No-one reads the first posts (or the ‘leader’ as Fedup2 will tell you) and as long as they continue to be of no importance that will be the case!
If you don’t manage to do a real bias post as ‘number one’ don’t waste your time trying to follow a ‘Chad’ post (one for the very old) as you will soon be down in the tens as Chad-wannabees pile in their replies to the leading wall-pisser’s.
I suspect a lot of people read what they take to be the last post first (top of the right-hand list). Woe betide them if they then make a new post as they might be adding to something from last week and that will soon be lost as new posts hit the current thread.
Jim -not happy ? I often feel guilty cutting off one thread to put a new one up because i feel that ‘ old’ threads might not get the attention of the live one .
Imagine getting this angry because women might have the same rights as you. Muslims in Norway kicking off because women wanted to access the mosque and take part in a leadership vote.
Bizarrely the BBC-gahuza language news has a report about Monday’s pension demonstrations in Buenos Aires
That is a BBC station aimed at Rwanda/Burundi
The BBC and to be fair the whole media circus are delighting in the admittedly incompetent A level results handling.
And now the BBC and the rest are highlighting the ‘chaos with University entries’
Why? Because the Universities gave conditional offers based on their estimate of supply and demand. They hadn’t planned for A level results to be 35% higher than ever before.
So now every man and his dog have the results to get into Oxbridge et al and they don’t want to go to BogStandard Redbrick.
You reap what you sow.
But here’s the thing. Would that not have been exactly the same situation if the teacher assessment method had been advertised weeks ago?? The offers were sent out long before lockdown.
Something our high flying BBC journalists appear not to have twigged.
I listened to R4 for 5 minutes..all i could stand..Jesus F …all they went on about was A levels….but what really made me laugh was the detailed they reported
” an anonymous admissions officer at medical school sent a message to Huffpost saying it is a shambles…I have even had students threaten self harm”
Huff post…so Left….
anonymous..great journalism
Threatened self harm…well just the type of medic you want…
Non of these things seem to matter to BBC.
They really are now gutter press…with their ‘reporters’ just lifting shite off other like minded sources..
BBC1 at 2320.
Deep joy.
Someone called Hayley is going ‘Gender Curious’.
Yes, its a platform for the ‘increasing’ amount of transgender and to better understand ‘gender fluid’ or ‘gender neutral’.
The education system has been a farce for the past 30 years. Everyone knows that standards have lowered with grades getting higher. Yet students, parents and teachers all religiously maintain how ‘hard they’ve worked’, well, what the hell do they think we all did before then ??? sit with our thumbs up our a……ses ?
There was a time when even getting a single A level put you in the near genius bracket, and those who did rightly deserved their university places. The rest of us considered ourselves lucky if we got a couple of O levels, and none of us – in my particular class, were considered stupid by any means. In fact, by today’s standards we’d all be Professors by now.
So all this whingeing of ‘my life has been ruined’ in the latest debacle of results, dear God, its one year, not the end of the bloody world.
Completely agree B. In the naughtiest I used to interview for a large science based company on the ‘milk round’ of university students
, from ‘decent’ universities, who were applying for a job. We were astonished and dismayed at the woeful quality of many interviewees. They couldn’t put a coherent argument together even verbally , let alone on paper , and these students had been screened so we only saw those who sent in the best 20% of application forms. We suspected that parents or tutors helped them complete the forms.
The really interesting thing was that if you employed some of students who struggled to make the grade and were borderline but then gave them extra on the job training , within a couple of years they turned out to be fine. It wasn’t the modern students who were any worse than those who went before them but the system which educated them had become unfit for purpose.
I’m only talking about their technical and communication abilities. Their strange political views are I’m afraid another matter.
Some people have the ability to take what they are ‘taught’ and regurgitate it for the exam so they appear to be ‘good’ students.
Some people have a need to understand what they are taught and fret if they can’t. A few might be smarter than the teacher and can see that the teacher doesn’t understand the material, which doesn’t help. The rest might be a bit slower on the uptake, or perhaps they learn in a different way. Take the time to overcome those obstacles and those students know and understand, something that isn’t common even with ‘smart’ people.
Could not agree more with you-my wife and I actually are dismayed at the dismal standard being shown by so many students let alone their future Lecturers. Culture of ‘what I want I should get as I am entitled’ entitled to nothing- only hard work will be the way to earn any entitlement.
I Join you and Doublethinker in agreeing with your comments-much of the result of lowering standards and yes they have been, was due to that dammed Blair et al whose overboard promotion of wanting everyone to go to University, inevitability this brought standards down it had to, in order to show the increase in the number of prospective students endeavouring to get to University and as there were not sufficient Universities to cope with the increase in student numbers, current Tech Colleges at that time suddenly, became Universitities-Indeed working for an A level was very hard work and although I didn’t take A Level as I went into industry as an apprentice, my wife did and got 2 A Levels with great effort-one was for English Language, which she now feels has been dummed down to the lowest level-so many Students as well we might say some Lecturers are so in-articulate.
Among the questions (like “So what do you think the lockdown and all those billions spent has actually achieved?”) that I would so love to hear from the combined armies of our MSM finest is: “Ultimately, it is employers who want to know what qualifications our kids got at school and university – what do you think they are making of this?” Of course as the MSM and educashion are all in the same bubble, thoughts like these never occur.
Speaking as an employer – we now completely discount all school and university qualifications. I’m just not interested in the long list of A’s and A*s A-levels in particular. And this was before this year’s marking fiasco. We will be interested if an interviewee went to a Russel Group uni. but that’s about it. Time was when I knew a candidate with a smattering of As and Bs was a cut above. Those days are long gone (taking everything into account there are about 150 ‘Firsts’ awarded today for every one that was awarded in the sixties).
So I guess I long in vain for that BBC interviewer shoving a microphone at a (piteously tearful/ecstatically tearful, delete which doesn’t apply) student or teacher and saying: “You know of course that employers are not the slightest bit interested in your grades, they ceased to have any meaning a very long time ago” and seeing the reaction.
If i hear or see another news item with whinging schoolkids and how much they have suffered I wont be responsible for my actions . Its not like they are being asked to jump out of a Dakota or Landing craft or Hop the bags .
A virus, likely no more deadly than a middling to bad flu year, has seemingly brought the western world to a halt for a year and yet the BBC can still admit no questioning of the orthodoxy.
Dissenting voices are gagged among the masses of the masked crowd.
Everyone seems to be under the illusion a freebie utopia is just around the corner. From the youngsters demanding an ‘A’ grade after a term of computer games to the twelve Albanian men in a boat shipping up at Dover.
Bad things await, just around the corner. The only choice we have is whether to laugh or cry.
I’m going to quote just one line from the BBC today:
‘Coronavirus patients with loss of taste really cannot tell the difference between bitter or sweet.’
Looks like this holding of power to account is a bit different, chez W1A…
BBC News
The second night of the Democratic National Convention is kicking off, here’s what to watch for:
✔️Joe Biden will officially be named the Democratic candidate for president
✔️Rising political star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will give a speech
✔️As will former US President Bill Clinton.
Lewis will be glued to his set. Especially if BS has a royal box.
This disgraceful character with his wife, sometimes known as ‘the wolf in sheeps clothing,’ together with their other friends of dirty deeds the Bush family and the newcomer to their evil team Mr amd Mrs Obama. Never should any American give any trust to whatever mybe said by those people. So much bad stuff follows in their wake-the dust blown up hides the traiterous dealings that promotes a New World Order with this group of evil doers at its top table-God protect us.
Toady is running another anti-Trump tale on R4. A Democrat has come in to tell us why Biden is wonderful and Trump is a racist, sexist turn-off, a Joe Benensen, I think. His story is that Biden has HUGE leads in all the polls that measure anything anything at all, because Trump is so bad. Standard R4 propaganda fare.
That follows a bit about Byelorussia, how rotten their government is, and how there is a revolution going on. Wishful thinking, beeb.
This comes after a Christian immigrant presented ‘Thought of the Day’. But if you were expecting spiritual upliftment, you will have been disappointed. It was all about educational ‘inequalities’, to fit the ongoing bbc narrative, which is trying to undermine the government and get the scalp of Williamson.
Now comes Toady news and Nick Bryant to give us pieces of Clinton’s speech at the Dem Convention. Of course, the self-righteous Clinton should be in jail, for very many reasons. As indeed, should many Democrat supporters, whose policy in American cities is looting and burning.
fnw, think it may have been Joe Benson (Martha mangled the name rather – I’ve been hunting for a Joe Bentham in US Democratic politics without success. Very hard (for me, anyway – ancient clunky laptop) to find out anything about said gent. Wouldn’t be the first time that TOADY have been spoofed with something fake, of course.
G**gle seem to be making it very hard to find out anything about Joe Benson or Joe Bentham in US politics. Now, what country is G**gle from and what might their corporate politics be?
Every time this guy mentioned polling on Biden:Trump I mentally cheered. Could the pollsters strike out yet again in the US?
I noticed that Clinton got his weather science wrong in his analogy that he used to dismiss President Trump. In the eye of the storm, there is peace and calm and steadiness. On the periphery …. it is different. Where’s Joe Biden?
