We are witnessing the BBC morphing from a wholly biased anti British anti Right anti Judeo Christian propaganda machine into an undeclared Campaigning Operation without any controls or accountability. Its journalists AKA campaigners now preach from pulpits in the TV Studios on a daily basis ;
“ holding power to account” is now just a meaningless phrase for the BBC . Time to End it .
Midweek Thread 17 June 2020
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Keep the faith ????
backlinks to previous thread
– page 5 started 4pm Tuesday
– page 4 started 5am Tuesday …. page 3
Fortunately I missed that bit about a virus shooting 3 ft into the air from the toilet.
Reminded me of ‘some’politicians and journalists, although you can’t put a lid on them. They spout.
Latterly, it is with regret that one notices ‘some’ of our police force, who are DUTY-BOUND, as public SERVANTs, whom WE PAY to maintain Law and Order, being of the same ilk.
Not on the ‘shop floor’, but at the top. Cressida Dick, for Instance, and Neil Basu. They are SO reminiscent of the bigwigs at beeb, it’s astonishing: well-paid, secure job, high profile, political appointments. Ideological issues.
I knew the rot would spread, once the McPherson report came out, years ago, saying the Met was ‘institutionally racist’.
You just knew, if you had any common sense, that:
-this report would seriously undermine the police
-that it was outrageous to declare an entire organisation as ‘institutionally racist
– that MacPherson and his cronies were fools and bigots
The icing on top of the cake, or lid on top of the loo, was that this was about SL, whose mother was then elevated to the peerage, and who I last saw giving the clenched fist on a photo that then vanished.
Back to he oh so familiar preset.m
This sounds like an interesting new angle – I wonder if the beeb are covering it?
It would certainly stop alot of crime with no martyrs..
Indeed and they the followers of Islam that are a driving force behind Black Lives Matters, make no mistake white lives matter little to them.
The black American? Victim-ology is the dogma of a myriad black ‘civil rights’ groups with their high priests of race hustles such as Al Sharpton. The most persecuted Christians are in Africa. But the civil rights hustlers of America just love to hang with Muslims as their brothers. All of those dead Africans? Not a problem for African Americans. The deaths in the Philippines are Catholics and what does Pope Francis say about Islam? He says, Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent fundamentalism, our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalizations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.
Oh, I see So Over 1400 years of Christian deaths at the hands of jihadists means that they were not true Muslims and that the 27,000 jihadic attacks since 9/11 are not authentic. The annihilation of Christianity in Turkey, the Middle East and Africa is not the result of “proper reading of the Koran”. The Pope is the perfect candidate for magical thinking and idiot compassion. And notice the little hate speech riff: “avoid hateful generalizations”. Pope Francis, do you mean generalizations such as conclusions that result from reading the Koran, the Sunna, the Sharia and a 1400-year history of the murder of all kinds of kafirs (non-Muslims)? But, in his own way, Pope Francis is the leader of all Christians. He just happens to have on more elaborate clothing as he practices denial.
So, it turns out that Christians are not the most despised group of people in the world. They just happen to be the largest subgroup. The most despised group in the world is the victim of Islam. Those reasons supported by Religious leaders-what hope have we or as stated what hope has the Black African against such a foe? Zero, only to run with him.
Well put.
In the mind of this illegal coup appointed pope, there is not much difference between Chritianity and Islam.
Strangely enough, the present pop eyed arcbish of Cant, holds the same view on Islam. And of course be is prostrating himself before the Marxist BLM.
Note to ABC: Read the first two Commandments.
Extended – Right on time
Pope calls for “establishment of pathways” for hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants to settle in Europe
What more pathways. They already have a pathway through the Balkans.
Why not tens if not hundreds of millions? What is up with this man?
NCBBC – Don’t tempt him.
Indeed NCBBC there we go-need we say more?
Obama also made sure that no Iraqi and Syrian Christians, those who were the ones that were being raped and slaughtered by ISIS and Muslim persecutors, were allowed to seek refuge in America.
Too, the UK has the largest number of Somali enrichers. We are truly enriched.
Or this?
NOT only to the Demorcatic party but to the leasders of Islam-their strength is growing all the time, thanks in part of to Barak Obama’s generous welcoming of Muslims into the USA.
But Barak insisted thart he was a Mm…er..Christian.
Try and guess what the BBC are celebrating on their children’s channel. Yes you have got it – it is Refugee Week:

And they kick it off with an article: What’s life like for child refugees
Remember up and down the country special events have been planned for Refugee Week in primary and secondary schools. I remember a story a few years ago where teachers made their primary school children cry because the teachers told them that there parents had died and they were now orphans like refugee children.
Ha you just worked out to resize it
It was huge a minute ago.
Newsround’s latest tweet
The mostly fake and biassed BBC.
