The failing biased BBC continues to lose licence fees as more people realise that it is now an organisation without ‘diversity of opinion ‘ or even thought – just Far Left propaganda aimed at dividing the country . A long struggle to kill it .
Start the Week Thread 22 June 2020
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Looks like Jon and Kru have found something on their social media trawls to turn into…
BBc News
“I became a political activist… completely by accident.”
How a 51-year-old grandma took on US President Trump’s re-election campaign via Tik Tok.
Next up… cuddly old pensioner Yasmin Alibi Brown shares with the BBC how she ends up on the Vile show every week to slag off every bbc nemesis, ‘purely by accident’.
Of course black lives matter to George Soros, his given surname was Schwartz.
MetroLiberals can get misinformation stuck in their gut
Jeff reminisces.
Happy Brexit Exit Day !
Watch the sour faces from 6:48 on .
Warning, we haven’t really left yet.
The BBC webshite is running a HYS on the back of the cancellation of the daily news conferences.
(Comments could not be going worse)
Re above:
We’re having some problems displaying the comments at the moment. Sorry. We’re doing our best to fix it
funny that..
Operative words “fix it”.
second highest rated comment
\\ It was the questions from the media that drove me up the wall, especially Laura Koensberg and Robert Peston.//
103 people actually voted against that !
400 for
There’s a clash on the TV channels tonight – on the BBC – on one BBC channel there’s a documentary about a black kid who got killed 27 years ago … and on the other BBC channel there is gay stuff ._ I don’t think they’ve made a documentary about Libyan Islamic terrorists who have been given refuge in the UK and then killed innocent children { Manchester } or in Reading { 3 days ago } …. Reading was not a homophobic attack or a racist attack or a series of murders linked to an illegal demonstration in the same place shortly before … nothing at all linked – open / empty mind….
I reckon the current killer won’t be charged ….. they won’t want a trial … just a cover up …
Yep BBC1 9:30pm a drama about her woman ho fantasies about sex with her 15 year old son.
Then after the news the daily black drama coninues.
BBC4 10pm With the UK’s Pride festivities nixed this year, BBC4 is casting an LGBT rainbow via some timely repeats.
– The 2017 drama Against the Law has a sensitive performance from Daniel Mays, cast against type as Peter Wildeblood, the upper-crust journalist jailed in the 1950s for homosexual activities, whose account of the injustices he endured helped lead to reform in 1967.
– It’s followed by Prejudice and Pride, a two-part doc in which comedians Stephen K Amos and Susan Calman find tears, bravery and reasons to be proud in the 50-year fight for gay rights — essential viewing for every smalltown boy and girl.
– (Concludes tomorrow.) On Thursday, Boy George’s 1970s.
Keir Starmer proclaimed that it was ‘not a time for party politics’.
That’s a party political statement if ever there was one.
Lancashire plod has announced there will be no charges against the banner pilot ….. I don’t think they say ..because there was no crime …..
……….so betcha the vacuous ms Patel will pop up tomorrow with the “white lives Don’t matter – banner Bill’ to be rushed through Parliament as quick as a liberal stop brexit bill ..
Mandatory 5 year sentence in the blackest prison they can find …
Could not believe it this morning when the news that the police were investigating.
Why would they EVER consider that saying White Lives Matter could possibly be any sort of crime?
But of course this is what our police force has become……and that is a statement NOT a question.
Guardian moaning about reducing controls on the population – taking – believe it or not – the comment of some drone from the Dicredited WHO to some drone on the Discredited Toady Programme – ……
Maybe they see the current situation as a socialist paradise where money tree after money tree is chopped down and the compliant population does exactly what it is told to do .
The tab for all of this is going to be …. huge … with even more moaning about what has been done than we’ve already had ….
I wanted to take a photo of next door’s 7 year-old, (is that legal?).
Sometimes she wears specs. and sometimes not. I assume it is for the purpose of ‘correction’ as her eyes are still growing.
Yesterday she was running about without them but today they were on. I got my photo but I thought it would be nice to have one without, partly to compare with younger photos. “Oh no! My spectacles are part of who I am, I wear them all the time!”, she said.
