or do you cautiously make capacity, (i.e. discharge fewer people than usual and restrict it to people who seem to be fit).
The media ‘wins’ either way!
Trisha Goddard has made a career out of being a victim. Jumping on the latest bandwagon. When child abuse was at the forefront of the news she popped up with that. Depression – yep, tick, now she has another victim story to tell.
Having been so incensed about certain broadcasters cancelling TV shows and movies because of the BLM protest , Netflix being one, i decided to contact Netflix customer service via live chat on line..
I asked Sarantis (her name ) why Netflix was cancelling certain shows etc and why was Netflix pandering to the minority and not the majority..her answer and I quote…” if your not happy you can leave, it’s entirely up to you”..
Ah well..!!!
Take it Sarantis didn’t confirm if that was her policy or company policy? Its possible that the agenda is going to be pushed with financial loss deemed acceptable. YouTube is already using that model, welcome to wonderland.
She initially denied any knowledge that Netflix was cancelling shows. I had to point out to her that Netflix had recently made a statement. I told her that i was amazed that as a customer service representive she was not aware that her company was all over the national and international news regarding there recent conduct..
..oh yes she said, I am aware of the statement… eventually the conversation got around to her basically telling me , if I’m not happy I could always bugger off
dafydd -Great Customer Relations training is obviously in place.
I would contact Netflix and tell them about how she’s undermining their business. (Obviously a waste of time, they clearly have it too good”)
I used a snipping tool to copy conversation…I will forward it to Netflix when I can…
If only the BBC said , ‘ if you are not happy you can leave and watch another channel . Of course we will refund your LF payments’ !
I’m pleased to report that the Johns Hopkins Uni interactive has been put back by the BBC:
Was it something we said?
Is this the latest Benetton advert?
I had been wondering whether the reason I hadn’t seen any Benetton adverts for quite a while was because they had run out of stupid ideas.
But it looks as though this new advertising campaign is very down with the kids (!) and in the now, as the arty types are wont to say.
Sadiq’ NEW statement wasrns us about using inflammatory language.
This morning Sadiq used careful non-inflammatory language
Sadiq’s new tweet has been ratio-ed
and Ant Middleton has countered him and got twice as many Likes
The BBC tell me: Osborne to quit Standard.
Then they tell me in the same piece that it ain’t necessarily so.
George Osborne is getting a promotion to Editor in Chief.
…to be replaced by …David Cameron’s sista…..
….. on the subject of brexiting … the chief UK negotiator has put out a timetable for negotiations for the rest of the year leading up to our final departure ……
The Brussels Mafia must be rattling their traitors in the government to see if this really serious or just bargaining …. but time is running out ….
The British people do not require lectures on racialism from the Left, not least the Labour Party, which has shown itself unwilling or unable to confront racialism within its own ranks. Physician, heal yourself.
An enraged victim of oppression vents his justifiable anger at institutional racism and the legacy of slavery.
Oh, hang on, the licence plates are German. Maybe he’s just a savage thug.
vlad – Yup, that would be Donauwoerth in Bavaria. One of Merkel’s guests from the ‘Willkommenskultur’, most likely.
The people of Bavaria have -as state government- the CSU, Bavarian sister party of the Merkel CDU, headed up by Horst Seehofer, who has become a virtue-signaller of late. A bit soft, the old man.
Will they wake up? Doubt it. Why should they even blink? Probably just a champion of ‘equality’ and ‘justice’ expressing his opinion.
Seehofer has had many a chance to pull out of the alliance and leave her in the proverbial, but has he taken it? Nope. Are we surprised? Nope.
Rather stick close to the Reds and Greens, Horst. There’s a good boy. No need for Mutti to put you over her knee.
Update: I tell a lie. I see Seehofer was replaced as CSU party leader by Marcus Soeder last year. I wonder why?
Seehofer merely remains in place as German Minister of the Interior.
The national Home Office, in other words. Oh dear…
The people of Bavaria are not so sleepy, after all. But Mutti kept him on in that key position as a reward for continuing to let in the windshield smashers.
We kinda feel that’s all vaguely familiar, I think?
So, now the question is: will Soeder pull out of the alliance and leave her in the proverbial?
