Yes I just noticed that – but I guess since they promoted her – firing was never going to happen
It makes me sad that, in the past, Professor was actually a title worth having – now I know so many personally that are just career academics riding off back of other’s research and not particularly intelligent – this is a case in point….not open to discussion and not accepting that her views would have a reaction but cries when people react
Can you imagine if a Professor at a Uni had tweeted Black Lives Don’t Matter – we all know the outcome…
Guest, you are probably right. I’m guessing that the current CEO is as incompetent as that Canadian woman. She used to bleat every time after her price increases were challenged “but our volumes are down.” Of course they were, in the days of the internet, if you increase postal charges it will drive more customers away. Stupid woman.
Now the RM is enjoying a double boom, a decrease in its second highest operating cost (thanks to the oil price fall) and Lockdown boosting its parcels operation business.
Will the CEO be bright enough to keep that momentum going? Fat chance, going by past performances.
…and dispense with their “proudness” to be diverse, and support for all the current leftie bandwagons. It is galling to be reminded that they support Pride, diversity, and BLM each time you purchase something, or use their “service”
Oh, yes. They have a new pretty little rainbow logo. People who have complained have had a finger wagged at them in replies from the Post Office, professing their pride in being utterly, utterly diverse, and if you don’t like it, tough…
Today programme this morning, and Justin Webb continues to make obvious his political views, with sneers, and noises of clear disdain or incredulity after each report about which he has an obvious political viewpoint. I leave it to you guys to guess which way the political wind blows in his case.
And then there is what the BBC is paid £5,000,000,000 to run.
Momentum founder Jon Lansman says Sir Keir Starmer made "the wrong decision" to sack Rebecca Long Bailey and calls on him to unite the party by rebuilding trust from the left, "we've got half a million members and we need them to win"#R4Todayhttps://t.co/H3Zjr3vc7P
On March 10, 2003, nine days before the invasion of Iraq, the Dixie Chicks performed at the Shepherds Bush Empire theater in London, England. It was the first concert of their Top of the World tour in support of their sixth album, Home Introducing their song “Travelin’ Soldier”, Maines told the audience the band they did not support the upcoming Allied invasion of Iraq and were “ashamed” that President George W. Bush was from Texas.
Many American country music listeners supported the war, and Maines’s remark triggered a backlash in the United States.The Dixie Chicks were blacklisted by thousands of country radio stations,and the band members received death threats.Maines issued an apology, saying her remark had been disrespectful; in 2006 she rescinded the apology, saying she felt Bush deserved no respect.The backlash damaged sales of their music and sales of their next album and tour.
I wonder what they’ll do if the feminist lobby ever kick up a stink about their new name surely some would see it as a derogatory term?
What will the W1A watercooler crowd drink out of in future?
(Dixie Cup is the brand name for a line of disposable paper cups that were first developed in the United States in 1907 by Lawrence Luellen, a lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts. [Not a ‘southern’ state!] )
What if we start boycotting all WOKE companies products sold in the UK . I have already stopped buying the Telly Tax, ‘Yorkshire Tea’ etc . How about you lot?
While we are at it, how about resurrecting the “I am Backing Britain” campaign?
taffman, good idea. I thought a national newspaper (was it the Daily Mail?) was campaigning for that and that Bojo was headed in that direction. Then the PM announced/confirmed HS2 and Huawei, then Covid-19 came along, and it has all disappeared.
Certainly, I think we ought to have a big clean up to celebrate our full EU departure at year end by getting everyone out picking up litter. Keep Britain Tidy!
Also on the Today programme this morning, and I think it was also Justin Webb ‘in the chair’ – effluvient praise for Mr Starmer’s ‘brave and leadership-filled decision’ to invite Ms Long-Bailey to stand down from her position on the Shadow Cabinet. Hmmmm – and here was me thinking that I was being informed that Mr Starmer had a backbone (but that’s probably as flexible as his knee) and had actually fired her…. But, of course, true to Labour, Ms L-B has not had the whip removed, so Mr Starmer continues to allow Labour MPs with anti-semitic tendencies (what am I talking about ? – they’re not tendencies, they’re inbuilt prejudices and hatred) to represent his party in Parliament. How very ‘brave’ of him.
Justin Webb went on to interview some panjandrum from the ‘Momentum Party’, an inner sanctum within the Labour Party, to continue to eulogise Ms L- B and Mr Starmer (a bit more faintly, perhaps), and, astonished at even the whiff of a smidgeon of a rumour that Labour is rife with anti-semitism, this guy went on to claim that he had sat on numerous panels recently to assess whether people had been justly accused of anti-semitism, and concluded that in many instances, they had been excluded from the party.
Now, any reporter worth their salt would have immediately stilleto’d said ‘Momentum’ bigwig with a quietly delivered question or two along the lines of “Really…..and just how many people is it that you have had to sit in judgement on, say in the last year, and just how many people in that number have you felt the need to go so far as excluding them from your party ?”
But that would be real journalism; Justin was too busy, probably, as so many Beeboid newsreaders are, simply looking at the next question on his crib sheet to notice that he had a real role to play here.
Ah…. taffman, Chakrabarti’s so-called ‘Inquiry’ – thereafter known as her completed application form for elevation to the House of Lords…
Sort of like the ‘Balen Report’, which actually did find rampant anti-semitism within a certain Political Party – i.e. the BBC………but, for some strange reason, that one was buried because its exposure was held to be contrary to the purposes of journalism – or some other such gobbledygook phrase cooked up by the left-wing BBC and the like-minded judiciary involveds.
You should all watch this pair, if you have the time – they express my views rather well…
Ex GP Vernon Coleman:
and Carl Vernon: (This video seems to be suddenly unavailable – no doubt Youtube up to their tricks). Anyway, his website is: http://www.carlvernon.com
“Police officers attacked at illegal London street party”
The Government were quick to enlist the help of the British Army in helping with the Covid Crisis and a jolly good job they did of it!
How about brining in the British Army to aid the police. I am sure the soldiers would relish the job of doing it especially having seen the Cenotaph desecrated .
We have to wonder why the army have not already been brought in to assist or direct the police here.
The British armed forces who swear allegiance to the monarch should be in charge of the Home Office and the Foreign Office. The latter appears to call the shots at the MoD even though the de facto authority for our forces is supposed to lie with the Secretary of State for Defence.
Moreover, all recruitment procedures for the above should be carried out by the military, with no ‘HR’ involved at any level across the board.
No that the BBC would ever be likely to tell me in a million years if it were true, but I’m not a Londoner, and I’d simply like to know (without spending a lot of time researching) whether Streatham, Brixton and Notting Hill are, perhaps, predominantly populated by persons of hue?
It apears to me that if this was not the case, it would headline the news-pieces.
Richard – the footage on the Londonistan evening news depicts a string quartet surrounded by small groups of lovely people picnicking in social distanced groups –
– oops – sorry – it’s really a dense crowd of feral and their rap crap …..
I was wondering if the police commissioner In London is being so inept as part of some macavellian plot to get more plod numbers for the Great Capital …. the 20000 being tirelessly touted by the current PM for the whole of England and Wales won’t make any difference at all – although the ‘hate crime ‘ units will be expanding ……
Just so everyone is fully aware… racism IS OK and alive and well in the labour party:
Momentum chief sends stern warning to Keir Starmer over ‘reckless’ sacking of Long-Bailey
REBECCA LONG-BAILEY was sacked by Sir Keir Starmer in a move branded “reckless” by Momentum chief Jon Lansman who warned the Labour leader has now made it difficult for himself to build trust in his party.
