The BBC is to broadcast a documentary about Carl Beech on Monday night . Mr Beech is the criminal who made False allegationS of a ‘ high Level paedophile ring “ which was so eagerly taken up by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party – Tom Watson . Apparently the BBC didn’t mention Mr Watson’s shameful part in the debacle until those involved demanded the truth be included. The BBC does like to look after its friends …….
Start the Week 24 August 2020
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Was this a BS one?
Edinburgh TV Festival: BBC ‘must learn from mistakes’, says Lord Hall
‘Lessons to be Learned’. Learned by this overpaid circus clown in a suit.
If scientists complain to the BBC about Climate Science Censorship. Will Lord Hall learn from his mistakes. Or will, as I imagine, it get worse.
Will the complaint be dealt by the BBC’s best scientific experts. A panel lead by Greta Thunberg, and made up of little girls with honorary degrees in Atmospheric Physics from the Universities of East Anglia, Bristol, Exeter, Reading and the University College London.
\\’It’s a scary time for stand-up comedians’//
Comedy , what Comedy?
I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately from someone claiming to be from the bbc.
They say that my direct debit has expired and I won’t be licensed in the future.
I know that this is a scam but I thought, lets humour them with a return email and see what happens.
I came to an agreement that I would set up a direct debit as long as none of my money would be given to the bbc in any way shape or form.
I also stipulated that I wanted my license fee to be spent on a documentary called ‘why is Antarctica white, the racist continent’.
My Indian email friend has not replied.
But now they know your email address is active. ????
I didn’t think of that.
Oh shit……….. Roland there’s a helicopter above my house, men in black are coming through the windows.
There’s only one thing for it.
We have to………..EAT THE TELLY!
The proms is a bbc invention.
If they don’t want to play certain songs it’s entirely up to them.
We get this nonsense story every year.
So please bbc carry out your threat, replace Land of Hope and Glory, replace Jerusalem and replace Rule Britannia.
I’m off to buy shares in nails and coffins.
“The proms is a bbc invention.”
No it isn’t, not even close.
Quite right.
‘the proms has been hijacked by the bbc’
Is what I should have said.
Thank you for the correction.
There used to be a bloke right at the front in the audience, wearing a dinner jacket.
He used to spend the whole of his time there, conducting the band, waving his arms and generally acting the giddy goat!
We loved him, and his adopted name ‘Gink’, became the norm whenever we all watched the Proms. His mates uses to bob up and down during the final anthems, and a jolly time was had by all!
What right does the bloody awful BBC have to stop all this pleasant British behaviour, just to appease a few BLM-lovers somewhere near Oldham?
They’ll be banning The Bay City Rollers soon, for wearing tartan trousers!
An alternative, non-BBC, view on the latest police shooting in Wisconsin followed by the inevitable rioting. Apparently 1) the victim had a long rap sheet, 2) he ignored many warnings, 3) he reached into his car… for what? a gun? a knife?
“Black Guy Gets Shot – Joe Biden Voters Loot & Burn Down Wisconsin”
Has Cannon Hinnant’s name been mentioned on the bbc?
A five year old white child shot dead by a black man.
I checked using the search facility on the BBC website and nothing came out concerning Cannon Hinnant (I tried alternative spellings such as ‘Canon’). So, do “White Lives Matter” for the BBC? Rhetorical question.
I’d like to make it perfectly clear that the murder of Cannon was in no way racially motivated.
I’d like to make it perfectly clear that the murder of George was in no way racially motivated.
I’d like to make it perfectly clear that murdering homosexuals in a park in Reading is a sign of mental illness.
I’d like to make it perfectly clear that murdering people on Westminster Bridge is a sign of mental illness.
I’d like to make it perfectly clear that paying for a TV licence in 2020 is a sign of mental illness.
Muslims burn down Bangalore – the Silicon Valley of India.
BBC hasn’t noticed yet.
My experience with the bbc is not what they do report.
It’s what they don’t report.
100% agree. Bias by omission.
And here!
They’re really not fit for purpose, their ‘journalism’ is just appalling, they don’t go out and find stories, they just sit at their Ipads and copy the work of real investigators.
If their excuse is that they ‘report’, then why do they only ‘report’ anti British, anti President Trump, pro immigration, pro-benefit culture stuff, and never give a balanced view?
Answers on a post card to Lord ‘Village’ Hall.
Bangalore thing was 12 days ago
“At least three people have died in the Indian city of Bangalore after a Facebook post allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad sparked riots by local Muslims and violent clashes with police”
Angela Merkel calls on Russia to investigate the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
Putin can’t stop laughing. “Da, ve vill look into it”.
