More nasty news from the Marxist BBC – it is spending £38 million – the equivalent of 241, 269 licence fees setting up a call centre and employing 800 people to chase the over 75s to get the licence tax from them . If anyone sees one of the 10 page letters being sent to over 75s please let this site know .
Weekend Thread 8 August 2020
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Twitter watch
I don’t think Andrew Neill likes the controller of R2 ~ bob shennan – who cancelled his R5 show when he was controller of R5 . Mr Shennan apparently didn’t like challenging questions on Sunday morning politics shows .
I think mr shennan is destined for even higher remuneration within the BBC – although he would fit into Sky very well …
“didn’t like challenging questions”
actually “didn’t like challenging questions .. directed at LABOUR”
the conversation says.
More new articles from the BBC TV Licensing Blog for the weekend:
– BBC Hires 800 Over-75 TV Licence Enforcers
– Concerns Courts will Become Overwhelmed by Over-75 TV Licence Martyrs
If you haven’t already done so, please download our totally free ebook TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book is packed full of information about the harassment and intimidation meted out by the BBC in the name of TV licence enforcement.
Have you seen one of letters being sent out to over 75 victims by the BBC s’ bitch at all ?
Twitter watch 2
Toby Young has tweeted the following publication
Direct and Indirect Impacts of COVID-19 on Excess Deaths and Morbidity: Executive Summary
Department of Health and Social Care, Office for National Statistics, Government Actuary’s….
This is a 188 page official document – it seems the lock down cost might ( might ) have been more than Covid .
I’ve not Read it yet but it is advertised for the benefit of those who visit this site who choose to be better informed …..
What would happen if, say, a dozen or so ‘football lads’ got themselves a ‘RIB’ and set of from Dover beach to go and buy some cheap booze in Calais?
Would the UK Coastguard escort them half-way, despite the craft being unseaworthy, not carrying any safety equipment or a qualified ‘master’?
Would the local Carrefour boat pop out to ‘rescue’ them and take them to the nearest supermarché?
Not unrelated I watched a bit of last night’s Newsnight but couldn’t work out what the BBC wanted, apart from the usual ‘more resources’.
So far we have boats that are ‘rescued’ and boats that ‘slip through’. What is the point of the RN joining in? All that will do under the current policy is ‘rescue’ more people, needing more hotels and minimising the risk, encouraging more children and elderly to ‘attempt’ the crossing.
Now that sounds like a BBC policy!
Here’s one for the teenagers
See this BBC report for more Tosh Lines than The Bill
‘UK to urge France to crack down on migrant crossings’
What, you mean we haven’t already done that?
‘Schools Minister Nick Gibb said the government was also considering how to use “maritime assets” in order to prevent crossings.’
The Schools Minister is running the Navy now? I guess it is holiday season. Please don’t tell Putin or Red China or the Argies. I suppose he could always threaten our enemies with detention – after school detention that is.
‘And, writing in the Daily Telegraph, Immigration Minister Chris Philp said migrants should be fingerprinted.’
You mean illegal entrants to our country haven’t been fingerprinted? A basic form of criminal identification dating back a hundred years.
‘However, it is unclear what the proposal will amount to, as the fingerprints of asylum seekers are already stored under the European Union Eurodac system.’
Now this line is confusing. Do the BBC mean to say these people have already been processed on the continent or do they mean we are fingerprinting them and putting them on some EU database – if so then for what benefit?
‘Mr Philp said migrants would know “they face real consequences if they try to cross again”‘
So, new Tory policy is two crossings and then we get tough?
‘..he would “negotiate hard” with French officials about how to deal with the crossings.’
Booo… scary. Watch out Froggies, whimpy whiffly whaffly Philp is getting ‘hard’.
‘The BBC’s Europe reporter Gavin Lee, in the north of France, saw a migrant boat with up to 20 people on board, including children, depart from a tourist beach near the harbour of Gravelines on Saturday morning.’
I hope he reported this illegal activity to the French authorities.
‘The “overloaded” boat struggled for almost an hour at the water’s edge, he said, adding there was no sign of any surveillance on the beach since the early morning.’
Could he not find is cell phone and dial neuf neuf neuf?
‘[At Dover] Our reporter said local people have been asking why more is not being done by the French to patrol the coastline, but authorities across the Channel have said they need more finances from the UK government.’
Yeah we know that France is bust. No wonder they didn’t want us to exit the EU.
Well, we’ll leave the story there. As most likely the BBC will be more than happy to do.
Tory Lockdown
I have been anti-mask from the outset. It is my understanding that the protection from infection is minimal. The real cost is the spreading of fear, suspicion and the display of passive (mostly) aggression often seen from the complient wearers.
Now we see the government signal that cinemas, museums, places of worship and aquariums are not really safe. The cinemas as private enterprises will be more likely to go out of business. Museums as often tax funded will find the squeeze on public finances takes longer to hurt but with diminishing footfall it will be more difficult for them to argue for funding.
