One has to question why the BBC chose to highlight this story. Of all the wrongs in this world and lots within the Middle East, they chose this? Perhaps they are in support of a company which supports LGBTXYZ? Or does the BBC want to damage to an Arab company which obviously works sufficiently well with Israel that it prints its labels in Hebrew?
Legalise it by custom? Assuming you can persuade enough people to take the issue up. Trust our BBC………………..
The criminal law is well settled in the UK with a number of provisions. One of which, naturally, would be ‘aiding and abetting’ or conspiring to promote something illegal. BBC promoting? One can wish…………..
I’m sure the bBC would also like to give us their ‘analysis’ of Susan Rosenberg’s sentence being commuted by Clinton (mentioned by tomo on the Midweek Thread).
Susan Rosenberg is a convicted communist terrorist who carried out bombings in NYC & DC. She was sentenced 58yrs. Bill Clinton commuted her. Now she's the vice-char for a charity that manages the fundraising for BLM. @TuckerCarlson video.
— ???????? ᒪᎥᑎᗪᗩ ᗴᐯᗩᑎS ???????? (@Justsaytruthnow) July 11, 2020
One word, again: Soros. That evil barsteward is behind virtually every form of anti-West activity. I’ll heave a sigh of relief when he’s arrested and prosecuted for conspiracy.
And don’t forget the inclinations of the Reverend Richard Coles, formerly the other half with the falsetto, Jockish Jimmy Somerville, in The Communards.
Gay, Jockish and dreaming of Leftoid communes; nearly a full house of Al Beeb’s top trumps there.
Stew, I said months ago that Jay “wots dat den?” Blades would be pushed front and centre as the new Nadya. Put a BAME on a show that becomes phenomenally popular and wahey its Christmas at the Beeb !
I noticed something on the Rev Coles’ thread here from the not-particularly-talented BBC fave Miranda Hart:
“Lest this helps anyone: I’ve put on 40 pounds. I want to lose it as I feel less me. And it’s vital to be audaciously free to be ourselves. But whilst I reside in a bigger body I will not feel shame. There are many complex reasons for weight gain and losing it can be hard for many.”
This semi-articulate drivel prompted me to engage in a little analysis:
(1) “Lest” is a rather old word, not used much now, which my Collins dictionary explains as “in order that … not” and/or “for fear that”. So Miranda has misused it, because it actually means the opposite of what she’s trying to say, which is “In case this helps anyone” or “If this is of help to anyone”.
(2) If she really wants to use “lest”, then the verb following it should strictly be in the subjunctive; so “lest this help” [i.e. no -s added to “help”]. Another example would be “I told the boy not to climb in that tree lest he fall onto the spiked railings below it”.
(3) “40 pounds”. Given that there are 14 pounds in one stone, then Ms Hart has put on nearly 3 stone (!) because 3 x 14 = 42.
(4) ” … as I feel less me.” One might object that there is now more “me” to “feel” with those 40 extra pounds of weight. She is presumably trying to say she is aware that she has changed by putting on a lot of weight. Well, Me-randa, some of us watch what we eat and exercise to avoid precisely this.
(5) “… audaciously free to be ourselves.” This is exactly what the BBC does NOT let you be, encouraging you instead to self-censor and shaming anyone who thinks independently.
(6) “… whilst I reside in a bigger body I will not feel shame.” You can reside in a bigger house or town but can you really “reside in a bigger body”, when that body is you, and is the way it is because of your choices? You should be ashamed of yourself.
(7) “There are many complex reasons for weight gain …” Well, unless she has a thyroid problem, it’s likely to be because she ate too much and exercised too little. Not that hard to understand.
I only ever read ‘tweets’ that people post on here and all the above is a good illustration of why I avoid Twitter, much of which is self-indulgent rubbish.
Repeat: RE bbc racism / tribalism disguised as diversity:
One thing that annoys me (amongst so many things, . like the bloody post office yesterday.) is hypocrisy
An African friend of mine who is a barrister and who understood the academic system and used it, explained there is a thing called tribalism, which so many, including the blm marxists are calling racism
He said it is rife in Africa, and it is a natural human instinct which we are all party to be it in family or work
Now here is the interesting part, he said racism is where one considers another race as less than human and so allows that race to be treated as animals RE South Africa and Nazi Germany where genocide becomes allowable
That is racism, but my point about hypocisy is, if you also wish to suppress the natural human instinct of tribalism by supressing our natural “animalistic” side, one should also not be expressing our other natural instincts of anger and violence which blm and the marxists thrive upon
thus the hypocrisy
Note to the bbbc et al:
if one wants humans to be higher then start with yourselves be it twitter wishing conservatives dead or whatever else you attack
Events in America, notably at The New York Times, once the shining light of journalistic inquiry, reveal how identity politics can ruin liberal institutions, undermine the foundations of journalism and compromise the fragile role of reason in public debate.
With America in trauma, consumed by a frontline political war that is not replicated here — Trumpian populists against progressive believers — it is illuminating that Australian activists opportunistically seek to translate the American mood, slogans and demands to this country. Identity politics does not require historical knowledge.
Social media activists operate in a world of technology-driven globalisation where what happens in an American city has the same relevance as what happens down the road. This telescopic vision is then driven by subcultures — based on race, gender and sexuality — and a new morality where people are deemed good or bad depending on their identity and place in the power structure.
The ideology of “systemic racism” condemns the power structure. The problem becomes the system, not aspects of the system that need reform. Herein lies the essential problem — once you accept critical race theory — that racism is everywhere and permeates everything, you create an end-goal that will never be realised but delivers endless anger.
“racism is everywhere and permeates everything, you create an end-goal that will never be realised but delivers endless anger.” The Marxists delight. Unending confrontation and anger to focus on…….
working during the mid eighties there was a true racist who was also a nice guy but that was his thing because he used to work in Africa and saw how thing were
Anyway I recall another workmate (scottish) saying about him
“we don’t like our daughters to come home with a black guy, but he’s the only one hoping it happens and waiting with a shot gun”
I’m no psychologist but I can see empirically that this whole BLM farrago is making many otherwise normal people into racists. I am a part of a group of about a dozen who regularly meet and we form a cross-section of society. Without exception, we abhor the antics of the whole movement and I fear that this abhorrence is evolving into racism. We all have friends, acquaintances and colleagues who are BAME (and mainly share our views) and we have no problems with them, but the virtue signalling of the likes of the BBC and latte-quaffing “celebrities” from Islington appears to be turning many sensible people against PoCs (or whatever is the latest “must have” description).
Does anyone know whether Nigel Farage has been arrested for breaching quarantine . ? I think I saw – yesterday – that there has not been a single ‘check ‘ visit …..
As for those two liberal ….er… can’t think of the word … who ever gets the job will have a knife already stuck in by the other – which is good news..
If he hasn’t broken the law – does he get the apology from s^^t Davey ? The cc of Kent – the Dick of London ? Or all three?
Imagine some poor plod being sent round to ‘interview’.
RE StewGreen
Our far left really have a problem with understanding simple messages do they not, how many times has the Lara Karlsberg monster failed to understand instructions having to ask over and over again
she must have so many accidents ( looking at her face this is self evident) and let us all live in hope that she does not have a driving license
the highway code is so obviously beyond her comprehension looking at her recent performance
“[Nazir] Afzal, former chief crown prosecutor for north-west England, said: ‘This shocking case makes clear that, despite what they say publicly, the government does not take FGM as seriously as it should.’”
TOADY Watch #1 – Auntie Beeb’s amnesia has kicked in again
Oh, and their anti-President Trump bias, too. They forget that when a US President reaches the end of a term of office, they may pardon someone. I seem to recall that it has happened many times in the recent Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations.
I forgot that the TOADY prog doesn’t bother with a look at the newspapers after the 7 a.m. News & Weather on Saturdays as it does on weekdays at 6.10 a.m.. I found myself listening to quite a bit of the TOADY prog today and was regaled with a fairly lengthy item about President Trump abusing his powers to pardon Roger Stone.
Stone is described as a Trump friend & ally and responsible for getting Trump elected in one sentence of script. In another sentence of the same portion of BBC script, Auntie forgets herself and what she has just said and describes Stone as a Republican Party worker since the 1970s.
Oh dear!
Auntie Beeb’s dementia is apparent. Time to find a Care Home for her.
There I was thinking you’d given up – Up2 – but thanks for the updates – I think presidential pardons can be unlimited and legally unchallengeable – as per dickie Nixon …
’twas a bit accidental Fed. Had a bad night, herring gulls a nightmare at this time of year, local pigeons not much better. Clean forgot Beeb runs TOADY on a different schedule on Sats.
I seem to recall Clinton did a string and Obama also. George Bush, iirc, was a little more restrained.
