I was very disappointed that there wasn’t a squadron of cessnas circling the imaginatively named “Tottenham Hotspur stadium ‘ on Tuesday night …
… maybe the next stunt will be a parachutist landing in the middle of one of these tedious ‘prem’ games to put a bit of life in them – I wonder that the simulated crowd now for ‘parachute landing ‘sounds like . ?
More genuflecting last night Fedup, it’s making my blood boil ????
The left are genuinely taking the piss and laughing in football fans faces, as are the world’s most trusted ????
“DJ Chris Evans is to continue his 500 Words contest on his Virgin Radio show, starting by asking children to write stories on a Black Lives Matter theme.”
Looks like a case of don’t let a bandwagon pass you by.
Maybe he can also resurrect some of his old TV shows along the same lines? BLM Friday? Don’t Forget Your Windrush?
They just can’t help themselves.So it isn’t 500 words but 500 words about what we want you to be indoctrinated. What happened to kids imaginations…
I thought BBC were dicks to stop it but Evans is a bigger one for twisting the innocence of kids
Why not one on gang rapes and grooming..or killings by muslims..
\\A crewless “drone” version of a boat that could help operations including search-and-rescue and drug raids has been launched by the Royal Navy.//
Any good at stopping the Channel invaders ?
Re the black knight, too good to be true story,
it would be easy to do 2+2=5 thinking and come up with some wrong story
…. but it does look fishy
All media report that the rescued white Bryn Male was a former police transport police detective who spent much of his 20-year career undercover investigating football hooligans.
The black knight Patrick Hutchinson himself looked like some paid undercover security operative,
and was wearing specialist gloves.
Almost all media and tweeters refer to the white as a far right football thug… without any evidence of this being true.
I do spot Jay Beecher saying that people who call the white guy an “actor” haven’t shown evidence.
BTW I still have a feeling that photographers had set out in the morning with a plan to get photos of white lads peeing.
And had maybe got the idea from observing black lads doing the same a few days earlier.
Stew – thank Goodness, I have not bothered to pay Rajanistan a visit today.
I understand the place is a treasure trove of gold and diamonds? And the wind only blows from one direction?
Very flash and very cool, ’tis there.
The last question in the 45 minutes was from the MP for Reading – who asked it the community was going to be supported and the police would get the necessary resources ….
…. no one asking general questions about attacks by illegal immigrants trying it on via the “asylum scam “ or the 40000 Muslim terrorists in the queue to attack kaffirs ….
It’s as if there’s a conspiracy – … I wonder what the threshold of death is now for anyone to get upset – or even interested ….
… the same rule of silence applies to the slaughter of a 7 year old girl playing in a public park …..
If anyone has access to the spectator – apparently Rod Liddell has written a piece on the ‘politicisation of the British police ‘- as if that would ever happen here …
Slghtly off topic but lefty councils are part of the problem like above
I mentioned that they are uncontactable and take about 2 weeks to reply to emails, unlike private firms who are ALSO working from home
I also mentioned that they must be salivating about ordering people about post lockdown and polishing up their hazard tape and bollards
the only time we get any efficiency from them is when they can order people around
little coffee shop in town has put two little tables out with two seats at each, about 10 feet apart, I like sitting there and having a coffee in the fresh air. no longer I did ask why today although almost knew the answer
yes the council ORDERED them to take the tables in
(while everyone sits together on benches across the road)
whilst putting yellow tape all over the pavement and the inevitable bollards
a vision of the world with the hard left in charge
Except when a nearby neighbour has a live band playing out of tune meatloaf at 2 in the morning in their garden with a PA system, and the “24” hour call out environmental health officer is meant to attend, hmm TWO HOURS later they wonder along (in the hope the problem has gone away in the meantime no doubt ) and the neighbour says we will carry on when you leave and they did, nothing done about stopping it efficiently like siezing equipment
they pick on the easy targets, a bit like the police
It seems , in order to save £55 million , emir of Londonistan is selling out city hall and moving his harem to Tower Hamlets / Newham ….
Presumably he’ll continue to spend the money on friends ( consultants ) and friends ( media advisors ) ….
There used to be a rule that the bigger and flashier a town hall was the more corrupt and useless the governing body was….
(although his mates say they will be flying a black flag over it anyway when they get their way, only a matter of time considering the appeasement that is current policy)
I have just sent an email to a friend. My email provider likes to put up ‘news’ stories that out-do the BBC in BBC-ness on its home page.
Today’s little treat is a video that someone has taken the trouble to script, act and top-n’-tail about the man in the New York park who had a run-in with a dog-walker last month.
Its purpose seems to be to stir up more hatred. Why don’t all the big media companies get together, buy lots of weapons, hand them out and then, maybe next month, we can have a black versus white shoot-out? We know that is what they want.
“Our way of coping was to go public, against the advice of the police, and try to take control of the narrative away from Boris Johnson, who seized an opportunity to score points during a general election campaign by playing the law and order card, proposing longer sentences for all serious offenders. We told Johnson and Priti Patel that was not what our son would have wanted. They didn’t listen.”
It sounds to me that Mr Merrit is determined to put his dislike of the Conservative Government above the loss of his son to a crazed madman who should have been in prison.
When political prejudice gets to the dogmatic and ingrained stage that he must have arrived at to make this his key point, I despair of humanity and civilisation.
Plus the Guardian gave him a whole page to use for his anti-Boris rant over an event in 1919 whereas not a peep from anyone connected with the 3 in Reading. Perhaps they couldn’t get anyone to weave Boris into the narrative so it’s not worth any of the Guardian manifesto column inches.
