We are witnessing the BBC morphing from a wholly biased anti British anti Right anti Judeo Christian propaganda machine into an undeclared Campaigning Operation without any controls or accountability. Its journalists AKA campaigners now preach from pulpits in the TV Studios on a daily basis ;
“ holding power to account” is now just a meaningless phrase for the BBC . Time to End it .
Midweek Thread 17 June 2020
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BBC credulity is legendary.
They speak for the nation you know.
Well, lunatic racist MPs of brain cell.
Muslims will have a problem with, “taking the knee”. Across the board, it is a sign of subservience. Apart from hating and murdering the kaffir, the muslim must not show an sign of subservience to anything or person other than allah. How wonderful to see, perhaps an MP interviewee asking/querying the muslim attitude.
Hilarious to see the BBC, general MSM and other Lefties tweeting their disgust at Raab.
“Criticism mounts” they tell us.
What they actually mean, is “Criticism mounts” from the BBC and its left wing friends , it mounts in Islington and Westminster, where as in the actual “REAL WORLD” support for Mr Raab has gone thru the roof !!!
Just look at the replies to Kuensberg’s tweet, Lammy’s tweet, Soubry’s tweet, it goes on and on ….. 95% of all those replies in support of Raab.
The replies to the Daily Mail article, top rated 35000+ likes last time i looked in support of Raab.
Do these people not read their replies at all ? If they did, they would see a very, very different world to the one they inhabit !!!!
Scary stuff. They are getting worse.
Likewise, the ‘outrage’ over the statistic that more blacks and asians have died disproportionately to white sufferers of the chinese virus. Our “Most trusted” is falling over themselves to find, “White Privilege”.The BBC are fuelling the demand that the ‘public’ know why. More BBC than ‘public’ btw. To my knowledge no one has pointed out that, on the basis that the allegations of ‘racism’, the NHS employment figures show about 20% of employees are blacks/asians. So, how does that ‘racism’ work? Or, perhaps the, “disproportionate” numbers of deaths should statistically be raised by a factor of 20% if the NHS was manned totally by whites.
Doobster – they think they are like God, creating reality simply by declaring it to be so? They are just mad enough!
JA -I missed that interview, but did I hear £1 billion was to be spent by the state on one-to-one tutoring? Was it to ‘level out?’
And that £55 BILLION is being spent in IN ONE MONTH?
If yes, unreal. Reckless. Irresponsible.
I really want to know where all these disadvantaged kids are and if the computers they are getting have to be returned? You can be sure Ebay will be flooded soon…
Yes one to one teaching – so these teachers that are not working will be paid and then probably do one to one teaching – double bubble..
It doesn’t matter what the Govt does – they are wrong and the teachers and Unions are saviours…
Strangely most of the people I speak to can’t understand why teachers are not going back and working over the summer having just had 3 months off…
“Strangely most of the people I speak to can’t understand why teachers are not going back and working over the summer having just had 3 months off”
James , . They have, according to the Teachers, BBC and Unions, been working (don’t laugh”) “HARDER THAN EVER” during this pandemic !!!!!!
Sending out work sheets on email from the sofa on full pay and pension …. yeah ,,, tough that !!!
Don’t forget Teachers must have their summer holidays July to September otherwise they will feel that they haven’t had a break…oh the stress !
Twitter watch
The banning movement has now moved from statues to music . Apparently the rugby song ‘swing low ‘ is now on the banned list ( I really can’t think why ) any Trevor Phillips Helpfully rolls out the antecedents of the song – who wrote it – when – who liked it and such stuff … to give substance to the madness .
Because of my limited exposure to the BBCMSM I’m not really engaged in this midsummer madness . As far as I’m concerned it plays into my long game for a change of direction. – much further to the Right … as the normal citizens of the UK roll their collective eyes at the latest episode the MSMBBC so fervently vomits out . With a collective silent response of
“ and now what ? “ keep it up lefties – keep it up …
Can’t see the middle/upper classes not singing this at ‘Twickers’ the next time there is a home international, Fed. That hideously white crowd will have to change their ways (despite having welcomed all shapes, sizes colours and creeds for many years) all united by their love for an odd shaped ball.
