This is an extract from the BBC website – you decide fantasy from reality . …..
The Royal Charter sets out the BBC’s Public Purposes:
1 To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
2 To support learning for people of all ages.
3 To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.
4To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.
5 To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world.
Well here we are under Boris, still forced by law to pay the Telly Tax to support the unpopular Al Beeb, and still being invaded via the English Channel. Its not what the people of Great Britain voted for nor want. To add insult to injury , despite all the great heroes that this nation has produced, we are going to Gandhi on our coinage. Will we ever get out of the EU? We would have achieved more under Billy Smart and his circus .
Yes Taff, if its necessary to appoint a BAME on our coinage, there are far more worthy recipients – plenty of black sportspeople for a start, although I’m not referring to the recent lot like Hamilton ! No, going further back, Sir Garfield Sobers surely couldn’t offend anyone.
Ooops, just discovered he’s still alive, so that wouldn’t do would it 🙂
Quite right, Brissles, my dear old thing. (Well, it is still the cricket season in Britain and England have won another series!)
Thinking about the Ghandi and India thing, I would have thought that the first BAME MP elected to the Mother of Parliaments, for Finsbury, would have been a far worthier person to recognise on the PR plinth of coinage.
Catchup links to previous thread
Everyone must have been down the pub , there were only two pages.
– page 2 started 10pm Saturday
– page 1 started 8:30pm Friday
Most social media posts auto-embed here
To quote tweet or FB post or youtube video
just post its URL in the comment box on a new line
If it screws up , you’ve got 5 mins to edit the post anyway.
Photos on the BBC website often fail to work
but you can often find the same photo in BBC tweets
“If it screws up , you’ve got 5 mins to edit the post anyway.”
Or even longer if you are paying attention. (A whole 15 minutes!)
Catching up with Radio 4’s Feedback this evening – what happened to the listeners?
We have a BBC person telling us that all their regular comedians are all mates, what a surprise, and how difficult it is not having an audience, an item where two people are forced to listen to the radio and James Purnell telling us that they are not going to discriminate by only hiring ethnics!
Purnell also claimed that the BBC made some excellent ‘post-George’ programmes because of all the ethnics on their team. I can’t see how Oxbridge/Public School BAMEs living in the UK have any more insight into ‘Black America’ than Gordon the Gopher or apparently James Naughtie, well and truly panned by the Captive Critics!
Why have I received emails of the posts/contributions made to this blog (from BigBrotherCorporation/StewGreen/Fedup2/pugnacious)forwarded from Anyone else receiving the same?
At the bottom of the comment box
It says “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.”
I guess you accidentally clicked the checkbox
offers you an unsubscribe option
click the check box
in the bottom select unsubscribe
and hit the Update button
Thanks StewGreen – done and dusted!
The BBC and kids.
I agree. But they will anyway. Education is being re-written to include overt political indoctrination in the New School curric RSE. includes new sexual ‘diversions’ (explicit) starting this September and they can’t wait to get started on the children to introduce new gender theories that will be backed up by explicit ‘scenes’ on CBBC. If children don’t want to watch it, (and it will be on homework) the parents can get arrested for a hate crime. Its not safe but -whenever has the BBC been worried about child safety. The message is all about pleasuring yourself and others as you can all swop sexes at playtime. Its a BBC thing.
Investment in white working-class areas and schools is at an all time low. How do we expect our own sons and daughters to prosper if OUR taxpayer’s money goes elsewhere?
While white working-class males are the largest disadvantaged minority, their cause is never championed by activists, politicians, and z-list celebrities, BBC.
Incomprehensible that last year, Dulwich and Winchester colleges turned down a bequest of more than £1 million because the donor, Sir Bryan Thwaites, wanted the money ring-fenced for scholarships for white working-class boys. And now it is claimed that Firms are illegally setting quotas to weed out white applications!
Even so I am led to understand, the BBC has pledged to raise their BAME workforce to 20 per cent at the expense of white job-seekers and applicants. What has happened to Education these past 40 yrs or so? It has provided a population with a very low level of understanding on the greater world issues, little common sense and poor comprehension of their own language or its history-well think you know what I am saying.
This is a huge concern and the trouble is that young primary school teachers will be only too happy to utilise convenient bBC ‘resources’ in their classrooms. They already show episodes of ‘Newsround’ as an easy end of day filler at my grandchild’s school although it seems to depend on who the teacher is rather than it being prescribed viewing. I’m guessing most schools will have bBC programmes on their list of things that are ‘acceptable’ or ‘safe’ to show the children. We, of course, know better.
2 different unconnected Radio 4 progs on the SAME TOPIC 15 hours apart
5pm Sunday about a Home Hotel during Covid in Manchester
9am Sunday about a Home Hotel during Covid in London
The BBC groupthink is so strong we get so much CONFORMITY from a staff that thinks it prioritises DIVERSITY.
homeless hotel
Other R4 progs on Monday
promotion of BAME businesses & people
3:30pm The food prog
11:30pm Loose Ends : with black actress, BAME comedian, Lady Blackbird (Black Acid Soul) , A band called “Black Pumas, Ben Hart, Christopher Eccleston, Raphael Rowe (BAME who served 10 years for murder, but was then cleared, went to work for Panorama)
(he had previous convictions, including malicious wounding)
23:30pm Archiving Black America
Dear Readers, On a positive note , Al Beeb’s viewing figures must be falling through the floor . But then , do they care, because they still get their money.
Cut off their supply by ceasing to pay the telly tax.
“London violence: Shootings leave five injured in one night”
What’s Boris , Dick and Khan doing about this ?
What is Al Beeb not reporting ?
Or much else.
I have decided cannibal ants, in Russia, might resolve internally a few issues more concerning elsewhere.
Guest – was im sure i saw ‘ cannibal ants ‘ back in the 80s at the Rainbow – bexley – but man – if you can remember it you werent there ….
BBC Moaning Emole.
Women survivors of the atomic bombs
“I hate sunsets. Even now, sunsets still remind me of the burning city.” Emiko Okada was eight years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Her elder sister, Mieko, and four other relatives were killed.
“My sister left home that morning, saying, ‘I’ll see you later!’ She was just twelve years old and so full of life,” says Emiko. “But she never returned. No one knows what became of her. My parents searched for her desperately. They never found her body, though, so they continued to say that she must still be alive somewhere.”
Read full article >
Karen Lee Stow
Lady pic taker
Meanwhile, in Nanking….
Still, the bbc have reactivated the Dick Burgon Bot.