Saddest perhaps is the news that face nappies are to be mandatory for visitors to aquariums. I used to enjoy interaction with the fish in their own language by mouthing a wide-jawed greeting as they approached the glass.
Its very clear from the 1300 news on R4 that the Government has done nothing to deter the illegal invasion of the UK in Kent. Furthermore, I get the impression that without Nigel et al putting themselves out to report the scandal to the public, the Government had no intention of doing anything. Just ignore the public concern. Further evidence, if that were required, that this Government is absolutely hopeless.
No they call the Navy in to do, ‘something’ because they have no idea how to handle it. A worthless Government with over 4 years remaining. Plenty of time to screw up much more.
Five years for a Government is too long there has to be other ways to remove a Government that is not performing in accordance with the public’s wishes.
My little coven of ladies who coffee, plus a further platoon of school friends and extendeds have all written separate emails to Priti Patel demanding that something be done about the ‘foreign’ invasion. It doesn’t take a couple of minutes to fire off a vitriolic email because we are so f……g angry.
Jeez, we kept Hitler from crossing 22 miles of water, yet we cant stop lilos, kayaks and dinghies from doing the same !
The problem is that to be effective any solution must involve either taking the invaders to a holding camp prior to returning them to their place of origin , or, risking deaths at sea by turning round the boats/ rafts. No government dare do the latter because of the opprobrium that would be heaped upon them by the international community. Salvini, the only western leader other than President Trump to confront the invasion, refused entry only to migrants who were safely on ships, the longer crossing from NAfrica ruled out make shift rafts etc.
But some action to stem the flow is possible:
*Set up interment camps with no quick release
* Every effort to return to country of origin
*Refuse any possibility of British citizenship in the future
*Refuse all extended family coming to join the migrant in perpetuity
* Refuse any legal challenge or legal aid
* Make sure that every single migrant is well aware of this before they think of crossing
However these actions require a government determined to protect the country no matter how much wailing the Woke idiots make world wide. But even if we got these measures in place as soon as there was a change of government they would be reversed. I’m afraid that as long as Wokists rule us and most of the rest of the West the invasion will continue.
Which leads me to my final point . If perhaps ordinary people who have little or no interest in current affairs actually knew what was happening , knew about all the problem the invaders create for us, knew how many of them there were, they might vote in governments who had their long term interests at heart instead of those of the invaders. But to get to that state of knowledge amongst the whole population the truth must be told widely and openly. The necessary first step in disseminating the truth is to shut the BBC down and allow free speech to flourish. I truly believe that despite all the other issue which currently exist getting rid of the BBC is the one most important to the long term futurecand security of this country.
DT totally agree with all your points, and comments.
I think no.1 “Set up interment camps with no quick release” is the only way as a start to deal with this. But I can hear the critics and those under 50 comparing them to Guantanamo Bay.
We live in an age where those in charge just dont want to upset anybody, and its all about appeasement. Look what happens when anyone makes a comment thats not satisfactory to social meeja, the bloody roof falls in, and apologies come thick and fast “not meaning to offend anyone”.
Soft touch Britain wont change, and in order for your excellent 6 point plan to work, there has to be a toughness on the implementers to see it through while fending off the slings and arrows from the do gooders in Parliament and social media.
Honestly ? we’re stuffed.
And immediately exit the European Convention on Human Rights / End the 1998 Human Rights Act. Plus internationally declare that the UK is formally withdrawing from the UN Migration Compact. Only then will those who support open borders and open migration be stymied.
‘No signs of surveillance as migrants flee France’ says Beeb headline.
Flee – to run away from a situation or place of danger. It appears that France is a dangerous place, so it’s off to Cornwall and crowded beaches for me.
Once again a sympathy seeking headline and not quite in line with the Beebs claim of ‘The provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output’, although I could be tempted to define ‘distinctive output’ as ‘another load of old sh**’.
You really can’t expect the migrants to stay in France and be forced to eat snails, frog’s legs, probably smothered in Camembert and toasted Livarot cheese.
That is a classic example of the BBC’s manipulation of the language to achieve its own agenda.
As taffman always says ‘follow the money’.
Is bloody snooker the only sport left to the BBC. Must be judging by their saturation coverage. Long past its peak of the eighties.
It’s long and it’s cheap, same reason as why Channel 5 used to show baseball at night back in the 90s, I enjoy both though I’m not sure how much of it is driven by nostalgia. I think my realisation that snooker in the mid-late 90s was not as ‘much watch’ anymore was my first realisation that times change, and things move on. When I was a kid, 5 hours watching every shot of a semi-final seemed mandatory, then nobody cared as much unless you were ‘into it’
Absolutely correct. The destruction of our way of life is being facilitated by those we pay to protect us. Douglas Murray was correct the death of the Europe is very very strange.
em, no it is not a story.
