If you are over 75 and not receiving pensioner credit you now need to buy a TV licence to obey the law – if you still watch ‘live TV’ of course . But capita – which runs TV licencing for the Far Left Biased BBC – has issued policy saying that to comply with the need to avoid catching the Chinese Virus – it will write directly to the over 75s about buying a licence. There is no need to run off to the post office and risk your life to buy a TV licence . Now isn’t that nice ? And watch out for the scammers ….
Weekend Thread 1 August 2020
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Evening all.
Catchup links
– page 4 started 9:40am Friday
– page 3 started 11am Thursday
“You must be logged in to to post”
That error comes up cos the security software logs you out at random intervals.
Don’t panic, just type biasedbbc.tv/login into the address bar
then login in, then click the back arrow in your browser a couple of times back past the error message to page you were typing on , and your message will still be in the box
then click Post to post it.
Missing .
Missing ( in action ) Black Lives Matter .
Last seen at various riots and acts of vandalism , the community have not seen them where needed at black on black murders .
If you see a black lives matter activist please contact the BBC , who should also ask searching questions but are also missing .
Exactly Nibor, where are they regarding the racist lockdown of Leicester, Luton and Oldham ????
Shock, horror, what have these sh*tholes in common?
Let’s ask al beeb, no better still ask Talkradio ????
A BBC fave, once.
How can you advertise jobs to just non-whites ?
That’s not legal, unless your corp is below target
and you say you are particularly looking for BAME.
(called action).
If a white guy puts in a CV they can’t just bin it, cos that’s discrimination.
typo : called Positive Action
I’m intrigued by the wheelchair bound BBC disability correspondent. Her diction is rubbish. She speaks as if her mouth is full of marbles. Yet there she is, resplendent. Maybe she wasn’t the best candidate but the most disabled, and female.
So. Basically if you are crap and BAME you beat white and good….great
They just don’t do equal opportunities just unequal outcomes
Do you think any BAME businesses advertise for White people to keep the 87% quota up?
Color Really All Preferred
American Beauty’s squad has her squad’s back.
The BBC RT preferences are all relative.
Almost expect Katty to RT this with a ‘Boom!’.
Just put out a story that he has dirt on the Clintons and put him in the same cell Epstein was in.
Of all places – Boston being on the receiving end of a bombing – after all the support they gave the ‘the boys behind the wire ‘ ( PIRA ) To get just a taste or what NI and bits the England got – I hope it made a few of them think about what they had done and the monsters they have supported …
It’s unfortunate that he was taken alive .
It’s now quite clear that the Old Etonian half wit in Downing Street hasn’t got the bleedin’ foggiest idea.
He brings out Doctor Death at every opportunity whenever there’s yet another excuse for more months of misery and economic suicide.
If it’s not the buffoon Boris, its his spokesman, Squealer Hancock, giving us the same, dreary and predictable spiel. Christ, I’m beginning to loathe that bloke.
This is the longest three week lockdown in history. It’ll be five months soon.
Is there no-one in the political or main stream media sphere that can see what’s happening?
We’ve witnessed just how unsuccessful lockdowns have been in Spain. This country was the darling of the chattering classes until a fortnight ago, when (obviously) they had to start letting folk out of their imprisonment and into the fresh air again. Look what’s happened, 3,000 new cases just today. Who’d have thought it? Well, quite a few of us actually…
Meanwhile Sweden potters along, no lockdown, no compulsory facemasks, no panic…no problem.
There has never been a government that has deliberately imprisoned its healthy, working age population and strangled its own economy. The repercussions of this lunacy will be with us for generations.
There needs to be a drastic change of direction and that can only mean a change at the top.
If the infantile idiot BoJo doesn’t go, let’s at least get rid of Doctor Death and Squealer Hancock.
I think Hancock’s had his half hour…
I find that more people wear masks in shops and on buses than on trains.
I have always got away with not wearing a mask in shops and on trains, but have learnt to wear a mask when getting on and off a bus, so as not to upset the driver, taking it off when sitting down. Fortunately I seem to be immune to “Groupthink” or “only following orders” as the Nazis called it, on all issues, so avoid looking into the eyes of the mask wearing zombies in the shops. But I have always worn a mask on the two occasions I have entered a Health Clinic.
I went into my local market town this week. I guess walking through the main shopping street 80% were not wearing masks ( and I guess were mainly shoppers) and of the 20% of those that did 20% thought it a neck ornament. I am afraid I was one who wore it but only from outside the first shop I visited to the minute I had visited the last shop as I was not going to handle the mask more than necessary. Walking to the car I was free.
I was up bright and early this morning, loading plants to be transported to my allotment. I live amongst the green rolling hills of the north downs and I breathed deep of the fresh, dew filled morning air. Lovely!
There wasn’t a soul about, until I saw one elderly lady tottering back form the paper shop with her Daily Mail. I smiled and then noticed, on this beautiful, cloud free, August dawn…she was wearing the face muzzle…
We’ve gone mad!
I don’t think anyone is thinking this stuff through . Do we muzzle in the believe that a cure is found ?
What if there is no cure ? Or it only works for – say – white people ?
Suppose it takes years to find any cure ?
Are we to wear non effective face coverings for ever ? As far as I know the virus is so small it just goes through the mask like it’s not there….but I think it helps remind people about distancing – which I think is being forgotten or just ignored …
Have a nice day though …
“.. went into my local market town this week. I guess walking through the main shopping street 80% were not wearing masks “.
Could this be a new measure of how many foreigners are in the country?
G, not in this particular case – an area with a very low level of immigration.
I only wore the flippin’ mask because I needed a new watch strap and the jewellers were insisting – and I had to go back after 20 minutes for my watch to be sanitised (no idea whether that was to protect me or the man fitting the strap).
If foreigners are not wearing these silly masks, then good for them.
When ‘Squealer Hancock’ was DCMS Secretary he announced in the HoC on 9th January 2018 “Like most Members, I strongly support the BBC, and, like most of the licence fee payers who fund it, I would go so far as to say that I love it.”
That was it as far as I was concerned.
He subsequently went on to say he ‘loved’ the NHS when he became Health Secretary.
IMO an unprincipled character with a strange definition of ‘love’.
Oh yes Jeff, I know how you feel, spitting tacks at every incomprehensible action being taken by this Government. Britain has probably hundreds of ex military people living in the most disgraceful circumstances following their committed service to and for this nation-yet £000,00’s are being spent on a court case to decide whether a traitor can be allowed back into this country, namely the Begum woman. She has a dutch husband and a father in bangladesh so there are two countries she can go back to-can’t remain stateless! Simple insist she becomes a Syrian, as she obvioulsy loves them so. She destroyed her British Passport, and Savid revoked it End Of. Mad dogs and Englismen go out in the midday sun-that’s about it.
