The failing biased BBC continues to lose licence fees as more people realise that it is now an organisation without ‘diversity of opinion ‘ or even thought – just Far Left propaganda aimed at dividing the country . A long struggle to kill it .
Start the Week Thread 22 June 2020
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I am wondering if the site name should be perhaps updated ?
This is NOT just bias anymore,
the bbbc obviously think they can get away with being a mouthpeice for antifa, extinction rebellion, the political, and significantly anonymous, blm (who wish to destroy capitalism, free all prisoners and defund the police), the US Democrat party, and any other anti government rabble plus any LGTB and muslim rabble they can dredge up
It is shocking they are allowed to get away with this behaviour as a supposed impartial national broadcaster funded by those who overwhelmingly voted in the government this lot so obviously detest
like any teenager they are continually testing the limits of what they can get away with and in this case have no parent moderating their outrageous behaviour
Darcy – if it was my site i might change it but it is not . On the preamble on the 17th of June i mentioned that the BBC has moved from the propaganda bias to being a campaigning organisation .
It doesnt even pretend any more .
I think – sometimes – how are we to get the remaining 20 million plus licence tax payers to dump it . ? Its the only protest the BBC would understand .
“Its the only protest the BBC would understand .”
Very doubtful. It would be more like the orchestra still playing as the Titanic sank beneath the waves.
Ok then G – maybe its the only thing which would hurt them . The vast regiments of ‘ soldiers’ who run the monster will be most concerned about hierarchy, internal politics and their pension rights. Cutting their income might help destroy it .
RE change of site name maybe
“Lying Scum Far Left Racist libtard Swamp Dwelling Bubble World Bastard BBC” ?
Quite pithy and to the point I think ?
Other suggestions welcome of course as this site is the last bastion of free speech
The trouble is access to other channels which I enjoy otherwise I would most certainly have stopped paying
The way forward must be to end their funding model and introduce them to the real world outside of Islington
Off to Norfolk today where unlike London I look forward to hearing the English language spoken; around me and little reminder of the current post lockdown blm insanity, and proper diversity RE regional accents
Questions, questions…
Have we left black history month and are now in gay pride month, or vice versa perhaps?
Has little Owen Jones stormed off in a state of high dudgeon because the non-LBG&Tplusplus crowd have usurped his community’s own special private grief?
Will rainbow flags fly from the Reading mosques? I’d light a candle for that happy event.
They do say a masochist’s worst nightmare is to meet an actual sadist.
Has the Boy Owen said anything about Reading ? His “ people “ after all .
I think we all know by now that the Burnley / Man City football match was interrupted last night by some ne’er do well doing a flypast with a banner that read “WHITE LIVES MATTER”.
It occurred during the now ubiquitous act of subjugation by millionaire boneheads, who were kneeling on the pitch.
Already the football club have condemned this “awful act” and a Burnley supporter and member of the local LGBT community (yawn) has criticised this “horrible action”. “I’m ashamed,” she said. “He doesn’t speak for me…” Well, no love, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. The bloke’s more than likely a white, patriotic, heterosexual Englishman, who’s sick to the back teeth of watching this gut wrenching, perverted act of subservience acted out on English soil.
You know, there’s far more coverage and condemnation of this action than the recent racist murder of three innocent folk in a Reading park. They’ve lit the candles, laid the flowers and sung “Don’t look back in anger.” Okay, that’s enough of that, move on…
Can someone please explain to an aged Englishman why, if it’s so good to kneel in this repulsive fashion, for black lives matter, it’s so wrong for white lives to matter?
Particularly as three have just been slaughtered in a clearly racist attack.
And while we’re on the subject, I believe Burnley has a rather unfortunate history when it comes to looking after white people in its community.
Particularly young white girls…
Jeff: ‘kneel in this repulsive fashion’?
I have a theory, but that is based on ‘primitive’, ‘backward’, long- gone (?), Spiritual imperatives: taking the knee to a Human (other than the Queen, when getting knighted? Although -looking at some of the curs, sorry -sirs around us- even that may hail from a time when royalty supposedly derived its authority from the Divine, telling us now that it should go) might conceivably be a sign of Demon possession.
( Re the knighting, I am not a historian.) If it went, fine with me.
So, maybe something within you says ‘repulsive’ for a good reason? You have a soul, and every soul is of a certain kind of spirit. There are other spirits about. (Even more old-fashioned!) And they include demons.
Like me, you may well be old enough to remember -before the internet and soshil media, a time when God was still about? He didn’t care much for kneeling to anyone but Him.
‘gut-wrenching, perverted act of subservience?’ Yes indeed. I’ve been wondering about that for weeks.
A pretty stylish demonstration – i think . Although Sky didnt show the banner it has still gripped social media .
For the coloured – it means what they want it to mean – which i think is a bit more victimhood as day after day black yoof die at the hands of UK police – like that Lawrence kid decades ago didnt .
But i bet if you asked a good few thats what theyd say ..,
BBC News
Temperatures in the Arctic Circle are likely to have hit an all-time record on Saturday, reaching 38C (100F) in a Siberian town.
“Likely” 🙂
The caption reads ‘hottest evva’ but in quotes, so getting around ‘since records began’ or ‘unprecedented’.
High temperatures are not unusual in the Arctic and there are once-in-a-generation extremes. They get a lot of sunshine there in the Summer – 24 hours a day of it, in fact. Siberia is a huge land mass, large parts of it are thousands of miles from the sea and sunny and windless at this time of year. Temperatures began rising in the Arctic in the early 20th Century, long before so-called anthropogenic global warming, and at a higher rate due a process called Arctic amplification. There is a delightful travel book about the exploits of some ladies visiting northerly latitudes in the early 1900s and reporting 100 degree temperatures, sunbathing, naked Eskimo children etc. In the meantime, let’s not report anything about pollution in the Arctic resulting from Chinese heavy industry, okay?
The Arctic used to be tropical
archaeological remains of animals show
so it is not the “hottest ever”
On Toady, Prof Neil Ferguson says it’s the bureaucracies that have failed in COVID, that universities teaching woke subjects will have to go, but Francis Fukajama (who got the ‘End of History’ theory badly wrong) , sounds like things should be blamed on Trump or Bolsonaro. Steve Hilton was also on.
