If I were to saw a few inches off my shot gun, don a scary clown mask and burst into my local TSB shouting this is a stick up (metaphorically speaking), do you reckon both the police and cabinet ministers would, as their initial reflex reaction, state my behaviour was assumed to have nothing to do with armed robbery – until they had investigated further?
I doubt it – but I guess the minimalisation of armed robbery in the public consciousness isn’t included in common purpose training.
Apologies for this, but I know of no-one else to ask for technical advice regarding the blog.
I am using Windows 10 OS, and Firefox (both fully updated).
Until a month or so ago, when I clicked on the blue text for any of the ‘Recent Comments’ (top right on the blog page), the screen immediately went to that particular comment, and I could move on. Now, when I click on the same blue text, the screen jumps immediately to the appropriate post, then ‘skids off’ by anything up to 10 posts, usually prior posts….so I then have to scroll down to look for the post I was trying originally to reach….. very frustrating.
Can anyone help ?
Edit….. I thought I had found a pattern, it seemed to be ‘popping’ to the first post in a group if the post I was trying to reach had been say, the fourth reply to an original post – but that didn’t work all the time – but it does seem to ‘stick’ to lone posts with no replies, or to the first post in a group.
Hi Richard – I use Inoreader and the same happens when I want to comment and press on the link, just as it has done with yours.
It immediately is in the right place then moves up.
I suggest looking at the scroll bar on the right as the page opens and put your mouse immediately on the place it shows. You will see the scroll bar then go up as the page is fully loaded but if you then press the mouse left button it will bring the page to the correct place.
Thanks for that input, Teddy Bear….and I can see what you are describing happening on my screen….. but the damn thing moves so fast – you have to spot where the slider comes up on the scroll bar then get the mouse pointer to it……and I am either just not fast enough (but I have pretty good reflexes) or my PC is powerful enough to make it happen very fast indeed.
If you consider the facts we know surrounding the “Man” who knifed those poor innocent souls to death in Reading.
It appears he killed his victims in a very well-planned, swift and effective manner.
Surely this “man” is a trained killer to create such chilling devastation so quickly and effectively rather than a deranged nutcase. If so, he must have associates and supporters. His entire background should be rigorously checked from the moment he arrived in the UK, how he got here and his history where he came from.
This may suggest a para-military terrorist plan is in existence and if so suggests that there may be many more of his kind already be in the Country or following along.
Maybe there’s a lot more we need to know about those boats arriving daily and just where they are coming from and travelling to?
Apparently the head of the anti-terrorist squad, Mr Basu is absolutely sure the event had absolutely nothing to do with the BLM protest (hmm – just a bit quick to come to that judgement, no ? after all, it wasn’t that long ago that you were convinced it wasn’t a terrorist crime).
‘Scurity sources’ in the police seem to be saying that they are already seriously considering that this was purely down to some mental health issue.
Well, surely that won’t hold, as Jo Cox’s killer has found out , with the BBC continuing to claim ad infinitum that her killer was simply some far-right-wing terrorist.
Let’s be clear, if a WHITE person had MURDERED 3 x BLACK people in that park, we would now be seeing not only full on riots, but politician after politician, celebrity after lefty celebrity being wheeled out on the BBC , every single minute for days on end.
They would be lecturing us, telling us this needs to stop, we are racist, we need to be more tolerant, caring . It would be all the fault of the Government and its far right, racist ways.
As it is, no celebrity interested in this one, politicians from labour, lib dems, not interested,
Gary Lineker, Owen Jones, Stan Collymore not fussed. You see, there just isn’t enough virtue signalling kudos in it for them .
BBC , Sky, DESPERATE to downplay it , DESPERATE.
But, Dominic Cummings drives to another family home with his FAMILY for the sake of his sons wellbeing and it’s wall to wall , 24 hour coverage for days on end .
The FA are investigating the refereeing of todays matches, specifically the bookings.
It appears that all cards shown – seven yellows and two reds over the course of the total matches played – have been attributed to nine players all with the name Black Lives Matter.
The FA are currently evaluating the situation and will make a ruling shortly.
2019 Someone used the Blackadder quote on Twitter and of course wasn’t banned
Middle of March 2020 Katie Hopkins uses in a Twitter reply
and adds it to her profile
weeks later Twitter decides those words get you banned
"What about you? Have you got a man? Some fine fellow in an English country village? A vicar maybe? Quiet, gentle, hung like a baboon?" #Blackadderpic.twitter.com/2pvK1iihFS
I haven’t seen the original rape threat tweet that she was replying to, yet
.. I guess someone will post it soon
On Parler Katie did show the Twitter email saying that her reply was offensive
Now imagine if any overseas state media ran with a Sun ‘Looks like he was dragged to his knees by the maid’ or ‘Who is this sorry old git banging pots?’
Jason Brock, leader of Reading Council, has vowed that the town will come out of the incident “stronger”.
“We will be engaging with communities around the town to understand how they are feeling and what it is that we need to do to reassure them and help them feel safe again.”
“Reading is incredibly diverse and it celebrates that diversity,” he told BBC News.
“We mustn’t allow an act like this to divide us. We need to feel proud of our town and remain united”.
So lots of words about diversity and coming together but apparently not one word of shock over the deaths and no sympathy for the families of the poor dead residents of Reading.
And I think we all know exactly who he means when he talks about “engaging with communities”, …. engaging with diverse voters more like.
Almost everyone in a leadership position in this country , from councils, charities, police , universities to government, are either Marxists, Globalists , idiots or cowards . Sometimes all of them at once. Until at least 10,000 of them are removed from office there is no hope for the UK. I really do mourn for my lost country whilst at the same time loathing what it has become.
I notice that beeboid Nick Robinson, on the Marr show today, tried to shame Health Scretary Matt Hancock by showing a video of him in parliament a number of days ago, when he inadvertantly stood too close to a colleague and patted him on the back – then obviously realised what he had done, and moved away from the colleague. He was faced with the video last week, and apologised for the brief ‘error’ in the Evening Standard (if not others) at the time.
BBC – days late – tries it all over again – gotcha – again – for the same thing you’ve already spoken about – a natural human error.
How f*****g pathetic is the BBC ?
It clearly is all just political with that organisation, now.
richard D
“It clearly is all just political with that organisation, now.”
I am afraid it doesn’t appear like that to Boris and his cabinet?
It should have been de-funded as soon as The Tory Party won the last election with such a huge majority, especially after its blatant bias during the Brexit referendum of almost four years ago.
I’m still waiting for the implementation of the Boundary Commission’s recommendations….. that, too should have been right at the top of the first few days’ ‘To-do’ list – and screw all those who start bleating, wailing and gnashing their teeth.
Halifax -The BIG ANSWER, in part: the big answer, in part, is because we non-assertives don’t get out there and make ourselves heard. We don’t have placards. We don’t shout. And when we do, it takes only one fool to misbehave, and derail the story.
