BBC Music Magazine calls for Rule, Britannia! to be dropped from Last Night of the Proms. Perhaps a rousing chorus of The Red Flag or maybe some stirring Soviet marching songs instead.
BBC Music magazine columnist calls for ‘crudely jingoistic’ songs Rule, Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory to be scrapped from Last Night of the Proms because they are ‘insensitive’ in wake of BLM movement.
I was at the Last Night the year Mrs Thatcher sorted the Argentinians over the Falklands. We all sang Rule Brittania with great fervour and pride, but it was nothing to do with Africans to America.
They want to be allowed to participate on unequal but highly advantageous terms. Additionally they want compensation for events of two hundred years ago. Well we all would wouldn’t we! If I can prove that my ancestors were meanly treated labouring class can I get compo too?
You notice that we have now moved away from conscious racism to the unconscious kind. This exactly mirrors the move about thirty years ago from poverty to relative poverty. The Wokist left can only exist if they have ‘victims ‘ , real or imaginary, to use to drive their foetid agenda. As it gets more difficult to find real examples of poverty or racism they shift the goal posts in order to keep a steady stream of victims. However, the BLM campaign is much more dangerous for society than was the insane idea that there must be equality of outcomes. The Wokists are sowing the seeds of racial divisions that could explode into resentment and then violence at any moment. They are playing with matches in a gunpowder factory.
Isn’t there a commie/fascist organisation called Hate not Hope? Or is that only in the real world and not the Bizarro world the haters have created for us where everything is inverted?
Bloody hell ! In the previous thread i posited that the National Anthem and National Flag would be up for banning .
And now you say ‘ land of hope and glory ‘! May i suggest that there is no ‘ last night of the Proms ‘ – merely a ‘ penultimate night ‘ -( but see logic problem )
I really hope the campaign gets some ‘momentum ‘ behind it – sooner or later there is to be a collective ‘enough is enough ‘ and ‘you’ve got to be F******g kidding ‘ or similar words which will send out “a powerful message “ ….
They’re coming after Jesus. Apparently, Jesus wasn’t perfect, according to Don Lemon on CNN.
I’d love him to tell muslims that their self styled prophet wasn’t perfect. And see how long he lasted in his job. And how long before there was a fatwa out on him.
The BBC is to go ahead with a plan to end free TV licences for most over-75s. Now, only those in a household where someone receives Pension Credit will still get a free licence.
Is the TV licence fee outdated? How do you think it should be funded?
The BBC constantly attack the elderly calling them the racist generation and write story after story on their children’s channel to indoctrinate their grandchildren to hate them and their generation.
When you think that the awful BBC has been funded up to the hilt by normal law-abiding citizens for many years, and now wants to tax them to death, you wonder why?
The answer really is (somewhere near anyhow), that as a losing ‘business’, with fewer ‘customers’, it needs to get more kids to subscribe, and is failing miserably, like any big lump of tax-funded bunch of wasters eventually does.
As the kids don’t pay the tax, (their parents do – if ever), it’s inevitable that their ‘business’ model shows that they will be out of the running within quite a short time, unless Boris bottles the problem that most UK citizens have with the dire ‘production’ and fake news it spurts out.
Even Senora O’Blene wants to cancel the fee, (we have TVs in places where they can easily be seen), but we’ve agreed to wait until we’ve seen how badly they deal with Her Maj and Price Phil’s inevitable demise – sad that it will be, and then not bother to watch again.
Charlie’s boncing won’t even get a look in either.
Thanks a bunch BBC, you are an expensive crowd of losers, and have lost any credibility in the minds of normal British people. Your values have plummeted to the baseline of absurdity.
I came up with a scheme for self-funding and am sure I posted it on here a long time ago. In brief:
– BBC carries on charging standard Licence Fee (LF) for length of existing Charter period (Cp)
– BBC creates a Trust Fund (TF) with viewers and listeners as Trustees
– BBC makes 10% economies, year on year for Cp, and transfers monies saved to the TF
– BBC calls for voluntary donations from rich luvvies and anyone else to add to the TF pot
– BBC sells off minor assets and adds proceeds to TF
At end of Charter period, the BBC should have enough income coming from the investments in the TF to make a substantial cut in the LF. Further economies are made and the LF is reduced to £20 or £25.
Eventually, the BBC should be able to do away with the LF entirely and run the operation entirely on investment income.
The BBC is the only UK registered corporation to NOT pay any Corporation Tax on its earnings. Effectively its tax free. And as there is no VAT on its TV levy, that is again tax free. The problem for the BBC is avoiding paying any taxes (at all) when they started to encourage PPP schemes to ‘overpay’ performers. When HMG clamped down on that practice and the BBC lost the case, they paid the all the PAY tax they should have paid. And then started again with BBC Worldwide which is a private limited company, owned by the BBC…. to avoid paying…. tax in the UK and keep it all secret, payments and pensions for the media who no doubt also run a nice line in charities, publicly funded, of course. And then there is the ‘property’ portfolio to manage and BBC BritBox to support if it all goes wrong.
Ever wondered whether you could do this? Yes you can. With the right technology and support, you really can. I would not be here without the hard work of the News Development Team @1KatieSL@SazLambley Ian George and Anna Mischon – The narrative IS changing
If Pres Trump loses the election, we will be back in the EU. America will be back in the Climate AGW scam, and the West will be paying reparations to Africa for life.
Ban Land of hope and glory? I should think so….
Land of hope and glory, mother of the free – Hope no longer exists and Glory is suggestive of repression. Mother ? What about Father and same sex parents. Free ? Musn’t forget slavery.
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?- Exclusion of people from other lands.
Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set? -Insulting to persons larger than average size.
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet?- Obviously no consideration of other religions.
You can’t Concrete, as you’re made up of aggregates (the BBC only deals with dross – i.e. the lowest of the low, not the average), and cement, (the BBC hate people who stick together and are hard-working).
Sorry, but they’re the rules, but I like the idea of the sea, which will soon be ours when we ditch the blasted EU and their fishing theft!
One thing the Johnny Depp hearing has uncovered, is the totally dysfunctional world “celebrities” inhabit.
Now I won’t go so far as to suggest that any of the participants have made any political statements, but I woud suggest that they are somewhat typical of the Hollywood tinseltown elites which constantly berate the rest of us over the people we choose to give political support to.
