Yesterday the Government announced it was granting the right to live in the UK to 3mn Hong Kongers. There seems to be hardly any media coverage on this whatsoever. The Beeb leads with HK, but on the protests, the actual article about the UK potentially increasing its population by nearly 5% is slipped into the Politics section.
Isn’t Scott Adams an American cartoonist? He must be one of the few American public figures who aren’t anti-Trump. I can think of only three Hollywood stars who are Trump supporters (or not anti-Trump): Jon Voight, James Woods and Tim Allen.
I’ve got to compliment our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” on their interviewing skills. All, ‘part and parcel’ of their strive to produce seamless propaganda. Did anyone hear the interview by Vine with Dr Fauci on Toady earlier?
The listener was treated to a brief history of Dr Fauci before the main interview during which we heard that he has served under six Presidents. As regards the main interview, I was expecting ‘wall to wall’ condemnation of the POTUS. But no, not even a hint of a leading question. In fact, a surprisingly factual and neutral interview. Clearly, Dr Fauci must be a fan of DT and the BBC probed Dr Fauci before the interview only to find he is supportive of DT. So, unusually, the BBC had to tailor their interview to avoid mention of DT or any likely question leading that way in case Dr Fauci responded with any accolade for DT. The hated, DT.
They had him on R4…Justin said same stiff about 6 presidents..and how smart he is to survive..and i quote Justin ‘here’s one example where I thought he was very clever’…followed by a clip of DT…no context and implication DT was stupid….6 presidents and DT used…
Typical .but yes Fauci didn’t say anything negative
Defunding the BBC? An injunction should be taken out to stop
them broadcasting. And their internet pages taken down with
their incessant race baiting. The BBC has become an enemy of the state.
As for Black lives matter. Of course they do. Perhaps somebody
needs to tell black community leaders to tell their brothers
to stop killing each other.
Foscari – That would be nice, but -of course- it ain’t gonna happen.
And if some honest reporting were found, the latter situation would become abundantly clear. But for the bbc, it’s useful to suggest -hidden in that slogan- that someone else is responsible. No prizes for guessing who.
Government says nothing. So, the question is, do they share the bbc views or are they simply fearful of being seen to interfere in public broadcasting?
As I write, I can hear the toxic Radio4 droning on about BLM and gays in Tennis. I think an interview with Martina Navratilova.
PIA Pakistan International Airlines has been banned from flying to Europe, including Heathrow, Birmingham and Manchester, for 6 months because of pilot exam cheats.
I searched the BBC news site. It covered the cheating (A PIA spokesman confirmed to AFP news agency that the probe found about 150 of its 434 pilots had “either bogus or suspicious licences”) last month, but there is nothing on the website about the ban.
I’m sure that all of us amateur investigative journalists on here are wondering what other licences might have been faked, particularly those that entitle people to practice medicine, but the ‘real’, ‘professional’ journos won’t be looking into this any time soon.
Info – I remember -a very long time ago – a documentary which showed that there were those little kiosks in downtown Pakistan where you could buy a licence for the profession you wanted to practice – medicine – flying – for not the biggest fee .
Being able to speak English might have been an issue then but now that would be seen as ‘discrimination ‘.
I went to an outpatients once where the paki /Pakistani wearing a white coat was so incompetent that I finally asked where he qualified to practice medicine . He hadn’t spoken to me much before and certainly didn’t speak to me after wards . I wsnt internet savvy then so I didn’t ‘check him out ‘ – now I’d have his linked in and royal college details before leaving the hospital car park…
vlad – could I begin by asking the stupid question: ‘what’s stopping us here in the UK’?
If we had a Tucker Carlson, the same would happen in the UK, and the toxic beeb would soon be struggling. Supply and demand dynamics don’t seem to be working?
The fault lies with government? ‘Enforcing’ the licence-fee, and beeb benefitting? Maybe the ‘conservative’ government secretly hold the same opinions?
The bbc need a kick up the b…!
My understanding is that Fox News did seek a UK licence some while back but were refused. Oftcom being the main obstacle.
The question is absolutely valid though WHY is there no centre/right mainstream channel? The next question is in a functioning free and open market this demand would be filled would it not? You can only reach one conclusion I am afraid.
Our establishment want you in their chosen hive(s) of misrepresentation and non reporting. Heaven forbid there might be an alternative.
You have as much chance of a centre/ right channel as a ‘pig flying over the moon’
The people might wake up out of their stupor and we can’t have that can we?
” Fox News did seek a UK licence some while back but were refused”
Nope AFAIK SkyUK under Murdoch did carry Fox News for a couple of months
then as he was selling Sky he dropped Fox
Now SkyUK is owned by Commiecast there is no chance of it being carried.
However just type Fox Live into Youtube and you can watch it live with no licence.
My understanding is that Fox News did seek a UK licence some while back but were refused. Oftcom being the main obstacle.
The question is absolutely valid though WHY is there no centre/right mainstream channel? The next question is in a functioning free and open market this demand would be filled would it not? You can only reach one conclusion I am afraid.
Our establishment want you in their chosen hive(s) of misrepresentation and non reporting. Heaven forbid there might be an alternative.
You have as much chance of a centre/ right channel as a ‘pig flying over the moon’
The people might wake up out of their stupor and we can’t have that can we?
Football seems to be the main ideological battle ground for the current incarnation of Marxism – the new momentum . It’s not just about kneeling and shirts – now it is badges.
If it is true that the BBC has instructed presenters not to wear the campaign badge then that is bad news for us . This is because – by metaphorically ‘taking the knee’ I believe the BBC breaches it’s charter rendering it punishable . So boys and girls – keep wearing those badges and even better – do a bit of kneeling on camera . ….
If you notice – I won’t even mention the initials of the Marxist organisation every one is going on about –
For information – this is part of section 3 of the BBC Charter 2016;
“The Mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.“
The charter goes on a bit ( 41 pages long ) but I submit that if we are serious about destroying the BBC as a compulsorily funded outfit then we need clear evidence of breaches of the Charter and OFCOM ‘guides ‘ to be ready for the next ‘consultation ‘ about the future of the BBC . I’ll be repeating this in coming times .
As an aside
I’ve read this morning that a ‘gang of about a 100 men ‘ destroyed a statue of heiless helassi ( spelling – I care less ) overnight in some park in Croydon or similar….
….. this piece of criminal damage seems not to have the false ‘race’ badge attached to it -but something to do with Ethiopians getting upset about their internal politics …..
Naturally the colour of those breaking the statue is not mentioned thereby indicating that they are coloured . Popcorn .
BBC Hereford & Worcester hitting the players where it hurts…
“Do you think the promoting of gambling should be less visible?
A House of Lords report out today recommends adverts for gambling should be banned from sports teams shirts and are calling for reform in the industry.“
Fedup, if they gain control of the football they’ve won, simple ????????
Fortunately, as I’ve been saying, it ain’t gonna happen because it’s roots are too white and too working class to put up with this BLM sh*t ????
On a side note, one can only hope that jug-ears Lineker was in his home town of Leicester when it went in to lockdown ????
The Left – a sports droid on pick / sky – still wearing their marxist badge- mentioned that Leicester footy games are stll going ahead because ‘other arrangements have been made’
This translates into not going anywhere near the town itself …
Ah but, yes but, no but, Fed, Haile Selassie was a Christian and we know or can guess what BLM think of Christians ….
The BBC used to report – over ten years ago – on the persecution of Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia but since then they seem to have discovered other distractions. The statue toppling may just get a mention on R4’s SUNDAY Prog. next Sunday.
Haile Selassie’s original name was Ras Tafari, before he was crowned Emperor. That’s why his worshippers are called Rastafarians.
They worship him as a god and believe he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
So, not Christians, just people who have chosen to worship a man instead.
j-i-c, like their Carib counterparts maybe they were on something when they thought about worshiping Emperor Haile. There are Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia and obviously some unorthodox Christians in Ethiopia. 😉
The BBC’s unhealthy obsession with race and identity politics is doing far more harm than good.