In a report on the upcoming Polish elections the BBC take us for a quick trip through the looking glass into a fabulous land where everything is reversed.
‘Poland’s public broadcaster, Polish TV, is funded by the taxpayer and is bound by its charter to present balanced coverage of political events.’
Yeah, so far not so strange, you may say.
‘Instead, its main evening news bulletin praises the government and Mr Duda [the conservative] daily and attacks Mr Trzaskowski, [the liberal] accusing him of being in cahoots with Jewish and LGBT interest groups.’
Maybe it is simply the concept of taxpayer funded broadcasting that is the problem?
Further to my previous post in deep dismay that this mask nonsense is escalating..
‘Explain this to me – Boris has recovered from the Chinese virus – he can’t catch it again and can’t infect others – why the aunt fanny is he wearing a chuffin mask?’
Apparently the chubby emperor has no clothes – but he has a mask
Boris out Now!
(and I will happily retract if and only if he stops this idiot notion of increasing mask mandating)
We know the reason – to hide the governments embarrassment that this whole charade has been an overreaction fueled by those in the media who are either panicking snowflakes and those more cynical operators who want to mortally damage the economy before we finally leave the clutches of the EU.
Just as we see wearing of a burka in muslim women or white people “taking the knee” – To me I see the wearing of the “mask” is another symbol of subjugation and the acceptance of whatever dishonest BS the government and media feed us at face value.
If the policy remains in place and absolute caution is continued, particularly by those vulnerable, how do you think that will effect the normal number of deaths per winter per normal ‘Flu’ infection?
It is likened to the wearing of seatbelts – precautionary. Or perhaps there are a number of drivers ignoring that law still around
‘It is likened to the wearing of seatbelts – precautionary’
Let’s explore the logic here and extend the argument to its inevitable conclusions. Apparently any amount of economic damage is acceptable so long as a small number of lives can be (theoretically) saved.
If so, forget seatbelts. We should stop all road traffic now. It will save a small number of lives otherwise lost in road traffic accidents.
AISI we are not certain that the PM cannot catch Covid-19 again. Because the BBC was delinquent in its journalism before and during Lockdown and only wanted to score points for bashing HM’sG they haven’t carefully – at length and thoroughly – interviewed virologists and other scientists, at least in my hearing on R4 about what they are learning about Covid-19.
Just thinking about masks: Rishi Sunak didn’t cut VAT as most people wanted on Wednesday. Therefore, HM’sTreasury gets 20% of mask sales. Supermarkets, chemists, on-line retailers do a roaring trade. What’s not to like?
Masks carelessly thrown away everywhere, that’s #1.
People becoming careless about touching surfaces, that’s #2
A false sense of security, that’s #3
Increase in robberies and violent crime, that’s #4.
‘we are not certain that the PM cannot catch Covid-19 again’
Perhaps. But if official scientific ignorance is that deep then we are truly screwed. What is the point of any advice or regulation? Bugger all testing, that’s a complete waste of resources if you can catch it twice.
In 1941 we had “Germany calling-Germany calling.” Today
from our NATIONAL broadcaster a plethora of Lady Haw-Haws
with a couple of Lord Haw-Haws thrown in . Defund the BBC?
ABOLISH the enemy of the state !
TOADY Watch #2 – what is worse, Auntie Beeb’s dementia or Peter Soulsby?
The Mayor of Leicester is not doing a great job as an advert for the Labour Party in order to get Der Starmer elected in 2024. He complained in interview on the prog that the Government hadn’t povided Leicester with good statistical evidence of Covid-19 infections. Then he said, he didn’t believe the figures he had been given by central Government.
Our Mishal, perfectly pronounced the names of the two languages spoken by the Majority Ethnic population of Leicester – a pleasure to hear – trying to push the idea that the poor BAME population were ignorant. They couldn’t speak or read English and were being put upon by white, male, English Conservatives Labour Party people in Government Local Government. At that point Peter Soulsby says that leaflets were distributed in the Majority Ethnic language, iirc, Parsi and Hindi. No mention of Bangla. Oh well.
Don’t know, but I could listen to her in her native tongue for a quarter or half an hour or so. Perhaps she could be moved from the TOADY Prog to a cooking programme or maybe telling stories for children?
Stories found on the internet in recent days about a supposed controversy concerning the famed car from “Dukes of Hazzard” are the journalistic equivalent of fishing expeditions.
“Fly, BBC BBC Of Blue Color Monkeys… Fly!”
Ignore this bit. As you do.
‘But in the stories about the “controversy” over the General Lee car, no actual complaint from any individual or organization can be found.
Guest PBS america is about to repeat the excellent Ken Burns documentaries of the Civil War which will be unwatchable snowflakes because it demands concentration and there is not a celebrity presenter telling younwhat to think .
I think this was last in the news in 2015. In the aftermath of the Charleston S.C. massacre by Dylann Roof of 9 black churchgoers, Warner Bros. Consumer Products was one of the companies that announced it would no longer sell products featuring the Confederate Flag. For them this meant removing it from Dukes of Hazzard merchandising – T-shirts, toy cars etc.
As a relevant aside:
Video below of the trailer for the movie Shag, a sort of Dirty Dancing knock-off from 1989, that features lots of Confederate Flag imagery (including Bridget Fonda, Hanoi Jane’s niece, dancing with one). The film, a flop, got a decent critical reception from the likes of Roger Ebert and has a British connection, being co-produced by Stephen Woolley and directed by Zelda Barron. Pretty sure none of these people were white supremacists like Roof.
I suppose if we let the SJWs burn down the whole past, they will construct a perfect future for all of us?
TOADY Watch #3 – Well it is plainly not the Government’s fault – more dementia, BBC?
The newsreader and the TOADY presenters were wringing their hands over the damage caused by the Lockdown to the education of poor and BAME children.
Funny, I seem to recall the Government wanting schools to re-open and it was teachers refusing to go back to work that prevented it. No questions asked of teaching unions about that.
At least the ‘children ‘ of 2020 can for ever be called the ‘ lost generation ‘as they spend the summer stuffing themselves with tax subsidised food whilst their poor teachers earn a bit on the side .
Interesting that teaching has been as unwilling or unable to respond to chinese virus as the NHS has – without huge amounts of money and the drive of better outfits ( army ) theyd still be playing the victim cards in empty A and Es and outpatients …
Bring on the undeclared Labour activist to slag of tax spending – too little too late … without challenge from a BBC droid .
Fedup, it isn’t just tax subsidised food. In an area of high deprivation near me, the schools are providing free school meals to those entitled to them, delivered by senior staff so they can check on the children’s welfare. Since, thanks to the black footballer, the parents are now getting an extra £15 per week per child, when teachers are visiting at lunch time, the family are still in bed. There is no desire amongst the mothers to get their kids back into school. Without those vouchers, mothers (usually no fathers are around) could have been lured into getting the little dears back into classes. Attendance is around 10%.
This kind of bias BBC reporting (even by their standard) plays on ‘general ignorance’ within Britain of international politics to ‘normalise’ messaging written within the DNA of the BBC.
The refusal of the Polish government to ’embrace western LGBT values’ is simply ‘extraordinary’ to the BBC and an anathema within the EU. The piece, from an unapologetically pro-gay perspective, features extrovert Polish and ‘exiled’ Poles in London. Any brief anti-gay input, queue frothing mouths or ignorant elderly prejudice, highly unrepresentative and unfair on truth – but when did that stop the BBC?
Duda and his supporters are described as regressive not progressive, stuck in the past, hate filled anti-gay fascists. It’s the same reductive identity politics pressure we are used to here when society simply says, no, or wait – Let’s give this some proper consideration.
More than that, however, many educated Poles see identity politics for exactly what they are, and are saying wait, hang on a minute! BLM/Liberal values/Gay rights, these ‘causes’ are used like Trojan horses in the West to prey on institutional weakness. Support from the feeble minded and emotionally driven, whipped up into a frenzy to take ‘ground’, ‘power’. They see these causes and their supporters used as a conduit for an ideological truth they’ve seen before. Marxism. Poland has been there before.
Luckily a good friend of mine speaks Polish – so here’s the reality.
The Polish government is against same sex marriage and adoption, as well as the sexualisation and promotion of LGBT within schools. The government (Duda) protects, within law, LGBT people against hatred, violence and discrimination and secures their right to exist equally, along with every other citizen.
On this issue, most Polish people agree with Duda. They’ve seen how the assimilation of many of these values in Western/British society has developed. Trans teaching to nursery kids, here’s some of the many propaganda pieces from the BBC to educate our children;
Duda stands for traditional values and the core family. He says; ‘This is the Polish ideal and my policies will reflect this’. LGBT people are free to live their lives but not marry or adopt. That’s his clear message.
