It’s TV news-soap-opera stuff
The luvvies are there to plug their movies/books
… and the BBC is there trying to fill space .. without mentioning any righty issues like open borders, grooming raping gangs etc.
We're hiring for a new #ClimateChange Manager @CDCgroup to lead our agenda for increasing private sector investment in adaptation & resilience in Africa & South Asia! Do check out this link if you're interested –>
If Biden and Harris win the US election on 3 November, the Democrats would rejoin the 2015 Paris climate Agreement, abandoned by Trump. That could spur the deal and help rebuild frayed US ties with other nations.
"The swift and undue suspicion underscores how little faith some have in @AOC despite vowing for months that she’d back Biden if he became the party’s nominee. It's maddening that her commitment to unity could get derailed by a few lazy news outlets."
Some traitor wrote a wonder piece about AOC as future president – in the telegraph – the summary of comments was ‘eff off to the guardian and what ever happened to the telegraph ?’ AOC is on of those who you look at – listen to – and it instantly registers – ‘the American dawn butler ‘ – as vacuous as space ….
BBC reports on what a great government we have and how good Johnson is for being PM for only a year and seeing a huge increase in the GCSEs under his watch. All praise to Gavin Williamson as well. They mention that it is not our fault that there is a global pandemic going around and we should all give the government a bit of credit.
Of course they did not say that. Negative anti government stories that are already outdated still dominate the BBC homepage .
Perhaps they should find someone like me who also has a few questions. Such is it right that the unions have forced teachers into a five month holiday which might be able to explain away the exam fiasco?
Sadly though we haven’t got a great government. Boris is useless and the cabinet no better. They are failing those that put their faith in them at the last election.
They are proving themselves unelectable ever again.
West – I tend to agree – but – if they get to grips with our full EU exit – start to rein in the BBC -then that is a start . However – I fear that the coming inflation and ‘events ‘ will just blow the government from one crisis to another and people will get even more Fedup with the PM doing his ‘toad of toad hall ‘ act and get an adult in the job – not a journo .
My read is coming harder times – weak pound as they borrow more and more money – higher import prices as a result – inflation – more unemployment – rising crime – more demands for reducing public services – happy days – as they say ….
Just remember WestWyvern what our choice was at the last election. Never have I been so afraid of a Labour government and I was seriously considering how to flee this country, wondering which countries would take me and whether I would even be able to take small items of jewellery. You should also remember that behind Sir Kier are a shadow cabinet with an IQ around 90.
I am disappointed with the present government but nobody there had experience of a pandemic and with a civil service and MSM media as their enemy as well as the virus. But I would have preferred announcements about cycling lanes and football matches to have not been part of daily briefings and I hope this couple of weeks in Scotland has allowed Boris to recover, because it has been obvious that to date he has been running below par.
Our esteemed ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ (Ha Ha) told me it is hitherto unknown for a previous US President to criticise a later one. But that’s exactly what, Saint “Back of the queue” Obama did. However, having listened intently to “Back of the queue” and his speech, I must say it was an honour to listen to a virtually complete set of lies. Proves how out-of-touch the Communists actually are. The Communists and their plan to reduce the US to a Third World country has been unravelling since the arrival of DJT. Reminded me of the Scottish Independence vote and how unsure the British Government were of success. In desperation to seek, ‘Overkill’ they wheeled out the old fogeys to support the cause. Same old, same old…………….
The DM this morning had as its lead story as one praising Obama and Biden presumably it was lead story overnight for their American readers. Comments could be going better. The
The “free – £250,000” grant is to be used on the selection basis, “……. designed for women over-18 who are unemployed or employed with a salary below £20,000.” Creche provided?
I wonder how many of these imports will stay the course. Probably most will drop out before all the money is used up in creche facilities for dozens of illegitimate children.
Father of a coloured boy stabbed to death by another young man ( who was out on licence for another stabbing ) calls for more stop and search . Perhaps he should be put n the same room as Dawn Butler and her followers so that he can change his views …..
To the correct view – that police should leave everyone to get on with what they want to do
Gary said “So an algorithm which brings back grades to the norm is described as CONTROVERSIAL
.. but the massively inflated teacher assessments that pushed them way above the norm is FINE ?”
Can I get this right ? Kids are getting exam passes for exams they’ve not taken and Studying – schooling – they’ve not done ? Graded by teachers who haven’t taught for months ?
And then they’ll be going to higher education which isn’t open ?
Crazy isn’t it? Looking at the coverage of ‘students’ demonstrating against the unfairness of the algorithm, this caused me to wonder why they didn’t demonstrate in their masses to be allowed to take their exams.
It should have been managable for the exam years, 11, 13 (fifth year, upper sixth as was) and the final year undergraduates (what’s happened there) to stay on. These groups have a lot of study alone time. Exams could have been taken under strict distancing rules.
As for this whole ‘student’ thing:
Back in the day, the label ‘student’ was only applied to people doing degrees. So, instead of saying ‘I’m at Yooni’, you would say ‘I’m a student’. Nowadays, I’ve heard primary school children being described as students.
Maybe about 15 years ago some strange meteorite shower happened or some radioactive event and this gave the current crop of children a huge intelligence boost and they all deserved the 38% pass rate instead of the normal 26% pass rate.
Or some John Wyndham type of occurrence (The covid Cuckoo’s)
It makes as much sense as the rubbish going on now.
“pass” ? EG I think you made the same mistake the other day
It is not that 38% passed,
.. it is that “38% got an A-grade or above
vs 27% when the algorithm was applied”
The actual pass rate is probably 90%
To my mind you design an exam to show the proper differences between the pupils
If you have 5 bands A, B, C, D, E plus fail
then you’d set it so each got 16%
16% fail, 16% get E, A etc.
Like if I got an A in maths 30 years ago I should have been in the top 16%
and someone who was in the 38th % would have got a C
But now they are saying that same kid would get an A
It’s ridiculous that a C 30 years ago would be an A today.
Yes Despairada,
but that still fits with basically what I said
top 16% get an A, bottom 16% fail
and a B might be the 16% that got marks between 70 & 80
whilst an E might be the 16% that got between 40-48 marks
ie the bands are not the same width in marks
Thanks for pointing that out Stew.
It makes the pass almost meaningless when everyone’s a winner.
If 26% are getting an A or above in a normal year it’s already devalued but 38% is taking the Mickey.
You had to be very bright to get into university in my day, the top 10% maybe. Now, everybody qualifies.
If the actual pass rate is 90% ish then these grades are meaningless.
It appears that just about every student would now pass the 11plus.
Does this type of thing happen in other situations?
All Doctors pass their exams no matter what.
All airline pilots get given their licenses rather than risk upsetting them by failing them.
I recall, EG, some years ago, that Pharmacy students at University, as a pre-requisite for gaining their degree, had to establish a basic level of numeracy.
The pass mark – and remember, this is for people who will go on to formulate medications of all descriptions – was 26% !
What kind of pillock university would allow that ? UK universities, apparently !
I don’t know about anyone else, but would I want these sorts of plonkers to have any hand in preparing or delivering medications that I, or any member of my family, was going to take ?
The trouble is – how the hell will I ever know ?
And there, in a nutshell, is the dilemma we will be facing in a few years’ time…given that universities will be forced to accept many sub-standard students because they’ve been awarded qualifications with an inflated sense of their value….. and will adjust their standards accordingly, no doubt, so as not to volunteer for the pillory of lower pass rates in universities.
The reverberations of the decisions being demanded by the ‘woke’ community are significant – and will not be diminished in the near future – rather they will become amplified as time goes on.
Who would want to be in charge of education next summer ? Because it ain’t going to be pretty!
As I have alluded to in another post…… we have now taken the easy way out, we have sowed the breeze, but then we’ll be forced to reap the whirlwind.
But hey – who in the BBC is going to step out of line and ask the questions which should have been, and should still be, asked ? On the evidence to date – nobody.
A few years ago, some colleagues and I were asked to be involved in a trial of some literacy and numeracy tests, which are offered at test centres across the UK. These tests have been around for decades, for entry to various courses (teacher training, nursing, medicine etc…), and for foreign students if you don’t have the required qualifications.
As graduates, the eight of us were asked to test the ‘higher’ level papers, which we were told were ‘really difficult’ and were failed by at least half of ‘graduates’. Which all sounded a little intimidating.
The results were enlightening and stark.
Of us graduate engineers taking the ‘higher’ tests, six of us would have been over 40, two younger (20s). Those of us ranging in age from 40ish to mid 60s(?) all passed with flying colours.
in fact, two of us got 100% on both tests, the other four averaging something like 95%, with a pass grade of 50%, I clearly remember none of us got under 80% on either test. Not saying that to sound clever, I know I’m no genius, and my English is far from perfect, and I thought I might have got one of the questions wrong on the literacy test. They were multiple choice questions on a touch screen and it took me a few minutes to decide between two different options, but the other questions all seemed easy, and I thought the numeracy test was so simple a ten year old should have been able to pass it.
The two youngsters (both with good degrees from good universities, and I think both privately educated? certainly neither stupid) struggled, BOTH failed the literacy exam on the first try (you were allowed two tries and both passed on the second with slightly higher grades – not surprisingly), and one just scraped through the numeracy test, which for a graduate engineer is shocking!
The woman who organised it said “This sort of thing happens a lot. We don’t know why older people do so much better at these tests than younger ones, in theory it should really be the other way around because older people are ‘rustier'” and, “We’re thinking of making the tests EASIER, because the fail rate is currently much too high”(!)
Most of us would say the answer lay in changes to education (dumbing down on a massive scale) over the last 20-30 years.