Darcy3, IIRC, there have been a number of fairly senior people in the current Labour Party who have been found to be ‘somewhat wanting’ in the ‘Friends of Israel’ department of the Party.
There always seems to be a bit of a frenzy at the time of their ‘expulsion’ from whatever committee, shadow cabinet, senior party role they have held, but inevitably, it would appear, and sometimes only a few short months later, they pop up again, fully refreshed and clearly ‘cleansed’ of their hateful thoughts…..only to found out again later, having slipped back to their natural ways.
But this somehow does not seem to register with the likes of the BBC – I wonder why that’s the case, pretty exclusively in the very specific circumstances of anti-semitism ? But, of course, thgat’s never going to be the subject of one of their otherwise seemingly endless supply of ‘Investigative Reports’.
Why only soft Tories are allowed on the media.
The “fallacy of the middle ground”, denies radical solutions are sometimes right
Firstly the idea that there is a spectrum from Left to Right is BS.
All that is, is someone trying to define themselves as true centre , and then trying to to paint their opposition as extremists.
Oh they are “far right” is a label that is used to poison the well of certain opposition.
The thing is Islamic terrorists are Identitarian radicals,
but the “far right label” is not used on them.
Likewise many with the Labour party restrict free speech & use intimidation like on Twitter to get people to self censor
… that seems pretty Nazi.
Nevertheless this left/right thing is important to the media.
And they do seem to have this Overton Window concept, where they say only the centre is acceptable.
David Sedgewick and David Vance in their video spoke of Iain Dale and JHB being media-Conservatives
The media having this Overton Window, where not hating Trump, not loving open-immigration and not being on the Global Warming Green Dream bandwagon is not acceptable.
Farage was that and they had him ..sacked him on a pretext.
Then we have JHB and Nick Ferrari turning soft .. why’s that ?
The pressure to fire Farage from LBC came from the staff at Global’s black music station.
… so maybe these other two feel they too might get fired due to staff pressure.
JHB always has had far too many Lefty guests like Novara media people etc.
as if she felt she couldn’t have Spiked on otherwise.
But Spiked is not extreme.
This Overton Window is strange
Black celebs are able say way racist things : like ‘only shop at black shops’
Yet for white people’s different standard is said , at statue day media pundits kept saying ‘look at those guys they support football and they have tattoos , so that means they are racists and far right’
.. in most cases that is a nasty smear.
They kept saying that the peeing man was a member of a ‘far right group’
I don’t think he actually is , cos I’ve not heard them give any details.
Sedgwick spoke of this 94% claim made by Lord Hall
He said never believe BBC stats cos they always come from special friends like Cardiff University and polling companies that rig survey questions to get the desired outcome.
‘The BBC pay them £100K to do research about how great the BBC is, and after being paid the money the surveyors always say , ‘Yeh people think the BBC is great’.
Brilliant piece, thanks for for posting GW, could almost hear the ear piece screaming get him off!!! Cut!!!!!
Pretty safe bet he isn’t being invited back anytime soon and pity the poor so and so that invited him on in the first place.
The warnings are indeed relevant here, and it is a pity that those ‘in power’ are oblivious or complicit.
“Ignore law long enough and it becomes unenforceable”
Mike Berger writes an interesting piece on the ‘Cancel Cult’, currently sweeping away all that is good in Western institutions, in/on the SA publication/website,’Politicsweb’, which I have found to be an excellent ‘goto’ site.
One commentator bewails the cult’s ignorance of history, etc and asks: ‘How does one debate with Stupid?’
How indeed?
Another observes that the woke have an assumption that, somewhere before time zero, before all those nasty, white, male explorers, settlers, and empire builders came along, there existed, especially in Africa, some kind of egalitarian nirvana of equality, tolerance and fairness, when the records show that vassalage, slavery and an utter contempt for all life, save tribal chiefs, was the order of the day.
So, HOW do you debate with stupid? This question does not only apply to SA, oh no!
A friend who worked for Shell in Nigeria at the time of the Biafran war told me similar tales of vassalage and contempt for human life. While tens of thousands starved tribal chiefs swept around in fleets of Merc 600s and, in a delicate touch, meat displayed in butchers’ shops had to include its skin – I leave you to wonder why.
The only significant difference from the times of which you write was that this was in the late 1960s.
One for Toenails, Peroxide, BS, Vile, VD, etc to ‘analyse’…
Her greatest achievement as Shadow Education Secretary was… get this… making sure kids didn’t go to school. ????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️????????♂️ https://t.co/pNCG2SDQfN
— Richard Delingpole (@DickDelingpole) June 25, 2020
Guest – there has already been much agonised soul-searching and introspection on Radio Labour and , oh wait a minute, didn’t that used to be called Radio 4? The shirt-rending and wailing began last night. Anyway, how long will it go on for, I wonder?
Earlier StewGreen quite rightly queried the ‘softening’ political stances of Nick Ferrari and Julia Hartley-Brewer.
Might I also suggest that we collectively ask how and why Paul Dacre was replaced by Geordie Grieg as editor of the Mail – a newspaper which at the time of the surprising change in direction represented Middle England as no other could? And a newspaper which, at the time, made Guardian sales look like a BBC internal circular?
And just why Nigel Farage has never managed to get elected despite the levels of support he has enjoyed?
All questions of interest. I wonder if there are any answers?
“Nigel Farage has never managed to get elected”
FFS that is just a hatey fake narrative
He’s been elected numerous times in his EU constituency
and even led the party to victory.
Never elected as an MP ..well the last time, the court ruled the Tories had cheated ..but that it was too late to change the result, cos another election had passed.
I reckon it’s just commerce – the Mailonline ‘seems ‘ bigger than the paper – and both seem likely to go to the liberal left to appear ‘ nice’ and ‘inoffensive ‘. They also no that brand loyalty and the sheer habit of buying a paper remains very strong amongst certain ages and groups . At the moment I spend £4 a month for the telegraph which breach my ‘no pay ‘ rule … but even the telegraph looks pretty lefty to me – but I’m of the “Far Right “ – meaning I want a smaller state not one which intervenes everywhere and tells me what I must and must not do in every aspect of life .
I’ve I missed something on the site ? There seems to be no – or few comments about the ‘Rigged Question Time ‘ show the BBC still puts out …..
…..have we all given up ? Are the viewing figures going south like we want them ? Somebody must be interested in listening to 5 lefty remainers being asked questions by carefully selected teachers , civil servants , labour activists pretending to be normal people et al ?
There are [probably] more listeners to Any Questions on Radio Labour than Question Time, being broadcast on Friday evening and Saturday lunchtime. I can’t cope with either.
The Mailonline is free and hence my go to paper. I wouldn’t touch the Guardian with a barge pole for news and its opinion seems to come from the Momentum branch of the Labour Party ie viscious and bullying. The Times and Telegraph are behind a paywall and I am not ready for the Sun.
But the DM online is now so far Left and antigovernment (except for Richard Littlejohn) it too is becoming unreadable. I think it started as anti-Trump, well it does have many American readers, but with Covid it is firmly with the BBC. That is ‘why aren’t we locking down?’; 2 days later we have locked down so, ‘why have we brought in draconian lockdown measures?’. Children should be in school, now they shouldn’t, etc etc. No consistency except in attacking the government.
