The leading banking dynasties that have so kindly lent the UK loads of money during this Plague time, have globally used a financial debt creating mechanism, along with their excessive use of usury, to put nations, communities and families into unsustainable levels of unlawful debt. And with severe debt, of course, comes ruthless, top down Orwellian corporate control and, in many cases, blatant corporate theft. So where will the UK stand after its £billions of borrowing?
In Britain, there is the black art of money creation which has serious ramifications for the humble taxpayer. When the bankers have created their fresh air money and this ‘nothingness’ is then lent to HM Treasury in return for bonds (IOU notes), the British taxpayers then have to find the money to pay the interest on this ‘nothingness’. Don’t let us be fooled that we can borrow the amount we have and not pay for it. The question is when will the grim reaper come for his money?
If we go into negative interest rates, as some think we might (some might say…) does that mean the banks have to pay you interest if they lend you money.
Will credit cards still charge you 40% interest?
Where will interest rates go when inflation gets to 4-5%
Or, is it only savers who get hit with negative interest rates.
Of course, we all know the answers to the above.
By the way, have they found out what flavour the Russian opposition’s tea was, Plutonium flavour or Novichok flavour.
Maybe a new flavour this time, Ebola or good old Black death flavour for the nostalgic amongst us.
You would think with all their resources they would come up with a better way of killing off those they don’t like.
Richard It will be like Germany pre-WW2 when you needed a barrow filled with notes to buy a loaf of bread-in other words WORTHLESS. Concerned, worried, anxious, feeling uncomfortable about the nations future? I should dam well say we are. Now thousands of illegal immigrants occupying luxury hotels at the tax payers expence-yes I have seen recent videos of these mostly Islamic individuals occupying such hotels in Birmingham and Essex particularly. Yet there are still British ex military personnel sleeping rough-words are cheap as they say-ears have been closed by the Government so it would appear to such hardship, yet they would rather accommadate these illegals in luxury who have provided not one ounce of anything to this nation and unlikely to. Hang on to your Gold coins Richard Pinder you will need them sooner than you thought!
Hi tarien, do you have your own blog? You are coming up with some excellent comments some of which maybe deserve a thread of their own (e.g. comparison between OAP and Asylum seekers support).
Hi BOBOTC, thank you, appreciate some of what I submit often is off actual bias however, there are so few sites where one might drive ones discontented issues. No I don’t have a blog-appear to suggest I should have one-suppose I had better look into it. Any ideas?
Hi, I haven’t looked into it but was thinking of maybe starting my own blog if I found time to get started. I have visited other peoples blogs on wordpress so wordpress looks like a place to start. I have also seen people start their own “youtube channel” – there is a guy here who has one – he draws politically motivated cartoons, but that requires creating video and audio rather than just text and images.
Yes know of WordPress, it was back a few years when I was an absolute beginner with such complicated mechanisms-a little better now, so I might try again, but my writing takes a lot of my time-no matter how good, one has to edit and edit again. Getting published in fiction which my genre is, is very very difficult no matter how good the subject matter of the writing-if you already have a know name, be it in any of the media outlets or sport then you are more than half way there. Anyway good luck and let us know how you get on.
EG, amazing … the BBC was certain on R4 that the warehouse full of Ammonium Nitrate in Beirut spontaneously exploded …. but haven’t pinned the Navalny poisoning on a (there are others – it is a collective name) Novichock administered by Vladimir Putin himself.
No deal enough on return of investment for him, besides it does not match his world power issue. He controls with other Central Banks most of what goes down in the European Union, that is why his lackey Barnier is making such a pigs ear of his stutterings against the UK.
That piece by Craig over at our friends’ site is – in itself – a better piece of journalism than youd find on the BBC ….
……,.. but then again thr drowned character was just one of the thousands trying it on.
His planning ability made him an ideal candidate for a place on SAGE or NHS procurement ( which is a misnoma)
Note; BBC editorial integrity, and career advancement, means when there is not time or space in a piece that could go on as long as the author wanted, know what to put in. And leave out
The clue to Jon’s bias is of course the question mark. Without that the story reads: ‘these were the three hours that upset Trump’s campaign’. Ditto from Zurcher yesterday: ‘DNC 2020: Did Joe Biden succeed in making his case?’ Again without the question mark – ‘DNC 2020: Joe Biden succeeded in making his case’
Rhetorical questions the both, to be answered in the affirmative. This is biased reporting BBC, of the highest order.
#questionasaheadline is now pervasive across the entire MSM when a bit of backside covering is required, just in case, but the BBC has turned it into a dark art form.
American Booty and his BS will likely win many awards.
I just hope that this time round, someone, somewhere, is compiling a montage of important snippets of those in condemnation of DJT on the basis of their, “facts” including the current polls that will be contrary to DJT’s eventual success. Just like the expressions on the BBC ‘Team’ when the results of the EU Referendum came in and which, people like me can play over and over again. One massive slap in the face for non-believing deceitful Commies.
I saw that headline on the BBC’s news page and immediately suspected the hand of Jon “Ouch” Sopel. And on that basis declined to read it. Or indeed any of their myriad social justice agitating articles.
Though I see Mr Sopel has graduated to slightly longer words, if still from the usual political direction.
But the Mail is only interested in two ex-royal knobs , living in some plastic drum out west.
Normal people couldn’t really give a flying faquar what they do, so why the Mail thinks it sells rags, is beyond my comprehension!
I think that when I go to Waitrose tomorrow (Senora O’Blene has requested a special lunchtime purchase, and I’ll go on my electric bike), I’ll get ‘The Times’ and be utterly bored instead!
May have to use the panniers, as ‘The Times’ uses up quite a lot of unsustainable wood pulp, but there you go, so does the BBC, buying thousands of ‘Guardians’ every day…
I only buy the Daily Mail on Tuesday because of Littlejohn. But if its got Megan on the front page, I buy the Express. If the Express has got Megan on the front page, I buy the Telegraph. If the Telegraph has Megan on the front page, I buy a local paper.
Its like Diana in the 1980’s. Megan and Diana only want to be left alone. So if Diana was on the front page of the Sun, then I buy the Daily Star, but if Diana was on the front page of the Daily Star, then I buy the Today newspaper, etc & etc.
I see Manchester’s answer to Sadiq Khan, Andy Burnham in his latest rant has now criticised the Government for the failure in test and trace for the rise in coronavirus cases in his area.He apparently says that people can’t afford to self isolate. Nothing to do with social gatherings in large numbers or other matters then ? This follows on from his idea to take legal action against Ofqual. He obviously still believes he is in some sort of powerful government position.
