The controversial Far Left Biased BBC continues to campaign for a Far Left Political organisation .Views which do not accord with those of the BBC are ignored or slapped down . As a result more and more people are seeing the BBC for What it is and cancelling their licences .Perhaps one day the Government will do something . Meanwhile The twitter #defundtheBBC campaign is being disrupted by Twitter which is as infected as Google .
Start the Week Thread 15 June 2020
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Those poor “oppressed”folk in South Africa have been busy reducing the number of horrible white farmers to balance things up a bit…
It’s possible they are running a bit low on targets so rather than waste all the race hate they have built up they have now apparently started to take it out on their own womenfolk….
Of course the BBC appear to be oblivious to all this.
“Of course the BBC appear to be oblivious to all this”
I wonder why. Meet the team:
Oh hang on the 30 strong BBC Africa team do appear to have been capable of digging something up…
But that’s about it!
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – Not a favourable impression
The BBC like to promote wimmin. See my previous post about the Skripal drama where the gender of the police officer first attending to Sergei and Yulia has been changed. Never mind the historical record.
Yesterday and today the web-site has contained two items that do the females concerned absolutely no favours whatsoever. The BBC think they may be promoting them, favouring women, to restore some perceived past wrong or imbalance. Instead, the BBC make the women appear stupid, brainless bimbos. I object to that!
Row 9 of the current page: ‘Feeling frazzled? Try these mood-boosting tips’ under BBC Bitesize. Its really a free advertisement for a YouTube vlogger called Louise Pentland. It had a double photo of her that has now been changed in scale. She looks really stupid, pulling an eye rolling pose for the camera with a hand poised awkwardly under her chin in the first pic and rather overweight holding a child in the second.
If that’s the free advertising that the BBC will do now and in future then businesses may wish to look to other media for their publicity.
The same is true of the next ‘victim’, er, I mean candidate who proudly proclaims: ‘Bras? I haven’t worn one in months.’ while pulling the most gormless of faces that not only makes her appear stupid and brainless but extremely unattractive as well. This second item is ‘BBC Sesh’ apparently. No? Me, neither. Something and someone to avoid it would appear.
The BBC do know how not ‘to pull ’em in’ in the era in which we live.
I’m not watching TV and listening to far less BBC radio than ever. Think I might be avoiding much of the web-site in the near future as well.
In the News at One, the BBC said President Trump will be presenting his plan for police in the Rose garden later. It then when on to do a report about Camden New Jersey which was supposed to have defunded it’s police
Here is the Truth –
I thought the best suggestion as to how to deal with the Seattle breakaway state was to recognise it as a separate country and surround it with razor wire and refuse to allow anyone out as it was now hostile territory. You can go in but never come out.
That should concentrate minds in the kiddies. No food. .Then the UN would want to send in relief. They want to live like the third world and they despise the US then let them.
Yes yes. Remember the history of socialism is full of stories about Utopian socialist societies being created and heading towards perfection until ….wicked capitalists moved in and invaded them. Let this be an opportunity to see what a mess they can make when left alone.
I would advocate donating food, etc, so that the world could see how their leaders expropriate it.
Technical note : Is this forum difficult to read ?
The indexing computer thinks it is.
I played around trying to spot Hot Topics by putting the page into an indexing tool
It couldn’t do it. It’s mostly quite difficult to spot the topic people are talking about from their first sentence.
People do use the term Today-watch and that is quite easy to spot
but otherwise people use a lot of slang. The computer couldn’t tell that when people said “the bronzed one” they meant Emily Maitlis etc.
The Bronzed One is doing a reverse Michael Jackson….she will do anything to keep the job with the Unbiased Beeb
Sorry Fedup2 should call her Maitlissssssss !
You still cant spell Maitlisssss
What is an ‘indexing computer’ when it is at home?
I quite like the idea that ‘we’ know what a ‘bronzed strumpet’ is and the researchers at Cardiff University Non-biased Television Studies department and Google don’t!
First they index you, then they block you.
(It’s especially nice when one knows where the term ‘bronzed strumpet, came from – an organisation known by three letters, two of which are the same.)
