The controversial Far Left Biased BBC continues to campaign for a Far Left Political organisation .Views which do not accord with those of the BBC are ignored or slapped down . As a result more and more people are seeing the BBC for What it is and cancelling their licences .Perhaps one day the Government will do something . Meanwhile The twitter #defundtheBBC campaign is being disrupted by Twitter which is as infected as Google .
Start the Week Thread 15 June 2020
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Newsround still thinks Nelson’s Column is the Cenotaph.
What do you expect when a load of 3rd worlders write the news
This is the Voice of the Revolution, your favourite opposition radio station, calling to you out there who are outraged, indignant, offended and grievance-filled: Radio 4.
We present TOADY, our programme for Tough, Outspoken, Anarchists , Destroyers and Yobs.
We present J Webb, interviewing our favourite arrogant, aggressive, superior and hostile race-baiter, David Lammy MP, with his list of 11764 demands, all to be implemented immediately.
Now, of course, we know we have a democracy, and we know Labour is not in power, so the demands are worth zilch.
Never mind, we feel the person who DOES have power is eminently malleable, and open to any of our suggestions. So to hear Mr Lammy, turn up the volume of your radio to VERY LOUD now.
Not satisfied with BLM. Apparently ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ too.
Yes, this is on today’s front page of The BBC website.
However, I did a little fact checking on the BLM website, we can all relax. I quote…
…”We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.”
I think you’re covered Trans black people (sorry, totally unsure of the pronoun). But a great thank you to The BBC. This was a question on millions of minds at this time.
The UKPress Gazette carries a friendly “interview” with one of those many self important coloured presenters which inhabit C4 news . The Guru Murphy –
To show how out of touch they are – try this –
“How do you see the future of broadcast journalism (and the wider industry) after the Covid-19 crisis?
I think the pandemic has been a time in which the public has really valued honest public service journalism and broadcasting, especially after the poisonous atmosphere of Brexit coverage and the associated attacks on the media. So I think it has strengthened our bond with viewers and made it even clearer to them that we can give them a voice and that politicians must be accessible, answer questions and be held accountable.“
I actually laughed .
The #tellitoftenenough with this one strong is.
Clearly missed the report that many Ch4 staff are appalled by their own ‘stars” biases.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – persisting with their illiteracy
The BBC are persisting with this ‘Learn to skateboard from your living room’ despite it being:
1. Nearly a week (maybe over a week) old
2. Not saying what it means or meaning what it says.
The BBC – so essential. Not.
As night follows day, Groper follows young interns and Nick has to enter via the back entrance…
Might be a spoof. Might not. Who cares. All is ‘news’ now.
About time too. Orwell would have despised what the BBCSM has become.
The vandalism and violence of Wednesday 3rd and Saturday 6th “largely peaceful” riots was the work of BLM and Antifa alone, with no-one else to blame. So I wondered, apart from the veterans who were there in earnest to defend the monuments, if the organisers had bussed in a bunch of thugs to act as agitators to even things out a bit and cast blame on the “right-wing”. Tommy Robinson didn’t go, so I suspected he knew it was a trap. Julia Hartley-Brewer must have uttered the phrase “right-wing” about a dozen times this morning.
And the perfect broadcaster to ‘report’ it found.
The Venerable Martin Lloyd Williams
12 Walsingham Road
East Sussex
Tel: 01273 425 044 (PA, Marc Sacher)
Mob: 07305 412784
What you eyes have to be protected from
“Chocolate coloured”
More lunacy. Those gravestones are nearly sixty years old and hardly located in a place that’s apt to cause mass offence. They belong to a different time; leave them be.
What’s next? Will those seeking to be offended now start creeping into crypts and mausoleums to see if there’s anything in there which might enable them to cry and wail in faux outrage?
VH – I did say here recently that George Best was on TV (possibly Flog It! or similar) looking very politically incorrect. Thoroughly alarming (to ‘some’).’Twas about some souvenir programme and similar items.
He wasn’t wearing his ‘BLM’ football shirt, no sign of knee-taking (perhaps he was a Christian, and thus not demon-possessed, who knows?).
I wondered whether he would have to face disciplinary action for past, heretical offences, retrospectively (very fashionable now) and they would have to dig him up for the purpose?
In poor taste, I know, but did you think I was joking? Your mention of crypts made we wonder again, whether our current Witchfinders have any boundaries at all?
Talking of witches and witchfinders, I see Afua Hirsh is on R4 (Clive Anderson show) wanting us to look again at the Empire/colonialism. I do wonder whether the Great Witch Hunt of 2020 has only just begun, or we have enterd its climax?