I understand that many of them have hard lives, but that is actually proof that adversity breeds charcter (of one sort or another) and that through adversity the human spirit triumphs. Through that vision they could provide a shining example. Yet they don’t. Many now despite their success, and their hopelessly chaotic lives chose to focus on the most negative facets they can find, claim victim status, and then blame everyone else for not seeing the world the way they see it.
And now these same people are attacking ordinary hard working people over their democratic choice to elect Donald Trump as President!
We see who you really are Hollywood! Drug taking alcoholic unstable attention seeking nutters who are lucky they can make it from morning to dinner in one piece – and many don’t – another death this week as yet undetermined cause.
Why does the media give them airtime other than the fact that they too agree with the drug addled alcohol steeped views they have.
One thing the Johnny Depp hearing has uncovered, is the totally dysfunctional world “celebrities” inhabit.
Now I won’t go so far as to suggest that any of the participants have made any political statements, but I woud suggest that they are somewhat typical of the Hollywood tinseltown elites which constantly berate the rest of us over the people we choose to give political support to.
I understand that many of them have hard lives, but that is actually proof that adversity breeds charcter (of one sort or another) and that through adversity the human spirit triumphs. Through that vision they could provide a shining example. Yet they don’t. Many now despite their success, and their hopelessly chaotic lives chose to focus on the most negative facets they can find, claim victim status, and then blame everyone else for not seeing the world the way they see it.
And now these same people are attacking ordinary hard working people over their democratic choice to elect Donald Trump as President!
We see who you really are Hollywood! Drug taking alcoholic unstable attention seeking nutters who are lucky they can make it from morning to dinner in one piece – and many don’t – another death this week as yet undetermined cause.
Why does the media give them airtime other than the fact that they too agree with the drug addled alcohol steeped views they have.
Off topic here, often watch this sites Soviet videos, recently the host contracted Covid and accepts he didn’t help himself. For anyone still on the fence its worth watching, I think it has more impact than all the government/ bbc Covid blurb put together.
Good vid. Certainly food for thought. I’m definitely in the blasé camp. I took it seriously initially but I have possibly fallen into the trap of not giving a shit because of the statistics. Like him I definitely hate being told what to do and have naturally rebelled against orders. Thanks for posting.
Interesting piece – I’m surprised he could gabble on for 12 minutes. I know someone who had covid , was on a machine for 6 days – and has been recovering for 2 months …. he’s about 55 – no previous med trouble … but still weak ….with a weak voice and not much physical strength ….
.. I take all the precautions I can – all the time …..
Not sure that the pensioners issue is the same as ours. They want free TV tax, we want it abolished for all.
This is not the same thing.
Forcing the working age people to pay even more so pensioners can enjoy something they haven’t paid for is in direct contradition of the wish to destroy the compusory tax as it is now and to make it voluntary.
I think it’s the same thoughtful – it puts the BBC in a very unpopular light – even with the densest – and if it is made to pay then its revenue is further reduced which should put further strain on its output – and demoralise those working for it who think the might be for the chop next … who cares how it is destroyed as long as it goes …
I think the licence fee should not be given to the BBC. If it has to exist it should be a fund apportioned to all broadcasters based on the popularity of the broadcaster. The BBC would end up with a midge of a percentage despite their claims that they are the best.
My view is that the licence fee shouldn’t exist at all. The BBC should live or die on its own commercial merits. If it continues to churn out shite, then it deserves to die. If it ups its game then people will be prepared to pay some sort of subscription towards it.
The current system – where everyone who watches TV on any channel has to subsidise the BBC – is unfair, outdated and unenforceable.
I agree – but I’m a schemer and I can’t see a sudden revolutionary ‘reform ‘ to the BBC – meaning extinction . I think it has to be a slow death – bits cut off gradually – with a final change to subscription at the time of the next charter review which in 2027 . I know it’s a long 7 years and I’d want to see the BBC broken up now – but it’s a matter of reality ….
The TV Licence is archaic and should be abolished. There should be no discussion about it whatsoever!
In simple terms it is synonymous with buying your food from Asda and having to pay a tax to Tesco every time you shop. Why on earth do you have to pay Al Beeb if you view an independent tv channel?
Let it fund itself – those that watch and support Al Beeb can pay for it.
So, I think we all knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. They’ve never been happy with the Prom’s anyway. All those white folk playing instruments that take decades of dedication to learn how to master. And as for Elgar’s rousing finale of Pomp and Circumstance, it makes their flesh positively crawl.
No, they’d much rather listen to some truly talented “musician” like Stormzy, moronically mumbling his gormless rap lyrics and stumbling about to a backing track. They drool as he rants about racism and applaud deliriously as this cretinous thug chunters obscenities.
Do you know he spent the best part of five minutes “composing” some of these masterpieces. Hmm, as long as that…
The BBC despise everything wholesome about Britain. Anything that we take pride in they loathe and belittle. Any success our nation has will either be ignored or underplayed. Any failure will be mocked, magnified and ridiculed.
They cheerlead for our enemies, loathe our friends and despise our culture.
They’re embarrassed by our past and certainly dangerous to our future.
They’re like a cultural cancer, eating away at us from the inside.
It was mooted in recent years that the Proms were ‘hideously white’, well I’m pretty certain that the Albert Hall doesn’t discriminate when selling tickets, so if it IS hideously white, then the BAMEs have only themselves to blame. And recently there have been a plethora of themed evenings which have included black musicians, so all a load of bull…… then !
I go to a couple of Proms each year and when I look in the Hall there are usually a few people from the Far East, one or two from the Indian subcontinent and at most one or two who are of African or Afro-Caribbean heritage. You know as I have written this, I have no idea whether I have used the politically correct terms but I am sure people know exactly what I am talking about. But I have never seen signs up in the Albert Hall saying, ‘blacks not welcome “. Now I can accept that the BBC may spend part of their £100 million to make the proms more accessible but that it may involve losing my ticket money. But how is the BBC going to get an old white woman like me to the Nottinghill Carnival?
You can no more force people of any race to enjoy a Prom than you can make them enjoy visiting a stately home or the Lake District. Perhaps these behaviour modificators employed by the Government are working on ways to nudge BAMES to change their tastes.