Any betting men/women reading this?
Isn’t that great ? Cook is one of my heroes – and it looks like the NSW police ( not plod) saw what happened here – and the shame of boxing up the statue of Sir Winston Churchill like an Ikea flat pack and decided ‘no’ .
Some kind of midsummer madness …..
From Guido :-
Great news. Macron will be so pleased …not. [About the Brexit news.]
Meanwhile a girl in the US has been going around sticking Trump posters on the BLM rioters cars, and in her words “sitting and watching them destroy each others cars”. Oh to see the video.
Ok. I’ve really had enough now. That’s another thing I WILL NOT be watching.
Utterly PATHETIC !!!!!
For a minute there, I thought you were having me on!
Won’t be watching either, after all.
The boycott list is growing rather long, but hey -in wartime you gotta put up without a few unnecessary luxuries.
For the first twelve matches at least.
I forecast that they’ll all take a knee every time Sterling gets in the box and falls over…. lot of busy knees ….
Football lost touch with reality a long time ago, so I for one won’t miss watching a bunch of greedy, narcissistic, virtue-signalling academic under-achievers chase an inflated sphere about a grass rectangle.
I was led to believe that FA rules prohibited any political slogans on match shirts. Obviously they wish to virtue signal their lack of a spine.
For the 95% of football fans not interested in Black Lies Matter, the 13th Premier league game of the restarted season is Leicester vs Brighton on Tuesday 23rd. Best watched with a cup of non-Yorkshire Tea 🙂
City have three changes from last week: Black Lives Matter returns from suspension, new signing Black Lives Matter leads the attack and Black Lives Matter replaces the injured Black Lives Matter. United’s captain Black Lives Matter had been complaining to his manager recently of too many changes in the team selection: One week he was playing alongside Black Lives Matter, the next week it was with Black Lives Matter and he didn’t know where he was. But today he’ll be happy as it’s an unchanged team with Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter forming what looks like a very solid midfield.
New : Dominic Frisby tune
I Am A White Man And I’m Sorry
Cos everything is all my fault
Kids got talent !
I am a white man and I’m sorry
Cos everything is all my fault
The list of wrongs will never end
Must spend my life in recompense
Just being born a white man is assault
So even though I didn’t do them
I am the one who you should blame.
For any kind of injury
At any time in history
Even if in antiquity
The fault so clearly lies with me
I should be lynched,
discredited and shamed
I‘ve googled what I’m to blame for.
And there is
Poverty, injustice, global warming, house prices
Rape gangs, homelessness,
.. full 5 verses
(final verse) DEEP BREATH
He is a white man and he’s sorry
His role on earth is now complete
Like dodos, landlines or the fax
Cassettes, steam engines, betamax
And now the white man is
* obsolete *
Jack Straw will be ecstatic. He has said he doesn’t believe the white race deserves to survive.
And still I wonder if Mr Straw regards himself as being white and if not why not.
I think it was a “largely peaceful” stabbing Pug so no need for the BBC to concern themselves.
I log on to an apolitical site I use daily.
Up pops an Aston Martin advertisement.
Starring Naga the Ugly white hater.
I wonder if she is paying tax on this.
Yes, I cancelled the order for the car.
LCS -Thanks for telling me. I’m gonna send mine back.
Always preferred Ferrari, really.
I have just started a new project which involves using Salesforce. Every time I log on there is a photo of Naga. Unfortunately I need to work.
Hi all, I don’t know if many of you are aware but there is an organisation currently taking the government to court over this illegal lockdown. Worth a follow on Twitter “Keep Britain Free” and look at their website
Just vote for the Brexit Party , it does the same and is already up and running.
Keep Britain Free by getting rid of the Telly Tax.
More videos from Oz
Avi Yemini : Australian protesters should know that Minnesota Police had screwed up and killed an Australian the year before they killed George Floyd
Do the BLM protesters even recognise her name ? Youtube
.. OK it is a bit of a trick cos Avi only includes the dumb ones in his edit, but there are plenty
“Forty thousand people descended on Melbourne’s CBD
for George Floyd who died at the hands of Police in Minnesota”
#2 Sky News host Andrew Bolt :
There is an agenda behind the Black Lives Matter protests
which is not to fight racism,
but “to push new myths and new hatreds,”
TR put up a 1 hour video today
“The black community in the USA and in the UK are being used by left-wing politicians”
His long article mentions he won’t be in London
It doesn’t say why ..Ah vid does
He says last week’s angry video is being used to misrepresent him as saying he is coming to confront black people.
