The 6th is another anniversary – this time its the dropping Of The Bomb on Japan . So let’s be ready for the annual rollout of The BBC reciting CND propaganda , another free run for the SNP to remove bases from Scotland – with a dusting of braveheart independence again – on top of its’ enthusiastic support for the latest iteration of Marxism .
Midweek Thread 5 August 2020
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According to the Guinness Book of Records, given to me in 1967 by my Granddad. The hottest ever in Britain was 100.5 F on 22nd July 1868. The Met Office said that the third hottest ever since records began in 1910, was 100 F at Heathrow Airport last Friday. Independent Meteorologists confirm that the 1910 date is “Fake News” as records go back to the 18th Century.
I asked the question “Why are ANY temperature recording stations at ANY airport?” Answer “Because they give higher readings” Being assisted by the Tarmac, Jet Engine Heat Blast and Urban Heat Island Effects. Spikes of temperature at airports are also liked by the Met Office. A photo showing a Jet lined up with a weather station at an Italian airport seems to indicate the reason for spikes of temperature. Also results show that latex painted Stevenson Screens raised the maximum recorded temperature by 0.3 degrees Fahrenheit when compared with the whitewashed Stevenson Screens of the past. Other scams used to raise the temperature include Heat-generating radio equipment installed inside Stevenson screens near to the temperature sensors. In other cases, the weather stations were near to the outlet vents of air conditioning systems.
The whole scare about global warming is based on a claimed, observed temperature rise of only 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in a century (Ignoring the fiddling of the US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) temperature records).
About fifteen years ago the BBC broadcast a documentary that talked about the Urban Heat Island effect. Apparently a weather station set up in the open country had to be shut down due to urban sprawl. It seems that any mention of this effect at the Met Office became a taboo, eventually leading to the possibility of using the weather station at Heathrow Airport.
This explains the difference between Mainstream Media “Global Warming” and the 21st Century Pause/Hiatus/Peak followed by a recent cooling trend detected by Solar Astronomers and independent Meteorologists.
In fairness to flyers and my own flying days – it was vital to get an accurate air temp as it made a big difference to getting me helicopter off the ground in hot thin air without blowing up the engine.
As for met records – i view the fact that accurate records probably only go back a life span as my reason for not accepting the grettas of this world – particularly if they base there theories on tree rings ….
Didn’t they also reduce the number of reporting weather stations with a disproportionate number of those in open countryside being closed.
A lot of weather stations were lost when records had to be kept in metric. Many volunteers who had the weather stations in their gardens just stopped.
BBC News channel around 7:10pm had a “disinformation reporter” banging on about social media spreading fake news. The “reporter” just gets her information from Twitter and Instagram. She mentioned fake reports of a nuclear explosion on social media.
Whilst she was talking and still going on right now the news ticker at the bottom of the screen says the Lebanon blast “caused by 2,750 tonnes of explosive stored unsafely” when the truth is it was caused by fertiliser stored unsafely.
Only the BBC can make themselves the police of fake news whilst showing fake news at the same time! The far left and hyprocrisy go hand in hand.
Tabs, I came back here to post an update on that. I listened to the 6 p.m. R4 News and I noted that a certain amount of doubt is starting to creep into the mind of their Lebanon correspondent. Sorry cannot remember name, John Sudworth was it? The uncertainty was there, though. Sudden arrests by the Government probably help to raise questions. A bit of a ‘Chinese Response’.
I would dig a bit deeper if I was there and a working Beeboid journalist. Is the dockland area a Hamas District? Under Fatah control? Palestine LA? Or just Warlord/Gangster controlled? I thought the latter mostly were away from the capital but who knows? It’s Lebanon.
On the subject of BBC misinformation, one of their current faults is to keep talking or writing of coronavirus. If they are refering to Covid-19, then they need to use the prefix ‘novel’ or ‘new’ otherwise they might well be talking about the common cold.
Then there’s Prof. Neil Ferguson, the disgraced Prof. He was on the 6 p.m. News providing a voice clip. How come he has been ‘rehabilitated’ by the BBC but Dominic Cummings has not? I have a question for the BBC to put to Prof Ferguson. ‘Has the R rate for England ever been above 1 since 1 March 2020?’ and the BBC could ask three more similar questions for N.Ireland and Wales and Scotland.
Caused by fertiliser, eh? Naughty fertiliser!
Al Beeb
“Channel migrants: Eight boats attempt crossing to UK”
Misleading headlines – “Attempt “? read on ……………
“Eight boats have been stopped in the Channel and 120 migrants brought to the UK, the Home Office has said.”
“Border Force intercepted three boats in the early hours and later encountered a further five, a government spokesman said.”
“One vessel was carrying 36 people, including 26 men and 10 women.”
Is our ‘so called’ Tory complicit ? More and more will come .
The problem with deeming something unacceptable is it it seems silly when it’s clear it is basically accepted.
‘Speaking as a black man’, how would he know?