Just announced that the Universities have grilled the Government on how they can fit the extra students in and obey social distancing guidelines at the same time.
Hey! University lecturers and administrators, you are really supposed to be clever people, that’s why you got the job.
Hint: Maybe cycle students to attend remotely just like our lad has been doing for the past few months with some attending physically on a rolling basis.
BTW all the teachers and unions (and children) demanded this situation so why not ask them!
The rest of the population appear to have got this message !
You really couldn’t make this stuff up, once again it smells of Momentum!
digg- Do the students really matter at all to beeb et al? All that tear-jerking about how stressful their lives are. (Looking back on my life, I think this privileged lot -most of whom seem to want to get into Oxford or Cambridge- don’t know what real STRESS is. A nasty suprise awaits them.)
But beeb is conducting a war to get a few Tory scalps, preferably Williamson’s. That’s what all this is about. This has been the drumbeat for days, especially on radio 4.
It’s almost as if beeb have decided that Labour is so hopeless, they’re going to do the opposition’s work for them!
And when you think of the Labour team, with Dodds, Abbott, Ashworth and other nonentities, you can understand why. Not to mention the truly subversive Keir Starmer (I say this, not only because his current role, but having a good look at what he did at CPS.)
Of course, our current bunch are not exactly confidence inspiring. To put it mildly. But blue Labour are still preferable to red Labour.
Just guessing, but suspect many of the foreign students won’t be arriving this coming term. UCL has 25% Chinese students for example.
Those extremely highly paid vice-Chancellors will just have to earn their salaries and rearrange classes and classrooms. ‘Demanding’ extra money from government is easy. Boris, please for once, stand firm.
its not classes thats the problem, its keeping the buggers apart the rest of the time if they are all on campus,
the problem they now have is they have an extra raft of eligible students with the “right” grades in one form or another demanding the places they were promised if they got said grades
the government has just passed the problem onto the universities
Dido Harding anybody?
‘Job’s for the boys’ springs to mind.
“Diana Mary “Dido” Harding, Baroness Harding of Winscombe (born 9 November 1967)[2] is a British businesswoman serving as chairwoman of NHS Improvement since 2017 and head of the NHS Test and Trace programme, established to track and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in England, since May 2020. In August 2020, Harding was appointed interim chair of the new National Institute for Health Protection.”
How much of the Covid debacle can be attributed to ‘our’ Dido
She is married to the MP for Weston super Mare, John Penrose.
Brucie: ‘Didn’t she do well!’
G, Dido single handedly made a partial success that was TalkTalk into a complete disaster. The ghost of Sally Davies has come back to haunt the health of the nation.
…. there’s going to be a run on honey, especially runny honey. The Bee Lady says: “I told you so.” *
An Oxford Uni Medical School study appears to show the medical effects and benefits of a dose of honey for respiratory infections. (* It’s also good to put on burns and infected wounds, too. But they – Oxford Uni – didn’t say that. ‘Dr’ Snuffy did. He also says: “I told you so.”)
The United Kingdom has been pummelled into an historic recession by fake news and false data-confidence in the figures produced by the Office for National Statistics, nor by Public Health England, nor by any of the other public organisations collecting and publishing data on the Coronavirus. And we most certainly do not believe a word uttered by Scotland’s First Minister on this subject. In the latest week’s official ONS figures 8,946 people are reported to have died in England and Wales. In that week 928 of them died of ‘flu and pneumonia. 193 of them died “with Coronavirus”.
When it comes to the year to date, according to the (inflated COVID-19) figures from the Office for National Statistics issued on 11 August 2020, on average far more people die of ‘flu and pneumonia than have died “with” Coronavirus, as at 31 July this year. This is a simple fact.
It remains the case, for example, that a person dying today in August of ‘flu, or cancer, or a heart attack, and who tested positive for Coronavirus in early March but had no symptoms or recovered from it, will nevertheless be counted in the ONS figures for Coronavirus deaths. How is this remotely possible, credible, or of any use? As things stand, if someone dies on this day next year for whatever reason, and if they had tested positive today, they would be counted in the Coronavirus death figures. Sheer insanity.
Not only that but a person does not even need to have tested positive for Coronavirus to be counted in Coronavirus figures
for “Coronavirus deaths” are grossly exaggerated because they include deaths from all causes if Coronavirus happens to be mentioned by the doctor on the death certificate. Bonkers.
This can occur even if the deceased NEVER tested positive for Coronavirus. Even without this distortion, the average deaths from ‘flu and pneumonia are far higher than deaths “with Coronavirus”.
Have the Coronavirus numbers come anywhere near justifying the lockdown of our nation, the imposition of emergency powers, the denial of our civil liberties, the drastic shortening of lives because the NHS wouldn’t treat non-Covid patients, the closing of our schools and universities, the severe damage to the infrastructure of our cities and to our town high streets, and the utter devastation of our economy? No, the Coronavirus numbers have justified none of these. It is wake up time, don’t you think?
tarien- I am not a youngster, and thus probably a prime COVID target, but I can’t help feeling that the whole thing often looks like a giant hoax. I say often, because -at times- the case for a dangerous pandemic seems convincing. I vacillate a little. But this is usually when the MSM have ‘gone to town’.
But, one can’t help feeling there are other powers (human) that have been manipulating this pandemic for their own purposes.
So we have to answer the question: why would governments be so keen on destroying their own economies in an unprecedented fashion?
Any answers?
I can boil it down to one word. Power. It seems history repeats itself. A crisis gets created then someone comes in takes power and the populace boosted by useful idiots clamours for it just to get saved from the crisis. On a national scale the Russian revolution, Hitler, Mussolini, Khomeini in the 20th century. You could almost see it now with Antifa and BLM. Once they have served their purpose they will go the way of the brown shirts.
I have two friends in different parts of the country who have daughters in their thirties who have been very ill with the covid 19 virus and have still not recovered, ie after being ill in late March, they still struggle to go up the stairs plus we have a couple of friends (older men) in other parts of the country, one who was in hospital for 6 weeks and another who was only just not ill enough to be admitted. They are recovering. What I haven’t heard about are people catching the virus more recently, and not knowing anybody who has, I have no idea about recovery of recent cases. But I look at the numbers and accept they are not large. It leaves me in a dilemma, to see young Mums still very poorly after 4 months, and very low number of cases. If I am honest, I haven’t a clue and my decisions on the degree of care I take probably depend on what mood I am in. Do I think lockdown was worth it? My honest answer is I really don’t know. If there were many more young women who had avoided serious illness, then possibly it was – but would I go and join a stadium full of demonstrators for Black Lives Matter and risk catching the virus- definitely not.
It’s so noticeable that the people that should be investigating and asking these pertinent questions simply aren’t.
Why is it left to Joe Bloggs, tarien and a few other enterprising people to look at these statistics on our behalf?
The entire media should be all over these figures like the proverbial, non Covid, rash. They’re not.
We don’t seem to have any real, top notch calibre of politicians either. They should be querying the destruction of our economy and our way of life. You don’t allow a government to simply imprison its own people, unless you’re living in China, the USSR or modern day Blighty…Where are the dissenting voices?
Before and during the Iraq war there were numerous members of parliament and media folk arguing against the conflict. These freethinkers can’t all have died.
All you might get is the usual, tedious point scoring from Kier Schmarmer and Emily Witless, asking why we didn’t impose imprisonment on our people even earlier and even harder. Where are the rebels?
On Radio 4, Sunday evening, they had Jonathan Friedland (Gaurdian…natch!) introducing his programme, The Long View. They always look at something contemporary with an historical event and on Sunday they compared our present virus with the Spanish flu of 1918… You know, the one that killed between 50 to 100 million people! This was presented without any irony. It’s like comparing Belsen with Butlins. It’s ludicrous and horrifically misleading.
I know a couple that are living in terror. They have their groceries delivered and wash everything as it comes into the house. My friends are reasonably young, so stand more chance of dying from a lightning strike or an attack by a wild buffalo (unlikely in Surrey!) than by Covid. And yet they’re frightened to leave the house and when they do they’re dressed up like Darth Vader.
Mind you, there is just one thing.
They love the BBC and both read The Guardian…
Yes I am a rebel and have for many years endeavoured to unravel numerous very unpalatable goings on, in the UK and the wider worldy domain. What have I found predominantly, LIES. The human race in turmoil, like a ship without a rudder. However seriously; If we step back from the details of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics in the past three years or more is the appearance of a genuine irregular conflict between the two most formidable powers on the planet—The Peoples’ Republic of China and the United States of America. Increasingly it’s beginning to look as if some very dark global networks are orchestrating what looks to be an updated rerun of their 1939-1945 World War. Only this time the stakes are total, and aim at creation a universal global totalitarian system. That Anglo-American global condominium ended, by design, in 1989 with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union by 1991.
Around this time, with the onset of the Bill Clinton presidency in 1992, the next phase– financial and industrial globalization– was inaugurated. With that, began the hollowing out of the industrial base of not only the United States, but also of Germany and the EU. The cheap labour outsourcing enabled by the new WTO drove wages down and destroyed one industry after the next in the industrial West after the 1990s. It was a necessary step on the path to what G.H.W. Bush in 1990 called the New World Order. The next step would be destruction of national sovereignty everywhere. Here the USA was the major obstacle.
