G'Morning! On @bbc5live 10am – 1pm How do you feel about children returning to school? We look at how it could work. Test & Trace could be knocking at your door if you ignore the phone calls – A good idea? And… Do you make a good first impression? (I'm still working on it ????)
I hear that this lady – real name Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah- Yaxley Lennon – is ‘in trouble ‘ for doing ‘off the books ‘ private work and making a nice £195k from Mercedes or something – she didn’t get approval or declare it ….
Can we guess what sort of car she has ….. ?
On a different subject …
I was musing over the lovely dawn butlers terrible experience at the hands of racist police – fitting her up with a spliff / blade / nicked credit card and then kneeling or her neck whilst handcuffed sceaming ‘you’re gonna die n word bitch “
But of course none of that happened and on the reversed vid I thought the copper was pretty good with her – I really hope the police federation gets its way and the full body camera recording is released . But we know that’s not going to happen because both the MP and the woke ‘commissioner ‘ would not want the truth to come out – even if the white driver got ‘blacked up ‘ to fit the outrage narrative .
Anyway – my point is – whenever something nasty happens what is the first and unified chorus from politicians ?
ANSWER ‘we want more police on the streets ‘ or ‘bobbies on the beat ‘ ….
But it appears that if they are on patrol – better avoid coloured people …..meaning they can get on with killing and stabbing each other ….
Perhaps they could recruit Somali or Nigerian police officers to patrol Dawn’s patch?
Of course, not being brought up in Peelian Principles, and not being of the same BAME ‘tribe’, Dawn could then find hereself ‘slipping out of the car’ and ‘accidently’ receiving life-threatening injuries if that had ever came to pass.
OT, but… what you become a Royal correspondent for.
Prince Harry was 'delightfully surprised' when Meghan Markle was happy to go to toilet in woods while camping in Botswana, biography reveals https://t.co/v0tMLE7esw
Is he suggesting that ‘white’ people, inventors of the flushing toilet and mains drainage, would be reluctant to ‘go in the woods’, but those ‘just out of the jungle’ wouldn’t?
Once the greenhouse dwellers have started to chuck rocks it becomes hard not to join in!
History must be taught so that the contribution of Bames is not ignored. Black people have always lived in Britain and have not been recognised for their contribution to our culture.
So we are told by the media.
This has me thinking.
Is it merely a product of our racism to assume that Jack the Ripper was white?
Perhaps he was black, which was why he was not caught
Racist…how dare you suggest that….you know all bad people are white – well on BBC anyway..
Caught a bit on friend’s TV -helping them put up an aerial… this morning with a Black athlete being interviewed by a Black reporter (would have been insensitive to have a White or Chinese one) about a BBC commissioned report (your money) that x% of black female athletes had problems with their body image…DUH..did they interview any white female athletes to see if it was any different? of course not…that wouldn’t fit the narrative.
The more people stop paying for this bilge the better…BBC is pushing back racism decades by making the majority of the population feel racist even when they are not and building a victim mentality for non whites – eventually it will have consequences…
Agree 100% James Arthur-the real racists if we must us that phrase are Black People-it is they that are promoting the racist word as a means of destruction to the United Kingdom-of course over the years since the WW2 many black people have made a valuable contribution to this nation-however they are mostly of a different strain, now we have the brutality of revenge , retaliation against a white peoples past- they the Blacks conveniently forgetting their own history of slavery their ancesters undertook with the Arab slave traders thousands of years ago and still do today in many areas of the African continent . Furher the Blacks along with the USA and UK media batting for them-my concept of Britain was being brought up during and after WW2 in pre-war education and manners-the UK then was a pleasant enough place to live, the cost of living based on the lowest common earning denominator, not now! Its all gone mad, of course nothing will be as it was, as historical time moves on waiting for no man.
One of the regional BBC news propaganda operations named two yoof charged with murder despite the judge ordering names be with held .
So a bunch of BBC managers has been before the judge . Nothing came of it – I’m a bit torn because I believe everyone – whatever age – charged with such a crime should be identified – but also anything thar harms the BBC is also a good thing ….
It the yoof get off I wonder if the BBC will get more stick .
Despite the BBC naming the teenagers, Judge Pringle ruled that it was not a contempt of court issue but a breach of Section 45 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999.
“At first I thought it was a clear contempt punishable with a fine of any amount. However with further research, it is a breach and I must not treat it as contempt of court but instead I must pass the matter to the chief crown prosecutor.
I thought one got arrested, trialled and jailed within the hour for this sort of thing. Good to see that British justice can be lenient to the right sorts of people.
The TR trial was of course a stitchup
whereas red and green skins get soft justice.
At the time most of the libmob, were shouting
“A law is a law, so there should be no mitigation for TR”
PG says \\ The trial is not until next year, hopefully no damage has been done,” the judge added.//
There is an argument that on his 18th birthday, before the trial, the media would get lawyers to get the 17yo’s anonymity lifted,
\\ A 15 y/o boy from #Banbury is among two teenagers that have been charged with murder after a man was killed in Wood Farm in #Oxford.
The two boys appeared at Oxford Magistrates Court this morning and have been remanded in custody. //
This came across by computer bows recently and I thought is was so apt in the present awful circumstances we now see happening. Sums up my feelings perfectly.
I never cared if you were “gay’ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were born, until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
I never cared if you were well-off or poor until ,you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong.
Now I care!
My patience and tolerance are wearing thin. I know I am not alone in feeling this way.
There are millions of us who do…… and we have had enough!!
Indeed there are millions that think the same way, and those supposedly in charge must head what is being thought and said.
Fantastic Tarien
Sums up the feeling of many of my friends. I am pretty sure it applies to non whites too who all get lumped into the same victim bag when they don’t see it that way.
