The controversial Far Left Biased BBC continues to campaign for a Far Left Political organisation .Views which do not accord with those of the BBC are ignored or slapped down . As a result more and more people are seeing the BBC for What it is and cancelling their licences .Perhaps one day the Government will do something . Meanwhile The twitter #defundtheBBC campaign is being disrupted by Twitter which is as infected as Google .
Start the Week Thread 15 June 2020
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Tucker on the scary power and influence and popularity of the far-left revolutionary marxist BLM.
They are untouchable and beyond reproach, immune from even the mildest criticism, despite having rampaged through American cities leaving a trail of violence and destruction in their wake.
Mob rule now rules in the US. Coming to UK soon.
I used to think there was a silent majority of sensible people in the UK with enough common sense to see clearly what’s happening. Now I’m not so sure.
Vlad, this BLM success as a party, as well as the Supreme Court judgement on LGBTQXYZ, is bad news for The Trump 2020 campaign. It will wash onto our shores, if it hasn’t already done so in spades, as they become more arrogant, self assertive, etc. Pushing back cos they meet no resistance.
Takeover of the bbc agendas, along with ‘decolonisation’, will be the big push. We’re going to hear a lot more from the Afua Hirshs and David Lammys of this world.
Unless we form a significant counter by the silent majority, these people will have it all their own way. We need to organise, thy’re way ahead of us on that.
Crude is acceptable and wins. What about a white lives matter campaign, involving such people as Katie, Lauren, etc., which tries hard to ditch the beer-swilling, urinating on memorials narrative the bbc have begun?
And which counters the far-rigt label with a far-left label consistently for all bbc/ MSM set -ups?
HYPOCRISY STORM The Guardian facing calls to ‘shut down’ over founder’s use of slaves and siding against Lincoln in US Civil War
THE GUARDIAN is facing calls to “shut down” for hypocrisy after backing BLM protests when it branded Abraham Lincoln “abhorrent” in the US Civil War.
Originally called the Manchester Guardian, the paper was founded in 1821 by John Edward Taylor using profits from a cotton plantation that used slaves.
After his death in 1844, the paper is said to have then demanded Manchester’s cotton workers be forced back into work.
Now with a growing backlash against statues linked to slavery and racism, hundreds have signed a petition taking aim at the Guardian’s history.
This petition to shut the paper down has been organised by novelist Tony Parsons, who tweeted: “Shameful links to slave-owning Confederate south. Built on the profits of cotton fields. Shut down The Guardian Newspaper.”
There are going to be a lot of double-barrelled names in the unemployment line.
The BS with this one strong is.
It’s all going very well.
Meanwhile in the real world small clubs are on the edge – club staff are laid off and some ‘ lucky ‘ enough to be furloughed . But top end player ? Still paid . Still have their sex parties and dumb enough to get caught .
Thr chelsea / england player arrested for rape has had his case dropped .
And as a footy type rashford could say what he wants if he was good . But he isnt much …
Sky, meanwhile, has stayed in house too, with this gem.
No, peons, you need to… er… be seen to be not racist… on tv!
He could have been the next Bond.
Or that Elba guy too.
The defence team of the alleged murderer are so going to thank the MSM for all this.
Not helping, Vox. Not helping.
ITV shoots… it scores!
ITV did a tweet about an item where a BLM activist and an older guy discussed racism
when the replies pointed out they’ve both been involved in some anti-Semitic stuff
ITV deleted both the tweet and their web article
(BTW it’s wrong to mess around deleting the news record like that
.. rather correction notes should be added at the top.
The BBC has played that same trick before , let FakeNews start and then quietly deleted the record later.)
Children in Need so need to up their game.
Remember BBC, ‘mostly peaceful’.
Maybe Jon and BS should do Americast from the W1A bunker, just to be safe?
It’s all going to end in tears. Will Al Beeb be there to cover that?
They will send Lily Allen with her BBC embedded film crew.
It’s all been done before … Christiania in Copenhagen early ’70’s onwards … just leave ’em to get on with it in Seattle it will all unravel.
The scene: BBC News meeting in W1A, London, England:
Drone 1: “So what can we do to calm things down as a responsible broadcaster in this fair city?”
Drone 2: “I know…..”
BBC News
“Before it happened to us I could only guess at what you felt but now I understand.”
The family of Rayshard Brooks, who died after being shot in the back by a police officer in Atlanta, Georgia, are pleading for justice.
Stirring, stirring, stirring…
Boris and Rishi’s Economy sat on a wall
Boris and Rishi’s Economy had a great fall
All the government spending and all the quantitative easing
Couldn’t put Britain back together again
Hey shoppers… how are you enjoying our face-maskin’, liphidin’, queuejumpin’, notouchin’, noschoolin’, lowmotivatin’, buzzkillin’, muffletalkin’, zoommeetin’, racebaitin’, slowwalkin’, carcrashin’, plaguegivin’, riotfizzin’ Britain…?
And since other fizzy drinks are available, in the interests of balance…
I’d like to keep the world at home
And furnish it with fear
Grow government spending and national debt
And have no white people speak
It’s a real thing…!