A bit like calling on Hitler to investigate the Holocaust.
How will Jenny ‘welcome to Germany’ Hill spin this bucket of shit?
She could always resign.
Because in bbc land a resignation means a day job in London.
Hello Carrie Gracie.
Another nail in their own coffin.
Um, how can you ‘play’ lyrics ??? Seriously ? I’m sure if there is only a minimum audience, they will do their best to raise the rafters.
Is it because after leaving the European Union, the BBC doesn’t want to hear the words “Britons never will be slaves” in Rule Britannia.
Is it because after leaving the European Union, we proved to the Commonwealth the words “Mother of the Free” in Land of Hope and Glory.
Or is it the word “God”
Had Cathy Newman suggested that the BBC is still pro slavery, despite its passionate BLM promotion?
Ever since the latest BBC controversy about Last Night of the Proms broke I have been focused on how to extract the maximum anti BBC mileage out it . I realised that the Wokists and BLM would , in their usual warped way , think that the songs were about them ie celebrating slavery , oppression etc etc and that was why the BBC wanted to ban it. (I know that Rule Britannia was written when the British Empire was in its formative stages but the BLM idiots won’t ) . It completely passed me by that the singing of Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Britannia could be taken by Remainer Central as celebrating the UK freeing itself from the yoke of Brussels.
Anyway the idea of playing the music but not allowing it to be sung is good enough to piss off another few hundred thousand or more LF payers to the point where they refused to fund the foul corporation.
An Ex Channel 4 reporter wrote this on twitter tonight ( Michael crick )
‘I’m delighted to hear the BBC is going to invest £100m in ‘diversity’. But I hope that’s an honest aim , & their diversity includes the over 60s, & mammal workers , & rural people ,& those who didn’t go to university , &northerners , & people not surprised by thr 2016 brexit vote .”
He makes the obvious point but a bit rich for an inbred Lefty bubble dweller To come out with that .
He’d better put his complaint through to June Smellypond then, because she could become as important to the Beeb as Lineker !
We should relish the time when our, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” achieves its goals: 100% BAME employees (well, naturally, apart from those at the top!) to assert their unspoken desire to make the UK totally black and asian. At that point, it will not be financially viable.
What is a mammal worker?
Fed type-typo, Banania, although OTOH [ that’s short for On The Other Hand, Fed 😉 ] it could be a reference to those ie. the BBC, who constantly feed on the teat of the taxpayer, sucking it dry.
Geddit? Mammals. Teats. Eh? Clever, huh?
Sins when did I do a typo ?
I blame the iPad screen which is coming away from the metal body again . It’s my second one because I stood on the first one when I was putting the fire in my house out . Tip – if you haven’t got a smoke alarm dear reader – get one – or better get two . Saved me .
And with that I will put up the midweek – which did have a ‘theme ‘ but there is so much righteous anger about I’ll leave it ….
LBC deleting Mad O’Brien as he used emotional blackmail against parent who thinks returning to school is the best.
JoB tweeted
BTW he thinks being anti Boris is a good niche
His anti Boris tweets can get 30,000 likes.
Luckily, I don’t subscribe to Twatter, as it’s a sort of gormless yawn, invented for some morons to be monosyllabic, rather like all the ‘lines’ of shrieks in Eastenders, but I still cannot work out how to read these clips…
Is the stuff in smaller print the original twott, and the larger print an answer to the twott?
I have to admit that a twott on KN O’brien’s show stuff automatically becomes an off-switcher, as he’s an ignorant a******e, but there must be others who agree, therefore becoming ‘Supertwotters’!
I know a few people who actually like Twotter, and my apologies to chums here who use it, maybe to call their mothers or other chums, but when a National Broadcaster, paid for by Pensioner’s taxes, gets away with biased dross every day, is a matter for concern, whether you pay their wages or not!
Scrob at time of posting the “Is James O’Brien about to get sacked ?” soap opera was just beginning
So his Tweet was quoting part 2 where LBC were saying they had deleted a clip which he looked bullying
(That is the bottom block of the tweet)
.. whilst in the top part he gives the excuse.. it was the editing, the staff !
The only thing was in the next episode O’Brien deleted his tweet
… which is why NOW my post only has a ghost of his tweet and doesn’t contain the LBC tweet he was quoting.
Meanwhile LBC had responded to him with an apology
which they then deleted .
The backstory is that O’Brien has massive form on blaming parents.
Cos he told everyone to believe all abuse claimers
..and then it turned out he was championing the fraud Carl Beech.
latest explanation
Many thanks, Stew!
