Does the BBc have a special gripe line that gets through straight away if you are a lawyer?
Fake news doing what it does best: providing a platform for a spot of race-baiting. Note the lack of context: is this a regular occurrence? Or a one-off – assuming it happened the way she says. Where did it happen? Witnesses?
“British ex-soldier Major Robert Campbell cleared over Iraqi teenager’s death”
This should never have happened. The poor chap has had this case hanging over his head for such a long time .
The witch hunters should be brought to book .
So the National Trust has gone full woke bonkers now. They are going through an appraisal of their Country House properties and are about to “take the knee” over any with any trace of links, however spurious to Colonialism and therefore implied slavery and racism.
I believe they are working their way up until they can openly attack the Royal Family so beware House of Lords!
I have enjoyed being a member of the Trust for a considerable time but have just let them know I will NOT be renewing my subscription and support in future..
I fervently hope that I am not alone in this, we normal folk must make our voice heard against these deluded activists who have obviously become entrenched in organisations like the NT as well as in a host of major Companies.
I would rather the great houses of the UK fall into ruins through lack of support than let them become transformed into fake living “Disney style” UK Holocaust memorials that they are now trying hard to become.
The only weapon we have is our support and I urge anyone else who has subscribed in the past to withdraw all financial support henceforth, it is the only weapon, yet a powerful one that we have to slow or halt this surge of anti-British vendetta being sparked by the woke new marketing employees acting as moles within them.
The Coop have just had to back-track over calling a ban on advertising in the Spectator which resulted from a junior marketing assistant caving to pressure from small group of woke activist trolls on Twitter calling out the Co-op for advertising in the Spectator who the trolls had vilified for publishing what they deemed anti-trans articles.
This speech and history “crime” contagion must be stopped for the good of the freedom of our society.
digg, full marks for telling the NT how you feel. If you want a work-around and wish to continue to have access you could join the NT in Scotland who are separate but have a reciprocal arrangement with the England & Wales NT for access to properties.
Once upon a time it was far cheaper to join the NT in Scotland. đ
Most white people died in factories, in coal mines, in wars, they had their lands taken from them, died in famines, from illness and so forth, press-ganged onto ships, were most died and never returned.
It wasn’t so very long ago that most white people in the UK were little more than slaves. Their reality was one in which they had to choose between working (and living) in appalling conditions or starve.
We didn’t even have universal male suffrage until 1918, and it took until 1928 until women and men had identical voting rights.
Cancelled my membership yesterday as did my next door neighbour, left NT in no doubt as to the reason. A real shame that such a marvellous organisation has been spoiled for so many by so few.
This is what we are up against folks – confused (or worse) cultures being pushed as the norm in the UK with the ultimate aim of the takeover. This is not just a different opinion.
Salma El-Wardany, a BBC presenter and civil rights activist, replies to Ann cancelling her NT membership.
â”Power is changing hands and people don’t like it – so then they get absolutely irate about completely ridiculous things like the National Trust being open and honest about its history.”
I wonder what she means by âpower is changing handsâ?
She is âEgyptian/Irish/Desi Muslimâ according to her twitter page @writtenbysalma.
In their land all that matters is narrative NOT truth
Here’s Alastair Campbell pushing the narrative
‘Look over there the Tories are the party of whitey only’
This is Mohammad Saqib Bhatti MP, Though born in England, he is quite clearly not a white skinned person!
You could at least try to disguise your intolerable bigotry.
We all knew you as a liar, but it is obvious you cannot tell the truth to yourself let alone others!
Alistair Campbell is a white man so why should we listen to him if what he is inferring is true? Or is Alistair Campbell just a hypocrite and playing lowest denominator politics? If he is also lying and spinning the narrative, what does that tell us about Alistair Campbell and his time in power with New Labour?
Of if only white men are staying up late and debating what does that tell us about the women MPs and the BAME MPs – are they shirking their Parliamentary responsibilities? Is Alistair Campbell actually implying that women and BAMEs are shirkers?
In the past I had heard of something called “white genocide” but didn’t pay it much attention.
However now when I do a youtube search to find out about it all I get are denials of it, links to conspiracy theory, fake news, white supremacy. It is as if there is no neutral discussion allowed of it.
When I did a duckduckgo search on the term again I get lists of denials and links to far right and white supremacy labels to it rather than a neutral consideration of it.
So it made me think – is it a criminal offense to search for “white genocide” and to consider it in a neutral light?
A ‘virtual walk’ created from visitors photographs of Ayer’s Rock** has been removed from Street View at the request of Parks Australia.
So we are no longer able to see photographs of a lump of sandstone, possible formed 550 million years ago, i.e. about a 549.5 million years before the current ‘owners’ turned up.
** Richard Feynman said:
See that bird? Itâs a brown-throated thrush, but in Germany itâs called a halzenfugel, and in Chinese they call it a chung ling and even if you know all those names for it, you still know nothing about the bird. You only know something about people; what they call the bird. Now that thrush sings, and teaches its young to fly, and flies so many miles away during the summer across the country, and nobody knows how it finds its way.
The Anangu people clearly know nothing about this lump of sandstone, yet ‘the white man’, who used to seek knowledge, now defers to the primitives.
Are the lying beeb reporting Trump’s comments on the Sussexes, or Ginge and Whinge as they’re affectionately known? I suspect not, because many Brits share his opinion and we can’t have that.
Asked about their recent shameless meddling in the election, he replied:
“I’m not a fan of hers… I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he’s going to need it.”
It may not originally have reached the CEO but with some knowledge of how they work, there's no chance the decision to stop advertising with you wasn't taken at high level. They wouldn't put the price of crisps up by 1p without it being signed off by a dozen layers of management.