Not ratioed yet 1.9K Likes vs 900 comments mainly contesting, but a handful not
All the dots join up into one very clear and worrying picture. The French Government’s dismantling of the camps around Paris, and their continued policy of allowing the occupants to flee, is pushing the migrants north in search of other areas to live. The NGOs then help to escort and feed them during their journey, and then the migrants make contact with the smuggler gangs on the coast. Once the fees have been paid, the migrants leave the coast and the navy shadow them until they leave French waters, when the British authorities willingly take over – and pick up the bill.
Follow the money………….
Interesting opinion, Jon.
The beeb webshite tells us that a ‘woman’ was murdered by a ‘man’.
Strangely BBC TV news don’t seem too interested.
BBCNews channel did give us a glance of his face
.. The item before it was a lengthy “BAME are the biggest victims of Covid”
Seems pure racism to me to divide the nation by skin colour like that
instead of explaining nuance like that rich countryside people have had a much easier time than crowded city areas etc.
De-fund the BBC.
It should be turned into a charity. If viewers like it they can make donations. The non-British broadcaster can hold charitable events such as ‘Black Nose Day’. Lots of organisations can survive on charity and donations such as the RSPCA, NSPCC, Bernado’s, Wikipedia etc,………
The BBC world service can be funded by subscription. Why should we in the UK pay for it?
All the government need do is fund a very basic, unbiased, news service.
IM with you on your loathing of the BBC Taffman but Charity ?
Dont forget there are loads of false charities now that are more pressure groups than altruistic services . And ” charities ” get money from the government . Some charities (like the RSPB ) get more from the government , ie us , the taxpayer , than from donations .
If the “charities ” then claim something the government likes , like more taxes to fight climate change , the government gives them even more money to fund “research” that concludes with more taxes to counter XX problem . So the government can tax or infringe civil liberties even more because A X Report From The Y Charity Says That ….. etc .
And wouldnt the BBC like that .
The other alternative then is to privatise it . The Tory Party are good at that. Remember BT, British Gas etc ? Float it on the open market and sell shares in it.
Both the BBC1 news at 6pm and 10pm news had an item about some young women who were having a bad time with a Liverpool gymnastics club. These were apparently women hoping to reach the heights of their sport. I would expect them to be pushed to their limits. But these young women were presented as having been bullied and they were excellent at their Daily Mail sad faces. They would have all had 10s.
I don’t approve of bullying but we weren’t really told anything terrible but a story delivered to present a terrible story. It is the way the BBC tells them.
Comments are disastrous. People are waking up.
– More left wing so called comedy and satire, you can stick that bollox where the sun doesn’t shine.
– Can you show us other puppets so we know its not just going to be a boris bashing fest?
– It will be interesting to see how many female and BAME puppets they have. Surely they will be diverse and all that? Or don’t people want diversity if it is satirising them? Then of course it will be called sexist and racist.
– Can’t help but feel it will be a left wing festival of woke and politically correct nonsense that constantly slates the Tories and Donald Trump. I hope I am wrong.
– Used to love the old series, but we are now VERY prepared for @BBC with your partisan tribal politics to make this a one-side jab to push your biased political agenda! #DefundTheBBC because your worth it!
Etc etc.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
They haven’t done since Pontias was a ‘pilot’.
I don’t know if Fluck & Law will be involved, but they were hard core leftists.
The original Spitting Image ran until 1996. It thus never had to cover the disastrous “New Labour” era. Everything which happened between 1997 and 2010 was fine by them. This is the first time since 1997 that there is a Conservative government with a working majority, and oh, what a surprise, Spitting Image is back!
I doubt anyone who is not a certifiable leftist loon will fall for their biased schtick. But Boris really needs to put on his big boy trousers and defund the BBC. Does he not see an enemy when it is right before him?
American Beauty RTing this would be ironic.
On BBCs new drama Harlots, set in the 18C, lots of bonking and colourful language, but predictably, and being the Beeb, also many black out of place characters i.e. in a mixed relationship (?), another extra was dressed like a toff walking in the street with his ‘lady’ (???), various mixed race kids, but what I think they did get wrong was the way a punter spoke to a mixed race harlot in a derogatory manner, and being reprimanded for it by another punter. In the 18 Cent yes there may well have been black sex workers, but equally their punters would have been illiterate and ill mannered and would care less about the feelings of these women, so would use and abuse them for a few pence.
No, the last thing the Beeb wanted was realism, so even a period drama doesn’t escape their tiresome agenda, of BAMEs not being spoken to nicely. Ok for white characters to be viciously realistic, but we’re not in the minority and need to be appeased are we.
English ‘Toffs’ dressed in their finery with their purses full of coin, visiting a filthy whore house in an area where, if they had dared to venture, they would have been beaten up or murdered for their silk handkerchiefs.
BBC can’t help themselves !
Insomniac in Kent, Scrobs decided to listen to Dotun and Jonathan Wingate on their Thursday morning music ring-in.
I quite like some of the banter, as they are old mates, so any caller joins in and a jolly time is had by all.
‘A whiter shade of pale’ won whatever they were doing, and deservedly so, (Although I would have put forward ‘America’ by The Nice, as it came out in time for my 21st birthday in 1968), but then came the point where the early morning went downhill – like – bottomless in just a few seconds, as Dotun had Lynn Sweet from ‘The Chicago Sun’ banging on for twenty-nine and a half minutes of anti-President Trump banality, Twotter and Bookface being the bastions of propriety and how Joe Biden (another American person, apparently), was taking the country by storm, with huge audiences, scientific debate and measured discussion, which would be bound to make him – er – President(?).
