I wonder how many of us felt a sense of ‘oneness’ when they saw BBC One’s intermission, (broadcast at 10 a.m. Sunday), demonstrating that the black woman, assisted by her white servants, now has ‘the whip hand’?
The BBC’s attempts at destroying our culture always remind me of this:
The Troll must be a non native speaker of English,
I made a quick joke about the stuck Tower Bridge, re-opening and causing a Central London knife crime rise
.. and it took me literally.
But then the thing is people here started replying to the trolls numbers, as if it was starting a sincere discussion.
They are just wasting their time , the troll is only interested DISRUPTING, not in proper discussion.
You might notice sometimes that i like to ‘tease the troll ‘ here every so often i sometimes get a ‘ nibble ‘ which makes me chuckle in that demented way the internet warps proportion.
Fortunately the site is well cultivated so troll weeds are soon eliminated .
Some have a slight affection for the likes of the late night one you described and i think its charitable for him to feel some acknowledgement for his pretty sad existence-
Such as coming to this site to cut and paste on the views of others but never a defence of his precious BBC .
Besides – i think Taffman enjoys trying to engage and i think the troll still owes Up2 and me – an apology .
Although i ve forgotten what the troll needs to apologise to me for but it might have been a while ago .
Has Tower Bridge de erected yet ? Or do they droop ?
38 BeeGees and Open Democracy and the rest have a new leader…
If you could pick the barely functioning brain of any progressive campaigner, writer, thinker, Antifa nutter or race-baiting politician about how we build back better – who would it be? Lewis Goodhall? Jon Sopel? Paul Mason? Lammo, Champion Ash? Bronzed Strumpet? That new babe sky wheeled out on terrorist murder sentencing?
Each week on our podcast #ItsBloodyComplicated, we bring specially-selected, BBC-approved guests on to explore big ideas that could remake society to be more sustainable, democratic and equal. Or riot when the majority fail to grasp our wisdom. Crucially we drill into how the progressive movement must work together to win them. Note that ‘must’, peons.
We may not always agree with each other but the conversation is essential to identify those first against the wall.
As a Compass supporter, we want to know which thick, venal, or thick and venal joke movers and shakers you want to hear from on #ItsBloodyComplicated. So long as they are ‘correct’.
We’ve invited experts like Prof. Guy Standing to break down basic income. We’ve hosted MPs like Dawn Butler and activists like Kimberly Jones from the US to discuss race, power and politics [no satirical editing required here]
The list goes on… Peter Tatchell, Caroline Lucas MP, Guardian’s John Harris, NEF’s Miatta Fahnbulleh, openDemocracy’s Anthony Barnett and more. [Seriously, not a word].
Suggest a speaker
It might be an inspiring leader whose work you’ve been following for years. A journalist whose insight into current affairs is cutting. Mad Cat Lady for instance. Anyone from Novarra Media, as they get on panel shows in a heartbeat. Ash seems a bit overused though. And as an interviewee or pundit. Or an ex-politician who knows it’s bloody complicated to wear matching shoes, find a police person behind them or avoid looking too obvious with an outrage set up and won’t mince words about how the left needs to change. Like James Purnell.
Your suggestions will help feed into the approved topics and guests and thinking we curate in the weeks to come.
Tell us a bit about the speaker, the ideas they’re well placed to speak to and why you’d like to hear from them. Newsnight regular is a real plus.
Take a minute to send us your suggestions here.
We’d love to hear your ideas,
PS. Compass members are exclusively invited to participate in our live podcast recordings. They join and shape the discussion – and ask questions of our guests. Join Compass to take part live in #ItsBloodyComplicated.
Copied from the DT letters comments today.
Great news if true.
Rob Lane
23 Aug 2020 10:46AM
Looks like Rupert Murdoch is setting up a new TV news channel in 2021 to be named GB News to level up the biased BBC & Sky news.