So that seems fine then, if you can’t afford to, please throw common sense in the bin, be selfish and carry on socialising.
Not picked up by the Beeb just yet, but only a matter of time….
Fair point Mr Liddle makes about the disconnect between what ordinary British people think and what the likes of the BBC and ‘woke ‘ industry think ….
In my local supermarket someone left the freezer door open where they keep the Ben and Jerry’s – 2 for 1 ….. and if there’s a shortage of bacon – look in the halal section ( no not me )
Of course Highate near Hampstead so even more BBC.
I was mixing it up with the park near Brixton
where I used to live, I used to go to acting workshops in Highgate.
A lot of helicopter activity, including the yellow/blue Police helicopters, in north Kent today, started late morning and has been building up since then. Could be RTAs on the motorway & A roads to the coast or troubles at sea in the blustery conditions or, possibly, some criminality happening in the sunshine.
Were these the three hours that upset the trump campaign ?
By Jon sopel – and it goes on and on and on and on . I read a few paragraphs – but you can see that Sopel wants the world the way he sees it and writes it that way .
I’m trying to think how Sopel will take a President Trump victory ?
I suppose they’ll go into low turn out – or ‘weird ‘ voting systems – or someone bought the election – Russians again – or it was a ‘bitter campaign ‘ based on ‘lies ‘ –
You take your pick on which one of Sopel s views you take .
On the other hand – if Biden wins – or turns out to be just a demented puppet of the ‘bitter wimmin brigade ‘ then Sopel will talk about
‘The end of the nightmare “
‘The American people getting their sanity back “
‘Business as usual ‘
In any event it will be a victory for politics and all will be happiness in BBC towers . And there will be tears ….
But there’s a bit of me that thinks maybe the same will happen in the states that happened here . That a large – quiet constituency – see what the MSM and the ‘woke ‘ have been doing – the violence they have created – and gives them the first true chance to kick them in the teeth …. they were under a centralized command. Things like D-Day had to be coordinated, a simple fact that those who blame Churchill seem to blithely ignore. Then they used one racist statement by a Brit governor as supposedly the reason why ships didn't bring grain to Bengal. The..
I mean presenter Fergal Keane OBE, Order of the British Empire
The prog first aired 5 weeks ago
so it’s weird its still being aired
@CliveMyrieBBC presents episode #1
“How the Toxic Legacy of Empire Still Affects Us”
… loaded language or what ?
The irony is that the BBC is the cornerstone of the new colonial masters the metroliberal London woke-supremacists that rule over all our lives in the UK now.
"Racism and statues: How the toxic legacy of empire still affects us" The BBC want all (white) British People to be ASHAMED of being British Ashamed of their country, their past, their culture. Ashamed of themselves I am PROUD of Britain. I despise the BBC
— Free Speech Matters (@OutragedMary) July 7, 2020
Fergal Keane is a traitor to the United Kingdom, and throughout his miserable career has continually down trodden anything of any real value this nation has achieved in the world and for the good of the world. He will cling to and pull apart all good, apeasing the gullable and unsuspecting with his duplicity. No doubt you have got the message that I not like the fellow!
Latest news not on the BBC. Queen still reigns over a hundred territories, comprising over, ten and a third million square miles, of the Commonwealth Realms. Including the Trump Islands, Newfoundland, and the Trump Islands, British Antarctic Territory.
AFAIK the new Netflix promotion/paedo poster and the original French film are two different things
The film apparently being aimed at saying adults sexualising young girls is bad thing.
Those that wish to stop young girls expressing any sexuality are Islamic extremists.
Folk doing journalism journalists don’t do is fascinating (unverified).
So exactly how credible is the story of Boris' aborted cottage holiday in Scotland, which the Daily Mail allegedly ruined by covertly photographing the location?
I think I can answer that question with just three images. /1
Fingers being pointed up here at Ian Blackford, whose constituency it is, letting Boris’s whereabouts be known. A long shot, but I wonder if this is a Cummings set up to bring Blackford down. Blackford would almost certainly have known the Prime Minister was there and Cummings may have been banking on Blackford’s inability to keep his mouth shut.
Ian Blackford claims he had nothing to do with exposing the location of Boris Johnson's holiday in Wester Ross.
Scotland was the most welcoming country in the world. That a British PM – or indeed anyone at all – might feel unsafe here is more mortifying and heartbreaking than I can say.
‘Lickspittle’? It’ll be ‘Titoist’ next. Or possibly even ‘Imperialist spy’ or ‘cosmopolitan tool of the Zionists’. In 2017 this person was elected as a Labour MP. Amazing.
10% up in North Yorkshire.
21% up in Cumbria.
37% up in Derbyshire.
30% up in Lincolnshire.
20% up in Dyfed-Powys.
37% up in West Mercia.
20% up in South Wales.
56% up in Gwent.
21% up in Warwickshire.
20% up in Northamptonshire.
49% up in Cambridgeshire.
12% up in Norfolk.
33% up in Hertfordshire.
15% up in Devon & Cornwall.
26% up in Sussex.
51% up in Essex.
Try using absolute numbers rather than % . It might surprise you. Take one example if knife crime in a shire county goes up from one to two that is a 100% increase. Only the absolute numbers really count. London has the most by far.
The ONLY relevant chart really is the one labelled:
Regional variation in knife crime offences
Knife offences per 100,000 people by region, England and Wales, year ending March 2019
Note how London has more than TWICE the rate of knife crimes PER CAPITA of ANY other region.
My home region (SW) has less than a quarter of the rate per capita as London, which is interesting, Wales, South, and South East England are all similar.
Another thing which would be interesting (but, which you’d probably consider ‘waycist’) is what ethnic groups were committing these ‘knife related offences’. Oddly enough, that’s not one of the ’10 charts’, is that because it’s:
a. Not relevant as all ethnic groups are roughly equal?
b. Distorted by the much higher percentage of white people in the population?
c. Goes against the BBC’s agenda?
Why is Al Beeb not reporting all the News ?
Its not providing the service it is paid to do, it censors it .
Readers and posters on this site, all of you, ask yourself the question : Why on earth do you continue to pay the Licence Fee ?
“Channel crossings: Why can’t the UK stop migrants in small boats?”
True answer , how about – Because our Liberal Government is not trying to stop them?
What secret deal has Tweezer or BoJo signed with France or the EU to let the illegal queue jumpers in ?