I gather that Soros and ‘Baroness’ Hale of Supreme Court treachery fame, will also come onto some programme about ‘CHANGE’.
But I switched on late, the kettle was noisy etc., so I hope I got all this right.
Did I really hear that on R4? Woke universities are bad news? I shall have to listen again. That kettle noise, and the clink of cutlery…Somewhere in the background we hear about US President ,Andrew Jackson, who would have forever remained unknown to non history buff, but who owned slaves. From hero to zero.
But if it is true, come back Neil, all is forgiven.
But off the christmas editor list , Question time , good morning this or that .,,,
I do remember at University that many toilet roll holders had written above “get your sociology degree here”
Comment above: Listened to Toady again. Prof Neil F had actually included media institutions that reverentially covered Woke, as well as Woke universities and failing bureaucracies, for special criticism.
On the other hand, Fukajama bewails ‘inequalities’, and says bureaucracies had nothing to do with it, it was Trump and Bolsonaro. Covid ‘lanced the boil of “populism”.’ Oh dear, Francis! Wrong again.
Steve Hilton (ex Cameron, now Fox in Calif) sorta sticks to middle ground, also bewailing ‘inequalities’ but ok with some of Ferguson.
Why to Fox? Wny not to CNN, Steve?
OK, we know ‘white lives don’t matter’ but if that’s offensive (white lives matter) how about ‘Muslim lives matter’
Would that be acceptable or offensive.
How about ‘gay lives matter’
Would anyone flying that flag be banned for life from Burnley FC?
The media should give us a list of which lives matter and which ones don’t so that we are not punished for putting the ‘wrong lot’ in the lives matter slogan.
Emanuel Goldstein, you’re asking questions like a rational person and perhaps expecting a rational answer.
But I’m sure you know, just as I do that when it comes to commies, we’re not dealing with rational people.
The only way to deal with their hatred, violence and irrational views and behaviour is to eradicate them. For good, once and for all.
Isnt is great – ? We are now in “who matters more “ land
By the way – how is having a life ban from watching Burnley any kind of punishment ….? where can I hire a plane for their next game ?
Masochists lives matter Fedup
Perhaps during the lockdown we should have protested and paraded with placards in front of care homes saying Elderly Lives Matter !
Then the Dogs Trust could use Dog’s Lives Matter
Then the Cats Trust could use Cat’s Lives Matter
Its a nice day so I’ll put a sign up in my front garden saying “guess what? my life matters”.
even Cats Use Cats’ Litter ……. please
…not forgetting Goat’s Lives matter
Season ticket, switch at halftime so perpetually behind opposing keeper should guarantee no action. That’d teach em.
In the D Mail
‘The BBC is to introduce diversity quotas as part of a £100m drive to make the corporation more inclusive’
Exactly what is this money to be spent on?
Extra staff to make up the quotas while the real work is undertaken by existing staff?
Payoffs and redundancies for capable workers who happen to be the wrong colour?
Pay over and above the norm for BAME people so that virtuous positive discrimination can be shown?
Payoffs for white staff who take them to court for breaching employment equality law?
Come to that, how come any recruitment on the basis of quotas rather than objective ‘best person for the job’ criteria is lawful?
Even if virtue-signalling quotas were both lawful and desireable, why should it cost any more than normal recruitment, and certainly not £100m of the public’s money.
I’m struggling to understand.
Sluff -easy to understand, I beg to submit; when weak minds are fully in the grip of an ideology, there are no lengths they will not go to, to display their allegiance and submission to it -even with somebody else’s money.
Especially with somebody else’s money.
Woke is a fully-fledged idology, like -say, Marxism, for instance (see what I did there?) Do they make them any more woke than beeb?
As the idiots kneel killing in London carries on – The latest one was a 25 year old black man ( Young father ) who took a shotgun blast to the head in Cheam in the early hours of Friday . No description of the suspects so you might guess – no mention of a ‘racial ‘ motivation so you might guess ….
What they leave out now speaks as loudly as what they put in
It’s back to about 2 or 3 a week now
Fed, when you mentioned Cheam my mind went back to Tony Hancock on a Radio show which I believe was set in East Cheam.
In those days crimes were things like putting foreign coins in gas meters.
It’s come on a lot since then.
Tony Hancock?
Only comedian with four body parts in his name.
Remember “Hancock’s Half Hour” well…
Stuck in a crammed lift, and he comes out with the line “only those with the biggest hooters will survive – they take up the most oxygen”.
Wasn’t it Galton and Simpson who wrote for him?
He was good but they were the geniuses.
When i saw Cheam i was linked straight away to the Penge Bungelow Murders …
On the killing report it didnt – unusually – say he was a promising football / lawyer / virologist like they usually do – or the ultimate euphemism for drug dealer namely ‘ youth worker ‘ ….
Tempetatures go up – tempers go up …
I just wish that just one of the satirical cartoonists would
be brave enough to draw a black drugs gangster wearing
a BLM tee shirt knifing or shooting one of his
“brothers” from a rival gang! .
Judging by some of the fire fights being put on twitter from the likes of phily, nyc,
Chicago and the rest i think you might see it ‘ for real ‘….
I believe the blacks in the Seattle ghetto have already killed a black.
They’re also beating up the whites and stealing their stuff.
Enoch Powell’s prediction of what would happen if the ethnics got the whip hand over us. Coming true before our very eyes.
I could not have said it better:
(worth reading in full, I quote the last part)
Man City’s Raheem Sterling certainly wouldn’t get away with expressing his political opinions in the enlightened Arab emirate of Abu Dhabi, which owns his club and pays him £350,000 a week — some of which he spent getting a tasteful tattoo of an M16 assault rifle on his leg, as a memorial to his father who was shot dead in a gang feud.
Abu Dhabi is an open sewer of racial and sexual discrimination, and other assorted human rights abuses.
Then again, there is no more amoral industry on Earth than the English Premier League, which is why it leaps on every woke bandwagon to mitigate its rapacious cry-bully reality.
It’s a pity spectators are banned right now because of Covid-19.
I could have made a fortune knocking out a few of this column’s patented multi-purpose Portashrines, left over from the Pray4Muamba bonanza.