Furthermore, veterans are forced to crowdfund their legal bills as they are dragged before courts for spurious ‘historic offences’.
At the same time
potential Labour votersillegal alien invaders are ferried in daily and secretively put up in hotels with free stuff and pocket money.Orwellian Doublethink is alive and well and part of the biased BBC’s arsenal of anti-government rhetoric.
How else can you describe an organisation which through its editorialising criticises the government for being too slow to respond to coronavirus and then almost simultaneously criticises the government for being too quick to re-impose tougher rules for the hot-spot areas?
The BBC are trying to point out that because the areas that having a second lockdown imposed have large BAME%’s Boris is a acting in an obliquely racist way. Why not let the Muslims have their Eid celebrations and spread the virus far and wide? It’s part of the great enrichment process that we are told we must love. Indeed failure to love a BAME will soon become a hate crime. They don’t , of course , have to love you! Well I wouldn’t want them to.
1987 A gypsy of the same name killed someone in a similar driver away theft.
At 3pm on T Radio a retired cop said he was on the scene in Rainham, Kent when in 87 or 88 when 3 gypsies robbed a chainsaw from a DIY shop
It was a repeat theft so the shop keeper Mr Barker gave chase and died on the bonnet of the car as it was driven away at 70mph.
One of the 3 was a Mr Bowers
the same name as one of 3 sentenced on Friday.
Nothing comes up on a simple internet search.
Anyone else noticed the frequency of very obese people interviewed for various health and other topics on the BBC? Particularly irksome tonight was the obese female GP on the 10 pm news. Hypocrisy or what?
Is the BBC fattist?
Are there really that many grossly obese people in the country?
Is the BBC deliberately seeking them out?
It all seems distinctly odd.
Er yes, where I live, and in surrounding towns, the number of obese people waddling about, or zooming around in their formula 1 scooters is staggering. The scooter generation appear to be over 60, and the other ‘waddlers’ are generally much younger. Young fat men, a lot of whom can only wear trainers, and because of their weight , walk on the outside of their feet, so their gait is appauling. Young very fat women who clearly have no regard for their appearance, wear clothes 3 sizes too small, and generally have thighs a Sumo wrestler would be proud of. The abolition of school playing fields for housing estates was the start of the downfall, when PE twice a week was the norm, and then the rise of fast food chains has all contributed to the abnormal weight gain of the past couple of generations.
More than is acceptable, the number of nurses in the NHS are morbidly obese, and can barely get their breath. Remember the days when nurses wore little hats and dress uniforms with black tights ? how many were grossly overweight back then ? barely any.
I used to travel frequently between here and Switzerland, and taking into consideration the Swiss as a nation are very outdoorsy, the sight of anyone massively overweight was incredibly rare. The UK is rapidly catching up with the US in the obesity stakes, and aside from the health risks , the overweight must feel very depressed when looking at their naked body in the mirror, and worse when they don’t do anything about it.
“Remember the days when nurses wore little hats and dress uniforms with black tights ?”
There’s a very good reason for their attractive appearance, Brissles, and I’m sure you know that they were so fit, because of all that running away from chaps who rather enjoyed looking at such a lovely sight..;0)
“Remember the days when nurses wore little hats and dress uniforms with black tights?”
Oh Yes…oh yes…oh…
Okay, I’m out of here!
Wonderfully put Brissles and exactly correct. Indeed at my school from 6 yrs we had, unless it was pouring with rain or heavy snow, physical jerks every morning before lessons so that we were all wide awake and healthy-helpings of food were small, sweets until I was 11 were still rationed. Games each afternoon, and excuses were not accepted unless we were ill with permission from Matron-not from the parent! Discipline was firm, manners were essential, rudeness to a member of staff no matter who they were would be severly punished. No it did no harm being brought up that way with those rules of behaviour-to the adult we were all young puppies that needed training and as we got older so we were given responsibility to guid the younger members through the process. Many young men of course were conscripted into military service, I missed it by 8 months-it would not have bothered me as my school had a CCF Combined Cadet Force, which taught all the basics of what would be expected in the military. In fact I did two years in the TA after leaving school, enjoyed it and got paid, not much but I considered it very much a plus-could afford to take a girlfriend out! That life, as many on this site have said before, is now a dim distant past-the main culprit has been the European Union with its overly liberal/marxist regeme-destroyed all self reliance in people-developing a greedy attitude, that was indeed encouraged by the evil ideology advanced by the EU. Where do we go from here? One might ask-I’m in the autumn of my life, but my concern is for the young, 1-40 yrs old-goodness only knows that they will have to face?
Spot on, Tarien!
In fact, we have to admit, here in ‘The Turrets’, that we’ll not be around to see the results of the current woke culture, the SJWs whinging on about things they don’t understand, the reliance on benefits, that roll-over acceptance of a horrible muslim religion, the ugliness of stabbers in slum estates, the evil of a failed bbc, which is intent on levering out all British honesty and hard knocks and replacing it with greta-loving twonks, who have never had it so good.
I’m now 73 years old, and don’t really give a monkey’s about what the new lot are going to face, because they’ll have brought it on themselves!
I’m sorry if you’re much younger, (I hope so), but there it is!
Yes slowly but surely I’m also beginning not to give a damn about what happens to the Wokists. They have to be really really dumb not to see the hell they are taking us all to. But they are at the wheel now and will have to live with what they have done. It’s becoming irreversible.
No Scroblene I’m a young 78 and luckily a fairly fit chappy-get a lot of exercise in and around the house-up and down stairs many times a day keeps me fit! However like you say much of what is now and possible future has been brought about by themselves-I am afraid evil is winning at the moment against good. Have a nice day.
If he missed National Service by eight months he is not younger.
Yes Tarien, discipline at school was very strict and if you were in trouble you dare not let your parents find out because if they did you were in REAL trouble.
In today’s world when a child is told off at school, the parents are round there trying to take action against the school.
Scrobs, being of similar age, it sounds smug to say that ‘us baby boomers had the best of times’, but realistically we did. Brought up with values and manners, nobody better than anyone else, decent education, choice of jobs, music of the 60’s we could understand and dance to, could see a GP on demand, renting was easier and buying a house was still tough but doable. A much ‘nicer’ life than the hard toil of grandparents, and a bit more than mum and dad had.
So, I care less what happens now, my life wont be any better, or worse – unless I become a Covid victim, which I shall go out of my way to avoid as it appears to be pretty nasty if contracted. These following generations will have a lot more grief than we ever had, so good luck to ’em.
Too true, Brissles!
Nicely summed up about the generations – a chum here (might have been you), mentioned that the flu epidemic of 1918 was just so awful, and that was my grandparents’ age. They had a rough time, and our parents were able to drill good manners etc. into us as a consequence.