(Of course that is ridiculous cos TR never needs to say he is not racist, there have always been people of all colours in his house, has black friends etc. He just doesn’t use them as a beard to hide behind. Of course his wedding video has black bridesmaids etc.)
And in the vid he says he’s staying away cos he doesn’t want to cause racial division. He doesn’t want division
Rather that is what the left want.
My beef is with Islam, NOT the black community, they are being exploited
.. “OK People have put a price on me , but that is not the cause”
“Back in the old days we burnt the Nazi flag
and held up a sign “Black and White Unite”..”
Old TR vid where he’s wearing his Black & White Unite jacket and talking about his diverse community
What do we think has Kumarasami excited on R4 tonight? Yup, it’s Cuomo’s police reforms in response to…well, you know.
He has located a Republican, a Mr Akshar, to talk on this. A Republican? A RINO? Suddenly, K. asks challenging questions. Cue a few prompts as well. There is a wee touch of balance here. Hope K doesn’t get into trouble with his editors.
Over to Seattle, and the police-free area. Lotsa voices in support, of course. A sudden blip, as the President speaks. Whoa! Then, along comes a Socialist Party counsellor, Shama Sawat, for a lengthy interview. She says the whole country is in rebellion, from Seattle to New York.
James suddenly changes from his usual line. He demands to know how Law and Order will be served in a city without police? She waffles a lot of Lefty claptrap.
But hey, he has impressed me tonight. Challenging her like that. Has he been looking at Dr Steve Turley on YT, and the six ways there is a backlash to the revolution from conservatives?
Quite an upbeat listen, that. Good antidote to beeb if you need.
“Fawlty Towers: John Cleese attacks ‘cowardly’ BBC over episode’s removal”
No HYS ?
taffman – Cleese says beeb is run by a mixture of marketing people and petty bureaucrats.
Surely not?
Didn’t know about the marketing people.
Anyway, gotta rush now, to listen to my favourite R4 book serial feature: ‘Girl, woman, other’. Saw the author, a Mizz Everisto, in the flesh on TV the other day.
Now I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it.
I’m about to lose control, and I think I like it.
(Many apologies to the Pointer Sisters)
Darn! I missed my serial – the climax, too. Call by the loo. Timing…
Anyway, came back to R4 and found I missed the news at 11pm, as well (‘Some’ might say , with relief). Now it’s Harriet Gilbert’s Book Club.
She has two black wimmin guests from a black wimmin’s book club talking about black wimmin. Black wimmin’s sexuality, black wimmin’s slavery, bl…hey, did I actually miss the news? Maybe this is actually my serial? Gosh, R4 are brilliant. You miss something, only to find you’ve missed nothing. This is probably some sort of a quantum mechanics thingee, where time collapses? And such high octane intellectual chat, as well!
Now, WHICH other radio station can do THAT?
“UKTV had temporarily removed the episode while it carried out a review.”
Yeah right.
Of course the problem of unleashing such senseless censorship is that we ll land up with ‘goodness gracious me “ being banned as well ( I’ve never seen it so no loss ) but understand they did an amusing sketch where Pakistanis went out for an ‘English ‘ – under prevailing rules we ll never see such ‘offensive ‘ material again … same for ‘the dam busters ‘….?
It was a long time ago, but I remember they did a sketch on that programme where The Coopers (Kapoors) took Holy Communion and one of them dipped his wafer in chutney.
I believe the BBC might actually have apologised. Like I say, it was a long time ago.
This doofus needs to add ‘war and peace my own’ to his twitter bio.
