We are witnessing the BBC morphing from a wholly biased anti British anti Right anti Judeo Christian propaganda machine into an undeclared Campaigning Operation without any controls or accountability. Its journalists AKA campaigners now preach from pulpits in the TV Studios on a daily basis ;
“ holding power to account” is now just a meaningless phrase for the BBC . Time to End it .
Midweek Thread 17 June 2020
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BBC local news
First item CCTV in care homes like a baby cam
and the idea to a make it an official right for relatives to request them.
4 minutes in and local Hull Labour MP is on the screen.
Boris is slipping up on too many banana skins recently, doesn’t seem to be receiving good advice from his Cabinet colleagues or his close advisors. Makes me wonder if Cummings is still around, he used to be seen regularly in Downing Street but is nowhere to be seen now so perhaps he is considered persona non grata. If he still has Boris’s ear cannot believe he would have recommended giving in to the pressure to pay school vouchers this summer.
Bulldog – that may explain the entire ‘trip to Durham’ campaign – the psychology and the obsession, which dominated the MSM, and the opposition narrative, until finally the whole BLM circus took over. (‘Woke pandering’, as Nigel Farage calls it in The Telegraph?)
Someone, somewhere was desperate to dispose of Cummings?
I think he’s still not recovered fully. His eyes show it. He doesn’t look healthy to me.
Anybody else noticed?
Boris isn’t slipping on anything. He’s an abject coward who will always follow the path of least resistance.
Cummings only appear to have a hand in things regarding the EU where he is pushing Johnsons nose to the grindstone and making decent decisions.
The shut down the Guardian Petition grows and has been picked up by not only the Sun in the UK but Sky news in Australia…
and the Advertiser in Australia…
So it’s gone around the World….Quite an important issue then?
BBC…. tumbleweed.
I don’t believe we should campaign to shut down the Guardian as newspapers are allowed to be biased. If the campaign gets any momentum then the far left will shout foul and try to do the same to the few moderate/right of centre papers.
No, we need to campaign to close down the BBC which is supposed to be neutral. If that gets closed then the Guardian will naturally follow shortly afterwards as hardly anybody who doesn’t work for the television companies actually bother to buy it.
OMG they’ll be riots in London tonight
The BBC is supposed to have a policy of having a BAME special each night, to keep the crowds from going out on the streets.
I didn’t spot today’s immediately
Ah 8pm BBC 2 @AdeAdepitan the black wheelchair guy is on.
⬆️ This tw*t was complaining a few years back because the Colesseum was ill prepared for wheelchair folk ????
Yeah, they should have been thinking about that thousands of years ago when they were building it shouldn’t they Ade? ????
Well they did, didn’t they? Fair enough, the chairs were pulled by horses but those knives on the wheel hubs were ideal for social distancing.
It was probably built by slaves and a was place where many people were slaughtered for entrainment, so will it be pulled down ?
How many of us could get married in St Pauls Cathedral ?
In some ways this can be seen as a good thing.
Sunderland Echo on line this morning, the number 1 headline story:
Bicycle stolen from outside Macdonalds.
We’ve had no COVID news for several days now.
We have had a statue vandalised.
Sunderland born General Havelock’s statue has red paint graffiti (the usual racist stuff) and paint thrown on it.
Given that you now get 2 weeks in prison for weeing near a statue (or a plaque) this should mean a few years in prison.
If anything ever happens I’ll let you know.
I know they have cctv so there’s no reason to think they will not get found (if they want to find them but somehow I’ve little faith in the law because it wasn’t the extreme far left thug hooligans who done it and nobody has gone to the police voluntarily as Banksy did with his wee work)
I’m not fussed if they do this knee bend bollox and shirts with logos for everyone’s first footy game, I’m really not! ????
But I’m not, and I suspect millions others are the same, having this repeated ad infinitum because football fans will not tolerate it! ⚽
Best not to let it get a toehold, then, as it will otherwise be repeated ad nauseum.