Elsewhere, police officers abandon any semblance of impartiality as they ‘take the knee’ to abase themselves before the mob. Some forces, such as Hertfordshire, insist their coppers comply.
They justify this ostentatious nonsense on the grounds that supplication helps prevent the demos turning violent.
On that ridiculous basis, the Old Bill might just as well order officers to join drunken skinheads ‘protecting’ Churchill’s statue in the Nazi salute.
Still, what else can we expect from the gormless Herts Plod, who refused to say that a man wanted for a serious sexual assault was wearing a frock at the time?
Mustn’t upset the militant ‘trans’ lobby, perish the thought. Another one I don’t know whether to file under Mind How You Go or You Couldn’t Make It Up.
But I digress. This Black Lives Matters business is a blot on the landscape. It’s completely out of hand.
While I’ve always accepted the sincerity of those who were as horrified as the rest of us at the police killing of George Floyd in the U.S., attempting to exploit it to pretend that Britain is a racist hell-hole is disgusting.
Similar to Panorama (same reporter)
8pm tonight R4 has ‘look over there Neo Nazi’s are looking to recruit your children’
Prog blurb ” seek to spark a race war and destroy society. ”
FFS The usual projection from BBC
cos their work in the last two weeks has done exactly that, as they favour BLM at others expense and have so caused a backlash.
XR don’t try to kill people, but they do disrupt and smash stuff up
and seem to have so much in common with a scary child recruiting Nazi network.
Stew – i take it they include the half wit videos of dogs being taught the hitler salute and the like ? I think the BBC just churns the same formula every 6 months or so and call it an ‘expose’.
Not many documentary makers covering the South Coast invasion ….
Linked to every BBC Radio interview across the network this morning for the predictable ‘echo chamber’ denouncement.
‘Widespread condemnation’ on social media, apparently. Endless equality directors and chairmen (or women) anger; shame from the club and players directly. Police hunting the perpetrators. Life time bans for any connected.
The crime….A banner: ‘White lives matter’.
We are really moving into full on Stasi territory now. Freedom of speech is under pressure from the BBC and established MSM like never before. Wrong think, it seems, will not be tolerated and the state (from a position of weakness) re-enforces this when asked to comment or act. It’s a spiralling circle of despair. The narrowness of acceptable thought is now so universally mainstream, nothing else can be tolerated, hence the meltdown to some words on a banner.
We have a situation now where everyone is simply too scared to stray from acceptable ‘speak’. Every Footballer forced to comply with a directive (probably under threat of contract). Every politician cowed into a scripted answer. Every BBC interview, report of commentary carefully managed to reflect only one point of view. Every comment by every employee on any social media platform a potentially sackable offence.
Fear governed our nation, and it stinks.
Compare and contrast the BBC meltdown to a banner over a football game with the BBC reporting on the defacing of Churchill and the Cenotaph. Then ask yourself ‘what the hell is going on’!
This all has to end. We need some strength at the top to drain the swamp completely and press reset.
Now the pilot of the plane (or the hirer) has got the reaction required, I can see more of this happening at various sporting events. They cant shoot a plane down, and it would be hard to give chase.
Just wait…Brissles…..Just wait……
A Scottish man was jailed in 2006 for “revving his car in a racist manner”. Perhaps we need a specific crime of “flying a plane in a racist matter”. Of course, it shouldn’t apply for those flying near tall buildings in New York.
Ian Rushlow,
The chap in question was almost certainly convicted of a racially aggravated breach of the peace. He’d have been tried summarily – only serious offences are tried before a jury in Scotland – and as such his fate would have lain in the hands of the Sheriff alone. Having some knowledge of the Sheriff in that case, I can’t say that I’m wholly surprised at its outcome.
The ‘crime’ must have occurred on a Friday and the police, for reasons that are not mentioned in the report, must have decided to hold the accused in custody over the weekend so that he could appear at the local Sheriff court on the Monday, after which he was liberated pending trial.
Let’s start a petition in support.
Why on earth should they be angry about that? It’s true, isn’t it?
If they don’t like controversy, they should remove all evidence of their own political stance in this and other matters.
They’re only a bleedin’ football club, for crying out loud.
Wot about a full frontal attack on the Oxford English Dictionary?
“Burn it” they scream………..
(Sorry to disclose the next step)
…..and there you have it
Within 24 hours, the culprit is named.
‘Mr Hepple’s employer, an engineering company in Burnley called Paradigm Precision, said they were investigating his conduct and would release a full statement soon.’
….. on the BBC website, the airport has been ordered to stop flights with banners in consultation with the council, who are outraged. The police are investigating any possible crime. And be sure, they’ll be under enormous pressure to find one!
So, 3 words. ‘White lives matter’
A guy probably loses his employment, possibly forever. An Airport is closed. The entire media are mobilised to outraged mode and Politicians line up to condemn. The count council makes a statement and the police are called.
Over-reaction? Thought police state? Defence of freedom of speech by anyone official? Voltaire?
All I can say is, Wow!
I thought it strange at first that a swathe of the BBC’s gobby go-to cohort have been quiet about BLM, but then realised they would be open to an obvious question: “did not your Prophet capture, sell and keep slaves?”
Possibly why they have not been on then, but I am fairly convinced that no-one in the “speak truth unto nations” BBC would dare ask such a question
Slaves were traded in muslim countries until well into the 20th Century, and treated abysmally.
Maybe BLM should go pull down some mosques.
“Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).”
“The last slaves were openly traded in Islam’s holiest city in 1960!
Arab enslavement of black Africans continues to this day in the Muslim world, particularly in the Sudan, Niger, and Mauritania.
Slavery would most certainly exist today in the same form that it did for more than a thousand years in the Arab world were it not for the Western Christian-based nations “imposing their values on Muslim lands” by putting an end to it. The horrific situation that we described of slaves in Zanzibar was forcibly suppressed by the Europeans.”
No BBC Trending reported THIS YEAR on slaves being traded in an Arab country
you bring in a foreign domestic servant sponsoring their visa
Then when they arrive you put them on Facebook for sale etc.
workers told of being locked in and their wages never being paid etc.
