\\ Six years ago, Miriam Margolyes became an Australian citizen.
“It was a day of supreme happiness,” she beams at the start of this typically honest and thoughtful travelogue.
The self-described “78-year-old Jewish lesbian”, whose partner is Australian, embarks upon a 10 thousand kilometre voyage to find out whether the so-called Australian Dream still exists in 2020.
Did it ever exist? Margolyes’ findings are pretty bleak.
She meets the first Aboriginal woman to be elected to the Victorian parliament, which only happened in 2017, and is shocked to discover that women over 55 now make up the fastest growing homeless population in Australia.
She also uncovers the devastating effects of drought on farming communities,
and encounters a young Afghan man who has been denied permanent residency //
BTW also Friday, PBS has 3 hours on the Black Panther movement.
She’s a pretty foulmouthed woman who should stick to acting. Shame she isn’t commissioned to go and shout her mouth off in Islamic countries, and see how long she’d last before being arrested.
Top story – guitar sales peak in lockdown. Accompanying photo – a young woman strumming a guitar.
Second story – Unilever sales figures reveal ice cream sales are up but shampoo & deoderant are down – Pic of woman washing her hair and another of a woman (not a child, mind you) eating a Magnum
Third story – Nightclubs and soft play centres call for lockdown reopening clarity – Photo of a woman, presumably proprietor or employee of a children’s play centre.
Fourth story – Apple & Nike on the China Uighur issue. Photo of an oriental woman.
Are men allowed to be pictured in business news anymore?
For no particular reason I’m reminded of an old Morecambe & Wise gag.
Ernie: Why are you walking like that?
Eric: I’m a businessman
Ernie: Businessmen don’t walk that way
Eric: You don’t know my business
My apologies for making a second posting of Priti-Racist Patel’s talk from the planet Bame. (above)
I hadn’t noticed that G.W.F. had already posted this item yesterday. At the time I had only read from the top of the new page down so I didn’t see it before I posted mine.
Please don’t feel you have to apologise. A lot of us are commenting here on issues that are important to us, and it is inevitable that there will be duplicates. Besides, a recent re-posting offers an opportunity to add to the discussion. FedUp2 is doing a brilliant job and the overwhelming swell of material here must be having an impact.
One of those problems . Sometimes 150 plus posts a day and difficult to see across pages whether something has already been discussed. I see ‘ repeats ‘ as a sign of the importance of the subject
Thing is, too, Fed, that if someone picks up on a bit of Beeb bias or error, and another contributor posts a similar moan 10 minutes later, it rather confirms the bias. Get three posts and we’ve really got the Beeb ‘triangulated’ in our sights.
Appreciate that it adds to the workload but the Beeb could dismiss a solo complaint ‘Oh, they are a serial moaner’ or ‘Oh, they hate the BBC because they are right wing’. If we have several it rather confirms that no one is a crank or an extremist.
Something I have noticed.
Whenever the BBC does a voxpop concerning the UK they nearly always find a BAME (recent immigrant) who more often than not cannot hardly speak a word of English…
However, when they go north of the border into Scotland and voxpop someone concerning Scottish matters, It is always a white indigenous Scotty…..
The police made them take it down and one of the girls said…
“I’m troubled that the police are curtailing people’s freedom of expression, and I can’t see how the banner was racist. Police resources should not be used to potentially criminalising law abiding citizens.”
So how does she feel about the plight of guy who flew a banner over the soccer stadium “All lives Matter”? They got “advice” from plod whereas he got investigated and sacked along with his wife. In my opinion their banner was far more offensive and even dangerous.
Or maybe they only want censure to apply to a certain kind of people who put up banners?
4:20pm Radio4 “And here we have Carol Morley from The Friday Film Club”
CM “Yes of the films 15 out of 20 our selected films have female directors
and all have female lead characters”
#ConstantAgendaPushing BBC #EverydaySexism
Here is an explosive fact which I was previously unaware of, and now I’m pretty shocked.
We all know about the slave trade, we are routinely lied to that it was all about taking slaves from North West Africa and transporting them to North America to work on cotton plantations. This is a lie.
Before you read further get a piece of paper and write down your own perception of the scale of the Atlantic Slave trade a period between 1525 and 1866
How many slaves were transported
How many actually survived the crossing
How many were landed in North America
Where did the others go.
Here are the answers hopefully your preconceptions will help establishing yet another set of exaggerations the media have perpetrated on the British people.
The figures quoted are described as a ‘gold standard’ as close as we can get to the real truth today from the original ledgers and records of the period.
12.5 million African slaves were transported 10.7 million survived. A death rate of less than 15% not bad considering the dangers of ocean travel in that period! 1.8 million slaves died over a period of 275 years or 6500 per year. Cargoes of any kind were a valuable commodity and merchants wanted above all for them to arrive intact!
Out of the 10.7 million who did survive the crossing only 388 000 were landed to North America.
Let me repeat that over 275 years only 388 000 slaves were landed in North America ! That is a figure of just 1400 per year !
Where did the rest go? Central & South America and the Carribean
It’s a shocking fact to learn, and yet another instance of the media having the same access to this information as anyone else and failing or refusing to diseminate it to the public, preferring instead to rely on insinuation and implied enormous numbers.
Yet another set of reliable figures which we all need to disseminate to as many others as possible!
Thoughtful, you are right. A friend of mine that I’ve not seen for a long time – he lives in Australia – is from Guyana. He is of African descent.
Some of the slaves who ended up in the Caribbean did so via England and Scotland. And yes, before you ask, there is racism in Guyana as there is elsewhere in parts of the Caribbean.
Like prostitution, ‘Slavers’ exist and have existed for time immemorial. The Roman Empire was built on it, the Vikings profited from it, Islam welcomes it and capitalism traded and now hides it.
12.5 Million from North Africa is nothing in the pantheon of slaves of all creeds exported and extorted through the ages.
One very specific aspect of slavery history is today used as a Trojan horse by those with wider and more sinister political end points.
The Naive, the Stupid and the Liberal think it’s about equality. Nonsense. It’s power. It’s Marxism.
I just no sure which one of the 3 categories the BBC fall in to?
5pm Radio Lincs Local news “Moreton Hall is due to close as a refugee centre
.. here is a guys claiming he was badly treated, so self harmed etc.
AFAIK It’s a removal centre
ie people are not supposed to be there long
they’ve already been assigned to be deported
but NGO’s keep making endless appeals
Now there has been a campaign to close it in the Guardian.
VICTORY! Morton Hall Detention Cent is to CLOSE. This is a big win for the campaign to end detention, and clear evidence that there is no case for detention in the UK. https://t.co/fHW7M0sSRNpic.twitter.com/CdEQLvQmVV
— These Walls Must Fall (@wallsmustfall) July 23, 2020
Other news a Boston/East Lindsey District Council manager has liked/shared sexist Facebook posts in 2014
A councillor says his apology should NOT be accepted.
One thing I do not understand about the BBC when talking about individual EU member States is that when considering the richest, wealthiest and sometimes called ‘frugal’ States, they never, ever, mention Luxembourg. This was especially noticeable after the near record, recent Leaders’ Summit.
Luxembourg is one of the top nations of the world for ‘wealth’, unlike the UK who these days, struggles to stay in the Top 20. Luxembourg has benefited from its liberal, some might say very liberal, tax regime for Corporations and very tight residency requirements.
Do the BBC have a deliberate ‘blank spot’ when it comes to Luxembourg?
An ex German WW2 concentration camp guard has been convicted in a German court.
I only found the BBC account via google as there is no apparent way to find it from their home page.
There are two salient features to this.
1. The BBC would not want to throw any negative light on the core member of their adorable EU hence why I believe they have just silently hidden the story away.
and conversely…
2. If you do the maths, the prosecuted man was just 17 years old when the war ended. Which I think points to this trial simply being a purging of conscience by the German Authorities.
And here’s another BBC article re Germany given the very light hidden touch..
Can’t be that hidden, hundreds mention it on Twitter
eg this tweet.
Unfortunately the majority of the NAZIs weren't prosecuted in the western allied zones, as they should have been after the 2WW. And btw. Gdanzk was not occupied Poland. It was East Prussia, part of the German Empire. But hey, geographical history is very hard, right?