This was, honestly, my impression of the ‘higher’ tests:
Trawling through the internet radio channels yesterday, as a relief from the anti-UK BBC, I chanced upon an interview with a woman who, although clearly fluent, wasn’t a native speaker of French.
A bit of Googling revealed that she and her husband were US citizens and had been living in France since 1991.
How can this be? I thought we in the UK wouldn’t even be able to get on Eurostar after December, or has the BBC been just been spreading fear?
JimS, Americans and everyone else in other countries are privileged people. They get to live and work in which ever country they choose, especially the UK. If a UK citizen of slender means and working age wishes to go to live and work in America they have to apply for a Green Card. Only 5,000 a year are available to people of white English or Welsh nationality, slightly more if Scots or Irish. If we wish to go and live and work in Australia we can apply for a limited number of permits but “If it’s a job in a category we don’t need, sorry mate, you’re not coming in, G’day.”
Same in many other countries around the globe. Instead we have Governments in the UK who welcome everyone in and tolerate a higher level of unemployment – which has to be supported by the basic rate taxpayer – as a consequence.
A small blessing of Covid-19 may mean our Governments have to watch the size of their Benefits bill even more closely in future.
On the other hand, the UK may get so used to ‘free money’ and ‘endless lockdown holiday’ that they expect and will get cash sprayed around everywhere, for ever more.
It will be a sad day when someone paid £250k a year no longer reads the autocue at 6PM – the nation will no longer ‘all be in it together ‘ As we collectively say ‘ do you notice how the BBC doesn’t like Britain or white people anymore ?”
Interesting to read in the comments section at the bottom of the page, (select highest rated), many people seem to not believe the worlds most trusted anymore!
Have looked at some of the – over 600 – comments – anyone from the BBC would blame Russian bots or conspiracy nuts for the negative comments .
I don’t think – for one moment – they couple conceive that they are far left biased – but if they did – they wouldn’t say anything – pension and freebies at stake – and I’m sure some still think there might be kudos in working for the BBC – instead of shame .
Hi Fedup
I often comment on the bBC forums, and sometimes feel in a minority.. but when i think about it most people left who are commenting are bBC enthusiasts, the majority dont bother using the beeb website anymore
The awful BBC and others completely miss the point regarding the exam chaos. To what extent do Ofqual massage the exam figures when there are kids taking the exams in the 10 years of its existence.
A simple table showing for each decade since 1960 to 2020 the % of kids getting the top grade and the % of kids passing exams will show that far from kids being brighter now than years ago, the pass mark has been adjusted so much ( for an easier life for educationalists) that I for one have no faith in the exam system at all. A complete sham!
Lots of Blackfricans, lots of walking post boxes, even a white girl.
Some results must be being announced later, those for white boys.
Perhaps white boys are not allowed an education any more.
Perhaps there are no more white boys.
That would suit the BBC.
Airbrushed from history.
Time to vote Farage.
One thing has amazed me during this pandemic. The numbers game. The daily briefings informing us of the many more thousands who had contracted the disease, were an eye opener. Not for the high numbers, but that people were able to get a diagnosis in the first place ! How did they manage that ? When even before lockdown it was impossible to see a GP, and A & Es across the country were deserted after lockdown. Even now we have pockets of re-emerging outbreaks across the country, but do we actually ? because if our GPs are just doing telephone diagnoses, then some patients may have a bout of bronchitis rather than Covid with a persistent cough.
Now we’re seeing numbers increasing across Europe, this may well be true if the infected are actually seeing a doctor.
Bbc Tv news at 13h00 spent 15 minutes crowing about their success in getting a U turn from government, and said that ‘the issue will drag on for months/years’.
However, so far, part 2 of their destabilisation project on behalf of Labour, hasn’t been achieved. Gavin W is still in place; no scalp.
Students will be grateful to Labour and beeb.
Big publicity for Barack Obama on beeb TV news, as they pursue their target of supporting the Biden ticket.
Unusually, they also gave Trump a chance to give his side/respond.
Then we found out why: Kamala Harris was to get a plug as well. So they couldn’t make their support for Biden/Harris too obvious.
Kamala got huge, lengthy and fawning coverage from R4 at 10h00 last night, courtesy of Shaun Ley/John Rigby.
Don’t expect Pence to get the same…au contraire.
TalkRadio presenter Lefto Foufas giving black mother an easy time
..essential point was her son seemed to be firing a BBC gun out of the window, so someone quite correctly called the police.
The police arrived and someone in the family let them in
Look – although some one might have been born 28 years ago doesn’t stop them from feeling 16 and legally – that will make them 16 – on 2020 logic terms .
And all because it was said that the dead kidult was said to be Sudanese – doesn’t stop him from being a ‘local ‘ man /kid …
Any talk of a State Funeral yet – for the ‘unknown illegal’?
Fed – not yet, but certain quarters have established a ‘bridgehead’ they can build on, by putting out there, the suggestion that ‘safe routes’ need to be established for ‘asylum seekers’ to get from France to Britain.
Expect beeb to follow up on this, emboldened by the way they have had huge success with the ‘education fiasco’, by putting out there that ‘disadvantaged students’ were facing ‘educational inequality’ due to THAT algorithm.
Also emboldened by how the 80 seat majority ‘Tories’ simply folded in the MSM onslaught, led by beeb.
Once you know how the bbc (now purely a front for failing Labour/Starmer) operate, and become familiar with their employment of language/phrases to elicit emotion, you can smell their strategy a mile off.
Now we know how meaningless the 80 seat ‘majority’ is, we also know that -alas- our ‘democracy’ has no more legitimacy or significance than that of the other current favourite beeb target, Byelorussia.
It is even quite possible that, in our denuded parliament and under the cover of ‘Coronavirus’, red Labour and blue Labour work together in much the same way as the ‘grand coalition’ in Germany. Put nothing past them.
fnw, that ‘safe route’ to the UK has existed for a very long time. It is called a British Embassy or British Consulate. Most countries in the world have them. If someone truly wishes to find asylum all they have to do is go to the Embassy or Consulate and apply. If they need to leave a country for personal safety then they just go to the Embassy or Consulate in a safe country they have reached.
Of course, if they do that, then their case is likely to be checked and if found to have no substance or false then they will be told “Sorry, no.”
[ Apols, am sure you knew that anyway – just posted for the uninformed who might read it. 😉 ]
Snuff – Of course, you are then going via the legally provided route.
Apparently neither our Home Secretary nor the Border Farce are aware of this.
Anyway, these days it is on the agenda of a great many people to blur the line between legal and illegal.
And many think a good first step would be defunding the police, who theoretically enforce the law.
So, the assault we face, dear Snuff, is on many fronts simultaneously.
And we do know which side of that line the bbc has decided to opt for. Always happy to blur. Strictly hush, hush, of course.
100 billion bill commented on the HYS
..his post was REMOVED
It would be nice if BBC News could get the facts right. Yesterday they told us that the ‘boy’ who drowned in the Channel seeking to enter the UK illegally was aged 16. Today it has emerged he was a man aged 28.
BBC website still currently claiming he was a 16 year old boy.
This was also REMOVED
Twice now the moderators have censored a reference to Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old child murdered in America last week that the BBC have deemed not-newsworthy enough to include in its newsreel
And it’s a big day for lefties to be quiet whilst their friends from the third world are locked up – a Manchester Islamic Terrorist
As well as one Aman Vyas – who fought deportation For 11 years after getting a one way ticket to India and now begins a 37 yes 37 Sentence for multiple rapes and a murder In east londonistan – my neck of the woods .
Can’t beat a bit of vibrant diversity can we ?
The BBC painfully reported the case of mr Vyas – which must have been painful for them …
The 3:30pm Book show contrived to avoid the 43% population that are white males The show had 2 black women, 2 brown men & 1 white woman topic was a Nigerian novel The 4pm show is a tribute to the first black UK movie actor
So follow subsribers that piece of low life, that dirty mis-magoten Islamic creature has been given a term of 55 yrs imprisonment-however the British tax payer will be footing the bill for along time, I don’t call that justice-he languishes in a place that will give him three meals a day, central heating, and other luxuries many have to do without, whilst innocent men and women who had put their lives on the line day after day in the armed forces, in the Fire Brigade, and other such services, and where now some are literally on the streets, begging, looking for a place to sleep, or like one poor ex Royal naval engineer who was recently found dead in a doorway, so very sad. Of course its not right.
this Muslim should be executed and that I am sure would be the majority consensus of the British public were they given the opportunity to vote on such an issue. Bring back Capital Punishment. It is the only deterent that will mean something that will carry a degree of defense against such criminals. Britain has taken more than its share of immigrant lawlessness-no need to mention these filthy criminal acts-I like you no doubt find the whole quite incomprehensible.
I don’t know this place this country I now live in, it died about 30 yrs ago or even more. Thomas Jefferson quoted-‘When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.’And in respect to our present Tech World, Albert Einstein said ‘I fear the day when technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will then only have a generation of idiots.’
Did not want to see the faces of his enemy when sentenced.
These pieces of dirt know something.
Their population will increase along with cowardice among our politicians. In a short time, a word in the right ear and along with others of his kind early releases will be arranged.
GWF with you all the way. Long range high velocity markeman rifle with silencer, that should do it- There are quite a few nasties that come into my sites, not just in this country. Indeed the UK’s population is from statistical info I have now, in excess of 70 million people on an Island that in reality should not be supporting more than 55 million. Who is pulling the strings of our members of parliament? The quality of such is quite demoralising don’t you agree?
WTF Bannon arrested ..malicious tweeter says
“Prosecutors claim that Bannon falsely told donors he did “not take a penny in salary or compensation” and that
“100% of the funds raised will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose” because “we’re a volunteer organization.”
“Those representations were false.”