5 minutes into MOTD Norwich v Everton on BBC2 and they’re pointing out a huge rainbow flag tribute to gay footballer Justin Fashanu.
As I remember, he killed himself when accused of sexual assault by a teenage boy, didn’t he? Maybe he was innocent, but surely only accusations matter these days.
Re my observation about stalinist local authorities above:
London drivers have vented their anger as they faced more than 200 roadworks in the capital just as rush-hour congestion levels shot up significantly while people are still advised to avoid public transport when returning to work.
Data from the AA showed there were 206 separate roadworks within the M25 today, including for telecoms, gas main and electrical works and construction.
Commuters have also faced closures and congestion due to wider paths and pop-up cycle lanes being created as part of Sadiq Khan’s plans to encourage people to cycle to work and avoid the Tube.
Darcy, most peculiar why they are doing the roadworks now. It is almost as though the Mayor wants more pollution and more money to go into a Conservative Government’s Treasury. The start of the Lockdown in England almost coincided with the start of the new financial year for the London boroughs.
Khan could have had the work done in April and May with very little traffic disruption.
“Call for Lewis Goodhall… pile on required in aisle whine…”
Media used to be in the hands of wise owls, with experience and integrity who had worked their way up, learnt from adversity, experienced patterns over time. Today media is is the hands of a young inexperienced, pattern-agnostic reality-denying generation. That’s what’s changed.
‘When asked about the SEAT that had been recovered, Henry Long said “If something happened and the car was found, say for instance in a housing estate, would everyone in that housing estate get arrested, or is it just a gypsy site where a car gets found, everyone gets arrested?”
‘In other words, he is complaining that the police are discriminating against the travelling community.’
Today jury members were also told how a macabre re-enactment of PC Harper’s horrific death using a dummy proved it would be ‘clear and obvious’ to the occupants of a car that he was being dragged behind them.
The court heard how PC Harper ‘swung from side to side like a pendulum’ after he became caught in a loading strap which had been used to attach the quad bike.
Jury members heard Long swerved in an effort to dislodge him.
Mr Laidlaw told jurors today the reconstruction showed Long must have known of the officer’s plight behind their SEAT.
Experts recreating the scene with a mannequin heard loud noise from the rear and saw the dummy being dragged.
On the SLY Website I see The Hero Jake Hepple and his Girlfriend have been sacked because of the RACIST BANNER STUNT !
No doubt the Engineering Company that employed them are on their knees 3 times a day with a Mosque as a neibour !
Peroxide poisoning or Ameican beauty just got in early with the duty frees.
And more documents for yoru delectation… this is the paperwork form the Jenrick planning row (at least what the govt has published)
ITV local news 6:10pm soft interview with a Yorkshire black girl
as ever her victimhood is 20 out of 100
vsthe 70,80, 90 of real victims like raping gang victims
6:14pm .. now into long Diversity In Schools Week which is all about LBGTQ
.. now the drag queen is speaking.
I am 74 years old and the UK is changing in a way beyond
my comprehension. It appears now that the BBC consider
it wrong for the police to arrest black criminals.Could somebody tell
me that if my house is being robbed should I make sure of
the criminals ethnicity before getting in touch with the police?
Is it conceivable that BoJo and Cummings are playing a clever long game here.
Give BBCGuardianistaBLMFarLeft enough rope and let them appear more and more ludicrous in the minds of the VAST MAJORITY of decent Brits ( including a fair few Hindus of my acquaintance btw) until they hang themselves.
And then at election time stand on a ‘common sense and decency’ centre-right patriotic ticket?
Certainly a few MSM broadcasters and papers are being encouraged by the bubble to push way beyond where the silent majority is happy to even stay silent any more.
i am flat out tackling any idiot posts on social media, even from friends, and when confronted by facts and reality over spin and opinion, they crumble.
Seems the theory was regime change was going to be possible before the next election using riots, petitions, edited vox pops and panel shows to mobilise the thick and excitable to ‘call for’ in the street rather than voting in secret.
Sluff, Guest & Stew, I get the impression that the Lockdown relaxation yesterday was announced in a way (Nick Robinson’s reference to the 52pages of guidance) was indeed done to show up the media – especially the BBC – and any rogue scientists.
So far, the scientists have obligingly fallen for the Bojo/Cummings trap. We can enjoy waiting for the BBC N&CAs to have gone through 52 pages line by line looking for a supposed pitfall or pratfall. Tomorrow’s TOADY might be fun!
5:20pm as I cycle home I usually get local radio pushing some agenda in my ears
Today Radio Lincolnshire had the TheBlackFarmer on. He’s probably a nice guy, but instead of talking about his farming, the made it a a discussion with a BLM activist.
It’s worth showing the text of the GoFundMe Black Lives Matter page, just so we can be absolutely clear what the demonstrations and Taking the Knee is all about.
Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK) is a coalition of black activists and organisers across the UK. We’ve been organising since 2016 for justice in our communities.
We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world. We build deep relationships across the diaspora and strategise to challenge the rise of the authoritarian right-wing across the world, from Brazil to Britain.
We’re developing new and exciting ways of organising that centre transparency, accountability, safety and healing for our organisers and our communities. BLMUK organises in the black radical tradition, using political education, direct action and political leadership toward black liberation.
Our commitment to all black lives means that we lift up the experiences of the most marginalised in our communities, including but not limited to working class queer, trans, undocumented, disabled, Muslim, sex workers, women/non-binary, HIV+ people.
The idea of footballers earning £300k per week wanting to dismantle capitalism has to be a shoe-in for the hypocrisy of the year award.