George Best had a lot of issues.
Football is unimportant in the great scheme of things.
Best by name best by nature.
A sense of humour and the Best footballer I have ever seen.
He was the Rudolph Nureyev of Football.
Black Slave-Traders’ Lives Matter.
Bad news on Brexit?
Courtesy of the BBC web-site I examine the front pages of the newspapers. The Times has a small item that suggests the PM will give the EU Negotiators an ultimatum: ‘No-deal accepted if nothing is on the table by the end of next month.’.
This suggests the PM is relaxing his previous ‘end of June’ time limit. Or, perhaps, is it merely wishful printing by ‘The Thunderer’?
Up, for sure. The PM formally known as Boris will take charge of the ‘negotiations’ and undo all the good work of recent months by agreeing to lord know what with Ursula VonLiar and he will proudly declare it a great deal for the UK when in reality we are stitched up and sold down the river.
I hope I am wrong.
Up2snuff – I thought the end of June limit was the point after which no extension after Jan 1, 2021 could be agreed, but did we not pre-empt that a few days ago ?
I believe the next important point in time is that which, if there is no agreed deal, because that will need time for ratification (especially by each of the remaining EU countries), then the ‘No deal’ option will be implemented and we will make use of the remaining time till Jan 1, 2021 to prepare for trading on WTO terms at that point.
Without reading them closely, I think that the BBC/Times articles seem to be implying that that date will now be no later than end of July, whereas I think that the EU thought they could string this deadline out till maybe September/October, putting the UK on the spot – and the EU now seem to be being put on the spot. The remainers/rejoinders will be wetting themselves if this is the case.
I could be wrong….so many dates are being flashed around without being real, hard deadlines, with specific outcomes required.
They don’t / cannot make em like this anymore !!!!
Shame !!!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – Free advertising but caveat emptor
Linked to via the BBC Home Page I find this doesn’t push the BBC’s second favourite religion (Bhuddism) as much as I thought it would.
Actor (Actress?) Gwyneth Paltrow is the recipient of free BBC advertising although it comes with a little criticism: ” Goop also sells a “Psychic Vampire Repellent”, made from “sonically tuned water” and “moonlight” which promises to protect you from “psychic attack and emotional harm”. “
Also Eau de les Unmentionables du Femme?
So dodged a bullet there, Chris.
The Lefties used to have a good thing going at their BBC. A comfortable, subsidised, mistakenly trusted thumb on the scales of news, arts, entertainment and current affairs – handy for tipping every aspect of the national conversation against conservatism.
Hubris set in.
They seriously overplayed their hand in the Brexit debate.
We knew they didn’t like the Tories but now they openly say so.
On the subject of sex and gender they left most of the population scratching our heads in confusion.
Now in their over-keeness to have this destructive on-going race debate they finaly force us to permanently apply the off switch.
It’s their loss.
“Hubris – and Marxism – set in”
The initial tweet there
\\ CBeebies news just openly
said “the police were attacked by far right protesters”
and made it crystal clear they were racists //
Pee man charged
I would thought intent plays a part in law
and if you wanted to offend, you wouldn’t turn away.
\\ it’s funny @metpoliceuk have not yet charged people pictured desecrating Cenotaph & other national monuments
I suppose that didn’t constitute
“outraging public decency” //
I think it’s time to start a council tax rebellion.
Why should we fund labour controlled councils who are instigating the removal of ‘racist’ icons?
Why should we fund the ineffectual and hopeless police service, who are no longer up hold long the law?
If as many of ‘us’ in the silent majority are as pissed off with recent events then let’s take direct action.
I can’t comment on the tele tax as i stopped paying for the bbc scum media a few years ago now
She sentences him to 14 days imprisonment.
“The magistrate says she accepts Andrew Banks did not intend to urinate on the memorial.
But she says the harm in this case is the public shock and upset. “The public have been truly outraged by what you did.”
If you get 14 days in jail is the sentence you get after you HAND YOURSELF IN for peeing NEAR a statue
what is the sentence for destroying one, and NOT handing yourself in ?
The guy got custodial cos of his skin colour
and him being on the non-metroliberals.
I’m sorry – but I bet that it says nowhere in any law that you can vary a sentence based on ‘public outrage’. And even if it did – where the hell did the judge get any consolidated view of ‘public outrage’ from ? I wasn’t invited to participate in a poll, as, I bet, no-one else was.
And if that is the case, then those who mutilated the Cenotaph and Churchhill’s statue, must surely be in the same category (if not worse) and, on that basis, their sentences should be multiples of the basic sentence for their offences.