He is upset by ‘crass’?
It’s his entire schtick.
Much BBC outrage over the man shot by police in Wisconsin.
This is what happens when the police DON’T shoot a suspect and let him reach into his car:
The thing BBC reporters don’t take into account, from the safety of their studios, is that criminals in the US are often armed, and quite willing to use their guns, as in this case.
Even after being tasered, this guy manages to get to his car and shoot the two cops. Which might also explain their use of what to us might look like excessive force in cases of someone resisting arrest, such as Floyd.
They can’t take chances.
Note to crims: if you don’t want to be shot, just comply.
Its a way of thinking we, the public will also have to incorporate into our control of daily actions and routines. The police will be powerless to assist when the time comes.
Some players in the English Rugby Union Premier League are receiving death threats after not taking the knee and being called out for it by the BBC and other mainstream media.
The English Rugby Union Premier League has instituted BLM take the knee demonstrations for all matches and the BBC and others have been taking a close look and calling out all those players not taking the knee (although they are wearing the Say No To Racism shirts etc).
The BBC does NOT condemn those death threats but produced an article quoting a black player condemning the death threats but then saying supporting BLM is very important:
The BBC are inciting those death threats and violence but are accepting no responsibility for it.
Wait until the stadiums are full again.
Then demand players take a knee.
I’d wear a jersey which said ‘I never said yes to racism’, and leave it at that!
If the awful BBC is still s**t-stirring about it all, then they can expect some hard-nutters at football games to add the word ‘B******s’, to the narrative, as there would be an outcry if the only white bloke in a team kneeled down!
Most nationalised industries like local councils have enough wankers already, without our ‘National Broadcaster’ joining in!
The chant has been “F*ck VAR” all last season by fans from all clubs! ????
I can see that same tune being used to sing “F*ck BLM” this coming season if this kneeling nonsense continues ????????
Message to Al Beeb …………….
If Great Britain had not ‘ruled the waves’ slavery would have continued for far longer than it did.
If Great Britain was so bad why do we have a huge Commonwealth of nations ?
Why are so many people attempting to get into Great Britain by hook or by crook?
Wake up Englishmen, we in Taffland have voted for Brexit , don’t let us down.
Let me tell you that English values are alive and well.
I can’t speak for the entire country, but in my part of the world English or Christian values are alive and kicking.
We fly the flag and they call us bigoted.
We celebrate our patron Saint and they call us bigoted.
The bbc has been instrumental in this mind set.
This great country of ours is not represented by the bbc.
The bbc hasn’t a clue about the provincial towns of our great nation.
Unless a bame LGBT victim gets slightly offended in Bradford.
You need to identify who “they” are and sort them out.
De-fund Al Beeb. Cancel the tax.
We know who ‘they’ are.
Fuck wits who are embarrassed about their culture.
Idiots who think we should apologize for something that happened in 1257.
People who think being working class is a badge of honour, when proper men and women just want to get on with it.
But some ‘educated’ liberal with a degree in tartan paint tells me I’m an uneducated northern racist.
It’s the Russian Revolution in reverse.
I love England’s green and pleasant land.
Three Facts removed by De-Education at English Universities, causing thuggery, violence and destruction.
(1) Abolition of Slavery: Causing students to fight for Black emancipation.
(2) From Akrotiri & Dhekelia, to the Yukon: 100 Free & Democratic Territories with majorities staying loyal to the Queen: Causing students to campaign against colonialism.
(3) From Anguilla to Western Australia: 30 Territorial flags proudly flying with Union Jacks in them. Causing students to burn Union Jacks.
“Liberal Democrats leadership contest: Ed Davey and Layla Moran pitch for votes”
Remember that the Lib Dems promised to “Stop Brexit”. How many seats did they get in Parliament?
Layla Moran is strange.
“Climate change: Removing CO2 could spark big rise in food prices”
Plants need CO2.
It appears that Al Beeb is rooting for Biden?
Bias, what bias ?
Impartial ?
\\“ Coronavirus: One in eight hospital cases were ‘caught on-site’//
Have older readers noticed a decline in hygiene standards in hospitals over the years?
Without giving my age away I may have been in hospital a few times, but if I was there a while ago I can’t remember it.
A recent one was an eye opener.
Such as a deep cleaner methodically addressing an area and then switching the room lights off with her gloves still on, only for a nurse to enter, gloved, to switch the same lights on to take a patient’s temp.
I’m not a proms type but the news that the British Broadcasting Cowards have given in to the BLM activist Finnish conductor Dalia Stasevska tells me all I need to know about this unfit for purpose outfit.