This was a NINETEEN EIGHTY description of the UK by an organisation which was concerned about the effects of nuclear war on Britian and whether we were prepared for it .
The organisation which said we were overcrowded in 1980 , forty years ago before the mass illegal immigration experienced today was
The BBC .
That’s what’s in the introduction by a more youthful Jeremy Paxman in Panorama’s 1980 programme If The Bomb Drops .
When and why did they change their mind about whether Britian was full or not ?
“Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery. In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.
Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).”
Question: who thinks that Trump allowed the riots, occupations and mayhem to go unchallenged for a time to act as a warning to Americans: “See? This is what Democrat-control leads to, and you can expect more of the same if they win the November election”.
Then he sends in the National Guard (or threatens to) and restores order, allowing him to present himself as the patriotic law-and-order candidate in November.
FFS! Sky News headlines today,investigation by Sky have found that skin specialists find it difficult to detect skin problems on people with dark skin.And Sky have found that over 200 serving police officers have criminal convictions.First story to show BAME people that even the medical profession is against them.Second story to smear and undermine the police.
Obviously Sky now trying to overtake BBC as most virtue signalling broadcaster.
The Sky reporter is Ashna Hurynag
You can see she picked up the story from a tweet thread.
An African student wrote a book on black skin conditions.
The Second year student identified racial gaps during his studies. He explains that many resources refer to symptoms on white skin so he wrote a book for darker skin.
Yeh but I expect in Africa/India/US this was done years ago.
… then a Twitter account
@willbeyourvoice (
says that it is there to correct people
It makes errors as if it’s not a native English speaker.
Its website doesn’t say who it is
just slogans and a contact form.
Seems it’s a Labour Party front group.
more Owen Jones : I saw 2 weeks ago he really tried to get an Oxford guy fired for a 5 word clumsy tweet
“I guess you reap what you sow”
OJ used bullying by taking offense
‘Oh my friend has had horrible threats you should be fired’
When I search Owens followers sending their tweets to get the guy sacked, I spot ones who were already attacking him last year.
Cos he’s not some random guy, but rather someone who stood as a Tory against the Labour MP in Reading.
It’s like Team OJ are gangsters, who collect names of Labour foes like this guy, like Laurence Fox and add them to a list
Then the wait for a minor pretext to drive the outragebus over the foe ..and get then cancelled.
IMHO there are a lot of Al Beeb employees deliberately antagonising the people of Great Britain to get the outfit closed down, especially the ones with long service.
Why? just look at the redundancy payments and ‘golden’ pensions they would get . Then they just jump ship, and go to work for a private company ‘laughing their socks off’ at all the junior snowflakes that they duped left behind ‘carrying the baby’.
Daily Mail on line has a story about a stabbing in East London and it has a few comments. The next article is about a knife wielding crazed man (no name given), who is disarmed by a policeman who gets injured in the process. This happened in Hendon Way , a very Jewish part of the city. No comments allowed. Might it have been a lone wolf looking for Allan’# snack bar. We will never know why the articles are treated differently . And just by these two articles was one about Jeremy Corbyn saying that Jews don’t do irony. No comments allowed on this one either. Is it to protect Jews from antiSemitic comments?
The Jewish Patrol tweet says they were there
There was something similar last week
not anti-Semitic just Romanians doing stabbing outside a Jewish shop, that time.
CST staff attended with @MPSBarnet at Hendon Way 999 call re man with knife. Man detained by Police, officer injured and CST assisting Police with enquiries. At this time, CST cannot establish it was anything other than criminal, but we keep an open mind.
This is precisely what set off the Brixton riots, black people objecting to being stopped and questioned, whilst the police were struggling to control the amount of crime being committed by black people which is a bloody fact despite what the bbc et al want to say. if i was stopped and questioned on suspicion of crime i might be a little peeved but would accept it as part of policing but it seems black people will argue and shout and whatever
AND if you dont want to be arrested dont drive on the wrong side of the road with blacked out windows, dont wear hoodies in the middle of summer and dont gob off to the police when they question you
Yes, another elephant in the room as some are just bloody thick and adore violence and guns
the police have to confront these animals every day yet are pilloried if one happens not to be that thick but are stupid enough to complain when stopped so only half stupid
so stop apologising to the half stupid as they are moronic enough not to deserve any apologies until their children are shot or raped when they will be whining again
and the endless whines and massive legal costs for the of mothers of drug dealers shot with a machine gun in their hands
What does this tell you about our black population ? complaint after complaint about being arrested or even being shot by the police with a gun in their hand (police subjected to 10 years of legal complaints racist bbc fact checkers )
no respect for law and order
you can take the african and west indian out of etc etc
One thing that annoys me (amongst so many things, . like the bloody post office yesterday.) is hypocrisy
An African friend of mine who is a barrister and who understood the academic system and used it, explained there is a thing called tribalism, which so many, including the blm marxists are calling racism
He said it is rife in Africa, and it is a natural human instinct which we are all party to be it in family or work
Now here is the interesting part, he said racism is where one considers another race as less than human and so allows that race to be treated as animals RE South Africa and Nazi Germany where genocide becomes allowable
That is racism, but my point about hypocisy is, if you also wish to suppress the natural human instinct of tribalism by supressing our natural “animalistic” side, one should also not be expressing our other natural instincts of anger and violence which blm and the marxists thrive upon
thus the hypocrisy
Note to the bbbc et al:
if one wants humans to be higher then start with yourselves be it twitter wishing conservatives dead or whatever else you attack
Darcy3… what your friend refers to is also described by psychologists as ‘In-Group Preferences’. Broadly speaking, we are usually drawn to people who look and behave like us. This takes place at an instictive or sub-conscious level, even if we pride ourselves on our objectivity and fairness. For instance, if a man of Pakistani heritage becomes, say, Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Treasury will soon start filling up with other people of the same background. It is not conspiratorial, racist or contrived – it is a consequence of evolutional psychology and nature, doing their bit behind the scenes to preserve the group/tribe. People are born with this pre-programmed into them at the DNA level; although so-called bias training can help in its recognition and remove some of the excesses, it cannot eliminate them. As the boxer Mohammed Ali once said:
“Listen. Blue birds fly with blue birds, red birds fly with red birds […] pigeons wanna be with pigeons […] I want my child to look like me, any intelligent person wants his child to look like him. I’m sad because I wanna blend out my race and lose my beautiful identity? Chinese love Chinese […] Pakistanis love their culturue, Jewish people love their culture […] you can take no Chinese man and give him a Puerto Rico woman […] it’s nature to want to be with your own. I wanna be with my own. “
Yes also referred to as unconscious bias it is natural and impossible to suppress yet blm demand it so start suppressing some of your violence and other anti social traits such as serial impregnating and moving on leaving a child with no father who then joins a gang ?