Below is a cut and paste of a comment by PUG which went on the end of the weekend thread …. I sometimes think that past threads get less attention than the ‘live ‘ one so I think this deserves a wider read . Hope you don’t mind pug – because you are always worth the read …
46,000 die ‘with’ covid19 [how many actually ‘of’ it?] and around 40,000 die from respiratory disease this year but seem to be totally forgotten…not to mention all those who died due to lack of access to the NHS because of the lockdown…and the suffering of those who didn’t die but failed to get the treatment they needed on time or at all….The Telegraph reported that maybe 200,000 excess deaths will occur due to the NHS being focussed on covid19.
Still…the lockdown was vital to protect the NHS [isn’t the NHS supposed to protect us?]…we know it was vital because the BBC totally agreed it was…so much so that it demanded a more aggressive lockdown and complain that the one we had wasn’t early enough despite it being at exactly the same time as low death Germany’s. The original purpose of the lockdown has been successfully completed, even WHO says lockdowns are not a good idea and should not be reimposed….and it was always the ‘science’ that a lockdown would cause a second wave when released whilst not actually saving any lives…thus continually imposing more lockdowns only delays a second wave in places and such a policy, of local lockdowns and ever more re-impositions of stringent measures across the country, will not stop covid19…it probably in fact keeps it alive in the community and so we will never be free of it and never be free of these lockdowns [quite possibly the idea]…..until we get riots and a new government…..ever more likely as Boris fails spectacularly.
However the BBC loves the lockdown and thinks it can use it to leverage change to society, capitalism and Britain itself….it has a series of programmes running called ‘Rethink’ that dictate to us not what might happen post covid but what should happen…..hmmm…just who decides that? BBC journalists it seems….naturally all based on race, climate, stopping Brexit and Marxism [it’s only when you start looking at what Marxism is that you realise the BBC preaches it all the time…such as the demand that women get paid a wage for housework and caring for the kids…coz men just don’t do anything].
What the BBC isn’t so keen on is actually criticising the need for a lockdown at all….aahhh! you will say…they had on Lord Sumption who is highly critical of the lockdown….indeed…but of course the presenter counters everything he says and the next day the BBC wheels in several people who oppose Sumption’s views and he gets summarily rubbished, not least by the presenter, without any chance to answer these critics.
Maybe the BBC’d like to give another legal eagle a go, one who thinks the lockdown was illegal and has done enormous harm and who says there has been no critical scrutiny of the decision…not least from the BBC which proclaims its main duty is to hold power to account….but seems to have decided to pass on that one in this case…‘ The media did the government’s bidding ‘…..
‘‘The lockdown has caused a humanitarian tragedy’
Irrespective of the lawfulness of its use of the 1984 Act, what is notable is that the government has used what’s called the Emergency Procedure under that act to introduce every piece of legislation that has restricted people’s movements, economic activity and so on. These have typically been introduced to parliament one working day before they came into force. None of them received any scrutiny by parliament before they were enacted. None of them were debated in detail in the media before they were passed – they could not be, because they were not published until a few hours beforehand. What scrutiny there has been came weeks later, often since there have been subsequent amendments to those regulations.
The government had very considerable control over the news stories. It introduced daily press conferences at peak times, knowing that the broadcast media was likely to broadcast them live. The broadcast media then were dominated by these press conferences, which were played out to a public that was prevented from leaving home by the government, and so watched these conferences in enormous numbers. Those press conferences provided nothing but a fear narrative that was focused uniquely on the virus and provided one news story. The media did the government’s bidding by following that narrative entirely, failing to consider alternative scientific perspectives, failing to consider other elements that are affected by these measures that are not the virus – that is to say the economy, public health in general, suicides, cancer patients, and cancelled important operations. ‘
There is absolutely no point to a highly politicised BBC that allows a government to do what it wants without scrutiny because the BBC agrees with what it is doing.
There seems to be no need for the BBC if that is the case.
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I am now of the view that the government has utterly mishandled this.
That said, every other government looks like it has too.
Perhaps because whoever gets elected, governments are run by the same unaccountable droids.
Speaking of whom, the ones at the bbc will almost certainly work ceaseless to get in those who would make an even bigger mess of things, plus a bunch of other stuff too, on the back of it.
Today I am reading the latest thoughts of Starmer, Lammy, Davey and Moran, who make Hancock and Johnson seem political giants.
Meanwhile a video of the new world order… in not of color.
Blondes have more fun.
A Marxist twat, acting like a reception class teacher. Maybe it’s appropriate with the intelligence level of her “soldjas”.
They hate it here, we hate them here, so send them home – win-win, everybody happy.
DM report on Forever Family:
Here they are being violently aggressive to police.
[video src="" /]
In my county the number of Covid diagnosed cases doubled last week. It is a shire county with several market towns, a large coastal resort and the suburbs of a large city. I was dismayed reading the Daily Mail website yesterday that the government was considering what sounded like permanent lockdown for the over 50s.
The number of cases diagnosed in my county last week was 7 (up from 4) as discovered on the BBC website. First thing I have found useful from the BBC for years. I don’t know whether the cases were in a care home, a hospital or the local Waitrose. I will be careful when I go out but at 1 case of day I hope I will consider degree of risk.
I used to watch the daily briefings, not for what was being said, but to hear numbers without the BBC being able to project their own agenda on them. I never did hear any meaningful analysis from all those BBC journalists but then they all have arts degrees rather than degrees in statistics or maths.
Deborah – I guess the government does its normal thing of floating a draft policy over the weekend to gauge the reaction – before putting up a muppet minister to either shout the draft policy down or use other weasel words to alter /deny ‘ whatever just to get a bit of TV time ….
I’m more ‘interested ‘ in how Southern Hemisphere countries are experiencing their first covid winter ….since unless winters are banned by St Greta or a bunch of Marxist snowflakes ( ha Ha) we may have one in a few months ….
Fed, science moves on and honest scientists (not the BBC Fake ones) move with it. ‘We thought’ this novel (new) coronavirus was a winter enhanced mutation virus. It now appears that this may not be so as infection rates dip and then climb in the northern hemisphere summer.
I wish, oh how I wish, the BBC would sit some scientists and doctors down – on Radio 4 – and interview them properly and thoroughly on where the science thinking on Covid-19 has been, now is and where it might go in future.
The other aspect of the Chinese virus which hasn’t been discussed is the likelihood or otherwise of mutation – either to a more malign or maybe to a benign form .
Although as a kid I was interested in microbiology whilst doing my A level biology – I never studied the subject to the level I wanted -and for some reason – still haven’t .
