Darren Grimes, the young North-Eastener note above, who interviewed David Starkey, asked him what conservatives should do to ‘fight back’ the wokism.
Well according to Guido Fawkes he now says:
Hand on heart, I wasn’t engaged enough in this interview as I should’ve been. It goes without saying that Reasoned UK does not support or condone Dr David Starkey’s words.
I am very new to being the interviewer rather than the interviewee and I should have robustly questioned Dr Starkey about his comments.
However, whether it’s on the BBC, ITV, Sky News or on YouTube, no interviewer is responsible for the views expressed by their guests.
At Reasoned UK you’ll always find unfiltered opinions, allowing the audience to make up their own minds -that said, in future – I can promise that there will be a host who is much more willing to challenge those opinions.
You had to chance lad and you capitulate!
It looks like he has edited the YouTube video too.
Jim – someone put the link to the 45 minute interview and i watched it – i also summarised key points .
If the kid who did the interview is now washing his hands of his own interview he should go get another job – something ‘ unskilled ‘ like being an autocue reader at the BBC . He is obviously shabby . And im bloody angry about his response .
I suggest that nothing from ‘ reasoned UK ‘ be put on this site again ….
Makes one wonder if young inexperienced Darren Grimes is going to turn up working for the BBC …..
It is more than annoying given his closing remarks about ‘fighting back’. If he can’t defend a bit of emphatic speech what hope is there for him? No doubt he is worried about the mob getting him banned from YouTube, if Stefan Molyneux can have 14 years of videos deleted in the last week then what chance has this lad?
I am pretty certain that there is a decent majority in this country that longs for roll-back of this creeping Marxism but everyone who appears to stand up just as quickly walks back.
Nigel Farage started to defend the country but the ‘RoP’ was too much for him, too difficult to separate the followers from the cult, so the cult continues to advance.
Julia Hartley-Brewer came on the scene, standing up for ‘common sense’ and in the last month she has retreated like an Italian tank.
You’re ‘Fedup2’ well I am fed up too. Is there no-one to take the battle to these people, better still a dual-flanking pincer movement that will cut out this cancer in the West?
I have said it before but it bears repeating, in the next few months a new ‘Dark Age’ will be upon us, Donald Trump will no longer exist, he might still live in the White House but the only people able to hear him will those standing outside his window.
Our only hope is that Trump brings in new anti-trust laws and breaks the media hegamony.
Yes it’s a shame that he is washing his hands of the interview as you put it. Starkey did say that ‘a lot of damned blacks did survive in Africa ‘ which I think was unjustified after all that is where the black diaspora originates. But the interviewer is very young and his questions do reflect a mind much more open than the usual interviewers we see on MSM. I hope that in future if he challenges views like those expressed by Starkey he equally robustly challenges views such as White Lives not mattering as expressed by Prof Gopal . But at present it looks like he is running scared of the Wokist mob.
JimS I wouldn’t condemn Grimes for editing the Youtube vid
although I think Starkey was not actually being racist, cos the curse was probably against the argument not them
You can’t risk having a vid that woke-mob (wrongly) interpret as racist on YouTube cos they’ll take your account down.
…and every step emboldens them to keep coming for you.
Then we get stupidity like this:
Joining a chorus of criticism, Olivia Marks-Woldman, chief executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust said: ‘To suggest a genocide did not take place because some of those who were persecuted survived is dangerous, damaging and completely reprehensible.
‘Some of those persecuted survived’ – good grief. The Atlantic Slave Trade took manufactured goods to Africa that were exchanged for Africans by Africans, that were shipped to the American colonies to be sold for cotton and tobacco that paid for the manufactured goods. The slaves were merchandise, they had value, which is exactly Starkey’s point, and his use of ‘damn’ is really directed at morons like Olivia Marks-Woldman, who probably didn’t get further than hearing ‘genocide’, a word that Jews-as-victims probably think they own.
Agenda pushing tonight
21:00 Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners
1/2 Historian David Olusoga uncovers the untold stories of Britain’s slave owners. (R)
22:00 Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners
2/2 David Olusoga traces the propaganda war waged between pro-slavery lobby and abolitionists. (R)
23:00 Whoever Heard of a Black Artist? Britain’s Hidden Art History
21:00 Channel4 The School That tried to End Racism ..part II
Looking on the bright side hardly anyone will watch it Stew. Shame really, bbc4 used to show the odd gem, wouldn’t know now as don’t watch anymore. Who else but the brain washed converts consume bbc these days?
Does anyone actually watch this Wokist 24/7 barrage? I think that the BBC is shelling empty space . Or perhaps they just want to signal their undoubted virtue even if no one watches. This would be a good thing because every time a few hundred thousand LF payers switch the BBC off or change channels through disgust, annoyance or just plain boredom, it helps with the cause of defunding the foul corporation.
Bristol statue toppler is invited to donate to an anti slavery charity and attend a meeting on the future of statues.
That will learn him!
His solicitor said
“Thank you to all you guys who shared the advice about legal assistance from solicitors and barristers for those that attended the protests.
“As a direct result of this I successfully secured an out of court disposal yesterday for a client interviewed under caution who was caught on CCTV pushing the Edward Colston statue into Bristol harbour.
“They will receive a caution with the following conditions attached:
1. Attend a meeting in Bristol to discuss the future of all statues in the city with full details to be confirmed at a later date.
2. Make a donation to an anti-slavery charity.
“The client was delighted and it was satisfying to see the Avon and Somerset police show a common sense approach for a potentially inflammatory situation.”
Ah the very same police service that appeared on a video a couple of days back at a show in Somerset.
Firstly I thought it must be a spoof ( please let it be so) because it appeared to be a reunion of YMCA but with them all in Police uniforms. Really had no idea if they were male or female officers as they looked like they could be one of any of the 98 genders the BBC tell us exist today.
I could not watch it to the end to see if it ended with a flourish of ‘the knee’ as I felt an urgent need to be sick.
It did however remind me of the novel by Fredrick Forsyth ‘ The Forth Protocol’ in which Filby was preparing a dossier for the politburo as to the limited effect that the unions were having in destabilising the UK and that the new way forward would be to destroy the bond between the Police and the public alongside destroying the British Armed forces.
Clearly Forsyth knew something was up all those years ago.
When I was a boy I used to read children’s comic magazines and one of them featured “The Keystone Cops”. These days,apparently, we now have to teach our children the merits of the “Curtsying Cops”
Obviously, Blair’s Marxist place men are still in control.
It is becoming easier to see why the Nazis managed to get themselves elected after the fiasco of The Weimar Republic.
It seems that the young folks today are taught about the horrors of Nazism but nothing about WHY the German people found such an ideology attractive.
As an old git sitting in the departure lounge of life I feel that our great country is living through a Weimar Britain period.
Ah the very same police service that appeared on a video a couple of days back at a show in Somerset.
Firstly I thought it must be a spoof ( please let it be so) because it appeared to be a reunion of YMCA but with them all in Police uniforms. Really had no idea if they were male or female officers as they looked like they could be one of any of the 98 genders the BBC tell us exist today.
I could not watch it to the end to see if it ended with a flourish of ‘the knee’ as I felt an urgent need to be sick.
It did however remind me of the novel by Fredrick Forsyth ‘ The Forth Protocol’ in which Filby was preparing a dossier for the politburo as to the limited effect that the unions were having in destabilising the UK and that the new way forward would be to destroy the bond between the Police and the public alongside destroying the British Armed forces.
Clearly Forsyth knew something was up all those years ago.
Couldn’t make it up?? The mass media have got away with their Marxist psychobabble for years.
My old dad once said to me ” Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see” Well, to me, when we view our TV screen, we are looking but most of the time we do not see, so why bother?
A walk in the local hills teaches me SO much more.
Apparently- for some reason – listening numbers for LBC have fallen off a cliff . Ive never listened to LBC . I dont do talk programmes – just not me .