Yes agree Deborah – I used to like the Dmail but now I think only Richard Littlejohn is left to say what everyone(most people) are thinking.
I now don’t read any newspaper….but they don’t seem to get why their sales are going down and the likes of the Spectator are going up.
It is the BBC mentality of the press..we got it about right and fear of offending..and ignoring their real market..and focussing on this imaginary ‘target market’
It started when they changed the editor a couple of years ago. No doubt that owners are content with his editorial position for whatever reason. But another once none Woke media outlet has fallen into line and drips it’s wokism all over its readers. The Telegraph has been following the same path to Wokism. We know that the Tech Giants are closing down any sites which don’t conform to wokist orthodoxy . Soon we will be living in a Wokist monoculture. It makes you Glad to be 68!
Beltane –
I find that question about Nigel very interesting. He would have stirred up parliament, red Labour and blue Labour alike, just a wee bit. When thinking about an answer, I have a suspicion arising.
In reply, I’ve kept telling myself ‘it couldn’t happen in England’.
I have yet to convince myself.
I think ‘it couldn’t happen in England’ is precisely how it happens – nobody quite believes it possible.
And Fed, I’ve noticed a marked lack of posts on QT for some time now – there used to be a raft after each televisual distortion – but I’d guess that answers itself, we can no longer be bothered to waste time and fingers on an entirely predictable politically skewed farce, controlled by a woman who, in her very own way, can make Maitless look quite egalitarian.
Thanks Beltane – sometimes – because of sheer increase in volume of comments now (Great !) I can only scan comments and I don’t see “QT” turning up either ….
I think the last one I dipped into was one with Charles Moore who was as welcome as a watsname in a swimming pool and it reflected the disgust I feel for the BBC. …
No questions asked about pricing? Surprising. Tesco is one of the retailers who have hiked prices during Lockdown. Yesterday the Government issued a warning (the second?) to businesses not to profiteer from the Pandemic. BBC asking questions of the Tesco CEO about this?
The Leftification* of the world is topic of yesterdays Alex Belfiend’s video
* (or Wokification as I prefer, cos it is possible to be a socialist & honourable, tho the hatey ones aren’t) – ‘The lefty teachers are scared to go back to school
.. what cos a meteorite might hit it
…. that’s about the same risk of Covid harm to most of them
There’s more risk of getting injured as they bend over to do up their sandals’
– ‘This Cancel Culture of the modern leftists, is so Maoist, they pull down statues, resetting history’
– ‘The thing about Trump is he is an entertainer playing to audience,
whereas the BBC are all S*d the audience they are too busy facing their own choir ..the media choir’
(single quote marks denote paraphrasing)
Guest – with the BBC running 24/7 Running the ‘coloured as victim ‘ narrative – it means that if they can’t find enough police brutality allegations in UK they go elsewhere – and America is easy because of the size of their press and same language …
Personally I used to enjoy the ‘relative ‘ of some dead coloured criminal who’d got shot going onto the BBC ‘demanding justice “ and ‘not stopping until they got it “ with their ‘legal team “ – … meaning “where’s my out of court settlement cheque ££££££?’
Vine saying the situation in Bournmouth “Awful, awful, awful” and spits out the word ‘car’. He really, really doesn’t like plebs, does he?
Nothing in the upcoming programme about Notting Hill.
Birmingham woman arrested
: Last weekend in Moss Side, Manchester there was an illegal party of mostly black people that the police stayed away from
Two black guys 21, 36 were shot dead
I have to mention this – in the interests of honesty .
I was driving and had just put on R4, as I occasionally want to hear what the latest woke propaganda line was before punishing the “off” switch. By listening to the BBC you can always tell what the next politically correct BS topic is going to be forced into or faces.
And they actually had something on which was not woke propaganda and was interesting. It was a short documentary on large animal predators and how humans figure in their diet called “On the Menu” it even had lefty prof Alice Roberts on, not pushing any sort of woke line.
It was like witnessing a haunting, a ghost from the BBC past when the BBC took its charter more seriously about education rather than brain washing. Honestly I was actually quite stunned , and then felt a little sad and angry at how this once great broadcaster has sold its soul to appease its own political class.
I even forgave them the one lame mention of global warming.
I expect some where in the House of Saville some commissioning editor will be getting the bollocking of his life.
Now and then, once in a blue moon, something worthwhile comes up, and it’s actually quite startling.
Trying to think back to a time one could listen without the propaganda.
20 years? 25?
had same feeling last night driving home – listened to inside science about genome project – good listening for intelligent people..
It’s a shame that 99% of the output is woke left dumbed down pavement trash – no idea who it is aimed at. Certainly not the vast bulk of their potential listeners
Fake/James to be honest I dont know why they even bother now producing anything that is not ramified with propaganda – unless it is just as some sort of showcase to prove they can still produce normal unadulterated programmes.
A lot of the time it doesnt even bother following the propaganda rules of 90% truth and 10 % deceit – these days it is just relentless woke BS, hence why I so seldom tune in.
Various commentators are now starting to say and write stuff like, ‘ our institutions are run by incompetent people ‘ , or, ‘ promoting by anything other than merit will eventually lead to incompetent management at the top’. They are totally missing the point. These institutions are run by highly competent people who have a long term goal to use their institution to undermine the state and install a multyculty Marxist government . And there are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, just like them, backed up by many more thousands of useful liberal idiots.
We have hundreds of thousands of people , mostly in senior positions in the public sector , who want to transform the country by whatever means necessary, to suit their particular vision.
Many people are saying P Patel isn’t doing enough but she has been emasculated by the crafty reforms which placed responsibility for policing many big cities in the hands of mayors and the subversion of policing by the McPherson report. This is true of many other ministeries where power has been devolved but the public don’t really seem to yet grasp this. Our parliament is much less powerful than it once was but still carries the responsibility. Take the ending of lockdown . Each day it continues costs billions and Boris has try and balance the lives lost of ending it too quickly against the cost of prolonging it. But in Scotland , thanks to devolution , Sturgeon knows that no matter how high the cost of her more cautious approach to ending lockdown is, Boris will in the end have to pay up and give more money to Scotland. To use inflammatory language , English lives are worth less than Svottish ones thanks to devolution.
The met police commissioner has ‘spoken out’ . The world shook . Apparently we might have a ‘ summer of trouble ‘…. no mention of signalling the weakness of Met senior command to
Control demonstrations – leading to ‘running away ‘ which will only encourage the animals to take on plod .
Sooner or later something really bad will happen – police or animal or bistander getting killed and it will really kick on …..
We seem to be living in virologists ‘ heaven – will be gatherings of people in summer light and heat lead to increased Chinese virus cases or not ? Will the coloureds ‘partying ‘ show that they are more likely to get infected and die ? Or ….. as I suspect – weather plays a bigger factor in the UK than previously thought .
Indications from other countries relaxing restrictions seems to suggest more infections but is that right ?
WE simply do not know about the possibility of a second wave. Anyone who says differently is guessing. AS for the Met it is badly led and has lost it’s authority. The mob knows it is weak and will deal with it as it now deserves.
Is the BBC toning down their latest campaign – the one about white peoples lives not mattering ?
The BBC website describes the assassination of a 40 year old black man by a couple of black teenagers in Wandsworth last year -complete with daylight footage of blacks killing a black …
FFS…R4 Twato just said that there -are double standards? – With the Police breaking up Black city ‘events’ but not White beach crowds
WTF..are they serious…they really think a crowd on a beach and a riot are the same – but even if they were.. why does BBC have to bring colour into it….