But if there are any resident virologists – is mutation likely ? Or will covid go the way of sars ?
MSM has been so fixed on the ‘agenda ‘ / narrative that there hasn’t been a calm explanation in the way that – say – the old ‘horizon ‘ series might have done before science got taken over by box ticking manic ‘personalities ‘ like that dire physics bloke who talks ‘yoof’.
My concern about mutation has echoes of “9/11” thinking where something is potentially so horrifying as to not to be thought about – married to that thinking ‘ don’t worry about that – it might never happen ‘….
Fed, there was just one piece on the BBC w-s: a bit of hopeful writing that Covid-19 might mutate itself out of existence. If it is bookmarked on this device, I’ll put it up on here. It may be on my broken PC.
But one of the things we don’t know – because the BBC have not asked on air a virologist who is researching Covid-19 – whether Covid-19 has a low, medium or high mutation rate and whether this rate of mutation has changed at all during the Pandemic thus far. We really do need some intelligent interviewing by the BBC.
We will not get it. All the BBC want to do is moan about HM’s Government.
Up2 and Fed2, you are both saying what I think I am saying. Neither Laura nor Hugh P nor indeed any other ‘journalist ‘ at those briefings asked a single question that would help mere mortals assess risk. They were too hung up on whether gloves were counted singly or in pairs. They could have asked ‘how reliable are the tests?’, rather than ‘aren’t you ashamed that the government didn’t hit their target for number of tests?’. They could have asked what percentage of the positive tests were in hospitals and other care settings or at what stage should an ill person call for an ambulance. Something useful but the BBC and others were just hung up on looking big in front of their mates.
Deborah – I’m going to disagree jusr to provide ‘diversity of view ‘thought ‘whatever – so lacking in the BBC ….
Any way – not BBC – but food … the government sHook the money tree and is subsiding people pigging out for a month – as it launches an obesity drive as well as locking down again .
My view about these people not being the sharpest tools in the box is further evidenced – together with their squandering of tax payers cash …. but my local KFC is in the scheme – so I’m off for a £5 family bucket ….
Fed, you don’t get 50% off or the £10 reduction for takeaways. It is only for eat ins or outs as in the Alexander Fresco picture.
Debs, that’s right. I was with some friends recently (suitably socially distanced) and one just volunteered “The BBC are only after the ‘gotcha’, they are not interested in truth”
Others are starting to notice the BBC’s deficiencies.
The BBC doesn’t do serious intelligent programmes anymore. Everything has an embedded narrative to knock PotUS, Boris, Tories and anyone who as a different view to theirs and is mostly dumbed down to the level of a 5 year old.
I like Inside Science but even that has become politicised of late..
So I wouldn’t get your hopes up 🙂
I am going by the following as nothing they say makes sense.
1. If a Government mouthpiece announces they won’t be doing something wait 4-6 hours and the exact opposite will be instigated.
2. If the BBC campaigns for a rule to be put in place said mouthpiece will vigorously deny all. Wait 3-4 days and it will then become a rule.
I wonder why our overlords don’t offer Hydroxychloroquine to the over 50s. Or at least carry out a trial in an town, or county; they could make it available on a voluntary basis, no forcing people to take it. And monitor the death rate from this virus; always assuming they are truthfully recording deaths due to this virus, of course.
HCQ, as it’s abbreviated, has been around for over 60 years. If it was dangerous, there would have been a Thalidomide type of scandal by now; and there hasn’t been, so it can’t be that lethal. In addition, in many countries, it is available over the counter.
If it is beneficial, then there would be no need to imprison people in their homes and businesses could resume serving their customers.
If there is no beneficial effect, then nothing is lost apart from a few pounds on very cheap tablets. And a drop in the ocean compared to Mr Sunak, and his Lady Bountiful impersonation, giving pharmaceutical companies hundreds of millions of pounds, which he’s going to have to borrow and leave us with the bill.
So, I wonder why they haven’t made HCQ available to us? It smacks of the MMR situation in that we don’t get to choose among competing alternatives.
There is more money tobe made from Bill Gates’ Vaccine4All. No fortunes to be made from generic drugs. It’s why the MSM have attacked the apparent effectiveness of the treatment. US democrats have been blocking their population from taking it but not themselves.
The only statistic that matters to me is the CFR. Case fatality rate. That tells you how many people have died of those definitely infected and treated.
Our record is appalling. I mean really bad. Compared with Germany for instance. We will ask questions when this is over.
HCQ is now a banned word here. Ask yourself why?
It is a zinc ionophore. Study after study shows that the only way to impede this virus is to strengthen our cells. This is what a zinc ionophore does. Then given early together with zinc and vitamin d. ( which we now think acts as a regulating agent to stop a cytokine storm) also the very cheap antibiotic azithromycin it is at least worth a try.
Not here of course. What was the official advice? Wait until you are really sick and then call 111. Criminal tupidity designed to save the NHS but not us. I despise the way our government has acted.
Personally I have followed a regime of vitamin d , zinc and quercetin as a preventative. Do not tell your doctor though. They are incapable of independent thought. Read everything you can find from around the world. There is a growing consensus out there but here? . Silence.
100% agree Dave S, my wife and I have been taking the following for a long time Vit D,C, B12 and Flax seed oil and from various streams of sensible advice, and have by doing so built up our immune systems enough to ward off sickness, hopefully. Appreciating that this particular virus is very nasty and easily transmitted we use our common sense-yes I know that nationally the good old common sense has been shoved aside, mores the pity. I don’t think lockdowns are the total answer only a stop gap in certains areas. Britain unlike many countries in Europe is for its land size well and truly over populated at around 70 million and going up, and therefore the exposure to the virus especially in the larger conabations is where the greatest concentration of the virus sits, and with travel outward from those conabations, the virus will quickly hook onto other smaller populated areas. Setting aside the extreme concern by the government not to over burden the NHS, it might serve us well to follow some of what Sweden is doing to combat the Covid 19virus-certainly they have fewer knee jerk reactions.
I’ve been eating half-a-garlic clove and/or a garlic stuffed olive per day ever since I had the Eric Morecambe ‘flu’ twice, four and five years ago. Since then, just one proper cold (one I enjoyed mostly – sat in a chair for three and a half days – just drinking hot drinks and reading books and posting on here) and a partial cold (v. minor) last winter.
Culinary tip: pour out the brine the things are sold in, pour in green olive oil to top of jar. Leave to steep* for as long as possible before consuming. Yummm!
*Best to buy several jars at a time. Good sources are Asda, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi.