Apparently the rush for the door coincided with Mr Farage being sacked . Time to get a souvenir LBC mug – it might be worth something if LBC isnt there any more …
‘The two youths from Hackney, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were convicted of racially or religiously aggravated assault by beating following a two-day trial at Stratford Magistrates’ Court which concluded on Thursday (June 25).’
‘The defendants were identified through CCTV images which were circulated in a media appeal and led to the teenagers attending a police station where they were arrested.’
Mmm. The family does have some unfortunate form in this area. Robert Maxwell took an impromptu assisted ‘swimming lesson’ whilst sailing on his yacht, the Lady Gislaine. Allegedly.
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Getting it About Right. Everyone knows the theory that when we grieve we go through a number of stages. They’ve been referenced in TV series from Star Trek to Sesame Street. Thousands of academic papers have been written applying them to a huge range of emotional experiences, from athletes dealing with career-ending injuries to BBC staff ‘losing’ their iPhones just before Xmas.
They’re also used by management tools… by big companies from Boeing to IBM – and uniquely funded ones like the State BBC – to help shepherd their employees through periods of change to the dinner plate. With mint sauce. And they’re applicable to all of us during the coronavirus pandemic, says grief expert David Kessler. Even BBC staff, deemed essential for doing nothing of value yet paid no matter what. “Acceptance, as you might imagine, is where the power lies,” he says. “We find control in acceptance. I can wash my hands. I can keep a safe distance. I can learn how to work virtually. Then get fired, start a petition, get rehired on even more. Like usual. Unique. Minted”.
At around 0650 Mischal useless Hussein ‘interviews’ their Far Left chum Caroline Lucas, lobbing her the easy ball of criticising the government’s green agenda. The interview in essence consisted of ‘Caroline, please rant against the government for 5 minutes and I promise not to interrupt’ followed 5 minutes later by ‘many thanks’.
Then at 0710 Justremainin Webb interviews someone from the care sector. Now I don’t mind admitting the government left the care sector out to dry during the pandemic. But that’s not the issue here. The issue here is that Justremainin actually enunciates his agenda, spoon-feeding the interviewee with, in terms,, ‘what I’m getting is is that the government announces things but then does not deliver. Is this your experience’ . The interviewee unsurprisingly agrees.
So it’s permitted left wing polemic followed by s***-stirring, all inside 20 minutes.
Knaves of Wegativity. Thanks for confirming my decision to turn off the radio. Should I listen to the prime interview? I wonder who will do it? Mishal the Torturer?
Funny thing is that when I chat to ‘normal’ people in the main they say the Govt has done a reasonably good job…usually followed by …no matter what they do somebody will criticise…..yes the BBC
Yesterday I managed 50+15 mins of the prog and came away smiling. This a.m. I had to hit the off switch around the 6.15 a.m. mark as I had a feeling of impending Waves of Negativity would be coming from the Knaves of Wegativity a.k.a. the BBC. However, I noticed that Justin teetered very close to the ‘is America being deliberately infected’ and asking if the Democrats are behind it.
So close. But no. No big questions asked. There was also a hint that the Democratic Party could be disadvantaged despite the last very publicised victim being a Republican, former Presidential nominee candidate, and friend of President Trump – Herman Cain.
Justin Webb did mention that it was young people who appear to be most affected by the spread or are spreading the Covid-19 virus. Young people would tend to vote how, Justin?
One of the risible* fact checking outfits has ‘analysed’ the cause du jour of woke media:
What we know about Covid-19 inequalities among people from minority ethnic backgrounds
Last month, Public Health England published a review showing that people from minority ethnic groups are more likely to get severely ill and die from Covid-19 than those from the White population in the UK.
Some minority ethnic groups might be more exposed to the virus as they are more likely to live in densely populated areas. They’re also more likely to work in occupations like health and social care.
The spread of coronavirus has also been more rapid in cities and in areas with higher deprivation. People from minority ethnicities are statistically more likely to live in these areas, and are also more likely to live in crowded housing and multi-generational households. In these circumstances, social distancing is more challenging.
Health conditions including diabetes, heart conditions, kidney disease and obesity, are also more prevalent in some minority ethnic groups—and these conditions put people at a higher risk of severe Covid-19.
We’ve looked at what is known and, perhaps more importantly, what is still unknown about inequalities in Covid-19 outcomes across minority ethnic groups in the UK.
And amazingly still made to look better by the bbc’s spinning.
*Here is how they managed to headline a presumed guilty special to stir up BLM idiots more:
“We know of no successful convictions of a police officer for the killing of someone in police custody since 1971“
Starting with this tweet, pure Labour crisis management apology.
NEW: Sir @Keir_Starmer has told @BBCNews he regrets his use of language in calling the Black Lives Matter movement a “moment” and has apologised for his words. Clarifying his position, he said he meant this was a “defining moment” and a turning point in race relations.
don’t you just love it when the left ideologies eat the left ideologies
First KS takes the knee – without seeing what it stands for…
Then he tries to distance himself from the organisation but support the ‘moment’
but of course he used the wrong word – somebody is offended..now where does he go? oh let’s try to clarify…
The trouble is KS is used to dealing with intelligent wordsmiths with at least an iota of logic – now he is dealing with the baying mob of dumbness –
Taking the knee was his first mistake …once you are down, dumbness descends..
That pic of him on his knees, looking like a complete prat, is being touted as ‘Tosser of the year’ in all normal blogs and news outlets, (not Albbeebbbdchfgt or the LBGtrauniad)!
To think that any idiot looking like that thinks he deserves to ‘lead’ a country is really taking the p***!
“First KS takes the knee – without seeing what it stands for…”
Thats probably why he stopped ‘lawyering’ – too many losses for clients. But hey, ‘let’s take up politics’ – I can be no good but that is passed by, by my peers
Let’s be clear. The TV media is trying to force feed the public a narrative it knows is biased and essentially untrue. Your setting of the #OvertonWindow atm is making trust in the media lower than that of politicians. You really need to examine yourselves. At least Boris elected https://t.co/r3c7mLgRGB
She realised that complaining about greater openness was clearly demonstrating she was upset about the media loosing some if its ability to falsify. pic.twitter.com/nGMdnnWqdC
Stew – I hope ‘control’ includes further refusal to engage in gotchas and bipassing the MSMBBC – which can then be happy chatting with friendly Greens , Gays , coloureds , Marxists , Democrats , Muslims, and it’s many other favoured friends – any one else is “far right” of course .
So, great news, the pubs are opening tomorrow! A time to celebrate…to meet up with old friends… Hooray! Well… maybe not…
Looking at all the ludicrous rules, restrictions and regulations we’ll be expected to follow I’m not going to be visiting any time soon…
For most pubs you will need to book in advance to gain access. You’ll be greeted by someone, wearing a mask and gloves (obviously) and escorted to your table. You won’t be permitted to visit the bar, or to walk into proscribed areas…like towards the dartboard or pool table. Only one person a time can visit the loo and your stay in the bar will be allotted strictly to a maximum of 120 minutes.
Even as you’re sitting there quaffing your brew someone will be hovering over you with a disinfectant spray. Ah, it sounds absolutely delightful!
You know, I’m a wild sort of free spirit. I enjoy rambling about historical parts of London and just “popping in for one” …or two. Do you remember those halcyon days when you could just see a nice looking pub and think to yourself, “Hmm, I just fancy a pint…”
Trust the BBC. They’ve just interviewed the wussiest publican in Britain who’s actually complaining that pubs are going to open on a Saturday. “Doesn’t sound very sensible to me” the old misery moans. “It gets really busy on a Saturday.” Oh dear…
There then follows a long diatribe about keeping people safe… social distancing…”keeping the internal environment clean” (that’s what they’re now calling the bar!). This feels more like visiting the bloody dentist than going for a beer. And as much fun.
You know what, I don’t think I’ll bother.
I’ll stay indoors, crack open a can and wash my hair.