If true and events develop into mass violence (and why wouldn’t they?), just think what will happen in November just after the US election. The UK will be targeted as another mug who allowed the Communists to develop and thrive within their schools and Yoonies. As the riots and insurrection in the US has been a, ‘trial run’ for November for the Communists, next week will be a trial run in the UK to see how far they can go in preparation for November.
WE have a problem with attitudes. The so called revolutionaries are nothing of the sort. They are not able to understand that the existing social order can legitimately use whatever force it deems necessary to deal with any attempt at what is insurrection. They are at heart plastic revolutionaries. Lenin and the Bolsheviks understood the stakes and how to proceed. They did not whine when confronted.
Our problem is that we indulge our children when they riot. We should never do so but come down as hard as we can and quickly. To show weakness is fatal. In reality these children do not have the courage or the heart for real revolution. Call their bluff with maximum force.
“You’re just as mobilised and energised to see the change we all need and deserve. This fight is worth fighting and we all need to be out there mobilising to have our voices heard,”
“If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. If you aren’t going out there and voting, you are complicit. If you are complacent, you are complicit.”
“We can make a difference in this election and we will make a difference in this election.”
So an obvious political speech aimed at getting Trump out.
Our Steve defends this as simply wise words….
“Ignoring the “change” sentiment for a second, taking about people not getting out and voting being complicit in a situation a country finds itself in is perfectly valid. Yes, the Duchess of Sussex likely means Trump in this instance – but with autocrats dotted around the world from Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil to the long-standing Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus, shouldn’t we be pushing everyone to exercise their right to vote?”
I don’t think he would have had the same sentiment if she had said for instance used the words “Make America Great Again”.
Summing up, if the slant is Democrat supporting anything goes, if not It’s disgusting.
All this on top of the fact that our Megan is wilfully trashing all the protocols normally accepted by royals in political statements.
I think t’s probably time to rescind the titles and any UK support for both these deluded leeches. They have sold out so let them swim in the sludge they support.
Wow – I thought the thing about dropping the British tunes from Last Night of The Proms was a joke . But apparently mr Farage says it’s true because the conductor is Woke .
I bet there are plenty of third worlders here who find the National Anthem a bit ‘off ‘too so I guess that’s going too. ..
This proves that the BBC is Londoncentric, so I think the BBC wants the Proms to reflect the fact that the majority of people in London are not British, as well as the fact that white people in London are mostly traitors loyal to the European Union, and BAME people in London are loyal to other countries in Asia and Africa such as Pakistan and Nigeria.
The Proms should therefore be transferred to somewhere patriotic like Stoke-on-Trent, Hull, Portsmouth, Boston, Hartlepool, Swansea, Wrexham, Torbay, Grimsby, Walsall, Great Yarmouth, Fraserburgh or somewhere in North Antrim.
Not necessary to move it from London . Just take it away from the BBC and find some sensible Brit who values our culture and traditions to put it on in the Albert Hall as per tradition and get it on ITV or Ch5.
I hope this is a silly summer story. If it isn't perhaps the BBC should replace 'Land of Hope and Glory' with 'We all hate our country, we all hate our country. Tra la la la, Tra la la la'.
At some point someone's going to suggest that the word 'British' in BBC is offensive. https://t.co/EvHWHYVG7M
1. What does “close” mean?
2. Has the BBC timed this story so we can contrast the “Christian” virtues of this veiled woman to those uncultured Northern folk whose demands for retribution helped the judge deliver a 55 year jail sentence to young Hashem Abedi?
4:30pm show is made by a production corp for Radio 4
Their name is Made in Manchester Limited Productions
Their twitter name is “MIM – Forever Champions of Diversity”
Their staff page
founded in 2005 by presenter and journalist Ashley Byrne and 5 Times World Butterfly Swimming Champion James Hickman.