If police or border force are doing a policing operation, it is perfectly reasonable for them to ask you not to interfere.
So they were right to tell him to cross the street
Doc, its cheap. A couple of cameras, and a presenter who is paid in popcorn rather than the salary of Lineker.
Does it strike anyone else as rather strange that the BBC ‘news’ department have suddenly become all bothered about all the Channel boat people.
But why?
Have they only just woken up to this ? Where have they been for the last number of years?
Has there been a directive from on high to appeal slightly to ‘Far ‘Right’ viewers ? Such as those over 75s, traditionally Tory voters, who now have to pay a licence fee ?
Even Knobson on Toady this morning pointed out that France is not exactly undesireable, as compared with say Syria.
Unfortunately he was I think talking to an ambulance chasing lawyer type who act and talk as if they see the taxpayers ££££ when asylum seeker lawsuits are in the offing. The state of refugee camps and Calais jungle camps is just up to the standard available in the UK, you see.
The coverage is still biased of course. We are invited to get out the hankies for supposedly unaccompanied children and young mothers, even though the video shows the boats are clearly full of 20 something young males.
Something is afoot, methinks. And it has nothing to do with the actual news.
Yes, i had also noticed the slight shift. I suspect even the beeb are becoming aware that the wind is changing, and the great British public have had enough of their woke bias.
So after years of vilifying people like Farage, they’re just starting to acknowledge he might be onto something and there just might be a problem.
In fact it has long been my fear that they would do just that: trim their sails just sufficiently not to appear completely out of touch with the public – who are paying their extortion tax – and sail on blithely as though they’d never been wrong in the first place.
FFS they did ignore it
The papers ignored it
Active Patriot never did
… Farage , got it from him
.. Farage’s campaign got TalkRadio coverage
.. That led to newspaper coverage
TV had to cover it , once it was on the front pages.
It’s quite clear now that Priti, like all earlier Home Secretaries, is absolutely useless. Well, actually far worse than that, because she talked a great game and a lot of us believed her. I never had any faith in old mother Theresa, so It’s wasn’t a shock when we discovered that she was a waste of space.
I know we’ve all made excuses for Priti…it’s the civil servants, it’s those bloody bureaucrats, but that’s simply not the case. This deception, for that’s what it is, is endemic throughout the government.
All that bluster about bringing in the Royal Navy, is just that; bluster. It makes her sound tough. It’s what Tories always do when they’re in a corner, talk tough on immigration, wait til the heat is off and then do sweet FA.
It’s taken a political rebel, like Nigel Farage, to expose these appalling shenanigans. Firstly that our border farce, who (believe it or not) are supposed to stop these people getting here, are actually escorting them in, FFS. It’s mind boggling, but it gets even worse. When they arrive they are hurriedly packed off to expensive hotels, all at our expense! I could say that it’s beyond belief, but sadly that’s not the case.
This isn’t a mistake, this isn’t an oversight, this is a gross deception. It’s an appalling act of betrayal on the people of these islands and as far as I’m concerned she might want to spend some more time with her family.
I’d start with sacking her.
But I wouldn’t stop there…
“It’s taken a political rebel, like Nigel Farage, to expose these appalling shenanigans.”
But if Nigel Farage and his party stood for election tomorrow, the so-called, “Great British Public” would shun him – again. How can you (or he) overcome totally stupidity?
My business plan has taken shape . I’m after a loan from the government / serco / bank to buy an ex navy boat at a government auction – name it HMS fedup – then take it to France to pick up about a dozen victim of French oppression and bring them to a beach on the south coast . Each gets a map of thr local benefits office and their hours . In return I charge them £5k .
I reckon I could get 4 or 5 trips a day done at £60 k a trip – £240 k a day .
I’d be doing a public service cutting down the work load of thr border force . I’d even have phone chargers for the refugees so that they can phone a ‘support charity ‘ to get a ‘legal team ‘ for a UK passport / NI number …….
Maybe I could specialise in getting those with ‘mental trouble ‘ and pregnant ones – straight to the Aand E at Dover hospital – see – I could charge them more –
I would send them all to the middle of the Atlantic. Build hundreds of Hotels on the uninhabited British territory of Gough Island, and staff them with tens of thousands of illegal immigrants. Then tell the Labour party we intend to give them independence from British colonial rule.
Why not just go out of site of land change course and land the buggers a few miles from where you started off from. Then you could do even more trips. It would be interesting to see what the French navy did when they you approaching the French coast with a boat load of dross.
During WW2 POWs from Italy and Germany were placed in camps near my home in Wales. They worked in the farms and local brickworks by day and back to their camps at night. There was no talk of bringing their families over and conditions were basic.
The same would work today with the illegals, and if their cell phones were confiscated that would be a massive deterrent.