The BBC are constantly in denial about where the roots of a true British citizen are concerned. They always try and generalise their rhetoric by mentioning immigration or mixed race, and therefore minimise the intrusive influence on the normal residents of our country.
As far as I’m concerned, that is just too much ‘tolerance’ from the BBC just to make themselves feel good. Great Britain wasn’t founded on that weedy acceptance; someone needs to make a stand somewhere, after which then the word then should become ‘agreement’, but never a roll-over.
When the BBC is kicked into touch, (and it will be), the place will be much better for it. As nobody watches Sky news now, there may be another channel somewhere, but I doubt whether anybody will ever watch it, as there’s so much else to read and listen to.
Again I agree Scroblene, the BBC et al have made a major contribution to the present distruction of this nation and to a degree to its future. For a long time as I have mentioned before, an element that is Liberal/Marxist has been governing this nation as well as most of western Europe. The utter incomprehensibilty of allowing massive immigration from third worlds into first worlds and the ever continuing invasion reaching our shores seemingly every day, and yet no direct action appears to be in force to stop or disuade those from comming to the UK, and very little help from those countries still allowing these illegals to travel on through. The result is an ever expanding population of which the majority work forces, will have to support these invaders. I don’t know about God, but by heck chief it don’t look good.
According to Peter Hitchens the most common symptom of Chinese flu is feeling absolutely fine. The more testing they do, the commoner that symptom is.
The media is like a pendulum that does not swing but ports using a black hole between extremes.
Recently saw a headline about a once attractive actress who did indeed become much easier to see, but now ‘Defends her decision to lose weight’.
Seems swerving from stage 1 diabetes and limb amputation is a betrayal of the blubberhood.
I am prepared to bet most girlies in newsrooms writing this are rake thin, and some of the women too. But there will be a token Belgian Health Minister to field on Newsnight on mystery Covid spikes amongst single mothers of kids called Omar.
And how many are of a Black colour? In does appear that black people are in the majority and one sees them everywhere one goes or so it seems, so yes Sluff there really are that many obese people both white and coloured, in the United Kingdom. The BBC only want to emphasize problems that will show up white people in the worst of conditions, especially if they can fine a white person whose great, great, great and so on grandfather had the slightest connection with slavery, conveniently eradicating any confirmation that this ancester might have been enslaved.
Physically, most black women have over accentuated bottoms, even the slimmest, so when these ladies have grown to the size of being grossly overweight, they look even bigger because of this ‘cultural difference’ that is not found in caucasions. Also they suffer with flat feet and bow legs, so walking in high heels makes them walk on the outside of the foot. Black and white do have physical differences, but its not pc to mention them.
Maybe, but regardless of those physical differences, an awful of them really are fat. Is it due to genetics or a really bad diet?
Peter Levy on Look North. Apparently it was the third hottest day ever (it was hot, bit I am sure I have known worse – even has a cool breeze blowing through the house today yet have known it when it has been a hot wind and we have kept windows closed to keep out the heat). But Peter was inviting comments about the weather and said it was an unarguable fact that the climate is getting hotter. One hot day? Really?
According to the Guinness Book of Records, given to me in 1967 by my Granddad. The hottest ever in Britain was 100.5 F on 22nd July 1868. The second hottest ever is scribbled next to it by me. I note that on 3rd August 1990, in East Yorkshire, I saw my thermometer reach 99 F. The so called third hottest ever was predicted to reach 85 F, but the same thermometer used in 1990 reached just short of 80 F, and about four hours latter than expected.
Therefore I presume it must have been 98 F at Heathrow Airport. The additional 18 F being assisted by the tarmac, Jet engines and the Urban Heat Island effect.
Not so hot up here where I live? Out on my rounds this evening the temperature gauge indicated 17.5C ?
An new improved description of Climate Change at the BBC, called “Second Hand Thinking”
(1) Climate Change at the BBC:
The BBC will tell you what an Environmental Activist thinks.
The Environmental Activists will tell you what a Scientists thinks.
The Scientist, who is “BANNED”, cant tell you what an Atmospheric Physicist thinks.
The Atmospheric Physicist, who is “GAGGED”, cant tell you what a Solar Astronomer thinks.
The Solar Astronomer, who is “NOT A GREEN”, cant tell you what an independent Meteorologist thinks.
The independent Meteorologist, who is a “WRONG SORT OF CHAP”, cant therefore tell you to think for yourselves, due to BBC censorship.
However, to help overcome the BBC’s consensus that Greta, who is “NOT BANNED”, because she knows more about the carbon gas, than scientists who deny her beliefs, see below.
(2) Climate Change in the Mensa Magazine:
Climate Dogma? We do know that the Greenhouse Effect exists because all Planetary Atmospheres have a surface temperature higher than the grey body temperature. The problem is that the Arrhenius hypothesis, as explained by NASA, does not work on planets with carbon dioxide atmospheres, proving that it is a Dogma. On the other hand a formula for the Greenhouse Effect based on Atmospheric mass, gravity and air pressure first suggested by James Clerk Maxwell in 1871, was proved correct in 2011 for all known Planetary Atmospheres by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, Gravity pulling molecules downward producing the heat gradient. Other scientists have found the same results using NASA data with air pressure and the Ideal Gas Law. Therefore I hope that environmental activists like Greta don’t phone up Mensa and demand that the editor should be sacked for publishing this email, which is what scientists are presuming to be what is going on within the British media these days.
Murdoch Mysteries
Maybe it wasn’t selling?
Boris and Carrie do note.
“So, how can we trash Boris today?”
“Got the perfect story… and it has a photo too”
Hope BBC Trending picks up.
“All a bit rushed”
Code for… ‘took longer in Frankie Howerd to decide what goes in and what gets left out’?
So Mr. Stew is now Alistair No Shirt?
No, if you see the Newsnight clip, he was referring to himself. He’d hurried into the studio and hadn’t had time to put a tie on and wasn’t “made up” for the cameras.
Blimey, I wonder how long Emily is in the chair for?
Highlights, eyelashes, filler, spray tan…
I am sure that, in keeping with his principles, Murdoch the Younger will be selling off all of his shares, warrants, bonds and so forth in News Corp
I think rather than James’s principles they are those of his climate change activist wife.
From Yoko Ono to Megan Markle etc women today are changing the way of the world ( or their husbands view of it anyway ).
So, Idris Elba was given a special Bafta for his contribution to television as an actor, writer and producer. What, no mention of the dross of his ‘comedy’ show on Sky then ? Forget giving peerages to all and sundry, we now see the start of handing out awards to anyone other than whites.
Frankly Brissles I would get rid of all honours-if an individual has done something quite fantastic or has over many years acted with such devotion to the wellfare of people, very ill, elderly, impaired, or whatever then it would indeed be correct for the nation to thank that person. Leave out entertainment of all kinds, businesses of all types and their CEO’s, Law and Order, but include extreme bravery by all or any person military or otherwise and for goodness sake let us get rid of the House of Lords as it now is-yes we do need an upper chamber to keep the commons in check but those in that upperhouse will carry no titles, nevertheless they should be proud to serve in such a place. Drastic measures in drastic times needed.