Ashley – presenter/exec producer Creative Director and head of History/DistinctNostalgia LGBTQI, disability and age liaison
Iain – presenter/exec producer Head of Production and Drama
Maya – presenter/producer creative strategy/partnerships BAME and age liaison
Kurt – producer Head of Development and Comedy/socio-economic groups liaison
Andrew – Producer Research, LGBTQI, disability and age liaison
Freddy – Senior Producer
James – Diversity Producer (Nations and Regions – Wales)
Rani – Diversity Producer (BAME)
Caroline – Diversity Producer (Women)
Kerri – Diversity Producer (Nations and Regions – Northern Ireland)
Jonathan -Diversity Producer (Nations and Regions – Scotland)
4pm Radio4 Author show
It’s a white author , so I expect no BAME banging on
.. #1 The author apologised for lack of diversity
“that’s cos I set it on a holiday park in Scotland ”
Then she read a segment in which the character described the British military as bombing “children’s hospitals abroad”
.. Oh that sounds Britophobic
Then she explains about the character, “yes they get their Xenophobic attitudes from their parents”
If you are looking for Sunday Footy – BT sport is showing the Franco German championship final sunday night 8 pm for free .
The half time entertainment will be Harry Maguire re enacting a Greek Battle ( allegedly )
Why police need to be empowered to release their full video
when libmob release cropped videos
Some people may have seen a 4 second clip of a young lady being removed from a car by an Aurora Police officer on a traffic stop with narrative she was disabled, this is the dashcam footage proving once again don’t believe everything you see on SM https://t.co/wB0Or4b2WM
…seems manipulated by the Feminists in the SNP. One of these was equating Feminism with ‘a focus on equality’, blythely ignoring that the fact that the push for Matriarchy is not the same as ‘equality’, much in the same way that ‘Patriarchy’ is said to be ‘against equality’.
The nasty little, power-crazed characters on both sides remind one of ‘people who would kill their own grandmothers’ to achieve their ambitions. The shadowy games being played out by both sides leave one none the wiser, despite the detail into which beeb descend. How on earth have these unpleasant-sounding figures (possibly united by nothing more than their hatred for the English?) obtained the support of the majority of Scots?
Gender wars seem mixed into them war between ‘populists’ and ‘progressives’, as beeb puts it, although I don’t remember the programme actually using the word ‘gender’. What we DO know is what beeb refers to as ‘populists’: they are the baddies, would include Trump, Bolsonaro, even Putin. Certainly Lukashenko.
The ‘progressives’ are the ones in the white hats. (And the skirts?)
BBC has never had interest in Ireland apart from supporting the IRA into turning it into a marxist state .
So i guess the resignation of the agriculture minister after breaching government covid rules at a golf do didnt get noticed .
But now another irish politician who was at the golf do is also under pressure .this one is more fun because he is an EU trade commissioner . I think his handicap is about to go up .,,
'Internal emails reveal a policy-guiding staff group claimed racial “colour blindness” and believing mankind is “one human family” are examples of “covert white supremacy”.' ????https://t.co/SWdgJS49Pa
If you are going to do a hit job, hire the profissionils.
US Presdient Donald Trump's eldest sister and former federal judge, Maryanne Trump Barry, says he's an 'unprincipled phoney', secret recordings reveal https://t.co/I5kMITsdPj
United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project (UDDGP)
Aug 21 Our visitor was Tom Heap @tomheapmedia from @BBCCountryfile
he talked to @GELtd and @CornishLithium
at #UDDGP which will be the UK’s first site for geothermal power, heat and lithium extraction, lots of planning and testing still to be done first.
Watch on Sunday 23rd BBC1 7pm
Have not been watching BBC for a few days,but on watching SKY have found it just as bad.SKY does love a pompous and woke slogan.SKY SPORTS NEWS latest in support of BLM is,”WE SEE,WE HEAR,WE COMMIT”As for SKY NEWS they are running an ad for the Kay Burley Show with,”ALWAYS DIRECT,STRIVING,QUESTIONING,RIGOROUS,CHALLENGING ,FAIR,HONEST”.As for Kay Burley she has been off for the past 4 weeks.Either she has had a long holiday,or having more work done on her wrinkles!
That former BBC favourite – Alex Salmond – is considering taking legal action against the BBC/ kirsty wark documentary on hid trial for alleged sexual offences – of which all were acquitals.