Why is that position so politically controversial? I suspect it’s precisely the position millions hold in Britain. Why does the BBC painting this as extreme? Why the hell can people not hold a differing opinion and why is this bloody piece from our corrupt national broadcaster not balanced. I loathe their insidious propaganda and the minds behind it.
Good post. I think that Eastern Europe will carry the flame of EUropean and indeed Western culture when it has long been extinguished in the UK USA, France etc.
It’s the little things, isn’t it? BBC Sport headline:
West Indies punish England…..England under huge pressure……
No doubt whoever wrote that has only a peripheral understanding of cricket, knocking the country obviously takes precedence at W1A but just for the record we were all out for 204, WI for 318 and we’re currently on 57 for 0 in the second innings, 57 behind with all wickets in hand.
That’s not punishment, the pressure is constant in test cricket anyway and the game is evenly balanced. Stuff you BBC, your fawning adulation of anything with a dark skin is the essence of racist thinking.
TOADY Watch #4 – Helping to get the vote out for November
The Republican vote, that is. The BBC & TOADY prog had another negative item about President Trump this morning – polls are showing that he might lose to Joe Biden in November. Keep on broadcasting this BBC. Put it up on your US web-pages, play it on anything the BBC does to broadcast in the US, such as World Service.
Help get the Republican vote out.
My fear is that if President Trump does win, especially if it is a narrow win in a close contest, then the Democratic Party will not accept the result and will go on the rampage as they did in 2016. That then places the re-elected President in a difficult position. Call out the US Army and risk the slide to a civil war or start a distracting and unifying conflict elsewhere in the world.
If you want to see the anti Trump campaign turn to Ch 4
news at 7pm. Every night news from the US is anti Trump. Standard format, with hate filled eyes Siobhan Kennedy reports on, say, Corona virus in some state. Then launches into an attack on Trump for attending a fund raiser or thinking more about himself. Then one of the presenters interviews an anti Trump Dem, then an anti Trump Republican, who are both encouraged to trot out the usual litany of Trump’s faults expressing the hope that the people will reject him in November.
Wife had BBC on this morning ..I saw Jack Charlton had died – the BBC them proceeded to have 3 women talk about his life and career..
I am not a football fan and don’t mind women who know their subject talking about it – but they couldn’t find a man that actually knew about football or knew Jack, to talk?
The first presenter was clearly reading from a script and had no feeling or emotion – they might as well have had a robot reading it out.
BBC you are pathetic with this constant narrative….
I have searched but could not find any trace of Jackie Charlton’s rap music or of his intention to convert to Islam. I suppose that is why they are not really interested in him
James-That is why I am amazed that they still allow a man .
and a white male at that to present Match of the Day.
I wonder when netball and women’s rugby become the
BBC’S main sporting events ,if we will have male
To be fair to Gary he’s put the bbc in a difficult position, they must be itching to replace him but he just keeps woking out on them. Just when you think he couldn’t possibly be more on message he taps in another tweet. (or is it him?) Well played.
“The insidious march of critical race theory in schools may be breaking the law
Teaching the woke vision of racism as if it were uncontested fact will do more harm than good”
It was an honour to appear on The Delingpod!@JamesDelingpole and I talked about the trials of being a school teacher when you are a conservative, ‘diversity’ casting and, of course, the mindblowing awfulness of the BBC and why it needs defunding NOW.
Thankfully, there is some opposition to the one-sided perspective offered by CRT enthusiasts. “Don’t Divide Us” is a cross-party campaign launched by former MEP Claire Fox …
THREAD @DontDivideUsNow & EDUCATION: Last week a bunch of us issued a statement entitled Don't Divide Us. The response was overwhelming. One big concern that many brought up, is that schools seem to be reorganising curriculum & teacher CDP around divisive identity politics 1/
Do you think the BBC Newsnight health correspondent Deb Cohen sounds impartial in her conversation with Peter Hitchens (@ClarkeMicah ) ?
I suppose it was a Friday night.
It’s now normal for lefties to hijack any perceived grievance and do all this knee crap and go on protest marches or chuck any nearby statues into the nearest pond so why don’t we try their tricks.
Instead of just some protesting over 75’s not paying the bbbc licence charge why not have everybody support them and get everyone to stop paying the fee.
The anticipated money from the older pensioners is ‘new’ money for the bbbc and will not hurt even if half did not pay but if we could do it like lefties and get the population to support our over 75’s (older pensioners lives matter or something like that) by stopping paying the bbbc tax then that would hurt as it would mean a real drop in income.
Not only that but the young’uns would actually save money AND be doing something genuinely good.
They could virtue signal for all they’re worth.
Their Grannies and Grandads would be proud of them.
If a high profile person such as Nigel or Katie (or Col. Tom) were to take up this idea it might catch on and it would be very satisfying to watch the bbbc squirm and suffer.
So, come on James Delingpole, Richard Littlejohn, Charles Moore, JHB and others who can make a difference, take this up and really make a difference. Tell EVERYBODY to stop paying the licence tax in support of our older pensioners.
You CAN make it happen.
“JHB wants old people with savings to pay the fee rather than expect yang people who do not have much money to pay.”
Young people don’t pay , full stop. They don’t watch Al Beeb anyway.
Is JHB after a job in Al Beeb or is she afraid of losing her job with LBC like Nigel ?
Can someone clarify please. There are conflicting reports about this ‘Licence’.
We have to pay for what is known as the BBC Licence Fee, but we appear to require a ‘broadcasting licence’ for other channels regardless of whether we watch the BBC or not.
Steele Dossier : a small par was delt with in the UK court
so why is that not big news ?
\\ Justice Mark Warby of the High Court of England and Wales ordered Steele’s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, to pay a modest 18,000 English pounds – about $22,596 in American currency – each to Petr Aven and Mikhail Fridman as compensation for a violation of Britain’s Data Protection Act 1998 .
Warby ruled that while Steele had a national security interest to share his intelligence with U.S. and British authorities, several of the allegations in Memo 112 of the Steele dossier were “inaccurate or misleading as a matter of fact.”//
8pm Radio4 special 1 hour, 20 minutes Archive on 4
Summer with Greta
Campaigner Greta Thunberg describes the remarkable and tumultuous past year of her life and makes a passionate plea for action on climate change.
BBC: ‘Andre Perry, the author of Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities, says that homes in black neighbourhoods are given half the value of equivalent properties in majority white areas.’
Given that the ones in majority black areas get 1/10th investment and care the ones in white neighbourhoods get is it really a surprise?
I reckon you’ll find the Local Authority in the black neighbourhoods pretty much walk away from their responsibilities with respect to the habitablity of the property as opposed to the LA’s in the white neighbourhoods.
When I lived in Philadelphia the estate agents used a technique.
They’d go to a middle class white area and buy a few houses full price, and give some black families a good deal.
bad black families I guess
cos the property prices would fall
The estate agents would start buying up the cheap houses, and then sell them at higher prices to blacks who wanted to move up.
Eventually the whole area would be none white.
I lived in various US cities and it’s shocking how ghettoised it was
.. I always told them ..we don’t have ghettos in the UK. Times change.
OnBreitbart there’s an article saying that an area the size of Cornwall has been concreted over to build housing for the rapid increase in population.
In the comments it’s repeatedly stated that the UN says the UK can support a 185 million population.
Given that Africa is 120 times bigger than the UK it follows that Africa can support a population of 22.2 billion using UN mathematics.
Plenty of room for them back home then, away from this hideously racist land of ours.
Make all of Africa into Liberia.
Utopia for the blacks.
By the way, has diversity ever worked, anywhere in the world.
It seems to me, diversity, enrichment, vibrant communities, whatever you want to call them, are the causes of all the wars.
We are better than you.
Our god is better than your god.
Our tribe is better than your tribe.
And so on.
Forcing different types of people to live together doesn’t work.
“In the comments it’s repeatedly stated that the UN says the UK can support a 185 million population.” Boris and Priti Useless are not even hiding the fact that the year to December 2019 was the largest number for one year over the past 10 years – 270,000 so, they are doing their bit to achieve that 185 million. ‘
Twil be even more if they thought the public weren’t looking.
The only place in which I have lived where, different races appear to get on is Singapore. But a bad example I suppose, Singapore being about double the size of the Isle of Wight.
Whatever way you look at it, we have millions more savages on their way with the blessing of Boris and Priti.
A classic example of the principle of, “Fu*k You”!
I have not checked this but I’m fairly sure there was one year (around the time of the Cameron-May changeover) when the gross immigration was over 600,000 and the nett was 350,000 (even in official figures, which are likely to understate the numbers coming in).
Well, if what we see as depicted in films and dramas about black neighbourhoods is the norm, then few whites would consider moving there, and wealthy black people wouldn’t live there either. But equally there are run down white areas of mobile homes, but clearly they aren’t given the same publicity ! The same here, if it was a toss up between buying a 3 bed terraced house in a run down part of an Asian neighbourhood to a 2 bed apartment in a better area populated by whites then I imagine it would be no contest.