OT, but… OTT…
Did this female officer of color contact Sky with this gem, or did Sky go out and find one to deliver?
DCI? Detective Chief Inspector in uniform? Is that a new thing or only for women/blacks?
It’s all fine. She can ‘consider’ whomever she wishes as ‘family’.
After the events of recent days, I no longer ‘consider’ her or any of her ilk wearing that uniform as ‘my’ police force.
Drip, drip, drip…
The RoP is going to have to do better than this to claw back the broadcasters.
May be it is because she has bad hands….from all the cooking training. The reality is she has no idea as to why she didn’t get the work..but feels left out because she couldn’t actually find a real experience of racism would be my view but the BBC said – as part of your contact you must…
Don’t know about you but the Daily Mail is on never buy again list along with Guardian (never bought) and the Metro group which is supposed to be neutral according to Wiki – what a load of tosh. They hate Boris and Trump and love BLM
This is why white hands are needed Nadiya
(I mean to model BBC photographs)
Hmmmm, so what colour is Naomi Campbell then Nadiya ??? who has been uber successful for the past 30 years.
BBC Moaning Emole…
BBC Pressure grows on ministers over Rashford meals campaign
And that, children, is how it now works. Apparently.
Maybe he could hook up with Fi?
Perhaps a BBC special with Gary, David Lammy and Lily?
Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
If Coco Pops gets cancelled, I don’t hold out much hope for Camp Coffee.
I am not linking monkeys with black people and as far as I am aware neither is Kellogg’s. It is only the disgraced Mis Onasanya who links the two.
My ex-M.P. is a moron – the monkey is also on the boxes of the white chocolate coco pops.
“you cheeky monkey” is a common expression used on white children.
White police men are often called pigs etc.
Not forgetting ‘black sheep’ (of the family),
I just love this stuff, Mrs O’Blene and I hum it all the day!
Incredible music!
Guest – the funny thing is – she is the one actually saying (implying) that a Monkey represents ‘brown’ people when in fact it is a monkey in clothes..
I guess the good thing about this is it shows them up for what they are – idiot s*it stirrers
Has anyone demanded an apology yet from Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Davy Jones and the other one?
Why is that racist monkey in ‘white face’?
Ref the image above, which one is causing the ‘concern’ ?
In the early 70’s TV show U.F.O. the first line of defence were the ‘Interceptors’ on the Moon, where they were tasked with destroying incoming UFO’s before they got to Earth.
In BBC land, however, the word ‘intercept’ means something totally different. In the Kent regional section of their webshite, it details how five boats carrying 49 invaders were ‘intercepted’ and brought to Dover. In my book that means they were picked up by our Border Farce having been escorted across the Channel by the French Navy.
The Government are treating us with complete and utter contempt, because this is is happening on a daily basis now. As I type this the French vessel ‘Fourmentin’ has been making its way across the channel at barely 2 knots, which means they’re escorting more invaders and, lo and behold, our Border Farce vessel, ‘Speedwell’ has recently left Dover Harbour and is on an intercept course.
More invaders incoming…
Here they are
BBC has a blonde moment.
FWIW I applied for more jobs than that in the eighties and eventually went looking elsewhere around the world. Worked out ok.
Also Moaning Emole
By Victoria King
Jobs woe
Luckily Vicky is bbc so golden.
Hopefully not blonde.
There is always a job in BBC HR surely for Kayleigh…
“And my client wants his own private lift at W1A”
“Done! Make it so, licence fee roobs…”
The item about the black fireman has no news value.
It’s just be stuck their as a “beard”
to cover themselves.
And, was it not Norman Tebbitt who said, “Get on your bike” (to find work)?
The madness morphs into new forms.
Not entirely surprising as the Marxist BLM want to destroy Christian civilisation, starting with the family.
Wow! all those “trans” together.
Just think, if Marcus and our Gary were both to chip in… that’s already a big chunk of the poor kids dinner money.
I haven’t really been following this story but I call BS on Rashford’s claim that he had to rely on free school meals and food banks while growing up – he signed for Man Utd. at the age of seven.
Had to laugh though at Lineker sticking his nose in – and his ears most likely – with the following statement on the Beeb’s webshite this morning:
The former England striker said he understood “kids wouldn’t ordinarily be fed during the summer holidays,” but these are “very, very difficult times.”
Say what? Kids don’t get fed in the summer?? Do they hibernate or something?!
A minute ago.
I share without reading for context, if there is any.
FooC journo adds embellishments like a ghost story teller.
Last Thursday’s edition Miss “Jo Erickson is a black journalist working in Minneapolis, and has been stopped by armed police herself”
starts off by establishing her credibility
.. but then as she dramatically recounts an incident where she was not there states in slow dramatic speech “Black CNN correspondent was arrested live on air , but no white media were arrested”
… FFS it’s two weeks since we all know his WHITE producer & crew were arrested too.
… she seems habitually race baiting.