Apparently Ms Wark implied he was wrongly acquitted .
Maybe trial by BBC journo can replace the plebs on the jury .
Cops kneel for one ethnicity who are massively breaking the law
whilst their colleagues crack down on whiteys minor transgressions.
Manchester police boast on twitter about fining 3 families for having a kids party in their gardens and simultaneously these twerps pose with a huge rule busting weeding They all should be fired
R4 now Business prog twisted to become Black Business
Following the Black Lives Matter protests, many companies joined the conversation on racial inequality and diversity.@IamTobiOredein asks if this a passing trend, or will businesses really introduce substantial and long-term changes? https://t.co/p4twV2mu6m
A new one on me ‘code switching’, seems not related to ‘code sharing’ where you buy a ticket for Lufthansa and are then directed to Air Zambia in another terminal two miles away.
No, it turns out that barristers with dark skin talk like all barristers do when in the high court but now think they should be able to hoot like baboons that have just dropped from the trees with the bananas.
I can’t be the only one that is starting to wish for a BOB campaign, B***er off B**cks, there is a place of 30.37 million km² all ready for them, just leave our damp, dismal 242,495 km² island for us.
N.B. BBC, most of us might dress and talk differenly when presented to the Queen than we do when telling off the kids on Saturday morning, so what’s new?
When is Boris going to get a grip ?
As people lose their jobs and houses there will be unrest in the country when people see that the government is funding 4 Star hotels for foreign illegals.
Was listening to ‘The Patch’ on R4 on poverty in Cornwall. Now, you wouldn’t think beeb could squeeze a black man complaining about ‘ racism’ into this subject matter, but they did.
OK, they had to import him from the US, cos he was a bus driver coming along with buses purchased, to teach the Cornish to drive.
Sounds corny, doesn’t it? (No pun intended anywhere there).
But beeb managed it. All part of their mission statement.
Is there any topic at all beeb couldn’t infuse with ‘racism’? (Whites guilty, Blacks victims)
And, more interestingly, will beeb ever do a programme about black racism, where the victims are white? (Which does happen, and happens a lot).
All you need to do is go to ‘South Africa Today’ News, and you will find it there, any day of the week. Popped over this a.m. and yup, there it was: the lead story of how two elderly white dairy farm owners in Benoni were assaulted and robbed. The race of the offenders isn’t mentioned, but it is always the same, so doesn’t need to be.
They were lucky. For ‘racism’ over there, unlike the benign kind beeb searches out/stages in Britain, can frequently prove fatal.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II. https://twitter.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1898703634730295672
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
When Greta Thunberg’s voice said she had some dirt on Trump
did Kamala says “US candidates are not allowed to accept help from foreigners” ?
The recording comes from January
and Greta does sound like 30 year old Russian woman.
I am not entirely convinced Kamala was taken in.
Raging California fires – ooops Harry, might you think twice at your choice of mega mansions ?
I wonder how many of us felt a sense of ‘oneness’ when they saw BBC One’s intermission, (broadcast at 10 a.m. Sunday), demonstrating that the black woman, assisted by her white servants, now has ‘the whip hand’?
The BBC’s attempts at destroying our culture always remind me of this:
The Troll must be a non native speaker of English,
I made a quick joke about the stuck Tower Bridge, re-opening and causing a Central London knife crime rise
.. and it took me literally.
But then the thing is people here started replying to the trolls numbers, as if it was starting a sincere discussion.
They are just wasting their time , the troll is only interested DISRUPTING, not in proper discussion.
Exactly, ignore it and hopefully it will go away to scream in another pram elsewhere.
You might notice sometimes that i like to ‘tease the troll ‘ here every so often i sometimes get a ‘ nibble ‘ which makes me chuckle in that demented way the internet warps proportion.
Fortunately the site is well cultivated so troll weeds are soon eliminated .
Some have a slight affection for the likes of the late night one you described and i think its charitable for him to feel some acknowledgement for his pretty sad existence-
Such as coming to this site to cut and paste on the views of others but never a defence of his precious BBC .