Concur with long game comment also. My Anti Beeb exposure is virtually nil, a dip into pop master, a bit of Steve shite, sorry Wright, some R3 and 4extra only. No TV and the website is blocked on my devices.
This government need to wake up and smell the coffee. Pandering to Twitter and Lefty idiots is showing them to be weak and usless in the eyes of the wider country, who absolutely don’t agree with the Black Lies Matter brigade or the virtue signalling bull that goes with it.
For every action, there is a reaction, and they better realise that fast.
How’s that ‘speaking for the bubble’ working out for ya, Aunty?
I like that: “……due to the rise in streaming services.” Nothing else? No other reason then? The item could have been written by a BBC employee skilled in the black arts of deception.
Mine has just gone….no renewal.. 🙂
Mine went ages ago.
No goons, no letters, just one confirming I don’t need a license. lots of spam emails that get junked.
It’s so good knowing I’m not paying those ….. wages.
Bit not enough of color for the Shadow front bench, but a gallon of peroxide and she could be a bbc editor of not manliness.
Thinks she’s helping with this post.
For a bbc under scrutiny for rigging.. everything.. really, nope.
Burl the Hurl going for the Mad Al look to match tweeting trends.
Suits him.
The ethics of black tunes and good old boys
I wonder if it’s still ok to hum along to the South African national anthem?
Where do the Police stand on this? What I mean is the 80s pop group led by Sting. UB40, are they still cool?
You know the safest way to avoid committing any form of racial micro-aggression (that’s a real thing, by the way) would be to lock oneself away for months, stay away from work and only leave home for basic foodstuffs. Aaaaahhh. Things become clear.
I think I’ll sit down, turn off all news and watch a movie instead.
Let’s see, this Korean cult classic called Old Boy looks interesting.
‘One day, for reasons he doesn’t understand, Oh Dae-su finds himself locked up in a prison cell, with no idea of what his crime was or whom his jailers may be. With a small television as his only link to the outside world and a daily ration of fried dumplings as his only sustenance, for fifteen years, Oh Dae-su struggles to keep his mind and body intact…’
Oh, perhaps it’s a documentary?
JHB show : Meg Hillier, Labour MP for Hackney South is treated to a very friendly chat dissing the government’s Covid tracking app *
Then JHB moves to do her normal Trump hating.
* Someone sold the government the idea of tracking nearness with Bluetooth, but Bluetooth doesn’t have the ability to give a distance or detect if there is a wall between you and another person.
Didn’t JHB used to be sensible and quite liberal in the true sense of the word. She seems to have crossed to the dark side? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
JHB suffers from TDS.
I don’t listen to that channel but I am guessing that JHB has moved her politics leftward to avoid being displaced …… ?
Anti-greens usually get an ultimatum from their girlfriend or teenage daughter.
Probably similar in JHB household.
Is BBC Politics actually a party?
If it is, it seems to be polling worse than the Limps, despite speaking for the nation.
Easy to see why they prefer policy via twitter, petition and protest marches daily rather than elections every several years.
What is a ‘Sir Ed Davey’ anyone?
Is that an abstract painting of a mosque behind him?
I thought religious symbols and images were banned under Islam.
I wonder if he had eggs and bacon for breakfast this morning?
They are Paul Klee prints.He did paint in the middle east yes.
Davey wants to be seen as ‘cultured’ and ‘trendy’
Thanks, I did not know. Cheers????
I think we should feel sorry for Sir Eddie – he’s only the acting leader and he is a field more crowded than the Ascot Gold Cup and at the moment he is both white and male – a big disadvantage in his Virtue signalling business ……
More seriously – the Lords is crammed with Liberals – where the hell is their mandate ? One of the many reasons for saying we do not live in a democracy – if we did this country would never have got into the racial mess it is becoming ….
….. I’m trying to guess the next media fixation after Cummings – Kneeling – just can’t see it …. maybe it’s ‘recession ‘ or ‘wasted unemployed generation ‘ ….. but hard to see it ….maybe if the India/China /Pakistan stuff gets going it will reflect hear with a third world civil war in various ghettos …
Dear Sir Ed,
I am deeply sorry that you are such an arse.