This is the trouble when you have immature, know nothing, lefties running a powerful propaganda machine like our state broadcaster.
Their coverage of the recent race riots has been atrocious. They’ve not been reporting, they’ve been cheerleading. And when we needed a mature, sensible broadcaster to take a deep breath and bring a little balance, the BBC brought us inflammatory rubbish about Stephen Lawrence, The Windrush Scandal and some guff about another black bloke killed by police in the US. They’ve actually been inciting unrest.
The BBC have done far more damage to race relations than the BNP ever did.
We have deceitful Marxist propagandists masquerading as the mainstream.
“Make black and Welsh history compulsory, say Plaid Cymru”
Have lost the plot?
Plaid Cymru, just like the Welsh Assembly are out of touch with the people of Wales.
That photograph looks very doubtful and very ‘engineered’ . One or two people waving a plastic banner in front of people out in the park enjoying the weather.
Al Beeb at its best.
Anyone remember about 20 years ago when Anne Robinson was on ‘Room 101’ and got into trouble for making jibes about the Welsh? She was accused of ‘racism’ if I recall correctly. What a humourless bunch those Welsh are.
G – I’ve decided to do a little research into links between beeb, its board and other executives, and government.
My question is why government allows the bbc’s subversion of our society to continue (more easily understandable if we had a Labour government) and does nothing about bbc bias. Is it purely public inertia? A self-perpetuating recruitment system? That licence fee is the no1 issue. There has to be a lot going on? But what is it, and who is involved?
Do we have any idea?
Maybe not quite what you are after but I have wondered how many Philosophy, Politics and Economics lecturers there are at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, it can’t be that many.
Then consider how many in politics (and broadcasting?) hold such degrees.
Ive often thought about that – it must be a recruiting place for the partys looking for potentially’ clever’ candidates ( those that can do sums and write joined up) .
It must be one of those many’soft’ degrees … my degree was hard but even then 50% of the lecturers were open marxists and students depended on the other 50% to learn stuff
If this is true, I think it's terribly wrong. Her video was idiotic, but I don't think she was actually threatening violence (rather she was making a clumsy joke). If you criticize cancel culture, then support the principle no matter who the target is.
Idiot is the polite word – I just don’t understand this desire to publicise your every inner thought and wonder why some people take offence – especially these days.
Offence is now the 6th sense
Possibly her problem is her modesty. Appearing on her platform (her words not mine), crying and behaving like a snowflake rather than dignified may be her problem. I have to add I have not seen any other of her ‘work’.
Noting those silly little irrelevancies of daily life.
Tony Blair’s adminstration taught us the importance of a good day to release bad news and Obama’s Chief of Staff coined the phrase ‘You never want a serious crisis to go to waste’.
No huge conspiracy theory here (perish the thought) but one notes that Coop grocery stores are keen to push their customers towards the self-service option (as do their fellow mega grocers, for public health protection reasons, I’m sure).
One used to have 10 seconds to decide whether to request a till receipt. Today for the first time this window is reduced to 5 seconds.
Is this small obeisance in honour of Sir David Attenborough and the preservation of his Blue Planet, or perhaps more to help the Coop balance sheet edge toward the black?
Oh, and a financially illiterate proletariat, careless of their daily spending, that’s a recipe for sound economic progress, yeah?
Asiseeit – thank you -im guessing plod is appealing for thr public not to circulate pictures / selfies of the bodies because a couple of plod have already done it – whilst kneeling – of course .
…. on the subject of plod – a national paper was bleating about budget cuts – so they are being ‘ defunded’ ….
So glad him and the missus have upped sticks to get paid vast amounts for preaching about racism, climate change, migration and every other sanctimonious woke cause in the book.
That’s certainly funny, and I suspect quite cruelly accurate at the same time.
Harry was the cheeky chappie royal that made most of us smile.
Now, within two years of marriage to moaning Meghan, Harry’s more likely to be called The Ginger Whinger. Their endless PC pontificating on the climate, wimmin’s rights and race bore the back wheels off most of us. Are there any virtue signalling bandwagons these two don’t jump aboard?
I wouldn’t mind quite so much if they weren’t so sanctimonious, looking down on the rest of us, from their privileged pedestal.
“Pussy whipped” is an unpleasant phrase, but just about sums up the undignified position the pathetic prince of woke finds himself.
Ironic that there was some nonsense about ‘having a Royal Family for the 21st Century “ which seems to involve leaving the UK to go and live in California and then preach about UK social issues …. of all the people to keep their mouths shut about the lives of ordinary taxpayers – its them …. the hairs on my republican neck start to rise ,…
Devon_Tracey was caught up in the ouTube purge
even though he’d had no warnings before
His new vid taking apart someone who sees “White Sumpremacy” everywhere
Haven’t watched this, but I think ‘white supremacy’ is a natural thing in Europe/US etc. Not that anyone is superior because they are white, but because any examination of the history of science, economics, art, literature, any indices of development you care to look at, especially in ‘first’ or ‘second’ world societies, leads you to only one conclusion.
This is not to comment on the ‘worth’ of any one person, or the merit of any one form of society, – they can be ‘good’ or ‘bad’, regardless of race. But technologically end economically advanced societies are found in ‘white’ (and some Asian) countries. That’s it.
Just an observation for anyone worried about a second wave of Covid in the coming winter.
It seems common sense to associate Covid with its flu like behaviour and make up to the cold winter months and therefore a second wave.
With the news that Covid is spreading fast in places like Florida, California, Texas and Brazil, all of them hot, it would seem that temperature isn’t such a good predictor of how Covid will behave.
This, to me, indicates that the slowdown in infections and deaths isn’t so much to do with whether it’s hot or cold. It spreads no matter what the weather is like.
Therefore, I don’t see a second wave coming if the reasoning behind a second wave is cold weather.
Possibly optimistic and maybe completely wrong but it does make a bit of sense and a hope that the second wave may well not happen, just the hotspots and flare ups.
Columnist Matthew Syed was worried when he saw the Black Lives Matter UK website:
“It talked about such things as dismantling capitalism.
That sounded to me like an agenda that goes far beyond the idea of racial equality”.
It is beginning to feel that BLM have made an error with their recent communications which reveal their true intentions. Much of their recent support came from useful idiots who were too ignorant to really understand the full agenda of the BLM organisation. The wool has now been removed from their eyes. Some , like the crisp salesman, are trying to dance on the head of a pin by claiming that they still support BLM but not its published aims! Only the most stupid could offer this up. Still many of the fools who only last week were disputing that a BLM was a Marxist organisation have been shown how dumb they were.
Hopefully we have passed the high water mark of the BLM hysteria.
Bizarre coincidence caused by the fact the name is very common for Pakistanis
The guy who wrote the last Daily Mail article on the killings has the same flaming name
The charged guy with “E” Danyal HussEin
The Daily Mail journo’s surname Danyal HussAin
is spelt with an “A”
His earliest article is Feb 2018 so can’t be same guy
Funny how the Mail knew to put an ethnic Pakistani journalist on the case.
It could be a pen name to cover up that one journo wrote half the articles in the Mail.
I managed the first fifty minutes of TOADY today plus JustRemainIn Webb’s interview with Dr Fauci. Justin said something interesting early on in the programme about the new spike in Covid infections occurring in Republican States with California as the outlier. (California is currently Democrat but has been Republican). As the former North America Editor, I would have expected JustRemainIn to have known that Florida, too, has a fresh Lockdown and that is a ‘swing State’, a bit like California. It was Florida (& the Hispanic population!) that helped to vote President Trump into the White House in 2016.
This way of putting it by Justin suggests an attempt is being made to deliberately infect the USA with Covid-19. But why? And who by? And how? The BBC’s journalistic spirit of enquiry has gone AWOL along with its integrity, it seems to me.
