The BBC is to broadcast a documentary about Carl Beech on Monday night . Mr Beech is the criminal who made False allegationS of a ‘ high Level paedophile ring “ which was so eagerly taken up by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party – Tom Watson . Apparently the BBC didn’t mention Mr Watson’s shameful part in the debacle until those involved demanded the truth be included. The BBC does like to look after its friends …….
Start the Week 24 August 2020
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The Hong Kong Guy who got Covid twice
The overall message is don’t panic
Dr Chris Smith is on the Vine Show
When you get over a normal virus there are two advantages
#1 Harm : You are no longer vulnerable to it
#2 No spread : Your resistance mean your body is not generating lots of the bug
In this one case when the guy was not #1 Harmed, it did not hit him hard
but More bugs were being generated in his body so the #2 No spread failed
..and worse than that he could have been a silent spreader (if the mandatory airport test hadn’t caught him)
Smith said that this is common with the types of viruses where you don’t get immunity.. that your second case tends to be mild.
He also mentioned that this case it surely a re-infection , but what very occasionally happens is people have a reflare , where their virus count has been low for weeks, but a hidden residual suddenly flares up.
In that case a person might have tested Positive for antibodies
but not have had the infection test so assumed they were Covid negative , when in fact there were not.
Once is unfortunate.
Twice is stretching coincidence…..
If anyone is in the mood for a formal complaint – that one is a clear breach of editorial rules ….. I suspect that there will be a 10 second ‘apolgy ‘ Wednesday but they know that this method of pushing propaganda under the guise of debate serves the Far Left BBC well … as the repulsive Derbyshire not gone yet ?
Given it seems Standing Operating Procedure they will likely promote the production team.
I rather suspect BBC Belfast is a smidge busy on a lot at the mo.
Templates away!
Interesting is it not that the more egregious the issue such that many are moved to write in, the more the BBc falls back on meaningless dismissals.
Foulan commented
“This is yet another blatant violation of the BBC’s charter.
If a limited liability company was in flagrant violation of its articles of association it would be closed down
…. Why not the #BiasedBBC ?”
Radio2 Trailer
On Friday 28 August BBC Radio2 will be playing 24 hours of Black artists music.
In honour of 57th anniversary of Martin Luther KIng’s “I have a dream” speech
will R2 controller Bob Shennan please explain
Cos AFAIK the speech says that skin colour should not matter
ie R2 is pushing identity politics , when King wasn’t.
I remember the BBC making a programme about the life of MLK. It was presented by Trevor McDonald, who didn’t know MLK from Adam, rather than Julian Pettifer who had been the BBC’s man in the USA and who had actually interviewed MLK.
The way things are going only Africans will report on Africa, only Asians on India/Pakistan and only Africans and Asians on the UK so as to demonstrate ‘diversity’.
Can’t be long before the BBC demands that Priti Patel moves the UK thirty degrees south.
But not if the BBC manages to divide us first.
MLK “I have a dream
that my four children will one day live in a nation
where they will *not be judged by the colour of their skin*,
but by the content of their character”.
BBC say “We judge them by the colour of their skin
…. You can’t come on if your skin’s not black”
Ironic that on the Radio2 Friday schedule the entire days presenters seem to be white Londoners ..until Craig Charles at 1am
… OK Sara Cox is from Lancashire and the 5am guy is from Leicester/Malta
BBC North London spokesman
“We are simply reworking the words
to …. Cruel Britannia
and …. Land of Wokes and Pussies”
they will play the new Labour Anthem …… “Jews so long”
Wow 140 seconds sums up the state of the war … sooner or later someone is really going to lose it …
Strange, how many companies on the boycott list above, I chose to boycott/cut ties with, long before BLM or culture wars became fashionable.
Nike and T-Mobile, for instance.
The earliest anyone will get a Nike product on me is when I have shuffled off this mortal coil -always had an aversion to THAT tick. I know I’m OK without needing any overpaid ‘celebrity’ to tell me. I’m not anyone special, but I am just OK enough not to require a TICK. (Cleverest marketing gimmick ever?)
I will confess to wearing a Three Lions cap (with crown) bought at Lord’s over twenty years ago; does not advertise anything else; still looking brand new. (Manufactured by Admiral, apparently; even their tag is still attached and intact.) Associated with Empire? Until now, wasn’t conscious of it. Now I’m happy to be. Empire may have done some harm, but it sure as heck did a lot more GOOD. Now that our entire history and identity is under attack, is the time to wear it extra often.
As for T mobile, they treat their customers like dirt. Extricating myself from their contract was like pulling myself clear from out of a glass-lined jar of superglue, but I did it…strictly pay as you go, now. Lesson learnt.