The tweeter of that looks suspicions , cos he attaches a an inditement which does not say anything about Bannon
Rather another guy Kolflage
..saying that Kolflage funded his own lifestyle
Interesting timing picked by impartial prosecutors , right in the middle of the Democrat conference.
Ah the indictment does say
\\ “With respect to BANNON, in particular, as noted above, Non-Profit 1 received over $1,000,000 from We Build the Wall…
Bannon used a substantial portion .. for personal uses & expenses unrelated to We Build the Wall.” //
OK that is different
but it interesting how they define unrelated expenses
cos one would expect a charity manage could have legitimate expenses like flights, hotels, meals
and maybe the same for assistants
even if they didn’t collect a salary.
BBC R4…campaigning on behalf of Joe Biden….switched as walked out for lunch and when the usual exam cryathon ended it was Obama giving it big for Joe this was followed by a long advertorial of old Joe’s life and how he loves everyone and overcame life trials…
FFS….their bias and imbalance in reporting and presenting knows no bounds….
I look forward to a similar positive one for DT….
Odds given on it happening ?…..
Arresting White House staff ‘or ex staff – must seem like autumn following summer – next there will be a bigger ‘domestic ‘ – the one about Mrs Trump not taking mr Trump’ s hand was very poor –
– I reckon a domestic violence allegation must be next
Meanwhile various pictures of Democrat men wrapped around 17 year old girls on a dead billionaire s island must be par ….
Maybe this is the bit where ms Maxwell cuts a deal …
I see that Steve Bannon has been arrested and charged with embezzling funds donated for building the Mexico border wall
. The timing says it all , the Democrat’s are pulling their dirty tricks to damage Trump’s election chances. This is just one of many such tricks and there will be many many more.
It depresses me that so many ordinary folks are too dumb to see that they are being manipulated by the Globalists into throwing away their one chance to free themselves. The Globalists hold the reins of power, not Trump , just as here we may have voted for Brexit but I fear that within five years we will back in the EU.
My suspicion is that many of the problems which the UK government are encountering are traps set up by the globalist civil service who want to damage the government and ensure Starmer gets into No 10 as soon as possible and we will then rejoin the EU. We can take it as read that the MSM , who have probably been briefed on the traps, will use the stories to create as much damage as possible.
If the election of Trump and the Brexit vote are not sufficient to break the globalist power, democracy is dead and we will have to face dictatorship of the proles by the globalist elite for the foreseeable future. During which time they will carry on with their policy of mass migration. No one will recognise any European city or country by 2050. Will Europeans be better or worse off as a result? rhetorical question no need to answer.
Yes indeed. If Trump loses in November there will a long list of his supporters , himself included, who will get the full treatment . The Globalists will want as many show trials as possible to discourage anyone else from trying to lead the people in a democratic revolt against globalisation.
For those who remember ‘spiderman’ and the Clinton foundation, this is undoubtedly the swamp at work.
Spiderman the attourney general for New York refused for years to undertake any investigation into allegations of wrongdoing by the Clinton foundation because he was a staunch Democrat appointed to his position by another Democrat, and accused of being as biased and corrupt as hell!.
Even the Wall Street Journal accused him of being the worst attourney general ever for his blatant favouritism:
The BBC MUST have known about what was going on with Spiderman and Clinton and the scandal it caused, but it chose to report nothing.
Now we see a different side of the same coin, the swamp attacking Trump people, but remember that it’s only an indictment not a verdict, that almost certainly won’t come until after the election, and how many times have Democrat supporters laid charges which failed to stick?
This is the swamp doing its thing, alas Trump knew where the source was – in the universities, but has failed to prevent them through de-funding and legislation.
Why so pessimistic? Marxism failed in Eastern Europe and it will fail in Western Europe because it fails to take account of human nature.
We don’t all love one another. Never have, never will. We choose who and what we like and who and what we dislike.
However, it will be a bit more difficult this time owing to the fact that so many of our so called, “Captains of Industry” and the MSM appear to have joined forces politically with the Communist Party, making it harder to say what we really think and feel.
My only grouse is that,at my advanced years, I probably won’t live long enough to celebrate the downfall, once and for all, of their asinine ideology.
All it will take is for the British working class to wake up and — BOOM! BOOM!
Odd to think that we spent the majority of the last century fighting Socialism only to have cowards in government spinelessly surrenduring to it.
Socialism in one form or another has been around for 150 years or so, and in that short time it has become the biggest cause of death on this planet bar none.
Imagine that coronavirus worldwide deaths at 800K, Deaths from Socialism somewhere between 500 million and 750 million !
If we are really serious about saving lives then we need to take up the fight against the most truly evil ideology mankind has ever devised.
ITV local news
#1 quick item on Manchester bomber
#2 Lincs farmer poisoning babyfood
They didn’t explain his grudge against Tesco
#3 GCSE results, yep Guardianlalaland compliant
opening shots had no white boys at all, about 20 headscarves, black guy some Muslim boys
The second and third schools looked like England.
The UK has a particular distaste for the sexualisation of children
.. and it is IMHO the correct one
However we’d be shocked how it can be in other countries.
Brazil is not a child rape country
But on TV there is is a famous TV domanatrix.
And I couldn’t believe it on the Saturday night family show at Halloween there was a children’s fancy dress competition and the female presenter said how cute a couple of pubescent girls were when their costume was a copy of the domanatrix.
Guest – thanks for spotting that . the mail can run competitions on
Which is the hottest 11 year old
Are you 11 ? Send in a twerk video
A twerk calendar of 11 year olds
Methinks that ain’t quite legal and won’t make it to the pilot ?
I remember – a long time ago – a kids programme where little kids danced and mimed to pop tunes and it got banned – maybe this one will go the same way …..
“Cuties,” a French-language film, follows Amy (Fathia Youssouf), an 11-year-old from a conservative family who joins a dance group called the Cuties.
The Sundance Film Festival, held the “Cuties” premiere in January
, but reviewers said the film is actually very concerned about the hypersexualization of adolescents.
The original French poster is not sexualised.
The film originates out of the Senegalese immigrant community in France.
Yes! Chuck a bit of colour race paedo linkage and the chicken shop muslims will be in their version of heaven ….. particularly if they are getting bored with raping white girls ….
No wonder Franny had that HYS pulled in an hour. Tone is off and Timeh! is MIA. She is likely on a fact-finding tour of BBC Uranus by now until the next cheque clears.
Well, her and her mate Sarpong – Director of Diversity at the Beeb (although at first I thought she was in charge of the dance group 🙂 ) are gradually stitching up the BBC, with their pals Ade Adepitan, Ore Oduba, Lenny Henry and the rest.
Has anyone read the opinion piece on the BBC website about the exams fiasco? ‘Has the exams results hurt the Tories support?’
It reads exactly like something the Guardian would write.
How is that news? It is nothing but propaganda for the Labour Party. Since when did the opposition party get a final word over the democratically elected government?
When I get home later I am going to make a formal complaint.
I am not going to say anything else because I am angry. Thanks to the BBC for spoiling my evening with their bias
Local BBC news opens with an item about Hull’s station refugee hotel.
Oh hang on the BBC cameraman has been made to stand outside the car park railings which run 50m in front of the hotel.
First the presenter was shown at the entrance and quickly made to leave.
Then in scene #2 a refugee is next to the railing saying he’s been in the UK 14 years, but then bouncers come up and stop it.
This TV station is 300m away from the hotel
And YouTubers have been filming there for a week, that’s why there is now heavy security.
The BBC could have done an item 7 days ago, but no they wait until filming has been banned.
So the drown man turns out to be a tourist refugee – refused status in France having come through Italy – his name is apparently Abdulfatah Hamdallah… but who really knows .
Bet our system is the most corrupt and naive one – with a dingy chasing bunch of lawyer vultures eager to sign the ‘victims’ up on the beach
I been meaning to say I think the A-level results thing looked like something deliberately planned and scripted by Sir Humphreys and the Labour party months ago.
And I see over on Guido the top comment agrees
@Vector writes
“This entire business is starting to smell like another civil service attempted stitch up.
Having gone for Priti Patel, Dominic Cummings, Boris (over the Foreign Office), Matt Hancock, Amber Rudd, and probably Theresa May, there are suddenly all kinds of “leaks” around this A level stuff and Gavin Williamson.
My Kremlinology studies background detects more leaks via The Times, the BBC and now New Statesman. I suspect only a single source. The senior civil service …//
It continues for a few pages
One by one all those EU countries that our BBC told us we’re so much better at handling COVID, this an the UK are slipping back into lockdown while in the UK restrictions are being eased. This time it’s Germany. BBC very quiet on this so far!
I’m sure that Auntie will find a way of telling our white heterosexual women that all white heterosexual men are a much worse disease than the Chinese flu.
There’s not really a line between the BBC and the rest
London media is just one big sea of wokeness, in a bad way.
On ITV , Sean Fletcher the black guy from Countryfile was doing his Welsh coastal walk
They can’t do a normal walk, it has to be loaded with stunts.
Last segment “Here we are with refugee charity ‘Down to Earth’
in a coracle with 2 El Salvadoran refugees
They don’t speak in English but rather in Spanish say ” No country is kinder to refugees than this one”
Hmm I’ve travelled Central America
El Salvador isn’t full of Gringo tourists, but a few Americans choose to live there. It’s not hyper dangerous. So I don’t see why the UK should have refugees from there. I hitch hiked through and ended up in a convoy of political people into Honduras.
‘ most are housed in hostel type accommodation much of which has been previously criticised by the immigration wathdog’
Would they like to put some of active patriot or Nigel farage’s 4 and 5 star hotel YouTube videos up there as educational ‘fact checkers’ instead ? I’ve certainly stayed at the holiday inn express Hoylake in the past for example and it was really nice .. Not now though !!