But you, unlike the Border Farce, would be prosecuted for aiding and abetting. Sorry to pop your euphoric bubble………..
On the BBC cricket website we learn that Mo Mustafa is
supporting Pakistan . But his sons are supporting England.However I suspect that BIG BROTHER head of diversity has “instructed”
EVERYBODY at the BBC to be 100% behind Pakistan. Of course
for the BBC its the natural thing to do.
Further to our channel open door.
A group we should be giving refuge to imo is the group of Iraqi interpreters who assisted the coalition and are now marked men who we are leaving high and dry out there.
Especially when juxtaposed with any number of the undesirables who keep organised crime in business and cross the channel into the welcoming arms of the undemanding woke British authorities.
“Back to the bunker, fellow cubicle gardeners!”
They simply don’t understand how much large parts of the country have come to loath them. They think we are all Wokists and that anyone who isn’t must be a far right racist facist. Love of country and our way of life is beyond their comprehension. This loathing is growing rapidly judging by the number of anti BBC comments that are on display in all newspapers apart from the stable mate Guardian. Hopefully the BBC will keep on alienating ever larger numbers of those who are forced to pay for it leading to a LF strike which will allow the government to make it a subscription only service.
I’m always surprised how easy a time these BBC people get -going to film to indigenous species and treating it with distain .
They really don’t know how disconnected they are to thr British people – and there has to be a cost coming .
Myska seems to be going for the BBC victim Awards …
Poor ms myska
She has been ranting to the twitter with lots of fans telling her how much she had suffered .
I wonder if the BBC will ever recognise it is now an enemy of the majority of people in the UK – and she is just part of it . She sounds ‘entitled ‘ in the tweets ….
It can’t have been that tough for her
She tweeted from the beach at 11am
..then she is moaning about people disturbing filming at 6pm
So she was undisturbed all day
I guess she was trying to a live piece at 6pm
I haven’t found any video, showing the other side.
I note she doesn’t scuttle for the protection of “Racism” after being walked into. Unusual to say the least.
I’ll bet.
He follow the gay Nigerian Trans in the Wheelchair?
This is clearly the place that needs to be patrolled. A few burly chaps with a pointed stick to puncture the boats would be all that was needed. No possible come back and wailing from the Woke scumbags.
Oh dear. All I can say is Ha ha ha and Tee he he .
Get a life.
Sideman quits Radio 1Xtra over BBC’s use of racial slur
Don’t let the door hit you in the arse on the way out
Sideman – real name ‘David Whitely “ is coloured – so he looks get another tick box job on the BBC soon enough and a full career of being a victim with an oven ready chip on his shoulder ..betcha
Ok – off the record – there’s too much shouting ‘burn him ‘ because someone says something – one word maybe – which destroys a career . Surely there should be proportion involved . I mean – the use of a word – did it stop any one breathing ? Did it kill any one ?
Did it even really upset anyone – apart from the ‘upset ‘ industry which is linked to the ‘race ‘ industry being permanently upset about something ….
West Midlands Police break up group at ‘street event’
They can easily be identified as they all have round pink heads
Black arms tell a different story………….
Chris Philp is 44. He is the Conservative MP for Croydon South . He became an MP in 2015 . He was appointed immigration minister in February 2020 .
I was trying to work out how many criminals have landed in the UK since he got his job on the 20th of February – . Let’s say – one hotel ( 150 ) worth a day minimum. Now between 20 feb when he was appointed and to day there have been 169 days – so at 150 a day that is 25,350 Illegal arrivals. Ok maybe the number is frighteningly high .
Have a guess at how many mr Philp has got thrown back to France ? Sorry – trick question – I think the answer is ‘none ‘and no MP would dare ask that question .
Looking at Mr Philp on wiki – he looks like one of those eager politicians planning the next upward move and keeping his head down in a potentially fatal post . But that might be good for mr and Mrs Philp and their two lovely kids but doesn’t do much of a service to the UK – and the UK taxpayers …..
Politically correct socially approved language:
Use Vulnerable, instead of Inferior
Use, Privilege, instead of Superior
Those are nice points . In a time where each word is a weapon – the former is a particularly widely used ‘bubble ‘ word – the BBC love it .
‘Diverse ‘ is another BBC word – personally I think it’s a term of abuse or ‘code’ for something else ..
I’m kicking back on the language – trying not to play by the Language rules of thebubble Hence I use ‘coloured ‘ for – er coloured people . I will use the term ‘troll ‘ for trolls cos that’s the kindest word that can be used for them – fortunately this site doesn’t get many .
As an aside – I have access to the telegraph for £4 a month – I’d never pay more and am unlikely to renew the sub when it runs out . Any way – I started looking at the comments – and its remarkable how dumb people can be – it is very similar to the sort of comments on the guardian site – which I no longer look at because of the massive levels of liberal haters ….