@Pug : BBC News : “Man of no religious affiliation stabbed in largely peaceful stabbing”
Actually they the described a guy whose appearance guaranteed him to be an Orthodox Jew as “believed to be Jewish”
Initial report no mention of Asian attacker
Actual video from right after the attack
Of course the heroes kneel on his shoulder
and people worry if he can breathe
The WokeDailyMail
did not put Asian in the headline
but did in the text
“Rabbi Alter Yaakov Schlesinger ”
The Hackney Police said that the attacker is a man in his 40s and has been “arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. … We are not treating this as terror-related.”
“despite witness claims he was stabbed because of his religion “
even now the BBC report says
“The man aged in his 50s and believed to be Jewish, was found suffering from stab wounds ”
What a pathetic description
It’s an orthodox area the rabbi was wearing orthodox clothes
and the heroes stopped the attack.
Labour Hackney again…
We need some light relief, I think.
Am I right in thinking it took Bristol 174 years to get around to erecting a statue to Colston and another 125 to pull it down?
But then it took 160 years to snub the memory of Florence Nightingale by erecting a statue to entrepreneurial chancer, yellow supremacist, Mary Seacole on Nightingale’s ‘doorstep’.
Sorry Fed not strictly bbc but relevant today. Was in the car on my way to the river to fly fish and had my music on shuffle, don’t look back in anger came on and it suddenly dawned on me – a BAME can murder 22 kids at Manchester arena and our woke community Sing along to Oasis, a cop 4000 miles away does something unforgivable and all of a sudden our woke community do want to look back in anger- funny old world eh
Thoughts going out to the quay workers down by the quay in Bristol. Geddit?
Doodle and thoughts on this week
Scottish – at current rates- you ll probably on a mccarthyite ‘ banned list ‘ for …er… something .
Fedup-I like your analogy with “mccarthyite.” BIG BROTHER
at the BBC you are being watched . And I reiterate that before
long defunding will be irrelevant . Your support of statue
mcarthyism and out and out anarchy will bring your own house
tumbling down , brick by brick.
Foscari – although im a bit to young to remember the ‘ communist ‘ hysteria that hit america in the 50s if you replace communist ‘ with ‘racist ‘ i think there similarities – apart from – of course – these people seem to have got all upset about what maybe wrong in another country .
Im a whitee – but i thought the biggest problems black (youth ) have is absence of parents , lack of aspiration and a culture of drugs / violence borrowed from another world – as well as – a lack of connection to the place of their birth ( blighty ) sustained by the Far Left telling them they are both victim and entitled .
Yes i know – guilty of sweeping generalisation .
There is nothing special in the BBC’s uncritical campaigning for BLM, it has behaved in exactly the same way as regards, Johnson, Farage, Brexit, Trump, Bush etc.
“The BBC is our national broadcaster. It is our voice. But if it is not seen to give a platform to those who hold different views, we enter dangerous territory.”
Since when has the BBC been ‘our voice’? It wasn’t ‘our voice’ during the Falklands campaign and that was nearly 40 years ago. If they had had the editorial posts that they have now back in 1939 we would all be speaking German now.
Jim S
Good and forgotten point about the Falklands.
The BBC are known to have obtained leaked information and then broadcast it on the World Service. Thus the Argentinians knew we would attack Goose Green even before some of the Paras did!!! Brigadier Thompson was distinctly dischuffed about that one.
Normally when you help the enemy, a charge of Treason is applicable.
The BBC. Even back then, white lives didn’t matter.
As I have mentioned before on here re BBC Falklands , Argentinians were dropping 500 lb bombs ( ex UK surplus ! ) and they were not exploding due to not being set up correctly . BBC announced that fact …..
Following day bombs going off everywhere killing and maiming….good old Beeb
More thoughts on statues and the BBC speaking for ‘us’.
When is the right time to put up a statue? There is an argument that the ‘arc of history’ can’t be seen until some time has passed from the event that we are studying or celebrating but equally as time passes we no longer can fully appreciate the contemporary attitudes or feelings.
I am reminded of those dire comedy history shows that stuff BBC Four. Sanjeev Bhaskar and some 20 year-old female deign to tell us how funny Arthur Askey and his like were. My feeling is that none of these commentators knew these people in the context of their times and in the case of Bhaskar probably not in the context of the audience of the time. (A youngster watching a comedian with two older generations of your own family will have a different experience depending on the life experience of those family members).