This statement needs to be replicated everywhere, from Facebook to Twitter, and in all the national dailies. Its not something that’s well publicised, and it ought to be.
– Work towards making change at the level of law.
– Developing and distributing educational resources.
– Developing and delivering healing practices in black communities.
– Developing and delivering training, police monitoring and strategies for the abolition of police. Working alongside existing anti-racist organisations to strengthen the wider movement across the UK.
– Supporting the United Family & Friends Campaign (UFFC) in accessing justice for friends and loved ones killed at the hands of British police.
– Providing emergency relief to black communities bearing the brunt of the Coronavirus crisis
“One in five of those targeted by the police is black,” says George Alagiah regarding a story about tasering on tonight’s news. He implies this must be a racist policy since only 3% of the UK population is black.
Once again the BBC either does not understand statistics or is maliciously misleading the public. I have said this before but the proper baseline for judging whether there is discrimination in tasering (or arrests or shootings) is the percentage of black participation in criminal activity, NOT black representation in the population at large. And since in England and Wales the percentage of prisoners under 25 who are black is 25%, the one in five figure for tasering suggests there is no discrimination against blacks. If anything, it shows they are under-represented. And for obvious reasons it wouldn’t be surprising if the police were actually more reluctant to taser blacks.
The snowflakes dont go on so much about the numbers of blacks in prison so much now – perhaps the number in for very serious crimes makes thr lefties go somewhere else for the victimhood
Listening to The Archers on BBC R4 is a bit surreal, it’s obvious the cast are having to work remotely using recorded soliloquies played in sequence which has the strange effect of imparting all the weirdness of a Joe Orten stage play without any of the drama or script quality of course.
digg, you would think the actors and actresses in The Archers could travel to the studio and record the programme while socially distanced from one another. It cannot be beyond the wit of the Producer to arrange that.
“Human trial of the Coronavirus (more correctly Covid-19) vaccine begins in the UK”.
Misleading title on the Home Page I discover. This is a new vaccine and this trial is at Imperial College, London. The previous human trials were at an Oxford University. How are those trials going, BBC?
No information.
But in other news: sport. No crime was committed in Wallace noose investigation.
At last, it’s on the Home Page. Strange form of words used by the BBC. Almost turns the FBI into ‘criminals’. I wonder how long the BBC will keep it on the Home Page?
Sir David King, speaking head for the Provisional Wing of SAGE warns of a huge spike in Corona cases with Boris playing politics with peoples lives.
As such a confirmed and convinced voice of the left with the transparent aim of embarrassing and eventually ending the current government, how does Sir equate knighthood with his politics?
Does he ever ask himself the question? Or could it be all the brown-nosed fawning going with the title that appeals so much? Starmer could well provide the answers.
What bread & circuses does the media put out today
to Virtue Signal they love BAME & special victimhood groups ?
8pm BBC1 Jay Blades Repair Shop
8pm BBC2 Nadiya
8pm BBC1 Joe Lyvett’s gay Sewing Bee
9pm More4 The Black Pharaohs
10pm Vhannel 4 Naked attraction weird dating show with HIV+ guy Pablo
11:30pm BBC2 Stephen Lawrence doco part 3
11pm 4Extra Lenny Henry comedy
11:30pm Pakistani corner shop comedy
Thursday : What bread & circuses does the media put out Thursday
to Virtue Signal they love BAME & special victimhood groups ?
7pm BBC4 Chris Packham chooses 5 books
9pm BBC1 drama by black Radio1 DJ Reggie Yates
9pm Channel4 The School That Tried to End Racism (It’s 50% BAME)
9pm BBC4 Boy George’s 1970s: Save Me from Suburbia
9pm Film4 The Green Mile (1999) film where the black person is a hero and the white guards are bastards
9pm Sony Movies classic To Sir with Love Sidney Poitier stars as a black teacher ..probably good
10pm BBC4 Glastonbury the movie by Julian Temple
11:30pm Reporter Callum Tulley investigates allegations of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the British Army that come disproportionately from ethnic minority soldiers.
Reggie Yates's Make Me Famous: 'Young people see reality TV as a quick way to fame' – BBC Three
— Ian Johnson – Writer (@IanJohnWrites) June 21, 2020
I remember when Nick Griffen of the BNP was the first to raise the issue of Muslim ‘grooming’ gangs.
The BBC quickly responded and sent an undercover reporter to investigate.
To investigate him and the BNP for racism…
“…before taking into account taxes and benefits.” Utterly irresponsible, reprehensible reporting, deliberately calculated to fuel conflict between races. Shame on you @SkyNews. @Ofcom should be all over this.
On the subject of nothing really, I just want to ‘share’ something with you. So, I’m ‘reaching’ out to you all.
It seems to me that Americans on both the radio channels and YouTube news etc videos tend to use these words more often than I might have expected:
And! – pronounced with an elongated Aaand!
Right! – pronounced as to dare you to contradict them.
By the way – used everywhere, all the time.
You know – to which I find myself shouting ‘ no, I don’t know. That’s why you’re on the radio and not me. Of course, if I’m expected to know it already, why do I need to listen to them?
Anyway, as earthling Carl is wont to say, it’s not important. But it makes a change from the bloody blacks and the Antifa commies and their miserable lives.
John, I agree, ‘reaching out’ has replaced ‘getting in touch’, and ‘a bunch of ‘ has replaced ‘a lot of’. Then there is “having a conversation” when we used to “have a chat”.