Lotsa other companies on that list look like ‘beauts’, to borrow from The Donald.
Haven’t yet come across the PC ad for Yorkshire Tea, but ditched already, after many, many years, based on something said from this column. PG in the cupboard.
Now is the time for manufacturers to learn that there IS a price to pay for going woke.
The boycotting of Yorkshire Tea and it stable mates of Taylor’s Coffee and Betty’s cafes does require some sacrifices. Anyone visiting Harrogate will find that the Ivy chain restaurant next door to Betty’s provides equally good meals at about the same prices. Unfortunately it doesn’t do Tea / coffee and cakes. Hopefully it will soon realise that it’s missing some custom and start doing so.
IMHO. All of you, if you are serious about a boycotting anything ‘strike at the head of the serpent’ . Boycott Al Beeb, De-fund Al Beeb, cut of their funds. For that’s where all the propaganda permeates from.
They do not have the sources to chase us all.
I’m now weaned on to M & S Gold Blend tea, after years of Yorkshire Gold. Not quite old enough to be eligible for the once ‘free’ License (thank the Lord there is still something I’m too young for 🙂 ), but the emails have started that I still haven’t paid my fee.
Do not have any communication with them. NONE whatsoever!
No emails no telephone calls not even returning their unopened letters. That act will give you away.
BBC Office vs Socialist Worker office… what’s the difference ?
4pm R4 show
Who was in the studio ?
Siana Bangura the person Kay Burley brings on as Spokesperson for Black Lives Matter UK,
Activist artist Zoe Buckman who made signs for BLM and anti-Trump rallies etc.
Presenter : Sabrina Mahfouz “British Egyptian poet screenwriter, #playwright, activist, author of #TheGoodImmigrant “
Well! You can’t say that Lord “Haw Haw” Hall isn’t going out with a bang!
ref SG comment – Get well and come back, Michael Rosen, all is forgiven. (Even your touch of PC)
The Mail has boris Johnson resigning through ill health – and there is another story about his ‘surprise ‘ over the BBC decision to give the woke treatment to the Proms
If he is that out of touch he should go spend more time with his families and give the job to another lefty Tory – but get out of the EU ( clean break ) before going ….
We will have the spectacle of the BBC going on about the legitimacy of a New PM – as well as constant assassination attempts
And a call for another General Election to get the BBC approved voting result .
It’s also 10 weeks until furlough is due to end so the pressure to extend it will really get going – foodbanks – repossessions – evictions – more benefits .
Last Rites of The Proms.
The BBC was dead long ago.
Just no internal synaptic connections to know it yet.
That… and reality.
And yet still uniquely funded by compulsion.
Guest – bit Rich A c4 lefty like Michael Crick wakes up to woke ….
Employer BBC (1990–2011)
ITN (Channel 4 News) (1982–1990), (2011–2019)
So… Emily, Lewis… looking a bit dodgy on all fronts currently; who should we get back?
Some English schools are going back next week apparently . I was talking to a neighbour who is a teacher . She is going back to work Friday – but is fearful because the instruction is ‘no masks ‘ . I thought WTF – either masks have value or they don’t . My neighbour has been told she has to give 4 weeks notice because she would rather leave because she has asthma .
Now it seems there is a U turn and masks will be used
Why is the UK government making such dumb decisions ? Are they all thick or just insane . There is no demonstration of competence – months into the Chinese pandemic .
The only luck they have is the 80 muppet majority and 3 years to accrue a nice bit of MP pension before the voter takes reprisals – unless they shape up – of course…..
Why ?
All at the same time…………..
Black Lives Matter.
British people expected to humble it self by bending the knee
Antifa’s call to de fund the police .
Calls for the dismantling of the family:
Children’s education being neglected by the ‘educationalists’
Statues and war memorials being defaced and pulled down
Great Britain’s Proud Heritage being airbrushed out .
Al Beeb turning against its own nation’s heritage.
Al Beeb Ending of Patriotic anthems. Rule Britannia etc.
Thousands of illegals landing (invading) on our shores unreported/censored .
The UK economy being wrecked.
Brexit being dragged out, almost deliberately.
All a coincidence ?
Dark forces are at work under the cloak of Covid.
Speaking of doubling down, the BBc knows its audience.
Just look how many White anti White race haters are in that photo.
AOC, Meghan and BS walk into a bar.
Only one walks out, and it won’t be the young brunettes.
It’s an absolute disgrace the BBC is allowed to have the name
BRITISH in it’s organization name.The BBC is supposed to be
our national broadcaster ,but that is just about the biggest
example of an oxymoron you will find.Because the BBC is
an enemy of the state !!