A couple of hundred of us outside Broadcast House, telling that toxic setup what we think of them, might help. Strictly peacefully, of course. Strictly no loutish behaviour, to give the media ammo. They’d love something thuggish!
A couple of thousand would impress even more. DISCIPLINE ESSENTIAL! If they can get one photo to fit their narrative, the whole thing could be negated.
Discipline and organisation are essential.
BLM will get away with thuggish because they’re the flavour of the year. Crime no problem.Anyone telling the beeb what they thought of it, could be nailed for a T shirt sticking out of trousers.
And all this would have to happen again and again. we are working people, in the main, the state knows that. They count on us to be non-assertive, go to work, bring in the taxes.
Part two: yes, we are all frustrated! A ‘conservative’ party with an 80 seat majority is allowing the anarchists to roam about our cities , all but freely, cos they don ‘t want to hurt their feelings. We don’t have that luxury. One guy peeing, and they’ll nail you; if THAT was a deliberate act of disrespect to a deceased PC, I condemn it in the strongest terms. BLM can pee. BLM can do virtually what they like: the narrative of ‘colonialism’ and ‘slavery’ is a free ticket to misbehave.
But- for us- frustration must never be on show. Anger, yes, frustration, no. Getting out there with rage showing, but staying disciplined and peaceful, that’s the challenge, that’s the balance to achieve, that’s the task.
Beeb needs to hear from us, loudly. But our protest must be peaceful. Their staff need to see us, see our messages, but NO harrasment. If we get out there, but can’t get that balance right, we may as well stay at home.
Cos the media would LOVE misbehaviour.
Richard – I’m amazed – truly amazed that they went for that . It was dealt with about 3 days ago . What purpose ? To show people forget sometimes …. ?
I had a hard time for a long time being treated like an idiot by Marr / Robinson and wouldnt stomach them or any of the droids any more …
The BBC news has Starmer saying ‘this is not a time for party politics “ cue the Lammy , Hirsch, the ash thing, Ojones, and the whole race industry looking for a payday ….
The BBC will move heaven and hell to show that the victims all happened to be White – as others have said here – if it was a white Killing 3 blacks bits of London would be ripped up by now and the BBC would be in full rant …..
If there is video – rebroadcast it before it is destroyed by the Left …
Oh yeah and it definitely didn’t have anything to do with the nonsense illegal protest earlier in the day – although it’s early days in the investigation – how does that work then ?
'Is there a problem of systemic racism within the NHS?'
Director of the NHS's Workforce Race Equality Standard@yvonnecoghill1, tells #Newsnight the experiences of BME staff is "very different to their white counterparts", adding systemic racism is a problem "across our world" pic.twitter.com/3LEtlA8HMw
Once again, if the narrative just does not fit with their worldview, the media clamp down on their ‘comments’ sections to avoid any visible criitcism of, for instance, the left-wing media, BLM, Antifa, The Religion of Peace, Labour Party anti-semitism, etc.
The first 5 locations I checked earlier did not allow comments on the Reading story, including, would you believe it (/sarc) the Guardian and the Beeb ! Incredible, eh ?
richard D
Now that the cowards who control Twatter have banned Katie Hopkins perhaps the BBC, to show how diverse they are, could sign her up for her own show with a Linecker type salary and a five year contract.
Now THAT would be worth the TV tax.
“Government criticised for delay in setting up security committee” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53111507
Rather timely , what?
How many Libyans are coming across the English Channel in the ‘boats’ escorted in by the French navy?
How many previous terrorists were ‘known’ to the security organisations and went on to commit attacks . Why were they not confined in secure holding centres?
I was on MSN.com a little earlier today. One of the news stories that came up was about the Trump rally in Tulsa. I think the headline said something like ‘Trump rally attendance disaster’ and it was illustrated by an image of some guy sitting on his own in the auditorium. The story was (if I recall correctly) from the New York Times, and since they are anti-Trump, I didn’t bother clicking on the story.
I went to Breitbart and they had an image of the rally. There were a few people sitting alone higher up in the auditorium. But lower down there was a much bigger crowd attending the rally. So, as usual, the left-wing media are using lies, spin and propaganda whenever they report on Trump-related news.
“Spain has lifted its state of emergency, reopening its borders to visitors from most of Europe and allowing British tourists in without having to quarantine.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-53126112
Yea , they need our money!
Re the Reading murders.
The narrative is about to change as MI5 knew about the cold blooded Muslim terrorist in 2019. So expect to see the government called to account as to why they didn’t stop this cold blooded killer.
So the upshot will be its the government’s fault ….they had the chance to stop it.
taffman – there’s a lot of learning going on, isn’t there? But never any penny dropping. Then again, pennies are so yesterday.
If you are asking about Stuttgart, it’s bad news. Lotsa smashing and grabbing. Lotsa men with ‘migration background’, say the police. But also some ‘Germans’. It’s only the ‘party scene’ getting a bit out of hand, say the media and the Greens..The ‘event’ scene; people want to get onto TV and Twitter. Nothing to see; harmless fun..
19 policemen injured, 40 shops destroyed. Lotsa looting and plundering.
Now you know immediately what’s going on.
Merkel’s remedy will be to watch the AfD more closely!
Mustn’t hurt the feelings of her guests.
There will have to be a lot of lessons learnt!
Johnson, his party, and the collection of smarmy globalist simpletons that was in power before 2010 have all failed to heed any of the lessons that have been written in the blood of the victims of terror attacks, drug dealers and wannabe gangsters.
Instead, all they do is follow the standard procedure: mutter platitudes, put feet up, rinse and repeat.
“He was known to MI5.” They almost always are, But MI5 have too many jihadists to monitor & investigate. Their job should be made more manageable by deporting as many jihadists as possible, & in this case deportation was not only possible it was a duty. https://t.co/oJVpwL575N
Also “This terrorist should have been deported when he finished his jail sentence for violent crime. Human rights of terrorists are being prioritised over their innocent victims by a government whose first duty is to protect British citizens not harbour foreign criminals“.
Yes – on point 6 of the narrative – the issue for MI5 must be who isn’t on the ‘watch ‘ list . Did he go on the March ? Did any of the victims ?
The PM has popped up with that “ we’re not gonna do anything “ face he has – he used the same face when the monuments and statues were being damaged – notice no CCTV released of that ….
Anyway – MSMBBC is ready to bury this event – I bet plod is preventing witnesses from talking to the media – or indeed – bypassing them and going straight to social media …..
The mental issues explanation ( excuse) for the Reading terrorist is now being touted in the media. Obviously we all know it’s crap but supposing it was true could the media please explain why a frighteningly high proportion of these Muslim ‘refugees’ have such serious mental issues that they go around stabbing people? Surely their propensity to committ acts of violence should mean that none of them are granted asylum or even allowed into the country and if caught as illegals , are immediately deported. At least that is what any government interested in protecting its own people would do!
Doublethinker – didn’t you notice in the press coverage that he apparently gave up the Moslem faith a couple of years ago and converted to Christianity…?