I mentioned sitting on Southwold beach and having my sensibilities assaulted by a bbc “history” magazine earlier, funny that on the wall next to me were some apposite quotes from a famous Southwold resident:
top left is interesting considering these last two weeks
Did I read somewhere that BBC staff at broadcasting house want the statue of George Orwell removed?
They have not long put it up, noticed nothing said about the pedo statute at the front of the building.
It was a spoof of a Graun post. Funny as hell.
The actual story is that :
…. The statue will stay in the building
….. and the BBC is to be removed
Ha if only.
One possibly not to be RTd by Jon, Nick, Katty and Tony.
BBC cameras have special viewfinders.
Normally the viewfinder focuses in the left of the crowd, so we get Ash Sarkar, and Yasmin AB etc.
… Then when they are looking for trouble the viewfinder doesn’t focus on the whole crowd, but only on the right, or more accurately what they perceive as right.
In victim mode the camera focuses on Calais “refugees”,
but not Grooming/Raping/Pimping gang victims.
This Twitter feed /a> shows Labour weaponising BAME issues.
Footy watch
For anyone who hasn’t seen live footy for a while we have a match on the BBC Friday night . It’s at Norwich – which is about to be properly relegated ….
Anyway … Norwich is one of those businesses owned and run as a hobby by a property rich lefty – delia- so prepare yourself for some full on box ticking and kneeling and emoting – maybe a sketch of the emancipation of the slaves …. Lineker will be the warm up act – so make sure you are calm , loosen your clothing – have a blood pressure monitor nearby ……
Not in this house Fed, not interest in the Premier League scumbags or the medium broadcasting it.
How’s the hairstyles, those rough tough players must have really struggled during lockdown with no beauty salons open.
Fedup-And expect a red card for any players that refuses to
prostrate themselves. It may be an anachronism but
just look at a picture of the English football team playing
Germany in Berlin in 1938. Where they were told that they
had to give the NAZI salute before the match by the English FA.
@FedUP2 you and the players hat refuse to kneel
… can expect a visit from your Prostration Officer
h/t @pablothehat
As much as I love my footy. There is no way on God’s earth I would be able to stomach the BBC coverage .
I loath Gary lineker with a passion . The virtue signalling will be off the charts !!!!
A sickening, virtuous, cringe fest awaits those brave enough.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Imprecise therefore unscientific
The BBC are pushing this line again, there’s a racial element to Covid-19 deaths. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53097676
‘South Asian’ is horribly imprecise and extremely unscientific. I wonder if that term was used in this latest report? Strictly speaking – Asia begins in Turkey – it includes Yemenis, Omanis, southern Indians, Sri Lankans, Singaporeans, Malaysians and other islanders that would not be included in South-East Asia. If you wished to be pedantic, the Yemenis and Omanis could be excluded as being in South-West Asia.
The doctors who compiled the Public Health England equivalent report were quite specific. In my view, that report is very much more scientific. They identified Bangladheshis, and Bangladheshi males specifically, as the most likely to die from Covid-19 in hospital in England.
I would maybe have shrugged and passed over this item but there is a very great danger to the BBC constantly harping on about this. It starts to stigmatise an innocent group of people as more likely to be carriers of Covid-19. It also stigmatises a group that eventually others may wish to segregate. It suggests to ther BAMEs and the indigenous population that that ‘South Asians’ should be avoided and cut off in segregated areas. Extremists may then use this to create trouble.
Most important of all, it suggests to those ‘South Asians’ that they need to avoid the NHS and GPs at all costs. Not only will that be harmful to them personally if they have Covid-19, they are then more likely to avoid quarantine, remain in their families and communities and therefore infect others. Others who are then more likely to continue that cycle of harm.
I don’t have time right now to read the report but it will be interesting to see if that imprecision of language is contained therein. It may just be sloppy unscientific terminology used by James Gallagher.
The BBC are being highly irresponsible in my view in continually pushing this line and creating a segment of the population that are stigmatised. Shame on the BBC for that.
My exact thoughts. I also haven’t had time to download it and review but will do…sure a complaint to BBC will be in order…
Beyond the BBC’s risible effort, there are way too many other ‘fact checkers’ masquerading as impartial seekers of truth.
Here Ben of the team at Fullfact.org emails and expects me this morning not to fall off my chair laughing:
Marcus Rashford scores with free school meals, but what does child poverty look like?