R4 Great bit of turn around by history bloke – David Abulafia – author of The Boundless Sea.
BBC Knobinson was interviewing him…but story was about his new book – right at end the BBC Knob says and a ‘lot involving slavery -what is your view on UK involvement (I have paraphrased)
essentially it was thrown in at the end by BBC Knob looking for a sound bite
But the Prof turned it around nicely, refused to give them the soundbite they wanted and painted the positive role of the UK involvement in stopping slavery
R4 Knob – nowhere to go – Thank you professor… 🙂
JA – That’s when I switched on Toady.
Toenails was hoping for a tale of darkness only, but there was some light. Disappointing after all those leading questions.
Then came someone who’d “advised” Ms May, was it, on ‘Race Relations’.
What a huge and opaque this industry this must be. Well paid?
I suppose you could call it one of our many ‘service’ industries, since it doesn’t produce anything? Especially not of any value?
Other than giving politicians and R4 ‘journalists’ their alibis and BS, respectively.
A telling throwaway moment on BBC Breakfast TV which we switched on briefly to get the weather forecast.
They were engrossed in the latest LeftMob issue of the day- free school meals when there is no school.
At the end Naga casually said in terms’ we won’t let this story drop’.
So. Proof that the BBC now regards itself not as the purveyor of news but is itself now a campaigning organisation – but of course only for the LeftMob issues that it itself deems fit for our collective indoctrination.
Sluff – BBC – The Voice of the Revolution?
I don’t even trust the BBC with the weather.
RTW- Don’t worry, the staff of His Excellecy, President Lammy call the studios every morning to tell them what time the sun will rise etc.
Quite reliable, cos its also accompanied by the List of Demands for the day.
Has Lammy changed religion or something? I understood that it was an established “fact” that the Sun rose and set every day on the instructions of Allah.
The Marxists are loving this. We’re being told where to stand, what to wear and who we can meet. The latest in this dictatorial insanity is the face mask. If you wish to go on public transport anywhere in London you are now obliged to wear one of these face nappies. They look ludicrous and are utterly useless in guarding against a virus. As one epidemiologist has said,”It’s like thinking a chain link fence will protect you from mosquitos”. But people will still wear them.
Mayor Khan has already stated, with ill disguised relish, that he expects this new apparel to be “compulsory for a year or two… at least.”
These constant instructions are infantilising us. We’re told “wash your hands”, FFS, I’ve been doing that since I was three. “Go out and applaud on Thursday evenings”. “Stand there”. “You mustn’t do that”.
I’m not going to wear a bloody face nappy, nor am I donning a tinfoil hat or standing on one leg as I queue for hours to get into frigging Primark.
They are squeezing any enjoyment out of the things we used to do quite naturally. There is a new Marxist, Puritanism sweeping this nation and it’s far more insidious, dangerous and contagious than the bloody virus ever was.
Jeff, I couldn’t agree more.
It is infantilisation. As you don your compulsory plague uniform and queue for no service at the grocers you can add to that proletarianisation – in fact serfdom.
Sluff – And of course, with Puritanism comes Heresy. And with Heresy come witch hunts.
Beeb will like that? The new ‘Witchfinder General’?
They get to decide -at last -on picking out those witches. Like urinators. The man was lucky he wasn’t burnt at the stake!
Then, sometimes, they let them loose on us- if ‘decolonisation’ in the UK is the topic, for instance. Then you need one of those well-paid advisers, telling us how bad we are, demanding an apology and -natuerlich- reparations.
I think we’re going to hear a lot about apologies and ‘reparations’. This particular industry has only just begun.
I hope Rishi has set aside a few millions.
Take it or leave it – starts about 3 minutes in. “A picture tells a thousand words”
Yeah, I’m always standing up and shouting “Stay healthy!” at the top of my voice to the amusement of my fellow communters just as the 8.05 pulls into Waterloo. Better make me wear a muzzle.
G, thanks for that, very interesting, but…
Our society can’t continue in this way. We’re a service based economy. Pubs, restaurants, bistros, hotels, clubs and bars need as many people going through their doors as possible. You can’t possibly run any of these with folk sitting two metres apart and attempting to communicate while wearing these mouth mufflers. You can’t eat wearing these ludicrous appliances. You certainly couldn’t have a drink.
Often the people wearing these things behave irrationally. I saw a woman the other afternoon, standing at a bus stop wearing one of these Dick Turpin masks, while trying to smoke. She kept pulling the thing aside so she could draw on her fag.
I think that it’s far better that we deal with this illness in a sensible, old fashioned way. No panic. No keeping the population housebound. We do a Sweden. Or, put it another way, we keep calm and carry on.
We all know that “coughs and sneezes spreads diseases”. Be sensible; don’t shout into people’s faces; strangely, I tend not to anyway. If I was to start bawling at someone sitting opposite me, “STAY HEALTHY”, I wouldn’t need a face mask, I’d need a strait jacket!
You can’t live your life behind a veil.
It’s not right, it’s not reasonable, it’s not British and further more…
I’m not doing it!