I think its because the Government wants to protect mentally ill asylum seekers and terrorists by gifting them expensive homes in nice English towns and cities. And as Black lives matter, Its far safer for them to live next to and then kill racist white people after a Black lives matter protest, than live in some foreign shithole were Black lives don’t matter a jot.
GWF – could just be the start of a ‘party scene’, as experienced in Stuttgart. Vicious attacks on police and looting, the order of the day, over there.
The police local union boss anxious to emphasize that the first person arrested was a man ‘with a white skin’. Political appointment? We can read between the lines.
Like in the US and Britain, Germany is experiencing violence in its cities. Similarly, the media have to be read and listened to with great care. Nobody wants to be accused of the ‘r’ word, so careful research required. Authorities anxious to find white miscreants.
Yet Germany was never like that, I know the place. Yes, there was a RAF. NOT the Royal Air Force, this time. The ‘Red Army Faction’, back in the sixties/seventies, extremely violent.
But the cities used to be safe at night. No longer.
One wonders what happened? What lessons can be learned? It’s so difficult, in Germany and in England, to come to any conclusions after lessons, in case they are inconvenient for the prevailing narrative.
The inconvenient truth. So, we have to keep on learning, and learning and learning…
No one dares to say that they see Black people for fear that they will be seen as stupid. Finally a Mensa member cries out, “But I see lots of violent Black people looting and pillaging”: By Hands Christian and Arson.
Just before 7pm yesterday. Libyan asylum seeker and terrorist Khairi Saadallah (25) of Basingstoke Road, Reading. Who has been in and out of jail since coming to Britain several years ago, approached ten men who had been sat drinking beer in Forbury Gardens, Reading. And then suddenly began stabbing them. Three men died in the attack, while three others were rushed to hospital, two of them have since been discharged. Saadallah was known to officers as a shoplifter and previously spent at least 12 months in prison for various assaults. He was jailed in December last year after assaulting a Sainsbury’s security guard Sydney McDonald. Saadallah was charged with affray, assault by beating and two counts of having an offensive weapon, in relation to the broken bottle and his belt. Usually asylum seekers and terrorists convicted in the UK would be deported, but the National Probation Service gave the terrorist a £230,000 flat in Basingstoke Road, Reading, due to it being safer for him than living in Libya, which is full of violent terrorists, who could have killed Saadallah. Three hours before the incident, a Black Lives Matter protest, organised by Nieema Hassan, was held in the park with the Forbury Gardens bandstand used to deliver speeches. This is thought to have inspired Saadallah to go to Forbury Gardens to kill white people because he was angry about the incident with Sydney McDonald, who he accused of being a racist. If only all the white people had left Reading, nothing like this would have happened.
Richard . Thank you – but deeply depressing . All the ingredients just recycled from the last time . The so called ‘National Probation Service ‘ will no doubt turn out to be just another lefty infested self serving outfit moaning about their pensions …..
Who is in charge ? Where does responsibility lie for this vermin still infesting our country ?Why no deport order ? I’m using strong language to fire up the cut and paste trolls – who often go silent during such slaughter ….
I’m just waiting for the Alf dubbs type noise about ‘long history of being a haven for those in need of asylum ‘ crap . Soft touch – pull out of any international treaties about asylum seekers and let them know they won’t be accepted ….
( won’t happen with the current socialist government )…
fed – Don’t upset yourself. it’s only what the Germans would call the ‘Zeitgeist’. You find it there, you find it here.
Accomodating ‘migrants’, in every sense of the word, is the order of the day. Many of them commit crimes, get arrested (maybe), get released- but not deported, commit more crimes., etc etc
Violence is all but socially acceptable, providing you have the correct background and the right PC motive.
By and large, the media play along; it’s always a good story.
Even a repeat, sadly, is merely another good story. just don’t condemn anybody, Don’t start making any links between certain kinds of crime and certain kinds of ‘migration’. Cos the ‘r’ word will be whipped out, smartish.
Here we have pretexts that the Germans don’t: colonialism – the ‘c’ word. And ‘slavery’ – the ‘s’ word. That is a free pass for ‘some’ to go a little wild. In Germany they have the ‘n’ word. No, it’s not what you think: it’s the Nazis. If you’re against them, you can also go a little wild.
So, the above are all words you have to learn. Just like ‘lessons’, it seems.
Just be careful if you are ‘indigenous’. That would be the ‘i’ word.
In both countries, the authorities, who are a wee bit ‘socialist’ of mindset, will put the poor old police into the frontline to get hammered. Bicycles thrown, knives, and suchlike.
But don’t make a mistake. ‘Socialist’ in our Zeitgeist, has very little to do with the working man. About as much to do with the working man as the Labour party, in fact. Long as what he pays his taxes and keeps his mouth shut, the ‘authorities’ will deal with other issues raised by the Zeitgeist.
They hope you will believe that. And, if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.
Ah Fake – thank you but it is beyond upset . The more noises about ‘Border Control’ the more we know there truly is nt any – except of course – if there is money going after people ordered to quarantine after coming back to the country -which is something I have to face very soon . ….
AS I have said we need to stop policing the cities and large towns the way we are now. The residents do not want white police there and the only answer is to police them with only BME police. I am not sure about Reading. Maybe it is still majority white but not for long. I spent much time there as a child but that was in another country.
Solid research,Richard, which doesn’t appear to be shared by the BBC or Sky right now.
But it all beggars a string of questions:
Why should we allow people to remain this country who despise and want to kill us because they are in danger at home?
Why should asylum seekers, whom many would call illegal immigrants, be afforded a home in this country if they have committed acts of violence?
Why is the BBC/SKY so shrill about the death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer yet so coy about the murder of 3 white people at the hands of a black Muslim?
Is there some software to cut out the ‘ powerful ‘ kneeling pantomime complete with black power fist – it’s always described as ‘powerful ‘when all I see is some madness to do with how the police conduct themselves in another country .
BBC Narrative update.
The murder of innocents by a Muslim refugee from Libya that lived in a council supplied £230,000 flat who had a criminal record of violence and theft and wasn’t deported , is now known as the :
Reading Park Stabbings, making it sound like an Agatha Christie book.
Yes, an Agatha Christie plot. Try this. Middle East men recruited and highly trained to fight as Britain’s mercenaries to topple dictators the UK government want removed, like Assad. Now they are coming here for their promised rewards and the government keeps its promise and supplies them with homes and a kind of pension. But some of them are Jihadists through and through.
The makings of a good fiction story eh.
quite understandably the “mostly peaceful stabbing” thing has take on a bit of a life of its own ….
Does anybody know if it actually appeared on any of the BBC’s output over the last 24 hours?
Some dozy wee hours of Sunday morning shift worker in Broadcasting House manages an auto-corrected typo that holes the corporation below the waterline would be truly delicious.
Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said investigators are not looking for anyone else in connection with the attack.
And yet BBC man Dominic Casciani claims:
Electronic analysts will delve into any social media accounts linked to the suspect; they’ll trawl every call and text message going back years, looking for contacts with extremists.
