Angry ? The Far Left BBC changing the format of the Last Night of the Proms ? Well the First Night of The Proms is this Friday 28th August . Some might say ‘best avoided’ whilst the Far Left BBC appeals to its ‘target ‘ audience .
In passing – it is 10 weeks until Furlough is due to end – so we can expect a BBC campaign to extend it to ‘forever’ .
Midweek Thread 26 August 2020
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Lets get it straight. If the Government wanted face coverings in schools, the BBC would not.
If the Government didnt want face coverings in schools, the BBC would.
Looks at these top rated comments on the BBC Have Your Say …. people are fully aware its just the BBC / Media stirring up trouble again !!!!
Sick of it. Pressure grows ONLY from the BBC
181. Posted byadeybon
25 Aug 2020 14:50
“Pressure grows to allow masks in England’s school”
By whom exactly?
Seems to be the BBC leading this campaign… Once again, stiring up a storm and creating fear where there’s is none.
The BBC – No longing reporting the news, but trying to MAKE the news…
156. Posted byBielsaon
25 Aug 2020 14:49
Pressure is not growing at all
Manipulative media pushing their own fearmongering agenda as they have done since March
People are slowly waking up and when this is all done and dusted, and it will be, media & politicians will have a lot to answer for
44. Posted byAlanon
25 Aug 2020 14:36
Pressure by the latest media campaign.
13. Posted byJust Sayinon
25 Aug 2020 14:32
Hate stories that start ‘pressure grows..’ who says? There’s no evidence that children should be wearing masks so let’s leave them alone unless clear evidence emerge
Hi Doobster
Sorry i’ve repeating a similar post below 🙁
BBC don’t like the tone of British anthems
but there is irony in the way it glorifies Ode To Joy eg in the 2017 Proms
.. And that tune has associations with Nazi Germany
That is a double standard
Ode To Joy is a good tune and should not be banned in some kind of “guilt by association” thing and neither should British Anthems.
The BBC have a documentary page which explains the dark sides of Ode to Joy
but for some reason they have just turned the audio off
\\Is this the most dangerous tune ever written?
The fourth and final movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is one of the most triumphant, hopeful expressions of joy in classical music.
Yet its central tune, the “Ode to Joy”, has a surprisingly dark past – from a demonic-sounding performance at Hitler’s birthday celebrations in 1942 to its use as an anthem in politically and racially repressive regimes. Then, of course, there was its use in Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange as a hugely disturbing counterpoint to scenes of ultra violence. Even more recently, it has become linked with the bitter national debate over Brexit.//
I found the same audio is included in a full 30 min discussion of the tune
The documentary clip used to appear on this clip page
All of the other clips are there and still work, no matter if they are older than 2017
“to its use as an anthem in politically and racially repressive regimes”
The same Beethoven’s Ninth that is the EU’s anthem?
I presume that ‘Carols from Kings’ will be next, because there aren’t any Muslim songs!
They’ll play Crispin St Peter’s song, ‘Well I woke up this morning’, and ‘Bame it on the Boogie’…
When asked by Radio 4’s Today programme about whether the British Museum ought to have left the bust of its founding father Sir Hans Sloane in place, only with a label pointing out that he had been a slave owner, the historian David Olusoga replied: “Then we should get all of the statues from the Third Reich in Germany and the age of the Kaisers and the statues that celebrate Nazism and the militarism of Prussia and we should put them back on display.”
Having directly compared British imperial history to that of Hitler and the Nazis, he continued: “This is not to compare British history with German history, but there is a thing that mature countries do, which is they understand that not all of history can be celebrated.”
In the desperate race to do whatever Black Lives Matter demands, we have seen three low moments in the past week alone, of which the attack on Sloane was only one. Another was the scandal exposed by The Daily Telegraph at the British Library, where staff were ordered to check their privilege by reading Marxist authors and supporting Labour politicians.
Needless to say, the BBC were not to be outdone in the wokedom stakes, and the Last Night of the Proms will this year not have lyrics such as “Britons never, never, never will be slaves” sung at the Albert Hall.
Yet logically, how can refusing to become a slave be in any sense a positive avowal of slavery as an institution? Just as Rudyard Kipling’s Road to Mandalay is a squaddie’s moving love poem to Burma and the Burmese yet has been consigned to the dustbin by the (probably deliberate) misreading of a single line – are we really going to be made to feel shame over Land of Hope and Glory and Rule, Britannia, too?
Similarly, if the underlying message of Mr Olusoga’s James Mactaggart Lecture – that the media must precisely reflect British society in every aspect of racial and class diversity – is adopted, how can that be achieved without quotas and positive discrimination? The duty of the media is to question and challenge authority, not slavishly to try to look and sound like the rest of the nation. As the late Bernard Levin used to say: “I would sooner read a newspaper owned by the greatest villain unhanged than one written by a committee of civil servants.” Yet that is the route Mr Olusoga’s lecture is pointing to.
Journalistic merit should be the sole criterion for a job in the media. Indeed, instead of arbitrary and divisive quotas, positions should be filled across the economy based on who is best at the job, regardless of their background.
Looking at that picture you’ve posted.
I wonder when some jokers will start putting face masks onto statues for a laugh.
If it starts I reckon there will be daredevils putting a mask on the likes of Nelson or maybe the Phoenixes in Liverpool.
You could have a Union Flag one on Karl Marx’s headstone.
A St. George flag one on Nelson Mandela.
So many possibilities.
The BBC had this as a lead story on their children’s news channel yesterday evening:

The BBC is a 24 hours a day 7 days a week activist organisation. It has been pushing non-stop ANTI-BRITISH propaganda onto British Kids, traumatizing and emotionally blackmailing them into believing their country, their culture, their institutions are deeply racist and must be changed.