In the New Cases charts UK has fallen to 22
The US is up at #1 with 24.5K in on day ..that will be due to BLM I guess
then India, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan, Chile, Bangladesh, Saudi
(next 6 are Islamic countries)
In Death charts UK is falling slowly at #7
BUT does have more deaths than the EU
showing they are on top of this stage , and we aren’t
An oldie from 20 months ago
Where Newsnight the talked about TR & shouted “Islamophobia”
It shows how out of touch the BBC is
It is terrible that sometimes a muslim girl gets her headscarf pulled
but contrast it against the grooming , pimping of 5,000+ under age girls raped tens of thousands of times by Pak/Bangla gangs
This sort of dirty trick has been used before, with Trayvon Martin, Stephen Lawrence and others. The BBC tries to elicit sympathy by making the criminal thug look like a younger misguided kid. Goebels would have approved.
I just don’t know why the Government does not legislate to give blacks a free pass to do anything illegal they fancy. Why they prefer to takes us there in stages is anyone’s guess. Just do it, I say and have done with it. And, btw, simultaneously, allow the public to bear firearms to re-jig the balance. We can’t have a free-for-all anarchic state of affairs with one party disadvantaged can we?
Guest Who
OK, Mr Murray would like to see full gender equality in sport.
I look forward to the world heavyweight title fight between Tyson Fury and the current ladies world heavyweight champion.
Should be very interesting.
Papers show billionaire property developer tells minister demands of “Marxist council” for more social housing will destroy scheme. Says quick decision will save him tens of millions. Minister tells officials he wants quick decision. Now PM says matter closed. Mmmmm. I wonder …
I kind of think Comrade Robinson looks in the mirror and sees woodward / bernstein ….. if the BBC has decided it needs new sweets after DC BLM now it wants planninggate ….. i think theyll need be careful with the other party as he tends to litigate …
As I guessed, Robert Jenrick is item #1 on Newsnight tonight, their journos will have been working overtime to go over very dot and comma of the documents that were released earlier today plus any archive material they can dig up. They will be determined to oust him a la Cummings, especially as the property developer concerned is a Tory donor. Surkeer must be encouraged to know he can rely on the total support from the beeb and Sky.
Does anybody see similarities between the election in the US in 1992 with the black riots then, and what we’re facing in November this year? ????
The writing is on the wall ????
Perhaps we are heading into dangerous waters . The chap who legally flew a banner has been sacked
On twitter there are people saying they want white statues and glass images of a white jesus christ destroyed because of racism .
Maybe such people have no history and dont know the difference between different brands of christianity – because over hundreds of years blood was shed over such things – that is well beyond the current marxist campaign .
I originally thought it was one of those madnesses which hit for a while – but im doubting that now …..
I wonder if the chap and his girlfriend would have been sacked if the wording on the banner had been ‘Black Lives Matter’. Who knows, maybe an Employment Tribunal will be asked to consider this very point.
As for no law being broken, that didn’t stop the media from trying and convicting the poor bloke. Roland Freisler would, I think, have been impressed by the media’s conduct.
Van Helsing,
Hearty commendations on your mention of Roland Freisler and today’s media. I would also recommend the film Sophie Scholl, about protestors who showed enormous (but quiet) courage in the face of actual tyranny, not like the BLM fakers of today. The actor who plays Freisler in that film does a very good job, appearing just like the raving figure in the WWII newsreels.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Next lesson: how to avoid being shot down by the Leftwaffe.
Youtube – The Saint Harrison weekly compilation
starts with him monitoring faces in adverts
I was very disappointed that there wasn’t a squadron of cessnas circling the imaginatively named “Tottenham Hotspur stadium ‘ on Tuesday night …
… maybe the next stunt will be a parachutist landing in the middle of one of these tedious ‘prem’ games to put a bit of life in them – I wonder that the simulated crowd now for ‘parachute landing ‘sounds like . ?
Don’t give ’em ideas Fed. I fear an all black chute with the para landing on one knee….
More genuflecting last night Fedup, it’s making my blood boil ????
The left are genuinely taking the piss and laughing in football fans faces, as are the world’s most trusted ????
“DJ Chris Evans is to continue his 500 Words contest on his Virgin Radio show, starting by asking children to write stories on a Black Lives Matter theme.”
Looks like a case of don’t let a bandwagon pass you by.
Maybe he can also resurrect some of his old TV shows along the same lines? BLM Friday? Don’t Forget Your Windrush?
They just can’t help themselves.So it isn’t 500 words but 500 words about what we want you to be indoctrinated. What happened to kids imaginations…
I thought BBC were dicks to stop it but Evans is a bigger one for twisting the innocence of kids
Why not one on gang rapes and grooming..or killings by muslims..
Virtue signalling idiots
Is Capt. W E Johns still around ? he could reprise his Biggles character fighting the “fuzzie wuzzies” in Africa ….
Alternatively a new theme: ‘Some Ginger Lives Are A Total Waste of Space’ might appeal to a growing number of the deeply disenchanted.
\\A crewless “drone” version of a boat that could help operations including search-and-rescue and drug raids has been launched by the Royal Navy.//
Any good at stopping the Channel invaders ?
We used make some very good Torpedoes and the German ones weren’t bad either !
If only the Channel was full of Sharks and Crocodiles !
How about it Boris?
That was three years ago, how many lessons do we need to learn before more British Lives are lost?
Wot, the “enoughs enough” Treason May? That one?
Re the black knight, too good to be true story,
it would be easy to do 2+2=5 thinking and come up with some wrong story
…. but it does look fishy
All media report that the rescued white Bryn Male was a former police transport police detective who spent much of his 20-year career undercover investigating football hooligans.