Nobody actually thinks Trump is going to hole up in the White House like Pacino at the end of "Scarface" if he loses. This is media projection justifying preparations for left-wing violence. And Trump played into it by saying stupid crap, as always.
Lenny Henry in the ‘i’ (our imaginary national newspaper) is keen to tell us about: ‘Classical music’s race problem’ – some might say Lenny was a precociously talented young performer when he appeared in the stage version of the Black & White Minstrel Show and when he famously won the New Faces TV talent show with his impression of Frank Spencer (Ooh Betty, the cat’s done a whoopsy in my beret) all at the remarkably tender age of 17. But Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart he ain’t.
We’ll leave aside the slight puzzle that he apparently overcame the ingrained societal racism of the 1970s to become Britain’s most popular young Brummie but now, career in the doldrums, racism is suddenly a massive problem for him.
The Daily Express likewise voices the racial angst of a successful black person, this time a young woman and a public performer of sorts: ‘Shameful. Black barrister mistaken for defendant three times’ – keep your wig on, luv (literally).
It hasn’t made the press front pages but breaking news of 1,000s of arrests of county lines drugs gangs might just exacerbate this young lawyer’s problems. I’d advise keeping yourself fully gowned and bewigged at all times when that lot come up before the courts.
Now let’s contradict a stereotype. Also in the courtroom we read in the FT: ‘Ex-VW chief to face ‘dieselgate’ trial’
And on the subject of German financial impropriety the Times carries a front page pic of: ‘Three-times Wimbledon champion Boris Becker 52, pleaded not guilty yesterday to concealling ÂŁ1 from his bankrupcy trustees’
In unrelated news the Times expresses: ‘Fears over lack of drugs testing in tennis’
The Times offers some minor reassurance to Brexiteers: ‘Fur sales to be banned when Britain leaves European law’ – well, Boris may still trade away our fishing grounds but at least the mink can breath a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile in the same paper we discover: ‘Cats more satisfied with one feed a day’
A favourite fallback for a bored press in silly season (and let’s face it we’ve been in silly season for six months now with no let up in sight) is to highlight posh people’s holidays. The Mail asks: ‘So how did Harry and Meghan blow ÂŁ250k on THAT African trip?’
And the class warriors at the freebie Metro point the finger at: ‘PM’s partner enjoys 5-star Italian break with pals and baby Wilfred’ ‘Rule of ÂŁ600 a night’ ‘Pushing the boat out: Carrie Symonds and her friends, plus baby Wilfred hired a ÂŁ300 an-hour-launch to explore Lake Como’ – it all reads more like Judith Chalmers presenting “Wish you were here” I might save up and book for two weeks next September.
Front page photos of the Chancellor of the Exchequer bring me back down to earth from daydreaming of summer holidays. He may be taller, friendlier-looking and more tanned than Labour’s former would-be Chanceller John McDonnell, but our Rishi has spent way more spondulicks than even the IRA’s favourite economist could ever have imagined.
The Telegraph cautions: ‘We need to face up to the hard choices’ – they certainly said a thing there.
Our friend Dom seems to be never off the front page of the Star.
The subheading: ‘CIA mystic finds ET’ accompanied by pictures of serried ranks of little green men had me worried for a moment egghead Cummings had cloned himself. That would possibly explain his apparent popping up hither and thither all over the country during lockdown.
The tabloid goes with the loo roll panic buying report again today. Well, the Star admit they are: ‘Still No1 for No2s’ and choosing this old story yet again are disarmingly frank with their headline: ‘Groundbog Day’
Ms Campbell sounds charming. I wonder how she was dressed. If she was like the 103 photos of young women in the Daily Mail article about places closing at 10pm. Most of them has dresses barely covering their knickers, I suppose we should be grateful they were wearing them. I donât care what judges say in rape cases but if young women wear next to nothing and behave laddishly then it isnât surprising when they are not treated as ladies. And I am not supportive of anybody using the fword. I donât use it and never have.
I also wonder about the barrister with her hooped earnings and painted eyebrows. We were told she wasnât in gown and wig but she doesnât tell us that she was dressed appropriately for court.
AISI and others on this site thankfully report on what the MSM are doing each day . But if you look ( on the net ) each day what you see – i suggest – is just bleak .
Someone here a couple of weeks ago – asked why cant more positive stuff be reported here? But where is it ?
Its just day after day of misery . Thr governmentsâ desperate and ill timed attempt to get the country going again floundered and will make it even harder next time . And – of course the MSM rejoices in this as the economy slides away .
Is there a solution? No – apart from time – 2020 is a write off – and in my view so is 2021 . How things are to pan out – locally nationally and internationally ? Who knows …..
….. but miracles happen – vaccines – the virus diminishing … but the effect will last a lifetime .
The sun is shining – revealing a little bit of poster paint on the table left from yesterday’s visit by my ex-neighbour’s daughter who insists that she must come back every week to see me and give me some hugs. (She is the one insisting on the hugs, not me being like ‘Spooky Joe’).
Although these children are aware of what is going on they still have their curiosity and joy at discovering something new. (That is probably why the ‘progressives’ would like to see all children brought up in institutions).
I am sure that the human spirit can survive ‘the woke’ and the BBC!
Looks like he was in custody suite and then shot himself but he is still alive. Expect the BBC to withhold his name much as they have done with the Libiyan asylum seeker that had previously been jailed for assault but couldn’t be returned as it wasn’t safe for him to be returned to Libiya and then he went on to kill and stab in Birmingham. Also expect the BBC to shrug its shoulders and say…..what do you expect with Trump being the US president……or ….Look at the Police heavy-handed approach to stopping people in cars in Brixton……..its all to come
Police Shooting Update; I can confirm that the BBC who stated that a suspect who shot a police officer dead then shot himself dead is not correct the suspect is believed to be in a âCritical Conditionâ; though our thoughts are with our family member at this all so tragic time!????