There is no saving the BBC. It must be defunded.
Chi-chi Nwanoku ‘champions change and celebrates diversity in classical music’ by trying to eliminate the popular?
Personally I like a rousing bit of Finlandia, Stars and Stripes, La Marseillaise and Ode to Joy, despite not being of those nations or necessarily endorsing their national politics.
I expect Chi-chi, (Panda appropriation?), would like us to sing Dubul’ ibhunu (Kill the Boer)?
I can remember when Chi Chi was a panda, black and white at the same time, how does that work? Sorry I just saw the panda post above.
Agree wholeheartedly. It must be stopped and the bBC kept well away from the education of children.
One wonders why any so-called British government would allow this to continue in any format since it is clearly injurious to the long-term interests of the UK.
Racially aware, David Baddiel
inventor of the term “pineapple head”
“There might be some who feel a little sad about Rule, Brittania,
seeing it, now divorced of triumphalist origins,
only as a Proms tradition.
Watching this (vid of Farage) however makes it clear
how it’s still basically a C**ts Anthem”
Apparently he’s against people who spread HATE
???? “He’s got a pineapple on his head, he’s got a pineapple on his head” ????
I remember it well in secondary school thanks David ‘I hate Spurs Baddiel’ ????????
Coronavirus: Face coverings U-turn for England’s secondary schools
Interesting to read the highest rated comment at the bottom of the page..
181. Posted byadeybon
25 Aug 2020 14:50
“Pressure grows to allow masks in England’s school”
By whom exactly?
Seems to be the BBC leading this campaign… Once again, stiring up a storm and creating fear where there’s is none.
The BBC – No longing reporting the news, but trying to MAKE the news…
Couldn’t have put it better myself!
Actual Labour MP for Bermondsey & Old Southwark.
tweeted the same Farage video and said
“If you didn’t hate it before, feel free to hate the song now.
I’ve never known anyone but sh*tlickers like it tbh”
And if that was a Conservative MP, we would have non stop rolling news and lefty after lefty wheeled out on the BBC telling us how offended they are and he must be fired !!!!! Telling us how weak it makes Boris look and Boris must get a grip of his party
But, as it’s a Labour MP …..silence !!!!!
I’m sure Starmer will sit on the fence for as long as possible.
“I’m sure Starmer will sit on the fence for as long as possible.”
That’s probably why he kneels down to antifa and all the other leftie tossers!
Coyle has now deleted BOTH tweets
(though not his tweets against people who called him out
.. so the “I was hacked” can’t be used as an excuse)
So what my comment shows is the ghost of his tweet.
People took screenshots
I don’t see any apology from him
83 year old, getting stuff from his car………………
Be warned, the likelihood of this happening in the UK? 50/50 but the odds are shifting the wrong way daily.
Cat Lewis : The self proclaimed Christian producer of Songs of Praise
is also ratio-ed person of the day
If I was running the BBC I would be holding a national competition to find people that actually like the people that pay for the BBC.
When someone makes fun of someone else and they like that person then it can be appreciated as a tease and a joke.
When someone makes fun of someone else and they don’t like that person then it comes across as pure hatred. This, unfortunately is what the BBC has become.
Belfield has just done rant about Miss Cat
It ends “I’ll do another video next week when she’s been sacked”
Cat has double down and retweeted Shola who got 2K likes vs Andrew Neil’s 26K
Interesting – doctor shola – supporting her sister there . I thought “ wonder if this lady lives the UK – surely not if she hates britain?”
And guess where this lady and her twitter feed lives? UK .
I d just suggest she goes and finds another country – a far better one – maybe in the land of her ancestors .
Instead she is the stereo type of a coloured with a victim chip . Another for the ‘ hates britain list ‘
“coloured with a victim chip”
Presumably invented by that right-wing philanthropist, Bill Gates!
They’ll be selling them all over Tower Hamlets soon, and the thickos won’t understand why they’re being followed by plod!
I hear that the tinted windows business is thriving in other shittholes, makes sense really, nobody wants to see them either…
I choose my phrasing carefully – I will never use the 3 letter abbreviation so readily accepted by The MSM – and I won’t use the 4 letter PC abbreviation Used to describe the multitude of shades .
In this was language is a weapon and accepting Lefty language amounts to a bit of a surrender in my world .
Sorry Fed, I think your patch is somewhere close to where I mentioned above…
Now if you think the they also control The Isle of Dogs as well, then I have a case for saying they’re always out of order!
The inimitable Rod Liddle giving it to the beeb with both barrels in the Sun:
“Why should I pay the licence fee when the BBC despises everything I believe in?”
All those ghastly people waving their Union Jacks. Singing Land of Hope and Glory and Rule, Britannia!. Nasty Little Englanders who probably voted for Brexit.
It’s the one night of the year when the BBC’s left wing bias is dropped for an hour or two.
And the licence-payer for once gets what they want. An evening of enjoyable, uplifting patriotism.
The BBC holds Middle England in utter contempt – and has done so for a long while.
It cannot tolerate anything which doesn’t fit into its woke agenda. And it’s why support for the BBC diminishes daily.
It has lost touch with the values of the people who pay for its existence.
Still, there’s one bright side to all this. It’s saved me £157.50 per year.
I will not pay the licence fee any more. Not ever again.
Why should I pay for an organisation which hates and despises everything I believe in?
I understand that the Proms is being fronted by a freelance production company type this year – Katie Dereham – no doubt assisted by someone coloured from the BBC sports department who knows a bit of classical when they hear it – or maybe that ‘dizzy’ or ‘Kaynee’ Wrapping Chap being angry about his ‘hoe bitches ‘ ….
TWATO: Lady Brooke interviews a member of a, “non-partisan Think-Tank” to explain what’s going on in the US.