Well, maybe at least if the BBC broadcasts news of the alleged bad conditions it might put some prospective boat riders off .. Until they get the selfies from their friends who have arrived successfully of course !
That Halifax story I mentioned yesterday
.. BBC omitting that the guy had already punched someone.
Now more and more people are posting the prior vide where Mr Victim punches another guy
.. BBC gets a kicking in that thread.
Surely that's not poor 'ickle Hassan punching someone is it?
Daniel Sandford – one of those minority white BBC droids – reported on the sentencing of an Islamic terrorist for the Manchester bombing . He managed to get through his report without saying ‘Islamic’ Or Muslim .
He focused on the sentence – the longest in legal history – a minimum of 55 years .
Now – I’m an enthusiast for the death penalty – so the idea of locking someone up for that time – his age – maybe 25? Add 55 year s – he ll be 80 before being considered for parole – mad right …..?
But – what’s the betting the defence Appeal £ £££ against sentence – if only for the bucks – and put the dead people’s families through even more anguish . …..
That’s 55 years of free board and lodge, free medical care before most people in the UK, free access to the gym, free use of games machines and no telly tax to pay. Protected in a ‘high risk category hotel’. What more could he wish for ?
What about the ‘Human Rights’ of the 22 people he was responsible for killing ? I have no doubt that some woke snowflake of the same stock or ilke as Lord Longford will come along and appeal for his release in five to ten years claiming he was harshly treated and should be released sooner .
I know – I find that sentence in humane – far better to kill him by appropriate means . I’d sell the footage to pay the victims families something but that might go against the grain of current ‘norms ‘. I really can’t see any reason to bang someone up for so long . ….
Fedup Sanford is as wet as a scrubber, soft week-kneed liberal, who like Fergal Kene continually supports every near-do-well, falls for every sob story and especially when there is an opportunity that Britain maybe to blame. Agree, As I have mentioned before we need Captial Punishment back -madness to have the public tax payers pay for this slime for 55 yrs-save the country a lot of money to execute him and any other such loathsome individuals and including some of those currently serving long sentances.
It strikes me that anyone could complain to Ofcom about ITV’s report bias
.. cos it made no mention of the video that everyone found on social media showing that Mr Victim had attacked another Asian immediately before the cropped video sequence that ITV showed.
Guest – “some might say “ the BBC is interfering with the election of a foreign state – one of those things it gets het up about when anything to do with UK elections is concerned
But being fair – i bet the types of americans who receive european BBC output are Democrats any way so really its just the left talking to itself – like – i think – currently – thats what the BBC is now .
I was looking at Joe Biden s life experience – 1969 becomes a lawyer – 1972 becomes as senator – and has been a creature of Washington ever since . He was excluded from military service for medical reasons but it seems military service doesn’t coun so much for American commanders in chief any more .
As for President Obama breaching the rule of former presidents not criticising the incumbent . Once upon a time that would have been a big thing – but standards have dropped so far.
I bet Obama hesitated before doing that as he must realise the gravity of doing such a thing – and however repulsed he might be by Donald Trump – the effect of his words will echo – particularly if the democrats lose ….
Biden gave a powerful speech, delivered powerfully. Hit his marks. If he loses in November, it's not going to be because of anything that happened this week – which is exactly what a party currently leading in the polls wants.
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By Rob Corp
Biden vows to end ‘season of darkness’
Rob is new.
Rob is in luuuurve.
Rob is a twat.
Don’t be like Rob.
I am tempted to unsubscribe to this dross given the singular obsessions of the British National Propagandist and its ‘essential’, overpaid activist staff complement, but it is so blatant now it is compelling.
There are many, many links to more dire hagiography.
Story detail
Joe Biden has promised to be “an ally of the light, not the darkness” after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination to be its candidate for this November’s US presidential election . The former vice-president, 77, used his acceptance speech at the party’s virtual national convention to attack his rival, Republican President Donald Trump, who he accused of unleashing “too much anger, too much fear, too much division”. Mr Biden called on people to unite and “overcome this season of darkness”, adding that the election is “life-changing” and will “determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time”.
Mr Biden also criticised the president for not having a plan to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. Saying his first action if elected to the White House would be to get the virus under control, Mr Biden added he would introduce a national mask mandate and promised the American people would get the “honest unvarnished truth” about the virus.
Opinion polls suggest Mr Biden has a healthy lead over Mr Trump, but with 75 days to go until Americans vote, the Republican incumbent still has time to turn things around.
The Trump campaign has reacted to Mr Biden’s nomination by accusing him of being a “pawn of the radical leftists”, adding that the party’s ideas come from “socialist extremists” with its policies to raise taxes, give permits to undocumented workers, kill energy jobs and be anti-police in nature. We’ve written about Mr Biden’s policies and those of Mr Trump.
Did Mr Biden make a convincing case to be the next president of the United States? Our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher gives his verdict here.
We’ve also profiled Joe Biden and have put together a really simple guide to the US election for really simple people who don’t live there.
In the biggest speech of his almost 50 years in public service, Joe Biden will set out his vision for the US presidency. Follow our live coverage of the Democratic convention’s final night.
Top comment:
“50 years of public service”…..but now, he’s going to bring change. ????
Ex Labour MP for Derby
not afraid to seem like an Anti-Semite obviously
Islamophobia is integral to Zionism, which justifies its colonialism by presenting Israel as a ‘civilised’ white European outpost in the Arab world. Listen as Maureen Lipman casually refers to niqabs as ‘black bags’!
“Investigators initially believed he was 16, but prosecutor Philippe Sabatier said he was carrying an identity document that showed he was 28. ”
Was this France’s failed attempt at emulating the UK’s ‘Operation Mincemeat’ of WW2 ?
Only this time it’s a propaganda exercise to get the our woke press to focus on the UK and its ‘harsh’ people and ‘harsh’ border control.
Clever readers will know what ‘Operation Mincemeat’ was .
Until our – and other – Governments crack down hard on this illegal trade, others will be seduced into putting their lives in the hands of the trafficking gangs and may well lose them.
Today's tragedy has highlighted another issue. Migrants lacking access to wifi, particularly in the English channel. The lack of connectivity is denying vulnerable people a basic human right. Do better
— Zara Al-Bukake MP. ???? (@RightSi21357092) August 19, 2020
Funnier still is how many had to check to make sure.
It is if you are not a refugee or you do not seek asylum in the first ‘safe’ country that you reach. If you then continue to cross borders, without visa and/or passport, you are committing a crime. If you aid and abet traffickers – by becoming their ‘client’ – you have committed another crime.
Seem to recall the trial of all those involved in the deaths of 31 Vietnamese in Grays is still ongoing. Some of those, I think, fall into the ‘aiding and abetting’ category.
It’s pretty evident that the EU have been using the illegal crossing as a weapon in the Brexit negotiations. It’s time now that the government put the human rights of the security of the British people before the so called ‘human rights’ of the illegals . Every nation has the right to defend its borders . We now have to get tougher . At the same time we need to sort out the remainer/rejoiner civil servants who are aiding and abetting.
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Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
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I got tears.
I bet she’s never been mugged – that’s reality …
Oh! so sensitive!. A prime candidate for a heart attack if anyone said, “booh” unexpectedly behind her back…………
It’s TV news-soap-opera stuff
The luvvies are there to plug their movies/books
… and the BBC is there trying to fill space .. without mentioning any righty issues like open borders, grooming raping gangs etc.
Her twitter feed says ‘views my own’. Like bbc staff.
Who pays her salary?
Two recent retweets. Not endorsements.
See how it works yet?
Some traitor wrote a wonder piece about AOC as future president – in the telegraph – the summary of comments was ‘eff off to the guardian and what ever happened to the telegraph ?’ AOC is on of those who you look at – listen to – and it instantly registers – ‘the American dawn butler ‘ – as vacuous as space ….
AKA ‘Occasional Cortex’, and justifiably so.
BBC reports on what a great government we have and how good Johnson is for being PM for only a year and seeing a huge increase in the GCSEs under his watch. All praise to Gavin Williamson as well. They mention that it is not our fault that there is a global pandemic going around and we should all give the government a bit of credit.
Of course they did not say that. Negative anti government stories that are already outdated still dominate the BBC homepage .
Perhaps they should find someone like me who also has a few questions. Such is it right that the unions have forced teachers into a five month holiday which might be able to explain away the exam fiasco?
Sadly though we haven’t got a great government. Boris is useless and the cabinet no better. They are failing those that put their faith in them at the last election.
They are proving themselves unelectable ever again.
West – I tend to agree – but – if they get to grips with our full EU exit – start to rein in the BBC -then that is a start . However – I fear that the coming inflation and ‘events ‘ will just blow the government from one crisis to another and people will get even more Fedup with the PM doing his ‘toad of toad hall ‘ act and get an adult in the job – not a journo .
My read is coming harder times – weak pound as they borrow more and more money – higher import prices as a result – inflation – more unemployment – rising crime – more demands for reducing public services – happy days – as they say ….
Just remember WestWyvern what our choice was at the last election. Never have I been so afraid of a Labour government and I was seriously considering how to flee this country, wondering which countries would take me and whether I would even be able to take small items of jewellery. You should also remember that behind Sir Kier are a shadow cabinet with an IQ around 90.
I am disappointed with the present government but nobody there had experience of a pandemic and with a civil service and MSM media as their enemy as well as the virus. But I would have preferred announcements about cycling lanes and football matches to have not been part of daily briefings and I hope this couple of weeks in Scotland has allowed Boris to recover, because it has been obvious that to date he has been running below par.
