The failing biased BBC continues to lose licence fees as more people realise that it is now an organisation without ‘diversity of opinion ‘ or even thought – just Far Left propaganda aimed at dividing the country . A long struggle to kill it .
Start the Week Thread 22 June 2020
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Since the bbc is so obsessed with diversity and thinks it acceptable for a black main Dickens character for example, is it not time for a white ginger Michael Jackson biopic ?,
I am considering starting a campaign for Ray Winstone to play Ghandi maybe
And if he was still around, George “Minder” Cole to play Nelson Mandela with ANC meetings down the Winchester
(Er indoors ‘as just necklaced another 14 year old kid, gor blimey)
Cannon and Ball for Martin Luther King and Malcolm X is a dream ticket in my opinion
(had the Chuckle Brothers lined up until their tragic demise, one highlight being trying to assemble the stage together for the “I have a dream” speech was in the screenplay, its a scream believe me, “to you”)
No reply from the bbc suggestion box so far,
probably gone straight to the top for a casting decision as we speak
They ask, but rarely listen
Just when you thought the Beeb couldnt get more unwatchable
“BBC commits £100m to increasing diversity on TV”
There will of course be no diversity of opinion.
ED – that last point is instinctive for the bbc. A real tragedy for a national public broadcaster.
On R4, they always think one mildly conservative voice in a group of 4 represents ‘balance’. A classic tactic, stretching across most R4 programmes.
That 4th person is often harassed into conforming, if they are not very strong.
This spending is spending on their IDEOLOGY, as opposed to improving programmes, and therefore totally unacceptable. BESIDES being totally UNNECESSARY!
TV licence payment for that? NO WAYS.
The BBC said they are aiming for 20% of TV to be about minority
I reckon by census only 13% are non-white
and maybe 17% in some ages.
Anyone know what percent of licence payers are non-white ?
Well, this has fallen straight into the lap of the first lady, aka June Sarpong – BBC’s first Director of Creative Diversity. But listening to this nodding (was going to say dog, but thought better of it) person on the Pledge, then I can only imagine she is fronting the position for her mate Afua who will be the one really pulling the strings. Because June is a wet dish rag with the debating ability of a 14 year old compared to the pitbull Hirsch.
The authorities and of course the BBC were very quick to deny any link between the BLM demo in Reading and the murders shortly thereafter.
Imagine there’d been a ‘far-right’ demo followed by the murder of several people of BAME origin.
They’d have been all over it to show a connection. In this case, some BLM spokesperson says “no link” and that’s it – ‘good enough for us, no need to look further’.
I wonder if any footage will emerge of our suspect at the demo. If so, you can be sure it’ll disappear quick as a flash.
The latest to climb onto the racism sexism bandwagon at a tribunal :
She lost thank God
Trainee accountant was sacked from KPMG after accusing her boss of ‘mansplaining’ and showing him her bra when he asked her to wear smarter clothes to work, filling up containers with free food and taking a meeting room as her own private office
a glance at the youtube video she has now posted will convince most, I think, that this one DOES have mental issues
As the Australians say, “this one’s got a ‘roo loose in the top paddock”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – Obvious BBC Anti-British Bias
On the BBC’s web-site page where you can check Covid stats for your area – – there is a bit of discussion about R numbers. The R number is the number per 100/per 1000 who might catch Covid-19 from 1 infected person. If the R number is less than 1 it is good, if it is higher not so good, if it goes beyond 2 then it is much more serious for obvious multiplication reasons.
In the UK I don’t think it has ever been above 1 (but I could be wrong on that) and the page I link to shows a normal UK range of 0.7 to 0.9. I was aware that the R number for Germany (the BBC’s prefered GOLD STANDARD for dealing with the Pandemic and Covid-19) had recently nudged up toward that critical 2.0 and was as close as 1.8 at the end of last week. At no point on the page, does the BBC mention Germany’s rate. At all.
I wonder why?
The BBC were very happy to continually make reference to Germany until now. They applauded their testing. They applauded their treatment of patients. They applauded Germany’s restrictions on the public. So no comment about the German R rate is very puzzling.
I see today that that the R rate in Germany has shot up to not just 2.0 but nearly 3.0 at 2.88. That is very close to the figure, 3.0, that Prof Niall Ferguson so feared and urged the PM and Cabinet to avoid.
I wonder why the BBC have not mentioned it on their web-site, even in the Europe section? Is it because they can no longer Bash Boris with Better Germany?