Who are our musical heroes? Well back in the early 1960s the BBC discovered The Beatles. For the next 40 years the BBC spoke for ‘us’ and told us that they could do no wrong, that they invented ‘Rock and Roll’ etc. Anyone brought up in those days knew a different story, ‘Rock and Roll’ went back at least another decade and there was also the Tommy Robinsons of the day, (dare I say it even now?), whisper it quietly, The Rolling Stones.
Back to the comedy. I remember when Monty Python was first broadcast, in particular a sketch where ‘young things’ were playing tennis, limbs were flying off in all directions and blood spurting out. I don’t think I saw half of it, with the tears pouring down my face, it was so funny. But it was the context that made it funny, it was so different to what else was on TV at the time. It was great comedy of the moment but there is no way that Bhaskar or his contemporaries would ever understand that.
Back to statues. I presume that the people who put up the Colston statue 170 years late were doing so to commemorate his role as a benefactor and a Bristol MP and they thought that worth recording at the time, the positives. The mob of today, like the BBC, just deal in negatives.
I thought I’d help the BBC out this morning by writing tonights news headlines for them so they can have a lie-in.
1. Huge BLM gathering in London passes off largely peacefully. Very few Police were injured.
2. Right-Wing Activist thugs gather in London creating havoc ugly scenes and attack police.
Funny how anyone that disagrees with the so-called Black Lives Matter is labelled “ Far Right” by Al Beeb? I am reminded of the old adage – give a dog a bad name. They use that technique frequently. I am also of the opinion that there is team of people within Al Beeb with very left wing political views driving the management to promote their biased agenda. That team have never been challenged by our politicians because they fear Al Beeb. Power corrupts …..
Khan just went further – “Extreme Far Right”.
Taffman- I am not of the opinion that there is ‘a team of people within Al Beeb with very left-wing political views’.
I know it without a shadow of doubt.
As for the labelling – classic disinformation propaganda. Our leaders may not have cottoned on yet, but bbc know full well there’s a ‘culture’ war on – and has long ago picked sides.
And it ain’t with the ‘far Right’.
@ Digg. And you were dead right.
Funny that the largely odious Humphreys his £200k? BBC pension and is then paid by the MSM to slag off his former master ….
but stayed on safe ground using the epithet ‘odious ‘ to box tick TR – maybe deep down he knows TR has reporting truths which the odious Humphreys shyed away from ….
….and it wont be stopping him from taking more money from it doing ‘ mastermind ‘ and other ‘ projects’ retired BBC grandees seem to get …
Mind you its great not to have heard Naughtie for a long time….
Impartiality BBC-style.
Toady presented by Knobson and Useless this morning.
First item after the 0700 news, a discussion on the demos expected in London today.
First up for interview, a BLM organiser.
Second up, for balance (LOL) a leader from……..Hope not Hate.
It is taken for granted by all and unchallenged that anyone wanting to protect ot desecrate historic statues must be defined as Far Right.
Knobson then announces that at 0810 he’ll be interviewing ……Sadiq Khan.
The BBC. Where white lives are of no interest whatever.
The entire Toady programme was extremely sympathetic to BLM and Hope not Hate, even feeding the interviewees biased and loaded questions to extract the desired response.
– “Some will say (yes, that old trick): why should we give in to threats from the far right?”
– “Are you arguing (so what you’re saying is!) that people should remember that there are also boxes around statues like… Nelson Mandela and that the violence may not come from the sources they’re assuming?”
A long and convoluted way of putting words into the interviewee’s mouth to the effect that it’s them fascists on the far right what are the real threat, innit. Hope not Hate spokesman all too ready to agree.
Of course the far left groups have a huge advantage just in their names: ‘BLM’, ‘Hope not Hate’ (who would disagree with them?) vs the ‘far-right extremists’ (ie Hitler).
BLM – Black Lies Matter
Zut alors… Qu’ils mangent de la brioche
‘The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall will be the first Royal Family members to hold a major event during the coronavirus lockdown when they welcome the French president to the UK.’
‘Mr Macron will be exempt from a 14-day quarantine imposed on most people who travel to the UK, as a “representative of a foreign country on business”.’
So that’s ok then.