You are a bunch of race baiting violence inciting idiots..
FFS it’s the exact opposite
police drones are used to harass white dog walkers.
Then at illegal black parties where 2 people were shot dead police stayed away.
Statue protectors get blocked by police as if they are trying to start a fight.
whereas BLM are allowed to toss statues in the river.
I think that the BBC mindset and most of the MSM is that unless they bring some comments about pro BLM, pro BAME, anti white or far right into their reporting they might be thought to be racists themselves. To the liberal , White Racism is now the 21 st century version of heresy and must be rooted out and perpetrators burnt at the stake. Slavery and white guilt are the equivalents of original sin and must be atoned for. Wokism has many of the characteristics of a fanatical Puritan religion. Infact I bet that if liberals believed in God they would think that Covid had been sent to punish us. Of course the fact that it seems indiscriminate in who it infects is a problem. Many in the MSM see themselves as inquisitors or witch finder generals , they will purge the world of non believers.
It is coming. Pulling white police out of black areas. It is the only way now after the recent events. White police are institionally racist. . Then either leave it without the law or make sure you have enough black police. Decision time for the Met.
As an aside, has anybody previously heard of Olive Morris, the subject of today’s Google Doodle?
Community leader – activist – black nationalist – squatter’s rights – blah, blah (Wikipedia).
“Olive Elaine Morris was a Jamaican-born community leader and activist in the British feminist,
*black nationalist*, and squatters’ rights campaigns of the 1970s”
I already had that on my paste clipboard
cos I’d spotted Google pushing that agenda at me.
What’s a black nationalist ? Some black person in the BNP ? or SNP ?
2:15pm Radio4 drama a repeat of a 2018 drama by a black Senegalese writer
It’s about modern slavery
probably an African couple enslaved by white French.
The authors Tweets are all pro BLM , with masses of conspiracy theories against New York authorities/police
Yesterday they were telling us “Richard Desmond the Tory donor”
em FakeNews cos the context is he gave £12K to them and in the past has given much more to Labour and UKIP
The other agenda pushing was “ex Lincolnshire black footballer has spoken at a BLM online conference” .. is that news ?
The other station Humberside doesn’t seem to have big agenda pushing in today’s news so far.
Daylight stabbing in Glasgow's St Enoch Square as man knifed in chest by invisible attacker with well described clothing. Even simplest white people must be waking up to this now as it's obvious attacker is Afro-asian hence lack of racial description https://t.co/L8dSeTvFwj
At the same time local media/politicians were saying
‘look over there it’s far-right that’s the danger”
Glasgow politicians have demanded answers from Police Scotland amid claims “fascist thugs were able to run wild in George Square” and target peaceful protesters. https://t.co/RViJIwqWvd
The newspaper from which you’ve quoted used to be a fairly reasonable and reliable organ. Its editorial stance shifted, however, to an SNP/leftist agenda some years ago, with the result that its circulation has fallen at a much steeper rate than can be explained solely in terms of the general decline in printed media.
As for Glasgow politicians, most of the current crop make Diane Abbott look like Brain of Britain.
One man, Shaun, who was staying inside the Park Inn Hotel ON west George St in Glasgow says he saw a man enter the reception area and stab two people.
His mum’s staying inside and he called her to stay in the room.
Times Radio will be a huge commitment: a 7-day live radio station devoted to warmth, wit and expertise. I’ll be presenting a breakfast show four days a week with the peerless Aasmah Mir and continuing to help out behind the scenes. You can join us from 6am on Monday.
I knew an old sergeant who would be turning in his grave. He used to talk to me a lot about his time. He said he never backed down once whatever the situation.
The policeman represents our common law. But now as in London it is time to face reality and say to the citizens – back us or we go. This defund the police is just a further attempt to weaken society.
Meanwhile, some reactions to the Glasgow stabbings:
Prime Minister: ‘deeply saddened…’
Starmer: ‘deeply concerned…’
Muslim MP Humza Yousaf: ‘Please do not circulate rumours…’
I’m glad our lad Humza has got his priorities right, namely to protect his own.
He could have added: unless those rumours are that it was an islamophobic white supremacist, in which case please circulate away to your heart’s content.
The panel was one third non white (representing the 13% non white population?)
The 12 on the audience tv panel were 5 non white.
So far, I think all of them have mentioned they are Uni graduates and all are under 30.
The first two questions were by blacks.
Q1. About coming out of lockdown. The 6 on the panel and the guests spent 20 minutes agreeing with each other that something should be done and things need to be clearer.
Fiona Bruce kept quiet until the Tory (Barclay) was speaking and then she started the expected continuous interruptions (but only him)
Q2. About what is going to be done for young people looking for jobs.
Same as above and 45 minutes in still on this question.
There’s about 15 minutes left and I’m losing the will to live so I’m switching off now.
A completely boring 45 minutes typified by ‘George the poet’ droning on.
The only good thing I can say would be if you are having trouble sleeping then watch this.
I see something is happening in Glasgow. Can I apply for the job of Priti’s speech writer.
Here’s the speech I’ve written for her;
EG – George the ‘poet’? I didn’t listen to this, but I noticed with interest how hard beeb have worked over many months to support his claim that he’s a poet. I remember some of his ‘poetry’…
Clearly, you are now a poet, if you claim to be one? Add the word to your name, in case no one is impressed by your poetry.
I think I’ll claim to be a millionaire, and see what happens. I’ll call myself ‘Fake, the Millionaire’…
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
And.. the petition against the black racist Cambridge university women who said white lives do not matter has …disappeared
funny that
In Citizens’ AssemblyFarm, some affronts are more eminently excusable than others.
Yes I just noticed that – but I guess since they promoted her – firing was never going to happen
It makes me sad that, in the past, Professor was actually a title worth having – now I know so many personally that are just career academics riding off back of other’s research and not particularly intelligent – this is a case in point….not open to discussion and not accepting that her views would have a reaction but cries when people react
Can you imagine if a Professor at a Uni had tweeted Black Lives Don’t Matter – we all know the outcome…
The great Uni Left hypocrisy
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – ‘After Mum died, nobody talked
about her for 15 years.’ (sic) has been on the BBC web-site for nearly two weeks, I think.
The NASCAR Noose Truth disappeared after 24 hours.
I wonder why?
They know what is news.
And what needs deep sixing.
TOADY Watch #1 – Test and trace? Call in the police to kneel down.
Bad day in Kent yesterday. Single figure Covid-19 case increase the day before, an over 500% increase yesterday. Was it the beaches wot dun it?
Al Beeb tells us that there was more trouble in London last night. Anything from ‘Dick of the Yard’ yet ?
Dunno, taffman, but there’s good news on the Royal Mail front: according to the FT it is a clear out of the top jobs. Long overdue.
Maybe now the RM can bring down the charges for posting items?
Won’t happen.
Any savings straight into propping up pensions.
Bbc style.
Guest, you are probably right. I’m guessing that the current CEO is as incompetent as that Canadian woman. She used to bleat every time after her price increases were challenged “but our volumes are down.” Of course they were, in the days of the internet, if you increase postal charges it will drive more customers away. Stupid woman.
Now the RM is enjoying a double boom, a decrease in its second highest operating cost (thanks to the oil price fall) and Lockdown boosting its parcels operation business.