Now this where I like Dotun, as he just muttered that ‘we over here’ hadn’t heard of Mr Biden for ages, even since the Covid intrusion started, and this put out Huffpo gal on the back foot, trying desperately to make anyone see how President Trump = bad, Mr Biden = good.
Didn’t work unfortunately! Far too much bias. No debate.
Then, as the music for the top of the hour started to kick in, a twenty-nine second rattle of quickfire exchanges on the very important Hiroshima anniversary made a mockery of the whole US leftie lobby! Total confusion from the other side of the pond and that ignominy of ignominy – a gasping fade out!
Now downstairs, a restorative mug of Yorkshire Gold later, these fingers just fly over the keys on the Scrobs-electric-machine, and a good day in the garden beckons! Those purple-sprouting-broccoli plants will just fly in!
The night’s R5 events are fading fast…
Scrobs, you do realise that drinking Yorkshire Gold you are supporting an organisation which supports BLM? I wrote and asked them why were they supporting a Marxist organisation. Their first response didn’t address my question. My follow up email where I plainly repeated my question was ignored. I threatened to take my business away from their excellent sister company Betty’s (a cafe) but it will be hard to visit York and not indulge.
@ Deborah 7.54am. Being a Yorkshire lass I’ve been drinking Yorkshire Tea for a while ????, I also have emailed them several times for an explanation but to no avail. My final email told them I would finish what I had and then find a firm that doesn’t want to abolish the Police and have the equivalent of Mosley’s Blackshirts on the streets. P.G. are also off my shopping list.
Rington’s of Newcastle are ok, I am fairly sure, and their tea is excellent.
Interest as we speak, Banners!
(I can never see your avatar, without recalling Rowan Atkinson’s sketch about ‘Tom, Dick and Harry’…)!
Well worth the chuckle!
Why P.G., Mrs K?
But Harrogate makes gorgeous toffee…
(And a lovely, beautiful chum went to St Ethelburga’s…)..:0~
I know have the same dilemma when visiting Harrogate or York. I wonder if when visiting the cafes wearing a White Lives Matter Too badge would ease my conscience ? But would I get served?
Kitty/Deb I also wrote when all this kicked off, and I did get a reply, but it was clearly a standard letter type, – that as a company they were committed ……. etc etc. I too have given up their products, and now indulge with M & S Gold tea bags.
Someone on here recommended teabags from a West Country company DJ Miles (, when this Yorkshire Tea episode began. Must say, quite like them, after getting used to the different taste. Mrs XP doesn’t care for them as much, though. Mail order can make it a bit pricey, though.
Quite a lot to be said for Typhoo apart from that copywriter’s dream line.
Available most places, one of the cheapest proper brands and often discounted. Flavour every bit as good as monkeying around the pyramids.
Like the idea, Up!
My Mum always drank Typhoo, it was in a little grey packet (the tea, not my Mum, who would have been 106 just today, 6th August), and it was the only tea we ever had at home for years and years…
Will get some next time – promise!
I’ll look at them now, X!
After all, if a cup of tea costs a few pence more, how much is a slurp of Claret; volume-wise?
Quite a lot methinks!
Double, we could easily get something stronger in a bar or somewhere – much easier!
Pensioners Lives Matter! (Not that I think/know/wonder about your status, but as you’ve kindly responded, I’ll put you in the youngest category:0)
I just didn’t know that, as I rarely see such stuff online, and never watch the BBC live, or ITV for that matter – ‘Pensioner’s Lives Matter’ is my priority! Thanks for the tip off, I’ll not get it again.
Seeing the other posts below, who can recommend an alternative please?
I have a super mate from Mauritius, who really knows his tea, but as I’ll never visit mare Khaaans ‘london’ again for obvious reasons, I can’t get to the place that sells it – even if I knew where it was…
We have a Waitrose and a Tesco nearby. The ‘Finest’ Assam tea isn’t sold at Tesco now, and the Orange stuff at Waitrose isn’t that fab either…
Senora O’Blene quite likes Twinings English Breakfast, so I’ll try that for starters!
Bummer all this isn’t it! I don’t buy Kelloggs stuff now, and can’t actually remember why…
Scrob, you may need a couple of bags per serving of Twinings English Breakfast if you like it strong.
I’ve now got myself a new teapot with inclusive strainer, for proper tea leaves, and blimey ! forgot how good it tastes. Only slightly more faff than bags, but worth it.
Awwww – thank you, Brissles!
Do you remember the craze for glass teapots, which ‘closed down’ the tea with some sort of plunger, and made it last longer, (the tea – not the plunger, that’s for ‘The Sun’, or ‘The Star’)?
My lovely M.I.L. broke the one we gave her, so we never actually found out what it was like!
Senora O’Blene has perfected the way to tip the boiling water into the mug, without drowning the little tag, and boiling your fingers! She just stands the mug on the tab, and ‘Bob’s your Auntie’!