This awful government is gaslighting you. It wants you fearful and on edge. It has a lot to hide and questions that in the end will have to be answered.
Threatening everyone over 50 is a typical move.
this was a reply yo Deborah
Hasn’t worked with me Dave and I consider myself vulnerable to respiratory infection. Mind you, umpteen Brexit Fear Campaigns didn’t work either. What a bunch of lies those were.
When you refer to “cases” these are not necessarily as such and are, in reality, infections – many of which are asymptomatic.
So of the massive number of seven, probably none required hospital treatment.
You will have noticed that the MSM has recently moved away from “deaths” to concentrate on “cases” and in reference to anywhere in the world. It makes things sound much worse.
The number of Covid-related deaths continues to fall in the UK and on many days those unlucky
few who do die are elderly and with serious underlying heath conditions.
This entire pandemic is total madness and has been since day one.
For the last five weeks (new figs out Tuesday should make it six) deaths have been below the five-year average and we are still being controlled by the useless and scaredy cat Boris and his pals. Why in God’s name did we ever vote this clown?
I also need to add this from today:
According to NHS England on Monday, a further five people have died in hospital in England after testing positive for Covid-19.
The patients were aged between 66 and 95 years old, and all had known underlying health conditions. One other death was reported with no positive Covid-19 test result.
Some interesting comments here, as the DE gets to grip with the BBC for its manifest of failure…
Taking bets here, but how long will this fat old bunch of expensive losers in W1AA last?
Three months, a year?
Scrob – Martin Lewis holds – in my view – an almost unique position in broadcasting because he is ‘tied’ to no one and doesn’t depend on his income from broadcasters any more .
Pity he was ‘savvy ‘enough not to condemn the BBC for imposing TV licences on the over 75s again …. I’m hoping that the government will announce the outcome of the criminality consultation to coincide with the sort of unpopularity the BBC is experiencing doing stuff like asking for bank statements .
However government media management is pretty shaky at the moment so who knows when the outcome will be announced ….
Appalling thing about Lewis is he goes along with fake green dogma
maybe to please his wife
You’d expect him to make it clear that when you get a solar subsidy, electric car subsidy, we are actually paying that subsidy in your taxes.
So it’s not a magic gain.
Why should people over 75 be treated differently by the licence goons? The concession was only a political bribe in the first place. The BBC as it stands should be abolished because it is no good. If its no good, it’s no good for every one, including the over 75s. Let the market decide what happens to it if it wants to continue.
Seems proud.
And clearly diverse enough to see BS booted off Americast, surely?
Just how many anti-British drones has the bbc on its roster overseas as well as here?
Aleem, Mishal, Kamal, Nish, Faisal and gang might want to see that narrowed down further.
Nadhim Zahawi on R4. Mischel….as usual trying for the click bait headline…he came on to talk about testing and she pushed him about the Tory member arrested for alleged rape..he kept saying it would be wrong to talk about it but she just kept on with yes ,but..eventually she let him have a few minutes on testing before pushing on other click bait headline topics…
The BBC interview technique is so bloody obvious now…they have no intention of providing information but simply want something they can turn into a negative and sling back on website and news headlines..
Craig in CW.
A pal of mine sent me a Guardian piece that was commenting on the latest nonsense from Dr Fauci in the US. A few weeks ago I’d have just shook my head and chuckled, but not now. These people mean business. We keep giving in, they keep pushing…
Apparently Fauci is no longer content with people just wearing the humiliating face nappy in public. He now recommends goggles as well. I suppose it was bound to happen.
As expected, the Guardianista drip that reported this latest outrageous suggestion was all for it. “We’re all used to masks now” she twittered, “I don’t feel properly dressed without mine. What’s the problem with wearing goggles?”
And you see, this is the problem in an nutshell. These loonies will never stop. Masks today. Goggles tomorrow. Hermetically sealed, full body bubble wrap by next week.
Try to remember just how far we’ve already come…
As of today there are only 143 shopping days til Christmas. By then things will have got even worse. I can imagine, mid December, shopping in Redhill town centre. I’ll bump into my old neighbour, Bob. I’ll hardly recognise him. He’ll be wearing the full caboodle and looking like Neil Armstrong. Helmet, oxygen tank, gloves, boots… every part of him safely sealed from all human contact.
“Hello Bob” I’ll say, trying to sound seasonally cheerful, as I peer into the misty visor. “Where you off to, mate? Saturn…the Sun…Alpha Centauri…?” “Nah” he’ll reply gasping, as his face disappears in a fog of steam from his own breath. “Sainsbury’s”
Jeff, why not gloves?
Surface spread of other viruses, especially the coronavirus formerly known as the common cold, is important to combat. After all, that is possibly/probably how this whole thing started in Wuhan, surface contact in a meat market. That is if Covid-19 did not come from a laboratory in China.
We are still being told that hand washing is important. Maybe Dr Fauci will change his mind on that, too? (See my FakeNews post below.)
There might be a run on gimp outfits soon then…
Last week Fauci was testifying before a committee of the US House of Representatives. He refused, repeatedly, to acknowledge any inconsistency between allowing hundreds of unmasked people to attend BLM protests and in refusing to allow Joe Citizen to attend church
Having watched the link it’s obvious Dr. Fauci isn’t the brains behind the coup or whatever it is going on. Still 50 – 50 on Democrats publicly supporting protesters while privately planning to infect them all. Why else point the finger at crowds but allow, even encourage protest? Barmy I know but wouldn’t rule anything out.
What can we learn about ourselves this morning from the press front pages, focusing not so much on the main headlines but on the adjacent front page items?
In the face of danger civilised man has always put women and children first. So it is in the Daily Mail where the sense of urgency is palpable: ‘Last chance to get your… Free Laura Ashley scarf mask (worth £14.99)’.
Us chaps, I’m afraid, will await in vain our city gent style pin stripe or horny-handed mechanic denim scarf masks.
The Times similiarly suggests we’re manning the life boats and it’s ladies first. Alongside a young woman in a Laura Ashley style summer dress we have: ‘Urban stress? No thanks. Why millennials are ditching city life’.
Jane Shilling in the Telegraph also seems to yearn for the counrtyside: ‘Forget the green-fingered snobs who say a balcony can’t be a garden’
Likewise the Guardian: ‘Lessons from trying to move house. Zoe Williams on an urban exodus’.
One wonders it could be about our crime infested, police neutered, over populated, Sadiq Khan-led, vibrantly diverse, capital city that has suddenly spooked the fair sex and prompted this desire to decamp to the shires?