Sounds like the police lapsed by failing to find & remove his concealed gun.
\\ The prisoner was being booked in for possession of ammunition at around 2am, it is believed.
The police spokesman said no police firearms were discharged.//
Switched on before 8 a.m. in time to hear Nick Robinson argue with Stephen Barclay, MP (Chief Secretary to the Treasury) that the Chancellor’s announcement yesterday was really not good enough. The inference was that HM Treasury should pay 100% of everyone’s wages at one extreme or should micro-manage the economy and the virus and the NHS AND everything else as well, at the other extreme.
Stephen Barclay stood up to the battering extremely well.
Nick was especially worried that the Government appeared to be deciding that some jobs were non-viable. Perhaps a chill breeze is starting to blow in the corridors of Broadcasting House and around Nick Robinson’s ankles?
Perhaps we are finally hitting âpeak BBCâ as it expands to be the monster monopoly it has become .,
BBC management crow about â reach â and that it the â go to source â –
But i d say its not because of the quality or objectiveness of the content but because it is like a virus – infecting all aspects of our lives – if we let it . I wont .
Fed, the BBC has certainly infected both traditional broadcasting and the new media of the interwebby extremely well. Vampire squid-like and it has its fangs in the UK population to drain them of declining billions.
The problem for the BBC is that if households are really forced by ‘new’ economics to consider their household expenditure, ÂŁ160 (in round figures – prob. soon to be the actual LF) of unnecessary tax may have to go. Then the Beeb will ask for more. ÂŁ170. And more people will give up the TellyTubbyTax. Then the BBC will say “We can’t manage. It needs to be ÂŁ180.” and even more will say ” ‘Bye! ”
Watch DVDs and boxed sets instead. Talk to elderly relatives on the ‘phone to cheer them up. Find new skills and crafts that can raise a bob or two to supplement a decline in income. Plenty to do. I’ve never been busier.
Thinks: ‘How did I ever have the time to go to work?’
Daughter at Uni loves running. Just told me âIâm sick of men in cars honking their horns and shouting out the car window at me. Two men in a car got stuck at a red light and I went up to window and told them to go f**k themselves. Should have seen their faces.â
Current top stories on the BBC news channel for children:
1) Fridays for Future school strikes are back: The school strikes are back, but with a difference because of coronavirus and social distancing measures, which mean some strikes and protests will be taking place online.
Tells British Children they have to resume their climate strikes and protests today to save the planet and if they can’t find a march to join they must protest online using social media. They also tell British kids of a new climate anthem they must memorize and sing together to urge the UK government to do something more.
2) Why are people talking about Breonna Taylor?
Tells British kids that no-one was charged after the police shot to death Breonna Taylor. They link this to the injustice of the police killing of George Floyd and that many people are protesting the decision including Lewis Hamilton and Naomi Osaka. They then give links to the Black Lives Matter movement and articles explaining systemic racism and show British kids how they can protest the decision by supporting BLM and protesting on social media.
3) Kids cleaning beaches to help the environment
just been on ITV.
Diversity will be doing a dance about the Police Officer shot in the the station.
It starts off with the Police officer waking up having breakfast in his home and dropping the kids off at school…..the officer arrives at work to be confronted by a BME awaiting charges. The ensuing struggle will be portrayed in dance as the gunman takes the life of the innocent public servant instantly creating a widow …..Ashley Banjo will play the part of the officer with the little curly haired t@@t being the police officer……OFCOM will uphold the complaint from a Mrs Abbott and ITV will publish a full page advert apologising for using BME people in the role of the perpetrator…..
I donât really want to write on such a horror and a prayer does go to the dead cop – his / her family and friends – and let the killer burn .
However -we are so used to the MSM corruptly âreporting â such events that there can no longer be trust in what they do say – or what they donât say .
I know that sounds weird but that is the consequence of news as a propaganda tool .
The more negative the facts in this case are to the âdiversity hysteria â the less we will hear and the longer it will take for anything like the truth to emerge .
Meanwhile the race industry will remain silent – heading to charge onto the screens to out woke ârace each other on the body of a shot copper RIP.
The telegraph is describing the killer as ….Shri Lankan … which – if true – you know the coming narrative ……
Wasn’t Sri Lanka once a colony of UK. We all know whats coming like Fed Up i wish I could spend my hours commenting on positive aspects of our society….expect the BBC to withold his nationality and concentrate on the failings of police procedures. I expect in SW1 they have already called a meeting to discuss how they will handle the story , expect a picture of a BME lady leaving flowers, we have already been shown a BME policeman outside Croydon police station…..its a disgrace.
So Radio4 are you disproportionately black again this morning ?
– The author on Desert Island Discs, 10am Windrush, followed by the Nigerian drama,
Then a prog pushing the narrative “Tory austerity”
Even the tweet of the Day featured bird is “black backed”
Using “defendant” but not “journalist” in the headlines, means the headline is click bait
BTW apart from the clothes, people suggested that court staff expect barristers to be much older than she looks.
(I wonder if the court staff who challenged her were actually all white anyway)
So, let me get this right…
Someone who wasn't dressed as a barrister went to courtrooms and was mistaken for a defendant (and also a journalist)?
— What's the dope? ???????? – ???????? – ???????? (@DominantDomest1) September 25, 2020
TOADY Watch #2 – what have we done to our children?
The prime interview slot really lacked a candidate today so the Bee Lady did a piece about stoodents at yooni, specifically Glasgae Yooni. (If I remembered the programme right. I know I intended to do three TWs today.) One student was interviewed – a wimmin – and what a hopeless and helpless creature she was. One could almost cry for her.