Besides – i think Taffman enjoys trying to engage and i think the troll still owes Up2 and me – an apology .
Although i ve forgotten what the troll needs to apologise to me for but it might have been a while ago .
Has Tower Bridge de erected yet ? Or do they droop ?
AFAIK it stuck up 4pm Saturday and was freed at 5:30pm or something
38 BeeGees and Open Democracy and the rest have a new leader…
If you could pick the barely functioning brain of any progressive campaigner, writer, thinker, Antifa nutter or race-baiting politician about how we build back better – who would it be? Lewis Goodhall? Jon Sopel? Paul Mason? Lammo, Champion Ash? Bronzed Strumpet? That new babe sky wheeled out on terrorist murder sentencing?
Each week on our podcast #ItsBloodyComplicated, we bring specially-selected, BBC-approved guests on to explore big ideas that could remake society to be more sustainable, democratic and equal. Or riot when the majority fail to grasp our wisdom. Crucially we drill into how the progressive movement must work together to win them. Note that ‘must’, peons.
We may not always agree with each other but the conversation is essential to identify those first against the wall.
As a Compass supporter, we want to know which thick, venal, or thick and venal joke movers and shakers you want to hear from on #ItsBloodyComplicated. So long as they are ‘correct’.
We’ve invited experts like Prof. Guy Standing to break down basic income. We’ve hosted MPs like Dawn Butler and activists like Kimberly Jones from the US to discuss race, power and politics [no satirical editing required here]
The list goes on… Peter Tatchell, Caroline Lucas MP, Guardian’s John Harris, NEF’s Miatta Fahnbulleh, openDemocracy’s Anthony Barnett and more. [Seriously, not a word].
Suggest a speaker
It might be an inspiring leader whose work you’ve been following for years. A journalist whose insight into current affairs is cutting. Mad Cat Lady for instance. Anyone from Novarra Media, as they get on panel shows in a heartbeat. Ash seems a bit overused though. And as an interviewee or pundit. Or an ex-politician who knows it’s bloody complicated to wear matching shoes, find a police person behind them or avoid looking too obvious with an outrage set up and won’t mince words about how the left needs to change. Like James Purnell.
Your suggestions will help feed into the approved topics and guests and thinking we curate in the weeks to come.
Tell us a bit about the speaker, the ideas they’re well placed to speak to and why you’d like to hear from them. Newsnight regular is a real plus.
Take a minute to send us your suggestions here.
We’d love to hear your ideas,
PS. Compass members are exclusively invited to participate in our live podcast recordings. They join and shape the discussion – and ask questions of our guests. Join Compass to take part live in #ItsBloodyComplicated.
Probably something like Barry’s passport will tell you, Stew!
Put that under a microscope as well…
Depressing news
My next door neighbour is 94 . I spoke to her – via a satellite link up during my house arrest ( day 11) this morning .
She said she’s going out on Monday – “ I’m going to the Post Office to buy a birthday card. … and I’m buying a TV licence “
I said ‘ have you had a letter from TV licencing ?”
‘Yes ‘ She says ….
You might be able to guess the rest of the conversation ….
…. but I lost ….
Nice try, Fed. I hope the 94 y.o. gets to use the whole of the Licence period and is successfully talked out of buying another by you next year.
Copied from the DT letters comments today.
Great news if true.
Rob Lane
23 Aug 2020 10:46AM
Looks like Rupert Murdoch is setting up a new TV news channel in 2021 to be named GB News to level up the biased BBC & Sky news.
Will be fronted by Nigel Farage & Andrew Neil.
About time!
Dorks, Have you listened to the actual news bulletins on Murdoch’s Talk Radio and Times Radio ?
It’s the usual metroliberal BS
“Extinction Rebellion set to team up with BLM to SHUTDOWN London and the rest of the UK”
If true and events develop into mass violence (and why wouldn’t they?), just think what will happen in November just after the US election. The UK will be targeted as another mug who allowed the Communists to develop and thrive within their schools and Yoonies. As the riots and insurrection in the US has been a, ‘trial run’ for November for the Communists, next week will be a trial run in the UK to see how far they can go in preparation for November.