You misunderstand stats
If you you have no cases and they rise fast, then you have a high R number
That was the UK at the beginning
Since case numbers were doubling in a day or so, the UK R was probably more that 2 maybe 4, etc. As each person infected their entire family or work team etc.
Now Germany has very few cases except a few hotspots
So if there are 20 cases in the whole country and R rate of 1
and then 2 factory workers infect 30 colleagues each you get those 60 new infections plus 18 new infections from the other 18 people, that’s 78 total.
So you’ve got 78 from 20 people
So on average each person has infected 4 people, ie R is nearly 4.
Our local radio did just do the item at 5:45pm
but I’d already heard those points on Talk Radio this morning from the Deutche Welle guest.
Stew, what was the UK’s R number at the beginning then? I do not recall it being above 1.00 but you could be right on that.
I also understand the 3.0+ figure – which means 300 asymptomatic people in a thousand can infect effectively another 1000 by end of day three. That is what Niall Ferguson feared (he refered to it as ‘exponential’) a doubling every three days. He is on record for saying that on the BBC.
Yes, I also get that the R number may vary from place to place within a country but does not the R number for a whole country take regional variations into account? I think that is the case here: is it not?
I checked the BBC w-s; nothing on Home Page or the Europe section of the News Page before I posted.
Up2stuff of course R was above 1
If we started with 5 cases and the R number was 1
We’d only have 5 new cases
The higher above 1 R is the higher the expansion though the population,
“A *Sheffield man* who spat at and racially abused police officers”
Guess his name
It begins with “I”
The name sounds Somali to me
Wow you had me going fir a minute there. Apparently there is a story going around that Beethoven was a black man and I thought that you had found a long lost true likeness! I have always thought that you could detect strains of early Bob Marley in the six symphony.
Whitees fault again according to the bbc
How ironic does it get, when three gay men, very probably relaxing after the stresses and strains of being as woke as woke can be on the BLM march, are slaughtered by a muslim terrorist – who is simply following a major tenet of his religion, written down, understood and obeyed in similar circumstances the world over.
Not one major news source will face the reality of the situation, not one government or Christian spokesman will condemn the act for what it was, not one BLM voice will be raised in direct, honest, condemnation.
Silences are not golden. Candles melt. Poems provide no answers.
We try to minimise car accidents.
Our approach to minimising terrorism is similar to adopting the old tongue-in-cheek idea for improving road safety by fitting a spike in the centre of each steering wheel.
It would be informing to know EXACTLY what kind of hatred and faux grievances were aired at the blm meeting prior to this incident,
Damn sure the videos exist, we have all seen similar, black men and women screaming hatred
all claiming they are downtrodden with their £1000 iphones and designer gear
incitement to violence, no matter how peripheral, should result in criminal charges if proved to have taken place
Perhaps Vine would care to explain why the BBC made such a fuss about the death of a drugged-up career criminal in a city that lies over 4000 miles away from the UK yet treats with such disdain the killing of three innocent men in a park in an English city by a man who should not have been at liberty in this country.
Vine would do well to remember that the platform given to him to voice his ridiculous opinions is provided at public expense. And what the public purse gives, the public purse can – and should – remove.
I take it that as well as being the BAME broadcaster of choice, the BBC seems to have become the poitical wing of our so-called security services – working night and day to produce a road map that will lead them to all those right wing terror groups that don’t exist. I assume that they are using the same scientific principles that are applied to the epidemic, ie none.
ITV local news opened with Windrush
… The opening sentences were the same as the BBC local news
that I said sounded like it was read from a press release.
It and BLM took the first 10 mins of the prog.
Then there was a useless report
“Scunthorpe mosque to reopen”
… Good for them, but it doesn’t really need a TV report.
Their web story about the black spitter was not in the TV edition.
The BLM spokesman , who sounded American
said the problem is “black families don’t have a seat at the table”
Really ? Do you think that the families of the Raping Gang victims have “a seat at the table”, in the BBC and other establishment ???
The BBC are blind to how others may see them, aren’t they? BBC1 6pm News finished with a report on the literal cottage industry that is “Talking Pictures” (Channel 81 on Freeview) it is run by a handful of people & shows old (mainly British) movies for many hours every day.