Bubble words
How about these two words in relation to the current ‘Channel invasion’………….
“Intercepted” instead of picked up and ferried in.
“Attempted” instead of actually succeeded in getting in to the UK illegally ?
Vulnerable – scrounger
Privilege – taxpayer who supports scroungers
Doodle and thoughts
I put in a BBC complaint about this video
‘Fighting to prove we’re British’
You have to get almost 50% into the video before the BBC tell you the first one has a criminal conviction then no surprise the other two people are criminals too. The first two are being deported and third has been told to wait several years before applying for citizenship.
My complaint was they are being deported for being criminals and it has nothing to do with “proving they are British”. I complained saying the BBC shouldn’t spin and should make their criminal convictions known at the start of the video.
The BBC replied today with:
In this video, BBC’s Fahima Abdulrahman spoke to Remi, Sharon and Leonardo who are all trying to secure their lives in the UK after learning they’re not legally British.
Although some people may believe that certain groups or individuals should not be able to broadcast their views, or may disagree strongly with the opinions they hear, our aim is to provide a deeper understanding by hearing from, and questioning, a range of different perspectives. As a result, BBC News is always aware of the need to report with sensitivity, while maintaining the principles of accurate, factual and impartial news coverage.
That said, I appreciate you feel this story and these experiences should not have been included on our website. I have included your points in our audience feedback report to be seen by BBC news teams.
Not only have the BBC accused me of being a racist but their claim that they want to hear diiferent perspectives, when they do not, is enough to boil my pee.
That is an utterly arrogant reply which does not even address the point you were making. They evidently feel, not without some justification, that they are untouchable.
When I see so many who get away with blatant law breaking to force what they want, I sometimes wonder why those of us who detest the BBC insist on sticking to legal measures to oppose it.
Hi Tabs, remember the BBC hate the British and hate people like you. You have to complain to your local MP assuming your local MP is not a woke activist hell bent on destroying Britain also.
A factual correction of what the BBC says:
Although the BBC may believe that the patriotic British white working classes or GWPF scientists should not be able to broadcast their views, because we disagree strongly with the patriotism and facts they reveal, our aim is to provide a deeper misunderstanding by not hearing from, and questioning, a range of different perspectives. As a result, BBC News is always aware of the need to censor with insensitivity, while maintaining the Marxist principles of inaccurate, presumptuous and biased news coverage.
Plenty of verbiage from the BBC about the background of incompetence and corruption in Beirut that, at the very least, created the conditions for the devastating explosion, whether accidental or deliberate.
What the beeb are not telling us is that Lebanon is the epitome of extreme multiculturism, islamisation and diversity that the beeb worship and would like to foist on us.
Then of course there’s the malevolent presence of Hezbollah, which uses the city as a base for its terrorist activities and the port for smuggling.
“Home Office seeks military help over migrant crossings”
Is it because there’s not enough space on the Border Farce craft?
The Royal Navy have large vessels that can “intercept” and ferry much more in to the UK.
France has been offloading all those “illegals” for quite some time and our government must have known about it all along. They are only brining in the navy now because France has emptied all their camps. Mission accomplished?
Has there been a secret deal done?
Also note, Al Beeb News were very slow and reluctant to broadcast the ‘invasion’ until Nigel Farage ‘rolled up his sleeves’ and did the investigative journalism himself.
Something Britain’s so-called premier news broadcaster should have done immediately in the interest of the Telly tax payers . Yes that’s the people in Great Britain that pay their wages at Al Beeb.
“The Royal Navy have large vessels that can “intercept” and ferry much more in to the UK.”
Yes, ‘economy of scale’: single mop ups and only one laden return to port.
Maybe they could get those 2 aircraft carriers length to length and they can just walk across the French Channel …
According to the news channel anchors, the illegal immigrants coming ashore amount to ‘JUST’ 0.1% of migration. Well thats alright then. Another dozy author/journalist cow – Ella Whelan, even suggested that she was appalled that we’re even considering a points based system to get into this country, because it smacks of a wealthy middle class only allowed in, and not the ‘ordinary’ working man.
I wonder if she, as an author/journalist has tried to get into Canada / America / Australia to work and live ? cos I’m sure there must be a shortage of her skills on the list of approved careers. Ha !
#1 Remember “40,000 asylum seekers & migrants have been intercepted at sea & returned to Libya by the EU backed Libyan coast guard since 2017. ”
#2 The NGO’s bitch about this
.. ‘oh these refugees seem to just disappear’
#3 The UK government shows little sign of wanting to deport illegals
as if it thinks investing millions in them is a good idea.
#4 Because the UK government won’t stop the pull factor
millions of immigrants will come and some will die on the way.
An exciting and unexpected England victory.
England. Know what that is? It’s the country for around 45 million people.