In answer to your question I suppose it depends on who you are inclined to believe. The curtsying Met or the Bum Boy Corporation.
Personally,I think they both merit public scorn as they are both unfit for purpose. Either that or their purpose is totally different to that of the British public.
I’m not keen to talk about the victims but the BBC is keen to bring us some info about a chap who was a teacher & what his school had to say about him.
“He was determined that our students would develop a critical awareness of global issues and in doing so, become active citizens and have a voice.”
Make of that what you will.
Ground work being laid there for much understanding & forgiveness in short order if ever I saw it.
There are two Iconoclasts
@Iconoclast1982 on Twitter who I think posts here
and Mr Iconoclast who posts on Youtube
RT has this : Canceling The Iconoclast
The Observer has called his youtube channel “far right”
and got youtube to ban it.
Furthermore it has doxxed him.
In Iran it is common to use anonymous names on social medi to escape the wrath of the mullahs
same applies here, but the Guardian thought there is some kind of public interest in naming him
Remainers seem to have endless access to resources to take the govt to court
Is it not time for others to do the same for the govt allowing a multitude of thieves, rapists, murderers, mass murderers and drug dealers posing as asylum seekers into this country,
there are thousands of indigenous victims,
I am not a lawyer maybe someone here knows about crowdfunding and the legal issues ?
I do know the PRIMARY role of govt is to protect its citizens which they have markedly and repeatedly failed to do through this particular negligence
Fed, apologies in advance but i am F****** incensed, bad enough that there has been a stabbing, but as it now seems the perp is a failed asylum seeker with previous, what the hell lessons are the stupid idiotic PM and Home Sec going to learn from this, maybe a few gunboats in the channel and some rapid repatriation flights – not f****** likely it will be another round of lessons learnt and ‘don’t look back in anger’ again. Clearly white lives are not as important as black lives.
Dough – the BBCMSM is just waiting to jump on the next so called ‘hate ‘ crime as a response to the slaughter …. then they can get back to the ‘coloured as perpetual victim ‘ narrative as if every whitee has had it easy -…..
The boats will still be turning up – no one with the Will to stop or sink them or take them back …. yet alone those coming in via the back of lorries ….. or in containers …
No doubt the BBC will be looking for someone like that idiot father who basically said that his son would have been proud to take a knife for the cause of refugees…..
Guest Who
Aye. Temporary changes in society maybe but after over 40 years of studying and hoping for the great Socialist Working Man’s Revolution I came to the realisation that Human Nature is the demon that will ALWAYS thwart left wing ideology. Mother Nature knows best. She will win and rightly so.
Wiki is far from accurate about Rajan – born in Calcutta – family got the boat to Blighty when he was 3- grew up in Tooting – stopped believing in God when 15 –
Which is where it went wrong – now he worships the BBC and the generous ‘compensation ‘ that comes with it .. he always sounds like he should be working for ‘we buy any car ‘ ( no offence ) …
…. I’m reluctant to do it but I’d better stick up the new thread… unfortunately it is going to stay busy ….
I just read a feature on the terrorist murder of the teacher
in Reading, on the BBC website.At the end of the report there is a comment
“Wokingham Labour tweeted. It takes you to the twitter account
where the Wokingham Labour party pay a tribute to the teacher
and underneath you can see other tweets with diatribe against
the government. I wonder why the BBC wanted to lead us to
C Quinn reminds us on R4 that tomorrow is Windrush day.
When is it not?
Switch on late:
Interview with a ‘lefty’. Something about the ‘Hostile Environment Act’.
C Quinn prompts with the Home Office being ‘institutionally racist’. The someone elaborates endlessly.
Tim from the govt has to speak, and will have to soundeven more PC than everyone.
C Quinn drags T May into it.
Yes, she was guilty.
Lotsa stuff about how bad the govt is.
Quinn prompts about the Windrush Compensation Scheme.
Apparently the scheme is not doing the work it should.
Lengthy spiel on how to claim.
The someone is from HM Constabulary. She starts up about ‘stop and search’. finds it hard to say the word ‘satisfactory’.
Current government prompt from Quinn.
Oh goodness, now we hit ‘lessons learnt’.
Wendy Williams is the Lefty.
But hey ho, she needs to prove to the Windrush generation that she knows how bad they were treated. There is someone else from the Borough of Lambeth. This is a ‘discussion’.
Sorry, I got that a bit garbled, listening near the end of ‘Westminster Hour’ with one ear. Switched on late cos I can’t bare Quinn. Of all the nauseating, sanctimonious PC journos on R4, she must be at or near the top? Utterly predictable, except she’s worse than ever tonight.
Oh hello, it’s The Film Programme, all about racism. Spike Lee and the Black Klansman?
You can’t help feeling that R4 has become one endless chain of propaganda. Does anyone ever listen to this garbage? I switched on briefly, in the hope there might be something worth listening to. How stupid can you get?
Off Switch.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
UN put up pro Antifa tweet
then deleted it
Defund the globalist socialist racist UN.
If I were to saw a few inches off my shot gun, don a scary clown mask and burst into my local TSB shouting this is a stick up (metaphorically speaking), do you reckon both the police and cabinet ministers would, as their initial reflex reaction, state my behaviour was assumed to have nothing to do with armed robbery – until they had investigated further?
I doubt it – but I guess the minimalisation of armed robbery in the public consciousness isn’t included in common purpose training.
Priti Patel
My thoughts & prayers are with the families & friends of those who sadly died during the tragic attack in Reading.
I am in regular contact with police & security services who continue with their investigations.
My thanks once again goes to our amazing emergency service workers.
I see Priti, they died. Could have been Corona virus.
No No, you tory coward
Just checking… the murders that so recently were not terrorism, that now are terrorism – are they still nothing to do with BLM?
Apologies for this, but I know of no-one else to ask for technical advice regarding the blog.
I am using Windows 10 OS, and Firefox (both fully updated).
Until a month or so ago, when I clicked on the blue text for any of the ‘Recent Comments’ (top right on the blog page), the screen immediately went to that particular comment, and I could move on. Now, when I click on the same blue text, the screen jumps immediately to the appropriate post, then ‘skids off’ by anything up to 10 posts, usually prior posts….so I then have to scroll down to look for the post I was trying originally to reach….. very frustrating.
Can anyone help ?
Edit….. I thought I had found a pattern, it seemed to be ‘popping’ to the first post in a group if the post I was trying to reach had been say, the fourth reply to an original post – but that didn’t work all the time – but it does seem to ‘stick’ to lone posts with no replies, or to the first post in a group.
Same here.
Hi Richard – I use Inoreader and the same happens when I want to comment and press on the link, just as it has done with yours.
It immediately is in the right place then moves up.
I suggest looking at the scroll bar on the right as the page opens and put your mouse immediately on the place it shows. You will see the scroll bar then go up as the page is fully loaded but if you then press the mouse left button it will bring the page to the correct place.