The powers that B- PTB, who owe no allegiance to nations, only to their power which is across borders, the birth of the World Trade Organization and their bringing China in as a full member in 2001 was intended as the key next step. At that point the PTB facilitated in China the greatest industrial growth by any nation in history, possibly excepting Germany from 1871-1914 and USA after 1866. WTO membership allowed Western multinationals from Apple to Nike to KFC to Ford and VW to pour billions into China to make their products at dirt-cheap wage levels for re-export to the West. Aim to want to weaken strong industrial powers, especially the United States, to push their global agenda. By allowing China to become a rival to Washington in economy and increasingly in technology, they created the means to destroy the superpower hegemony of the US. Matters changed in 2015 when under Xi Jinping who endorsed a comprehensive national industrial strategy, Made in China: the rest we all know to our cost as ‘Made in Britain,’ completely disappeared. Nevertheless China is vulnerable to trade sanctions, financial disruption, bio-terror attacks and oil embargoes to name a few. Some have suggested the recent locust plague and African Swine Fever devastation to China’s core food supplies, was not merely an act of nature. If not, then we are likely deep into an undeclared form of US-China unrestricted warfare. Frankly I am glad we shall be out of the EU mess-But we must learn quickly to stand on our own feet and shout out loud if our Government are not supporting. Only one chance now left.
…. was the BBC bringing on news and people to attack President Trump. Someone (Joe Benson?) mentioned that Biden had better policies than President Trump. The BBC interviewer (cannot remember if it was ‘Gravel’ or ‘The Bee Lady’) neglected to ask what Joe Biden’s policies are.
– We explain the A-level algoshambles – How did 1.3 million tests disappear from the government’s count? – & what can poker teach us about understanding stats?
Critical info : students are still not going to get the teacher predicted grades from their UCAS form.
#1 The starting point is now a newer teacher prediction
#2 but then that was reranked by the teachers of a subject at a school
This makes the Centre Assessed Grade CAG
That is what is now to be used.
The old systems algorithm adjustments have been removed
They were actually generally favourable
They adjusted your predictions …based on your actual GCSE results plus your school’s historic A level results.
However if you were doing a minority subject and your school had a small class they didn’t look at your school’s old results cos they thought the sample size was too small.
So typically in subjects like music the students got the CAG grade.
The thing is private schools are much more likely have minority subjects.
And when the algorithm system had been done it was found that private schools grades had risen over previous years. And not flatly so some by a lot.
Also the prog wasted time
“How many actual Covid dead were killed by a bus ?”
10 in all road accidents ..they reckon.
But the point is “by a bus” is a rhetorical example
We know hundreds of previously registered Covid dead will have actually died of cancer.
So as Aunty handles the baby and student Uni audience, Sky aims for the oldies…
Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in their 50s and 60s are more likely to be poorer, less likely to have retired and less likely to own their home outright compared to white people, a new study has found
People who work in the public sector are more likely to retire early .
People who work in the PTB favoured “careers ” ( finance , law , IT ,charities, Capita , ) are more likely to retire earlier .
People who follow traditional values like West Indians where the man was supposed to be the main breadwinner will not retire early .
People who are in a mix of religious/culture where the man is the supreme ruler and the womenfolk never leave the house are not going to retire early .
The self employed are not likely to retire early .
Double standard justice on statues
Leftist vandalises a Nelson statue twice and is giving a discharge both times as his solicitor says he did it “for a debate”.
Working class lad urinates near a police officer memorial and is vilified by the media and jailed instantly.
Nelson Statue Vandal Walks Free After Judge Lets Him Off With Conditional Discharge
Interesting that some of the nation’s finest journalists do not know where the Prime Minister is. I am being a little sarcastic in describing them as fine journalists as they work for the freebie Metro and the Daily Star. The latter is the favourite newspaper of the BBC’s JustRemainIn Webb.
Even Snuffy knows that the PM is on hols in Scotland. It was widely announced at the time.
Have Beff and Laura gone on a girly holiday togevver ? they’ve been absent for weeks.
Clearly Kay ‘grabbem by the throat’ Burley is having issues with her viewing figures, as she’s now being publicised for yet another new programme from 1st Sept. Hope to God its not in the hours after I’ve got up !
What a mindless piece of drivelling mush. An out of date fairground robot has more relevant things to say. The sickening thing is he gets paid and the UK licence payers have to put up with him, Sopel, Kat-e-Kay and the rest of the support crew pus expenses.
R4 Woman Hour running with an item about how children are being affected mentally by the Covid Crises and what help there might be.
First lady speaker gets 20 seconds in before claiming that BAME Children are suffering more Hate Crime…
Second Lady talking about how you can hide your own fears about them going back to school so as not to frighten them, almost like an officer getting his troops ready to go over the top and out of the trenches on the Somme.
As the invasion on the south coast continues !………………
Al Beeb, ‘First for News’ is conspicuous by its absence and silence.
Boris is still trying to ‘put Nigel back in his box’.
The Labour Party is silent .
Lib Dems as ever, are in La La land.
The Brexit Party are tooling up .
Questions should be asked in the House.
taffman- herein lies the problem: no Brexit Party or other real conservative representation in the House. No Nigel. No Gerard Batten. No questions asked.
Beeb et al keep very quiet about this issue, at most an article or two in a paper. There is certainly no national debate on the airwaves, just as there is no national debate in parliament. In my cynical moments, I wonder how much the A-level results issue has been conjured up (along with the ‘pandemic’) to ensure that no debate of any significance takes place.
Yet, as I have argued, we could be seeing the British version of Germany 2015. We don’t know for sure, because we aren’t being given any statistics. It has all the feel of Germany 2015 though: hotels booked by the state all over the place, BF and navy vessels sent out to ‘intercept’ (ie bring to Dover) ‘migrants’, ‘refugees’ or ‘asylum seekers’. The DISHONEST language alone, makes one suspect a huge con of the people is being perpetrated.
When you say the Brexit party are tooling up, I hope you are right. Perhaps its name is now inappropriate, NOT because Brexit is in the bag, but because the media and the public have been persuaded that the issue has gone away!
There is a growing tide of anger in the nation.
The politicians better have better excuses to give than “Lessons to be learned” when the next act of terrorism hits us.
taffman- unlike in Byelorussia, (ironically enough held up by beeb as a heroic revolution) the tide of anger in the UK is not finding expression.
If we are being Merkelised on the quiet, there should be a lot of indignation and noise. But there isn’t.
The anger and noise comes from the BLM types and their ilk. Beeb happy to amplify.
Government and Civil Service are failing us completely, universities, schools (?) and MSM have been brainwashed or are actually complicit/part of the problem. Parliament is docile.
We rely on Nigel to travel all over, virtually on his own, and put stuff up on YT. And thank Goodness for him.
Do we have only ourselves to blame?
To what end to what purpose? Are the Government being controlled from elsewhere? We have the known that the enemy is operating from within, but who is he/her, is it Islam, is it Communist China? Is it perhaps Vlad Putin and his mate the current President of Belaurus? No none of those entities-its the BBC et al and their absolute nastiness to everything.
There must be many students out there who have had their ‘exams’ graded fairly by conscientious teachers who have given an honest assessment and grade.
These students will now be fighting for ‘uni’ places against those awarded high grades by teachers who want to look good by giving out grades the pupils would never get.
This 37% pass compared to the normal 26% effect.
Not only will the brighter students lose out to those over graded students, by next year, many of those given an undeserved higher grade by these teachers will have dropped out because they are (were) not up to the course they deprived the brighter student from taking.
Police in Berlin suspect an Iraqi man deliberately drove his car into vehicles & motorbikes on a motorway last night in an attack motivated by Islamism. 6 injured, 3 seriously. Investigators believe the 30 year old's psychological state may also be contributing factor.
11:30am news German police declare it an Islamic terrorist attack
(Yes some news on Twitter use that word Islamic, not Islamist)
A series of crashes caused by a 30-year-old Iraqi man on a major road in Berlin was an Islamist extremist attack, German prosecutors have said
GW & Stew – “Die Welt” gives it a low profile, vague and evasive report. The comment column, however, tells a different story. Within the first 30 minutes it had gathered various commentators who sarcastically made fun of it, receiving 6-7 hundred likes within the first half hour.
People there are no longer fooled, anymore than those of us over here. Probably Welt will shut the column down soon.
We have to wait for ‘compact-online’ to give us the true picture of what’s going on.
If you care to read right through this BBC “Explainer” you cannot miss that it uses every opportunity to tarnish and belittle Trump and The Republican Party and every opportunity to promote and praise Biden and The Democrats.
This is not an explainer at all, it’s a Democrat Press Release.
Man, the Democrats are really hammering Trump's "It is what it is" line about coronavirus deaths. Michelle Obama last night. Sally Yates and Bill Clinton tonight.
I feel his new nickname should be upgraded to ‘Painted Toenails’, in honour of Knob and how far some BBC ‘editors’ are prepared to ‘analyse‘ fundaments for the cause.
The BBC, like most of the media in Johnson’s la la land, has another story about racism. This time it is in a yoonie.
Students of colour suffered in response to someone blacking up in a play.