Fundamentally, justice now appears to be being based on mob rule. All it needs now in court is to have someone declare themselves outraged, and any sentence can be passed.
Public outrage ? = media and social mediot outrage.
My guess is 99% of the beaks wear a spider brooch.
Richard D,
“All it needs now in court is to have someone declare themselves outraged, and any sentence can be passed.”
I think it rather depends on who says they’re outraged, if you get my drift.
Richard D,
“All it needs now in court is to have someone declare themselves outraged, and any sentence can be passed.”
I think it rather depends on who says they’re outraged, if you get my drift.
Those horrible *lynchings* of black men 150 years ago in Southern states
.. were often motivated by “public outrage”
That didn’t make them right.
As far as I am aware,
Desecration of the Union Jack is not considered an offence due to our radical racial laws in this country.
Try doing it in Iran and it’s a death sentence…..
Other European countries take a different view..
Article 188 of Greece’s “penal code” states that if someone insults the national anthem, destroys the flag or other national Greek symbols they could go to prison for two years or pay a fine.
German law takes a hard line with anyone who “reviles or damages” the German federal flag, with offenders receiving up to five years in prison.
As of July 2010, it is a crime to desecrate the French national flag in public and even distribute images of the action being undertaken in a private setting.
Spain… any publically made written or spoken insult to its Autonomous Communities, its symbols or emblems is punishable by a fine or seven to twelve months prison.
Dav, a decent set of laws no true patriot could grumble about.
Unlikely to be coming to a legislator near us anytime soon as we have the cowardly, useless incompetent Tories running the show.
More likely to pass laws requiring the use of flame retardant materials on high rise slums or allowing the illegal invasion, aiding and abetting a foreign power (France) in the process.
Note too, how the Brexit deal deadline that Boris blustered about is now the end of next month (July) in spite of the noise about walking away at the end June.
Full of bovine excrement, the tories and Johnson.
Green/Red justice
The 2009 student who urinated
a more important monument
How much jail time did he get ?
NONE…. 250 hours community service
& I bet he didn’t hand himself in straight away either.
“A number of peaceful anti-racism protests took place in London and other cities across the UK on Saturday.”
“The person pictured carrying a man to safety following a clash between protest groups in London has said he and his friends “stopped somebody from being killed”.”
Well which is it. Peaceful or could get killed
I can’t for the life of me understand that no entrepreneur or foreign entity has not identified the gap in the UK market for a non far-left broadcaster/news service.
I must say, I have serious concerns for the US. The Gen. Flynn case is now subject to rulings of communist inspired, Democratic acolyte judges who want to continue on to sentence Gen. Flynn.
Blatant bias and an extraordinary example of the breakdown of law and order in the US.
If you also have feel for what President Trump has to contend with, you will also appreciate what immense pressure from all surrounding him, he has to suffer. I think, eventually as the situation worsens – as it must – the President will be left with no option but to call upon the people to rise up (guns and all) to finally oust the communists from their opposing positions of power. Similar to the UK, the periods between elections has now become a contributory factor to those wishing to destroy the West as, they have virtually a free reign to continue destruction unhindered for that length of time. E.g. Macron (Johnson?)
Have no doubt that if President Trump is removed from power, either prematurely or by the ballot box later this year, that will rapidly herald the end of the West.
Twitter watch
Please please someone put up the 22 second clip of Cathy Newman on C4 interviewing the head of some independant police chip on shoulder outfit discussing whether Winston Churchill was / is a racist ……. it . Is . Comedy …..
And surely embodies the intellect of those who are being listened to …… because of the colour of their skin and not for being thick .
Thank you . If it wasnt so sad / funny i would cry …. 577k views and theyve not taken it down for some reason ….
I dont read twitter comments much but there are still some sharp wits about. Eg someone asking that lady passing on a message of “good health “ to Ghandi when she sees him next ….
…. as she says – “one for the Communitee “
Here it is – true Gold
Thankyou Info – i think she and her words encapsulate the madness – i d like ( unusually ) to see the whole interview .
I wonder how much shes on? £80k?
Got to be a good candidate for Celeb Mastermind ….
Fed – she would have stiff opposition, cos there are many such Masterminds about, at present, shouting the odds…
It seems she is the chair of the Lambeth Police Advisory £££££ Group…. no mention their website apart from that she was going on C4 News ……..
I misspoke … I was distracted ….. I didn’t mean to say that ….. who is Winston Churchill ? Is he the insurance guy ?
Amol often is the story.
