The Church of England on their website are accommodating and encouraging the views of Bishops in The USA who are against the use of civil force to quell rioting in the streets in the USA.
“The Bishops say they are ‘troubled’ by the ‘unprecedented nature of the federal response to a largely peaceful protest’, explaining that the federal forces deployed in Portland and elsewhere are ‘unidentified and patrol in unmarked rental cars’.
They detain and arrest protesters without probable cause. They are specifically uninvited and rejected by the elected civil authorities of where they are deployed
They explain that ‘the Church cannot remain silent when we see such flagrant abuse of civil power deployed against those who stand for justice and peace and against systemic institutional racism.”
These are words quite obviously anti-Trump and straight from the BLM / Black Power Marxist handbook.
So it would appear that future COE congregations might now be led the right way by means of sermons on such things as – How to make a placard, How to make a molotov cocktail, How best to torch a building, Where to buy a Kalashnikov, What to wear at a riot, How to carry a flat screen TV without getting back strain, etc. etc.
Not sure how this will go down with the elderly, well-heeled churchgoers from the better parts of our town though!
They have all obviously gone completely bonkers now too, it must be something the Ruskkies are putting in our water!
Ah, now we have it. R4 news at 4 tell us that the opposition and charities demand ‘safe routes’ for ‘asylum seekers’.
Sort of a ‘County Lines’ for human smuggling, with official blessing.
I called the ‘asylum’ industry a racket, because we all know it’s largely about economic migrants, who want ‘a better life’, not through hard work or enterprise, but by going to countries where hand-outs await. But we’re not allowed to say that, because countries have borders (unless you like to do away with them and cause chaos), so we have to pretend this is about ‘asylum seekers’, who are all in war zones.
And even if Europe does take ‘migrants’ from war zones, the capacity to absorb tens of millions from conflict areas (i.e. virtually anywhere) is limited. And, in the process, YOU ULTIMATELY HAVE TO SWAMP AND THEN DESTROY the host cultures, and replace with the millions streaming in from afar.
Which, presumably, is already planned anyway by certain people.
This poor boy from Sudan won’t live to see the political opportunists and so-called ‘journalists’, who will now adopt his case for their own dark purposes.
Hello, Labour and LimpDumbs..?
And should we add some ‘Tories’?
Calling all virtue-signallers!
A safe passage to Britain, indeed.
The death of a 16 year-old child in the Channel is a tragedy. My thoughts are with his loved ones.
This is a humanitarian crisis that needs a compassionate response.@nicktorfaen wrote to the Home Secretary last week to demand an urgent change in approach from the Government.
Is that the same keir who was in charge of the CPS when white girls were being raped and told the powers at be to quash it. Is France a war Zone and unsafe.No so send them back.
I note that no Virtue Signaller has accepted the blame for the death of the 16-year old Sudanese “asylum” seeker. If they were not so welcoming to an unspecified (and one assumes, therefore, unlimited) number of these refuges from war-torn France then they would not risk the crossing and so live to enjoy life in la belle France or a welcoming Germany (well, the Chancellor at least)
CNN has proof* that most medical professionals fail in duty of care based on racism. Apparently. No wonder American BS use their feed for most of their reporting.
Black newborn babies in the US are more likely to survive childbirth if they are cared for by Black doctors, but three times more likely to die when looked after by White doctors, a study finds.
I’d like to share my confusion . It seems red dawn butler MP of tinted windows white driver fame – is calling on people to stop watching the BBC because it’s racist ,
I don’t know the context ( and actually ) don’t care – but it would seems really strange if I land up being a bedfellow of Dawn …..
In the news – dead 16 year old illegal immigrant gets a 1000% more attention that the daily hotel (150) invading our shores each day …. maybe drowned kids is the only thing to stop it – or for anyone to do anything apart from waste air – right Home Secretary ?
Fed- somehow this is all so predictable, like a bad movie playing over and over again?
Question: will we suckers fall for it, and keep paying again and again to gain entrance to the same old same old..?
A French film, I think?
Our own “leaders” will show us to our seats?
With a bit of luck the ‘plight’ of a dead 16 maybe year old maybe Sudanese will cause some engagement beyond Mr Farage wandering around full up hotels or filming the new arrivals .
If it was anyone else he’d have been fitted up and arrested by now by the ‘Dover harbour ‘police or similar .
Apart from the education idiot – one gets the feeling that the cabinet have all gone on holiday ……certainly the French don’t do August apparently .
Maybe a drowned baby – if there are any women /babies being imported – will cause the brakes to go on the invasion . There’s no morality in this .
When people leave these big orgs, they often speak up.
I saw this guy
Former BBC TV & radio journalist/presenter, author of the definitive web guide to the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. Cat lover, Eurovision fan. ITIL Expert
The BBC American BS news feed of course has ‘reported’ as expected.
Far-right activist Laura Loomer, who has been banned from multiple social media platforms for incendiary comments, has won the Republican primary for the US House district in Florida that's the home of President Trump and his Mar-a-Lago resort.
Emboldened by the success of the Covid jailing of the population in their own homes, the German Government Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner has now decided that she can now proceed with other curtailments of liberty and make it law.
German dog owners will be ordered by law to take their pets on hour-long walks twice a day under new regulations
These faceless civil servants who enjoy wielding this autocratic and unelected power will eventually bring about a bloody uprising.
No doubt if you visit Germany you will share the pavement with hundreds of face-masked German zombies tugging exhausted muts around.
Why not expand the idea and have anyone found flouting the regulations wear some sort of badge sewn onto their jackets so people can see they are outcasts? It worked in the past!
No doubt the UK bureaucrats will follow this slide into unquestioning obedience and slavery.
When I had a dog she was a little poodle who enjoyed a run around the garden. If I had tried to take her on a one hour walk twice a day her little legs would have fallen off.
I wonder what the grandads of these German bureaukrauts did in the war?
It would be useful @BBCJonSopel if BBC viewers and listeners learnt a lot more about the hard left views of so many Democrat Party activists and legislators. It isn’t just the Republicans who have loopy supporters (to use the technical term).
Next up on the BBC news is the ‘tragedy’ of a 16 year old Sudanese man found dead on a French beach. Apparently his boat wasn’t very goid.
Sorry BBC. I really don’t give a toss. He had come of age. Some left wing politicians in the UK would give him the vote.
He made his own decision. It is his responsibility. Not mine.
Has any of the Leftoid BBC wokes considered that if we actually enforced our borders properly and immediately returned all the economic migrants and chancers back to their country of origin, then people would be deterred from crossing the channel and ‘tragedies’ would be avoided?
No. Thought not.
Quite how an unfortunate not making it far past a French beach is anything to do with anyone outside France escapes me.
So not the migrants, who know the risks of such a perilous journey? Not the traffickers, who encourage and facilitate this risk-taking, for huge fees from vulnerable people? But the British Home Secretary?!
This may sound callous, but the only thing that will stop the illegals attempting to cross the channel, is wholesale drownings. Sad fact, but if more people drown than make it across to England, then it will finally sink (?) in that its safer to stay in France.
It’s not harsh Brissels but it only addresses the tip of the iceberg. The UK has been taking hundreds of thousands of third world migrants legal migrants every year since Blair. The total will now be several million. Illegal migrants will number only a fraction of that.In my view both types must be reduced to a minimum and as many of either type persuaded to leave our shores. My reasons are
>Our country is full , massively over populated with the problems that entails
>Our culture is being transformed at an astonishing rate into a mush mash of alien values and behaviours that I don’t like
> The unified , stable and cohesive society we once had is being transformed into one of different tribes and ethnicities with nothing in common. This will inevitable create huge problems in the future.
It may already be too late to prevent the breakdown of our society but we must at least try. My anger at liberals and Wokists who can’t see where this will lead us in a few decades grows daily. Of course they are being manipulated by a few who want to destroy the West it most are too thick to see where this inevitably leads.