As for “tribalism” I will add one thing, as a rock promoter for a few years all the bands turned up mid afternoon to set up, soundcheck then do whatever
I was asked to put a “yoof” concert on one time, by the local authority and was recommended a rap band (sic) from London, forgive me if I do not recall their name
500 under 18s in the hall from 7pm waiting, waiting waiting, 9.30 pm…. still no band, and most importantly no communication from them, turned up at 10 pm put a CD into the PA and “rapped” for 20 minutes including the time their scratched cd repeated itself a couple of times then demanded their backstage booze and food
A rapper as US president…
I am tempted to believe I have slipped into an alternate universe
Toady headlines at 0700.
The editors clearly were depressed that they had no running BAME victimhood story.
So they just made one up !
This is the story.
As the second headline.
There is a worry that BAME kids might suffer discrimination by the assessment based GCSE and A level results this year.
The ‘evidence’ provided? Improving schools may not see their improvement reflected. And new schools were also name-dropped …..yet the BBC did not even try to explain what issue they may face. Quite how these factors only affect BAME was not explained either, nor the issue that declining schools would presumably offset improving ones overall.
In other words there was literally no evidence offered at all. It was thus a non-story, and just pure BBC pro BLM/ BAME s***-stirring.
By 0730 it did not even rate a mention on the headlines. Perhaps even the BBC realised what a load of incredible bull-**** it was.
PS if new schools might cause disproportionate disadvantage to BAME kids, that can only mean that a disproportionately high number of BAME kids are going to new schools. Is the BBC really saying that they should be going instead to the clapped out old schools that by definition the whities must be attending disproportionately?. A scenario the ‘finest investigative journalists’ seem to have missed.
The BBC. Giving you the news they want you to hear. Whether there is some or not.
Turkey’s President Erdogan announced the world-famous Hagia Sophia museum in Istanbul – originally founded as a cathedral – has been turned back into a mosque.
Gosh, perhaps Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, might consider turning the museum of social justice, which the CofE has become, back into a Christian Church?
One wonders who is the more emasculated, Labour for taking their cue from the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, or the Tories for what will almost inevitably be a cave in to this masking nonsense?
Seriously, Boris, if you give in to this lastest bit of lockdown paranoia you will further set back the fragile economy, delay normality and so unleash further societal strains, and frankly wave goodbye to my vote.
Explain this to me – Boris has recovered from the Chinese virus – he can’t catch it again and can’t infect others – why the aunt fanny is he wearing a chuffin mask?
(excuse my self-bowdlerisation, I don’t want to make work for the morning moderators)
What would you have told yourself in January to prepare for coronavirus?
On #CoronavirusNewscast medics and scientists share what they’d say to their pre-pandemic selves, and @clarewenham joins Adam and Fergus to discuss what's next
Quick survey of the newspaper front pages at BBC on-line newsheadlines informs me that today’s Guardian includes a free wallchart titled Black History: a timeline.
Well, I’ve now given up on football, but used to enjoy the old world cup wallcharts so maybe this will serve as some kind of replacement for the modern youth? I wonder whether the Guardian will do collectable stickers? I’ll swap you your Nelson Mandela for my Malcolm X & this super rare Rosa Parks.
I do see one flaw in this new normal. The kids can’t get to the school playground and they can’t swap their cards over zoom.
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
The bBC hate this country.
BBC Music magazine columnist calls for ‘crudely jingoistic’ songs Rule, Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory to be scrapped from Last Night of the Proms because they are ‘insensitive’ in wake of BLM movement.
Catchup links to previous thread
– page 5 started 3pm Friday
– page 4 started 8pm Thursday … page 3
De-fund Al Beeb . its not British anymore .
I was at the Last Night the year Mrs Thatcher sorted the Argentinians over the Falklands. We all sang Rule Brittania with great fervour and pride, but it was nothing to do with Africans to America.
So a land of Hope is not wanted by BLM ?
They want a land where there is no hope ?
Like some third world countries ?
They dont want any hope , no positevness , no dream ?
No ” I Have A Dream ” ?
Oh well that’s Antifa and BLM for you .
BLM should be grateful that they are allowed to participate in a Western created economy.
Africans are desperate to come to the West.
They want to be allowed to participate on unequal but highly advantageous terms. Additionally they want compensation for events of two hundred years ago. Well we all would wouldn’t we! If I can prove that my ancestors were meanly treated labouring class can I get compo too?
You notice that we have now moved away from conscious racism to the unconscious kind. This exactly mirrors the move about thirty years ago from poverty to relative poverty. The Wokist left can only exist if they have ‘victims ‘ , real or imaginary, to use to drive their foetid agenda. As it gets more difficult to find real examples of poverty or racism they shift the goal posts in order to keep a steady stream of victims. However, the BLM campaign is much more dangerous for society than was the insane idea that there must be equality of outcomes. The Wokists are sowing the seeds of racial divisions that could explode into resentment and then violence at any moment. They are playing with matches in a gunpowder factory.
Isn’t there a commie/fascist organisation called Hate not Hope? Or is that only in the real world and not the Bizarro world the haters have created for us where everything is inverted?
Maybe it’s now morphed into BLM.
Methinks the bbc isth toasteth…
Bloody hell ! In the previous thread i posited that the National Anthem and National Flag would be up for banning .
And now you say ‘ land of hope and glory ‘! May i suggest that there is no ‘ last night of the Proms ‘ – merely a ‘ penultimate night ‘ -( but see logic problem )
David Vance has just tweeted about it here.
I really hope the campaign gets some ‘momentum ‘ behind it – sooner or later there is to be a collective ‘enough is enough ‘ and ‘you’ve got to be F******g kidding ‘ or similar words which will send out “a powerful message “ ….