Bear in mind that these youngsters are all from the IT generation and are experienced users and are used to being glued to phones, tablets, laptops and desktops all day long. The young lady explained they had to isolate in their hall because so many had caught the Covid-19 virus during Freshers Week. They tried to book a supermarket delivery of food for their block “but there wasn’t a delivery slot available.”
OK, in that situation an old grey haired grumpy set of OAPs would be on the IT – if they had the skills – to order up a takeaway. One meal done. Loo rolls, cleaning stuff, breakfast? On-line search. Or telephone directory, if there’s one available.
If not, well, Yoonis employ lots of people called Student Counsellors and, possibly, Chaplains as well although they may be unpaid. There will be a notice on the Hall wall with ‘phone numbers. Call them next. No good? OK, what about local churches? Can they help? Social Services? Different supermarkets? There are more than one, I’m sure, in the vicinity of Glasgow University.
Nope. {That’s an abbreviation for ‘No, hopeless’ to describe this baby.) Bear in mind this is someone thought to be intellectually capable of attending University (a good one) to obtain a Degree. What have we done to our children?
I think the state should just buy them all a ÂŁ20 Alexa and send them on their way …… as for schooling ? Damaged education ? Iâm sure the furloughed parent ( s ) will busily educate their children – assuming – of course said parent is âeducated â…..
TOADY Watch #3 – a pleasant interlude after Nasty Nick and Helpless Wimmin
Dave Brubeck is dead and in the grand old tradition (I remember Jim Reeves …. or was it Christopher Reeve? …. just kiddin’) of dead musicians he has released a new album. It was recorded shortly before his death and was really a gift to his grandchildren.
Are the BBC about to make a gift to the British public who have supported them so well over nearly a century? Are they going to give up the Licence Fee and pay for their services via advertising? After all that is what this segment on the TOADY Programme was.
This is the BLM that the BBC reveres and wants us all to bend the knee to, in that obscene gesture of abject submission.
Their leaders openly admit to being trained Marxists whose aims are to burn down the system, loot in the name of ‘reparation’, murder the police, instigate violent revolution, and other such delights.
“Their leaders openly admit to being trained Marxists whose aims are to burn down the system, loot in the name of âreparationâ, murder the police, instigate violent revolution, and other such delights.”
The BBC is at war with Britain and every day it exists through British taxpayer funding is a day lost to the destruction of Britain.
The BBC are seeding future rebellion and civil war through the brainwashing and training of British children similar to what the Ottomans did when creating their Janissary:
“Janissaries began as elite corps made up of young Christian boys … were taken from the Balkans, enslaved and converted to Islam, and incorporated into the Ottoman army. They became famed for internal cohesion cemented by strict discipline and order. Unlike typical slaves, they were paid regular salaries.”
The BBC must be stopped before they destroy Britain.
Pubs : good to see that people who would have left the put at 10:30pm, 11pm 11:30pm are now compressed together on the same tubes/buses with those that usually leave at 10pm anyway
Restaurant near me, is now open for dining from lunchtime, and taking bookings until 8pm, with pre-ordered menu until 9pm , and offering a ‘take home’ pudding !
Its workable and money can still be made – just takes a bit of initiative.
UPDATE: Four people were injured in a knife attack in Paris near the former offices of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, and two assailants are currently on the run, French police say. – @AlArabiya_Eng
Barnet Sep 23 : 11 armed officers doing a drugs raid were attacked with acid.
“Corrosive substance” aka acid.
According to local witness statements, who were asked for help by the police and who rushed to get their garden hose and hose the officers down.
One had his shoe melted off, down to his foot, according to one of the witnesses.
I am only an occasional visitor to this informative site so apologies in advance if this link, regarding lockdown legislation impinging on liberty, has been posted here before:
BBC already pushing the narrative that the shooting is due to “Tensions”over stop and search, a truly disgusting piece of journalism before the facts are out….from the BBC report.
The Reverend Catherine Tucker, who was at the centre earlier, said: “The action taken against the police is really unacceptable but I also feel sorry for the perpetrator.
“Sadly, I am not surprised there has been a shooting in Croydon.
“There are tensions between the police and young people particularly in relation to stop and search and the way the police relate to the community.”
Fed, that is a dishonourable comment and is not worthy of you or this site. But I can guess what you are getting at. Saving the taxpayer the cost of jailing the murder for 17½ or 20 or 25 years and all the parole & support costs thereafter.
But it deprives the family and colleagues of the deceased officer a fair trial and some closure with the cell door slamming shut.
It also deprives the nation of the spotlight on what happened and the chance of (yet another) wake-up call to the authorities and to Government.
Revd Catherine Tucker
Just been to the Windmill Road Croydon Police Station shooting incident site. Talking with press, local community and those laying flowers. The community are shocked but sadly not surprised. Praying again for the relationship between the police and local young people.
Just been to the Windmill Road Croydon Police Station shooting incident site. Talking with press, local community and those laying flowers. The community are shocked but sadly not surprised. Praying again for the relationship between the police and local young people.
@Davylars Sheâs deleted her account.
but I hacked a screenshot
Seems the deletion came after her BBC appearance and the next tweet
\\ Revd Catherine Tucker on Twitter: “Just been to the Windmill us
22 hours ago – Revd Catherine Tucker to BBC: The action taken against the police is really unacceptable but I also FEEL SORRY FOR THE PERPETRATOR. //
Also Revd Tucker to BBC: There are tensions between the police and young people particularly in relation to stop and search and the way the police relate to the community.
You're making it sound like the officer had it coming Reverend.
We must know now that the scum who killed the policeman
cannot be of Caucasian ethnicity ,because that would of been the first thing the BBC would of told us. Yes BBC all animals are
equal , but some are more equal than others when it comes
to murder.And all you footballers going down on your knees
tomorrow perhaps a minutes silence for the dead policeman
might be a better idea!!!