The black knight Patrick Hutchinson himself looked like some paid undercover security operative,
and was wearing specialist gloves.
Almost all media and tweeters refer to the white as a far right football thug… without any evidence of this being true.
I do spot Jay Beecher saying that people who call the white guy an “actor” haven’t shown evidence.
BTW I still have a feeling that photographers had set out in the morning with a plan to get photos of white lads peeing.
And had maybe got the idea from observing black lads doing the same a few days earlier.
The very very #diverse Radio4
only has 3 Amol Rajan progs today.
9pm, 9:30pm and the original at 4:30pm
Stew – thank Goodness, I have not bothered to pay Rajanistan a visit today.
I understand the place is a treasure trove of gold and diamonds? And the wind only blows from one direction?
Very flash and very cool, ’tis there.
PMQ watch
The last question in the 45 minutes was from the MP for Reading – who asked it the community was going to be supported and the police would get the necessary resources ….
…. no one asking general questions about attacks by illegal immigrants trying it on via the “asylum scam “ or the 40000 Muslim terrorists in the queue to attack kaffirs ….
It’s as if there’s a conspiracy – … I wonder what the threshold of death is now for anyone to get upset – or even interested ….
… the same rule of silence applies to the slaughter of a 7 year old girl playing in a public park …..
A plea
If anyone has access to the spectator – apparently Rod Liddell has written a piece on the ‘politicisation of the British police ‘- as if that would ever happen here …
Slghtly off topic but lefty councils are part of the problem like above
I mentioned that they are uncontactable and take about 2 weeks to reply to emails, unlike private firms who are ALSO working from home
I also mentioned that they must be salivating about ordering people about post lockdown and polishing up their hazard tape and bollards
the only time we get any efficiency from them is when they can order people around
little coffee shop in town has put two little tables out with two seats at each, about 10 feet apart, I like sitting there and having a coffee in the fresh air. no longer I did ask why today although almost knew the answer
yes the council ORDERED them to take the tables in
(while everyone sits together on benches across the road)
whilst putting yellow tape all over the pavement and the inevitable bollards
a vision of the world with the hard left in charge
Except when a nearby neighbour has a live band playing out of tune meatloaf at 2 in the morning in their garden with a PA system, and the “24” hour call out environmental health officer is meant to attend, hmm TWO HOURS later they wonder along (in the hope the problem has gone away in the meantime no doubt ) and the neighbour says we will carry on when you leave and they did, nothing done about stopping it efficiently like siezing equipment
they pick on the easy targets, a bit like the police
Me again – and not the BBC
It seems , in order to save £55 million , emir of Londonistan is selling out city hall and moving his harem to Tower Hamlets / Newham ….
Presumably he’ll continue to spend the money on friends ( consultants ) and friends ( media advisors ) ….
There used to be a rule that the bigger and flashier a town hall was the more corrupt and useless the governing body was….
Then he should be in Buck House….
(although his mates say they will be flying a black flag over it anyway when they get their way, only a matter of time considering the appeasement that is current policy)
Bloody disgusting fly ing a banner and he has lost his job, how many antifa blm vandals will lose theirs (if they have one)
I have just sent an email to a friend. My email provider likes to put up ‘news’ stories that out-do the BBC in BBC-ness on its home page.
Today’s little treat is a video that someone has taken the trouble to script, act and top-n’-tail about the man in the New York park who had a run-in with a dog-walker last month.
Its purpose seems to be to stir up more hatred. Why don’t all the big media companies get together, buy lots of weapons, hand them out and then, maybe next month, we can have a black versus white shoot-out? We know that is what they want.
The Guardian carry an editorial from Dave Merrit the father of the young man Jack Merrit killed on London bridge.
Our son died at London Bridge. We know how the Reading victims’ families are suffering
Mr Merrit says….
“Our way of coping was to go public, against the advice of the police, and try to take control of the narrative away from Boris Johnson, who seized an opportunity to score points during a general election campaign by playing the law and order card, proposing longer sentences for all serious offenders. We told Johnson and Priti Patel that was not what our son would have wanted. They didn’t listen.”
It sounds to me that Mr Merrit is determined to put his dislike of the Conservative Government above the loss of his son to a crazed madman who should have been in prison.
When political prejudice gets to the dogmatic and ingrained stage that he must have arrived at to make this his key point, I despair of humanity and civilisation.
Plus the Guardian gave him a whole page to use for his anti-Boris rant over an event in 1919 whereas not a peep from anyone connected with the 3 in Reading. Perhaps they couldn’t get anyone to weave Boris into the narrative so it’s not worth any of the Guardian manifesto column inches.
5 minutes into MOTD Norwich v Everton on BBC2 and they’re pointing out a huge rainbow flag tribute to gay footballer Justin Fashanu.
As I remember, he killed himself when accused of sexual assault by a teenage boy, didn’t he? Maybe he was innocent, but surely only accusations matter these days.
They’re taking the piss TrickCyclist whilst fans cannot attend the games to say they object to it ????
Re my observation about stalinist local authorities above:
London drivers have vented their anger as they faced more than 200 roadworks in the capital just as rush-hour congestion levels shot up significantly while people are still advised to avoid public transport when returning to work.
Data from the AA showed there were 206 separate roadworks within the M25 today, including for telecoms, gas main and electrical works and construction.
Commuters have also faced closures and congestion due to wider paths and pop-up cycle lanes being created as part of Sadiq Khan’s plans to encourage people to cycle to work and avoid the Tube.