I’ll try your method tomorrow, when I wake up at around 4:30am, and thinking of England, but it’ll have to be the little bags, as the loose tea was composted about eight years ago…:0)
Isn’t this all much nicer banter than the squealing drones in W1AA, carping on about dross they can’t be arsed to research properly!
My last lot of tea came from Steenberg’s in North Yorks. Organic, Fairtrade etc etc Lovely tea, good prices .. and I’m picky! I have chilli masala chai from there which is even strong enough for me.
Good company, British, well packaged .. can recommend them.
“How long does it take to get planning permission?”
Not long the way things are going with the present government . There is desperate shortage housing in this country and those hotels need emptying to allow more accommodation for those that have been “intercepted” in the Channel. Goodbye ‘England’s green and pleasant land’.
This is so true Taff. Farmland adjacent to where I live was considered untouchable for housing, but I’ve now noticed that the ‘fallow period’ is still ongoing, so I’m not holding out much hope that this will return to crops, and fear that the farmer has sold his soul for yet another few hundred houses.
Amazing how couples struggle to make the deposit for a property, yet these new homes are occupied within weeks of being finished. How ???
Brissles, my dear old thing, something strange happened in the first hour of the TOADY Prog today. I should have done a TOADY Watch on it but forgot. There was a news item about the planning law change and the Socialist response, but the BBC reporter actually questioned ‘could there be another reason driving the rush to build’.
I think he was hinting lightly that it might be due to the new arrivals reaching Kent on a daily basis.
And Hastings, Up!
The cars come by here around 3:00am, full of wailing and gnashing of teeth…
And that’s just plod, failing to catch them…
\\Michelle Obama: Former US first lady says she has ‘low-grade depression’//
Could it be ‘Trumpaphobia’?
BBC News
“These are not fulfilling times, spiritually… Not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife, and… watching the hypocrisy of [the Trump administration].”
Michelle Obama says she has low grade depression.
Wait until American Beauty’s dealer drops off a baggie of the high grade stuff.
And the [brackets]… nice touch.
Dropped the brackets here.
Clearly didn’t want to be too blatant.
Sky drilling down.
Can picture her now, her tears seeping into the duck down pillows of her bed in their £19 million dollar home.
“US election 2020 poll tracker: Who is ahead – Trump or Biden?”
As several pundits have observed, how would we know? A toxic biased media has created such a poisonous atmosphere that voters might feel safer keeping their views to themselves.
Lurch snarking on rigged media is peak irony.
Lurch gunning for Top Gear Murica?
Seems he has missed all the posts suggesting that guy behind the wheel of anything is unwise.
Low key, Lurch… low key.
VF is a big RT source for the Beauty Squad (BS in future… sorry, Fed).
Has Al Beeb mentioned anything about England’s cricketers not ‘taking the knee’ yet ?
Jez’ entry down the line might prove an issue for much debate in Frankie Howerd.
Zen and the art of safe fertilizer storage in the Levant
With our BBC-led press corps enjoying nothing more than a good nitpick at government policy, one might have thought this little Financial Times headline would garner more prominence:
‘Sweden’s light-touch lockdown pays off’
That’s tucked away as one of seven smaller stories that make up the FT’s cover page ‘Briefing’, a section which in total is dwarfed by the size of their Lebanon story.
The Telegraph’s front page ‘Briefing’ provides more of an index to its contents that reads almost as though it were some coda to life itself: ‘Puzzels, Obituaries, TV listings, Weather’ – perhaps the great puzzel of life is for us to rearrange these elements as seems fitting?
But one has come to prefer the smaller non-headline items on the newspaper front pages. Often there’s more enlightenment to be found at the margins.
A minor story for the Times front page is our nationalised broadcaster being mean to grandma: ‘BBC spending £38m chasing over 75s fees’ whereas there’s no such headline in the Labour-supporting Mirror which immodestly asserts itself to be ‘The heart of Britain’. The Star meanwhile pleads for readers to ‘Save a dog’.
The Star does seek to hold our politicians to account: ‘Parliament scumbags are at it again. They’re worse than bloody seagulls’.
One yearns to read further to discover how that is – but that’s not the game we’re playing here.
Mind you, last time I checked in with Sir David Attenborough, seagull’s couldn’t vote themselves a payrise but our seaside feathered friends could certaintly shit on us from a considerable height.
I’ve just requested a Reality Check from our beloved BBC. The question. I posed was this (140 character limit):
” Is the BBC Left Wing, Anti British, consumed with a Woke Agenda and not fit for purpose”
Apparently I will be contacted if they will be investigating my question, so I assume I will not be hearing from them anytime soon.
About as likely as 99% of the questions posed to Alistair OBE to pass on in his America Booty Call.
Aye (great name)…
Mac •
Gotta love the conclusions in this (ahem) Reality Check article on violent crime rates in US:…
The final section asks why murders have spiked in some cities. Reasons given include closed schools, hot weather, relaxing lockdown, coronavirus, ‘dislocation’, whatever that means. No possibility that it could be anything to do with, y’know, lack of police? Nothing to do with all those wonderful de-policing policies that popped up in the wake of a certain protest movement? No, no, no. Don’t be silly. It must be the dislocation.