The problem with giving an inch, even if (unlike the lionisation of George Floyd) it’s right to do so, is that a mile will then be demanded.
tlwei – so, watcha gonna do about it? Boycott matches?
Would it surprise you if, after 12 matches, ‘someone’ decided to make it a permanent feature? By ‘popular demand’, of course.
And whose neck will be under a knee then?
fakenewswatcher – yes, but it won’t come to that, trust me ????
The BBC’s R4 “Seriously” explains “Antifa”
Turns out that they are just a bunch of nice normal folk who hate Trump because he is Fascist, carry weapons for self protection and include women in their ranks because they have legitimate beefs about women rights and Donald’s attempts to stifle them. Oh and they wear black and masks only so that they can recognise each other.
And there was silly me thinking that they were violent, disgusting would-be Communist anarchists who believe that a normal family structure is evil and must be smashed.
I do love it when the BBC use their Aunty voice to tell me not to worry about things!
p.s if they had been around in the 1930’s they would have stopped Hitler too!
That clears that up then! Maybe someone at the BBC should start a “Clap for Antifa day” thing?
@Digg there are dozens of tweets from Americans touting that BBC article
saying “see I told you Antifa are the good guys, the BBC says so”
FFS that is so Orwellian
… Antifa is an ambush name for lefty front groups that wear masks carry sticks
and set out to forciblt stop other people’s rallies
..they have often been arrested for violence
but NUJ have a stupid rule that prevents accurate reporting of this.
I wonder what the BBC thinks about Antifa in Germany firebombing the Mosques of their favourite brown eyed boys?
Liked this one as to violence:
“They said if violence does occur, it’s as a form of self-defence.”
A, “form” of self-defence? How does that work BBC?
These “anti racist” demonstrations at footie games are nothing new.
I remember yonks ago at Craven Cottage we were all “asked” to stand and cheer for a minute in “anti racist solidarity.” Complete and utter bollocks and I and many others refused.
This latest piece of supplication by media, of course, is even more sinister. It’s not just bloody dishonest and disgraceful, it’s also creepily totalitarian.
This is not a racist country. Look at all these well heeled, Premiership boneheads. Some are so thick they’d struggle to write their own name , but they’re all driving Lamborghinis and Ferraris. These poor, hard done by lads, are all multi-millionaires, FFS.
Jesus H Christ, these bloody people never stop whinging. And the more you give them the more they play up.
Stop pandering to them. They’re like spoilt children. I’m sick of hearing about how racist we all are.
If anyone suggests partaking in that grotesque and grovelling virtue signalling spectacle of “taking the knee”, do what I’d do…
Tell them to poke it!
Undoubtly there was a problem in the 1970s AND 1980S with bananas and monkey chants regularly putting in an appearance – but those days have long gone – Unfortunately those in this world who thrive on identity politics such as left wing politicians and the BBC have little left to justify their viewpoints and thus their jobs hence they now have to look for “microaggressions” instead.
We have now gone so far down this rabbit hole with race baiters such as Lammy and Hirsch always given soft interviews whereas anyone recognisably “right” is roasted in search for that perfect “gotcha!”
We are now entering the end stage, where it will be a crime to be white and not subservient to anyone of dusky hues.
I used to laugh years ago when the BMP types used to come out with this sort of stuff, now thirty years down the line we are pretty much there.
Who are the racists now?
The government soferened the population up with the brutal lockdown and bullying hoop jumping, Opportunistic far left jumps in to realign the newly malable brains…
“Both clubs also said they hoped that the act of ‘taking a knee’ will “send a strong message of unity and amplify the many messages of support from Premier League players and the wider football family”.
NO. Football is now just another establishment vehicle used in a ‘full assault’ culture war. They align themselves with a movement that has within it ranks, known Marxists, anarchists and anticapitalist ANTIFA who desecrate our history and vandalise our heritage?