Will the CEO be bright enough to keep that momentum going? Fat chance, going by past performances.
…and dispense with their “proudness” to be diverse, and support for all the current leftie bandwagons. It is galling to be reminded that they support Pride, diversity, and BLM each time you purchase something, or use their “service”
OG, what? Royal Mail?
Oh, yes. They have a new pretty little rainbow logo. People who have complained have had a finger wagged at them in replies from the Post Office, professing their pride in being utterly, utterly diverse, and if you don’t like it, tough…
Today programme this morning, and Justin Webb continues to make obvious his political views, with sneers, and noises of clear disdain or incredulity after each report about which he has an obvious political viewpoint. I leave it to you guys to guess which way the political wind blows in his case.
Has he got Jon Lansman in yet?
He appears free.
rD, Not the way that Toby Young – surprisingly – believes.
There’s news.
And then there is what the BBC is paid £5,000,000,000 to run.
Some people never learn! Get woke and go broke!
On March 10, 2003, nine days before the invasion of Iraq, the Dixie Chicks performed at the Shepherds Bush Empire theater in London, England. It was the first concert of their Top of the World tour in support of their sixth album, Home Introducing their song “Travelin’ Soldier”, Maines told the audience the band they did not support the upcoming Allied invasion of Iraq and were “ashamed” that President George W. Bush was from Texas.
Many American country music listeners supported the war, and Maines’s remark triggered a backlash in the United States.The Dixie Chicks were blacklisted by thousands of country radio stations,and the band members received death threats.Maines issued an apology, saying her remark had been disrespectful; in 2006 she rescinded the apology, saying she felt Bush deserved no respect.The backlash damaged sales of their music and sales of their next album and tour.
I wonder what they’ll do if the feminist lobby ever kick up a stink about their new name surely some would see it as a derogatory term?
Dropping ‘Dixie’ from the ‘Chicks’?
Wait until the trans lobby gets hold of this.
As it were.
Oh no!
What will the W1A watercooler crowd drink out of in future?
(Dixie Cup is the brand name for a line of disposable paper cups that were first developed in the United States in 1907 by Lawrence Luellen, a lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts. [Not a ‘southern’ state!] )
What if we start boycotting all WOKE companies products sold in the UK . I have already stopped buying the Telly Tax, ‘Yorkshire Tea’ etc . How about you lot?
While we are at it, how about resurrecting the “I am Backing Britain” campaign?
taffman, good idea. I thought a national newspaper (was it the Daily Mail?) was campaigning for that and that Bojo was headed in that direction. Then the PM announced/confirmed HS2 and Huawei, then Covid-19 came along, and it has all disappeared.
Certainly, I think we ought to have a big clean up to celebrate our full EU departure at year end by getting everyone out picking up litter. Keep Britain Tidy!
You are showing your age now.
Also on the Today programme this morning, and I think it was also Justin Webb ‘in the chair’ – effluvient praise for Mr Starmer’s ‘brave and leadership-filled decision’ to invite Ms Long-Bailey to stand down from her position on the Shadow Cabinet. Hmmmm – and here was me thinking that I was being informed that Mr Starmer had a backbone (but that’s probably as flexible as his knee) and had actually fired her…. But, of course, true to Labour, Ms L-B has not had the whip removed, so Mr Starmer continues to allow Labour MPs with anti-semitic tendencies (what am I talking about ? – they’re not tendencies, they’re inbuilt prejudices and hatred) to represent his party in Parliament. How very ‘brave’ of him.
Justin Webb went on to interview some panjandrum from the ‘Momentum Party’, an inner sanctum within the Labour Party, to continue to eulogise Ms L- B and Mr Starmer (a bit more faintly, perhaps), and, astonished at even the whiff of a smidgeon of a rumour that Labour is rife with anti-semitism, this guy went on to claim that he had sat on numerous panels recently to assess whether people had been justly accused of anti-semitism, and concluded that in many instances, they had been excluded from the party.
Now, any reporter worth their salt would have immediately stilleto’d said ‘Momentum’ bigwig with a quietly delivered question or two along the lines of “Really…..and just how many people is it that you have had to sit in judgement on, say in the last year, and just how many people in that number have you felt the need to go so far as excluding them from your party ?”
But that would be real journalism; Justin was too busy, probably, as so many Beeboid newsreaders are, simply looking at the next question on his crib sheet to notice that he had a real role to play here.
Richard D
What about the Chakrabarti Inquiry of 2016?
I know ‘lessons to be learned’.
Ah…. taffman, Chakrabarti’s so-called ‘Inquiry’ – thereafter known as her completed application form for elevation to the House of Lords…
Sort of like the ‘Balen Report’, which actually did find rampant anti-semitism within a certain Political Party – i.e. the BBC………but, for some strange reason, that one was buried because its exposure was held to be contrary to the purposes of journalism – or some other such gobbledygook phrase cooked up by the left-wing BBC and the like-minded judiciary involveds.
richard D
“the Balen Report”.
That’s one for Cummings to look at. How many readers here are aware of that one ?
You should all watch this pair, if you have the time – they express my views rather well…
Ex GP Vernon Coleman:
and Carl Vernon: (This video seems to be suddenly unavailable – no doubt Youtube up to their tricks). Anyway, his website is:
“Police officers attacked at illegal London street party”
The Government were quick to enlist the help of the British Army in helping with the Covid Crisis and a jolly good job they did of it!
How about brining in the British Army to aid the police. I am sure the soldiers would relish the job of doing it especially having seen the Cenotaph desecrated .
We have to wonder why the army have not already been brought in to assist or direct the police here.
The British armed forces who swear allegiance to the monarch should be in charge of the Home Office and the Foreign Office. The latter appears to call the shots at the MoD even though the de facto authority for our forces is supposed to lie with the Secretary of State for Defence.
Moreover, all recruitment procedures for the above should be carried out by the military, with no ‘HR’ involved at any level across the board.
“Liverpool win Premier League: Reds’ 30-year wait for top-flight title ends”
Did Liverpool players wear the BLM on their kit ?
No that the BBC would ever be likely to tell me in a million years if it were true, but I’m not a Londoner, and I’d simply like to know (without spending a lot of time researching) whether Streatham, Brixton and Notting Hill are, perhaps, predominantly populated by persons of hue?
It apears to me that if this was not the case, it would headline the news-pieces.
Richard – the footage on the Londonistan evening news depicts a string quartet surrounded by small groups of lovely people picnicking in social distanced groups –
– oops – sorry – it’s really a dense crowd of feral and their rap crap …..
I was wondering if the police commissioner In London is being so inept as part of some macavellian plot to get more plod numbers for the Great Capital …. the 20000 being tirelessly touted by the current PM for the whole of England and Wales won’t make any difference at all – although the ‘hate crime ‘ units will be expanding ……
Just so everyone is fully aware… racism IS OK and alive and well in the labour party:
Momentum chief sends stern warning to Keir Starmer over ‘reckless’ sacking of Long-Bailey
REBECCA LONG-BAILEY was sacked by Sir Keir Starmer in a move branded “reckless” by Momentum chief Jon Lansman who warned the Labour leader has now made it difficult for himself to build trust in his party.
Darcy3, IIRC, there have been a number of fairly senior people in the current Labour Party who have been found to be ‘somewhat wanting’ in the ‘Friends of Israel’ department of the Party.