I can be critical and dislike a white christian (many in fact) person so pretty sure it works around the other way (non white/ muslim, whatever group, critical of same) – but you wouldn’t know that from the BBC narrative
Tarien – I think it’s a line of thought which the British state should be fearful of – but I think they are so disconnected from every day view that they have no idea how strongly the majority are feeling – it follows on from the brexit disconnect as well as the size of majority a Tory government got but Is busily ignoring ….always a price ….
The bbc newspaper produces an article ‘questioning ‘ the mad modern ‘idea’ of colour blind casting and whether ‘race ‘ should be considered . Note that it is always coloured actors taking whitee roles – for instance Idris Elba playing captain
Mainwaring in the coming coloured remake of ‘dads army ‘ …with sergeant Wilson played by Lenny Henry ….*
… the main thing to note it the absence of the ability to comment on the article – which I consider for be code for subjects which elicit a pretty strong response from the woke and counter woke . – but not me – I’m not registered with them or the BBC so would not share me oh so whitee view .
*i bet you someone in the BBC has tried to do a coloured dads army ….
Tory MP Lee Anderson’s message to Gary Lineker: “If he emails me details of the accommodation he resides in, I'll make sure it’s available for the next boat of illegal immigrants – bed and breakfast of course.”
So, Sir Keir, if, for example you argue that blacks require a black MP to properly represent them, what about whites within the constituency of a black MP – where’s their representation?
Sir Keir, word of advice – identity politics is ultimately a loser of a policy. That way, eventually, but inevitably, lies Apartheid.
These commies are trying to turn is into South Africa. But in reverse.
I’m sure they’re also plotting to steal or homes off us to give to the invaders. And then they’ll steal all the farms off our farmers to give to the blacks and paks.
This obsession with being ‘representative’ of the population seems to be everywhere. The Home Office and particularly The Police seem to be constantly wailing about it. Apparently the Police are failing in their efforts to make officers ‘more representative’ of the community they serve and like Rumplestiltskin are literally tearing themselves in half over the issue.
Why ? It’s not as simple as just making it so. There are numerous factors which influence job seekers decisions, let alone the qualities and qualifications required. If I were burgled or mugged the last thing on my mind, if and when the Police turned up is how representative that officer is. But no, (your) money and time is wasted in favour of Policing in getting the organisation representative. I couldn’t care a hoot who turns up, their ethnicity, religion or sexuality.
However, what will we do with those organisations who are over representative? My understanding is that the NHS is (e.g. what shall we do with all those Phillipino nurses. Sack them ?) and the Beeb is over representative. Perhaps some of those over represented reporters/ journalists could join the Police. At least it might give them an idea of the real world (appreciating, of course, a massive drop in salary).
Perhaps the volunteers should be helping those who have been in Bristol for some time and stop abuses against some of the immigrant teenage girls. Four years ago in Bristol I know that there was a significant problem with Somali girls suffering from the consequences of the barbaric practise of FGM. Teachers in Bristol were advised how to recognise their symptons and get help for them. Although the practise was illegal it seems that British doctors were doing the operations and at that time only one doctor had been prosecuted .
The French won’t turn back or escort illegals the their shores because of ‘safety reasons’. Obviously much safer to let them continue with their journey to the UK (apparently the water is much calmer/less deep/a nicer shade our side). However if we stump up £30 million this may persuade them to change their mind.
Not to worry though as progress is being made.After a meeting of both sides ‘the possibilities are being considered’. What possibilities these are no one knows, but more than likely it will be November/ December when the weather has changed and we can conveniently sweep all under le tapis (until next year). As for that £30 mill, well there are hotel bills, medical expenses, provision of food and drink, Home Office expenses and admin fees to be paid.
Sigh….I should have been a politician.
Move one of the laid up cruise ships from South coast and anchor it safely at sea (hoist ball, diamond, ball) on the East coast; Use Border Farce to ferry invaders to the tourist boat and house them there. To avoid the French, make the invaders tourists (buy them tickets) and when there is a ship load take them back as normal passengers to disembark in French port. The French cannot object if they don’t have passports because that is the way they came on board the tourist ship – from France.
Job done.
The rudiments of a plan…….
Outside journalists on border patrol boats alongside the lilos, say the scene is ‘unsettling’, and yes love its uncomfortable watching you lot professing sympathy for these migrants who are ‘exhausted, desperate, fleeing terrible conditions, paying thousands to get here etc etc’.
I dont find it unsettling, I find it sickening that we are allowing this to happen, being brutal, these are blacks from Africa – Sudan, Eritrea, then why the hell dont they go to South Africa ??? its civilised (!) they speak English, but of course they dont get benefits. Those from Iran, Syria, well sorry, you came through Europe, then stay there.
On another tack. Time and again we hear that migrants have benefitted our country. Ok, so what are this lot from the deserts of Somalia and Eritrea going to do that will benefit us eh ? Better life my a…..e. All it will do over time, is bring our way of life down to the level of the one they have left behind.
Vlad mentioned : Belfield had a go at Keir Starmer’s wanting the law changed so he can have BAME shortlists for MPs
.. Belfield also has ago BBC 9x Orchestras £30m Disgrace – 400 NOW
.. He also has ago at Brian Cox
Do you know anything about where the Durham investigation has got to? Everybody knows that some highly prominent figures in the US are guilty of trying to remove Trump illegally but why has there been no indictments? I had once hoped that the indictments and subsequent trials would be the knock out blow for the President and that the trials would have started earlier this year. But it is now too late in the electoral race to be of its greatest benefit. I suspect that the deep state has forced delay after delay but I had hoped that Barr would have cut through all that. I am greatly disappointed.
John Swinney, Scotland’s education secretary has flipped over the decision to downgrade some of the grades given by teachers to 100,000 students in place of exams to try to save his skin.