Oh Jesus Christ – does the BBC never stop?. Every time I switch on the word racist screams out – yesterday it was charities are racist..this morning R4 motor racing is racist and sexist and now doorbell racism -(an opportunity to promote Black Booker winner and knock POTUS….bingo) maybe we should start a separate thread where we can list every time the BBC reports a ‘racist’ story
sorry to hog this morning. BBC haven’t reported on this (well I haven’t watched much) but nothing on radio –
What might be the common factor on this covid map?
The third world is officially back in the mosques on Saturday but I bet there’ll be plenty of covid traffic today ….. must be due for more Norwegian activity ..
A Downing Street source said the new format- similar to that used by the White House in the US – is expected to be brought in by October.
The new briefings would take place each weekday in the afternoon.
It is understood there will be a competitive process to recruit an experienced broadcaster to host the question-and-answer sessions.
It will be interesting to see which ‘experienced broadcaster’ is selected.
Exactly Stew. It’s a common expression that many ordinary people use. No doubt the majority of those complaining haven’t bothered to listen to the whole interview or to put it into context anyway.
The question of the higher rate of incidence of the chinese virus infection with blacks and asian minorities?
The ‘Full Fact’ organisation has taken a look: https://fullfact.org/health/Covid-19-inequalities-minority-ethnicities/
Where they live is a breeding ground for the virus. Other health susceptibilities will not help. No mention of the Elephant in the Room: their inability to process Vit D compared to white skinned. Evidence in my book? The 33% Blacks; 26% Asians (less black) statistic you will see in the info.
All in all then, a sure sign of, “White Privilege” if I’m not mistaken. For the blacks and asians concerned there is only one unfailing remedy. The route South.
Radio Leicester now has Gujarati language service
tweets head of BBC Midlands
With Leicester in a local lockdown, I'm really proud we’ve launched Gujarati bulletins on @BBCSounds.
It's spoken by more than 10% of people in the city – & means important info is reaching as many people as possible during this public health crisis.https://t.co/zsvVN1yADg
Yep and that will be whose fault? Why doesn’t the culture issue get raised?
The use of Gujarati by the BBC is also, to my mind, mendacious as it sounds like it is aimed at all Indians – whereas in reality it is spoken by most of the people from Pakistan who live in Leicester
How many of you have met a Hindu or Sikh that couldn’t speak English?
News channels are clearly scouting around for any ‘hard done by’ black stories, and Sky have found a gem !
A fighter called Kelvin Falwaz was trafficked as a 14 year old from Nigeria, and found himself in England. Went into care, went to college and got good grades, went to into fighting and represented England. Couldn’t go abroad though, had had no passport as he isn’t a British citizen. So for 16 years been fighting ‘the government’ who have now given him leave to stay for 30 months. As a consequence he cant work, so pays no taxes, cant access benefits or nhs. Adam Boulton asked how he survives – “by begging from the public and mentoring young people”. Hmmmm, yet he is interviewed wearing gold chains and sitting in a very smart and modern apartment. I suppose by appearing on the tele, him and his solicitor are hoping for some sympathetic soul to ‘fight his corner’.
To repeat the concept I noted in a previous comment made concerning Prof Starkey, the same applies to Oliver – the Left know their ideological opponents and will use any opportunity to trash them.
Have a laugh over the current dire situation the West (and particularly the US) find’s itself in.
When I need to see through the seriousness of current Marxist efforts, no better than, ‘Salty Cracker’. I particularly liked the one where the Molotov Cocktail bomber managed to set himself alight.
Seeing themselves as intellectual maestros, they are of the view that it is their duty to "protect" an "oppressed BAME community" and lecture economically disadvantaged white Brits on "white privilege".
The case against former British soldier Daniel Burke, who was accused of wanting to fight against Islamic State alongside Kurdish militia in Syria, has been dropped at the Old Bailey along with charges against two co-defendants, Paul and Samuel Newey
FFS they’ve kept him jail for one year already
Jake “The banner it’s about the girl who was killed in the park in Bolton, such not mentioned .. seems cos she’s white”
“It’s not NOT black lives DON’T matter
It’s a question : Do White Lives matter” (seems they don’t in the instances he quotes)
TR so the journos camped outside your house for 7 days
yet this 20 year old girl setting fire to the Cenotaph flag has had her name withdrawn.
In the last 2 minutes TR talks about FA backtracking after they researched the Marxist political stance of BLM.
Something strange, that video is on an anti-TR account
but not on his official account
I’m guessing TR put it up then took it down for re-editing
expect I new version soon on tr.news .
Stew yes – but im busy reading volume two of the rules for going to the pub.
Annex 2 says it is illegal to buy ‘rounds ‘ but the definition of ‘rounds’ is getting me .
I feel a bit deprived because it seems that the sport of watching tight people trying to avoid buying their round could be adversely affected . But at least there wont be any ‘nancyboy’ drinks breaks .
And it seems you have to leave every two hours thus encouraging pub crawls
Neil Oliver BEFORE the Starkey interview tweeted support for him
Scottish papers have published an article
So there’s now a campaign to remove Oliver from National Trust Scotland.
..actually the campaign already existed
they are just using Starkey now as leverage
A newspaper report suggests that our President, Neil Oliver endorsed Dr Starkey’s comments. This is untrue – Mr Oliver has confirmed to us that the social media post cited as evidence dates from before Dr Starkey’s inappropriate and inaccurate comments were made. (2/2)
— National Trust for Scotland (@N_T_S) July 3, 2020
Under “Technology”, the BBC webshite manages to slip in yet another warning about their ‘Far-Right’ bogeyman.
The real danger during the US nationwide looting, arson, murder and mayhem wasn’t the rioters, apparently, but some shadowy far-right group who posted a song on TikTok.
Ooo, scary.
Incidentally, seeing that couple defending their home with a semiautomatic is a reminder why Americans are determined to keep their guns. In many States the authorities were unwilling or unable to defend citizens and their homes.
I wonder if the luvvies have realised that now you cannot have a man play a women’s part and vice versa. Yes, they’re coming for you now.
Pantomime season not too far away so all the ‘dames’ and ‘principal boy characters’ need to be culturally correct otherwise it will be some kind of ‘ist or ‘ism. (They will find one)
Also, isn’t it disgusting that somebody found guilty of criminal damage by defacing and throwing one of our statues into a dock got away with it yet someone peeing near a ground level plaque because all the public toilets were locked gets 2 weeks in prison.
I hope somebody is keeping a list of these bent judges.
Maxine Peake was more than clumsy
the Independent published the trope
The shouty mob didn’t pile on against the Indy
Starkey was off the cuff
Grimes failed to clean the edit
The shouty mob piled on a them both
Grimes got on his knees to apologise
.. the BBC then kicked him in the face while he was kneeling
I have contacted my legal team to look into taking action against the BBC for their comments yesterday. Many were upset with my interview on social media yesterday, but that does not excuse what the BBC has said about me in their activist editorialising. pic.twitter.com/Rrevasfht8
Not sure what to make of that RD, was it deliberate do you think? makes Tyson Fury sound like the king of tact, if only we had another Enoch. Anyway, the real controversy is how did Darren Grimes get demoted and only merit a bbc ‘right wing’ label? A step in the right, ahem, direction or was the ‘far’ just forgotten.
Ah but it is okay to say white lives don’t matter – for that you get promoted…pure hypocrisy
Cambridge just like all the other Universities – a hotbed of Left wing ideology where discussion is only allowed if they agree with it..
I’m trying to reply to @Roland but the threads are a bit screwed up
There is an update Starkey has resigned and stripped of other post
It’s a good job we are talking about IMPORTANT things like the Reading killings, Glasgow attack
and the Orwellian justice/media systems in this country whereby metroliberals rule over the working class. Prime example being the BBC
INSTEAD of talking about ONE WORD in a podcast
… that no metroliberals were offended by cos they didn’t listen to it anyway.