The Guardian gives us a clue to future trends: ‘Hopes and fears of Europe’s dreamers. A new series of a generation of young Europeans facing the threat of deportation, who are inspired by a US campaign to fight for their residency rights’.
Seems there’s no shortage of people keen to repopulate. So the metro liberal elite got the diverse cities they thought they wanted but are now keen to bugger off.
Times are a-changin’ and the general state of nervousness is hardly dispelled at the ‘i’ where they tell us: ‘How to fly with confidence’ but accompany this reassurance with a picture of our rather unwelcoming masked cabin crew. I’m sorry but when you notice the pilot strapping on his parachute you do start to have some concerns.
Some things you can rely on. The cheerful tabloids. The Mirror does not disappoint: ‘Scorchio 37.8 degrees heatwave is coming’
The Star meanwhile insists: ’10p cheaper than the Sun and a lot more fun’. We’ll be the judge of that. In fact, we won’t today as once again the BBC on-line press round up fails to publish the Sun’s front page.
When you have an ‘agenda’, all sorts of things can go wrong because you are taking your eye off the critical news examination and research and questioning ball and only have it on the ‘gotcha ball’. This was on the BBC web-site on Saturday:
The more I think about it, the more ridiculous it appears to be. What do the other scientists and medical people and those with critical faculties on here think?
It may be FakeNews.
Iran CV19 deaths triple what government claims, a BBC Persian service investigation has found.
They put that out now
We all knew China and such countries deaths weren’t reliable weeks back
but back then the BBC was aiming to say the UK’s were the worst in the world.
Iran’s population is 80 million plus so maybe the new 42K figure is conservative as well.
That the BBC are vastly overstaffed can be seen here:
My ears were struck (unpleasantly) by a new business correspondent on R4 recently. Just had a look at the above to see if she was there. At first it seemed to be yet another ‘squeaky voiced American woman’ but careful listening on Friday detected an Oceanic twang. Am struggling to remember the name, Miriam Younis?, something Yunis.
Now, before the accusations of racism roll in, let me point out that my personal relationship with Aussies and Kiwis has always been of the excellent sort. My family had special links to both countries with relatives in one of them.
In broadcasting, however, you as employer and producer need to be aware if the voice will attract or repel listeners and viewers. I think of the now long dead male Australian Editor for BBC Radio – sorry another name I cannot remember – who had a wonderful gravelly voice (think Sarah Smith but less nasal) and who was a true delight to listen to. It also helped that his reports were always informative.
Anyway, this new Business Correspondent has such a squeaky voice I had to switch off the TOADY programme within a minute of her going live with her report. I forgot to switch back on. I had only been listening for about 15 minutes.
The BBC’s loss.
Do the BBC really need another Business Correspondent? Dominic O’Connell does a great job for the BBC and has a truly pleasant voice. My tip for a future TOADY presenter. Maybe this new woman is his missus?
Anyway, as a principle – should the BBC not seek to employ Brits before those from overseas? After all, the BBC will be the first to raise doubts about governance when the unemployment figures increase. Should not the BBC always think UK first when it comes to employment?
“vocal fry”
I searched and get this
It was Vivienne Nunis @vivnunis
BBC Business Journalist. Formerly in New York for @bbcnews @bbcworld
Now back in London for BBC Online & @bbcworldservice
Thanks, Stew. I should have remembered having been given her name on two separate occasions. Ah – old age!
As you are the Typo King, narrowly squeezing our Fed into second place, is it spelled Nunis or Nunes as in Neil of the baritone. We know the BBC runs on nepotism (for the journos, broadcasters and execs) so could she be Neil Nunes’ squeeze or sister, even. I know Neil is from the Carib but Vivienne – if a sister – could have spent time in Oz.
Should I feel lybelled?…..
Beginnings of the end of ‘Justice’ in the US?
Despite a recent higher court’s decision, Judge Sullivan intends to re-try General Flynn.
For a summary of the madness and a clear indication of the state of heavily biased US ‘Justice’, see here:
One point The Duran did not cover?
Sullivan is black and Flynn white…………..
I say bring on the looming race war in the UK and let’s get it over with once and for all. Right now before the numbers make an imbalance and final resolution uncertain.
I think most of the 86% would want this.
The taunting of white people continues by the BBC and those it supports. What is going through the minds of our, so-called, ‘political leaders’? Where are they allowing this to drift?
Sadly, they want a race war. The problem is that the Government and most politicians would be on the other side.
My goodness, I think you could be right GWF-however we are already in a racist war, at least that is what I thought had been going on for some time. I will fight for White lives matter, as I will fight for all lives matter. The Black people in particular have never bothered to trace and understand their own history from whence they originally came-Africa. They were together with the Arabs, through many many centuries great slave traders, and mostly quite lazy considering the slow emergence from their tribal attitudes-the Arab meanwhile grew in all areas of civilisations achievements-the rise of Islam helped to increase their invasion of other lands bringing little to those lands other than subjugation and slavedom. In the Middle East OIL found in the ground by the white man, gave those Araba the riches to purchase their way into Europe, as was ever their aim, and now the drose they don’t really want are being shoved in their millions onto the North African coast to be shipped across into Europe. I have no idea just now, as to the percentage of the EU population the Muslim has currently but I suspect is perhaps close to 15% on 550,000,000. This should make all European governements quake in their boots.
Did this really happen? No evidence it did on the BBC website
Nigel Farage’s response on Twitter:
Nigel- Because the Met, like other UK police forces, now sees itself as tasked with enforcing the Law, only when they feel like it. The Law has become optional -but only for ‘some’.
Trying to think what would have happened to me at work if I had done only those tasks I felt like doing?
Out of a job quickly.
I think that we are a country that can vote in any government it likes with whatever policies the people want but the Wokist liberal elite will only allow those policies with which they agree to be implemented.
This very nearly happened over Brexit, only NF and those who voted for his Brexit party in last year’s euro elections prevented it. I’m sure that Pritti would like stronger action on illegals but the civil service won’t allow it. The MP who told the truth over the uptick in Covid cases in the north being due to Muslim’s custom and practise has had his head handed to him on a plate. The police and other institutions are in the hands of Wokists and they will only do stuff that they agree with.
We can vote for whoever we like but the country is run by the Wokists. I doubt that democracy alone is strong enough to remove them .
G, I certainly do not want that. People will be hurt, lives and property and our infrastructure and culture harmed – possibly irreparably. Families and friends divided. Democracy damaged.
Look at the USA now.
Even better, look at the EU where WW2 and the post-period of Communism still haunts much of the bloc. Even though the UK suffered economically in the post-War era, we did far better than mainland Europe in recovering our well-being.