“Universally positive social media feedback”? Fake news. “Proud to stand in solidarity”. With the burning of the flag on the Cenotaph?
FIFA refused to allow the wearing of the poppy (given its political overtones) yet the PL hitch their waggon to this? It was never about equality, it’s about domination.
I hope people vote with their pockets. I, for one, will have nothing to do with it.
Comical after all that superfluous virtue signalling, and state of the art game surveillance technology, they couldn’t even referee the game properly, with a dubiously disallowed goal.
Now mischievously waiting for Marcus Rashford to cock up????
Will this spread to other sports rugby , tennis , crown green bowling , darts , snooker the list is endless….surprised there isn’t a move to rename the racist ” White Cliffs of Dover “
Time to turn away from big time millionaire football. The sport will go on in local parks and clubs with enthusiastic young lads putting their hearts into it. More people will watch these local games. I would say the same for drama and comedy. We don’t need the celebrities and the woke.
GWF – I’ve had to turn the radio commentary of both games off because I thought I was going to listen to football instead of so called commentators bashing on and on about another country’s’ problems ….. thank god i don’t pay for Sky …..
Taking the knee is a symbolic attack on the USA and President Trump.
I’ve been re-reading some of my John Le Carré books; A Murder of Quality and Call For The Dead. They’re just as good now as when I read them, probably in the seventies. Only now they’re more like history books; they reveal a picture of our country that is virtually disappeared.
I’m currently re-reading A Small Town in Germany. It’s amazing; I had forgotten that one of the background themes was our impending membership of the EEC; and some of Mr Le Carré’s observations are quite prescient.
And everyone is white, all the main characters are proper men, though with all the faults that all men must deal with to a certain extent. They’re a great read, Mr Le Carré’s a wonderful author and these early novels are priceless.
And to link this to the racist, far-left bbc, their production of Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Spy was excellent. But as someone might have once said, that was their past. They did things differently then, it was another country.
john- agreed. I watched the film version of Murder of Quality on YT; it wasn’t as good as the book, mainly because the latter appeals to our imaginations.
A world almost disappeared, indeed. I remember when Bonn was the capital of Germany (excellent book, too) and there was a big wall, behind which lurked i.a. Russkis and Angela Merkel. I looked around there a week after it came down.
Have read almost all of Cornwell/Le Carre’s books.
They seemed to lose their way a little when the Cold War vanished, and he became PC, showing us the ‘new’ Britain.
One in which Oriol College have just voted to take down the statue of Rhodes. Shows you what a little pressure can do. Most people don’t really understand the psychology of a little pressure, I think. They think making concessions is the way to go.
Almost wants to make one want to watch the footie, and have your nose rubbed in…
You’re missing a beauty, as The Donald might say, if you’re not listening to R4’s ‘Moral Maze’ at the moment. You’ll never guess what it’s all about? Aw gee, you’re right: it’s all about British racism, particularly of the institutional kind.
No need to worry about the fate of The Guardian; beeb has one of four on the panel, a rather fanatical ideologue, Matthew Taylor, from there. Boy, can he hold forth! Only Melanie Phillips sounds vaguely conservative.
A string of BAME complainants, two of them ‘Professors’ with an agenda, as guests. That’s the unis, well -represented then. Although witness No 1 (aggrieved BAME) was not a professor.
Apparently our (majority) population is full of ‘micro-aggressions’, colonialism, slavery, structural racism, institutional racism, disproportiante representation of bame in this or that (footballers not mentioned) listen to black voices, etc
Almost want to makes you want to watch the footie.
There IS a prize for guessing who has the last word: you get to listen to the programme again on R4. Second prize, you get to listen to it again on Sounds, as many times as you wish..
Hint: It’s the guy from no longer the Manchester G….
Definitely something going around about coloured skinned people having a monopoly on having a hard time – I’m white . No one has ever done me any favours – I’ve not been ‘lucky ‘ – whatever I have – I’ve had to earn by working .