They’re coming after Jesus. Apparently, Jesus wasn’t perfect, according to Don Lemon on CNN.
I’d love him to tell muslims that their self styled prophet wasn’t perfect. And see how long he lasted in his job. And how long before there was a fatwa out on him.
What about “And did those feet”? Surely the WI should ban that.
BBC regional
Is it time to find a new way to fund the BBC?
The BBC is to go ahead with a plan to end free TV licences for most over-75s. Now, only those in a household where someone receives Pension Credit will still get a free licence.
Is the TV licence fee outdated? How do you think it should be funded?
It shouldn’t be funded.
It shouldn’t be funded.
The BBC constantly attack the elderly calling them the racist generation and write story after story on their children’s channel to indoctrinate their grandchildren to hate them and their generation.
How do you think it should be funded?
In the usual way. The BBC has to earn its keep just like everyone else.
When you think that the awful BBC has been funded up to the hilt by normal law-abiding citizens for many years, and now wants to tax them to death, you wonder why?
The answer really is (somewhere near anyhow), that as a losing ‘business’, with fewer ‘customers’, it needs to get more kids to subscribe, and is failing miserably, like any big lump of tax-funded bunch of wasters eventually does.
As the kids don’t pay the tax, (their parents do – if ever), it’s inevitable that their ‘business’ model shows that they will be out of the running within quite a short time, unless Boris bottles the problem that most UK citizens have with the dire ‘production’ and fake news it spurts out.
Even Senora O’Blene wants to cancel the fee, (we have TVs in places where they can easily be seen), but we’ve agreed to wait until we’ve seen how badly they deal with Her Maj and Price Phil’s inevitable demise – sad that it will be, and then not bother to watch again.
Charlie’s boncing won’t even get a look in either.
Thanks a bunch BBC, you are an expensive crowd of losers, and have lost any credibility in the minds of normal British people. Your values have plummeted to the baseline of absurdity.
I came up with a scheme for self-funding and am sure I posted it on here a long time ago. In brief:
– BBC carries on charging standard Licence Fee (LF) for length of existing Charter period (Cp)
– BBC creates a Trust Fund (TF) with viewers and listeners as Trustees
– BBC makes 10% economies, year on year for Cp, and transfers monies saved to the TF
– BBC calls for voluntary donations from rich luvvies and anyone else to add to the TF pot
– BBC sells off minor assets and adds proceeds to TF
At end of Charter period, the BBC should have enough income coming from the investments in the TF to make a substantial cut in the LF. Further economies are made and the LF is reduced to £20 or £25.
Eventually, the BBC should be able to do away with the LF entirely and run the operation entirely on investment income.
The BBC is the only UK registered corporation to NOT pay any Corporation Tax on its earnings. Effectively its tax free. And as there is no VAT on its TV levy, that is again tax free. The problem for the BBC is avoiding paying any taxes (at all) when they started to encourage PPP schemes to ‘overpay’ performers. When HMG clamped down on that practice and the BBC lost the case, they paid the all the PAY tax they should have paid. And then started again with BBC Worldwide which is a private limited company, owned by the BBC…. to avoid paying…. tax in the UK and keep it all secret, payments and pensions for the media who no doubt also run a nice line in charities, publicly funded, of course. And then there is the ‘property’ portfolio to manage and BBC BritBox to support if it all goes wrong.
Smellovision probably covered the whole pooing on the bed thing.
A Pulitzer in the offing?
“News Development Team”
thats a sinister sounding name
a much smarter man than I
I think this whole cv19 scam became necessary when Pres Trump stopped America’s support for the AGW Climate Change scam.
The AGW scam has been nursed through much opposition. It was on the verge of becoming global law. And then Donald Trump happened.
The bbc postits that we can no longer sing our naional anthems ffs
Same thing is happening in the USA.
If Pres Trump loses the election, we will be back in the EU. America will be back in the Climate AGW scam, and the West will be paying reparations to Africa for life.
Agenda 21.
I fear that you are right. I hope that you are wrong.
Team Owen Jones gaslighting us about BBC bias
as he twists truth to say Andrew Neil supports Nazis.
.. Hello check the Trust Pilot reviews
OJ has just blocked Laurence Fox
school bully OJ always does that to people who stand up to him.
With a million followers OJ is lucky to get 3,000 likes for his tweets
his recent tweets with more than 3,000 Likes
Fox gets more Likes event though he has a fifth of the followers
AFneil recent tweets with more than 3,000 Likes
Those links to give results but Twitter can be lazy
Twitter will fetch results for 3000 Likes
but sometimes you have to do 300 first.
Here’s Debs channeling her inner Cathy Newman in like fashion.
Must follow her; she sounds good value.
So Owen Jones. The BBC is biased towards the right.
So lets abolish them
Agreed !
Ban Land of hope and glory? I should think so….
Land of hope and glory, mother of the free – Hope no longer exists and Glory is suggestive of repression. Mother ? What about Father and same sex parents. Free ? Musn’t forget slavery.
How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?- Exclusion of people from other lands.
Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set? -Insulting to persons larger than average size.
God, who made thee mighty, make thee mightier yet?- Obviously no consideration of other religions.
I think I should apply for a job with Al beeb
“I think I should apply for a job with Al beeb”
You can’t Concrete, as you’re made up of aggregates (the BBC only deals with dross – i.e. the lowest of the low, not the average), and cement, (the BBC hate people who stick together and are hard-working).
Sorry, but they’re the rules, but I like the idea of the sea, which will soon be ours when we ditch the blasted EU and their fishing theft!
And don’t forget, Pensioners Lives Matter!
One thing the Johnny Depp hearing has uncovered, is the totally dysfunctional world “celebrities” inhabit.
Now I won’t go so far as to suggest that any of the participants have made any political statements, but I woud suggest that they are somewhat typical of the Hollywood tinseltown elites which constantly berate the rest of us over the people we choose to give political support to.
I understand that many of them have hard lives, but that is actually proof that adversity breeds charcter (of one sort or another) and that through adversity the human spirit triumphs. Through that vision they could provide a shining example. Yet they don’t. Many now despite their success, and their hopelessly chaotic lives chose to focus on the most negative facets they can find, claim victim status, and then blame everyone else for not seeing the world the way they see it.