Thanks for that input, Teddy Bear….and I can see what you are describing happening on my screen….. but the damn thing moves so fast – you have to spot where the slider comes up on the scroll bar then get the mouse pointer to it……and I am either just not fast enough (but I have pretty good reflexes) or my PC is powerful enough to make it happen very fast indeed.
But…… you are NOT wrong !
You’re welcome Richard – even if you you look at where the scroll bar opens up on the page you will know where to move it to.
If you consider the facts we know surrounding the “Man” who knifed those poor innocent souls to death in Reading.
It appears he killed his victims in a very well-planned, swift and effective manner.
Surely this “man” is a trained killer to create such chilling devastation so quickly and effectively rather than a deranged nutcase. If so, he must have associates and supporters. His entire background should be rigorously checked from the moment he arrived in the UK, how he got here and his history where he came from.
This may suggest a para-military terrorist plan is in existence and if so suggests that there may be many more of his kind already be in the Country or following along.
Maybe there’s a lot more we need to know about those boats arriving daily and just where they are coming from and travelling to?
Apparently the head of the anti-terrorist squad, Mr Basu is absolutely sure the event had absolutely nothing to do with the BLM protest (hmm – just a bit quick to come to that judgement, no ? after all, it wasn’t that long ago that you were convinced it wasn’t a terrorist crime).
‘Scurity sources’ in the police seem to be saying that they are already seriously considering that this was purely down to some mental health issue.
Well, surely that won’t hold, as Jo Cox’s killer has found out , with the BBC continuing to claim ad infinitum that her killer was simply some far-right-wing terrorist.
Let’s be clear, if a WHITE person had MURDERED 3 x BLACK people in that park, we would now be seeing not only full on riots, but politician after politician, celebrity after lefty celebrity being wheeled out on the BBC , every single minute for days on end.
They would be lecturing us, telling us this needs to stop, we are racist, we need to be more tolerant, caring . It would be all the fault of the Government and its far right, racist ways.
As it is, no celebrity interested in this one, politicians from labour, lib dems, not interested,
Gary Lineker, Owen Jones, Stan Collymore not fussed. You see, there just isn’t enough virtue signalling kudos in it for them .
BBC , Sky, DESPERATE to downplay it , DESPERATE.
But, Dominic Cummings drives to another family home with his FAMILY for the sake of his sons wellbeing and it’s wall to wall , 24 hour coverage for days on end .
Talk about priorities all wrong !!!!!!!
Very salient points, Doobster.
I see that Al Beeb have named man held on suspicion of killing three people.
Victims’ names ?
How long do you think it will be the lead story on the BBC ? I don’t think that it will even be number one by tomorrow evening.
So what you’re basically saying is that Not All Lives Matter to the virtue-signalling brigade?
Anyone seen Boris?
The FA are investigating the refereeing of todays matches, specifically the bookings.
It appears that all cards shown – seven yellows and two reds over the course of the total matches played – have been attributed to nine players all with the name Black Lives Matter.
The FA are currently evaluating the situation and will make a ruling shortly.
2019 Someone used the Blackadder quote on Twitter and of course wasn’t banned
Middle of March 2020 Katie Hopkins uses in a Twitter reply
and adds it to her profile
weeks later Twitter decides those words get you banned
Twitter ban: Katie on ‘Outsiders’ Sky News Australia
I haven’t seen the original rape threat tweet that she was replying to, yet
.. I guess someone will post it soon
On Parler Katie did show the Twitter email saying that her reply was offensive
Got it I’ll post on the new thread
A Lurch double Hill/TDS score
Now imagine if any overseas state media ran with a Sun ‘Looks like he was dragged to his knees by the maid’ or ‘Who is this sorry old git banging pots?’
The leader of Reading Council has words….
Jason Brock, leader of Reading Council, has vowed that the town will come out of the incident “stronger”.
“We will be engaging with communities around the town to understand how they are feeling and what it is that we need to do to reassure them and help them feel safe again.”
“Reading is incredibly diverse and it celebrates that diversity,” he told BBC News.
“We mustn’t allow an act like this to divide us. We need to feel proud of our town and remain united”.
So lots of words about diversity and coming together but apparently not one word of shock over the deaths and no sympathy for the families of the poor dead residents of Reading.
And I think we all know exactly who he means when he talks about “engaging with communities”, …. engaging with diverse voters more like.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that he sat with pen in hand, ticking box after box as he proofread that statement…
Nope, Van Helsing, not by a very long stretch is it just you !
Almost everyone in a leadership position in this country , from councils, charities, police , universities to government, are either Marxists, Globalists , idiots or cowards . Sometimes all of them at once. Until at least 10,000 of them are removed from office there is no hope for the UK. I really do mourn for my lost country whilst at the same time loathing what it has become.
I notice that beeboid Nick Robinson, on the Marr show today, tried to shame Health Scretary Matt Hancock by showing a video of him in parliament a number of days ago, when he inadvertantly stood too close to a colleague and patted him on the back – then obviously realised what he had done, and moved away from the colleague. He was faced with the video last week, and apologised for the brief ‘error’ in the Evening Standard (if not others) at the time.
BBC – days late – tries it all over again – gotcha – again – for the same thing you’ve already spoken about – a natural human error.
How f*****g pathetic is the BBC ?
It clearly is all just political with that organisation, now.
richard D
“It clearly is all just political with that organisation, now.”
I am afraid it doesn’t appear like that to Boris and his cabinet?
It should have been de-funded as soon as The Tory Party won the last election with such a huge majority, especially after its blatant bias during the Brexit referendum of almost four years ago.
I’m still waiting for the implementation of the Boundary Commission’s recommendations….. that, too should have been right at the top of the first few days’ ‘To-do’ list – and screw all those who start bleating, wailing and gnashing their teeth.
Just goes to show.
Violence and rioting gets you what you want.
Even if you commit murders you get all the sympathy.
Trying to play by the rules gets you nowhere.
I wonder if it would work if the ‘right’ started rioting, murdering and generally causing mayhem.
Somehow I doubt it.
The BIG Question.
Why isn’t the BBC as outraged over the events in Reading as they were over the events in Minneapolis?
Halifax -The BIG ANSWER, in part: the big answer, in part, is because we non-assertives don’t get out there and make ourselves heard. We don’t have placards. We don’t shout. And when we do, it takes only one fool to misbehave, and derail the story.
A couple of hundred of us outside Broadcast House, telling that toxic setup what we think of them, might help. Strictly peacefully, of course. Strictly no loutish behaviour, to give the media ammo. They’d love something thuggish!
A couple of thousand would impress even more. DISCIPLINE ESSENTIAL! If they can get one photo to fit their narrative, the whole thing could be negated.
Discipline and organisation are essential.
BLM will get away with thuggish because they’re the flavour of the year. Crime no problem.Anyone telling the beeb what they thought of it, could be nailed for a T shirt sticking out of trousers.
And all this would have to happen again and again. we are working people, in the main, the state knows that. They count on us to be non-assertive, go to work, bring in the taxes.