Absolutely ! but its so blatant that Elba got his award because of his colour ! there are dozens of actors cum writers cum producers in the business, but sadly they are white and not news worthy. Soon or later the black community must realise that you dont suddenly get awards for everything after being years in the wilderness, because of your work ! and must be really thick if they’re not aware its tokenism because of the publicity and BLM !
Just wait until they do a re-make of ‘The Snowman’…
That’ll be fun!
Dr Kevin Donnelly gets it in one:
“The only alternatives to rationality, reason and logic are epistemological suicide or the nihilism and violence epitomised by Stalin’s gulags, Hitler’s death camps and Pol Pot’s killing fields.”
The Coalman ?
“Bafta TV Awards 2020: Ten things we learned at the virtual ceremony”
Yes , it’s still a load of rubbish stuffed full opinionated actors that have never done a day’s work since they left school. Al Beeb loves it.
My review of the BBC news this morning – As usual, there is no news.
“And here in the studio to tell her sorry tale is single mother of sixteen Jess…”
The BBC need to get SurEd and Layla on the debate this one.
Limps do like bans almost as much as they do.
Now Pond life crossing once bbc pervasive gob Mehdi coins an immortal phrase without irony….
“ I agree with the people saying this is bad – it is! – but we’ve all said and done things we regret over a decade ago – I know I have!”
Words to live by, Mr. Hasan. Now, will American Beauty and squad agree, disagree…. or simply keep trawling selectively?
I had never heard of Congressman Lewis before he died, even though I well remember ML King. But, as with George Floyd, the bbc hasn’t been able to stop talking about him. The black ‘activist’ ‘struggle’ and all that.
This morning, they dedicated ‘Thought for the Day’ to the memory of Lewis on Toady. Do they really think we are interested?! I doubt many here in the UK are, but that won’t stop beeb shoving this stuff down our throats.
It has decided to make promoting blacks and black ‘culture’, whether foreign or British, into its Mission Statement. So stuff the licence fee payer.
This week they had at least one ‘black American’ play at 2.15 on R4 in the afternoon. Lotsa black American poetry (of not particularly high quality) has invaded the poetry spots. There is a lot of evidence that beeb is ‘importing’ the American Civil Rights struggle into Britain to make it our own, presumably to link up the BLM campaign in the two countries.
Of course, beeb has been very excited about the whole BLM thing.
‘The Crunch Convention’ on R4 focuses on the ’80 Democratic Convention. Election time coming in the US, so time to hype up the Democrats under the guise of a history programme?
Criticism of Donald Trump will now increase on R4 and the beeb, even more than it has for the last three years. And that’s a lot, wall to wall.
Maybe Sopel from America will replace Cooke’s
Today is my first day of no BBC tax. I cancelled dd a while ago and now free. I haven’t watched BBC for ages…
Look forward to letters…advice on dealing welcome.
Congratulations James
Never answer a letter . Never give a name
It’s unlikely visits will be taking place due to covid .
If they do visit – in whatever form – never chat – and close the door –
Otherwise the script if –
“I just use Netflix and amazon .i don’t watch any live TV of record it “ . ( my sat dish doesn’t work – I don’t have Sky Or freeview – nor does anyone else here )…
..I think that’s right …. I’m guessing the capita TV goons ( I wont give an ‘authority ‘ title ) are on furlough .
If I recall they had a minimum target of getting 28 people to buy A licence each week – above that was gravy …..
It’s simple James – just ignore them, and if they threaten you, threaten back.
If you get a call, cut them off.
If you get a letter, put it in the bin.
If anyone turns up on the doorstep, don’t open the door, and if you accidentally do, shut it again, quickly, without a word.
If they persist in annoying you, tell them you will call the police and tell them you’re being harassed, and if they continue, do just that.
I’m sure you’re aware, but just to spell it out, clearly, for any who are worried:
Unless you are watching live TV, there is nothing to account for and they’re are the ones in the wrong for harassing you.
Any non-live streaming service such as Netflix, Amazon etc… does NOT require a licence, and you’re quite within your rights to own a TV set (or any other device capable of screening live TV) to watch those, to play Playstation, or XBox games, and to watch Youtube videos, DVDs etc… so do not get blackmailed that way. These days many people (especially younger ones) use their TVs for all kinds of things OTHER than watching live TV.
In fact, you’re quite within your rights to own a TV, just because you like the look of it in your living room, to have an antenna on your chimney or twenty satellite dishes on your wall, because you think they look ‘stylish’. You do NOT require a licence, simply because you own a house full of device/s capable of screening live TV, and have the infrastructure to do so.
I’ve been licence free for several years now, to start with I got regular letters, but binned the lot without reading them. Had a phone call some years back, cut them off when I realised who it was, and blocked the number. Fedup is right on giving them as little information about yourself (and contact details) as possible, same as with any other sales/scam artists.
About four years ago, I had a letter with BIG red, threatening looking writing on the outside of the envelope, saying I WOULD get a home visit, and a fine, unless I paid for a licence IMMEDIATELY. I opened it, called the number and told them in no uncertain terms that I didn’t watch live TV, and if they threatened me again I’d pass it on to the police. They, very meekly, said they’d take me off ‘the list’. Not heard from them since.
NEVER FORGET, IF YOU’RE NOT WATCHING LIVE TV, THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO TRY TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR A TV LICENCE. You wouldn’t pay road tax if you didn’t have a vehicle you drove on the road, would you?
Thanks Bigbro
I will let you know what, if anything ,transpires
I had threatening letters every month for several years. There were several types, of varying degrees of menace, which were sent in rotation, so they all came round again. I had one personal caller but did not let him in or tell him my name, to which he said, “You’ll just keep getting these letters every month”, but he never came back. The really vulnerable people are in closely built streets where the goons can look through the windows and deal with lots of houses in a short time, so maximizing their profits.
I see Channel 4 this morning was running some sort of self-advert with lots of Black Power salute images.
And most of the copy-pasters in the cubicle gardens.
Nish is out again. Hilariously.
Used to be ‘bane’, now it’s ‘bame’ – just like everything else!
Today’s radio 4 Any Answers phone in was much better cos North Chris replaced Nasty Anita
but they kept getting callers who referred to Cummings & he should be sacked.
Again I imagined they were all calling from a Labour Party official call centre. They didn’t sound like a regular man/woman on the street.