And yet after having queued on the pavement for goodness knows how long just to get into the Coop or Sainburys I’m then still treated like a leper.
I would say to John Humphrys, the main problem for his BBC is, as he correctly points out, that “it has effectively become a campaigning organisation”.
When the BBC openly practices a policy of colour quotas and makes afirmative action employment decisions then how does Mr Humphys expect those hired to behave? Of course they will play their winning race card over and over again shouting it from the hill tops – or rather the BBC microphone. Our John seems to realise too late that we the audience won’t want to listen.
Toady just before the 0757 weather, the resident female muslim interviewed another female imam(?) muslim in connection with the intended antics of the Marxist organisation BLM in protests this weekend. The subject of statues cropped up and the resident muslim asked the female imam to identify what was offensive about the statue of Churchill. The reply was vacuous but essentially the muslim was simply “offended” and it was ‘appropriate’ that it should be in a museum.
Well, madam, I am offended by you, your presence in the UK and your so-called ‘religion’ and I suggest that you and your ‘religion’ be relegated to a museum as that would be totally ‘appropriate’.
Despite my admittedly general disinterest in islam I still glean the basic notion that muslims tend not to approve human representation at all – let alone statues that have an inescapable element of idol about them.
I was going to observe this would be like asking a Jehovahs Witness what he wanted for his birthday or a Jew what he thought of a brand of pork sausage?
Then I notice the BBC is asking an ‘imam’ (albeit a female one) – is there such a thing? Are most of the world’s followers of the teachings of muhamed cool with her? That would be news to me. Seems we have already lapsed far far into the twilight zone.
I do recall Winston as evidenced in his early writings thought muslims among other attributes tended to be a bit fanatical and warlike. It’s an opinion. I guess that’s what the BBC were hinting at.
R4’s ‘Toady’ was utterly predictable in the section I listened to (8:00-8:30).
London BLM protests, boarding up of statues and the Mayor’s advice to stay away today; evocation of the threat of the “Far Right” (but no specifics on who/what they are); Trump unusually bowing to public pressure by cancelling election rally in Tulsa (where Whites killed lots of Blacks in 1921!); Brazil overtaking Britain to move into second place behind US in Covid19 death toll (so Boris, Bolsonaro and Trump are all bad!); some type of prison pepper spray to be used now only in extreme cases, after revelations that it’s used more on Blacks/BAMEs (but don’t ever ask WHY prison officers might need to do this!); BAME medical staff and lack of testing for Covid19 (suggestion that it’s discrimination within NHS); etc.
Unrelenting agenda-pushing for about half an hour, then on to a discussion about Winston Churchill with his grand-daughter and a lady called Basu who wrote the Victoria and Abdul book.
The Brazil figure is almost meaningless: if their population is around 150m, you would expect them to have more deaths than in the UK (70m) even if with a lower rate per million people, but fewer than the USA (320m).
The Tulsa reference is classic framing: imagine if, when mentioning Manchester in the context of a coming party conference or football match, we were reminded by the BBC of the Ariana Grande Concert / Manchester Arena bombing (22 killed, 250 injured by a MUSLIM bomber in 2017) – hard, I know!
There’s quite an amusing address given by London mayor, Runt Khan, to members of the BLM who intend another “peaceful protest” in the capital today.
“Please don’t turn up to this event. The extreme, far right are going to be there. And we all know they just want to cause trouble and division…” Umm…
It’s clear that all these lefties live in an alternative reality. The mayhem, destruction and violence from last week was “largely peaceful.”
The vandalism to our sacred memorials was merely “exuberance”.
And ripping out an old statue and throwing it in a harbour was “responding to the public’s wishes.” Whose public?
Sadly it’s left to working class men, who will come from across the length and breadth of Britain to defend our heritage and our history. You won’t see us “bending the knee” to these anarchist scumbags.
The police, the media, our own government have proven themselves totally useless. The response to these barbarian thugs has been pitiful.
In the case of the repellent BBC, they are actually worse than useless. They’ve been stoking this from the beginning. They’ve been standing on the side lines cheering on the mob. Goading the not very bright BLM yobs. Tonight they’re showing a programme about the Windrush scandal”. Nice timing!