Maybe covid is affecting the brains of certain people – or its a side effect of sudden changes in way of life ( I couldn’t say ‘lifestyle ‘) …. I’m trying to recall similar types of hysteria – the nearest I can get so far is Princess Diana – which seemed to fixate huge numbers of people – with a sick vicarious grief which at the time just truly – truly amazed me …. and still does .
A kind of group madness coming out from something that was already there ….. and again the MSMBBC is conditioning the easily manipulated into behaving and saying stuff which is collectively acceptable ….
How does it pan out ? Well —- stay at home money is going to run for quite some time so if furloughing is removed and large scale unemployment follows perhaps people will have other things to occupy them …..
What really frightens me is a rapid increase in interest rates even 3 or 4 percent could tip people over ….
“A spokesman from the Home Office said it was working “tirelessly… to tackle illegal migration, close down routes for people smuggling and return those with no right to remain the UK wherever possible”.
Is this fake news or has Al Beeb been ‘hacked’?
I wouldn’t have wanted to be on the M11 listening to that – it’s closed Both ways after some invaders jumped out of a lorry …..
“Coronavirus: England’s councils ‘face large-scale’ cuts to services”
While the UK spends millions on Foreign Aid .
You just can’t make it up.
Down comes nasty colonialist Rhodes. Is that Afua Hirsh I hear smirking? ‘Decolonisation’ beginneth. We ain’t seen nothing yet?
Don’t suppose there’s any chance of some other statues with a dubious but well-hidden background coming down? Of course! Nobody there to vote for it.
Now we can see why B-liar wanted all kids to go to yooney. It was for cultural brainwashing by the Looney left profs.
They have done a good job of getting the kids to hate their own nation’s history. This is their pay-back time for losing the Brexit Vote.
Rhodes will not be the last to fall. A huge recession is impending and Al Beeb is obsessed with pulling statues down.
Where is Boris? He should have pulled Al Beeb down as soon as he became PM having witnessed their bias with Brexit. Churchill he is not.
“To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The american cop who shot dead a black prisoner who had got hold of his tazer has been charged with murder . If youve seen the footage – no reasonable jury could convict – but i suppose thats American politics …..riot for the charge – riot for the trial – riot for the verdict ….
There’s no doubt that if it had happened here we’d be shocked. But that’s the point. It wasn’t here. It was in a country full of guns, where police have learned the hard way to shoot first and ask questions later. So everyone in the States knows it is unwise to appear to be a threat to police. Heck, I know that. But the BBC and the rest of the left likes to pretend that it’s all about racism.
It does appear that in the current state of hysteria, the police are being hung out to dry. I wonder at what point they’ll walk out?
” I wonder at what point they’ll walk out?”
Its already happening. Those shortly to retire are retiring early; those that can move are choosing to move to States without Democratic/Communist leadership.
Tucker makes some very important points about recent events, among others…
– A lot of sensible Americans are too afraid to speak out against the madness going on.
– But you are NOT alone if you disagree with the prevailing orthodoxy pumped out by the msm.
– And you’re NOT mad.
– The terrifying power of control and censorship of news by woke leftist Google.
ah I posted the NBC tweet that Tucker mentioned
just scroll down the page a bit
Will Churchill’s statue be next? Shouldn’t be the least bit surprised. So many signals of weakness and compliance have been sent to the woke, they won’t want to stop now.
Had it been 1940, the Fuehrer would by now be sunning himself in Weston S Mare. The woke are well aware of that. There is irony here somewhere.
How about a red card for Black Power salutes in the Man C v Arsenal match? Nope. The ref wouldn’t have DARED. Cos that’s what the knee-bending is all about: that salute…
Who knew?
Macron has his faults but his speech in defence of French history was excellent. No statue removal there.
Caught the first few minutes of Newshite.
The Bronzed Bimbo was laying into the government for its lack of strategy for opening schools in England, unlike Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.
