The 6th is another anniversary – this time its the dropping Of The Bomb on Japan . So let’s be ready for the annual rollout of The BBC reciting CND propaganda , another free run for the SNP to remove bases from Scotland – with a dusting of braveheart independence again – on top of its’ enthusiastic support for the latest iteration of Marxism .
Midweek Thread 5 August 2020
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I came across this hour long interview with Nigel Farage in which he covers Brexit, Trump, BLM, Populism and the future of the EU. It can be found at Danube Dialogues, Danube Institute on You Tube. If the BBC allowed the likes of Nigel air time to give their views without constant aggressive interruption I might be persuaded to let it live. As it is I demand its immediate obliteration.
They ain’t gonna do it. Apparently they are employing 80 more “advisors” (investigators) who will be going out to “explain” to pensioners over 75 that they need a licence. Robbing from the poor to give to the rich. Defund Al Beeb.
I think it’s 800 advisors actually. But there is a growing backlash with calls for all over 60’s , not just over 75’s , to stop paying or to cancel their DD and ‘pay’ by undated or unsigned cheques to cause chaos. But why stop at 60. We need mass action to free us from this foul corporation.
How did the newspaper segment handle the Times frontpage ?
Probably using that renowned ‘BBC Editorial Integrity”
There is not always time or space to include anything the BBc does not feel people should know about
Catchup links to previous thread
– page 3 started 6pm Tuesday
– page 2 started 10pm Monday
A lot of it was about how David Lammy’s 1000 man team scour the internet for hurty words for him to be outraged about
Last post previous thread mentions an oddly inconsistent ‘report’ about dishy boys handcuffed to beds left with their mobiles and decent WiFi (Glasgow hotels please note).
Naturally the Moaning Emole is keen too.
Model’s video a rare glimpse inside Chinese detention
Merdan Ghappar is used to posing for the camera. As a model for the massive Chinese online retailer Taobao, the 31-year-old was well paid to flaunt his good looks in slick promotional videos for clothing brands. But one video of Mr Ghappar is different. The set is a bare room with grubby walls and steel mesh on the window. And in place of the posing, Mr Ghappar sits silently with an anxious expression on his face. Holding the camera with his right hand, he reveals his dirty clothes, his swollen ankles, and a set of handcuffs fixing his left wrist to the metal frame of the bed. The video of Mr Ghappar, along with a number of accompanying text messages also passed to the BBC, provide a chilling and extremely rare first-hand account of China’s highly secure and secretive detention system.
Read full story>
John Sudworth
Beijing Correspondent
‘Passed to’.
Also in the ‘mole…
Lockdown boost to TV and streaming
With most of the nation confined to their homes and having to spend more time indoors during the coronavirus lockdown, the findings from broadcasting watchdog Ofcom’s latest survey about our viewing habits may confirm many people’s experience – namely that we watched a lot more TV and streaming services.
According to the report, British adults spent six hours and 25 minutes each day during lockdown looking at screens. And while streaming is usually associated with younger people, Ofcom found that one-third of 55-64 year olds signed up for services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime during the early weeks of the pandemic.
Traditional broadcasters also saw their highest combined monthly share of broadcast TV viewing (59%) in more than six years in March, as people turned to trusted news services for updates on the virus.
The last line is precious.
Hi, I haven’t worked out what you mean by the “moaning emole” or ‘mole.
Think it is a ‘play’ on the word e-mail, BoBotC. That is my best guess. When I signed up to a BBC account way back in the dizzy days of 2009, I think, and Gordon Brown as PM, registered users could opt for an e-mail feed from the BBC of the top news items for the day.
Indeed U2S.
Their ‘Daily Morning Email’ is a rich seam. It is possible they have a team well paid to pass on the ‘news’ of colleagues passing on ‘news’ from other sources.
I keep it as it is fascinating insight into bbc editorial selection processes, and often obscure far flung ‘reporters’ whose skills appear rarely showcased.
I use ‘Moaning Emole’ as it simply complements the endless stream of drudge for which the bbc is rightly renowned.
I presume turning to the trusted broadcaster in March were people like me, and it was for the Daily briefings. Although broadcast on the BBC, its only input appeared to be the questions from Laura and Hugh. After only a few days it became obvious their questions were stupid and did nothing for my understanding and I switched off as they came on. I tried watching through the Internet but didn’t get the graphs, which was the part I was most interested in.
Graphs are displayed to help citizens, not confuse them with boring stuff, Deborah, hence the lack of a proper descriptive indication by Al Beeb, which could easily be taken in by the majority of English speakers and their families.
As usual, the BBBC try and obfuscate the issues, mentioning long words – you know, the sort that their ‘experts’ learn from others, and then tire their diminishing audience to suicidal mode.
If they don’t show a meaningful graph, it’s a fake job, pure and simple.
TOADY Watch #1 – where are they?
Have all the male presenters – there are only two regulars, Justin and Nick – on TOADY been sacked? Are they on holiday? Will it be wall-to-wall Mishal, Monday to Saturday inclusive from now on?
Look all because the world is having a pandemic and economies are being destroyed shouldnt prevent ‘vital ‘ BBC droids going off to their second or third homes .
Besides – theres never a shortage – as someone showed on a chart on the previous thread .
I bet the 14 lawyers in the BBC litigation department get holidays as well .
This is the matriarchy in action before our very eyes.
I just wonder what is causing the emasculation of our men. Is it fluoridated toothpaste? Is it fluoridated mouthwash? Are they putting oestrogen in our food?
Or is it an education system completely dominated by women; and who are teaching our white indigenous boys and young white indigenous men that they are violent and worthless?
I tend towards thinking there is something seriously wrong with our educational system, and it’s been failing our white male children for decades. There should be a complete overhaul of the way children are taught, what they are taught and by whom they are taught. From nursery school to university. But maybe parents should home school their children; they couldn’t turn out any worse than those coming from state institutions, and might actually have been taught some knowledge rather than commie propaganda and hate.