Stew- ‘Any answers’ is usually a roll call of Labour enthusiasts, with the odd conservative voice thrown in, now and then. Mason was impressive today, clearly aware how blatantly partisan some callers sounded. He was forced to challenge them. The anti-Cummings brigade is still at it -whingeing about his trip…
Censorship is making this a little harder to find now, (Dr. claiming hydroxychloroquine effective treatment for covid 19) all the white coats make me suspicious, still, be nice to see a qualified medical professional debate her claims rather than a blanket ban. Everyone on here seems in the ‘able to think for oneself’ category so heres a link if interested.
Not BBC –
The Londonistan body count for July – my count is 17 .
I could do a demographic breakdown but what would that achieve apart from re in forcing the view that coloured males are more likely to be both killing and killers . Let’s put it down to poverty shall we ?
More shootings than usual methinks . At the beginning of the month a Joe public is Tottenham said a murder was ‘ no surprise ‘ but she was surprised by the gunfire – she counted 9 shots . …..
I think one of the stick crime stories of the month – apart from fixing the jury in the PC murder trial – was the brother of the ex soldier who does that special forces show getting caught with 7 kg of coke after coming through the channel tunnel ….. Stick that in yer book ‘ant ‘
By the way – that puts London on the increasing number of year on year homicides with or without the lockdown period … which I might suggest caused more domestic death which didn’t make the ‘news’….
By the by the way way – norman brennan – the retired copper – reports that in London Friday night there were seven – thats 7 – shooting incidents including a drive by sun machine gun attack in Brixon .
So if up are out and about in london tonight – dont forget the bullet proof vest …,
I don’t remember. Was it July 2018 or 19 we gave freedom to the Balkans to enter the UK and live. ‘Cos, apparently, they were in the process of joining the EU. Their claim to international fame? Recognised very successful gun-running criminals. The sort of people we just want, free enterprise and all that. I did predict there would be an upturn in shoot-outs.
Just goes to show the common sense and intelligence of our, ‘political leaders’. Then add on the absolute mess this country is in and you can see how well we’ve been served by them over the decades.
The good news? It’ll get worse, much worse. Seems the ruling classes like it that way. But, unlike the US, the public cannot redress the imbalance and obtain firearms for protection.
Just Lewis being Lewis.
Mr. BS best watch out.
Three BLM rioters in Oklahoma have been charged with terrorism – at last!
Does that mean that all the positive support the beeb have been giving to the BLM terrorists makes them complicit to terrorism?
The same goes for all the adulatory coverage they gave to the vehemently race-baiting, riot-inciting speech by Obama a few days ago.
At last, some logical thinking. Some observation of the LAW. Remember that? We used to have something called ‘the law’, and it had some meaning.
Now, I can pull down a statue if I don’t like it, or smash a few things up. Police will simply watch, provided -of course- I tick a few boxes.
I see in Brixton and Hackney there have been at least three shootings, one involving a sub machine gun. Wonder if any officers were ‘taking the knee’. If enforcing the law has become an optional for police, I think they can expect a lot more sub-machine gunning.
Perhaps some of those weapons come in on the regular flotillas that are allowed/encouraged (?) to cross the channel from France every day?
That won’t be the ones subject to the welcoming procedure from mid-way across the channel. The weapons will come in via those that evade, “The Farce” and land unaided then scatter.
G -Exactly. Could that actually be the larger part of the flotilla? While guests who are welcomed are taken straight to hotels, the unobserved do a bit of gun-running?
He forgets Vlad that he his partly white-but of course for being applauded about all things black will give him the brownie points-no pun menat, but yes I do mean it ! Not a nice piece of work-did little to help his country as my family and friends in the USA say His wife a real Black Lives Matter supporter was always against the constitution and because it was written and devised by white people.
How long will it be before the BBC follows its lefty sista across the pond and have only one gender ?
There are now ‘men’ and ‘individuals with a cervix ‘
As Laurence Fox says on twitter
“No individual with a cervix – no cry” ….
Sometimes you really do find yourself saying “whats next ?”
Cervixman: A Serviceman with Penis Envy.
From an American satire site …
Doesn’t it show a surrender to the acceptance of physical reality that the idiots resort to such anatomical redefinitions? Their “virtual” and subjective approach hitherto has tended to be above such earthy considerations.
No apologies if this has already been featured on this site.
According to the Times, Professor Raoult’s treatment of virus victims with hydroxychloroquine has led to measurable success with lives saved. I have no idea if he is correct but if God exists then please let the French scientist and Trump be right and the BBC, as usual be wrong. If just for the laughter
It looks like Trump is correct again.
I think hydroxychloroquine and other anti-inflammatory drugs can help someone survive the symptoms of Covid-19. But the reason the left-wing middle-class morons want to ban it, is because it doesn’t kill the virus. But this means the BBC are helping the authorities to murderer the victims of Covid-19, because at least it allows the victim to survive the symptoms, so that their immune system can kill the virus.
Bubba pegged as not having a sensible sleepover with those girls on Isla Epstein, now this.
What can American Beauty and squad not talk about next?
Maybe that awesome new mayor’s achievements in Barry’s home ci… oh.
HCQ does not seem to be a cure in itself which is the confusion. It is a zinc ionophore. There are others. Quercetiin ( easily bought here) and green tea . It seems to enable the zinc in our bodies ( a supplement is often important) to combat the virus by denying it entry. Vitamin D also is important as it looks as if it has a control mechanism for regulating our immune response. This can prevent the cytokine storm which causes organ failure and sepsis.
There is definitely a concerted campaign in the MSM to ignore all this. Why is the question. And as usual it is the answer that will be kept from us .
My son took HCQ for six months years ago when in a malaria zone. It is normal to do so. No side effects at all. We are being lied to.
The trials of HCQ look as if they were designed to fail unless the doctors were just incompetent. .The important thing is to use it early in conjunction with zinc and azithromycin.
What is clear is that the death rates in the West are far greater than in the developing world .WE need to find out why. The MSM seems to ignore this or suggest that the figures are unreliable in the third world. That the Case fatality rate is somehow wrong. I do not accept this. Something is amiss.
I am still on the mailing list for my American GP’s newsletter.
He started promoting zinc, quercertin with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Q10 in late March – early April as preventative measures.
On the 6PM national news on the BBC last night ,we heard
a base question from a BBC reporter to an Imam if the
government had imposed its new restrictions in Greater
Manchester and west Yorkshire because it was the beginning of
Ede. This question may very well sound emotive. But the
more I think about it the more I find it to be a very logical
approach by the government.
We know that having blood transfusions is against Jehovah’s
witness doctrine. In other fundamentalist branches of the
church vaccination is not permitted. We saw large
outbreaks of measles in religious communities in the USA who
wouldn’t let their children be vaccinated.