The BBC is still headlining the President ‘claiming’ things are a smidge iffy in such cities in trying to get their soccer Mum base and asthmatic media sacrifice frontline kids excited about government trying to protect those not glued to CNN or The Hill in Washington gated condos.
The media, and BBC especially, have crossed so many lines it’s like Jonny Depp working across his dining room table nasally to get to the Scotch bottle.
\\EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said a deal looked “at this point unlikely” given the UK position on fishing rights and post-Brexit competition rules. // https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53513612
They are desperate for our fish. What other country has given up so much for trade ? Remember , they sell much more to us that we sell to them . They have a bloody cheek !
WTO all the way .
\\Labour would ‘rescue any university going bust’// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-53518651
There are too many Uni’s in the UK teaching useless degrees and political indoctrination .
IEA video “The Lost Boys: the white working class is being left behind”
Ben Bradley MP and Christopher Snowdon join Professor Syed Kamall for a fascinating discussion on the seemingly “forgotten demographic”: white working class boys.
In a recent Spectator cover article, Christopher describes how only 13% of white boys from poor backgrounds go on to higher education, less than any black or Asian group.
Syrian refugees are found guilty over an attack that fuelled anti-foreigner sentiment
An 18 year old girl subjected to a 2 hour gang rape by mostly Syrian refugees, the ringleader gets only 5 1/2 years & the rest up to 4 years.
BBC gets a bit truthy “Eight of the men on trial were refugees from Syria, while the other three came from Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany
Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy. She has since admitted that Germany was ill-prepared for the influx.“
Maybe where these people came from this is all part of their cultural heritage.
What should be very forcibly impressed on ALL foreigners who come to live or work in Great Britain is that they are required to adapt to OUR culture and NOT the other way around. If I were to move to a foreign land I would expect to live by their rules and their way of life NOT by British rules and I would respect that.
Many legal immigrants to our country have shown that they are willing to do this and they are welcome. If they cannot or more likely will not then they should be sent back whence they came along with all their bags and baggage and sharpish.
We really do need to end the notion that Africa is for the Africans Asia is for the Asians but Europe is for anyone.
We are better than that.
“Ten men convicted over gang rape in Germany”
\\Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy. She has since admitted that Germany was ill-prepared for the influx.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-53517022
Thank goodness we have the beeb to point out that the real horror of this incident is not that an 18-year-old was drugged and raped by 10 men for over 2 hours, but that migrants might be scapegoated.
In a short article there are no fewer than 4 references to the subject, including links to other articles on the true villains, namely the ‘far-right’ AfD.
actually far right and Nazi are in reality opposites. Nazis and fascists tend to be left of centre socialists. One of the greatest tricks the Labour socialist movement ever achieved was to convince the general public that Nazi and fascist are right wing or far right. the most famous Nazi A Hitler was leader of the National socialist workers party and our own Famous Fascist Mr Moseley was an ex Labour politician Hear endeth the lesson
Haven’t got much time for the krauts but apart from being a communist – what was in it for her importing the third world without reference to just about anyone ? Nobel prize ? Job in the UN after being the fuhrer?
Merkle was famously gaslighted by a crying “refugee” girl who didn’t want to be sent “home” in a televised broadcast. A twitter and social media storm demanded that Merkle open the doors.
My early evening perusal of the BBC website:
• Why does the BBC give low prominence to news of a triple shooting in London that left one man critical & two boys serious injured while headlining in their homepage as top stories Taylor Swifts new album and another black footballer receiving a tweet deemed to be offensive?
• Why does the BBC give low prominence to news of the conviction of a group of refugees that ganged raped a woman in Germany and why do they in that report bring attention to anti-foreigner prejudice and the far-right – with links to an article examining the far right in Germany and an article demanding that migrants not to be blamed?
Mr Caliphate
I think sir that you already know the answer to your question.
However, just in case of any doubt our wonderful national broadcaster was trained at the Geobbels Royal College of Mind Bending where they were versed in the art of dressing up propaganda in the guise of news, documentaries, soap operas and any kind of general interest subject that tickles the public fancy.
Very effective but dangerous.
BBC Jess Phillips story is complete clownworld
cos it purports that people would really take seriously a satirical tweet
In a series of tweets, Ms Phillips said the post had put her, her family and staff “at risk of violence”.
The false headline included an image of the MP, purporting to display an opinion piece for the paper with the headline: “Whilst some around her were losing their heads, Shamima Begum kept hers – she would make a fine Labour MP
‘A man and two teenagers have been injured in a triple shooting in north London. The man is now critically ill. They were targeted on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham…’
Very unusual for plod to mention what colour those involved are …. cue The Lammy criticising a coloured Home Sec – or is it a coloured Mayor – they might not be any good at their jobs but they are diverse . Must be due a coloured top cop , tick that box …
I wonder how many of the ‘great and good ‘ will be running off to lawyers to try and get super injunctions over the contents of Maxwells personal papers which have been ordered to be unsealed today ?
Her lawyers have been given 2 weeks to come up with a reason to stop it again via an appeal – which potentially makes the safety of ms maxwell even more precarious . Power cuts ? Cctv failure ? Busy prison guards ? Falling over on a slippery floor ? Covid ?
So I have just seen the following headline appear on the BBC homepage:
The BBC are trying to stir up a “Justice for Charles de Menezes” campaign. The BBC want to see Met Police officers prosecuted for his killing. They interviewed the mother of Jean Charles de Menezes with the likely aim of creating another anti-police story. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-53513110
Yep, the beeb in their happy place stirring up anti-police sentiment. It’s ironic that the Brazilian police are notoriously brutal and trigger-happy. In the first four months of 2020, Rio police, by their own count, killed 606 people!
On the plus side, a Charles de Menezes campaign might get rid of Useless Dickless, who got the top job for being female, gay and woke.
To be honest The Dicks head should have rolled on this a long time ago and since I understand that she was the one who gave the order to shoot de Menezes hopefully she will carry the the can. Certainly if I had been one of his parents I would have wanted some legal satisfaction regarding who was responsible – instead she got promoted!
Maybe this could be a little reminder to our white, self hating, BLM supporting snowflake friends – once you have served out your usefulness no matter what your woke and gay credentials are you will be sacrificed along with the rest of us.
Well, if Frozen 2 is still not in the theatres, where else is a parent supposed to take the kids?
Toddlers and very young children are marched outside the Portland federal courthouse. They carry signs and say, “F— the police” on cue from the adults. One toddler does the black power fist. #BlackLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/Xr4ubMrKZs
The BBC is now providing weekly news to 440 million people outside the UK. They intend to expand this to 1/2 billion people by the end of next year. Apparently there is a huge market for their anti-English anti-British bile. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-53517025
I popped into town Thursday afternoon to do some none-food shopping before Fool’s Friday and was somewhat surprised at how busy it was and again noted that face-coverings were in single-figure percentage numbers (unlike all the mass-media photos).
Was this a once free people’s final fling?
The streets, while busy compared to the old-time Sunday numbers that I had got use to, weren’t matched by busy shops and several times I found myself going against the IKEA-type floor markings. Just like IKEA, as the items that I wanted were adjacent to the till I was blowed if I was going to zig-zag around the whole of the near empty shop just to ‘socially distance’.
One little pleasure was to see that the nice lady who every year moves my pennies from one expired account to a new account, to gain 0.0001% interest, had escaped from her office for a break, so we had a little sub-socially distanced chat.
We don’t care BBC, so cut the DOOM. Boris, and all you other lily-livered politicos, the BBC aren’t the people. Two referenda, three general elections and a love of Fawlty Towers should tell you that. Stop dancing to the BBC’s tune, please!
Here’s one comment from a sensible gentleman which I hope is true:-
‘I just don’t want to pay for something I don’t watch. I’ve cancelled my DD and got a refund, when I phoned I just heard dejection in her voice, the UK people are leaving in their droves, good riddance too.’
You get a picture of a certain type of comb… I know it is the ‘World’ service but come on.. glancing on it’s twitter feed there is only leftist propoganda being pumped out daily.
Its one of those ‘ do you remember where you were when you heard that …..’ jenni murray is leaving Wimmins Hour after 333 years .