Understand Stews point but agreed, why make it easy for them. Eventually they click on Jim, I know of Youtubers who tried every colloquialism in the book to avoid being demonitised but eventually they were collared.
Stew – I don’t think it’s difficult to read – sometimes I don’t ‘fully engage ‘ with the sheer volume of comments but I do read them all … it would be ideal if it was listed by the most recent first but we’ve got what we’ve got and should appreciate because the way freedom of expression is being bleached away who know when it will be removed ….?
It’s good to see more people joining and I hope that is because of the undisguised bias the BBC is now proudly ( and arrogantly ) exhibiting …..
Last – I really wish there were to be more contrary views – but to be able to evidence a balanced or even fair output by the BBC would be a real challenge ……
I tried something similar and the results came back with:-
I think I might have got it wrong.
Its the “bronzed Strumpet” Stew ….
Come on Charlie – get it right … you know I sometimes wonder what hell is like ….. maybe it’s back to back Newsnight reruns with Maitlisssss doing her Social Justice monologue at the beginning of each show ….. I have only seen these via this site because of the sadists who put them up here .
I blame Brillo ;he started it with his rant about being outfoxed by the Tories keeping the future PM off the TV ….
And that famous one where he lost it over the latest brand of Islamic terrorist killing French Journos ..
All praise to you for reading all comments on here , you should be put up on a pedestal…..whoops perhaps better not with the present statue non gratis and after all British Patriots have slavery in their blood according to the BBC history department !
Now that Marcus Rashford has cornered the children virtue signalling spot is there any more of the fabulously rich footballers looking for their own virtue signalling hobby.
How about pensioners.
We live for a year on what a Premier league player like Rashford gets in less than a week.
Most of the popular virtue signalling causes have been claimed but there are still some left. Instead of jumping on the African bandwagon or the usual children one in the UK how about using pensioners to get your name in the papers and get lots of likes on Facebook.
We pensioners would also like free stuff as everybody else seems to be getting it.
If you don’t want to do anything for pensioners just remember that there are also black pensioners and that makes you a racist.
Free stuff for pensioners. FSFP. Not as catchy as your blm or starving kids I grant you.
Emmanuel Goldstein
Excellent idea , Mrs Farley is waiting for her pension due when she is 67 , and like a lot of the girls in her age group thought it was going to be 60 , now there’s a cause for the over paid and privileged footballers to put money into , yes free stuff for me as well and that includes TV licence even though I cancelled mine , FSFP
Do we have to be the correct colour for free stuff ?
Thinking about the BBC getting behind the free kids food plan, maybe the idea has legs!
How about free TV licenses with refunds for everyone on furlough, every pensioner or everyone without a job or even everyone who wants one!
Surely that would show the BBC to be the campaigning public-spirited outfit that it claims to be?
In suggesting this I have to confess that I am not a premier league footballer so I don’t actually think it’s going to fly!
I hear a rumour that DFID’s going to be ‘scrapped’. Apparently Blair and Brown aren’t happy.
Guess beeb aren’t going to be happy then either? The Department will be under Dominic Raab’s FCO .
Wonder whether the word ‘scrapped’ really means that, or if it’s sort of like ‘intercepted’?
And then the question arises: will Rashford allow it?
The FCO will probably give more away.
Fake – please God let that be true – the FCO have wanted control for ever because they lost power to the DFID bank of giving away british taxpayers’ cash for zip ……
If it is true I might reverse my position on having elected a socialist government happy to fund the dinners of every kid sucking on the benefits teet.
….. just seen it in the press – it’s true – great – fold it in Into the FCO then cut the budget ……
.. apparently Cameron thinks we ll ‘lose Respect ‘ overseas —— by not being a soft touch for the dumbest of corrupt projects ….
Fed – we have to wait and see. We could be seeing something similar to Border Farce ‘intercepting migrants’, even though -on the face of it- DFID may have vanished.
And then there’s still that question of whether Rashford will allow it.
Just make the FCO the department for caring for the elderly and put the tax money there …. as a first class Little Englander I want it kept at home ….