So how have they dragged us down this rabbit hole ?
It looks like PR trickery to me
Grimes is implicit in the new DefundBBC campaign
and had just proved himself fair by saying Dr Priyamvada should not suffer repercussions for her “white lives” tweet.
I imagine that the BBC/labour mob have it in for Grimes
So they have been scouring for dirt.
Starkey can’t be a genuine racist otherwise they’d have had him already.
So they have taken this one sentence which does seem bad if it is cut out on its own and framed
and then built it into this huge campaign against Grimes/Starkey.
As ever they’ll throw every trick like framing, like malicious editing to built their desired thing which is to build an OUTRAGEBUS.
Outragebus is a genuine PR trick that works to wrench away the talk from other issues, to the topic that hurts your political opponents.
That outragebus is fed by existing human-Twitterbot army
.. but actually the real public even blacks don’t really care
they care about the real white & black stabbers.
Look it’s like school bully gangs The dominant school bully gang is red/green gang &
… at the BBC & courts the headmasters also support that gang.
So here’s naive Grimes saying.. ‘yeh I’m going to bring my lawyer’
It’s useless, cos the playground is already stacked against him.
Anyone with experience in Cambridge would have either seen or heard Elizabeth Anscombe – one of its leading philosophers – in action. In true Cambridge style the word ‘damn’ frequently rolled of her tongue. Woe betide anyone who tried to best her in a debate.
‘That’ s a damn fool question’ she would respond
and frequently silence her opponents.
And the racist interpretation of Starkey’s comment is nothing but ‘damned nonsense’.
Anscombe of course was a product of Wittgenstein whose account of the meaning of words once echoed down the corridors: ‘Don’t ask for the meaning of a word, look at it’s use’.
How sadly Cambridge has lost its respect for the richness of our language.
Times Radio this morning was exactly the same as any program on the BBC’s R4.
A discussion on Diversity in the work place led by Gloria DePiero, a former Labour politician who strongly believes in diversity in the workplace. She was joined by former left wing labour politician Harriet Harman, who strongly believes in diversity in the workplace, along with a black tv producer from the left who strongly believes in diversity in the workplace.
Not once did dawn on any of these 3 women that was a lack of, what’s the word, ah yes, Diversity in the work place during the discussion on Diversity in the work place.
This 43 minute video by Amazing Polly is interesting and thought provoking. Is our treatment because of this virus situation akin to torture? Polly gives a convincing argument for it to be torture on many counts.
It’s also refreshing to watch and listen to a white person, with a large amount of intellectual rigour, talk about a subject without submerging it in waves of emotions.
Not impressed
Amazing Polly there is like David Icke
using some good points to lead you on a path
Which doesn’t necessarily stand up to close analysis.
She uses this word “torture” as her framing.
‘People’s behaviour under Covid is often compliant’
‘ People who have been tortured are often compliant’
So what ? that doesn’t prove that there is an organised conspiracy
and that anything is planned to be like torture.
Lots of things can make us compliant , like organised religion, like biased media etc.
Then when it comes to it
There are lots of examples of people not being compliant to Covid message
eg the way they go on BLM marches , and even looting etc.
Stew “Lots of things can make us compliant , like organised religion, like biased media etc.” – quite right. Can add a few to the list – political tradition (“my Grandparents voted Labour, my Parents voted Labour so I vote Labour”) or an emotional response to an event (death of Princess Diana, terrorist killings) or a desire to appear virtuous or to lead others in appearing virtuous, etc.. Am sure the list is a long one.
1:40pm I dipped into Vine
talking about Covid outbreaks in abattoirs
.. only in the last 5 mins did a caller mention that most workers are foreigners
so loads of distances rules not obeyed
They have to give each other lifts to work
can’t afford any time off.. so go to work etc.
In the preamble the female droid autocue reader interviewed the CEO of Heathrow Airport . Started negatively – how have the govt handled things? A No reply – avoided the question
The interview went on like this and ended on the ‘flying is bad ‘ tack – he basically hit the BBC droid for six about opening up air routes .
The BBC Marxists don’t like flying – I do – and in a week I’ll be at Heathrow ….
I only caught this because i want to see the PMs briefing – then its ‘switch of the BBC’ – which I feel I need to wash my hands after seeing it ….
… I should think a lot of white BBC droids are worried for their jobs as the BBC gets more coloured faces on the TV – not chinese types though….
The conviction and sentencing of a white woman convert drug addict Islamic terrorist convert – who got 14 years for planning to kill as many as us kuffers as she could is – I suppose – receiving blanket coverage across the MSMBBC .
You might remember she was planning to blow up St Paul’s cathedral and then suicide bomb the London Underground .
She got life with a minimum of 14 years meaning she could be put when she is 50 . Execution would be much fairer .
As I’ve said to others before, we live in a world where the execution of the guilty is abhorrent to many if not the majority of the population, but the murder of the innocent ( the abortion of babies) is not only accepted but demanded as a right.
Info – I disagree with Guido – the BBC should be wasting money on regional accent types – the more money it wastes – the weaker and more dispensable it gets …. and if 450 people lose their jobs and demoralise the BBC further – even better .
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 The implosion in Reform is the stuff of worst nightmares, almost as though there are hidden dirty trick forces at…
atlas_shruggedMar 14, 04:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 > remit of liaising with the authorities over Muslim issues. And all because they are special. Which reminds me of…
tomoMar 13, 23:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Wrong costume…. https://twitter.com/truckdriverpleb/status/1899844358599311702
tomoMar 13, 22:57 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699 [img]https://i.ibb.co/XxHFRP5W/chrome-lvnbs-Ino-Da.png[/img]
tomoMar 13, 22:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ripx4nutmeg/status/1900276204302729699
JonathanRMar 13, 22:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 The BBC mentioned in this interesting interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtS14ZO8Q-E&ab_channel=CBNNews
ZephirMar 13, 21:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 Claiming confusion regarding “carrots and sticks” is no defense.
Lefty WrightMar 13, 20:53 Midweek 12th March 2025 Al I had no idea that there were so many bricklayers,carpenters, plumbers etc.etc. among our Labour MPs. OK boys, girls…
Darren Grimes, the young North-Eastener note above, who interviewed David Starkey, asked him what conservatives should do to ‘fight back’ the wokism.
Well according to Guido Fawkes he now says:
You had to chance lad and you capitulate!
It looks like he has edited the YouTube video too.
Oh FFS there is an expression “never apologise to the woke-mob”
.. cos when you do they twist that as well
Of course there is a small chance that Starkey was genuinely be contemptuous of blacks
His clarification would be handy.. but he’s not on Twitter.
Jim – someone put the link to the 45 minute interview and i watched it – i also summarised key points .
If the kid who did the interview is now washing his hands of his own interview he should go get another job – something ‘ unskilled ‘ like being an autocue reader at the BBC . He is obviously shabby . And im bloody angry about his response .
I suggest that nothing from ‘ reasoned UK ‘ be put on this site again ….
Makes one wonder if young inexperienced Darren Grimes is going to turn up working for the BBC …..
It is more than annoying given his closing remarks about ‘fighting back’. If he can’t defend a bit of emphatic speech what hope is there for him? No doubt he is worried about the mob getting him banned from YouTube, if Stefan Molyneux can have 14 years of videos deleted in the last week then what chance has this lad?
I am pretty certain that there is a decent majority in this country that longs for roll-back of this creeping Marxism but everyone who appears to stand up just as quickly walks back.
Nigel Farage started to defend the country but the ‘RoP’ was too much for him, too difficult to separate the followers from the cult, so the cult continues to advance.
Julia Hartley-Brewer came on the scene, standing up for ‘common sense’ and in the last month she has retreated like an Italian tank.
You’re ‘Fedup2’ well I am fed up too. Is there no-one to take the battle to these people, better still a dual-flanking pincer movement that will cut out this cancer in the West?