Lefties are running a petition for guy who lied about his age.
Home Office said he’d keep his refugee status, but maintain he entered as a 19 yo claiming to be 14.
Now 12 years later he’s in Bristol hospital on 105 days of hunger strike
It’s strange the media and petition don’t give his name.
“WA came to the UK from Palestine aged 14,
WA is now 26 and gains no legal status from the change of date. However, he feels that his date of birth is his remaining link to his past.
He believes the Home Office has robbed him of his identity. ”
It’s strange that no one mentioned it on Twitter in the first 2 and a half months.
Can we have a Petition to ban lefties starting Petitions ?.
Jesus wept, they don’t half love their petitions that lot.
Must be bloody tiring being a lefty and finding offence in everything and everyone , every day !!!!
Yes but most of them have got not much else to do.
Seems he says he’ll be able to claim his pension 5 years earlier if they change his date of birth.
They want to claim to be younger to get in but when £££s are at stake they change the playing field.
If the Home Office give in on this can you imagine the flood of claims ?
Money, money, money it’s a rich man’s world.
BBC doing what it does best… now all the time.
“The more people know about this, the more awareness there is that this happened in this country”
In 1921, groups of white people attacked groups of black people in Tulsa, America.
This is why it happened and why it’s important now.
I pity my kids and their kids if this level of indoctrination continues.
The most frustrating thing is that if I bought a private island and invited folk to live with me on it to exist in peace self-suffciently, JonDon would be on his kayak there to demand it is opened up to a BBC office so they can then demand those who would seek to change and destroy it are given free access. And charge me to do so.
Newsbeat is now just a sea of BLM propaganda.
One of its current headlines is slightly chilling: ‘I’m sorry for being racist when I was younger’
You see, it’s not enough that your soul be whiter-than-white now, you must also do a sort of examination of conscience for any misdeeds or thought-crime you may have committed in the past.
Like a cross between the Inquisition and Stalinist trials: “Have you ever had a heretical / bourgeois thought? Has any member of your family?
We know you have. Confess now or your whole family will be tortured and executed.”
Another chilling aspect is the ‘silence is violence’ meme.
One of the placards reads ‘We will remember the silence of our friends’.
It’s not enough to hold your peace, you must be out there rioting… or else!
From the article:
I doubt if ‘Joe’ is talking about songs from the 1920s. Surely these will be songs written and performed by ‘black’ people of his generation?
Are we to believe that he used the ‘N-word’ to include ‘white’ people? Isn’t that supposed to be ‘good’ now, in the same way as ‘guys and gals’ as become the asexual ‘guys’?
P.S. I see that the sidebar has “Quiz of the Week: What claims are in the new Trump book?”, a crude attempt to spread Bolton’s allegations to a wider audience by the racist, extreme-left BBC.
Track and Trace.
The NHS app is going pear shaped and the MSM are now rounding on it. In the beginning there was relatively little BBC style question mark headlines or questioning why an in house solution devised by the NHS was being developed from scratch. I suspect the media did not want to criticise the NHS IT team. Whenever governments get involved , especially when an IT system will allow them the capability to monitor their own citizens, they salivate and throw basic IT project management out the window. Corners are cut to get the app in place quickly which usually ends up with more cost, delays and problems. This has all the hallmarks of a rushed and poorly planned implementation. I doubt if a full requirements analysis and comparison of other third party options took place before giving the go ahead. When I was involved in IT projects there was a saying about large scale projects. When a project is successful you get the participation of the non involved claiming credit. When a project stalls you get the non involved apportioning blame.
The logic is that Apple and Google cannot be trusted with your minute by minute location data.
And what happens in practice ?
The government makes everyone leave their bluetooth open
@Fedup2 sees some tarty woman on the tube
he stands near to her
and the next day she gets a message offering a free private consultation with Dr FedUp2
… Nothing is unhackable.
Stew – how do you know my standard operating procedure … trouble is i land up on bail a bit too often ….
I wonder how much Apple is going to make ? Theyll have known the UK government wouldnt have got through their software and just waited ….
Well would you want to leave every teenage girl
trackable to every pervy hacker ?
Any aspect of the NHS is sacred in the eyes of the MSM.