Part two: yes, we are all frustrated! A ‘conservative’ party with an 80 seat majority is allowing the anarchists to roam about our cities , all but freely, cos they don ‘t want to hurt their feelings. We don’t have that luxury. One guy peeing, and they’ll nail you; if THAT was a deliberate act of disrespect to a deceased PC, I condemn it in the strongest terms. BLM can pee. BLM can do virtually what they like: the narrative of ‘colonialism’ and ‘slavery’ is a free ticket to misbehave.
But- for us- frustration must never be on show. Anger, yes, frustration, no. Getting out there with rage showing, but staying disciplined and peaceful, that’s the challenge, that’s the balance to achieve, that’s the task.
Beeb needs to hear from us, loudly. But our protest must be peaceful. Their staff need to see us, see our messages, but NO harrasment. If we get out there, but can’t get that balance right, we may as well stay at home.
Cos the media would LOVE misbehaviour.
Richard – I’m amazed – truly amazed that they went for that . It was dealt with about 3 days ago . What purpose ? To show people forget sometimes …. ?
I had a hard time for a long time being treated like an idiot by Marr / Robinson and wouldnt stomach them or any of the droids any more …
The BBC news has Starmer saying ‘this is not a time for party politics “ cue the Lammy , Hirsch, the ash thing, Ojones, and the whole race industry looking for a payday ….
The BBC will move heaven and hell to show that the victims all happened to be White – as others have said here – if it was a white Killing 3 blacks bits of London would be ripped up by now and the BBC would be in full rant …..
If there is video – rebroadcast it before it is destroyed by the Left …
Oh yeah and it definitely didn’t have anything to do with the nonsense illegal protest earlier in the day – although it’s early days in the investigation – how does that work then ?
Seems some in the BBc did not get the memo.
Oh, It’s the BS show.
Bet Lewis liked it. Even if…
An observation.
Once again, if the narrative just does not fit with their worldview, the media clamp down on their ‘comments’ sections to avoid any visible criitcism of, for instance, the left-wing media, BLM, Antifa, The Religion of Peace, Labour Party anti-semitism, etc.
The first 5 locations I checked earlier did not allow comments on the Reading story, including, would you believe it (/sarc) the Guardian and the Beeb ! Incredible, eh ?
richard D
Now that the cowards who control Twatter have banned Katie Hopkins perhaps the BBC, to show how diverse they are, could sign her up for her own show with a Linecker type salary and a five year contract.
Now THAT would be worth the TV tax.
“Government criticised for delay in setting up security committee”
Rather timely , what?
How many Libyans are coming across the English Channel in the ‘boats’ escorted in by the French navy?
How many previous terrorists were ‘known’ to the security organisations and went on to commit attacks . Why were they not confined in secure holding centres?
BBC up to their number crunching tricks again?
BBC News
The Trump campaign blamed “radical” protesters and the media, but were TikTok users and K-Pop fans the real reason for the low turnout?
Saw a post of a pretty full stadium contrasting with a Joe Biden yoga class that was supposed to be a rally.
I was on MSN.com a little earlier today. One of the news stories that came up was about the Trump rally in Tulsa. I think the headline said something like ‘Trump rally attendance disaster’ and it was illustrated by an image of some guy sitting on his own in the auditorium. The story was (if I recall correctly) from the New York Times, and since they are anti-Trump, I didn’t bother clicking on the story.
I went to Breitbart and they had an image of the rally. There were a few people sitting alone higher up in the auditorium. But lower down there was a much bigger crowd attending the rally. So, as usual, the left-wing media are using lies, spin and propaganda whenever they report on Trump-related news.
“Spain has lifted its state of emergency, reopening its borders to visitors from most of Europe and allowing British tourists in without having to quarantine.”
Yea , they need our money!
Al Beeb are reporting riots in Germany, but what are they not telling us ?
I expect they are largely peaceful riots and looting.
taffman- are you talking about Stuttgart?
What would you like to know?
Re the Reading murders.
The narrative is about to change as MI5 knew about the cold blooded Muslim terrorist in 2019. So expect to see the government called to account as to why they didn’t stop this cold blooded killer.
So the upshot will be its the government’s fault ….they had the chance to stop it.
\\Mr Johnson has promised action following the incident “if there are lessons that we need to learn”.//
taffman – there’s a lot of learning going on, isn’t there? But never any penny dropping. Then again, pennies are so yesterday.
If you are asking about Stuttgart, it’s bad news. Lotsa smashing and grabbing. Lotsa men with ‘migration background’, say the police. But also some ‘Germans’. It’s only the ‘party scene’ getting a bit out of hand, say the media and the Greens..The ‘event’ scene; people want to get onto TV and Twitter. Nothing to see; harmless fun..
19 policemen injured, 40 shops destroyed. Lotsa looting and plundering.
Now you know immediately what’s going on.
Merkel’s remedy will be to watch the AfD more closely!
Mustn’t hurt the feelings of her guests.
There will have to be a lot of lessons learnt!
‘IF there are any lessons. .”
Words fail me.
Johnson, his party, and the collection of smarmy globalist simpletons that was in power before 2010 have all failed to heed any of the lessons that have been written in the blood of the victims of terror attacks, drug dealers and wannabe gangsters.
Instead, all they do is follow the standard procedure: mutter platitudes, put feet up, rinse and repeat.
Also “This terrorist should have been deported when he finished his jail sentence for violent crime. Human rights of terrorists are being prioritised over their innocent victims by a government whose first duty is to protect British citizens not harbour foreign criminals“.
40,000 apparently.
That’s a lot of watching and investigating.
Deportation would be so much easier and SAFER for everyone.
But hey, mustn’t grumble!
And ditch the ECHR (beloved of Cherry and Starmer et al.)
Yes – on point 6 of the narrative – the issue for MI5 must be who isn’t on the ‘watch ‘ list . Did he go on the March ? Did any of the victims ?
The PM has popped up with that “ we’re not gonna do anything “ face he has – he used the same face when the monuments and statues were being damaged – notice no CCTV released of that ….
Anyway – MSMBBC is ready to bury this event – I bet plod is preventing witnesses from talking to the media – or indeed – bypassing them and going straight to social media …..
The mental issues explanation ( excuse) for the Reading terrorist is now being touted in the media. Obviously we all know it’s crap but supposing it was true could the media please explain why a frighteningly high proportion of these Muslim ‘refugees’ have such serious mental issues that they go around stabbing people? Surely their propensity to committ acts of violence should mean that none of them are granted asylum or even allowed into the country and if caught as illegals , are immediately deported. At least that is what any government interested in protecting its own people would do!
Doublethinker – didn’t you notice in the press coverage that he apparently gave up the Moslem faith a couple of years ago and converted to Christianity…?
Nah – I didn’t believe it either.
No I didn’t. But even if true you can take the chap out Libya but you can’t take Islam out of the chap.