Following on from my original post – three years ago as part of a program to make UK primary school kids aware of the plight of refugees one school went too far:
Teacher’s refugee role play was so realistic children cried: The school said the scenario was to help the children understand what it felt like to be a refugee:
For some time now primary and secondary school kids are being emotionally targeted with this type of thing – to hate / be critical of British culture and to be emotionally invested in large scale immigration and globalization.
Are these the uninoculated refugee children that have introduced hither too eradicated diseases back into the UK school population , the same uninoculated refuge children that teachers will teach no problem yet those same teachers are playing the Covid 19 safety card and basically politisczing a epidemic.
The greatest suffering male ‘child’ refugees endure in the UK is razor burn from shaving off their thick beards.
At lunchtime the NewsRound presenter tweeted a pic of their website
Here’s a tweets of Newsround’s last 5 tweets
lot of inverted racism
Pretty good going for a segment of the UK population that amounts to around 3%. You would think those of Indian and Pakistani descent would be puzzling as to why they are so overlooked – especially in advertisements and when they make up an even higher percentage of the population that those of Caribbean/African descent. All very strange.
One of the priciples of the left is to invert reality. So the most violent become the victims. The most persecuted become the persecutors.
From this follows that Muslims who persecute Christians as matter of doctrine and personal hatred, become victims. The victims of course become the persecutors.
In non- African countries that allow significant number of Blacks, it is mmediately apparent that Blacks figure significantly in crime stats. Blacks kill Blacks more then most. Too they also kill Whites ands Asians, far more then vice versa. Then for the BBC and the Left, the opposite is true. Blacks are the victims of hate crimes perpetrated by White men. Hence Black Lives matter.
Blacks are at the bottom of education tables, along with Muslims, despite standards being reduced. Then in Lefty handbook, they are the ones who are doctors, engineers, financial experts etc etc., And this is shown on TV as fact.
White men are of course the creators of the Universal engineering and technlogiocal civilisation that has conquered the world. Billions of lives have been saved and not just that, but enriched, empowered, and lifted out of poverty as never before. In the the minds of the left, this translates to White man are racist, cruel and idiots to boot. That means he is to be shown as a village idiot, which the Black man and woman explain diificult concepts, in words that the White man might comprehend.
Why bother with teaching them in the classrooms, just take them to the seaside on the south coast for the day and watch them sail in.
Well well, Brissles I would never have thought it possible, that we could take them to the Seaside and watch them sail away-can we make certain that they won’t return? Oh what a lovely thought. Something the black people will not comprehend ‘the key to a nations future is in her past-A nation that loses it has no future. Indigenous Brits beware.
I’m lad that Fedup has made a *U-turn* and we now have a Midweek thread
.. like we were ever going to have Start The Week thread that continues for a month.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC Accused of Hypocrisy Over Reith Art Pieces
– Trust in BBC News Plummets Amongst the Politically Aware
Surely the headline write failed in his BBC woke duty?
Shouldn’t that have been – “Trust in BBC News plummets amongst the racist politically aware”?
Substitute “far-right”, extremist, lacking in compassion, …. à volonté
Public prosecutor faces legal action over Cummings’ Durham trip.
The complaint has been lodged on behalf of a member of the public, Martin Redston..
Redston’s legal team, headed by the barrister Michael Mansfield,
Would this be the same Micheal Mansfield? republican, vegetarian, socialist and self-described “radical lawyer.
In November 2019, along with other public figures, Mansfield signed a letter supporting Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn describing him as “a beacon of hope in the struggle against emergent far-right nationalism, xenophobia and racism in much of the democratic world” and endorsed him in the 2019 UK general election.
Nothing political in this then…..
Stew. Can you help me on this one,
Would I be correct in assuming we are exporting power to Europe because of lack of renewable generation on the continent?…
@davylars There are 2 good sites for posting that question
Either in Unthreaded at BH (no pics)
or in the comments at Paul Homewood’s blog
Ah he’s already got a post
I’ll just check Twitter
Thanks Stew..
Since then, biomass. -1
Gas. + 6
A few months back I read that power generating companies sell electricity to neighouring states, who then sell it back as renewable, and then claim the renewable subsidy.
Very probably more complicated then that. But suffice to say, that there is a large amount of corruption in this industry, allied to renewables.
And of course the public pays for this in higher energy bills. Which was the goal in the first place. This is Climate Change in action- artificially increase the cost of energy, and use the surplus money harvest for political gains of leverage and bribery. No suprise politicians love it.
All of us on here know that Jeremy Vile from BBC radio 2 is one of the biased corporations higher paid left wing mouth pieces.
Did you know he trolls people and is a pathetic worm and we pay his wages!! Defund the BBC.
Video about this slime is worth watching https://youtu.be/DP6gpER96ks
@TheRebelUK here , if you post the link on a fresh line it auto-embeds
Thanks Stew, you learn something new everyday.
“what a bunch of chicken-livered people …”
As you would expect from a bunch of parasites off the wealth created by those actually making a direct contribution.