I am convinced, looking at the figures, estimated up to 10% higher then in an actual exam year that the teachers awarded grades significantly higher than would historically be the case if the students had actually taken the exams. This almost certainly done to enhance their own and their schools status. All his despite the fact that these same students have missed a significant time in class, making the results even more incredulous.
So up to 100,000 extra students will now sally forth into higher education etc. as proud possessors of grades they could never have achieved via the exam route.
This means a probably influx into universities of many students who will then struggle to get up to speed if at all and probably shouldn’t be there.
But never mind, UNI is free in Scotland so everything is free and as a bonus it will help to mask the unemployment figures for the Sturgeon person won’t it?
“….as proud possessors of grades they could never have achieved via the exam route.”
Yes and if/when they take any exams at Yooni that will be a shock.
I took 36 exams in law for my first degree and I’m glad they didn’t come as a shock. In fact, more exams means development of a personal system to tackle them.
“UK and France promise new migrant crossings plan, says minister”
Once again Nigel Farage leads the way …………….
While the Tories begin to cover their tracks. What took then so, so long?
Why didn’t Al Beeb’s world leading investigators – “Panodrama”, not get to the bottom of the what was going on with the people smuggling ?
Get rid of the Telly Tax and the outfit it feeds.
Are the people smugglers investing all their ill gotten gains in Serco shares?
Oh, you can be sure, it will go on and on and on and on …
I noticed this (non-)story on the R4 18:00 news. They had Cressida Dick (or “Caressa Dick” as someone recently called her on ‘Pointless’ … so I’m told by Mrs M!) saying how “amazing” the Lawrence family had been and how much progress had been made because of them. As you say, 27 years ago and we are still hearing about it. I hope the same attention will be given to the killers of Charlene Downes (who, IIRC, got away with it on some legal technicality, despite one actually being recorded admitting to it) and Kris Donald … but then those victims were White and that means very very low down in the hierarchy of victimhood.
Talking of numbers which, like 27, are not divisible by 10, ‘PM’ with Evan Davis decided to do a report ‘nearly’ 40 years on about the Toxteth Riots of summer 1981. As a matter of fact, 1981 + 40 = 2021, so it’s only the 39th anniversary. Still, never miss an opportunity to go on about racism, hey BBC, with the need to keep fanning the flames of George Floyd, BLM, etc. Not a single word of the report suggested that any blame should attach to the Black people who took part in the rioting – it was all about police racism, no jobs, schools, racial abuse, etc. Almost worthless without asking such questions as, why were they out on the streets anyway and why didn’t their families get a grip of them instead of letting them smash things up?
Then came another dream for the BBC, a pollster who has been right about US Presidential elections every time since 1984, predicting that Biden would win, as polls have moved against Trump since 2020 and Covid19. Praise for Biden’s possible VP, the mixed-race Kamala Harris, and dismissal of Trumps base as being the decreasing demographic of old White men.
Roll on the next cricket Test match. I listen to it on R4 (LW not FM) and it’s great to go through to around 7 pm and close of play, missing ‘PM’, the 6 pm news and the ‘comedy’ offering between that and the Archers.
By the way, I’ve been reading David Sedgwick’s “BBC: Brainwashing Britain?” (2018) which goes well with Robin Aitken’s books (“Can We Trust The BBC?” and the 2013 version “Can We Still Trust The BBC?”) and is more up-to-date, including the election of Donald Trump and Brexit for instance.
I’m a bit late with this but yesterday on the BBC News channel there was an interview with some young woman ‘expert’ via video link and in the background she had “Free Palestine” hanging on the walls.
What is the chances that every guest on BBC just happens to have left leaning items on display in their homes?
Kevin Bakhurst, our content and media policy group director, reflects on the impact the past six months has had on the UK’s media industry, and shares his thoughts on what must come next for UK broadcasters.
Was watching a recording of a very good BBC programme, a Sky at Night special about the history of Mars expeditions.
At 1823 it finished and we switched over to BBC1 in advance of the weather forecast.
Guess what? The first six people shown were all BAME and the story was all about BAME victimhood in the world capital of entitled victimhood, Liverpool.
The weather forecast online is a huge joke, Sluffy!
I’ve checked several times today, as we do really need some rain, and I’m trying not to waste water, but the BBC’s online forecast changes every few minutes!
You’d have thought that with all that money sloshing around, they could do better,, but this is a publicly taxed bunch we’re dealing with, so things won’t ever change…
I’m sure the Fortesques own a lump of the UK – perhaps the criminal invaders could be concentrated there rather than using Hilton’s – just make Sure the WiFi and phone chargers work and they’ll love it …. they could even build their own prison blocks ….
Wiki says the family seat is Ebrington Manor – round the corner from chipping campdem – ideal staging post before deportation
Just watched BBC News 6pm. Britain has many problems with racism everywhere.
Our cops are systemically and institutionally racist and have not mended their ways since Stephen Laurence’s death.
Perhaps we need a more uplifting news report. eg. Stephen appears to a couple of young girls of colour who are sufeering from Covid and depressed over GCE results. He touches them and they are instantly cured and their results are increased due to a little tinkering with the computer models.
Sorry. I made that up.
Now off to watch Ch 4 News to hear about bad Trump and more evidence of racism
“A post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and Japan may have met an unlikely obstacle – stilton cheese.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53737388
Operative word “may”.
How Al Beeb would love to see Brexit fail.
That was five years ago!
We still have mass immigration . We still have Al Beeb.
The people of Britain are waiting and have waited for far too long . Are the politicians listening now?
Nigel Farage , keep on ‘holding their feet to the fire’ .
I imagine the views of the Home Office will broadly centre around ‘we don’t take asylum advice from a neo-Marxist ice cream company’ but we wait with baited breath https://t.co/cpK8L1WSQH
In the end it is up to the UK public to decide whether they want BBC journalists to report the news or to be wannabe-pundits on Twitter. https://t.co/5H9JO7kJk0
Sandford needs an interpreter – when he says ‘genuine engagement ‘ he means ‘gotchas’ or Nick Robinson running his mouth off with Tourette’s or that mentally affected Marr and his multi warheaded questions ( eg Nigel Farage )….