And now I read on the BBC website that
we are supposed to feel sorry for the perpetrator . And basically that the policeman had it coming. The anarchist BBC reporting
on its website makes me want to vomit.
Looks like what has become fashionable in the US, due to BLM/Antifa and the Ocasio-Cortezes of this world -shooting police officers- has come to Britain.
So far the invasion hasn’t shaken Bojo from his stupor, that Britain is actually in an undeclared war, wonder whether this will?
There will be many, many words from Priti, but -as usual- no significant action.
I suppose we’re going to have to wait for Nigel to say anything meaningful?
What can they do? They’ll settle back to watch the deterioration and increasing danger from a distance – well protected personally. After all, they have acquiesced for decades. Thanks Bliar – it was only a matter of time, you wound up the ticking clock.
Any rubber boaters in today, just to join the fray.
I’ll predict here and now: as in the US, it will take the public to put this whole mess right – ‘Hate Crimes’ or not will be an irrelevance.
G – The public may well be able to put things right in The US, they have not been disarmed.
Britain is a different story. Citizens were disarmed. And -as we saw last night- this excludes criminals, who have always kept/found their guns.
Suddenly in recent days, lotsa beeb publicity for Ed Davey and his 11 mini-party members. Labour lite. No sign of Nigel, who probably has considerably more support throughout Britain than Davey, but is undercut by 1st past the post system.
I’m pretty sure Nigel would be an MP anyway had there not been a little…er…creative efforts by the Tories.
BBC Radio Wales mentioned the knifings near the Charlie Hebdo offices. They mentioned that it follows a terrorist attack taking place some years ago, but, oddly, omitted who the terrorists were.
BBC Singapore Grip- have you seen this tripe? according to my wife and her brother who were both born and brought up in Singapore for the first 10 years of their lives, c1947, this BBC prog is in most cases rubbish. In the first place It was expected that those from wherever they had come to live and work in Singapore should employ local people to work in their homes or businesses. My wifes folks would never have allowed their children to act in any other way than with respect, and the same went for their friends living there. Many who had fought and been prisoners of the Japs surviving terrible torture and hardships interestingly returned after 1946 to live in Singapore. It was then a decent place by all acounts. Singapore was well run with excellent schools -Army, Navy, and other as my wife went to and for which her parents paid. It is the interpretation of what the producers thought Singapore was like back then, that is so misleading, giving completely the wrong picture. My father-in-laws brother fought against the Japs with the Gurkha’s as a Major and later against the communists attacking through the jungle of Malaya. My Stepmother’s Grandfather built Chaingi which later was turned into a terrible prison by the Japs and it is where that good man lost his life in 1943 after being badly treated. Really it would be better to show how just how horrific the invasion of the Japanese into Malaya/Singapore was-far worse than anything the Nazis did, if you can believe such a thing. Example-When the Japs entered Singapore they killed every Nurse and Doctor in the main Hospital-inc the patients. What can you make of that? They were beyond being called animals-we are making sure our Grandchildren learn as they grow, just what really happened during the Japanese invasion of Malaya/Singapore.
Tarien – not seen âthe gripâ and never will . But the story of the loss of Singapore is a painful one – and if you dont know it – have a read – you will wince .
The aftermath was even worse and when people hand wring about dropping the 2 bombs on japan – reflect . Im just glad so much of japan was destroyed .
On the upside i recall seeing something about how singapore had rebuilt itself consciously taking the best of the West but dumping the liberal crap . I think it worked .
"If there is no deal before Christmas, the increase in tariffs will leave retailers with nowhere to go other than to raise the price of food," the British Retail Consortium warns
The Home Secretary said: âThis is a sad day for our country and another terrible reminder of how our police officers put themselves in danger each and every day to keep the rest of us safe.â
The saddest day for our country was when ‘liberals’, politicians and the BBC decided they would take it away from the British people.
Honestly, do officers who are constantly maligned as murderers without evidence have a case for defamation against people who label them this way?
This is scary. An anti-BBC lobby group have crowdfunded ÂŁ60,000 to pay for billboards and Facebook adverts – scaling up their negative campaign to convince the public and politicians to defund the BBC. [1] They’re planning to raise hundreds of thousands more in the next few weeks. [2]
If this group is left unchallenged to build a huge anti-BBC lobby, the future of our getting minority activist time prime time coverage will be on the line. Itâs a risk we just canât take.
One of us alone couldn’t match their efforts. But there are thousands of us reading this email, and by working together we could run a counter-campaign so big they wouldnât stand a chance. Assuming all reading it have signed up for reasons other than perverse interest.
With enough of us on board, we could launch our own digital marketing campaign to show how valuable the BBC is to all of us, matching their ads punch for punch. So not only lawyers win, but now media companies too!
But Rube, it will only work if we know that hundreds of thousands of us are on board to protect our BBC. So, are you in? Your response will be logged at the click of a button:
The BBC is not perfect, and when they get things wrong viewers like us hold them to account by writing to their Complaints system. and then waiting six months to be told to sod off.. With dangerous fake news about just about everything on on all channels, this supposed public service broadcaster has never been so important for propaganda dissemination and undermining ideological foes. [3]
From our children watching educational shows during lockdown like â Fisting With Nish, to tuning into the Views at 10, the BBC provides invaluable programming for activist PR people across the country. [4] Thatâs why 38 Degrees members – thatâs people like you – have come together to protect our BBC time and time again when they have stuck it to the public once too often before. [5] With a new anti-BBC lobby growing in power and money each day, we need to step up. It is crazy to expect the BBC to try and be what its Charter obliges it to be, so they have asked us to run interference in return for a lot of coverage of pet outrages.