If the BBC is defunded, then something similar will takes its place. Its similar if the police was defunded. Mafia and Sharia gangs will fill the vacant place. Moreover, the global BBC brand will be lost.
The BBC needs to be compartmentalised, such that the biassed virus is isolated to the news and comments section.
With judicial appoitments of DG, that department is brought to sense. It can be done. All it requires is a strong PM with a healthy majority. We have the second requirement already.
Democracy has died.
Policy will now be decided by pampered overpaid footballers and the loudest shouting left wing rabble.
Why the hell should free school meals be made available in Summer? They were not last year. Or the year before. Or at any time during 13 years of Labour government.
And why has Coronavirus got the slightest thing to do with this? What is child benefit for? What is furlough for?
It’s all part of the Far Left plan to drip drip drip ever more costly duties on to the taxpayer until the market economy falls over thus justifying a different way – socialism. With millions of future unemployed and a sky-rocketing deficit it could come sooner than Corbyn in his wildest dreams could have imagined. And as unemployment rises, what’s the betting that social media pressure will be put on to extend the furlough and print even more money. Meanwhile there is so little to spend money on that we are paying off more personal debt than ever before.
It’s a total disaster.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories I’m afraid. We need a new political party and the Hyacinth Buckets shaken out of their semi slumber into not voting blue Labour.
“what a bunch of chicken-livered people …”
As you would expect from a bunch of parasites off the wealth created by those actually making a direct contribution.
For those who don’t know Reuters published one of its surveys on the British media a few hours ago and it’s not pleasant reading for them, but for us, it tells us we are not alone in our feelings.
“Trust in the BBC with the most partisan groups has fallen by 20 percentage points since 2018, according to the research.”
“Just 28% of people in the UK said they trust “most news most of the time”, according to a poll in January this year, down from 40% in January 2019.
Trust in news in the UK is among the lowest in the world”
This is big news, but I don’t expect the MSM to be discussing it openly, and I expect it’s even worse post BLM riots now. As ever you’ll have to do your own research:
Smaller images are available
.. same Reuters image in a tweet
Reuters own thread
Farage “Trust in the BBC has fallen 20% since 2018”
and the 28% who actually trust the media
BS responds as BS only knows how.
“Their experiences are very different to their white counterparts.”
Yvonne Coghill, the director of NHS London Workforce Race Equality, responds to the report on BAME Covid-19 deaths on BBC Newsnight.
Seems overpaid anchors at Sky pay heed to overpaid heads of news at Sky as much as overpaid bbc staff do Franny.
Same result. In comments and public reaction.
Nice one, Bunter.
He and BS should do Strictly Balls.
What a fool Adam Boulton is.
Plissken “loses” a subscription but doesn’t subsidise the pay of Boulton and the rest of the Sky propagandists.
Given lefty inversion of reality, “Woke” translates to “Asleep”, in “La la land”, “Stupor”.
Talking of dead democracy – 3 former PMs 66.6% of whom were democratically elected don’t like the DFID tax money give away department being put under the care of the FCO .
So I ask – is John major dead ? He must have been approached to gang up on the current PM …. but he has been silent since we left his EU .
The next step will be to either cut the budget
BBC Newsbeat again goes chronic.
“If you change 100 things about the British system now it’s still going to be prejudiced against people like myself.”
And, again, #CCBGB
Folk are getting a bit tired of the narrative.
“If you change 100 things about the British system now …”
So logically the simplest solution, if you really think Britain is irretrievably racist and can’t be changed, would be for you to leave.
For those here facilitating such notions, I would dearly love a properly moderated debate on the wisdom of endlessly profiling folk so appalled by the systems and customs here they spend all their time given air by the media to expound taking the country to a situation in places of origin they would fight even harder never to return to.
Katie’s triggered ten thousand+ libmob
They are retweeting her to express their anger
She is a brave woman. I’m not on twitter, but i like to read the comments, some are v humorous, some clever and interesting. But it sure shows how nasty and bullying the majority of folks are. Where’s all this zero tolerance, no hate stuff? All she said was don’t have kids if you can’t afford them – what about a reasoned argument in reply? In fairness some have said – circumstances change eg you might lose your job etc.
And of course food banks will still be asking for donations ad infinitum. Sorry, I’m not a fan of them although I have donated. I just know how cheap it is to buy food at Home Bargains.
BBC Moaning Emole tells idiots what they need to know…
Football and fun
After a 100-day absence, the Premier League returns later. A minute’s silence to remember those who have died with coronavirus will be held before the first matches. Here’s everything you need to know, plus read the thoughts of our chief football writer, Phil McNulty.
Phil doubtless thinking about that 9€ discount on the wicked shirt.
What fun.
Brave woman indeed. She is threatening the birth of the future rulers of the UK.
Guido reporting that the head of Sky News has laid down the law to his bubble about their tweeting behaviour . Apparently tweets may be examined for signs of ‘bias ‘ …..so personal political views are out ..