As several site users have posted today the UK is possibly/ probably beyond the point at which it can be saved from descending into the chaos of full blown multiculturalism. I agree with them and we often rightly blame the BBC , Cultural Marxism and its Gramscian long march through the institutions, but one group who we don’t apportion enough blame to for what has happened in the last thirty or forty years is ourselves the British people. I doubt if the history of the last forty years will ever be written from an objective viewpoint, the new power brokers won’t allowthat, but it were to be then one of the crucial reasons why Britain was lost by the British people was their excessive tolerance. That tolerance has allowed people to come here in droves to sponge off the British, to trash British culture and our value , to allow risky policies such as multiculturalism to be taken seriously by politicians, to make a mockery of British democracy and in the end to take possession of our home. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
I think you’re being a bit tough on ‘us’ . Let’s face it – Britain has not had democracy – just a choice of ‘coke’ or ‘Pepsi ‘- anything outside these to is instantly vilified – only the occasional ‘miracle ‘ such as Mrs Thatcher or Mr Farage proves the exception – and he took a long time ( 1979? ) to get a definite objective achieved .
The core of our troubles is the decision by those who run the show to import the third world since the 1950s because of some Empire guilt .
And ordinary people ( common ?) have had to learn to live with what they have done – not us .
I can’t see why the coloured people who don’t like blighty get a single ticket and go to the land of their ancestors rather than moaning about how hard done by they are …..
…. I get a feeling there are plenty who have feet in both countries ….
I’m afraid that I do blame ‘us’. We have allowed politicians to persuade us to support things that we knew were wrong headed. We voted for Blair three times even though for the last of those certainly and probably the second, we knew what he was up to. We pretended that we believed nonsense that diversity was wholly beneficial when I’m sure most people suspected that was crap. We didn’t support Enoch Powell when Heath threw him out.
At the very least we have allowed ourselves to be led by politicians whom we must surely have suspected were in the long run not putting our best interests first. Either we are incredibly stupid or too apathetic to consider the future.
The reason Farage took so long was his quaint notion that you should do these things via the ballot box. He should have organised a mob and trashed things.
Except he wouldn’t have got the free pass to do so that BLM protesters get. We don’t live in a democracy, just the illusion of one. Events like the past couple of weeks show this starkly. I fail to see why I should play by the rules any more.
But I will, wont I? More fool me.
And, apathy.
I agree mostly and have said for years that whilst we play cricket everyone else plays football…this country has always been open and welcoming to honest hardworking people and those unjustly vilified….but soon these standards went and the likes of Blair /EU opened floodgates to rabble…low skilled uneducated lazy scroungers who knew they could take advantage of our goodwill…
I am afraid the well of goodwill is almost empty…cynical yes…but it still doesn’t make us all racists…just coming to our senses
Former Director of BBC News and now a lecturer at Professor of Journalism at Cardiff University, Richard Sambrook, has been drafted in by the Beeb to advise on impartiality, specifically on platforms like Twitter. So the BBC have turned to the famously not left wing world of academia…
Guido’s not sure Sambrook is the most impartial of impartiality advisers, having
Declared “I’m strongly remain” two years after the referendum
Tweeted that “Donald Trump and Boris Johnson” are “post-truth politicians”
Shared a Carole Cadwalladr story, adding the words “more Boris lies – now a man of zero integrity”
Claimed that “Britain is being led to an epic act of national self-harm over Brexit”
Criticised a letter from Oliver Dowden to Lord Hall over BBC Bias, arguing “Government tries to extend lockdown to independent journalism and critical views”
Claimed Brexit is not the “will of the British people” because turnout was just 72%
Called the Government “Shortsighted” and “stupid” for voting down a Lib Dem wrecking amendment on the Erasmus Programme
Called it a “disgrace” that eurosceptic MEPs received EU funding
Tweeted out an Independent article entitled “Brexit is going to be far worse than anyone could have guessed”
Highly critical of Boris Johnson during the EU referendum
Tweeted about pro-Brexit “Twitter bots” influencing the EU referendum
Tweeted “Brexit is utterly, utterly stupid”, and “Brexit is like a Premier League side wanting to be relegated”
The truth is there is far too much anti-Boris anti-Brexit bias to include in one article. Guido found Sambrook’s Twitter account to be more that of a partisan political commentator than an aspiring impartiality tsar. What a bonkers hire for advice on social media conduct…
Clever CATCHALL Naming trickery, with built in false implications
Black Lives Matter : implies that if you oppose them you don’t think black lives matter
Anti-fa : if you oppose them you support fascism
Hope not Hate : if you oppose them you promote Hate
this Labour front group, that selectively weaponises accusations of racism to Labour’s advantage
StopFundingHate : the offshoot of HnH : if you oppose them you fund Hate
In reality it’s a campaign intimidating people from daring to express views that are non-conformist from metroliberal.