The anarchist’s and Marxist’s embedded in the organization
have come out of the woodwork and have complete control
over this rotting establishment.
We in our thousands ,of course with social distancing,
should go to broadcasting house on the last night of the Proms.
And in full voice bellow out” LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY” and
This is how the BBC would like the words of Rule Britannia to
be sung in next years last night of the Proms as Richard Littlejohn
writes in the Daily Mail today.
Land of racists and fascists
Home of the BNP
How we all despise thee
It’s time to take the knee.
Still hope, couple of young Americans not buckling under the mob, instead acting with courage and quiet dignity.
Fosi, you beat me to it. Excellent article by Littlejohn – one of the few good things about the Mail these days.
“Boris Johnson ‘cannot believe’ BBC Proms decision”
All very good but what is Boris going to do about it ?
Watch the ‘Lord Hall Hall’ interview . He looks like a rabbit caught in the head lights
Note: There is no HYS on this .
Doing something would take a scintilla of courage, but alas Boris the Bottler doesn’t have any of that, so he’ll do nothing. Probably too busy worrying about what Wee Jimmy is going to force him to do next poor thing!
I see the abject cowardly useless incompetent who is allegedly our Prime Minister has been given permission to criticise the BBC by the Labour party and has issued a weak and mealy mouthed criticism of the corporation whilst doing what he always does – absolutely nothing.
As one observer mentioned, it’s hard to believe this man won an 80 seat majority given his weakness and vaccilating.
BBC run an article on Boris’s reaction to the debacle that they alone have created over the Last Night of the Proms.
The sign off paragraphs end…
Chi-chi Nwanoko runs the Chineke! Foundation, which aims to provide opportunities for black, Asian and ethnically diverse classical musicians in the UK and Europe.
She told the BBC: “We find it offensive”.
“For any conscious black person who is aware of their history, the empire and colonialism, for example, they will struggle to enjoy the patriotic jingoism of these songs.”
A quick look at her background appears to show she is a BLM supporter. Quote from her organisations website…
“We, at the Chineke! Foundation and the undersigned – our friends and supporters, are compelled to make a public statement to address the inaction and resistance to the real institutional change that is needed to support the current Black Lives Matter movement and recognise the energy and pain that is being expressed right now by people of colour who have felt abused, powerless, underrepresented and ignored for too long…”
Chi Chi is of Nigerian and Irish descent so I write below the opening lines of the Nigerian National Anthem…
“Arise, O compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey
To serve our fatherland
With love and strength and faith
The labour of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, peace and unity.”
That sounds quite patriotic to me….Do I find that offensive?…No!
Do you find it offensive Chi Chi, it doesn’t seem to be all that inclusive to me?
And I’m not stomping around Nigeria complaining about it either.
Almost every Nation has some form of National Anthem or patriotic tunes, that’s fine by me as long as we can have ours in freedom and peace, no one is forced to listen.
The BBC used to have answer for those of us Whites who found its appalling output offensive:
“There’s always the off button”
I wonder why they don’t think that applies now.
I see in The Telegraph that William Hague hopes Biden will win the US election. Talk about lack of geopolitical insight.
Thank goodness we were spared having him as PM. More blue Labour.
Which reminds me, wasn’t there supposed to have been a ‘bonfire of the quangos’? Sally Collier has quit as CEO of Ofqual. So, there’s Ofqual and Ofsted and who knows what else, when actually, we have a Department for Education. What does it do?
fnw, a Biden victory may be the only way to avoid a descent into a new Civil War in America. If President Trump wins narrowly and, maybe if he wins by a huge margin, the violent, Fascist/Marxist elements among the Democratic Party are likely to go on another rioting, looting and fire-starting spree. That may possibly explain William Hague’s position, prevention of something worse by going for something that may turn out not too bad or even OK-ish.
I still can’t believe what happened in Portland in November 2016. Portland!
A quiet country State.
Snuff – I understand Hague only too well. I shouldn’t like to see violence any more than you do, but -forgive me- is the logical outcome of your argument not what in Neville’s day was called ‘appeasement’?
In fact, is the whole point of the current ‘rioting, looting and fire-starting’ not to prevent a Trump victory in the first place, making it blackmail as well as appeasement?
You think a Biden presidency, likely to end up with President Kamala Harris and a BLM mindset, is OK-ish? I ask that and I’m not even a great fan of much of Trump; his implied isolationism for one, is not good, so I understand Hague.
Peace at any price?
Whatever the outcome of the coming election I can’t see the fury ending – but I think it will stay localised to Democrat Cities , I’ve Not been to the States for a while but I still recall the differences between them and us – namely
The reverence for the flag
The reverence for the constitution
The sheer size of the country .