…the twitter commentators on the list Guido has put out draws a conclusion that Sky viewing figure are falling even more and it’s affecting advertising revenue even more . Let’s hope it hurts even more with pay cuts and redundancies ……
Naturally their friends and colleagues in fire proof jobs at the BBC will look and laugh . If I was running Sky I’d look at what Sky Australia does – I bet their advertising isn’t filled with charity adverts asking for £3 to pay the CEOs salary …./‘performance bonus “
Huge breakthrough for Covid-19 with discovery that a readily available steroid is a genuine lifesaver – something like 1:5 on ventilators, 1:20 on oxygen.
Great news…except for BBC total tosser Huw Edwards who tells us 4,000 or more lives could have been saved if only….
Yes Huw duckie, and if they hadn’t caught the virus 40,000 might well have lived, though not the same stupidly prejudiced lifestyle you enjoy at our expense.
…and if they hadn’t caught the virus 40,000 might well have lived…..
reminds me of a saying – which we cant say anymore……
“yes and if your Uncle hadn’t got a d…k he’d be your aunty” – when this was said to me many decades ago, who’d have thought that that didn’t need to be the case anymore !!!
A period of silence from Huw would be most welcome. He is turning into Bunter, only without the slim chance his unprofessional ideological excesses might result in investigating new career options.
StarkNakedBrief best Twitter account I’ve seen in ages
.. a lot of the same topics as here
Mary Trump: Why has president’s niece penned damning memoir?
Bias anyone?
Anyway, the answer to their question is – she may be able to make some money out of it.
Apologies if this has been mentioned before today.
Apropos free school meals in the summer. The BBC interview Dev Sharma a clearly obese schoolboy in Leicester. Apparently if it wasn’t for the free vouchers, he would be eating unhealthy meals which would only fill him up for an hour rather then getting healthy meals, and him and his brother want to concentrate on their exams rather than worry where their next meal is coming from.
Incredibly the two boys are sat in what appears to be a lovely garden complete with a swing lounger and patio furniture, all accessed it seems by very large sliding patio doors. Hardly conducive of a vulnerable family where the children don’t know when their next meal will be. I would say when Mum and Dad get home from running the local curry house ! Honest to God.
In those sorts of circumstances I think Al Beeb are taking the piss.
viewer noticed
\\ not very cheap football shirts there Dev, for you and your brother? //
Dev’s pic’s on Twitter in a suit, a star pupil apparently
“Youth MP for Leicestershire????????⚖️
• Leicester Young Person of the Year”
“Dev Sharma is a member of the Bite Back youth campaign for better nutrition for young people”
AFAIK know he rased £4K for his 4 week Africa trip
which was due to be in July
\\ @BBCNews tonight you show a report on food vouchers for kids. You show Dev & brother from Leicestershire sitting doing homeschooling on their garden dining table with plush cushions a swinging love seat & beautiful climbing Rose’s outside their large conservatory.
Are they poor? //
I don’t think the kid himself is under privileged
I guess he is a middle class activist
“It truly was an honour to Switch On Leicesters Diwali Lights and Fireworks for the 2nd time in a row”
“It was a honour to be announced as a Youth Ambassador for the UKAkshayaPatra
at the Indian High Commision in London!”
He’s been on quite a few BBC radio/TV shows
and pictured with many celebs
I wonder if his charity is connected to Labour Party front groups ?
I couldn’t believe what I read Stew, so googled the lad….. its true!!
The BBC really need to be called out on this. If I could find this by one click then surely the BBC researchers could have done as well. I’m incensed, I’m complaining to them.
Noticed the BBC being intrinsically racist
most recent pages EQUATES racism with oppression of black people or even just being black.
What that does is deny that racism happens to other groups
…. Chinese, Japanese, other African tribes within Africa, Arabs, and of course white people etc.
never mind that is a bigger issue of prejudice
like the way a Labour MP, can say she hates all Tory people.
When I have been in other countries I have been targeted by muggers, pickpockets and overchargers because of my skin colour as well as a lot of positive discrimination.
No need to worry about racism as they have started introducing the new brand – “White Supremacy”.
Theoretically anyone can be racist, only ‘thee and me’ can be painted with the new ‘original sin’. Job done.
BBC and libmob trolling the world again
saying Gandi must be torn down
Why not remove the statue of the anti-White racist Nelson “Kill the Boer!” Mandela?
And husband of the necklace wielding and schoolboy murdering Winnie.
“With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we will liberate this country”.
Nice lady, though.
#BBCcallsfor Lazy, simple, predictable… inevitable.
Stew – who wants the Ghandi statue down ? Is it the Pakistanis ? Having watched the tedious Attenborough film again I suppose they blame him for staying a new failed state whilst India happily funds its space programme with UK taxpayers cash ….
Not BBC – but their friend –
The mayor of london not just putting the congestion tax up from £11.50 to £15 from next week but making it for every day and longer hours 0700 to 2200 .