Green : if you oppose them you are not green
Conservative Party : false implication that they support conservative values, and not ever more free spending socialism and open borders.
Likewise power labels “Far right, Nazi, fascist” are CATCHALL DISMISS labels
And tell us more about the people who use them.
They seek to smear rather than describe.
If a march is anti Islamic dogma, or anti open borders then those should be the labels used.
This weekend the words were used to imply that the protesters were ANTI-BLACK
I don’t like the word “Lefty” cos that too is used as a smear and catchall
Yes we have the vision of a student radical,
but I prefer the term metropolitan liberal cos that includes the fake-conservatives, greens and champagne socialists.
Likewise It’s not Headline it’s the story
There should not have been a headlines
– “Largely peaceful protests ”
– “Far right protests”
cos these are all catchall trick labels
Almost all pockets of all protests are peaceful
but it is newsworthy when violence breaks out in some pockets
So BLM protests should not have been called largely peaceful.
Nor should counter protests be implied that they were largely violent, again it would have been pockets, there wouldn’t have been 10,000 actual punch throwers .
It might be dozens if that.
I had to read your post twice.
You missed out Liberal.
Go on, there’s a whole diatribe waiting to be unleashed.
@Infoquest the idea that Liberal is an ambush name is so obvious I didn’t need to mention it.
They had to invent a complete new word Libertarian to account for that.
I forgot to mention before that naming trick is called
The first were GreenPeace who are neither green, nor peaceful
and Skeptical Science
which is neither Skeptical nor Scientific.
I don’t like it at all. They aren’t liberal but the opposite – extremely narrow and dogmatic – and it’s an imported American term approximating to ‘left.’
Not BBC related, and may be considered controversial by some.
How are all you glacier monkeys today?
diaryofanegress | Observations of an Invisible Woman [Flagged as “not secure” by Norton.]
Did not have the information I was searching for. I read some comments anyway.
I hope that some of the following is useful.
The loving, caring, blacks are disturbed by the presence of white people, they hoped we would have become extinct by now.
As their African religions promised.
Also promised by some black “interpretation” of Christianity.
Any Jews reading this?
Do not worry, these blacks hate Jews, in spades.
Jews created slavery.
There are black interpretations of the Old Testament which state that Jews will also become extinct.
I did not discover one trace of any blacks giving credit to Jews for their outstanding contribution to current science and technology.
Glacier monkeys are ugly.
Straight, especially blonde, hair, is ugly.
Whereas blacks are beautiful, a beauty enhanced by frizzy hair.
Serena Williams is adduced as a role model! Whilst being criticised for hair straightening.
OJ Simpson is another favourite, acquitted after murdering his white wife.
Malcolm X, Garvey, Newton, Carmichael all the historical favourites.
Most of all blacks hate white people, did I mention this already?
Serious, perpetual, hatred.
I could live without black people, I would prefer to live without black people.
I have never noticed before how often those who associate with blacks become like them.
The hatred and the urge to destroy.
Drunk and did not realise where he was urinating – handed himself in – pleaded guilty – genuinely remorseful.
14 days in custody.
One comment on order-order
I would be astounded if anyone has been previously jailed purely for urinating in public, after having handed themselves in and pleading guilty.
Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot, same Emma Arbuthnot with alleged conflicts of interest regarding Julian Assange?
And this?
Same one that said there is a rule that if you shout at a politician 3 times that is not protest that is harassment
And then jailed BasedAmy based on the fact she’d done it twice to Soubry and on a third occasion, she might have being going to but Soubry wasn’t present
Harsh justice for purple-skins, green/red let off.
Funny how no one talks about people having Covid19 on their death certificates when it was never confirmed if they had it. Not every country does this so what if our deaths are actually much lower?
Perhaps the BBC could investigate this matter for us unless they already have done and would rather keep the result quiet?
This was brought up by Karol Sikora the other week and there was a post about it. It is obvious that doctors are now using Covid 19 as a catch all cause of death even if it has not been diagnosed. When I was a junior doctor many moons ago bronchopneumonia was usually the stated cause. BBC will never mention this.
It is a shame to politicalise deaths but sadly that is what the BBC are doing. Same as Grenfell really. Lots of point scoring. Someone does need to investigate this though
Who? Offcomm won’t investigate.
The time to investigate is long passed.