Forgive me for slipping in to the ‘Exams Debate’ with a new thread, but there are some points I’d like to make which have never been aired, as far as I know , on the BBC – which is even more clearly now an activist political, left-wing organisation.
1. They were all ‘for it’ before they were all ‘against it’ – the teachers, the unions, the public sector bodies like Ofqual, and the political parties – they all agreed that the ‘Algorithm’ was the way to go.
2. Sturgeon folded simply because she suddenly realised that, since Scottish schools ‘declared’ before the rest of the UK, these kids were eleigible to vote soon, and they would not like the results – and might blame the Scottish Governmment – i’e the SNP. So, for selfish, electoral reasons, she folded and screwed the rest of the UK.
3. Lots of consequential thought went into the decision to go on the ‘algorithm’ route – namely the impact on future and past years’ students of not having results consistent with historicasl results – notwithstanding that nobody, not one single person, has claimed that this is an exceptionally brilliant student year. In addition – the impacts on tertiary education institutions, the credibility of the education system right across the spectrum of secondary and tertiary education, the absolutelly clear fact that, historically, the vast majority of teacher ‘estimates’ of outcomes from the examinations was over-graded, and all of the ramifications of these issues. None of these was taken into account as the governmment tried to create the necessary perspective of all of this, but the media – and particularly the BBC – was hell-bent on trying to get a ‘scalp’ or two from the situation. Note that, NOW, all the ramificatioons of the ‘teacher knows best’ approach are coming to light (as thery should have done up-front if the likes of the BBC had any integrity whatsdoever) – but now the BBC, Labour, and all their hangers-on have suddenly switched to attack mode again as they demand that the government solve the problems they, and not the govermment were fundamentally the causes of – by drowning out a real discussion of the issues involved, in a flood of ’emotion’.
4. And now the real problems begin to dawn on people. What might have meant a thousand or so individuals having a problem which needed to be resolved, has now escalated – apparently with no assessment of the abandonment of the initially agreed direction – into a generational problem, or even worse.
5. Consider what will happen next year, when there will be a ‘natural’ return to grading – and 30% or 40% of pupils suddenly find that they will not get anything like the grades of this year’s group.
6. Teachers will have absolutely no inclination but to over-grade every single student in every single subject, in case something gets in the way of the final exam diet. If you had been a ‘fair’ teacher and graded your students with a real assessment – you would be a total idiot to do anything but go with the flow of teacher over-grading now prevalent in the educations system – which the exam period actually sorts out.
7 Don’t kid yourself that algorithms are specific to this year alone – they have always been used to try to ‘even out’ difficult and easy exam years, to attempt to get a ‘level playing field’ for students over time. However, that has been allowed to have ‘grade creep’ over the past 20 or 30 years, and so we now have numpty-enough exam results. Try getting away with that in future.
8. Universities are now under pressure to accept that virtually everyone is a tested and approved genius, and must provide places for them – no matter the cost – and hey, if it gets us over the ‘coronovirus hump’ where jobs are scarce, then the left will always push for this – it’s what Blair et al did before.
9. Now watch the ‘drop-out’ rate over the next three years, as loads of ‘straight-A’ students discover that, no matter how good the remedial literacy and numeracy courses that bloom in every university location – which will be fundamentally necessary to get students even into the way of university life, just will not help them to cope . Add that to the disillusionment heading for these students when they discover they are not going to have ‘party-party-party’ experience as most of their courses will be delivered electronically.
10. Watch out for the eventual outcome of all of this in the first graduating class for students entering university this year… three years from now. You thought the snow-flake generation was the epitome of idiocy – try employing some of these guys in the future.
I bet all of these things were already in the minds of the those involved in agreeing the ‘algorithm’ route, before the media latched onto the difficultiers this particular route could bring – as opposed to any other alternative, where the difficulties were glossed over, simply to get a ‘U-turn’ or a scalp or two. Never mind the complexities caused by a switch, which, for instance, have highlighted that you can’t give every single student a university place where they want, when they want, and in the subject they want….. never mind that they are clearly not equipped to face university, nor that there are just not enough physical locations like labs, training hospitals, etc., etc., never mind not enough general facilities and staff to cope with them.
This is an omnishambles, not initially created by the governmment, but created by the media and the parents of a relatively small number of students/parents initially affected, which will have ramifications down the years to come.
There is a phrase about sowing and reaping – we had all better get used to it.
Apologies for the length of the post – I really fear for the impacts of this situation. And, as as final thought – when all this goes down, how many able students from the rest of the world will want to participate in what was once the envy of the educational world – and which contributed mightily to the ‘soft power’ of the UK worldwide. I’m no spring chicken any more – and probably thank God for that.
Yes Richard D, I subscribe to all that you have posted-this issue will be explosive in times to come- this once great nation is sinking fast into a mire of complete incomprehensibility-for once I am somewhat glad that at 78 yrs old, I won’t have to experience the ravages of what is to come and especially if the American Deomcrats win the next USA election, a party full of the most evil people on this planet, and that’s saying something. If the EU is not broken up shortly then Europe will be swallowed up into the USA who will control the lot no matter who the so called leaders of Germany/France/UK/ Italy/Spain et al are, they will have no recourse but to accept. Goodness how awful that all sounds and like you maybe I fear for my grandchildren and their children. The Earth is billions of years old and we the human being has been on this beautiful earth not more than say 100,000 years and look at the mess we have made of it? Nearly 8 billion humans and being controlled in their daily lives but a few idiots with ideas unsuited to this earth.
richard- thanks, interesting stuff. Much food for thought. I thought from the first bits of coverage on this issue, that the bbc wanted a scalp – it’s a familiar pattern and approach. They also wanted to force a ‘U-turn’. Pity they got one.
PS. Never use ‘bbc’ and ‘integrity’ in the same sentence!
Socialist millennials: I’m depressed and all I ask for is a hug(e amount of money, an IPhone 22 X, a Mercedes, a mansion with my 3 polyamorous partners and 10M followers on IG and OnlyFans) ❤️
With regard to the compulsory wearing of masks and possible compulsory vaccinations, here’s a document that might indicate the government have overstepped their authority.
It’s called The Nuremberg Code.
Below is an extract; the full code is on the internet and isn’t very long. This extract would tend to show that governments cannot do things to us without our informed consent; which applies to both mask wearing and vaccinations. But perhaps I’m totally wrong:
This is the first part of the Nuremberg Code:
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448,
7 December 1996.
The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.
This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World War II human rights era. Amongstother requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.
This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.
This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.
The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments
The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the
practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must
be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without
the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching,
or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision
by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected;
and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with any impunity.
It’s noticeable that the ever ready legals – every ready to take on brexit – don’t see any appetite in challenging the house arrest or masks …..
……. I wonder if the house arrests will be extended …. particularly since the government seems to do what it wants if it is ‘following scientific advice ‘ . I bet Hitler would have used similar terms to justify what he did.
Just a technical point, but one that the BBC chooses to ignore….. the ‘algorithm’ did not ‘downgrade’ anything. It graded, based on a lot of data, the chances of students to achieve a certain level of attainment in the absence of the exam system, and in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.
The teachers provided predictions of what they thought the students would achieve, as they do every year. UCAS studies have shown that, historically, around half of all teacher predictions are over-predictions.
So, what we have now is a position where about half of the grades awarded (or thereabouts) are probably upgrades on reality, so, what has happened is that, far from a massive downgrading, the algorithm may well have provided a better reflection of the real situation than the over-grading of the teachers. Only the future will tell.
I notice that teaching unions are already starting to clamour for the further reduction in examinations, and heavier reliance on teacher predictions. I am sure that will work out well.