I have said it before but it bears repeating, in the next few months a new ‘Dark Age’ will be upon us, Donald Trump will no longer exist, he might still live in the White House but the only people able to hear him will those standing outside his window.
Our only hope is that Trump brings in new anti-trust laws and breaks the media hegamony.
Yes it’s a shame that he is washing his hands of the interview as you put it. Starkey did say that ‘a lot of damned blacks did survive in Africa ‘ which I think was unjustified after all that is where the black diaspora originates. But the interviewer is very young and his questions do reflect a mind much more open than the usual interviewers we see on MSM. I hope that in future if he challenges views like those expressed by Starkey he equally robustly challenges views such as White Lives not mattering as expressed by Prof Gopal . But at present it looks like he is running scared of the Wokist mob.
JimS I wouldn’t condemn Grimes for editing the Youtube vid
although I think Starkey was not actually being racist, cos the curse was probably against the argument not them
You can’t risk having a vid that woke-mob (wrongly) interpret as racist on YouTube cos they’ll take your account down.
And you take a step back and a step back…
…and every step emboldens them to keep coming for you.
Then we get stupidity like this:
‘Some of those persecuted survived’ – good grief. The Atlantic Slave Trade took manufactured goods to Africa that were exchanged for Africans by Africans, that were shipped to the American colonies to be sold for cotton and tobacco that paid for the manufactured goods. The slaves were merchandise, they had value, which is exactly Starkey’s point, and his use of ‘damn’ is really directed at morons like Olivia Marks-Woldman, who probably didn’t get further than hearing ‘genocide’, a word that Jews-as-victims probably think they own.
Starkey loves to be provocative. He is very clever but he does have a waspish tongue and aims to hurt and shock at times.
Agenda pushing tonight
21:00 Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners
1/2 Historian David Olusoga uncovers the untold stories of Britain’s slave owners. (R)
22:00 Britain’s Forgotten Slave Owners
2/2 David Olusoga traces the propaganda war waged between pro-slavery lobby and abolitionists. (R)
23:00 Whoever Heard of a Black Artist? Britain’s Hidden Art History
21:00 Channel4 The School That tried to End Racism ..part II
Looking on the bright side hardly anyone will watch it Stew. Shame really, bbc4 used to show the odd gem, wouldn’t know now as don’t watch anymore. Who else but the brain washed converts consume bbc these days?
Does anyone actually watch this Wokist 24/7 barrage? I think that the BBC is shelling empty space . Or perhaps they just want to signal their undoubted virtue even if no one watches. This would be a good thing because every time a few hundred thousand LF payers switch the BBC off or change channels through disgust, annoyance or just plain boredom, it helps with the cause of defunding the foul corporation.
So … bits of America seeing more 20 -44 covid victims – and being urged to take the chinese virus seriously – now wash your hands with soap…..
Bristol statue toppler is invited to donate to an anti slavery charity and attend a meeting on the future of statues.
That will learn him!
His solicitor said
“Thank you to all you guys who shared the advice about legal assistance from solicitors and barristers for those that attended the protests.
“As a direct result of this I successfully secured an out of court disposal yesterday for a client interviewed under caution who was caught on CCTV pushing the Edward Colston statue into Bristol harbour.
“They will receive a caution with the following conditions attached:
1. Attend a meeting in Bristol to discuss the future of all statues in the city with full details to be confirmed at a later date.
2. Make a donation to an anti-slavery charity.
“The client was delighted and it was satisfying to see the Avon and Somerset police show a common sense approach for a potentially inflammatory situation.”
Ah the very same police service that appeared on a video a couple of days back at a show in Somerset.
Firstly I thought it must be a spoof ( please let it be so) because it appeared to be a reunion of YMCA but with them all in Police uniforms. Really had no idea if they were male or female officers as they looked like they could be one of any of the 98 genders the BBC tell us exist today.
I could not watch it to the end to see if it ended with a flourish of ‘the knee’ as I felt an urgent need to be sick.
It did however remind me of the novel by Fredrick Forsyth ‘ The Forth Protocol’ in which Filby was preparing a dossier for the politburo as to the limited effect that the unions were having in destabilising the UK and that the new way forward would be to destroy the bond between the Police and the public alongside destroying the British Armed forces.
Clearly Forsyth knew something was up all those years ago.
But the cops oop north don’t do fancy stuff….er do they?
Thanks G.F.W.
Please have mercy I’m still queasy from the first lot!
When I was a boy I used to read children’s comic magazines and one of them featured “The Keystone Cops”. These days,apparently, we now have to teach our children the merits of the “Curtsying Cops”
Obviously, Blair’s Marxist place men are still in control.
It is becoming easier to see why the Nazis managed to get themselves elected after the fiasco of The Weimar Republic.
It seems that the young folks today are taught about the horrors of Nazism but nothing about WHY the German people found such an ideology attractive.
As an old git sitting in the departure lounge of life I feel that our great country is living through a Weimar Britain period.
Ah the very same police service that appeared on a video a couple of days back at a show in Somerset.
Firstly I thought it must be a spoof ( please let it be so) because it appeared to be a reunion of YMCA but with them all in Police uniforms. Really had no idea if they were male or female officers as they looked like they could be one of any of the 98 genders the BBC tell us exist today.
I could not watch it to the end to see if it ended with a flourish of ‘the knee’ as I felt an urgent need to be sick.
It did however remind me of the novel by Fredrick Forsyth ‘ The Forth Protocol’ in which Filby was preparing a dossier for the politburo as to the limited effect that the unions were having in destabilising the UK and that the new way forward would be to destroy the bond between the Police and the public alongside destroying the British Armed forces.
Clearly Forsyth knew something was up all those years ago.
You just couldn’t make this kind of sh*te up
Couldn’t make it up?? The mass media have got away with their Marxist psychobabble for years.
My old dad once said to me ” Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see” Well, to me, when we view our TV screen, we are looking but most of the time we do not see, so why bother?
A walk in the local hills teaches me SO much more.
Is that a joke? It sets the law at nought..
FFS and lad hands himself in for peeing alongside memorial gets 2 weeks in prison….the law is an ass…
Twitter watch
Apparently- for some reason – listening numbers for LBC have fallen off a cliff . Ive never listened to LBC . I dont do talk programmes – just not me .
Apparently the rush for the door coincided with Mr Farage being sacked . Time to get a souvenir LBC mug – it might be worth something if LBC isnt there any more …
It’s getting more and more like the BBC.
I think the Global Company that owns it can be called Glow Ball – Meaning they make bollox shine.
video BlackLivesMatter.com to ActBlue to the Democrat election campaign
But CBS produced a counter video
Crimesquash Update
Remember that Rabbi duffed up in Hackney? No, nor do we here at Crimesquash. But if you must know…
‘Two teenage brothers have been convicted of attacking a rabbi who had been visiting the country from Israel.’
‘The youths, aged 15 and 16, approached the victim when he was dressed in traditional Jewish attire.’
‘The two youths from Hackney, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were convicted of racially or religiously aggravated assault by beating following a two-day trial at Stratford Magistrates’ Court which concluded on Thursday (June 25).’
‘The defendants were identified through CCTV images which were circulated in a media appeal and led to the teenagers attending a police station where they were arrested.’
Oh, just in case you were wondering….
Yeah, so next time you hear about the figures for racially or religiously aggravated hate crime, just bear this one in mind.
But remember our catchphrase here at Crimesquash
– Keep ’em seald !
Better call Jewish Lives Matter and organise a month of riots.
BBC radio news at midnight just said:
“…after racist comments by David Starkey”.
They didn’t even bother to say “alleged racist comments”.
Unbelievable. We need to complain about this.
He is damned whatever he damnwell said.
He also has a damned working class background which means that he must a racist. Aren’t they all?
“Ghislaine Maxwell charged in US”
Rumours are she could implicate top Democrats from Clinton down. Let’s hope she doesn’t get suicided in prison.
“Let’s hope she doesn’t get suicided in prison”.