Right, correct me if I am wrong but that game last night involved the 20th and final team to play its first game – Burnley ????
This should therefore be an end to this pathetic kneeling and words on backs of shirts, so tonight’s Spurs West Ham match should have none of this nonsense ????
Let’s see ????
I’ll tell you what, it’d be funny to see them try this cr*p in front of 60,000 baying and tanked up Hammers and Y*ds tonight wouldn’t it Fedup ????
Theleft – with a bit of luck by time they let punters into the games the current nonsense will have been replaced by some one even more ( allegedly ) hard done by .
Maybe the members of #defundtheBBC
Can do symbolic TV licence burning ….
Do you mean the hardest done to bunch of all? ????
Who’s lives matter most? ????
And the winner is…….. ????
Ever since the days when my young, innocent, naive schoolboy self came within the orbit of a predatory homosexual teacher, I have had a fear and hatred of the practitioners of Uranian love. When I read a recent news story of the late head of a History department who liked to dress up as Henry the Eighth and allowed his young charges to address him by a diminutive of his first name, I am sorry to say that rather than agree that he must have been a lovely man with a fun and inspirational way of teaching, I shuddered.
Radio4 Twitter threads vs Labour Party Twitter threads
I had a look this morning
#1 Listenership must be down there is just about 1 tweet a minute
#2 The most common tweet is like
“Why was this Tory voice allowed on Radio 4 ?”
This morning their target was Daniel Hannon
June Sarpong: ‘As a white male, I feel and share in the pain that so many are feeling worldwide.’ Let’s get it round the right way.
Soooo glad I don’t watch the Marxist propaganda.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Changes, ch ch changes
On the BBC w-s today we do have mention of the German fresh outbreak of Covid bt it is buried away in the Europe section and not mentioned as prominently as the German ‘achievements’ were compared to the UK in April and May. Funny that.
Yesterday, the BBC carried a prominent item on their w-s that it was the hottest ever summer in the Arctic. This has now been changed to ‘Arctic Circle’ which is very different.
You know that you can trust the BBC.
You do.
Don’t you?
@LFC_blano 51m
No new arrivals yesterday, but today its ‘business as usual’ ????
15 ILLEGAL MIGRANTS have made it across the Channel this morning (French handover)
\\ Police investigating, we’ll give lifetime bans,” said @BurnleyOfficial //
Hello, the Trump baby balloon blimp
was the same kind of TROLLING
of someone else’s POLITICAL event
So why should the perps at Burnley be punished more ?
Oh cos it’s classed as #WRONGthink
& being anti-Trump is RIGHTthinK
Hi Stew
very good point!!
one rule for some etc…
The police have said they are “keeping an open mind as to the motive for this attack”.
What could possibly motivate a muslim to kill gays?
“Sharia teaches that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death.”
23rd June Special Day
The ‘White Lives Matter Burnley’ banner that was flown over their football stadium last night has been widely condemned by the MSM as far right hate speech. Of course, that’s the narrative to be reported. Naturally.
I caught a post-match interview with Ben Mee (Burnley FC player) on Sky Sports where he immediately claimed that he was “ashamed and embarrassed” by the plane’s banner and that it didn’t represent the views of the club.
As a footballer, his only viewpoint in the media should be to reflect on his side shipping 5 goals to Man City in a sporting contest, not whether he’s offended by a banner.
Personally, I’m ashamed and embarrased that football has been politicised to the extent that every player now has ‘black lives matter’ on the back of their shirts and they take the knee before kick off. It’s a virtue signalling exercise that contravenes the Premier League’s stance on abstaining from political views.
Are the people of Burnley as a town offended by the banner? My guess is they’re probably not, and are more worried about a national recession and whether their businesses can re-start or not.
While Soros, in the background, chuckles benevolently……..
After all, it is his and money from China that supports all the Marxist causes.
DiamondLights, it’s hit me that these broadcasters, BLM, antifa and lefty celebs are basically taking the piss because footy fans aren’t at the games at the minute ????
It is hypocrisy of the highest order to say this is acceptable politically at a football match, but this is not (think the poppy debate a few years back) ⚽
This will not end well for the left as football-attending and watching fans will not appreciate their sport being hijacked like this, by some scraggy minority groups ✌️
Diamond lights
On EBAY they are promoting a competition to win signed football shirts from various clubs with that racially friendly logo on……nah I won’t bother
When the fans are allowed back :
Will they bother ?
Will there be a riot ?
How many cancelling season tickets ?
Charley Farley, I’ve seen that on eBay too!
These football players have multi-million pound advertising contracts and image rights – do you really think Harry Kane wants to be strutting around the pitch with that nonsense on his back when it should be ‘Kane 10’ ⚽
I despair but they won’t win ????
Statement from Lancashire Police
Following last night’s incident where a banner was flown over The Etihad Stadium in Manchester at the Manchester City vs Burnley FC match we have issued the following statement.
Chief Supt Russ Procter said: “We are making enquiries to establish the full circumstances surrounding this incident and we will then be in a position to make an assessment as to whether any criminal offences have taken place.
“We recognise that this banner will have caused offence to many people in Lancashire and beyond and we continue to liaise closely with our partners at both the club and in the local authority.”
Perhaps they should be ‘investigating’ the ‘offended’ instead.
I bet there are more people with their thumbs up to the action than are ‘offended’ .
I really hope so.
I’m worried that the constant refrain of ‘the anti racist movement, BLM’ and ‘the far right’ are either successfully brainwahing people by sheer repetition, or they are a reflection of what people in general really believe. I want to go around shaking people and telling them to wake up (not woke up).
theisland, I cannot see where a criminal offence has taken place here ????
Of course they could bring in a new law ⚖
Priti Patel will be lookin’ at legal proceedin’s whilst tryin’ to find a way of prosecutin’ and jailin’ the man for flyin’ a plane with a banner which was upsettin’ the woke in the media
Well she’s not deporting the millions of illegals, or the muslim criminals, or the thousands of known muslim terrorists. So, I suppose she has to find something to occupy her time. Maybe she could sign up as a crew member on one of our coastal patrol taxis. Then she could personally welcome each new batch of invaders.
We have a poster on here using the name G
I think he should get together with Priti and Eleanor rigsby.