Local ITV news : opening item Muslim demo in Halifax
“Here is disturbing footage of a West Yorkshire policeman shouting
: “chill out or I’ll check you out”, as he arrests the Muslim man”
Then extensive interviews with protesters who say its racist policing etc.
OK ..anything missing ??
Absolutely no mention of the context
What the heck happened before ?
Pretty soon on Twitter I see that Muslim tweets are using a video with the first frames cropped out
.. only this tweet begins a few frames earlier before the cop has got the guy
.. Then only a couple point out the victim had actually just punched a guy
and there are a couple of photos
Now I spot video where the Muslim guy steps across to throw the first punch at another Asian guy.
So he clearly is an aggressor not a defender Facebook collective video
Then ITV did something strange, in the middle of the show they said “here’s a warning we’ll play that awful arrest video again”.
Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES – They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!).
One of the main jobs of government should be to shut down every HR department. I’m sure there are several ingenious ways in which this could be achieved.
Pity about Unilever though, as Senora O’Blene is addicted to Marmite!
Others on the supporter’s list: –
Coca Cola
YouTube (!)
Most of the names on the list, I’ve never heard of as they’re US based, so perhaps President Trump has a copy as well!
This is uncanny – and very true…
While typing this (more like copying from a website out of boredom), the TV in the room just came on! It’s tuned to BBC, as we wanted to see the VJ service from The Arboretum…
Now how on earth did that happen? We never watch the news!
I see that the BBC are going on about exams and back Labour over the fact that the algorithm ‘breached anti-discrimination legislation as well as laws requiring it to uphold standards’
Do they not realise that there has been this global pandemic going around? Schools shut for five months thanks to lefty unions (who the BBC are also backing) and they have the cheek to divert attention away from themselves?
Williamson might not be the greatest education secretary of all time but I have no doubt that he is doing a better job than what Labour have to offer who is school drop out Angelia Raynor.
I don’t even keep tabs on the BBC anymore as I am sick of feeling like I am shouting into the wind but this has really annoyed me.
No balance in their reporting at all. No different views offered. No alternative suggestions. No one there willing to call out the unions.
The sad thing is I have no doubt that a lot of teachers really want to be back in school teaching and most kids want to be back learning as their parents want them to but as usual the left hold everyone else back.
BBC News at Ten were delighted to quote a ‘local MP’ in Calais who accused the British of ‘lacking even an ounce of compassion for not allowing people to claim asylum from outside the UK’.
Yes Vlad-Our national broadcaster is an enemy of the state.
“Germany calling, Germany calling.” My parents laughed
at Lord Haw Haw. But I can’t get myself to laugh at the
mostly Lady Haw Haws spouting their unpatriotic anarchist Marxist bilge from their autocue.
Yes Vlad-Our national broadcaster is an enemy of the state.
“Germany calling, Germany calling.” My parents laughed
at Lord Haw Haw. But I can’t get myself to laugh at the
mostly Lady Haw Haws spouting their unpatriotic anarchist Marxist bilge from their autocue.
Why don’t the French show compassion and put them up in 4 star hotels?
The have plenty of empty rooms at present. There lies the answer?
I am afraid Priti is all mouth but no trousers.
But if they are asylum seekers, as opposed to economic migrants, why don’t they seek asylum in France, which they’ve already reached? Which, last time I looked, is a prosperous democracy with human rights and rule of law?
Very Inigo Montoya in all the relevant propaganda quarters.
A widely shared post on Facebook has claimed that an image of people sat on a coach is of asylum seekers in England.
This is incorrect. The photo was taken in 2016 in Bavaria as part of a stunt by a politician to complain about Germany’s asylum policy.
Between inept politicians in supposed ‘power’, inept venal ones in opposition and a media estate utterly under ideological control by activists skilled in abusing comms on social media using every tactic, Alinsky or otherwise, this issue is coming to pressure valve being screwed down working out badly inside and out.
I just watched an interview with a headteacher in Cardiff on BBC, On the wall in the background a massive photo about 8 feet high of who I think was a young Mao Tse Tung… next to it was another photo of a woman, not recognisable to me but probably a left wing activist of some sort.
No doubt this is designed to implant the “correct” message to the children.
“I just watched an interview with a headteacher in Cardiff on BBC, On the wall in the background a massive photo about 8 feet high of who I think was a young Mao Tse Tung…”
The Times and Telegraph this morning are full to the gunnels of anti Trump pro Biden stories. But this was to be expected. They are both globalist publications and are worried that a second term for the President would roll back the globalisation of the world even further and give hope to the people of the West that they might have a job and a place to live. If Trump loses the people’s attempt to break the chains of globalisation and Wokism by democratic means will have failed. In the US very large numbers of people are unlikely to shrug their shoulders and say , ‘Aw shucks at least we tried’. Unfortunately we live in interesting but dangerous times.
The government have not “learned the lessons” of the 2017 Manchester attack. Expect more to come and more “lessons to be learned” from a government that can’t or won’t defend our borders. Tory voters must be very angry with their MPs by now?
Are our newspaper front page headlines causing you to fear for the future of humanity? Fear not, the animal kingdom may have the answers. Deborah Ross in the Times speculates: ‘What if dogs could write the law’ and The Star asks ‘Could tortoise cure cancer?’
You can treat yourself to a free £1 shop bet on the gee gees with the Daily Mirror, while the Daily Express raises the stakes with a £2 bet and it’s pet hobby horses to the fore with the Guardian: ‘Black lives, Beverley Ditsie, South Africa’s lesbian liberator’
The FT polishes its anti-nation state credentials – national governments are tiresome things that get in the way of trade, I guess (well the UK at any rate): ‘Aye Scotland, London’s complacency has fuelled independence push’
Entre nous, I believe the FT is still sore about Brexit, the idea that the nanny-statist-minded socialistic SNP would embrace the free trade tradition of Adam Smith is frankly Scotch mist.
If the FT’s beef with politicians at Westminster and embrace of those at Holyrood is somewhat elliptical the weather outlook in other papers is apocalyptical (as usual). The Express threatens ‘One Ell of a storm… 70mph winds and floods on way’. The Star adds a few extra mph for effect ’80mph hair-raising winds to batter UK’
The Daily Mail goes with an exclusive ’24 lashes for UK ex-public schoolboy in Singapore’
But they like that sort of thing, don’t they, former public schoolboys?
For some reason I recall Julie Walters in the movie Personal Services, about the madam of a suburban brothel catering for middle class older chaps, who when raided by the police and questioned about all the sticks in the house replied they were simply tomato canes.
Obama blasts Trump . Is that helpful to Joe Biden?
Al Beeb thinks so as it joins in the presidential campaign.
Have hope, because Al Beeb usually gets it wrong .
Still paying your Telly Tax ?
BBC Stayte interviewing Gibb the Education Minister.
Gibb was open and clear and made very valid points and assurances but the “State” was intent on only one thing, getting a Tory scalp, he refused to listen to or acknowledge any of the perfectly reasonable points being made very clearly by Gibb and just kept trying to get someone, anyone sacked.
The BBC are a left wing political organisation, I hope Boris was watching and that it convinces him that a reckoning is overdue.
The majority of the British people can see right through this pantomime and deserve better than being made to swallow this left-wing garbage that they are forced to pay for to watch TV at all.
Maybe Charlie is auditioning for Jon Snow’s rottweiler job on C4 when the BBC replace him with someone more “Yoof”?
It’s time to play our favourite game of “hunt the BBC story”.
Having noted that two national papers were today carrying front page articles on the sentencing hearing of Hashem Abedi, brother of the Manchester Arena bomber who murdered 22 British citizens, I thought I’d find out how the BBC was covering this hugely important story.
Well, there’s nothing on the home page of its website – lots about the US Democratic convention and blasts at President Trump, however.
There’s not a squeak on its U.K. news page either.
So, I checked out on the England news page and, yes, there it is, down page item no. 9 – considered less important than “choke’ video arrest man feared for his life” and “Chicken rehousing charity gets 52,000 hen requests”.