The easy one would be the first question. To disrupt the pre-Election events and help Joe Biden into the White House in November. That means it is being done by Democrats (with or without the help of the Chinese) but as Justin pointed out, most of the southern States in the US tend to be Republican.
Are Democrats (a minority in those States) deliberately infecting their fellow residents? Are outsider Democrats deliberately visiting the Republican States to spread the virus?
And how are they doing it without getting sick themselves?
On the programme, it was mentioned once and I think again in the Dr Fauci Interview that it was young people going to bars. Now, I thought it was old people who tended to go to bars and young people to music events and cinemas and shopping malls or hang out at the Ice Cream and Soda stores, delis and fast food establishments but what do I know? I haven’t been North America Editor for the BBC.
Did Justin ask Dr Fauci any of these questions? No.
Anyone at the BBC and other lefty media putting 2 + 2 together yet ????
With reports Bradford has the second highest rate of infection in England, Bradford Council leader Susan Hinchcliffe tells Julia she "worries about every single" person in the city ahead of pubs and restaurants reopening on Saturday.@JuliaHB1 |
My daily (BBC) quiz is to go on the BBC SPORT page of the website and try and spot as many White British Heterosexual Male sportsmen as possible.
Today there are roughly 70 photographs/articles
Guess how many out of that actually refer to a white British heterosexual sportsMEN playing our national sports such as football cricket rugby tennis golf etc?……….
you would think giving ‘Diversity’ a bit of a chance perhaps 40 or 50 articles would be WHITE/BRITISH based?
The only ones in the top half that I could see were David Moyes and Joey Dunlop. Why is there a different section near the bottom, “Around the UK”?
I made my visit to the webshite as quick as possible.
For some reason every time that I visit the bBbc site I feel a little unclean, a little grubby. I wipe my history of any evidence as quickly as possible as a kind of cleansing.
“Once the mob has every record destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture repainted, every statue and street and building renamed, every date altered, and wiped out any trace of history they won’t stop there …
Their next target will be anyone who remembers that such things existed.”
‘A statue of former Ethiopian leader Haile Selassie has been destroyed in a park in Wimbledon, south-west London.’
I shot the sheriff?
‘It appears to be linked to unrest in Ethiopia sparked after a popular singer, Hachalu Hundessa, was shot dead earlier this week.’
No woman, no cry?
‘Local resident Andrew Morris told the Press Association he had seen a mostly male group in the park’
‘Many ethnic Oromos say they were oppressed under Haile Selassie’s reign and their language and traditional religion were banned’
Sounds as though we’ve imported complicated ethnic and religious rivalries. It’s beyond my white English comprehension. Perhaps the BBC African service can explain?
‘Demonstrations don break out for Ethiopia following the shooting dead of musician Hachalu Hundessa, wey popular because of im political songs.’
Peter Tosh?
‘Atleast three pipo don die during protest for one town and several odas dey seriously injured for violent protests, doctors bin tell di BBC and di protesters bring down di statue of Emperor Haile Selassie papa.’
Now if were to say something like that I reckon I’d be accused of something. Let’s chance it…
For the sake of social cohesion, could we slow down just a tad on the mass migration?
Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing gonna be all right.
I think you deserve an award for that one . Unfortunately i am unfamiliar with the work of Robert Marley – and his work seems to have dried up….. so i cant respond with a suitable title- so i’d better ‘exodus’
“Statues are not neutral, they represent something, they hurt people.” Princess Marie-Esméralda – great-grand-niece of Belgium's Leopold II – says "it's really painful” for many to see statues of colonisers, adding we “must talk” about colonisation #Newsnight |
Talk Radio Ian Collins is speaking strongly against the BBC and its waste youtube
Ian Collins | 1pm-4pm
► Is it the BBC that needs defunding? ► Are universities are taking advantage of teens by charging mega bucks ► Hundreds arrested as crime comms system cracked
Have you ever noticed how these big crime busts, which take months and years to investigate, tend to happen at times when the police are in a certain amount of disrepute with the public?
The overnight ratings for the BBC’s Make Me Famous, which was shown last Thursday, are the lowest on record for the 9pm slot on BBC One
840,000 viewers from 66 million
That’s like 95% didn’t watch it
It felt to me like agenda pushing, so I didn’t watch it
Collins said such progs belong on a different channel at a different times.
The overnight ratings for the BBC's Make Me Famous, which was shown last Thursday, are the lowest on record for the 9pm slot on BBC One
Not so long ago, the BBC were wringing their hands and telling us that it was the BAME communities – which would include Eastern Seaboard, Democrat led/governed Cities and States in the USA who were being hit hardest by Covid-19 – now it is so-called ‘Republican States’. Has Spring Break had a devastating effect on the south? Or was that as some of us suspected and the statistics reflected at the time, complete farmyard manure?
The funny thing is, if you type ‘Covid-19 Infections in Baltimore, Maryland’ into your search engine you can see a graph that rather confirms the BBC’s output on that was indeed bovine excrement. (please note: the graph is for the whole State not the City where the highest BAME population lives.) President Trump is unlikely to win Maryland in November.
But let’s look at a key swing State for the US Presidential Election – one that went with Trump in 2016 – that was not mentioned on TOADY this morning: Ohio. A ‘rust belt’ State, an immigrant State (white, central Europeans – think, film, ‘The Deer Hunter’) and a Roman Catholic/Protestant Episcopalian State, therefore with a predilection to vote Democrat.
Click on the third of the blue clickys and you may select Ohio from a drop down and guess what you get? A spike building in the last week in June.
You would think the former North America Editor for the BBC, TOADY Presenter JustRemainIn Webb would be interested in such things. Maybe his successor, Jon Sopel, would? It was notable that Justin brought in Sopey to comment before the Fauci interview and not afterward, like the TOADY Prog does with Conservative Government Ministers and Laura Part-time.
Sopey informs us: Dr Fauci does not attack people. He doesn’t attack the current President.
And on Europe – wasnt there a “ look at sweden – theyve not locked down and as usual they are better than us”…
But nearly 1000 cases reported today ? Ive got to admit im getting a bit tired or numbers but after 4 month of pandemic reliability must have gone up a bit… ?
RT news report on the Maxwell arrest included reference to Epstein with a telling “died in his jail cell” remark, not the usual suicide. Speaking of,
Hillary Clinton today after hearing of the news that Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested, there is a reason Epsteined is trending right now.
Hopefully she will get a plea bargain in return for telling all she knew , or as it is the FBI, saying whatever they want her to say. Some VIP folks like Good ‘Ol Bill are going to be lawyering up just in case she doesn’t commit ‘suicide’. Seriously she will need witness protection because a lot of folks won’t want her singing to the FBI.
I get a lot of email from techie outfits that I have made contact with or bought services from in my job. I wrote a couple of weeks back that I had started to unsubscribe from every one that was splashed with political or virtue-signalling messages, “We proudly support Black lIves Matter”, “We proudly support the LGBT community” etc. etc.
I have noticed that the practice seems to have virtually stopped. I’d like to think that as I am probably not alone in blocking that they have got the message that we don’t want this pathetic crap forced down our throats. I haven’t had a political or cause banner on an email for a week or so now.
Hopefully the whole bag of worms will now unravel.
I turned off Firefox messages today, (Options, Home, Snippets).
I wish there was a way to get rid of Huffington Post, from one of my email services. I am sure most users would prefer adverts which would actually bring in revenue, (unless ‘George’ is paying for HP?).
Incidentally embedding YouTube videos here has a couple of downsides:
1. The embedded image probably messes up the page scrolling that many have complained about.
2. It’s hard to find them again! (I was trying to find that young man with the North-East accent that I had seen the day before. My browser history wasn’t helping and Google denied that he existed! David Starkey had never met him either!). Right-clicking and opening the link in a new tab leaves something searchable in the browser history and also lets you read the YouTube comments, a mixed benefit!