TOADY Watch #2 – it is very noticeable, BBC.
Mishal and another Mrs/Miss. Oh, and who gets which interview or covers which subject, BBC. We do notice you know. You think perhaps we don’t but look at the words at the top of this page, BBC. We think from the outset that you are biased.
It does tend to show up when Mishal gets certain items to cover, does particular subjects or a political interview of someone from a particular Party. It happens just too much to be entirely co-incidental.
Good Brexit news. Japan trade deal on the way ? and they don’t want our fishing grounds , not on Al Beeb yet .
Speaking of which some fishermen are still fearing a sell out to the EU because no clear post-Brexit strategy for the industry has been announced by the government. Here and here.
Meanwhile Jeff Taylor warns that the EU are plotting to take complete control of the Channel Tunnel and he suggests a few million tons of concrete.
ti, we could offer to store some ammonium nitrate for Kent farmers down there in the tunnel, perhaps?
From experience I no longer believe anything the BBC present as news. Whenever I visit the BBC website I can now predict fairly accurately what types of “news” the BBC will find and present. Some of the things I read would fail in any basic test on journalism or logic so desperate does it seem to twist and push an agenda. It becomes insulting to the intelligence.
What I find especially unforgiving is the constant use of imagery, emotion and scaremongering to push their propaganda onto kids in their CBBC news channel. For example yesterday they had a long piece about Yemen, they “explained” why Britain was responsible because it sold arms to Saudi Arabia, and then it explained what they can do to help giving examples of charity raising in the UK by “kids”. Towards the end of the report they said if you find this distressing please read our guide on how to handle distress.
TOADY Watch #3 – couldn’t be more FakeNews on the BBC this morning, could it?
At this time of the morning? I am asked to believe the BBC that a warehouse full of Ammonium Nitrate could blow up all on its own. Maybe because all the men from the BBC N&CA Dept. are on holiday, no-one was around to provide a scientific input.
Even in these egalitarian times, it is a well-known fact that more boys tend to do science at school and university than girls. Even the BBC acknowledge that. So with just wimmin in the Newsroom, a problem is likely to arise with the news from Beirut that the explosion was due to the spontaneous combustion of a warehouse full of ammonium nitrate.
I’m as sceptical about that as I am about finding Covid-19 in sewer water.
If I have remembered my schooldays chemistry and physics correctly (I went to a strange school where girls did science), ammonium nitrate (fertiliser) needs to be mixed with something else (no names, no pack drill) and even then will need a trigger to make it go pop or fizz or possibly go bang in a big enough explosion to devastate a neighbourhood beyond the docks.
Up2 – it May have been —-a welder at the docks —- but will we ever know . I bet a fair view republican murderers were seeing that and wishing they had that much when they were bombing London. ….
Fed, getting the mix right is tricky. Don’t ask how I know that …. 😉 ….
Not that difficult to guess …
What’s NOT being mentioned by the BBC is the fact that around 40 years ago Beirut was under the control of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organisation), Wiki has an article on a sports stadium they used for a massive ammunition dump the time, this info took me seconds to discover so why has nobody at the massively staffed BBC considered this to be relevant?
Could it be that this exploding dump is in fact the raw materials store for all the IED’s being handed out to various “liberation” outfits currently operating in the middle east?
I’m also fully expecting the hidden Muslim operators at the BBC to drag their top hate-state Israel into this before too long.
blm intimidation tactics seem largely unreported by the bbc. Two hundred strong blm mob of mainly white people turn up at successful black woman’s home.
“Los Angeles DA’s husband charged with ASSAULT for pointing gun at BLM protesters on his porch”
Another Wednesday, another thread and still I get the feeling that the World is on the brink…………
The created chaos and tension cannot go on indefinitely without something snapping.
TOADY Watch #4 – Irony of ironies
You couldn’t make it up. Yvette Cooper (Lab), Chairman/woman/person of some House Committee is on TOADY. Who gets the interview? Mishal the Masher or Martha the Matey-one? Tough choice for the Ed in Chief. Has Sarah Sands ‘gone yet’? We were told some time ago that she had resigned. Mind you we were told some time ago that Carrie Gracie had resigned from the BBC but she seems to be serving a long notice period and was on TOADY or another BBC Prog just a few weeks back as ‘China Correspondent’.
Yvette (Labour Party) Cooper is complaining (Now, there’s a thing!) about the Conservative (Now, there’s a thing!) Government and its handling of the Covid Crisis. Now, there’s a thing!!! Who gets to interview hypocrite Yvette? Can I believe my ears, it is Martha. Hmmmmnnn.
Yvette says HMG should have closed the borders. Ummmhhh. I seem to recall Yvette wanted open UK borders. I seem to recall Yvette wanted a semi-independent Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland. I doubt that Yvette really wanted England only to close its borders. I also doubt that Yvette wanted the PM to take back control of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland although personally I think he should have done way back at the end of February.
Labour Party Yvette wants the borders closed. I think we should close the UK borders. Especially to discourage illegal asylum seekers in order to discourage and even greater evil of traffickers and modern slavers and slavery. Come on Yvette, start to lobby your MP.
Oh, you are an MP.
This one really needs nailing.
The biased BBC deliberately have extremely selective memories and/or selective amnesia.
And so does Yvette.
Back in the days of daily news conferences, the likes of Jennie Harries and Patrick Vallance were expressing great reservations about the usefulness of having travel restrictions. The argument was that we had so much virus already that importing a bit more would make hardly any difference. Remember that Labour were, to their credit, pretty supportive at the time, not least as Boris was sharing information with them.
Try this very clunky D Express page.
Oh and by the way, the very same Jennie Harries also said that there was not much point in banning crowds at football matches !!!!!! And who reported that one ? The BBC !!!!!!!
A lot of brown and smelly stuff can rightly be aimed at the government but the superficial, gotcha, style of the BBC sheds no light all, and singularly fails to also point the finger elsewhere, at our NHS heroes, Public Health England, and the ‘science’ which often is anything but.