He could finish what they start.
(Assuming G is a man but being on here I would think absolutely no offence will be taken if I’ve got one the wrong genders)
It was asked earlier whether the UK Civil Aviation Authority would take action on last night’s incident. They are merely concerned with the airworthiness of the operation (flight safety). Towing a banner with a slogan behind an aircraft is legal (see below), but it’s for the police to assess whether the display of the content of the message itself may constitute a criminal offence.
I don’t think we need Foscari to give us the odds on where this is going – the betting has probably already been closed.
Civil Aviation Act 1982
Part III Regulation of Civil Aviation
Trespass by aircraft and aircraft nuisance, noise, etc
82. Prohibition of aerial advertising and propaganda.
(1) Save in such circumstances as may be prescribed, no aircraft while in the air over any part of the United Kingdom shall be used, whether wholly or partly for emitting or displaying any advertisement or other communication in such a way that the advertisement or communication is audible or visible from the ground.
The Civil Aviation (Aerial Advertising) Regulations 1995
Prescribed circumstances
4. For the purposes of section 82 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982 (which prohibits aerial advertising and propaganda, save in such circumstances as may be prescribed), the following circumstances are prescribed–
(d) the use of any aeroplane for the display of any mark or inscription on a banner towed behind the aeroplane;
It was me who mentioned the CAA, but I did so with reference to the Air Navigation legislation.
As you rightly say, the contents of the banner is a matter for the police.
Frankly, I reckon that the authorities (be it the police, the CAA, or both) will be out to nail anyone involved with the banner, and by whatever means are open to them.
I had the same thought but since when is saying White Lives Matter a crime..some may say it was bad taste – but not many judging by comments apart from those virtue signally public figures – but if bad taste was a crime I would have been arrested for my shirts
But we know what Al Beeb and our woke police force will do – make an example just like the poor bloke having a pee – burn a flag nothing – have pee, jail..
You’re spot on. The media and their chums in authority will do everything they can to ensure that anyone who challenges the chosen narrative will be punished in some way or another.
Ah yes, so you did VH, but I think the ANO just talks about the rules for aerodromes with respect to banner towing, so no likely offence there.
But as you suggest, they’ll find an offence somehow… ‘aerial hate speech’ should do it.
If he’d flown upside down, would he be accused of inverted racism?
[I’ll get my coat etc.]
Van – because of that line I’m suspending you from this site ….
Right suspension over – carry on – priceless ????
Bogtrotter – from my flying days – I know that it’s naughty to drop below 500metres minimum unless landing so they’ll be looking at the altitude I suppose …
Good point Fed.
Yesterday morning – quite coincidentally (or at least I don’t think he was planning a flight over Manchester) – someone told me about the current rules which are detailed in the Standard European Rules of the Air (SERA):
SERA.5005: (f) Except when necessary for take-off or landing, or except by permission from the competent authority, a VFR flight shall not be flown: (1) over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons at a height less than 300 m (1 000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft.
On that basis, they looked just about high enough to me, so perhaps they’ll have to get them for wearing a loud shirt in a built-up area instead. By the way, I’m assuming you won’t need that other acronym explaining!
PS. Excellent comment from Van H – made my day ????
Bog – you and your letters – Very Frightening Reading —- I could get a NOTAM …
So aircraft banner messages don’t count as free speech. Well, now we know.
Has Al Beeb dared to run a HYS on the banner yet ?
Sunday there was nearly a massive train crash in Chalfont & Latimer
when an up train jumped the points and ended up on the downline facing a train coming down.
Pic shows them stopped about 30 feet apart facing each other
A competition to win a footy shirt with BLM on ? Marketing strategy gone into overdrive there methinks. Clearly they’re targeting the young, so bingo halls and garden centres could well be left in peace – in fact anywhere that might have people tutting and shaking their heads in disbelief, wont count as we’ll all be dead soon – or so they hope.
I’ve just seen a piece on the news that had me chortling, but perhaps it shouldn’t have…
Both the manager and captain of Burnley FC have roundly condemned the intolerant idiot who did yesterday’s unexpected and highly entertaining flypast.
What really set me choking on my tuna sarnie was being lectured by two blokes whose IQs must be struggling somewhere in the mid double figures. “It’s shameful” said bonehead one “These people need to be educated.” Educated?!
Bonehead two was in complete agreement, but wasn’t particularly coherent or articulate. Most of his garbled claptrap sounded like it was being given by a third rate 1970s trade union official
And he’s the bleedin’ manager.
No wonder they lost five nil…
I’m not actually sure where Burnley is, Jeff… is there an airport nearby, and were the mechanics wearing masks?
Bring in Reagan and Carter, plus a Dixon, several Starskys and you’ll have a full team, rather like in ‘Men behaving badly’!
Should have asked them if white lives do matter, the logical objection to the sign being they don’t. There’s a real disconnect in this country between those doing their own thinking and the parrots.
Mandy wants to be boss of the WTO and ‘revamp’ the rules.
Island – he d be ideal for fiddling .. the numbers … with his ability to fill out mortgage applications . The expenses in that job must make his EU pension look frugal – plus he can take a special interest of the problems of Brazil ….
Do we know what qualifies him to fill such a post?
I mean, if a plumber applies to be a surgeon, will his application be treated seriously?
Diversity targets and fudgepacking friends of Dorthy / chutney ferrets
A shoe in for Radio 2 on a Saturday
“Asked in an interview for POLITICO’S EU Confidential podcast if he is interested in the post, Mandelson said: “Yes I am. And let me explain why. I think that the WTO has reached a fork in the road. I think it’s on its knees.”
He just can’t stop himself, can he!
Why do yesterday’s idiots always drag themselves into places where they’ll be despised even more than they were when we had to put up with them in Westminster!
Must be some sort of nasty affliction…
“the WTO… I think it’s on its knees”
So, rather than ‘taking the knee’, it is taking two. It’s clearly ahead of the curve.
I know many on here sneer at the D/Mail – and I’ll admit its not the paper I’ve grown up with, but today Richard Littlejohn writes an excellent column and hits the nail on the head………….