Not that you’d know it from the BBC highlights. Pakistani co-commentators. A woman BAME presenter and introducer. And useless coverage. England needed 277. But nothing about how many overs left. Or how much time left. The run chase versus the need to bat out the day. All the tension was lost because of the BBC fixation on everything except the match.
Never mind the quality, feel the narratives.
Pakistan unexpectedly lost the match
.. I wondered why the BBC buildings were flying flags at half mast.
You know the Twitter thing #FBPE used in Remainiac account names
I see this now new suffix for anti-lockdowners
“Keep Britain Free #KBF”
“We believe that the UK Govt has acted illegally and disproportionately over the #COVID19 lockdown and we are taking action. #KBF”
I see that Twitter has shadowbanned one account that uses this
“Oxford Street stabbing: Three arrested after teen killed”
Its becoming a daily occurrence under the current administration, almost the norm? Before long they wont even bother to report it . Like the Channel invasion, it will be censored.
Come to think of it , what are Al Beeb deliberately not reporting now ?
There are real victims in the world, and their plight deserves attention
but all too often the media or reporters end up themselves being the story ..and that is wrong.
In Bristol there was an alleged racist attaclk and the family say they wanted it all reported N-word and all
Points West did a report on Sunday last
Then during the week a 1Xtra DJ decides to get enraged that the N-word was used in a news report so he has resigned.
#1 original story “suspicion of attempted murder after a man was hit by a car.” on 22 July.
“musician known as K-Dogg” , was walking to the bus stop”
Police treat as “racially-aggravated due to the language used by the car occupants.”
#2 BBC write a story about complaints
#3 BBC story “BBC defends itself”
#4 DJ resigns
Look driving a car into someone is hatey
I don’t see they sentence should be any less severe if the perps shouted “Hey ginger,” instead of “hey , N-word”
Something is up, cos the charges are racially aggravated assault , NOT attempted murder.
BTW the police tweet less than 48 hours after the attack said the guy had been discharged from hospital.
BBC said next day
BBC Radio 4: “How They Made Us Doubt Everything” Episode 6 “Reposition Global Warming as theory, not fact”
No idea what the BBC is talking about and I don’t know who the equally ignorant, Rush Limbaugh is. The morons at the BBC must be giving Mensa members a headache. Its was so educationally illiterate I would not know how I could possibly complain to the BBC with anything that those scientifically ignorant morons could understand. But the BBC did mention something about us being overwhelmingly white and male. But the BBC seemed to insinuate that white males are inferior people who deny that the climate can change. But without any white male MIT Professor of Atmospheric Physics being given the opportunity by the BBC,s scientifically ignorant environmental activists, to correct this BBC misinformation. The BBC also seemed to blame coal miners, Texan and Arab oil sheiks for paying taxes to fund all those satellites that provided the data that proved it was a “Hoax”.
To correct the BBC: Global Warming is a fact that ended in 1997, the Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect was the hypothesis, but the Unified Theory of Climate proved it wrong, with Henrik Svensmark giving us the theory that fit’s the observed facts.
Let’s face it: the bbc welcomes the invasion. It does not, of course, call it an ‘invasion’, any more than it were to refer to ‘migrants’ as ‘illegal migrants’.
No, it reports now on the invasion in order to ‘rub our faces in it’, very much the Tony Bliar spirit, with which he let in millions of illegals.
It is happy to tell us that the useless Priti has now asked for help from the Navy, cos a firm principle has been established: ‘migrants’ in British waters have to be picked up and taken to Dover. Beeb knows it doesn’t matter who patrols out there; if we had little green men, they would have to pick the ‘migrants’ up in their saucers.
Then off to a 4 star hotel. Word has got round of the free Taxi service and the luxury accomodation.
So the flood tide will increase. For, it matters not what you do, the UN Law of the Sea and the asylum racket combined, means we are sunk. Unless someone in Whitehall grows a backbone!
Beeb knows that ain’t gonna happen. Backbone in Whitehall is actually an oxymoron. So, at first where there was radio silence, now there is nose rubbing aplenty, while beeb adds pensioners to the list of ‘rubbees’.
Yesterday they spent much local newscast time telling us in great detail about a tiny silly wimmin BLM protest in Manningtree, or some such place.
They are having a jolly good time.
FNW – you can just imagine the BBC’s reaction when the first “child” drowns or a “asylum” seeker” throws himself in the sea. – it will be our fault of course not the fault of the person who put him/herself in harms way.
So strange that women and children are such a very small percentage of the invaders yet appear to always be in the main camera shot. Of course as soon as this happens and the “Cool Aid Bunch” get down to Dover with their placards and silly drums, Boris and his “Jelly Fish” administration will buckle quicker than you can say “free health care” and maybe even consider further measures to shut us up until the invasion is complete.