The black women in tech coding the future, on the Technology page on the bBC website
I’ve changed the title to read “The White women in tech coding the future”
Allowed or not? Biased to the core
Our esteemed ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ (Ha Ha) told me it is hitherto unknown for a previous US President to criticise a later one. But that’s exactly what, Saint “Back of the queue” Obama did. However, having listened intently to “Back of the queue” and his speech, I must say it was an honour to listen to a virtually complete set of lies. Proves how out-of-touch the Communists actually are. The Communists and their plan to reduce the US to a Third World country has been unravelling since the arrival of DJT. Reminded me of the Scottish Independence vote and how unsure the British Government were of success. In desperation to seek, ‘Overkill’ they wheeled out the old fogeys to support the cause. Same old, same old…………….
The DM this morning had as its lead story as one praising Obama and Biden presumably it was lead story overnight for their American readers. Comments could be going better. The
Debs – saw that: banner headlines/huge promo for Obama from DM.
MSM constantly surprise. Not.
Surely this goes against the RAF’s new found ‘ethos’ as practised at RAF Scampton?
The “free – £250,000” grant is to be used on the selection basis, “……. designed for women over-18 who are unemployed or employed with a salary below £20,000.” Creche provided?
I wonder how many of these imports will stay the course. Probably most will drop out before all the money is used up in creche facilities for dozens of illegitimate children.
Evening Londonistan standard watch
Father of a coloured boy stabbed to death by another young man ( who was out on licence for another stabbing ) calls for more stop and search . Perhaps he should be put n the same room as Dawn Butler and her followers so that he can change his views …..
To the correct view – that police should leave everyone to get on with what they want to do
Gary said “So an algorithm which brings back grades to the norm is described as CONTROVERSIAL
.. but the massively inflated teacher assessments that pushed them way above the norm is FINE ?”
Can I get this right ? Kids are getting exam passes for exams they’ve not taken and Studying – schooling – they’ve not done ? Graded by teachers who haven’t taught for months ?
And then they’ll be going to higher education which isn’t open ?
Fed. Sounds about right. Like staying at home and being paid for not working. The kids are getting (excellent) grades for exams they haven’t sat.
Wonder if I can book my next cruise holiday without having to pay a deposit or the final amount.
Crazy isn’t it? Looking at the coverage of ‘students’ demonstrating against the unfairness of the algorithm, this caused me to wonder why they didn’t demonstrate in their masses to be allowed to take their exams.
It should have been managable for the exam years, 11, 13 (fifth year, upper sixth as was) and the final year undergraduates (what’s happened there) to stay on. These groups have a lot of study alone time. Exams could have been taken under strict distancing rules.
As for this whole ‘student’ thing:
Back in the day, the label ‘student’ was only applied to people doing degrees. So, instead of saying ‘I’m at Yooni’, you would say ‘I’m a student’. Nowadays, I’ve heard primary school children being described as students.
We were called pupils until it was trendy to be a ‘student’ – or, like Desp says, you were doing a degree.
We were called ‘orrible little sods’, and then whacked to oblivion…
But we were ‘appy…
If one can get a knighthood for walking around one’s garden surely it it only fair that one can get a degree for being 21?
I could easily qualify for a knighthood, but I’d never wear it, my home-made mask is hot enough at the moment!
It’s amazing what you can make from bits of an old nightie…
Jim, is my PhD in the post still?
I am sure some Yooni owes me wun for my speling if nuffink else, innit.
Maybe about 15 years ago some strange meteorite shower happened or some radioactive event and this gave the current crop of children a huge intelligence boost and they all deserved the 38% pass rate instead of the normal 26% pass rate.
Or some John Wyndham type of occurrence (The covid Cuckoo’s)
It makes as much sense as the rubbish going on now.
“pass” ? EG I think you made the same mistake the other day
It is not that 38% passed,
.. it is that “38% got an A-grade or above
vs 27% when the algorithm was applied”
The actual pass rate is probably 90%
To my mind you design an exam to show the proper differences between the pupils
If you have 5 bands A, B, C, D, E plus fail
then you’d set it so each got 16%
16% fail, 16% get E, A etc.
Like if I got an A in maths 30 years ago I should have been in the top 16%
and someone who was in the 38th % would have got a C
But now they are saying that same kid would get an A
It’s ridiculous that a C 30 years ago would be an A today.
Weren’t the A level results in the olden days fitted to a normal distribution rather than equal bands? I could go and look it up I suppose.
Yes Despairada,
but that still fits with basically what I said
top 16% get an A, bottom 16% fail
and a B might be the 16% that got marks between 70 & 80
whilst an E might be the 16% that got between 40-48 marks
ie the bands are not the same width in marks
Thanks for pointing that out Stew.
It makes the pass almost meaningless when everyone’s a winner.
If 26% are getting an A or above in a normal year it’s already devalued but 38% is taking the Mickey.
You had to be very bright to get into university in my day, the top 10% maybe. Now, everybody qualifies.
If the actual pass rate is 90% ish then these grades are meaningless.
It appears that just about every student would now pass the 11plus.
Does this type of thing happen in other situations?
All Doctors pass their exams no matter what.
All airline pilots get given their licenses rather than risk upsetting them by failing them.
I recall, EG, some years ago, that Pharmacy students at University, as a pre-requisite for gaining their degree, had to establish a basic level of numeracy.
The pass mark – and remember, this is for people who will go on to formulate medications of all descriptions – was 26% !
What kind of pillock university would allow that ? UK universities, apparently !
I don’t know about anyone else, but would I want these sorts of plonkers to have any hand in preparing or delivering medications that I, or any member of my family, was going to take ?
The trouble is – how the hell will I ever know ?
And there, in a nutshell, is the dilemma we will be facing in a few years’ time…given that universities will be forced to accept many sub-standard students because they’ve been awarded qualifications with an inflated sense of their value….. and will adjust their standards accordingly, no doubt, so as not to volunteer for the pillory of lower pass rates in universities.
The reverberations of the decisions being demanded by the ‘woke’ community are significant – and will not be diminished in the near future – rather they will become amplified as time goes on.
Who would want to be in charge of education next summer ? Because it ain’t going to be pretty!
As I have alluded to in another post…… we have now taken the easy way out, we have sowed the breeze, but then we’ll be forced to reap the whirlwind.
But hey – who in the BBC is going to step out of line and ask the questions which should have been, and should still be, asked ? On the evidence to date – nobody.
A few years ago, some colleagues and I were asked to be involved in a trial of some literacy and numeracy tests, which are offered at test centres across the UK. These tests have been around for decades, for entry to various courses (teacher training, nursing, medicine etc…), and for foreign students if you don’t have the required qualifications.
As graduates, the eight of us were asked to test the ‘higher’ level papers, which we were told were ‘really difficult’ and were failed by at least half of ‘graduates’. Which all sounded a little intimidating.
The results were enlightening and stark.
Of us graduate engineers taking the ‘higher’ tests, six of us would have been over 40, two younger (20s). Those of us ranging in age from 40ish to mid 60s(?) all passed with flying colours.
in fact, two of us got 100% on both tests, the other four averaging something like 95%, with a pass grade of 50%, I clearly remember none of us got under 80% on either test. Not saying that to sound clever, I know I’m no genius, and my English is far from perfect, and I thought I might have got one of the questions wrong on the literacy test. They were multiple choice questions on a touch screen and it took me a few minutes to decide between two different options, but the other questions all seemed easy, and I thought the numeracy test was so simple a ten year old should have been able to pass it.
The two youngsters (both with good degrees from good universities, and I think both privately educated? certainly neither stupid) struggled, BOTH failed the literacy exam on the first try (you were allowed two tries and both passed on the second with slightly higher grades – not surprisingly), and one just scraped through the numeracy test, which for a graduate engineer is shocking!
The woman who organised it said “This sort of thing happens a lot. We don’t know why older people do so much better at these tests than younger ones, in theory it should really be the other way around because older people are ‘rustier'” and, “We’re thinking of making the tests EASIER, because the fail rate is currently much too high”(!)
Most of us would say the answer lay in changes to education (dumbing down on a massive scale) over the last 20-30 years.
This was, honestly, my impression of the ‘higher’ tests:
I hate to think what the ‘basic’ ones are like.
Trawling through the internet radio channels yesterday, as a relief from the anti-UK BBC, I chanced upon an interview with a woman who, although clearly fluent, wasn’t a native speaker of French.
A bit of Googling revealed that she and her husband were US citizens and had been living in France since 1991.
How can this be? I thought we in the UK wouldn’t even be able to get on Eurostar after December, or has the BBC been just been spreading fear?
JimS, Americans and everyone else in other countries are privileged people. They get to live and work in which ever country they choose, especially the UK. If a UK citizen of slender means and working age wishes to go to live and work in America they have to apply for a Green Card. Only 5,000 a year are available to people of white English or Welsh nationality, slightly more if Scots or Irish. If we wish to go and live and work in Australia we can apply for a limited number of permits but “If it’s a job in a category we don’t need, sorry mate, you’re not coming in, G’day.”
Same in many other countries around the globe. Instead we have Governments in the UK who welcome everyone in and tolerate a higher level of unemployment – which has to be supported by the basic rate taxpayer – as a consequence.
A small blessing of Covid-19 may mean our Governments have to watch the size of their Benefits bill even more closely in future.
On the other hand, the UK may get so used to ‘free money’ and ‘endless lockdown holiday’ that they expect and will get cash sprayed around everywhere, for ever more.
“The BBC has failed to report on this new government policy, which prioritises housing for veterans, which I feel many people will welcome:
New measures to ensure access to social housing is improved for members of the Armed Forces, veterans and their families have been announced this Armed Forces Day (27 June 2020) by Housing Minister Christopher Pincher.”