Apparently she is a production company and not a BBC employee – so can say what she wants .
Who could replace dame jenny ? Irreplaceable right ? I need to guess because ive never heard wimmins hour and dame jenni is an ‘ off switch ‘ signal for me .
But i have an idea for a replacement – put one of those blokes who says he is a girl on it – trans somethings – the BBC wants diversity – so be diverse when the opportunity . After all – how many transsies are on there ? Im sure there are serious issues for them – getting big enough wimmins cloths – being hairy – supporting arsenal – those sort of issues .
Or maybe just something as divisive as a ‘ wimmins hour ‘ which men who pay the TV licence – pay for – but not me .
(There is a nice picture of a sweet couple in a very interesting supermarket)
By Andrew McFarlane
Time for millions to mask up
People wearing face masks in a shop
They have been compulsory in shops in Scotland since 10 July and now people in England will have to get used to wearing a face covering if they want to pick up groceries, or fancy a sausage roll. From today, coverings are mandatory in enclosed public spaces such as supermarkets, indoor shopping centres, transport hubs, banks and takeaways. The covering can be as simple as a scarf or bandana secured over mouth and nose. But fail to wear one and you could face a fine of up to £100 – although not in Wales or Northern Ireland, where they are not compulsory.
Some retailers – notably Sainsbury’s, Asda and Costa Coffee – say they won’t enforce the rules, however. And, while Greggs and McDonald’s say takeaway customers must wear them, UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls says food outlets had “a very short time to properly brief staff, prepare signage and take steps to encourage compliance”, given the rules came into force just 12 hours after fresh guidance was issued.
Police will be able to “use force” to remove customers from shops if they do not wear face coverings, according to the College of Policing. But forces have said they will enforce the rules only as a last resort. We explain their powers. There are a lot of exemptions. You don’t have to wear them in places where other safety measures have been taken, such as cinemas, restaurants or hairdressers, and you can remove them when you need to prove your age or identity. See our full guide for details. If you’re finding it tricky to get your head around, we explain how to make your own mask, wear – and wash – them properly, and stop them steaming up your specs.
Sweden’s coronavirus death rate passes US as one of worst in the world as docs warn 'don't dodge lockdown like we did'https://t.co/pg3HiDp8MS
Please don’t believe anything you read in The Sun. It’s an appalling rag, unfit even to hang in my outdoors dunny.
There’s a much more interesting and relevant interview with Anders Tegnell, the man in charge of Sweden’s Covid strategy, available on the Unherd, Lockdown site.
Sweden have continued in the sensible, pre panic mode, that we initially favoured, before Boris got the wind up. They’re sensible. They haven’t imprisoned their population, but they’ve kept mass meetings to groups of about fifty. They’re not being compelled to wear masks, gloves or tinfoil hats. People have gone to work and bars and, bistros and restaurants have remained open. They’ve employed sane social distancing. Do you know, if a family member dies you can even attend their funeral. Astonishing!
Sweden are still doing surprisingly well, particularly when you consider they’re supposed, according to Ferguson and co, to have lost over 90,000 by now!
Like us they made the initial appalling mistake of shunting their elderly and sick out of hospitals and into care homes. We all acknowledge that was a catastrophic error. And also like us they have high immigrant areas…and that’s where they still have problems.
It made me smile yesterday when the Beeb were discussing spikes in certain areas of Britain and scratching their heads, “Blackburn, Leicester, Luton…”
‘Small business owners in Edinburgh said they cannot afford to keep giving NHS worker discounts and have asked workers to stop asking for them.’
What a perfect microcosm (or metaphor, if you prefer) for the lockdown-trashed private sector overburdoned to breaking point by the weight of the over-entitled public sector.
‘Mohammed Alam, manager of Morningside Spice on Edinburgh’s Morningside Road, said he had never seen business so bad in the 17 years he had been working in the restaurant. He said: “I have had about 100 NHS staff asking for discounts over the last four months.’
‘”I have been happy to give NHS staff discounts when they have asked for it during the lockdown but now it is becoming more difficult for us…”‘
‘An Edinburgh fish and chip owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “I had a call from a nurse at a hospital asking for a free meal for her colleagues, it was five suppers and came to about £40.’
‘”I asked her why and she said because it would help with all the stress they were going through at the moment.’
‘”A week later two nurses in their uniforms came into my shop and one asked for a discount and when I said no she started arguing with me. I was saying you earn a full wage but she kept asking and asking…”‘
‘”I like to help everyone but unfortunately there is only so much we can do.”‘
More ‘mole as the BBC finds even more of the population who use their services.
One does wonder how this Pultizerworthy story came about; did Ms. Radford, a nurse no less, text the bbc West Country rural affairs rapid response team whilst pursued by a Japanese research vessel, or has the bbc got patrols out looking for depressives in rubber suits bobbing about trying not to drown?
Whichever way, an essential use of funds and one is sure the emergency services are thrilled at the advocacy.
Will more of us start using rivers?
Figures suggest more people than ever are heading to Britain’s rivers with the easing of lockdown – renewing calls for better public rights of access. It comes as MPs are to consider proposals aimed at opening up the waterways to all. But after recent incidences of littering and overcrowding, there are fears more people on rivers could “cause chaos”.
Caroline Radford, 52, a nurse in the West Country, began taking anti-depressants two years ago after struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. She says wild swimming has helped her mental health. “I was a bit worried about how cold it was, and whether there was going to be any wildlife in the water, but when I got in, it was like swimming through silk. There was a real feeling of peace and calm and tranquillity.”
Im heartless – i know it – but when the virus panic got going and businsses started to outvirtue each other by giving stuff to a million plus NHS ‘ staff ‘ on full good pay i knew we were is mad times.
Unlimited this – 20% of that – do you not realise how the avaricious medical ‘ profession ‘ is going to milk it dry ?
I wonder what the risk stats are like for the likelihood of NHS being infected / dying from covid as opposed to geting KSI on the way to work .
Add that to the number of ‘ front line ‘ staff actually dealing with covid patients ….
There is a Nurse who lives 3 doors up from me. She has this week, just taken delivery of a brand new , 20 plate, Range Rover Evoque. This was a upgrade from her fairly old Renault !!!
How can this be ? The BBC tell us they earn “but a pittance” !! They are crapped on every day by Boris and the Tories!!!
But then i guess she hasn’t had to pay for anything for over 4 month thanks to the Government all these Nurses and the BBC despise so much !!!
Full wage paid, full pension contributions made but hey, have a mortgage holiday, credit card holiday, loan holiday, re-jig your Council Tax, have a free coffee at Costa, have a free pizza from Dominoes, make sure you wear your uniform when going for petrol so some mug will hopefully buy it for you, holiday vouchers, free this, free that !!!
Did the nurse, one wonders, go running to the BBC about nasty Mr Alam without taking into account his Christian first name? Thus finding herself unexpectedly second in the pecking order.
“In using that language he gave permission to use that language against his wife, his daughters and I am here to stand up to say that that is not acceptable.”
BBC as the breathless PR agency of a minor US pol. Again.
A group of MPs said it was “astonished” by the government’s “failure to consider in advance how it might deal with the economic impacts of a pandemic”.
A ‘group’, you say? Wait until Toenails sees this!
As we look to the weekend and Boris embarks on his final push to destroy England’s high streets, let’s take another look at those sometimes overlooked newspaper front page non-headline items.
One really does fear for female mental health. In the ‘i’ singer Lianne La Havas tells us she has nightmares about being misunderstood. Meanwhile in the Guardian Alanis Morissette picks up the theme ‘I’m gratefull – then raging minutes later’
Quick Alanis Morissette joke. She has sold 60 million albums – none of them to men.
The Daily Star reminds us that some men are still men and they still like the ladies as the tabloid asks what does your bikini say about you? And then cheekily comments about the brassiere-busting babe on their front page ‘This one says she’ll catch her death’ She’s certainly not masking much of herself today.
From the near-naked cheek of the plus-size lovely to the naked cheek of a luvvie – Sam Mendes has a rescue plan for the Theatre in the Times. I’m betting it involves big public subsidies for the luvvies.