Coopers usual traiterous rubbish, nothing said with any sense of direction or aid to the present government which in this present crisis, for the whole country no matter one’s affiliation to whichever, political party should be expected-not a continual minge , gripe, criticism, against anything and everything. She knows nothing about anything and everything about nothing.
But mainly RTing Brian Stelzer for reasons on dome solidarity.
Guest, if I had my bookmarks from the old PC I would use your post as an excuse to put a fantastic performance from Brian SETZER & Co..
Found it after not much of a search.
O k a y !
(Don’t forget to set resolution at 360 in Settings.)
Beyond the blatant lack of impartiality, you would think a glimmer of professional pride might bite that the BBC N. American squad is known purely for passing off the output of such as CNN.
But, no.
Was at the 40 year anniversary tour last year. Fabulous.
The mail reports that the BBC is already sending out letters to the over 75s about the demand to get a TV licence . If anyone gets sight of such a letter I’m sure this site would be glad to hear about it or – if the techy exists – have it reproduced here after ‘personal details ‘ are removed .
This is so even if the letter is TEN pages long !
The BBC are doing ‘ads’ on R4 about the need for an over-75s Licence, Fed. I inadvertently caught one t’other day. I switched off in protest.
Another reason not to listen to BBC R4.
Up2 -still doing gods’’ work listening to that dross eh ? But thanks for the Toady updates ….
I switched on for news of the world outside at 7 a.m., Fed. I listened until I could bear it no more. All I got was spin, rather than news. I like spin bowling and spin bowlers but ‘this wicket’ wasn’t taking it. 😉
Lasted about 30 minutes before OFF Switch hit and I just had to post on here.
The private school fees and the Tuscan villa do not pay for themselves. As for the cheap supermarket plonk, that’s for the common people not the opinion formers like them. You know, the one’s who they seem to have forgotten, who pay for it all.
Interesting the BBC droids punting out incorrect facts or ‘fact’ that is opinion.
And being gently corrected.
Morning all,
So anyone here directly involved with the defund albeeb campaign? Just curious is all.
I see they’re nearly up to 50k.
Tempted to buy one of their mugs. Pricey at 15 quid, but it could become an historical artifact of victory. Well ok maybe not. Makes me smile in work though, along with MAGA mug…
Gilead – no from me – and I don’t think they are aware that websites like this one exist and have been fighting the fight for a long time . I hope ‘defund’ grows in strength and public knowledge .
More and more decent people must just look at BBC and say ‘ it’s got to stop ‘.
Meanwhile I’m designing a black paramilitary uniform which will have a white cross and the Union Flag on it . It will come in all sizes .. then we ll March through Brixton whilst plod does the traffic ….
I just watched a video of those muppets marching, to the tune of Benny Hill.
I love British humour
I hope AISI will be along in a while with his review of the newspaper front pages. But here’s something I noticed. Someone just happened to be filming or photographing across the city of Beirut and caught the explosion in the docks quite early on. The pic is on the front of the Guardian.
Did no-one pick up on the Daily Star’s blunder?
They posted a picture of a BAME Dalek worried that the house them/her/it was planning to break into had stairs.
The Dalek shown had a ring of slats, a modification to the Mk. 1 Dalek that enables stairs to be negotiated.
JimS, you’re definitely a contender for Whovian of the week.
Awww… 🙂
Thanks for the picture mate. I think I’ve got the horn at last. Oh, sorry ,it’s gone again.
Actual relevant question not asked by overpaid BBC droids of their mates.
Horrible explosion but Al Beeb were quick to slip in some ‘conscious bias’ in their eyewitness report from a ‘journalist’ Mohamed someone, in their video report; something on the lines:- ‘this reminds me of when Isreal was bombing Lebanon in 2006… feet are bleeding but I’m ok’
I am, at least, glad to hear that!
at 34s
As I understand it, the Israelis were the first to offer aid.
The BBC staff probably stuck another candle in the empty Bolly #SolidarityWiv bottles.
Where Evan stuck his who knows?
Better luck next time.
One for the Today team to ‘analyse’?
Coming soon to the UK.
A lot of my friends are very knowledgeable about football and are interesting when commenting on all aspects of the game.
If the bbbc were to put up Lineker’s job for £35,000 – £50,000 pa I wonder how many applicants they would get.
Tens of thousands would be my guess and many would be better than our Gary.
Lineker is really paid to sell gambling
that’s the reason for his high salary.
If your mates were the presenter the gambling companies wouldn’t be happy, they think their sales would be less.
Ah yes but are your friends of the Marxist persuasion? It really could make all the difference.
9:30am Black guy Reggie Nelson talking about mentoring
Well the BBC did across network item with him in 2018
I can’t see how this will be much different
Before that R4 have a prog about Neil Young
probably as a vehicle for attacking Trump.
House Journal
Time to hit the bbc studios again.
I am sure that most of us can make an occasional p***k of themselves without his expert guidance. He should remember that even clowns have the odd day off…
Ssshh… don’t say Fauda
On a morning when our thoughts go out to the people of Beirut and we perhaps reflect sadly on the relative damp squibs that were the modest garden firework parties of our own youthful experience… how our younger selves may have yearned for the massive explosion, the crackle and fizz, the blast flash of concussion and the mushroom cloud, as scarfed and gloved dear old pater familias struggled to ignite the meagre sparklers in a persistent autumnal north westerly with nothing but a soggy box of Swans. Gosh, gathering that much fertilizer in the hot summer sun, who was the health and safety officer? (I sense a vacancy) they must have truly wished to make the desert bloom – and all they cultivated was a boom.
Turned on BBC News at 5pm last night just as announcement was being made of a huge explosion in Beirut. The presenter, think it was Evan Davis, was speculating regarding the cause. He was desperately trying to contain himself as the minutes rolled by and I thought how long will it take ? I could sense the anxiety in his voice as time went on until at last they could not contain themselves and at 6pm had to come out with it ” possible Israeli attack”.