FitzWilliam college not very big on free speech it seems – I wonder if the governing body will be outsnowflaking each other after they’ve finish kneeling down ……
Looking at FitzWilliam – alumni include – Cressida Dick – Andy burnham – Vince cable – Norman Lamont – ….
Yes it came up on my Twitter
‘Ooh start the outrage bus .. Starkey said “damn blacks” ‘
If my friend didn’t want to come to the pub and says “there’s never any women there”
I might drag him there and with it being full of women say
“see there are loads of damn women here”
my profanity is not directed against women
but directed aginst the idea that they’ll be no women there.
It works with the word people instead of women etc.
I saw the interview David Starkey gave and the comments these lefty fascists are using to try to get him into trouble.
He was discussing the slave trade and saying how absurd it was to compare it to Nazism and and to suggest it was a genocide.
He said something along the lines of. “If the slave trade had been a genocide there wouldn’t be so many damned blacks in Africa and elsewhere…”
Now, I think the only part of that sentence they can criticise him for is the use of the phrase “damned blacks.”
However, we all know what these scumbags are like. They trawl through every article, every interview and dissect every syllable and are ecstatic if they come across a nice juicy piece with which to attack anyone on the right.
Meanwhile the BBC continue to use their publicly funded platform to incite racial strife throughout the country.
I’d imagine Starkey is pretty fireproof and he isn’t seen as much as he once was on the telly and Mary Beard is the Beeb’s go to historian.
Sadly I never heard her argument. I did not need the double commentary, but would have liked to see just how thick she is.
Perhaps she has a point.
2+2 = 2.
Two cannibals + two missionaries = two cannibals.
Regarding why no action has been taken to terminate the BBC’s outrageous bias and anti-government propaganda, my conclusion is that it has a list of scandals involving people who would normally oppose it ( probably financial or sexual ). It may be a case of Mutually Assured Destruction – if you take down the BBC, it will take down the government.
Donbob – I wonder sometimes whether – apart from the ‘gotchas ‘ on toady or the other political propaganda shows – that MPs really know what the output of the BBC is – do they know that every programme is infected with just one approach to life – one political view – to the exclusion of all else –
Add that bit you mention about MAD and there lies a reason . I don’t see anything else because whatever the PM does there cannot be more hostility because they hate him and his government . I bet they hoped he’d die in the hospital …
During the Sixties and Seventies whilst serving in the RN, we were told that the US had developed another MAD system, this one was used for hunting submarines using aeroplanes fitted with the Magnetic Anomaly Detector. Perhaps we now need a Media Anomaly Detector, one that indicates when the MSM are actually telling the truth.
Anyone looking for distraction now has a two strander for the Royal Family – Prince with Tourettes 6000 miles away telling us about institutional racist – and closer to home – another Prince being asked to chat to the Feds about his dead rich friend .
A script writers ‘ dream . I wonder if Andrew Windsor will go for the diplomatic immunity option – tricky if he is being looked at as a prosecution witness against Bob Maxwells ‘ little girl …
It gets even more interesting if the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York offers Randy Andy immunity if he testifies fully and honestly as a prosecution witness against Ghislaine Maxwell, otherwise they go after him also, hammer and tongs
According to CNN it is now racist to point out how other minorities (such as Indians, East Asians, etc) do well academically and economically. (Blacks from other countries also tend to better in the US than African Americans).
Presumably that’s because it calls into question BLM’s narrative of ‘systemic racism’ being the cause of African American poverty and crime problems. And might lead people to think the unthinkable, i.e, that social factors within poor AA communities are the problem instead. Which could eventually lead to them fixing those problems, and viewing themselves as less dependent on liberal politicians. Which could then lead to less votes.
CNN is very useful as an electronic birdcage liner; they are the functional equivalent of the Grauniad and just as well known for their probity and gravitas
Yep, same rubbish as the BBC. But as I now live in the US, I have one thing to be thankful for. At least the government doesn’t force me to fund that rubbish. For now at least.
The Left/Cambridge University/BBC (but I repeat myself) know their ideological opponents and this is just an attempt to blacken (sorry) tarnish his name.
Not “biased” BBC as such, but I’ve just watched “The Joy of Painting” on BBC4.
For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it ran from 1983 to 1994, and each episode featured painter Bob Ross starting off with a blank canvas, and within around 20 minutes he’d painted something lovely using just basic painting skills. No frills, no blue screen, so SFX, just a calm, charming man with a paintboard and a brush.
The reason I mention this is that I used to love this programme back in the day. It’s so simple; there’s no agenda, no political correctness, no bowing to unacceptable politics, no shoe-horning of wokeness and BAME-ness at every opportunity.
It just features a white male who is damn good at what he does, with no agendas. And it’s quite telling in that this is pretty much the only thing I’ve watched on bBBC in the last month.
Bob Ross is a now a meme..the youngsters all know and love him…
Iike you it is only BBC output me and wife watch..
If you want a blood pressure reduction watch Bob and his use of van dyke brown on a fan brush 🙂
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 The implosion in Reform is the stuff of worst nightmares, almost as though there are hidden dirty trick forces at…
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume….
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
Yesterday the Government announced it was granting the right to live in the UK to 3mn Hong Kongers. There seems to be hardly any media coverage on this whatsoever. The Beeb leads with HK, but on the protests, the actual article about the UK potentially increasing its population by nearly 5% is slipped into the Politics section.
The DM leads with it, but doesnt allow comments! What a fine democracy we live in.
Lurch going for the competition. Not politically of course, that would be unprofessional.
‘First I went for Tucker, but every one laughed at me…’
Isn’t Scott Adams an American cartoonist? He must be one of the few American public figures who aren’t anti-Trump. I can think of only three Hollywood stars who are Trump supporters (or not anti-Trump): Jon Voight, James Woods and Tim Allen.
He does the Dilbert cartoons.
BBC ring-fencing JacArd first.
I’ve got to compliment our, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” on their interviewing skills. All, ‘part and parcel’ of their strive to produce seamless propaganda. Did anyone hear the interview by Vine with Dr Fauci on Toady earlier?
The listener was treated to a brief history of Dr Fauci before the main interview during which we heard that he has served under six Presidents. As regards the main interview, I was expecting ‘wall to wall’ condemnation of the POTUS. But no, not even a hint of a leading question. In fact, a surprisingly factual and neutral interview. Clearly, Dr Fauci must be a fan of DT and the BBC probed Dr Fauci before the interview only to find he is supportive of DT. So, unusually, the BBC had to tailor their interview to avoid mention of DT or any likely question leading that way in case Dr Fauci responded with any accolade for DT. The hated, DT.
They had him on R4…Justin said same stiff about 6 presidents..and how smart he is to survive..and i quote Justin ‘here’s one example where I thought he was very clever’…followed by a clip of DT…no context and implication DT was stupid….6 presidents and DT used…
Typical .but yes Fauci didn’t say anything negative
BBC Radio 4 has found a leader they like.
“It is plain as day now, that the capitalism we were practising would soon have destroyed us.”
Defunding the BBC? An injunction should be taken out to stop
them broadcasting. And their internet pages taken down with
their incessant race baiting. The BBC has become an enemy of the state.
As for Black lives matter. Of course they do. Perhaps somebody
needs to tell black community leaders to tell their brothers
to stop killing each other.
Foscari – That would be nice, but -of course- it ain’t gonna happen.
And if some honest reporting were found, the latter situation would become abundantly clear. But for the bbc, it’s useful to suggest -hidden in that slogan- that someone else is responsible. No prizes for guessing who.
Government says nothing. So, the question is, do they share the bbc views or are they simply fearful of being seen to interfere in public broadcasting?
As I write, I can hear the toxic Radio4 droning on about BLM and gays in Tennis. I think an interview with Martina Navratilova.
PIA Pakistan International Airlines has been banned from flying to Europe, including Heathrow, Birmingham and Manchester, for 6 months because of pilot exam cheats.