If the Marxist outfit exploiting coloured peoples ‘grievances there undermine the flag and constitution enough then there will be a bigger wider result – and however much the ‘conventional ‘ federal government offers up will never be enough – republican or Democrat – whatever the skin shade.
As for Hague – he’s not of this world any more – he has no credibility after supporting the EU in the brexit campaign so deeply and his articles lecturing us on what is good for us rally stuck with me .
He made for a good parliamentary clown though – Jess Phillips is nowhere near candidate for that constitutional role .
Yes, fnw, it is, you’ve called it correctly as appeasement – or looking for the least bad instead of the alternative, while knowing that the best (and second best) may not be in reach.
My first choice is for President Trump to win big and to then realise that he has a mandate to impose law and order and to actually do it, should the Democrat gangs still go on the rampage after the Election. He will need to be supernaturally gifted to get the right words out of his mouth at the right time and speak to the hearts and heads of the majority of Americans. And have them respond favourably. That will be a huge miracle.
And Trump will need to stay off Twitter, to ‘avoid putting his foot in it’.
That will be an even bigger miracle.
I think we could be possibly, may be, teetering into ‘the end times’. I hesitate to make pronouncements about that for all sorts of good reasons but there is something very, very, strange about this Covid-19 thing. There is so much that doesn’t add up. And there are strange pointers. For example, how come all of the countries worst affected have a Judao-Christian past or influence and have conservative Governments or Governments that are disliked by the intensely Liberal/Socialist/Marxist media and academe across the Northern and parts of the Western southern hemisphere.
For example, South Korea. 1904, start of 20th century, about 400 Christians in a handful of churches. 1994, in sight of 21st century, and some claim that 40% of South Koreans are Christians. That claim is met with a large portion of salt by those who are skilled in estimating such things but it is still noticeable that from 400 to not many more by 1954 and the start of the Communist War to a significant number, let’s say 10 million, in only the 40 years since 1954 is incredible.
Then there’s Russia. The MSM don’t like Putin and neither do I. From what I understand he is an unreformed KGB thug. But, but, there is said to be a colossal Christian revival going on in Russia, in the Orthodox church of all places. And Putin is tolerating it. Brazil is another country, hit hard by Covid and with a Conservative Government (note the big ‘C’) but has a strong Christian community, especially among the young. Indeed President Bolsanaro’s wife is said to be from a Pentecostalist background. Argentina, another country with a growing Protestant evangelical/Pentecostal Church that’s been hit by Covid-19. Then there’s Modi’s India. At first it avoided Covid-19 but it seems now to be spreading there. Modi, promoting Hinduism as the nation State faith is one who tolerates Christianity in his country but dislikes – to the annoyance and hatred of the BBC – Muslims, especially those who are illegal immigrants, or are insurgents, to India.
It is interesting, this coalition of social unrest, discontent, disease, media Marxism and Conservatism, conservative governance and past or present links to Christianity.
We live interesting times, very interesting times.
I see the BBC are planning to include the song ‘You’ll never woke alone’ in the proms.
Should do well with the scousers, Grenfellians and R Anychess
… “You’ll Never *Woke* Alone’”
“Just because I look like someone that I’m not” says a masked black ‘protestor’ on beeb TV news at 6pm. Makes sense to me. Flames in the background.
Alleem Macqbool reports from Wisconsin. Beeb revels in the burning and destruction , it seems. Yet again, the entire saga of their latest favourite ‘unarmed’ black man is reeled off before us. Peace-loving, no doubt, without criminal record or blemish to his name. Was merely ‘getting into his car’, albeit seemingly in a rather strange fashion, when brutal, violent police crept up and shot him.
Lord Hall Hall on TV at 6pm tries to justify beeb on the Proms issue on technical/artistic grounds. Suddenly discovered Albert Hall is too small for such frivolity as patriotic singing. I gather he’s moving on to be boss of the National Gallery. Very artistic.
And when hideously white Dyke left beeb, he went on to become boss of football. Nice little earner, beeb is.
That star and king of bling, Amol Rajan, goes all muticultural on us and interviews Wafsi Somebody who thinks we need to ditch Empire and all that.
Concerted and thinly-disguised attacks on you know who.
ItV local news
#1 Ilkley villagers have to obey strict lockdown even though there are no cases there
.. it’s cos they are counted as Bradford
#2 Muslim women , binning the smear test envelopes.