Jeff, I must say I’m pleased and relieved to hear someone sees sense.
Let’s hope these lavender-scented plague posy sniffers don’t completely wreck what’s left of this country’s economy and perhaps worse – the last semblances of trust in our fellow citizens.
G, yes, as I posted early on in the Pandemic, the face mask protects the patient in theatre – from the necessary speech of surgeon giving instructions to a nurse, for example – am sure Docmarooned will confirm. It does not protect the wearer.
That is why years ago, dentists tended to wear masks when doing extractions, especially with an assistant present. It was to protect the patient not the wearer.
Masks will only work from yesterday onwards for protecting others from asymptomatic people who are already infected with any coronavirus (with the exception of norovirus and its summer equivalent) but don’t know it. They will be a vanishing small part of the population and will have to have come into contact with the NHS & staff, Care Homes & staff, people who have travelled international (especially by aircraft or ship) and that last group would also include illegal immigrants.
Interesting photo on front of Telegraph today.
Fancy, fashionable, mask worn by the woman but hands left bare! How stupid is that?
Here’s a voxpop which will not find its way onto the BBC.
Mrs S was on a social group call yesterday evening with five others.
The unanimous view was that regrettably there are currently no platforms for white people to gain support and thus they are in a sort of minority. The only white group given any exposure is the ‘Far Right’.
Did you notice I said ‘they’ not ‘we’?
Because four of the six were BAME !!!!!
But long-standing BAME who see themselves not as victims but as normal UK citizens and are not remotely represented by BLM.
Quite comforting in a way to have proof close to home that in the real world are ordinary people of all ethnicities with ordinary views who are totally and utterly ignored by the victim-seeking anti-British BBC.
I had same experience – sort of…a bunch of white people discussing the situation re statues and slavery/racism and we didn’t agree with each other – why does anyone think ‘BAME’ people would be any different.
I don’t want to be tarred Far Right because I am white with an opinion and I am sure those in the BAME don’t want to be lumped into a group labelled BLM (or BAME for that matter) because of colour
Only in the world of the BBC and the Left are your motivations and actions determined by your colour…..No room for diversity of opinion
I think if I was a ‘BAME’ I’d want to start a ‘right to be bad’ movement.
I think if I was a ‘BAME’ I’d want to start a ‘right to be bad’ movement.
It’s the 4th anniversary of the murder of St Jo of Cox by a Far Right, get that, Far Right thug.
On Toady this morning Knobson wanted to make absolutely sure you knew that.
Then in hushed reverential tones he ‘interviewed’ one of her supporters.
Strangely he did not interview her husband. So on this anniversary let’s remind Toady, Knobson, and ourselves of the selectivity of the BBC by looking back at some of his activities. In the interests of balance and impartiality, you understand.
Racism? What racism? It’s jazz what kills it.Not riots.
This is just a thought, but next time someone asks about Decolonisation, check whether this means sending back all those from former colonies.
That should increase their blood pressure.
Anyone in the mood for an out and out rant aimed at the BBC?
Is that you Up2?????
Fed: “Is that you Up2?????”
Eccles-type voice: “No, it’s not me.”
I got that reply wrong and realised far too late.
Should be
Eccles voice: Yes, it’s not me.
Dazed and Confused
Fiona Bruce ” Gob on a Stick ” auto cue reader…Oh i do like that , sums up all of them !
Always in the mood.
VD going for her BS and bar.
Toenails knows where to apply pessure too.
So the state lands up paying the kids food all year round all the time out of the taxes of people who work ?
If the government bends to this we know we elected a bunch of socialist ….
Maybe they can do a “ rashford” tax on the premiere league TV rights to fund it ….. or get maccee dee and KFC to sponsor it ….
‘maccee dee and KFC to sponsor it ….’
Well, if the government does give in we can all guess where the freebie grub vouchers will be spent.
Or do they give the parents cash? Get the beer, baccy & betting firms to sponsor it then.
Guest, if RickNob wants Bojo to say more than ‘No’, how about…
….. “No. The country is in debt. But you can pay for it as a wealthy football player.” ?
Still applies. The bbc does not answer questions. Just asks those that serve.
Dear Marcus, concentrating on kicking a ball around for obscene amounts of money and enjoy all the trappings of wealth your black privellage has brought you.
…or slotting one to Stirling to watch how to miss with flair and style.
Got a good one for ya
UKPressGazette- one of those inbred media groupies headlines that the BBC News output is ‘ most trusted ‘
Then as you read on its from an ‘ independant ‘ survey commissioned and funded by …. the BBC …..
Shall we talk about ‘ false news ‘? ….
Beff going the pure copy/paste route.
No doubt the Councils have spent the allotted money on ‘Human Resources’ staff salaries.
Or cycle lanes, never to be used by cycles.
GW – I don’t think Beth does facts?
It looks like the theme for this week is school meals.
Let’s attack the government for starving children while forgetting the unions have been keeping children from going back to school and of course no mention that most children who have been off school have parents who have been furloughed.