Hahahahahahahaha A tiny bit of a sense of humour!
DJT’s policy is clearly, unless he’s called upon to assist with a National Guard deployment, let the Communists, ‘stew in their own juice’.
To coin a phrase from our own, “World Class Broadcaster”,
“We think we’ve (he’s) got it about right”.
BBC US Election page just one day – today,
I post just the key headlines to evaluate which ‘side’ the bBC favour…
1. Mike Pence headlines day 3 of Trump’s (Not Republican) Convention.
2. The rare times Mike Pence made headlines.
3. Trump seeks to cast doubt on election integrity.
4. US States to sue government over postal votes.
5. The unusual and talented First Lady, (Includes a jab at Trump’s hair!)
6. What young Republicans think of Trump (No longer in the best interest of the party)
7. How is Trump doing in the Polls (Down of course)
8. How you can be US president without winning most votes.
9. The son who is Trumpier than Trump.
10. The Republican party now the party of Trump.
And finally…
11. Biden speech ‘lots of sweetness and light!
This probably is no surprise to anyone on here but makes me angry when I realise that this is the typical indoctrination that the BBC seeks to spew out day after day.
No balance, no quality, just bitter political bile!
A lady who is a work colleague of my wife called at the house earlier today, always I thought quite an intelligent and pleasant lady…
The TV was on in the kitchen and while we chatted up came footage of Mrs M Trump speaking in the Rose Garden.
The visitor lady instantly spat out “What the *** hell does she know, stupid bitch?”.
It just came from nowhere like a sneeze or fart.
Of course I didn’t react so as not to embarrass my wife who was in the room but realised that this obscene reaction summed up everything wrong about the Trump haters including the BBC.
They are single minded bigots and hate the man much more than what he does or stands for.
Sadly I believe this is also true about most of the noble employees at the House of the BBC, Independent and Guardian as well as Universities, council departments, teachers etc. .
It reminds me of the book “Lord of the flies” where group chanting builds up to hate and then murder for no reason at all.
Lost for words other than these, so went out to water my tomatoes!
As the letters page in VIZ magazine might ask, “Has anyone else welcomed someone into their house with realising they were unhinged?”
Digg, you and your lady wife can come down here and watch our TV any time you like!
There won’t be much to see, as we never turn it on, but we can at least have a glass or three, and a good chat!
Sounds very civilised Scroblene thanks!
“It reminds me of the book “Lord of the flies” where group chanting builds up to hate and then murder for no reason at all.”
Thinking of being reminded, just recently, I’ve thought back to the Disney cartoon, ‘The Saucerers Apprentice’ with Mickey Mouse. Things very rapidly and unexpectedly run away with themselves and Mickey’s inability to stop the chaos. I imagine, if there’s any sane Democrat/Communists in the US, that’s exactly what they may be thinking right now. The famous Paul Dukas theme is running through my head right now.
Forgive me, I’m on a ‘Roll’ at present:
Also reminded of?……………………..
[video src="" /]
Toward the end of Quateremass and the Pit
Quatermass and the pit scared the holy shit out of me when I was a little lad!
And me!
There was this metal tube on screen, and the scientist went inside and saw all sorts of nasties!
I had nightmares for weeks after that…
The Andromeda Breakthrough with Susan Hampshire in the title role (not to be confused with The Andromeda Strain movie) was quite spooky on TV when I was a kid.
Then there was a TV series called The Big Pull which had Bill Kerr and someone else (name gone from me – amazed I could remember The Big Pull) and William Dexter in it and that was even more chilling.
Instantly reminded me of this G.
That’s the over 75s on their way to the post office to use their pension to buy a TV licence to pay for The new lack of diversity Department ….
Most popular boys names 2019 to 2020
1 mohammed
2 mohamed
3 muhamed
4 m’ hammed
5 m’hamed
7 muhammed
Popular girls names
For the boys -Actually the 1st 5 dont get a mention but number 7 is ‘ actual ‘ .
For the girls – i might i have made that one up
1) Maimed
2) er – the same…
‘Number 6’ was ‘The Prisoner’, so thank you for leaving that number sacrosanct!
I’d of thought Naga might have made it into there Fedup, or are shortened names not allowed ???? ????
1 I forgot about her – which is good
2 If I’d remembered I’d have had to get the real name from wiki
3 it’s obviously ashamed of her heritage otherwise she’d use
Real name …..
I left out the other posh BBC girls like the ‘Sophie’s’ , the ‘kats’
And of course – my favourite ‘pru’
4:30pm Tony Hall’s Exit Interview
… the 16th Director-General of the BBC, on the crises and successes of his time in charge. In this extended interview, Hall considers editorial controversies, the rise of the tech giants in the UK television market, and government hostility towards the BBC.
Presenter: Amol Rajan
Thanks for that, Stew!
I’ll be out in the garden as Senora O’Blene demands a capture of all the ripe chilli peppers we have growing in various parts.
Before that, I will sleep off the bottle of red, and afterwards, discuss everything which is good in the world with the same Senora as before, conveniently forgetting to watch Lord ‘Village’ Hall spout bolleaux as he’s done all the time he was heaved into W1AA.
I wonder if they will consider Tony Hall’s complete failure with the Arts Programme he championed and (co-)produced in 2002/03?
I’m not surprised.
Not BBC:
If you use Yahoo mail, you might receive The Daily Yahoo, their America-centric news email. Today’s one links to this Huffpost story – all about Portland, the far-right violence there and Police collusion.
Well, you learn something every day.
Just hearing some very disturbing news about Dalia Stasevska the woman the BBC saw fit to appoint to disrupt the last night of the Proms.
Her husband a heavy metal band member Lauri Porra, the bassist for Stratovarius had one song banned in Germany because it began with a speech by Adolf Hitler who the group appears enthralled by with several mentions of him in their ‘songs’.
