This is an extract from the BBC website – you decide fantasy from reality . …..
The Royal Charter sets out the BBC’s Public Purposes:
1 To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
2 To support learning for people of all ages.
3 To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services.
4To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom.
5 To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world.
Wakefield : Local ITV news opening item
“Asylum seeker at Urban House, Wakefield where there have been 21 Covid cases among the 300 asylum seekers living there to sue government”
Pretty lawyer ‘Yes evil whitey is horrible they’ve made these asylum seekers share bathrooms and kitchens
Some have to share bedrooms.’
FFS What’s the difference between a 6 person family, and a pod of 6 asylum seekers ?
The BBC had a story on July 27th
The Guardian had in July 21st !
Stew – I am officially depressed at the state of this country and how much we just bend over backwards for ungrateful sods
Perhaps we ought to send them back to from whence they came and let them sue from there. No doubt there is a lawyer involved here using public funds…nice earner
Third ITV local story “The Islam Family , Tik Tok videos Covid lockdown”
“Raj closed his takeaway so had to look for something to fill his time”
… they complained as the local council kept cancelling
the school opening date.
“SouthAsian people are the most likely to die”
.. em fakenews
old whiteys die faster than young BAME
Now quick item on women’s boxing
remember the good old days when they hated men clubbing themselves in the head sometimes till one died …
and then womens boxing came along.
Second Item BBC local news : people being rude to BAME med staff
“I don’t want an Asian doctor” etc.
“Oh your English is good”
“Will you be going back to your own country ?”
can’t be very common cos the item saying 45% of doctors are BAME
“Asian doctors are twice as likely to be struck off”
..they claimed that is due to bullying
..em the papers are full of pervy doctor stories.
Now they have employed Ems’ younger sister?
The explosion in Lebanon bring reported by Sky ( I cant watch BBC) mentioned Israel 8 times. What they should have said is…..should the UK government still allow these f@@kwitts into our country …….look what they are doing to there own place. Its like asking your kids to run a house cleaning business.
We must beware of being talked into depression, negativity and defeatism by our MSM and certain politicians and woke activists.
We must realise that there are situations in which we must be discriminating, intolerant, obstreperous, courageous and unflinching in the promotion of our point of view. Those who would undermine this nation must hear our voices.
We have been fooled into thinking that one must ALWAYS be ‘open’, ‘tolerant’, non-discriminating’, etc ! But notice: when a threat like a virus comes along, THAT is not appropriate behaviour. At that point you want to be intolerant, nay aggressive. Because the invader threatens the common good.
Every situation demands its own set of behaviours and actions.
And by the same token we must not tolerate other threats to the common good. Whatever the noisy minorities and the woke MSM may say, this is still a largely white nation, either actively Christian or built on Judeo-Christian foundations. Those who don’t like that, should leave; there are plenty of places they should feel more at home.
We fought for Brexit to take control of our borders. Why now, has it become acceptable to bring in flotillas of dinghys every day and allow the whole ‘asylum’ racket to continue apace? And we all know it’s a racket. We are leaving the EU; now there are other treacherous, Trojan Horse agreements we must step away from. Why does someone like Nigel Farage have to run a one-man band to draw attention to it?
Why do we allow the MSM to fool us into thinking that the virus is the only threat? Why do we allow our feckless politicians to carry on as if we don’t exist? They need to hear from us, but it doesn’t have to be in a nasty fashion. We are peaceful, but we have rights. And they are supposed to be concerned with OUR rights, not with those of everyone around the globe.
Let us fight the good fight, and we shall find our spirits rise with every step we take. Or, as the Bible says: resist the devil, and he will flee! You don’t even have to be religious to benefit from that advice…RESISTANCE is what it’s about.
Defunding the bbc is a good first step.
PS. I see the previous post by Halifax. There is a lesson there, somewhere:
I remember Lebanon when Beirut was a banking centre and ‘the Paris of the Middle East’. My guess is, someone came along and said: “be open and tolerant and welcome everyone in; whatever you do, don’t stand up for yourselves!” So, seems they took that advice?
Fake… Why do we allow our feckless politicians to carry on as if we don’t exist? They need to hear from us, but it doesn’t have to be in a nasty fashion.
I’ve never felt the need to do so before, but this very afternoon I fired off an email to Priti Patel , practically pleading with her to do something about the Channel invasion, as we are becoming a second Lampedusa, and talk isn’t good enough anymore.
What good it will do I dont know, but it got the stress off my chesticles.
BRISSELS- See, it lifted your spirits.
And if every conservative now fired off a polite message to Priti, telling her in the nicest possible way to do her job or take her leave, I’d wager we might see a few deportations starting up. At that point we can debate on how to deal with the woke lawyers who will then come crawling out from under their rocks, £ signs in their eyes.
(cc all Priti letters to No.10)
fnw, good post ….. make peaceful protest before it is too late.
‘Everyone’ (various races and religions) was in Lebanon already and they all rubbed along just fine. I had a Christian Lebanese assistant assigned to me temporarily who spoke umpteen languages including Yiddish, because he lived in or alongside a Jewish district. Then militant Islam got going in the 1970s and what happened was that the Christians did what you suggested but they had lots of guns in the Middle East just like in eastern Europe. Net result = Civil War. Not good. Nobody wins long term. Lebanon is now a basket case, heading toward a Somalia situation.
When the militant Islam thing got going in the 1970s it even affected the UK. Nigerian friends had pressure put on them after a visit from a newly keen Muslim brother to stop their children going to church Sunday School.