They can dump the BBC world service as well…. it’s a national embarrassment now …
Cameron was never the sharpest tool in the box.
He says ‘we’ll lose respect’ while in reality ‘we won’t be so grievously milked by conmen and charlatans’.
Beltane – I have to disagree – he brilliantly allowed himself to be boxed in to giving us a referendum which he brilliantly managed to lose for our benefit and then brilliantly handed number 10 over to an inept ‘strong and stable ‘woman leader …. and the story -with all those remainer project fear lies – carries on ….
Game, set and match Feds. Mea very culpa.
Beltane – gotta chuckle eh ? Now that benefits policy is being run by prem footballers I think there is room for more
Maybe Raheem will campaign for free ( taxpayer funded ) sky football for all under 18 year olds
Or Lineker will get the department of transport to give free dinghies to illegal immigrants wanting to cross the Channel to get to racist Britain ….
As for DFID – nice to see Dominic Cummings running the show again ….. labour will rant and rant ….
The vagaries of unpleasant consequences of seeking or losing respec’ currently are at eleven.
Seems a dubious commodity at best now. Given sincerely or through fear.
Aren’t the FCO a bunch of Arabists?
I expect they will want foreign aid to go to Saudi Arabia for building mosques and training Hezbollah.
How depressing – I thought it might be for a big uplift the the Reaper programme to deliver death from above for worthy candidates …..
It is indeed, here’s Geoff Taylor’s view which essentially, is, musical chairs but when the music stops the Government actually put a chair in the circle rather than remove one……………
I wrote about that bastion of BLM and source of much material for the BBC, The Guardian a few days ago referencing it’s buried historical roots in the slave trade.
Seems I was prophetic. I am now certainly not alone!
Doesn’t it feel good when the sanctimonious left starts to eat itself!
I guess there will be many red and sweating faces in the red wall at the Guardian right now!
There is a petition running now, closing on 10,000 signatures right now!
Be interesting to see the reaction to this petition from the activists at BLM and Antifa. On the one hand they are the ones who should be up in arms and signing, on the other they probably will have major issues with biting the hand that feeds them.
What a lefty dilemma!
The Guardian, if they deign to respond will probably use the “That was then, this is now excuse”
Bit like Colton, Churchill, etc. etc really!
Another comment I made yesterday concerned a BBC type who was tagged as a “BBC Misinformation Reporter”.
I suggest that the Guardian ask if they could borrow her to scribble a new version of their past to replace the dodgy one, then get BBC to commission a “reconstruction drama” which showed the Guardian roots founded in say, unemployed Welsh miners or something. The lead character could be a lesbian coal-cutter maybe?
I think the far far right ought to defend the Guardian and be called ‘self styled defenders’ as the media sneered at those who defended our monuments.
Tommy Robinson (real name Yaxley Lennon) should link up with Owen Jones and bring a bunch of racist far right bigots to defend the BBC’s favourite newspaper.
That is so delicious G.W.F. !
Just signed , getting close to 10,000
What a dilemma for blm …..oh joy
Charlie, I have been reading some of the comments and it looks like the majority are BLM or Antifa people who are just going in eyes-closed and fists swinging for the kill. Its like watching a farmer get killed by his own guard dogs or a pub landlord getting beaten up by drunks in his own bar.
My personal favourite comments…
“Owen Jones made me do it”
“I had sausages for tea!”
“He shoots, he scores!” Evan Davis, predictable as ever, is very excited on R4.
Who would have thought Rashford would come up as the main item?
Evan manages to squeeze the word U-turn into the main headline twice…a black hero, he says.
We are now going to hear U turn said over and over and over again. Urination vanishes, along with Durham?
Apparently, Cameron doesn’t like the DFID ‘scrapping’ either!
Blue Labour…
“That was liquid football”!!!!…..
(if you are familiar with the day Today when BBC made comedy)
Imagine the left and al beeb’s response in particular if this had of been Harry Kane bringing about this government “u-turn”
You all know why ????