However I’d offer that this can be held up as another example amongst many that it’s clearly not fit for purpose.
Would that be the same NHS that this chap is referring to?
“BLM USA = adult sized babies”
stephen @LFC_blano gives daily updates for the facilitation and welcoming of invaders at Dover via the Farce Ferry Service.
1st boat of the day has arrived -12 Illegal Migrants on board
That’s over 200 Illegals from Sunday to be welcomed into the #UK
Note: The Home Office no longer gives details on how many minors make up the passengers aboard the boats
Not just the BBC who get their facts or language wrong. That one-time most Conservative of conservative newspapers (or conservative of Conservative newspapers if you will) the Daily Telegraph thinks that the Church of England and Bank of England were benefitting from slavery in the 19th century.
I assume it says 19th century, the BBC are not very good at getting sharp copies of the newspapers’ front pages onto their web-site.
Now, on my calendar, slavery was abolished in the UK in 1807 and, some might say, only to re-appear 190 years later. Perhaps it was just a typo or maybe the Subbies at the DT learned their history from the BBC?
In 1772 Somerset v Stewart : Slavery was basically declared to have never been legal in UK law, slowly some kind of enforcement started.
Atlantic slavery trade abolished (1807), enforced at some cost by Royal Navy, also for decades.
WI Slavery finally banned (1834)
Looks like Mars and Uncle Ben’s Rice will now be on my list of companies to avoid…will wait and see what they do with the logo
which I have grown up with, not once seeing a Blackman, just a friendly face without any connotation..except it seemed to be a good brand value to have – friendliness seems sadly lacking in BLM..
didnt hear a beep from bBC about the quiet removal of the arch EU placeman Leo Varadkar……….the ex PM of Southern Oirland.
Sir, you will not be missed and it is to be hoped that the folks of ROI come to their senses and see the EU for what it is………
Once they see the prosperity that should come to the North post Brexit they might wish to re- consider their position.
Do you think that the BBC and Gary Lineker will tell us
that if we want to watch this evening live on BBC that
before the game starts we will have to prostrate ourselves
and go on one knee in front of the television ?
make sure you are facing east
Let’s watch Mr Lineker do a full on knee bend..
He must be really peed off that his middle name is Winston…
I believe he plans to change as a sign of BLM solidarity from Winston to Crispin.
Liberated tweet from Trevor Phillips retweeted by the liberated Alastair Stewart
Yes Stew- Banned in Germany in 1939 just after the English
football team were making their Nazi salutes. Do I spot
some parallels here? Heaven forbid. As Mark Anthony
says ” For Brutus is an honourable man” As the BBC stabs
the United Kingdom it’s government , and it’s people
in the back.
“Please everyone, take a breath before you eliminate black lives from history.”
Take a breath! Take a breath!
Does this racist not realise how offensive that is?
What can he do to make amends? Hold his breath for 8 minutes 46 seconds?
What a fantastic tweet to show these ‘righteous’ people up for what they are – left wing bigots and virtue signalling conformists
Thank you Mr Phillips
Firstly, I’d just like to make clear that I’m doing absolutely everything in my power to improve race relations and policing in the United States of American – which just happens to be zero – but oh, well, I guess Americans will have to work all that stuff out without my input.
Here’s a thought concerning the media in this sponge cake welfare soaked, grey sky emblazoned, rubber dinghy besieged, Atlantic isles of ours – there is a phenomena noted that as the audience for a given media organ diminishes from mass market to niche, then that organ in response abandons efforts to appeal to the mass market and instead entrenches its appeal to that niche still paying it attention.
Who said Newsnight? Question Time, anyone? Radio 4, certainly. Looks as though we could have a long list here. Have I Got News… of course!
AslSeelt – ‘still paying it attention’
And that’s not all they’re being paid!
And there, in the case of beeb, lies the problem.
As long as everyone is paying bbc by the ‘knee on the neck’ method, they will continue doing whatever they please!
Beeb and TV lincensing: We CAN’T BREATHE! Because of you! Been going on for many years, as you subvert Britain with your woke propaganda!
The carbon copy Guardian provides an answer by creating a worldwide readership of gigantic, yet sadly mythical, proportions.