Maybe Mrs. Barry read beyond the BBC’s ‘reporting’?
Get thee behind me, Satan…
#CCBGB… like, big time.
30 minutes to go.
Hope Craig at ITBB has his transcriber running.
Grabs popcorn…
Wonder if this came up?
Whilst the BBC has been patting itself on the back for strong performances amid all the lockdown restrictions, Ofcom research shows subscription services have done even better.
So when sad circumstance hands them a win on a plate, they still go backwards to those folk can volunteer to pay for?
The report says “The boost in PSB audience figures driven by increased viewing of news programming was shortlived.
Keeping this one for the next ra-ra BS post from Tony, Tim Fran, Rob and the rest of the Alzheimers floor.
Latest Media Mast…. persons of indeterminate gender podcast does NOT have a Beeboid. However…
Hadas Gold
CNN Correspondent
Hadas Gold is CNN’s media, tech and politics correspondent based in London. Beginning her career as a web producer at Politico in 2012, then media reporter, she joined CNN in 2017, moving to the UK the following year. Since then she reported extensively on Brexit and now coronavirus. In this in-depth interview, Hadas discusses the current east/west tensions in tech and its impact on the future of the internet, shares her concern for reporters accused of fake news in countries without the ‘protection of the first amendment’, and reflects on her experience in Argentina with the Pultizer fellowship in 2011, where she spent time with the cartoneros who dig for recyclables in Buenos Aires, learning to handle sensitive situations and convey both emotion and politics when telling their story.
Her concerns seem valid if employed by CNN.
Brian Seltzer and Jim Acosta certainly ‘convey emotion’ in their politics.
Can’t imagine why.
As in why 16% don’t yet.
Last two nights? Fired up the heating system. Never in my span of life have I known this in August. Indeed, used the system several times so far.
‘Dear Greta……….’
The spectre of a second lockdown is hanging in the air amidst grave warnings of a second wave of coronavirus on the way. In the UK, some cities enjoyed a brief respite only to be locked down again as wider testing reveals positive results in largely asymptomatic people. Leaving you to read our news snippets for the questions over the validity and reliability of the tests, the burning question is can we afford a second lockdown – mentally, physically, emotionally, socially or economically?
Knowing what we know about the insidious nature of stress and trauma, the fragility of the economy and the paucity of science, we would say a resounding no.
Don’t we owe it to ourselves, our children and future generations to question whether we actively and fully embrace and agree to the ‘new normal’ that is being imposed upon us? Millions of people who protested around the world last weekend have clearly said no. The fact that the mainstream media appear to be silent on the protests doesn’t mean that they’re not happening or that all citizens are going to continue to acquiesce so readily. Further evidence of subjugation and control of all citizens-is communism rearing its ugly head?
Full support from me…the constant BBC rhetoric is the worst.
Yesterday all day banging on about the report about a new rise….it was a bloody model with poor assumptions….but doubt anyone at BBC read it…critically…I did and so Spectator also ripped it apart.
BBC just jump on bad news and nothing good..bloody idiots
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Soshallmeejah swamped?
Simple solution BBC to the problem of social media being swamped by conspiracy theories about the Beirut warehouse explosion: invite a chemist on to Radio 4 (and BBC TV News/Newsnight) and ask them some simple questions:
1. how does Ammonium Nitrate degrade over time?, and,
2. what happens to the constituent chemicals in Ammonium Nitrate as the whole mix ages?
Your negligence, BBC, is the thing that fuels the conspiracy theories and the half-facts washing around social media that you are so concerned about.
The solution, BBC, is in your own hands.
Do your job properly.
It will be interesting to see how quickly other stashes of NH4NO3 are moved …. I saw that there is a bigger one in some Australian port .
The thing took me back to Canary Wharf – the bang and the windows rattling although I was a couple of miles away . I worked that area at the time and the power of that blast was quite something . Whole buildings lifted and dropped again …. and that was only a lorry – or VBIED as some say…..
I’m guessing the Beirut fire brigade will tell the tale – if any survived ….
There’s WW2 ammo ship poking out of an estuary.
One presumes plod has assigned some of their renowned awareness to trainee fish folk oddly heading away from beaches with a a few grenades.
Guest, yup, that one is the Supply Ship Richard Montgomery just off the end of Sheppey. They reckon that – should it explode – the tsunami from the blast would wash over Whits Tee Bubble and Hernia Bay. There’s an exclusion zone around the wreck.
I cannot help feeling that the bangers might be feeling a bit tired and waterlogged after all that time sleeping with the fishes. OTOH, the salinity in the Estuary is said to be very high around there so who knows what might happen.
Fed, yes, that will be a big clue. The BBC are clueless though. I get the impression that they want to stoke social media conspiracies and FakeNews and False Facts in the hope that they will be the beneficiaries in the end.
Speaking of FalseFacts, my inclination would be to understand that Ammonium Nitrate loses, rather than gains, potency over time. I just cannot remember that far back. I can remember the Stray Cats* but not Vivienne Nunis. I can remember being taught how to make our own fireworks by a physics teacher but that was because solid fuel boosters were all the go in 1969.