The furlough scheme never gets mentioned. Here we have a right wing government who are paying 80% of people’s wages and never does it get mentioned. All of these ‘how are people coping on lockdown’ articles how it is effecting people and never once do they wonder what people think of 80% of their wages being paid. Perhaps it would generate a top positive response towards the government?
The same with opinion polls. Lots of questions asked about what people think of the handling of the pandemic or what people think of Dominic Cummings but never any questions asked on furlough.
Bias all over the place
Tricky one for the BBC, school meals. How can they blame Trump for that?
As for 80% pay on the furlough. It took me ten minutes to work out how certain sections of our workforce can carry on working and obtain the 80% pay as well. Someone will reveal all one day.
Good luck to them.
BBCSM website saying ‘pressure mounts’ after BBCSM (Newsnight, Breakfast, VD) pile on the pressure for a government u-turn on food vouchers.
Complaint sent in to the ‘we got it just about right’ department.
QT panel application gold.
All our fault is it?
I wonder if the Guardian remember that they sided with the American south in the 1860s?
‘That’s not what they said in 1862… Critics seize on how the BLM-backing Guardian was built on a fortune from cotton picked by slaves, sided with the Confederates and branded Abraham Lincoln ‘abhorrent”
The Guardian will probably reply that the events took place in the distant past when attitudes and standards were very different, adding that such aspects of history should have no place in modern society.
And with a straight face, too.
Has anyone asked that woman (Hirsch) why she is still living in this country ? as she clearly hates us so much, or for that matter ANY refugee/immigrant/BAME. No, they take our handouts, jobs and in return use our freedom of speech to bite the hand……
rather like those 3 little sh….ts plus Eddie Redmayne who have slaughtered JK Rowling AFTER she turned the lot of them into multi millionaires. I hope it goes against them for future employment.
Hirsch was actually asked the question on the Pledge by Nick Ferrari. I don’t watch MSM but saw a clip online. He said “if you hate this country so much why do you stay” paraphrasing .. she was initially taken aback a bit and then came out with the repost … because it can always be improved … see link for details
She may refer to herself as ‘British’, but wasn’t she born in Norway ? So why did she leave her ‘own’ country then ?
Impressive, even for the BBC.
“What I did was so wrong”.
Following protests all over the world after the death of George Floyd, two people discuss their past racism and trying to make amends.
Two young people who were racist when they were younger explain why they have changed.
‘I’m sorry for being racist when I was younger’
Let’s see if there’s a twitter link to get the full glory of the piece, with image.
Blondes, Aryans… keelhaul every one!
The GOOD guys, who have also ‘spoken to’ Newsbeat.. Apparently.
Can I find a space to, “share my experiences” of racism?
I was beaten up badly at 11 years of age by a black 20something for no reason whatever. He just fancied beating a whitey.
I’d love to share this experience, can (or importantly) would the BBC oblige?
Me too….oh sorry I think some other group has taken that name..
This is what annoys me ( amongst other things)- it is written into the BBC DNA that racism only goes white to Black ( well and to Muslims) but never the other way around
When will they realise not everyone thinks like them…and race and colour do not dictate thoughts and actions
I had a glass bottle thrown at me by one of a group of Black “yoot” outside some cultural centre in R… back in the mid-1980s. It smashed on the pavement between me and an oncoming Black woman, who at least could have seen and avoided it. I just heard the whoosh then the smash, and hurried on with my suitcase in hand.
More seriously, another Black caused a lot of trouble for me in an office over 25 years ago, siding with one junior member of staff and two at the same level against me and generally stirring things behind my back and even within earshot. The whole course of my life changed (not for the better) after I decided to leave … whereas the offender had a good career and early retirement.
I’m looking forward to Fi Glover interviewing me for R4’s the Listening Project … …
JA – Sympathy, but do not feel alone.
Similar thing happened to me, way back in 1970. I was walking from movies to have a toasted sandwich nearby, with a uni friend, past some deserted buildings, after dark.
He had stopped to talk to someone and, impatient to get a move on, i simply continued walking. There was a noise behind me, my mate, I thought – and turned. Smackedy bang, into a brick, which bounced off my head.
(This would explain a lot, I hear you thinking, but bear with me.)
A black ‘gentleman’ followed up with a piece of piping, which deflected off my wrist, leaving a huge blood blister. Since I was still standing, this bloke decided to run. He could have finished me off, really, I couldn’t see because of all the blood in my eyes. My mate flagged down a car, which took me to hospital. (This was long before mobile phones.)
I remember it well, it was a Jag, the back seat of which I bled all over. The worst was, not knowing whether I was about to die, or simply superficially injured.
The latter.
Strange, when you’re young, you think differently. Once I was sorted, the thing I was most upset about was having to turf out my best (suede) coat.
I even felt philosophical. wrong place, wrong colour.
Today I feel a tad less easy about it, looking at what is going on around me.
Still, we’re OK aren’t we?
Sorry, this was meant for G, not for JA.
And, no, I don’t think the bbc will oblige.