Back in the early 70’s I spent many years as an estate agent, and if it taught me anything, it was to be respectful of everyone’s living conditions. It was their home, and not for me to judge. And believe me I saw every aspect of human life, from the super rich to the just surviving, from the pristine to the rat infested, but whatever, it was their ‘palace’, and I treated everyone the same.
Direct link to the David Sedgewick 1 hour interview one hour into Richie Allen’s show on Wednesday.
..The BBC’s Gotcha journalism
.. their lauding of Gina Miller etc.
I live in cleethorpes ….. it`s a hotbed of racism, so much sothat at 3.00 pm we`re having another Black Lives matter protest becouse.. I quote……
`Now, a further event will be held on Sunday, July 12 and when it was first announced, organisers said it was being staged after a perceived lack of response from local MPs and North East Lincolnshire Council following the previous demonstration.`
Nothing to do with the lack actual `black ethnicity residents` and those who are have had no problem assimilating themselves in a town traditionally known for being a place whose population has one of the highest populations in the country of descendants of Scandanavian and Eastern European migrants throughout its` entire history first due to it`s being at one time the home of the largest fishing fleet in the world and then afterwards a region many EU migrant workers settled in the area working in the farming sector all across Lincolnshire …. We have a welcoming nature, we have just about every ethnic origin living here alongside each other and the only actual `Black` people I know are two adopted lads from school who had white parents and i counted as mates and apart from that two of my grandchildren who are both mixed race as their father was born in Zimbabwe and who live about fifty miles away from Cleethorpes in lincoln….
Of those four I expect none of them will be at this unwarranted provacative procession of complete twats and about ten or twenty black people who probably live hundreds of miles away and have no links or knowledge of the area and whatever implied racially divisive knuckle dragging far right politically incorrent sentiments they most certainly DO NOT HAVE!!
We welcome everyone except those who set out to provoke us, if they do then they will find our police force is incapable of controlling certain sections of the local populace, we were known in the eighties as a small town who during the worst years of football violence on a number of occasions gave away fans a good spanking, Leeds Utd, Hull City, Millwall, Luton, and it wasn`t the local football fans who were involved it was just the locals…… N.E.Lincs Police/ Humberside police has the UKs worst Stats in the UK they have been underfunded for decades so I hope it doesn`t descend i9nto violence and children get caught up in it but last time people held their tempers apart from a few idiots old enough to know better, but after the MSM flagged us up as collectivelly racists thugs and arseholes it really felt like a smack in the teeth… Now they`rwe back and I don`t think it`s a good idea I think theyre coming here without any warrant and i expect many feel the same as I do….
FYI I am of Australian and N.Irish catholic heritage although born in Grimsby I know all about racism / sectarianism / identity politics when you create minority groups you marginalise people and it only ferments division… I wish the world would return back to common sense, there, I`ve said my piece sorry but I had to make a statement regarding this subject, both my grand parents fought for the British during two wars my Irish grandfather was a nationalist Volunteer in 1914 and fought in the 16th Ulsters at Looos durin g the first Somme offensive and after they were decimated he was transferred to the Gordons after it became known he was a fenian or left-footer, he was then again involved in the second somme offensive again in the first wave likke beforwe, he was decoratedand promoted to sargeant and then demoted back down to lance corporal afterhitting an officer who called him paddy he gained promot5ion again with the Gordons and ended the way with a bullet wound to his arm and another stripe on the other making him Corporal, he shot threee Germans and got two more with the bayonet after dropping his ammo as they ran at the treches like the newfioundlers did alongside the, yes they lost a hell of a lot but they and the Newfies were the only troops to acheive their objectivess that day….. My other grandfather was in the RTC and was stationed in the Far East when war broke out he qwas shipped over from Bombay and was at Dunkirk afterwards he was in Arfrica and then in France again he also thankfully survived… I am proud of my forbears they never talked of what they must have seen and lived through they didn`t talk about it they returned back to civvie life afterwards, but they never regretted answering the call when it came and nevr forgot those who were left behind, they were the bravest of men, all those who fought in our time of need and also our trusted allies of the Commonwealth too!! They didn`t wait to be asked they had nothing to gain from the conflicts but they saw tyranny and valued their British heritage and our culture and and the values we stood for, we were not perfect but we were better than our opponents….. If we continue to wipe outy our history even the most distasteful parts and replace it with revisional self flaggelating woke BS and start holding the history of our nation to account using todays standards it will end up like the Pendle Witch Trials first the books will burn then people eventually the whole world… We cannot progress as a civilisation if we do not know where we came from, our past is our past it is important as a reference as go forward into a better future but that is all it should be… The lost lives of those brave men and women and the countless lost lives meant something to them and they mean something to myself and that`s non negotiable… God forever keep them… We will never forget…
The Telly Tax – The tax that robs from the poor to pay the rich.
And they get away with it with the government’s approval. A government with the biggest majority since the 1930s.
I hope that some Tory MPs visit this site and read this comment?
Excellent piece from my friend @alittl about #Srebrenica. I was in Sarajevo. Bosnians warned that something horrific was happening. UN was alarmed but impotent. Years later I was delighted to testify at the trials of Mladic and Karadzic for genocide and crimes against humanity.
For what it’s worth- local government leaders (Tory and Labour) have privately been complaining to me for weeks and months about wanting better access to data central government data and lobbying for an improvement. It’s been a significant bugbear for some time.
"I can detect absolutely no sign of irony as the audience roar out these crudely jingoistic texts," scorns Morrison, not in an obscure Marxist pamphlet, but in his BBC music mag column.
There's no hope for these anarchists, and there's so so many of them. ????
Presumably mr Morrison has a contract due to be renewed or a book about to be published – or wants to be a victim of the inevitable hate he will receive .
The Proms -themselves – have been losing their way with tickbox conductors and expanding the music beyond the classical world into the poppy stuff – which has its place but maybe not the `Albert Hall .
Thank god there is no human audience this time round as it would have looked like an extension of the Notting Hill Carnival
The other bit I didn’t like was the ‘war’ by flags where there was a kind of peeing contest for the biggest or most non union flags – particularly the EU one …..
Back to the author – does he have a CV ? Does he will in another country ? Maybe he should ….
JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…
Ben Hunte, Grayson, Mishal and JezBo flying over with Greta to stand outside something with their gobs Gaffa’d?
One has to question why the BBC chose to highlight this story. Of all the wrongs in this world and lots within the Middle East, they chose this? Perhaps they are in support of a company which supports LGBTXYZ? Or does the BBC want to damage to an Arab company which obviously works sufficiently well with Israel that it prints its labels in Hebrew?
I just can’t help linking this story with the previous post by Aslt on wall charts.
Surely there is a case for a special ‘BBC narratives’ wall chart with stickers for swapsies.
I’ll swap your anti-semitism for my LGBTQxyz.
Only if you’ll give me your pro Islam for my untouchableNHS.
You’ll have to give me your BLM first.
What fun it would be to see the BBC having to put their favourites in order.
Something new for the curriculum
BBC: ‘The history of illegal raves in the UK’
Are we to look forward to Illegal Raves History Month?
I’m sure the Guardian will knock up a wallchart.
Legalise it, we’ll advertise it.
Legalise it by custom? Assuming you can persuade enough people to take the issue up. Trust our BBC………………..
The criminal law is well settled in the UK with a number of provisions. One of which, naturally, would be ‘aiding and abetting’ or conspiring to promote something illegal. BBC promoting? One can wish…………..
BBC Newsbeat
“People didn’t know who I was, and people still don’t know who I am.”
This is Tarana Burke and she’s the founder of the Me Too movement. She thinks there are similarities between Black Lives Matter and Me Too.
“They’re about fighting against injustice. Both movements are predicated on undoing systems of oppression.”
Get ‘em young, feed them propaganda, keep them stupid.
A mini masterclass in BBC propagated Trump Derangement this morning at their on-line news.
The headlines scream:
‘Critics blast Trump for commuting Stone jail term’
‘Democrats condemn the US President…’
Just in case you were wondering what all the fuss was about, there’s a little click tab titled:
‘Who is Roger Stone ?’
But, blimey, why bother, Orange Man Bad, right?
I’m sure the bBC would also like to give us their ‘analysis’ of Susan Rosenberg’s sentence being commuted by Clinton (mentioned by tomo on the Midweek Thread).
One word, again: Soros. That evil barsteward is behind virtually every form of anti-West activity. I’ll heave a sigh of relief when he’s arrested and prosecuted for conspiracy.
@Brissles : Jay Blades is on Radio4 at 9am
BBC where diversity means having the same special victimhood group mates on all the time.