Mmm. The family does have some unfortunate form in this area. Robert Maxwell took an impromptu assisted ‘swimming lesson’ whilst sailing on his yacht, the Lady Gislaine. Allegedly.
Another day of mainly white faces on Al Beeb’s news website ? Something has caused change at AL Beeb?
BBC Moaning Emole
The rise and fall of the six stages of BBC
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Getting it About Right. Everyone knows the theory that when we grieve we go through a number of stages. They’ve been referenced in TV series from Star Trek to Sesame Street. Thousands of academic papers have been written applying them to a huge range of emotional experiences, from athletes dealing with career-ending injuries to BBC staff ‘losing’ their iPhones just before Xmas.
They’re also used by management tools… by big companies from Boeing to IBM – and uniquely funded ones like the State BBC – to help shepherd their employees through periods of change to the dinner plate. With mint sauce. And they’re applicable to all of us during the coronavirus pandemic, says grief expert David Kessler. Even BBC staff, deemed essential for doing nothing of value yet paid no matter what. “Acceptance, as you might imagine, is where the power lies,” he says. “We find control in acceptance. I can wash my hands. I can keep a safe distance. I can learn how to work virtually. Then get fired, start a petition, get rehired on even more. Like usual. Unique. Minted”.
Read full article >
Lucy On Cloud Nine With Jonny Diamond
Glaring bias on Toady.
At around 0650 Mischal useless Hussein ‘interviews’ their Far Left chum Caroline Lucas, lobbing her the easy ball of criticising the government’s green agenda. The interview in essence consisted of ‘Caroline, please rant against the government for 5 minutes and I promise not to interrupt’ followed 5 minutes later by ‘many thanks’.
Then at 0710 Justremainin Webb interviews someone from the care sector. Now I don’t mind admitting the government left the care sector out to dry during the pandemic. But that’s not the issue here. The issue here is that Justremainin actually enunciates his agenda, spoon-feeding the interviewee with, in terms,, ‘what I’m getting is is that the government announces things but then does not deliver. Is this your experience’ . The interviewee unsurprisingly agrees.
So it’s permitted left wing polemic followed by s***-stirring, all inside 20 minutes.
Hah! Sluff, glad I missed that.
Knaves of Wegativity. Thanks for confirming my decision to turn off the radio. Should I listen to the prime interview? I wonder who will do it? Mishal the Torturer?
Funny thing is that when I chat to ‘normal’ people in the main they say the Govt has done a reasonably good job…usually followed by …no matter what they do somebody will criticise…..yes the BBC
TOADY Watch #1 – Not so much TOADY today
Yesterday I managed 50+15 mins of the prog and came away smiling. This a.m. I had to hit the off switch around the 6.15 a.m. mark as I had a feeling of impending Waves of Negativity would be coming from the Knaves of Wegativity a.k.a. the BBC. However, I noticed that Justin teetered very close to the ‘is America being deliberately infected’ and asking if the Democrats are behind it.
So close. But no. No big questions asked. There was also a hint that the Democratic Party could be disadvantaged despite the last very publicised victim being a Republican, former Presidential nominee candidate, and friend of President Trump – Herman Cain.
Justin Webb did mention that it was young people who appear to be most affected by the spread or are spreading the Covid-19 virus. Young people would tend to vote how, Justin?
I wonder? Justin did not endeavour to inform me.
One of the risible* fact checking outfits has ‘analysed’ the cause du jour of woke media:
What we know about Covid-19 inequalities among people from minority ethnic backgrounds
Last month, Public Health England published a review showing that people from minority ethnic groups are more likely to get severely ill and die from Covid-19 than those from the White population in the UK.
Some minority ethnic groups might be more exposed to the virus as they are more likely to live in densely populated areas. They’re also more likely to work in occupations like health and social care.
The spread of coronavirus has also been more rapid in cities and in areas with higher deprivation. People from minority ethnicities are statistically more likely to live in these areas, and are also more likely to live in crowded housing and multi-generational households. In these circumstances, social distancing is more challenging.
Health conditions including diabetes, heart conditions, kidney disease and obesity, are also more prevalent in some minority ethnic groups—and these conditions put people at a higher risk of severe Covid-19.
We’ve looked at what is known and, perhaps more importantly, what is still unknown about inequalities in Covid-19 outcomes across minority ethnic groups in the UK.
And amazingly still made to look better by the bbc’s spinning.
*Here is how they managed to headline a presumed guilty special to stir up BLM idiots more:
“We know of no successful convictions of a police officer for the killing of someone in police custody since 1971“
Starting with this tweet, pure Labour crisis management apology.
#CCBGB for Croxy.
Surprised Lewis hasn’t asked her out yet.
don’t you just love it when the left ideologies eat the left ideologies
First KS takes the knee – without seeing what it stands for…
Then he tries to distance himself from the organisation but support the ‘moment’
but of course he used the wrong word – somebody is offended..now where does he go? oh let’s try to clarify…
The trouble is KS is used to dealing with intelligent wordsmiths with at least an iota of logic – now he is dealing with the baying mob of dumbness –
Taking the knee was his first mistake …once you are down, dumbness descends..
That pic of him on his knees, looking like a complete prat, is being touted as ‘Tosser of the year’ in all normal blogs and news outlets, (not Albbeebbbdchfgt or the LBGtrauniad)!
To think that any idiot looking like that thinks he deserves to ‘lead’ a country is really taking the p***!
(Make the word ‘prat’, a ‘deluded prat’!)
“First KS takes the knee – without seeing what it stands for…”
Thats probably why he stopped ‘lawyering’ – too many losses for clients. But hey, ‘let’s take up politics’ – I can be no good but that is passed by, by my peers
I think Scooby Doo is less confused than Keir ‘Der’ Sturmer ????
Shaggy would probably do a better job of running the Met as well.
Timbo better sort out Newsnight.
Unless the bbc is using BS and fellow student union activists as Hunt the Queen of Spades shocktroops.
This is what she thinks is impartial.
Quoting Bunter.
Now says it ‘has been deleted or is not visible’.
Oh, dear.
screenshot of deleted tweet
Stew – I hope ‘control’ includes further refusal to engage in gotchas and bipassing the MSMBBC – which can then be happy chatting with friendly Greens , Gays , coloureds , Marxists , Democrats , Muslims, and it’s many other favoured friends – any one else is “far right” of course .
#1degreeofseparation using… a fellow activist hack.
Headline his statement as her opinion.
Not using “quotes”
Quietly deleting having done all the above to her list.
So, great news, the pubs are opening tomorrow! A time to celebrate…to meet up with old friends… Hooray! Well… maybe not…
Looking at all the ludicrous rules, restrictions and regulations we’ll be expected to follow I’m not going to be visiting any time soon…
For most pubs you will need to book in advance to gain access. You’ll be greeted by someone, wearing a mask and gloves (obviously) and escorted to your table. You won’t be permitted to visit the bar, or to walk into proscribed areas…like towards the dartboard or pool table. Only one person a time can visit the loo and your stay in the bar will be allotted strictly to a maximum of 120 minutes.
Even as you’re sitting there quaffing your brew someone will be hovering over you with a disinfectant spray. Ah, it sounds absolutely delightful!
You know, I’m a wild sort of free spirit. I enjoy rambling about historical parts of London and just “popping in for one” …or two. Do you remember those halcyon days when you could just see a nice looking pub and think to yourself, “Hmm, I just fancy a pint…”
Trust the BBC. They’ve just interviewed the wussiest publican in Britain who’s actually complaining that pubs are going to open on a Saturday. “Doesn’t sound very sensible to me” the old misery moans. “It gets really busy on a Saturday.” Oh dear…
There then follows a long diatribe about keeping people safe… social distancing…”keeping the internal environment clean” (that’s what they’re now calling the bar!). This feels more like visiting the bloody dentist than going for a beer. And as much fun.
You know what, I don’t think I’ll bother.