I think its because the Government wants to protect mentally ill asylum seekers and terrorists by gifting them expensive homes in nice English towns and cities. And as Black lives matter, Its far safer for them to live next to and then kill racist white people after a Black lives matter protest, than live in some foreign shithole were Black lives don’t matter a jot.
Any sign in Reading of the geezer who brings his piano and plays Imagine?
GWF – could just be the start of a ‘party scene’, as experienced in Stuttgart. Vicious attacks on police and looting, the order of the day, over there.
The police local union boss anxious to emphasize that the first person arrested was a man ‘with a white skin’. Political appointment? We can read between the lines.
Like in the US and Britain, Germany is experiencing violence in its cities. Similarly, the media have to be read and listened to with great care. Nobody wants to be accused of the ‘r’ word, so careful research required. Authorities anxious to find white miscreants.
Yet Germany was never like that, I know the place. Yes, there was a RAF. NOT the Royal Air Force, this time. The ‘Red Army Faction’, back in the sixties/seventies, extremely violent.
But the cities used to be safe at night. No longer.
One wonders what happened? What lessons can be learned? It’s so difficult, in Germany and in England, to come to any conclusions after lessons, in case they are inconvenient for the prevailing narrative.
The inconvenient truth. So, we have to keep on learning, and learning and learning…
No one dares to say that they see Black people for fear that they will be seen as stupid. Finally a Mensa member cries out, “But I see lots of violent Black people looting and pillaging”: By Hands Christian and Arson.
I already posted this on the Reading Chronicle site.
‘ When we have the candle lighting, the vigil on everyone singing Imagine’
The editorial staff soon took that down.
Just before 7pm yesterday. Libyan asylum seeker and terrorist Khairi Saadallah (25) of Basingstoke Road, Reading. Who has been in and out of jail since coming to Britain several years ago, approached ten men who had been sat drinking beer in Forbury Gardens, Reading. And then suddenly began stabbing them. Three men died in the attack, while three others were rushed to hospital, two of them have since been discharged. Saadallah was known to officers as a shoplifter and previously spent at least 12 months in prison for various assaults. He was jailed in December last year after assaulting a Sainsbury’s security guard Sydney McDonald. Saadallah was charged with affray, assault by beating and two counts of having an offensive weapon, in relation to the broken bottle and his belt. Usually asylum seekers and terrorists convicted in the UK would be deported, but the National Probation Service gave the terrorist a £230,000 flat in Basingstoke Road, Reading, due to it being safer for him than living in Libya, which is full of violent terrorists, who could have killed Saadallah. Three hours before the incident, a Black Lives Matter protest, organised by Nieema Hassan, was held in the park with the Forbury Gardens bandstand used to deliver speeches. This is thought to have inspired Saadallah to go to Forbury Gardens to kill white people because he was angry about the incident with Sydney McDonald, who he accused of being a racist. If only all the white people had left Reading, nothing like this would have happened.
Richard . Thank you – but deeply depressing . All the ingredients just recycled from the last time . The so called ‘National Probation Service ‘ will no doubt turn out to be just another lefty infested self serving outfit moaning about their pensions …..
Who is in charge ? Where does responsibility lie for this vermin still infesting our country ?Why no deport order ? I’m using strong language to fire up the cut and paste trolls – who often go silent during such slaughter ….
I’m just waiting for the Alf dubbs type noise about ‘long history of being a haven for those in need of asylum ‘ crap . Soft touch – pull out of any international treaties about asylum seekers and let them know they won’t be accepted ….
( won’t happen with the current socialist government )…
fed – Don’t upset yourself. it’s only what the Germans would call the ‘Zeitgeist’. You find it there, you find it here.
Accomodating ‘migrants’, in every sense of the word, is the order of the day. Many of them commit crimes, get arrested (maybe), get released- but not deported, commit more crimes., etc etc
Violence is all but socially acceptable, providing you have the correct background and the right PC motive.
By and large, the media play along; it’s always a good story.
Even a repeat, sadly, is merely another good story. just don’t condemn anybody, Don’t start making any links between certain kinds of crime and certain kinds of ‘migration’. Cos the ‘r’ word will be whipped out, smartish.
Here we have pretexts that the Germans don’t: colonialism – the ‘c’ word. And ‘slavery’ – the ‘s’ word. That is a free pass for ‘some’ to go a little wild. In Germany they have the ‘n’ word. No, it’s not what you think: it’s the Nazis. If you’re against them, you can also go a little wild.
So, the above are all words you have to learn. Just like ‘lessons’, it seems.
Just be careful if you are ‘indigenous’. That would be the ‘i’ word.
In both countries, the authorities, who are a wee bit ‘socialist’ of mindset, will put the poor old police into the frontline to get hammered. Bicycles thrown, knives, and suchlike.
But don’t make a mistake. ‘Socialist’ in our Zeitgeist, has very little to do with the working man. About as much to do with the working man as the Labour party, in fact. Long as what he pays his taxes and keeps his mouth shut, the ‘authorities’ will deal with other issues raised by the Zeitgeist.
They hope you will believe that. And, if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.
Ah Fake – thank you but it is beyond upset . The more noises about ‘Border Control’ the more we know there truly is nt any – except of course – if there is money going after people ordered to quarantine after coming back to the country -which is something I have to face very soon . ….
AS I have said we need to stop policing the cities and large towns the way we are now. The residents do not want white police there and the only answer is to police them with only BME police. I am not sure about Reading. Maybe it is still majority white but not for long. I spent much time there as a child but that was in another country.
Solid research,Richard, which doesn’t appear to be shared by the BBC or Sky right now.
But it all beggars a string of questions:
Why should we allow people to remain this country who despise and want to kill us because they are in danger at home?
Why should asylum seekers, whom many would call illegal immigrants, be afforded a home in this country if they have committed acts of violence?
Why is the BBC/SKY so shrill about the death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer yet so coy about the murder of 3 white people at the hands of a black Muslim?
Innocent people die again.
The bbc say he was known to the security services.
The bbc say refugees are welcome, the bbc say racial profiling is wrong, the bbc say he tried to go to Syria for unknown reasons.
Collateral damage bbc?
I too have a big bucket of sand that I can stick my head in.
By the way this is the only time I’ll ever kneel.
Is there some software to cut out the ‘ powerful ‘ kneeling pantomime complete with black power fist – it’s always described as ‘powerful ‘when all I see is some madness to do with how the police conduct themselves in another country .
Maybe Harry Ramsden should sponsor it ….
It won’t be long fed before we hear the introduction;
“now its time for bbc news at ten sponsored by ………”
The only other things they could do to hasten their demise is either invade Russia or bomb Pearl Harbour.
Tick tock bbc.
BBC Narrative update.
The murder of innocents by a Muslim refugee from Libya that lived in a council supplied £230,000 flat who had a criminal record of violence and theft and wasn’t deported , is now known as the :
Reading Park Stabbings, making it sound like an Agatha Christie book.
Yes, an Agatha Christie plot. Try this. Middle East men recruited and highly trained to fight as Britain’s mercenaries to topple dictators the UK government want removed, like Assad. Now they are coming here for their promised rewards and the government keeps its promise and supplies them with homes and a kind of pension. But some of them are Jihadists through and through.