11am R4 The death row book club where a klu klux klan member used to read to kill a mockingbird with his fellow black inmates.
A note of journalistic fearlessness in the brave tradition of the British free press this morning as Carol Midgley comes out (so to speak) in the Times and declares ‘Here’s how to be middle class’.
It seems appropriate at this juncture to shun the tabloid front pages, plastered with their demure Princess Kate in her tasteful summer dress and matching mask and the more down to earth bikini-clad lovelies enjoying a scorcher, and instead turn to the Guardian where the front page gives vent to the doom and gloom vision of Britain of Sir Keir Starmer. But the Gruan does try to raise the spirits of their liberal bourgeoisie constituency with the promise of something ‘creative, joyful, deeply anarchic’ – no, it’s not a retrospective on the last Jeremy Corbyn election manifesto – it’s about Duggee a Friendly cartoon dog, leader of The Squirrel Club.
‘Duggee teaches youngsters (so the teacher unions don’t have to?) to be responsible and to take acceptable risks’. The animated preschool series, which promotes exercise and learning is voiced by lovable BAFTA posh boy Alexander Armstrong. If that doesn’t lubricate the lingerie of the Guardianista classes, then I don’t know what will?
For the financially innocent ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance and is all about ethical and sustainable investment. Still with me? The FT carries a report ‘Boohoo exposes ESG funds poor due diligence’ That’s a story about supposedly right-on clean, green and socially progressive investments in fact channelling funds from the Leicester sweat shops. Who would have guessed there’s muck in brass (as they – sort of – used to say up north). You’d have to have drunk a lot of the cool aid to really buy into this ethical investment.
Speaking of the modern elite class effort to separate one’s thinking mind from reality, the Times has ‘I was blasted across the room, my flat smashed’ (Careful where you put the comma there). So not the latest in mind expanding drugs but a report on the latest unpleasantness in the Middle East.
During my gloriously awful investment career i have always looked for an ‘ unethical fund ‘ specialising in all those bad things people choose to indulge in . …. im yet to find one – just page after page of self satisfied ‘ green ‘ fund con artists .,,
Is that Deptford forty years ago?
Looks like Leicester Square! God forbid but if we are not careful such a site could emerge.
So the BBC are promoting on their website today something called: What Does it Mean to Be British:
Click on the link and you get the following description:
“Zing Tsjeng, executive editor at VICE UK, can apply for a British passport. But there’s a catch. She’s already got one from Singapore, the country where she was born and raised, and she’s not allowed to have both – it’s either a British passport, or a Singaporean one. Before she makes a decision she wants to know: what does it mean to be British? So she’s going on a trip around the UK to find out.”
There are ten episodes and an introduction:

Now Zing Tsjeng is a foreigner that has been studying and working and living in the UK for some time and has made a career out of being a feminist and LGBTQ political rights activist and writer. And the BBC has paid her to go around the UK and give her view of “what it means to be British”.
Knowing the BBC I expect this is going to be another long exercise in agenda pushing. But I don’t have access to it (I don’t pay the BBC tax). So I was wondering if anybody is aware of it, has listened to it and might be able to post a comment on it. It was first released back in March of this year.
‘..she’s not allowed to have both’
Can one guess that it is Singapore and not the UK that is imposing such strict passport restrictions?
Perhaps Ms Zing could employ her BBC platform to lobby for reform of draconian passport rules?
Then we might look to a future where there is a free market in nationality and shopping for a passport is a truly retail experience.
Fair guess.
The UK allows dual nationality; Singapore does not, once an adult.
A male over 18 who has completed NS who holds both will soon need to decide which unless deferred for education reasons…. imposed by the Singaporeans.
So a classic BBC piece of what is left out. If she is educating anyone here on the TVL payers’ dime about her agenda they are not getting a good deal on any basis.
BoBotC, you don’t have to pay the Telly Tax in order to access BBC radio which that appears to be. You do have to sign in now to your ‘account’ as a registered user, which you did not have to do previously.
Use a VPN. You don’t have to sign in.:-)
Regarding the explosion.
The clip I saw on the tv showed a huge, very quick bang.
If this was fireworks I would think the explosion would have gone on for ages.
If it was a load of fertiliser I would have thought it would take a while to have all of it explode.
To me, and I admit, I don’t know about these things, it went off like a proper bomb.
The bbbc was ridiculing Trump (saying his advisors said it could be a bomb) although they reported it as Trump said it was a bomb.
It certainly was a huge explosion and didn’t seem like a pile of stuff suddenly blowing up.
A concern of those handling stuff that might go bang is a process called ‘deflagration to detonation’.
Basically the potentially explosive material is burning when it produces enough energy locally to detonate, releasing far more energy very quickly, which can detonate the adjacent material at shock wave speeds.
A box of fireworks might be expected to burn slowly, the flames spreading to other boxes gradually. Fireworks might explode from time to time but not produce enough energy to set of any others.
Bulk explosive material can be quite insensitive, by design, you could hit it with a hammer, you might even get away with burning it. However embed some sensitive explosive, i.e. a detonator and literally the whole lot will go up with a bang.
Emmanuel & Jim, you can make ordinary flour go bang and grain dust similarly but you need a trigger event or a fuse such as a lit match. Apparently grain was stored nearby. Grain has sugar in it so that might create an explosive mixture but you still need a trigger or fuse. A a carelessly discarded cigarette would do but the workers in the dockyards would know that and as closest to any explosion would take care not to throw it away where they might be killed in the ensuing explosion.
You would think, wouldn’t you …… unless it was a ‘suicide bomber’ at work.
Emmanuel & Jim, you can make ordinary flour go bang and grain dust similarly but you need a trigger event or a fuse such as a lit match. Apparently grain was stored nearby. Grain has sugar in it so that might create an explosive mixture with the fertiliser (ammonium nitrate) but you still need a trigger or fuse.
A carelessly discarded cigarette would do but the workers in the dockyards would know that and as closest to any explosion would take care not to throw it away where they might be killed in the ensuing explosion.