Our biased BBC, which doesn’t do real news any more.
Managed 2 minutes of R4 this morning…every bloody day the same exam crap..and these snowflakes claiming children’s lives have been ruined…funny how Germany managed to have students take exams…mainly because the reaching unions and teachers were made to do work…
The BBC needs to start blaming those responsible…teachers and Unions..
You just have to hope Boris and co are watching BBC
You deserve a medal James, its pretty out of my life nowadays.
The odd bit of Steve Wright in the Afternoon (which still exercises the off button) with certain ‘guests’ and I note they still play Michael Jackson songs.
Also I partake a bit of World Service. World Service is currently a propaganda tool for the US Election, wall to wall coverage of the Demoncrats convention. Ney a bad word said about Biden.
Ex Pres Barry ‘back of the Q’ Obummer all over it today (Remind me again as a black president, what DID he achieve?)
Yesterday they had ‘Bill I did not have…… Clinton’ spouting forth. So good to hear from the randy old goat.
Finally in the wee small hours I listened to the piece from the climate change expert, I’m not sure of the programme, but apparently, sea levels have been rising for 100 years, helped by melting glaciers – but he said, they’ve not actually risen because of the all the dams built by humans – they are holding back all the water.
James – Listening to Toady exploit the chaos caused by the Bbc in the first instance, in its perennial search for a Tory scalp, I realise the ‘impartial’ broadcaster is now feasting on the mess IT created. Beeb has not given up on that scalp yet. It is happy to destroy both students and teachers in the process, pretending all the while that it is ONLY REPORTING on what is going on.
Unions and teachers may also be to blame for some of this, but all of this started with the all too familiar beeb hunt for Williamson’s scalp, using the same strategy we have seen so often before, when bbc has decided it has a chance of getting rid of a Tory minister AND getting in that greatly desired Tory ‘U turn’, goal no.2 in all this.
Be not deceived! In the absence of an effective opposition, Beeb has decided that IT IS the opposition, and will do Labour’s work for them.
I seem to recall that Gavin Williamson was very much Theresa May’s protege and bag carrier and behind-the-scenes enforcer. Seems a bit strange that May and Sedwill wanted him out.
I’m not entirely sure but he possibly queried some FCO/Whitehall Defence decisions. We know Sedwill and May wanted as much connection with the EU Defence schemes as possible and were working behind the scenes to ‘sign us up’ to various schemes post-referendum. Although I’m not convinced Williamson knew much, or realised the extent of the entanglement, my gut feeling is that as Defence Sec. he was becoming a bit ‘awkward’.
Clear policy divide opening up in Cabinet. • Williamson (Defence) says invest in NATO and ‘don’t get distracted’ by EU defence union. • May puts UK ATTACHMENT to EU defence union into future relationship.
Turned on BBC News channel and the Bishop of Dover was talking about immigration. She was suggesting safe routes, removing poverty in other countries and a few other things.
Charlie Stayt then says, “And call out certain people for the words they use?”
Instead of saving souls, meddling in stuff that is of no concern to her, and for which she does not have to bear the consequences, by the sound of it.
A woman bishop is an anachronism anyway, and even the post of ‘bishop’, as a handsomely paid bigwig in a humanly-created hierarchy, is not scriptural.
A political priest.
Could anyone explain to me why it’s deemed appropriate for someone employed by the BBC to write a piece for a magazine on how inept the government is?
In the modern era, a former president has never delivered such an excoriating attack on his successor. A preview of Barack Obama’s speech tonight
The BBC on their homepage attack a Maori related person for failing to take the Knee as the Rugby Union season starts in England and those that run English Rugby Union institute a Black Lives Matter Knee Ceremony for every match.
If that were to be the case, then as a past player of Rugby, I would never again watch a match where such a loathsome vile repugnant display activated by the players were undertaken. White Lives Matter just as much and so I want to see the Union Jack flown at every event taking place in this nation. Where the H has patriotism gone? Has the authoritarian control in respect to the Covid 19 virus now destroyed our Britain, destroyed a great nation? I hope not but do have considerable doubts, especially where the BBC are concerned. As many coloured faces as white on the screen, as many if not more on all journalistic interviews and certainly on majority advertisements. Is it good night Vienna?
I put in a BBC complaint asking why there are no trans newsreaders or weather presenters as they are supposed to be an equal opportunity employer.
Their reply:
————————————————————– The BBC is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability, age or anything else. In selecting presenters, actors, and other contributors for our programmes (and staff to work at the BBC) we aim to employ those with the most suitable talents for the role.
Our aim is to serve the whole nation and reflect Britain’s diversity. We are therefore taking positive action to promote such equality of opportunity, with training and promotion procedures based on the requirements of the job. The BBC does not undertake so-called “positive discrimination” in this area because, as the name suggests, it is “discrimination” and is therefore illegal.
atlas_shruggedFeb 5, 14:13 Midweek 5th February 2025 So important to emphasise that travelling by public transport in Europe and the UK is ‘safe and effective’.
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The Church of England on their website are accommodating and encouraging the views of Bishops in The USA who are against the use of civil force to quell rioting in the streets in the USA.
Quoting the American Bishops thus:
“The Bishops say they are ‘troubled’ by the ‘unprecedented nature of the federal response to a largely peaceful protest’, explaining that the federal forces deployed in Portland and elsewhere are ‘unidentified and patrol in unmarked rental cars’.
They detain and arrest protesters without probable cause. They are specifically uninvited and rejected by the elected civil authorities of where they are deployed
They explain that ‘the Church cannot remain silent when we see such flagrant abuse of civil power deployed against those who stand for justice and peace and against systemic institutional racism.”
These are words quite obviously anti-Trump and straight from the BLM / Black Power Marxist handbook.
So it would appear that future COE congregations might now be led the right way by means of sermons on such things as – How to make a placard, How to make a molotov cocktail, How best to torch a building, Where to buy a Kalashnikov, What to wear at a riot, How to carry a flat screen TV without getting back strain, etc. etc.
Not sure how this will go down with the elderly, well-heeled churchgoers from the better parts of our town though!
They have all obviously gone completely bonkers now too, it must be something the Ruskkies are putting in our water!
The US clergy are as irretrievably woke and leftist as our own. Mercifully they will soon become as irrelevant too.
If ever the C of E was the Tory Party at prayer, it is now the Labour Party at prayer.
Ah, now we have it. R4 news at 4 tell us that the opposition and charities demand ‘safe routes’ for ‘asylum seekers’.
Sort of a ‘County Lines’ for human smuggling, with official blessing.
I called the ‘asylum’ industry a racket, because we all know it’s largely about economic migrants, who want ‘a better life’, not through hard work or enterprise, but by going to countries where hand-outs await. But we’re not allowed to say that, because countries have borders (unless you like to do away with them and cause chaos), so we have to pretend this is about ‘asylum seekers’, who are all in war zones.
And even if Europe does take ‘migrants’ from war zones, the capacity to absorb tens of millions from conflict areas (i.e. virtually anywhere) is limited. And, in the process, YOU ULTIMATELY HAVE TO SWAMP AND THEN DESTROY the host cultures, and replace with the millions streaming in from afar.
Which, presumably, is already planned anyway by certain people.
This poor boy from Sudan won’t live to see the political opportunists and so-called ‘journalists’, who will now adopt his case for their own dark purposes.
Hello, Labour and LimpDumbs..?
And should we add some ‘Tories’?
Calling all virtue-signallers!
A safe passage to Britain, indeed.
any demands for the rights of the hundreds of raped white schoolgirls by black muzzies ?
any mention from the ever open black gobs on and on about racism ?
The BBC just quoted a French official who said that the death was the fault of the UK because the UK was such a nice place to go to.
How the hell can this be down to the UK?