Over at IsThe BBC Biased Sue thinks that we live in an age of polarised politics.
Personally I think we live in an age of uni-polar politics. It is like watching a flock of birds, none of them wants to get picked off by the sparrow hawks on the ‘right-wing” so they all shift to the left, hoping that some other sucker gets left on the flank.
Remember when ‘PC’ first started? People in jest said, “you can’t say that!” and the smug elite in the BBC said, “where does it say that? It is just people being polite!”.
And then Harriet Harman came along with her ‘protected characteristics’ and then the police with their ‘check your thinking’ and registers of ‘no-crimes’.
And now we have the mob with their ‘kinder politics’ who will hound you out of your job if you just say nothing at all.
Where is this other pole of politics, buried in extreme far-right groups like Truro W.I. or Penzance Baptists?
???? As a response to the stupid disgraced black MP who has recently criticised Kellogg’s regarding their Coco Pops cereal – I would urge all the good people on here to go out and buy a box and put two fingers up to this absolute nonsense ✌️
Sales would soar and a message would be sent ✉
???? I’d rather have a bowl of Coco Pops ????
Lectures from Jo Coxes sister shoved in my face twice today as both TalkRadio and now local ITV news run an item like an advert.
She used the monstering term “Far right” about 15 times
and they stated it’s a pity their is so much division in society.
FFS it’s guys like you and Jo that systematically dismiss people’s concerns by applying that boo-word label far-right.
The presenter made a big point of introducing the item as “Jo was killed by the *far-right fanatic* Thomas Mair”.
I can’t read Mair’s mind but I saw little evidence he was a true fanatic , they never said he was doing something like going on demos every weekend or on Nazi forums every day, nothing like that, just that he had some Nazi books on his shelf.
As I said before I see little difference between the way genuine 50’s racists demonised all black people with N-word
.. and the way that libmob players now demonise
working class white people that have counter views to theirs with the power label far-right.
Here’s a tip.
I use an iPad for this forum and when I close it up after a session I clear it by double pressing the home button and flicking the various sites off the screen.
When I open it again and go to our site there are sometimes 5 or so pages you have to go through (newer comments, top right) before you get past the ones you’ve already read.
If you don’t flick the bbbc off when closing down you should double click the home button when you open the iPad again and it takes you to where you last were instead of doing it page by page.
This might work on the iPhone as well.
Just a little thing but it may help a couple of you.
You can still close down all the other sites but just leave this one open.
Maybe you all do this anyway and I’m the only one who didn’t realise I could do this.
Emmanuel – you might want to check out Inforeader. It updates itself with the latest comments and you can select whatever sites you want. Saves scrolling through the various topics.
Yup. Boris says he phoned Rashford today, to congratulate him. The kind version would be to say it was a bit of (expensive) PR.
Did he also get permission to scrap DFID at the same time?
Would he have phoned H Kane? Doubtful.
As time goes by my understanding of how the BBC works gets clearer…
At heart they are a pseudo-political organisation that would dearly like to see autonomous control of the Country and it’s population by hand-picked committees of hard-left commissars.
However they cannot be seen to come across as the left-wing, entitled intellectuals they really are (Yet!) so they have fabricated a deliberate artificial veneer to put the right BBC “tone” over to Joe Public.
This has, amongst many other tactics, involved elevating people they would normally not be associated with like very rich professional footballers and show-biz wannabes to “front’ or represent their organisations message to the masses. This is no more than a propaganda exercise so that the “working proles” will associate themselves with say Lineker or Beyonce and thus artificially give the BBC the right aroma.
Eventually, because these elevated “slebs” feel the power, plaudits and thus authority that is artificially placed on them by the BBC they adopt the mantle of their benefactor.
Good point, Digg. This was my impression of both TWATO and PM on R4 today: basically getting someone (e.g. single mother of four, no questions asked) to say what the BBC / Labour believes but with a veneer of it being “ordinary folk” speaking. That is, they write the script first, then look for anyone who’s prepared to echo it.
If you need to get away from footballers and U turns, Portillo is in Yorkshire on bbc2, a pre virus railway trip.