But we can only match them if enough of us on board. So, are you up for protecting our BBC? Hit the button below:
Thanks for everything you do,
Maggie, Ruby, Gary, Zoe, Mishal, BS, Faisal, Kamal, Tim, Fran and the 38 Degrees team
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
#questionasaheadline As used by the BBC.
What do you think? Also as used by the BBC.
Does the BBc have a special gripe line that gets through straight away if you are a lawyer?
Biden couldn’t say what day it was without his Teleprompter.
A bit like some BBC newsreaders.
“Nadia Whittome sacked after opposing veterans bill”
About time .
Stella greasy on it?
OT but House Journal Gold..
they found themselves some low level waysism to report there, they probably not covering this
though the manchester evening tripe , forces you off to google as it wont even mention the name iof the “man” imprisoned after this girls death
“British ex-soldier Major Robert Campbell cleared over Iraqi teenager’s death”
This should never have happened. The poor chap has had this case hanging over his head for such a long time .
The witch hunters should be brought to book .
So the National Trust has gone full woke bonkers now. They are going through an appraisal of their Country House properties and are about to “take the knee” over any with any trace of links, however spurious to Colonialism and therefore implied slavery and racism.
I believe they are working their way up until they can openly attack the Royal Family so beware House of Lords!
I have enjoyed being a member of the Trust for a considerable time but have just let them know I will NOT be renewing my subscription and support in future..
I fervently hope that I am not alone in this, we normal folk must make our voice heard against these deluded activists who have obviously become entrenched in organisations like the NT as well as in a host of major Companies.
I would rather the great houses of the UK fall into ruins through lack of support than let them become transformed into fake living “Disney style” UK Holocaust memorials that they are now trying hard to become.
The only weapon we have is our support and I urge anyone else who has subscribed in the past to withdraw all financial support henceforth, it is the only weapon, yet a powerful one that we have to slow or halt this surge of anti-British vendetta being sparked by the woke new marketing employees acting as moles within them.
The Coop have just had to back-track over calling a ban on advertising in the Spectator which resulted from a junior marketing assistant caving to pressure from small group of woke activist trolls on Twitter calling out the Co-op for advertising in the Spectator who the trolls had vilified for publishing what they deemed anti-trans articles.
This speech and history “crime” contagion must be stopped for the good of the freedom of our society.
The national Trust
How much donated money are they wasting on this airbrushing and rewriting of history ?
Who are the trustees ?……………………….
Click to access the-board-of-trustees.pdf
digg, full marks for telling the NT how you feel. If you want a work-around and wish to continue to have access you could join the NT in Scotland who are separate but have a reciprocal arrangement with the England & Wales NT for access to properties.
Once upon a time it was far cheaper to join the NT in Scotland. đ
Most white people died in factories, in coal mines, in wars, they had their lands taken from them, died in famines, from illness and so forth, press-ganged onto ships, were most died and never returned.
It wasn’t so very long ago that most white people in the UK were little more than slaves. Their reality was one in which they had to choose between working (and living) in appalling conditions or starve.
We didn’t even have universal male suffrage until 1918, and it took until 1928 until women and men had identical voting rights.
White privilege is a dangerous myth.
Cancelled my membership yesterday as did my next door neighbour, left NT in no doubt as to the reason. A real shame that such a marvellous organisation has been spoiled for so many by so few.
This is what we are up against folks – confused (or worse) cultures being pushed as the norm in the UK with the ultimate aim of the takeover.
This is not just a different opinion.
Salma El-Wardany, a BBC presenter and civil rights activist, replies to Ann cancelling her NT membership.
â”Power is changing hands and people don’t like it – so then they get absolutely irate about completely ridiculous things like the National Trust being open and honest about its history.”
I wonder what she means by âpower is changing handsâ?
She is âEgyptian/Irish/Desi Muslimâ according to her twitter page @writtenbysalma.
I wonder what is meant by “BBC presenter and civil rights activist” ?
In their land all that matters is narrative NOT truth
Here’s Alastair Campbell pushing the narrative
‘Look over there the Tories are the party of whitey only’
Alistair Campbell is a white man so why should we listen to him if what he is inferring is true? Or is Alistair Campbell just a hypocrite and playing lowest denominator politics? If he is also lying and spinning the narrative, what does that tell us about Alistair Campbell and his time in power with New Labour?
Of if only white men are staying up late and debating what does that tell us about the women MPs and the BAME MPs – are they shirking their Parliamentary responsibilities? Is Alistair Campbell actually implying that women and BAMEs are shirkers?
In the past I had heard of something called “white genocide” but didn’t pay it much attention.
However now when I do a youtube search to find out about it all I get are denials of it, links to conspiracy theory, fake news, white supremacy. It is as if there is no neutral discussion allowed of it.
When I did a duckduckgo search on the term again I get lists of denials and links to far right and white supremacy labels to it rather than a neutral consideration of it.
So it made me think – is it a criminal offense to search for “white genocide” and to consider it in a neutral light?
The race to go backwards continues: ‘Google removes Uluru virtual walk from Street View’ .
A ‘virtual walk’ created from visitors photographs of Ayer’s Rock** has been removed from Street View at the request of Parks Australia.
So we are no longer able to see photographs of a lump of sandstone, possible formed 550 million years ago, i.e. about a 549.5 million years before the current ‘owners’ turned up.
** Richard Feynman said:
The Anangu people clearly know nothing about this lump of sandstone, yet ‘the white man’, who used to seek knowledge, now defers to the primitives.
Are the lying beeb reporting Trump’s comments on the Sussexes, or Ginge and Whinge as they’re affectionately known? I suspect not, because many Brits share his opinion and we can’t have that.