‘Natasha Chilambo, 25, was one of eight black students to complain when a fellow student wore blackface as “a stereotypical, hyper-sexualised black man” in a 2016 play.
She felt “isolated” and “paranoid”, one student attempted suicide and another could not attend lectures.
The university apologised for the “pain and upset” caused.’
This kind of story is repeated every day, depicting people of colour suffering deeply in response to hearing certain words, seeing various images, and so on.
Perhaps it is time for a serious study regarding the cause of these responses? Perhaps there is a genetic explanation of why people with darker skins suffer in this way. Perhaps researchers might look into possible therapy, a drug perhaps, which alleviate this abnormal distress, rather than clutter our legal system with trials of normal people who who perform in plays or engage in our rich and diverse language,
Perspective : she saw a department play one time in 2016 she and fellow students complained about the racial stereotyping mocking of a lecturer
Their complaint was upheld and the students disciplined
Eventually there was a restorative justice action and then they are allowed back into lectures
She then felt bad being in the same room as them for lectures
4 years later she is raising money to sue .
How’s her magnitude and perspective look like next to be people who were grooming/raping gang victims or wrongly jailed ?
She’s been working with the BBC reporter for 2 months !
All the proof needed…..some months back on here I predicted after Boris’s election win that the bBC would use the SNp and Sinn Fein
to drive as many wedges as possible into the Conservative Govt………..roll on
We have been treated in Brigadoon to a daily SNP party political broadcast on national bBC TV under the code name Covid Update……….the question has been asked why are they not assigning these snp drumbeats to the white elephant bBC Scotland channel created at £32 million wasted pound notes.
PS I have not watched one of them as “Wee Burney **” as we prefer to call her is unwatchable
Even my mother (92) commented why are we being deprived of our Bargain Hunt repeats to have her coupon babbling every lunchtime…
** Footnote – those familiar with RAB C Nesbitt will remember the wee burney character…..worth looking him up if you need a laugh….or maybe not as memory recollects the real wee burney was very naughty bhoy!!
Another ‘prestige’ German MSM outlet “Frankfurter Allgemeine” also has a low-profile report on the Berlin incident. It says it could be an ‘Islamist’ attack, but the perpetrator may have ‘psychological problems’.
Unlike the Welt, FAZ does not have the courage to open a comment column on this issue. They know a heap of scorn and ridicule will be piled on them. This trend is consistent for these two main print outlets. Anything contentious, Welt does, FAZ doesn’t.
The lefty ‘taz’ of Berlin is a duplicate of the Frankfurt paper. No comments column here.
As I write, beeb TV lunchtime news reports on the incident. It is thought it has ‘either a political or a religious motive’.
Colin Powell and other Republicans who want a vote for Biden, line up on Beeb TV news to hammer President Trump. Lengthy coverage and very detailed coverage, razzmatazz and all, of the Dems convention.
The pro-Biden reporting is led by the sleazy (likely) criminal with multiple offences, Bill Clinton, who says vote Trump if you want a president who watches a lot of TV.
They were trumpeting about Republican Cindy McCain speaking at the Dem convention. As if John McCain’s widow speaking against Trump was some sort of unexpected coup.
Seems par for course for someone like powell who sold his soul at the UN for the story presented by Bush minor to try to redeem himself . Damaged goods
5000 migrants in 360 boats this year, is the figure beeb lunchtime news gives us with regard to (ILLEGAL) channel crossers. Of course, the word ‘illegal’ is not used by beeb. This is a follow on to a report that a Sudanese migrant had drowned, which Priti reportedly described as a sad loss. Without that, ‘migrants’ probably wouldn’t have been mentioned at all.
We don’t often get statistics (for what they’re worth) from beeb, and they don’t tell us where these 5000 have been accomodated.
In an Hotel in the constituency of the Home Secretary so claimed-mind you that won’t account for the other 4900! I really have no words left for the utter incomprehensible line being taken by our present and indeed past Governments allowing illegal immigrants to enter this land of ours let alone be escorted onto our shores by Border Force Boats. Mad, Mad, Enoch you were more than right as have, and continually been those of Niegl Farage who like it or not but just now should be our Prime Minister. Islam is moving swiftly to conquer Europe as can be seen all over-Europe has opened the Gates of Vienna, last shut against the Muslims in 1638, now our own Gates have been opened and supported by moaning weak liberals who have such anguish for what these poor immigrants have gone through. It makes one weep…..!
Calais body
\\ Body of a 16 year old Sudanese refugee who drowned while trying to cross the English Channel has been found on a beach in Calais.
France’s Minster delegate for citizenship @MarleneSchiappa
has confirmed that *the child*
disappeared at sea & was found dead in Sangatte this morning.
When we were young we thought at 16 you were NOT a child, but an man
OK then we realised we weren’t really men until 25+
How if these guys are undocumented do they suddenly know he’s 16 and not 22 ?
Of course the loss of this life is a tragedy. At the end of the day, he made a risky decision, and lost. We all have to live with bad decisions. Or die with them.
Britain is to blame though, in a way. If word gets around that you are picked up by BF halfway, and taken to Dover, then accomodated in a 4 star hotel and given various goodies, you’re going to have a go, aren’t you?
If word got around you are taken straight back to France, and zero chance of asylum in Britain, as you are coming from a safe country, you may not want to take a chance.
Even if you don’t much like the French.
Bad news for ‘human rights’ lawyers in Britain though. To mention only a few beneficiaries of the asylum racket.
So we see that the piece of garbage drug dealer who fed a girl with drugs at a festival then watched her die without calling for help walked free…
Three specimens of humanity who dragged a PC a mile down a road behind their getaway car, mangling his body to pulp and killing him, then sniggered in court get sentences reduced from murder to manslaughter.
What the hell is going on in our judiciary?
Are they so scared of crossing the line with any accused who are viewed as minorities that they ditch normal judicial processes so as not to be seen as biased?
I believe its time for a thorough investigation by Parliament into these “travesty of justice” cases.
The judges concerned obviously couldn’t give a toss about the shattered families left to pick uptake pieces of their lives.
No one should be above the law just because they are part of a “minority” group.
My message to the “judges”, this is not about your personal “wokeness”, it’s about well deserved justice…
“walked free”
Did he ?
There were at least 3 other charges he was serving jail time for
he’d pleaded guilty to them.
So he’s not free until they have been served
(as I said yesterday)
andyjsnapeMar 10, 12:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hello wwfc Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio Bandarrinha, 20 – funny names, I…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 11:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 …….related to the actions of another member of his staff. I have her permission to post this tweet.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Russian blogers take on the current situation in the Kursk region of Russia after last years Ukraine invasion. Russians using…
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Omg im first ………..keep up the good work everyone and dont forget we are here to expose the bias of the BBC ……
Catchup links
– page 4 had just started 7pm Tuesday
– page 3 had started at 7:30am
I always wanted to be first on here, but i’m middle class and white 🙂
No-one reads the first posts (or the ‘leader’ as Fedup2 will tell you) and as long as they continue to be of no importance that will be the case!
If you don’t manage to do a real bias post as ‘number one’ don’t waste your time trying to follow a ‘Chad’ post (one for the very old) as you will soon be down in the tens as Chad-wannabees pile in their replies to the leading wall-pisser’s.
I suspect a lot of people read what they take to be the last post first (top of the right-hand list). Woe betide them if they then make a new post as they might be adding to something from last week and that will soon be lost as new posts hit the current thread.
As Sir Bruce said, “Good game!”
Jim -not happy ? I often feel guilty cutting off one thread to put a new one up because i feel that ‘ old’ threads might not get the attention of the live one .
You can always “self identify” as a black (or is is that a person of colour these days?), disabled, female pansexual – that should do the job.
any mention of this “act of fascism” by the BBC who hated it when it almost happend here
20 years since I needed a TV licence 🙂 Who needs it?
Happy 95th Birthday, Flexdream. 🙂
So why does US big tech censor conservatives ?
(meme video on Parler)
not likely to be on BBC
The women should ditch the Religion of Misogyny altogether and become Christians. Or Jedis. Even bonkers Scientology makes more sense.
No way our Police would have dealt with it like that 🙂
Double standard justice
Wonder what happened with my post there ?
maybe the tweet got deleted
IT was the Nelson statue thing I reposted below
Anything from the world’s most trusted?
In Al Beeb terminology that would be either a ‘small Tory protest’ or a ‘10 million anti-Tory peaceful protest’.
Or a far-right march organised by that chap Yaxley-Lennon.
Bizarrely the BBC-gahuza language news has a report about Monday’s pension demonstrations in Buenos Aires
That is a BBC station aimed at Rwanda/Burundi
The English language version is buried away 4 pages into the BBC World live page
I’ve just heard Gavin Williamson say that he wants A level students to get the results they have worked so hard for.
Errr, they didn’t.!!!!
They didn’t finish their courses and didn’t do any revision and didn’t do any exams.
The BBC and to be fair the whole media circus are delighting in the admittedly incompetent A level results handling.
And now the BBC and the rest are highlighting the ‘chaos with University entries’
Why? Because the Universities gave conditional offers based on their estimate of supply and demand. They hadn’t planned for A level results to be 35% higher than ever before.