In this chinese virus pandemic we have seen major spikes in
extreme orthodox religious communities such as the ultra
religious Jews in Israel. Also figures and percentages announced
really do look like there is far too greater amount of BAME
and particularly Muslim casualties from the pandemic, why is
this? I am not a religious scholar. But as is the case with
blood transfusions and vaccinations could a possible reason
be that some Muslims think that if it is their gods will for them
to catch the virus, so be it. I reiterate it is not just Muslims
who may feel like this. It applies to certain other fundamentalist
beliefs in other religions.It just happens to be that the demographics of these spikes are in large Muslim conurbations .
Yes, I know that two or three generations live in the same houses
and it therefore makes the virus easier to spread. But you
may be getting the perfect storm scenario where too many
may well believe if they do catch the virus it will be god’s will.
The answer to the BBC’s reporter question may well of
been logically that two wrong’s can make a right in certain
circumstances. That is if one of the wrongs is even not a wrong.
A few years ago there was a Belgian thriller about a plague in which those sections of the city which were affected were walled up and provided with plenty of food etc until the plague had run its course.
You can guarantee if that happened here, the wrong food would be delivered !! Perhaps thats the answer.
An honest mistake. Pork scratching and larger are so popular elsewhere.
Not on bBC – a live feed of protest in Berlin AGAINST the lockdown – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9_inV7Gy7U&app=desktop
infoquest- “Die Welt” reports that Berlin police have already ended the protest because social distancing was not observed.
Many commentators under the article would justifiably like to know why this was NOT enforced during the recent BLM ‘protests’ there.
The answer, of course, is that there are now TWO sets of law in Germany. Those the Merkel regime wishes to enforce, and those that it chooses not to (of which one often has reason to suspect secret encouragement by said regime).
A big theme from the ‘grand coalition’, which governs Germany, is the “Kampf gegen Rechts” – the battle against the ‘Right’. So, not difficult to figure out what marches are OK (even with violence) and which are not (even if peaceful). The march ended today accomodated all shades of opinion, but the ‘Right’ had a substantial presence there.
Merkel and her socialist buddies wouldn’t stand for that.
And for days the German MSM (also known by democrats as die “Luegenpresse” – the lying press) -have been complaining that the ‘Right’ was going to mount today’s protest.
That factor alone told all of us who were interested, what we needed to know.
I notice a few police vans drawn across the street in Berlin, to head off the marchers.
BLM marchers would have made short shrift of those!
Anyway, I suspect Merkel will have water cannon and/or Antifa lined up, ready and waiting. We have seen both of those unleashed in the past.
I see that BLM (or was it Antifa, or both) were wearing black quasi-military uniforms in the recent troubles in Brixton. Shades of Oswald Mosley! Is the Government going to tolerate this?
The BBC are delighted to shame Tory MP Craig Whittaker for saying that the “vast majority” of those breaking the rules in his constituency were from black and minority ethnic (BAME) communities.
However they are not at all delighted to quote former Chief Crown Prosecutor NAZIR AFZAL for – ahem – agreeing with him. In fact they don’t report his statement at all, published in today’s DM, link below.
“We South Asians often try to reinvent the village of our roots in our British surroundings, so that a household frequently has neighbours who are relatives. In practice, this can promote a feeling of complacency about lockdown, where the attitude is ‘well, we can pop next door. It’s not really a breach. After all, they’re family’.”
He also lists other reasons that ‘Asians’ are disproportionately affected. But he misses one: with the best will in the world, it’s very difficult to rape an underage white girl without breaching social distancing rules.
Steve Bannon is trending
why ? cos the Observer has an article.
“Steve Bannon hails Dominic Cummings and predicts lurch to right for No 10”
So I peer into Guardianlalaland
… Where’s the Guardian get the idea about moving to the right. ?
Oh in the sentence before
Bannon says Britain should be like “Singapore on Thames”
There are hundreds of tweets promoting the article
Bizarrely a lot (10) also sneer at Tommy Robinson
even tho he is not mentioned in the article.
I am imagine a 100 people in a Hatey No Hoper office
saying “OK our new PR campaign is to make out that Boris is taking Britain to the far right”
The Guardian article doesn’t allow open comments.
BTW when I check Mark Townsend the writer of the articles’s links to HnH I find a few close stories
And I end up at this video, alleging HnH conspiracy
And I see other people accusing Mark of using the excuse of fighting mythical fascism, as a shield when pushing lefty totalitarian agendas.
““Steve Bannon hails Dominic Cummings and predicts lurch to right for No 10””
Steady on there Stew. A, “lurch to the right”? that suggests that the current shambles is anything but ‘right’. That I can agree with.
I’m getting giddy…………
Today there was a rally in Parliament Square organised by Hearts of Oak and Women Against Groomers to #DeportTheRochdale3.
Child rapists still in the country despite having been stripped of their citizenship.
Event here 1.5 hours.
Speakers include TR (by video) and AMW.
Get rid of the Human Rights Act.
I’m not sure how many attended.
Can’t see that rally reported on Al Beeb’s front page but they are quick to report on a couple of soldiers fighting in a bar two weeks ago ……….
The Rochdale 3? Surely there ought to be far more than that.
I have a BBC Licence Question.
My mother’s TV is a very old Samsung smart TV. It has IPlayer on it but it is completely impossible to remove. She has dementia so isn’t really aware of any TV. The TV is tuned but rarely used. What would happen if the tellygoons arrive when I’m not there?
Put a lock on the door that she can’t unlock so won’t be able to open the door for them. They have absolutely no right of entry but sounds like your Mum won’t be able to prevent them herself.
Set her adrift on a rubber dingy in the English Channel. She will get picked up and taken to a nice 4 star hotel where she can get to watch TV licence free then. But seriously, it is terrible that it has come to this under a Tory Government . If you have a Tory MP write to him/her. This archaic licence fee should have been abolished a long time ago
Is your mum entitled to pensioner credit ? It has to be claimed ? If so she doesn’t need a licence . Also – has she been formally been diagnosed with dementia ? People who have a formal diagnosis are not required to pay council tax – something it took me years to realise after my mum was formally diagnosed . Dementia UK is an excellent charity which I support and can help via its website on all aspects of being a carer for someone with dementia – which I was once . It’s an 0800 number 0800 888 6678 . Those on the helpline are nurses who are specialists in caring for dementia sufferers .
Hope this helps . Let me know if you need more help.
Didn’t know that thanks Fed, just saved somebody I know having a licence bought for them.
Old – If my numbers are right I recall a million over 65s who are entitled to pensioner credit have not claimed it . And to repeat for anyone – once pensioner credit is authorised TV licencing can be told to get on their bike .
And to repeat . If someone is living in their own home and is formally diagnosed with any form of dementia – thr property becomes excempt for the community charge ….
I’d been paying it for 4 years after my mum- who I was looking after in her home – had been diagnosed with vascular dementia . The money helped me pay for extra carers …
Old – yes – if someone is over 75 and now needs a licence do not buy one until TV licencing writes to them . There will not be phone calls or emails or texts .