Thanks Brissles
Judging by all the up votes and the very few down votes the silent majority are behind him…
Doubt we will see that view represented on BBC – it will just be the woke folk voice
I refer the Honourable member to my previous post
(at a more civilised 9:51 AM, but the cat still got me up at 5)
Sorry Darcy, I did a quick scroll to see if RL had been mentioned earlier, so my Specsavers appt needs to be brought forward. Humble apologies.
12pm Talk Radio news
\\ the banner flown last night was an ‘anti BLM’ banner. //
Fake newsflash:
The iconic WHITE LIVES MATTER banner was found today in field, by a 2 year old Labrador called Blackie.
His owner said Blackie must has seen it on TV last night and proudly dragged it from behind some bushes
Burnley museum say they will display it along with added context detailing stories of indigenous Brits who have suffered from immigrants and then discrimination from dismissive authorities.
Boris lifting restrictions. Good news , yes ??
Well, it is, but the BBC never disappoint with their negative, anti Boris rhetoric.
“Restrictions have to lift at some point. The big question is whether the UK is moving too soon.
The number of infections has fallen dramatically.
There are now just over 1,000 new cases a day on average.
That compares to an estimated 100,000 at the peak at the end of March – we don’t know the exact figure because there was limited testing in place.
Huge progress has, therefore, been made.
But the number of infections is still significantly higher than other countries.
France and Germany are seeing less than half the number of infections that the UK is (and Germany has a larger population), while Italy has less than a quarter.
It is why there are plenty of experts, including former government chief scientific adviser Sir David King, voicing concern restrictions are easing too quickly”
Oh surprise surprise. The BBC side with David king from the anti government, Boris hating , alternative sage!!!!
Funny how the BBC hang on alternative sage every word, everything they say is correct and any scientists linked to the Government are wrong.
Infuriating, transparent, anti government bias. DISGUSTING
YAB facilitates these jihadi attacks
Poor yasmin – desperate to stay on the pay role – if british tolerence was a myth she d be gone by now .
I think a darker racial is occupying her space – bet she cant kneel ….
The comments on her Twitter show nobody is buying this garbage anymore.
So the REAL horror of the Reading attack is that some people might object to it.
I think I follow your Ugandan logic, Ali Baba.
Probably the truest thing she’s ever said.
I mean to post this guy’s reply to YAB
My hope is that, when the football lads are allowed into the matches once again, the sight of players “taking a knee” will cause the following traditional song to echo round the stands:
“If I catch you bending,
I’ll saw your legs right off.
Knees up, knees up,
Don’t you get the breeze up.
Knees up Mother Brown.”
And perhaps sing a few verses of Swing Low Sweet Chariot. In alliance with the normal people who play and support rugby.
R4 comedy show judged Karl Marx last week
panel : a righty comedian, a BBC BrownNetwork presenter, a female comedian
I do like the way accurately describing some individuals and groups of people as Marxists has now taken root and its becoming more prolific. ‘Bout time people started calling a spade a spade.
That final statement is a bit racist, don’t you think? I like it though!
Gov briefing watch
Spot the gotcha – ready ?
The PM has changed restrictions too early / too late
The decision is political not medical
Not everyone agrees with the decision
Someone says they werent consulted
Someone says they werent told
More coloured will die – your fault
Doreen Lawrence says ‘go’
Its only done for money
Why are there any restrictions at all
People are / will be confused
Its a slap in the face for the british people
Are you considering your position
Some are saying youre not up to the job
Theres real hardship somewhere
Every other country is better
Where s the research
Theres not any research
Wheres that tracy app
Why hasnt someone resigned over something ?
That burnley banner was good / bad why have condemned / not condemned it
Why wasnt the islamic terrorist murders defined as a ‘ homophobic attack ?”
I think the cream of the MSM will be there – as well as Beff ….
I think Mr Delaney writing in the Independent should have reflected for a moment on the fate three white males lying dead on the grass in a Reading park at the hands of a black immigrant before penning this piece re: the offensive “white lives matter” banner.
He writes. “Stand back and consider it: A far-right statement was flown over a Premier League football stadium. This, frankly, is shocking. The fact Burnley were so admirably quick in condemning it only emphasises that.”
In what alternative universe are the words “white lives matter” far right?
Plus the fact that Burnley were so admirably quick in condemning it is a reaction that has been forced on almost every organisation by the “woke” mafia and their sheep commanders in the media.
“Make Britain Safe Again.”
I wonder if the Beeb will invite Farage over to express his views – or is that just a bit too diverse?
We need a statue of Nige
I wonder how long that would survive before the beeb organised a mob to tear it down?
It appears that Great Britain has become a ‘Trojan Horse’.
We are being invaded via the English Channel. Does the Tory Party and all its MP’s care?
Well he got back from the States pretty quick !
Excellent statement – spot on.
Are there any legal people on this site? What is the crime for having a sign with “white lives matter on it ?” I cant think of one . Is it just air regulations? Cos i really dont lnow .
If that sign is in itsekf illegal then the coloured version is as well – right ?
I think they got Banksy (the weeing man) on a charge of public outrage for his 2 weeks prison. (Instead of £80 fine for urinating in public)
When I was in the Army they had a catch all charge, section 69 I think, which was something about conduct prejudicial to good behaviour.
Maybe they will find a charge along those lines.
Surely, any defence lawyer would wipe the floor with whatever they can come up with but they still got Banksy. He must have had the worst ever lawyer representing him because everyone on here saw so many holes in the prosecution although if the judge is a wrong’ un (not a right judge) I suppose he was never going to be treated fairly. Just likeTommy.
Re the Burnley WLM banner flier, assuming Burnley F.C. make a formal complaint to the police it could be covered by the Public Order Act 1986 if it is deemed to stir up “racial hatred”. Below is an extract from the College of Policing Code of Practice, the final sentence of which may be considered as sufficient defence against any charge made under this section of the Act.
Any ex police officers who contribute to this forum may have other more informative views on possible legal action – if not I’m sure Michael Mansfield will be only too happy to offer Burnley F.C. his services!
“Incitement to hatred
Restrictions on the expression of racist ideas or opinions, statements which incite violence and hate speech are generally legitimate under ECHR Article 10(2) and ECHR Article 17. See Human Rights Act 1998.