So now every man and his dog have the results to get into Oxbridge et al and they don’t want to go to BogStandard Redbrick.
You reap what you sow.
But here’s the thing. Would that not have been exactly the same situation if the teacher assessment method had been advertised weeks ago?? The offers were sent out long before lockdown.
Something our high flying BBC journalists appear not to have twigged.
I listened to R4 for 5 minutes..all i could stand..Jesus F …all they went on about was A levels….but what really made me laugh was the detailed they reported
” an anonymous admissions officer at medical school sent a message to Huffpost saying it is a shambles…I have even had students threaten self harm”
Huff post…so Left….
anonymous..great journalism
Threatened self harm…well just the type of medic you want…
Non of these things seem to matter to BBC.
They really are now gutter press…with their ‘reporters’ just lifting shite off other like minded sources..
‘…studying for a degree in education…’
Just look at the intelligence exposed in the conversations.
BBC1 at 2320.
Deep joy.
Someone called Hayley is going ‘Gender Curious’.
Yes, its a platform for the ‘increasing’ amount of transgender and to better understand ‘gender fluid’ or ‘gender neutral’.
Errr, off switch.
Reminds me of a BBC comedy.
Loony: I’m Gender Curious Madam. How many Genders do you think there are?
Slapper: Gender Bender, fifty eight Genders, ha ha, Oh, I’ve wet my knickers
Doctor: Stop that! It’s silly, there are only two in science. The other fifty six are genetic and hormonal errors.
The education system has been a farce for the past 30 years. Everyone knows that standards have lowered with grades getting higher. Yet students, parents and teachers all religiously maintain how ‘hard they’ve worked’, well, what the hell do they think we all did before then ??? sit with our thumbs up our a……ses ?
There was a time when even getting a single A level put you in the near genius bracket, and those who did rightly deserved their university places. The rest of us considered ourselves lucky if we got a couple of O levels, and none of us – in my particular class, were considered stupid by any means. In fact, by today’s standards we’d all be Professors by now.
So all this whingeing of ‘my life has been ruined’ in the latest debacle of results, dear God, its one year, not the end of the bloody world.
Completely agree B. In the naughtiest I used to interview for a large science based company on the ‘milk round’ of university students
, from ‘decent’ universities, who were applying for a job. We were astonished and dismayed at the woeful quality of many interviewees. They couldn’t put a coherent argument together even verbally , let alone on paper , and these students had been screened so we only saw those who sent in the best 20% of application forms. We suspected that parents or tutors helped them complete the forms.
The really interesting thing was that if you employed some of students who struggled to make the grade and were borderline but then gave them extra on the job training , within a couple of years they turned out to be fine. It wasn’t the modern students who were any worse than those who went before them but the system which educated them had become unfit for purpose.
I’m only talking about their technical and communication abilities. Their strange political views are I’m afraid another matter.
Some people have the ability to take what they are ‘taught’ and regurgitate it for the exam so they appear to be ‘good’ students.
Some people have a need to understand what they are taught and fret if they can’t. A few might be smarter than the teacher and can see that the teacher doesn’t understand the material, which doesn’t help. The rest might be a bit slower on the uptake, or perhaps they learn in a different way. Take the time to overcome those obstacles and those students know and understand, something that isn’t common even with ‘smart’ people.
Could not agree more with you-my wife and I actually are dismayed at the dismal standard being shown by so many students let alone their future Lecturers. Culture of ‘what I want I should get as I am entitled’ entitled to nothing- only hard work will be the way to earn any entitlement.
If the schools and universities are a conveyor belt of little Marxists then you are unlikely to find too many of them who can think for themselves.
I Join you and Doublethinker in agreeing with your comments-much of the result of lowering standards and yes they have been, was due to that dammed Blair et al whose overboard promotion of wanting everyone to go to University, inevitability this brought standards down it had to, in order to show the increase in the number of prospective students endeavouring to get to University and as there were not sufficient Universities to cope with the increase in student numbers, current Tech Colleges at that time suddenly, became Universitities-Indeed working for an A level was very hard work and although I didn’t take A Level as I went into industry as an apprentice, my wife did and got 2 A Levels with great effort-one was for English Language, which she now feels has been dummed down to the lowest level-so many Students as well we might say some Lecturers are so in-articulate.
And not forgetting one important fact in Blair’s agenda – by upping the intake of further education, it lowered the unemployment figures !!
Among the questions (like “So what do you think the lockdown and all those billions spent has actually achieved?”) that I would so love to hear from the combined armies of our MSM finest is: “Ultimately, it is employers who want to know what qualifications our kids got at school and university – what do you think they are making of this?” Of course as the MSM and educashion are all in the same bubble, thoughts like these never occur.
Speaking as an employer – we now completely discount all school and university qualifications. I’m just not interested in the long list of A’s and A*s A-levels in particular. And this was before this year’s marking fiasco. We will be interested if an interviewee went to a Russel Group uni. but that’s about it. Time was when I knew a candidate with a smattering of As and Bs was a cut above. Those days are long gone (taking everything into account there are about 150 ‘Firsts’ awarded today for every one that was awarded in the sixties).
So I guess I long in vain for that BBC interviewer shoving a microphone at a (piteously tearful/ecstatically tearful, delete which doesn’t apply) student or teacher and saying: “You know of course that employers are not the slightest bit interested in your grades, they ceased to have any meaning a very long time ago” and seeing the reaction.
If i hear or see another news item with whinging schoolkids and how much they have suffered I wont be responsible for my actions . Its not like they are being asked to jump out of a Dakota or Landing craft or Hop the bags .
Just watching bbc2 … yet another program aimed at putting men down .
yet BBC still playing michael jackson songs ..
Orwell double speak
“US stocks hit new high after coronavirus crash”
Will this help Trump
Hope so.
1980: GCE A-Level Passbooks: Pure and Applied Mathematics by R A Parsons B.Sc. and A G Dawson B.Sc. and Physics by J R Garrood M.A. Ph.D.
X = The logarithmic grade inflation of A Levels from 1980 to 2020.
Y = The logarithmic IQ deflation due to mass immigration from 1980 to 2020.
Calculate the average IQ,s necessary to gain an A Level’s in 1980 & 2020.
If you got an A Level in 1980, you can not use a calculator
If you got an A Level in 2019, you are allowed to use a calculator
If you got an A Level in 2020, you don’t need to do anything difficult
Was it ever not an utter Horlix?
It’s just they can’t cover for the little weasel any more.
The comments are universally savage against Khant, and also the BBC.
“Blimey. Finally the BBC notices.”
Interesting extension of precedent.
Fran should watch her back.
Huw Edwards liked it at least.
Otherwise few bothered.
Being JezBo he probably ‘wondered’ a bit about Israel.
Remember when not so long ago ‘the wrong type of snow’ brought our national rail system to a halt, for a day or so?
The British public scoffed at that and said buck your ideas up. That was then.
Well, now there’s this: ‘Coronavirus smell loss ‘different from cold and flu”
A virus, likely no more deadly than a middling to bad flu year, has seemingly brought the western world to a halt for a year and yet the BBC can still admit no questioning of the orthodoxy.
Dissenting voices are gagged among the masses of the masked crowd.
Everyone seems to be under the illusion a freebie utopia is just around the corner. From the youngsters demanding an ‘A’ grade after a term of computer games to the twelve Albanian men in a boat shipping up at Dover.
Bad things await, just around the corner. The only choice we have is whether to laugh or cry.
I’m going to quote just one line from the BBC today:
‘Coronavirus patients with loss of taste really cannot tell the difference between bitter or sweet.’
‘…out of the mouths of biased babes…’
… then they had better take some honey.
Looks like this holding of power to account is a bit different, chez W1A…
BBC News
The second night of the Democratic National Convention is kicking off, here’s what to watch for:
✔️Joe Biden will officially be named the Democratic candidate for president
✔️Rising political star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will give a speech
✔️As will former US President Bill Clinton.
Lewis will be glued to his set. Especially if BS has a royal box.
And here is The American Booty BS response…
This disgraceful character with his wife, sometimes known as ‘the wolf in sheeps clothing,’ together with their other friends of dirty deeds the Bush family and the newcomer to their evil team Mr amd Mrs Obama. Never should any American give any trust to whatever mybe said by those people. So much bad stuff follows in their wake-the dust blown up hides the traiterous dealings that promotes a New World Order with this group of evil doers at its top table-God protect us.
A brave man. Let’s hope he doesn’t get the Arkancide treatment.
BBC News
James Norton, Isabelle Huppert, and Margaret Atwood have signed an open letter calling on the Polish government “to stop targeting sexual minorities”.
If Jon, Lurch and Nick are not sporting one by tomorrow… he’ll to pay.
Luckily The American BS was alllll over this…
Toady is running another anti-Trump tale on R4. A Democrat has come in to tell us why Biden is wonderful and Trump is a racist, sexist turn-off, a Joe Benensen, I think. His story is that Biden has HUGE leads in all the polls that measure anything anything at all, because Trump is so bad. Standard R4 propaganda fare.
That follows a bit about Byelorussia, how rotten their government is, and how there is a revolution going on. Wishful thinking, beeb.