He just added that after Brexit it will get much worse! Because of Brexit!
It’s all the Tories’ fault (and Nigel of course).
(My contempt for Starmer knows no bounds).
Is that the same keir who was in charge of the CPS when white girls were being raped and told the powers at be to quash it. Is France a war Zone and unsafe.No so send them back.
That is indeed the same Keir who also lacks the grasp on democracy
I note that no Virtue Signaller has accepted the blame for the death of the 16-year old Sudanese “asylum” seeker. If they were not so welcoming to an unspecified (and one assumes, therefore, unlimited) number of these refuges from war-torn France then they would not risk the crossing and so live to enjoy life in la belle France or a welcoming Germany (well, the Chancellor at least)
Damn … and he was going to be Line Achers first guest
Damn … and he was going to be Line Achers first guest
The stepping stone that is the bbc sees true talent blossom.
And that girl who was in ‘suits ‘
We owe her for taking Prince Ginger off the public payroll … he’s got to live off his supposed “father” now
I’ve just had a quick squint at this bloke’s Twitter feed, he’s really good. Witty, conservative and a Brexiteer! Well worth a look.
However, I don’t think they’ll let me re-join Twitter.
Not after last time…
Resounding reviews so far.
CNN has proof* that most medical professionals fail in duty of care based on racism. Apparently. No wonder American BS use their feed for most of their reporting.
Twitter watch
I’d like to share my confusion . It seems red dawn butler MP of tinted windows white driver fame – is calling on people to stop watching the BBC because it’s racist ,
I don’t know the context ( and actually ) don’t care – but it would seems really strange if I land up being a bedfellow of Dawn …..
Fed – presumably in a different bed, though?
Fake – deffo – I think she is sponsored by DFS / slumberland ….
Must. Resist. Posting.
However, a few key BBC editorial guidelines are suggested.
1) If reporting, on anything, be totes BAME.
2) That’s it.
No crowds of Be-Gaffa Taped bbc luvvies in the bbc forecourt as actually funny satirists are purged to make way for Nish?
One day they will start blocking each other, and there will be no one left who cares.
….And . Every . Thing . Must . Change
In the news – dead 16 year old illegal immigrant gets a 1000% more attention that the daily hotel (150) invading our shores each day …. maybe drowned kids is the only thing to stop it – or for anyone to do anything apart from waste air – right Home Secretary ?
Fed- somehow this is all so predictable, like a bad movie playing over and over again?
Question: will we suckers fall for it, and keep paying again and again to gain entrance to the same old same old..?
A French film, I think?
Our own “leaders” will show us to our seats?
With a bit of luck the ‘plight’ of a dead 16 maybe year old maybe Sudanese will cause some engagement beyond Mr Farage wandering around full up hotels or filming the new arrivals .
If it was anyone else he’d have been fitted up and arrested by now by the ‘Dover harbour ‘police or similar .
Apart from the education idiot – one gets the feeling that the cabinet have all gone on holiday ……certainly the French don’t do August apparently .
Maybe a drowned baby – if there are any women /babies being imported – will cause the brakes to go on the invasion . There’s no morality in this .
Shock Horror…
A-levels U-turn: Universities facing ‘crazy demand’ from students
Didn’t see that coming!
When people leave these big orgs, they often speak up.
I saw this guy
Former BBC TV & radio journalist/presenter, author of the definitive web guide to the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. Cat lover, Eurovision fan. ITIL Expert
The bBC have forgotten to report that Laura Loomer (banned from all social media) stormed through to win the Florida House Republican primary vote.
The BBC American BS news feed of course has ‘reported’ as expected.
“she’ll never be elected”
Total Republican primary votes there were less than 35k
and total Democrat primary votes were over 87k
Emboldened by the success of the Covid jailing of the population in their own homes, the German Government Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner has now decided that she can now proceed with other curtailments of liberty and make it law.
German dog owners will be ordered by law to take their pets on hour-long walks twice a day under new regulations
These faceless civil servants who enjoy wielding this autocratic and unelected power will eventually bring about a bloody uprising.
No doubt if you visit Germany you will share the pavement with hundreds of face-masked German zombies tugging exhausted muts around.
Why not expand the idea and have anyone found flouting the regulations wear some sort of badge sewn onto their jackets so people can see they are outcasts? It worked in the past!
No doubt the UK bureaucrats will follow this slide into unquestioning obedience and slavery.
When I had a dog she was a little poodle who enjoyed a run around the garden. If I had tried to take her on a one hour walk twice a day her little legs would have fallen off.
I wonder what the grandads of these German bureaukrauts did in the war?
That’s a blockin’.
BBC ‘reporting’, with added imagery.
Where are Black Lives Matter when you need them to showcase BAME under-representation?
Ditto the BBC.
On the BBC1 6 pm news the top story is the victim statements at the Old Bailey regarding the Manchester Arena bombing.
Every victim and every relative shown was white. In a multicultural city like Manchester what are the chances of that?
Surely BAME under-representation at pop concerts should be urgently investigated.
Or are the BBC not interested when only white people are killed?
Next up on the BBC news is the ‘tragedy’ of a 16 year old Sudanese man found dead on a French beach. Apparently his boat wasn’t very goid.
Sorry BBC. I really don’t give a toss. He had come of age. Some left wing politicians in the UK would give him the vote.
He made his own decision. It is his responsibility. Not mine.
Has any of the Leftoid BBC wokes considered that if we actually enforced our borders properly and immediately returned all the economic migrants and chancers back to their country of origin, then people would be deterred from crossing the channel and ‘tragedies’ would be avoided?
No. Thought not.
Quite how an unfortunate not making it far past a French beach is anything to do with anyone outside France escapes me.
However expect the entire Momentum championship team to be the panel on Newsnight.
Yet still he is there.
“Some left wing politicians in the UK would give him the vote.”
According to Starmer he’s a ‘child’ – but only when it suits.
Starmer supports votes at 16.
Therefore Starmer supports votes for children?
What else does he ‘support’ for children?
This may sound callous, but the only thing that will stop the illegals attempting to cross the channel, is wholesale drownings. Sad fact, but if more people drown than make it across to England, then it will finally sink (?) in that its safer to stay in France.
It’s not harsh Brissels but it only addresses the tip of the iceberg. The UK has been taking hundreds of thousands of third world migrants legal migrants every year since Blair. The total will now be several million. Illegal migrants will number only a fraction of that.In my view both types must be reduced to a minimum and as many of either type persuaded to leave our shores. My reasons are
>Our country is full , massively over populated with the problems that entails
>Our culture is being transformed at an astonishing rate into a mush mash of alien values and behaviours that I don’t like
> The unified , stable and cohesive society we once had is being transformed into one of different tribes and ethnicities with nothing in common. This will inevitable create huge problems in the future.
It may already be too late to prevent the breakdown of our society but we must at least try. My anger at liberals and Wokists who can’t see where this will lead us in a few decades grows daily. Of course they are being manipulated by a few who want to destroy the West it most are too thick to see where this inevitably leads.
Forgive me for slipping in to the ‘Exams Debate’ with a new thread, but there are some points I’d like to make which have never been aired, as far as I know , on the BBC – which is even more clearly now an activist political, left-wing organisation.
1. They were all ‘for it’ before they were all ‘against it’ – the teachers, the unions, the public sector bodies like Ofqual, and the political parties – they all agreed that the ‘Algorithm’ was the way to go.
2. Sturgeon folded simply because she suddenly realised that, since Scottish schools ‘declared’ before the rest of the UK, these kids were eleigible to vote soon, and they would not like the results – and might blame the Scottish Governmment – i’e the SNP. So, for selfish, electoral reasons, she folded and screwed the rest of the UK.