I don’t think the BBC metro-types have ever been comfortable with the proms and see this as a golden opportunity to move towards ditching it.
Hopefully, the faithful who follow the proms will vote with their off switches. I really hope it loses them a load more viewers permanently.
Gradually they are chipping way at the very ground they stand on.
I am sure that Remembrance Day, VE Day and VJ day etc. are in their sights too. All that nasty racist poppy waving stuff just because a load of working class males were blasted to oblivion to ensure their well-padded careers at the BBC, so what?.
Of course their reporters and camera crew will still be there, bubbling with excitement for Diwhali, EID and the Notting Hill Carnival etc.
Bad news. It appears that poppy sales will be going off the streets and by donations only?
The BBC for some reason seem to be getting solidly behind the demand to force all school children to wear face mask in school at god knows what cost to their mental and physical well-being.
OKthen why not have EVERY BBC employee wear a mask, all-day, every day including on-screen reporters if for no other reason than to show their approval of them?
BBC Moaning Emole: Face coverings in schools: Heads demand rethink
Stir. Job done.
Christ, they’d all wear Burkas
Before I log off , Great Britain has need of a patriotic leader .
Also in the Moaning Emole:
What really went on in St Louis that day?
Mark and Patricia McCloskey gained instant notoriety after video of them waving and pointing guns at Black Lives Matter demonstrators from the front yard of their St Louis mansion spread across the internet. Now they’ve appeared as speakers at the Republican National Convention. How it all began has been hotly contested.
Read full analysis >
Jessica Lussenhop
BBC News, Washington
Jess is new to me, possibly one of the Somerset Lussenhops, but apparently one of American Booty’s squad.
Hence her telling me ‘what really went on’ is hilarious, especially when hot contests are invariably ignited and fanned in guise of ‘analysis’ by the BBC.
This is is the outfit who managed to get a person of color shot in his car as a headline without any effort at context.
“Mark and Patricia McCloskey gained instant notoriety after video of them waving and pointing guns at Black Lives Matter demonstrators from the front yard of their St Louis mansion spread across the internet.”
That reads as if they were standing on their property line pointing guns into a public space, not that BLM protestors had burst into their front garden and were threatening them and their house.
Excellent news – but you have to guess which one of these is true
1 the last night of the proms is to be conducted in Urdu and Swahili-as well as other non English languages
2 rule , Britania will not be sung ……
Guess right and you’ll need to buy a TV licence to watch the …spectacle ….
Fed, will they also play the piece that I nominate as an excellent Brexit Anthem – Jean Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia’?
ITBB in complement.
The story is, in true BBC style… ‘evolving’.
Our mission is to enrich your life and to inform, educate and entertain you, wherever you are.
Also from ITBB OT:
Some extracts from Lord Halls final speech reported in tomorrow’s Telegraph. You have to admire his brass neck!
Britain needs the BBC more than ever to promote the country’s “voice and values” after Brexit, Lord Hall will claim on Monday.
The BBC needs more taxpayers’ money to combat a “second pandemic” of fake news spread by Russia and China, he will claim.
“So let’s not forget that, in the BBC, the UK has a remarkable asset: the pre-eminent provider to the world of facts you can trust.”
The BBC will be needed more than ever to ‘bring the country together’
Lord Hall urged the government to back the BBC as a diplomatic weapon as the UK seeks new trade after Brexit.
Cue Bono
He openly admits to pedaling propaganda then. But lies that it is pro UK propaganda when in fact we all know that they hate our country.
OT, but even for Sky, impressive.
Guessing for BBC… what… ‘sabbatical’?
Here she is in the House journal showing all she learned about mask wearing, from mass protest leaders with megaphones.
This woke Doom Goblin needs to go to China and India to preach her ideals . That is where the problem is at its most.
Not in Great Britain .
Anne seems sweet. If naive.
TOADY Watch #1 – Mind your language #1
Switched on @ 7 a.m. for the News and carried on until after the sports. Just the news was interesting in the choice of BBC language. There’s been, as many here will know, a new outbreak of Covid-19 in South Korea.
The Newsreader (sorry – forgotten name) in describing the Government action said that the SK govt. had closed down “some far-right Churches.”. Very interesting, that.
Eventually, like a jig-saw puzzle the bits start to get arranged where maybe, just maybe, a picture becomes apparent.