Darcy, most peculiar why they are doing the roadworks now. It is almost as though the Mayor wants more pollution and more money to go into a Conservative Government’s Treasury. The start of the Lockdown in England almost coincided with the start of the new financial year for the London boroughs.
Khan could have had the work done in April and May with very little traffic disruption.
“Call for Lewis Goodhall… pile on required in aisle whine…”
You have to feel for the BBC. They are all they have.
After this, literally all.
I thought this guy was well educated?
I’ve been spoofed! Credible though.
But hasn’t SucKerStarmer got thin legs?
He still looks like a jailbird to me, mind.
Liberal lives matter – or not .
“We ll withdraw A50 because we care less about democratic votes” must never be forgotten
Another of our wonderful minority groups :
Teenagers accused of murdering PC Andrew Harper GRIN outside court as trial hears one told police ‘I don’t give a f***’ as he was arrested
‘When asked about the SEAT that had been recovered, Henry Long said “If something happened and the car was found, say for instance in a housing estate, would everyone in that housing estate get arrested, or is it just a gypsy site where a car gets found, everyone gets arrested?”
‘In other words, he is complaining that the police are discriminating against the travelling community.’
Today jury members were also told how a macabre re-enactment of PC Harper’s horrific death using a dummy proved it would be ‘clear and obvious’ to the occupants of a car that he was being dragged behind them.
The court heard how PC Harper ‘swung from side to side like a pendulum’ after he became caught in a loading strap which had been used to attach the quad bike.
Jury members heard Long swerved in an effort to dislodge him.
Mr Laidlaw told jurors today the reconstruction showed Long must have known of the officer’s plight behind their SEAT.
Experts recreating the scene with a mannequin heard loud noise from the rear and saw the dummy being dragged.
O/T – Andrew Lawrence –
On the SLY Website I see The Hero Jake Hepple and his Girlfriend have been sacked because of the RACIST BANNER STUNT !
No doubt the Engineering Company that employed them are on their knees 3 times a day with a Mosque as a neibour !
#CCBGB for Sly and the BLM brigade and Kay and Adam’s biological brain donor though.
Is it OK to say some are ‘accusing’ Sky of pressuring a company to fire an employee to prop up their footy franchise?
If so, and the politico-judicial justice system allow this, the establishment is moving into very dark territory indeed.
They will need a good case if he goes for unfair dismissal.
Peroxide poisoning or Ameican beauty just got in early with the duty frees.
ITV local news 6:10pm soft interview with a Yorkshire black girl
as ever her victimhood is 20 out of 100
vsthe 70,80, 90 of real victims like raping gang victims
6:14pm .. now into long Diversity In Schools Week which is all about LBGTQ
.. now the drag queen is speaking.
I am 74 years old and the UK is changing in a way beyond
my comprehension. It appears now that the BBC consider
it wrong for the police to arrest black criminals.Could somebody tell
me that if my house is being robbed should I make sure of
the criminals ethnicity before getting in touch with the police?
Foscari, yeah say they’re white ????
They’ll be round like a shot ????
When you phone the cops, be sure to say you’re black or a muslim. That’ll probably get them to your house in record time.
When they arrive and challenge you for being white and not an ethnic, tell them you self identify as black or a muslim whichever you have chosen.
Your burglary will have been dealt with, hopefully and they’ll be very respectful to you. Use their own weapons against them.
Is it conceivable that BoJo and Cummings are playing a clever long game here.
Give BBCGuardianistaBLMFarLeft enough rope and let them appear more and more ludicrous in the minds of the VAST MAJORITY of decent Brits ( including a fair few Hindus of my acquaintance btw) until they hang themselves.
And then at election time stand on a ‘common sense and decency’ centre-right patriotic ticket?
I don’t say it’s probable but it is possible.
Certainly a few MSM broadcasters and papers are being encouraged by the bubble to push way beyond where the silent majority is happy to even stay silent any more.
i am flat out tackling any idiot posts on social media, even from friends, and when confronted by facts and reality over spin and opinion, they crumble.
Seems the theory was regime change was going to be possible before the next election using riots, petitions, edited vox pops and panel shows to mobilise the thick and excitable to ‘call for’ in the street rather than voting in secret.
That’s a no from me.
Sluff, it’s a hope
Sluff, Guest & Stew, I get the impression that the Lockdown relaxation yesterday was announced in a way (Nick Robinson’s reference to the 52pages of guidance) was indeed done to show up the media – especially the BBC – and any rogue scientists.
So far, the scientists have obligingly fallen for the Bojo/Cummings trap. We can enjoy waiting for the BBC N&CAs to have gone through 52 pages line by line looking for a supposed pitfall or pratfall. Tomorrow’s TOADY might be fun!
Sorry I don’t buy it. They are complicit in what is going on. They have done nothing to stop it.
“Ex-UKIP Senedd leader Gareth Bennett joins anti-devolution party”
There is a flicker of hope for Wales .
5:20pm as I cycle home I usually get local radio pushing some agenda in my ears
Today Radio Lincolnshire had the TheBlackFarmer on. He’s probably a nice guy, but instead of talking about his farming, the made it a a discussion with a BLM activist.
It’s worth showing the text of the GoFundMe Black Lives Matter page, just so we can be absolutely clear what the demonstrations and Taking the Knee is all about.
Black Lives Matter UK (BLMUK) is a coalition of black activists and organisers across the UK. We’ve been organising since 2016 for justice in our communities.
We’re guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white-supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world. We build deep relationships across the diaspora and strategise to challenge the rise of the authoritarian right-wing across the world, from Brazil to Britain.