What a shame Newshite would not talk to the trade unions, especially the headteacher unions, NAHT (primary) and ASCL (secondary).
We all know the long list of demands from the unions preventing opening, but Newshite apparently do not.
Nor do they know that many snowflake parents, maybe as many as half, are even now refusing to send their children to school even when it is available.
Nope, in BBC la la land the evil Tories are responsible for everything and everyone else for nothing.
My toilet rolls are getting low. I need the government to issue strategy and guidance notes to help me swap them for new ones……….
In the US media company NBC got 2 conservative news sites banned from benefiting from Google adverts
Is this country destabilised ?
Is that what the KGB want ?
Aren’t libmob responsible for this destabilisation
in the way instead of accepting diversity of opinion
and having society work together, thy insist that anyone who doesn’t CONFORM needs to be cancelled.
Stew – no I don’t think it’s destabilised until people can’t charge their iPhones or can’t get their toilet rolls . Power cuts would do the job …… I suppose it could change if someone coloured comes to a sticky end whilst being filmed …..
Please don’t use the word “brownie ????“ – they’ll be on the banned list pretty soon …. as evidence of whitee supremecy or some other imperial mumbo jumbo some third world half wit without any history will come up with ….
Perhaps that’s the new BBC campaign then – uNemployment …. but Maybe they’ll recognise the miracle and consequences of the Paid furlough – an admin operation of terrifying success …. which has been barely mentioned yet alone celebrated as a short term remedy to what will be a long term horror for those who pick up the tab .
When the National Insurance Contributions go through the roof to pay for the NHS I wonder if they’ll be out clapping then ..?
We can partly rejoice: Unemployed with little chance of getting another job is not exactly conducive to finding the money for a tv licence fee……………………
Once again the BBC shows that it is in thrall to those who wish our country ill. It feels that it’s people and income are protected against all eventualities. It is going to find out the hard way and as most of it’s staff is unemployable outside there will be a few tears.
Turned to one of the tv channels tonight, earlier on. There was a young black chap stood outside spouting poetry about….. repression, like rap in slow motion without the music. George the Poet was his name. He ended his monologue by stating that each community should have its own Afua Hirsch – I almost choked on my tea ! I thought, that takes the p…ss. Then, the credits rolled, and as it was made by some obscure little production company, one of the ‘associated producers’ was……..Afua Hirsch. There’s a surprise.
As for all this kneeling b…..cks, there is a riposte which could be made to all those who insist and criticise those who don’t , and that is “I only kneel before my Queen and to God”.
Brissles, and I would only kneel before Queen Elizabeth II because she is a Godly woman of a deep faith in God.
Pagans don’t qualify for ‘the kneel’.
“The Home Office Admits They Have Not Counted Illegal’s Entering For 15 Years”
Surprise surprise.
We have a Government that is a troop of clowns , charlatans and actors that care only for their jobs and themselves, afraid only of the press and a totally inept civil service. We are heading for the biggest recession in our nation’s history. Allowing more and more people in is merely storing up trouble for the future . Tory voters should contact their MPs because this will get nasty when the real riots start. You should have voted Brexit.
Taff, have done already. Many times in fact. My ‘tory in name only’ MP certainly has got the message, but won’t do a thing about it.
I would have voted TBP but the candidate was withdrawn.
I sometimes think Corbyn would have done no worse.
At least he didn’t lie about hating his country, wanting to bankrupt it, flood us with millions of immigrants and destroy our culture.
I’m finding the inaction of the tories on so many issues and their pandering to minority race baiters inexcusable.
Emailed my Tory MP the other day ………….
“Re the sentencing of Andrew Banks … I appreciate that urinating in public is not what conservative voters want in this country.
However, after the twit who did it handed himself in to the police the magistrate sentences him to 14 days imprisonment. which will mean he has a criminal record.
The magistrate says. *she accepts Andrew Banks did not intend to urinate on the memorial* but she says the harm in this case is the public shock and upset. “The public have been truly outraged by what you did.”