That label was not created by the BBC
It’s kind of weird the terms : “Far right” Korean church
did not exist on Twitter before August 16
“Breaking: Pastor Jeon Kwang-hoon of the controversial far-right Sarang Jeil Presbyterian Church ”
First a Korean website used it , and then The Guardian
The label seems to come from the Korean government cos the pastor is a conservative who lead big political rallies against them.
The BBC say the church has “conspiracy theories” about the current president being a puppet of China.
So which is true ?
Telegraph says ‘No Rule Britannia ‘
BBC says ‘ Rule Britannia ‘ to be played .
And which individual decided . ?
It’s The Hill, so surely will form the basis of the entire American BS RT output today.
Or… possibly not.
‘Democratic strategist’… whose ‘people’ let her down. Apparently.
That would also be in response to this ‘news’ outlet.
You can get a rather pleasant processed cheese with added port wine in Wisconsin.
Senora O’Blene’s aunt used to send us some years ago, and it was called Wispride!
I just thought that you might like to know that, because you’d never find out from the awful BBC!
Scrobie, I’m sure you can. Probably the only area in the USA that knows how to make proper cheese. It is, after all, a farming area – the start of the great Mid-West which is actually the great North but, like the BBC, Americans don’t do geography. I seem to recall the AFL/NFL Team for the area is known as the Big Cheeses and the supporters wear appropriate hats. Didn’t learn that from the BBC but from Channel 4 when they covered AFL/NFL football.
Mind you, you can buy Port Wine Derby at Tesco and very pleasant it is, too, as is the herb infused Derby cheese. It is great to be able to buy British. 🙂
Up2, I didn’t know that – thank you!
“Port Wine Derby” sounds marvellous, I’ll have to get some!
Biddenden Cider is a staple at the moment…
Scrobie, Tesco deli cheeses are really good. Snuffy has a tendency to lurk, along with vast numbers of the north Kent population, around the short dated ‘Still Fresh’ section of supermarkets to see what might be available in the ‘that is a tasty drop, Gromit’ variety. Tesco do a Red Leicester and Cream Cheese Garlic spiral which is, afaik, unique to them. It is wonderful.
While on the subject, I note that Iceland do an excellent Wensleydale & Cranberry and Double Gloucester with Onion and Chives, both currently discounted to 2x200g for £3. It could be due to the competition from Aldi & Lidl who have the same cheeses for 1p less as their normal, regular pricing.
Apologies to the cheese haters and diversion haters on Biased BBC but I would point out that all these cheeses, even from the German-owned supermarkets, proudly bear the Union Flag. Made from British milk and in Britain and displaying the Union Flag.
Fed – I understand that the music, but not the words will be played.
Beeb has decided on our behalf. Too ‘colonialist’, apparently the words would ‘remind’ of Empire.
We are in a full scale cultural war, and the enemy artillery, moving into place, is the bbc.
I think it’s high time they saw their a…s! If we don’t fight them now, they will soon have people who want to destroy our heritage on the airwaves 24/7.
The ‘Conservative’ government is going to have to be forced into taking action as well.
That wire sailor, with his weasel words, will have to show where his allegiance lies. There are no neutrals in a war, when your nation is under attack.
Would we had a Donald Trump. Hope he wipes the floor with the burners and the looters and the destroyers, and all the criminal ‘unarmed’ black men, much beloved by CNN and beeb, and their political allies in the US.
Thanks then my steel band prediction could come true then .
Its immaterial for me because i wont see it on TV because i dont have a TV licence – and never will .
With a bit of luck – even the dimmest viewer will watch the Proms and notice the ‘ improvement ‘
The cenotaph ceremony is next to be redesigned . That cenotaph is hideously white so the colour change is inevitable .
Also – its a bit too military and reminds people of the Empire and Slavery . So the poppy is to be replace with a badge with a picture of a dead coloured american criminal on it .
Other changes are under consideration.
This mental illnesd must be a part of the Chinese Virus – right ?
TOADY Watch #2 – Mind your language #2
Mishal is back and it is Ladies Day (again!) on TOADY with Martha the Bee Lady, also presenting. Mishal covers the rioting in Kenosha in an item after the 7 a.m. News. She interviews someone (again, apologies for no name) who knows the town and State and police procedures there.
Mishal, in her questioning of this man, implies that Jacob Blake was merely walking when he was shot seven times in the back by Police for no reason. Oooops, that is naughty! It is a deliberate and gross distortion of the small amount of information that we know from a short video clip from a bystander’s mobile phone.
The contributor got to correct Mishal and stated that Blake was reaching into his car. He also made the point – implying a rush to judgement on the part of the BBC – that the situation needed a full investigation to get at the truth.