“The Great Reset”
another video just crossed my timeline
saying bigwigs people are colluding to use Covid to push their New World order agendas
New World order
More here
“The Great Reset is a worrying reminder that, even in spite of the ballot-box revolts, we are probably going to get a lot more of the Davos agenda.”
Hidden news
Interesting that these days the Telegraph Facebook discussion is dead
It will be a sad day when someone paid £250k a year no longer reads the autocue at 6PM – the nation will no longer ‘all be in it together ‘ As we collectively say ‘ do you notice how the BBC doesn’t like Britain or white people anymore ?”
Now here’s Carol with the weather for doggers ….
Oh BBC have a story from yesterday
BBC News boss Fran Unsworth says some TV bulletins may disappear
Interesting to read in the comments section at the bottom of the page, (select highest rated), many people seem to not believe the worlds most trusted anymore!
Have looked at some of the – over 600 – comments – anyone from the BBC would blame Russian bots or conspiracy nuts for the negative comments .
I don’t think – for one moment – they couple conceive that they are far left biased – but if they did – they wouldn’t say anything – pension and freebies at stake – and I’m sure some still think there might be kudos in working for the BBC – instead of shame .
Hi Fedup
I often comment on the bBC forums, and sometimes feel in a minority.. but when i think about it most people left who are commenting are bBC enthusiasts, the majority dont bother using the beeb website anymore
Seems to have set a record for period open.
1. Posted by Nobody Special on
4 hours ago
645. Posted by mufcnews on
3 hours ago
645 in… one hour.
Then pulled.
When I get time it will be interesting to see how it went to warrant such a reaction.
Reminds me of how long ‘The Editors’ blogs stayed open when Thommo, Hugs or Mr. Jordan decided to share, before remembering their control of the edit.
Heres the page of deleted HYS comments for that page
The awful BBC and others completely miss the point regarding the exam chaos. To what extent do Ofqual massage the exam figures when there are kids taking the exams in the 10 years of its existence.
A simple table showing for each decade since 1960 to 2020 the % of kids getting the top grade and the % of kids passing exams will show that far from kids being brighter now than years ago, the pass mark has been adjusted so much ( for an easier life for educationalists) that I for one have no faith in the exam system at all. A complete sham!
“Thousands of pupils getting GCSE results”
Lots of Blackfricans, lots of walking post boxes, even a white girl.
Some results must be being announced later, those for white boys.
Perhaps white boys are not allowed an education any more.
Perhaps there are no more white boys.
That would suit the BBC.
Airbrushed from history.
Time to vote Farage.
► Hashem Abedi, 23, has been jailed for life at the Old Bailey with a minimum term of 55 years
► Spain coronavirus cases at new high
One thing has amazed me during this pandemic. The numbers game. The daily briefings informing us of the many more thousands who had contracted the disease, were an eye opener. Not for the high numbers, but that people were able to get a diagnosis in the first place ! How did they manage that ? When even before lockdown it was impossible to see a GP, and A & Es across the country were deserted after lockdown. Even now we have pockets of re-emerging outbreaks across the country, but do we actually ? because if our GPs are just doing telephone diagnoses, then some patients may have a bout of bronchitis rather than Covid with a persistent cough.
Now we’re seeing numbers increasing across Europe, this may well be true if the infected are actually seeing a doctor.
It’s all a load of old cobblers, anyway:
Bbc Tv news at 13h00 spent 15 minutes crowing about their success in getting a U turn from government, and said that ‘the issue will drag on for months/years’.
However, so far, part 2 of their destabilisation project on behalf of Labour, hasn’t been achieved. Gavin W is still in place; no scalp.
Students will be grateful to Labour and beeb.
Big publicity for Barack Obama on beeb TV news, as they pursue their target of supporting the Biden ticket.
Unusually, they also gave Trump a chance to give his side/respond.
Then we found out why: Kamala Harris was to get a plug as well. So they couldn’t make their support for Biden/Harris too obvious.
Kamala got huge, lengthy and fawning coverage from R4 at 10h00 last night, courtesy of Shaun Ley/John Rigby.
Don’t expect Pence to get the same…au contraire.
TalkRadio presenter Lefto Foufas giving black mother an easy time
..essential point was her son seemed to be firing a BBC gun out of the window, so someone quite correctly called the police.
The police arrived and someone in the family let them in
WHO ?????
The schedule says Christo Foufas
but he sounds like Lefto
Look – although some one might have been born 28 years ago doesn’t stop them from feeling 16 and legally – that will make them 16 – on 2020 logic terms .
And all because it was said that the dead kidult was said to be Sudanese – doesn’t stop him from being a ‘local ‘ man /kid …
Any talk of a State Funeral yet – for the ‘unknown illegal’?
Fed – not yet, but certain quarters have established a ‘bridgehead’ they can build on, by putting out there, the suggestion that ‘safe routes’ need to be established for ‘asylum seekers’ to get from France to Britain.
Expect beeb to follow up on this, emboldened by the way they have had huge success with the ‘education fiasco’, by putting out there that ‘disadvantaged students’ were facing ‘educational inequality’ due to THAT algorithm.
Also emboldened by how the 80 seat majority ‘Tories’ simply folded in the MSM onslaught, led by beeb.
Once you know how the bbc (now purely a front for failing Labour/Starmer) operate, and become familiar with their employment of language/phrases to elicit emotion, you can smell their strategy a mile off.
Now we know how meaningless the 80 seat ‘majority’ is, we also know that -alas- our ‘democracy’ has no more legitimacy or significance than that of the other current favourite beeb target, Byelorussia.
It is even quite possible that, in our denuded parliament and under the cover of ‘Coronavirus’, red Labour and blue Labour work together in much the same way as the ‘grand coalition’ in Germany. Put nothing past them.
fnw, that ‘safe route’ to the UK has existed for a very long time. It is called a British Embassy or British Consulate. Most countries in the world have them. If someone truly wishes to find asylum all they have to do is go to the Embassy or Consulate and apply. If they need to leave a country for personal safety then they just go to the Embassy or Consulate in a safe country they have reached.
Of course, if they do that, then their case is likely to be checked and if found to have no substance or false then they will be told “Sorry, no.”
[ Apols, am sure you knew that anyway – just posted for the uninformed who might read it. 😉 ]
Snuff – Of course, you are then going via the legally provided route.
Apparently neither our Home Secretary nor the Border Farce are aware of this.
Anyway, these days it is on the agenda of a great many people to blur the line between legal and illegal.
And many think a good first step would be defunding the police, who theoretically enforce the law.
So, the assault we face, dear Snuff, is on many fronts simultaneously.
And we do know which side of that line the bbc has decided to opt for. Always happy to blur. Strictly hush, hush, of course.
Indeed, fnw, break down law and order and then someone will come along with a crackdown and impose harsh control.
Don’t know the gent but Joseph Gordon-Levitt appears to have twigged it, too. (see Grauniad 21/8/20)
100 billion bill commented on the HYS
..his post was REMOVED
It would be nice if BBC News could get the facts right. Yesterday they told us that the ‘boy’ who drowned in the Channel seeking to enter the UK illegally was aged 16. Today it has emerged he was a man aged 28.
BBC website still currently claiming he was a 16 year old boy.
This was also REMOVED
Twice now the moderators have censored a reference to Cannon Hinnant, a 5 year old child murdered in America last week that the BBC have deemed not-newsworthy enough to include in its newsreel
And it’s a big day for lefties to be quiet whilst their friends from the third world are locked up – a Manchester Islamic Terrorist
As well as one Aman Vyas – who fought deportation For 11 years after getting a one way ticket to India and now begins a 37 yes 37 Sentence for multiple rapes and a murder In east londonistan – my neck of the woods .
Can’t beat a bit of vibrant diversity can we ?
The BBC painfully reported the case of mr Vyas – which must have been painful for them …
2:15pm R4 trailer ..not for Radio4 itself
It was an Afua Hirsch trailer for her BBC Four TV series
I haven’t seen the publication date for her coming series “Whiteness”
More racebaiting
Flash Demo
So follow subsribers that piece of low life, that dirty mis-magoten Islamic creature has been given a term of 55 yrs imprisonment-however the British tax payer will be footing the bill for along time, I don’t call that justice-he languishes in a place that will give him three meals a day, central heating, and other luxuries many have to do without, whilst innocent men and women who had put their lives on the line day after day in the armed forces, in the Fire Brigade, and other such services, and where now some are literally on the streets, begging, looking for a place to sleep, or like one poor ex Royal naval engineer who was recently found dead in a doorway, so very sad. Of course its not right.
this Muslim should be executed and that I am sure would be the majority consensus of the British public were they given the opportunity to vote on such an issue. Bring back Capital Punishment. It is the only deterent that will mean something that will carry a degree of defense against such criminals. Britain has taken more than its share of immigrant lawlessness-no need to mention these filthy criminal acts-I like you no doubt find the whole quite incomprehensible.
I don’t know this place this country I now live in, it died about 30 yrs ago or even more. Thomas Jefferson quoted-‘When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.’And in respect to our present Tech World, Albert Einstein said ‘I fear the day when technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will then only have a generation of idiots.’
Did not want to see the faces of his enemy when sentenced.
These pieces of dirt know something.
Their population will increase along with cowardice among our politicians. In a short time, a word in the right ear and along with others of his kind early releases will be arranged.
GWF with you all the way. Long range high velocity markeman rifle with silencer, that should do it- There are quite a few nasties that come into my sites, not just in this country. Indeed the UK’s population is from statistical info I have now, in excess of 70 million people on an Island that in reality should not be supporting more than 55 million. Who is pulling the strings of our members of parliament? The quality of such is quite demoralising don’t you agree?