Personally I’d say ( if asked. ) I’ve given up on live and recorded TV and got Netflix or amazon …..-and no – you can’t come round and check …
Is the lying BBC telling us about the launch of Ital-exit a few days ago?
No, I thought not.
“Italexit! Popular senator launches party to take Italy out of EU”
Well let’s hope it happens. But we can expect that there will be just as powerful Remainer lobby in Italy as there was here and there is also the added complication of the Euro. But It ought to at least cause Brussels to throw more money at Italy as a bribe which will further infuriate the Germans and the frugal four. AfD and similar Euro sceptic parties ought to gain even if the Italiens don’t manage to tunnel out. Any problem for the EU is good.
“Black Lives Matter: ‘Backlash has been divisive like Brexit'”
So far so bbc, one young man called Joe says
“This was prompted after he fell out with a close friend. Joe said he was explaining the issue to the close friend when they started using racist rhetoric.
“It made me feel a bit sick. This is a person I thought I knew. They didn’t even give me a chance to explain my views and to help to educate them – they just refused.””
I presume the ‘issue’ is blm or an ism of some kind, it’s not specified in this sub part, nor is the nature of the “racist rhetoric”. It was the young mans hubris that had me laughing out loud. His ‘friend’ wouldn’t let Joe educate him, so not right up himself at all then. I’m sure with an attitude like that Joe will have no issue making lots of new friends as long as he can ‘educate’ them.
I presume the Black lives matter argument, was about who was the worlds most influential racist, James Earl Ray or Derek Michael Chauvin.
What happened to footy ? Once upon a time 2 teams came out onto the field , had there picture taken – put the ball down and got on with it .
Now there’s a ball on a pedestal – They form columns -a minutes silence for something – a bit of clapping for something – then a bit of kneeling down – then they all kiss each other and
Then maybe kick a ball for 20 minutes before drinks from the bar ….
Tedious beyond belief. Virtue signalling tossers. No atmosphere and pitiful commentary.
The German MSM have tried hard to play down the numbers who protested against the government in Berlin today.
German TV reported 17,000, but more balanced reports suggest well over half a million. Some estimates, based on areal photographs, suggest over a million gathered there. The police (who spoke of 10,000) eventually dragged protest leaders from the stage, in order to bring the demo to an end, apparently after instructions from the Berlin senate were received. Berlin is run by a socialist/green coalition, so we can draw certain conclusions.
Impossible, at this stage, to draw conclusions about the size of the crowd. It is not for nothing that conservative voices refer to the German MSM as the ‘Luegenpresse’. Every bit as dishonest as their government, really.
And that is very, very dishonest.
I have often thought that German state TV make the beeb look like rank amateurs in the bias game. The print media are not far behind. Their Masters’ Voice. (Or should that be Mistresses’?)
Looking at the stitch-up the two main parties (in cosy coalition) have subjected their nation to, we’re well out of there. That is, assuming we ARE out of there?
Nothing would surprise.
It is amusing, but also wonderfully demonstrates the singular mindset that preoccupies the bbc upper floors.
Speaking of Labour royalty and bbc upper floors…
About the only hope is that most young folk could give a flying fig for bbc revisionism.
It’s strange how some bad things become an obsession for the MSM and others are quietly nodded at . The ability of a PM to dole out gongs – peerages to the friends , family and others considered for patronage . Another lot are about to climb back on the gravy train – from both right and left – but all members of the bubble .
We live with this . Every PM does it – and these people deal with legislation without reference to us . If someone could show the value of the House of Lords I’d appreciate it – but to me it’s just a sign that democracy here is just a vehicle for the bubble to improve its individual wealth and status .
As an aside – the new peers won’t need to pay for a TV licence – they can claim it on expenses .
Just Craig being Craig.
Thank heavens.
The BBC takes ‘unique’ to new depths.
America is under attack. Not that we are aware of it the UK is leading the attack through the BBC and its links in America via the New York Times. The CNN, NYT and BBC are named by Trump in being banned from press briefings in 2017. What links them all is very disturbing…
NYT of course (New York Times) is not publically funded but its current Editor has direct links to the same BBC management in yet another crisis. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/25/world/europe/british-lawmakers-question-ex-bbc-chiefs-role.html
CNN and BBC Worldwide news feeds are can be sponsored by (any) Left Wing governments or even Islamic countries (with enough cash). An OFCOM report which voiced the complaint to BBC/CNN/CNBC (BBC Worldwide are exempt from UK Charter obligations) in this very issue of the (by) The Guardian (no less):
The constant barrage of mis-information by the NYT and CNN against TRUMP in particular is mirrored in all BBC reports here in the UK as ‘facts’ which even staff at the NYT are finding that all is not well at the NYT. The fact is (the LEFT are anti-semetic is shortly underway in the legal courts (here in the UK) which will prove without question involves activists of the Left) is now clearly mirrored by recent events in the UK….
Very few resign from the BBC, but the NYT is influenced heavily by the BBC.
I am worried about the US Whatever happens there is mirrored here and blown up as an ‘example’ to follow here by liberal progressives at the BBC (who are uncritical of NYT content) ditto: CNN and CNBC even though its pulling the nation apart. The political correctness that Tony Bair
introduced to ban all criticism of his one (socio-economic) reforms has been copied in the US by the same public media that has direct-links to the BBC in Mark Thompson who jumped ship to the US when found sponsoring BBC presenters were paedophiles and child molesters. Jimmy Saville was not the last in along line of exploiters in the BBC. It was ignored.
These are the same people of the left that seek to silence public opinion. Its a contagion we in the UK have spread to the US and its creating havoc in the US. As its promoted by the left wing establishment here UK and in the US mirrors content of the CNN/BBC axis. Its very worrying. The CANCEL-CULTURE is the same as here with the same anarchists re-invented from Labours past prior to Maggie Thatcher. The BBC are proud of its links
to George Orwell (who also despised the BBC). Those that speak out get pilloried by the same media organisations.
JK Rowling gets attacked by these same trolls for stating biological facts that no doctor (privately) would disagree with (outside the NHS it would be obvious). Inside the NHS, who cares? Who cares if you are a man or a woman? Now the US has redefined that A woman is a Man, IF he identifies as such has to treated as a Woman even though its biologically impossible… (more so)…ofcourse here in the UK it been defined by a government shadowy body left over (again) Tony Blair.
The US has decreed effectively, A Biological Woman does not exist (outside the medical profession UK or US). Is pure BBC. An inevitable follow on from the UK’s equalities act under Tony Blair and (no doubt) EU directive..
What happens in the US happens here. It will soon be totally illegal have any endearments or express opinions that are not endorsed by cultural Marxist, even when ;voted out of office anywhere in Europe or the US the same directive – you can now be accused of being ‘biological’ and that its now a crime for either sex!