I wonder how many people the BBC would employ for that operation & how the accommodation would compare to that cottage
Mrs Farley and I enjoy the Talking Pictures Channel but not the condescending ” the following programme contains attitudes of that time ” or something like that …suppose they have to because of today’s stupid snowflake attitude…..but to us its means its got a good chance of being good !
‘Obsession’ with catching far-right extremists to ‘appease the hard left’ in Britain is diverting police, MI5 agents and public money away from stopping dangerous jihadis, intelligence expert warns.
Seems the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are still just as bad as they were under the Marxist Theresa May.
There has never been a public atrocity by some so called ‘far right’ extremist, so it really is a waste of resources.
Vine is trolling us
…Grandma’s death is not unexpected it is NOT news
Car accidents are not unexpected it is NOT news
nor are they signs of change in trends
Man running rampage knifing people is UNEXPECTED
AND proof of a growing trend …so it IS NEWS
… most people would reply that a crimbo death4,000 miles away is NOT news
but Vine would probably add them to his book of racists.
Indeed, Stew.
His attempt at trolling would be laughable, but since Joe Public pays his wages the joke’s on us.
For now.
“whassa point of merely pissn on their statues when they’re shittn on ours” says a comment (in part) to the article ‘Oxford falls to the Fallists’ in the excellent ‘Politicsweb’ of South Africa.
What the writer says there, admonishing the docility of the Right, must be taken LITERALLY in the South African situation. You know -of course- what the ‘pissn’ refers to. But, do you know what the ‘shittn’ referes to? Coming soon to a university near you?
BBC1 The One Show was some kind of black tribute followed by ‘Hunting the Neo Nazis – Panorama’ whilst on BBC2 a programme about Thatcher clinging to power.
Other BLM and Agenda pushing progs tonight
7pm BBC2 doco slaggng Thatcher
7pm BBC4 Slave Trade in Bristol & Bath
8pm BBC4 Art of Persia
9pm BBC4 Black and British: A Forgotten History. 2/4. Slavery and Black, British sailors. with David Olusoga
10pm BBC4 Storyville Film about the Black Panthers.
10:00pm Channel4 Afua race-baiter Hirsch ..what British heroes should be torn down
10:45 BBC1 I My Destroy You Kwame
11:30pm BBC2 StephenLawrence doco part 1 of 3
12:10am Channel4 50 Shades of Gay
Oh News Santander advert : 2 black gardeners
Spolier alert.
It did change the nation, by inventing a term..
They had a huge enquiry into racism in the (thuggish) police , couldn’t find any, so concluded it was indeed there, but so deeply ingrained, so totally hidden in plain view too, and everything inbetween …or something like that.
So they invented a term: institutionalised racism, which would come in handy for any other cases of expalianing the unfindable.
Only a matter of time before Roots is shown again – the story of Kunta Kinte, by Alex Hayley.
Stew – All murder is murder, and cannot be condoned. I think that, i.a. cos someone tried to murder me cos of my colour. I got out of hospital, fortunately, but I didn’t like the very unexpected experience (brick on the head from behind) very much. Had never been involved in any serious quarrel with anyone over anything.
Having said that, the last shot we glimpse in that short vid looks vaguely familiar.
It seems almost as if the BP salute has been cropped. Last saw the full photograph about 20-25 years ago. I’ve always wondered whether it would have undermined the narrative?
Does anyone watch this shit?
I genuinely wonder how long it is until normal members of the great British public starting tooling themselves up and taking knives to parks for protection ???? ????️????️
Trouble is we can’t carry knives , you’ll get locked up.
It reminds me of ancient China were there was also a ban on peasants ( like us) carrying weapons.
They got round it by using rice flails , like nunchucks, to defend themselves.
Not sure what the modern equivalent is though….
But I’ve got a feeling sitting in the park in a social distanced circle, relying on the libtard opposite to watch your back, and hope they are not too politically correct to shout out a warning: there’s a XXXXXX coming up behind you.
TLWEI / Eddy,
These days the law has identified any object that could be included in the legislation as a ‘weapon’. Means should you need to turn to anything ‘handy’ such as a brick, that would be, in the circumstances deemed as being used as a weapon. You stand unprotected. Certainly as far as the police will be concerned.
Prudent people are, “tooling themselves up” with weapons which are not illegal but may be if a circumstance arose where you had to use it. As above.
I recently became aware that certain sports shops were being cleared out of certain items. This at a time when it was impossible to use them outside as a result of the lockdown. One seller/distributor has sold over 6,000 during the lockdown. And that’s just one.