So much for stimulating the economy .
Do the Subarus of London go street racing after 2200 or is that just a provincial thing?
The BBC and the MSM has just not tried to inform us as to the nature of Covid 19 , the possible course it takes, what we can do to make ourselves better able to combat it , the lasting effects of it, the truly novel way it attacks the human body and many many other important things. Instead they have politicised what is a nothing to do with politics but a world wide public health issue.
I have learnt a great deal about it by reading and listening to people around the world who actually are trying to make sense of it.
On the BBC etc. . SFA.
Have we heard about the apparent policy in Sweden of denying treatment to anyone deemed not worthy to get it? A policy that is as close to euthanasia as it gets. No. That is typical. We are continually told how badly our government has handled it. No context and no in depth analysis. Comparing us with New Zealand is about as daft as it gets. There is no real attempt to do the basic journalism .|The time lines for instance from China in 2019. The real possibility that the virus had already spread beyond any test/ trace capability by January 2020. The position of London as the world’s major transport hub.
There are so many things ignored. All the BBC wants is to discredit the government. All Sky/ ITV want is the same. It is an appalling misuse of power.
They have seized upon BLM to suggest that our BME population are being deliberately sacrificed to the virus. This is appalling and totally unscientific. There may well be sociological reasons but to deny that there could possibly be other reasons is to commit the worst of crimes that is to deny reality for political point scoring.
The truth is that the standard of investigation and reporting is just so very poor. The rest of the world has serious people saying and doing serious stuff. Here there are just kids playing at the job. Get rid.
One of the stated aims of the anarcho-Marxist queer (their word) BLM is : “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”
Yet it is generally accepted that one of the problems facing the black community is precisely the lack of a strong nuclear family structure and the absence of positive father figures.
“Let’s talk about gang culture’s elephant in the room: absent black fathers”
A rare outing for Laura.
Probably regretting it, given the response.
BBC Moaning Emole:
“ Food vouchers win, but Rashford wants to do more”
And this, dear Boris, is how it works with kids. And the BBC. Because, look who gets to ‘analyse’ about doing the government harm….
“Marcus Rashford says he wants to do more to help those in need after forcing a U-turn from the government over free school meals. Thanks to the Manchester United and England player’s campaign, a scheme to provide food vouchers to about 1.3 million children in England will continue during the summer holidays. The 20-year-old said people were struggling all year round and he would take time now to “figure out what’s next”. BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg asks whether an about-face like this does a government harm”
I bet she ‘asks’ this a lot in common days, weeks, months…
And likely avoid delving into the methodology behind Marcus’ ‘figuring out’ what next can be created to help the BBC do the government more harm.
Maybe he and Greta can tour the world on a bicycle made for two?
Followed by a fleet of Humvees with tv crews and PR staff.
Nadiya is going to need to dig even deeper now.
Guest – Greta must be panicking about her role as airhead kid that everyone goes to being usurped by another airhead kid who is black , rich and plays for a mid table English footy team ….
…. I can see a whole list of airhead sports ‘personalities ‘ telling the government what to spend borrowed taxpayers money on …..
… that small grouping of real conservatives in parliament must be apoplectic ……but maybe that’s what announcing the DFID thing was about ….
That’s got to be the signal that Boris has done the right thing in these ‘Helter Skelter’ times.
After seeing the video from the thread starting the 25th May “In BBC We Trust” I sent off for both books “BBC: Brainwashing Britain” and “The Fake News Factory” by David Sedgwick. I have just finished “The Fake News Factory” and yet to start the other one. A real eye opener, so thank you everyone.
More Moaning Emole glory.
Other top stories
Inside Out Stars urge BBC to save regional current affairs show
‘Stars’, eh? Uh huh. Not mentioned so starlike they are.
One of the funnier scenes from one of my fave movies…
I’m thinking of flipping on my view about closing bits of the BBC – I want as many bits ended as possible but now I’m thinking – keep them open . As the audiences fall they’ll just land up being watched by the friends and family .
The last time I saw the Sunday morning London version ( in peacetime as a guest in someone else’s home ) I was not just shocked by the amateur content but also the presenter . I had to remind myself that they were talking about the capital city and not Hull ( sorry Hull ) – so keep it going and it will grind itself to nothing ….
Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: New disturbing photos show inside Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner’s motorhome
Meanwhile, in the BBC carpark… a veil is drawn over…
Will the 1922 Committee “advise” Boris to ditch the TV License today ? How much food will a TV Licence pay during the summer holidays ?
Taffman – one bit of me says – what have they got to lose ? Another bit says they’ll bottle it and find some long grass to kick it into ….
But let’s face it – the BBC has been at war with the Conservative / government continuously for …. years now … going back before the Referendum Campaign so they might as well go for it – the ‘upset class ‘ will only be more upset so no loss of support ….
Then the “upset class” can bleeding well pay for it in donations if they are so upset.
Johnson would not have permission from the BBC to abolish the licence fee.