I wonder how many people, who never used to have racist thoughts, now have them because of the relentless ‘White bad, everyone else good’ propaganda put out by the BBC and the rest of the Media.
Well if it’s racist to decide to avoid engagement of any type with anyone from a BAME background as far as possible, simply because you fear that you may be persecuted or prosecuted for wrong thought or speech, without even being aware of your guilt, then many, many white British will quietly decide that their own communities should benefit more from their charity and support.
Rich I think you are right. It will seem better to avoid and cross the road rather than be accused of saying – or appearing to say or do the wrong thing, for fear of being misunderstood or misconstrued. At least our thoughts can remain inside our heads without reprisals – yet.
He gets better value hourly.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – BBC, where have you been? BBC? Still there, BBC?
The BBC have suddenly discovered unemployment!
Like the good Socialists (Wrongists) that they are, they forgot about it in May 1997 just like the then Labour Government. It’s hardly merited a mention since. Except of course, through gritted teeth when the ONS have been able to report constant falls in unemployment during the time of the Coalition Government 2010-2015 and the Conservative Government since then.
Nothing to worry about anyway Up2, going by the victims shown in this article, British white males aren’t affected by unemployment.
snuff – talking about websites, the South Africa Today website reports the further brutal farm murders of whites.
On 15 June, Kosie Botha was murdered on his farm in the Vryheid area of KwaZulu Natal.
On the previous day, an elderly couple were attacked. 1 murder, 1 subsequent suicide.
On 12 june, Piet Pieterse was attacked with a machete, in the Orkney area ofthe NW Province. He is in hospital after a brain scan
The SA MSM website, News24, has tried hard to discredit SA Today -News, I see on the internet. Must be irritating to actually have someone monitoring the murder of white farmers, eh? When we know, only BLM.
But Newsweek, no less, reports that a white farmer is murdered in SA every 5 days.
Beeb won’t tell you.
But they will keep telling you about that nice farmer, George Floyd, three weeks ago.
And now the man who grabbed the Tazer from the police and tried to use it on them, in Atlanta. Another 3 weeks?
My, now deceased mother, related a short story that hadn’t been mentioned before. She, in her late eighties, was the only person waiting at a bus stop. She spotted a black approaching on the pavement. She kept her eyes on him and when he was close, he lunged at her. She ran out into the busy road to escape what she thought was an attack. She explained her reasoning which was, if she was going to be attacked at the hands of a black thug, she would rather end her time by being knocked down in the road……
Ominous signs show the West is being engaged in escalating Civil War. Just 100 years after Europe’s first attempt at suicide during the Great War, all of the nations constituting Western civilization are engaged in civil war. It’s not quite like previous civil wars fought in the West such as the English Civil War and the American Civil War. But it is equally as destructive and although armed conflict hasn’t broken out thus far, should things continue escalating as they did in 1965, vicious fighting is sure to ensue.
Unlike the previous civil wars fought in western history, the current civil war taking place in all western nations has a number of crucial differences. Not only are people of the same race and nationality fighting each other; there’s a mishmash of races that have migrated to and settled in the West who are also waging this civil war on the indigenous people whose only crime is the desire to preserve their nations, identities and cultures for future generations. This is a fundamental human right for all peoples. Yet because of six decades of mass immigration and forcibly imposed multiculturalism committed by a succession of treacherous governments, this precious human right is being denied to one people and only one people.
I assert multiculturalism – which should be more accurately called ‘cultural Marxism’ – is by its very nature a war on the peoples of the West. Under the yoke of this pernicious Marxist ideology, all-white countries are not permitted to oppose multiculturalism; strictly forbidden. All mainstream political parties are implementing multiculturalism and criminalising individuals who dare to oppose it. Forcibly imposed multiculturalism has morphed into the new religion of truth all whites must accept and believe in without question – or else. Claims theGerman philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Racism has become the new heresy and globalist politicians supported by an army of race-baiters are the new inquisitors. In the 21st century, rule of law, one of the greatest achievements in Western history, a system created by whites to bring order to society, is now being used as a weapon against whites for the hate-crime of merely wanting to preserve their nations, cultures and identities. Western history is being rewritten and condemned, depicting white colonialists as evil invaders who oppressed and exploited other races. False narratives are regurgitated as the gospel truth, notably white nationalism causes wars, and slavery is a mortal sin white people and only white people are guilty of committing throughout their history. Because of these unpardonable sins, racism is a wicked crime all whites are deemed to be guilty of from birth as they benefit from unjust white privilege.
Conveniently, the long, brutal histories of African blacks and Arab colonialism via the spread of Islam are, either completely ignored or rewritten, highlighting their minimal contributions to humanity and exaggerating them to the nth degree.The devious aim here of course is to associate quite reasonable opposition to multiculturalism with national-socialism. This straw-man is then used to justify violent attacks committed by extreme left-wing organizations, many of them backed and funded by socialist political parties and egged on by the media.