And now these same people are attacking ordinary hard working people over their democratic choice to elect Donald Trump as President!
We see who you really are Hollywood! Drug taking alcoholic unstable attention seeking nutters who are lucky they can make it from morning to dinner in one piece – and many don’t – another death this week as yet undetermined cause.
Why does the media give them airtime other than the fact that they too agree with the drug addled alcohol steeped views they have.
Has anyone listened to the middle section of the latest Spiked podcast?
One thing the Johnny Depp hearing has uncovered, is the totally dysfunctional world “celebrities” inhabit.
Now I won’t go so far as to suggest that any of the participants have made any political statements, but I woud suggest that they are somewhat typical of the Hollywood tinseltown elites which constantly berate the rest of us over the people we choose to give political support to.
I understand that many of them have hard lives, but that is actually proof that adversity breeds charcter (of one sort or another) and that through adversity the human spirit triumphs. Through that vision they could provide a shining example. Yet they don’t. Many now despite their success, and their hopelessly chaotic lives chose to focus on the most negative facets they can find, claim victim status, and then blame everyone else for not seeing the world the way they see it.
And now these same people are attacking ordinary hard working people over their democratic choice to elect Donald Trump as President!
We see who you really are Hollywood! Drug taking alcoholic unstable attention seeking nutters who are lucky they can make it from morning to dinner in one piece – and many don’t – another death this week as yet undetermined cause.
Why does the media give them airtime other than the fact that they too agree with the drug addled alcohol steeped views they have.
Off topic here, often watch this sites Soviet videos, recently the host contracted Covid and accepts he didn’t help himself. For anyone still on the fence its worth watching, I think it has more impact than all the government/ bbc Covid blurb put together.
Good vid. Certainly food for thought. I’m definitely in the blasé camp. I took it seriously initially but I have possibly fallen into the trap of not giving a shit because of the statistics. Like him I definitely hate being told what to do and have naturally rebelled against orders. Thanks for posting.
Interesting piece – I’m surprised he could gabble on for 12 minutes. I know someone who had covid , was on a machine for 6 days – and has been recovering for 2 months …. he’s about 55 – no previous med trouble … but still weak ….with a weak voice and not much physical strength ….
.. I take all the precautions I can – all the time …..
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the weekend:
– Pensioners Threaten Campaign of Direct Action Against Cruel TV Licence Reforms
– Pressure Mounting Against BBC’s Over-75 TV Licence Betrayal
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
Not sure that the pensioners issue is the same as ours. They want free TV tax, we want it abolished for all.
This is not the same thing.
Forcing the working age people to pay even more so pensioners can enjoy something they haven’t paid for is in direct contradition of the wish to destroy the compusory tax as it is now and to make it voluntary.
I think it’s the same thoughtful – it puts the BBC in a very unpopular light – even with the densest – and if it is made to pay then its revenue is further reduced which should put further strain on its output – and demoralise those working for it who think the might be for the chop next … who cares how it is destroyed as long as it goes …
I think the licence fee should not be given to the BBC. If it has to exist it should be a fund apportioned to all broadcasters based on the popularity of the broadcaster. The BBC would end up with a midge of a percentage despite their claims that they are the best.
My view is that the licence fee shouldn’t exist at all. The BBC should live or die on its own commercial merits. If it continues to churn out shite, then it deserves to die. If it ups its game then people will be prepared to pay some sort of subscription towards it.
The current system – where everyone who watches TV on any channel has to subsidise the BBC – is unfair, outdated and unenforceable.
I agree – but I’m a schemer and I can’t see a sudden revolutionary ‘reform ‘ to the BBC – meaning extinction . I think it has to be a slow death – bits cut off gradually – with a final change to subscription at the time of the next charter review which in 2027 . I know it’s a long 7 years and I’d want to see the BBC broken up now – but it’s a matter of reality ….
The TV Licence is archaic and should be abolished. There should be no discussion about it whatsoever!
In simple terms it is synonymous with buying your food from Asda and having to pay a tax to Tesco every time you shop. Why on earth do you have to pay Al Beeb if you view an independent tv channel?
Let it fund itself – those that watch and support Al Beeb can pay for it.
And they’re off! Again.
Yeah – get the met police commissioner to apologise – she’d apologise for paint drying too slow …
variation of the “Trump Defends”
headline ‘we found a pretext to attack Trump’
Its hard to say how many tens of thousands of Christians have been killed in Muslim countries by Muslims.
Even our Christians leaders dont wish to talk about it. They are too busy apologising for being White.
So, I think we all knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of time. They’ve never been happy with the Prom’s anyway. All those white folk playing instruments that take decades of dedication to learn how to master. And as for Elgar’s rousing finale of Pomp and Circumstance, it makes their flesh positively crawl.
No, they’d much rather listen to some truly talented “musician” like Stormzy, moronically mumbling his gormless rap lyrics and stumbling about to a backing track. They drool as he rants about racism and applaud deliriously as this cretinous thug chunters obscenities.
Do you know he spent the best part of five minutes “composing” some of these masterpieces. Hmm, as long as that…
The BBC despise everything wholesome about Britain. Anything that we take pride in they loathe and belittle. Any success our nation has will either be ignored or underplayed. Any failure will be mocked, magnified and ridiculed.
They cheerlead for our enemies, loathe our friends and despise our culture.
They’re embarrassed by our past and certainly dangerous to our future.
They’re like a cultural cancer, eating away at us from the inside.
They have to go.
It was mooted in recent years that the Proms were ‘hideously white’, well I’m pretty certain that the Albert Hall doesn’t discriminate when selling tickets, so if it IS hideously white, then the BAMEs have only themselves to blame. And recently there have been a plethora of themed evenings which have included black musicians, so all a load of bull…… then !
I go to a couple of Proms each year and when I look in the Hall there are usually a few people from the Far East, one or two from the Indian subcontinent and at most one or two who are of African or Afro-Caribbean heritage. You know as I have written this, I have no idea whether I have used the politically correct terms but I am sure people know exactly what I am talking about. But I have never seen signs up in the Albert Hall saying, ‘blacks not welcome “. Now I can accept that the BBC may spend part of their £100 million to make the proms more accessible but that it may involve losing my ticket money. But how is the BBC going to get an old white woman like me to the Nottinghill Carnival?