This comes after a Christian immigrant presented ‘Thought of the Day’. But if you were expecting spiritual upliftment, you will have been disappointed. It was all about educational ‘inequalities’, to fit the ongoing bbc narrative, which is trying to undermine the government and get the scalp of Williamson.
Now comes Toady news and Nick Bryant to give us pieces of Clinton’s speech at the Dem Convention. Of course, the self-righteous Clinton should be in jail, for very many reasons. As indeed, should many Democrat supporters, whose policy in American cities is looting and burning.
fnw, think it may have been Joe Benson (Martha mangled the name rather – I’ve been hunting for a Joe Bentham in US Democratic politics without success. Very hard (for me, anyway – ancient clunky laptop) to find out anything about said gent. Wouldn’t be the first time that TOADY have been spoofed with something fake, of course.
G**gle seem to be making it very hard to find out anything about Joe Benson or Joe Bentham in US politics. Now, what country is G**gle from and what might their corporate politics be?
Every time this guy mentioned polling on Biden:Trump I mentally cheered. Could the pollsters strike out yet again in the US?
I noticed that Clinton got his weather science wrong in his analogy that he used to dismiss President Trump. In the eye of the storm, there is peace and calm and steadiness. On the periphery …. it is different. Where’s Joe Biden?
Seren is destined for great things in the new Sarpong Broadcasting Corporation.
GW – I can see fame and money on the horizon. Probably lotsa beeb fawning. They know now, when they have the required card.
Just announced that the Universities have grilled the Government on how they can fit the extra students in and obey social distancing guidelines at the same time.
Hey! University lecturers and administrators, you are really supposed to be clever people, that’s why you got the job.
Hint: Maybe cycle students to attend remotely just like our lad has been doing for the past few months with some attending physically on a rolling basis.
BTW all the teachers and unions (and children) demanded this situation so why not ask them!
The rest of the population appear to have got this message !
You really couldn’t make this stuff up, once again it smells of Momentum!
digg- Do the students really matter at all to beeb et al? All that tear-jerking about how stressful their lives are. (Looking back on my life, I think this privileged lot -most of whom seem to want to get into Oxford or Cambridge- don’t know what real STRESS is. A nasty suprise awaits them.)
But beeb is conducting a war to get a few Tory scalps, preferably Williamson’s. That’s what all this is about. This has been the drumbeat for days, especially on radio 4.
It’s almost as if beeb have decided that Labour is so hopeless, they’re going to do the opposition’s work for them!
And when you think of the Labour team, with Dodds, Abbott, Ashworth and other nonentities, you can understand why. Not to mention the truly subversive Keir Starmer (I say this, not only because his current role, but having a good look at what he did at CPS.)
Of course, our current bunch are not exactly confidence inspiring. To put it mildly. But blue Labour are still preferable to red Labour.
Just guessing, but suspect many of the foreign students won’t be arriving this coming term. UCL has 25% Chinese students for example.
Those extremely highly paid vice-Chancellors will just have to earn their salaries and rearrange classes and classrooms. ‘Demanding’ extra money from government is easy. Boris, please for once, stand firm.
its not classes thats the problem, its keeping the buggers apart the rest of the time if they are all on campus,
the problem they now have is they have an extra raft of eligible students with the “right” grades in one form or another demanding the places they were promised if they got said grades
the government has just passed the problem onto the universities
Meanwhile in La-La Land Greta is feeling lonely….
Another two years lost to climate inaction, says Greta Thunberg
Dido Harding anybody?
‘Job’s for the boys’ springs to mind.
“Diana Mary “Dido” Harding, Baroness Harding of Winscombe (born 9 November 1967)[2] is a British businesswoman serving as chairwoman of NHS Improvement since 2017 and head of the NHS Test and Trace programme, established to track and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in England, since May 2020. In August 2020, Harding was appointed interim chair of the new National Institute for Health Protection.”
How much of the Covid debacle can be attributed to ‘our’ Dido
She is married to the MP for Weston super Mare, John Penrose.
Brucie: ‘Didn’t she do well!’
G, Dido single handedly made a partial success that was TalkTalk into a complete disaster. The ghost of Sally Davies has come back to haunt the health of the nation.
Is that how you spell it? I thought there was an ‘l’ in there somewhere.
TOADY Watch #1 – quick, get to the shops ….
…. there’s going to be a run on honey, especially runny honey. The Bee Lady says: “I told you so.” *
An Oxford Uni Medical School study appears to show the medical effects and benefits of a dose of honey for respiratory infections. (* It’s also good to put on burns and infected wounds, too. But they – Oxford Uni – didn’t say that. ‘Dr’ Snuffy did. He also says: “I told you so.”)
The United Kingdom has been pummelled into an historic recession by fake news and false data-confidence in the figures produced by the Office for National Statistics, nor by Public Health England, nor by any of the other public organisations collecting and publishing data on the Coronavirus. And we most certainly do not believe a word uttered by Scotland’s First Minister on this subject. In the latest week’s official ONS figures 8,946 people are reported to have died in England and Wales. In that week 928 of them died of ‘flu and pneumonia. 193 of them died “with Coronavirus”.
When it comes to the year to date, according to the (inflated COVID-19) figures from the Office for National Statistics issued on 11 August 2020, on average far more people die of ‘flu and pneumonia than have died “with” Coronavirus, as at 31 July this year. This is a simple fact.
It remains the case, for example, that a person dying today in August of ‘flu, or cancer, or a heart attack, and who tested positive for Coronavirus in early March but had no symptoms or recovered from it, will nevertheless be counted in the ONS figures for Coronavirus deaths. How is this remotely possible, credible, or of any use? As things stand, if someone dies on this day next year for whatever reason, and if they had tested positive today, they would be counted in the Coronavirus death figures. Sheer insanity.
Not only that but a person does not even need to have tested positive for Coronavirus to be counted in Coronavirus figures
for “Coronavirus deaths” are grossly exaggerated because they include deaths from all causes if Coronavirus happens to be mentioned by the doctor on the death certificate. Bonkers.
This can occur even if the deceased NEVER tested positive for Coronavirus. Even without this distortion, the average deaths from ‘flu and pneumonia are far higher than deaths “with Coronavirus”.
Have the Coronavirus numbers come anywhere near justifying the lockdown of our nation, the imposition of emergency powers, the denial of our civil liberties, the drastic shortening of lives because the NHS wouldn’t treat non-Covid patients, the closing of our schools and universities, the severe damage to the infrastructure of our cities and to our town high streets, and the utter devastation of our economy? No, the Coronavirus numbers have justified none of these. It is wake up time, don’t you think?
tarien- I am not a youngster, and thus probably a prime COVID target, but I can’t help feeling that the whole thing often looks like a giant hoax. I say often, because -at times- the case for a dangerous pandemic seems convincing. I vacillate a little. But this is usually when the MSM have ‘gone to town’.
But, one can’t help feeling there are other powers (human) that have been manipulating this pandemic for their own purposes.
So we have to answer the question: why would governments be so keen on destroying their own economies in an unprecedented fashion?
Any answers?
I can boil it down to one word. Power. It seems history repeats itself. A crisis gets created then someone comes in takes power and the populace boosted by useful idiots clamours for it just to get saved from the crisis. On a national scale the Russian revolution, Hitler, Mussolini, Khomeini in the 20th century. You could almost see it now with Antifa and BLM. Once they have served their purpose they will go the way of the brown shirts.
I have two friends in different parts of the country who have daughters in their thirties who have been very ill with the covid 19 virus and have still not recovered, ie after being ill in late March, they still struggle to go up the stairs plus we have a couple of friends (older men) in other parts of the country, one who was in hospital for 6 weeks and another who was only just not ill enough to be admitted. They are recovering. What I haven’t heard about are people catching the virus more recently, and not knowing anybody who has, I have no idea about recovery of recent cases. But I look at the numbers and accept they are not large. It leaves me in a dilemma, to see young Mums still very poorly after 4 months, and very low number of cases. If I am honest, I haven’t a clue and my decisions on the degree of care I take probably depend on what mood I am in. Do I think lockdown was worth it? My honest answer is I really don’t know. If there were many more young women who had avoided serious illness, then possibly it was – but would I go and join a stadium full of demonstrators for Black Lives Matter and risk catching the virus- definitely not.
It’s so noticeable that the people that should be investigating and asking these pertinent questions simply aren’t.
Why is it left to Joe Bloggs, tarien and a few other enterprising people to look at these statistics on our behalf?
The entire media should be all over these figures like the proverbial, non Covid, rash. They’re not.
We don’t seem to have any real, top notch calibre of politicians either. They should be querying the destruction of our economy and our way of life. You don’t allow a government to simply imprison its own people, unless you’re living in China, the USSR or modern day Blighty…Where are the dissenting voices?
Before and during the Iraq war there were numerous members of parliament and media folk arguing against the conflict. These freethinkers can’t all have died.
All you might get is the usual, tedious point scoring from Kier Schmarmer and Emily Witless, asking why we didn’t impose imprisonment on our people even earlier and even harder. Where are the rebels?