When I click CarolineHirons Twitter
the page is headed by a BLM graphic and most tweets are anti Tory .
That’s how you get bbc coverage.
And don’t forget the inclinations of the Reverend Richard Coles, formerly the other half with the falsetto, Jockish Jimmy Somerville, in The Communards.
Gay, Jockish and dreaming of Leftoid communes; nearly a full house of Al Beeb’s top trumps there.
Stew, I said months ago that Jay “wots dat den?” Blades would be pushed front and centre as the new Nadya. Put a BAME on a show that becomes phenomenally popular and wahey its Christmas at the Beeb !
I noticed something on the Rev Coles’ thread here from the not-particularly-talented BBC fave Miranda Hart:
“Lest this helps anyone: I’ve put on 40 pounds. I want to lose it as I feel less me. And it’s vital to be audaciously free to be ourselves. But whilst I reside in a bigger body I will not feel shame. There are many complex reasons for weight gain and losing it can be hard for many.”
This semi-articulate drivel prompted me to engage in a little analysis:
(1) “Lest” is a rather old word, not used much now, which my Collins dictionary explains as “in order that … not” and/or “for fear that”. So Miranda has misused it, because it actually means the opposite of what she’s trying to say, which is “In case this helps anyone” or “If this is of help to anyone”.
(2) If she really wants to use “lest”, then the verb following it should strictly be in the subjunctive; so “lest this help” [i.e. no -s added to “help”]. Another example would be “I told the boy not to climb in that tree lest he fall onto the spiked railings below it”.
(3) “40 pounds”. Given that there are 14 pounds in one stone, then Ms Hart has put on nearly 3 stone (!) because 3 x 14 = 42.
(4) ” … as I feel less me.” One might object that there is now more “me” to “feel” with those 40 extra pounds of weight. She is presumably trying to say she is aware that she has changed by putting on a lot of weight. Well, Me-randa, some of us watch what we eat and exercise to avoid precisely this.
(5) “… audaciously free to be ourselves.” This is exactly what the BBC does NOT let you be, encouraging you instead to self-censor and shaming anyone who thinks independently.
(6) “… whilst I reside in a bigger body I will not feel shame.” You can reside in a bigger house or town but can you really “reside in a bigger body”, when that body is you, and is the way it is because of your choices? You should be ashamed of yourself.
(7) “There are many complex reasons for weight gain …” Well, unless she has a thyroid problem, it’s likely to be because she ate too much and exercised too little. Not that hard to understand.
I only ever read ‘tweets’ that people post on here and all the above is a good illustration of why I avoid Twitter, much of which is self-indulgent rubbish.
Repeat: RE bbc racism / tribalism disguised as diversity:
One thing that annoys me (amongst so many things, . like the bloody post office yesterday.) is hypocrisy
An African friend of mine who is a barrister and who understood the academic system and used it, explained there is a thing called tribalism, which so many, including the blm marxists are calling racism
He said it is rife in Africa, and it is a natural human instinct which we are all party to be it in family or work
Now here is the interesting part, he said racism is where one considers another race as less than human and so allows that race to be treated as animals RE South Africa and Nazi Germany where genocide becomes allowable
That is racism, but my point about hypocisy is, if you also wish to suppress the natural human instinct of tribalism by supressing our natural “animalistic” side, one should also not be expressing our other natural instincts of anger and violence which blm and the marxists thrive upon
thus the hypocrisy
Note to the bbbc et al:
if one wants humans to be higher then start with yourselves be it twitter wishing conservatives dead or whatever else you attack
From Australia:
Events in America, notably at The New York Times, once the shining light of journalistic inquiry, reveal how identity politics can ruin liberal institutions, undermine the foundations of journalism and compromise the fragile role of reason in public debate.
With America in trauma, consumed by a frontline political war that is not replicated here — Trumpian populists against progressive believers — it is illuminating that Australian activists opportunistically seek to translate the American mood, slogans and demands to this country. Identity politics does not require historical knowledge.
Social media activists operate in a world of technology-driven globalisation where what happens in an American city has the same relevance as what happens down the road. This telescopic vision is then driven by subcultures — based on race, gender and sexuality — and a new morality where people are deemed good or bad depending on their identity and place in the power structure.
The ideology of “systemic racism” condemns the power structure. The problem becomes the system, not aspects of the system that need reform. Herein lies the essential problem — once you accept critical race theory — that racism is everywhere and permeates everything, you create an end-goal that will never be realised but delivers endless anger.
“racism is everywhere and permeates everything, you create an end-goal that will never be realised but delivers endless anger.” The Marxists delight. Unending confrontation and anger to focus on…….
No. tribalism there is a big bloody difference
I will give you an example
working during the mid eighties there was a true racist who was also a nice guy but that was his thing because he used to work in Africa and saw how thing were
Anyway I recall another workmate (scottish) saying about him
“we don’t like our daughters to come home with a black guy, but he’s the only one hoping it happens and waiting with a shot gun”
I’m no psychologist but I can see empirically that this whole BLM farrago is making many otherwise normal people into racists. I am a part of a group of about a dozen who regularly meet and we form a cross-section of society. Without exception, we abhor the antics of the whole movement and I fear that this abhorrence is evolving into racism. We all have friends, acquaintances and colleagues who are BAME (and mainly share our views) and we have no problems with them, but the virtue signalling of the likes of the BBC and latte-quaffing “celebrities” from Islington appears to be turning many sensible people against PoCs (or whatever is the latest “must have” description).
Awww, Please Miss, it’s not fair!
BBC: ‘GCSE and A-level results ‘could be affected by bias”
Careful BBC, that word ‘bias’ is what we call an indoor word. It’s not nice to say it in public.
‘Disadvantaged and ethnic minority pupils face particular risks from the possibility of unconscious bias, said the Commons Education Committee.’
And I think I can see where this is going.
9am News “Labour has called on the government to clarify the position on face coverings”
… read off the Labour sheet did they ?
#CCBGB for however they are. And their PR agency cum broadcaster.
I wondered what had become of Hinge & Bracket?
I have to say Dame Hilda could make more of an effort.
I was thinking more like a choice between Hettie from The Dick Emery show and one of the Mitchell brothers.
Ooh… You Are Awful
or was that more the character who in reply to a street interviewer saying excuse me Madam, she would correct with “Miss”.
As for the Mitchell’s catchphase that was along the lines of a gruff “Oi, that’s my baby!”
Does anyone know whether Nigel Farage has been arrested for breaching quarantine . ? I think I saw – yesterday – that there has not been a single ‘check ‘ visit …..
As for those two liberal ….er… can’t think of the word … who ever gets the job will have a knife already stuck in by the other – which is good news..
If he hasn’t broken the law – does he get the apology from s^^t Davey ? The cc of Kent – the Dick of London ? Or all three?
Imagine some poor plod being sent round to ‘interview’.
They’ll make a lovely couple…………
Both stupid as would be any offspring.
A story of great interest to literally handfuls of people.
RE StewGreen
Our far left really have a problem with understanding simple messages do they not, how many times has the Lara Karlsberg monster failed to understand instructions having to ask over and over again
she must have so many accidents ( looking at her face this is self evident) and let us all live in hope that she does not have a driving license
the highway code is so obviously beyond her comprehension looking at her recent performance
‘Pressure is mounting’ in the House journal.
BBC on standby.
Letting hordes of savages in? Eventually you have to deal with their problems so it comes home to roost?
Can’t help but notice the BBC has provided us a veritable plethora of piffle this Saturday morning.
It was a late night last night so I am struggling with pelthora of piffle is that assonace or alliteration or both
either way coat time 🙂
Is it racist to say how the f@ck do you pronounce that name FFS I just say Dave
I had a meeting yesterday with a Hindu lady who had the grace to anglicise her first name
and ALL chinese do the same
some asians do not on purpose and why ? …
TOADY Watch #1 – Auntie Beeb’s amnesia has kicked in again
Oh, and their anti-President Trump bias, too. They forget that when a US President reaches the end of a term of office, they may pardon someone. I seem to recall that it has happened many times in the recent Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations.
I forgot that the TOADY prog doesn’t bother with a look at the newspapers after the 7 a.m. News & Weather on Saturdays as it does on weekdays at 6.10 a.m.. I found myself listening to quite a bit of the TOADY prog today and was regaled with a fairly lengthy item about President Trump abusing his powers to pardon Roger Stone.
Stone is described as a Trump friend & ally and responsible for getting Trump elected in one sentence of script. In another sentence of the same portion of BBC script, Auntie forgets herself and what she has just said and describes Stone as a Republican Party worker since the 1970s.
Oh dear!
Auntie Beeb’s dementia is apparent. Time to find a Care Home for her.