If 14 days in jail is the sentence you get after you HAND YOURSELF IN for peeing NEAR a statue what is the sentence for destroying one, daubing malicious graffiti on one and NOT handing yourself in ?
I can bet that it does not say anywhere in any law that you can vary a sentence based on ‘public outrage’. And even if it did – where the hell did the judge get any consolidated view of ‘public outrage’ from ? I wasn’t invited to participate in a poll, as, I bet, no-one else was.
And if that is the case, then those who mutilated the Cenotaph and Churchill’s statue, must surely be in the same category (if not worse) and, on that basis, their sentences should be multiples of the basic sentence for their offences. These individuals will never be brought to court .. you know it and I know it.
Double standards are not good for a cohesive society.
Fundamentally justice now appears to be being based on mob rule. All it needs now in court is to have someone declare themselves outraged, and any sentence can be passed.
I am a person who loves my country, is right of centre, votes Tory, but who really objects to being called “alt right” because I will not be guilt tripped, by people who hate this country, into becoming part of Orwell’s 1984. Poor Orwell … an absolute visionary, who got the date wrong by 35 years ! ”
The reply from his “office manager” who has the same surname as him (daughter/wife?) …
“Thank you for your email and comments which have been noted.
Kind regards”
Why didn’t she just write “Racist” and be done with it.
Well, oldcrone, were you a black footballer, government policy would have been changed immediately.
And not one public servant loses his job over this.
I’d start with Mark Sedwill, after all, the buck stops with him, as head of the Civil Service.
And the one before him, j-i-c, or was it the one before that? Norman Coddington or Redington – I have a note somewhere – who effectively admitted in my hearing on the TOADY Prog a couple of years back that he and his fellow senior Civil Servants had been incompetent or negligent, I forget he exact words he used.
While British history is being gradually airbrushed away before our government’s eyes !
“To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”
– Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
Al Beeb’s front page will make interesting reading for the morning shift. More Trump and British police bashing …………Biden 8/11 Trump 5/4.
Beeb wetting themselves with excitement over yet another book bashing Trump:
“Trump sought Xi’s help with re-election”
Please note the complete absence of CLIMATE CHANGE “story’s” on the BBC.
Racism is the new Climate Change.
At least that means we don’t get to hear from that Swedish brat for a bit.
I did fear for another professional campaigner now that Brexit is taking a back seat for a while but I see Femi Sorry or Femi Oluwole as he was introduced on the BBC the other day is now a anti racism campaigner.Does he have a different surname for every cause that he latches onto.
A bbc regular approves of a bbc guest invitee saying what they both like.
Fed… sorry about the dupe. Said the server was not responding.
A bbc regular approves of a bbc guest invitee saying what they both like.
Abby appointed Editor of Newsbeat yet?
He is a sick man. Anyone with a brain can see a kid didn’t write that – at least not without guidance on what to copy..kids may be bad at spelling but they are taught phonetically now and wouldn’t make the type of spelling errors shown here..
Meanwhile the swamp is keen on claims in a book.
So American Beauty can now ‘quote’ the Times.
And anyone not taking a knee on demand is clearly a Klansman.
Not buying it.
Amazing that the left is gaining so much simply by hating Trump and Boris to the exclusion of all reason.
Jeremy’s wife might ask why he champions her?
Matt Handcock’s SD ‘slip up’
According to the BBC, below is the Tweet that started the outcry
I think it was taken on a smart phone from the gallery
It is my understanding that this is prohibited
“The use of cameras and mobile phones is not permitted in other parts of the tour routes or in the public galleries. In consideration of other visitors, mobile phones should be switched off during tours.
The BBC even did an article on it
It does suit the BBC now to mention the fact
Clearly he should apologise and then resign or be sacked from the cabinet – people will protest at his house enemy MSM will spend weeks writing columns about it . They’ll find people whose whole attitude to lock down will have changed and there’ll be another spike ….. one law for them another for us – do as I say …. you know the script now …….
