The 6th is another anniversary – this time its the dropping Of The Bomb on Japan . So let’s be ready for the annual rollout of The BBC reciting CND propaganda , another free run for the SNP to remove bases from Scotland – with a dusting of braveheart independence again – on top of its’ enthusiastic support for the latest iteration of Marxism .
Midweek Thread 5 August 2020
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BBC Moaning Emole
By Rob Corp
Anti-government protests after Beirut blast
Story detail
Security forces in Beirut have used tear gas against anti-government protesters in clashes following Tuesday night’s explosion in which more than 130 people died. Many in Lebanon blame government negligence for the blast which levelled entire districts of the capital. More than 2,700 tonnes of the chemical ammonium nitrate, which was being stored at a warehouse in the city’s port, exploded following a fire. Sixteen people have been taken into custody.
JezBo likely pondering if the security forces are in fact Mossad paratroopers.
With GCSE and A-level exams cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, schools in England have been told they will be able to challenge results which may not reflect improvements in their performance. Because students have not sat exams this year, grades are being calculated by combining teachers’ estimates for individual pupils with a statistical model based on their school’s past results. But the exams regulator in England, Ofqual, says schools and colleges will be able to challenge the results if they have been through a major change of leadership which has turned around their recent performance .
The announcement follows a row in Scotland this week, where it has been claimed that exam grades for students from poorer areas were marked down. Scottish Government ministers have denied that pupils from deprived areas were unfairly penalised, with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon saying the appeals process will “rectify” any “genuine individual injustices”.
However, students in England cannot mount direct appeals, although they can submit allegations about bias or discrimination in the way their teachers estimated their grades. Pupils can also sit A-level exams in October or GCSE exams in November.
BBC Bitesize offers help and advice for pupils and parents expecting exam results in the coming fortnight.
Maybe they’ll get on an ‘expert’ to direct kids to put it down to smart privilege?
And finally, a happy ending…
A 10-year-old boy has told of how he thought he was going to die after being swept out to sea off Scarborough. Ravi Saini, from Leeds, was swimming with his father and sister on a day trip to the beach when he realised he was out of his depth. Thankfully Ravi is a fan of the BBC documentary series Saving Lives at Sea and remembered to adopt the “Float to Live” technique of lying on his back, staying calm and spreading out like a starfish . While he says it felt like he was in the water for five hours, he was reached after an hour by the local RNLI lifeboat and taken to safety. Crewman Rudi Barman said the fact Ravi was floating on his back saved his life.
Nish would be proud.
Dad appears to have been unable to comment.
“Dad appears to have been unable to comment.”
No translator handy…………
Somehow there is a full BBC story
also tweeted by many BBC accounts including BBC breakfast tweeted a 2 min video multiple times.
He get a shot at Riverdance out of it?
They’re hiring BAMEs big time after that spun up ‘story’ in the States.
Shots fired.
Salty Crackers view on so-called, non-existent, “White Privilege”.
Always worth a laugh.
When I was at school there was one particular subject I was good at. But when I took the exam I was too nervous and messed it up. I failed. My life would have been completely different and more successful if I had passed. I could have done with not sitting it and just been given a grade based on teacher expectation and my school’s reputation.
I am sure there will be a few pupils who receive a better grade than they expected. Will they appeal? Some of them must be the type that freezes on the day?
As with anything now, what was once the spirit has become either letter or utterly compromised by dual track activist influence.
My chum had glandular fever at A level and a concession was made.
A bit of nudging now given turmoil is legitimate, if professionally guided.
However, grading is an imperfect system that is what there is, but one has to feel for any who have performed well seeing erosion for all sorts of reasons now being introduced and championed by the bbc and its ism agendas.
It’s about time we all gave the BBC a fair crack of the whip.
All right we all know that the BBC when it comes to
politics it is all but an anarchist Marxist media outlet. BUT
with regards to sport when England are playing a fellow
member of the Commonweath, for example Pakistan at cricket the BBC
goes out of its way to tell us how it is . Basically to tell us that
England are shit and Pakistan are the greatest thing since
sliced bread. That England are on their way to losing . And isn’t
that a good thing.
BBC News
Working from (my countryside) home.
Poor loves.
Dipped into BBC news for the weather. Was a few minutes early but left it on.
BBC bubble dweller interviewing Boris at a building site . One last question Prime minister she says , the Bank of England have stated today the recovery will be a lot slower than expected, what do you think about that ???