Up2 – gotta hand it to you for listening to that .
BBC desperate for more death . Theyve yet to succeed in UK but sure to get a dead coloured one at the hands of a whitee sooner or later . Younger the better of course . Promising footballer / law / architecture ‘student ‘ will be best .
Does Mishal have a ‘Not enough torched cars’ chart too?
TOADY Watch #3 – Mind your language #3
Harry Maguire – and his situation – came into consideration while I was listening. It wasn’t mentioned until right at the end of the item by the BBC journalist that the altercation in Greece where Maguire is accused of assaulting Police Officers or plain clothes detectives came about because Maguire’s sister had been attacked.
Cannot remember now if also in the 7.25/7.30 a.m. Sport segment with the other Sport brother, twin Rob, the BBC were short on mentioning all the facts.
Naughty, BBC. Criminal even. Withholding facts. Tut tut!
Mail on line head line is ‘defund the BBC’ time for the government to announce the ‘ consultation’ result .
And the Finnish conductor might need to be measured for a ‘vest ‘ ….. the way she is being targeted . Pity they couldnt find a UK one – but theyd have to colourec gay and disabled of course – as well as Deaf .
Lurch tweeting and retweeting like the American beauty he is.
One wonders what any BBC ‘reporting’ where Barry is involved will show?
Twitter is a favoured means of dissemination and source with BBC staff. Especially those with views their own or keen blockers.
Cannot imagine what it is about twitter’s integrity, transparent trust and professional conduct that first attracted them to it.
Same words as the DNC then?
The irony of this issued by another peroxide victim is not lost.
Is she anticipating a new major wave of imports into the country then? Is Boris contemplating ‘doing’ a Bliar/Merkel? It wouldn’t surprise me…………..
Over the past few days this week the disparate way the scum media has dealt with two similar stories has become glaringly apparant.
The Muslim mudering Mosque nutter in NZ has been widely condemned – as he should be. There is zero sympathy and stories of how cushy his prison cell will be.
On the other hand are two mudering Muslim executioners from ISIS there is no condemnation, and plenty of sympathy regading the conditions at the Colorado Supermax prison where they are likely to be held, with stories of how the death penalty would be preferable.
People need to wake up to the fact that our universities are pumping out hard left Fascist radicals into the media. People who HATE White British and who adore Muslims more than any other group.
This is little different to Hitlers vision – just because they change the target doesn’t actually make then any substantively different to the Nazis.
The HATE for the Jews is still there, the love of Islam is still there and the policies of Fascism are most certainly still there.
The sad thing is that the majority of people don’t know what those policies are because they have been hidden from them by the media.
People who hate ‘whites’ appear to be ‘whites’ as well. Bear in mind it is a BBC Picture Editor choosing but the Kenosha news item on the BBC w-s is interesting: for its photographs.
‘Whites’ at the forefront of the rioting, looting and arson.
Interesting thought about this: in the ‘Black’ community, they would know, for example, George Floyd’s reputation. Therefore, after that killing, it will not be easy for BLM activists and the Fascist groups to get out ‘black’ protestors so they have to turn to the ‘whites’ among their number to lead the protests and drive things forward.
The BBC aping some of the more extreme, ideological US titles seems unfor… entirely predictable.
I saw this as it was first ‘suggested’ on twitter after the BBc tweet.
Increased reference to, “Marxists” over, “Left” or, “Far Left” on YouTube. Good, call a spade a spade.
Increasing reference to Soros as being behind/financing evil. Time the link is made to the Devil incarnate. Call a spade a spade.
For example:
Opinion piece lifted straight from The Telegraph –
‘The BBC’s decision to dispense with the words to Land of Hope and Glory and Rule, Britannia, and to proceed instead with a half-hearted orchestral arrangement for the Last Night of the Proms, is as extraordinary as it is wrong-headed. The Corporation says it is reinventing the Last Night, respecting the traditions and spirit of the event, while adapting to the circumstances of the time. Most of the public will see this as the broadcaster caving to pressure from far-Left activists who have long loathed this uniquely British tradition.
The idea that this was a change forced on the BBC by the Covid pandemic does not bear scrutiny. Reports initially suggested that the Covid-compliant orchestra might be too small to perform the songs, or that there would not be enough singers present to give a suitably rousing rendition. Both of these problems, however, would be imminently surmountable if there was a will to do so.
Instead, this is the BBC using the pretext of Covid to do what many in the Corporation have long been itching to do: remove elements from the Last Night that they deem to be embarrassingly jingoistic and laudatory of imperialism. In an all too typical cultural cringe before those who dislike our country and despair at our history, they appear to have accepted without question the argument that Land of Hope and Glory and Rule, Britannia are problematic, and must be stripped of their words to save liberal blushes.