You would think, wouldn’t you …… unless it was a ‘suicide bomber’ at work.
Seems chipper still.
Maybe she could be a PIA pilot?
Or would the ‘reporters’ in the BBC cubicle garden lynch any blonde going that route?
I suppose the revolutionary concept of having kids sit an actual exam as the only fair way to judge, is so last century?
Dominic Casciiani – one of those notably repulsive bbc droids , an alumni of the University of Hindsite , gleefully reports another commons committee giving the government a kicking . Last week it was the NHS Policy of sending elderly people out of hospitals to care homes without being tested – this time it’s the decision not to quarantine the thousands if not Hundreds of thousands who flew into the UK during March April May June – or even get them an effing test .
Both criticisms are quite right of course , the defence to the latter failure is ‘we we following the scientific advice ‘ whereas common sense – as expressed by many on this site as we watched aircraft apps showing big heavy passenger jets arriving at UK airports – was singularly absent .
Now of course it’s 14 days total quarantine well after the horse bolted – but only from a few countries but not others .
I think if this pandemic is to end within thr foreseeable future – as opposed to getting a lot – lot – worse …the biggest curse will be
‘ we were only following scientific advice ‘ – which will be in the same abuse terminology as ‘experts ‘. ….. when they ain’t that good .
Of course Labour would have handled it all beautifully.
It was obvious back in early February at the latest that stopping the unquarantined movement of people was, short of a vaccine or cure, likely to be the most effective way of stopping C-19 in its tracks.
But what did so-called scientists say at the time: “Closing borders wouldn’t work, as viruses don’t respect them.” In doing so, they weren’t displaying much knowledge (so much for scientia), as C-19 requires a host in order to become mobile. ‘Stop (and treat) the carrier, stop the virus’ should have been the order of the day.
Instead, hundreds of thousands of potential Trojan horses were allowed to freely enter the UK, at great cost in both human and economic terms. Had the right action been taken, the lockdown could well have been avoided or at least significantly reduced in severity and/or duration.
It’s not too late to put up the shutters, but cleaning the metaphorical house will now be rather more difficult, expensive and time-consuming. But until a vaccine comes along (as I’m sure it will), implementing measures that are effective, sensible and which minimise economic damage is the best course of action.
I came back to the UK just before the domestic restrictions came. I had been in a country well ahead in terms of the number of deaths and infections .
T5 at heathrow didnt even have a bottle of hand cleaner .
When i saw this i realised that whoever was running the show wasnt that bright and i stick with that view .
I can only assume that they were so overwhelmed by information and events that they didnt have the mental calibre to see through the fog , use common sense and get stuff done .
And to have put effort and resources into exercising a virus pandemic without learning from it and doing something was criminal. Jeremy Hunt was health sec and May was Home Sec .
Fed, I see from the front page of the Metro today that what we on here suspected as happening since December last year if not some time before was actually happening – Whitehall was out to subvert the decisions of a democratically elected Government in Westminster.
Think there may be rumours of someone to be sacked at the highest level in the Department of Health. See FT.
And not before time, I might add.
In the last thread we talked about how the BBC World Operation is supposed to be a private company BBC Global News
I suspect that BBCNews is itself a private company jointly owned by David Lammy and his company BBC Grievance News with his team of thousands of staff who scour the internet the internet or hurty words they can be offended about
whilst ignoring stabbings, murders of people, rapes of all colours many of them black.
I bet Edward Enninful is a shareholder
TalkRadio caller says discussion of mobs of asylum seekers fighting at Clifton Moor Retail Park in York.
He alleged that the councillors/church groups are so focused on “York City of Sanctuary” that they are putting illegal migrants above everyone else.
York City of Sanctuary announced the expected arrival on 4th July of 90 refugees:
This news article gives further details: York set to offer refuge in hotel for up to 90 asylum seekers:
“2nd July: YORK is preparing to offer a safe refuge to up to 90 asylum seekers … York Council are giving them refuge in the city immediately, whilst decisions on each individual’s claim for asylum are processed by the Home Office. The Government is funding hotel accommodation plus support from specialist services, until they are able to move forward.
A York Council spokeswoman said: ‘York is one of many cities across Yorkshire & the North East to accommodate asylum seekers … The Council will coordinate added support through the voluntary sector. We are seeking donations of clothes & money.’
Mears Group, the Government’s agency supporting asylum seekers, is working alongside voluntary groups, health services, Migration Yorkshire & the North Yorkshire Police …
Detective Superintendent Allan Harder, said: ‘Offering sanctuary & protection to displaced people who have nothing & are facing an uncertain future is indicative of the caring & welcoming nature of York & its people.’
Paul Wordsworth, co-ordinator of York City of Sanctuary said: ‘We will be welcoming & offering support to asylum seekers … ‘
Carrie Wheater, Manager of Refugee Action York said: ‘We have a long history of working with asylum seekers & refugees in York & supporting them to become part of the York community…’
Cllr Denise Craghill, Exec Member for Housing & Safer Neighbourhoods, said: ‘I’m glad York is able to offer a refuge for these asylum seekers … Many have been through extremely difficult experiences prior to seeking asylum. As a City of Sanctuary since 2015, we’re offering them support … human compassion … I’m proud York is also able to step up…’ ”
And will they give the same welcome to those still living or surviving on the streets, many ex-military, deal with this issue first before giving attention to so called asylum seekers-whose ideology if Islamic should not be tolerated in this White Christian Country. Too many have been allowed to remain here and cause massive disturbance to our society. I won’t mention the continual sexual attacks on women and girls.
City of York Local Council:
• Lib Dem 21
• Labour 17 (including Mayor Rachel Looker)
• Green 4
• Conservative 2
• York Independent Group 2
• Independent 1
Two MPs cover the region:
York Central Constituency: Rachael Maskell Labour
York Outer Constituency: Julian Sturdy Conservative
They are all white. I was expecting to see a lot of “diversity”. But these must be all woke individuals.
Julie West needs to be careful.