Remember its us tax payers that are funding the luxury 4 star accommodation for these criminals while our own people have far less a grand life style. Ex-Forces men sleeping in the streets and pensioners living on a pittance although they have worked hard all their lives and paid taxes. There are genuine asylum seeker that wait patiently in the queue following stringent checks to get in to the UK while these crooks get in before them. What is our Civil Service up to ?
This Liberal government got into power under false pretences . Remember that when you vote next.
Remember that you Tory MPs when you next face your constituents.
Remember that Al Beeb as your funds are falling.
“US wins end of EU lobster tariffs in mini trade deal”
“US wins end of EU lobster tariffs in mini trade deal”
“The agreement is the first tariff reduction the two economic heavyweights have agreed in more than two decades.”
Something tell me that the EU is getting worried, very worried ?
I hope our ‘Mr Frosty’ is as good as Trump’s negotiator .
‘Oradour-sur-Glane: Uproar after France Nazi massacre site vandalised’
Barks the headline. I knew it. I just knew I shouldn’t ever go back to its website but curiosity got the better of me. This is what happens when you apply woke ways of describing things instead of simply describing them in a way that we can all understand.
Disregarding the vandalism that took place, which was shameful, what on earth does that headline mean?? It’s utter nonsense.
Even if you replace the ‘Nazi’ with ‘Germany’, to follow ‘France’ it would still read incorrectly.
“massacre site vandalised” On Wikipedia it says that it was vandalised on 10 June 1944, after the massacre in the church by national socialists. So that was during a previous German presidency of a united Europe.
Pay attention all of you!
maxincony is back out of his safe space and will enlighten us all on the merits of Al Beeb and why we should pay the Telly Tax to keep it alive.
Over to you maxi, the floor is yours…………..
Our thanks go out to the very brave ‘lefty’ teachers ……………….
Coronavirus: Poorer children’s education could take ‘over a year’ to recover……………..
“Coronavirus: Germany puts on crowded concerts to study risks”
Are they serious about this ? Its like looking for a gas leak with a lit match. 😀
‘Top Muslim Charity “Islamic Relief” Exposed for Supporting Terrorism.’
Well, there’s a surprise!
The BBC don’t seem to be reporting it.
There’s another surprise!
By the way, catch David Wood’s videos while you can: he’s receiving more and more death threats from the Religionists of Peace.
They only have to get lucky once…
There was some fun chat earlier in this session, where ‘Bronzed Strumpet’ was describing someone or other…
Can anyone recall who ‘The Flame-Haired Temptress’ was in Private Eye, when it was a great satirical mag back in the sixties/seventies?
We had a gorgeous chum in the village whom we christened ‘The Grey-Haired Temptress’, as we do things like that, but the term mentioned earlier sound hilarious!
Scrob – it was me wondering what BS stood for – bronze strumpet – with reference to the Labour leader ‘ Newsnight presenter desperately trying to look 30 years younger ……
Peroxide-addled credulous bandwagonning bimbo is taken.
Braydon was a star of the DNC. This is how he met @JoeBiden – whatever your politics this is a sweet moment. Compassion a quality Biden is well known for.
“We simply haven’t seen anything like this in many, many years,” the US state’s governor said, as exhausted firefighters struggle to contain huge wildfires.
‘Many, many years’.
Translation: even Harrabin baulked at ‘unprecedented since the last time’.
Old joke:
An American visiting Hampton Court Palace starts talking to a gardener.
“In all my years, I’ve never seen a lawn as beautiful as this in the States! What’s your secret?”
Gardener: “Cut it and roll it for 450 years.”
Sunday 23rd.
Bbbc this morning talking about a 16 year old boy drowned and found on the French beach (after trying to escape from war torn France to the land of milk and benefits)
Quite a while back everyone knew he was 28.
Somebody should tell the bbbc.
EG, said adult was unfortunately pictured by the Guardian, as a child, in a very nice home with good furniture, and sat looking at camera with a smart laptop computer on the coffee table beyond him.
If anyone’s ever watched any Chris Rock shows, they’ll know he cracks a lot of jokes about his family. In one of them he talks about how his mother would react when he did something wrong; he’s says she’d tell him she would beat the black out of him.
I wish someone would beat the black out of the racist far-left bbc.
From the telegraph on the selection of a new coloured female chairman ( my prediction )
“ Speaking to the Telegraph on Saturday, a Government source said: “There is a considerable concern around impartiality and objectivity. It’s not that the BBC is left-wing and Labour supporting, it clearly isn’t.
“But lots of people think its news programmes seem only to be interested in picking holes in the Government or digging up embarrassing quotes.
“They are far less interested in listening to what ministers have to say than trying to trip them up in a way that is not entirely relevant.
“The job of the Today programme is not to chase headlines, but to ask probing questions. Newsnight is no better. It’s a relatively recent trend.”
Worrying words . I still don’t think the £4 a month I pay for the Telegraph is well spent money ….
Now Paddy O’Connell tries to get Gavin Williamson to resign on R4. A typical Paddy hatchet job, maximum attack on the ‘exam fiasco’ to keep the Labour/bbc narrative alive. Lord Kerslake is supposed to help with both.
Sunday is always a special day for undisguised lefty/Labour attacks
on government. Think Mark Mardell at lunch or Carolyn Quinn tonight on the Westminster Hour.
Paddy did manage to find Edwina Curry to have a slightly different point of view, to show how balanced his programme is.
Chris Grayling is also under attack from Paddy.
The theme is the ‘kindergarten cabinet’. We can guess that Labour would be the mature version for Paddy. Ha ha. Ha Ha. Ha Ha, ha ha ha ha!
Paddy says he may return to discuss this with his ‘guests’, later on.
Yes there was the news an then Paddy went into his sneery language against the Tories.
10 years ago I used to be a regular listener
and then it became infected with the sneery cancer & HATE that effects BBC comedy.
“Sunday is always a special day for undisguised lefty/Labour attacks”
By coincidence there is always a Labour Party coordinated campaign on Sundays
#SocialistSunday is already trending on Twitter,
Fake – you left out – ‘thought for the day ‘ aka – be nice to muslims – as well as the R4 appeal ‘give money so that Muslims can have more babies ‘
Then there’s the afternoon play – about a woman’s refuge
Wimmins hour – about a Wimmins refuge
File on 4 – about a Wimmins refuge
‘Person of the week ‘ some who runs a ._____
\\ Broadcasting House’ paper review with @bbcpaddy this morning on @BBCRadio4 discussed Dame Sharon White, (Of Ofcom head) now Chair of John Lewis
and one of the most high profile black businesswomen in Britain, telling @TheSTMagazine that she disapproves of the abbreviation BAME used as a label. //
The chairman of The National Obesity Forum is called ‘Tam Fry”-
Mr Fry is concerned about who is going to lead the ‘fight against obesity “ now that PHE is going . Donuts all round .