The Black Lives Matter terrorist organization is a particularly stark, nasty example of this civil war. Its race-focused, divisive message implies that black lives don’t matter to whites, especially police. Should police officers shoot black criminals, Black Lives Matter exploits it as an excuse to indulge in rioting, looting and assaulting white people. Even if the police shooter is black. Be in no doubt: This has nothing to do with black lives and everything to do with anti-white racial hatred.
Hear, hear. Well said.
tarien – I can’t find fault with your essay. A*
I do hope you’ve cleared all this with President Lammy’s office? I understand he’s building gulags in the north of Scotland, and I’d hate you to duplicate the experience of Mr A Solshenytsin.
I shall endeavour to keep clear of Lammy’s office unless I note the imported dark malevolent legions from every corner
of the earth being let loose upon native Britons in an orgy of violence, theft, fraud, rape, murder corruption, and every other wickedness known to mankind-of course Lammy has been brainwashed and threatened into accepting mass abortion, sterilisation, paedophilia, family breakdown, degeneracy, dehumanisation, false guilt, social and cultural disintegration, industrial sabotage, perpetual usury and mental and physical slavery andnot forgettin Multiculturalism. Bu his worse crime is to be aware of it. As for the good Russian? I’m an English man with a 1000 yrs ancestry to be proud of. But thank you for your concern fakenewswatcher.
U turn. 3rd in a wek, beeb says. TV news at 1pm. Triumph all along the line.
President Lammy has announced that the Minister for Sport, Rt Hon Marcus Rashford has decreed on ‘free’ school meals.
Norman Smith says the pensions minister (Tory) was completely outwitted.
She could be relaced by the Rt Hon Raheem Sterling?
For upcoming U turns, see EU-UK negotiations?
The Prime Minister Surkeer Surkeer has not yet decided.
The weather is quite warm. As soon as the office of the President tells the beeb, we’ll know what the temperature is.
That information will be relayed to weatherman, Mr Johnson, who has a wind vane, thermometer and rain gauge in his office. If he contradicts the President’s office, he shall be in the proverbial, and have to sail down a wire, as punishment.
Alternatively, he may need to drive to Durham and back. A mr Burr Cow, not from the Louse of Hordes (yet) will decide which it will be.
Of course, it could be a tie.
BBC : “Food voucher **U-turn** after Rashford campaign”
Actual minister speaking in the news
“It’s very kind of Mr Rashford to intervene, but this was already government policy to carry free school meal vouchers into the holidays, before he spoke”
Stew – I wonder what else will turn out to be ‘already government policy’? We wait to be astonished by beeb.
The word ‘kindness’ is an interesting one. It bears a relationship to ‘kind’. I shall have to go seek the relevant line in the fantastic philosophical/moral enquiry “Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance” by R Pirsig, which has jogged my memory.
I note by 5pm at the press briefing Boris didn’t contradict the footballer
I wonder if Boris’s weak Blue-Socialist party have decided to roll with the narrative
.. rather than contradict it.
The earlier bloke sounded very convinving when he said it wasn’t a U-turn
All about who is hit hardest by pandemic – of course minority and ethnic communities…ignore all of the reasons mentioned but focused on the ‘suggestion’ that racism MAY be a part…
I have to say – being brought up in a council property by a mum who was a cleaner with a manic depressive dad who hardly worked and 3 siblings – we never went hungry and I didn’t get free school meals…
Food is actually cheaper now that it has ever been – so these parents with hungry kids are either incompetent or couldn’t care less or simply lazy scroungers –
I might be wrong but assume many of the ‘most deprived’ people are collecting some form of benefit -which won’t have changed in pandemic – so why is it an issue now? No debate by BBC…
Narrative BBC.. U turn U turn U turn bad evil Govt – give it a rest BBC
And now they finally find a person who hasn’t benefited by the Govt business support – funny I have spoken to over 20 friends and colleagues in business (including the beauty business like this woman) and they have all got help with no issue..
She is bigging up her situation throwing it all in – depression, moving house, angry..not my fault… and tears..we have been forgotten….
How do they find these people and why haven’t they found anyone like my colleagues? BBC you are a bunch of…..
I see the cowardly government has caved in on this now.
Like a dazed boxer they keep going backwards until they end up on the ropes.
Why do people expect everyone else to feed their kids for them? Child benefit is given to every parent on the basis that it’s to ensure that, whatever the financial situation, they can feed and clothe their offspring to a basic standard.
I saw the report on bbbc 10 o’clock news last night, it would’ve been hilarious if it wasn’t so ridiculous. They made a visit to where Rashford’s was brought up in Wythenshawe. They managed to find a mother to interview who supported the cause. She told the interviewer how difficult it is to make ends meet and that it is a constant battle to put food on the table (no idea what she spends her money on but it isn’t shampoo) – she even uttered the usual bollox of “it’s so hard when you don’t know where your next meal is coming from”. Trouble was this lady was 20 stone if she was an ounce – the bbbc has absolutely no self-awareness.
Aren’t they all Andy – but don’t ask why/how they are the staving fat you will be accused of fatism or some form of ism…when in reality it is what everyone is thinking
But James you’re missing the point , sure food is really cheap but other essentials have gone through the roof, eg cigarettes…. The government should have handed out 200 a week to each.addict so they can use food money on grub.