Sandford might also get a clue about the view of the ‘UK public “ when one of their reporters turns up at the seaside and gets a bit of ‘treatment ‘ from the plebs who pay their wages .
Guest – that’s great – the bubble can happily talk to itself and be even more distant from enemy plebs – they might as well exchange email addresses and do it that way …
Influencers have been posting images modeling "fox eyes" — a look popularized by celebrities. But critics say the trend is racially insensitive, and an act of cultural appropriation. https://t.co/C04IlIykNz
Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I still don’t have the balls to cancel the BBC licence, though am more and more tempted each day. OTOH, have cancelled my Scottish National Trust membership, after they hounded Neil Oliver out of it.
In addition, have also not renewed the membership for National Geographic, which has also gone hard woke recently. Their latest email propaganda was insinuating that blacks had been denied their proper role & respect in environmental matters; specifically, in their being long time National Park supporters! Yes, I am not making this up.
Has anyone else cancelled a membership due to this type of BS?
I fully understand your reluctance to cancel the licence – but I found it far easier to withdraw from the TV output than I thought – and I found it mentally uplifting to be away from the brainwashing .
When I get limited exposure now – I know I was right at Netflix does have stuff higher in quality and intelligence than any modern BBC output . For instance – I did ‘breaking bad ‘ and followed it with ‘better call Saul ‘ which I just finished . UK TV does nothing to touch these .
Everyone has their individual circumstances – I guess families sharing a TV are more of a challenge to cancel the licence .
As for other organisations – I’m not A member of Many but if they went ‘woke ‘ on me I’d be gone . As for radio – I barely even look at the schedule any more – yet alone listen – and I grew up with Radio 4 ….good luck
@MigrationWatch is saying that sections 95, 4 and 31 of the 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act need repealing to help restore control of the illegals.
Time to repeal the Illegal Crossers' Charter
This 1999 law was passed by Labour. It: ○ Spurs crossings by promising free housing & payments, including to illegal migrants ○ Makes it harder to prosecute those entering illegally.
Vice Presidential candidate Horizontal Harris…. is Indian and Jamaican …. Identifies as African American – this according to Wikipedia. So, First African American woman to run for VP????? Nope.
Prior to her assent to California state Senator in January 2017, Harris was the District Attorney for San Francisco (2004-2011) and the Attorney General for California (2011-2017).
Although one person is usually not to blame for huge societal issues, California has had major issues that Harris should be held partly accountable for.
There are many who argue that jail sentences are too lenient in California. Early release and lack of charges are identified as issues within California’s penal system.
Blimey, Anger and Protests is going all Ashokan Farewell.
The Biden-Harris ticket is a snub to the 000ks of young radical working class ppl who've fought Trump for 4 yrs. Do you think that soldiers at Shiloh liked their generals? No – but they made a revolution despite them. The main enemy is Trump/Pence – read this, from them tonight.. pic.twitter.com/fbD2T1Qu6E
As of right now, Kamala Harris is surely on course to become the first Black female and first Asian American president of the United States in the very near future.
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7430zw4zqyo Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
So many questions.
So little clue. Spoof account?
I hear that this lady – real name Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah- Yaxley Lennon – is ‘in trouble ‘ for doing ‘off the books ‘ private work and making a nice £195k from Mercedes or something – she didn’t get approval or declare it ….
Can we guess what sort of car she has ….. ?
On a different subject …
I was musing over the lovely dawn butlers terrible experience at the hands of racist police – fitting her up with a spliff / blade / nicked credit card and then kneeling or her neck whilst handcuffed sceaming ‘you’re gonna die n word bitch “
But of course none of that happened and on the reversed vid I thought the copper was pretty good with her – I really hope the police federation gets its way and the full body camera recording is released . But we know that’s not going to happen because both the MP and the woke ‘commissioner ‘ would not want the truth to come out – even if the white driver got ‘blacked up ‘ to fit the outrage narrative .
Anyway – my point is – whenever something nasty happens what is the first and unified chorus from politicians ?
ANSWER ‘we want more police on the streets ‘ or ‘bobbies on the beat ‘ ….
But it appears that if they are on patrol – better avoid coloured people …..meaning they can get on with killing and stabbing each other ….
Perhaps they could recruit Somali or Nigerian police officers to patrol Dawn’s patch?
Of course, not being brought up in Peelian Principles, and not being of the same BAME ‘tribe’, Dawn could then find hereself ‘slipping out of the car’ and ‘accidently’ receiving life-threatening injuries if that had ever came to pass.
OT, but… what you become a Royal correspondent for.
Finding Freedom is having a groom of the stool with a roll of Charmin on standby.
That’s a bit racist isn’t it Harry?
Is he suggesting that ‘white’ people, inventors of the flushing toilet and mains drainage, would be reluctant to ‘go in the woods’, but those ‘just out of the jungle’ wouldn’t?
Once the greenhouse dwellers have started to chuck rocks it becomes hard not to join in!
So freeloading c grade half caste American actresses with a Race / royalty fetish do pee in the woods – what an endearing detail .
And there’s me thinking Princesses didn’t pee at all.
Next you’ll be telling me some of them are scheming manipulative gold-digging social-climbers only in it for themselves!
We know the answer to the question
.. Do bores pee in the woods ?
Not vellum, or a live ermine?
Does this tool never stop?
The BBC told the kids that the Cenotaph was in Trafalgar Square.
Difficult to know where to start with that one.
Did they also explain that Cenotaph means Empty Tomb? Or why we have a Cenotaph?