The major retailers are currently getting ready to film their Christmas advert spectaculars and there is intense speculation by COREMA* as to which one will become the first ever** to feature a black child*** as the star. Will it be:
(1) Waitrose
(2) Tesco
(2) Marks & Spencer
(4) Sainsbury
(5) All of the above
* Campaign for Over Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Advertising
** i.e. first ever since last Christmas
*** but not too black, mixed race with frizzy hair is preferred
It does make me wonder why on earth this particular woman has been made the new Chairperson of one of the great British bastions of the retail fashion and food outlet markets. As far as I can judge this lady has never had any real experience of the type of John Lewis retail business. Mostly working in the civil service in Treasury areas, worked in no 10 Downing Street in the Blair governments periods, later for the World Bank as director general at the Department for International Development, then Ministry of Justice, then Dept of Work and Pensions. Mainly all her experience has been in the financial sector but no major multiple retail experience at all, yet she is now the Chairperson of John Lewis? My father-in-law was the for many years the Chief Internal Auditor of JL and brought JL into the modern computer age, don’t know what he would think now if he were alive. We shall see what happens, but not just a woman which is fine but a coloured one to boot- are we being given a message here? The BBC et al will of course enjoy this promotion at a salary of £ 990,000 per annum, yes you read it correctly-just incomprehensible for an organisation that is struggling. So those employees are going to have to work very hard to pay that woman’s salary, time will tell whether she is worth it?
Experience in the relevant business is pretty low down the requirements these days. It may take some time, but simple economics will eventually deal with the companies who are more interested in choosing the correct skin tone or genital credentials.
The company will not survive in it’s current form for long now. Nothing to do with who runs it but it is out of date and becoming irrelevant. The food section will last a bit longer but it’s quality edge is going and the prices are too high .We use the local farm shop now and it is better priced and better food. .The rest of John Lewis should liquidate now and save a lot of heartache. These dodo companies cannot move into the internet age. The new companies are so much better at it.
The BBC is discussing whether to drop Rule Britannia and Land of Hope and Glory from the Last Night of the Proms in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Yes – of course they should be dropped – and there should be no ‘last night ‘ either – it should end on the ‘penultimate Night ‘ .
Or maybe there should be no Proms at all …. it can be replaced by the forth coming “history of Slavery “ – a 13 part series featuring various coloured types wondering around their favourite bits of the planet saying ‘bad whitee – where’s my handout ?”
I think the BBC will get one of those ‘Caribbean’ oil drum outfits in ( the type they put on at the end of the Marr show to get the coloured face numbers up ) to do a ‘diverse ‘ land of hope …. Whilst ‘taking the knee ‘ to an effigy of Doreen Lawrence ….
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II.
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
The leading banking dynasties that have so kindly lent the UK loads of money during this Plague time, have globally used a financial debt creating mechanism, along with their excessive use of usury, to put nations, communities and families into unsustainable levels of unlawful debt. And with severe debt, of course, comes ruthless, top down Orwellian corporate control and, in many cases, blatant corporate theft. So where will the UK stand after its £billions of borrowing?
In Britain, there is the black art of money creation which has serious ramifications for the humble taxpayer. When the bankers have created their fresh air money and this ‘nothingness’ is then lent to HM Treasury in return for bonds (IOU notes), the British taxpayers then have to find the money to pay the interest on this ‘nothingness’. Don’t let us be fooled that we can borrow the amount we have and not pay for it. The question is when will the grim reaper come for his money?
If we go into negative interest rates, as some think we might (some might say…) does that mean the banks have to pay you interest if they lend you money.
Will credit cards still charge you 40% interest?
Where will interest rates go when inflation gets to 4-5%
Or, is it only savers who get hit with negative interest rates.
Of course, we all know the answers to the above.
By the way, have they found out what flavour the Russian opposition’s tea was, Plutonium flavour or Novichok flavour.
Maybe a new flavour this time, Ebola or good old Black death flavour for the nostalgic amongst us.
You would think with all their resources they would come up with a better way of killing off those they don’t like.
Good job I have got two Gold coins bought in the 1980’s.
£450 each on eBay last time I looked. I could be a billionaire soon.
Ill need a million pounds to buy a loaf of bread etc.
Richard It will be like Germany pre-WW2 when you needed a barrow filled with notes to buy a loaf of bread-in other words WORTHLESS. Concerned, worried, anxious, feeling uncomfortable about the nations future? I should dam well say we are. Now thousands of illegal immigrants occupying luxury hotels at the tax payers expence-yes I have seen recent videos of these mostly Islamic individuals occupying such hotels in Birmingham and Essex particularly. Yet there are still British ex military personnel sleeping rough-words are cheap as they say-ears have been closed by the Government so it would appear to such hardship, yet they would rather accommadate these illegals in luxury who have provided not one ounce of anything to this nation and unlikely to. Hang on to your Gold coins Richard Pinder you will need them sooner than you thought!
Hi tarien, do you have your own blog? You are coming up with some excellent comments some of which maybe deserve a thread of their own (e.g. comparison between OAP and Asylum seekers support).
Hi BOBOTC, thank you, appreciate some of what I submit often is off actual bias however, there are so few sites where one might drive ones discontented issues. No I don’t have a blog-appear to suggest I should have one-suppose I had better look into it. Any ideas?
Hi, I haven’t looked into it but was thinking of maybe starting my own blog if I found time to get started. I have visited other peoples blogs on wordpress so wordpress looks like a place to start. I have also seen people start their own “youtube channel” – there is a guy here who has one – he draws politically motivated cartoons, but that requires creating video and audio rather than just text and images.
Yes know of WordPress, it was back a few years when I was an absolute beginner with such complicated mechanisms-a little better now, so I might try again, but my writing takes a lot of my time-no matter how good, one has to edit and edit again. Getting published in fiction which my genre is, is very very difficult no matter how good the subject matter of the writing-if you already have a know name, be it in any of the media outlets or sport then you are more than half way there. Anyway good luck and let us know how you get on.
EG, amazing … the BBC was certain on R4 that the warehouse full of Ammonium Nitrate in Beirut spontaneously exploded …. but haven’t pinned the Navalny poisoning on a (there are others – it is a collective name) Novichock administered by Vladimir Putin himself.
Ask George Soros
No deal enough on return of investment for him, besides it does not match his world power issue. He controls with other Central Banks most of what goes down in the European Union, that is why his lackey Barnier is making such a pigs ear of his stutterings against the UK.
tarien, interest rates can go up as well as go down.