3. Lots of consequential thought went into the decision to go on the ‘algorithm’ route – namely the impact on future and past years’ students of not having results consistent with historicasl results – notwithstanding that nobody, not one single person, has claimed that this is an exceptionally brilliant student year. In addition – the impacts on tertiary education institutions, the credibility of the education system right across the spectrum of secondary and tertiary education, the absolutelly clear fact that, historically, the vast majority of teacher ‘estimates’ of outcomes from the examinations was over-graded, and all of the ramifications of these issues. None of these was taken into account as the governmment tried to create the necessary perspective of all of this, but the media – and particularly the BBC – was hell-bent on trying to get a ‘scalp’ or two from the situation. Note that, NOW, all the ramificatioons of the ‘teacher knows best’ approach are coming to light (as thery should have done up-front if the likes of the BBC had any integrity whatsdoever) – but now the BBC, Labour, and all their hangers-on have suddenly switched to attack mode again as they demand that the government solve the problems they, and not the govermment were fundamentally the causes of – by drowning out a real discussion of the issues involved, in a flood of ’emotion’.
4. And now the real problems begin to dawn on people. What might have meant a thousand or so individuals having a problem which needed to be resolved, has now escalated – apparently with no assessment of the abandonment of the initially agreed direction – into a generational problem, or even worse.
5. Consider what will happen next year, when there will be a ‘natural’ return to grading – and 30% or 40% of pupils suddenly find that they will not get anything like the grades of this year’s group.
6. Teachers will have absolutely no inclination but to over-grade every single student in every single subject, in case something gets in the way of the final exam diet. If you had been a ‘fair’ teacher and graded your students with a real assessment – you would be a total idiot to do anything but go with the flow of teacher over-grading now prevalent in the educations system – which the exam period actually sorts out.
7 Don’t kid yourself that algorithms are specific to this year alone – they have always been used to try to ‘even out’ difficult and easy exam years, to attempt to get a ‘level playing field’ for students over time. However, that has been allowed to have ‘grade creep’ over the past 20 or 30 years, and so we now have numpty-enough exam results. Try getting away with that in future.
8. Universities are now under pressure to accept that virtually everyone is a tested and approved genius, and must provide places for them – no matter the cost – and hey, if it gets us over the ‘coronovirus hump’ where jobs are scarce, then the left will always push for this – it’s what Blair et al did before.
9. Now watch the ‘drop-out’ rate over the next three years, as loads of ‘straight-A’ students discover that, no matter how good the remedial literacy and numeracy courses that bloom in every university location – which will be fundamentally necessary to get students even into the way of university life, just will not help them to cope . Add that to the disillusionment heading for these students when they discover they are not going to have ‘party-party-party’ experience as most of their courses will be delivered electronically.
10. Watch out for the eventual outcome of all of this in the first graduating class for students entering university this year… three years from now. You thought the snow-flake generation was the epitome of idiocy – try employing some of these guys in the future.
I bet all of these things were already in the minds of the those involved in agreeing the ‘algorithm’ route, before the media latched onto the difficultiers this particular route could bring – as opposed to any other alternative, where the difficulties were glossed over, simply to get a ‘U-turn’ or a scalp or two. Never mind the complexities caused by a switch, which, for instance, have highlighted that you can’t give every single student a university place where they want, when they want, and in the subject they want….. never mind that they are clearly not equipped to face university, nor that there are just not enough physical locations like labs, training hospitals, etc., etc., never mind not enough general facilities and staff to cope with them.
This is an omnishambles, not initially created by the governmment, but created by the media and the parents of a relatively small number of students/parents initially affected, which will have ramifications down the years to come.
There is a phrase about sowing and reaping – we had all better get used to it.
Apologies for the length of the post – I really fear for the impacts of this situation. And, as as final thought – when all this goes down, how many able students from the rest of the world will want to participate in what was once the envy of the educational world – and which contributed mightily to the ‘soft power’ of the UK worldwide. I’m no spring chicken any more – and probably thank God for that.
Yes Richard D, I subscribe to all that you have posted-this issue will be explosive in times to come- this once great nation is sinking fast into a mire of complete incomprehensibility-for once I am somewhat glad that at 78 yrs old, I won’t have to experience the ravages of what is to come and especially if the American Deomcrats win the next USA election, a party full of the most evil people on this planet, and that’s saying something. If the EU is not broken up shortly then Europe will be swallowed up into the USA who will control the lot no matter who the so called leaders of Germany/France/UK/ Italy/Spain et al are, they will have no recourse but to accept. Goodness how awful that all sounds and like you maybe I fear for my grandchildren and their children. The Earth is billions of years old and we the human being has been on this beautiful earth not more than say 100,000 years and look at the mess we have made of it? Nearly 8 billion humans and being controlled in their daily lives but a few idiots with ideas unsuited to this earth.
Interesting in a perverse way, is how the bbc and Fail are united by the svelte talents of… Gemma Collins.
I sense a Danny Cohen return in The Farce.
richard- thanks, interesting stuff. Much food for thought. I thought from the first bits of coverage on this issue, that the bbc wanted a scalp – it’s a familiar pattern and approach. They also wanted to force a ‘U-turn’. Pity they got one.
PS. Never use ‘bbc’ and ‘integrity’ in the same sentence!
I varm to zis minx.
With regard to the compulsory wearing of masks and possible compulsory vaccinations, here’s a document that might indicate the government have overstepped their authority.
It’s called The Nuremberg Code.
Below is an extract; the full code is on the internet and isn’t very long. This extract would tend to show that governments cannot do things to us without our informed consent; which applies to both mask wearing and vaccinations. But perhaps I’m totally wrong:
This is the first part of the Nuremberg Code:
BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448,
7 December 1996.
The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.
This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World War II human rights era. Amongstother requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.
This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.
This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.
The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments
The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the
practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must
be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without
the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching,
or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision
by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected;
and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with any impunity.
It’s noticeable that the ever ready legals – every ready to take on brexit – don’t see any appetite in challenging the house arrest or masks …..
……. I wonder if the house arrests will be extended …. particularly since the government seems to do what it wants if it is ‘following scientific advice ‘ . I bet Hitler would have used similar terms to justify what he did.
Of course they do.
And of course the bbc will post it.
Just a technical point, but one that the BBC chooses to ignore….. the ‘algorithm’ did not ‘downgrade’ anything. It graded, based on a lot of data, the chances of students to achieve a certain level of attainment in the absence of the exam system, and in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.
The teachers provided predictions of what they thought the students would achieve, as they do every year. UCAS studies have shown that, historically, around half of all teacher predictions are over-predictions.
So, what we have now is a position where about half of the grades awarded (or thereabouts) are probably upgrades on reality, so, what has happened is that, far from a massive downgrading, the algorithm may well have provided a better reflection of the real situation than the over-grading of the teachers. Only the future will tell.
I notice that teaching unions are already starting to clamour for the further reduction in examinations, and heavier reliance on teacher predictions. I am sure that will work out well.
“Met Police assaults: Attacks on officers up 40% during lockdown”
Is The London Bubble about to burst ?
Message to Al Beeb and the London Bubble dwellers .
This is what you get when you have ‘career politicians’ running the country .
Local ITV news : opening item Muslim demo in Halifax
“Here is disturbing footage of a West Yorkshire policeman shouting
: “chill out or I’ll check you out”, as he arrests the Muslim man”
Then extensive interviews with protesters who say its racist policing etc.
OK ..anything missing ??
Absolutely no mention of the context
What the heck happened before ?
Pretty soon on Twitter I see that Muslim tweets are using a video with the first frames cropped out
.. only this tweet begins a few frames earlier before the cop has got the guy
.. Then only a couple point out the victim had actually just punched a guy
and there are a couple of photos
Now I spot video where the Muslim guy steps across to throw the first punch at another Asian guy.
So he clearly is an aggressor not a defender
Facebook collective video
Then ITV did something strange, in the middle of the show they said “here’s a warning we’ll play that awful arrest video again”.