On Radio 4, Sunday evening, they had Jonathan Friedland (Gaurdian…natch!) introducing his programme, The Long View. They always look at something contemporary with an historical event and on Sunday they compared our present virus with the Spanish flu of 1918… You know, the one that killed between 50 to 100 million people! This was presented without any irony. It’s like comparing Belsen with Butlins. It’s ludicrous and horrifically misleading.
I know a couple that are living in terror. They have their groceries delivered and wash everything as it comes into the house. My friends are reasonably young, so stand more chance of dying from a lightning strike or an attack by a wild buffalo (unlikely in Surrey!) than by Covid. And yet they’re frightened to leave the house and when they do they’re dressed up like Darth Vader.
Mind you, there is just one thing.
They love the BBC and both read The Guardian…
Yes I am a rebel and have for many years endeavoured to unravel numerous very unpalatable goings on, in the UK and the wider worldy domain. What have I found predominantly, LIES. The human race in turmoil, like a ship without a rudder. However seriously; If we step back from the details of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics in the past three years or more is the appearance of a genuine irregular conflict between the two most formidable powers on the planet—The Peoples’ Republic of China and the United States of America. Increasingly it’s beginning to look as if some very dark global networks are orchestrating what looks to be an updated rerun of their 1939-1945 World War. Only this time the stakes are total, and aim at creation a universal global totalitarian system. That Anglo-American global condominium ended, by design, in 1989 with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union by 1991.
Around this time, with the onset of the Bill Clinton presidency in 1992, the next phase– financial and industrial globalization– was inaugurated. With that, began the hollowing out of the industrial base of not only the United States, but also of Germany and the EU. The cheap labour outsourcing enabled by the new WTO drove wages down and destroyed one industry after the next in the industrial West after the 1990s. It was a necessary step on the path to what G.H.W. Bush in 1990 called the New World Order. The next step would be destruction of national sovereignty everywhere. Here the USA was the major obstacle.
The powers that B- PTB, who owe no allegiance to nations, only to their power which is across borders, the birth of the World Trade Organization and their bringing China in as a full member in 2001 was intended as the key next step. At that point the PTB facilitated in China the greatest industrial growth by any nation in history, possibly excepting Germany from 1871-1914 and USA after 1866. WTO membership allowed Western multinationals from Apple to Nike to KFC to Ford and VW to pour billions into China to make their products at dirt-cheap wage levels for re-export to the West. Aim to want to weaken strong industrial powers, especially the United States, to push their global agenda. By allowing China to become a rival to Washington in economy and increasingly in technology, they created the means to destroy the superpower hegemony of the US. Matters changed in 2015 when under Xi Jinping who endorsed a comprehensive national industrial strategy, Made in China: the rest we all know to our cost as ‘Made in Britain,’ completely disappeared. Nevertheless China is vulnerable to trade sanctions, financial disruption, bio-terror attacks and oil embargoes to name a few. Some have suggested the recent locust plague and African Swine Fever devastation to China’s core food supplies, was not merely an act of nature. If not, then we are likely deep into an undeclared form of US-China unrestricted warfare. Frankly I am glad we shall be out of the EU mess-But we must learn quickly to stand on our own feet and shout out loud if our Government are not supporting. Only one chance now left.
The ‘right’ view of Prince Harry & Markle?
Have fun – Salty Crackers view:
Frankly my dear I don’t give a dam’ Should we really be that interested in where they live?
No, we shouldn’t care where they live; as long as we’re not paying for them.
G- We don’t want those two Wokes back. That’s for sure.
TOADY Watch #2 – Par for the course …
…. was the BBC bringing on news and people to attack President Trump. Someone (Joe Benson?) mentioned that Biden had better policies than President Trump. The BBC interviewer (cannot remember if it was ‘Gravel’ or ‘The Bee Lady’) neglected to ask what Joe Biden’s policies are.
I wonder why?
“The BBC interviewer … neglected to ask what Joe Biden’s policies are.”
No need because one of the bBC’s work experience kids has already told us here:
Joe Biden: Where does the US presidential hopeful stand on key issues?
In detail, apparently.
BBC yet again picture BAME massively disproportionately
Critical info : students are still not going to get the teacher predicted grades from their UCAS form.
#1 The starting point is now a newer teacher prediction
#2 but then that was reranked by the teachers of a subject at a school
This makes the Centre Assessed Grade CAG
That is what is now to be used.
The old systems algorithm adjustments have been removed
They were actually generally favourable
They adjusted your predictions …based on your actual GCSE results plus your school’s historic A level results.
However if you were doing a minority subject and your school had a small class they didn’t look at your school’s old results cos they thought the sample size was too small.
So typically in subjects like music the students got the CAG grade.
The thing is private schools are much more likely have minority subjects.
And when the algorithm system had been done it was found that private schools grades had risen over previous years. And not flatly so some by a lot.
Also the prog wasted time
“How many actual Covid dead were killed by a bus ?”
10 in all road accidents ..they reckon.
But the point is “by a bus” is a rhetorical example
We know hundreds of previously registered Covid dead will have actually died of cancer.
How long was the meeting of the photo ed team in Frankie Howerd to choose that one?
So as Aunty handles the baby and student Uni audience, Sky aims for the oldies…
This MSM assault will not end well for anyone.
Proper studies will show that
People who work in the public sector are more likely to retire early .
People who work in the PTB favoured “careers ” ( finance , law , IT ,charities, Capita , ) are more likely to retire earlier .
People who follow traditional values like West Indians where the man was supposed to be the main breadwinner will not retire early .
People who are in a mix of religious/culture where the man is the supreme ruler and the womenfolk never leave the house are not going to retire early .
The self employed are not likely to retire early .
BBC folk , when do they retire ?
Am I supposed to care ???
And you can’t always tell.
Double standard justice on statues
Leftist vandalises a Nelson statue twice and is giving a discharge both times as his solicitor says he did it “for a debate”.
Working class lad urinates near a police officer memorial and is vilified by the media and jailed instantly.
Interesting that some of the nation’s finest journalists do not know where the Prime Minister is. I am being a little sarcastic in describing them as fine journalists as they work for the freebie Metro and the Daily Star. The latter is the favourite newspaper of the BBC’s JustRemainIn Webb.
Even Snuffy knows that the PM is on hols in Scotland. It was widely announced at the time.
Have Beff and Laura gone on a girly holiday togevver ? they’ve been absent for weeks.
Clearly Kay ‘grabbem by the throat’ Burley is having issues with her viewing figures, as she’s now being publicised for yet another new programme from 1st Sept. Hope to God its not in the hours after I’ve got up !
Lurch in Luuuuurve.
His twitter feed promises to be awesome.
What a mindless piece of drivelling mush. An out of date fairground robot has more relevant things to say. The sickening thing is he gets paid and the UK licence payers have to put up with him, Sopel, Kat-e-Kay and the rest of the support crew pus expenses.
R4 Woman Hour running with an item about how children are being affected mentally by the Covid Crises and what help there might be.
First lady speaker gets 20 seconds in before claiming that BAME Children are suffering more Hate Crime…
Second Lady talking about how you can hide your own fears about them going back to school so as not to frighten them, almost like an officer getting his troops ready to go over the top and out of the trenches on the Somme.
Hysterical nonsense!
As the invasion on the south coast continues !………………
Al Beeb, ‘First for News’ is conspicuous by its absence and silence.
Boris is still trying to ‘put Nigel back in his box’.
The Labour Party is silent .
Lib Dems as ever, are in La La land.
The Brexit Party are tooling up .
Questions should be asked in the House.
taffman- herein lies the problem: no Brexit Party or other real conservative representation in the House. No Nigel. No Gerard Batten. No questions asked.
Beeb et al keep very quiet about this issue, at most an article or two in a paper. There is certainly no national debate on the airwaves, just as there is no national debate in parliament. In my cynical moments, I wonder how much the A-level results issue has been conjured up (along with the ‘pandemic’) to ensure that no debate of any significance takes place.
Yet, as I have argued, we could be seeing the British version of Germany 2015. We don’t know for sure, because we aren’t being given any statistics. It has all the feel of Germany 2015 though: hotels booked by the state all over the place, BF and navy vessels sent out to ‘intercept’ (ie bring to Dover) ‘migrants’, ‘refugees’ or ‘asylum seekers’. The DISHONEST language alone, makes one suspect a huge con of the people is being perpetrated.
When you say the Brexit party are tooling up, I hope you are right. Perhaps its name is now inappropriate, NOT because Brexit is in the bag, but because the media and the public have been persuaded that the issue has gone away!
There is a growing tide of anger in the nation.
The politicians better have better excuses to give than “Lessons to be learned” when the next act of terrorism hits us.
taffman- unlike in Byelorussia, (ironically enough held up by beeb as a heroic revolution) the tide of anger in the UK is not finding expression.
If we are being Merkelised on the quiet, there should be a lot of indignation and noise. But there isn’t.
The anger and noise comes from the BLM types and their ilk. Beeb happy to amplify.
Government and Civil Service are failing us completely, universities, schools (?) and MSM have been brainwashed or are actually complicit/part of the problem. Parliament is docile.
We rely on Nigel to travel all over, virtually on his own, and put stuff up on YT. And thank Goodness for him.
Do we have only ourselves to blame?