We’re developing new and exciting ways of organising that centre transparency, accountability, safety and healing for our organisers and our communities. BLMUK organises in the black radical tradition, using political education, direct action and political leadership toward black liberation.
Our commitment to all black lives means that we lift up the experiences of the most marginalised in our communities, including but not limited to working class queer, trans, undocumented, disabled, Muslim, sex workers, women/non-binary, HIV+ people.
The idea of footballers earning £300k per week wanting to dismantle capitalism has to be a shoe-in for the hypocrisy of the year award.
This statement needs to be replicated everywhere, from Facebook to Twitter, and in all the national dailies. Its not something that’s well publicised, and it ought to be.
And if you keep clicking “Read more”…
(My emphasis)
“One in five of those targeted by the police is black,” says George Alagiah regarding a story about tasering on tonight’s news. He implies this must be a racist policy since only 3% of the UK population is black.
Once again the BBC either does not understand statistics or is maliciously misleading the public. I have said this before but the proper baseline for judging whether there is discrimination in tasering (or arrests or shootings) is the percentage of black participation in criminal activity, NOT black representation in the population at large. And since in England and Wales the percentage of prisoners under 25 who are black is 25%, the one in five figure for tasering suggests there is no discrimination against blacks. If anything, it shows they are under-represented. And for obvious reasons it wouldn’t be surprising if the police were actually more reluctant to taser blacks.
The snowflakes dont go on so much about the numbers of blacks in prison so much now – perhaps the number in for very serious crimes makes thr lefties go somewhere else for the victimhood
Listening to The Archers on BBC R4 is a bit surreal, it’s obvious the cast are having to work remotely using recorded soliloquies played in sequence which has the strange effect of imparting all the weirdness of a Joe Orten stage play without any of the drama or script quality of course.
Very 2020 but not really working BBC!
digg, you would think the actors and actresses in The Archers could travel to the studio and record the programme while socially distanced from one another. It cannot be beyond the wit of the Producer to arrange that.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – But you told me that over one month ago, BBC
“Human trial of the Coronavirus (more correctly Covid-19) vaccine begins in the UK”.
Misleading title on the Home Page I discover. This is a new vaccine and this trial is at Imperial College, London. The previous human trials were at an Oxford University. How are those trials going, BBC?
No information.
But in other news: sport. No crime was committed in Wallace noose investigation.
At last, it’s on the Home Page. Strange form of words used by the BBC. Almost turns the FBI into ‘criminals’. I wonder how long the BBC will keep it on the Home Page?
If my memory serves me well, the Oxford University prototype vaccine moved to stages 2 and 3 of the human trials about a fortnight ago.
Sir David King, speaking head for the Provisional Wing of SAGE warns of a huge spike in Corona cases with Boris playing politics with peoples lives.
As such a confirmed and convinced voice of the left with the transparent aim of embarrassing and eventually ending the current government, how does Sir equate knighthood with his politics?
Does he ever ask himself the question? Or could it be all the brown-nosed fawning going with the title that appeals so much? Starmer could well provide the answers.
King appears to be using the ‘no cost take the alternative view’ tactic.
If he’s right he will appear like the Messiah and will get a huge increase in any fees from pronouncements, public speaking, book sales etc etc.
If he’s wrong……….. life will just go on as before.
Heads I win, tails I don’t lose.
What bread & circuses does the media put out today
to Virtue Signal they love BAME & special victimhood groups ?
8pm BBC1 Jay Blades Repair Shop
8pm BBC2 Nadiya
8pm BBC1 Joe Lyvett’s gay Sewing Bee
9pm More4 The Black Pharaohs
10pm Vhannel 4 Naked attraction weird dating show with HIV+ guy Pablo
11:30pm BBC2 Stephen Lawrence doco part 3
11pm 4Extra Lenny Henry comedy
11:30pm Pakistani corner shop comedy
I’m going buying a Vileda Mop tomorrow !!
I bet was tonight’s BBC4 7pm show for you
I wonder what Bristol “sin” they talked about ?
Thursday : What bread & circuses does the media put out Thursday
to Virtue Signal they love BAME & special victimhood groups ?
7pm BBC4 Chris Packham chooses 5 books
9pm BBC1 drama by black Radio1 DJ Reggie Yates
9pm Channel4 The School That Tried to End Racism (It’s 50% BAME)
9pm BBC4 Boy George’s 1970s: Save Me from Suburbia
9pm Film4 The Green Mile (1999) film where the black person is a hero and the white guards are bastards
9pm Sony Movies classic To Sir with Love Sidney Poitier stars as a black teacher ..probably good
10pm BBC4 Glastonbury the movie by Julian Temple
11:30pm Reporter Callum Tulley investigates allegations of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the British Army that come disproportionately from ethnic minority soldiers.
I remember when Nick Griffen of the BNP was the first to raise the issue of Muslim ‘grooming’ gangs.
The BBC quickly responded and sent an undercover reporter to investigate.
To investigate him and the BNP for racism…
Any evidence of that
Not much on Twitter or Google
Twitter : Oct 27, 2009 Rotherham MP was angry with something he said on Question time
Sky got the goods on OFCOM too?
In African countries do certain blacks own a much higher percent of land that the average white in that country ?
I used to live in Ghana … the currency was worthless
but a village typically had a king who owned everything.
On the subject of nothing really, I just want to ‘share’ something with you. So, I’m ‘reaching’ out to you all.
It seems to me that Americans on both the radio channels and YouTube news etc videos tend to use these words more often than I might have expected:
And! – pronounced with an elongated Aaand!
Right! – pronounced as to dare you to contradict them.