But these songs are not outrageous relics of an imperial past. Yes, they are products of their time, but they are also much-loved traditions that reflect and inspire a very British form of patriotism. Who, in their right mind, could possibly think that “Britons never shall be slaves” is meant to imply that other people should be? Or that anyone stirred by Land of Hope and Glory wishes to recreate an empire that was dismantled over half a century ago, and which for most Britons is now a distant memory?
The fact that the BBC clearly does not see this is reflective of how disastrously out of touch it has become from a country that is more than capable of grasping such nuances. The Director-General, Tony Hall, must intervene immediately. If the Last Night of the Proms goes ahead denuded of its most important traditions, it will be an error that many British people will never forgive‘
Plenty of allies for us …..
On re reading the opinion piece the Telegraph says the BBC is /
“Caving into pressure from far left activists “
Clearly this is wrong because the BBC IS the Far Left Activist – doing on the compulsory taxpayers ‘dime‘ – as it were .
Therefore ‘joining far left colleagues’.
I did actually watch a bit of Beeb last night, The Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech.
I reckon the headline says it all, however; Unbelievable…
Certain sections of the media, particularly our dear old BBC, were feeding on this claptrap like ravenous hyenas on a buffalo’s carcass. And tragically so were the police.
From the get go this story seemed insane. Ted Heath was supposed to have been abusing boys whilst also being PM. Where did he find the time and how could he have avoided his own security?
This poisonous nonsense destroyed reputations and ruined lives. Some of the Beeb’s favourites were involved in promoting these lies. Tom Watson (not mentioned last night) and the utterly repulsive shock jock and one time Newsnight anchor, James O’Brien, were cheerleading this tripe. O’Brien kept at it on a daily basis. It was a tissue of lies from start to finish. He’s still spouting bile and (to LBC’s shame) he’s still in his job. Incredible…
Part of the trouble is that lefties so loathe our country that they’re willing to believe anything that shows us in a bad light.
If the BBC had been rather more concerned with unearthing paedophile rings they didn’t need to listen to an obvious fantasist and they didn’t need to look at parliament.
They should have started looking rather closer to home…
Don’t know if the bbc are covering this or not as I don’t watch it, guessing not. Development for a vaccine protecting against stupid would seem to have stalled.
Yep, that should endear BLM / Antifa to normies, help minorities and encourage people to vote for Creepy Joe.
TOADY Watch #4 – Mind your language #4
During the brief exposure I had to the TOADY Prog this a.m. there was an item about new businesses started during the UK Lockdown. It was stated that many of these businesses will have been started by women. There was concern about the burden of debt and repayment of loans, in other words that the women were really incapable of managing a business under the challenging conditions of the worldwide Pandemic and they should have an extra helping hand.
Oh dear, BBC. In you desire to promote ‘wimmin’ you have effectively undermined them all and portrayed them all as weak and feeble and incapable.
Shame on you, BBC.
Compare and contrast the following:
(1) [William Coke for Mail On line, 22/8/2020]
“The entire board of Britain’s largest Muslim charity are to resign today after anti-Semitic posts by one of its directors – who had been brought in to replace a disgraced trustee – were uncovered.
Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), based in Birmingham, acknowledged last night that the Facebook posts were ‘inappropriate and unacceptable’, and its board of trustees would stand down and not seek election to a new board today.
The charity had already been rocked by scandal after director Heshmat Khalifa was found to have called Israelis the ‘grandchildren of monkeys and pigs’ and Egypt’s president a ‘pimp son of the Jews’. When Mr Khalifa’s Facebook posts were revealed by The Times in July, IRW said it was ‘appalled by the hateful comments’, and confirmed he had resigned.
… … …”
(2) My search of the BBC’s website for Islamic Relief Worldwide, and/or IRW, turned up nothing more recent than a March 2019 story about disaster relief (for Cyclone Idai) and most of the other references are much older than that.
The Beech Documentary
Judge Henriques on got a bit part in the 60 minute documentary – which was never long enough – to scatter gun – with the intention of spreading the blame .
The Judge got to say it was an over reaction after Saville but no more was said about that . The judge said plod was incompetent – personally – I’d say corrupt as well – because the investigative process was was subborned by so called expert detectives more concerned about their careers than saying
‘ hang on a minute – this creature is lying ‘
Knowing too well that by expressing such a view against a PC tide of anti establishment poison careers would be washed away . But the senior command got away with it – as well as the lefty politicians like Tom Watson – who only got a bit part mention . Mr Watson is about to become Lord Watson .