In the Telegraph our Andrew Lloyd Webber frets that the Chinese are going to take over the West End. No such Sinophobia at the FT as the pink financial giant looks forward to Hong Kong buyers boosting the ailing UK property market.
Are we tiring of our imported from China virus we wonder, as The Daily Express turns attention to the prospect of 30m to get Flu jabs, on the NHS, naturally. So, that’s about half of us giving the freebie to the other half. I guess we dodged a socialist bullet with that Jeremy Corbyn only to get the same policies with Boris. In fact I wouldn’t mind paying for others to get the free jabs if only our media could be honest about who’s paying. Nothing is ‘on the NHS’.
Prime Minister @BorisJohnson was booed and heckled by protesters in Orkney yesterday, during his first visit to Scotland since the general election in December.
Hilarious times
Listened to R4 this morning banging on about the Muslims in China..
apparently no Muslim counties are bothered with the Chia situation _ Pakistan PM said he didn’t know anything! Saudi said Chinese have right to protect themselves against terrorists and Turkey I am sure they can sort it out…me thinks Muslim countries like Chinese Money more than the ‘wrong’ type of Muslims
So exactly why are the BBC bothered if all the main Muslim countries are not but don’t mention Christians in Muslim counties?
Could it be the same reason they haven’t mentioned that all of the recent at risk covid areas now including Luton are heavily Muslim…some form of Bias?
BBC: ‘Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy. She has since admitted that Germany was ill-prepared for the influx.’
Ill-prepared, how so?
‘Ten men, mostly Syrian refugees, have been found guilty over the gang rape of a woman outside a German nightclub.’
“[The Judge] Those who engage with criminals to enter this country must have some awareness that they may be required to engage in criminal activity once here.”
But I bet Albion was ‘happy’ though – I bet he gets a job in thr prison garden ????
No mention about ‘deport orders ‘ but I suppose being Albanian he doesn’t have one real name but chucks a few ‘c’s or ‘j’ s about for benefit claiming purposes .
Next for Breakfast viewers: ‘getting out of bed successfully’.
???????? Are your glasses steaming up when you wear a face covering? Well the tuck, tissue and soapy water methods could just do the trick. ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/i8XDW1HD4Y
A lot of anti POTUS stuff last few days on BBC – constant diatribe that Biden is leading the polls…..and Sopal banging on about it this morning…
Funny they never report it around the other way…when did you hear ‘Trump leads polls in….’ on BBC?
Add to that a bit of ‘unacceptable ‘ ‘mp outraged ‘ ‘call for apology ‘ and the regular juvenile language the woke use and you’ve got the BBC method ….
Several times on this morning’s programme we were told that facemasks were essential to save our NHS next winter. As we are not long past midsummer – only a month – that makes the introduction of facemasks now all the less credible. A subtle bit of BBC trying to run with both sides, ‘For’ and ‘Against’.
They still can’t make their minds up on that one especially as the Daily (Labour Party) Mirror has done a poll and claims that two-thirds of English residents are in favour of compulsory facemasks in shops.
I thought the whole point of the NHS was to have it save us.
Anti Potus reports. Please look at Siobhan Kennedy each night on Ch 4, from her hate filled face comes daily reports of Trump not caring about suffering in the US, thinking only of himself etc.
This obsession has no bounds. Can you just imagine
a meeting of the diversity dept? The planning
for all the virtue signalling. The “correct” doctors
to get on the breakfast programme on TV. The
“correct” pictures for main internet pages.
The embedded anarchist Marxists at the BBC have
now come completely out of the woodwork at the BBC.
They are in complete control of the BBC ,and they know it.Our national broadcaster has become an
enemy of the state. What an oxymoron. And we have to
pay for the privilege !
Fos – even the simplest meetings must be a nightmare – seating arrangement – access for the deaf blind dumb chair bound phobic – various colours religions genders orientations -and their dogs – interpreters – signers – Prayer capability – time of day ….
…yet alone the ‘snacks ‘
Yet alone permissible and ‘non exclusionary ‘ language making an average b.s bingo affair look like a whirlwind of fast time decision making .
Presumably this £95,000 cap will apply to all public bodies equally, like our national public service broadcaster the BBC and of course publicly owned Channel 4… https://t.co/jJoL7AMSxO
Not having watched a, “Live Broadcast” on tv for about four years, my recollection of RT is that it is more accurate and down to earth than anything on BBC. The BBC’s manipulation and massage of news items is no longer subtle if R4 is anything to go by. Its duplicity is now blatant and I would submit, not easily duplicated by any other broadcaster Worldwide who even comes close to its modus operandi. This includes any old Soviet style of broadcasting. Only given a choice between RT and BBC? No hesitation in saying, ‘RT’. Libour has just complained to OFCOM about RT and I look forward to their very likely clean bill of health. Conversely, its a pity OFCOM is itself, biased in favour of the BBC. Makes a mockery of that so-called, “Regulator”.
G and Oldspeaker, I can’t really state any opinion on RT. Folk here recommended it and during one of the moments of peak BBC disinformation on the Syrian Civil War, I think I listened on-line to the radio version of RT once and watched a video of RT on UChoobie. That’s about it. It didn’t become habit forming like the BBC of old.
PS: Sorry about the typo – wee should have been were.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yeah – whatever – give her the TTK 2 year prison penalty – she is obviously not ‘approved ‘…
harry142857Mar 10, 13:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Commission is commission. ——————————————- Mother convicted of not paying TV Licence after death of unborn son. mother who did not…
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
And between the two shows tonight the woke people will be watching My Frankly Vile
I’ve met people like him once in a while. The word bully is written on their faces. Dead eyes.
Friday the woke will be watching Miriam Margolyes new BBC series at 9pm
I bet you are sad you missed her on yesterday’s Steve Wright Show.
Surprise the trans tickbox has been ticked.
\\ Six years ago, Miriam Margolyes became an Australian citizen.
“It was a day of supreme happiness,” she beams at the start of this typically honest and thoughtful travelogue.
The self-described “78-year-old Jewish lesbian”, whose partner is Australian, embarks upon a 10 thousand kilometre voyage to find out whether the so-called Australian Dream still exists in 2020.
Did it ever exist? Margolyes’ findings are pretty bleak.
She meets the first Aboriginal woman to be elected to the Victorian parliament, which only happened in 2017, and is shocked to discover that women over 55 now make up the fastest growing homeless population in Australia.
She also uncovers the devastating effects of drought on farming communities,
and encounters a young Afghan man who has been denied permanent residency //
BTW also Friday, PBS has 3 hours on the Black Panther movement.
Meanwhile Friday 9pm on BBC4
She’s a pretty foulmouthed woman who should stick to acting. Shame she isn’t commissioned to go and shout her mouth off in Islamic countries, and see how long she’d last before being arrested.
Oh dear,Oh dear. Just when you think that British Broadcasting can’t possibly get more inane.
BBC Business news on-line page
Top story – guitar sales peak in lockdown. Accompanying photo – a young woman strumming a guitar.
Second story – Unilever sales figures reveal ice cream sales are up but shampoo & deoderant are down – Pic of woman washing her hair and another of a woman (not a child, mind you) eating a Magnum
Third story – Nightclubs and soft play centres call for lockdown reopening clarity – Photo of a woman, presumably proprietor or employee of a children’s play centre.
Fourth story – Apple & Nike on the China Uighur issue. Photo of an oriental woman.
Are men allowed to be pictured in business news anymore?
For no particular reason I’m reminded of an old Morecambe & Wise gag.
Ernie: Why are you walking like that?
Eric: I’m a businessman
Ernie: Businessmen don’t walk that way
Eric: You don’t know my business
Weren’t newsagents like that, top shelves, magazines with women pictured on the cover, bottom shelves, magazines with women pictured on the cover?
Last time I was in a newsagent I think it was pictures of tractors on the covers!
Ah, a John Deere? Luvverly!
My apologies for making a second posting of Priti-Racist Patel’s talk from the planet Bame. (above)
I hadn’t noticed that G.W.F. had already posted this item yesterday. At the time I had only read from the top of the new page down so I didn’t see it before I posted mine.
Please don’t feel you have to apologise. A lot of us are commenting here on issues that are important to us, and it is inevitable that there will be duplicates. Besides, a recent re-posting offers an opportunity to add to the discussion. FedUp2 is doing a brilliant job and the overwhelming swell of material here must be having an impact.