Why throw that away for the rest of time?
Radio 4 women prog has an item this morning….
Are enough “Indian” men doing their fair share of housework?”
Strange to single out this one group! I am sure the large population of “Pakistani” men in the UK will feel left out by this.
Or could it be that the BBC do not want to start a rumpus in their favoured religious group who’s creed determines that women are merely belongings and therefore not entitled to this sort of support?
It is very strange they pick on Indian men isn’t it? Isn’t that racist to pick out one group based on ethnicity?
I am certain if we said Muslim men there would be an outcry.
but haven’t you noticed BAME is now simply Black and Muslim Extremists..alternatively Black and Metropolitan Elite…
Has anybody explained convincingly HOW moslems in this country achieved their privileged status? Is it because they have so thoroughly infiltrated the establishment?
digg, shouldn’t that be ‘south Asian’ men not ‘Indian’ men?
Should not such an item be consigned to the ‘coloured channel – or Asian channel ‘ or some other divisive Extension of the BBC aimed at giving non whites jobs ?
Maybe the could do a piece on the best Pakistani chicken shop to pick up underage white girls ( too much ?)
I’ve noticed that more articles in the press /tv stories/dramas are relating to BAME families, whether its buying property, fashion, careers, lifestyle, health etc. and its staggering that of the number who arrived here back in the 60’s, it was the women who generally ended up as single parents.
I read yet another article about Karen Gibson (leader of the Kingdom Choir and likes to wear a skein of silver wool on her head). Listen to this, her mother left Guyana in the early 60’s to start a new life here. In doing so she left 3 children behind with relatives. Started a new relationship and had 2 children here with a Guyanan man who buggered off (natch) and left her with the kids (same old same old), so she had to work to send money home etc, and faced years of racist abuse. My point is this…….. if we are such an awful racist country, why the hell stay here ? Surely the answer would be to stay and earn enough money to get your passage back home, so why didn’t they ? Yes, I know its benefits/housing, but the sob stories we hear now doesn’t answer why they didn’t leave. Do any of us stay in jobs where we are clearly bullied or verbally abused ? no, anyone with balls would leave and move on, no point staying where you’re not wanted. The same if you lived in a country where you face the same abuse, would you stay ? no. You have/had a choice, so why continue the whingeing decades later.
We are now suffering the repercussions of the slave trade centuries ago, so who knows what compensation the government will have to pay out in the next Century to those who suffered racist abuse in the last Century.
I agree with you Brissles, why did they (the blacks or other) if not happy here return to the country of their birth or where they might fit in better. Mainly because by their very nature, in most cases they are naturally lazy. Easily led, all for an easy life, all still wrapped up in their tribal background. I spent some time years ago in West Africa on business. I met absolute coruption on every level of business, I saw luxury alongside poverty, I saw and experienced very inadequate measures of commercialism-to organise shipping into their ports was a nightmare-every hand had to be greased and certainly to the top men, I mean thousands of pounds and expensive gifts-just look at what Mugabe did with his cronies to Zimbabwe one of the greatest food baskets of Africa, mostly brought about from the experience and hard working white farmers. In many ways Africa has allowed itself to be governed by crooks, by unscrupulous people who have raped the country leaving behind starving generations with little chance or opportunity of rising themselves above the slime-but to join the armies of the likes of the Boku Haram. Never mind Europe just now, the trouble will come eventually from Africa that will outdo anything seen via WW1 orWW2 et al and since. Perhaps BLM is the first step towards that goal. Frightening.
Brissles, my dear old thing, a now deceased acquaintance – British male – born in South America to missionary parents, lived and worked in the Dominican Republic. Late in life he married a local woman, who was well educated (possibly to doctorate level) who then worked with her husband trying to solve some of the social problems on that part of the island.
I recall being told by them, that the biggest problem in the Dominican Republic, creating big problems in communities and keeping the whole nation economically poor was absent baby-fathers. That is now becoming commonplace in the UK.
I’ve received an update from the gofundme, Defund the bbc campaign. It’s short but keeps us informed about their activities.
“In 1936, a new public order act was introduced to counter the rise of Oswald Mosley’s fascist Black Shirts, banning political uniforms:
Prohibition of uniforms in connection with political objects.
(1) Subject as hereinafter provided, any person who in any public place or at any public meeting wears uniform signifying his association with any political organisation or with the promotion of any political object shall be guilty of an offence”
A multi-tier policing system? Further confirmation. You and a group of white associates, uniformed, marching in Brixton? What would be the police reaction?
Question? – “Whosoever shall aid, abet, counsel or procure” is guilty of an offence (S.8, the Aiders and Abettors Act 1861). “Illegal” immigrants? Conveyed by the Border Farce? I would say absolutely aiding.
The police should charge the BF Officers and, if necessary all the way up to Priti Useless.
You don’t really expect anyone in authority to do anything do you…?
The more this Govt ‘governs’ the more depressed I become about this country’s future..perhaps they think it is just a ‘moment’ and if they ignore it – then it will go away.
I am pretty sure if they were white bald men with tattoos the police and press would be there – ‘rise of the Nazi’s’ with it’s illegal to wear paramilitary
Three tier legal system in UK it seems in order of leniency applied, and based on excuses like systemic racism, poverty
Majority of population
They will do nothing because they have effectively abandoned the streets of parts of London and other cities. They pretend to police. The moment the police went on one knee or ran away turning their backs was the decisive moment. It signified submission or at the very least acquiescence. That was nothing to do with race but all to do with perception. At that moment the militia is born and is justified by the vacuum left when the established police force leave the field. I am not surprised.
Actually it is time for the Met to stop pretending and to leave the policing of areas where they are not wanted to those that live there. It will lead to a form of separate development and Balkanisation but that looks inevitable given the progressive insistence on the guilt of the indigenous citizen and the way they have taught themselves and the stupid to despise their own culture. Forget London now.
the only problem I can see with that is keeping the retards on their reservation
Dave S
Sadly I think you may be right but once a bully senses blood they just keep getting bolder… needs addressing or why do we pay our elected officials exactly?
Sadick Khan must be the worst of the worst….does he actually do anything other than blame somebody else for everything?
Funny, the BBC seem to like him as they never criticise him for anything…
I found it quite scary to see pictures of this black militia group promoting the raised black fist and wearing stab vests, in Brixton. They all looked in the prime of fitness and would not come off second in a punch up. Hopefully they stay in their own confines, where they might well be considered heroes, but if they were start those antics out here in white suburbia and villages, they could be looked upon with some amusement and be asked if they were on their way to a fancy dress party – that would certainly dent their ego !! 🙂
Dent the ego. That wont stop the advance. The only thing that will stop them is, whether we like it or not, violence. Big time! Forgive me, I repeat myself: ‘Get armed’.