Asked about their recent shameless meddling in the election, he replied:
“I’m not a fan of hers… I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he’s going to need it.”
Carefully selected by me.
Fewer than 200 reactions really shows they have captured the nation.
BBC Moaning Emole.
Just the headline:
âJob support scheme uncertaintyâ
Job done.
Amazingly, liked by the new girl in Oz.
Now, letâs see how impartial Si is….
Sheâs back at not being at school. Or something.
Social distancing makes crowd shots tricky.
Sheâs loose in Bremen next.
Nice day off school, and it beats having to study boring old real science.
Almost 30 reactions.
But Huw liked it at least.
Heâs hitting Indy figures.
The media vs. reality.
All good now.
Ben on media TDS trolling.
A reply.
A reminder of what gets memory holed.
Tautology to start off, but I forgive him.
Lenny Henry in the ‘i’ (our imaginary national newspaper) is keen to tell us about: ‘Classical music’s race problem’ – some might say Lenny was a precociously talented young performer when he appeared in the stage version of the Black & White Minstrel Show and when he famously won the New Faces TV talent show with his impression of Frank Spencer (Ooh Betty, the cat’s done a whoopsy in my beret) all at the remarkably tender age of 17. But Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart he ain’t.
We’ll leave aside the slight puzzle that he apparently overcame the ingrained societal racism of the 1970s to become Britain’s most popular young Brummie but now, career in the doldrums, racism is suddenly a massive problem for him.
The Daily Express likewise voices the racial angst of a successful black person, this time a young woman and a public performer of sorts: ‘Shameful. Black barrister mistaken for defendant three times’ – keep your wig on, luv (literally).
It hasn’t made the press front pages but breaking news of 1,000s of arrests of county lines drugs gangs might just exacerbate this young lawyer’s problems. I’d advise keeping yourself fully gowned and bewigged at all times when that lot come up before the courts.
Now let’s contradict a stereotype. Also in the courtroom we read in the FT: ‘Ex-VW chief to face ‘dieselgate’ trial’
And on the subject of German financial impropriety the Times carries a front page pic of: ‘Three-times Wimbledon champion Boris Becker 52, pleaded not guilty yesterday to concealling ÂŁ1 from his bankrupcy trustees’
In unrelated news the Times expresses: ‘Fears over lack of drugs testing in tennis’
The Times offers some minor reassurance to Brexiteers: ‘Fur sales to be banned when Britain leaves European law’ – well, Boris may still trade away our fishing grounds but at least the mink can breath a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile in the same paper we discover: ‘Cats more satisfied with one feed a day’
A favourite fallback for a bored press in silly season (and let’s face it we’ve been in silly season for six months now with no let up in sight) is to highlight posh people’s holidays. The Mail asks: ‘So how did Harry and Meghan blow ÂŁ250k on THAT African trip?’
And the class warriors at the freebie Metro point the finger at: ‘PM’s partner enjoys 5-star Italian break with pals and baby Wilfred’ ‘Rule of ÂŁ600 a night’ ‘Pushing the boat out: Carrie Symonds and her friends, plus baby Wilfred hired a ÂŁ300 an-hour-launch to explore Lake Como’ – it all reads more like Judith Chalmers presenting “Wish you were here” I might save up and book for two weeks next September.
Front page photos of the Chancellor of the Exchequer bring me back down to earth from daydreaming of summer holidays. He may be taller, friendlier-looking and more tanned than Labour’s former would-be Chanceller John McDonnell, but our Rishi has spent way more spondulicks than even the IRA’s favourite economist could ever have imagined.
The Telegraph cautions: ‘We need to face up to the hard choices’ – they certainly said a thing there.
AISI, another great review. Did you spot the pic of Dominic Cummings ‘carefully integrated’ into one photo on one front page?
You’ll probably need to magnifiy the paging on your screen to maximum.
Our friend Dom seems to be never off the front page of the Star.
The subheading: ‘CIA mystic finds ET’ accompanied by pictures of serried ranks of little green men had me worried for a moment egghead Cummings had cloned himself. That would possibly explain his apparent popping up hither and thither all over the country during lockdown.
The tabloid goes with the loo roll panic buying report again today. Well, the Star admit they are: ‘Still No1 for No2s’ and choosing this old story yet again are disarmingly frank with their headline: ‘Groundbog Day’
AISI, you found it. Is that why the Daily Star is BBC Presenter JustRemainIn Webb’s favourite newspaper?
Ms Campbell sounds charming. I wonder how she was dressed. If she was like the 103 photos of young women in the Daily Mail article about places closing at 10pm. Most of them has dresses barely covering their knickers, I suppose we should be grateful they were wearing them. I donât care what judges say in rape cases but if young women wear next to nothing and behave laddishly then it isnât surprising when they are not treated as ladies. And I am not supportive of anybody using the fword. I donât use it and never have.
I also wonder about the barrister with her hooped earnings and painted eyebrows. We were told she wasnât in gown and wig but she doesnât tell us that she was dressed appropriately for court.
AISI and others on this site thankfully report on what the MSM are doing each day . But if you look ( on the net ) each day what you see – i suggest – is just bleak .
Someone here a couple of weeks ago – asked why cant more positive stuff be reported here? But where is it ?
Its just day after day of misery . Thr governmentsâ desperate and ill timed attempt to get the country going again floundered and will make it even harder next time . And – of course the MSM rejoices in this as the economy slides away .
Is there a solution? No – apart from time – 2020 is a write off – and in my view so is 2021 . How things are to pan out – locally nationally and internationally ? Who knows …..
….. but miracles happen – vaccines – the virus diminishing … but the effect will last a lifetime .
Ignore the BBC!