Intelligence levels are rapidly falling – perhaps covid caused it …
BBC Moaning Emole and, as night follows day….
Is social media a risk to our health?
One of the features of the coronavirus pandemic has been the constant battle to prevent the spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories. Now, a study published in the journal Pyschological Medicine has found that unregulated social media platforms are a risk to health in the UK.
The researchers analysed studies carried out across the country in April and May in which people were asked whether they believed a number of conspiracy theories related to Covid-19. Among the study’s findings was that 56% of people who got a lot of their information from Facebook believed there was no hard evidence coronavirus exists. Social networks say they are taking action to bring fake news about the virus under control.
Just as the US MSM got the Federalist dealt with by the California Girls, and is gunning for Tucker, maybe the BBC can get ex-Newsnight editor Peter Barron to see what can be done here?
BBC subs playing games with English again.
A million have applied to attend Trump’s Tulsa Rally. He will probably have to cancel now that book has attacked him.
I note Premier League Footballers (whatever they are) ‘took the knee’ during games yesterday evening.
I hope all fans of the ‘beautiful game’ were suitably disgusted by the players antics when considering not so long ago that footballs controlling body said the wearing of poppies at games held over the rememberence weekend was not allowed as a political gesture.
How many of the footballers ‘took the knee’ out of fear?
I bet many will not agree with this blm crap but if they didn’t go down on their knee they would be slaughtered by the media and everyone else from our snowflake society.
Everybody claps for the likes of N Korean and other dictators (or you die)
Going the same way here, submit or you will suffer.
Agree. I think that some demonstration of allegiance to BLM will become a necessity on your car to stop it being vandalised , on shops to stop their windows being broken , on your person to stop you being attacked , for businesses to be allowed to trade. Meanwhile the police and politicians are terrified to intervene because they know that they have no chance of being able to stop the ensuing riots. In effect the authorities have handed control of the country to a cultural Marxist organisation. On the other hand if you show support for a group which dared to oppose BLM the police would lock you up in no time at all. Such is life in 21 st century Britain. I loath it.
Emm, surely some of those big men, rough tough football types wouldn’t be scared of a few choice words would they?
Even if they were, I’m sure the weekly pay packet would soon ease the hurt.
Hugh knows what sells.
Meanwhile BBC WS BS knows a picture paints a thousand words.
BBC News
“To this day no-one has ever said sorry to me. I think if someone said that one word… I think I would heal”
Writer, advocate and former police officer Kevin Maxwell speaks about experiencing racism and homophobia while serving in two of Britain’s biggest police forces.
Meanwhile, blonde moments…
I despair.
Guest Who
Oh you poor dear I am tho-o-o-o-o thorry . There, at leatht one thivilithed perthon hath apologithed to you for hurting your feelingth.
Now piss off.
Funny how Black Lives Matter suddenly springs into life on a four-yearly timetable. Must be to coincide with the Olympics or something.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-53028343 The Anything But Christianity (well, you know St Paul made references to slaves) BBC promotes its second favourite religion for the second time in a week.
The population of the world is, I think, closer to 8bn than 7bn but never mind that when you can enjoy a joke with the Dalai Lama.
This is bang on the money !!!!
Doobs, couldn’t get it to play or copy the URL to search. Something wrong, I fear.
TOADY Watch #1 – Hell hath no fury …
…. like a former advisor sacked (or resigned), Part the 2. I listened to about the first 25 minutes of TOADY yesterday and managed less than 15 minutes today. That was enough time to have a chuckle at the MSM ‘Wrongists’ having a go at President Trump on using the
RussiansChinese to get elected as President.If it wasn’t so funny it would be absurd, or dangerous, or treacherous.
I would not be in the slightest bit surprised if, in December 2024, the BBC are trying – with the help of a White House ‘insider’ – to get former President Trump impeached.