#5 female Mandidextrous the DJ : talking about illegal raves
Eyup deep voice
Google says “Mandidextrous: The Transgender DJ Challenging Prejudice”
Lord Hall Hall on TV at 6pm tries to justify beeb on the Proms issue on technical/artistic grounds. That king of bling, Amol Rajan, goes all muticultural on us and interviews Wafsi Somebody who thinks we need to ditch Empire and all that.
Concerted and thinly-disguised attacks on you know who.
BBC Local news opens
Special edition : 6 weeks since a man died
..has BLM changed things ?
with local activist David
now the event 22 years ago where a black man died in Hull Police station
“A new TV drama called : Typical has been made”
Next quick item
‘There haven’t been Covid deaths in the region for ages’
James O’Brien has a phrase for this, BBC.
Beeb are part of a wonderful elite merry-go-round, a nice little earner, for ‘some’.
I understand Lord Hall Hall is going off to manage the National Gallery. Being artistic enough to suddenly realise that the RA Hall is much too small for patriotic singing, that seems appropriate? I mean, highly qualified, or what? He was looking very cool indeed on TV today, in his open-neck shirt; very mod. Should we pass the hat around to buy that poor man of the people a tie?
Same as Greg (hideously white) Dyke went on to manage football (FA chairman). No wonder we now have as a legacy, all that knee-taking, on the football field…
Sally collier, head of ofqual, famous for its exam algorithms is ‘leaving’.
She seems to be a BS. Was she hired by the same team of recruiters as Newshite?
No matter. Her biography suggests a career civil servant who in time honoured tradition changes jobs every 2-3 years, the benefit being to avoid accountability. Until now.
She had no education experience at all as far as I can see.
In other words, jobs for the boys and especially girls.
Some swamp-draining over here would not go amiss.
Sluff – Was that her, Mizz Collier, being chauffeured away in a shiny, black Merc on TV yesterday?
Cat Lewis, ‘Songs of Praise’ producer has compared ‘Rule Britannia’ to Nazi songs, I see in the Mail. Got her own company, but works for beeb as well. Lovely little earner, selling your own product to beeb, then buying it back again on behalf of beeb. Good old licence fee payers!
That probably makes two shiny black Mercs, courtesy of beeb, in her remuneration package/s. Requires a lot of virtue-signalling, to make up for that, methinks…
Sorry about the repetitions, melting 2 entries into 1, even. The technology has a mind of its own.
Got the king of bling all mixed up with the tale of the beeb elite merry go round, as a result.
Maybe no coincidence, but merely a slip-sign of things to come? The technology knows something I don’t, yet?
(That could make contributing to this website a very lucrative business? Sort of like beeb, almost?)
Promotion looms, surely?
Again, Peroxide. Dodgy stuff.
Time surely for Franny and Timmeh to dust off the ‘don’t say anything stupid’ memo again?
As well as being defunded the bbc should be giving licence refunds for the last ten years or so, some reparation for the offence caused by Cat Lewis and her ilk is well overdue.
Telegraph says petition to have ‘rule Britannia’ sung on the proms reached 10000 in 21 hours ! Is that all ?
The BBC is thinking of changing the words to
‘ Britons never ever will be shaved …”
( the last bit might be a lie … but then again…. )
Fed, I posted this on the other thread too so feel free to delete as required.
Meanwhile, the country’s favourite newspaper speaks for all.
Meanwhile, on C4, David Olusegon, while hammering Empire, assures us that he only accepted the OBE “to have a platform”, and that -while black culture is everywhere- there’s not enough of it on TV.
Behind him is a vast bookshelf and five guitars, possibly lest we should suspect him of not being talented enough to make TV in his own right.
Another ‘call me Dave’, I suppose.
Jon Snow assures him C4 are going to have an entire exclusively ‘black culture’ day. Can’t wait.
One wonders if he would have joined the Nazi party to ‘have a platform’, faultless logic of an imbecile.
I’m so glad I don’t ‘do’ telly.
New thread coming up …. admin reasons ….
Accepting that China/Russia/Iran Covid death stats aren’t reliable
The UK is #5 with 41K whilst Mexico and India have 60K and Brazil and US higher still
NZ’s new cases are still trickling less than 10/day
Korea is 280 /day
UK sticks on over 1000K/day
Though if countries are not testing they have low counts
World deaths are in a second wave of 6,000/day consistent.. the first wave peaked at 7,000/day
That rate makes it 2-3 million/year
However since victims are only shortening their life by about 1 year on average
Nowhere near same magnitude of life years are being lost as due to traffic accidents, or malaria, or childhood diseases in Africa rtc.
They’ve been doing that for over a year – the US Navy’s role / success in putting the Barbary pirates down also doesn’t show up as much as you’d think it might……..