Of course, the Bank of England also stated that the contraction will also be MUCH LESS than first though but hey, no need for the BBC to mention that. Just focus on the negative.
Yet AGAIN, the BBC just willing for the UK to fail in any way possible. They are pure scum !!!!!
Anyway, the weather forecast comes on. Apparently there is going to be a bit of a phenomenon called “tropical nights” , where the temperature stays over 20 degrees overnight for a period of days !!!
I think generally, it’s called summer !!!!
But no, according to Chris Fawkes, the presenter, in his words, I kid you not, it has a “whiff of global warming” about it ! !!!!
It’s relentless , it really is. No wonder people are cancelling in their droves !!!!!
The lying BBC won’t tell you this, but there is increasing pushback against their beloved BLM / Antifa terrorists in America.
Below, the Sheriff and his posse of locals run the soy-boy radicals right outta town – on horseback.
(They even make them take their rubbish with them!)
Same old, same old, you may think, on the newspaper front pages today with nothing new under the summer sun – apart from this novel coronavirus. Well, there are one or two surprises.
In the Telegraph this morning Michelle Obama has the ‘Lockdown Blues’. If only that were a deep-south styled African American music genre song about the travails of the downtrodden. “I woke up this mornin’, feelin’ the blues, put on my mask, jus’ wanna work, drink and visit with my woman, but govenment took me to task…”
But no, sadly this is one of those familiar sounding items where a female celeb is suggesting possession of some mental or psychological problem to make herself sound a bit special. Today it is Michelle Obama with ‘Has covid given you low-grade depression?’ Too right, it has luv.
‘Scorchio!’ bellows the broadsheet Telegraph, in tabloid mood ‘From ice baths to mask tips: how to survive the heatwave’ their good grammar and deployment of the colon catching them out of character like some over-educated criminal attempting to compose a ransom note from a genuine lunatic. Female celebs with depression, OCD, agoraphobia, claustrophibia, whatever…. please take note.
The Times confirms our sorry state of summer deja vu with ‘Saharan air may make today the hottest ever’ the word ‘may’ doing an awful lot of hot work in that headline.
The Mirror suggests ’99 tips to stay cool in 99F’ but it’s the Star that nails true tabloid flavour as it goes with ‘Furnace Friday’
The Star hits it right on the nose again with their header for the story about canines being trained to sniff out the Chinese flu ‘Dog nose if you’ve got covid’
Meanwhile the Telegraph hopefully suggests ‘Navy on call to stem flow of illegal migrants’.
Yeah, right (sarcasm).
But the Times confirms what know to be true – that our old friends the lawyers now run every aspect of the country with their report ‘Watchdog allows thousands more appeals against A-level grades’
The Guardian bemoans ‘New alarm over plight of trafficked migrants’ – of course we know it is the French coast guard and UK border force doing a lot of that trafficking.
The Guardian is like a dog with a bone about their dislike of that political advisor whose only real offence is Brexit and the fact he dresses like a nine-year-old ‘Call for fresh inquiry into Cummings’ behaviour’
Let’s bend a rule and instead of focusing on those minor front page items we’ll end with a main headline. The Star is my favourite this morning cutting their rivals down to size with the magnificent ‘Panto season axed & dwarfs are very happy’ Seems our diminutive community feel they have additional risk from the virus.
If I were sub-editor I’d probably have stumbled about with a pun about axing Jack’s beanstalk and cutting it down to size. Best leave the tabloids to do what they do best.
I’ve just sent this to the Home Office:
“Please explain to me how the Border Force service is exempt from UK criminal law in that they daily aid and abet criminals (people smugglers) and those engaged upon criminal activity (illegally entering the UK).
If you cannot help me by answering my simple question, kindly direct me to where I can obtain answers.
Thank you.”
Ditto to CPS.
Well Said , have sent a similar question my Tory MP , expecting the usual standard reply , with the Country in such a mess obviously Boris and his useless Cabinet don’t want to be in power after the next Election .
Just so pleased my household is License Free ,
I have some friends in their 80s and they are not buying a licence and are prepared to go to Prison….Bulldog Spirit !
Come on Boris sort the BBC and illegals out !
BBC News
“Beirut is crying, Beirut is screaming, people are hysterical and people are tired.”
Maybe they would be less hysterical and tired if the ones screaming… didn’t?