There I was thinking you’d given up – Up2 – but thanks for the updates – I think presidential pardons can be unlimited and legally unchallengeable – as per dickie Nixon …
’twas a bit accidental Fed. Had a bad night, herring gulls a nightmare at this time of year, local pigeons not much better. Clean forgot Beeb runs TOADY on a different schedule on Sats.
I seem to recall Clinton did a string and Obama also. George Bush, iirc, was a little more restrained.
In a report on the upcoming Polish elections the BBC take us for a quick trip through the looking glass into a fabulous land where everything is reversed.
‘Poland’s public broadcaster, Polish TV, is funded by the taxpayer and is bound by its charter to present balanced coverage of political events.’
Yeah, so far not so strange, you may say.
‘Instead, its main evening news bulletin praises the government and Mr Duda [the conservative] daily and attacks Mr Trzaskowski, [the liberal] accusing him of being in cahoots with Jewish and LGBT interest groups.’
Maybe it is simply the concept of taxpayer funded broadcasting that is the problem?
Further to my previous post in deep dismay that this mask nonsense is escalating..
‘Explain this to me – Boris has recovered from the Chinese virus – he can’t catch it again and can’t infect others – why the aunt fanny is he wearing a chuffin mask?’
Apparently the chubby emperor has no clothes – but he has a mask
Boris out Now!
(and I will happily retract if and only if he stops this idiot notion of increasing mask mandating)
We know the reason – to hide the governments embarrassment that this whole charade has been an overreaction fueled by those in the media who are either panicking snowflakes and those more cynical operators who want to mortally damage the economy before we finally leave the clutches of the EU.
Just as we see wearing of a burka in muslim women or white people “taking the knee” – To me I see the wearing of the “mask” is another symbol of subjugation and the acceptance of whatever dishonest BS the government and media feed us at face value.
If the policy remains in place and absolute caution is continued, particularly by those vulnerable, how do you think that will effect the normal number of deaths per winter per normal ‘Flu’ infection?
It is likened to the wearing of seatbelts – precautionary. Or perhaps there are a number of drivers ignoring that law still around
‘It is likened to the wearing of seatbelts – precautionary’
Let’s explore the logic here and extend the argument to its inevitable conclusions. Apparently any amount of economic damage is acceptable so long as a small number of lives can be (theoretically) saved.
If so, forget seatbelts. We should stop all road traffic now. It will save a small number of lives otherwise lost in road traffic accidents.
I simply cannot be bothered.
AISI we are not certain that the PM cannot catch Covid-19 again. Because the BBC was delinquent in its journalism before and during Lockdown and only wanted to score points for bashing HM’sG they haven’t carefully – at length and thoroughly – interviewed virologists and other scientists, at least in my hearing on R4 about what they are learning about Covid-19.
Just thinking about masks: Rishi Sunak didn’t cut VAT as most people wanted on Wednesday. Therefore, HM’sTreasury gets 20% of mask sales. Supermarkets, chemists, on-line retailers do a roaring trade. What’s not to like?
Masks carelessly thrown away everywhere, that’s #1.
People becoming careless about touching surfaces, that’s #2
A false sense of security, that’s #3
Increase in robberies and violent crime, that’s #4.
‘we are not certain that the PM cannot catch Covid-19 again’
Perhaps. But if official scientific ignorance is that deep then we are truly screwed. What is the point of any advice or regulation? Bugger all testing, that’s a complete waste of resources if you can catch it twice.
In 1941 we had “Germany calling-Germany calling.” Today
from our NATIONAL broadcaster a plethora of Lady Haw-Haws
with a couple of Lord Haw-Haws thrown in . Defund the BBC?
ABOLISH the enemy of the state !
Coming to a Town or City near you soon………………………
Particularly, Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Bristol, Birmingham – Phew! you get the point: Etc, etc, etc, etc…………….
TOADY Watch #2 – what is worse, Auntie Beeb’s dementia or Peter Soulsby?
The Mayor of Leicester is not doing a great job as an advert for the Labour Party in order to get Der Starmer elected in 2024. He complained in interview on the prog that the Government hadn’t povided Leicester with good statistical evidence of Covid-19 infections. Then he said, he didn’t believe the figures he had been given by central Government.
Our Mishal, perfectly pronounced the names of the two languages spoken by the Majority Ethnic population of Leicester – a pleasure to hear – trying to push the idea that the poor BAME population were ignorant. They couldn’t speak or read English and were being put upon by white, male, English
ConservativesLabour Party people inGovernmentLocal Government. At that point Peter Soulsby says that leaflets were distributed in the Majority Ethnic language, iirc, Parsi and Hindi. No mention of Bangla. Oh well.Oh dear x2!
Has Mishal got the Tartan Tantrum in yet as it seems Asia Day? Again.
Don’t know, but I could listen to her in her native tongue for a quarter or half an hour or so. Perhaps she could be moved from the TOADY Prog to a cooking programme or maybe telling stories for children?
Youtube version of that cartoon
The BBC might wonder about who it wheel on constantly as well.
[wipes away small tear]
Garcelle is of color.
Garcelle says stuff.
Surely a BBc Of Color Says Stuff Editor from the cubicle gardens can get this trending to the home page in a week?
Stories found on the internet in recent days about a supposed controversy concerning the famed car from “Dukes of Hazzard” are the journalistic equivalent of fishing expeditions.
“Fly, BBC BBC Of Blue Color Monkeys… Fly!”
Ignore this bit. As you do.
‘But in the stories about the “controversy” over the General Lee car, no actual complaint from any individual or organization can be found.
Guest PBS america is about to repeat the excellent Ken Burns documentaries of the Civil War which will be unwatchable snowflakes because it demands concentration and there is not a celebrity presenter telling younwhat to think .
Please without the theme tune, please, please!
Both this and the Vietnam one were excellent series.
I think this was last in the news in 2015. In the aftermath of the Charleston S.C. massacre by Dylann Roof of 9 black churchgoers, Warner Bros. Consumer Products was one of the companies that announced it would no longer sell products featuring the Confederate Flag. For them this meant removing it from Dukes of Hazzard merchandising – T-shirts, toy cars etc.
As a relevant aside:
Video below of the trailer for the movie Shag, a sort of Dirty Dancing knock-off from 1989, that features lots of Confederate Flag imagery (including Bridget Fonda, Hanoi Jane’s niece, dancing with one). The film, a flop, got a decent critical reception from the likes of Roger Ebert and has a British connection, being co-produced by Stephen Woolley and directed by Zelda Barron. Pretty sure none of these people were white supremacists like Roof.
I suppose if we let the SJWs burn down the whole past, they will construct a perfect future for all of us?
TOADY Watch #3 – Well it is plainly not the Government’s fault – more dementia, BBC?
The newsreader and the TOADY presenters were wringing their hands over the damage caused by the Lockdown to the education of poor and BAME children.
Funny, I seem to recall the Government wanting schools to re-open and it was teachers refusing to go back to work that prevented it. No questions asked of teaching unions about that.
I wonder why?
At least the ‘children ‘ of 2020 can for ever be called the ‘ lost generation ‘as they spend the summer stuffing themselves with tax subsidised food whilst their poor teachers earn a bit on the side .
Interesting that teaching has been as unwilling or unable to respond to chinese virus as the NHS has – without huge amounts of money and the drive of better outfits ( army ) theyd still be playing the victim cards in empty A and Es and outpatients …
Bring on the undeclared Labour activist to slag of tax spending – too little too late … without challenge from a BBC droid .
Fedup, it isn’t just tax subsidised food. In an area of high deprivation near me, the schools are providing free school meals to those entitled to them, delivered by senior staff so they can check on the children’s welfare. Since, thanks to the black footballer, the parents are now getting an extra £15 per week per child, when teachers are visiting at lunch time, the family are still in bed. There is no desire amongst the mothers to get their kids back into school. Without those vouchers, mothers (usually no fathers are around) could have been lured into getting the little dears back into classes. Attendance is around 10%.
This kind of bias BBC reporting (even by their standard) plays on ‘general ignorance’ within Britain of international politics to ‘normalise’ messaging written within the DNA of the BBC.
The refusal of the Polish government to ’embrace western LGBT values’ is simply ‘extraordinary’ to the BBC and an anathema within the EU. The piece, from an unapologetically pro-gay perspective, features extrovert Polish and ‘exiled’ Poles in London. Any brief anti-gay input, queue frothing mouths or ignorant elderly prejudice, highly unrepresentative and unfair on truth – but when did that stop the BBC?
Duda and his supporters are described as regressive not progressive, stuck in the past, hate filled anti-gay fascists. It’s the same reductive identity politics pressure we are used to here when society simply says, no, or wait – Let’s give this some proper consideration.