I do have a Samurai sword but it needs sharpening….better have it ready next time I go to feed the ducks with the Grandchildren
A reminder that The Register is a good site for tech news
Here’s a classic from 2013
Is Vine really saying that the murder of 3 innocent people by an islamic maniac doesn’t deserve higher ranking than a road accident?
By that measure, the death of some petty criminal in far-away Minnesota deserves a single line at the bottom of the page, if that, and to be immediately forgotten.
The breathtaking asininity of Vine’s tweet speaks volumes about the beeboid mind (I use the word mind loosely).
Interesting to see the first few comments cbgb:
(The people are getting red-pilled BBC, wake up and smell the coffee.)
– Right, whereas the death of a career criminal high on Fentanyl in the US was reported on in this country for no good reason. Yet the BBC thought it was important.
– They are scum
– Murder with links to terrorism vs a tragic accident?
– One is a horrific, deliberate (unpeaceful) murder and the other is a terrible accident
– That may explain the precedence in the list?
Just a heads up, but for those of you looking forward to watching a re-adaptation of Perry Mason tonight at 9 on Atlantic, then those old enough to remember the original series with Raymond Burr, will also remember his side kick Paul Drake. Well, he’s in this modern version, but, he’s not w……….
Didn’t they have a sixties series called Chief Ironside , or something , with a detective in a wheelchair,
Another called Randel and Hopkirk, where a bloke was disabled- to the point of being dead – but still helped solve crimes.
So maybe the old shows are more inclusive than the new ones
Ironside was the later series with Raymond Burr after the initial series of Perry Mason, but I believe he returned as Perry Mason for a few more episodes.
Randall & Hopkirk was more of a comedy detective series, typical of the 70’s genre, alongside The Champions (I always wanted hair like Alexandra Bastedo), Department S, The Persuaders etc.
Hopkiirk was dead …..and I think Randall drove a Vauxhall Victor with a vinyl roof !!
As a rule of thumb all programmes made by any station in the last few years will have at least the minimum quota of BAME actors. It doesn’t matter if they are Scandi , BBC, ITV , French etc. Occaisionally a programme is set in a past era and it manages to avoid the need for BAMEs. Of course the BBCSM doesn’t do this and inserts BAMEs everywhere no matter how inappropriate. Infact I suspect that the more inappropriate the better for the BBC. The same of course is true of modern films, the black Churchill is just around the corner.
Here’s a scenario.
Can the USA extradite the Reading murderer given that he killed an American citizen?
Could he be put on trial in a US state that has the death penalty?
And if so, might such an outcome be possible?
BBCLeftMob would have apoplexy of course but ………
The UK won’t extradite anyone to a state where the death penalty is extant, they will if there is a firm promise of no call for execution.
If the US asked for extradition it would be considered, but the crime took place on British soil so it’s UK prime jurisdiction.
You couldn’t make it up lol
Heaven help them they complained about it using ‘BBC Complaints’
Is this the catalyst from the silent majority?
“Plane flies “White Lives Matter” banner during Man City vs Burnley after players take knee
The aircraft circled the Etihad during Man City’s clash with Burnley on Monday, shortly after players on both teams took a knee in support of the Black Lives Matter movement“
He’s rights there are hundreds of tweets
of genuine OUTRAGE
that someone has hijacked a POLITCAL BLM kneeling stunt
that itself had hijacked football games which are supposed to be none political.
I don’t support hijacking other people’s events
but it is what Antifa do all the time.
Grooming/Raping gang demos do focus one type of perp
It’s not cos people don’t care about child rapes by non-Pak/Bangla,
but cos there is a particular issue with the way the largely WHITE establishment deprioritise prosecutions.
If Antifa did turn up with banners that said “don’t forget the white perps”.. that would be similar trolling to this plane banner.
But instead of being outraged, people would just ignore.
Bottomline the plane hurt no one
..vandalising monuments did hurt
but that is money
Black kids stabbing other black kids is real harm
And if we prevent a few of those
the good outweighs all of these small things.
Anyone watching Man City v Burnley?
Apparently just a few minutes after the brain-dead sheep all took the knee before kick-off, a small plane flew over the ground pulling a banner which said “White Lives Matter Burnley”.
Burnley have issued a statement in which they described the banner as “offensive”. The BBC website has described it as an “Unwanted Plane Flight”.
So there you have it. “Black Lives Matter” is acceptable and is being encouraged everywhere. “White Lives Matter” is offensive and unwanted.