With racist language like that, the council, police, BLM, EHRC, refugee groups, and the Far Left will be onto her faster than you can say ‘inflatable’.
And remember, we must be tolerant of the cultural norms of others. The authorities in Rochdale, Rotherham, and elsewhere have shown us the way.
Thanks Priti. I for one, appreciate your efforts to advance the destruction of the UK whilst unwittingly (perhaps!) promoting the riots and unrest that’s now looming.
By the way, Priti, your advisers will have informed you that there’s not a cat in hells chance of the police restraining the foreigners once they start.
A Sheffield independent councillor explained
Labour/Tory’s are all in on the Sanctuary Cities scam
even rural districts are signing up.
Imagine if you own a load of properties some empty.
You get your council to join Sanctuary Cities, they apply for £Xmillion grant and get sent 100 refugees etc
Bang your properties get filled up.
Then when local homeless turn up, you say “sorry bog off the money is to only help asylum seekers”
That local York newspaper prints every press release from Asylum seeker NGOs, but not normal police news about the asylum seekers.
“two asylum seekers have been arrested on suspicion of affray at the hotel where they are staying. North Yorkshire Police said two men, both aged 19, had been released on conditional bail while inquiries continued, and another man, aged 24, had been arrested on suspicion of assault and affray following an incident at Clifton Moor Retail Park, and released on conditional bail while inquiries continued.”
There is a list of Sanctuary Cities
But I suspect mny are just one or two activists
eg the list says “Greater Lincolnshire” making it it sound like the entire region of old Lincolnshire
but it actually looks like a couple of activists in rural Louth.
just looked at the Staff involved on the webpage
ALL women?with some ‘BAMES’ thrown in……
Hi Stew – this is a reason why we need an alternative to the BBC that actually gives news relevant to people living in the UK.
There is so much important news not being covered by the BBC. And when someone tries to look into what is actually going on, they encounter barriers and evasion.
Reading the article in The York Press (sorry I kept on deleting my comment to give myself more editing time) I realised how everyone in authority’s attention is on other things rather than the actual people.
In York each person in authority quoted spoke in platitudes over the imagined saintly qualities of asylum seekers and all their attention was in welcoming and protecting them rather than the people of York.
Your comment suggesting corruption might be involved could help to explain what is happening here.
I’m so cynical I assume corruption first and work backward – hence the inability of the civil service / border farce to stop the daily hotel invasions …eg stick a couple of frigates in the channel , capture any boat and pull it back into France . The French are not our friends – so no need to make nice to them
Perhaps the locals will decide on some appropriate way of discouraging the visitors from their antics.
Talk Radio : Jan Shortt from National Pensioners Convention talking about TV Licences is on
She says it’s the government’s fault.
She looks like a Labour union person *
just said “Means testing is the most UNFAIR way of awarding benefits”
.. em that sounds completely wrong to me.
* “NPC a union-backed organisation”
“NPC representing 1.4M Pensioners across its affiliated unions and organisations”
I’m so glad that our splendid government are “following the science.” Some cynical types might think this just is a pathetic way of passing the buck, or that advisors are there to advise and governments to govern. Not a bit of it…
We’ve now been warned that because schools must open in September, we’ll have to get used to losing certain other facilities to compensate. You know, those things we don’t really need, like pubs, bars and restaurants. No doubt by September they’ll also have us all dressed up like Buzz Lightyear before we’re allowed out of the house, but that’s another story…
Now, to me, this doesn’t make much sense, but I’m perfectly willing to hand over the responsibility of the safe running of our country to these unelected bureaucrats. Why wouldn’t I? I mean their track record is exemplary…
I recall that the government were following the science when they jettisoned hundreds of elderly and vulnerable folk from hospital back to care homes, to protect the revered and holy NHS. That turned out to be a rip roaring success, didn’t it?.
The latest estimates (not from the NHS, they seem to have gone quiet on the matter) suggests that it’s somewhere around 30,000 more than usual died in care homes, during the pandemic. I just wonder what might have led to that catastrophic figure? It’s baffling…
We really need some grown ups in charge at a time like this. Not these wittering wimps who hide behind “the science” every time they have to make a decision. We’ve got an economy on life support and the prospect of millions on the dole. We’ve quarantined an entire nation. This can’t continue for much longer. It’s insane.
Boris, believe it or not, you’re actually the prime minister. Yes, I realise this has come as a shock, but you’re the PM. The decisions should be made by YOU. Not by Doctor Death and certainly not by the increasingly sinister, Himmler Hancock.
It’s down to you!
FFS grow a pair…
In the discussion about Care Homes some have blamed them for being private and not prepared . However – the NHS PHE advice initially was ‘don’t worry ‘ – and the ever so gradually increased . Meanwhile Hancock was looking straight into the camera during briefings how they had ‘wrapped their protective arms ‘ around care homes ( or lies to that effect ) .
Obviously Hancock is a dead man walking but so should his predecessor….who was in charge far longer . The same must go for PHE and NHS senior command . But i suspect one of the reasons for the failures was the amount of energy going into avoiding individual culpability ( that’s the nicest way I can describe avoidable eff ups )by those with the power and resources to have got stuff done . .
@Jeff @Fed \\ NHS PHE advice initially was ‘don’t worry ‘ //
I disagree, and I find the comments dramaqueening
No one said that returning patients were 100% safe.
A negative test result isn’t worth much cos granny could pick up Covid from the ambulance or staff on the journey from the hospital to nursing home.
That is why each home should have proper procedures
I bet in most cases it did work.
That granny on returning was kept in isolation for the first week
that staff wore PPE
That not only were symptomatic staff kept away, but precautions were taken against possible asymptomatic staff like keeping the set of staff working with returnees separate from the main area of the home, eg not using the same toilets etc.
When cases broke out that was probably through not following procedures. Like we know some used agency staff who were going from one home to another etc.
Are care home deaths “catastrophic” ?
Old people die, it’s what happens
especially when they just been in hospital and move back to home.
So it is not a catastrophe when someone dies a month or two early.