Fireside anecdotes with Mr AsISeeIt
Several years ago, I was in my kitchen, black sharpie pen in hand, idly doodling dreadlocks onto the image of poor old Uncle Ben on a packet of rice – just then my state comprehensive-educated AsISeeIt junior frowned, instead of chuckling at my lighthearted antics as I had expected, she tut-tutted disapprovingly, pointing out that I was… the R word.
Just today I read how correct she was. Gosh, her teachers must be on the ball.
Quaker Oats anyone?
Didn’t Uncle Ben morph from plantation worker to plantation owner many years ago?
But then all ‘backs’ are ‘oppressed’ so must be seen as such, otherwise the rally cry fails.
Camp coffee used to depict an officer being served by an Indian. About the same time that Uncle Ben did his management buy-out the Sikh received his commission from Queen Victoria and got to drink a cup of Camp too!
Now it’s bbc TV news having a go at Pres Trump. As per usual, no bulletin would be complete without it. Kumarasami spent nearly half an hour at the start of last night’s R4 news bulletin on that. He had more Dems on, than you can shake a stick at. His very lengthy, leading questions shaped their answers for them.
Supreme Court x2 : LGBT and ‘Dreamers’ can stay.
Mary Elizabeth Taylor has also resigned. Pressure from….er…well, won’t take a genius to figure it out? Never heard of her before, to be honest.
Beeb on a high
Lefty academic triggers other lefties
by pointing out that so much BLM stuff like statue toppling is about MIDDLE CLASS white people virtue signalling.
Likewise lefty councils bulldoze homes & put up luxury flats.
So no one is helping the poor.
She makes errors like saying Grenfell cladding was done to please libmob’s aesthetics
No it was done to appease their GREEN virtue signalling.
article and thread
Bristol black memorial tombstones smashed.
So the other day when the BBC were claiming there were so few black memorials
..they forgot about elaborate burial stones.
The BBC only names one (I got it, the BBC means there were 2 stones, but only one is broken, the other one in the photo has been covered up to protect it)
“Historians believe Scipio Africanus may have been born into the household of 7th Earl of Suffolk, Charles Howard, and was the son of an enslaved West African woman, ”
died aged 18 born in 1702, died December 1720
There are big plans for the celebration of 300 years after his death.
Sky’s 2 threads
BLM people are rioting
and looting
for George
…. George Soros
What did Vine expect? Or is it one rule for one group and another for his BLM?
It is wrong on both sides to break the law, but Mr Vine ought to think before he opens his knee jerk virtue mouth in future, along with rest of MSM
and how does Sky know it was in retaliation and not by BLM to escalate things?
They don’t – it is not news it is more supposition and incitement
Right now on TV there is a documentary on Scipio the Roman General
on 91 PBS
Sky News introduced Susan Michie as a member of SAGE, the governments scientific advisory group. She isn’t. She is part of one of the sub committees, though she is a member of the anti government, Left wing, Independent Sage.
Michie is a life longer member of the Communist Party, married to fellow communist Andrew Murray, apologist of Stalin and both of whom want us to become more like the old Soviet Union, Venezuela and Cuba. Murray was best mates with Andrew Marr at University where they were both Maoists.
Should not Sky have alerted their viewers as to the political leanings of Michie before inviting her to lecture us on the evils of Boris?
some like HER are on both
She is listed here among 40 names
Labour’s group The “Independent SAGE” was convened by former government chief scientist Professor Sir David King.
Thanks for the link Stew, but she is in fact on one of the many minor sub committees. In her case: Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours.
That list you linked to combines the actual Sage members with the sub committee members.
scribbling, does that mean that the Wrongists are mating and producing little Wrongists for the future?
One can only hope that like many teenagers they rebel and become pillars of Society and the Conservative Party.
Yes, there is a daughter, part of Corbyn’s disastrous team of advisors. I’m afraid the DNA of lunacy passes down from parent to child for ever into the future.
Bolton admits he would lie if he felt it necessary. How will the BBC and Ch 4 spin this?
Would he lie about President Trump to protect his idea of America’s best interests?
“Black Lives Matter: Martin Offiah backs Swing Low, Sweet Chariot review”
That’s really good news for the Taffs . That will take the steam and fire out of the ‘enemy’ if there is a ban . Now what will they sing ?