“But how is the BBC going to get an old white woman like me to the Nottinghill Carnival?”
No idea Debs…
However, I do know there’s only one way they’d get me to that annual drug fuelled, crime riddled carnage.
At the point of a bleedin’ gun!
You can no more force people of any race to enjoy a Prom than you can make them enjoy visiting a stately home or the Lake District. Perhaps these behaviour modificators employed by the Government are working on ways to nudge BAMES to change their tastes.
Blood boiling as we speak, Jeff, and thank you for saving me the typing…
The BBC is now a National Disgrace – accredited!
” a small overcrowded island ”
This was a NINETEEN EIGHTY description of the UK by an organisation which was concerned about the effects of nuclear war on Britian and whether we were prepared for it .
The organisation which said we were overcrowded in 1980 , forty years ago before the mass illegal immigration experienced today was
The BBC .
That’s what’s in the introduction by a more youthful Jeremy Paxman in Panorama’s 1980 programme If The Bomb Drops .
When and why did they change their mind about whether Britian was full or not ?
We are not a small island but one of the largest. Overcrowding, however: that is another thing.
Depths yet to be plumbed.
“Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery. In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice.
Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).”
I don’t think the Caribbean planters actually castrated their slaves, unlike….hem-hem.
Question: who thinks that Trump allowed the riots, occupations and mayhem to go unchallenged for a time to act as a warning to Americans: “See? This is what Democrat-control leads to, and you can expect more of the same if they win the November election”.
Then he sends in the National Guard (or threatens to) and restores order, allowing him to present himself as the patriotic law-and-order candidate in November.
FFS! Sky News headlines today,investigation by Sky have found that skin specialists find it difficult to detect skin problems on people with dark skin.And Sky have found that over 200 serving police officers have criminal convictions.First story to show BAME people that even the medical profession is against them.Second story to smear and undermine the police.
Obviously Sky now trying to overtake BBC as most virtue signalling broadcaster.
The Sky reporter is Ashna Hurynag
You can see she picked up the story from a tweet thread.
An African student wrote a book on black skin conditions.
The Second year student identified racial gaps during his studies. He explains that many resources refer to symptoms on white skin so he wrote a book for darker skin.
Yeh but I expect in Africa/India/US this was done years ago.
Here’s one of Sky’s tweets on that topic
… then a Twitter account
@willbeyourvoice (
says that it is there to correct people
It makes errors as if it’s not a native English speaker.
Its website doesn’t say who it is
just slogans and a contact form.
Seems it’s a Labour Party front group.
Is Ashna Hurynag one of the Northamptonshire Hurynags, who used to hunt with the Pytchley. Very good people, as I recall.
I think this whole cv19 scam became necessary when Pres Trump stopped America’s support for the AGW Climate Change scam.
The AGW scam has been nursed through much opposition. It was on the verge of becoming global law. And then Donald Trump happened.
more Owen Jones : I saw 2 weeks ago he really tried to get an Oxford guy fired for a 5 word clumsy tweet
“I guess you reap what you sow”
OJ used bullying by taking offense
‘Oh my friend has had horrible threats you should be fired’
When I search Owens followers sending their tweets to get the guy sacked, I spot ones who were already attacking him last year.
Cos he’s not some random guy, but rather someone who stood as a Tory against the Labour MP in Reading.
It’s like Team OJ are gangsters, who collect names of Labour foes like this guy, like Laurence Fox and add them to a list
Then the wait for a minor pretext to drive the outragebus over the foe ..and get then cancelled.
IMHO there are a lot of Al Beeb employees deliberately antagonising the people of Great Britain to get the outfit closed down, especially the ones with long service.
Why? just look at the redundancy payments and ‘golden’ pensions they would get . Then they just jump ship, and go to work for a private company ‘laughing their socks off’ at all the junior snowflakes that they duped left behind ‘carrying the baby’.
A small price to pay.
Daily Mail on line has a story about a stabbing in East London and it has a few comments. The next article is about a knife wielding crazed man (no name given), who is disarmed by a policeman who gets injured in the process. This happened in Hendon Way , a very Jewish part of the city. No comments allowed. Might it have been a lone wolf looking for Allan’# snack bar. We will never know why the articles are treated differently . And just by these two articles was one about Jeremy Corbyn saying that Jews don’t do irony. No comments allowed on this one either. Is it to protect Jews from antiSemitic comments?
The Jewish Patrol tweet says they were there
There was something similar last week
not anti-Semitic just Romanians doing stabbing outside a Jewish shop, that time.
This is precisely what set off the Brixton riots, black people objecting to being stopped and questioned, whilst the police were struggling to control the amount of crime being committed by black people which is a bloody fact despite what the bbc et al want to say. if i was stopped and questioned on suspicion of crime i might be a little peeved but would accept it as part of policing but it seems black people will argue and shout and whatever
AND if you dont want to be arrested dont drive on the wrong side of the road with blacked out windows, dont wear hoodies in the middle of summer and dont gob off to the police when they question you
As societies become more complex, many people will be left behind, as they are not capable. Riots will ensue with increasing frequency.
This will become an increasing problem in the the West because we adopted multicultism.
Yes, another elephant in the room as some are just bloody thick and adore violence and guns
the police have to confront these animals every day yet are pilloried if one happens not to be that thick but are stupid enough to complain when stopped so only half stupid
so stop apologising to the half stupid as they are moronic enough not to deserve any apologies until their children are shot or raped when they will be whining again
and the endless whines and massive legal costs for the of mothers of drug dealers shot with a machine gun in their hands
What does this tell you about our black population ? complaint after complaint about being arrested or even being shot by the police with a gun in their hand (police subjected to 10 years of legal complaints racist bbc fact checkers )
no respect for law and order
you can take the african and west indian out of etc etc
There’s new anti BBC stuff all over Youtube these days
Alex Belfield has more stuff today
but This is Sargon
\\TikTok: Amazon says email asking staff to remove app ‘sent in error’//
This looks interesting. A Chinese puzzle perhaps ?
Marc Dolan
It wont be long before it happens here.
All this stuff happening in the West, particularly in the US and the UK, is because of incessant marxist brainwashing of the young in universities.