Open wide… for grievances
Now this might hurt a little…
BBC : ‘…black patients are more likely to have a tooth extracted rather than treated, compared with white patients’
That’s cos they like to install the gold innit?
AISI, anyone who knows a dentist well, perhaps has them as personal friends, will know that that is complete and utter bunkum on the part of the BBC. They should be ashamed.
Not only for the reason G posts in reply but because dentists are taught in school the realities of dental business life: a tooth extracted from an adult is lost future earnings potential.
“Coronavirus: Social media ‘spreading virus conspiracy theories’”
Another attack on crazy conspiracists and social media, this from the organisation that brought you ‘Weapons of mass destruction’ as fact.
No mention of the peer reviewed paper by Professor Angus Dalgliesh and virologist Birger Sorenson, who assert the virus does not have a natural origin.
“We are aware these (our) findings could have political significance and raise troubling questions”
I don’t understand the science but at least the bbc could acknowledge the report without endorsing it.
Anyway, I hope Dr. Dav…, sorry, Professor Dalgliesh and Birger Sorenson live long and happy lives.
Dame Vera Lynn dies at age 103
Very very sad news RIP.
Yes, so sad. My/(our?) parents generation. But glad that generation are not seeing the World as it is today – teetering on the brink.
May she rest in peace.
Covid the world seem to be catching up.
The UK still has this 1,000 new cases/day
Don’t know where they are coming from
..whether it’s our not very good NHS or something like migrant groups ..dunno
UK is 8th on the chart of new deaths/day
but in the chart for new cases heaps of countries are above us
Maybe if you scale for population we might be 50th to 100th.
As ever raw deaths is a rubbish metric cos if a lot of old people die in April instead of October, a country still has the same number of deaths in that year, cos people can’t die twice.
I did ask ‘ the doc’ about the practice medics use to certify death – but i didnt hear anything . I did try to find out how they charge but couldnt find that out either .
Normally if you haven’t seen a doctor for weeks the certificate must be signed by 2 doctors.
AFAIK For Covid time this has been relaxed to one doctor
So a home basically fills in the form saying they think a patient has died of Covid and a doctor signs it often without leaving his office.
ie the diagnosis has been made by the home.
If the oldie had symptoms that is reasonable.
But maybe sometimes it was an existing respiratory problem or pneumonia etc.without any Covid connection.
Our paper has the latest ONS data
“Now, new data shows of the 96 deaths reported locally since the start of the outbreak, 75 happened in hospitals.”
“Of the remainder, 20 happened in care homes, with one in a hospice.”
That’s from 175K population
The pattern still seems to be is that its the NHS that gives you Covid
The 9am Lincolnshire news strangely opened with real news instead of agenda pushing
“2 days without any new positive test patients in the county and 10 days since the last registered death in a Lincolnshire hospital”*
It’s so rare that they talk about Covid like that
By 10am that had dropped to become a line in an item about theatres being closed
And the headline had become 103 year old person has died, as they rolled out their package about Vera Lynn.
I can’t understand why for Covid media treat the UK as one mass.
In North Lincolnshire the last time anyone on Twitter mentioned deaths was the middle of April.
* There is a caveat for deaths. There were 6 Lincolnshire people this month who died WITH Covid, but they didn’t die in a Lincolnshire hospital, if they died in Nottingham they get added to that tally.
Radio Humberside 9am news did follow the Agenda Pushing norm
#1 Rhodes statue to go, with clip from activist
#2 Atlanta officer charged, clip from local prosecutor giving the line the victim was an angel.
#3 “The Hull man arrested for TERRORISM will appear in court
he was arrested on Saturday for waving a knife and shouting”
FFS it was news without news ..the news reader wen on
but there were no actual details that explained what happened.
#4 Masks hinder lip reading deaf charity says
Sad news, and will no doubt head the news for today, but she’s white, so there wont be any continual media weeping and wailing for the next 7 days.