One of those problems . Sometimes 150 plus posts a day and difficult to see across pages whether something has already been discussed. I see ‘ repeats ‘ as a sign of the importance of the subject
Thing is, too, Fed, that if someone picks up on a bit of Beeb bias or error, and another contributor posts a similar moan 10 minutes later, it rather confirms the bias. Get three posts and we’ve really got the Beeb ‘triangulated’ in our sights.
Appreciate that it adds to the workload but the Beeb could dismiss a solo complaint ‘Oh, they are a serial moaner’ or ‘Oh, they hate the BBC because they are right wing’. If we have several it rather confirms that no one is a crank or an extremist.
Keep up the good work from your hideaway, Fed!
looks like Lord Hall Hall has rallied a wagon circling from the MSM for another ‘Tell it often enough’ attempt.
Good luck with that; boat long sailed.
Something I have noticed.
Whenever the BBC does a voxpop concerning the UK they nearly always find a BAME (recent immigrant) who more often than not cannot hardly speak a word of English…
However, when they go north of the border into Scotland and voxpop someone concerning Scottish matters, It is always a white indigenous Scotty…..
Hence the immortal line from a well-known series…
“‘Bame’ me up Scotty”!
(I’ll just get my space suit)…
The Guardian run an article about 4 female London girls sharing a flat who put up a banner in the high street reading “White Silence is Violence”
The police made them take it down and one of the girls said…
“I’m troubled that the police are curtailing people’s freedom of expression, and I can’t see how the banner was racist. Police resources should not be used to potentially criminalising law abiding citizens.”
So how does she feel about the plight of guy who flew a banner over the soccer stadium “All lives Matter”? They got “advice” from plod whereas he got investigated and sacked along with his wife. In my opinion their banner was far more offensive and even dangerous.
Or maybe they only want censure to apply to a certain kind of people who put up banners?
4:20pm Radio4 “And here we have Carol Morley from The Friday Film Club”
CM “Yes of the films 15 out of 20 our selected films have female directors
and all have female lead characters”
#ConstantAgendaPushing BBC #EverydaySexism
Here is an explosive fact which I was previously unaware of, and now I’m pretty shocked.
We all know about the slave trade, we are routinely lied to that it was all about taking slaves from North West Africa and transporting them to North America to work on cotton plantations. This is a lie.
Before you read further get a piece of paper and write down your own perception of the scale of the Atlantic Slave trade a period between 1525 and 1866
How many slaves were transported
How many actually survived the crossing
How many were landed in North America
Where did the others go.
Here are the answers hopefully your preconceptions will help establishing yet another set of exaggerations the media have perpetrated on the British people.
The figures quoted are described as a ‘gold standard’ as close as we can get to the real truth today from the original ledgers and records of the period.
12.5 million African slaves were transported 10.7 million survived. A death rate of less than 15% not bad considering the dangers of ocean travel in that period! 1.8 million slaves died over a period of 275 years or 6500 per year. Cargoes of any kind were a valuable commodity and merchants wanted above all for them to arrive intact!
Out of the 10.7 million who did survive the crossing only 388 000 were landed to North America.
Let me repeat that over 275 years only 388 000 slaves were landed in North America ! That is a figure of just 1400 per year !
Where did the rest go? Central & South America and the Carribean
It’s a shocking fact to learn, and yet another instance of the media having the same access to this information as anyone else and failing or refusing to diseminate it to the public, preferring instead to rely on insinuation and implied enormous numbers.
Yet another set of reliable figures which we all need to disseminate to as many others as possible!
Thoughtful, you are right. A friend of mine that I’ve not seen for a long time – he lives in Australia – is from Guyana. He is of African descent.
Some of the slaves who ended up in the Caribbean did so via England and Scotland. And yes, before you ask, there is racism in Guyana as there is elsewhere in parts of the Caribbean.
Like prostitution, ‘Slavers’ exist and have existed for time immemorial. The Roman Empire was built on it, the Vikings profited from it, Islam welcomes it and capitalism traded and now hides it.
12.5 Million from North Africa is nothing in the pantheon of slaves of all creeds exported and extorted through the ages.
One very specific aspect of slavery history is today used as a Trojan horse by those with wider and more sinister political end points.
The Naive, the Stupid and the Liberal think it’s about equality. Nonsense. It’s power. It’s Marxism.
I just no sure which one of the 3 categories the BBC fall in to?
5pm Radio Lincs Local news “Moreton Hall is due to close as a refugee centre
.. here is a guys claiming he was badly treated, so self harmed etc.
AFAIK It’s a removal centre
ie people are not supposed to be there long
they’ve already been assigned to be deported
but NGO’s keep making endless appeals
Now there has been a campaign to close it in the Guardian.
Other news a Boston/East Lindsey District Council manager has liked/shared sexist Facebook posts in 2014
A councillor says his apology should NOT be accepted.
One thing I do not understand about the BBC when talking about individual EU member States is that when considering the richest, wealthiest and sometimes called ‘frugal’ States, they never, ever, mention Luxembourg. This was especially noticeable after the near record, recent Leaders’ Summit.
Luxembourg is one of the top nations of the world for ‘wealth’, unlike the UK who these days, struggles to stay in the Top 20. Luxembourg has benefited from its liberal, some might say very liberal, tax regime for Corporations and very tight residency requirements.
Do the BBC have a deliberate ‘blank spot’ when it comes to Luxembourg?
If so, I wonder why?
I find this an odd one in a few ways..
An ex German WW2 concentration camp guard has been convicted in a German court.
I only found the BBC account via google as there is no apparent way to find it from their home page.
There are two salient features to this.
1. The BBC would not want to throw any negative light on the core member of their adorable EU hence why I believe they have just silently hidden the story away.
and conversely…
2. If you do the maths, the prosecuted man was just 17 years old when the war ended. Which I think points to this trial simply being a purging of conscience by the German Authorities.
And here’s another BBC article re Germany given the very light hidden touch..
Can’t be that hidden, hundreds mention it on Twitter
eg this tweet.
It’s kinda hidden on the news website
but does head the Europe page
Armed 10-year-old kids are committing violent carjackings in Chicago.
Or, as the BBC would say, some mostly peaceful anti-racist protests continue in Chicago.
The BBC is still headlining the President ‘claiming’ things are a smidge iffy in such cities in trying to get their soccer Mum base and asthmatic media sacrifice frontline kids excited about government trying to protect those not glued to CNN or The Hill in Washington gated condos.
The media, and BBC especially, have crossed so many lines it’s like Jonny Depp working across his dining room table nasally to get to the Scotch bottle.
I saw that earlier today, initially I thought it was a Babylon Bee piece but apparently not. Perhaps the authorities will disassemble and reasemble the weapon so it doesn’t function to help out the teeny perps. If caught that is.
UK drug Fagins use kids , cos they know they get off.
Same for burglary Fagins.
\\EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said a deal looked “at this point unlikely” given the UK position on fishing rights and post-Brexit competition rules. //
They are desperate for our fish. What other country has given up so much for trade ? Remember , they sell much more to us that we sell to them . They have a bloody cheek !
WTO all the way .
“Post-Brexit deal: What’s happening in the UK-EU talks?”
Note how they always show the EU duster flying above the Union Flag.
\\Labour would ‘rescue any university going bust’//
There are too many Uni’s in the UK teaching useless degrees and political indoctrination .
Hence the need for Labour to prop up the voting base.
Especially as few in the next generation is paying attention to the bbc.
The Border Farce Ferry Service is at it again
This Tory Government is treating British voters with contempt .
Let your MP know.
In addition at least another three boatloads at Dover this morning.
IEA video “The Lost Boys: the white working class is being left behind”
Ben Bradley MP and Christopher Snowdon join Professor Syed Kamall for a fascinating discussion on the seemingly “forgotten demographic”: white working class boys.
In a recent Spectator cover article, Christopher describes how only 13% of white boys from poor backgrounds go on to higher education, less than any black or Asian group.
He references the time when Ben Bradley, the Conservative MP for Mansfield, tried to ask an ‘Equalities’ question about working-class white boys in parliament earlier this year, and was turned down by the Table Office because they do not have any ‘protected characteristics’.