Brissels this problem will continue to grow , probably very quickly. It ought to be nipped in the bud but the ruling elite , not the government, won’t allow it to be. The liberals who applaud this BLM stuff think that they will be able to control the situation but I don’t think they will. Once the invaders realise how weak we are they may well impose their will through intimidation and violence. Liberals are taking an enormous risk in courting these groups. Unfortunately they are taking it on our behalf as well as their own.
DT … I agree. If this canker continues, there’ll be no alternative but to have troops on the streets – reminiscent of NI 50 years ago, only this time it wont be bombs, it will be face to face combat, and if the far right groups rally their men, then it will be carnage on our streets. Repercussions now felt stemming from a couple of boats crossing the Atlantic 60 odd years ago.
Yep. There is no denying that Enoch Powell was right about what would happen if mass immigration wasn’t stopped. If only the idiots in charge had listened to him back in 1968.
What is the purpose of this paramilitary organization? What are they hoping to achieve?
BRISSELS -This issue should not be up for debate. NO government can tolerate paramilitaries strutting about on their streets. It’s that simple. Let’s not get confused about something so basic.
High time Boris and his so-called ‘Conservative’ government woke up.
Khan and Dick have NO say in this. Local government is always THIRD-TIER GOVERNMENT. The government of the nation is in charge of security. And in that Khan and Dick don’t feature.
If Boris, Priti and Ben Wallace can’t see to basic security, law and order, we need to find someone who can!
It is a shame they can’t be like the old real Sweeny.
Guido link
There isn’t actually a law against political uniforms in the UK
cos archaic laws only count if they are being justly enforced.
People wear uniforms all the time at demos.
It’s a free speech issue .
There is cause for a limit, cos you can’t have people who look like the police
The same 1936 act does ‘prohibit organising people usurping the functions of the police or of the armed forces’
I don’t know how the Jewish Patrols fit with this.
It might be good if there was a black patrol in London if that reduces black crime & stops stabbing.
but what about its possible anti-white racism or corruption ??
It is in the public interest not to prosecute the Brixton militia uniform
cos it makes them look like idiots
The prosecution of BF was trumped up and won them victimhood points. points.
God knows why the judges allowed it , nor why their lawyers didn’t get them off.
Political uniforms
Orange Order

Remainiac LibDems

The back of their shirts is intinimidating
It says “bollocks to Brexit”
Wearing black makes you look like caterers.
So Britain First were convicted twice under Political Uniform Law
Jan 5, 2015 : Golding was find £325 for harassment, £100 for wearing the political uniform & ordered to pay £532 costs.
Cos he went to a 7/7 bomber’s house
Strange thing original news articles Like Essex Chronicle’s one were deleted.
But a Spiked article calls them “trumped up charges”
Then August 1, 2016 : Paul Golding, 34, had been charged after leading about a dozen activists on a “Christian patrol” through Bury Park, Luton, in January while wearing what prosecutors said was an “intimidating” Britain First-branded fleece.
Bedfordshire Police arrested Golding the following month, alleging his Britain First clothing constituted a ‘political uniform’Golding pleaded guilty but avoided what could have been a prison sentence of up to three months. He was instead fined £450.
His lawyer described the protest as “pretty benign”, pointing out that Golding had cooperated with police when they arrived.
The Orange Order is not a political organisation, it’s a religious organisation founded in 1795 to “protect the principles of the Protestant Reformation” and ” the enshrined civil and religious liberty for all”.
The waters may be muddied here in Northern Ireland but your equivalency is false. Some members may be political, the Order itself is not.
As the prosecution of Britain First shows, the 1936 Act is only applied when it suits the ‘establishment’.
Ditto the 1986 Act, with the added ‘bonus’ that a judge determined that officers could not feel alarm or distress by words.
Presumably if you are black and screaming abuse into a police officers face you too are kneeling!
Ex DG of the BBC swan song magic?
And this is why the NY Times isn’t even fit to line a birdcage …
Ah Laframboise famous for exposing that IPCC chapters are often written by activist students instead of all being super scientists.
The ‘write special good things about BAME’ rule, the union wants at the NYT
is similar to the NUJ rule that says if we decide we don’t like someone’s politics we label them “Far Right”
and apply the rule that we must never be equal or positive about Far Right.
Another round of applause for Defund the BBC!:
“THE BBC IS AFTER NAN’S PENSION.” (Imagine if it was, say, an oil company chasing pensioners for payment … who is the ruthless, greedy, merciless, money-grabbing organisation now??)
May I highlight these 3 paras:
“The viral campaign launched a provocative mobile digital billboard campaign across the North West today, as they continue to appeal for funds via their Go Fund Me page so that they can keep the momentum going just as the corporation attempts to expand its power and secure the future of the TV licence.
You can look out for the signs today in Oldham, Rochdale and Salford. Unlike the BBC, they are really getting outside of the London bubble. BBC employees didn’t seem too happy to see one of the signs on display outside Media City.
Last week, even Ofcom recognised that there is a “moral dislike” of the BBC and its licence fee amongst the working class. Guido readers probably didn’t need to be told that the BBC largely serves middle class metropolitan audiences.”
And, before I forget, here’s the comments thread:
there is a “protocol” for “voluntarily” protesting now
Thing is, the bbc has no shame, nor need of it.
Oh PLEASE, if this is a real hoarding, I want to know what Lienekers reaction is.
The UK Column News, the antidote to racist far-left bbc fake news ( to paraphrase that old favourite, I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue). Today’s episode is quite informative:
the way things are going I can see Plymouth (where these guys are) being our new Capital city!!
It would be quite an apt place name as well?
we could build a wall from south of Bristol across to Southampton taking in all those great English counties?
what do you all reckon? I am actually being semi-serious….
I have come to depend on UK Column more and more. Are they the future of broadcasting?
Is the beeb reporting this?
Thanks to a toxic mix of BLM, Antifa and Democrat control, Minneapolis is now a war zone where what’s left of the police are telling citizens to ‘surrender to criminals and be prepared to get robbed’.
“Minneapolis Police Tell Citizens It’s Now Somalia & Prepare To Get Killed”
The BBC is on to the case of the Tory MP who has not had the whip removed.
Details are provided in the article as to why he cannot be identified.