Perhaps this link from the Indie still has the video of the
racist plane with a banner saying that white lives matter., removed from most places. Many apologies from clubs.–itR5S5lkYydg#Echobox=1592853846
Comical thing is, apart from Burnley subsequently getting spanked 5-0, is although the BBC love endlessly reporting the BLM football knee bends, when comments are available on their website, BLM is a term that flags a comment for review and removal ????
Unbelievable is the word, Non S.
But true!
Burnley Football Club strongly condemns the actions of those responsible for the aircraft and OFFENSIVE banner that flew over the Etihad Stadium on Monday evening……….and will issue lifetime bans.
Those responsible are not welcome at Turf Moor
A spokesperson for Lancashire Constabulary has confirmed they are investigating the matter.
You absolutely, absolutely cannot make up the politically correct utter hypocrisy.
‘White Lives Matter Burnley’
Though clearly not in Reading.
Pat Condell calls out the hypocrite soccer kneelers.
Pat Condell
Now football has taken a moral stand with #BlackLivesMatter, why stop there? Manchester City is owned by a prince in the government of Abu Dhabi where women are jailed for being raped. Perhaps the players could take the knee for that, or wear that on their shirts once in a while.
I’ve added Burnley FC to the ever-growing list of businesses that will never (again) benefit from my custom.
As for Lancashire Police, I’d be interested to find out what crime they believe to have been committed, bearing in mind that alleged breaches* of the Air Navigation legislation fall within the remit of the CAA.
*I’m not suggesting there has been such a breach in this instance.
Any reaction from the crowd?
Hasn’t been mentioned so far, but surely they can’t all have mental issues?
The pilot will no doubt be prosecuted and soon be identified as far right Nazi who flew for the Luftwaffe.
If he so much as built an Airfix model of a Stuka as a kid, he’ll be accused of having been a life-long member of the Nazi party.
To all those wimps ‘taking the knee’:
I think Al Beeb will do its best to write it out of the Proms unless they are written out first .
Settled down for an evening of telly with a cuppa and some ginger snaps.
Hunting the neo-Nazis
I may destroy you – (‘Kwame goes to the police’?)
Stephen the murder that changed a nation
A house through time – (Nigerian-born presenter)
The remains of slavery
Black and British
The art of Persia
Black Panthers
Endeavour – (racism in Oxford)
Foyle’s War – (black GI suspected of murder)
Channel 4:
The battle for Britain’s heroes – (Nelson, Churchill, slavery and race)
At last, an aviation history programme on Smithsonian (I think) – nope, the experience of early black pilots!
I tempted to try Seppuku (harkiri) but I suppose
that would be cultural appropriation (and I’ll probably spill my tea).
I did warn you earlier
I listed the progs at 7:45pm
SR – Seppuku? I understand where you’re coming from, but do not turn your anger against yourself, not even metaphorically.
The trick in this mad world was outlined by Rudyard Kipling in his poem ‘If’ :”…if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs…”.
A spiritual vision of what is going on might be one of demon possession. There seem to be an awful lot of possessed people about.
There is an irony that this is all about ‘black’. The easiest place to believe in demon possession is Africa.
Here in the ‘West’, we’re all much too advanced and beyond all that primitive stuff?
But, by gum, there’s a lot of it about. It’s hard to explain where it comes from?
“Virtue-signalling” doesn’t even begin to explain it. Signalling to whom? Why? What for? What a nice person one is?
Dear, oh dear.
Money? Who from whom? What about all the collateral damage? Any sane person would back off.
That’s what we have to do. Take a step back. Switch off the telly.
Do your own thing. But no damage1
When I first read it I thought it must be a parody account. Vine is truly a nasty piece of work.
4:30pm R4 is doing a prog about online MISINFORMATION trickery
Projection in BBC/libmob is routine
They will point fingers at other people and accuse them
and plant a SMEAR label on them to DEHUMANISE them, and poison their well.
A PR trick I call “smear & dismis”
… And most of the time BBC/libmob will actually be the ones guilty of the accusation.
I don’t need to debunk BBC stuff, cos it’s almost always safe to assume they are BS.
Towards the end of this prog
“Over in the US there was ASTRO-TURFING thing ( pretend grassroots campaign)
..a right-wing campaign to get America to re-open was pretending to be grassroots , cos each states campaign and website was similar
Doh almost every campaign is not grassroots but say often organised from Labour Party HQ
eg the Greta Campaign is not really grassroots.