I searched the BBC news site. It covered the cheating (A PIA spokesman confirmed to AFP news agency that the probe found about 150 of its 434 pilots had “either bogus or suspicious licences”) last month, but there is nothing on the website about the ban.
I’m sure that all of us amateur investigative journalists on here are wondering what other licences might have been faked, particularly those that entitle people to practice medicine, but the ‘real’, ‘professional’ journos won’t be looking into this any time soon.
Info – I remember -a very long time ago – a documentary which showed that there were those little kiosks in downtown Pakistan where you could buy a licence for the profession you wanted to practice – medicine – flying – for not the biggest fee .
Being able to speak English might have been an issue then but now that would be seen as ‘discrimination ‘.
I went to an outpatients once where the paki /Pakistani wearing a white coat was so incompetent that I finally asked where he qualified to practice medicine . He hadn’t spoken to me much before and certainly didn’t speak to me after wards . I wsnt internet savvy then so I didn’t ‘check him out ‘ – now I’d have his linked in and royal college details before leaving the hospital car park…
except … it looks like PIA is still flying to the UK
PIA701 in the air en route Manchester
Let’s hope they don’t have a virus debate while “landing”
Not forgetting the Pakistani’s penchant for, “managing” elections in the UK…..
Tucker Carlson and Fox News have SMASHED the audience figures of CNN and MSNBC.
Given a real choice, there is every reason to suppose that a similar conservative News channel would do equally well here.
Destroying the BBC is not enough; we must also have a real alternative to the liberal-left hegemony of news channels.
vlad – could I begin by asking the stupid question: ‘what’s stopping us here in the UK’?
If we had a Tucker Carlson, the same would happen in the UK, and the toxic beeb would soon be struggling. Supply and demand dynamics don’t seem to be working?
The fault lies with government? ‘Enforcing’ the licence-fee, and beeb benefitting? Maybe the ‘conservative’ government secretly hold the same opinions?
The bbc need a kick up the b…!
If you watch Carlson’s monologue on the state of GOP spinelessness it’s all to easy to have the lame dimwits of “The Conservatives” come to mind.
My understanding is that Fox News did seek a UK licence some while back but were refused. Oftcom being the main obstacle.
The question is absolutely valid though WHY is there no centre/right mainstream channel? The next question is in a functioning free and open market this demand would be filled would it not? You can only reach one conclusion I am afraid.
Our establishment want you in their chosen hive(s) of misrepresentation and non reporting. Heaven forbid there might be an alternative.
You have as much chance of a centre/ right channel as a ‘pig flying over the moon’
The people might wake up out of their stupor and we can’t have that can we?
‘Bout time someone made direct contact with Fox as a prelude to starting a Government Petition.
” Fox News did seek a UK licence some while back but were refused”
Nope AFAIK SkyUK under Murdoch did carry Fox News for a couple of months
then as he was selling Sky he dropped Fox
Now SkyUK is owned by Commiecast there is no chance of it being carried.
However just type Fox Live into Youtube and you can watch it live with no licence.
My understanding is that Fox News did seek a UK licence some while back but were refused. Oftcom being the main obstacle.
The question is absolutely valid though WHY is there no centre/right mainstream channel? The next question is in a functioning free and open market this demand would be filled would it not? You can only reach one conclusion I am afraid.
Our establishment want you in their chosen hive(s) of misrepresentation and non reporting. Heaven forbid there might be an alternative.
You have as much chance of a centre/ right channel as a ‘pig flying over the moon’
The people might wake up out of their stupor and we can’t have that can we?
Bottomline Tucker and Hannity are getting 4m even 4.3 million viewers
CNN are half that
but FFS there are 300 million people in America
Football seems to be the main ideological battle ground for the current incarnation of Marxism – the new momentum . It’s not just about kneeling and shirts – now it is badges.
If it is true that the BBC has instructed presenters not to wear the campaign badge then that is bad news for us . This is because – by metaphorically ‘taking the knee’ I believe the BBC breaches it’s charter rendering it punishable . So boys and girls – keep wearing those badges and even better – do a bit of kneeling on camera . ….
If you notice – I won’t even mention the initials of the Marxist organisation every one is going on about –
For information – this is part of section 3 of the BBC Charter 2016;
“The Mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.“
The charter goes on a bit ( 41 pages long ) but I submit that if we are serious about destroying the BBC as a compulsorily funded outfit then we need clear evidence of breaches of the Charter and OFCOM ‘guides ‘ to be ready for the next ‘consultation ‘ about the future of the BBC . I’ll be repeating this in coming times .
As an aside
I’ve read this morning that a ‘gang of about a 100 men ‘ destroyed a statue of heiless helassi ( spelling – I care less ) overnight in some park in Croydon or similar….
….. this piece of criminal damage seems not to have the false ‘race’ badge attached to it -but something to do with Ethiopians getting upset about their internal politics …..
Naturally the colour of those breaking the statue is not mentioned thereby indicating that they are coloured . Popcorn .
BBC Hereford & Worcester hitting the players where it hurts…
“Do you think the promoting of gambling should be less visible?
A House of Lords report out today recommends adverts for gambling should be banned from sports teams shirts and are calling for reform in the industry.“
Maybe they need to be uniquely funded too?
Some used to earn as much as Botney and Lineker.
Fedup, if they gain control of the football they’ve won, simple ????????
Fortunately, as I’ve been saying, it ain’t gonna happen because it’s roots are too white and too working class to put up with this BLM sh*t ????
On a side note, one can only hope that jug-ears Lineker was in his home town of Leicester when it went in to lockdown ????
The Left – a sports droid on pick / sky – still wearing their marxist badge- mentioned that Leicester footy games are stll going ahead because ‘other arrangements have been made’
This translates into not going anywhere near the town itself …
Virtue signalling tossers the lot ✌????
If no one can go in or out of Leicester then I don’t see how they can play all their remaining games ????
Ah but, yes but, no but, Fed, Haile Selassie was a Christian and we know or can guess what BLM think of Christians ….
The BBC used to report – over ten years ago – on the persecution of Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia but since then they seem to have discovered other distractions. The statue toppling may just get a mention on R4’s SUNDAY Prog. next Sunday.
Some interesting information:
Haile Selassie’s original name was Ras Tafari, before he was crowned Emperor. That’s why his worshippers are called Rastafarians.
They worship him as a god and believe he is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
So, not Christians, just people who have chosen to worship a man instead.
j-i-c, like their Carib counterparts maybe they were on something when they thought about worshiping Emperor Haile. There are Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia and obviously some unorthodox Christians in Ethiopia. 😉
The BBC’s unhealthy obsession with race and identity politics is doing far more harm than good.
This is the trouble when you have immature, know nothing, lefties running a powerful propaganda machine like our state broadcaster.
Their coverage of the recent race riots has been atrocious. They’ve not been reporting, they’ve been cheerleading. And when we needed a mature, sensible broadcaster to take a deep breath and bring a little balance, the BBC brought us inflammatory rubbish about Stephen Lawrence, The Windrush Scandal and some guff about another black bloke killed by police in the US. They’ve actually been inciting unrest.
The BBC have done far more damage to race relations than the BNP ever did.
We have deceitful Marxist propagandists masquerading as the mainstream.
And yet we’re still forced to pay for them…
The BBC should be on the ‘Proscribed List’
“Make black and Welsh history compulsory, say Plaid Cymru”
Have lost the plot?
Plaid Cymru, just like the Welsh Assembly are out of touch with the people of Wales.
That photograph looks very doubtful and very ‘engineered’ . One or two people waving a plastic banner in front of people out in the park enjoying the weather.
Al Beeb at its best.
Anyone remember about 20 years ago when Anne Robinson was on ‘Room 101’ and got into trouble for making jibes about the Welsh? She was accused of ‘racism’ if I recall correctly. What a humourless bunch those Welsh are.
G – I’ve decided to do a little research into links between beeb, its board and other executives, and government.