* I can feel temptation building to link a favourite song from that Brixton gig in 2004. I can remember I wasn’t there! 😉
The Wikipedia entry sounds believable to me:
An ‘explosive’ material can behave in many different ways, loose gunpowder will ‘flash in the pan’, confine it and it will ‘blow up’.
Detonation, from whatever cause, is extremely dangerous in a bulk ‘explosive’ as a lot of energy moves very quickly into adjacent material inducing more detonation reactions, the classic ‘chain reaction’.
The Wikipedia article cites many bulk Ammonium Nitrate explosions.
TOADY Watch #1 – So much to delight those in W1A this a.m.
A great news morning for Beeboids, something to bash our Government with and something with which to present President Trump in a bad light in the USA as the Presidential Election is in its last three months. Oh, joy, much joy, in Beebland.
There’s currently a ‘discussion’ on The Times website as to whether or not you need a TV licence to watch ITV, Channel 4 and Sky.
Someone is saying that you only need the licence for watching BBC.
I thought that it was for any live TV broadcast (but I’ve stayed out of the discussion).
What is the true, legal answer?
Info – any live TV broadcast or recording of it – so all of that lot .- need a licence .
( as an aside I once got a black and white licence – but you have to ring them up to get one and explain you only have a portable black and white TV )… I Only did it to screw them as the admin cost of a cheque must defeat the effort ..
I’ve been looking at the campaign to screw up TV licencing by paying by cheque each month rather than what they want – which is a DD …..
……not for me you understand because I will never pay for the BBC again and am proud that circumstance meant I’ve not had to pay for maybe 10 years past.
But I know some people want/need to be ‘totally legal ‘ on their taxes so the screwing up TV licence campaign is worth a shot …
…….. just anecdotally – reading comments on twitter about people cancelling their licence due to objections about the BBCs anti whitee stance … suggests to me that the rate is increasing … still a long way to go to make an impact of their funding though ….
Once upon a time we had a Wireless Telegraphy Act under which the Post Master General sought to control the operation of radio receivers and transmitters. (A badly-behaved/designed receiver might have acted as a transmitter so the PMG retained the power to shut it down).
The TV licence was built on those foundations. Now many people aren’t watching ‘off-air’ at all, they have gone ‘wired’.
As an aside it has always struck me as data-crazy that the internet has to carry the same programme as, say, a million identical data streams (but time displaced) rather than one big transmitter sending it out once! But then I also used to look in disbelief at satellite dishes a metre apart pointing at the same satellite 23,000 miles away!
It looks like France might be added to the 14 day quarantine list – I think it’s R rate is higher than Spain’s …. however …. politicians and the rest of the bubble like to ‘holiday ‘ in France so If it doesn’t happen … you can deduce why …
And the £ is ‘strengthening ‘ back up to 0.9€ because the Bank of England says fings ain’t quite as bad as predicted …..yet …..
TOADY Watch #2 – just a wee dampener in Scotland afore ye go
Much joy in Govt and Pres bashing but the lockdown in Aberdeen is obviously not so welcome in W1A. All these BBC faves, Mutti, Macron and Wee Nippy all starting to develop feet of clay. Oh dear!
But Manny MacroNapoleon is making a bid to re-colonise Lebanon. He’ll probably offer the Lebs French citizenship for just long enough whilst transiting to the HM Border Farce navette to Dover to ensure he is re-elected in the Polygone.
(A Palestinian friend told me years ago how to determine which of the European countries colonised which Levantine countries by their observation of traffic laws. How true!!)
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – “I’m so worried about
JimJoe” *Is it just me or are the Democratic Party in the USA and the BBC in the US and here just becoming a mite worried about Joe Biden and his chances in November? The Beeb had an item on the w-s yesterday about Rashida Tlaib doing well in a Congressional Primary and think there is a repeat today or maybe the result of another Primary in another State.
I wonder if she might be super-quick nominated to run against President Trump, if in an emergency, anything, something, happened to Joe Biden.
* just a little nod back to the days of ‘Mrs Dale’s Diary’ on the Home Service. 🙂
“ I wonder if she might be super-quick nominated to run against President Trump, if in an emergency, anything, something, happened to Joe Biden.”
Like an ‘accident’ do you mean?
Get it blamed on ‘right wingers’… two birds, one stone.
And not a peep from the MSM other than howls of outrage to suppress any asking questions.
PG, you could add heart attack and dementia to that list. I find Joe Biden’s very occasional campaigning a bit strange. I had Covid-19 in mind as it still seems to be running rampant in the USA.
No-one at the BBC is puzzled by either the sporadic campaigning or the national rate of Covid-19 infection, at all. Not in the slightest.
I wonder why? Could the BBC be in on it?
More than a mite.
All it needs is one more dive by Joe the Inhaler on a young moppet’s neck or an actual live interview with questions, and it is over.
Even the BBC America BS retweeting The Hill like fury won’t help.
Given the Dems do seem aware and are on plan Q by now, quite how ushering in a ringer will play with actual people who vote after all previous shenanigans will be interesting.
At least the BBC headline will be epic: “American Hero: How an old white guy fell o… stood down to let in a faith-based nutter of color transform the USA”.