All humanities departments in universities in the UK and US should be defunded. They dont do any good whatever.
One thing that annoys me (amongst so many things, . like the bloody post office yesterday.) is hypocrisy
An African friend of mine who is a barrister and who understood the academic system and used it, explained there is a thing called tribalism, which so many, including the blm marxists are calling racism
He said it is rife in Africa, and it is a natural human instinct which we are all party to be it in family or work
Now here is the interesting part, he said racism is where one considers another race as less than human and so allows that race to be treated as animals RE South Africa and Nazi Germany where genocide becomes allowable
That is racism, but my point about hypocisy is, if you also wish to suppress the natural human instinct of tribalism by supressing our natural “animalistic” side, one should also not be expressing our other natural instincts of anger and violence which blm and the marxists thrive upon
thus the hypocrisy
Note to the bbbc et al:
if one wants humans to be higher then start with yourselves be it twitter wishing conservatives dead or whatever else you attack
Darcy3… what your friend refers to is also described by psychologists as ‘In-Group Preferences’. Broadly speaking, we are usually drawn to people who look and behave like us. This takes place at an instictive or sub-conscious level, even if we pride ourselves on our objectivity and fairness. For instance, if a man of Pakistani heritage becomes, say, Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Treasury will soon start filling up with other people of the same background. It is not conspiratorial, racist or contrived – it is a consequence of evolutional psychology and nature, doing their bit behind the scenes to preserve the group/tribe. People are born with this pre-programmed into them at the DNA level; although so-called bias training can help in its recognition and remove some of the excesses, it cannot eliminate them. As the boxer Mohammed Ali once said:
“Listen. Blue birds fly with blue birds, red birds fly with red birds […] pigeons wanna be with pigeons […] I want my child to look like me, any intelligent person wants his child to look like him. I’m sad because I wanna blend out my race and lose my beautiful identity? Chinese love Chinese […] Pakistanis love their culturue, Jewish people love their culture […] you can take no Chinese man and give him a Puerto Rico woman […] it’s nature to want to be with your own. I wanna be with my own. “
Yes also referred to as unconscious bias it is natural and impossible to suppress yet blm demand it so start suppressing some of your violence and other anti social traits such as serial impregnating and moving on leaving a child with no father who then joins a gang ?
As for “tribalism” I will add one thing, as a rock promoter for a few years all the bands turned up mid afternoon to set up, soundcheck then do whatever
I was asked to put a “yoof” concert on one time, by the local authority and was recommended a rap band (sic) from London, forgive me if I do not recall their name
500 under 18s in the hall from 7pm waiting, waiting waiting, 9.30 pm…. still no band, and most importantly no communication from them, turned up at 10 pm put a CD into the PA and “rapped” for 20 minutes including the time their scratched cd repeated itself a couple of times then demanded their backstage booze and food
A rapper as US president…
I am tempted to believe I have slipped into an alternate universe
Addendum I recall putting the Sweet on and they got stuck on the M25 mid afternoon and called me every hour to give an update
Toady headlines at 0700.
The editors clearly were depressed that they had no running BAME victimhood story.
So they just made one up !
This is the story.
As the second headline.
There is a worry that BAME kids might suffer discrimination by the assessment based GCSE and A level results this year.
The ‘evidence’ provided? Improving schools may not see their improvement reflected. And new schools were also name-dropped …..yet the BBC did not even try to explain what issue they may face. Quite how these factors only affect BAME was not explained either, nor the issue that declining schools would presumably offset improving ones overall.
In other words there was literally no evidence offered at all. It was thus a non-story, and just pure BBC pro BLM/ BAME s***-stirring.
By 0730 it did not even rate a mention on the headlines. Perhaps even the BBC realised what a load of incredible bull-**** it was.
PS if new schools might cause disproportionate disadvantage to BAME kids, that can only mean that a disproportionately high number of BAME kids are going to new schools. Is the BBC really saying that they should be going instead to the clapped out old schools that by definition the whities must be attending disproportionately?. A scenario the ‘finest investigative journalists’ seem to have missed.
The BBC. Giving you the news they want you to hear. Whether there is some or not.
bBC Social Meedjah ‘News’ worships one of their own tools:
Jack Dorsey said the scheme to give people a basic income, regardless of job status, was “one tool to close the wealth and income gap”.
Folk have noticed a few flaws in this hagiographic piece of #prasnews from their favourite censor.
So, Surkeer was in the bbc executive coffee shop then.
Turkey’s President Erdogan announced the world-famous Hagia Sophia museum in Istanbul – originally founded as a cathedral – has been turned back into a mosque.
Gosh, perhaps Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, might consider turning the museum of social justice, which the CofE has become, back into a Christian Church?
Jon Snow sees those bookends… nightmare.
BBC ‘Coronavirus: Labour calls for clarity over face coverings in England’
One wonders who is the more emasculated, Labour for taking their cue from the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, or the Tories for what will almost inevitably be a cave in to this masking nonsense?
Seriously, Boris, if you give in to this lastest bit of lockdown paranoia you will further set back the fragile economy, delay normality and so unleash further societal strains, and frankly wave goodbye to my vote.
Explain this to me – Boris has recovered from the Chinese virus – he can’t catch it again and can’t infect others – why the aunt fanny is he wearing a chuffin mask?
(excuse my self-bowdlerisation, I don’t want to make work for the morning moderators)
BBC do like its anniversaries.
Some more than others.
Essential wit.
Current government trying to do its best.
BBC decides to make a dubious link back to Gordo.
Picture and ‘quote’.
Leicester Lass.
Black #prasnews matters
Too many bbc staff, not enough to talk about.
So not essential.
Demographic Change
Elites favor mass immigration for various reasons.
The ratio of references to the bbc is pure #CCBGB
Quick survey of the newspaper front pages at BBC on-line newsheadlines informs me that today’s Guardian includes a free wallchart titled Black History: a timeline.
Well, I’ve now given up on football, but used to enjoy the old world cup wallcharts so maybe this will serve as some kind of replacement for the modern youth? I wonder whether the Guardian will do collectable stickers? I’ll swap you your Nelson Mandela for my Malcolm X & this super rare Rosa Parks.
I do see one flaw in this new normal. The kids can’t get to the school playground and they can’t swap their cards over zoom.