My question is why government allows the bbc’s subversion of our society to continue (more easily understandable if we had a Labour government) and does nothing about bbc bias. Is it purely public inertia? A self-perpetuating recruitment system? That licence fee is the no1 issue. There has to be a lot going on? But what is it, and who is involved?
Do we have any idea?
Maybe not quite what you are after but I have wondered how many Philosophy, Politics and Economics lecturers there are at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, it can’t be that many.
Then consider how many in politics (and broadcasting?) hold such degrees.
Ive often thought about that – it must be a recruiting place for the partys looking for potentially’ clever’ candidates ( those that can do sums and write joined up) .
It must be one of those many’soft’ degrees … my degree was hard but even then 50% of the lecturers were open marxists and students depended on the other 50% to learn stuff
Fascinating thread.
Can’t believe Jon has not added her to the BBC N. America squad yet.
Is it ‘cos she ain’t blonde?
Brunette Lives Matter, GW.
Get with the program or face the follicle backlash.
let’s hope she has learned a lesson – Snapchat is chock full of similar idiots.
Yep Tomo
Idiot is the polite word – I just don’t understand this desire to publicise your every inner thought and wonder why some people take offence – especially these days.
Offence is now the 6th sense
Possibly her problem is her modesty. Appearing on her platform (her words not mine), crying and behaving like a snowflake rather than dignified may be her problem. I have to add I have not seen any other of her ‘work’.
Are you being served?
Noting those silly little irrelevancies of daily life.
Tony Blair’s adminstration taught us the importance of a good day to release bad news and Obama’s Chief of Staff coined the phrase ‘You never want a serious crisis to go to waste’.
No huge conspiracy theory here (perish the thought) but one notes that Coop grocery stores are keen to push their customers towards the self-service option (as do their fellow mega grocers, for public health protection reasons, I’m sure).
One used to have 10 seconds to decide whether to request a till receipt. Today for the first time this window is reduced to 5 seconds.
Is this small obeisance in honour of Sir David Attenborough and the preservation of his Blue Planet, or perhaps more to help the Coop balance sheet edge toward the black?
Oh, and a financially illiterate proletariat, careless of their daily spending, that’s a recipe for sound economic progress, yeah?
Man, oh man…
BBC: ‘Man charged with murdering sisters in Wembley park’
‘Danyal Hussein, of Guy Barnett Grove, Blackheath, has been charged with killing both women and possession of an offensive weapon, the Met said.’
Asiseeit – thank you -im guessing plod is appealing for thr public not to circulate pictures / selfies of the bodies because a couple of plod have already done it – whilst kneeling – of course .
…. on the subject of plod – a national paper was bleating about budget cuts – so they are being ‘ defunded’ ….
For henpecked Harry and England
Perhaps the original Harry is more cringeworthy than the satire
Sorry…what a twat….his dad must be so peed off…what happened to him?
Megan happened. How to go from hero to zero in two years.
Not sure his dad’s much better – loves islam, talks to his plants…
So glad him and the missus have upped sticks to get paid vast amounts for preaching about racism, climate change, migration and every other sanctimonious woke cause in the book.
Stay away, both of you.
Is this a different Prince Harry from the one who dressed up as a Nazi for a fancy dress party some years ago?
That’s certainly funny, and I suspect quite cruelly accurate at the same time.
Harry was the cheeky chappie royal that made most of us smile.
Now, within two years of marriage to moaning Meghan, Harry’s more likely to be called The Ginger Whinger. Their endless PC pontificating on the climate, wimmin’s rights and race bore the back wheels off most of us. Are there any virtue signalling bandwagons these two don’t jump aboard?
I wouldn’t mind quite so much if they weren’t so sanctimonious, looking down on the rest of us, from their privileged pedestal.
“Pussy whipped” is an unpleasant phrase, but just about sums up the undignified position the pathetic prince of woke finds himself.
He had it all…
Ironic that there was some nonsense about ‘having a Royal Family for the 21st Century “ which seems to involve leaving the UK to go and live in California and then preach about UK social issues …. of all the people to keep their mouths shut about the lives of ordinary taxpayers – its them …. the hairs on my republican neck start to rise ,…
News Alex Belfield clips
– Too Many Gay & BAME People on TV – FACT – BBC
Quoting new Times survey
Re BBC saying staff shouldn’t be wearing BLM badges on air
– BBC Ban BML Badge – Tokenism For Sheep / FA Taking To The Knee Nonsense
Common Factor ……………….
Covid 19, Black Lives Matter, Marxist Iconoclasm,
Hong Kong unrest, Left wing university students and
Al Beeb…………….?
Let’s hope that our Military Intelligence Services are up to it and not hamstrung by our so called Civil ‘Servants’.
Devon_Tracey was caught up in the ouTube purge
even though he’d had no warnings before
His new vid taking apart someone who sees “White Sumpremacy” everywhere
Haven’t watched this, but I think ‘white supremacy’ is a natural thing in Europe/US etc. Not that anyone is superior because they are white, but because any examination of the history of science, economics, art, literature, any indices of development you care to look at, especially in ‘first’ or ‘second’ world societies, leads you to only one conclusion.
This is not to comment on the ‘worth’ of any one person, or the merit of any one form of society, – they can be ‘good’ or ‘bad’, regardless of race. But technologically end economically advanced societies are found in ‘white’ (and some Asian) countries. That’s it.
Just an observation for anyone worried about a second wave of Covid in the coming winter.
It seems common sense to associate Covid with its flu like behaviour and make up to the cold winter months and therefore a second wave.
With the news that Covid is spreading fast in places like Florida, California, Texas and Brazil, all of them hot, it would seem that temperature isn’t such a good predictor of how Covid will behave.
This, to me, indicates that the slowdown in infections and deaths isn’t so much to do with whether it’s hot or cold. It spreads no matter what the weather is like.
Therefore, I don’t see a second wave coming if the reasoning behind a second wave is cold weather.
Possibly optimistic and maybe completely wrong but it does make a bit of sense and a hope that the second wave may well not happen, just the hotspots and flare ups.
Emmanuel, Brazil is in the middle of its winter. Sure the north of the country is more Equatorial and warmer but it gets cold down south.
Columnist Matthew Syed was worried when he saw the Black Lives Matter UK website:
“It talked about such things as dismantling capitalism.
That sounded to me like an agenda that goes far beyond the idea of racial equality”.
It is beginning to feel that BLM have made an error with their recent communications which reveal their true intentions. Much of their recent support came from useful idiots who were too ignorant to really understand the full agenda of the BLM organisation. The wool has now been removed from their eyes. Some , like the crisp salesman, are trying to dance on the head of a pin by claiming that they still support BLM but not its published aims! Only the most stupid could offer this up. Still many of the fools who only last week were disputing that a BLM was a Marxist organisation have been shown how dumb they were.
Hopefully we have passed the high water mark of the BLM hysteria.
TalkRadio news “18 year-old *MAN* is appearing in court charged with the horrific double murders of sisters in Wembley.”
FFS why leave off the name ? Danyal Hussein
His photo isn’t on Twitter , like the police tweet etc.
Nothing via google either
Victims : Bibaa Henry, 46 and Nicole Smallman, 27, who were stabbed to death after a party in Fryent Park, Wembley
Bizarre coincidence caused by the fact the name is very common for Pakistanis
The guy who wrote the last Daily Mail article on the killings has the same flaming name
The charged guy with “E” Danyal HussEin
The Daily Mail journo’s surname Danyal HussAin
is spelt with an “A”
His earliest article is Feb 2018 so can’t be same guy
Funny how the Mail knew to put an ethnic Pakistani journalist on the case.
It could be a pen name to cover up that one journo wrote half the articles in the Mail.
TOADY Watch #1 – We are back
I managed the first fifty minutes of TOADY today plus JustRemainIn Webb’s interview with Dr Fauci. Justin said something interesting early on in the programme about the new spike in Covid infections occurring in Republican States with California as the outlier. (California is currently Democrat but has been Republican). As the former North America Editor, I would have expected JustRemainIn to have known that Florida, too, has a fresh Lockdown and that is a ‘swing State’, a bit like California. It was Florida (& the Hispanic population!) that helped to vote President Trump into the White House in 2016.