Mishal probably has a way of measuring, but who is the more deranged, Lewis on Dom, or American booty on Don?
Being the bbc, and despite the separation of an ocean, both of course do swap on occasion, perhaps using Emily as a BS go-between.
Craig shows how professional media is.
Or should be.
Blue Peter got a Young Reporter in yet to show kids in the camps how to make rafts out of old washing up liquid bottles and sticky back plastic?
That piece by Craig over at our friends’ site is – in itself – a better piece of journalism than youd find on the BBC ….
……,.. but then again thr drowned character was just one of the thousands trying it on.
His planning ability made him an ideal candidate for a place on SAGE or NHS procurement ( which is a misnoma)
The Fail is nothing if not an equal opportunity scum bucket title.
Not sure I would want them behind me.
Note; BBC editorial integrity, and career advancement, means when there is not time or space in a piece that could go on as long as the author wanted, know what to put in. And leave out
Sue, also, appears to have more journalistic ability in her little finger than all of w1a has in the entire cubicle gardens and all floors above.
From the ITBB OT.
Arthur T
Jon Sopel has been given an unlimited budget to produce a website extravaganza: ‘Were these the three hours that upset Trump’s campaign?
The clue to Jon’s bias is of course the question mark. Without that the story reads: ‘these were the three hours that upset Trump’s campaign’. Ditto from Zurcher yesterday: ‘DNC 2020: Did Joe Biden succeed in making his case?’ Again without the question mark – ‘DNC 2020: Joe Biden succeeded in making his case’
Rhetorical questions the both, to be answered in the affirmative. This is biased reporting BBC, of the highest order.
#questionasaheadline is now pervasive across the entire MSM when a bit of backside covering is required, just in case, but the BBC has turned it into a dark art form.
American Booty and his BS will likely win many awards.
I just hope that this time round, someone, somewhere, is compiling a montage of important snippets of those in condemnation of DJT on the basis of their, “facts” including the current polls that will be contrary to DJT’s eventual success. Just like the expressions on the BBC ‘Team’ when the results of the EU Referendum came in and which, people like me can play over and over again. One massive slap in the face for non-believing deceitful Commies.
I saw that headline on the BBC’s news page and immediately suspected the hand of Jon “Ouch” Sopel. And on that basis declined to read it. Or indeed any of their myriad social justice agitating articles.
Though I see Mr Sopel has graduated to slightly longer words, if still from the usual political direction.
I guess ‘Boom!’ was taken.
He is quick to make connections.
When it suits.
Is Joe Biden a rapist?
I don’t know, but today he behaved more like a paedophile.
Rapist or paedophile? The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Ask Bill…
But the Mail is only interested in two ex-royal knobs , living in some plastic drum out west.
Normal people couldn’t really give a flying faquar what they do, so why the Mail thinks it sells rags, is beyond my comprehension!
I think that when I go to Waitrose tomorrow (Senora O’Blene has requested a special lunchtime purchase, and I’ll go on my electric bike), I’ll get ‘The Times’ and be utterly bored instead!
May have to use the panniers, as ‘The Times’ uses up quite a lot of unsustainable wood pulp, but there you go, so does the BBC, buying thousands of ‘Guardians’ every day…
I might add, that this post above was an answer to an excellent rebuke further back, but somehow ended up here!
As the bottle of red subsides, I’d better alleviate the corpuscles and retire gracefully…
I only buy the Daily Mail on Tuesday because of Littlejohn. But if its got Megan on the front page, I buy the Express. If the Express has got Megan on the front page, I buy the Telegraph. If the Telegraph has Megan on the front page, I buy a local paper.
Its like Diana in the 1980’s. Megan and Diana only want to be left alone. So if Diana was on the front page of the Sun, then I buy the Daily Star, but if Diana was on the front page of the Daily Star, then I buy the Today newspaper, etc & etc.
Biddenden Cider sur keyboard!
Absolutely! It’s like me turning on R5Dead during the night and directly they have some squealing bame/woke/leftie/demoncrat, its …
I see Manchester’s answer to Sadiq Khan, Andy Burnham in his latest rant has now criticised the Government for the failure in test and trace for the rise in coronavirus cases in his area.He apparently says that people can’t afford to self isolate. Nothing to do with social gatherings in large numbers or other matters then ? This follows on from his idea to take legal action against Ofqual. He obviously still believes he is in some sort of powerful government position.
So that seems fine then, if you can’t afford to, please throw common sense in the bin, be selfish and carry on socialising.
Not picked up by the Beeb just yet, but only a matter of time….
Wonder if he’s self insulating (shredding) in Mid Staffs…
I think this will chime with many here. Some slightly off colour language.
He hits the spot in a concise and fruity way – like a full fat cherry yoghurt .
Liddle on his Pro-Facemask stance
..see the way he is smoking
A thing you’ve not been able to show on TV for years
Fair point Mr Liddle makes about the disconnect between what ordinary British people think and what the likes of the BBC and ‘woke ‘ industry think ….
In my local supermarket someone left the freezer door open where they keep the Ben and Jerry’s – 2 for 1 ….. and if there’s a shortage of bacon – look in the halal section ( no not me )
Now 2:55pm pm Radio4 ..a Lenny Henry repeat ..drama from 2016
very sweary
Oh “Waterlow Park” ffing South London again …Hello 95% of the UK is outside London
Oh Lenny is a good at
actingreadling out lines aloud.Trailer now : drama about Climate Change activists “Power Out ” Wednesday 2:15pm
Power out in California due to Democrats is causing White flight to nearby nice white Republican States.
Stew, Waterlow Park is in north London 😉 not quite Lincolnshire, I know, but that would be more Theobalds Park way …. 🙂
Of course Highate near Hampstead so even more BBC.
I was mixing it up with the park near Brixton
where I used to live, I used to go to acting workshops in Highgate.
Ooh, the ol’ Ham’n’High is a favourite spot for Luvvies and
Muswell Hillsorry, Pestonville, comes a close third.Brockwell Park, near Brixton? But also close to St Reatham, in Estate Agent-speak
Stew – I was thinking – Lenny Henry to play Jimmy Saville in the BBC aracial Bio pic of his life … I working on the rest of the aracial cast….
A lot of helicopter activity, including the yellow/blue Police helicopters, in north Kent today, started late morning and has been building up since then. Could be RTAs on the motorway & A roads to the coast or troubles at sea in the blustery conditions or, possibly, some criminality happening in the sunshine.