More than that, however, many educated Poles see identity politics for exactly what they are, and are saying wait, hang on a minute! BLM/Liberal values/Gay rights, these ‘causes’ are used like Trojan horses in the West to prey on institutional weakness. Support from the feeble minded and emotionally driven, whipped up into a frenzy to take ‘ground’, ‘power’. They see these causes and their supporters used as a conduit for an ideological truth they’ve seen before. Marxism. Poland has been there before.
Luckily a good friend of mine speaks Polish – so here’s the reality.
The Polish government is against same sex marriage and adoption, as well as the sexualisation and promotion of LGBT within schools. The government (Duda) protects, within law, LGBT people against hatred, violence and discrimination and secures their right to exist equally, along with every other citizen.
On this issue, most Polish people agree with Duda. They’ve seen how the assimilation of many of these values in Western/British society has developed. Trans teaching to nursery kids, here’s some of the many propaganda pieces from the BBC to educate our children;
Duda stands for traditional values and the core family. He says; ‘This is the Polish ideal and my policies will reflect this’. LGBT people are free to live their lives but not marry or adopt. That’s his clear message.
Why is that position so politically controversial? I suspect it’s precisely the position millions hold in Britain. Why does the BBC painting this as extreme? Why the hell can people not hold a differing opinion and why is this bloody piece from our corrupt national broadcaster not balanced. I loathe their insidious propaganda and the minds behind it.
Good post. I think that Eastern Europe will carry the flame of EUropean and indeed Western culture when it has long been extinguished in the UK USA, France etc.
It’s the little things, isn’t it? BBC Sport headline:
West Indies punish England…..England under huge pressure……
No doubt whoever wrote that has only a peripheral understanding of cricket, knocking the country obviously takes precedence at W1A but just for the record we were all out for 204, WI for 318 and we’re currently on 57 for 0 in the second innings, 57 behind with all wickets in hand.
That’s not punishment, the pressure is constant in test cricket anyway and the game is evenly balanced. Stuff you BBC, your fawning adulation of anything with a dark skin is the essence of racist thinking.
TOADY Watch #4 – Helping to get the vote out for November
The Republican vote, that is. The BBC & TOADY prog had another negative item about President Trump this morning – polls are showing that he might lose to Joe Biden in November. Keep on broadcasting this BBC. Put it up on your US web-pages, play it on anything the BBC does to broadcast in the US, such as World Service.
Help get the Republican vote out.
My fear is that if President Trump does win, especially if it is a narrow win in a close contest, then the Democratic Party will not accept the result and will go on the rampage as they did in 2016. That then places the re-elected President in a difficult position. Call out the US Army and risk the slide to a civil war or start a distracting and unifying conflict elsewhere in the world.
If you want to see the anti Trump campaign turn to Ch 4
news at 7pm. Every night news from the US is anti Trump. Standard format, with hate filled eyes Siobhan Kennedy reports on, say, Corona virus in some state. Then launches into an attack on Trump for attending a fund raiser or thinking more about himself. Then one of the presenters interviews an anti Trump Dem, then an anti Trump Republican, who are both encouraged to trot out the usual litany of Trump’s faults expressing the hope that the people will reject him in November.
Wife had BBC on this morning ..I saw Jack Charlton had died – the BBC them proceeded to have 3 women talk about his life and career..
I am not a football fan and don’t mind women who know their subject talking about it – but they couldn’t find a man that actually knew about football or knew Jack, to talk?
The first presenter was clearly reading from a script and had no feeling or emotion – they might as well have had a robot reading it out.
BBC you are pathetic with this constant narrative….
I have searched but could not find any trace of Jackie Charlton’s rap music or of his intention to convert to Islam. I suppose that is why they are not really interested in him
James-That is why I am amazed that they still allow a man .
and a white male at that to present Match of the Day.
I wonder when netball and women’s rugby become the
BBC’S main sporting events ,if we will have male
Well, when you say they allow a white male to present Match of the Day, be fair…
It is Gary Lineker.
Maybe there’s something about Gary that we don’t know.
Is there a box ticked which is being kept quiet?
To be fair to Gary he’s put the bbc in a difficult position, they must be itching to replace him but he just keeps woking out on them. Just when you think he couldn’t possibly be more on message he taps in another tweet. (or is it him?) Well played.
Always a goal hanger,
no doubt suffered for it in the changing rooms afterwards
thus the opinions now
Yes but he exudes Wokism from every pore and has applied to become black.
“The insidious march of critical race theory in schools may be breaking the law
Teaching the woke vision of racism as if it were uncontested fact will do more harm than good”
Paywalled but you know the way round.
some screenshots
The writer
Thanks for this Stew.
Thankfully, there is some opposition to the one-sided perspective offered by CRT enthusiasts. “Don’t Divide Us” is a cross-party campaign launched by former MEP Claire Fox …
Do you think the BBC Newsnight health correspondent Deb Cohen sounds impartial in her conversation with Peter Hitchens (@ClarkeMicah ) ?
I suppose it was a Friday night.
Sorry. Repetition on my part for effect.
That is hilarious – who is she? I think PH hit the nail on the head with the self-regarding. Isn’t that what the BBC do as a whole. 🙂
But really who is she?
It’s now normal for lefties to hijack any perceived grievance and do all this knee crap and go on protest marches or chuck any nearby statues into the nearest pond so why don’t we try their tricks.
Instead of just some protesting over 75’s not paying the bbbc licence charge why not have everybody support them and get everyone to stop paying the fee.
The anticipated money from the older pensioners is ‘new’ money for the bbbc and will not hurt even if half did not pay but if we could do it like lefties and get the population to support our over 75’s (older pensioners lives matter or something like that) by stopping paying the bbbc tax then that would hurt as it would mean a real drop in income.
Not only that but the young’uns would actually save money AND be doing something genuinely good.
They could virtue signal for all they’re worth.
Their Grannies and Grandads would be proud of them.
If a high profile person such as Nigel or Katie (or Col. Tom) were to take up this idea it might catch on and it would be very satisfying to watch the bbbc squirm and suffer.
So, come on James Delingpole, Richard Littlejohn, Charles Moore, JHB and others who can make a difference, take this up and really make a difference. Tell EVERYBODY to stop paying the licence tax in support of our older pensioners.
You CAN make it happen.
JHB wants old people with savings to pay the fee rather than expect yang people who do not have much money to pay.
I don’t think vaizey is short of a few bob . Maybe he doesn’t like have to pay his own taxes rather than claiming MP expenses.
“JHB wants old people with savings to pay the fee rather than expect yang people who do not have much money to pay.”
Young people don’t pay , full stop. They don’t watch Al Beeb anyway.
Is JHB after a job in Al Beeb or is she afraid of losing her job with LBC like Nigel ?
Can someone clarify please. There are conflicting reports about this ‘Licence’.
We have to pay for what is known as the BBC Licence Fee, but we appear to require a ‘broadcasting licence’ for other channels regardless of whether we watch the BBC or not.
Is this the case or not ?
Jeremy Vine had this as a topic.
The way Radio 2 explained it, you only need a licence to watch BBC programmes.
Pretty sure they are wrong.
He was misleading the listeners.
Visit this site
IMHO a lot of pensioners will fall for that trick .
Apologies if this was posted before
I saw that Dobyns, the logical conclusion being he wants all the protesters to contract Covid.
Steele Dossier : a small par was delt with in the UK court
so why is that not big news ?
\\ Justice Mark Warby of the High Court of England and Wales ordered Steele’s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, to pay a modest 18,000 English pounds – about $22,596 in American currency – each to Petr Aven and Mikhail Fridman as compensation for a violation of Britain’s Data Protection Act 1998 .
Warby ruled that while Steele had a national security interest to share his intelligence with U.S. and British authorities, several of the allegations in Memo 112 of the Steele dossier were “inaccurate or misleading as a matter of fact.”//
It will be interesting to see how the White House reacts to this …
8pm Radio4 special 1 hour, 20 minutes Archive on 4
Summer with Greta
Campaigner Greta Thunberg describes the remarkable and tumultuous past year of her life and makes a passionate plea for action on climate change.
#Woke-supremacism is a form of racism
Location, Location, Location ?
BBC: ‘Andre Perry, the author of Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities, says that homes in black neighbourhoods are given half the value of equivalent properties in majority white areas.’
Given that the ones in majority black areas get 1/10th investment and care the ones in white neighbourhoods get is it really a surprise?
I reckon you’ll find the Local Authority in the black neighbourhoods pretty much walk away from their responsibilities with respect to the habitablity of the property as opposed to the LA’s in the white neighbourhoods.
When I lived in Philadelphia the estate agents used a technique.
They’d go to a middle class white area and buy a few houses full price, and give some black families a good deal.
bad black families I guess
cos the property prices would fall
The estate agents would start buying up the cheap houses, and then sell them at higher prices to blacks who wanted to move up.