American Booty may even get a call to the WH for a special to cover the bit of the world outside the East and West coasts.
Assuming he is not lynched by a BLM snatch squad outside.
Nice to see a ‘slam’ head back to the BBC.
Age more slowly?
In your dreams!
And that’s assuming you survive the drugs, knives and guns of your mates.
Yup, I can believe that, Jim. I think of the young Zimbabwean lass working as a carer, who came to help us as a family as part of the LA appointed team. She looked about 15 years old but had 16 year old twins! If I recall correctly, she was a qualified nurse but was going to night school to study for a qualification as an Accounting Technician.
Up2 I concur ! Many I came across in the course of work, looked many years younger than their birth certificate, and the ladies had fabulous skin, – shame about the hair though.
The Today oldies are toast.
Even young Wheelie bin Rowlatt is looking iffy once they pay his ransom.
Furious four year-olds complain that supermarket chocolate is out of reach.
The Commissioner for Children (England), says “This is institutional ageism”.
The BBC announces a month of wall-to-wall programmes addressing children’s issues.
Meanwhile the sane try to break in to the asylums.
Guest Who
So now we have a 17 year old kid who is not only a renowned expert on the health of the planet but an expert on the health of humanity.
Oh do leave orf. Only the brain dead Commies would try to pull a stunt like that and hope it catches on.
I wonder what Greta wants to be when she wakes up.
But she does have a sort of a point. The virus was probably man made in China but was accidentally released. God knows what else is kept in bio research labs all over the world. Let’s hope that the loonies don’t get hold of some.
“The Loonies” have everything they need. Patriots must wake up.
“Coronavirus: 50 million face masks bought by the UK government ditched over safety concerns”
Because they fasten over the ears and might be too loose for some people.
So our NHS staff are not capable of tying a knot in the loop to make it fit ???????
Anything to discredit the Government.
The General
Quite Sir.
Socialist masks would have been SO much more efficient.In fact they would have been So efficient that they would also act as a gag against all those who would dare utter a word that would offend against Socialist sensibilities and there are so many of those forbidden utterances that I can barely speak at all.
The Western World took a Left turn many years ago when it should have turned Right. Unfortunately hindsight is a wonderful thing. All we can do now is pin our hopes on a Trump victory in November. The alternative could very well turn out to be unthinkable because I don’t think that the National Rifle Association in America are likely to sit on their arses and suck on the Marxist tit.
I have a mask with “This is bulls**t ” on it made in India. The sheeple don’t seem to approve.
For me your mask scores 10 out of 10. Perhaps our PM could be persuaded to endorse them. Maybe not. They’re not made in Communist China – so no incentive there.
General sah! I must remind you that there were qualified nurses and doctors on Radio4 in April and May saying that they needed instructions and guidance from the Government as to how PPE should be put on and used.
Permission requested to second a loud RSM to my Department and to arrange a two minute course for the half-wits in the NHS.
Well, I remember my time in the NHS when I was told to put a sign above the taps in the staff cloakroom – yep, one in red for HOT and the other in black for COLD. oh yes, and the word BEWARE was put before the word hot.
I was only surprised I didn’t have to put it in several languages.
Just another normal BBC Radio 4 day I see…
Some Tory has possibly done a dodgy deal to supply the NHS
Some millions of masks supplied to the NHS (via the Tories?) turned out to be sub-standard, some NHS staff may have died as a result.
Tory Track and Trace system is not working.
Some Tory is trying to block low-cost house building in posher areas.
Trump is being blocked by Social Media for spreading fake porkies.
Business as usual zzzzzzzzz
From what I hear of the “sub-standard” masks, they have only means of securing round the ears rather than elasticated all round the back of the neck/head. I hardly think thousands have been murdered as a result if anyone. Anyway, that news came to me via Twato so I guess its pretty suspect anyway.
G, no it was on TOADY this a.m..
That’s another TW post I forgot to do. Mind you it still might be FakeNews or FalseFacts. TOADY is no guarantee of accuracy.
If the masks are no good for medics, then surely they can be flogged to supermarkets for onward sale to gullible customers. The number of politicos that I’ve seen wearing the ear loops version must be in the two fingers of one hand-type counting or gesticulating thing.
One of them was Keir Starmer sporting a nifty black number. Funny thing is – he looked more glaiket pictured wearing a mask than than he does without and that is plenty. It may be a tricky Party Conference for him in September if Momentum seek to make a comeback.
Pensioners of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
How gratifying that OAP’s are mounting a campaign to disrupt the collection of the extortion fee.
Surprisingly the Bullying Broadcasting Corporation aren’t reporting it, despite it being in almost every paper.
“All OAPs urged to cancel BBC licence fee direct debits as over-75s sent letter today demanding £157.50”
I know an over 75 ex actor who will be willing to be filmed holding the letter and crying piteously about fearing that his tv and radio will be seized by the bailiff. It should make a great news report or go viral on you tube. The sub text must be ‘BBC persecution of pensioners reaches a new and disgusting level’ , time for mass action , everyone should cancel their DD payments in protest. This story has legs as they say.