…. However the prog never showed that the Re-open campaign had ever claimed to be grassroots.
The BBC went on
‘ We thought we’d found the man behind it ,
a guy had bought up hundreds of domain names,
but he turned out to be a sole (a lefty) who had done it to stop the righties
Whereas the Re-open campaign was funded by an actual astroturfer one of the X Brothers”
Stop right there
… that lefty guy is WORSE than the righties
he is using his wealth to vandalise their campaign
#2 Before that the prog had had an item about Korea and Russia or somewhere
‘ You wouldn’t believe it, but there are firms there
who pay staff to sit all day typing things into the internet to push agendas ‘
FFS hello BBC meet this mirror !
That is what you do, your tens of thousands of staff are constructing fake stuff to push agendas day in day out .
There is a Panorama today
I just wonder , was that about truth seeking
or was it about your normal action of doing something that is really a way of attacking Trump
They’ve bought in a film attacking Trump instead
BBC #BiasedBBC = an advertising platform for US Democrat Party
Has Beth Rigby really spelt her own Titter account wrong ? @BeffRigsby
North East and Yorkshire BBC radio stations have been endlessly focusing on charities, apparently the poor things couldn’t open their shops, so we’re in desperate need of cash donations etc even demanding government grants
High Street shops can now open, but every charity shop I’ve seen is still closed.
Guess the managers would rather sit at home on furlough pay.
The BBC is currently not allowing comments on the Manchester City vs Burnley game. The cowards at the BBC are censoring once again because they fear the narrative will go against them.
As for these clubs that are taking the knee, when the crowds return I dare them to have the courage of their convictions and do this in front of the fans. My guess is that it would go down like a cup of cold sick and then what would they do? Ban most of their supporters?
Did something happen?
Clearly a hanging offence in Burnley.
Luton Reject
I think there will be a tsunami of a backlash coming from soccer and rugby supporters .
“StewGreen JUNE 22, 2020 AT 10:58 PM
I did warn you earlier
I listed the progs at 7:45pm”
Apologies Stew, I’ve just caught up with the earlier comments.
Your analysis was even more sphincter puckering than mine.
Another programme you could have added to your list of Monday night’s viewing was a repeat of Police Interceptors on Channel 5.
In it two gobby young (white) losers had their untaxed car seized.
Why should we pay tax, they complained, when it just gets spent on Kosovan immigrants? For this they were belittled and ridiculed by the two police officers and the narration (by actor and comedian John Thomson). They were sneeringly asked, how does Road Tax go to Kosovans?
As I’m sure most reading this are aware, this is incorrect. Road Tax hasn’t been collected in this country since 1937 – instead Vehicle Excise Duty is effectively general taxation so arguably a proportion of it does go to any Kosovan who might be claiming benefits in this country.
In another segment of the programme another car was stopped and towed. During this incident a large group of mostly Asian youths gathered and pelted the police car with eggs and stones, breaking the windscreen. Instead of dealing with this disorder, the two officers grinned cheesily and drove away.
(Asians gathering in a mob is a common occurrence in this type of Reality-TV show, especially in Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! where dozens often turn up to try and prevent the bailiffs from collecting money or seizing goods).
Some years ago we heard a noise in the back garden. It had started by the fence on the right-hand side, then someone ran across the rear of the house and continued by the left-hand fence.
We rushed out the back and were just in time to catch a young lad by his legs and pulled him back down. He was now revealed by the light from the kitchen window and we could then see he was a young black lad who looked very scared.
It turned out that he had been with two friends and they had spoken to an Asian girl in the street, whereupon they had been threatened by some Asian lads who phoned their mates.
The black lads had managed to get over one of the neighbour’s gates and were trying to escape over the back gardens.
We looked out the front and sure enough there were now three cars out there, each with about four passengers, some with baseball bats out patrolling the streets. They dispersed when a couple of police cars turned up.
Clan ties are very strong in the Asian ‘community’. The idea that BAME is a cohesive, harmonious grouping is laughable.
Multiply that by a thousand or two and you can how fragmented our society has become. Does anyone seriously think that we can build a stable society out of this ? Importing millions of BAMEs into our country has brought us no upside but huge downsides which will eventually destroy the country.