Early PM Q watch
Gotta stay in for Amazon so might watch …. anyway … I think this one is more about what Starmer and his crew don’t ask as opposed to the normal gotchas
Labour probably thinks the free taxpayers bank of DFID Is popular with taxpayers – so will ‘seek assurances ‘ the budget won’t be cut . The PM will duck that one
Then there’ll be something about coloured people and that report and why no recommendations have been published ( it’s because coloured people need to isolate for longer than whites – and 40% of the NHS – the coloured bit – would have to find new jobs not involving being exposed to people with Covid )
Then there’s the quarantine joke – which I think will be hard to defend
Easy point scoring on Torched tower block , the dead woman labour MP And some old nonsense about ‘exit strategy ‘….
Meanwhile ‘donuts ‘ will speak for ‘ the people of Scotland – in a panic about the prospect of really really leaving the socialist comfort blanket that is the EU ….
My favourite one will be blaming the government for not finding the new drug earlier and will it apologise to all those who died from the Chinese virus because it was the governments fault – they’ll give that one to a thick labour backbencher – plenty of competition for that role ….. even with Angie and Jess the brummie mouth on the front bench !
That Sacha Baron Cohen is so clever and funny. I must have watched everything he did as Borat and as Ali G. Now I can’t get enough of his new character, Rashford Marcus, the lovable lanky footballer who doesn’t kick a ball but instead tells politicians to do nutty things and they just listen and say yes.
Did you hear about his new spoof? He’s going to get Boris to hand out free ice creams for all black kids in Britain whenever the weather gets too sunny for them. And the joke is that with all this global warming it’s going to be free lollies nearly every day!
That cheeky one he nearly got the London Mayor with… mind you, that Sadiq Khan, he was too sharp to agree to put the police into little clown cars, with rainbows on and make them all have face paint and practice doing twerks all the time. That was too silly to catch him.
He’s sharper than I thought that Mayor. When he asked him to make the chief of the Met a lezza and to only ever arrest white people – and goodness knows how he keeps a straight face when he’s doing these skits – the Mayor caught him out and said we’re already doing that. So funny.
Priceless – asiseeit- but at least we know the next Met Commissioner will be coloured and hard done by in her career because of her colour . ……
New Zealand Military put in charge of border security? Perhaps the UK should do the same ? Perhaps Priti will take advice from us .
Quite right taff.
The military should be in control of both border security and policing. In short they should run the Home Office and probably also the FCO. Officers and ex-officers are experienced in strategy and diplomacy. At a minimum they should have an input into staff recruitment. I generalise, but you get the gist.
While the military guard the Border Farce can protect the banks in their usual way
ie: opening the doors for the bank robbers and carrying the bags of loot to the getaway car .
Better than that, let’s have a proper coup. Please!
I’d certainly put more trust in the military taking over.
The disgusting, aggressive Nick R was in full attack mode, against Matt Hancok on Toady at 8am. NR has a sort of arrogant, sanctimoneous tone, that is a complete turn -off.
He ended his inquisition with a demand for an APOLOGY on the Rashford u turn thingee, because months ago, Tories had the suggested the (vastly, vastly, vastly overpaid) footballers should take a pay cut. In this, NR also insulted the millions of ORDINARY working people of Britain, who earn a pittance, by comparison to the obscene football multi-millionaires.
Hancock kept his cool, Thanked Rashford profusely via toenails and hyped him up to the sky, as is now required. (Black players matter -presumably much more than white players).
Had I been Hancock, I should have stuck to the pay cut line, and suggested it would be good for vastly overpaid BBC interviewers, as well.
Shan’t be watching any of the political propaganda, disguised as Premiership footie, on beeb. They can stick it where the sun don’t sine.
As for NR, his demand for an apology to MR was obviously intended to signal that he was very much a BLM man, never mind the unbelivably unfair salaries footballers are paid for kicking the ball around.
Twitter watch
I dont know or care how to copy a tweet onto this site but Andy Wigmore has retweeted something by a sky employee which says this –
“Todays counter protests doing a good job of showing why the last few weeks of BLM protests were necessary in the first place . From crowds of every ethnicity , gender and cultural background , to a mob of white men who look like they were born in the same Wetherspoons “
Theres a picture of our Mark – about 30 – heavy build – white .
This is thought to be the text which has led to sky staff being ORDERED to keep their views secret .
That horse has gone and won the first race at Royal Ascot tuesday . Fuming .
I had a quick look at this characters ‘ twitter and you might guess the ‘theme ‘ – he’d do very well in the BBC …. he is Self described as a ‘package producer ‘ and is proud to mention he once worked for France 24……
So glad I dumped Sky .
Definite echoes of the Emily Thornbury white van picture…. the bubble at its most public sneering ….
I expect that the Lady Haw -Haw of the 10 Downing Street
Chinese Virus briefings Laura Kuenssberg will .
in her own inimitable facetious way ask Matt Hancock if
the Government is going to apologize over the re think on
the free meals for kids.