Parts 3 and 3A of the Public Order Act 1986 include offences where a person uses threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour, or displays threatening, abusive or insulting material, which is intended to stir up (or is likely to stir up) racial hatred or religious hatred.
Racial hatred
This means hatred against a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins. Jews and Sikhs have been deemed by the courts to be racial groups. Muslims and Christians, for example, have been considered as religious rather than racial groups.
It is a defence for an individual to prove that he or she did not intend his or her words or behaviour, or written material, to stir up racial hatred and he or she was not aware that his or her words or actions or written material might be threatening, abusive or insulting.”
Emmanuel /bulldog
Thank you – I might dust off my Criminal Law notes and the excellent legal free Database BAILII and see if there is a case . I can’t see one .
I think theyd have a tough one showing incitement on those words alone – even in the context of flying over a stadium – how can those words cause racial hatred ?
Any defence brief is going to say that it means that white lives matter ‘as well ‘. Apparently the plane took off from Blackpool councils airport which has now banned such banners …. hence the name …
On the public order act – I reckon it would be pushing the language to turn a fact ‘white lives matter ‘ into a term of abuse ….unless of course a court is going to accept that white lives don’t matter ( see the Reading attack )
I understand that for some reason the airport is owned by the local council …sell it off ….
The banner should have read: DO White Lives Matter? Burnley. See if anyone in authority had the bottle to answer that.
A good question.
The answer, as seen from Manchester, London and now Reading, is no, they don’t.
Just lay some flowers and move along now, citizen. Nothing to see here.
Bulldog- Bizzare!
Worrying racial discrimination. Everyone pretends. Like the Emperor’s new clothes: Oooh, aren’t they lovely?
A mindless automaton is on the loose, so none of the other mindless automatons can spot it!
My own feeling is that Plod will try to find a way of framing (no pun intended) a charge under the Public Order Act, failing which pressure will no doubt be brought to bear on the CAA to find something – anything – with which to charge the pilot of the plane.
Compare and contrast their efforts to those expended in finding the statue vandals, the moron that tried to ignite the Union Flag on the Cenotaph and the absolute shower that lobbed whatever was to hand at the police and, more pertinently, the police horses in London.
1pm Vine Show
It’s all about the Framing
Vine carefully explained that most British people cared about ALL lives.
And British society has demonstrated this by being the country to that led the world in ending slavery the modern work that the FA has done to end racism in football
and the way that whites have been for some time a disproportionately small number of players.
He then explained that a police violence in America had been weaponised by the Marxist POLITICAL org BLM
who are exploiting black people by using them as a shield , to hide behind whilst they push their Marxist POLITICAL agenda.
And then how BLM had hijacked non-political sport like football
and used the players shirts to push Marxist POLITICAL agenda,
Vine explained how he could understand how die hard football fans had been outraged at their sport being hijacked like this
Especially as they had witnessed how BLM had created a two tier justice sytem
whereby BLM supporters could get away with violence and destrcution.
Yet the footballers friends got jailed for peeing in the wrong place.
Vine said he understood that after BLM had hijacked his sport
a football fan had decided to fight back by showing he would offer some resistance and could hijack back the BLM kneeling stunt.
No Vine didn’t do that, he started by framing BLM as being only about campaigning for black EQUALITY
and then played the “you are with us or you are against us card”
and if you are not with us , you are a white supremacist racist.
That’s BS, but he brought on two black guests Osunaga was one< who also pushed that line, saying that of course the violence against statues is justified.
Vine later allowed one call from a white pensioner
who her ridiculed.
No guests showed any sign of proportion
to them flying a banner which did disrupt cos it made a noise over the ground
was akin to killing 100 black people.
As I said before .. it is the same as the Trump balloon stunt
except less hatey.
I don’t know who posted it but the youtube from Alex Belfield ‘wheres’s the £1000 Jeremy’ really sums Jeremy Vine up….
But he still earns ?700K..of licence money – for what? Does he really think he deserves 4-5 times what Boris earns?
It would have been better if the banner had said:
“why are you all kneeling for an anarchist organisation that hates white people?”
4:30pm R4 A Good Read
with Val McDermid ..Scottish communist writer
& Martha Lane Fox .. posh daughter of academic who lost millions for investors by starting an internet bubble company
..but walking away with her own money.
…and some.
I’ve seen on Facebook, on one of the Leave eu or For Britain type of sites, that the saintly Floyd died because he had 3 times the lethal limit of fentanyl in his system and NOT because of the police.
If this is true I can’t say, but if it is, everything blm has been built on a wrong assumption.
If the Cop ever makes it alive to the trial, if there is one, he should be completely exonerated.
Again though, I cannot confirm how true this is.
Here’s the link for the above post:
Make of it what you will.
The facts and the truth are sadly redundant in this and many other cases . BLM and their useful idiots in the MSM won’t let the truth get in the way of their narrative of ‘black good white bad’. If the authorities find that Ffloyd’s death was in large part , or even solely, due to a drug overdose it will be claimed that this is a cover up and held up as an example of white supremacy and fuel more riots. However, Minneapolis is a democrat city with a large BAME population so I doubt that the authorities would be willing or even dare to find any verdict other than murdered by the police.
I have read, or watched, a report that Black Lives Matter is a registered organisation, started by two blacks, one a lesbian and the other a trannie. Their mission statement, I think it’s called, or manifesto, is avowedly and unashamedly Marxist.
They are openly proclaiming they are commies and apparently they are receiving millions in donations, some of which is finding it’s way into the coffers of the Demonrats.
EG – if the police man is proved Not to have killed him I think the riots could get a bit bigger …. in real life they’ll fix it for the cop to take the blame whatever really happened ….
He’ll be put in solitary for his own safety, as over two thirds of inmates in US jails are black. He’d be safer in a cage full of tigers.
He will be suicided before Christmas.
So, the BBC News website front page has already forgotten all about Reading. Nothing on the news website main page at all now. Surprise surprise. It has two articles on Windrush on the news front page though , much more important of course.
They also showed a program about Steven laurence last night. They remember him every week or two 25 Years later but forget Reading after a day and of course they also forget the many may many others such as Manchester, London Bridge etc etc etc as well.