From above,
This is what the beginnings will look like. Study.
But, obviously, with the absence of English Patriots……..
I wonder is they’ll wear their para military uniform again whilst the plod do ‘ traffic management ?’
WE have a problem with attitudes. The so called revolutionaries are nothing of the sort. They are not able to understand that the existing social order can legitimately use whatever force it deems necessary to deal with any attempt at what is insurrection. They are at heart plastic revolutionaries. Lenin and the Bolsheviks understood the stakes and how to proceed. They did not whine when confronted.
Our problem is that we indulge our children when they riot. We should never do so but come down as hard as we can and quickly. To show weakness is fatal. In reality these children do not have the courage or the heart for real revolution. Call their bluff with maximum force.
Chris Stevenson of the Independent rushing to the defence of attention seeker Megan.
A apparently she gave a speech which urged US women to go out and vote to “make a difference”
Amongst her words
“You’re just as mobilised and energised to see the change we all need and deserve. This fight is worth fighting and we all need to be out there mobilising to have our voices heard,”
“If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. If you aren’t going out there and voting, you are complicit. If you are complacent, you are complicit.”
“We can make a difference in this election and we will make a difference in this election.”
So an obvious political speech aimed at getting Trump out.
Our Steve defends this as simply wise words….
“Ignoring the “change” sentiment for a second, taking about people not getting out and voting being complicit in a situation a country finds itself in is perfectly valid. Yes, the Duchess of Sussex likely means Trump in this instance – but with autocrats dotted around the world from Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil to the long-standing Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus, shouldn’t we be pushing everyone to exercise their right to vote?”
I don’t think he would have had the same sentiment if she had said for instance used the words “Make America Great Again”.
Summing up, if the slant is Democrat supporting anything goes, if not It’s disgusting.
All this on top of the fact that our Megan is wilfully trashing all the protocols normally accepted by royals in political statements.
I think t’s probably time to rescind the titles and any UK support for both these deluded leeches. They have sold out so let them swim in the sludge they support.
Wow – I thought the thing about dropping the British tunes from Last Night of The Proms was a joke . But apparently mr Farage says it’s true because the conductor is Woke .
I bet there are plenty of third worlders here who find the National Anthem a bit ‘off ‘too so I guess that’s going too. ..
This proves that the BBC is Londoncentric, so I think the BBC wants the Proms to reflect the fact that the majority of people in London are not British, as well as the fact that white people in London are mostly traitors loyal to the European Union, and BAME people in London are loyal to other countries in Asia and Africa such as Pakistan and Nigeria.
The Proms should therefore be transferred to somewhere patriotic like Stoke-on-Trent, Hull, Portsmouth, Boston, Hartlepool, Swansea, Wrexham, Torbay, Grimsby, Walsall, Great Yarmouth, Fraserburgh or somewhere in North Antrim.
Or ignored as it should be
Not necessary to move it from London . Just take it away from the BBC and find some sensible Brit who values our culture and traditions to put it on in the Albert Hall as per tradition and get it on ITV or Ch5.
Iain has almost caught up.
The BBC tells us:-
Christchurch mosque attacks: Hamimah Tuyan says ‘I’m close to forgiving, but not there yet’
1. What does “close” mean?
2. Has the BBC timed this story so we can contrast the “Christian” virtues of this veiled woman to those uncultured Northern folk whose demands for retribution helped the judge deliver a 55 year jail sentence to young Hashem Abedi?
4:30pm R4 trailer Brand new sketch comedy show
clue 1 “black guy”
clue 2 “not young”
… Yep Lenny again
4:30pm show is made by a production corp for Radio 4
Their name is Made in Manchester Limited Productions
Their twitter name is “MIM – Forever Champions of Diversity”
Their staff page
founded in 2005 by presenter and journalist Ashley Byrne and 5 Times World Butterfly Swimming Champion James Hickman.