Boris and the Tories have shown their true cowardly colours this weekend. They are useless and will do nothing as regards the state broadcaster.
Boris is preoccupied with keeping us in the EUSSR, and how best to spin it as a really good deal.
The only answer is the complete destruction of the BBC and a new patriotic government.
Doc – you might have seen the comments here about the practices that go into writing death certificates and whether the data being used is reliable – particularly in relation to Care Home deaths – any view ?
Doc, good to have a medical contributor on here. Welcome, if it’s a first post.
To be fair to the BBC they are now drawing a distinction on deaths here:
The three categories are:
Deaths with positive test result – 41,736
Death cert mentions Covid-19 (ie. there may be co-morbidities) – 50,107
Deaths over and above the usual at this time of year – 63,708
After the single figure new infections in Kent yesterday I was expecting a bounce back today. It has happened but it is only 22. That figure is significant. After a low figure, say, in the high teens, the recent past bounceback has always been around the 50 mark. On one occasion it was in the high-70s. Then there would be several days of mid-20s before a low. If the bounceback figure is now mid-twenties and we see mid-teens figures for a few days, we might get a very low single figure toward the end of this week.
I certainly hope so.
Given their hate of statues and the now 2 week jail sentence for urinating near one I don’t holdout much hope for the pissoir mannekin statue in Brussels.
It will no doubt outrage the easily excitable snowflakes so expect it to be dumped, graffitied or smashed to rubble very soon. It’s probably racist as well because everything else seems to be.
Also, I reckon nobody knew about those two graves, now boarded up, of the dance hall long dead couple who actually coloured their faces in as part of their act.
The msm have now shown the location and drawn this to the attention of all the snowflakes so they can go and teach them a lesson.
Emmanuel, I seem to recall from photos that it is very black. That must be a reason to …..
…. keep it in place. BLM will probably insist.
If we need more statues and they are to be of BAME people then I nominate Sir Garfield Sobers and Sir Learie Constantine although I suspect both have ‘been done’ already. There is certainly a plaque and, I think, maybe a bust to London’s first BAME MP.
The BBC have been making much of, and trying to claim that BAME people have been and are disadvantaged in the UK. Dadabhai Naoroji was elected to the UK Parliament in 1892. Yes, BBC, not even in the twentieth century. He was elected to represent Finsbury in the nineteenth century and the plaque is on the old Islington (Finsbury) Town Hall in Rosebery Avenue.
I cant download anything, but I had something thought provoking sent on WhatsApp…..
“If Winston was a racist, and hated, why are so many Black men named after him? ”
Answer that one Afua !
Bris – it’s quite obvious – Mr Churchill was named after a great black man called Winston . I got this fact from the Chair £££££ of the Lambeth Police Advisory Group …..
They like to name them after the father. Of course, they rarely know who the father is so play the odds game.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, I have had some cricketers in mind – see above) you are quite right. I posted the other day on here that those awfully put upon blacks in the USA who were so disadvantaged that they became millionaires. I thought the man who invented peanut butter was a black American.
I was wrong. Funny thing, maxi and Piku were not around to correct me. Where were they? The man who I thought had invented peanut butter was indeed black but he came up with over one hundred uses and treatments for peanuts but not that peanut butter one. His name? Guess what?
George Washington Carver. His start in life was really disadvantaged. Really, really disadvantaged. If BAMEs think life is tough in the USA now, then they need to think again. He was kidnapped at an early age, really still a baby. His father recovered one of his children but not George. George fended for himself and a sibling. He found his own foster homes. He found ways to get an education. Guess what, again!
He ended up as a University Professor teaching at the Tuskegee Institute which was co-founded by Booker T Washington. So all those BLM protestors who wish to tear down statues to George Washington, you had better think again.
TalkRadio callers saying the police choices on Saturday fueled trouble
Caller #1 (a woman) said she was in Parliament Square and didn’t see any trouble, except intimidating riot police running outside the barriers.
She said people were getting alcohol fueled cos inside the barriers the Tesco was open and telling people they had to buy 4 cans minimum.
She thought there might have been trouble outside the square
Caller #2 “there were certain people
I saw a group of soccer thugs they turned up carrying bags of cans and police never said anything
Whereas at an actual football match they would have been confiscated.
Then when they arrived at Parliament Square the police refused to let them through the barriers so they kicked off.