History must be taught so that the contribution of Bames is not ignored. Black people have always lived in Britain and have not been recognised for their contribution to our culture.
So we are told by the media.
This has me thinking.
Is it merely a product of our racism to assume that Jack the Ripper was white?
Perhaps he was black, which was why he was not caught
Racist…how dare you suggest that….you know all bad people are white – well on BBC anyway..
Caught a bit on friend’s TV -helping them put up an aerial… this morning with a Black athlete being interviewed by a Black reporter (would have been insensitive to have a White or Chinese one) about a BBC commissioned report (your money) that x% of black female athletes had problems with their body image…DUH..did they interview any white female athletes to see if it was any different? of course not…that wouldn’t fit the narrative.
The more people stop paying for this bilge the better…BBC is pushing back racism decades by making the majority of the population feel racist even when they are not and building a victim mentality for non whites – eventually it will have consequences…
Agree 100% James Arthur-the real racists if we must us that phrase are Black People-it is they that are promoting the racist word as a means of destruction to the United Kingdom-of course over the years since the WW2 many black people have made a valuable contribution to this nation-however they are mostly of a different strain, now we have the brutality of revenge , retaliation against a white peoples past- they the Blacks conveniently forgetting their own history of slavery their ancesters undertook with the Arab slave traders thousands of years ago and still do today in many areas of the African continent . Furher the Blacks along with the USA and UK media batting for them-my concept of Britain was being brought up during and after WW2 in pre-war education and manners-the UK then was a pleasant enough place to live, the cost of living based on the lowest common earning denominator, not now! Its all gone mad, of course nothing will be as it was, as historical time moves on waiting for no man.
Ban Britishness
He’s really getting better isn’t he ? I’m surprised he didn’t do a reverse non driver Dawn special….
You’re right, I think Oswald Mosely was black too. And Bloody Mary.
And Peter Sutcliffe is a paklander.
They were presumably looking for him at night.
One of the regional BBC news propaganda operations named two yoof charged with murder despite the judge ordering names be with held .
So a bunch of BBC managers has been before the judge . Nothing came of it – I’m a bit torn because I believe everyone – whatever age – charged with such a crime should be identified – but also anything thar harms the BBC is also a good thing ….
It the yoof get off I wonder if the BBC will get more stick .
The details are on UKpress gazette –
I thought one got arrested, trialled and jailed within the hour for this sort of thing. Good to see that British justice can be lenient to the right sorts of people.
The TR trial was of course a stitchup
whereas red and green skins get soft justice.
At the time most of the libmob, were shouting
“A law is a law, so there should be no mitigation for TR”
PG says \\ The trial is not until next year, hopefully no damage has been done,” the judge added.//
There is an argument that on his 18th birthday, before the trial, the media would get lawyers to get the 17yo’s anonymity lifted,
\\ A 15 y/o boy from #Banbury is among two teenagers that have been charged with murder after a man was killed in Wood Farm in #Oxford.
The two boys appeared at Oxford Magistrates Court this morning and have been remanded in custody. //
This came across by computer bows recently and I thought is was so apt in the present awful circumstances we now see happening. Sums up my feelings perfectly.
I never cared if you were “gay’ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
I never cared where you were born, until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
I never cared if you were well-off or poor until ,you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong.
Now I care!
My patience and tolerance are wearing thin. I know I am not alone in feeling this way.
There are millions of us who do…… and we have had enough!!
Indeed there are millions that think the same way, and those supposedly in charge must head what is being thought and said.
Fantastic Tarien
Sums up the feeling of many of my friends. I am pretty sure it applies to non whites too who all get lumped into the same victim bag when they don’t see it that way.
I can be critical and dislike a white christian (many in fact) person so pretty sure it works around the other way (non white/ muslim, whatever group, critical of same) – but you wouldn’t know that from the BBC narrative
Tarien – I think it’s a line of thought which the British state should be fearful of – but I think they are so disconnected from every day view that they have no idea how strongly the majority are feeling – it follows on from the brexit disconnect as well as the size of majority a Tory government got but Is busily ignoring ….always a price ….
The bbc newspaper produces an article ‘questioning ‘ the mad modern ‘idea’ of colour blind casting and whether ‘race ‘ should be considered . Note that it is always coloured actors taking whitee roles – for instance Idris Elba playing captain
Mainwaring in the coming coloured remake of ‘dads army ‘ …with sergeant Wilson played by Lenny Henry ….*
… the main thing to note it the absence of the ability to comment on the article – which I consider for be code for subjects which elicit a pretty strong response from the woke and counter woke . – but not me – I’m not registered with them or the BBC so would not share me oh so whitee view .
*i bet you someone in the BBC has tried to do a coloured dads army ….
Surely “absent fathers army”
off inseminating white girls while child joins gang
Paging Mr Lineker
“Sir Keir Starmer calls for all-BAME shortlists as he proposes major reforms to make Labour ‘truly representative'”
The story is a few months old but Alex Belfield has just drawn attention to it.
So, Sir Keir, if, for example you argue that blacks require a black MP to properly represent them, what about whites within the constituency of a black MP – where’s their representation?
Sir Keir, word of advice – identity politics is ultimately a loser of a policy. That way, eventually, but inevitably, lies Apartheid.
These commies are trying to turn is into South Africa. But in reverse.
I’m sure they’re also plotting to steal or homes off us to give to the invaders. And then they’ll steal all the farms off our farmers to give to the blacks and paks.
This obsession with being ‘representative’ of the population seems to be everywhere. The Home Office and particularly The Police seem to be constantly wailing about it. Apparently the Police are failing in their efforts to make officers ‘more representative’ of the community they serve and like Rumplestiltskin are literally tearing themselves in half over the issue.