Surely that has got to be a response drummed in at school?
I said, “Go on!”, and being female, she took them off and smiled.
The socialist utopia will ultimately fail as it goes against human nature, which is why they have to get rid of people who don’t conform.
I hear that the cowardly Boris the Bottler has caved in once again after 50 of his MPs told him they were prepared to rebel against his further erosion of the day of rest with an extension (which would never be revoked) to Sunday trading hours.
Mostly this applies to supermarkets and DIY chains, it benefits no one in reality. If you can’t buy the things you need in the previous 6 days, then there’s something wrong with you!
It doesn’t expand the market at all, so no extra profits are generated, all it does is consume more power and makes the shop staff work longer hours.
Finally at least some of these gutless wonders have done a scintilla of good for a change.
“makes the shop staff work longer hours”
.. a hell of a lot of people in this country work in places where there is 24/7 working like power stations/mines/steel plants
Before I went to live in Central America I used to work 12 hour nightshift in a huge 24 hour Tescos, shelving the alcohol.
On a Saturday the shopping was spread through 24 hours, then we close.
Then we’d open 10am Sunday and in the 6 hours before we shut
we did almost as much sales as we did in 24 hours on a Saturday.
I’d turn up at 7pm and the shelves would be well down so I’d have to spend all night getting them ready for Monday morning.
Then the dumb thing is the mid size coops come into a different category and are able to open like 6am Sunday to 10pm
“BBC Cymru Wales job losses: 60 posts to go”
“Director General Lord Hall’s has previously said the BBC overall would need to make additional savings of £125m due to the impact of coronavirus and ongoing financial challenges.”
Perhaps they are spending their money on more diversity instead ?
I think that the swamp is beginning to drain itself?.
I’m thinking of the money the BBC wasted on the swanky new Cardiff HQ
.. and so is someone else
I work for the BBC, and I was called into the bosses office today.
Here’s your P45 he said, you’re sacked after we checked your facebook and twitter accounts and your posts about Black Lives Matter.
What posts I answered, I haven’t made any.
Exactly came the response.
It seems that we have a new? Voice in parliament calling out the Biased BBC for what it is -namely Tom Hunt . I bet – as I write – there are ‘researchers ‘ digging into Mr Hunt to find the smears – and if they can’t find any they’ll just miss pronounce his surname ….
Anybody can access the US news reports. But not the BBC it seems. Chicago over the weekend. 100 people wounded in gun attacks. 14 dead including a 3 year old child. Killings this year off the charts.
I watched the mainly black residents of that city asking for help for somebody to care. As one said if a white man had killed one person there would have been thousands demonstrating.
These people have been abandoned. The white BLM lot just could not care less about them. No virtue points it seems.
There is something so wrong with these people now.
The Democrat cities are dying. And it is the fault of mainly white progressive fantasists. it is a terrible thing to see.
@DaveS you just stick it in the Twitter search box
and get this result
Mayor of Chicago: Lori Lightfoot – A Black Woman
Chicago Police Superintendent: David Brown – A Black Man
This song is 44 years old – what have the Democrats been doing?
Stew – sorry – just put the midweek thread up …
We are all aware of the BBC and their support for any cause to undermine a democratically elected government.Take your pick of REMAIN,XR,BLM,but why would a billion dollar sports and media empire like SKY be supporting BLM?SKY virtually own the Premier League,by virtue of the money they pump into the league.
It was obviously at SKY’S insistence that the stunt of taking the knee, and BLM slogans on players shirts happened.The revenue SKY receives has been falling for ages,partly down to companies like NETFLIX.Could this be as simple as a marketing ploy,aimed at BAME viewers?The sight of all SKY sport staff and guests wearing BLM badges would suggest this.
The non sport’s SKY channels are filled with ads promoting the new SKY DOCUMENTARY channel,which is mainly concerned with documentaries aimed at BLM supporters!Do SKY not realise one of the BLM’s policies calls for capitalist giant’s like SKY to be destroyed?Talk about turkeys voting for Christmas!