No social distancing. Surreal.
Then again, we’re ending on poverty, Liberals and Labour (party of the ‘working class’ – ha ha). If only it were!
And who was Boris speaking to today (briefing)? He mentioned wimmin a number of times, kids and Yooman riots.
No pensioners there. No white males.( Other males were called on the phone.)
Blue Labour?
Borat, Ali G, Bruno, they were all fantastic comedy characters.
You have to hand it to Sacha Baron Cohen, he’s only gone and done it again. His new funny persona is hilarious. What an amazing bit of contemporary social observation.
You have to laugh. Fancy thinking up the idea of a lanky black Manchester United mega-rich footballer campaigning for summer holiday freebie school dinner tickets. When the country is broke! Nutty, isn’t it? I wonder whether he has a team of writers or if it’s all his own creation?
And all the otherwise sensible and important people are taken in by him. So funny. I can’t get over it. They actually take him seriously. It’s such a mad idea but so funny and ironic at the same time – if you get what I mean?
Surkeer write that or did the BBC and he just agreed to be quoted as saying it?
Round 4583… ding…
Nice of him to save the white guy from probable death at the hands of the savage mob. But hang on, I thought it was an entirely peaceful demo and any violence came from the far-right.
How can she be at school ?
the media & unions have told me schools are deadly places.
oluwatoyn salau was a 19 year old Nigerian Black woman raped and murdered in Tallahasse Florida while on a BLM protest by a Black Man.
Can’t seem to find any reports in the MSM about this.
Yesterday the Sun, DailyMail and the Independent reported it
unless Google lies
Oh and SkyNews website 20 hours ago
Today the Metro caught up
6 hours ago put it on the Pidgin page, but not the English
“Child sex case: Twenty-six people charged with historical offences”
Before it disappears.
Let’s see how the lying beeb cover up this story. No doubt they’ll release the minimum amount of ’embarrassing’ facts very gradually, and sweep it all under Regions.
It says they are “mainly from the Walsall area ….” I bet …..
I wonder if they remembered to take their passports this time …
Flushing ‘can propel viral infection 3ft into air’
Don’t forget to put the bog seat down before flushing
Or you could be responsible for killing everyone in the 3 foot fallout zone
That reminds me of when my daughter was in primary school and keen on the Horrible Science books. The one about germs had a section about toilets. It said that putting the lid down before flushing doesn’t prevent the cloud of ‘germs’. Instead, they are forced down through the gap all around the toilet. Anyway, that meant that my daughter was afraid of flushing the toilet. If she did, she left the lid up and rushed out of the room as fast as possible.
There is no escape!
Eddy – thank you – I will never engage the plumbing in the same way again ‘3 foot fallout zone ‘…
Enoch Powell born 16 June 1912.
A genius.
Was he a racist ?”I don’t know I haven’t met him “.
He’d be spinning ….
The coloured lady who hasn’t met Churchill yet has had 1.84 million views – thanks to wide circulation in the States ….
The bBbc NI webshite homepage was updated about 30 minutes ago.
“Coronovirus: New advice for 80,000 people shielding in NI”
I got my letter in the post last Thursday.
Always first with breaking news.
BBC Newsnight
According to Chronixx, the world was in need of “a new type of protest” for meaningful change to happen.
That probably read better inside their quaint bubble than out.
Likely not included in the addendum.
Plymouth online newspaper : threatened police action and vowed to publicly shame *racist readers* amid a crackdown by regional press editors on online comments.
Plymouth Live editor Edd Moore has warned he will act against people making “racist remarks” online after taking the unprecedented step of removing the comments function from several stories related to the Black Lives Matters protests.
In similar news Hull local radio mentioned a 17 year old boy has been arrested over one racist Facebook comment.
That’s a bit strange cos the local paper covered that back on June 12th
That paper report has the common strangeness cos it avoids alluding to what was actually, said.
They don’t make it clear it was one instance of 2 quick comments.
The father said “Bring back slavery, show blacks +Cword who’s boss ”
Son replies “all need lynching mucky +Cword”
OK both hatey comments, rather than a real call to terrorism.