Old habits die hard – or not at all. Take a look at any scenes in Pakistan, Bangladesh and so on. It doesn’t take a MENSA student long to work out that the difference is, you would be stoned/killed in Pakistan etc. and that small advance is yet to happen here. Yet……..
Alex B on £100m
More on the savagery rampaging through America.
Reminiscent of the French, Russian, Chinese or Cambodians revolutions, or the sack of Rome by the barbarians.
Thanks for this video – it depressed me but people should listen. Everything he says is true and the majority need to start resisting this carnage – it will get worse in the UK because we are just a little USA
Do none of these self righteous capitalist companies, kneeling and accusing anyone who doesn’t agree of racism, realise the aims of BLM…one of which is destroy capitalism –
I don’t have answer but I sure as hell know our leaders are failing the silent majority
Wake up everyone. The Reading terrorist attack by a Muslim attacking non believers is now a distant 6th on the list of BBC news story’s.
Number one is museum’s to open and Number 2 is EATON apologising for racism against a Nigerian chap in 19 bloody 69 !!!
Racism is the new BBC bone it has firmly knocked climate change off the order and is now in the number one spot.
We can now expect university’s to follow suit and drop climate studies to replace it with diversity as they scramble to become woke and current.
You beat me to it. But I think that there may be a change coming . Why? IMHO many people employed in the media, theatrical and entertainment industries appear to be gay. The penny hasn’t dropped with all of them yet – the common factor with the three victims in Reading.
Its like Top Trumps. Does LGBGT Trump Islam ??? Toughie for the BBC.
Sadiq chipped in with a ‘part and parcel’ remark to ease tensions amongst his voting bloc down the M4?
BBC Hereford & Worcester
Burnley are “ashamed and embarrassed” by a banner reading ‘White Lives Matter Burnley’ that was towed by an aeroplane over Etihad Stadium during Monday’s match against Manchester City.
The aircraft circled over the stadium just after kick-off in City’s 5-0 win.
The cross-platform all bbc memo has gone out…
BBC Newsbeat
The plane and banner, which read ‘White lives matter Burnley’, circled over the Etihad Stadium during last night’s match.
Both teams were wearing shirts which said ‘Black Lives Matter’. Burnley lost the match 5-0 to Manchester City
Sorry not much to do with BBC bias except I know they will be condemning the Burnley incident
I saw a quote from a Burnley player saying the sign was ‘offensive’
What sort of world do we live in when a sign saying white lives matter is offensive? Does that mean he disagrees with the statement – in which many more people would find that offensive.
Is it now verboten to put any word in front of… Lives Matter…? Is it verboten to put any word between Black…..and…Matter?
Or perhaps we here on this site are just a twitter mob living in a bubble? I don’t think so….but you can be sure that is what we will be called…with a Gammon comment thrown in ( whether it is true or not).
You just have to hope Boris comes to his senses or somebody with balls takes over to restore law and order and free speech
Coming only a couple of days after three white people were slaughtered by an African asylum seeker in Reading, it is the reaction of Burnley FC, Talksport and Al-Beeb to the White Lives Matter banner that is offensive, not the banner itself.
BBC Radio 4
“I would say it’s unprecedented if I wasn’t so heartily sick of hearing that word.”
Jarvis Cocker contemplates what might awaken us to our duty as stewards of the Earth.
(And please do listen to Radio 4’s Tweet of the Day.)
Not perhaps the smartest opening sentence for the bbc to run with.
BBc Moaning Emole, and #TedSez
“The head of the World Health Organization says the crisis has been “exacerbated” by “politicisation” and a lack of global “leadership and solidarity”. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus didn’t mention Donald Trump, but the president has vowed to sever US ties with the organisation. The WHO chief also said the virus was “still accelerating” worldwide – we’ve been tracking its spread.“
Ted did not mention Trump… but the bbc does.. all the time. Tracking the spread of bbc derangement and blatant propaganda is exhausting.
“Police continue to question suspect Khairi Saadallah under the Terrorism Act. A close relative told the BBC he left Libya to escape the violence there, and had suffered from post-traumatic stress from the civil war.“
Poor love. At least a ‘close relative’ found in the bbc a home for this nugget.
Given the bbc is also pushing PTSD on to all kids during lockdown, things could get messy.
Exactly four years to the day since we voted for Independence and not a peep from Al Beeb. What’s Nigel doing out in the USA , is he meeting the President ? I don’t think Al Beeb and the Meeja will be happy when they find out.
American Beauty awakens from his slumber.