To be honest Marcus Rashford has now taken over the mantle
of captain Tom Moore. Actually he is a very fine footballer.
I just hope that opponents of Manchester United wont think
he is “untouchable” now. I can see that if he is slightly fouled
and the BBC is commentating on the match. They will be
screaming for a red card!
I rather like MR, when compared to RS for instance. He sounds like a quiet-spoken bloke, with a measure of maturity for a youngster. We know there is a political aspect here too, which involves greater celebrity and automatically, raises profile. What irritates is not him, but the various grovelling responses of our politicians and journalists to the current BIG ISSUE, which he has subtly exploited.
We know he is vastly overpaid, and he knows it too. My guess is that RS, by comparison, feels he is still underpaid.
Give me Jimmy Greaves, Spurs during 60s, anyday. Footballer s didn’t carry ads, period. It was not all about money and the cult. Happy days.
I too don’t mind Rashford even though I support a different team, but I do hope Toby and Jan go right through him on Friday and let him know who’s in charge ????
James Purcell of the BBCSM has told the HoC select committee that the BBC is ,’ so free of bias that a Martian could see it’ , and that ‘people have a whole range of views but when they come into the organisation ( the BBCSM) you leave them at the door’.
He rejected the view that the BBC had a typical North London metropolitan , pro Remain view of the world. He said that ‘ news presenters did not let their personal views affect their work’ !
How wrong can you be ? How out of touch can you be ? Alternatively how many lies can you tell in one appearance before the committee? Or, more likely , how can you be so arrogant that you believe these little MPs on the committee and those tiny specs of ordinary people in the street have no right to challenge the BBC .
I don’t know if the chairman of the committee took him to task but there is enough evidence out there to demolish all of his claims a thousand times over. The BBC is making me ill, even with a diet of minimal exposure. The entire BBCSM and particularly scum like Purcell need to be got rid of.
Always love a good media analogy, especially from a parachuted-in impartial ex-Labour DCMS minister.
A) Mars is unlike to have any inhabitants at all, much less with eyes or instruments to observe the planet he thinks he rules.
B) Space observation comparisons are still in vogue by the thick and MSM bubble-inhabiting. Decades ago they were observing the Great Barrier Reef could be seen from on high, presumably from satellite orbit (other distances are infinitely possible) when Tom Clancy had car numberplates being read a few seconds before cars ceased to be.
Keep up the good work everyone, I am having a main stream media news blackout this week and even after just 3 days feel much better. I did have a look on Guido a couple of days ago,(old habits are hard to pack up), saw an article stating that the almost as biased sly (not a typo) news have instructed their presenters to refrain from giving personal opinions on Twit – ter; wonder if auntie will follow suit?
Not writing or saying anything stupid or simply being it is a genetic impossibility, so rich seams of material await still.
Incred – the tweet I put up at 0839 today might explain the source of Sky staff being ORDERED to be secret about their own believes ….
Just got offered this…
“the latest book from Paul Krugman—Arguing with Zombies”
About Economics. Apparently.
I wondered if he had ever been on The Today Programme.
Sorry, bit of a misprint there, it should read: ‘Are you queueing with zombies?’ – a Primark survey.
You’d expect the BBC’s Money Show man to be good with numbers
but being a media man he’s a storytelling man addicted to inserting dramaqueening FRAMING
hence an 8% difference is framed as *just above*
whereas a 6.55% difference is framed as *EASILY* above
And don’t try to make a big story from a dataset where some countries data like the UK’s is quality
and other countries is flaky or fraudulent
Annoys me when the BBC convert a percentage into a fraction, naturally only in their biased favour, but still highly patronising, being told – 49% thats half
Poor old Paul used to be a finance journalist – then morphed into the full government hating Benefit junkie lefty – presumably to keep his job and pension …..
All this racism by us whities in the Western democracies.
It must be so much better in a truly multicultural country, where BAME people are in positions of power.
The BBC and BLM are making out that people who have an African or Asian descent are having a torrid time here , being in the criminal justice system for no other reason than they are black .
Meanwhile over in EUtopia France region people who are Africans or Asians are spending all their money and taking life threatening risks to get here .
And not be put into the criminal justice system for the illegal activity of breaking into our country .
Yep and still they come. Crazy.
Twitter watch
One of the candidates who failed to get the BBC DG job has commented – via UKpress gazette – on thr need for so called unbiased MSM journos not to put their personal views on social media ….
……. funny how journos always after The Truth – are happy to cover it up if the truth shows those journos – such as Robinson – fatty on sky – beff and the rest – to be lefty biased purveyors of propaganda …
Tucker Carlson says that Google will require ‘right-wing’ sites to moderate their public comments.