The makings of a good fiction story eh.
Speaking of Clive Of Diversity (someone did, earlier), this impressed no end:
Star power? Boom!
Viewing figures? Meh!
What you really need is… unique funding. OMG!
Then nothing else matters.
quite understandably the “mostly peaceful stabbing” thing has take on a bit of a life of its own ….
Does anybody know if it actually appeared on any of the BBC’s output over the last 24 hours?
Some dozy wee hours of Sunday morning shift worker in Broadcasting House manages an auto-corrected typo that holes the corporation below the waterline would be truly delicious.
BBC reporting appears to contradict itself here:
Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said investigators are not looking for anyone else in connection with the attack.
And yet BBC man Dominic Casciani claims:
Electronic analysts will delve into any social media accounts linked to the suspect; they’ll trawl every call and text message going back years, looking for contacts with extremists.
So which is it?
In answer to your question I suppose it depends on who you are inclined to believe. The curtsying Met or the Bum Boy Corporation.
Personally,I think they both merit public scorn as they are both unfit for purpose. Either that or their purpose is totally different to that of the British public.
I’m not keen to talk about the victims but the BBC is keen to bring us some info about a chap who was a teacher & what his school had to say about him.
“He was determined that our students would develop a critical awareness of global issues and in doing so, become active citizens and have a voice.”
Make of that what you will.
Ground work being laid there for much understanding & forgiveness in short order if ever I saw it.
There are two Iconoclasts
@Iconoclast1982 on Twitter who I think posts here
and Mr Iconoclast who posts on Youtube
RT has this : Canceling The Iconoclast
The Observer has called his youtube channel “far right”
and got youtube to ban it.
Furthermore it has doxxed him.
In Iran it is common to use anonymous names on social medi to escape the wrath of the mullahs
same applies here, but the Guardian thought there is some kind of public interest in naming him
the source appears to be the Hatey No Hopers
RT has another article saying the next CANCEL target is Joe Rogan
a one hour lecture on the background of the Labour front group HnH
Remainers seem to have endless access to resources to take the govt to court
Is it not time for others to do the same for the govt allowing a multitude of thieves, rapists, murderers, mass murderers and drug dealers posing as asylum seekers into this country,
there are thousands of indigenous victims,
I am not a lawyer maybe someone here knows about crowdfunding and the legal issues ?
I do know the PRIMARY role of govt is to protect its citizens which they have markedly and repeatedly failed to do through this particular negligence
They might as well run UK package holidays for ISIS and various African regimes the result would be little different
I understand that gobby Irishman from Ryanair needs some more business
Just try overcharging that lot for hand luggage O Leary…
Fed, apologies in advance but i am F****** incensed, bad enough that there has been a stabbing, but as it now seems the perp is a failed asylum seeker with previous, what the hell lessons are the stupid idiotic PM and Home Sec going to learn from this, maybe a few gunboats in the channel and some rapid repatriation flights – not f****** likely it will be another round of lessons learnt and ‘don’t look back in anger’ again. Clearly white lives are not as important as black lives.
Dough – the BBCMSM is just waiting to jump on the next so called ‘hate ‘ crime as a response to the slaughter …. then they can get back to the ‘coloured as perpetual victim ‘ narrative as if every whitee has had it easy -…..
The boats will still be turning up – no one with the Will to stop or sink them or take them back …. yet alone those coming in via the back of lorries ….. or in containers …
just a thought, wonder how long before the B’s want to separate from the ‘AME’s
They all keep saying “lessons will be learned” yet they never are.
The place where lessons should be learned is the schools and they certainly are not learning them there.
I wonder what will come first, England winning the football World Cup or the teachers going back to work.
9pm is there really no BLM special on the BBC tonight ?
Oh hang on BBC2 black Hamlet
Have the riots and looting started? Is Reading and other cities burning?
No doubt the BBC will be looking for someone like that idiot father who basically said that his son would have been proud to take a knife for the cause of refugees…..
Will Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the SWP be organising a demonstration outside the Libyan embassy on the issue of teacher safety.?
The great tea picker slight of 1869?
BBC News
Amol Rajan looks back through history at times when crises have led to profound changes in society.
Guest Who
Aye. Temporary changes in society maybe but after over 40 years of studying and hoping for the great Socialist Working Man’s Revolution I came to the realisation that Human Nature is the demon that will ALWAYS thwart left wing ideology. Mother Nature knows best. She will win and rightly so.
Wiki is far from accurate about Rajan – born in Calcutta – family got the boat to Blighty when he was 3- grew up in Tooting – stopped believing in God when 15 –
Which is where it went wrong – now he worships the BBC and the generous ‘compensation ‘ that comes with it .. he always sounds like he should be working for ‘we buy any car ‘ ( no offence ) …
…. I’m reluctant to do it but I’d better stick up the new thread… unfortunately it is going to stay busy ….
He has a touching post up for Father’s Day.
If inadvertently revealing, not least on how you get on in BBC’s Britain.
I just read a feature on the terrorist murder of the teacher
in Reading, on the BBC website.At the end of the report there is a comment
“Wokingham Labour tweeted. It takes you to the twitter account
where the Wokingham Labour party pay a tribute to the teacher
and underneath you can see other tweets with diatribe against
the government. I wonder why the BBC wanted to lead us to
It’s a mystery. Paul Mason there?
C Quinn reminds us on R4 that tomorrow is Windrush day.
When is it not?
Switch on late:
Interview with a ‘lefty’. Something about the ‘Hostile Environment Act’.
C Quinn prompts with the Home Office being ‘institutionally racist’. The someone elaborates endlessly.
Tim from the govt has to speak, and will have to soundeven more PC than everyone.
C Quinn drags T May into it.
Yes, she was guilty.
Lotsa stuff about how bad the govt is.
Quinn prompts about the Windrush Compensation Scheme.
Apparently the scheme is not doing the work it should.
Lengthy spiel on how to claim.
The someone is from HM Constabulary. She starts up about ‘stop and search’. finds it hard to say the word ‘satisfactory’.
Current government prompt from Quinn.
Oh goodness, now we hit ‘lessons learnt’.
Wendy Williams is the Lefty.
But hey ho, she needs to prove to the Windrush generation that she knows how bad they were treated. There is someone else from the Borough of Lambeth. This is a ‘discussion’.
Sorry, I got that a bit garbled, listening near the end of ‘Westminster Hour’ with one ear. Switched on late cos I can’t bare Quinn. Of all the nauseating, sanctimonious PC journos on R4, she must be at or near the top? Utterly predictable, except she’s worse than ever tonight.
Oh hello, it’s The Film Programme, all about racism. Spike Lee and the Black Klansman?
You can’t help feeling that R4 has become one endless chain of propaganda. Does anyone ever listen to this garbage? I switched on briefly, in the hope there might be something worth listening to. How stupid can you get?
Off Switch.