There always seems to be a bit of a frenzy at the time of their ‘expulsion’ from whatever committee, shadow cabinet, senior party role they have held, but inevitably, it would appear, and sometimes only a few short months later, they pop up again, fully refreshed and clearly ‘cleansed’ of their hateful thoughts…..only to found out again later, having slipped back to their natural ways.
But this somehow does not seem to register with the likes of the BBC – I wonder why that’s the case, pretty exclusively in the very specific circumstances of anti-semitism ? But, of course, thgat’s never going to be the subject of one of their otherwise seemingly endless supply of ‘Investigative Reports’.
Why only soft Tories are allowed on the media.
The “fallacy of the middle ground”, denies radical solutions are sometimes right
Firstly the idea that there is a spectrum from Left to Right is BS.
All that is, is someone trying to define themselves as true centre , and then trying to to paint their opposition as extremists.
Oh they are “far right” is a label that is used to poison the well of certain opposition.
The thing is Islamic terrorists are Identitarian radicals,
but the “far right label” is not used on them.
Likewise many with the Labour party restrict free speech & use intimidation like on Twitter to get people to self censor
… that seems pretty Nazi.
Nevertheless this left/right thing is important to the media.
And they do seem to have this Overton Window concept, where they say only the centre is acceptable.
David Sedgewick and David Vance in their video spoke of Iain Dale and JHB being media-Conservatives
The media having this Overton Window, where not hating Trump, not loving open-immigration and not being on the Global Warming Green Dream bandwagon is not acceptable.
Farage was that and they had him ..sacked him on a pretext.
Then we have JHB and Nick Ferrari turning soft .. why’s that ?
The pressure to fire Farage from LBC came from the staff at Global’s black music station.
… so maybe these other two feel they too might get fired due to staff pressure.
JHB always has had far too many Lefty guests like Novara media people etc.
as if she felt she couldn’t have Spiked on otherwise.
But Spiked is not extreme.
This Overton Window is strange
Black celebs are able say way racist things : like ‘only shop at black shops’
Yet for white people’s different standard is said , at statue day media pundits kept saying ‘look at those guys they support football and they have tattoos , so that means they are racists and far right’
.. in most cases that is a nasty smear.
They kept saying that the peeing man was a member of a ‘far right group’
I don’t think he actually is , cos I’ve not heard them give any details.
Sedgwick spoke of this 94% claim made by Lord Hall
He said never believe BBC stats cos they always come from special friends like Cardiff University and polling companies that rig survey questions to get the desired outcome.
‘The BBC pay them £100K to do research about how great the BBC is, and after being paid the money the surveyors always say , ‘Yeh people think the BBC is great’.
The msm… leaving ‘it’ there.
And now the weather –
Brilliant piece, thanks for for posting GW, could almost hear the ear piece screaming get him off!!! Cut!!!!!
Pretty safe bet he isn’t being invited back anytime soon and pity the poor so and so that invited him on in the first place.
Tucker asks why Trump is losing ground when he should be gaining, and what should be done about the revolutionary terrorism in the US.
His warnings are relevant here too.
The warnings are indeed relevant here, and it is a pity that those ‘in power’ are oblivious or complicit.
“Ignore law long enough and it becomes unenforceable”
“Ignore law long enough and it becomes unenforceable”
I hope that works for our cause too 🙂
Where can one find out how many people have stopped paying for the bBC propaganda?
Mike Berger writes an interesting piece on the ‘Cancel Cult’, currently sweeping away all that is good in Western institutions, in/on the SA publication/website,’Politicsweb’, which I have found to be an excellent ‘goto’ site.
One commentator bewails the cult’s ignorance of history, etc and asks: ‘How does one debate with Stupid?’
How indeed?
Another observes that the woke have an assumption that, somewhere before time zero, before all those nasty, white, male explorers, settlers, and empire builders came along, there existed, especially in Africa, some kind of egalitarian nirvana of equality, tolerance and fairness, when the records show that vassalage, slavery and an utter contempt for all life, save tribal chiefs, was the order of the day.
So, HOW do you debate with stupid? This question does not only apply to SA, oh no!
There existed ……..Wakanda??
A friend who worked for Shell in Nigeria at the time of the Biafran war told me similar tales of vassalage and contempt for human life. While tens of thousands starved tribal chiefs swept around in fleets of Merc 600s and, in a delicate touch, meat displayed in butchers’ shops had to include its skin – I leave you to wonder why.
The only significant difference from the times of which you write was that this was in the late 1960s.
One for Toenails, Peroxide, BS, Vile, VD, etc to ‘analyse’…
Guest – there has already been much agonised soul-searching and introspection on Radio Labour and , oh wait a minute, didn’t that used to be called Radio 4? The shirt-rending and wailing began last night. Anyway, how long will it go on for, I wonder?
And porkies. Consequence free. Sources say.
“….when reading a book…”
A single parent? Got to be I guess.
Judging by the current educational standards she should have added ‘and holding it the right way up’.
Earlier StewGreen quite rightly queried the ‘softening’ political stances of Nick Ferrari and Julia Hartley-Brewer.
Might I also suggest that we collectively ask how and why Paul Dacre was replaced by Geordie Grieg as editor of the Mail – a newspaper which at the time of the surprising change in direction represented Middle England as no other could? And a newspaper which, at the time, made Guardian sales look like a BBC internal circular?
And just why Nigel Farage has never managed to get elected despite the levels of support he has enjoyed?
All questions of interest. I wonder if there are any answers?
“Nigel Farage has never managed to get elected”
FFS that is just a hatey fake narrative
He’s been elected numerous times in his EU constituency
and even led the party to victory.
Never elected as an MP ..well the last time, the court ruled the Tories had cheated ..but that it was too late to change the result, cos another election had passed.
I reckon it’s just commerce – the Mailonline ‘seems ‘ bigger than the paper – and both seem likely to go to the liberal left to appear ‘ nice’ and ‘inoffensive ‘. They also no that brand loyalty and the sheer habit of buying a paper remains very strong amongst certain ages and groups . At the moment I spend £4 a month for the telegraph which breach my ‘no pay ‘ rule … but even the telegraph looks pretty lefty to me – but I’m of the “Far Right “ – meaning I want a smaller state not one which intervenes everywhere and tells me what I must and must not do in every aspect of life .
I’ve I missed something on the site ? There seems to be no – or few comments about the ‘Rigged Question Time ‘ show the BBC still puts out …..
…..have we all given up ? Are the viewing figures going south like we want them ? Somebody must be interested in listening to 5 lefty remainers being asked questions by carefully selected teachers , civil servants , labour activists pretending to be normal people et al ?
There are [probably] more listeners to Any Questions on Radio Labour than Question Time, being broadcast on Friday evening and Saturday lunchtime. I can’t cope with either.
Nobody watches it any more. It’s not even worth taking the piss these days.
The Mailonline is free and hence my go to paper. I wouldn’t touch the Guardian with a barge pole for news and its opinion seems to come from the Momentum branch of the Labour Party ie viscious and bullying. The Times and Telegraph are behind a paywall and I am not ready for the Sun.
But the DM online is now so far Left and antigovernment (except for Richard Littlejohn) it too is becoming unreadable. I think it started as anti-Trump, well it does have many American readers, but with Covid it is firmly with the BBC. That is ‘why aren’t we locking down?’; 2 days later we have locked down so, ‘why have we brought in draconian lockdown measures?’. Children should be in school, now they shouldn’t, etc etc. No consistency except in attacking the government.