I’ll stay indoors, crack open a can and wash my hair.
These days I’ve got lots of it…
Our pub has turned itself into a village shop, and is going great guns!
Local beers, local dairy, local bakers etc .!
Sod Tesco and Waitrose, just keep local, and save on petrol too! And a decent welcome from two lovely people as well!
Oh Jesus Christ – does the BBC never stop?. Every time I switch on the word racist screams out – yesterday it was charities are racist..this morning R4 motor racing is racist and sexist and now doorbell racism -(an opportunity to promote Black Booker winner and knock POTUS….bingo) maybe we should start a separate thread where we can list every time the BBC reports a ‘racist’ story
“maybe we should start a separate thread where we can list every time the BBC reports a ‘racist’ story”
How long have we got…?
sorry to hog this morning. BBC haven’t reported on this (well I haven’t watched much) but nothing on radio –
What might be the common factor on this covid map?
Similar to the places of ‘grooming’ ?
Darwinism in action, keep sneaking off to the mosques and cricket games please, we won’t mind as long as you keep to yourselves
is depression a factor now the schools are closed ?
I couldn’t possibly comment..but I am sure the BBC will analyse it and come up with poverty
The third world is officially back in the mosques on Saturday but I bet there’ll be plenty of covid traffic today ….. must be due for more Norwegian activity ..
Surely outside of the highest ranking Londonistan?
You can be 100% certain that the pertinent hanging question will NEVER be asked by the BBC. even though it’s so bloody glaringly obvious.
Rag trade?
France : Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has resigned . Has Al Beeb covered this yet ? Nowt on their website.
Well, if he can’t decide whether to call himself Edward or Phillip he’s probably no loss. Hein?
Radio 4 been covering it all day, with analysis of the implications for Macron. Wake up at back!
UK government plans to hold daily White House-style televised press briefings
A Downing Street source said the new format- similar to that used by the White House in the US – is expected to be brought in by October.
The new briefings would take place each weekday in the afternoon.
It is understood there will be a competitive process to recruit an experienced broadcaster to host the question-and-answer sessions.
It will be interesting to see which ‘experienced broadcaster’ is selected.
A wonderful opportunity for the, “experienced broadcaster” to add their flourish or carry out their subtle embroidery.
Re Starkey
“I can’t find my *damn* keys”
… Is that an expression of hatred/racism towards keys ?
Or is the context that “damn” is typically used to express frustration with a situation ?
Of course if you introduce the story with *framing* that it was “racist” … then people will see it that way
Exactly Stew. It’s a common expression that many ordinary people use. No doubt the majority of those complaining haven’t bothered to listen to the whole interview or to put it into context anyway.
Two from Carl Vernon. Very amusing, and with the requisite cynicism:
The question of the higher rate of incidence of the chinese virus infection with blacks and asian minorities?
The ‘Full Fact’ organisation has taken a look:
Where they live is a breeding ground for the virus. Other health susceptibilities will not help. No mention of the Elephant in the Room: their inability to process Vit D compared to white skinned. Evidence in my book? The 33% Blacks; 26% Asians (less black) statistic you will see in the info.
All in all then, a sure sign of, “White Privilege” if I’m not mistaken. For the blacks and asians concerned there is only one unfailing remedy. The route South.
Radio Leicester now has Gujarati language service
tweets head of BBC Midlands
The corollary is surely, they don’t speak English and now, there is zero reason to learn.
Yep and that will be whose fault? Why doesn’t the culture issue get raised?
The use of Gujarati by the BBC is also, to my mind, mendacious as it sounds like it is aimed at all Indians – whereas in reality it is spoken by most of the people from Pakistan who live in Leicester
How many of you have met a Hindu or Sikh that couldn’t speak English?
News channels are clearly scouting around for any ‘hard done by’ black stories, and Sky have found a gem !
A fighter called Kelvin Falwaz was trafficked as a 14 year old from Nigeria, and found himself in England. Went into care, went to college and got good grades, went to into fighting and represented England. Couldn’t go abroad though, had had no passport as he isn’t a British citizen. So for 16 years been fighting ‘the government’ who have now given him leave to stay for 30 months. As a consequence he cant work, so pays no taxes, cant access benefits or nhs. Adam Boulton asked how he survives – “by begging from the public and mentoring young people”. Hmmmm, yet he is interviewed wearing gold chains and sitting in a very smart and modern apartment. I suppose by appearing on the tele, him and his solicitor are hoping for some sympathetic soul to ‘fight his corner’.
Well in the current climate every programme on the BBC which mr oliver appeared in should be ‘taken down ‘ using the you tube model .
Judging by how often he popped up on the BBC that is a lot . Do i get woke points?
To repeat the concept I noted in a previous comment made concerning Prof Starkey, the same applies to Oliver – the Left know their ideological opponents and will use any opportunity to trash them.
darn I only mean to include the second tweet
In fact the Nats have been running that campaign to get Oliver sacked from National Trust Scotland for weeks now
Have a laugh over the current dire situation the West (and particularly the US) find’s itself in.
When I need to see through the seriousness of current Marxist efforts, no better than, ‘Salty Cracker’. I particularly liked the one where the Molotov Cocktail bomber managed to set himself alight.
Sensible Rakib Ehsan
The case against former British soldier Daniel Burke, who was accused of wanting to fight against Islamic State alongside Kurdish militia in Syria, has been dropped at the Old Bailey along with charges against two co-defendants, Paul and Samuel Newey
FFS they’ve kept him jail for one year already
New 16 min Jake Hepple interview #Burnley
The “swear chucking” comment was from 2011
He’s 24 now, so he was under 16 them.
Jake “The banner it’s about the girl who was killed in the park in Bolton, such not mentioned .. seems cos she’s white”
“It’s not NOT black lives DON’T matter
It’s a question : Do White Lives matter” (seems they don’t in the instances he quotes)
TR so the journos camped outside your house for 7 days
yet this 20 year old girl setting fire to the Cenotaph flag has had her name withdrawn.
In the last 2 minutes TR talks about FA backtracking after they researched the Marxist political stance of BLM.
Something strange, that video is on an anti-TR account
but not on his official account
I’m guessing TR put it up then took it down for re-editing
expect I new version soon on tr.news .
@FedUp2 can you delete my Neil Oliver post here please
and I’ll repost it without the first tweet
Stew yes – but im busy reading volume two of the rules for going to the pub.
Annex 2 says it is illegal to buy ‘rounds ‘ but the definition of ‘rounds’ is getting me .
I feel a bit deprived because it seems that the sport of watching tight people trying to avoid buying their round could be adversely affected . But at least there wont be any ‘nancyboy’ drinks breaks .
And it seems you have to leave every two hours thus encouraging pub crawls
Neil Oliver BEFORE the Starkey interview tweeted support for him
Scottish papers have published an article
So there’s now a campaign to remove Oliver from National Trust Scotland.
..actually the campaign already existed
they are just using Starkey now as leverage
Under “Technology”, the BBC webshite manages to slip in yet another warning about their ‘Far-Right’ bogeyman.
The real danger during the US nationwide looting, arson, murder and mayhem wasn’t the rioters, apparently, but some shadowy far-right group who posted a song on TikTok.
Ooo, scary.
Incidentally, seeing that couple defending their home with a semiautomatic is a reminder why Americans are determined to keep their guns. In many States the authorities were unwilling or unable to defend citizens and their homes.
“TikTok’s Boogaloo extremism problem”
Pushback on CancelCulture
tweeted by SuzanneMoore, retweeted by Neil Oliver
I wonder if the luvvies have realised that now you cannot have a man play a women’s part and vice versa. Yes, they’re coming for you now.
Pantomime season not too far away so all the ‘dames’ and ‘principal boy characters’ need to be culturally correct otherwise it will be some kind of ‘ist or ‘ism. (They will find one)
Also, isn’t it disgusting that somebody found guilty of criminal damage by defacing and throwing one of our statues into a dock got away with it yet someone peeing near a ground level plaque because all the public toilets were locked gets 2 weeks in prison.