Ashley – presenter/exec producer Creative Director and head of History/DistinctNostalgia LGBTQI, disability and age liaison
Iain – presenter/exec producer Head of Production and Drama
Maya – presenter/producer creative strategy/partnerships BAME and age liaison
Kurt – producer Head of Development and Comedy/socio-economic groups liaison
Andrew – Producer Research, LGBTQI, disability and age liaison
Freddy – Senior Producer
James – Diversity Producer (Nations and Regions – Wales)
Rani – Diversity Producer (BAME)
Caroline – Diversity Producer (Women)
Kerri – Diversity Producer (Nations and Regions – Northern Ireland)
Jonathan -Diversity Producer (Nations and Regions – Scotland)
4pm Radio4 Author show
It’s a white author , so I expect no BAME banging on
.. #1 The author apologised for lack of diversity
“that’s cos I set it on a holiday park in Scotland ”
Then she read a segment in which the character described the British military as bombing “children’s hospitals abroad”
.. Oh that sounds Britophobic
Then she explains about the character, “yes they get their Xenophobic attitudes from their parents”
If you are looking for Sunday Footy – BT sport is showing the Franco German championship final sunday night 8 pm for free .
The half time entertainment will be Harry Maguire re enacting a Greek Battle ( allegedly )
Why police need to be empowered to release their full video
when libmob release cropped videos
Schadenfreude. That’s what I feel right now, listening to R4 tell us about the civil war in the SNP.
Schadenfreude. That’s what I feel right now, listening to R4 tell us about the civil war in the SNP. The tale…
…seems manipulated by the Feminists in the SNP. One of these was equating Feminism with ‘a focus on equality’, blythely ignoring that the fact that the push for Matriarchy is not the same as ‘equality’, much in the same way that ‘Patriarchy’ is said to be ‘against equality’.
The nasty little, power-crazed characters on both sides remind one of ‘people who would kill their own grandmothers’ to achieve their ambitions. The shadowy games being played out by both sides leave one none the wiser, despite the detail into which beeb descend. How on earth have these unpleasant-sounding figures (possibly united by nothing more than their hatred for the English?) obtained the support of the majority of Scots?
Gender wars seem mixed into them war between ‘populists’ and ‘progressives’, as beeb puts it, although I don’t remember the programme actually using the word ‘gender’. What we DO know is what beeb refers to as ‘populists’: they are the baddies, would include Trump, Bolsonaro, even Putin. Certainly Lukashenko.
The ‘progressives’ are the ones in the white hats. (And the skirts?)
97% of Brexit supporters think the worlds biggest symbol of white privilege, the House of Lords, needs to be reformed in some way.
BLM only partially supports the Brexit Party on this issue, as Black Lords Matter.
[Bluebottle voice] Teee heeeee! You made a little jokule.
Freeview Channel 23: 6pm to 7pm: Ages of Steam: The steam engines of the 1930’s
Not BBC, so have set my HDD Recording. So have some telly to watch later.
Ironically this precedes a post on how trusted the BBC is… according to OFCOM.
Pokey and diggy and utterly bent.
Newsnight is a joke.
BBC has never had interest in Ireland apart from supporting the IRA into turning it into a marxist state .
So i guess the resignation of the agriculture minister after breaching government covid rules at a golf do didnt get noticed .
But now another irish politician who was at the golf do is also under pressure .this one is more fun because he is an EU trade commissioner . I think his handicap is about to go up .,,
Strewth, American Toenails has marshalled the entire BBC North America audience in for this… story.
And he missed this…
The word Com-edy on the BBC means “Communist Education”
Young low IQ blacks or upper-class left-wing morons mocking the white working class and anyone else outside of London.
So for Northern White Working Class Comedy.
8.30pm: Freeview Channel 81: The first ever Cannon and Ball Show.
Tremors in W1A?
If you are going to do a hit job, hire the profissionils.
Sorry if this spoils your Sunday evening. But then if you’ve been watching BBC it can’t be going that wonderfully.