I’m working with a new persona. Stay with me here as it’s a bit meta (as the kids say). At the moment I’m calling him Mr So Funny. He’s a middle-ranking civil servant who lives alone. He’s beginning to lose his sense of reality because he now hasn’t been out for six months – after hearing a whisper at work he pre-empted his Lockdown and furloughed himself on full pay before Christmas. I guess with a long summer ahead of us, doomed to facemasks and queuing just to get into Waitrose, we’ll all be losing it. Anyway, the problem for Mr So Funny is that he’s had little to stimulate his mind – apart from BBC TV and civil service diversity training emails. Confusion has set in. Because comedy shows like Fawlty Towers and Little Britain are in the news for some reason, Mr So Funny thinks real life personalities on his TV, such as Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon (to name just two) are actors doing funny routines. Easy mistake to make. Mr So Funny is convinced that Marcus Rashford is played by Sacha Baron Cohen. I think the tipping point was when Mr So Funny, who had to get up early one morning, was in his kitchen logging on to a compulsory zoom conference on the theme of Black Lives Matter awareness and his departmental diversity manager spotted a packet of Coco Pops on a shelf behind him. So he had to check his privilege. He was warned that the Pop Tarts and the Sugar Puffs might also be triggering. Luckily the bottle of Camp Coffee was out of sight.
I don’t know about you, I’m certainly looking forward to hearing more from Mr So Funny in the weeks and months to come.
Perhaps you could invite ‘Mr So Funny ‘ to sign up to this website – im sure he d be welcome .
Im still waiting for ‘Fedup 1’ to come back but i think he is still on the space station and the wifi isnt upto much .
As an aside – i got interested in tennis and ordered a book by a leading english tennis player . It was called “A brief history ot Tim’
But instead some one mis read the order and added an ‘e’….
Well, I’ll pass on your suggestion to Mr So Funny. I can’t promise, he’s a bit funny about a lot of things.
They do say that if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
At such unprecedented times, just like these, for inspiration I always like to quote WC Fields who said ‘I never hold a grudge. As soon as I get even with a son of a bitch, I forget it.’
Neil Oliver coming up on Talk Radio
► Brexit and Government’s lockdown strategy
► Annunziata Rees-Mogg, former MEP
► School meals
► Neil Oliver, Archeologist and TV Presenter
► Lord McConnell, Labour Peer
► Why has the FCO and DFID been merged?
► Dexamethasone has proved to be the first live saving drug from coronavirus
► Dr Bharat Pankhania, Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Exeter Medical School
► Prime Minister’s Questions
► American update with LaDona Harvey, KOGO San Diego Breakfast Host
► HOMESCHOOLING: Rhyming Couplets, Phil Sheppard, Senior Project Officer at the National Literacy Trust
Mike will also be taking your calls ► 0344 499 1000
Neil said, “we used to talk face to face, but now with the internet we can surround ourselves with people that agree with us
thus we’ve become LITTLE DIVAS”
“We have all hardened into groups
so people assumed I’d be a Scottish Nationalist
But I am not” explained he got a lot of aggro
“However now people of other tribes are beginning to reach out to me
.. that good to talk to people I disagree with”
“but disagreement has become hatred
we are being taught to HATE the other group”
“We taking away people’s AGENCY to think for themselves,
by the way we classify them as a group
by saying Women/black are oppressed by men”
“We need individuals to stand outside the group, so they can bring it back on track
… like the wartime Xmas football game”
“brave enough not to trot off, the party line”
‘people assumed I’d be a Scottish Nationalist But I am not’
He’s a true Braveheart to admit to that these days.
Will he ever work again?
As said before, we now have 20 year old millionaires with no real world work experience, and no doubt with offshore tax havens enabling them to pay a pittance in income tax, dictating that the rest of us now have to stump up our hard-earned effin money to pay for lunches. Really, wtf is then with Child Benefit, which I thought is about £150 / month for 2 kids.
Excuse effin me, but me and the other half don’t get through that amount in a month! And we eat VERY well – not fish suppers every other day.
I’ve had to see a mammoth reduction in my hours during this false epidemic, whilst at the same, enduring a significant pay cut. This is utter BS! I DID NOT effin vote for this.
That’s it to a T.
And now they are querying how this footballing genius can further help out our unqualified civil servants to improve the country.
Just like the immigrants come to the UK, giving up their lives of luxury, to help out the poor incompetent native Brits.
“Immigrants make Britain great” – An insult to the citizens of the UK.
PS that is the immigrants who are so discriminated against!
As said before, we now have 20 year old millionaires with no real world work experience, and no doubt with offshore tax havens enabling them to pay a pittance in income tax, dictating that the rest of us now have to stump up our hard-earned effin money to pay for lunches. Really, wtf is then with Child Benefit, which I thought is about £150 / month for 2 kids.
Excuse effin me, but me and the other half don’t get through that amount in a month! And we eat VERY well – not fish suppers every other day.
I’ve had to see a mammoth reduction in my hours during this false epidemic, whilst at the same, enduring a significant pay cut. This is utter BS! I DID NOT effin vote for this.