Guest, reminds me of the old joke …
Bono, whilst playing a gig in Glasgow, got the whole crowd to be silent and then began slowly clapping his hands. He got the crowd to clap along for a while, the stadium quiet except for the rhythmic clapping…
After a short period Bono spoke, saying that everytime he clapped his hands a child in Africa died …
Suddenly, from the front row of the venue a voice broke out in thick Scottish brogue, ending the silence as it echoed across the crowd, the voice cried out to Bono “Well stop ****ing doing it then!!”
Is it Groundhog Day?
This morning on bbbc newcastle we’ve had wall to wall….Dominic Cummings from before 7 and still going strong after 8 when I switched off.
A few months ago he came to Durham to isolate his family and after a couple of weeks test drove to Barnard Castle to make sure his eyes were ok to drive back to London.
Every comment was a sneer at the man.
They really hate him.
Reading out comments from only two papers, the guardian and the mirror. There’s a surprise.
Having a Labour mp on to show her horror.
She actually said “we don’t know if he brought Covid to the north but EVEN IF HE DID NOT he was behaving irresponsibly” (or words very much like that)
All the listeners phone calls they chose to air were anti Cummings except one where a seemingly below average intelligence thick sounding Geordie said in a heavy accent that this was old news.
They played a clip of Cummings where he hesitated and sounded a bit flustered. What’s the chances of that one interview being picked out.
They said if any Tory mp wants to phone in they should do so…(“sorry, were losing you, bad connection, were running out of time, moving on”)
None did as far as I know.
What a load of shit stirrers the bbbc are.
A week or so ago, I had the misfortune to watch part of the BBC’s hatchet job on Rupert Murdoch, but turned off when I could not take any more of the one-sided nature of the documentary.
Seems I’m not the only one:
Simon ‘Earrings of color’ Jonsey has ‘come across’ a boat with… a preggers refugee! What… were the odds!?
Nice day for it.
Nailed it , some replies
Found the only 2 women out of the 230 or so that landed yesterday? Well done. Quite the achievement.
Now tell us the percentage of women, overall, that have completed the crossing…. or disabled… or the elderly.
For months there have been no women or children on any of the reports. Only when mainstream media get involved do they suddenly appear. 95% are strong men who are hardly fearing for their lives. Their women and kids must be tough to leave them behind
So basically to solve our homeless situation. I can just put our homeless into a dinghy in the English Channel and they will be rescued, put into a hotel and given £39 a week???
What a quaint choice of words Rishi.
People are “frustrated.”
Incandescent with rage more like.
At this stage I would support a military coup (provided Sir Nick Carter has nothing to do with it).
A fine example of treason. Hang them all I say.
Earrings ? Apple cordless blue tooth earphones.
I am of an age, but with sons of an age where I am aware of the latest trends in AV attire.
So much so I know the wired cans I wore jacked into the HiFi went out in favour of a wild variety of earpieces, including those quaint drops, back to boogying down the boardwalk with a set of wireless bluetooth headphones in dazzling pastel that would put Princess Leia’s sidebuns to shame.
Whilst in-ear for the committed professional is de rigger to be aware of the producer screaming ‘get the one with the bump!’ instructions, Toenails has of course pioneered the uni dome look, and frankly if bobbing about on a boat I doubt getting perfect levels is a huge priority give what they tolerate on College Green… when it suits.
I stand by my christening of our Si.
BBC: ‘This is what coronavirus will do to our offices and homes’
‘One day, the virus will subside. It could be eradicated. But even then, life will not simply return to the way it was before Covid-19. Spurred on by the coronavirus crisis, architects have been rethinking the buildings we inhabit.’
Dream on. Now that corporations have seen seen office staff work from home you’re going to find your job is going to be out sourced to India for half your salary.
Think you’re moving back into some swanky newly designed office suite – more like office staff out sourced, tout suite.
What do they say? “Know your enemy.”
Ex Labour MP sentenced for making paedo pic
Eric Joyce
DRE is on TalkR about his new report about high anti-Semitism in the non-integrated Muslim community.
At the end he mentioned the connection with the Labour Party.
Yes, let’s go back to the seventh century and start afresh.
I’m surprised that anyone on Spike made that stupid statement.
G- did you read i the wrong way ?
The Spiked item is against islamic dogma.
Old video : Owen Jones skewered by Bostock
Beeb TV1 lunchtime news agonising over danger to ‘migrants’ as they cross the channel to Britain en masse.
Border Farce takes them all back to Dover.