After a leisurely breakfast he peruses his feeds for RTs in lieu of actual reporting.
Does he…
A) Pile on a plane flying some words that seem fair enough or…
B) Ignore this as ‘not news’
C) Both
D) Hire this genius
On a positive note – because of lockdown many people have been stuck at home and watched far too much TV. They will have witnessed how utterly useless and biased Al Beeb is and will be moved to defund the broadcaster especially when news of the money it is going to waste on “diversity”.
43k Terrorists here or heading here . Priti is promising to “get tough”. The point is when? When it’s too late again and when “there will be lessons to be learned” . How many lessons does she need ?
That frump couldn’t spot a terrorist for love nor money.
Given that our old pal Alastair Campbell’s favourite football club Burnley are said to be “ashamed and embarrassed” by a banner reading ‘White Lives Matter Burnley’ – just to put an idea out there in its mildest form – might it not be that the BLM protests, embellished by corporate, cultural, institutional & governmental approval of protests and now blanket football gestures of support be perhaps approaching… just a little too much of a good thing?
BLM – time to quit while you’re ahead?
I saw that game on Pick . If that plane had a different banner on it do you think that a live camera would have followed it and interviewed the ‘hero ‘ pilot ?
The speed at which only one view is acceptable is breathtaking . I always get it wrong… when i think something might happen in 5 years – it turns out to be 1 year or even less .
Was Reading a homophobic attack ? Dont even ask .,,, any other time the whole gay industry would be ‘ out there’ . Personally im neutral of gay / queer stuff – but usually the MSM isnt – jeez this time not even a whisper . Strange times …
In a statement, Burnley said that the banner “in no way represents” what the club stands for and that they will “work fully with the authorities to identify those responsible and take appropriate action”.
“Burnley strongly condemns the actions of those responsible for the aircraft and OFFENSIVE banner,” the statement added.
“We wish to make it clear that those responsible are not welcome at Turf Moor.
so white lives dont matter , is that what your saying Burnley FC
If it is so shameful to refer to white people and potentially illegal (wait ’till the police get their hands on the issue), so must it be shameful/illegal for some marketing people to refer to their products. I’ve not watched live tv for years now but I have memories of soap powders being advertised as, “Whiter than white”. Persil I believe.
Wot now? Try selling Persil as, ‘Blacker than Black’ and see where that takes you…………
Looks like the streets could be full of outraged protesters again.
The dreadful BBC simply cannot wait for its coverage of the latest Islamist terror attack to slide away from our notice.
This morning I turned to my google device for the snap headlines – but heard no mention at all of the Reading murders on the BBC round-up.
I then checked out the BBC website, and saw it was already relegated down to item no. 8 – being given less prominence than supposed outrage over someone flying a “White lives matter” banner in Burnley, for God’s sake.
The BBC’s latest story on the Reading murders displays the usual BBC sleight of hand by playing up the killer’s “mental health” angle and, yet again, not even mentioning the word “Islamist”.
We’re told the murderer “left Libya to escape the violence there”, had “suffered from post-traumatic stress” and his “long-standing mental health problems had been exacerbated by the coronavirus lockdown.”
Poor thing. You can always rely on good old Dr Beeb for a kind bedside manner when it comes to making excuses for anti western terrorism.
They’re banging on again about throwing more of our money at even more “diversity” on their programmes, yet the lack of diversity of thought on the BBC is an outrage.
And the relegation in importance of the murder of white people (Lee Rigby, Keith Palmer and those poor Manchester Arena victims are now barely referenced) shows that this biased broadcaster is actively working against the majority.
The BBC certainly can’t take any ‘pride’ in the way it is reporting the apparent homophobic terrror attack in Reading. You can practically hear the cogwheels grinding in the minds of BBC executives: “Islam good. LGBT good. Islamist attacks gay men – aargh! Does not compute! Does not compute! Ignore, ignore! Talk about something else! Spend £100 million more on diversity programming, zzzz…” (with apologies to Robbie the Robot from the movie Forbidden Planet).
You have to shrug your shoulders in the sentence towards the bottom of the news item: ‘Counter terror police, who are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident, have said they are “keeping an open mind as to the motive for this attack”.’ They might as well add: ‘In an unrelated matter, the police are also setting up investigations in the hope of finding out what bears get up to in the woods and what religion the Pope might be’.
Mishal has a chart, I believe.
But we all know the worthless bottom card is a white straight male!