However that isn’t the end of the controversial influences on what appears to be a very easily led woman of little political intellect, starting with her time in the failed Leftist state of Sweden where she spent time studying at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.
Her radical father, Andrij Stasevskij an emigre ‘artist’ from Ukraine describes himself as an anarchist, and feminist.
His stepmother Maarit Blomqvist is described as wicked to the point of evil and who screwed up his mind completely, which has then influenced his daughter.
She is also said to have been somewhat ‘indoctrinated’ by BBC political correctness.
All in all I can see exactly why she’d fit right in for the BBC !
Thoughtful, if the BBC need a Scandinavian replacement, bearing in mind M/s Stevaskas’ unsavoury background, they could do worse than the Danish Symphony Orchestra:
Below is an extract of a column in the telegraph from Alison Pearson about out enemy …..
‘Changes are afoot at the Last Night of the Proms. Not only is this classical-music institution, founded in 1895, guilty of being hideously historic it has also been accused of encouraging people to celebrate being British. (Like there’s anything to be proud of!) The BBC doesn’t wish to cause offence to anyone – unless you’re a white, Conservative-voting licence-fee payer, in which case you deserve it – so this year the hugely popular Rule, Britannia! and Land of Hope and Glory singalong will be replaced by something more in tune with the times. Why not go the full hog and get carefully-adapted versions of those songs, performed by the Amalgamated Choir of Corbynist Comrades and BBC Newsroom staff. All together now!
Land of horrible histories, smothering the free,
How shall we disdain thee, who are sick of thee?
Woker still and woker shall our protests get.
God knows, we are angry, make us angrier yet!
God knows, we are angry, make us angrier yet!
Ads by Teads
Seriously, when will the self-righteous, monstrous regiment of leftist vandals lay off our culture and traditions? It seems they will not be satisfied until every suspect statue, every rousing anthem and poem written by a morally reprehensible white male (sorry, that’s basically all great poets apart from Emily Dickinson) have been cancelled.
The French national anthem contains a line calling for those of “sang impur” (filthy foreigners) to be slaughtered and I don’t remember anyone suggesting they ban that. Unlike our metropolitan elite who consider it a badge of sophistication to despise your own history and who see patriotism as a vulgar spasm of the common man, France doesn’t go in for self-loathing. The French are still allowed to be proud to be French. La Marseillaise makes Rule, Britannia! sound about as jingoistic as the Sex Pistols’ Anarchy in the UK, but that hasn’t stopped the BBC removing the well-loved ditty, along with Land of Hope and Glory, from the Last Night of the Proms. Well, not removing exactly. In a compromise designed to please no one, there will be orchestral versions of the two songs but no lyrics.
So, let’s get this straight, in the week that outgoing director-general Tony Hall told the online Edinburgh Television Festival that “no one is better placed than the BBC to carry Britain’s voice and values to the world” the BBC admits it is neutering one of our country’s most enduring voices because it might offend seventeen Woke warriors on Twitter?
What Lord Hall actually meant is “no one is better placed than the BBC to carry the BBC’s voice and values to the world”. Increasingly, the globalist ethos of the British Broadcasting Corporation bears painfully little relation to the instincts of the British themselves. That might explain why 500 people a day are cancelling their TV licences as the Defund the BBC campaign gathers momentum.
Each year, we give the corporation over £5 billion in fees with £5 million going towards the Proms. Everyone who pays for a colour TV licence contributes around 19p to subsidise tickets for the relatively small number of classical music fans who can get to the Royal Albert Hall in person. I don’t mind that. I don’t suppose you do either. In fact, it probably makes us feel happy to be supporting a remarkable British event whose legendary Last Night provides a splendidly silly, unrepentantly jubilant and heartwarming landmark in the national calendar.
Happiness turns to disgust, however, when it emerges that our money is being spent to hollow out that same institution, to strip it of its Britishness bit by bit because the BBC feels it has to bow down before people like this year’s conductor of the Last Night, Dalia Stasevska from Finland, a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement who thinks it’s time for “change”. Alas, Covid19 restrictions have given cultural vandals the perfect alibi. They wouldn’t dare kill off the “Rule, Britannia!” singalong if the Promenaders were present.
Why, you might well ask, should a woman from the whitest country in the world be dictating terms to an already splendidly diverse festival beloved of Britons for 125 years? Many of us will look back fondly to the era when Sir Andrew Davies was on the podium. His beaming, teddy-bear countenance perfectly embodied the Last Night spirit of musicality, mischief and sheer good fun. Unfortunately, the BBC banned fun in 2017 because a social-justice collective in Peckham complained that smiling was “cultural appropriation”.‘
This year, Proms’ organisers were said to be looking at a “more inclusive” running order because of “a perceived association of colonialism and slavery”. Funny how “more inclusive” always means excluding millions of people who enjoy having a bit of a sing-along while waving the Union Jack. Despite daily lectures from the BBC, many viewers have yet to be persuaded that their country is a racist hellhole or its past purely a cause for shame.
Typifying the new breed of culture-wars commissar, Richard Morrison wrote in BBC Magazine that Land of Hope and Glory and Rule, Britannia! were “an anachronistic farrago”. It doesn’t seem to occur to Morrison that Brits are rather fond of anachronistic farragos. Look at the Royal family. They’ll be coming for them next, mark my words.
Rule, Britannia! is known as the “national air”. It’s a lovely, old-fashioned term that means vocal composition but it also conveys a sense of a melody that hangs about in the ether, ready to be sung by generation after generation. Since its composition in 1740, the song has been braided into our cultural DNA. Gilbert and Sullivan were always quoting from it. The part of the tune’s refrain containing the word “never” – altered to never, never, never (shall be slaves) to make it easier to sing – is said to have provided the theme for the most beautiful of all British works, Elgar’s Enigma Variations. Noel Coward began his Mad Dogs and Englishmen with the first 10 notes of our cheeky national signature tune.