If it’s the Kent Air Ambulance, Up2, then we cheer them from the rooftops!
Their raffle is out soon, so we’re on the case!
Also, when anyone pops off, they get the dosh, not the flower shops…
From the BBC website
Were these the three hours that upset the trump campaign ?
By Jon sopel – and it goes on and on and on and on . I read a few paragraphs – but you can see that Sopel wants the world the way he sees it and writes it that way .
I’m trying to think how Sopel will take a President Trump victory ?
I suppose they’ll go into low turn out – or ‘weird ‘ voting systems – or someone bought the election – Russians again – or it was a ‘bitter campaign ‘ based on ‘lies ‘ –
You take your pick on which one of Sopel s views you take .
On the other hand – if Biden wins – or turns out to be just a demented puppet of the ‘bitter wimmin brigade ‘ then Sopel will talk about
‘The end of the nightmare “
‘The American people getting their sanity back “
‘Business as usual ‘
In any event it will be a victory for politics and all will be happiness in BBC towers . And there will be tears ….
But there’s a bit of me that thinks maybe the same will happen in the states that happened here . That a large – quiet constituency – see what the MSM and the ‘woke ‘ have been doing – the violence they have created – and gives them the first true chance to kick them in the teeth ….
The kind of police activity approved by our media in Patel’s kingdom
Over 75s having to make trade offs between TV Licence and food.
Not going well for the BBC
Anyone who has to pay this tax should think very carefully about voting for the Government that allowed it.
Fergal Keane BBC is still being recycled on BBCFakeNews channel
series page
I mean presenter Fergal Keane OBE, Order of the British Empire
The prog first aired 5 weeks ago
so it’s weird its still being aired
@CliveMyrieBBC presents episode #1
“How the Toxic Legacy of Empire Still Affects Us”
… loaded language or what ?
The irony is that the BBC is the cornerstone of the new colonial masters the metroliberal London woke-supremacists that rule over all our lives in the UK now.
And so say all of us.
Here’s the series page
I note only 2 people have ever tweeted that page
BTW OutragedMary’s tweet above got as many likes as the BBC
whereas the BBC own tweet got ratioed
Fergal Keane is a traitor to the United Kingdom, and throughout his miserable career has continually down trodden anything of any real value this nation has achieved in the world and for the good of the world. He will cling to and pull apart all good, apeasing the gullable and unsuspecting with his duplicity. No doubt you have got the message that I not like the fellow!
Latest news not on the BBC. Queen still reigns over a hundred territories, comprising over, ten and a third million square miles, of the Commonwealth Realms. Including the Trump Islands, Newfoundland, and the Trump Islands, British Antarctic Territory.
The Fast. The Furious. The Selective.
Mr WGAP is such a fence sitter ..NOT
NonceFlix & Its New Cuties Film
AFAIK the new Netflix promotion/paedo poster and the original French film are two different things
The film apparently being aimed at saying adults sexualising young girls is bad thing.
Those that wish to stop young girls expressing any sexuality are Islamic extremists.
Folk doing journalism journalists don’t do is fascinating (unverified).
Fingers being pointed up here at Ian Blackford, whose constituency it is, letting Boris’s whereabouts be known. A long shot, but I wonder if this is a Cummings set up to bring Blackford down. Blackford would almost certainly have known the Prime Minister was there and Cummings may have been banking on Blackford’s inability to keep his mouth shut.
I put this here for some perspective.
Popcorn ordered.
Uh huh.
Hmmm. Seeing the close of play score I think he should concentrate on his team.
Beeb must hate the fact their brown eyed boys are taking a beating.
Central London khanife crime now going back up
.. now Tower Bridge is back open
“Central London khanife crime now going back up”
That’s right:
Knife crime in London is up 7% in one year.
10% up in North Yorkshire.
21% up in Cumbria.
37% up in Derbyshire.
30% up in Lincolnshire.
20% up in Dyfed-Powys.
37% up in West Mercia.
20% up in South Wales.
56% up in Gwent.
21% up in Warwickshire.
20% up in Northamptonshire.
49% up in Cambridgeshire.
12% up in Norfolk.
33% up in Hertfordshire.
15% up in Devon & Cornwall.
26% up in Sussex.
51% up in Essex.
And it’s all Sadiq Khan’s fault.
Ok maxi what’s Sadiq doing about it , not reporting it as frequently as before ?
Also % of what ?
The troll must be running in bot mode can’t recognise my post was a joke about Tower Bridge being stuck thus afternoon.
The troll went straight to cutNpaste
and continues it’s habit of being uncivil
by never answering questions.
Sometime we could look at the list of names the last 20 murderers in London.
Norman Brennan says that young black males make up 0.5% of UK population
… but account for 15% of all UK murders
Newsnight stats
“ can’t recognise my post was a joke…”
Try using absolute numbers rather than % . It might surprise you. Take one example if knife crime in a shire county goes up from one to two that is a 100% increase. Only the absolute numbers really count. London has the most by far.
I find it hard to believe the percentage for Cumbria. Nobody lives there !
Maxi, your beloved BBC produced this on the subject last year:
Ten charts on the rise of knife crime
The ONLY relevant chart really is the one labelled:
Regional variation in knife crime offences
Knife offences per 100,000 people by region, England and Wales, year ending March 2019
Note how London has more than TWICE the rate of knife crimes PER CAPITA of ANY other region.
My home region (SW) has less than a quarter of the rate per capita as London, which is interesting, Wales, South, and South East England are all similar.
Another thing which would be interesting (but, which you’d probably consider ‘waycist’) is what ethnic groups were committing these ‘knife related offences’. Oddly enough, that’s not one of the ’10 charts’, is that because it’s:
a. Not relevant as all ethnic groups are roughly equal?
b. Distorted by the much higher percentage of white people in the population?
c. Goes against the BBC’s agenda?
Dave S,
“Try using absolute numbers rather than %”
*I don’t like these numbers so you should use different ones*
When are you going to tell us something good (or other) about Al Beeb, instead of trolling on this site all your life?
Absurd and you show your weakness here. Absolute numbers are the only reliable facts .
I agree Maxincony, Blacks fleeing London and it’s all Sadiq Khan’s fault.
But its also probably due to Hotels in nice white tourist spots being filled up with Illegal Immigrants.
Also someone went camping in Scotland because he made it to dangerous to stay in a Hotel.
Why is Al Beeb not reporting all the News ?
Its not providing the service it is paid to do, it censors it .
Readers and posters on this site, all of you, ask yourself the question : Why on earth do you continue to pay the Licence Fee ?