Eventually the whole area would be none white.
I lived in various US cities and it’s shocking how ghettoised it was
.. I always told them ..we don’t have ghettos in the UK. Times change.
OnBreitbart there’s an article saying that an area the size of Cornwall has been concreted over to build housing for the rapid increase in population.
In the comments it’s repeatedly stated that the UN says the UK can support a 185 million population.
Given that Africa is 120 times bigger than the UK it follows that Africa can support a population of 22.2 billion using UN mathematics.
Plenty of room for them back home then, away from this hideously racist land of ours.
Make all of Africa into Liberia.
Utopia for the blacks.
By the way, has diversity ever worked, anywhere in the world.
It seems to me, diversity, enrichment, vibrant communities, whatever you want to call them, are the causes of all the wars.
We are better than you.
Our god is better than your god.
Our tribe is better than your tribe.
And so on.
Forcing different types of people to live together doesn’t work.
“In the comments it’s repeatedly stated that the UN says the UK can support a 185 million population.” Boris and Priti Useless are not even hiding the fact that the year to December 2019 was the largest number for one year over the past 10 years – 270,000 so, they are doing their bit to achieve that 185 million. ‘
Twil be even more if they thought the public weren’t looking.
The only place in which I have lived where, different races appear to get on is Singapore. But a bad example I suppose, Singapore being about double the size of the Isle of Wight.
Whatever way you look at it, we have millions more savages on their way with the blessing of Boris and Priti.
A classic example of the principle of, “Fu*k You”!
270,000 eh?
I have not checked this but I’m fairly sure there was one year (around the time of the Cameron-May changeover) when the gross immigration was over 600,000 and the nett was 350,000 (even in official figures, which are likely to understate the numbers coming in).
Well, if what we see as depicted in films and dramas about black neighbourhoods is the norm, then few whites would consider moving there, and wealthy black people wouldn’t live there either. But equally there are run down white areas of mobile homes, but clearly they aren’t given the same publicity ! The same here, if it was a toss up between buying a 3 bed terraced house in a run down part of an Asian neighbourhood to a 2 bed apartment in a better area populated by whites then I imagine it would be no contest.
Back in the early 70’s I spent many years as an estate agent, and if it taught me anything, it was to be respectful of everyone’s living conditions. It was their home, and not for me to judge. And believe me I saw every aspect of human life, from the super rich to the just surviving, from the pristine to the rat infested, but whatever, it was their ‘palace’, and I treated everyone the same.
Direct link to the David Sedgewick 1 hour interview one hour into Richie Allen’s show on Wednesday.
..The BBC’s Gotcha journalism
.. their lauding of Gina Miller etc.
They are quite mad.
Yet the bbc promotes them.
BBC News
“Where I live there are no male ballet dancers like me. When people see ballet they think it is only for girls.”
Meet 11-year-old Anthony Mmesoma Madu who’s challenging ballet stereotypes in Nigeria.
Bet yer average pensioner in Cleethorpes will fully appreciate the value of uniquely funding the challenging of ballet stereotypes in Nigeria.
I live in cleethorpes ….. it`s a hotbed of racism, so much sothat at 3.00 pm we`re having another Black Lives matter protest becouse.. I quote……
`Now, a further event will be held on Sunday, July 12 and when it was first announced, organisers said it was being staged after a perceived lack of response from local MPs and North East Lincolnshire Council following the previous demonstration.`
Nothing to do with the lack actual `black ethnicity residents` and those who are have had no problem assimilating themselves in a town traditionally known for being a place whose population has one of the highest populations in the country of descendants of Scandanavian and Eastern European migrants throughout its` entire history first due to it`s being at one time the home of the largest fishing fleet in the world and then afterwards a region many EU migrant workers settled in the area working in the farming sector all across Lincolnshire …. We have a welcoming nature, we have just about every ethnic origin living here alongside each other and the only actual `Black` people I know are two adopted lads from school who had white parents and i counted as mates and apart from that two of my grandchildren who are both mixed race as their father was born in Zimbabwe and who live about fifty miles away from Cleethorpes in lincoln….
Of those four I expect none of them will be at this unwarranted provacative procession of complete twats and about ten or twenty black people who probably live hundreds of miles away and have no links or knowledge of the area and whatever implied racially divisive knuckle dragging far right politically incorrent sentiments they most certainly DO NOT HAVE!!
We welcome everyone except those who set out to provoke us, if they do then they will find our police force is incapable of controlling certain sections of the local populace, we were known in the eighties as a small town who during the worst years of football violence on a number of occasions gave away fans a good spanking, Leeds Utd, Hull City, Millwall, Luton, and it wasn`t the local football fans who were involved it was just the locals…… N.E.Lincs Police/ Humberside police has the UKs worst Stats in the UK they have been underfunded for decades so I hope it doesn`t descend i9nto violence and children get caught up in it but last time people held their tempers apart from a few idiots old enough to know better, but after the MSM flagged us up as collectivelly racists thugs and arseholes it really felt like a smack in the teeth… Now they`rwe back and I don`t think it`s a good idea I think theyre coming here without any warrant and i expect many feel the same as I do….
FYI I am of Australian and N.Irish catholic heritage although born in Grimsby I know all about racism / sectarianism / identity politics when you create minority groups you marginalise people and it only ferments division… I wish the world would return back to common sense, there, I`ve said my piece sorry but I had to make a statement regarding this subject, both my grand parents fought for the British during two wars my Irish grandfather was a nationalist Volunteer in 1914 and fought in the 16th Ulsters at Looos durin g the first Somme offensive and after they were decimated he was transferred to the Gordons after it became known he was a fenian or left-footer, he was then again involved in the second somme offensive again in the first wave likke beforwe, he was decoratedand promoted to sargeant and then demoted back down to lance corporal afterhitting an officer who called him paddy he gained promot5ion again with the Gordons and ended the way with a bullet wound to his arm and another stripe on the other making him Corporal, he shot threee Germans and got two more with the bayonet after dropping his ammo as they ran at the treches like the newfioundlers did alongside the, yes they lost a hell of a lot but they and the Newfies were the only troops to acheive their objectivess that day….. My other grandfather was in the RTC and was stationed in the Far East when war broke out he qwas shipped over from Bombay and was at Dunkirk afterwards he was in Arfrica and then in France again he also thankfully survived… I am proud of my forbears they never talked of what they must have seen and lived through they didn`t talk about it they returned back to civvie life afterwards, but they never regretted answering the call when it came and nevr forgot those who were left behind, they were the bravest of men, all those who fought in our time of need and also our trusted allies of the Commonwealth too!! They didn`t wait to be asked they had nothing to gain from the conflicts but they saw tyranny and valued their British heritage and our culture and and the values we stood for, we were not perfect but we were better than our opponents….. If we continue to wipe outy our history even the most distasteful parts and replace it with revisional self flaggelating woke BS and start holding the history of our nation to account using todays standards it will end up like the Pendle Witch Trials first the books will burn then people eventually the whole world… We cannot progress as a civilisation if we do not know where we came from, our past is our past it is important as a reference as go forward into a better future but that is all it should be… The lost lives of those brave men and women and the countless lost lives meant something to them and they mean something to myself and that`s non negotiable… God forever keep them… We will never forget…
Meanwhile the bbc has announced Owen Jones will head up its fact checking team.
And Complaints.
Sources say.
Tucker asks the question, why do Asian kids surpass other ethnicities in US schools, if differences of achievement are all down to ‘racism’?
(Woke liberals hate this topic, as it challenges their entire argument that black failure and inequality are due to racism.)
Perhaps the BBC could enlighten us.
Meanwhile, the House journal goes full OJ.
Never go full OJ.
Also House journal.
vid Sargon explains , no these secret post aren’t that horrific
The bbc has always been very much a family affair.
The Telly Tax – The tax that robs from the poor to pay the rich.
And they get away with it with the government’s approval. A government with the biggest majority since the 1930s.
I hope that some Tory MPs visit this site and read this comment?
Were I on the Oscar committee, she would win the whole shebang.
Stumbled across this from a few days ago.
Does this poor excuse for a journalist really still think these mystery tell tales carry any weight now?
The bbc like repeats.
Presumably mr Morrison has a contract due to be renewed or a book about to be published – or wants to be a victim of the inevitable hate he will receive .
The Proms -themselves – have been losing their way with tickbox conductors and expanding the music beyond the classical world into the poppy stuff – which has its place but maybe not the `Albert Hall .
Thank god there is no human audience this time round as it would have looked like an extension of the Notting Hill Carnival
The other bit I didn’t like was the ‘war’ by flags where there was a kind of peeing contest for the biggest or most non union flags – particularly the EU one …..
Back to the author – does he have a CV ? Does he will in another country ? Maybe he should ….