Stopped mine a long time ago and saved myself a a lot of money.
They must be getting desperate for cash now as they have sent me yet another letter telling me I am under investigation?
That’s two in one week.
Is said actor a black, tranny, Britain hating rapper in a wheelchair?
If not, some of us are going to prison.
I understand Al Beeb are in a quandary.
They would love to bring the Tory government down by continuously headlining the invasion by ‘Merkel’s marauders’ across the English channel, yet their liberality wants to see more immigrants flooding in to the country.
Thank you Kate.
What dirty deal has Boris done ?
The British public are gradually getting fed up of this Liberal government that is ruling us .
A lot of Tory MPs better be worried about their cushy jobs , very worried. They have had their chance and ‘blown it’.
Even with its huge majority we are still in the EU, and despite all their promises to get immigration down the numbers are growing and Al Beeb is taxing the over 75s.
Kate Hoey would have made a better Conservative than the ‘limp lot’ we haver in government.
Lefty Wright
You may be right, have a good read …………….
It should be they who are arrested for aiding and abetting a criminal activity. “Illegal” migrants anybody?
Foreigners in the UK? – Roll out the red carpet. No expense barred.
Indigenous population? – arrest for ANY criticism or, ‘hatey’ comments.
‘Justice and Law’ are disappearing rapidly unless of course, you are a foreigner.
Major new BBC series starting soon
…… “The Only Way Is Ethnics !”
Neck and neck with ‘we think we got it about right’.
Doh, she’d have black-privilege
These days no one is allowed to criticise a BAME journo.
“Just the one bucket of popcorn, sir?”
The Ian56789 tweet Tara quoted is now marked
“This Tweet is unavailable”
One would expect it was CGI
Shame Jez not seduced by a clearly loyal bbc follower.
Wot ‘e sed.
Kwasi Kwarteng, The-Crazy-Wind-Man
has been Hull today banging on about
how committed his BlueSocialistParty is to offshore wind power
He’s done an article in the subsidy-mafia’s main newspaper
On @ITVcalendar @vicwhittamITV did a fawning article which let him do he his two sentences of PR and then moved on.
“We have 10GW of offshore wind now and we want that to be 40GW in 10 years time”
The same lines were used on BBC Radio Humberside at 4:40pm
and will probably come up on local BBC 1 at 6:40pm
ah 6:43pm actually
the same lines plus
KK “the UK has 460,000 green jobs now
we want two that to be million by xxxx”
Quickly ended.
“we want that to be two million by xxxx”
That’s the fallacy of GreenDream promises
they shout that it will bring more jobs
.. but never mention who will pay for them.
If you are employing more people to produce the same amount of leccy that cost comes into the leccy price and thus everything we pay for.
Ultimately it means less nurses in each hospital.
See how wind powered Denmark has the most expensive leccy in Europe.
Not only that it means less tax income also
cos when a fossil fuel power plant is replaced by wind
no *mining tax* is being paid, cos there is no mining tax on wind.
So make sure you put aside a fiver a day to replace that lost mining tax.
Ah, the Local BBC Radio Humberside does actually ask sone proper questions about the negatives of wind power … but not enough
3 minute audio
He also went to visit Centrica’s , Rough Gas platform , but she didn’t mention that.
Beirut used to be majority Christian, cosmopolitan, with a relaxed ‘cafe society’ lifestyle. It was known as the Paris of the East.
Then Hezbollah decided to Islamicize it.
U.K. well on its way to being the Singapore of the West.
Nigel visits more hotels (or tries to) in the NW full video here and learns of a jolly to Anfield.
Will he be arrested next?
Will the Royal Navy be sent in to help the Border Farce to ……..
a) Defend our shores
b) Help ferry more ‘Invaders’ safely across the Channel?
If we were serious the RN could ‘rescue’ them with a landing craft – then head straight over to France and dump them on a remote beach.
What else would you do with French holidaymakers who have drifted too far from the shore on their Lilos?
Almost worth losing your career over for any frustrated matelot.
Imagine the bun fight in the MSM and at political level.
The ” POWERFUL National Rifle Association”
got a mention on radio 4, ..
The NRA is clearly influential.
Nothing in political power compared to a certain national broadcaster.
6pm news on Radio 4 – a dark actress that I had never heard of played Aretha Franklin in a film 4 years ago and has apologised because she wasn’t black enough. Apparently she should never have accepted the role.
Does this mean that Hamlet should only be played by Danish actors, and Romeo and Juliet by Italians? But how does this fit with the black David Copperfield or the black policeman in Les Mis on BBC?
To quote Mr Farage in the clip above, ‘this is stark raving bonkers’.
But somehow the BBC when reporting this actress, didn’t think it at all odd.
Suburban America fights back against the ANTIFA fascists and the BLM racists. But don’t expect the beeb to tell you – either about the ongoing BLM rioting or the pushback.
Lets all hope that MI5 still has its finger on the pulse?
Does anyone want to laugh and cringe in equal mesures?
This is no parody – ”It” means this.
Doreen Tipton best watch out.
You know who it is don’t you ?
He’s not had anything on his main channel for about 4 months.
I didn’t know he had this extra channel.