I have been following the BBC website for a few years but it didn’t take me long to recognize that the BBC have an agenda against India, against its government, against Hindu Indians. They constantly support Muslims in India, casting them as either victims or role models, they support Islamic jihad, and support the fight for an India free Islamic Kashmir. Some of this has been desperate and juvenile. It is certainly not “good journalism” and can only be described as agenda pushing.
British Vogue editor Edward Enninful may be stepping up his black activism & the BBC are delighted. He was in the news last week for sacking a white security guard for racism because the guard failed to recognize him & didn’t accord him sufficient respect. He was appointed back in April 2017 but I’m only hearing of him now via the BBC.
BBC headline: Edward Enninful: Focusing Vogue on activism a ‘no-brainer’: … Enninful said the September issue’s focus on activism was a … “rallying cry for the future”, includes 40 activists … “the faces of hope”… working with an all-black team “brought an authenticity to the cover… a feeling of togetherness… honoured & empowered … It shows hope, solidarity & empathy”
… having an all-black team to work on the September magazine wasn’t a first for him “but for younger members, it was magical, they felt empowered, like the world was changing … This couldn’t be just a one-off. The industry has to change … I’ve always wanted to effect change … Women were leading the charge … women prevail & lead the way.”
Enninful, who was born in Ghana … Talking about … being a black man in the industry said: “I brought my friends with me… so we could grow together and change the world together…”
BobotC, the Beeb flapped a bit back in 2017 when Enninful was appointed: first Black Editor blah blah. Nothing much about his achievements. Not much about his background. Only skin colour (and religion?) matters to the racist BBC.
And the Beeb may have been wrong about the ‘first’, too. Wasn’t Baz Bamingboye an Editor (albeit for a dept. or a region) for one of the glossies? Seem to recall that Baz was a bit of a Beeb and/or C4 protege.
The interesting thing would be to know if Baz has increased the circulation figures. If he has then he deserved the job.
I still cannot understand the John Lewis Board appointing a woman with no retail experience and whose experience of managing employees was limited to the relatively small number at OFCOM. I have already read somewhere of Miss White complaining that her senior executives lacked experience. It doesn’t bode well for her Partners.
Me either.
Someone answered RaceBaiter Lammy back by pointing out that Amazon do sell Honky Chateau the Elton John record
… but by lunchtime Lammy had a new outragebus
Some quiet parody name Twitter account had got riled by him and had replied him with the words
“monkey boy” “hanging from a tree”
“You will hang from a lamp post if you are not careful”
And the Alastair Stewart radio show gave Lammy 10 minutes of sympathy.
FFS it’s playground stuff
.. If you really want trolls to stop sending such stuff, you stop feeding them.
@Keir_Starmer tweeted
The racism David Lammy, Black MPs and Black people across our society are subjected to is disgraceful.
Social media platforms must be quicker at taking action against *hate*.
Racism has no place online or anywhere in our society.
I actually believe that the guy who called Lammy “Monkey Boy”
would stop and help Lammy if his car broke down etc.
So to keep shouting “hate” is ridiculous.
The outragebus itself is massively prejudiced
if it can’t see the proportionality of outrage should be different for the injustice of a playground tweet
compared to the injustice of Grooming gang victims bumping into their oppressors at Asda cos the deportation order was not enforced.
Newshite watch.
A new irregular service!
There has been a massive explosion in Beirut.
So the go-to, speed dial person Newshite choose for a discussion is…………..David Milliband.
Who is on the other side of the Atlantic and knows naff all about the incident.
What are the chances of that?
Miliband’s charity is doing a big charity appeal to help Lebanon
They’d have more money if they used his million dollar salary
What has Miliband ever done wrong
except for the Iraq war , not apologising for it
Newshite watch 2.
A hatchet job on the Test and Trace system which appears to be (and quite probably is) working poorly, with vastly underworked tracers. It is apparently not performing in certain Northern areas and one or two towns are creating extra local support themselves. And why not, I ask myself?
The line seems to be that the system is too centralised.
But what the BBC fail to mention is that it is NHS Test and Trace. Yes, THAT NHS. You know, the one with all the heroes.
So if NHS Test and Trace is clunky, bureaucratic, unimaginative, slow, and centralised, as Newshite are clearly seeking to assert……….what does that say about the NHS generally ?
A question the BBC do not want to ask.
PS even the New Statesman accept the benefit of the German and Austrian de-centralised, and crucially pluralistic health systems, with their 5 fold lower CV death rates.
On the positive side…..we are not morally blackmailed into clapping on Thursdays any more.
This is what drives me insane about the f#@kin’ bbc.
Piss poor journalism that a three year old could discredit.
He’s handcuffed to a bed but still has his phone?
Watch the video, he’s handcuffed to a bed and they didn’t remove his phone, really?
About as world class as a primary school news letter.
Defund the bbc.
Activist told me “He was transferred from detention center to a desease control center and was given back his belongings including the phone.
I assume he was cleared out from the detention and would be sent home after the quaranteen.
Maybe the chat was the reason he disappeared after that.”
The BBC article says
“the prisoners were loaded onto minibuses and sent away to an unknown location.
Mr Ghappar, who was suffering from a cold and with his nose running, was separated from the rest
and taken to the facility seen in the video he sent – a place he described as an “epidemic control centre“.
Once there, he was handcuffed to the bed.
“Of course, the environment here is better than the police station with all those people.
Here I live alone, but there are two people guarding me.”
His phone appears to have remained unnoticed by the authorities among his personal belongings, some of which he was given access to in his new place of imprisonment.
After 18 days inside the police jail, he was suddenly and secretly in touch with the outside world.
For a few days he described his experiences.
Then, suddenly, the messages stopped.
Nothing has been heard from Mr Ghappar since.”