Is there anyone who has sung along lustily with Rule, Britannia! or Land of Hope and Glory in the past fifty years who had their mind on colonialism or slavery? Don’t be ridiculous. When I attended Proms in the Park a couple of years ago, the orchestra struck up Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D Major and every hair on the back of every arm in that crowd immediately stood to attention. It was a wonderful moment of nostalgia and unity. How rare it is to be allowed to feel happy about being us.
The BBC has made a terrible, possibly fatal, error by pandering to a shrill minority of the young Woke at the expense of loyal older consumers. Conservatives who were already consulting on decriminalising non-payment of the licence fee now have an excuse to move in for the kill. Even Sir Keir Starmer, correctly gauging the national mood, refused to back his leftie friends at the Beeb, saying that the “pomp and pageantry” of the Proms is “a staple of British summer”. Good for him.
Thankfully, Boris was back to his best yesterday expressing the incredulity and dismay that millions of us feel as we see our culture trashed. “I think it’s time we stopped our cringing embarrassment about our history, about our traditions, and about our culture, and we stopped this general bout of self-recrimination and wetness,” he thundered.
Plans are now afoot to assemble a great choir of the un-Woke to sing Rule, Britannia! and Land of Hope and Glory outside Broadcasting House during the Last Night of the Proms. If nothing else it will send a signal to a BBC that holds those who pay for it in contempt that Britons never never NEVER shall be slaves to dogma. Nor ashamed to be British.‘ ENDS
….. The telegraph seems to be waking up from its leftward woke drift and engaging the enemy – like us . The Mail might be doing similar but I don’t think the Editor will have his heart in it …
Telegraph / Mail:
Maybe just token resistance to the woke for the purpose of blackmailing Soros for more money?
Fed, good stuff and I don’t disagree with any of it.
Time however will tell.
My message to Al Beeb…………….
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Also …………..
My message to those who hate our culture our heritage and our traditions is simple – The door is open, you can leave Great Britain any time. Why not get out now and take your woke broadcaster with you.
Wee Crankie might be about to get some flack…
Gers figures: Scotland’s public spending deficit rises to £15.1bn
“Scotland spent £15.1bn more on public services than it raised in taxes last year, according to Scottish government statistics.
This public spending deficit was £2bn higher than the previous year, and represented 8.6% of the country’s GDP.”
“The figures cover the financial year to 5 April 2020, so do not reflect the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The deficit for the UK as a whole rose from 1.9% of its GDP to 2.5% for the same period.”
“The statistics also estimated that Scotland raised £308 less per person than the UK average in taxation, while public spending was £1,663 per person higher in Scotland.”
Reading that last paragraph, Independence doesn’t look like a good plan to me now!
And that’s with the Barnett Formula helping every man woman and child in Scotland.
I say, make the SNP balance the books WITHOUT the Formula and English money supporting them.
Scotland is an economy that is now reliant on state and local authority jobs with tourism thrown in .Covid has badly hit it .Independence now please .Get rid.
You’re falling right into the SNP trap. Living here now I’m like a jew in 1930’s Germany.
Scottish born, Tory/Brexit Party voter, several businesses and all my children and assets here.
If we’re cut loose I’m a refugee.
How about the people of Great Britain telling Dalia Stasevska that we are going to ban Sibelius’s ‘Finlandia’ in retaliation to her bigoted opinion of ‘Rule Britannia’?
She should have been told “play ‘Rule Britannia’ or you are sacked”. Then off back to Finland you go……………….
Bet they think they got it ‘just about right’.
Yes, it’s the only bit of the Proms I watch, and this year I wont be able to celebrate freedom from the European Union by singing “Britons never will be slaves”
I don’t pay the licence fee because the BBC despises everything I believe in.
I will not pay the licence fee any more. Not ever.
If the BBC takes me to court. I will invite to the court everyone on biasedbbc, weatheraction, tallbloke and the Mensa forum.
Richard you might be in the dock with me . And I pity any tv licence inspector trying me on …
They probably think they got the Licence fee “just about right” by slapping it on the pensioners. The only group that watch it by habit.
The tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Yea that’s about right
Sight for sore eyes!
No debate necessary: Defund the beeb!
I was tickled by this article in the PressGazette on the Guardian taking the publishers of spoof website Gruaniad to court to stop them making parody Guardian articles using photos of such people as Owen Jones etc.
The real giggle comes at the bottom of the article under related stories….
Related Stories
“Guardian group meets target to break even at end of three-year financial turnaround plan”
“Guardian News and Media to slash £54m from annual budget to curb losses”
“Alan Rusbridger on hacking, Snowden, Wikileaks and losing £300m to make The Guardian financially secure”
“Guardian enters into consultation with the NUJ over possible compulsory redundancies”
And they can’t join the dots!
If the website software thingy transfers elsewhere it would be useful to know …. isn’t it a shame that the Guardian has neither a sense of humour or an inclination to uncontrolled speech ?
Reminds me a bit of the spoof ‘Hitler in the bunker ‘ rants found on the YouTube ……
….and it’s heartbreaking to think or redundancies at the Guardian – which really must be being kept afloat by lefty council subscriptions ….
Are the idiots at the top of Al Beeb deliberately causing the death of Al Beeb with an ‘own goal’? A death wish ?
Perhaps not so idiotic? Is it possible that those with long service are looking at a big fat pension & redundancy payout ?
How are thing looking down at Ofcom?
Anyone ?
Probably a bit busier than usual.
Utter nonsense, you don’t try to change the words to songs just because you don’t agree with them ????