Not me Taff. Licence free for a number of years.
It feels good, don’t it….
The WestWyvern
Well done !
Spend your money on something better than that trash.
Anti Beeb running some trash on that well known anti English Shaun Connery.
I confess I thought he was dead.
“Channel crossings: Why can’t the UK stop migrants in small boats?”
True answer , how about – Because our Liberal Government is not trying to stop them?
What secret deal has Tweezer or BoJo signed with France or the EU to let the illegal queue jumpers in ?
Remember its us tax payers that are funding the luxury 4 star accommodation for these criminals while our own people have far less a grand life style. Ex-Forces men sleeping in the streets and pensioners living on a pittance although they have worked hard all their lives and paid taxes. There are genuine asylum seeker that wait patiently in the queue following stringent checks to get in to the UK while these crooks get in before them. What is our Civil Service up to ?
This Liberal government got into power under false pretences . Remember that when you vote next.
Remember that you Tory MPs when you next face your constituents.
Remember that Al Beeb as your funds are falling.
“US wins end of EU lobster tariffs in mini trade deal”
“US wins end of EU lobster tariffs in mini trade deal”
“The agreement is the first tariff reduction the two economic heavyweights have agreed in more than two decades.”
Something tell me that the EU is getting worried, very worried ?
I hope our ‘Mr Frosty’ is as good as Trump’s negotiator .
‘Oradour-sur-Glane: Uproar after France Nazi massacre site vandalised’
Barks the headline. I knew it. I just knew I shouldn’t ever go back to its website but curiosity got the better of me. This is what happens when you apply woke ways of describing things instead of simply describing them in a way that we can all understand.
Disregarding the vandalism that took place, which was shameful, what on earth does that headline mean?? It’s utter nonsense.
Even if you replace the ‘Nazi’ with ‘Germany’, to follow ‘France’ it would still read incorrectly.
“massacre site vandalised” On Wikipedia it says that it was vandalised on 10 June 1944, after the massacre in the church by national socialists. So that was during a previous German presidency of a united Europe.
Am I missing something? Why is Sopel’s extravagantly long article on Trump’s Tulsa rally of two months ago on the home page of the beeb’s webshite?
Other than because they calculate it can do maximum damage to his campaign?
Trust them. It’s what they do.
Pay attention all of you!
maxincony is back out of his safe space and will enlighten us all on the merits of Al Beeb and why we should pay the Telly Tax to keep it alive.
Over to you maxi, the floor is yours…………..
Maxi only posts when her business is slow.
Keith got enough washing machines?
A special message to all teachers……….
“Coronavirus: Missing school is worse than virus for children – Whitty”……..
Our thanks go out to the very brave ‘lefty’ teachers ……………….
Coronavirus: Poorer children’s education could take ‘over a year’ to recover……………..
“Coronavirus: Germany puts on crowded concerts to study risks”
Are they serious about this ? Its like looking for a gas leak with a lit match. 😀
You highlight the ‘heads we diss you, tails you get dissed by us’ approach of ideologically driven, politicised media.
I am reading a slew of headlines skewed to fit narratives around the world.
Here’s one on social media that can be whatever they want it to be, wherever it suits.
BBC News
There is some evidence older children can infect others with coronavirus in the same way as adults, the World Health Organization said.
‘Some evidence’…. can.
One for the younger bbc audience, many of whom have posters of Steve on their walls.
‘Top Muslim Charity “Islamic Relief” Exposed for Supporting Terrorism.’
Well, there’s a surprise!
The BBC don’t seem to be reporting it.
There’s another surprise!
By the way, catch David Wood’s videos while you can: he’s receiving more and more death threats from the Religionists of Peace.
They only have to get lucky once…
Looks like The BBC American BS have a new analyst.
There was some fun chat earlier in this session, where ‘Bronzed Strumpet’ was describing someone or other…
Can anyone recall who ‘The Flame-Haired Temptress’ was in Private Eye, when it was a great satirical mag back in the sixties/seventies?
We had a gorgeous chum in the village whom we christened ‘The Grey-Haired Temptress’, as we do things like that, but the term mentioned earlier sound hilarious!
Scrob – it was me wondering what BS stood for – bronze strumpet – with reference to the Labour leader ‘ Newsnight presenter desperately trying to look 30 years younger ……
Four good words:
Under used these days, even though there seem to be many more of them, especially in places like the racist far-left bbc.
And less kindly:
Mutton dressed as lamb
Ha ha ha, John!
Always a laugh under these circumstances!
Isn’t it strange that whenever a bloke is mentioned under these terms, things don’t seem the same!
Like you probably, I care for the bbc as much as I do for a wasted idiot/loser in downtown Hastings…
Aw, thanks Fed! I love the term, and mostly those who look like that deserve it!
Peroxide-addled credulous bandwagonning bimbo is taken.
American Booty and chums again desperately ignoring the tweets from colleagues suddenly unsure these are the good guys?
Slate appears to see US judges like the BBC views Geordies.
Still, they know who they like.
Wasn’t Stormy Daniels an acquaintance of Jeffrey Epstein?
I’m sure I saw her name on his aeroplane log.
Isn’t Stormy some sort of chump who gibbers a lot, and gets rockapes up fiddling with their elbows?
Thought so…
BBC News
“We simply haven’t seen anything like this in many, many years,” the US state’s governor said, as exhausted firefighters struggle to contain huge wildfires.
‘Many, many years’.
Translation: even Harrabin baulked at ‘unprecedented since the last time’.
And I’ve got 3 boxes of Special K …..
Old joke:
An American visiting Hampton Court Palace starts talking to a gardener.
“In all my years, I’ve never seen a lawn as beautiful as this in the States! What’s your secret?”
Gardener: “Cut it and roll it for 450 years.”
Sunday 23rd.
Bbbc this morning talking about a 16 year old boy drowned and found on the French beach (after trying to escape from war torn France to the land of milk and benefits)
Quite a while back everyone knew he was 28.
Somebody should tell the bbbc.
EG, said adult was unfortunately pictured by the Guardian, as a child, in a very nice home with good furniture, and sat looking at camera with a smart laptop computer on the coffee table beyond him.
Some refugee.
If anyone’s ever watched any Chris Rock shows, they’ll know he cracks a lot of jokes about his family. In one of them he talks about how his mother would react when he did something wrong; he’s says she’d tell him she would beat the black out of him.
I wish someone would beat the black out of the racist far-left bbc.
I’ve got that morning after the night before feeling.
Without having had the night before.
So all I can think of saying is:
And really, that’s what matters between now and November.