Channel54 now, Another chance to see the Portillo prog where he examines how evil White British are
The relentless #InvertedRacism of the metroliberal establishment
Twitter is pushing this advert at me.
One metre, one and a half metres, two metres and now seven thousand seven hundred kilometres, can no-one agree a safe separation distance?
temperature adjustment trickery
Paul Homewood recommended this video
Ben & Jerrys on discount now
Goodyear’s next
It gets better: Trump is now threatening to take Goodyear tires off the presidential limousine, and their shares are crashing.
Yes folks – it’s good old HR arranged training again.
Don’t forget that HR also deal with recruitment.
One of the main jobs of government should be to shut down every HR department. I’m sure there are several ingenious ways in which this could be achieved.
There must be a website list of products to boycott –
Falsehippy ice cream is too easy …
Yorkshire Tea ?
Yup, Taff!
Already done it!
Pity about Unilever though, as Senora O’Blene is addicted to Marmite!
Others on the supporter’s list: –
Coca Cola
YouTube (!)
Most of the names on the list, I’ve never heard of as they’re US based, so perhaps President Trump has a copy as well!
This is uncanny – and very true…
While typing this (more like copying from a website out of boredom), the TV in the room just came on! It’s tuned to BBC, as we wanted to see the VJ service from The Arboretum…
Now how on earth did that happen? We never watch the news!
Big sister is watching us!
I see that the BBC are going on about exams and back Labour over the fact that the algorithm ‘breached anti-discrimination legislation as well as laws requiring it to uphold standards’
Do they not realise that there has been this global pandemic going around? Schools shut for five months thanks to lefty unions (who the BBC are also backing) and they have the cheek to divert attention away from themselves?
Williamson might not be the greatest education secretary of all time but I have no doubt that he is doing a better job than what Labour have to offer who is school drop out Angelia Raynor.
I don’t even keep tabs on the BBC anymore as I am sick of feeling like I am shouting into the wind but this has really annoyed me.
No balance in their reporting at all. No different views offered. No alternative suggestions. No one there willing to call out the unions.
The sad thing is I have no doubt that a lot of teachers really want to be back in school teaching and most kids want to be back learning as their parents want them to but as usual the left hold everyone else back.
Maybe the BBC should think of that first?
As a matter of interest, what algorithm did Labour in Wales use?
Perhaps the same one. Then again it is always one rule for them and a different one for everyone else
Education and health in Wales is in a mess . It’s been like that since the Welsh Assembly took control. There has been a call for its dissolution.
Bet BBC Wales is all over it.
Or the Dem convention, like our local radio.
As you do.
Editorial integrity, see 🙂
BBC News at Ten were delighted to quote a ‘local MP’ in Calais who accused the British of ‘lacking even an ounce of compassion for not allowing people to claim asylum from outside the UK’.
Good old beeb, enemy of the people.
Yes Vlad-Our national broadcaster is an enemy of the state.
“Germany calling, Germany calling.” My parents laughed
at Lord Haw Haw. But I can’t get myself to laugh at the
mostly Lady Haw Haws spouting their unpatriotic anarchist Marxist bilge from their autocue.
Yes Vlad-Our national broadcaster is an enemy of the state.
“Germany calling, Germany calling.” My parents laughed
at Lord Haw Haw. But I can’t get myself to laugh at the
mostly Lady Haw Haws spouting their unpatriotic anarchist Marxist bilge from their autocue.
Why don’t the French show compassion and put them up in 4 star hotels?
The have plenty of empty rooms at present. There lies the answer?
I am afraid Priti is all mouth but no trousers.
‘Claim asylum’
Very on narrative, if dubiously accurate.
Very bbc.
Very Inigo Montoya in all the relevant propaganda quarters.
Between inept politicians in supposed ‘power’, inept venal ones in opposition and a media estate utterly under ideological control by activists skilled in abusing comms on social media using every tactic, Alinsky or otherwise, this issue is coming to pressure valve being screwed down working out badly inside and out.
I wonder what the beeb will make of revelations about their favourite sex-abuser?
“Ah did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
Old joke…
Horny, gnarled old bloke – ” You won’t remember any of this, Babe”!
Young bird – “I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on’…
(I’ll get my mask).
I managed about 5 minutes of BBC TV news before walking out of the room.
Young roving lady reporter from the west Country on impending gales says.
“Two people managed to self-rescue this morning…..”
Then a studio lady doing a video call to two other ladies in lock-down says
“If 2020 was a facial expression, what would it be?”
Main news on our national broadcaster or 4th form debating society?
I just watched an interview with a headteacher in Cardiff on BBC, On the wall in the background a massive photo about 8 feet high of who I think was a young Mao Tse Tung… next to it was another photo of a woman, not recognisable to me but probably a left wing activist of some sort.
No doubt this is designed to implant the “correct” message to the children.
And it’s only 7.15am.
“I just watched an interview with a headteacher in Cardiff on BBC, On the wall in the background a massive photo about 8 feet high of who I think was a young Mao Tse Tung…”
It’s Maximilian Kolbe.
Todays “news” Ex Saint, Obama blasts Trump’s ‘reality show’ presidency “reports” the bBC
Yesterday Mrs Obama
will this biased organisation ever give a balanced view, or only what the pleps need to agree to!!
Role on a 2nd term for President Trump
The racist far-left bbc love to laud yesterday’s men.
BBC ‘News’ on FB.
“He has shown no interest in putting in the work. No interest in finding common ground.”
Former US President Barack Obama and his successor Donald Trump went head-to-head on the third night of the Democratic National Convention.
I was unaware they met yesterday.
Or if they did not where the bbc has posted selected quotes in response.
The Times and Telegraph this morning are full to the gunnels of anti Trump pro Biden stories. But this was to be expected. They are both globalist publications and are worried that a second term for the President would roll back the globalisation of the world even further and give hope to the people of the West that they might have a job and a place to live. If Trump loses the people’s attempt to break the chains of globalisation and Wokism by democratic means will have failed. In the US very large numbers of people are unlikely to shrug their shoulders and say , ‘Aw shucks at least we tried’. Unfortunately we live in interesting but dangerous times.
The government have not “learned the lessons” of the 2017 Manchester attack. Expect more to come and more “lessons to be learned” from a government that can’t or won’t defend our borders. Tory voters must be very angry with their MPs by now?
Open borders but concrete and steel ‘pillars of Islam’ around our public spaces and now plastic screens in our shops and paper masks on our faces.
Just more steps to make us all rootless-hotel dwellers.
Are our newspaper front page headlines causing you to fear for the future of humanity? Fear not, the animal kingdom may have the answers. Deborah Ross in the Times speculates: ‘What if dogs could write the law’ and The Star asks ‘Could tortoise cure cancer?’
You can treat yourself to a free £1 shop bet on the gee gees with the Daily Mirror, while the Daily Express raises the stakes with a £2 bet and it’s pet hobby horses to the fore with the Guardian: ‘Black lives, Beverley Ditsie, South Africa’s lesbian liberator’
The FT polishes its anti-nation state credentials – national governments are tiresome things that get in the way of trade, I guess (well the UK at any rate): ‘Aye Scotland, London’s complacency has fuelled independence push’
Entre nous, I believe the FT is still sore about Brexit, the idea that the nanny-statist-minded socialistic SNP would embrace the free trade tradition of Adam Smith is frankly Scotch mist.
If the FT’s beef with politicians at Westminster and embrace of those at Holyrood is somewhat elliptical the weather outlook in other papers is apocalyptical (as usual). The Express threatens ‘One Ell of a storm… 70mph winds and floods on way’. The Star adds a few extra mph for effect ’80mph hair-raising winds to batter UK’
The Daily Mail goes with an exclusive ’24 lashes for UK ex-public schoolboy in Singapore’
But they like that sort of thing, don’t they, former public schoolboys?