Countryfile : Green Subsidy mafia again
United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project (UDDGP)
Aug 21 Our visitor was Tom Heap @tomheapmedia from @BBCCountryfile
he talked to @GELtd and @CornishLithium
at #UDDGP which will be the UK’s first site for geothermal power, heat and lithium extraction, lots of planning and testing still to be done first.
Watch on Sunday 23rd BBC1 7pm
Talking about the benefits of wildflowers and showing pictures of ragwort
…poisonous to horses etc. So many people try to remove it
Have not been watching BBC for a few days,but on watching SKY have found it just as bad.SKY does love a pompous and woke slogan.SKY SPORTS NEWS latest in support of BLM is,”WE SEE,WE HEAR,WE COMMIT”As for SKY NEWS they are running an ad for the Kay Burley Show with,”ALWAYS DIRECT,STRIVING,QUESTIONING,RIGOROUS,CHALLENGING ,FAIR,HONEST”.As for Kay Burley she has been off for the past 4 weeks.Either she has had a long holiday,or having more work done on her wrinkles!
Kay is being rebuilt
Had Sky for 30 years, since not long after it started satellite operations in the UK. Cancelled it because of the Bacon Lettuce ‘Mato nonsense.
Got it Sky? Go Woke – get Broke.
More good news
That former BBC favourite – Alex Salmond – is considering taking legal action against the BBC/ kirsty wark documentary on hid trial for alleged sexual offences – of which all were acquitals.
Apparently Ms Wark implied he was wrongly acquitted .
Maybe trial by BBC journo can replace the plebs on the jury .
Cops kneel for one ethnicity who are massively breaking the law
whilst their colleagues crack down on whiteys minor transgressions.
R4 now Business prog twisted to become Black Business
I switched to Radio Leeds
I missed this item .. I got the Muslim item instead
Stew – could be either an inability to adapt/compete, or could be due to ‘racism’. (‘Institutional’, of course)
Wondering which beeb found?
A new one on me ‘code switching’, seems not related to ‘code sharing’ where you buy a ticket for Lufthansa and are then directed to Air Zambia in another terminal two miles away.
No, it turns out that barristers with dark skin talk like all barristers do when in the high court but now think they should be able to hoot like baboons that have just dropped from the trees with the bananas.
More moaning ‘blacks’ on Radio 4 this Tuesday.
I can’t be the only one that is starting to wish for a BOB campaign, B***er off B**cks, there is a place of 30.37 million km² all ready for them, just leave our damp, dismal 242,495 km² island for us.
N.B. BBC, most of us might dress and talk differenly when presented to the Queen than we do when telling off the kids on Saturday morning, so what’s new?
Time for the new thread Phew!
When is Boris going to get a grip ?
As people lose their jobs and houses there will be unrest in the country when people see that the government is funding 4 Star hotels for foreign illegals.
The man is a fraud.
\\Police diversity: ‘Why join a force of people you mistrust?’//
Al Beeb doing its bit for police recruitment in Wales .
The man is a fraud.
Was listening to ‘The Patch’ on R4 on poverty in Cornwall. Now, you wouldn’t think beeb could squeeze a black man complaining about ‘ racism’ into this subject matter, but they did.
OK, they had to import him from the US, cos he was a bus driver coming along with buses purchased, to teach the Cornish to drive.
Sounds corny, doesn’t it? (No pun intended anywhere there).
But beeb managed it. All part of their mission statement.
Is there any topic at all beeb couldn’t infuse with ‘racism’? (Whites guilty, Blacks victims)
And, more interestingly, will beeb ever do a programme about black racism, where the victims are white? (Which does happen, and happens a lot).
All you need to do is go to ‘South Africa Today’ News, and you will find it there, any day of the week. Popped over this a.m. and yup, there it was: the lead story of how two elderly white dairy farm owners in Benoni were assaulted and robbed. The race of the offenders isn’t mentioned, but it is always the same, so doesn’t need to be.
They were lucky. For ‘racism’ over there, unlike the benign kind beeb searches out/stages in Britain, can frequently prove fatal.