Well at least we in Taff Land still have “Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau” –
“Land of my Fathers”.
Oh, wait a minute, “Fathers”, well that smacks of sexism & patriarchy. Will the loons try take that down as well ? They could try, but a word of advice to our English opposition’s ear , how the hell are the RFU going to enforce any ban ? That story has quickly dropped off their headlines . Why no HYS ?
taffman, “Oh, wait a minute, “Fathers”, well that smacks of sexism & patriarchy. Will the loons try take that down as well?”
Funny you should mention that. I’ve just been researching an American Abolitionist, as you do on a Friday afternoon. Apparently, some of the northern lasses during the American Civil War while being abolitionists, were also into womens’ suffrage and dismantling traditional family structures as well.
Fed, what is going on on the site? Is anyone else getting loads of e-mails every time there is a new post on this web-site? Or have I been a computer clutz and clicked on ‘please advise’ clicky somewhere on the page? My poor old lapop is coughing and wheezing trying to keep up.
Up2 – I haven’t had that but Things don’t seem right . I typed a maitlissss length sermon this morning – posted it and it promptly disappeared …. maybe things are creaking ….. I might put the new thread up in a bit – see if that helps….
I tried to check my personal settings but ended up watching a little icon rotate for ages. When I stopped feeling dizzy, I tried to PM (sorry, that’s short for Personal Message) our ace technical bods who do a great job for us keeping this site all agoing strong.
I just keep getting this message “There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.” in a pretty yellow box.
@Up2snuff look next to the post button there is a checkbox marked SUBSCRIBE
You’d acidentally clicked it .
You can select unsubscribe here biasedbbc.tv/comment-subscriptions/
Thanks Stew. I probably did do that. My only excuse is that occasionally this laptop I’m using as back-up has a mind of its own.
You will see in my message to Fed that I tried to get into my Personal Settings but to no avail. Have done it via my first message to thank you. This is my second reply to you. The first? Dunno.
Disappeared into a Great Black Hole for Bytes’n’Bits. The Interwebby can be very strange at times.
….watched the Business News on the BBC and the presenter was incredulous about the latest borrowing figures. The bloke from the ONS was saying it was in line with what was expected and as such the markets were reacting accordingly and were up 1.45%…The presenter was not having it, banging on about historical figures, banging on about how could the government let this happen etc etc etc..
You could obviously see the bloke from the ONS get rather flustered and actually said the figures for the next few months could be better than expected…Still not good enough for Mr Presenter…In the end the bloke from ONS said, this is a unique set of events, what did you really expect..????? No response, Pratt.
After the lock-down ends I am thinking of setting up a company – the Black Buddy Company.
The idea is that if you need a new sofa, fancy a McDonalds or need to do your Christmas shop at Waitrose, Tesco or Sainsbury’s you make your supplication and if one of our Black Buddies feels like it they will escort you to your shop of choice.
There will of course be a membership fee and a call-out charge. Especially attractive for The Guardian set, your Black Buddy will also charge you 20% of the value of your shop, as ‘reparations’. Regretably, as this is a service, that will be subject to VAT too.
As part of my work I have to read many medical research papers – but in the last two days I have been inundated with medical journals that have fitted racism into every bloody issue – including the BMJ, the Lancet and various US ones. All of them voicing the racism in medicine – and promising to do something about it…
If it is so bad why haven’t they sorted it out before now and how come the BBC keep telling us we depend on overseas BAME doctors? Answer – because it isn’t as bad as they say, but the disease of “acute virtuitis” seems to have taken hold.
Sorry to add but did anyone listen to R4 Feedback. Apart from being another narrative on racially offensive material output from R4 itself at the end they said:
“we asked if anyone from the organisation (BBC) to respond but nobody was available” – WTF
Nobody from the BBC was available to talk about the BBC?
This Feedback is basically a waste of time – except they seem to have lots of people saying the Archers is sHit£..
I have a feeling this is the first step in making Archers more diverse
Can’t wait for 5pm news 🙁
KThopkins Twitter account suspended again
But not actually deleted
dunno the story
except a load of hatey libmob are celebrating.
Her very last tweet said
‘Ive gone up to 1.1m followers
and they’ve rewarded me by removing my blue tick’
Her article today