2017 research : There are around 5,500 different providers in the UK operating 11,300 care homes for the elderly.
with 410,000 residents
(they’ll of course be a normal death turnover each month)
Drama queening – below is an extract from page 11 of the public accounts committee report-
“ On 17 March the NHS told trusts to discharge urgently all medically fit hospital patients with COVID-19 to maximise inpatient and critical care capacity. On 2 April, the Department told care homes that they needed to make their full capacity available and could admit patients with COVID-19 by isolating suspected or confirmed cases. Some Local Authorities were pressurising Care Homes to take patients discharged from hospitals.19 Yet until 15 April there was no policy to test patients for COVID-19 before discharging them to care homes. By this point 25,000 people had been discharged from hospitals to care homes and the Department does not know how many had COVID-19.20“
If want to carry on defending your NHS knock yourself out – I presume you work for it or some other bit of the medical empire . That would explain your callous dictum of its doesn’t matter -they were old – so they were gonna die anyway ‘ – and ‘it’s only a few extra thousand …..unbelievable
What did I say about tests in my post ?
How different would a home treat a returning patient with a negative test to a positive one ?
Ans , you treat them no different.
The MPs might think tests make a magic difference but they don’t.
I wonder if that committee is anti Boris dominated ?
16 members led by Meg Hillier MP (Chair) Labour Co-op been in command many years
9 members are Tory so they only have a majority if all turn up
with 410,000 peoples homes
How many deaths did you expect ?
There is unlikely to be a meeting of minds on this stewgreen
I note you didnt withdraw your insult about ‘drama queening . I do not see the unnecessary deaths of thousands of elderly people in care homes – where frightened staff were doing their best to cope ‘ drama queening ‘ and i ask you to withdraw it .
As for the Commons Report . You dismiss it because Meg Hillier is Chair and she os Labour . I am perfectly aware of thr complexion of that committee. Ive read the report .
From your comments you appear to be one of those who cannot accept what os said by an opposition politician . There times for that but i am not a slave to any political party and certainly not one which allowed these deaths to happen through negligence and an inability to deal with it .
I have a nagging view that they prioritised hospitals and left the care homes at the mercy of the virus . They should admit that so that we know that the next time there are similar circumstances individuals act accordingly .
I m personally disappointed by your attitude and if i had personal involvement – such a relative in s care home – or even worse – knew someone who had died from the chinese virus my words and trsponse to you would be far stronger .
Agree Fedup
This insane religious worship of the highly inefficient bureaucratic self idolising NHS is beyond belief..and I work with it.
It should be taken back to what it was originally designed for….
And having experienced the French and German systems….it ain’t the best in the world
Rant over
Cheers For the Support James . One of the saddest consequences of the pandemic ( long term ) is that the NHS is fireproofed now by the likes of the BBC into a ‘wonderful Organisation ‘ continuously pulling in More and more taxpayers’ cash without improved patient care .
Indeed – the drive to killing off the elderly will yield it even more money .
.I think even if the pandemic had not happened the current socialist government would not have tried to reform ( cut it down ) it – even through the Mechanism of Elderly Social/ Dementia Care .
Even the coming ‘scandals ‘ about the NHS won’t affect it and the ‘freebies’ and discounts will continue … although they are …taxable …?
By the way – I don’t think your comment was a ‘rant ‘ .
Jeff, I think Boris was spooked so badly when he caught it and suffered more than most. Possibly his wife is running cotton wool protection at home. Or maybe the dog is. This has clouded his judgement to the level of a jellyfish.
In my local area, according to the Interactive map embedded in most online media, there are 3 -9 new cases. Not sure how many I am going have come into contact with in my local Sainsburys.
And you can imagine the whole top bit frantically trying to find out if they – and their families had got it as well…. meanwhile a country was left to it ….
you genuinely believe Johnson was ‘ill’?..seriously?
wake up
He wasn’t ill . He experienced a metamorphosis.
He morphed from Churchill into Chamberlain .
I am off, don’t wake me up………..
Sorry gb. I’ve heard all the excuses. I don’t doubt his brush with the grim reaper had a profound impact. However, it wasn’t this that altered his mind. He bottled it when he saw the body bags piling up in Italy, long before his trip to St Thomas’s. And he’s got even worse since.
“We’re following the science” is a nice safe mantra. “Don’t blame me” and “It wasn’t me guv. honest” might almost do as well. However, the useless, bovine, lump of lard happens to be our prime minister, God help us and he’s about as useful and decisive as an ingrowing a?se as far as I can see.
He’s not leading, he’s following. If he is suffering from some post traumatic Covid stress syndrome, then he’d better clear the way for someone who’s up to the job.
But who?
And that really is the 64 million dollar question…
Unfortunately he won’t go . So that’s not a game worth investing in . What it needed was someone who could do detail , common sense and realise he had / had an 80 majority and another 3 years –
If I recall – I saw 95% plus of the briefings and I can’t recall one of the muppets put up being capable of convincing . I can’t think of anyone with a head big enough to absorb the short medium and long term on top of brexit as well as shed the blood of failures in public .
If winter doesn’t bring on a severe ‘conventional ‘ flu season and covid dies back then it will just be luck – same with the development of an effective vaccine or two which doesn’t land up getting shipped to America before everyone else . …..
Following the science seems now to mean shutting down the economy just so as we can keep the NHS and the schools running. Presumably we will pay for this by printing million pound notes featuring a picture of Mahatma Gandhi? Thanks, Boris. Socialist utopia has arrived.
I don’t expect to see this on the BBC, apparently a car carrying migrants in this direction through Greece crashed into a concrete barrier in some road works.
7 passengers died and 5 were injured.
That’s 12 migrants in one 5 seater car.
If this is a standard practice what are the Greek police doing?
If it involves smuggling there needs to be MUCH, MUCH MORE punitive sentences for smuggling in this ridiculous (and greedy) way through Europe. And this includes all those overloaded Channel Craft, I suggest they are routinely tried and if convicted sentenced for murder.
digg, we have various ‘gods’ in the UK; the NHS is one, gender diversity is another, racial diversity is yet another, and so on.