To what end to what purpose? Are the Government being controlled from elsewhere? We have the known that the enemy is operating from within, but who is he/her, is it Islam, is it Communist China? Is it perhaps Vlad Putin and his mate the current President of Belaurus? No none of those entities-its the BBC et al and their absolute nastiness to everything.
There must be many students out there who have had their ‘exams’ graded fairly by conscientious teachers who have given an honest assessment and grade.
These students will now be fighting for ‘uni’ places against those awarded high grades by teachers who want to look good by giving out grades the pupils would never get.
This 37% pass compared to the normal 26% effect.
Not only will the brighter students lose out to those over graded students, by next year, many of those given an undeserved higher grade by these teachers will have dropped out because they are (were) not up to the course they deprived the brighter student from taking.
This…in spa… implements of soil movement.
Spot on Emmanuel!
Be funny if not so consistent dire.
Has the Norwegian Embassy commented yet about the medical qualifications of those diagnosing, maybe, so soon?
11:30am news German police declare it an Islamic terrorist attack
(Yes some news on Twitter use that word Islamic, not Islamist)
GW & Stew – “Die Welt” gives it a low profile, vague and evasive report. The comment column, however, tells a different story. Within the first 30 minutes it had gathered various commentators who sarcastically made fun of it, receiving 6-7 hundred likes within the first half hour.
People there are no longer fooled, anymore than those of us over here. Probably Welt will shut the column down soon.
We have to wait for ‘compact-online’ to give us the true picture of what’s going on.
Someone highlights the way the BBC uses the word “accidents”
… for something alleged to be deliberate
To me “collisions” is a neutral world, but we know the word “road accident” is synonymous.
BBC – US election 2020: A really simple guide
If you care to read right through this BBC “Explainer” you cannot miss that it uses every opportunity to tarnish and belittle Trump and The Republican Party and every opportunity to promote and praise Biden and The Democrats.
This is not an explainer at all, it’s a Democrat Press Release.
Editted by Lurch?
I feel his new nickname should be upgraded to ‘Painted Toenails’, in honour of Knob and how far some BBC ‘editors’ are prepared to ‘analyse‘ fundaments for the cause.
‘C’mon man’
GW – Need to watch Dr Steve Turley on YT as the antidote.
Remind me Zurch….
Is that Bill ‘I did not….. ‘ Clinton. by chance?
Mmm. Get some balance old boy, get some balance.
Does it… really simply… edit out bits that don’t suit?
The BBC, like most of the media in Johnson’s la la land, has another story about racism. This time it is in a yoonie.
Students of colour suffered in response to someone blacking up in a play.
‘Natasha Chilambo, 25, was one of eight black students to complain when a fellow student wore blackface as “a stereotypical, hyper-sexualised black man” in a 2016 play.
She felt “isolated” and “paranoid”, one student attempted suicide and another could not attend lectures.
The university apologised for the “pain and upset” caused.’
This kind of story is repeated every day, depicting people of colour suffering deeply in response to hearing certain words, seeing various images, and so on.
Perhaps it is time for a serious study regarding the cause of these responses? Perhaps there is a genetic explanation of why people with darker skins suffer in this way. Perhaps researchers might look into possible therapy, a drug perhaps, which alleviate this abnormal distress, rather than clutter our legal system with trials of normal people who who perform in plays or engage in our rich and diverse language,
Perspective : she saw a department play one time in 2016 she and fellow students complained about the racial stereotyping mocking of a lecturer
Their complaint was upheld and the students disciplined
Eventually there was a restorative justice action and then they are allowed back into lectures
She then felt bad being in the same room as them for lectures
4 years later she is raising money to sue .
How’s her magnitude and perspective look like next to be people who were grooming/raping gang victims or wrongly jailed ?
She’s been working with the BBC reporter for 2 months !
Her recent tweet makes her not look like a calm person
and the satire not appear that bad.
I see that the university gave her a job
She described herself as a member of staff, last year.
All the proof needed…..some months back on here I predicted after Boris’s election win that the bBC would use the SNp and Sinn Fein
to drive as many wedges as possible into the Conservative Govt………..roll on
We have been treated in Brigadoon to a daily SNP party political broadcast on national bBC TV under the code name Covid Update……….the question has been asked why are they not assigning these snp drumbeats to the white elephant bBC Scotland channel created at £32 million wasted pound notes.
PS I have not watched one of them as “Wee Burney **” as we prefer to call her is unwatchable
Even my mother (92) commented why are we being deprived of our Bargain Hunt repeats to have her coupon babbling every lunchtime…
** Footnote – those familiar with RAB C Nesbitt will remember the wee burney character…..worth looking him up if you need a laugh….or maybe not as memory recollects the real wee burney was very naughty bhoy!!
Another ‘prestige’ German MSM outlet “Frankfurter Allgemeine” also has a low-profile report on the Berlin incident. It says it could be an ‘Islamist’ attack, but the perpetrator may have ‘psychological problems’.
Unlike the Welt, FAZ does not have the courage to open a comment column on this issue. They know a heap of scorn and ridicule will be piled on them. This trend is consistent for these two main print outlets. Anything contentious, Welt does, FAZ doesn’t.
The lefty ‘taz’ of Berlin is a duplicate of the Frankfurt paper. No comments column here.
As I write, beeb TV lunchtime news reports on the incident. It is thought it has ‘either a political or a religious motive’.
Colin Powell and other Republicans who want a vote for Biden, line up on Beeb TV news to hammer President Trump. Lengthy coverage and very detailed coverage, razzmatazz and all, of the Dems convention.
The pro-Biden reporting is led by the sleazy (likely) criminal with multiple offences, Bill Clinton, who says vote Trump if you want a president who watches a lot of TV.
They were trumpeting about Republican Cindy McCain speaking at the Dem convention. As if John McCain’s widow speaking against Trump was some sort of unexpected coup.
Seems par for course for someone like powell who sold his soul at the UN for the story presented by Bush minor to try to redeem himself . Damaged goods
The BBC asks:

Coincidentally, that’s exactly what Joe was saying.
Here he is confusing wife and sister, and hoping he didn’t shag the wrong one the previous night.
5000 migrants in 360 boats this year, is the figure beeb lunchtime news gives us with regard to (ILLEGAL) channel crossers. Of course, the word ‘illegal’ is not used by beeb. This is a follow on to a report that a Sudanese migrant had drowned, which Priti reportedly described as a sad loss. Without that, ‘migrants’ probably wouldn’t have been mentioned at all.
We don’t often get statistics (for what they’re worth) from beeb, and they don’t tell us where these 5000 have been accomodated.
In an Hotel in the constituency of the Home Secretary so claimed-mind you that won’t account for the other 4900! I really have no words left for the utter incomprehensible line being taken by our present and indeed past Governments allowing illegal immigrants to enter this land of ours let alone be escorted onto our shores by Border Force Boats. Mad, Mad, Enoch you were more than right as have, and continually been those of Niegl Farage who like it or not but just now should be our Prime Minister. Islam is moving swiftly to conquer Europe as can be seen all over-Europe has opened the Gates of Vienna, last shut against the Muslims in 1638, now our own Gates have been opened and supported by moaning weak liberals who have such anguish for what these poor immigrants have gone through. It makes one weep…..!
Calais body
\\ Body of a 16 year old Sudanese refugee who drowned while trying to cross the English Channel has been found on a beach in Calais.
France’s Minster delegate for citizenship @MarleneSchiappa
has confirmed that *the child*
disappeared at sea & was found dead in Sangatte this morning.
When we were young we thought at 16 you were NOT a child, but an man
OK then we realised we weren’t really men until 25+
How if these guys are undocumented do they suddenly know he’s 16 and not 22 ?
A lot of French media say “Le corps d’un homme”
Of course the loss of this life is a tragedy. At the end of the day, he made a risky decision, and lost. We all have to live with bad decisions. Or die with them.
Britain is to blame though, in a way. If word gets around that you are picked up by BF halfway, and taken to Dover, then accomodated in a 4 star hotel and given various goodies, you’re going to have a go, aren’t you?
If word got around you are taken straight back to France, and zero chance of asylum in Britain, as you are coming from a safe country, you may not want to take a chance.
Even if you don’t much like the French.
Bad news for ‘human rights’ lawyers in Britain though. To mention only a few beneficiaries of the asylum racket.
#2 Am I supposed to care ???
So we see that the piece of garbage drug dealer who fed a girl with drugs at a festival then watched her die without calling for help walked free…
Three specimens of humanity who dragged a PC a mile down a road behind their getaway car, mangling his body to pulp and killing him, then sniggered in court get sentences reduced from murder to manslaughter.
What the hell is going on in our judiciary?
Are they so scared of crossing the line with any accused who are viewed as minorities that they ditch normal judicial processes so as not to be seen as biased?
I believe its time for a thorough investigation by Parliament into these “travesty of justice” cases.
The judges concerned obviously couldn’t give a toss about the shattered families left to pick uptake pieces of their lives.
No one should be above the law just because they are part of a “minority” group.
My message to the “judges”, this is not about your personal “wokeness”, it’s about well deserved justice…
It’s sick!
“walked free”
Did he ?
There were at least 3 other charges he was serving jail time for
he’d pleaded guilty to them.
So he’s not free until they have been served
(as I said yesterday)