This way of putting it by Justin suggests an attempt is being made to deliberately infect the USA with Covid-19. But why? And who by? And how? The BBC’s journalistic spirit of enquiry has gone AWOL along with its integrity, it seems to me.
The easy one would be the first question. To disrupt the pre-Election events and help Joe Biden into the White House in November. That means it is being done by Democrats (with or without the help of the Chinese) but as Justin pointed out, most of the southern States in the US tend to be Republican.
Are Democrats (a minority in those States) deliberately infecting their fellow residents? Are outsider Democrats deliberately visiting the Republican States to spread the virus?
And how are they doing it without getting sick themselves?
On the programme, it was mentioned once and I think again in the Dr Fauci Interview that it was young people going to bars. Now, I thought it was old people who tended to go to bars and young people to music events and cinemas and shopping malls or hang out at the Ice Cream and Soda stores, delis and fast food establishments but what do I know? I haven’t been North America Editor for the BBC.
Did Justin ask Dr Fauci any of these questions? No.
I wonder why?
BBCNews-England offices added in to the job cuts 450
Timbo is going to need a bigger monitor screen for his next Zoom call.
Anyone at the BBC and other lefty media putting 2 + 2 together yet ????
My daily (BBC) quiz is to go on the BBC SPORT page of the website and try and spot as many White British Heterosexual Male sportsmen as possible.
Today there are roughly 70 photographs/articles
Guess how many out of that actually refer to a white British heterosexual sportsMEN playing our national sports such as football cricket rugby tennis golf etc?……….
you would think giving ‘Diversity’ a bit of a chance perhaps 40 or 50 articles would be WHITE/BRITISH based?
The only ones in the top half that I could see were David Moyes and Joey Dunlop. Why is there a different section near the bottom, “Around the UK”?
I made my visit to the webshite as quick as possible.
For some reason every time that I visit the bBbc site I feel a little unclean, a little grubby. I wipe my history of any evidence as quickly as possible as a kind of cleansing.
Another senior BBC appointment that clearly is based on merit demonstrated within the BBC.
And experience of a significant audience base too.
What has happened to Al Beeb ?
Suddenly, only white faces appear on their website news front page ?
Slump in viewing/ratings numbers perhaps ?
I think I’m confused- I think ive seen the BBC’s announcement of job cuts again.
Apparently’inside out ‘is to end and be replaced with’ outside in’ and 450 jobs are to go – presumably to the marxist channel…
Seen elsewhere, scarily true I’m afeared
“Once the mob has every record destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture repainted, every statue and street and building renamed, every date altered, and wiped out any trace of history they won’t stop there …
Their next target will be anyone who remembers that such things existed.”
Highly Selassie
One Love?
‘A statue of former Ethiopian leader Haile Selassie has been destroyed in a park in Wimbledon, south-west London.’
I shot the sheriff?
‘It appears to be linked to unrest in Ethiopia sparked after a popular singer, Hachalu Hundessa, was shot dead earlier this week.’
No woman, no cry?
‘Local resident Andrew Morris told the Press Association he had seen a mostly male group in the park’
‘Many ethnic Oromos say they were oppressed under Haile Selassie’s reign and their language and traditional religion were banned’
Sounds as though we’ve imported complicated ethnic and religious rivalries. It’s beyond my white English comprehension. Perhaps the BBC African service can explain?
Soul rebels?
‘Demonstrations don break out for Ethiopia following the shooting dead of musician Hachalu Hundessa, wey popular because of im political songs.’
Peter Tosh?
‘Atleast three pipo don die during protest for one town and several odas dey seriously injured for violent protests, doctors bin tell di BBC and di protesters bring down di statue of Emperor Haile Selassie papa.’
Now if were to say something like that I reckon I’d be accused of something. Let’s chance it…
For the sake of social cohesion, could we slow down just a tad on the mass migration?
Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing gonna be all right.
I think you deserve an award for that one . Unfortunately i am unfamiliar with the work of Robert Marley – and his work seems to have dried up….. so i cant respond with a suitable title- so i’d better ‘exodus’
‘Ting we orl ‘gree ahn man,
Dem grate BBC,
‘im orl buggerup!
lot of trouble at his funeral I am lead to believe. the coffin kept jammin’
BS gets a brunette moment.
Guess neither read outside the bubble.
It didnt say his brain was showing – as there wasnt one- he ll get credits for his head ache …
Talk Radio Ian Collins is speaking strongly against the BBC and its waste
‘Hundreds arrested as crime chat network cracked’
Have you ever noticed how these big crime busts, which take months and years to investigate, tend to happen at times when the police are in a certain amount of disrepute with the public?
The overnight ratings for the BBC’s Make Me Famous, which was shown last Thursday, are the lowest on record for the 9pm slot on BBC One
840,000 viewers from 66 million
That’s like 95% didn’t watch it
It felt to me like agenda pushing, so I didn’t watch it
Collins said such progs belong on a different channel at a different times.
Actually 5% of 66million is 3.3m
1% is 660K
So 2% of adults watched the drama , 98% not
TOADY Watch #2 – On the same theme
Not so long ago, the BBC were wringing their hands and telling us that it was the BAME communities – which would include Eastern Seaboard, Democrat led/governed Cities and States in the USA who were being hit hardest by Covid-19 – now it is so-called ‘Republican States’. Has Spring Break had a devastating effect on the south? Or was that as some of us suspected and the statistics reflected at the time, complete farmyard manure?
The funny thing is, if you type ‘Covid-19 Infections in Baltimore, Maryland’ into your search engine you can see a graph that rather confirms the BBC’s output on that was indeed bovine excrement. (please note: the graph is for the whole State not the City where the highest BAME population lives.) President Trump is unlikely to win Maryland in November.
But let’s look at a key swing State for the US Presidential Election – one that went with Trump in 2016 – that was not mentioned on TOADY this morning: Ohio. A ‘rust belt’ State, an immigrant State (white, central Europeans – think, film, ‘The Deer Hunter’) and a Roman Catholic/Protestant Episcopalian State, therefore with a predilection to vote Democrat.
Click on the third of the blue clickys and you may select Ohio from a drop down and guess what you get? A spike building in the last week in June.
You would think the former North America Editor for the BBC, TOADY Presenter JustRemainIn Webb would be interested in such things. Maybe his successor, Jon Sopel, would? It was notable that Justin brought in Sopey to comment before the Fauci interview and not afterward, like the TOADY Prog does with Conservative Government Ministers and Laura Part-time.
Sopey informs us: Dr Fauci does not attack people. He doesn’t attack the current President.
Simpsons’ Nelson points at BBC: “Ha ha!”
And on Europe – wasnt there a “ look at sweden – theyve not locked down and as usual they are better than us”…
But nearly 1000 cases reported today ? Ive got to admit im getting a bit tired or numbers but after 4 month of pandemic reliability must have gone up a bit… ?
Yes, Fed; Sweden was – I think – considering a Lockdown recently.
Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged longtime facilitator Ghislaine Maxwell is in {Federal] custody and expected to be charged by federal authorities Thursday.
If she gets bail theyd better keep her away from boats …
My crystal ball says Ghislaine Maxwell didn’t kill herself
Good point, this lot and the entire Epstein island flight list, well…
RT news report on the Maxwell arrest included reference to Epstein with a telling “died in his jail cell” remark, not the usual suicide. Speaking of,
Things getting a little warm there Andrew?? This cannot be something good for you to hear.
Hopefully she will get a plea bargain in return for telling all she knew , or as it is the FBI, saying whatever they want her to say. Some VIP folks like Good ‘Ol Bill are going to be lawyering up just in case she doesn’t commit ‘suicide’. Seriously she will need witness protection because a lot of folks won’t want her singing to the FBI.