Specialist Disinformation Reporter BBC News, Marianna Spring
I kid you not, that is her genuine job description.
And here’s her web page – looks like a proper BBC drone too:
thanks for the link, like how they are another drain from the useless BBC –
“In this episode, the BBC’s Specialist Disinformation Reporter Marianna Spring takes us through the responsibilities of broadcasters to counter disinformation, whether it’s a losing battle to engage with conspiracy theorists, and the role of platforms like Google and Facebook when it comes to the spread of lies, damn lies.”
Then from –
“Guest pitches
We welcome guest recommendations, especially of women and diverse voices in media and publishing. Self-nominations or suggestions of people you think would be great are fine too – just drop us a note.”
wonder who “especially of women and diverse voices” is aimed at?
Surely this kidults’ website is just a series of unconnected items from press releases – where are the examples of ‘disinformation ‘ – she can easily look to her employer for the omissions and lies and far left bias ?… or use this website – can provide daily lies from the BBC
Not BBC related, but having been given the word by the Doc’ “eat less and move more” I have started a new regime. Set up a bit of a gym in the garage, mainly from Argos, multi gym, free weights , sit up bench and a punch bag. Thought I would go for a smartwatch to monitor everything I was or wasn’t doing right. “Fitbit” ticked all the boxes. Picked the model, filled all the details, then in big bold letters on the website ” WE SUPPORT BLACK LIVES MATTER “, no order sent saved myself £130, pen and notepad will do me now. So that’s Fitbit, Gillette now banned from this house, and have a look at Renaults new TV ad’, all very lesbian, looks like the advertising industry is run by idiots they have decided to eliminate white straight men from the this world.
RP – Don’t forget to make it a Bad year for Goodyear and its subsidiaries like Dunlop.
Does anyone know a website listing woke companies to boycott?
And Hollywood luvvies and UK celebs? – Or would the list be too long?
The definitive list of liberal, progressive and / or anti-Trump companies that you should boycott
RP – you are pushing me back to the bike again – I thought the old adage about ‘breakfast like a king ,lunch like a prince and Tea like a pauper ‘ was always best . Just wish I could stick to it ….
I mentioned this the other day on here McM, there is little doubt that the advertising industry which is dictated to by OFCOM and populated with willing fools fresh from arts degrees are manipulating their clients into this. It’s all part of the grand plan.
I work for myself in software development and in the past few weeks have ruthlessly unsubscribed from every Company banging this political drum in their promo emails, around 20 or so right now.
I even had one, who I have bought hundreds of pounds worth of software from in the past, call me to ask why I unsubscribed…
I left the caller in little doubt – so hope it got back to the top!
Do we actually live in a Socialist state ?
We don’t have an open Socialist government
but we are in the grip of a metroliberal establishment that acts like a socialist cabal
Its philosophy is rooted in Marxism
In his June 4th 1945 speech Churchill predicted life in such a socialist state
How a kind of Gestapo would patrol to make sure we don’t question socialist dogma.
UK column have discussion video about the speech
But I will go farther. I declare you from the bottom of my heart that no socialist system can be established without a political police. Many of those who are advocating socialism or voting Socialist today will be horrified at this idea. That is because they are short-sighted; that is because they do not see where their theories are leading them.
No Socialist government conducting the entire life and industry of the country could afford to allow free, sharp, or violently-worded expressions of public discontent. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo *
…no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance
.. and this would nip in the bud opinion as it formed.
It would stop criticism as it reared its head, and it would gather all the power to the Supreme Party and the party leaders, rising like stately pinnacles above
their vast bureaucracies of civil servants, no longer servants and no longer civil.
(see how Boris’s civil servants actively undermine as if their real allegiance is to the Marxist state)
* That Gestapo seems to be the Social Media corps, that ban people and hide posts, and their trolls that intimidate people who dare o post against Marxist dogma. As well as media corps like the BBC that practice gatekeeping.
Laurence Fox: “The BBC needs to be massively defunded”
The Daily Mail is carrying a story from the father in law of Dominic Cummings that Boris the bottler intends to resign in 6 months time because of the lingering effects of Coid 19.
Number 10 has understandably denied the story but it perhaps does carry at least the ring of possibility abour it, not least because of the hopeless way Boris has managed his premiership to date.
No doubt now the groups of idiotic loons that populate the Tory party will be jockying for the leadership, but sadly nearly all of them are so utterly useless they are unemployable even as an MP !