From the telegraph on the selection of a new coloured female chairman ( my prediction )
“ Speaking to the Telegraph on Saturday, a Government source said: “There is a considerable concern around impartiality and objectivity. It’s not that the BBC is left-wing and Labour supporting, it clearly isn’t.
“But lots of people think its news programmes seem only to be interested in picking holes in the Government or digging up embarrassing quotes.
“They are far less interested in listening to what ministers have to say than trying to trip them up in a way that is not entirely relevant.
“The job of the Today programme is not to chase headlines, but to ask probing questions. Newsnight is no better. It’s a relatively recent trend.”
Worrying words . I still don’t think the £4 a month I pay for the Telegraph is well spent money ….
Now Paddy O’Connell tries to get Gavin Williamson to resign on R4. A typical Paddy hatchet job, maximum attack on the ‘exam fiasco’ to keep the Labour/bbc narrative alive. Lord Kerslake is supposed to help with both.
Sunday is always a special day for undisguised lefty/Labour attacks
on government. Think Mark Mardell at lunch or Carolyn Quinn tonight on the Westminster Hour.
Paddy did manage to find Edwina Curry to have a slightly different point of view, to show how balanced his programme is.
Chris Grayling is also under attack from Paddy.
The theme is the ‘kindergarten cabinet’. We can guess that Labour would be the mature version for Paddy. Ha ha. Ha Ha. Ha Ha, ha ha ha ha!
Paddy says he may return to discuss this with his ‘guests’, later on.
Yes there was the news an then Paddy went into his sneery language against the Tories.
10 years ago I used to be a regular listener
and then it became infected with the sneery cancer & HATE that effects BBC comedy.
“Sunday is always a special day for undisguised lefty/Labour attacks”
By coincidence there is always a Labour Party coordinated campaign on Sundays
#SocialistSunday is already trending on Twitter,
Fake – you left out – ‘thought for the day ‘ aka – be nice to muslims – as well as the R4 appeal ‘give money so that Muslims can have more babies ‘
Then there’s the afternoon play – about a woman’s refuge
Wimmins hour – about a Wimmins refuge
File on 4 – about a Wimmins refuge
‘Person of the week ‘ some who runs a ._____
\\ Broadcasting House’ paper review with @bbcpaddy this morning on @BBCRadio4 discussed Dame Sharon White, (Of Ofcom head) now Chair of John Lewis
and one of the most high profile black businesswomen in Britain, telling @TheSTMagazine that she disapproves of the abbreviation BAME used as a label. //
From the Newspapers
The chairman of The National Obesity Forum is called ‘Tam Fry”-
Mr Fry is concerned about who is going to lead the ‘fight against obesity “ now that PHE is going . Donuts all round .
Shaz did so well at OFCOM too.
The major retailers are currently getting ready to film their Christmas advert spectaculars and there is intense speculation by COREMA* as to which one will become the first ever** to feature a black child*** as the star. Will it be:
(1) Waitrose
(2) Tesco
(2) Marks & Spencer
(4) Sainsbury
(5) All of the above
* Campaign for Over Representation of Ethnic Minorities in Advertising
** i.e. first ever since last Christmas
*** but not too black, mixed race with frizzy hair is preferred
If it’s for the Christmas adverts she will have to be a head-covered Muslim.
It does make me wonder why on earth this particular woman has been made the new Chairperson of one of the great British bastions of the retail fashion and food outlet markets. As far as I can judge this lady has never had any real experience of the type of John Lewis retail business. Mostly working in the civil service in Treasury areas, worked in no 10 Downing Street in the Blair governments periods, later for the World Bank as director general at the Department for International Development, then Ministry of Justice, then Dept of Work and Pensions. Mainly all her experience has been in the financial sector but no major multiple retail experience at all, yet she is now the Chairperson of John Lewis? My father-in-law was the for many years the Chief Internal Auditor of JL and brought JL into the modern computer age, don’t know what he would think now if he were alive. We shall see what happens, but not just a woman which is fine but a coloured one to boot- are we being given a message here? The BBC et al will of course enjoy this promotion at a salary of £ 990,000 per annum, yes you read it correctly-just incomprehensible for an organisation that is struggling. So those employees are going to have to work very hard to pay that woman’s salary, time will tell whether she is worth it?
Experience in the relevant business is pretty low down the requirements these days. It may take some time, but simple economics will eventually deal with the companies who are more interested in choosing the correct skin tone or genital credentials.
The company will not survive in it’s current form for long now. Nothing to do with who runs it but it is out of date and becoming irrelevant. The food section will last a bit longer but it’s quality edge is going and the prices are too high .We use the local farm shop now and it is better priced and better food. .The rest of John Lewis should liquidate now and save a lot of heartache. These dodo companies cannot move into the internet age. The new companies are so much better at it.
Genius! Do it!
South African soprano is helping to draw up de final concert for de Proms.
Looks to me that she already has a job advertising furniture.
Yes – of course they should be dropped – and there should be no ‘last night ‘ either – it should end on the ‘penultimate Night ‘ .
Or maybe there should be no Proms at all …. it can be replaced by the forth coming “history of Slavery “ – a 13 part series featuring various coloured types wondering around their favourite bits of the planet saying ‘bad whitee – where’s my handout ?”
The BBC might drop it – from their broadcasts, but I honestly don’t believe that the middle aged white audience will not be singing it with gusto !
It would be fun if the crowd started to sing them both anyway, without the music!
They could leave out the usual squawking bit at the start which is usually terrible, and really get stuck in to a great song with gusto!
Take no notice of the penguin with the stick or the band – just belt out the words as they’re meant to sung!
Can’t hurt can it!
No it can’t Scoblene- shall join you in raising the roof with all renditions-Rule Britannia ……..
I think the BBC will get one of those ‘Caribbean’ oil drum outfits in ( the type they put on at the end of the Marr show to get the coloured face numbers up ) to do a ‘diverse ‘ land of hope …. Whilst ‘taking the knee ‘ to an effigy of Doreen Lawrence ….
Fed, maybe the proms issue could merit a whole separate thread perhaps ?
Many would stop paying their licence fee because of this I am sure.
Fed, hi, You did 🙂 great, thanks 🙂
Judging by their ‘patriotism’ , they should be discussing whether to drop the word “British” from their name.
“Sataitanic cult of paedophiles and cannibals” she says
Does Kamala Harris’s mother come from the lowest cast of the highest highest caste of Brahmins ?
typo : Does Kamala Harris’s mother come from the lowest cast OR the highest highest caste of Brahmins ?