Local News : Eh up, Tory MP for Gainsborough is on
That is a rarity, only Labour normally.
… He thinks compulsory masks is a rubbish idea.
A few items later Labour’s Diana Johnson MP was on criticizing Boris
.. and they played that clip twice by accident.
BBC Germany news
“17:01 : Ten *men* convicted over gang rape in Germany”
Guess the subheading
Syrian refugees are found guilty over an attack that fuelled anti-foreigner sentiment
An 18 year old girl subjected to a 2 hour gang rape by mostly Syrian refugees, the ringleader gets only 5 1/2 years & the rest up to 4 years.
BBC gets a bit truthy
“Eight of the men on trial were refugees from Syria, while the other three came from Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany
Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy.
She has since admitted that Germany was ill-prepared for the influx.“
Maybe where these people came from this is all part of their cultural heritage.
What should be very forcibly impressed on ALL foreigners who come to live or work in Great Britain is that they are required to adapt to OUR culture and NOT the other way around. If I were to move to a foreign land I would expect to live by their rules and their way of life NOT by British rules and I would respect that.
Many legal immigrants to our country have shown that they are willing to do this and they are welcome. If they cannot or more likely will not then they should be sent back whence they came along with all their bags and baggage and sharpish.
We really do need to end the notion that Africa is for the Africans Asia is for the Asians but Europe is for anyone.
We are better than that.
“Ten men convicted over gang rape in Germany”
\\Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy. She has since admitted that Germany was ill-prepared for the influx.//
Thank goodness we have the beeb to point out that the real horror of this incident is not that an 18-year-old was drugged and raped by 10 men for over 2 hours, but that migrants might be scapegoated.
In a short article there are no fewer than 4 references to the subject, including links to other articles on the true villains, namely the ‘far-right’ AfD.
And as we know, far-right means Nazi.
actually far right and Nazi are in reality opposites. Nazis and fascists tend to be left of centre socialists. One of the greatest tricks the Labour socialist movement ever achieved was to convince the general public that Nazi and fascist are right wing or far right. the most famous Nazi A Hitler was leader of the National socialist workers party and our own Famous Fascist Mr Moseley was an ex Labour politician Hear endeth the lesson
Haven’t got much time for the krauts but apart from being a communist – what was in it for her importing the third world without reference to just about anyone ? Nobel prize ? Job in the UN after being the fuhrer?
Merkle was famously gaslighted by a crying “refugee” girl who didn’t want to be sent “home” in a televised broadcast. A twitter and social media storm demanded that Merkle open the doors.
My early evening perusal of the BBC website:
• Why does the BBC give low prominence to news of a triple shooting in London that left one man critical & two boys serious injured while headlining in their homepage as top stories Taylor Swifts new album and another black footballer receiving a tweet deemed to be offensive?
• Why does the BBC give low prominence to news of the conviction of a group of refugees that ganged raped a woman in Germany and why do they in that report bring attention to anti-foreigner prejudice and the far-right – with links to an article examining the far right in Germany and an article demanding that migrants not to be blamed?
Mr Caliphate
I think sir that you already know the answer to your question.
However, just in case of any doubt our wonderful national broadcaster was trained at the Geobbels Royal College of Mind Bending where they were versed in the art of dressing up propaganda in the guise of news, documentaries, soap operas and any kind of general interest subject that tickles the public fancy.
Very effective but dangerous.
BBC Jess Phillips story is complete clownworld
cos it purports that people would really take seriously a satirical tweet
In a series of tweets, Ms Phillips said the post had put her, her family and staff “at risk of violence”.
The false headline included an image of the MP, purporting to display an opinion piece for the paper with the headline: “Whilst some around her were losing their heads, Shamima Begum kept hers – she would make a fine Labour MP
top reply
Funny how she can dish it out but not take it . I wonder what she’ll want regulated of banned next …. ?
list of inflammatory tweets from Jess Phillips
The interesting thing is this this BBC Monitoring guy
taking Jess’s rather bizarre claim seriously
‘A man and two teenagers have been injured in a triple shooting in north London. The man is now critically ill. They were targeted on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham…’
‘Det Ch Supt Treena Fleming said there will be extra police in the Tottenham area in order to investigate the shooting and reassure the community.’
Reassure the community of what exactly?
There have been more than 70 murder investigations started in the capital this year.
Nine of them have been as a result of fatal shootings – six of them have happened since the start of June.
Have no fear Dick and Khant are on the case. They will clean up the streets of London.
Certainly one can’t, and the other has no dick (h/t Dr. Venkman).
Very unusual for plod to mention what colour those involved are …. cue The Lammy criticising a coloured Home Sec – or is it a coloured Mayor – they might not be any good at their jobs but they are diverse . Must be due a coloured top cop , tick that box …
I wonder how many of the ‘great and good ‘ will be running off to lawyers to try and get super injunctions over the contents of Maxwells personal papers which have been ordered to be unsealed today ?
Her lawyers have been given 2 weeks to come up with a reason to stop it again via an appeal – which potentially makes the safety of ms maxwell even more precarious . Power cuts ? Cctv failure ? Busy prison guards ? Falling over on a slippery floor ? Covid ?
A dozen candidates for Sh*t Weasel of the week.
Guess the winner.
I’ll raise you a tin foil hat. If she’s still alive.
So I have just seen the following headline appear on the BBC homepage:
The BBC are trying to stir up a “Justice for Charles de Menezes” campaign. The BBC want to see Met Police officers prosecuted for his killing. They interviewed the mother of Jean Charles de Menezes with the likely aim of creating another anti-police story.
Yep, the beeb in their happy place stirring up anti-police sentiment. It’s ironic that the Brazilian police are notoriously brutal and trigger-happy. In the first four months of 2020, Rio police, by their own count, killed 606 people!
On the plus side, a Charles de Menezes campaign might get rid of Useless Dickless, who got the top job for being female, gay and woke.
A thoroughly PC PC.
To be honest The Dicks head should have rolled on this a long time ago and since I understand that she was the one who gave the order to shoot de Menezes hopefully she will carry the the can. Certainly if I had been one of his parents I would have wanted some legal satisfaction regarding who was responsible – instead she got promoted!
Maybe this could be a little reminder to our white, self hating, BLM supporting snowflake friends – once you have served out your usefulness no matter what your woke and gay credentials are you will be sacrificed along with the rest of us.
Well, if Frozen 2 is still not in the theatres, where else is a parent supposed to take the kids?
“Italian politician launches anti-EU party to push for ‘Italexit'”
Way to go !
Al Beeb………….?
The BBC is now providing weekly news to 440 million people outside the UK. They intend to expand this to 1/2 billion people by the end of next year. Apparently there is a huge market for their anti-English anti-British bile.
Why are UK TV licence payers forced to pay to broadcast such rubbish to the world?
The rotten beeb thinks its cultural-Marxist, third-wave feminist bilge is civilising the benighted savages overseas.
Sounds a bit condescending, patriarchal and colonial to me – dare I say racist?
I popped into town Thursday afternoon to do some none-food shopping before Fool’s Friday and was somewhat surprised at how busy it was and again noted that face-coverings were in single-figure percentage numbers (unlike all the mass-media photos).
Was this a once free people’s final fling?
The streets, while busy compared to the old-time Sunday numbers that I had got use to, weren’t matched by busy shops and several times I found myself going against the IKEA-type floor markings. Just like IKEA, as the items that I wanted were adjacent to the till I was blowed if I was going to zig-zag around the whole of the near empty shop just to ‘socially distance’.
One little pleasure was to see that the nice lady who every year moves my pennies from one expired account to a new account, to gain 0.0001% interest, had escaped from her office for a break, so we had a little sub-socially distanced chat.
We don’t care BBC, so cut the DOOM. Boris, and all you other lily-livered politicos, the BBC aren’t the people. Two referenda, three general elections and a love of Fawlty Towers should tell you that. Stop dancing to the BBC’s tune, please!
Guest – you knicked my weekend thread????i m still putting it up as its an insult to us .
Those comments !!! LOL. As per usual, BBC bubble dweller so out of touch with the rest of the country !! Amazing.