They got in, I left early
but what I’ve seen from video is bad policing
At soccer matches they let one crowd go home BEFORE they open up the way for the opposing side, yet on Saturday there were antifa still in Trafalgar Square at 5pm, when the police kicked everyone out of Parliament Square so of course that was a setup for confrontation with those soccer thugs, who were going to bump into them”
Hmm well it’s not like a soccer match blm/antifa thugs were not likely to go home, they were always likely to be roaming in packs.
Soccer people should have known that they too needed to move in groups.
Cathy Newman: Thankyou for those insightful and thought provoking comments on the controversial Mr Churchill.
And in our next interview we have Edward Colston, a well known slave trader.
Mr. Colston, so what you’re saying in your defence is that you did break the 1833 Abolition of Slavery Act, which you claim was passed over 100 years after you died, is that correct?
Another 60-70 Illegal Migrants have made it across the Channel so far this morning
As I am of the ‘Sid’ era I have a small interest in BT.
Today I received a ‘Shareholder Offers’ booklet.
BT’s image of its shareholders: Young black man with black child, young white woman, young black man, young white woman with a ‘Fitbit’.
If I call the BBC up do you think they will do one of those web stories about people who feel discriminated against because they don’t see anyone ‘like them’ in the media?
Well Jim, this is what I have to look at every single time I log in to my BT email:
It doesn’t look anything like me
Not sure whether its the same young lady who has her modelling appointment book full to bursting, but there are loads of adverts with a young mixed race lady with afro hair fronting the product.
I read last week that a young white man was quoted as saying he didn’t hold out any hope of getting the job he was interviewed for because he wasn’t black.
I imagine there is a lot of concern in the modelling world also, because more ethnics are being used by agencies, thus squeezing out the future Katie Moss’ of this world. Its also noted that the few white females that are being used are from Eastern Europe or Russia. (I know these things).
I think that Winston Churchill and Cressida Dick have
something in common. Although at least General Eisenhower
was strong enough to “encourage ” Churchill to get over
his neurosis. Churchill’s neurosis was GALLIPOLI for which
he was partly responsible for. Churchill thought that D Day
on June 6 1944 was going to be another Gallipoli and he
would not be able to retain his sanity if the same thing was to
happen on the Normandy beeches.
Cressida Dick’s neurosis was JEAN CHARLES DE MENEZES the
innocent Brazillian slain by mistake,partly on the orders of Dick !
Cressida Dick has never got over this. Somehow I expect because
of politcal correctness and diversity she became the head of the
Metropolitan Police. BUT there has been no Eisenhower to
stop her treading softly with dealing with criminals,anarchists
in case she is responsible in her mind for another Jean Charles
de Menezes.
That it why eight days ago the orders went out not to “hurt”
anybody whatever they were doing. Even runaway from them.
Prostrate yourself before them. Let them deface Churchill’s statue.
Let them set fire to the flags on the Cenotaph. London’s
head of police could not bare to face another Brazillian , and last
weekend we saw the consequences. Is there no Eisenhower
to show her the way. Or at least to replace her?
Dick: female, gay, useless – ticks all the boxes, give her the top job.
Listening to Radio 4 news in the background (yes I know I shouldn’t). I wonder if it is deliberate that they use the phrase ‘face coverings’, instead of ‘masks’, when speaking of the new rule for public transport that starts today?
The presenter used it three times in the space of less than a minute.
Switched over to Radio Cambridge, more ‘face coverings’. There must have been a memo.
Just furthering the islamification of England.
To be fair, Matt Hancock used that expression last week and it includes face shields which are less uncomfortable and more effective. I use one in preference to a mask – far better
The government guidance, issued last week, refers to face coverings and makes a clear distinction between them and (medical) masks which it discourages the public from buying as that might lead to shortages in the health service.
Staying Alert & Social Distancing
I understand there have already been a couple of robberies in Kent where masked (and I presume gloved – ie. no fingerprints) and armed criminals have held up stores or Post Offices. I have not been able to confirm that so far. The media have been surprisingly silent on the matter, including the BBC, so far. It may therefore be more anecdotal than evidential.
I can see face compulsory masks being abandoned pretty sharpish once the banks start getting robbed.
BBC multimillionaire employee hits twitter to attempt to shame on relative poverty.
Think about that.
I wonder, did he write it himself?
Can’t feed em, cloth em, pay for them. Don’t have them Gary. Simples.
Now go think about that. Borrow a brain cell for a second.
Let them eat crisps?
Poor Lineker is challenged by the English language. He does understand the £ sign .
It makes him happy and bouncy and ever so nice.
Lame-y happy to sh*t-stir.
Beeb happy to give him a platform.