Reminds me of the Clint Eastwood film – The Gauntlet . When the bets are on the girl not making it to testify.
Interesting Insights on the BBC
Constant agenda pushing
Here’s a woman who’s bra size outstrips her IQ, intelligent but as thick as pig slurry!
Thick as pig slurry – No way that’s an insult to pig slurry.
It is scary to think she is a teacher…
I get a lot of email from techie outfits that I have made contact with or bought services from in my job. I wrote a couple of weeks back that I had started to unsubscribe from every one that was splashed with political or virtue-signalling messages, “We proudly support Black lIves Matter”, “We proudly support the LGBT community” etc. etc.
I have noticed that the practice seems to have virtually stopped. I’d like to think that as I am probably not alone in blocking that they have got the message that we don’t want this pathetic crap forced down our throats. I haven’t had a political or cause banner on an email for a week or so now.
Hopefully the whole bag of worms will now unravel.
I turned off Firefox messages today, (Options, Home, Snippets).
I wish there was a way to get rid of Huffington Post, from one of my email services. I am sure most users would prefer adverts which would actually bring in revenue, (unless ‘George’ is paying for HP?).
Incidentally embedding YouTube videos here has a couple of downsides:
1. The embedded image probably messes up the page scrolling that many have complained about.
2. It’s hard to find them again! (I was trying to find that young man with the North-East accent that I had seen the day before. My browser history wasn’t helping and Google denied that he existed! David Starkey had never met him either!). Right-clicking and opening the link in a new tab leaves something searchable in the browser history and also lets you read the YouTube comments, a mixed benefit!
How this progresses will be interesting.
Lewis Goodall’s Tweets conflict with the BBC’s guidance to their staff and bring the organisation into further disrepute.
He should be disciplined.
A period of extended shyness from young Lewis would be most welcome.
One imagines he will be promoted and given a raise now as punishment.
David Starkey has upset the Twitter comrades. Expect the BBC to have a go this evening. Meanwhile Cambridge are re-assessing.
Fitzwilliam College
Replying to
Fitzwilliam College does not tolerate racism.
We support and promote freedom of speech in our academic community, but we have zero tolerance of racism.
Dr David Starkey’s recent comments on slavery are indefensible.×900
FitzWilliam college not very big on free speech it seems – I wonder if the governing body will be outsnowflaking each other after they’ve finish kneeling down ……
Looking at FitzWilliam – alumni include – Cressida Dick – Andy burnham – Vince cable – Norman Lamont – ….
GWF quoted the triple tweet
and then this graphic
If you just post the URL of the tweet
It autombeds the tweet and graphic anyway.
Yes it came up on my Twitter
‘Ooh start the outrage bus .. Starkey said “damn blacks” ‘
If my friend didn’t want to come to the pub and says “there’s never any women there”
I might drag him there and with it being full of women say
“see there are loads of damn women here”
my profanity is not directed against women
but directed aginst the idea that they’ll be no women there.
It works with the word people instead of women etc.
Oh I meant to add
“‘Ooh start the outrage bus .. Starkey said “damn blacks” BURN HIM BURN HIM ‘
It says a lot about them that they want to rush
.. to burn him
rather than to #BeKind and pause to see if there is another interpretation.
I saw the interview David Starkey gave and the comments these lefty fascists are using to try to get him into trouble.
He was discussing the slave trade and saying how absurd it was to compare it to Nazism and and to suggest it was a genocide.
He said something along the lines of. “If the slave trade had been a genocide there wouldn’t be so many damned blacks in Africa and elsewhere…”
Now, I think the only part of that sentence they can criticise him for is the use of the phrase “damned blacks.”
However, we all know what these scumbags are like. They trawl through every article, every interview and dissect every syllable and are ecstatic if they come across a nice juicy piece with which to attack anyone on the right.
Meanwhile the BBC continue to use their publicly funded platform to incite racial strife throughout the country.
I’d imagine Starkey is pretty fireproof and he isn’t seen as much as he once was on the telly and Mary Beard is the Beeb’s go to historian.
I can’t think why…
but “white lives dont matter gets you promoted”
go figure
Sadly I never heard her argument. I did not need the double commentary, but would have liked to see just how thick she is.
Perhaps she has a point.
2+2 = 2.
Two cannibals + two missionaries = two cannibals.
Regarding why no action has been taken to terminate the BBC’s outrageous bias and anti-government propaganda, my conclusion is that it has a list of scandals involving people who would normally oppose it ( probably financial or sexual ). It may be a case of Mutually Assured Destruction – if you take down the BBC, it will take down the government.
Donbob – I wonder sometimes whether – apart from the ‘gotchas ‘ on toady or the other political propaganda shows – that MPs really know what the output of the BBC is – do they know that every programme is infected with just one approach to life – one political view – to the exclusion of all else –
Add that bit you mention about MAD and there lies a reason . I don’t see anything else because whatever the PM does there cannot be more hostility because they hate him and his government . I bet they hoped he’d die in the hospital …
During the Sixties and Seventies whilst serving in the RN, we were told that the US had developed another MAD system, this one was used for hunting submarines using aeroplanes fitted with the Magnetic Anomaly Detector. Perhaps we now need a Media Anomaly Detector, one that indicates when the MSM are actually telling the truth.
Bbc Newsbeat
One MP said it “stinks of one rule for them and another rule for the rest of us”
Coronavirus: PM’s father Stanley Johnson criticised for lockdown trip to Greece
What stinks more is pushing this as a story to kids.
No rules were broken. The critique is from a political foe.
That social media combo is pure political propaganda.
Anyone looking for distraction now has a two strander for the Royal Family – Prince with Tourettes 6000 miles away telling us about institutional racist – and closer to home – another Prince being asked to chat to the Feds about his dead rich friend .
A script writers ‘ dream . I wonder if Andrew Windsor will go for the diplomatic immunity option – tricky if he is being looked at as a prosecution witness against Bob Maxwells ‘ little girl …
It gets even more interesting if the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York offers Randy Andy immunity if he testifies fully and honestly as a prosecution witness against Ghislaine Maxwell, otherwise they go after him also, hammer and tongs
According to CNN it is now racist to point out how other minorities (such as Indians, East Asians, etc) do well academically and economically. (Blacks from other countries also tend to better in the US than African Americans).
Presumably that’s because it calls into question BLM’s narrative of ‘systemic racism’ being the cause of African American poverty and crime problems. And might lead people to think the unthinkable, i.e, that social factors within poor AA communities are the problem instead. Which could eventually lead to them fixing those problems, and viewing themselves as less dependent on liberal politicians. Which could then lead to less votes.
CNN is very useful as an electronic birdcage liner; they are the functional equivalent of the Grauniad and just as well known for their probity and gravitas
Yep, same rubbish as the BBC. But as I now live in the US, I have one thing to be thankful for. At least the government doesn’t force me to fund that rubbish. For now at least.
In reference to the David Starkey row.
The Left/Cambridge University/BBC (but I repeat myself) know their ideological opponents and this is just an attempt to blacken (sorry) tarnish his name.
Not “biased” BBC as such, but I’ve just watched “The Joy of Painting” on BBC4.
For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it ran from 1983 to 1994, and each episode featured painter Bob Ross starting off with a blank canvas, and within around 20 minutes he’d painted something lovely using just basic painting skills. No frills, no blue screen, so SFX, just a calm, charming man with a paintboard and a brush.
The reason I mention this is that I used to love this programme back in the day. It’s so simple; there’s no agenda, no political correctness, no bowing to unacceptable politics, no shoe-horning of wokeness and BAME-ness at every opportunity.
It just features a white male who is damn good at what he does, with no agendas. And it’s quite telling in that this is pretty much the only thing I’ve watched on bBBC in the last month.
Bob Ross is a now a meme..the youngsters all know and love him…
Iike you it is only BBC output me and wife watch..
If you want a blood pressure reduction watch Bob and his use of van dyke brown on a fan brush 🙂