Why ? It’s not as simple as just making it so. There are numerous factors which influence job seekers decisions, let alone the qualities and qualifications required. If I were burgled or mugged the last thing on my mind, if and when the Police turned up is how representative that officer is. But no, (your) money and time is wasted in favour of Policing in getting the organisation representative. I couldn’t care a hoot who turns up, their ethnicity, religion or sexuality.
However, what will we do with those organisations who are over representative? My understanding is that the NHS is (e.g. what shall we do with all those Phillipino nurses. Sack them ?) and the Beeb is over representative. Perhaps some of those over represented reporters/ journalists could join the Police. At least it might give them an idea of the real world (appreciating, of course, a massive drop in salary).
Volunteers in Bristol sought to host asylum seekers in homes
It is criminal offence to destro your documents and enter the UK illegally.
‘Volunteers in Bristol sought to host asylum seekers in homes’
Preferably with underage daughters?
Perhaps the volunteers should be helping those who have been in Bristol for some time and stop abuses against some of the immigrant teenage girls. Four years ago in Bristol I know that there was a significant problem with Somali girls suffering from the consequences of the barbaric practise of FGM. Teachers in Bristol were advised how to recognise their symptons and get help for them. Although the practise was illegal it seems that British doctors were doing the operations and at that time only one doctor had been prosecuted .
Shoreham 2 bodies in the sea, empty dingy found
I’ve been wondering how long it might take for some agenda-driven NGOs to manufacture another Alan Kurdi moment in order to shame our government.
Seltzer, Acosta or one of the BBC America BS geniuses?
She moves in very limited circles for someone paid to be representative.
The French won’t turn back or escort illegals the their shores because of ‘safety reasons’. Obviously much safer to let them continue with their journey to the UK (apparently the water is much calmer/less deep/a nicer shade our side). However if we stump up £30 million this may persuade them to change their mind.
Not to worry though as progress is being made.After a meeting of both sides ‘the possibilities are being considered’. What possibilities these are no one knows, but more than likely it will be November/ December when the weather has changed and we can conveniently sweep all under le tapis (until next year). As for that £30 mill, well there are hotel bills, medical expenses, provision of food and drink, Home Office expenses and admin fees to be paid.
Sigh….I should have been a politician.
Move one of the laid up cruise ships from South coast and anchor it safely at sea (hoist ball, diamond, ball) on the East coast; Use Border Farce to ferry invaders to the tourist boat and house them there. To avoid the French, make the invaders tourists (buy them tickets) and when there is a ship load take them back as normal passengers to disembark in French port. The French cannot object if they don’t have passports because that is the way they came on board the tourist ship – from France.
Job done.
The rudiments of a plan…….
Outside journalists on border patrol boats alongside the lilos, say the scene is ‘unsettling’, and yes love its uncomfortable watching you lot professing sympathy for these migrants who are ‘exhausted, desperate, fleeing terrible conditions, paying thousands to get here etc etc’.
I dont find it unsettling, I find it sickening that we are allowing this to happen, being brutal, these are blacks from Africa – Sudan, Eritrea, then why the hell dont they go to South Africa ??? its civilised (!) they speak English, but of course they dont get benefits. Those from Iran, Syria, well sorry, you came through Europe, then stay there.
On another tack. Time and again we hear that migrants have benefitted our country. Ok, so what are this lot from the deserts of Somalia and Eritrea going to do that will benefit us eh ? Better life my a…..e. All it will do over time, is bring our way of life down to the level of the one they have left behind.
A man has been arrested after shooting at the White House.
Anyone heard from our Jon recently?
Was Jon the victim ?
Vlad mentioned : Belfield had a go at Keir Starmer’s wanting the law changed so he can have BAME shortlists for MPs
.. Belfield also has ago BBC 9x Orchestras £30m Disgrace – 400 NOW
.. He also has ago at Brian Cox
Sargon has ago at leaked BLM teaching materials
.. He also has ago at Inflated Covid Death Counts
WGAP has ago at Tony Blair getting Eire into the Euro
He also showed a video that Esther McVey made, pretending to drive a car and saying something vacuous about something.
Cringeworthy, to say the least. I’m pleased I spoiled my voting paper because I’m afraid she’s yet another MP who is not fit for purpose.
Top YouTube lawyer says lawyers are coming round to say Michael Flynn was not guilty of anything
Viva Frei youtube
Do you know anything about where the Durham investigation has got to? Everybody knows that some highly prominent figures in the US are guilty of trying to remove Trump illegally but why has there been no indictments? I had once hoped that the indictments and subsequent trials would be the knock out blow for the President and that the trials would have started earlier this year. But it is now too late in the electoral race to be of its greatest benefit. I suspect that the deep state has forced delay after delay but I had hoped that Barr would have cut through all that. I am greatly disappointed.
John Swinney, Scotland’s education secretary has flipped over the decision to downgrade some of the grades given by teachers to 100,000 students in place of exams to try to save his skin.
I am convinced, looking at the figures, estimated up to 10% higher then in an actual exam year that the teachers awarded grades significantly higher than would historically be the case if the students had actually taken the exams. This almost certainly done to enhance their own and their schools status. All his despite the fact that these same students have missed a significant time in class, making the results even more incredulous.
So up to 100,000 extra students will now sally forth into higher education etc. as proud possessors of grades they could never have achieved via the exam route.
This means a probably influx into universities of many students who will then struggle to get up to speed if at all and probably shouldn’t be there.
But never mind, UNI is free in Scotland so everything is free and as a bonus it will help to mask the unemployment figures for the Sturgeon person won’t it?
“….as proud possessors of grades they could never have achieved via the exam route.”
Yes and if/when they take any exams at Yooni that will be a shock.
I took 36 exams in law for my first degree and I’m glad they didn’t come as a shock. In fact, more exams means development of a personal system to tackle them.
‘Free’ as is subsidised by the English taxpayer ?