Let’s face it: the bbc welcomes the invasion. It does not, of course, call it an ‘invasion’, any more than it refers to ‘migrants’ as ‘illegal migrants’. Surprised it still calls the likes of the Manchester bombers, ‘terrorists’. Surely ‘guerillas’ would be a nice, neutral word?
No, bbc happily/gleefully reports now on the invasion in order to ‘rub our noses in it’, very much in the Tony Bliar spirit, with which he let in millions of illegals. To rub our noses innit, innit? (and increase his electorate).
Beeb is happy to tell us that the useless Priti has now asked for help from the Navy, cos a firm principle has been established: ‘migrants’ in British waters have to be picked up and taken to Dover. Beeb knows it doesn’t matter who patrols out there; if we had little green men, they would have to pick the ‘migrants’ up in their saucers.
Then off to a 4 star hotel. Word has got round of the free Taxi service and the luxury accomodation.
So the flood tide will increase. For, it matters not what you do, the UN Law of the Sea and the asylum racket combined, means we are sunk. Unless someone in Whitehall grows a backbone! Priti knows that, too: so she now has an ‘alibi’, even brought in the navy, her slate is clear and she can pass the buck.
Beeb knows that ain’t gonna happen. Backbone in Whitehall is actually an oxymoron. So, at first where there was radio silence, now there is nose rubbing aplenty, while beeb adds pensioners to the list of ‘rubbees’.
Yesterday they spent much local newscast time telling us in great detail about a tiny silly wimmin BLM protest in Manningtree, or some such place.
They are having a jolly good time. Just like the blackshirts had a jolly time parading about London, pre-war.
The enemy within, cock a hoop, and ready to come out into the light of day, to report on our taxi/freeboard and benefits system.
Of course, beeb delight will be greater than blackshirts delight: for beeb’s diverse buddies have all but taken over London. Not something the blackshirts could lay claim to. (See second post above -sorry- there are two ALMOST duplicates. Almost.)
Cock-a hoop.
Brace for more beeb & MSM reports from the invasion beaches. And the 4-star hotels.
Recently I saw a feature on Secret Wales; a vast Mustard Gas factory there was producing the stuff night and day, in case the Germans made it to the beaches.
What a different world we live in now!
Imagine Sargeant Schulz and his platoon of advanced Panzer scouts being taken to Dover for luxury accomodation in 1939. Radios would have been supplied by Whitehall to ensure the Germans could land on all the safest beaches!
And beeb would be out there, interviewing Obergruppenfuehrer von Schlotke, to ensure the food was up to standard.
And Churchill, racist, would be safely some where in a Scottish prison.
One of Zarah’s best claims so far.
Would be interested in how a bbc editor might ‘analyse’ that.
Emily needs to up her diet regime too.
Dahling, it’s the nouveau chic, this season’s black.
Haven’t been to a BLM riot?
Be their or be square.
Going to need to be a wee bit more specific, Guido…
Just imagine.
Dear Sean ,
Thank you – I’m now going to Spend the whole of Sunday going through Beatles /Lennon tracks which are even tentatively linked to the madness of August 2020…. Help!
… and I know mr Lennon contributes to this site …
No peepole of color?
New BBC N. America Team shot?
American Booty at centre.
Guest – you are on form ..are they wanted in 10 states ?
About the only place they are probably wanted is in the JFK First Class lounge or some ritzy media watering hole on the hill.
More like the KFC waiting area.
Re the Media Guido Tweet above – Nick Bryant the “journalist”, but the above rap on his knuckles has not changed his attitude, latest article
Trump’s shortcomings make weak opponent Biden look strong
The irony of this on Facebook in complement is not lost.
BBC News
QAnon is a wide-ranging, unfounded conspiracy theory that a “deep state” network of powerful government, business and media figures are waging a secret war against President Trump.
A Stuart Hughes production?
Bizarre subbing.
Maybe all the ‘refugees’ are simply distressed animal lovers?
Expect a rib full of puppies next ‘exclusive report’.
And no piece about the absence of French law enforcement on the channel coast – spite the UK taxpayer trying to bribe the French to do a job … £61 million .?
If the Tory government were serious about tackling the invasion from the Channel they would have called a COBRA meeting by now. Instead they treat the Conservative voters with contempt.
Good news, the French are apparently indicating their willingness to step up their beach patrols on the condition the Brits stump up a cut price £30m. Quelle surprise! Of course that’s only to pay overtime for a month as most of France shuts down during August and nearly all their security staff are on their hols hence all the unguarded beaches. France cannot give any guarantees on stopping all the migrants, they have a long coastline they have to oversee but they will do their best.
We only have their word for the numbers of migrants they say they have stopped from leaving their beaches or those that cannot manage to get half way across. We should make any payment subject to some of our people assisting with beach patrols but the French will not allow that as they will insist on exclusive control over their territory.