Surely even the most blinkered must see the BBC for what it is. It’s not “Aunty”. It’s a dangerous and deceitful propagandist tool for ultra leftists.
Even Mayor Khan could see that…
Jeff – ‘working class men’ coming to ‘defend our heritage’? Surely, as any good Marxist-Leninist knows, those working class men are going to be good ‘socialists’, the backbone of the ‘Proletariat’ and therefore in present times, natural Labour party recruits? Paula Barker MP for one, would welcome them into the party, clenched fist raised and all, should you be in Liverpool.
Of course some of them may go for the Socialist Worker’s Party , but then Lenin and Trotsky couldn’t agree on everything either.
But, you say they’re coming to defend our heritage? Goodness how things have changed.
Could be cos the Left are now mostly NOT of the ‘working class’, but rather people who avoid such things as labour and sweat.
They are destroyers, not creators or producers of value.
They are the Islington intellectual set, the uni professors, the students, the apparatchiks of the Nomenklatura, the wealthy FA bosses of the Premier league, their players, big capital (ironically; Marx would be baffled), the Media managers, the wealthy Hollywood set, — or so you would conclude from listening to beeb, et al.
Why do ‘the left’ support ‘transgenderism’, not many votes there, damn all of nothing.
I think I see why now and the clue is there with BLM and all this ‘taking a knee’.
Its purpose is a rallying point and as a test. Take an issue that doesn’t directly affect people, then get them to ‘sign-up’ to prove their allegiance to the cause.
Call for a ‘worker’ to rise up and strike and the worker might realise that they will be out of a job and starve. Call for a ‘worker’ or ‘student’ to ‘fight’ for ‘transgenderism’ or against ‘US police racism’ and it becomes, ‘so what, why not?’.
Its like a test to join the Mafia. Shoot your village shopkeeper, well you grew up with his kids, maybe not. Shoot the village shopkeeper 20 miles away? ‘so what, why not?’.
And then they have you and you will do anything to prove your loyalty because like Napleon’s dogs they will turn on you if you don’t.
What’s the betting that irrespective of current time circumstances, Boris and his far left cohort, will make some sort of legislative move to appease the Marxists. That, doubtless will involve more controls or restrictions on the freedoms of the indigenous white population.
The political system is rotten and does not reflect most of the population’s wishes.
This taking the knee reminds me of an Uncle’s experience in WW2 in Burma , captured British Soldiers having to dig their own Grave before kneeling and …..
It makes me so angry that these uneducated protesters are destroying Statues and our History , better not rant on otherwise the BBC thought police will be round for having Far Far Right thoughts !
Charlie – yes, you do have to be careful of the ‘thought police’ (and who would ever have thought that would happen in Britain?) but the association between kneeling and ‘digging your own grave’ is no longer so far-fetched in this dystopian UK, and the hour is late. (If you won’t kneel, start digging?)
I very much regret to say Burma is now another world, another universe. (Suits the bad, colonialist Britain narrative, if anything). But a universe that only some of us oldies won’t forget.
As for the present, Burma is Myanmar and Aung San Suu Kyi, a beeb favourite and heroine, while she seemed to make all the right noises. Then, hey presto, she fell out of favour, in a manner reminiscent of all good Communist narratives. Wasn’t toeing the line, any more. Another part of the modern Burma story, which is ripe for Leftist propaganda, because of the ongoing…well, that’s another story, isn’t it?
Statues have to go cos they are offensive, say Antifa.
…. The same Antifa that brought their Baby Trump balloon onto the street DELIBERATELY to be OFFENSIVE to Trump, his entourage and Trump supporters.
The BBC joined the game using a Trump blimp in the Victoria Derbyshire studio.
Then when based Amy stuck a pin into the London street Trump blimp the police were quick to seize her.
Later she served jail time for daring to interrupt Anna Soubry twice in public. A type of protest that an Antifa protester would get away with 100 times.
9am local news : “Protesters in London must be off the street by 5pm
and must stick to the agreed route
cos of threats from FAR RIGHT groups”
they then went into a clip from Sadiq where he says there is evidence that previous demos have spread Covid .. blah blah … “extreme right”.