If people aren’t happy with these words or the Proms in general, then don’t watch ????????
Cat must be being lined up for a spot on Wimmins hour with the girls bemoaning all those nasty people pouring literary vitriol on her … and ‘something must be done ‘ – cue Labour wimmin MP – dawn tinted window butler or lady Nugee or that brummie mouthy one , or Lady Stella Artois Cressy… so many …
That’ll be Jess Phillips Fedup ????
My Spoof of a BBC Science Report by Justin Rowlett (Uneducated in Culturally Marxist Philosophy, Politics and Economics) for the spoof website Biasedbbc
The Dinosaur that proves the Hoax is called a giant flying Quetzalcoatlus. Biologists and Aerodynamicists say that it was not possible for it to fly. How the hell could it fly, they said.
Geologists said that the Earths average surface temperature was much higher during the days of the Dinosaurs, but Astronomers said that Solar irradiance was weaker. Geologist also said that bubbles in Amber indicate that Atmospheric pressure was between 3 and 5 Bar during the days of the Dinosaurs.
Blimey, said Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, its not just all the planetary atmospheres that prove our new law of Physics. Using the Unified Theory of Climate, it also explains the surface temperature of the Earth for a 3 bar Atmosphere with a lower Solar irradiance.
Blimey, said Biologists and Aerodynamicists, not only that, but a 3 bar Atmospheric pressure makes it possible for a giant Quetzalcoatlus to fly.
Blimey, said a BBC panel of little girl environmental activists with honorary degrees in science, lead by Greta. The Quetzalcoatlus was a denier.
Blimey, said Lord Hall. My last decree is that all mention of the Quetzalcoatlus in BBC documentaries, be censored for all time.
The Guardian reports that at the virtual Edinburgh festival the BBC ‘director of comedy ‘ Says ‘diversity is part of every conversation ‘ and discloses that the BBC has a ‘director of content ‘.
If it wasn’t so expensive it would be funny .
I wonder it the BBC has an in house dictionary explaining what terms like ‘diversity ‘ means in BBC world …. ?
Al Beeb ‘directory of comedy’ . You must be joking , Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
Bbc “news” at 6pm yet again leads with the same old same old: black man shot by police in Wisconsin.
A little speech by Melania not to look at race (lesson for beeb right there!) is also featured.
No sign of lifetime black Democrat congressman, Vernon Jones, Georgia State representative, who spoke at the Rep Convention, calling on a vote for President Trump. This is a BIG story; Jones has over half a million views on YT, but not a story for beeb, oh no. He would totally demolish their narrative.
No, they are hoping to identify two as yet unknown shooters as white, and the victims as black. Holding thumbs.
No sign either of black South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who gave an inspiring speech at the Rep Convention.
No sign of the teary-eyed speech of Cuban immigrant, Maximo Alvarez.
Nope, find beeb some nasty white cops, who shoot blacks for no reason!
Yes, FNW, the BBC could have described Jacob Blake as a man with a criminal history involving assaulting the police, sexual abuse of a minor and domestic violence.
Tonight the BBC has described “vigilantes” attacking “protestors”. They could have said ordinary citizens protecting their property from rioters and looters.
It’s all about language. The BBC knows this, Unfortunately for them, we also know it.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
bBC ‘News’
A man has been charged over the killing of two people in the unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.
And as for king of bling interview with Tony Hall Hall, never-ending on how wonderful he is and how beeb are making so much money, together with ITV, from Britbox and ‘selling everywhere’, in order to pretend beeb are just another commercial organisation. Not kicking over 75s in the teeth, oh no, perish the thought.
Tieless Tony is just one of the chaps, you know. We do find out he was previously ‘director of news’, which tells us far more than he imagines.
There are a great many ‘directors’ at beeb, from ‘diversity’ (£100m wasted) to ‘content’. A lot of them sound as if they either have nothing of substance to do, or -if they do- they overlap with lotsa other directors.
Hall Hall is a ‘Lord’, so presumably also has an income stream from ‘that place’. If he’s off the be CEO of the National Gallery, well that will also be a nice little earner as well as the fat pension from beeb, waiting at the end of the rainbow.
He could even be wealthy enough to buy himself a tie from his ‘diverse’ income flow.
And who gets a little jibe from the top man of a greedy, wastrel organisation, awash with money obtained by menaces? Government, whose fault it is that poor old monstrosity, beeb, are having to rip off pensioners, that’s who.
The BBC asks the question:
Coronavirus: Why have there been so many U-turns?
You do actually know the answer to that don’t you BBC?
So no need to be coy…
it’s because your masters in the Labour Party, Momentum and the Unions invented the phrase for propaganda purposes and told you you have to keep using it whenever you can!
digg – that’s one of beeb’s top objectives: drone on endlessly about government ‘U-turns’ and try nudging them into the next one. Along with hunting a Conservative ministerial scalp, and entirely ignoring someone like Nigel Farage (the only non-PC opposition of substance), two other major beeb goals.
And if you can talk about government ‘chaos’ and ‘shambles’ as frequently as possible, that’s also good. And not that difficult to do, really.
Question for the bbc:
Definitely got all the ingredients of a giant fraud – making ‘kids company ‘( remember ) look like taxpayers’ cash lost down the back to the settee / bean bag ….
weeks old story
CiN are not giving it to BLM, they are giving it to black projects that is different , but racist
Channel 4 news investigating why there might be a seismic shift in city populations, especially London due to the pandemic. Apparently loads of Londoners are queuing up to move to rural villages, so upset are they with what’s been happening.
Translation: loads of professional wealthy Londoners like TV and Press staff are panicked and want to escape from the ‘diverse’ multicultural environment they have championed and crowed about up until now because it’s turning into the third world disease and crime ridden shit-hole that was inevitable.