In the EU their ‘gods’ are many and various like ours but they also include the Four Freedoms.
Freedom for Corruption, Freedom for Illegality, Freedom for Wealth and Freedom to Make Up Rules. Er, I think that is what they are. Ummmh, well that’s how it all works out in the end.
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
Ammonium nitrate in the fuel tank? Car went like a rocket.
A positive story on the BBC website about the chinese virus! ( swoon)
The front page says
“ the UKs virus status may be better than we think “
Then you click on it and get
“ coronavirus : is the UK in a better position than we think ?
By a droid called Nick Triggle ..,,
The piece is a bit long , disjointed and hard to follow – however – for the BBC – it is uncharacteristically upbeat in parts – but of course it accuses the government of overdoing local lockdowns without sufficient and accurate data .
If Mr Triggle produces any more stuff like this he ll soon find himself on the 4am show at BBC radio rockall .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – If you need a good laugh
have a look at the BBC Home Page and scroll down to the Food section. The look at the item immediately below on the left. Alternatively, if you need further evidence that the world is going insane read the article as well:
I blame it on all those Totem Poles.
Have they pulled them down yet?
Radio 4 news sorrowful announcement of the new Hindu temple in India opened by Modi and how it is counter to the ideal of a secular state and how it will upset muslims. Such a contrast to the BBCs joyful announcements about new mosques and islamic events here.
Just listening to 1 pm news but i’ve heard this at least twice today.
Despairada, the Beeb were very keen to tell me about the first Islamic prayers held at the Hagia Sophia Mosque which was once a cathedral.
I wonder why?
It is strange how the BBC is always so sympathetic of these ‘anti muslim’ things…if it isn’ those in china it is something else and promotes their festivals as though they are mainstream…
But always find a way to avoid Christian persecution stories and words like Christmas…in case they offend other faiths…
Glad I am not paying for their crap…
Has the bbc started about the number of mosques blown up in Beirut yet ?
A couple of points actually.
@bbcradio4 drama now .. Mainstream folks ?
Nope it’s a repeat : playright ” Daf James’ journey to adopt as a gay man and his upbringing as a Welsh speaker in Cowbridge”
His partner is called Hywel.
Then tomorrow, Thurs 6th August his brand new play about HIS GRANDMOTHER will air at 2:15pm
4pm Is Laurie doing more Marxism ? No Maoism
“Maoism: Laurie Taylor explores the changing face of a revolutionary ideology.”
It’s a repeat from 2018
4:30pm discussing the Murdoch clan, among other things.
with Chris Williams (Telegraph biz)
BTW someone tweeted
He saw “@amolrajan shoe horn a mention for @GilScott_Heron into the
@BBCNews at 1pm today “
One for American Beauty and squad to file under ‘not news’?
Talking of out of control staff under inept or equally venal heads, it seems Spring has sprung an integrity leak and JezBo decided to spray Ronsonol everywhere just to calm things down.
Next, Champion Ash doing a special on media representation under Lewis Goodhall. Amol on edit.
Emily is still having her corset rock bolts removed.
Sources closeish to the BBc have learned.
And, amazingly, there is what they decide needs not reporting even when it happened.
Jez runs a tight ship.
It says the BBC pattern is that, when Israel is attacked, BBC hold back on reporting.
But when Israel retaliates, suddenly it’s worth reporting.
Darn I was going to tidy up my warehouse full of dangerous explosives.
..I’ll leave it another year, it’ll be alright.
Tarnjit Singh Sangha, I salute you!
This Sikh gentleman shows more patriotism for the UK than almost every waste of space Media Reporter, MP, Civil Servant, Judge, Social Worker or Policeman in our Country
100% agree digg-a further number of migrants have crossed the channel no doubt from France-what will happen to them? Will they be sent back? How many of them will be tested to Covid 19? Will they be detained in quarantine? Are the British Government obliged to look after these people who have made an illegal challenge to land on British Shores? Now over 4000 migrants have apparently been taken from the channel into the UK-I refuse to accept that there is a humanitarian aspect/issue to be considered, these people knew exactly what they doing and we should be very concerned that most are youngish men who all seem to have mobile phones, who have one way or another paid the Trafficking gangs a large sum of money to facilitate their passage across Europe. For goodness sake this government and us all, have to wake up as to what really is happening-an Islamic invasion, that has managed over the last twenty years or so to build a strong base from which to control the mostly idigenous Christian White people of Northern Europe. Just consider the number of Muslims who hold major positions of power in Politics, Local Government Councils, the Police, the Broadcasters such as the BBC et al, and much else. Our voices of protest are being deliberately silenced. War is close.
Local radio news “Hull councillor was racially abused during lockdown”
from newspaper “Aneesa Akbar suffered racist abuse after challenging far-right propaganda”
People were saying I was racist and sent offensive pictures.
“I had emails from people across the city * linked to* Britain First.”
.. ” linked to” is a lifting word , & guilt by association fallacy there.
“Councillor Akbar is originally from Manchester and came to Hull in 2010 to study politics ”
She hasn’t used theF-R word in her radio bit nor Britain First..
funny how she says it’s everyone else that is divisive
On Jul 30 She said of TR “Stop calling racists and fascists political campaigners,”
Jul 31 She was angry that Hull police came to a Park where “black muslim familes were celebrating Eid”
She is everything she accuses the far right of
She wrote that Labour did a witch-hunt against anti-Semitism cos it’s *Islamophobic*
she was outraged when the local paper reported a big group of Asian met gathering on the street during lockdown.
Even though it was a genuine police story.
She said speaking about creates division.
Looks like Disney’s latest push with the relaunch of The Muppets to make the World go woke, anti-family, anti Christian etc. etc. especially the children’s World has gone tits up!
Hopefully this will mean it will tank on the BBC’s Britbox.
A lot of it about.
My fave reaction so far.