People on FB are talking about an MP who has removed his Twitter and FB accounts, probably fed up with trivia.
The FFFairies in Brixton.
The government has a moral duty to intervene when student welfare is jeopardised and should now commission an independent review to determine the extent of political bias in British schools and its impact. If the problem is found to be as deep rooted as many fear, new powers must be granted to remove corrupt teachers from the classroom.History serves as an ominous reminder of the perilous consequences should education be weaponised for partisan gain. Under no circumstances can this be allowed to happen in Great Britain today.
The bBC is not mentioned in this article – but it should be.
Nice ‘half an half’ picture: two black children an two white……………..
Same as we are now fed by the media all day long.
I just found and finished reading the Judges summing up report into the Cliff Richard v BBC and Plod case. I had never seen this before and it is the most incredible damnation of the BBC ethos I have ever seen.
Click to access cliff-richard-v-bbc-judgment.pdf
The amazing thing is despite the fact that the Judge practically damned the actions of the BBC and to some extent The Yorkshire plod, and awarded justice to Cliff, apart from having to cough up a couple of million quid of OUR MONEY, the BBC obviously still couldn’t give a damn and even had the brass neck to consider an appeal.
The out-of-control creature who started it BBC reporter Dan Johnson is apparently still a BBC employee along with his boss Fran Unsworth who rubber stamped the BBC actions and who is now head of BBC news.
They really are a cess-pit.
A quick look at the bio of Fran Unsworth shows that she is probably the prime mover behind the whole stinking philosophy that drips out of the BBC news too.
Might have a read – checking on the “bbc litigation department ‘ – there are 14 solicitors listed by the Law Society .im sure they read this blog – so hello all …..
I did a little stint in the gym earlier, trying to lose some of the excess flab I’ve piled on since the pandemic panic set in and turned all of us into couch potatoes.
My experience was quite startling…and also a little sad…
One very old chap, who’s been a regular for donkey’s years, came along and I was pleased to see him. But he was wearing the horrific face nappy and I could see that he was struggling to breathe properly as the fabric was sucked in and out. The cloth was billowing like the sails of an old galleon. It really can’t be healthy. He mumbled something to me through his muzzle, but it was difficult to understand.
There are signs up everywhere to “KEEP YOUR DISTANCE” and “WALK THIS WAY” and one that appealed to my adolescent sense of humour; “KEEP YOUR EQUIPMENT CLEAN!” There are sprays, gels and antiseptic containers all over the place. An attendant continually wiped sanitiser over every available surface. It was all a little unnerving. I felt as though I was entering an operating theatre rather than going to the gym.
Just along the road there’s a greasy spoon cafe. Blokes were sitting next to each other, shovelling in sausage, egg, bacon and chips and guzzling tea. No muzzles. No visors. No gels. No sprays.
What on earth is the point?
Has anybody on here mentioned the BBC ALT HISTORY on the website?
just wondered?
It sent a shiver down my spine when I saw it?
are they suggesting there is an alternative ‘history’ now?
Yep, Alt History. All about how blacks built this country.
All history on the BBC is ALT history.
I wont accept this
I just wont
sometimes things go too far and you have to say no…….
Al Beeb does not do history . It makes it up as it goes along .
Eg, the inclusion of BAME in historical dramas when they were never in Britain at the time featured. They rewrite history to be Politically Correct. Al Beeb should ‘be history’.
De-fund the biased ‘British hating’ outfit.
7:30pm Oh BBC is interested in babies, outside their London bubbleworld
..they chose Bradford
Unless Boris , Dick and Khan nip the recent BLM paramilitary group marching in London immediately, they are storing up serious trouble for themselves and us in future . Did Al Beeb cover the event ?
This and the recent ‘enemy landings’ at Dover are severely stretching the MI5 to the limit.
Too busy paintballing.
BBC local news 6:45pm item
“Olufela Olomola a black footballer for Scunthorpe United has shared a racist post someone directed at him”
OK, hurty words
but last time it was a 12 yo winding someone up
but now we get this 5 minute carefully crafted item.
It epic, they must have spent two days prepare the piece , with all the archive footage and edits.
.. the reporter has travelled all the way to Scunthorpe ground so he can use a sad tone in front of the ground, that fans haven’t been to for 5 months.
During the entire 5 minutes they didn’t even allude to what the post said.
Oh now in a second interview, the presenter has made a small reference
“boo loudly if Scunthorpe players took the knee”
… The presenter said “How can anyone in this day and age say this” ?
… em the quoted bit isn’t offensive at all.
Wow I looked the remarks up, it’s nothing, the fan calls him a “black lad” and then alleges that if the club sacked the player for bad playing he’d claim racism, another says don’t appease BLM .. C-word
.. Yet 200 people in the Twitter thread call that “vile”?
That’s like the courtiers in the tale of Emperor’s new suit .
Confronting a suspect, by using words/attitude like “I know you did it” is a good way of flushing out the guilty.
.. Yes it’s deceptive, but often works.
Oh dear, George Floyd wasn’t quite the innocent saint the libtards claim.
“New Footage Shows George Kirby Tripping Balls & Fighting With Cops”
No doubt the BBC will publish the full transcript and video footage of events leading up to his death.
Or maybe not.
If the courts don’t throw the book at the cops involved, expect BLM to go ballistic and start rioting all over again. Including in UK, that had nothing to do with any of it.
This one will have you laughing.
Yes, three people deciding to leave America constitutes a major BBC news story. All that racism, you see.
Boy, what would we all give for only three illegal immigrants per day crossing the channel.
A little piece of numerical asymmetry that somehow did not register with the BBC editors.
But where can I ‘return’ to now that my ancestral homeland has been colonised and I have become a third-class citizen pushed to ‘the back of the queue’?
Lookee here!
We should be so proud! I for one should, having been a past recipient of pay from HMS Centurion.
A most respected nation in the World; a World leader in many things; the 5th largest economy in the World (well maybe 6th now being on the decline).
“HMS Trent joins HMS Forth and HMS Medway in entering the Royal Navy fleet”
Impressive no?
HMS Trent now joining the other two…………………Decisively halting the invasion from France? No. ‘Fraid not. Her duties will be in the Med, no doubt ferrying large numbers of blacks from North Africa to Europe. Probably on charter to a front charity controlled by Soros and the Globalists of which our Governmental Cabinet is a party.
What a total joke.
HMS Trent is supposed to be ‘Merlin capable’ – one might imagine that if the helicopter was tied down and accidently took off it would take the ship with it!
The New Europeans will be pleased that she ** carries two spare RIBs.
** Assumed pronoun.