The thing is that there are so many hatey hatey comments on social media against Tories, Trump, Boris daily
And if you saw similar comments with them as the butt, the police would laugh at you if you tried to report it.
For God’s sake you get comedians on TV carrying Trump or Boris’s severed head . Such hatey comments should be discouraged, but laws should be applied evenly.
Not BBC – listening to LBC in background – but probably getting similar treatment
Marcus Rashford, millionaire footballer, forces government U turn on free school meals.
What did he do? Threaten to resign his £11 million p.a. ‘job’?
The way people are talking about this you’d think we were back in the time of Dickens. When I was a kid even poor parents seemed to feed their children well enough and would have been ashamed to admit to needing help.
The Conservative MP Robert Halfon and others have also been pushing for this but the footballer opens his mouth and the PM folds.
Another funny thing that someone just pointed out to me is Fiona Onasanya (ex MP for Peterborough who served time for lying about speeding) is making a fuss about the monkey on the Kellogs coco pops packet. She says the monkey on the packet is racist because the non brown ordinary coco pops have ‘white boys’ on the packet. (I think they’re elves actually).
I wonder what ex-con Fiona is doing now?
Anyway, I will never buy Kellogs because it’s Halal certified.
Ha ha… Never mind halal
Mrs L just came in with these when I asked her to buy a box to prove a point…
Forgive me – but how can coco pops be ‘halal’ ?
Companies have to pay some islamic organisation (don’t have details handy sorry) for halal certification. The money is used for furthering the cause of islam, you know; mosques, bombs, whatever.
Anyway, I understand that there is a white chocolate version of coco pops which also has the monkey on the packet.
Thank you Desp – I guess the criminal exMP lady self identifies as a monkey – which seems more a personal issue for her than it does anything else –
A whole entertainment industry is based on anthropomorphism….
Stew – a newspaper reporting readers to the police because of comments …. sounds very Germany 1934 ….. l know local press is always bitching about being hard to keep going so this kind of thing won’t encourage engagement .
What has been happening with assaults on public symbols was bound to cause extreme anger – I’m surprised there hasn’t been more even more extreme response – will could still easily happen …..
I’m thinking of putting up the midweek thread – I was pondering what comes after the Chinese virus – war ? It seems like India and China are kicking off and there have been deaths today – military ones ….2020 is turning into a real humdinger …
Seemingly following BBC rule that every day primetime must have a BAME special David Olusoga is on BBC2 again tonight
Then BBC 11:15pm
The Unshockable Dr Ronx
9:10pm BBC4 ostensibly about history of docks
9:10pm and we are talking about “multiracial Tiger Bay, Cardiff”
a few minutes of archive about a white lady who met her husband Ali there when she got lost
“We were married at 16 and 3 months, and I’ve had 10 children”
that Tiger Bay item got a full 10 minutes on the history of black workers.
9:22pm now moved to talk about the workers registration scheme.
Labour bragging about THEIR victory today
Bame deaths of China virus is connected to waayscism, says a leaked report.
And there is waycism in the Anychess.
The report recommends
‘ Continuing work to tackle racism and discrimination within the health service with a clear commitment to increase diversity in leadership at all levels.’
What, racism in the anychess, our national pride and religion which has posters praising it throughout the land.
Not to mention the racist origins of the Guardian, propped up with BBC subscriptions.
G.W.F., it’s not a leaked report. I think I have a downloaded copy. There was a link in the original BBC article about the report that provided access to the PHE Report. This article has been re-hashed and re-dated by the BBC at least once. The original anonymously authored article was dated 2 June 2020.
He just gets funnier. This is almost Rob Burley level.
And this is how pros do it.
Wow! What you can do with a Poundland tarp.
BBC News
Why does this keep happening?
Young black men are twice as likely to die at the hands of police than white men.
Will George Floyd’s death be a catalyst for change?
From slave patrols to enabling lynchings, we look at the history of police violence in black America. #CutThroughTheNoise
Usually these posts go according to BBC plan.
Surprisingly, not even.