Only way families cannot eat well today is if they are forced to use their food money on rent or plain thick.
If so that’s the issue that should be raised.
The BBC decides to go for an Indian rather than a Chinese takeaway.
BBC: ‘Three Indian soldiers killed in a rare clash in Ladakh in the disputed Kashmir region’
“rare” ?
‘The deaths are the first in the disputed border area in at least 45 years…’
Oh, so that’s ok then. Nothing to worry about.
‘In May, dozens of Indian and Chinese soldiers exchanged physical blows in a clash on the border…’
Wasn’t the month of May just over a fortnight ago?
‘It will also present daunting foreign policy and security challenges to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government, which is struggling to contain a surge of Covid-19 infections and revive an economy which looks headed for recession.’
Whereas our friends the Chinese are just fine and dandy?
Just wanted to say thank you to JimS for correcting me about the Beebs use of ‘face coverings’ instead of masks. It is indeed the government guidance.
So Beeb not guilty for once.
Eventually some person of colour will be interviewed by the BBC complaining that despite having an Oxford degree was not given the job he applied for.
I have encountered something similar in a few universities regarding PhDs in some subjects where 15% of the thesis can be focused on one’s own culture about which the examiner may know buggerall.
You did check that it’s not a spoof ?
Is this for real ??????
BBC: about 1.3 million children will get free school meal vouchers during the holidays, following a campaign by footballer Marcus Rashford.
Well, that’s nice. So long as the top rate of tax on our Marcus & his mates Gary etc is increased to pay for it.
By the way, are there any more ideas from the recently democraticaly rejected Corbyn manifesto we want to go with?
Since money is no object perhaps the Treasury will pick up the tab for free lunches all round this summer?
Does no one realise there’s a reckoning to come?
AISI, if I was Rishi, I would introduce a new tax in October/November called the ‘Future Generations Tax’.
Initially, it would be a tax, deducted at source, on the incomes of Premiership and Championship footballers. Eventually, I would extend it to all sportsmen and sportswomen competing in events in the UK. The money raised would be ringfenced, ie. hypothecated, for education just like the current ‘Sugar Tax’ is for school playing fields and ‘Renewable Energy Tax’ is for wind turbines and solar panels.
An initial rate of 10% could be adjusted in future. Marcus Rashord and others on the Manchester United payroll will have the deduction paid direct to the Treasury by the Club.
If say, Roger Federer wins a future Wimbledon Championship, then 10% of his prize money and advertising endorsements linked to the victory would be deducted and paid to the Treasury by the All England Club and the advertising agencies involved.
Same for Louis Hamilton at the British GP and so on. I am sure these sports people will be really pleased to play an extra part in the education and well-being of young people now and in the future.
They would, wouldn’t they?
Why stop at meals during the holidays? Why not all year. Issue ration books to parents………….
Look’s like Mr Footie Rashfords recent activities have landed him a job with you know who, and probably why!
The Chechen war in Dijon
After 4 days the BBC stops omitting it
Dijon: Police brought in to tackle Chechen violence
Stew -I believe the book to read is Laurent Obertone’s “Guerilla”. Unlike Michel Houellebecq’s “Submission”, this is not about a gradual slide, via the ballot box. This is something rather more nasty.
Apparently government and security forces, paralysed by ‘tolerance’, wait until it’s too late.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – You would think it would have been corrected by now
Yesterday’s HomePage showed what purported to be a still from the Salisbury Novichok poisoning drama under a category ‘BBC WRITERSROOM’. It shows a woman PC approaching ‘Sergei Skripal’ sitting alone on a bench in what appears to be a country park. As everyone knows, the Skripals were approached by a male policeman while sitting on a bench in the town centre close to the restaurant that they had eaten at.
You know that you can trust the BBC.
To get the facts wrong.
It is still shown like that on the BBC Home Page today. Ooops!
Another sequence shows passers by looking towards the Skripals sitting in Cathedral Close – Ted Heath’s house ‘Arundels’ is in the background – which is about a mile from the Maltings.
Still, even a brief glimpse might make enough of a link to dirty deeds for some.
Toenails do love his footballists.
Especially when young, rather giving the game away.
Because a lot about this stays unasked, especially by holders to account more than happy to ignore who might be behind and benefit from young spokespersons chosen for that very reason.
The degree to which the BBC as a hive can usually be measured by the speed and extent certain items hit local sites.
BBC Hereford & Worse
Hundreds of families in Herefordshire and Worcestershire are breathing a sigh of relief after the government changed its mind of providing free meals to school children over the summer holidays.
Vulnerable families will continue to receive vouchers after the end of term, in recognition of the extra hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
It follows a campaign by the Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford.
Will this make a difference to you this summer?
Well, it might see my taxes go up to cover.
Tx, Boris.
“But they are poor children… in need!!!!”
I’m sick of the biased and emotive BBC overusing words like “vulnerable”.