Doubts have been expressed here on how it is that so many migrants always seem to have enough cash to pay the smugglers. I have always thought that migrants were routinely relieved of any cash or valuables as they made their way through various countries on their journey across Europe. Could it possibly be, perish the thought, that the French might be stepping in and using the many millions we have paid them over the years to slip a few backhanders to the smugglers to take any cash strapped migrants off their beaches? Humanitarian aid in action. Far more cost effective than having them claim asylum in France and then paying for their upkeep, let the British take on that responsibility.
Both our French enemy and our home office enemy think we are unable to see through nonsense like ‘send in the navy ‘ – which will never happen and is only used so that the likes of the Mail can get a warm jingoistic feeling and the liberals can say ‘nasty government ‘. Just noise to keep us ‘plebs’ from getting more angry about our country being abused and used as the end of the line .
I don’t know what the French word for bureaucracy is but the French will continue commit the crime of ‘facilitation ‘ of illegal entry to a ‘friendly ‘ country .
Londonistan crime watch
4 stabbing murders on Saturday – including the high spot – someone running down oxford street being chased by someone vibrant with a machete At 3 in the afternoon whilst being watched by people waiting for a bus . …..
The mayor has thoughts and prayers I guess.
“Lessons to be learned”.
Safety in numbers.
Why do blokes think they look attractive with that oh so stooooopid hair cut ? It sadly seems to be worldwide with the young, and the not so young who should know better.
But hey ho, this lot will still be here in 10 years time married to fat english girls who cant get anyone else, and because they have a bunch of kids, the benefits are guaranteed and they’re here to stay.
Fedup.. Priorities please.
Sadiq has far more pressing concerns than a couple of silly stabbings. There’s the review of street names, landmarks and removal of offensive statues. I wouldn’t want one of them toppling on me.
Nish wasn’t getting the ratings.
The new Ceebeebies anchor is everything hoped for.
Her future’s bright; her future’s… of Graun…
Good to see the next generation of terrorists being indoctrinated.
By knowing how the BBC operates we can deduce that this wasn’t a whitee with a machete chasing an innocent promising coloured footballer down the street shouting that N nasty word -and the subsequent queue of race industry droids waiting to go on BBCSKY to tell us all how racist we all are …..
…so by Monday we might have a picture …. or the killing will be – er – dead and buried as a news story whilst BBC reporters called ‘myska ‘ as sent to report on the proles being British on sunny beaches …..
Those ‘proles ‘as the BBC staff would refer to us – being the ones who still – still – pay their wages ….
I sent my condolences to everybody at the BBC yesterday,
particularly Stephan Shemilt their cricket correspondent on
the devastating news that England had beaten Pakistan in
the Test Match. Earlier on in the match Shemilt “seemed”
to be employing a degree of schadenfreud in England’s
performance. But I suppose it’s something one would expect
from the BBC. The enemy of the state national broadcaster..
Ha ha – Quentin lets tweeted that he saw a BBC female cricket ‘presenter ‘ standing on the hallowed turf of twickenham or where ever that game is played – wearing ‘heels ‘……
Thoughts and prayers with the ground staff ….
Did he just presume a Beebgender?
I fell asleep last night listening to the unrelentingly woke World Service, it was broadcasting “The Why Factor” & the episode was “Why is it so hard to get people to pay tax?” The only message I got from the soporific fare was that folk were happier to pay if they had a direct control over how some of the revenues were spent. The programme DID NOT consider whether the TV Tax would be more acceptable if tax payers could direct some cash into the production of programmes with a viewpoint other than leftist metropolitan.
All bases covered.
Ooo… a banning call from a BBC royal who has blocked almost as many as Owen and J’Obsworth combined…
They speak for the nation you know.
He and Lewis should civil up and adopt many little folk from Africa by buying them.
Somebody give this halfwit an EU passport and take his British one from him since he doesn’t recognise it – and send him on his way ….
Or perhaps he’d been on the meds …. 920 pm satdee night …
….interesting that he has ‘clarified his thinking ‘ Sunday morning after seeing the twitter reaction – ranging from those who want to have sex with every refugee as they get off the boats to the Scots nazis who find the word ‘british ‘ offensive ….
‘Clarified his thinking’? One doubts that the narcissistic fool did any thinking in the first place.
This… is a must read for any unsure why a spittle-launching blowpipe might not be optimal in an airborne viral Pandemic.
“Home Office seeks military help over migrant crossings”
I understand that our so called ‘government’ are enlisting a ‘retired’ Royal Marine to close down the Channel invasion? Its just ‘smoke and mirrors’ with a little chaff thrown in . Will it involve a private security firm?
If they were really serious about it they would give immediate orders to the Commander of the Royal Marines to defend and secure our borders and coast. That’s what they are for , for goodness sake. What do we keep a Royal Navy for ?
Look for Serco to get the contract