By the way – used everywhere, all the time.
You know – to which I find myself shouting ‘ no, I don’t know. That’s why you’re on the radio and not me. Of course, if I’m expected to know it already, why do I need to listen to them?
Anyway, as earthling Carl is wont to say, it’s not important. But it makes a change from the bloody blacks and the Antifa commies and their miserable lives.
John, I agree, ‘reaching out’ has replaced ‘getting in touch’, and ‘a bunch of ‘ has replaced ‘a lot of’. Then there is “having a conversation” when we used to “have a chat”.
I hate the phrase “reaching out”. Just say contact, ask or whatever existing word or phrase fits the bill.
guilt by association
persecution for a non crime
and statements one step short of calling for genocide that are perfectly fine
excuse the langauge
what F…ing country are we living in
OT, but I always wondered how this was done.
In the New Cases charts UK has fallen to 22
The US is up at #1 with 24.5K in on day ..that will be due to BLM I guess
then India, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Pakistan, Chile, Bangladesh, Saudi
(next 6 are Islamic countries)
In Death charts UK is falling slowly at #7
BUT does have more deaths than the EU
showing they are on top of this stage , and we aren’t
An oldie from 20 months ago
Where Newsnight the talked about TR & shouted “Islamophobia”
It shows how out of touch the BBC is
It is terrible that sometimes a muslim girl gets her headscarf pulled
but contrast it against the grooming , pimping of 5,000+ under age girls raped tens of thousands of times by Pak/Bangla gangs
BBC ‘We’
How do we give more women opportunities in sport?
Andy Murray explains why he wants to see a world where there’s full gender equality in sport.
The Rethink project is hearing ideas from leading thinkers and famous faces.
Andy more the famous face end, then.
Aaaaaaand, guess what?
BBC News
Jordan Walker-Brown’s case is to be investigated by a UK police watchdog amid concerns about the disproportionate use of Tasers on black men.
#CCBGB from a public slightly more savvy as to what gets a taser deployed.
2017 was jailed for three years for conspiracy to supply drugs??
Note the way the BBC chose a younger photo than his 2017 conviction photo (7th guy bearded)
He’s 24 now according to the Guardian
“Note the way the BBC chose a younger photo …”
This sort of dirty trick has been used before, with Trayvon Martin, Stephen Lawrence and others. The BBC tries to elicit sympathy by making the criminal thug look like a younger misguided kid. Goebels would have approved.
I just don’t know why the Government does not legislate to give blacks a free pass to do anything illegal they fancy. Why they prefer to takes us there in stages is anyone’s guess. Just do it, I say and have done with it. And, btw, simultaneously, allow the public to bear firearms to re-jig the balance. We can’t have a free-for-all anarchic state of affairs with one party disadvantaged can we?
Guest Who
OK, Mr Murray would like to see full gender equality in sport.
I look forward to the world heavyweight title fight between Tyson Fury and the current ladies world heavyweight champion.
Should be very interesting.
Envy of the world.
BBC Radio 4
Do you think you will dress differently once the pandemic is over?
On what journalistic planet is that last sentence professional?
I kind of think Comrade Robinson looks in the mirror and sees woodward / bernstein ….. if the BBC has decided it needs new sweets after DC BLM now it wants planninggate ….. i think theyll need be careful with the other party as he tends to litigate …
As I guessed, Robert Jenrick is item #1 on Newsnight tonight, their journos will have been working overtime to go over very dot and comma of the documents that were released earlier today plus any archive material they can dig up. They will be determined to oust him a la Cummings, especially as the property developer concerned is a Tory donor. Surkeer must be encouraged to know he can rely on the total support from the beeb and Sky.
The BBC’s idea of diverse output.

This sounds either typically BBC awful or potentially a hoot.
tweet her back with the same message but change BAME to #BiasedBBC
Does anybody see similarities between the election in the US in 1992 with the black riots then, and what we’re facing in November this year? ????
The writing is on the wall ????
Not BBC directly
Perhaps we are heading into dangerous waters . The chap who legally flew a banner has been sacked
On twitter there are people saying they want white statues and glass images of a white jesus christ destroyed because of racism .
Maybe such people have no history and dont know the difference between different brands of christianity – because over hundreds of years blood was shed over such things – that is well beyond the current marxist campaign .
I originally thought it was one of those madnesses which hit for a while – but im doubting that now …..
I wonder if the chap and his girlfriend would have been sacked if the wording on the banner had been ‘Black Lives Matter’. Who knows, maybe an Employment Tribunal will be asked to consider this very point.
As for no law being broken, that didn’t stop the media from trying and convicting the poor bloke. Roland Freisler would, I think, have been impressed by the media’s conduct.
We are indeed heading into dangerous waters.
Van Helsing,
Hearty commendations on your mention of Roland Freisler and today’s media. I would also recommend the film Sophie Scholl, about protestors who showed enormous (but quiet) courage in the face of actual tyranny, not like the BLM fakers of today. The actor who plays Freisler in that film does a very good job, appearing just like the raving figure in the WWII newsreels.
Dangerous waters indeed.
I live and work in Burnley and the BBC’s article about the people being discusted about the banner was bullshit.
You truly realize the bias when they do a national item about a provincial town.
Apparently in town they wanted your name before they spoke to you.
If this young man has lost his job I hope he takes his employers to the cleaner’s.
My friend tells me that paradigm engineering were the young man works has a union.
It’s unite, no doubt that f@#kwit Len McCluskey will make sure he never works again.
On the lighter side:
Too true to be ‘lighter’ I might say, but then what does the herd think?
They know what is not news.