Yes agree Deborah – I used to like the Dmail but now I think only Richard Littlejohn is left to say what everyone(most people) are thinking.
I now don’t read any newspaper….but they don’t seem to get why their sales are going down and the likes of the Spectator are going up.
It is the BBC mentality of the press..we got it about right and fear of offending..and ignoring their real market..and focussing on this imaginary ‘target market’
It started when they changed the editor a couple of years ago. No doubt that owners are content with his editorial position for whatever reason. But another once none Woke media outlet has fallen into line and drips it’s wokism all over its readers. The Telegraph has been following the same path to Wokism. We know that the Tech Giants are closing down any sites which don’t conform to wokist orthodoxy . Soon we will be living in a Wokist monoculture. It makes you Glad to be 68!
Beltane –
I find that question about Nigel very interesting. He would have stirred up parliament, red Labour and blue Labour alike, just a wee bit. When thinking about an answer, I have a suspicion arising.
In reply, I’ve kept telling myself ‘it couldn’t happen in England’.
I have yet to convince myself.
I think ‘it couldn’t happen in England’ is precisely how it happens – nobody quite believes it possible.
And Fed, I’ve noticed a marked lack of posts on QT for some time now – there used to be a raft after each televisual distortion – but I’d guess that answers itself, we can no longer be bothered to waste time and fingers on an entirely predictable politically skewed farce, controlled by a woman who, in her very own way, can make Maitless look quite egalitarian.
Thanks Beltane – sometimes – because of sheer increase in volume of comments now (Great !) I can only scan comments and I don’t see “QT” turning up either ….
I think the last one I dipped into was one with Charles Moore who was as welcome as a watsname in a swimming pool and it reflected the disgust I feel for the BBC. …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – Never mind the quality of the journalism, feel the width
No questions asked about pricing? Surprising. Tesco is one of the retailers who have hiked prices during Lockdown. Yesterday the Government issued a warning (the second?) to businesses not to profiteer from the Pandemic. BBC asking questions of the Tesco CEO about this?
There’s a surprise.
The Leftification* of the world is topic of yesterdays Alex Belfiend’s video
* (or Wokification as I prefer, cos it is possible to be a socialist & honourable, tho the hatey ones aren’t)
– ‘The lefty teachers are scared to go back to school
.. what cos a meteorite might hit it
…. that’s about the same risk of Covid harm to most of them
There’s more risk of getting injured as they bend over to do up their sandals’
– ‘This Cancel Culture of the modern leftists, is so Maoist, they pull down statues, resetting history’
– ‘The thing about Trump is he is an entertainer playing to audience,
whereas the BBC are all S*d the audience they are too busy facing their own choir ..the media choir’
(single quote marks denote paraphrasing)
Talk Radio coming up righty lawyer Jerry Hayes (ex MP) talking about law/court reform
Unless the BBC is very, very selective, picking up on miscarriage grievances around the world is going to get extremely tiresome…
Oh, they are.
And, it still is.
Holy bandwagon Batman, the scope for just about anyone getting on the BBc for any reason just went wiiiide open.
Guest – with the BBC running 24/7 Running the ‘coloured as victim ‘ narrative – it means that if they can’t find enough police brutality allegations in UK they go elsewhere – and America is easy because of the size of their press and same language …
Personally I used to enjoy the ‘relative ‘ of some dead coloured criminal who’d got shot going onto the BBC ‘demanding justice “ and ‘not stopping until they got it “ with their ‘legal team “ – … meaning “where’s my out of court settlement cheque ££££££?’
See above. Jon will need more ‘journalists’ of copy and paste just to surf the Washington blogs. Not black ones, natch.
Fed – turns out, this is a nice little earner! Ever was.
One can one say, other than RIP? if you know what’s good for you.
Vine saying the situation in Bournmouth “Awful, awful, awful” and spits out the word ‘car’. He really, really doesn’t like plebs, does he?
Nothing in the upcoming programme about Notting Hill.
Birmingham woman arrested
: Last weekend in Moss Side, Manchester there was an illegal party of mostly black people that the police stayed away from
Two black guys 21, 36 were shot dead
Black Lives matter
Nothing much on BBC…..what a surprise . It was an otherwise peaceful legally sanctioned event
..Damn police never in the frame when you want them…
White men being urged to take responsible jobs to support Britain!
Why did we need to import destructive forces?
JimS that transport film made me weep. What’s happened to our country?
I have to mention this – in the interests of honesty .
I was driving and had just put on R4, as I occasionally want to hear what the latest woke propaganda line was before punishing the “off” switch. By listening to the BBC you can always tell what the next politically correct BS topic is going to be forced into or faces.
And they actually had something on which was not woke propaganda and was interesting. It was a short documentary on large animal predators and how humans figure in their diet called “On the Menu” it even had lefty prof Alice Roberts on, not pushing any sort of woke line.
It was like witnessing a haunting, a ghost from the BBC past when the BBC took its charter more seriously about education rather than brain washing. Honestly I was actually quite stunned , and then felt a little sad and angry at how this once great broadcaster has sold its soul to appease its own political class.
I even forgave them the one lame mention of global warming.
I expect some where in the House of Saville some commissioning editor will be getting the bollocking of his life.
Now and then, once in a blue moon, something worthwhile comes up, and it’s actually quite startling.
Trying to think back to a time one could listen without the propaganda.
20 years? 25?
had same feeling last night driving home – listened to inside science about genome project – good listening for intelligent people..
It’s a shame that 99% of the output is woke left dumbed down pavement trash – no idea who it is aimed at. Certainly not the vast bulk of their potential listeners
Fake/James to be honest I dont know why they even bother now producing anything that is not ramified with propaganda – unless it is just as some sort of showcase to prove they can still produce normal unadulterated programmes.
A lot of the time it doesnt even bother following the propaganda rules of 90% truth and 10 % deceit – these days it is just relentless woke BS, hence why I so seldom tune in.
Various commentators are now starting to say and write stuff like, ‘ our institutions are run by incompetent people ‘ , or, ‘ promoting by anything other than merit will eventually lead to incompetent management at the top’. They are totally missing the point. These institutions are run by highly competent people who have a long term goal to use their institution to undermine the state and install a multyculty Marxist government . And there are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, just like them, backed up by many more thousands of useful liberal idiots.
We have hundreds of thousands of people , mostly in senior positions in the public sector , who want to transform the country by whatever means necessary, to suit their particular vision.
Many people are saying P Patel isn’t doing enough but she has been emasculated by the crafty reforms which placed responsibility for policing many big cities in the hands of mayors and the subversion of policing by the McPherson report. This is true of many other ministeries where power has been devolved but the public don’t really seem to yet grasp this. Our parliament is much less powerful than it once was but still carries the responsibility. Take the ending of lockdown . Each day it continues costs billions and Boris has try and balance the lives lost of ending it too quickly against the cost of prolonging it. But in Scotland , thanks to devolution , Sturgeon knows that no matter how high the cost of her more cautious approach to ending lockdown is, Boris will in the end have to pay up and give more money to Scotland. To use inflammatory language , English lives are worth less than Svottish ones thanks to devolution.
The met police commissioner has ‘spoken out’ . The world shook . Apparently we might have a ‘ summer of trouble ‘…. no mention of signalling the weakness of Met senior command to
Control demonstrations – leading to ‘running away ‘ which will only encourage the animals to take on plod .