And I think I should be allowed to ‘revisit ‘ my A level , degree and masters for a bit of a ‘regrade’ ( upward ) too… and where’s my PhD . ?
“UK and France promise new migrant crossings plan, says minister”
Once again Nigel Farage leads the way …………….
While the Tories begin to cover their tracks. What took then so, so long?
Why didn’t Al Beeb’s world leading investigators – “Panodrama”, not get to the bottom of the what was going on with the people smuggling ?
Get rid of the Telly Tax and the outfit it feeds.
Are the people smugglers investing all their ill gotten gains in Serco shares?
There are almost daily black-on-black killings, but the BBC still headline this one from 27 years ago.
“Stephen Lawrence murder investigation declared ‘inactive’ by Met.”
Of course the Black Broadcasting Corporation would like it to go on and on, in perpetuity.
Oh, you can be sure, it will go on and on and on and on …
I noticed this (non-)story on the R4 18:00 news. They had Cressida Dick (or “Caressa Dick” as someone recently called her on ‘Pointless’ … so I’m told by Mrs M!) saying how “amazing” the Lawrence family had been and how much progress had been made because of them. As you say, 27 years ago and we are still hearing about it. I hope the same attention will be given to the killers of Charlene Downes (who, IIRC, got away with it on some legal technicality, despite one actually being recorded admitting to it) and Kris Donald … but then those victims were White and that means very very low down in the hierarchy of victimhood.
Talking of numbers which, like 27, are not divisible by 10, ‘PM’ with Evan Davis decided to do a report ‘nearly’ 40 years on about the Toxteth Riots of summer 1981. As a matter of fact, 1981 + 40 = 2021, so it’s only the 39th anniversary. Still, never miss an opportunity to go on about racism, hey BBC, with the need to keep fanning the flames of George Floyd, BLM, etc. Not a single word of the report suggested that any blame should attach to the Black people who took part in the rioting – it was all about police racism, no jobs, schools, racial abuse, etc. Almost worthless without asking such questions as, why were they out on the streets anyway and why didn’t their families get a grip of them instead of letting them smash things up?
Then came another dream for the BBC, a pollster who has been right about US Presidential elections every time since 1984, predicting that Biden would win, as polls have moved against Trump since 2020 and Covid19. Praise for Biden’s possible VP, the mixed-race Kamala Harris, and dismissal of Trumps base as being the decreasing demographic of old White men.
Roll on the next cricket Test match. I listen to it on R4 (LW not FM) and it’s great to go through to around 7 pm and close of play, missing ‘PM’, the 6 pm news and the ‘comedy’ offering between that and the Archers.
By the way, I’ve been reading David Sedgwick’s “BBC: Brainwashing Britain?” (2018) which goes well with Robin Aitken’s books (“Can We Trust The BBC?” and the 2013 version “Can We Still Trust The BBC?”) and is more up-to-date, including the election of Donald Trump and Brexit for instance.
Oh dear. Covid has returned to New Zealand. 4 cases. Same family.
Freaky BBC favourite Saint Jacinda has locked down Auckland on the strength of it !!!
Now, imagine if Boris locked down London on 4 cases ??? The BBC would be going mental about it !!!! Guaranteed.
Now, let’s see how they react to Saint Jacinda , 100% the BBC will praise this “brave” “correct” decision..
With Boris , it would be “reckless” ” ill thought’ and wholly wrong !!!!!
“The best way to solve the UK’s migrant challenge is to make the countries they are fleeing, better”.
We did.
But now it’s called colonialism and it’s ‘bad’.
Worse than that the Alastair Stewarts of this world have convinced themselves that migrants come here to make the UK better!
I’m a bit late with this but yesterday on the BBC News channel there was an interview with some young woman ‘expert’ via video link and in the background she had “Free Palestine” hanging on the walls.
What is the chances that every guest on BBC just happens to have left leaning items on display in their homes?
Frankly a relief when most bbc ‘experts‘ don’t have someone hanging from their walls.
Toenails should just scoot off to East Germany with Dawn Butler and have genius children… who go mad and hit people.
Is there anything this weasel doesn’t screw up?
Mind you, he works for this outfit.
Nice to see that jugears is getting a hammering about Wankers crisps over on Guido…
Thanks to Brissles, the Taylors tea is nearly gone, and we’ll probably try one of the teas made by normal companies from now on!
I didn’t know that Wankers crisps were owned by Pepsico though, so no more of that old rubbish as well!
Reflect away, Kev.
Not in a Dawn selfie way, natch.
Everyone who has some green credentials knows that ‘PSB’ stands for ‘Purple Sprouting Broccoli’!
Why can’t the gardening department talk with the propaganda department in W1AA/
Are they so thick?
ITV local news
news ??
Ah a black man has got a book out saying the Church Of England is as racist as ever ?
WTF The archbishop of York was black
” Not enough posts are held by Asian Britain’s” he says
.. FFS there are pockets of Christians in India but they are not noticeable here.
Azariah France-Williams book is called “Ghost Ship: Institutional Racism and the Church of England”
Aaaah, ‘France-Williams’ – a good Franco-Welsh surname…
Open the C of E to the 3.3 million UK Muslims – simple!
Was watching a recording of a very good BBC programme, a Sky at Night special about the history of Mars expeditions.
At 1823 it finished and we switched over to BBC1 in advance of the weather forecast.
Guess what? The first six people shown were all BAME and the story was all about BAME victimhood in the world capital of entitled victimhood, Liverpool.
You just can’t make it up.
The weather forecast online is a huge joke, Sluffy!
I’ve checked several times today, as we do really need some rain, and I’m trying not to waste water, but the BBC’s online forecast changes every few minutes!
You’d have thought that with all that money sloshing around, they could do better,, but this is a publicly taxed bunch we’re dealing with, so things won’t ever change…
Actually quite funny.
Gets better.
Oh yes.