WTF Bannon arrested ..malicious tweeter says
“Prosecutors claim that Bannon falsely told donors he did “not take a penny in salary or compensation” and that
“100% of the funds raised will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose” because “we’re a volunteer organization.”
“Those representations were false.”
The tweeter of that looks suspicions , cos he attaches a an inditement which does not say anything about Bannon
Rather another guy Kolflage
..saying that Kolflage funded his own lifestyle
Interesting timing picked by impartial prosecutors , right in the middle of the Democrat conference.
Ah the indictment does say
\\ “With respect to BANNON, in particular, as noted above, Non-Profit 1 received over $1,000,000 from We Build the Wall…
Bannon used a substantial portion .. for personal uses & expenses unrelated to We Build the Wall.” //
OK that is different
but it interesting how they define unrelated expenses
cos one would expect a charity manage could have legitimate expenses like flights, hotels, meals
and maybe the same for assistants
even if they didn’t collect a salary.
BBC R4…campaigning on behalf of Joe Biden….switched as walked out for lunch and when the usual exam cryathon ended it was Obama giving it big for Joe this was followed by a long advertorial of old Joe’s life and how he loves everyone and overcame life trials…
FFS….their bias and imbalance in reporting and presenting knows no bounds….
I look forward to a similar positive one for DT….
Odds given on it happening ?…..
James – Zero. Hasn’t happened in four years, why should it happen now?
Arresting White House staff ‘or ex staff – must seem like autumn following summer – next there will be a bigger ‘domestic ‘ – the one about Mrs Trump not taking mr Trump’ s hand was very poor –
– I reckon a domestic violence allegation must be next
Meanwhile various pictures of Democrat men wrapped around 17 year old girls on a dead billionaire s island must be par ….
Maybe this is the bit where ms Maxwell cuts a deal …
I see that Steve Bannon has been arrested and charged with embezzling funds donated for building the Mexico border wall
. The timing says it all , the Democrat’s are pulling their dirty tricks to damage Trump’s election chances. This is just one of many such tricks and there will be many many more.
It depresses me that so many ordinary folks are too dumb to see that they are being manipulated by the Globalists into throwing away their one chance to free themselves. The Globalists hold the reins of power, not Trump , just as here we may have voted for Brexit but I fear that within five years we will back in the EU.
My suspicion is that many of the problems which the UK government are encountering are traps set up by the globalist civil service who want to damage the government and ensure Starmer gets into No 10 as soon as possible and we will then rejoin the EU. We can take it as read that the MSM , who have probably been briefed on the traps, will use the stories to create as much damage as possible.
If the election of Trump and the Brexit vote are not sufficient to break the globalist power, democracy is dead and we will have to face dictatorship of the proles by the globalist elite for the foreseeable future. During which time they will carry on with their policy of mass migration. No one will recognise any European city or country by 2050. Will Europeans be better or worse off as a result? rhetorical question no need to answer.
With the ‘right’ biased Communist judge acting for the Democrats, this could be serious for Bannon. Ala Flynn.
Yes indeed. If Trump loses in November there will a long list of his supporters , himself included, who will get the full treatment . The Globalists will want as many show trials as possible to discourage anyone else from trying to lead the people in a democratic revolt against globalisation.
For those who remember ‘spiderman’ and the Clinton foundation, this is undoubtedly the swamp at work.
Spiderman the attourney general for New York refused for years to undertake any investigation into allegations of wrongdoing by the Clinton foundation because he was a staunch Democrat appointed to his position by another Democrat, and accused of being as biased and corrupt as hell!.
Even the Wall Street Journal accused him of being the worst attourney general ever for his blatant favouritism:
The BBC MUST have known about what was going on with Spiderman and Clinton and the scandal it caused, but it chose to report nothing.
Now we see a different side of the same coin, the swamp attacking Trump people, but remember that it’s only an indictment not a verdict, that almost certainly won’t come until after the election, and how many times have Democrat supporters laid charges which failed to stick?
This is the swamp doing its thing, alas Trump knew where the source was – in the universities, but has failed to prevent them through de-funding and legislation.
Why so pessimistic? Marxism failed in Eastern Europe and it will fail in Western Europe because it fails to take account of human nature.
We don’t all love one another. Never have, never will. We choose who and what we like and who and what we dislike.
However, it will be a bit more difficult this time owing to the fact that so many of our so called, “Captains of Industry” and the MSM appear to have joined forces politically with the Communist Party, making it harder to say what we really think and feel.
My only grouse is that,at my advanced years, I probably won’t live long enough to celebrate the downfall, once and for all, of their asinine ideology.
All it will take is for the British working class to wake up and — BOOM! BOOM!
Odd to think that we spent the majority of the last century fighting Socialism only to have cowards in government spinelessly surrenduring to it.
Socialism in one form or another has been around for 150 years or so, and in that short time it has become the biggest cause of death on this planet bar none.
Imagine that coronavirus worldwide deaths at 800K, Deaths from Socialism somewhere between 500 million and 750 million !
If we are really serious about saving lives then we need to take up the fight against the most truly evil ideology mankind has ever devised.
Both Hitler and Stalin were Socialists. Was WW2in vain?
Alas given the rise of anti Semitism, and the new scapegoating of white people to blame everything on, it’s begining to look like it was.
ITV local news
#1 quick item on Manchester bomber
#2 Lincs farmer poisoning babyfood
They didn’t explain his grudge against Tesco
#3 GCSE results, yep Guardianlalaland compliant
opening shots had no white boys at all, about 20 headscarves, black guy some Muslim boys
The second and third schools looked like England.
OT, but given the broadcaster and content likely a lot of dilemmas in W1A and various political centres on degree of outrage to stir up, if at all.
Memories are long, and that camper maybe still in the BBC carpark and news stories of actual court cases around the country still find their way out.
The UK has a particular distaste for the sexualisation of children
.. and it is IMHO the correct one
However we’d be shocked how it can be in other countries.
Brazil is not a child rape country
But on TV there is is a famous TV domanatrix.
And I couldn’t believe it on the Saturday night family show at Halloween there was a children’s fancy dress competition and the female presenter said how cute a couple of pubescent girls were when their costume was a copy of the domanatrix.
Guest – thanks for spotting that . the mail can run competitions on
Which is the hottest 11 year old
Are you 11 ? Send in a twerk video
A twerk calendar of 11 year olds
Methinks that ain’t quite legal and won’t make it to the pilot ?
I remember – a long time ago – a kids programme where little kids danced and mimed to pop tunes and it got banned – maybe this one will go the same way …..
Ah yes it comes out of French culture
“Cuties,” a French-language film, follows Amy (Fathia Youssouf), an 11-year-old from a conservative family who joins a dance group called the Cuties.
The Sundance Film Festival, held the “Cuties” premiere in January
, but reviewers said the film is actually very concerned about the hypersexualization of adolescents.
The original French poster is not sexualised.
The film originates out of the Senegalese immigrant community in France.
The Netflix apology
Yes! Chuck a bit of colour race paedo linkage and the chicken shop muslims will be in their version of heaven ….. particularly if they are getting bored with raping white girls ….
As Nick Bryant ‘reports’ so uniquely in the USA, so over here we get Lewis…
No wonder Franny had that HYS pulled in an hour. Tone is off and Timeh! is MIA. She is likely on a fact-finding tour of BBC Uranus by now until the next cheque clears.
ITBB on it.
Well, her and her mate Sarpong – Director of Diversity at the Beeb (although at first I thought she was in charge of the dance group 🙂 ) are gradually stitching up the BBC, with their pals Ade Adepitan, Ore Oduba, Lenny Henry and the rest.
Has anyone read the opinion piece on the BBC website about the exams fiasco? ‘Has the exams results hurt the Tories support?’
It reads exactly like something the Guardian would write.
How is that news? It is nothing but propaganda for the Labour Party. Since when did the opposition party get a final word over the democratically elected government?
When I get home later I am going to make a formal complaint.
I am not going to say anything else because I am angry. Thanks to the BBC for spoiling my evening with their bias
Local BBC news opens with an item about Hull’s station refugee hotel.
Oh hang on the BBC cameraman has been made to stand outside the car park railings which run 50m in front of the hotel.
First the presenter was shown at the entrance and quickly made to leave.
Then in scene #2 a refugee is next to the railing saying he’s been in the UK 14 years, but then bouncers come up and stop it.
This TV station is 300m away from the hotel
And YouTubers have been filming there for a week, that’s why there is now heavy security.
The BBC could have done an item 7 days ago, but no they wait until filming has been banned.
So the drown man turns out to be a tourist refugee – refused status in France having come through Italy – his name is apparently Abdulfatah Hamdallah… but who really knows .
Bet our system is the most corrupt and naive one – with a dingy chasing bunch of lawyer vultures eager to sign the ‘victims’ up on the beach
There is an interesting debate about the optimal point to ditch your passport cross channel.
I been meaning to say I think the A-level results thing looked like something deliberately planned and scripted by Sir Humphreys and the Labour party months ago.
And I see over on Guido the top comment agrees
@Vector writes
“This entire business is starting to smell like another civil service attempted stitch up.
Having gone for Priti Patel, Dominic Cummings, Boris (over the Foreign Office), Matt Hancock, Amber Rudd, and probably Theresa May, there are suddenly all kinds of “leaks” around this A level stuff and Gavin Williamson.
My Kremlinology studies background detects more leaks via The Times, the BBC and now New Statesman. I suspect only a single source. The senior civil service …//
It continues for a few pages
So the usual swamp creatures then. I had the same inkling.
Suitably editted here.
The BLM takeover of Whitehall
Why don’t ministers care about the politics of their civil servants?