Sooner or later something really bad will happen – police or animal or bistander getting killed and it will really kick on …..
We seem to be living in virologists ‘ heaven – will be gatherings of people in summer light and heat lead to increased Chinese virus cases or not ? Will the coloureds ‘partying ‘ show that they are more likely to get infected and die ? Or ….. as I suspect – weather plays a bigger factor in the UK than previously thought .
Indications from other countries relaxing restrictions seems to suggest more infections but is that right ?
“Spoken out”?
As I understand it, she merely said that the recent behaviour was “unacceptable“, then went for her lunch…
WE simply do not know about the possibility of a second wave. Anyone who says differently is guessing. AS for the Met it is badly led and has lost it’s authority. The mob knows it is weak and will deal with it as it now deserves.
Is the BBC toning down their latest campaign – the one about white peoples lives not mattering ?
The BBC website describes the assassination of a 40 year old black man by a couple of black teenagers in Wandsworth last year -complete with daylight footage of blacks killing a black …
FFS…R4 Twato just said that there -are double standards? – With the Police breaking up Black city ‘events’ but not White beach crowds
WTF..are they serious…they really think a crowd on a beach and a riot are the same – but even if they were.. why does BBC have to bring colour into it….
You are a bunch of race baiting violence inciting idiots..
FFS it’s the exact opposite
police drones are used to harass white dog walkers.
Then at illegal black parties where 2 people were shot dead police stayed away.
Statue protectors get blocked by police as if they are trying to start a fight.
whereas BLM are allowed to toss statues in the river.
Only the BBC could see it around the other way…depressing really that they can’t even get through the news without some form of racism..
I think that the BBC mindset and most of the MSM is that unless they bring some comments about pro BLM, pro BAME, anti white or far right into their reporting they might be thought to be racists themselves. To the liberal , White Racism is now the 21 st century version of heresy and must be rooted out and perpetrators burnt at the stake. Slavery and white guilt are the equivalents of original sin and must be atoned for. Wokism has many of the characteristics of a fanatical Puritan religion. Infact I bet that if liberals believed in God they would think that Covid had been sent to punish us. Of course the fact that it seems indiscriminate in who it infects is a problem. Many in the MSM see themselves as inquisitors or witch finder generals , they will purge the world of non believers.
It is coming. Pulling white police out of black areas. It is the only way now after the recent events. White police are institionally racist. . Then either leave it without the law or make sure you have enough black police. Decision time for the Met.
Following the French police.
Exactly because you cannot ask the police to risk their lives for nothing . They quite tightly will refuse.
As an aside, has anybody previously heard of Olive Morris, the subject of today’s Google Doodle?
Community leader – activist – black nationalist – squatter’s rights – blah, blah (Wikipedia).
“Olive Elaine Morris was a Jamaican-born community leader and activist in the British feminist,
*black nationalist*, and squatters’ rights campaigns of the 1970s”
I already had that on my paste clipboard
cos I’d spotted Google pushing that agenda at me.
What’s a black nationalist ? Some black person in the BNP ? or SNP ?
2:15pm Radio4 drama a repeat of a 2018 drama by a black Senegalese writer
It’s about modern slavery
probably an African couple enslaved by white French.
The authors Tweets are all pro BLM , with masses of conspiracy theories against New York authorities/police
Local news watch
For some reason today’s Radio Lincolnshire breakfast show is being kept off Iplayer
Yesterday they were telling us “Richard Desmond the Tory donor”
em FakeNews cos the context is he gave £12K to them and in the past has given much more to Labour and UKIP
The other agenda pushing was “ex Lincolnshire black footballer has spoken at a BLM online conference” .. is that news ?
The other station Humberside doesn’t seem to have big agenda pushing in today’s news so far.
Stabbings in Glasgow.
Religion of peace out delivering another “largely peaceful” message !!!!
They do like to get their message out there in rather “unconventional” ways !!!!!
Of course it could just be a far right nutter ( BBC , hoping and praying).
We shall see….
Glasgow mass stabbing by MAN
At the same time local media/politicians were saying
‘look over there it’s far-right that’s the danger”
The newspaper from which you’ve quoted used to be a fairly reasonable and reliable organ. Its editorial stance shifted, however, to an SNP/leftist agenda some years ago, with the result that its circulation has fallen at a much steeper rate than can be explained solely in terms of the general decline in printed media.
As for Glasgow politicians, most of the current crop make Diane Abbott look like Brain of Britain.
One man, Shaun, who was staying inside the Park Inn Hotel ON west George St in Glasgow says he saw a man enter the reception area and stab two people.
His mum’s staying inside and he called her to stay in the room.
other tweets say policeman was first stabbed.
“….by invisible attacker, with well described clothing.”
Not quite so, “invisible” then……………….
Three dead in Glasgow plus the stabber.
Source: Al-BBC
Three dead in Glasgow plus the stabber.
There’s a photo doing the rounds. It’s best avoided.
Times Metroliberal Radio starts Monday
Wonder what these liberal wet wipes think now ???
Still welcome ? Still got room ?
Pathetic virtue signalling little sh**s !!!
For a second night the police flee after being attacked by a savage mob who now smell fear.
Thank you Dick-less, thank you Khant, thank you BBC, thank you BLM.
I knew an old sergeant who would be turning in his grave. He used to talk to me a lot about his time. He said he never backed down once whatever the situation.
The policeman represents our common law. But now as in London it is time to face reality and say to the citizens – back us or we go. This defund the police is just a further attempt to weaken society.
Re largely peaceful stabbing in Glasgow hotel it is an ASYLUM SEEKER hotel three dead police stabbed
Meanwhile, some reactions to the Glasgow stabbings:
Prime Minister: ‘deeply saddened…’
Starmer: ‘deeply concerned…’
Muslim MP Humza Yousaf: ‘Please do not circulate rumours…’
I’m glad our lad Humza has got his priorities right, namely to protect his own.
He could have added: unless those rumours are that it was an islamophobic white supremacist, in which case please circulate away to your heart’s content.
When will all muslim asylum seekers be behind barbed wire ?
OK Fed, you asked about QT.
I thought I’d take one for the team and watch it.
The panel was one third non white (representing the 13% non white population?)
The 12 on the audience tv panel were 5 non white.
So far, I think all of them have mentioned they are Uni graduates and all are under 30.
The first two questions were by blacks.
Q1. About coming out of lockdown. The 6 on the panel and the guests spent 20 minutes agreeing with each other that something should be done and things need to be clearer.
Fiona Bruce kept quiet until the Tory (Barclay) was speaking and then she started the expected continuous interruptions (but only him)
Q2. About what is going to be done for young people looking for jobs.
Same as above and 45 minutes in still on this question.
There’s about 15 minutes left and I’m losing the will to live so I’m switching off now.
A completely boring 45 minutes typified by ‘George the poet’ droning on.
The only good thing I can say would be if you are having trouble sleeping then watch this.
I see something is happening in Glasgow. Can I apply for the job of Priti’s speech writer.
Here’s the speech I’ve written for her;
Lessons will be learned.
EG – George the ‘poet’? I didn’t listen to this, but I noticed with interest how hard beeb have worked over many months to support his claim that he’s a poet. I remember some of his ‘poetry’…
Clearly, you are now a poet, if you claim to be one? Add the word to your name, in case no one is impressed by your poetry.
I think I’ll claim to be a millionaire, and see what happens. I’ll call myself ‘Fake, the Millionaire’…