I’m sure the Fortesques own a lump of the UK – perhaps the criminal invaders could be concentrated there rather than using Hilton’s – just make Sure the WiFi and phone chargers work and they’ll love it …. they could even build their own prison blocks ….
Wiki says the family seat is Ebrington Manor – round the corner from chipping campdem – ideal staging post before deportation
From what users said here
She sounds like an Enid Blyton character in Five Went To Watch Illegals Cross The Channel
..jolly japes
Just watched BBC News 6pm. Britain has many problems with racism everywhere.
Our cops are systemically and institutionally racist and have not mended their ways since Stephen Laurence’s death.
Perhaps we need a more uplifting news report. eg. Stephen appears to a couple of young girls of colour who are sufeering from Covid and depressed over GCE results. He touches them and they are instantly cured and their results are increased due to a little tinkering with the computer models.
Sorry. I made that up.
Now off to watch Ch 4 News to hear about bad Trump and more evidence of racism
One is sure American Booty and Squad are on it.
Maybe with an interview with Barry.
“If I had a thick robbing love child, I’d dump him on mum too”
“A post-Brexit trade deal between the UK and Japan may have met an unlikely obstacle – stilton cheese.”
Operative word “may”.
How Al Beeb would love to see Brexit fail.
A previous Tory Pledge . “A ‘whole of government’ approach to clamp down on illegal immigration ” …………….
That was five years ago!
We still have mass immigration . We still have Al Beeb.
The people of Britain are waiting and have waited for far too long . Are the politicians listening now?
Nigel Farage , keep on ‘holding their feet to the fire’ .
Then there’s Chris Mason.
Is there a Dan and Lewis’ ice cream flavour?
Sandford needs an interpreter – when he says ‘genuine engagement ‘ he means ‘gotchas’ or Nick Robinson running his mouth off with Tourette’s or that mentally affected Marr and his multi warheaded questions ( eg Nigel Farage )….
Sandford might also get a clue about the view of the ‘UK public “ when one of their reporters turns up at the seaside and gets a bit of ‘treatment ‘ from the plebs who pay their wages .
Sweeney!’s duet with Mongolian throat warbler is sure to make the R1 playlist.
BBC Kid Propaganda talks faith…
Has lockdown been a barrier for people and their faith – or has what’s happened this year made more people explore religion?
The ‘people’ illustrated were very singular in demographic traits.
American Booty Call
Jon and squad going to be busy sifting this lot.
Mayhaps I should volunteer
The bubble circles its wagons tighter.
Guest – that’s great – the bubble can happily talk to itself and be even more distant from enemy plebs – they might as well exchange email addresses and do it that way …
The American BS surely have to RT this?
How ugly can you get…
Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I still don’t have the balls to cancel the BBC licence, though am more and more tempted each day. OTOH, have cancelled my Scottish National Trust membership, after they hounded Neil Oliver out of it.
In addition, have also not renewed the membership for National Geographic, which has also gone hard woke recently. Their latest email propaganda was insinuating that blacks had been denied their proper role & respect in environmental matters; specifically, in their being long time National Park supporters! Yes, I am not making this up.
Has anyone else cancelled a membership due to this type of BS?
I fully understand your reluctance to cancel the licence – but I found it far easier to withdraw from the TV output than I thought – and I found it mentally uplifting to be away from the brainwashing .
When I get limited exposure now – I know I was right at Netflix does have stuff higher in quality and intelligence than any modern BBC output . For instance – I did ‘breaking bad ‘ and followed it with ‘better call Saul ‘ which I just finished . UK TV does nothing to touch these .
Everyone has their individual circumstances – I guess families sharing a TV are more of a challenge to cancel the licence .
As for other organisations – I’m not A member of Many but if they went ‘woke ‘ on me I’d be gone . As for radio – I barely even look at the schedule any more – yet alone listen – and I grew up with Radio 4 ….good luck
Lurch knows stuff.
Veracity to be confirmed.
Seems credible.
Should it be confirmed, it will be interesting how the MSM unleash their hounds of outrage by association.
Or… not.
Leicester MP, Zarah Sultana’s new campaign poster
@MigrationWatch is saying that sections 95, 4 and 31 of the 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act need repealing to help restore control of the illegals.
Letter in Daily Telegraph 11 August:
Biden picks Lotus Flower – real name Yaxley Lennon Camila Harris of many races as running mate.
The BBC has found its dream candidate
Vice Presidential candidate Horizontal Harris…. is Indian and Jamaican …. Identifies as African American – this according to Wikipedia. So, First African American woman to run for VP????? Nope.
Prior to her assent to California state Senator in January 2017, Harris was the District Attorney for San Francisco (2004-2011) and the Attorney General for California (2011-2017).
Although one person is usually not to blame for huge societal issues, California has had major issues that Harris should be held partly accountable for.
There are many who argue that jail sentences are too lenient in California. Early release and lack of charges are identified as issues within California’s penal system.
Blimey, Anger and Protests is going all Ashokan Farewell.
Barry. Meghan, That bloke next to Dawn, and now…
BBC News
“Why should Indian-Americans not be proud of her? It’s a signal that we are coming of age.”
Who is Kamala Harris, a reported front-runner to be Joe Biden’s running mate?
No wonder they expect more for a licence of color.
Imagine if ever they actually got a black person?
Mehdi knows things.
Also really covering the bases all at once.
Ms.Omar for VP and he’ll off some cattle on a tarp.
Just heard on my local news that several hundred fire fighters are fighting a forest fire which is “200 square meters”.
I’m not sure how they all fit around a fire that is not even 15 meters on each side but then maths isn’t the BBCs best subject.
They like her; they really like her!
Why didn’t Boris think to reduce the UK population to a twentieth and move us 1,200 miles out into the Atlantic?
Worshipping at the altar of St Jac
.. St Jacinda