Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
Another weekend of false reports by the biased Far Left BBC – complete with pictures cropped for the right effect ? The propaganda department will be fully staffed … but we ll be watching.
Guess they were doing a BOGOF on legals, or did bbc HR send them the same email?
Looks like Sky use weekend interns too.
Sly Views offered some tales of woe yesterday during their live reporting, reports that were invariably delivered by some animated Northern, Asian male whose every utterance was a declaration, every question ending in ‘couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t it or don’t you agree’.
A black mother and daughter who were allowed to voice their opinion by Sly after addressing the crowds at one of yesterday’s ‘peaceful’ demonstrations were asked to describe their experiences of racism, of hardship and persecution, what had driven them to despair and to share their stories of persecution and inequality. Violent threats, stones thrown, windows smashed or harassment and physical assault by violent white thugs.
The 13 year old daughter had discovered that Britain, everywhere, everything and everyone, was institutionally racist and was determined as a nation to deny her respect and her entitled educational equality because of her skin colour when her English teacher allowed her white classmates to say ‘the n-word’, written by a racist white man in America 80 years ago, when reading it aloud in class from the book they were studying, ‘Of Mice and Men’.
The school governors were of course informed of this injustice immediately and teacher and classmates educated accordingly.
Our Asian agitant was suitably aghast but keen to share more.
Mother then regaled us with her experience of the systemic oppression that she has to endure through one chilling incident in particular.
One day, in the street, a white woman crossed to the other side of the road as she noticed our victim walking towards her and clutched her bag to her chest. Obviously she was a racist, frightened and afraid of the different, uncaring and unwelcoming, unwilling to accept,or perhaps even notice, that all whites are endemically racist and disrespectful to and suspicious of all blacks.
You really can’t argue with, reason with or even begin to appease those with this sort of mentality can you?
There’s really no effin point, nothing you could do would ever be enough.
You could give these people heaven and earth and they’d still not be happy Rich ????
Compo claimants the lot for some injustice or another ✌️
Just catching up on twitter.
Many commentators giving credit to Lammy for actually not being an arse for once on protests.
However, VD has found the nugget she needs,
I’d love to see a habit developing among normal ( as opposed to the abnormal and dysfunctional mates of the racist far-left bbc) interviewees, what’s they call the bbc scum out for what they are; eg. ” Mr Marr, before I answer your question, I think we need to remind ourselves that you are a communist, in fact you are a Maoist; so I expect your questions to be biased in that ideology”.
Milly Molly, Mateless – ” before I answer your question, you are a socialist who has a young son who is already exploring communism, so I’ll consider your questions with that as a basis”.
Usually it’s being sound on Brexit that gets the FT and The Economist all access passes to BBC editorial.
But this… this is next level.
From GWs link “ largely spontaneous nature of the protests”, big question mark over that. I suppose if being agitated and stirred up 24/7 by a resentful and embittered media counts as spontaneous then the protests could count as being ‘largely spontaneous’.
At 5pm on @BBCfileon4 @paulkenyonTV
investigates how coronavirus has affected migrants living rough in Calais and reveals why there’s been a big rise in migrants crossing the Channel to the UK in small boats.
With English volunteer who chose to stay and everyday takes stuff to the immigrants.
There is trouble cost most don’t believe in Covid19.
They cause trouble cos they want to do everything to be registered in France.
Now various camps exist around Calais, but French Police do intimidating raids
This give them a big incentive to seek boats to the Landa of Paradise where London liberals will give them free houses after they have kicked working class Brits out.
Claim there are far less trucks and 7/8 times they get detected
but using boats is a 50% chance.
Farage predicting that the riots in US will help Trump at the election.
He may or may not be right, but why can’t we hear that sort of sympathetic interview, EVER, on ANY of our own TV news channels?
Defund the beeb and give us a real alternative like Fox News or Sky Aus.
vlad – agreed.
interesting question: if he does win, is it four more years of Dems/BLM/MSM etc trying to get rid of him by force? The man must have nerves of steel to survive on that powder keg, day by day. Does he ever sleep? The election promises to be something else.
If we had a Nigel in No.10, we might have been in with a chance? With the Boris&Surkeer show, and the economy going over a cliff, i don’t think we have one. Pampering the anarchists, who all have such ‘wonderful’ causes, and watching OUR MSM play their game, has been the last straw.
If Mr Trump makes it to the election and wins he wont have ‘ won ‘ because
1 he didnt get a big majority
2 it was the Russians
3 it was some data outfit
4 it was fiddled
5 the democrats gave it away
At the moment the Democrats must be working overtime to find a replacement for sleepy dodgy Joe …. i reckon meeshall o’ bama …( 33/1 – 50 p well spent )
6 there were 25,000,000 people who didn’t vote, so if you count them as democrat votes, Biden would have won, waaahhhh waaaahhhh!!!!
Two scripture perspectives on bending the knee. In the first passage, Romans 11:1-4, it is all, but. In the second passage, Philippians 2:9-11, it is all.
It’s appropriate to quote Romans 11.4
But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
And Philippians 2:10
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.
And Philippians 2:11
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
I see the BBC are doing a mini series about the Salisbury poisoning. Of course the main character is a women and women will be at the fore front of the whole series with men being seen as the bigoted idiots. They also picked a character with a Polish name. So all boxes ticked and my button firmly still on YouTube.
Also enjoying significant public largesse with zero accountability, I believe.
I thought they had a muslim woman who wore some sort of muslim religious head covering. Have they got rid of her?
Guess Who,
Boy, those C4 journos really have their fingers on the pulse. Next they’ll be telling us that Elvis Presley has passed away…
Twitter watch
The BBC droid – one Nicholas Robinson – is taking flack for saying something about the BBC having no duty to be neutral –
The someone mentions he is of £290k P A. Basic plus all those after dinner bashes at £10k plus ….
Ed. Note – I won’t call him ‘nick’ because it makes him sound almost …. human .
Toenails. He likes that.
@Fed “Old Nick noun, informal a jocular name for Satan”
probably derived from the tradition in medieval plays of referring to the Devil character as “Old Nick”
Perhaps Robinson might care to explain why the public should be compelled to pay through the nose to fund a media empire that makes the Volkischer Beobachter look like the very model of editorial neutrality and decorum.
Van – for someone who gets ( not earns ) that much money – I think there is a case for the BBC radio channels being ‘pay to hear “ – after all those who listen do not been a licence …. all part of the need for subscription – those who like it can pay for it …..
But… are any of them ‘of color’?
Getting ready for the new thread taffman ???? ????
GW – with the obsession going on full steam, it is unbelievable Biden picks a white running mate, especially male?
Of course, the Dem Convention still has to confirm him.
MO could still be lurking in the wings, or OW?
Lewis Goodhall liked it too.
A druggie who broke into a black woman’s flat, pointed a gun at her pregnant stomach and threatened to shoot her through her unborn child.
Almost on a par with the muslim mohamad in his compassion.
I guess the media hasn’t bothered to find that pregnant lady, who had Floyd’s gun stuck in her belly?
I am all for statues. Floyd George is a media hero worldwide.
A statue of him poking his gun into a pregnant woman’s stomach should be erected .
BBC bias exposed.
So are Johnson and Patel
PGA Tour golf on Sky, no live golf for 3 months and really looking forward to it, but perpetuated with BLM this and that ????
Their core audience are white – financial suicide and just plain woke bollox ✌️
Lewis Goodhall liked this Newsnight post.
Making him about the only one.
“The odious Tommy Robinson.” Should be re-phrased, perhaps.