For some reason I recall Julie Walters in the movie Personal Services, about the madam of a suburban brothel catering for middle class older chaps, who when raided by the police and questioned about all the sticks in the house replied they were simply tomato canes.
Don’t buy the papers. I choose were my hard earned cash goes.
Re the strong winds, at least it will deter the channel invasion force for a few days.
Brilliant review, AISI, an excellent read.
Obama blasts Trump . Is that helpful to Joe Biden?
Al Beeb thinks so as it joins in the presidential campaign.
Have hope, because Al Beeb usually gets it wrong .
Still paying your Telly Tax ?
Not I Taff, Telly Tax free and it feels so good.
”Obama blasts Trump”, says the BBC.
Well he would, wouldn’t he.
Well done Beeb – As brain dead as ever.
BBC Stayte interviewing Gibb the Education Minister.
Gibb was open and clear and made very valid points and assurances but the “State” was intent on only one thing, getting a Tory scalp, he refused to listen to or acknowledge any of the perfectly reasonable points being made very clearly by Gibb and just kept trying to get someone, anyone sacked.
The BBC are a left wing political organisation, I hope Boris was watching and that it convinces him that a reckoning is overdue.
The majority of the British people can see right through this pantomime and deserve better than being made to swallow this left-wing garbage that they are forced to pay for to watch TV at all.
Maybe Charlie is auditioning for Jon Snow’s rottweiler job on C4 when the BBC replace him with someone more “Yoof”?
It’s time to play our favourite game of “hunt the BBC story”.
Having noted that two national papers were today carrying front page articles on the sentencing hearing of Hashem Abedi, brother of the Manchester Arena bomber who murdered 22 British citizens, I thought I’d find out how the BBC was covering this hugely important story.
Well, there’s nothing on the home page of its website – lots about the US Democratic convention and blasts at President Trump, however.
There’s not a squeak on its U.K. news page either.
So, I checked out on the England news page and, yes, there it is, down page item no. 9 – considered less important than “choke’ video arrest man feared for his life” and “Chicken rehousing charity gets 52,000 hen requests”.
Our biased BBC, which doesn’t do real news any more.
Managed 2 minutes of R4 this morning…every bloody day the same exam crap..and these snowflakes claiming children’s lives have been ruined…funny how Germany managed to have students take exams…mainly because the reaching unions and teachers were made to do work…
The BBC needs to start blaming those responsible…teachers and Unions..
You just have to hope Boris and co are watching BBC
You deserve a medal James, its pretty out of my life nowadays.
The odd bit of Steve Wright in the Afternoon (which still exercises the off button) with certain ‘guests’ and I note they still play Michael Jackson songs.
Also I partake a bit of World Service. World Service is currently a propaganda tool for the US Election, wall to wall coverage of the Demoncrats convention. Ney a bad word said about Biden.
Ex Pres Barry ‘back of the Q’ Obummer all over it today (Remind me again as a black president, what DID he achieve?)
Yesterday they had ‘Bill I did not have…… Clinton’ spouting forth. So good to hear from the randy old goat.
Finally in the wee small hours I listened to the piece from the climate change expert, I’m not sure of the programme, but apparently, sea levels have been rising for 100 years, helped by melting glaciers – but he said, they’ve not actually risen because of the all the dams built by humans – they are holding back all the water.
Who says the BBC DONT do comedy??
James – Listening to Toady exploit the chaos caused by the Bbc in the first instance, in its perennial search for a Tory scalp, I realise the ‘impartial’ broadcaster is now feasting on the mess IT created. Beeb has not given up on that scalp yet. It is happy to destroy both students and teachers in the process, pretending all the while that it is ONLY REPORTING on what is going on.
Unions and teachers may also be to blame for some of this, but all of this started with the all too familiar beeb hunt for Williamson’s scalp, using the same strategy we have seen so often before, when bbc has decided it has a chance of getting rid of a Tory minister AND getting in that greatly desired Tory ‘U turn’, goal no.2 in all this.
Be not deceived! In the absence of an effective opposition, Beeb has decided that IT IS the opposition, and will do Labour’s work for them.
It is interesting that both Sedwill and May were keen to remove Williamson from the MoD.
I think he asked questions.
I seem to recall that Gavin Williamson was very much Theresa May’s protege and bag carrier and behind-the-scenes enforcer. Seems a bit strange that May and Sedwill wanted him out.
What did he ask questions about?
I’m not entirely sure but he possibly queried some FCO/Whitehall Defence decisions. We know Sedwill and May wanted as much connection with the EU Defence schemes as possible and were working behind the scenes to ‘sign us up’ to various schemes post-referendum. Although I’m not convinced Williamson knew much, or realised the extent of the entanglement, my gut feeling is that as Defence Sec. he was becoming a bit ‘awkward’.
This from February 2019
Turned on BBC News channel and the Bishop of Dover was talking about immigration. She was suggesting safe routes, removing poverty in other countries and a few other things.
Charlie Stayt then says, “And call out certain people for the words they use?”
Bishop, “no”.
Instead of saving souls, meddling in stuff that is of no concern to her, and for which she does not have to bear the consequences, by the sound of it.
A woman bishop is an anachronism anyway, and even the post of ‘bishop’, as a handsomely paid bigwig in a humanly-created hierarchy, is not scriptural.
A political priest.
Fair question.
One the bbc might not feel like answering.
Have they blocked him?
Meanwhile, across the pond.
A must watch by now at BBC N. America surely?
Impressed it has got to three days.
This is a BBC hand in glove attack on democracy, they are not a broadcaster they are a political organisation simple as that.
I think the bbc gave the Cardi B endorsement a swerve, wisely.
They might give this bloke a shot though.
Yoof is their thang, peeps.
Looks like she just crawled out of a swamp, (the tidemark hair and the obvious fear of daylight give it away).
She is high as a kite.
The BBC on their homepage attack a Maori related person for failing to take the Knee as the Rugby Union season starts in England and those that run English Rugby Union institute a Black Lives Matter Knee Ceremony for every match.
If that were to be the case, then as a past player of Rugby, I would never again watch a match where such a loathsome vile repugnant display activated by the players were undertaken. White Lives Matter just as much and so I want to see the Union Jack flown at every event taking place in this nation. Where the H has patriotism gone? Has the authoritarian control in respect to the Covid 19 virus now destroyed our Britain, destroyed a great nation? I hope not but do have considerable doubts, especially where the BBC are concerned. As many coloured faces as white on the screen, as many if not more on all journalistic interviews and certainly on majority advertisements. Is it good night Vienna?
It is the case and the BBC are still headlining it on their homepage:
It has been activated by the Rugby Union authorities rather than the players under pressure from the BBC and others.
I put in a BBC complaint asking why there are no trans newsreaders or weather presenters as they are supposed to be an equal opportunity employer.
Their reply:
The BBC is committed to equal opportunities for all, irrespective of ethnic or national origins, gender, marital status, sexuality, disability, age or anything else. In selecting presenters, actors, and other contributors for our programmes (and staff to work at the BBC) we aim to employ those with the most suitable talents for the role.
Our aim is to serve the whole nation and reflect Britain’s diversity. We are therefore taking positive action to promote such equality of opportunity, with training and promotion procedures based on the requirements of the job. The BBC does not undertake so-called “positive discrimination” in this area because, as the name suggests, it is “discrimination” and is therefore illegal.
Who says the BBC don’t do comedy anymore?
The algorithm for who the bbc attack, globally, for what, and who not, would be fascinating.
Not just pols, as you point out.
With the Indian sub continent for instance, their faith in some countries appears as skewed as the representation around the W1A cubicle gardens.
More young lives ruined by bbc 30” of fame.
Ours do not use social media as HR for serious folk in real jobs do due diligence.
Maybe they can swing internships at 38 Beegees?