Presumably the PM is as terrified of the civil service as he is of the bBC.
Consequently, both feel invincible.
Hearts of Oak Livestream with Gerard Batten at 8pm.
One by one all those EU countries that our BBC told us we’re so much better at handling COVID, this an the UK are slipping back into lockdown while in the UK restrictions are being eased. This time it’s Germany. BBC very quiet on this so far!
I’m sure that Auntie will find a way of telling our white heterosexual women that all white heterosexual men are a much worse disease than the Chinese flu.
If any of you guys manage to get your money back, I’d like to talk to you about a bridge:
There’s not really a line between the BBC and the rest
London media is just one big sea of wokeness, in a bad way.
On ITV , Sean Fletcher the black guy from Countryfile was doing his Welsh coastal walk
They can’t do a normal walk, it has to be loaded with stunts.
Last segment “Here we are with refugee charity ‘Down to Earth’
in a coracle with 2 El Salvadoran refugees
They don’t speak in English but rather in Spanish say ” No country is kinder to refugees than this one”
Hmm I’ve travelled Central America
El Salvador isn’t full of Gringo tourists, but a few Americans choose to live there. It’s not hyper dangerous. So I don’t see why the UK should have refugees from there. I hitch hiked through and ended up in a convoy of political people into Honduras.
BBC ‘ educational explainer ‘ article. What happens to asylum seekers when they arrive in the UK
‘ most are housed in hostel type accommodation much of which has been previously criticised by the immigration wathdog’
Would they like to put some of active patriot or Nigel farage’s 4 and 5 star hotel YouTube videos up there as educational ‘fact checkers’ instead ? I’ve certainly stayed at the holiday inn express Hoylake in the past for example and it was really nice .. Not now though !!
Well, maybe at least if the BBC broadcasts news of the alleged bad conditions it might put some prospective boat riders off .. Until they get the selfies from their friends who have arrived successfully of course !
That Halifax story I mentioned yesterday
.. BBC omitting that the guy had already punched someone.
Now more and more people are posting the prior vide where Mr Victim punches another guy
.. BBC gets a kicking in that thread.
Daniel Sandford – one of those minority white BBC droids – reported on the sentencing of an Islamic terrorist for the Manchester bombing . He managed to get through his report without saying ‘Islamic’ Or Muslim .
He focused on the sentence – the longest in legal history – a minimum of 55 years .
Now – I’m an enthusiast for the death penalty – so the idea of locking someone up for that time – his age – maybe 25? Add 55 year s – he ll be 80 before being considered for parole – mad right …..?
But – what’s the betting the defence Appeal £ £££ against sentence – if only for the bucks – and put the dead people’s families through even more anguish . …..
That’s 55 years of free board and lodge, free medical care before most people in the UK, free access to the gym, free use of games machines and no telly tax to pay. Protected in a ‘high risk category hotel’. What more could he wish for ?
What about the ‘Human Rights’ of the 22 people he was responsible for killing ? I have no doubt that some woke snowflake of the same stock or ilke as Lord Longford will come along and appeal for his release in five to ten years claiming he was harshly treated and should be released sooner .
I know – I find that sentence in humane – far better to kill him by appropriate means . I’d sell the footage to pay the victims families something but that might go against the grain of current ‘norms ‘. I really can’t see any reason to bang someone up for so long . ….
Fedup Sanford is as wet as a scrubber, soft week-kneed liberal, who like Fergal Kene continually supports every near-do-well, falls for every sob story and especially when there is an opportunity that Britain maybe to blame. Agree, As I have mentioned before we need Captial Punishment back -madness to have the public tax payers pay for this slime for 55 yrs-save the country a lot of money to execute him and any other such loathsome individuals and including some of those currently serving long sentances.
I see the Mail exited their own article 14 hours later to mention the prior video
typo : edited
It strikes me that anyone could complain to Ofcom about ITV’s report bias
.. cos it made no mention of the video that everyone found on social media showing that Mr Victim had attacked another Asian immediately before the cropped video sequence that ITV showed.
Sky News relishing Steve Bannon, of course.
The reporter described Breitbart as a White Supremacist news channel.
Sky News, no longer BBC mini me, it is on the same level.
BBC Gush
After almost 50 years in politics, Joe Biden will accept the Democratic nomination for president at tonight’s Democratic National Convention.
The former vice-president’s life has been marked by incredible tragedy – and incredible success.
But does he have what it takes to win the election?
“Here’s the thing: We can do better and deserve so much more.”
From teaching to campaigning and writing a children’s book, here is what we know about Jill Biden.
What does it take to be a woman who could sit in office in the White House?
Here’s the thing: acting like a glee club for a political party in another country is plain embarrassing.
Guest – “some might say “ the BBC is interfering with the election of a foreign state – one of those things it gets het up about when anything to do with UK elections is concerned
But being fair – i bet the types of americans who receive european BBC output are Democrats any way so really its just the left talking to itself – like – i think – currently – thats what the BBC is now .
I was looking at Joe Biden s life experience – 1969 becomes a lawyer – 1972 becomes as senator – and has been a creature of Washington ever since . He was excluded from military service for medical reasons but it seems military service doesn’t coun so much for American commanders in chief any more .
As for President Obama breaching the rule of former presidents not criticising the incumbent . Once upon a time that would have been a big thing – but standards have dropped so far.
I bet Obama hesitated before doing that as he must realise the gravity of doing such a thing – and however repulsed he might be by Donald Trump – the effect of his words will echo – particularly if the democrats lose ….
QED 2 – the BBC Goes Daft
Moaning Emole:
Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser. You can unsubscribe here.
By Rob Corp
Biden vows to end ‘season of darkness’
Rob is new.
Rob is in luuuurve.
Rob is a twat.
Don’t be like Rob.
I am tempted to unsubscribe to this dross given the singular obsessions of the British National Propagandist and its ‘essential’, overpaid activist staff complement, but it is so blatant now it is compelling.
Here is the cringe in full… well, Emole.
There are many, many links to more dire hagiography.
Story detail
Joe Biden has promised to be “an ally of the light, not the darkness” after accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination to be its candidate for this November’s US presidential election . The former vice-president, 77, used his acceptance speech at the party’s virtual national convention to attack his rival, Republican President Donald Trump, who he accused of unleashing “too much anger, too much fear, too much division”. Mr Biden called on people to unite and “overcome this season of darkness”, adding that the election is “life-changing” and will “determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time”.
Mr Biden also criticised the president for not having a plan to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. Saying his first action if elected to the White House would be to get the virus under control, Mr Biden added he would introduce a national mask mandate and promised the American people would get the “honest unvarnished truth” about the virus.
Opinion polls suggest Mr Biden has a healthy lead over Mr Trump, but with 75 days to go until Americans vote, the Republican incumbent still has time to turn things around.
The Trump campaign has reacted to Mr Biden’s nomination by accusing him of being a “pawn of the radical leftists”, adding that the party’s ideas come from “socialist extremists” with its policies to raise taxes, give permits to undocumented workers, kill energy jobs and be anti-police in nature. We’ve written about Mr Biden’s policies and those of Mr Trump.
Did Mr Biden make a convincing case to be the next president of the United States? Our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher gives his verdict here.
We’ve also profiled Joe Biden and have put together a really simple guide to the US election for really simple people who don’t live there.
Unhealthy, bbc. Truly… unhealthy.
Katty and Lurch’s Excellent Adventure?
Brunette suits her. And for him, hair..
For the lolz.
BBC News
In the biggest speech of his almost 50 years in public service, Joe Biden will set out his vision for the US presidency. Follow our live coverage of the Democratic convention’s final night.
Top comment:
“50 years of public service”…..but now, he’s going to bring change. ????
Ex Labour MP for Derby
not afraid to seem like an Anti-Semite obviously
“Investigators initially believed he was 16, but prosecutor Philippe Sabatier said he was carrying an identity document that showed he was 28. ”
Was this France’s failed attempt at emulating the UK’s ‘Operation Mincemeat’ of WW2 ?
Only this time it’s a propaganda exercise to get the our woke press to focus on the UK and its ‘harsh’ people and ‘harsh’ border control.
Clever readers will know what ‘Operation Mincemeat’ was .
Well it worked with Alan Kurdi so why not?
taffman, according to the picture on the front of today’s Guardian he was probably not a refugee, either.
Until our – and other – Governments crack down hard on this illegal trade, others will be seduced into putting their lives in the hands of the trafficking gangs and may well lose them.
While it lasts. Jack will go men… more mental.
Funnier still is how many had to check to make sure.
Hi Guest
This stupid MP also said:-
Seeking asylum is not a crime.
The government were aware there would be deaths in the channel but still did not lay on transport.
The death of a 16yo boy was avoidable.
TRANSPORT!!!!! ffs
It is if you are not a refugee or you do not seek asylum in the first ‘safe’ country that you reach. If you then continue to cross borders, without visa and/or passport, you are committing a crime. If you aid and abet traffickers – by becoming their ‘client’ – you have committed another crime.
Seem to recall the trial of all those involved in the deaths of 31 Vietnamese in Grays is still ongoing. Some of those, I think, fall into the ‘aiding and abetting’ category.
Zara Al-Bukake MP? Had to look this up. Urban Dictionary definition of bukake/bukkake. Not for the sensitive.
Basic right! They have no basic rights, this they gave away when they did not apply for assylum in the first country they arrived at.
It’s pretty evident that the EU have been using the illegal crossing as a weapon in the Brexit negotiations. It’s time now that the government put the human rights of the security of the British people before the so called ‘human rights’ of the illegals . Every nation has the right to defend its borders . We now have to get tougher . At the same time we need to sort out the remainer/rejoiner civil servants who are aiding and abetting.