“We need action on racism not more reports, says David Lammy”
2pm Local news “Far right” smear-label used frequently in 2 news items
eg the pee man wasn’t merely at a statue protect rally
He was at a “far right protest”
Metroliberals throw around the phrase “far right” to monster-ise WHITE working class
In the same way that the N-word was used to DEHUMANISE blacks
Looks to me like pee man was being respectful to the memorial by peeing to the far right of it.
2pm Radio4 no Archers , we get their favourite fictional drama about old Arab times instead.
Funny how getting a big majority instantly makes a government out of touch –
Example – making noises about “10 year sentences for damaging /desecrating national monuments “ –
As if that nonsense will make a difference to anything . You can imagine the bright young things in Number 10 policy running through the options …. and thinking that joe public will say
‘ oh great they’re really doing something “
This will get worse if their Press Department doesn’t get a grip . As for the PM – if he ever really had anything – I think the Chinese virus took it out of him ……..
……I understand the aftermath can feel like a real long term kicking ….
Racism is a myth, that’s been invented and weaponised by the far-left, peddled by the msm and swallowed whole by the unthinking masses who’ve been brainwashed by the BBC for years.
Is it possible that Al Beeb is aware that its abhorrent funding system is coming to an end and that the only way to sustain the Telly Tax is to bring down the government by race baiting ?
I am very amused at the crowds at the re-opening of the Nike store in the West End.Many ethnic faces,no social distancing,and they wonder why Covid 19 has impacted them so badly.On BLM,I fear that what they are aiming for is not equality,as they have that already.Together with anti-racism laws that are already in place,I think their aim is preferential treatment in everything.
Education,Employment,and the Justice System will all be the areas they will seek changes in for favourable treatment.
People checking where abouts on the shelves their desired product is
so that when the looting starts they can quickly find them.
The state of British media
CourtNewsUK has a lot of followers
Bio : “Ex BBC Sport Producer”
And which anti-police London Authority person put a plaque at dog-cocking height? Probably deliberate as well
AS long as the person who set fire to our flag on the Cenotaph is free then I am not interested in this story.
If you click on the link there is a Dailymail headline about huge demand for medics but the UK rejects incredible UK students and poaches from overseas.
Now I agree that we shouldn’t poach and develop more here but three examples are give of the incredible students who got rejected: 2 Asian females and an Asian male…go figure ..not a single white person..the Daily mail has changed beyond all belief..I am not saying there shouldn’t be any Asian but all three in a country 87% white – could they not have found one?
I saw a picture with the title ‘did somebody cough?’ On it – very bad taste ……. funny how some types are willing to put their health at risk for a pair of training shoes … cultural …I guess.
“a pair of training shoes” made by modern slaves ?
“a pair of training shoes” made by modern slaves ?
“@EmilySheffield is the new Editor of The Evening Standard, @George_Osborne is moving to Editor-in-Chief. ”
Great she’s the sister of David Cameron’s wife
so benefits from the £1,000 a day subsidies that her father gets on his wind farm down the road from me.
#GreenCorruption fueled by metroliberal elite
And round and round the gravy train rolls…
I don’t think they realised I was extracting the Michael.
Come on RD – get us all some freebie taxpayer funded free food vouchers .
I miss school dinners – still fish and chips on friday ? Chocolate custard ? Semolina ? Jumpers as goal posts? Isnt it ?
OK not exactly white people hitting blacks
but does seem like soccer thugs terrorising Hyde Park
and one spitting in some girl’s face
So SkyNews are straight in with a request
Sky didn’t tweet that footage, but rather tweeted their own
from their black reporter trailing police vans who’s gone into Hyde Park to stop trouble
The footage is rubbish
but the reporter hastily says
.. “those are not BLM supporters who are throwing sticks
.. they are just black, I mean normal, white brown, black people enjoying the park”
Post Brexit Trade Deal.
Beeb radio news at 4pm reports both sides to work together with increased vigour to establish a trade deal before the ‘end of the year‘.
This is following the PMs video call with Brussels leaders today.
The biggest sell out in our lifetimes has started ladies and gents.
You read it here first.
I’ve just realised what BAME stands for.
Blacks Against the Mainstream English.
A plausible alternative is.
BBC Against Mainstream England.
If these suggestions are held to be true, an awful lot of observed behaviour in the last couple of weeks falls very neatly into place.
“Brexit: New momentum needed in trade talks, says UK and EU”
Just walk away .
PS. There is a HYS running tell em what you think .
Sadly Taff, I feel the blistering useless incompetent liberal, ex PM known as Boris is well on his way to a inglorious stitch up.
Farrage better be watching and mean business this time.
The tories need to be wiped out.