I noticed and it makes me feel sick and angry! They are worms turning over their own compost heap.
“They also showed a program about Steven Laurence last night”
… on again tonight cos it’s a 3 part doco
Nothing on Ch4 news.
All working in harmony.
It is now obvious that the BBC, Guardian and Independent reaction to the footie banner fly-past reveals their agenda.
The idea is to control the narrative in every way and thus to no-platform any dissenting voices. This is the same technique that was used very successfully by Hitler as well as the USSR.
The end game is to create an atmosphere where any issue can only be authoritative or even allowed if coming from their perspective. Anything else is nasty, far-right or racism and has to be “put-down” or “smashed”.
They have successfully implanted this doctrine into the heads of many otherwise normal, sane citizens.
A perfect illustration of this is in George Orwell’s 1984 where he describes “The Two Minutes of Hate” where the population were forced by “Big Brother” to watch footage of “the enemy” and encouraged through threat of violence to scream abuse at the images.
This passage from the book describes exactly what we are seeing now.
“The horrible thing about the Two Minutes of Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp”
I believe George Orwell ended up pretty unpopular with the BBC despite working there for a while.
It’s understandable why the BBC would have fallen out with George Orwell – he understood how organisations brandish power and become self serving – whether in Moscow or in W1A…
I anything the little plane stunt last night seems to have done is forced most sections of the msm to reveal their true feelings even more than ever and expose the bias further, especially from al beeb ????
By asking around amongst my slightly older relatives today (60’s and 70’s) their answers were predictably as if they’d been watching and listening to al beeb all day ????
None of them a massively political and just seem to regurgitate from said corporation ✌️
This shows what we on here what we are up against!
My footy mates however can see through the media and are completely against the hijacking of our beautiful game and think BLM are taking the piss because the games are fanless at the minute ⚽
See a statue of Lenin has gone up in Gelsenkirchen. Who would have thought? Probably came with Merkel in her furniture van from the old GDR (to the new GDR).
maybe east berliners should start rebuilding that wall
Kaiser. Bestimmt! We now realise it was useful to keep the ‘liberal’ ‘West’ out, rather than to keep Easterners in! This is a grim joke (not) because many people died trying to cross the wall.
What was it all for?
They said it was an ‘anti-fascist’ wall, and -in a weird way- they were right. Then the BRD swallowed the GDR up; it burped, and spat out a certain lady…
Worst of both worlds?
Erich Honecker wasn’t so bad after all; at least he was a Communist and said so. Walter Ulbricht was equally defective, but just as honest about his beliefs. Commie. Ms M. is probably one as well, but keeps the word well-hidden.
The spirit lives on, but only more rotten.
“Angie, her name is.” Allan Bennet said that, not me, in ‘Talking Heads’, some lady actor speaking, as I write. Imelda Staunton – “Lady of letters”, I see in the programme.
Angie, her name is. What a coincidence.
R4 Evan Gobshite
I really can’t stand him – his attitude is so superior and snidy . So Govt is getting it all wrong again – the BBC find ‘scientists’ who disagree with Govt..
They are giving a Windrush person more time than they give any Tory MP – and don’t probe…and had to play a David Lammy recording….
Now the extreme Right wing File on 4…seriously! the BBC is worried about the EXTREME right wing and not the EXTREME Left – who have been burning looting fighting and generally causing social unrest..
BBC you are a bloody disgrace and the sooner you are eaten by your own Left woke the better
Seems the BBC have done what they always do in such cases, and ‘moved on’…
The Spectator
For the BBC – among most other major news outlets – every question that the Reading attack throws up remains stubbornly unaddressed and unaddressable, writes Douglas Murray.
Imagine if on Saturday evening a white neo-Nazi had stabbed three men to death. Imagine, furthermore, if in the wake of the killings it had turned out that all three of the victims were gay. Or ‘members of the LGBT community’, to use the lexicon of the time. And then imagine if two days later no…
About this website
What isn’t being said about the Reading attack victims? | The Spectator
Imagine if on Saturday evening a white neo-Nazi had stabbed three men to death. Imagine, furthermore, if in the wake of the killings it had turned out that all three of the victims were gay. Or ‘members of the LGBT community’, to use the lexicon of the time. And then imagine if two days later no…
JA – How well said, sir!
Am I allowed to watch BBC TV if I say that ” WHITE LIVES
Gov briefing watch
The PM of the UK , the chief medical officer and the chief scientific officer were answering the final question of the final daily briefing from a journo from the EDP talking about what was to be done to help deprived kids regarding the education …
… and then right in the middle – at 1755 the BBC droid said ‘and now the weather “ go watch it on the biased news channel …so I did ….
And … can you guess what those 4 minutes of weather leading up to the 6pm news might have said ? Yes it’s hot ….
I’m glad it’s the last briefing – the journos devalued it through gotchas a did the public a big disservice whilst they played petty journo games …. maybe if needed again they just take questions from the public and sack those journos ….
The BBC have hated the briefings from the outset. The government sets the day’s agenda and gets to state its case without constant interruption. The SAGE representatives have performed admirably.
When the MSM’s questioning begins they often look foolish, as they haven’t been able to control the original narrative.
Furthermore, Raab and Hancock have come across as reasonably competent overall.
Even if we disagree with the government’s “science-based” position at least we got to hear it before the BBC twisted it out of recognition.
For these reasons I shall actually be sorry to see these sessions end.
Also Channel 4’s Jon Snow playing the game.
Article 1. Are the Government gambling with peoples safety by releasing the lockdown rules too soon just to get more people back to work?
Article 2. The red wall regions (who voted for Boris) are suffering through the lockdown and councils are running low on cash reserves and need help. (Because people are not at work?)
Heads I win, tails you lose!
Yep, it’s been an interesting exercise to watch the news briefings live and then see how the BBC spins them afterwards.
Laura Doomsberg only seems to put in a shift when Boris was on, so she was on today, getting yet again the first question.
I swear her lips were pursed and she looked like she had just been stung by a wasp when her pathetic question, delivered with a scowl, was swiftly swotted away by Boris who denied her a follow up question.
And that, dear readers, is what £300k per year of ‘talent’ gets you.