Of course all the less wealthy will have to stay where they are
Another side effect in London will be the collapse of TFL- which in better times milked commuters riding in their cattle carts and treated them like fodder . Funding will collapse .
Else where – see below Douglas Murray in the Telegraph also popping away at the doomed BBC – fertile ground for the government to announce decriminalisation for a start
It is that time of year again. When the BBC tries to wrench away my last remaining justification for its funding.
At last year’s Last Night of the Proms the BBC gave us a number of delights. As well as a new commission called ‘Woke’ the main event was that the task of singing Rule, Britannia was given to a soprano who the BBC thrilled to report was wearing a dress in the colours of the ‘bisexual flag’.
I think most of us could honestly say that we care very little what team our Rule, Britannia soprano plays for. But the BBC obviously thought otherwise. And in case the dim children at the back (aka the general public) weren’t paying attention, when the last verse came this soprano hauled out a huge LGBT rainbow flag from behind the podium and began waving it furiously. Hurrah and huzzah, the higher-ups at the BBC clearly thought. That’ll show the bigots.
Only at the BBC could anyone imagine that the world of classical music is overwhelmingly heterosexual and that gay people in said world still face insuperable barriers.
It appears that this year’s improving Last Night lesson will be an anti-racist one. ‘The Proms will reinvent the Last Night in this extraordinary year so that it respects the traditions and spirit of the event whilst adapting to very different circumstances at this moment in time.’ So said the BBC in their statement announcing that this Last Night would include the playing of Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory and other favourites. But that while we may enjoy the tunes, we may not this year enjoy the words.
What has changed? Well the conductor for the evening – the Finnish Dalia Stasevska – had earlier been quoted saying that ‘change’ was needed at the Royal Albert Hall this year. Because of the death of George Floyd.
Speaking personally, I am getting a little fed up with the shoe-horning of George Floyd into every aspect of our lives. The Minnesotan policeman accused of killing him is currently in prison awaiting trial for murder. Literally nobody on earth is defending his actions. So it is slightly galling that anyone, at the BBC or anywhere else, should try to present his killing as some sort of Murder on the Orient Express effort involving every white person on earth.
But the BBC seems to fear just that. At the same time it was wringing its hands about the Last Night of the Proms the corporation released a strange, silent, black and white video announcing that it was dedicating £100 million to “long-term change”. “We’ve always been here to celebrate diversity” the advert said. “But we need to do more and we will.” What does this even mean? What have events in Minnesota got to do with the taxpayer-funded BBC? Did the corporation have any involvement in the killing of Mr Floyd?
Of course the BBC is only the latest corporation to display some such fear. A fortnight ago a shopper in Marks and Spencer complained that one of the darker coloured bras in the range was called ‘tobacco’. Twenty-nine year old Kusi Kimani told the press, ‘I saw it about two weeks after George Floyd’s death and it was particularly raw to see at that time’. Marks and Spencer immediately apologised and pleaded about how they had ‘more to learn’. Absolutely nobody said ‘What?’ Or more pertinently ‘WTF’? What has the death of George Floyd got to do with an M&S bra?
Well about as much as it has to do with British history or the patriotic songs which the citizens of this country traditionally enjoy singing. Outside of some radical street protestors it is only in cringing corporations like the BBC that anyone could honestly fail to understand the spirit in which these songs are sung or the deep, decent wells on which they draw.
Only these ignoramuses actually live with the misapprehension that if we British have a few too many verses of Rule Britannia then we become seized by the urge to invade France. Or bring back that global slave trade we led the world in doing away with.
Tens of thousands of members of the general public have already signed a petition to try to persuade the BBC that we know how to behave after a song or two. I hope they are successful. A country is made up of its traditions. This country is a decent one, and our traditions are too.ARTICLE ENDS
Radio 4’s Paul Sinha’s General Knowledge has a dig at President Trump and Boris Johnson within the first few minutes, so tiresomely predictable.
Still, if they hadn’t won their respective elections I expect it would have been George Bush and Margaret Thatcher.
Not sure #CCBGB quite captures the responses.
Great news that Land of Hope and Glory reached number 1 in the charts, as an ‘Up Yours’ to the BBC. Well done Laurence Fox, Farage, Boris, et al.
But how much better if all those people had simply cancelled their extortion tax payments instead!!
Defund the BBC!
Facebook goes full Ms. Marple.
Never go full Ms. Marple.
First Carrie, now whoever this is.
Ship. Sinking….
Pleeezzee meester – can i have a job on Times Radio ..?
Gompertz tweeted
“No idea what happens next!
Happy to help with people’s projects if I can”
.. that’s two WHITE staff that have left
so is it about demographics ?
Brother of BBC correspondent Will Gompertz. They look like Frankenstein trial runs.
Dawn is ok.
But Di… Di is quality.
A game for all the family ‘ abbot logic ‘
“ Why does the sun come up when its already light ?”
She and Lammy – what great adverts for their race . ….
Do you remember when this kind of reasoning was children’s humour?
Terry Scott’s My Brother:
“He don’t think my mum knows how to brings us up right – I
don’t think so either.
You know, every night when we’re wide awake, she makes us go to bed,
and then in the morning when we’re fast asleep, she makes us get up.”
Surely it’s because Mohammed instructs it to rise daily and presumably with that sort of, ‘logic’ he also instructs the light to herald the Sun…………………….
“Bread price may rise after dire UK wheat harvest”
“Farmers say that the extreme weather over the last year is likely to mean wheat yields are down by up to 40%.
“As a result, some millers have already increased the price of flour by 10% and they warn a no-deal Brexit could push up prices even further.”
More “Would” and “Could” and even a re-intro of Brexit fear .
Could we not import wheat from USA & Canada?