I wonder if she reads those replies and is in dis-belief ?
Here’s one comment from a sensible gentleman which I hope is true:-
‘I just don’t want to pay for something I don’t watch. I’ve cancelled my DD and got a refund, when I phoned I just heard dejection in her voice, the UK people are leaving in their droves, good riddance too.’
BTW, clicking on https://twitter.com/bbcworldservice?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1286231669717032962%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbiasedbbc.tv%2Fblog%2F2020%2F07%2F22%2Fmidweek-thread-22-july-2020%2Fcomment-page-3%2Fcomments
You get a picture of a certain type of comb… I know it is the ‘World’ service but come on.. glancing on it’s twitter feed there is only leftist propoganda being pumped out daily.
We must stop paying for this…!
Its one of those ‘ do you remember where you were when you heard that …..’ jenni murray is leaving Wimmins Hour after 333 years .
Apparently she is a production company and not a BBC employee – so can say what she wants .
Who could replace dame jenny ? Irreplaceable right ? I need to guess because ive never heard wimmins hour and dame jenni is an ‘ off switch ‘ signal for me .
But i have an idea for a replacement – put one of those blokes who says he is a girl on it – trans somethings – the BBC wants diversity – so be diverse when the opportunity . After all – how many transsies are on there ? Im sure there are serious issues for them – getting big enough wimmins cloths – being hairy – supporting arsenal – those sort of issues .
Or maybe just something as divisive as a ‘ wimmins hour ‘ which men who pay the TV licence – pay for – but not me .
BBC Moaning Emole, for Specsavers.
(There is a nice picture of a sweet couple in a very interesting supermarket)
By Andrew McFarlane
Time for millions to mask up
People wearing face masks in a shop
They have been compulsory in shops in Scotland since 10 July and now people in England will have to get used to wearing a face covering if they want to pick up groceries, or fancy a sausage roll. From today, coverings are mandatory in enclosed public spaces such as supermarkets, indoor shopping centres, transport hubs, banks and takeaways. The covering can be as simple as a scarf or bandana secured over mouth and nose. But fail to wear one and you could face a fine of up to £100 – although not in Wales or Northern Ireland, where they are not compulsory.
Some retailers – notably Sainsbury’s, Asda and Costa Coffee – say they won’t enforce the rules, however. And, while Greggs and McDonald’s say takeaway customers must wear them, UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls says food outlets had “a very short time to properly brief staff, prepare signage and take steps to encourage compliance”, given the rules came into force just 12 hours after fresh guidance was issued.
Police will be able to “use force” to remove customers from shops if they do not wear face coverings, according to the College of Policing. But forces have said they will enforce the rules only as a last resort. We explain their powers. There are a lot of exemptions. You don’t have to wear them in places where other safety measures have been taken, such as cinemas, restaurants or hairdressers, and you can remove them when you need to prove your age or identity. See our full guide for details. If you’re finding it tricky to get your head around, we explain how to make your own mask, wear – and wash – them properly, and stop them steaming up your specs.
What does Doc Thunberg say?
Please don’t believe anything you read in The Sun. It’s an appalling rag, unfit even to hang in my outdoors dunny.
There’s a much more interesting and relevant interview with Anders Tegnell, the man in charge of Sweden’s Covid strategy, available on the Unherd, Lockdown site.
Sweden have continued in the sensible, pre panic mode, that we initially favoured, before Boris got the wind up. They’re sensible. They haven’t imprisoned their population, but they’ve kept mass meetings to groups of about fifty. They’re not being compelled to wear masks, gloves or tinfoil hats. People have gone to work and bars and, bistros and restaurants have remained open. They’ve employed sane social distancing. Do you know, if a family member dies you can even attend their funeral. Astonishing!
Sweden are still doing surprisingly well, particularly when you consider they’re supposed, according to Ferguson and co, to have lost over 90,000 by now!
Like us they made the initial appalling mistake of shunting their elderly and sick out of hospitals and into care homes. We all acknowledge that was a catastrophic error. And also like us they have high immigrant areas…and that’s where they still have problems.
It made me smile yesterday when the Beeb were discussing spikes in certain areas of Britain and scratching their heads, “Blackburn, Leicester, Luton…”
Hmm, I can’t put my finger on it…
I am sorry but this made me smile
‘Small business owners in Edinburgh said they cannot afford to keep giving NHS worker discounts and have asked workers to stop asking for them.’
What a perfect microcosm (or metaphor, if you prefer) for the lockdown-trashed private sector overburdoned to breaking point by the weight of the over-entitled public sector.
‘Mohammed Alam, manager of Morningside Spice on Edinburgh’s Morningside Road, said he had never seen business so bad in the 17 years he had been working in the restaurant. He said: “I have had about 100 NHS staff asking for discounts over the last four months.’
‘”I have been happy to give NHS staff discounts when they have asked for it during the lockdown but now it is becoming more difficult for us…”‘
‘An Edinburgh fish and chip owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “I had a call from a nurse at a hospital asking for a free meal for her colleagues, it was five suppers and came to about £40.’
‘”I asked her why and she said because it would help with all the stress they were going through at the moment.’
‘”A week later two nurses in their uniforms came into my shop and one asked for a discount and when I said no she started arguing with me. I was saying you earn a full wage but she kept asking and asking…”‘
‘”I like to help everyone but unfortunately there is only so much we can do.”‘
More ‘mole as the BBC finds even more of the population who use their services.
One does wonder how this Pultizerworthy story came about; did Ms. Radford, a nurse no less, text the bbc West Country rural affairs rapid response team whilst pursued by a Japanese research vessel, or has the bbc got patrols out looking for depressives in rubber suits bobbing about trying not to drown?
Whichever way, an essential use of funds and one is sure the emergency services are thrilled at the advocacy.
Will more of us start using rivers?
Figures suggest more people than ever are heading to Britain’s rivers with the easing of lockdown – renewing calls for better public rights of access. It comes as MPs are to consider proposals aimed at opening up the waterways to all. But after recent incidences of littering and overcrowding, there are fears more people on rivers could “cause chaos”.
Caroline Radford, 52, a nurse in the West Country, began taking anti-depressants two years ago after struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. She says wild swimming has helped her mental health. “I was a bit worried about how cold it was, and whether there was going to be any wildlife in the water, but when I got in, it was like swimming through silk. There was a real feeling of peace and calm and tranquillity.”
Didn’t know the people still on a full wage were asking for discount. Human nature or just plain greedy? Slap dash thinking behind that strategy.
Im heartless – i know it – but when the virus panic got going and businsses started to outvirtue each other by giving stuff to a million plus NHS ‘ staff ‘ on full good pay i knew we were is mad times.
Unlimited this – 20% of that – do you not realise how the avaricious medical ‘ profession ‘ is going to milk it dry ?
I wonder what the risk stats are like for the likelihood of NHS being infected / dying from covid as opposed to geting KSI on the way to work .
Add that to the number of ‘ front line ‘ staff actually dealing with covid patients ….
Fed, see my TOADY post below.
There is a Nurse who lives 3 doors up from me. She has this week, just taken delivery of a brand new , 20 plate, Range Rover Evoque. This was a upgrade from her fairly old Renault !!!
How can this be ? The BBC tell us they earn “but a pittance” !! They are crapped on every day by Boris and the Tories!!!
But then i guess she hasn’t had to pay for anything for over 4 month thanks to the Government all these Nurses and the BBC despise so much !!!
Full wage paid, full pension contributions made but hey, have a mortgage holiday, credit card holiday, loan holiday, re-jig your Council Tax, have a free coffee at Costa, have a free pizza from Dominoes, make sure you wear your uniform when going for petrol so some mug will hopefully buy it for you, holiday vouchers, free this, free that !!!
Those bloody Tories hey !!!
Not forgetting the campaign for free NHS staff car parking.
That’s quite a commitment, mind you. The days of the Consultant’s Jag and Matron’s Morris Minor are long past.
Did the nurse, one wonders, go running to the BBC about nasty Mr Alam without taking into account his
Christianfirst name? Thus finding herself unexpectedly second in the pecking order.“In using that language he gave permission to use that language against his wife, his daughters and I am here to stand up to say that that is not acceptable.”
BBC as the breathless PR agency of a minor US pol. Again.