Massive inflow.
Gavin Lee is in Calais, waiting with 1000 who are ready to go.
“Success is breeding success” he says.
Boris and Priti of LESS use than a chocolate teapot.
Its almost as if they were doing this on purpose. Just can’t think of a good reason why?
The distinction between what is legal and what is illegal seems to have vanished entirely.
I noticed the headline at the end of the 1 pm was ‘record numbers of boat migrants stopped’.
Note the deliberate BBC ambiguity.
‘Stopped’ could mean prevented.
Or ‘stopped’ could mean ‘transfer to comfy Border Farce boat’.
Which could it be, I wonder.
22 minutes into TWATO and nary a word about the former long-term MP who was sentenced today for child pornography.
Oh, but that’s alright…he was a LABOUR MP so we don’t want to broadcast it too widely!
Let’s remember the non- white UK population is around 13% in total.
On the BBC1 1 pm news we had a ‘heroes’ story about the BAME BLM supporters who rescued an injured white ‘right wing’ counter demonstrator.
Shortly after we had, would you Adam and Eve it, another ‘hero’ story, this time about a South Asian ancestry little boy who was rescued from the sea near Scarborough, and his South Asian dad.
Two hero stories. Both BAME.
The statistical chance of that is about 1.7%, or 1 in 60.
Yet somehow, on the BBC, the chance seems actually to be about 50%, or 1 in 2.
Perhaps we should write to ‘More or Less’. LOL.
The black guy/white guy rescue thing was a fraud…the white guy was an undercover operative I beleive….
see the links I put on the new weekend thread
A few weeks ago I replied to someone’s discussion about Bames whinging about not seeing themselves on TV, so they feel excluded or something. I inserted the picture that I see every time I log in to my BT email. It was a smug looking Bame woman with an afro hairdo. As I remarked at the time, someone who looks nothing like me.
I was wondering whether BT were ever going to change this image and a couple of days ago they did. Image below.
I should probably monitor this and place bets on what sub section of the population will be next to be represented and made to feel included in BT’s exhortations for people to use the cloud.
Ok not BBC, but the bias is everywhere and one of the things the BBC does is reflect it with enthusiasm.
My money would be on a hijabi next.
Desp – a lot of sites like BT think putting coloured faces on their adverts endear them to the average punter – I just get to eye roll …..I blame DFS ….
Well, I was quite happy with the abstract pattern they used to have on their login page. Suddenly we have to look at people and the first two are bame.
I must honestly admit that whenever I’m forced into the immediate recognition that I’m being replaced as a white person, my revulsion grows for those represented and of course, those that are pushing that agenda. They know what they’re doing. Hey! I’m really becoming a real racist!
I don’t think they quite understand the animosity being stored up …. some might think there is a ‘controlling Marxist brain ‘ delivering the sort of disorder coming along but I don’t think that’s the case
. The madness has just been transmitted from the bits of America where they do have problems – and imported those problems vicariously into the UK media .
Let’s see if any more coloured boys go parading in their uniforms now that plod and its’ state – has acquiesced to that conduct . ?
Maybe the next time they’ll do if in some where a bit less third world than Brixton . ….
There are anti lockdown/mask protests planned all over tomorrow…not sure if you are aware
Time for the weekend thread – as the BBC / government stokes all the ingredients For mini race wars in certain bits of the country – News of which – if they are unable to suppress through censorship – they’ll be saying ‘where the hell did that come from ?’ But with the south coast being used as a door mat and whitee getting the finger day in day out – it’s only a matter of time before more people quietly say ‘stop – enough ‘ .
And that, of course, is the problem…
…IF people are saying “Stop – enough”, they are saying it far too quietly…
The new thread is up .
I think once things turn the state /BBC could be in for a bit of a shock – they being so out of touch with public frustration seeing our country used as a trash bin every day by the French – our enemy . And if the fishing waters are sold out at the end of the year I think that will add to it ..
On covid
Do yoU get the Impression the medics have no clue about why some areas are experienceing spikes but others ‘not ‘ ? Obviously the third world areas were always going to be ‘dirty’
But other areas where people have been in close proximity have not led to spikes . And if the temperature in UK is really flying will the virus fall back further in the heat – or spread because of it in a week or two ?
Meanwhile scientists are plays darts with a map of the world on quarantine …. Belgium ? But not France ? America ? Germany ?
More evidence to floundering incompetence . I’m dreading flying back to the UK next week…