All the crops look pretty good around here
Wheat was cut in the field out the window last week
That’s the third crop this year.
There’s loads of maize growing around here for the power stations
that’s mad, but it’ll be about subsidies,
We probably will import wheat because there is no world shortage, apparently.
But we had an extremely wet autumn and winter. Many farmers across Britain did not complete sowing of winter wheat. Some farmers, including friends of ours didn’t get a single grain in the ground until the end of March (autumn cultivations usually completed by beginning of November. Heard of people in Cheshire who didn’t get their potatoes lifted and they rotted in the field. I think only 40% of wheat planted by Christmas.
April came and we had two months of drought. It meant what wheat there was concentrated on producing their main stems and not the side shoots which would have contributed to the yield. One field I know that was drilled late formed a hard cap, the seedlings couldn’t break the cap and had to be pulled up.
So lots of spring barley being grown for animal feed, ie a glut so poor yields and poor prices.
And Stew, in Lincolnshire wheat might be in, but not north of the Humber. And those spring drilled crops are definitely not fit (technical term for ready for harvest.
I’ve noticed that my posts querying our ‘ NHS Heroes’ score lower than other topics.
Never mind.
Here’s another couple of success stories.
‘Spreadsheet error led to Edinburgh hospital opening delay’.
But not on the BBC webshite as far as I can tell is a widely reported example of a man whose cancer was not picked up while we were ‘saving the NHS’. And now his condition is terminal.
Needless to say, the government, rather than the NHS with its
£100 bn +++ budget and 1 million plus workforce, are to blame.
Save the NHS. Kill the public. Blame the government.
The national broadcaster of the U.K.
Still not being heard ?????? Try watching the adverts and every tv programme love !
Guest Who, they are being heard far to dam much for anyone’s liking-if they want to be considered as to who they are, then they must return to that part of the world where their race type originated and there they can shout and scream as much as they want-BUT not here in these prodominantly white people’s nations. The fact that in the main they have had safety here in the UK, and where they have to understand, White Lives matter. They should also understand that all people of Western nations are enslaved to an all-engulfing neoliberal fascism-to a predatory economy. Corporate lie propaganda drip-feeds our brains, and yet we haven’t even noticed it-we are enslaved just as are the black’s to so called ‘leaders’ put in office by obscure foreign masters of deceit-the ever coporate controlled propaganda machine. Yes its all there if one cares to look, it pokes us in the eye everyday, as one listens to or looks at BBC TV. They the BBC have become the masters of deceit, and where duplicity reigns.
Not a BS or Laura K ‘Boom’….
“Gers figures: Scotland’s public spending deficit rises to £15.1bn”
Things are not looking good for Sturgeon ? Will she drop the financial case for independence ?
Well, I periodically post these up, but after monitoring the GB Electricity National Grid Demand and Output per Production, daily for over a year now.
This is the lowest I have ever seen renewables. 8%.
I also notice King coal is at 3%…….. wonderful.
and Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) is at 1% Must be a crisis.
We are going to need a bloody big battery.
Coal power is also coming in via the Netherlands connector
11% of Dutch electricity is currently being generated by coal.
via @MhehedZherting
“We are going to need a bloody big battery.”
They are going to use all the batteries of the electric cars that are on charge overnight. So when you get up in the morning your car will be worse off than it was when you went to bed and the car battery will be aging twice as fast.
The BBC should bring back its ‘science’ forum in which half the posters wanted to put wind turbines on their electric cars so that they could self-charge while they were driving.
It makes as much sense.
At 08 40 am 27 Aug. Wind and solar at 6% combined..
Coal at 6%…..
Thanks very interesting davylars-why are renewables so low? They should be increasing if Government projections are anyhting to go by!
Local news at 10.30 and a nurse being interviewed. The poor soul, like all nurses, had her last pay rise in 2018 and it was only £3,000 per year. With prices going up and inflation she couldn’t afford things like food (but could afford red hair dye).
I guess many people in the private sector would have loved a £3,000 pay rise and in the present circumstances would love a job.
But we cannot expect the BBC employees to understand. If they are laid off it is only so they can come back as a consultant on more money.
Channel 4 will host ‘Black Takeover Day’ in 2021
Will the take over be permanent ? Sooner or later it will be unless something drastic changes in the next decade.
I note that in the row over the army”s tanks the generals are saying how important they might be in stopping Putin. But the generals, commentators and politicians are all looking in the wrong direction for the threat to Europe. It doesn’t come from the east but from the south and south east. The Muslim invasion is a clear and present danger but no one amongst the generals, commentators and politicians seems to be bothered about it. We don’t need tanks or super sophisticated aircraft and ridicolously colossal carriers to protect us from that deadly threat. We do need , political will , and end to protecting our country and way of life being seen as the ultimate sin of racism, robust defence of our borders , an end to all third world immigration legal or illegal. We also need a police force with the will and tools to protect property and life because we are sitting on a tinder box that could erupt at any time.
I have little hope that any of this will happen and I see Brits realising in thirty years time that they have no future in the country where they were born , which by then will have descended into a third world shit hole. But there will no where else to go.
100% agree Doublethinker-we shall need to look at the ‘Why,’ are there thousands upon thousands of peple’s from the middle east swarming to the North Afican Coast to cross into Europe? The reason in very few words is following 1945 end of WW2, the middle east was divided into regions to be controlled by USA/Europe. The US is under the control of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. It all began in Europe when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals. Unless that is understood then nothing will make sense. Breaking up the middle east for its natural wealth has caused the massive displacement of humans, along with purpose encouraged wars and terrorism. That is one of the main reasons and which has and is turning into a climax of civil unrest, throughout Europe-this will spread and with it will come internal strife for the indgenous peoples, culminating in such a war that does bear thinking about.