Have we not arrived at Agenda 21 goals?
Click to access agend21.pdf
What is real? Is this not the part of George Orwell nightmare 1984 scenario? A prediction that is becoming a fast reality. The BBC are very proud to be associated with being the very organisation he warned us about has become the norm. The face of the BBC that cannot be turned off.
Philip – German MSM currently spearheading the attack on Trump by getting at Jared Kushner. FOCUS leads with an article on the ‘dark prince’ in banner headlines, picking up a cut and paste from a book by Andrea Bernstein (Trump family links to Russia/oligarchs), published in January. Nifty, since it’s simultaneously used to relegate the demo in Berlin into the second rank of news. Desperate, or what?
So the attacks won’t only be coming from media in the US and UK.
I recognise it as the end game of Cultural Marxism.
According to Marxist theory “all men are created equal”. But today, Marxists are rich upper-class elitists, with contempt for creationists, the working classes and now the female gender. The posh University “Mickey Mouse” educated Marxist scorns the working-classes for their lack of “intellectual sophistication” taught in illogical Marxist theory. But these nasty but dim Marxists have a tendency to induce a crippling level of ideological certainty in the rubbish that they have learnt. The BBC Marxist is cocooned in a world in which every assumed truth, is self-evident and every opponent an enemy. So the BBC Marxist elite now reject the working classes altogether, as mass immigration has replaced the working classes with a much more intellectually inferior, and therefore a much more reliable victim, to help them create their eternal utopian revolution. They think by getting the Blacks to fight a race war on their behalf may finally bring about this Marxist Utopia. The Blacks will then be disappeared by Hilary Clintons version of Utopia, or killed by farmers going into the cities with guns.
History shows that the Marxists always eventually lose because their illogical 19th century ideology is deemed so self-evidently perfect, that they never learn from their mistakes. The BBC Marxist bubble will then bursts and Fraser Steel and all his files are burned in Room 101. But due to incompetence some files, including the Balen Report, survive.
BBC News
“Kneeling or wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt doesn’t go hand in hand in supporting Black lives,” Orlando Magic’s Jonathan Isaac said.
Comments rather suggest the BLM movement is struggling outside the bubble narrative.
A bit of channel hopping.
BBC 2 – American History’s Biggest Fibs: slavery, KKK, boo-hoo.
BBC News Channel – alleged police violence against blacks, boo-hoo.
Off switch. It’s relentless.
8:57pm “Here we are in Charlottesville Emancipation Park
a northern states name, whilst the park holds a statue of southern Confederate General Lee”
“hundreds of white supremacists marched to protest to keep the statue”
on the other side were civil rights protesters”
..Lucy tells two big fibs there
#1 Actually Thousands of peaceful Unite The right conservatives were protesting to keep the statue
but there were handfuls of white supremacists with them
#2 Thousands of lefty disruptors had turned up to try to usurp the Unite the Right demo
It wouldn’t be right to describe them as peaceful cos they had hundreds antifa intent on using any means possible many were already using violence.
#3 Yes a nutty guy from the Unite the Right did get angry and came back later with a car to drive at a lefty gathering and kill a person.
and that is sad
It wouldn’t have happened if the lefties had just let the legal demo go ahead.
#4 It could have easily been the other way that an antifa caused the death of a UtR demonstrator .
Trump was right to say there were SOME bad people on both sides.
Those of the caring left seem to almost universally unable to accept this nuance
and mostly seek to label ALL the UtR protesters as “nazis”.
On Twitter there are a handful of lefties
are determined to assert that entire UtR crowd was shouting
“Jews will not replace us”
now that is in a Hollywood movie
AFAIK that narrative they are trying to create is certainly not true.
Most of the crowd were Trump supporters
and half of Trump’s family is Jewish.
The American right is generally very much a supporter of Jews and Israel.
BTW Scott Adams who has sympathies with Trump, but is not an active supporter of Trump
wrote an interesting piece about Charlottesville anti-Trump propaganda programming
In Lucy’s statement there’s a third falsehood.
Virginia was not a “Northern state”, it was a “Southern state”. Indeed, Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederacy for most of the Civil War.
She references this 2015 article
Meirion Jones: ‘Everyone on right side of the Savile argument has been forced out of the BBC’
The event is under the hashtag #StandUpX
but their website seems to be 5G Conspiracy nutters
Ah StandUpX was just one of the groups
Brees said a number of different groups joined
Meanwhile. As the BBC proclaim equality is everything.
Zimbabwe’s government has agreed to pay $3.5 billion, Voice of America (VOA) reported on Wednesday to white farmers displaced during a violent “land redistribution” program started two decades ago.
Prior to the rule of leftist dictator Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe was known as the breadbasket of Southern Africa, producing more food than it needed and exporting the surplus.
This is symbolic. As the government has no money, as the country is bankrupt. Something for the BBC to report? Nope thought not, as Mugabe was such a charmer (in the light of the BBC). Cuba, natch. Venuzuela all get five stars by the BBC for following its doctrine of tyranny at all costs. Compensation by black people? I wish it was possible but its also impossible, even for the BBC to claim.
Even as a seasoned, weary, BBC critic, this one impresses.
At a glance it seems another article
demonstrating the BBC HATES Britain
and traditional British history/culture
Thousands have been protesting in Germany against the coronavirus restrictions. Good it’s about time. Demonstrators said that forcing people to wear masks violated their basic human freedoms. Yes, of course it does. It’s about time we got something organised here.
The government’s next brain dead idea is to close the pubs so that schools can open…you what? Whose bright idea was this? Bonkers Boris or Dr Death…
In Spain, the nation most lauded for its tough measures in imprisoning its own population, the virus figures are now ten times higher than they were in June. Why would anyone be surprised? All this shows is that this insane method of trying to control the bloody thing can’t possibly work unless we all stay in isolation for the rest of our miserable lives.
There’s one country the media are now avoiding; and that’s Sweden. You can bet your bottom dollar if there were any negative figures, any bad news, anything to suggest their strategy was failing, the media would be all over it like a rash. So I did a little investigating myself. Just over 5,700 dead…and they use a similar method of counting to us, so the figures are likely to be much lower. And what were they told to expect…90,000 and counting.
The real tragedy, isn’t that we’ve been heinously deceived, it’s that we’ve been so pathetically compliant.
After the catastrophe of the great war it was said that the British fighting men were lions led by donkeys.
We’re sheeple led by asses.
Jeff: “The government’s next brain dead idea is to close the pubs so that schools can open…you what? Whose bright idea was this? Bonkers Boris or Dr Death…”
No Jeff, not brain dead … pretty essential … you have to close the pubs to force the teachers to go back to work. 😉
Every teacher I know is far too parsimonious to spend their own money in a pub. But if someone else is paying…