I hope somebody is keeping a list of these bent judges.
That Covid map deserves the headline
Those “MEN” again
Some intelligent discussion about Trump for a change, by two heavy-hitters.
Towards the end they suggest there’s method in Trump’s strategy of waiting before striking back.
Maxine Peake was more than clumsy
the Independent published the trope
The shouty mob didn’t pile on against the Indy
Starkey was off the cuff
Grimes failed to clean the edit
The shouty mob piled on a them both
Grimes got on his knees to apologise
.. the BBC then kicked him in the face while he was kneeling
Apologies if already posted.
OT in CECUO this weekend.
In other news.
Not sure what to make of that RD, was it deliberate do you think? makes Tyson Fury sound like the king of tact, if only we had another Enoch. Anyway, the real controversy is how did Darren Grimes get demoted and only merit a bbc ‘right wing’ label? A step in the right, ahem, direction or was the ‘far’ just forgotten.
Ah but it is okay to say white lives don’t matter – for that you get promoted…pure hypocrisy
Cambridge just like all the other Universities – a hotbed of Left wing ideology where discussion is only allowed if they agree with it..
Out of interest, how many people comprises a legal team?
It sounds quite a formidable force to be reckoned with and possibly very costly to keep on standby.
Or is it the nearest no win no fee entity?
John – I’ve looked in the mirror and my legal team was looking back at me … my illegal team was also there .
Puffed up pompous term ….
I’m trying to reply to @Roland but the threads are a bit screwed up
There is an update Starkey has resigned and stripped of other post
It’s a good job we are talking about IMPORTANT things like the Reading killings, Glasgow attack
and the Orwellian justice/media systems in this country whereby metroliberals rule over the working class. Prime example being the BBC
INSTEAD of talking about ONE WORD in a podcast
… that no metroliberals were offended by cos they didn’t listen to it anyway.
So how have they dragged us down this rabbit hole ?
It looks like PR trickery to me
Grimes is implicit in the new DefundBBC campaign
and had just proved himself fair by saying Dr Priyamvada should not suffer repercussions for her “white lives” tweet.
I imagine that the BBC/labour mob have it in for Grimes
So they have been scouring for dirt.
Starkey can’t be a genuine racist otherwise they’d have had him already.
So they have taken this one sentence which does seem bad if it is cut out on its own and framed
and then built it into this huge campaign against Grimes/Starkey.
As ever they’ll throw every trick like framing, like malicious editing to built their desired thing which is to build an OUTRAGEBUS.
Outragebus is a genuine PR trick that works to wrench away the talk from other issues, to the topic that hurts your political opponents.
That outragebus is fed by existing human-Twitterbot army
.. but actually the real public even blacks don’t really care
they care about the real white & black stabbers.
Look it’s like school bully gangs The dominant school bully gang is red/green gang &
… at the BBC & courts the headmasters also support that gang.
So here’s naive Grimes saying.. ‘yeh I’m going to bring my lawyer’
It’s useless, cos the playground is already stacked against him.
Anyone with experience in Cambridge would have either seen or heard Elizabeth Anscombe – one of its leading philosophers – in action. In true Cambridge style the word ‘damn’ frequently rolled of her tongue. Woe betide anyone who tried to best her in a debate.
‘That’ s a damn fool question’ she would respond
and frequently silence her opponents.
And the racist interpretation of Starkey’s comment is nothing but ‘damned nonsense’.
Anscombe of course was a product of Wittgenstein whose account of the meaning of words once echoed down the corridors: ‘Don’t ask for the meaning of a word, look at it’s use’.
How sadly Cambridge has lost its respect for the richness of our language.
Cambridge is also very quiet on its relationship with China…money talks and Universities are not what they used to be.
Academic rigour is no longer de rigueur
Times Radio this morning was exactly the same as any program on the BBC’s R4.
A discussion on Diversity in the work place led by Gloria DePiero, a former Labour politician who strongly believes in diversity in the workplace. She was joined by former left wing labour politician Harriet Harman, who strongly believes in diversity in the workplace, along with a black tv producer from the left who strongly believes in diversity in the workplace.
Not once did dawn on any of these 3 women that was a lack of, what’s the word, ah yes, Diversity in the work place during the discussion on Diversity in the work place.
Presenter @GloriaDePiero
bio : “Times Radio presenter. BBFC Non Exec Director.
Judge, Orwell Journalism Prize 2020. Ex Labour MP ”
There was zero discussion on Twitter
At 10am there are already 3 simultaneous woman’s hour shows
R4 WH, BBC2 Victoria, R5 Emma Barnett
I dipped in at 1pm 2 male presenters sounded like Women’s hour in drag
This 43 minute video by Amazing Polly is interesting and thought provoking. Is our treatment because of this virus situation akin to torture? Polly gives a convincing argument for it to be torture on many counts.
It’s also refreshing to watch and listen to a white person, with a large amount of intellectual rigour, talk about a subject without submerging it in waves of emotions.
Not impressed
Amazing Polly there is like David Icke
using some good points to lead you on a path
Which doesn’t necessarily stand up to close analysis.
She uses this word “torture” as her framing.
‘People’s behaviour under Covid is often compliant’
‘ People who have been tortured are often compliant’
So what ? that doesn’t prove that there is an organised conspiracy
and that anything is planned to be like torture.
Lots of things can make us compliant , like organised religion, like biased media etc.
Then when it comes to it
There are lots of examples of people not being compliant to Covid message
eg the way they go on BLM marches , and even looting etc.
Stew “Lots of things can make us compliant , like organised religion, like biased media etc.” – quite right. Can add a few to the list – political tradition (“my Grandparents voted Labour, my Parents voted Labour so I vote Labour”) or an emotional response to an event (death of Princess Diana, terrorist killings) or a desire to appear virtuous or to lead others in appearing virtuous, etc.. Am sure the list is a long one.
1:40pm I dipped into Vine
talking about Covid outbreaks in abattoirs
.. only in the last 5 mins did a caller mention that most workers are foreigners
so loads of distances rules not obeyed
They have to give each other lifts to work
can’t afford any time off.. so go to work etc.
Govt Briefing
In the preamble the female droid autocue reader interviewed the CEO of Heathrow Airport . Started negatively – how have the govt handled things? A No reply – avoided the question
The interview went on like this and ended on the ‘flying is bad ‘ tack – he basically hit the BBC droid for six about opening up air routes .
The BBC Marxists don’t like flying – I do – and in a week I’ll be at Heathrow ….
I only caught this because i want to see the PMs briefing – then its ‘switch of the BBC’ – which I feel I need to wash my hands after seeing it ….
… I should think a lot of white BBC droids are worried for their jobs as the BBC gets more coloured faces on the TV – not chinese types though….
Quite a few do like flying. A lot.
As a matter of interest, now ‘Americast’ is being heralded as back, what’s the deal with Jon and his Fiat 500 and the C-150 packing BS’ ego?
If they are still in their respective basements, what was the necessity before given £TVL and Gretan consequences?
The conviction and sentencing of a white woman convert drug addict Islamic terrorist convert – who got 14 years for planning to kill as many as us kuffers as she could is – I suppose – receiving blanket coverage across the MSMBBC .
You might remember she was planning to blow up St Paul’s cathedral and then suicide bomb the London Underground .
She got life with a minimum of 14 years meaning she could be put when she is 50 . Execution would be much fairer .
As I’ve said to others before, we live in a world where the execution of the guilty is abhorrent to many if not the majority of the population, but the murder of the innocent ( the abortion of babies) is not only accepted but demanded as a right.
From Guido:-
BBC’s Most Absurd Waste of Public Cash
Info – I disagree with Guido – the BBC should be wasting money on regional accent types – the more money it wastes – the weaker and more dispensable it gets …. and if 450 people lose their jobs and demoralise the BBC further – even better .