Plus, of course…
Israel has become the first Middle East country to take steps to outlaw the practice of “gay conversion” therapy by psychologists.
Vital. Likely a law unnecessary in other Middle Eastern countries so long as they have cranes, eh, Jez?
BBC “quotes” ‘News’…
A group of MPs said it was “astonished” by the government’s “failure to consider in advance how it might deal with the economic impacts of a pandemic”.
A ‘group’, you say? Wait until Toenails sees this!
As we look to the weekend and Boris embarks on his final push to destroy England’s high streets, let’s take another look at those sometimes overlooked newspaper front page non-headline items.
One really does fear for female mental health. In the ‘i’ singer Lianne La Havas tells us she has nightmares about being misunderstood. Meanwhile in the Guardian Alanis Morissette picks up the theme ‘I’m gratefull – then raging minutes later’
Quick Alanis Morissette joke. She has sold 60 million albums – none of them to men.
The Daily Star reminds us that some men are still men and they still like the ladies as the tabloid asks what does your bikini say about you? And then cheekily comments about the brassiere-busting babe on their front page ‘This one says she’ll catch her death’ She’s certainly not masking much of herself today.
From the near-naked cheek of the plus-size lovely to the naked cheek of a luvvie – Sam Mendes has a rescue plan for the Theatre in the Times. I’m betting it involves big public subsidies for the luvvies.
In the Telegraph our Andrew Lloyd Webber frets that the Chinese are going to take over the West End. No such Sinophobia at the FT as the pink financial giant looks forward to Hong Kong buyers boosting the ailing UK property market.
Are we tiring of our imported from China virus we wonder, as The Daily Express turns attention to the prospect of 30m to get Flu jabs, on the NHS, naturally. So, that’s about half of us giving the freebie to the other half. I guess we dodged a socialist bullet with that Jeremy Corbyn only to get the same policies with Boris. In fact I wouldn’t mind paying for others to get the free jabs if only our media could be honest about who’s paying. Nothing is ‘on the NHS’.
Boris is Up North.
So is Sky.
If Beff and Laura were there that might have made a dozen of them.
For anyone with an interest here’s a thought provoking view of mask wearing.
“The entire point of occult ritual mask-wearing is to hammer home to your subconsciousness — until it becomes completely true in your daily life — the idea that things are no longer the same, and will never be the same again.”
Full version.
Back from first masked shopping expedition, don’t feel anymore satanic than when I set off.
Its simply the creeping adoption of Sharia.
Hilarious times
Listened to R4 this morning banging on about the Muslims in China..
apparently no Muslim counties are bothered with the Chia situation _ Pakistan PM said he didn’t know anything! Saudi said Chinese have right to protect themselves against terrorists and Turkey I am sure they can sort it out…me thinks Muslim countries like Chinese Money more than the ‘wrong’ type of Muslims
So exactly why are the BBC bothered if all the main Muslim countries are not but don’t mention Christians in Muslim counties?
Could it be the same reason they haven’t mentioned that all of the recent at risk covid areas now including Luton are heavily Muslim…some form of Bias?
BBC: ‘Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy. She has since admitted that Germany was ill-prepared for the influx.’
Ill-prepared, how so?
‘Ten men, mostly Syrian refugees, have been found guilty over the gang rape of a woman outside a German nightclub.’
‘The victim, who was 18 at the time, had her drink spiked before being attacked in bushes outside the venue.’
One wonders how a nation is supposed to prepare itself for this kind of problem?
‘The 2018 attack in the city of Freiburg fuelled anti-foreigner sentiment, with protests by the far right.’
You could have knocked me down with a feather.
‘Ms Merkel received both widespread praise and criticism for her “open door” policy.’
Praise from the BBC; criticism from every sane person in the world.
Modern Britain really is a little bit like Downtown Abbey
‘An illegal immigrant was put to work in a cannabis farm to pay off his debt to people traffickers, a court has heard.’
‘Albanian national Albion Ukperaj, 20, was a “live-in gardener” of the farm at a house in Flimby, near Workington, after incurring a £16,000 debt.’
“[The Judge] Those who engage with criminals to enter this country must have some awareness that they may be required to engage in criminal activity once here.”
Careful, m’lud…
But I bet Albion was ‘happy’ though – I bet he gets a job in thr prison garden ????
No mention about ‘deport orders ‘ but I suppose being Albanian he doesn’t have one real name but chucks a few ‘c’s or ‘j’ s about for benefit claiming purposes .
Next for Breakfast viewers: ‘getting out of bed successfully’.
A lot of anti POTUS stuff last few days on BBC – constant diatribe that Biden is leading the polls…..and Sopal banging on about it this morning…
Funny they never report it around the other way…when did you hear ‘Trump leads polls in….’ on BBC?
JA, don’t knock it, it may help get the Republican vote out. 😉
It’s All in the language
World will end tomorrow – says expert
World could end tomorrow
Some say -the world will end tomorrow
World will end tomorrow – goes viral
World will end tomorrow – it is claimed .
My little list of BBC journo deceit
Add to that a bit of ‘unacceptable ‘ ‘mp outraged ‘ ‘call for apology ‘ and the regular juvenile language the woke use and you’ve got the BBC method ….
TOADY Watch #1 – SOS
Several times on this morning’s programme we were told that facemasks were essential to save our NHS next winter. As we are not long past midsummer – only a month – that makes the introduction of facemasks now all the less credible. A subtle bit of BBC trying to run with both sides, ‘For’ and ‘Against’.
They still can’t make their minds up on that one especially as the Daily (Labour Party) Mirror has done a poll and claims that two-thirds of English residents are in favour of compulsory facemasks in shops.
I thought the whole point of the NHS was to have it save us.
Anti Potus reports. Please look at Siobhan Kennedy each night on Ch 4, from her hate filled face comes daily reports of Trump not caring about suffering in the US, thinking only of himself etc.
“Top 10 tips for diversifying your workplace”
Al Beeb at its ‘divisive’ and ‘Orwellian’ best ?
This obsession has no bounds. Can you just imagine
a meeting of the diversity dept? The planning
for all the virtue signalling. The “correct” doctors
to get on the breakfast programme on TV. The
“correct” pictures for main internet pages.
The embedded anarchist Marxists at the BBC have
now come completely out of the woodwork at the BBC.
They are in complete control of the BBC ,and they know it.Our national broadcaster has become an
enemy of the state. What an oxymoron. And we have to
pay for the privilege !
Fos – even the simplest meetings must be a nightmare – seating arrangement – access for the deaf blind dumb chair bound phobic – various colours religions genders orientations -and their dogs – interpreters – signers – Prayer capability – time of day ….
…yet alone the ‘snacks ‘
Yet alone permissible and ‘non exclusionary ‘ language making an average b.s bingo affair look like a whirlwind of fast time decision making .
Is redistributing unique funding one?
Up2 – it will be -play the BBC headline game –
“Government failed to prepare for spike – thousands die “
“Government destroyed economy by preparing for non existent second spike “
Sure will, Fed. Yet this morning on TOADY they wee critical of another broadcaster ……
Not having watched a, “Live Broadcast” on tv for about four years, my recollection of RT is that it is more accurate and down to earth than anything on BBC. The BBC’s manipulation and massage of news items is no longer subtle if R4 is anything to go by. Its duplicity is now blatant and I would submit, not easily duplicated by any other broadcaster Worldwide who even comes close to its modus operandi. This includes any old Soviet style of broadcasting. Only given a choice between RT and BBC? No hesitation in saying, ‘RT’. Libour has just complained to OFCOM about RT and I look forward to their very likely clean bill of health. Conversely, its a pity OFCOM is itself, biased in favour of the BBC. Makes a mockery of that so-called, “Regulator”.
RT by no means perfect but infinitely preferable to bbc and its perpetual meddling in foreign elections via constantly maligning a certain president.
G and Oldspeaker, I can’t really state any opinion on RT. Folk here recommended it and during one of the moments of peak BBC disinformation on the Syrian Civil War, I think I listened on-line to the radio version of RT once and watched a video of RT on UChoobie. That’s about it. It didn’t become habit forming like the BBC of old.
PS: Sorry about the typo – wee should have been were.