The sun is shining – revealing a little bit of poster paint on the table left from yesterday’s visit by my ex-neighbour’s daughter who insists that she must come back every week to see me and give me some hugs. (She is the one insisting on the hugs, not me being like ‘Spooky Joe’).
Although these children are aware of what is going on they still have their curiosity and joy at discovering something new. (That is probably why the ‘progressives’ would like to see all children brought up in institutions).
I am sure that the human spirit can survive ‘the woke’ and the BBC!
Breaking …..
1 Policeman shot in police station ?
Croydon police officer shot dead inside station before suspect turns gun on themselves
Looks like he was in custody suite and then shot himself but he is still alive. Expect the BBC to withhold his name much as they have done with the Libiyan asylum seeker that had previously been jailed for assault but couldn’t be returned as it wasn’t safe for him to be returned to Libiya and then he went on to kill and stab in Birmingham. Also expect the BBC to shrug its shoulders and say…..what do you expect with Trump being the US president……or ….Look at the Police heavy-handed approach to stopping people in cars in Brixton……..its all to come
@NormanBrennan tweeted
Sounds like the police lapsed by failing to find & remove his concealed gun.
\\ The prisoner was being booked in for possession of ammunition at around 2am, it is believed.
The police spokesman said no police firearms were discharged.//
Hard to understand how he could conceal a gun. Aren’t arrestees of all kinds routinely searched for weapons?
TOADY Watch #1 – a chill breeze blowing?
Switched on before 8 a.m. in time to hear Nick Robinson argue with Stephen Barclay, MP (Chief Secretary to the Treasury) that the Chancellor’s announcement yesterday was really not good enough. The inference was that HM Treasury should pay 100% of everyone’s wages at one extreme or should micro-manage the economy and the virus and the NHS AND everything else as well, at the other extreme.
Stephen Barclay stood up to the battering extremely well.
Nick was especially worried that the Government appeared to be deciding that some jobs were non-viable. Perhaps a chill breeze is starting to blow in the corridors of Broadcasting House and around Nick Robinson’s ankles?
Perhaps we are finally hitting âpeak BBCâ as it expands to be the monster monopoly it has become .,
BBC management crow about â reach â and that it the â go to source â –
But i d say its not because of the quality or objectiveness of the content but because it is like a virus – infecting all aspects of our lives – if we let it . I wont .
Fed, the BBC has certainly infected both traditional broadcasting and the new media of the interwebby extremely well. Vampire squid-like and it has its fangs in the UK population to drain them of declining billions.
The problem for the BBC is that if households are really forced by ‘new’ economics to consider their household expenditure, ÂŁ160 (in round figures – prob. soon to be the actual LF) of unnecessary tax may have to go. Then the Beeb will ask for more. ÂŁ170. And more people will give up the TellyTubbyTax. Then the BBC will say “We can’t manage. It needs to be ÂŁ180.” and even more will say ” ‘Bye! ”
Watch DVDs and boxed sets instead. Talk to elderly relatives on the ‘phone to cheer them up. Find new skills and crafts that can raise a bob or two to supplement a decline in income. Plenty to do. I’ve never been busier.
Thinks: ‘How did I ever have the time to go to work?’
Iâm sure there are plenty being faced with a choice of spending – do I pay for Netflix or the TV licence ? I think the answer can be guessed….
“Finchley rapist attacked woman a week after arriving in UK”
‘More lessons to be learned’ ? Yes, the Home Office is not fit for purpose.
Any news from a junior Vine on tooting motorists of color?
Eggshells, BBC…. eggshells…
Weight loss eh, nothing like leading by example.
Current top stories on the BBC news channel for children:

1) Fridays for Future school strikes are back: The school strikes are back, but with a difference because of coronavirus and social distancing measures, which mean some strikes and protests will be taking place online.
Tells British Children they have to resume their climate strikes and protests today to save the planet and if they can’t find a march to join they must protest online using social media. They also tell British kids of a new climate anthem they must memorize and sing together to urge the UK government to do something more.
2) Why are people talking about Breonna Taylor?
Tells British kids that no-one was charged after the police shot to death Breonna Taylor. They link this to the injustice of the police killing of George Floyd and that many people are protesting the decision including Lewis Hamilton and Naomi Osaka. They then give links to the Black Lives Matter movement and articles explaining systemic racism and show British kids how they can protest the decision by supporting BLM and protesting on social media.
3) Kids cleaning beaches to help the environment
Yesterday the BBC ran another story urging the UK government to increase tax on household gas and electricity to help save the planet.
BBC headline: Low tax on heating is bad for climate, report says
This likely sounded great in her head.
just been on ITV.
Diversity will be doing a dance about the Police Officer shot in the the station.
It starts off with the Police officer waking up having breakfast in his home and dropping the kids off at school…..the officer arrives at work to be confronted by a BME awaiting charges. The ensuing struggle will be portrayed in dance as the gunman takes the life of the innocent public servant instantly creating a widow …..Ashley Banjo will play the part of the officer with the little curly haired t@@t being the police officer……OFCOM will uphold the complaint from a Mrs Abbott and ITV will publish a full page advert apologising for using BME people in the role of the perpetrator…..
Police lives matter
Do they ????? How long before they release the name of the murderer…..its more important to protect the identity of the BME criminal.
Its a political decision nothing must interfere with the cultural destruction of the UK… the policeman will just be seen as collateral…….
I donât really want to write on such a horror and a prayer does go to the dead cop – his / her family and friends – and let the killer burn .
However -we are so used to the MSM corruptly âreporting â such events that there can no longer be trust in what they do say – or what they donât say .
I know that sounds weird but that is the consequence of news as a propaganda tool .
The more negative the facts in this case are to the âdiversity hysteria â the less we will hear and the longer it will take for anything like the truth to emerge .
Meanwhile the race industry will remain silent – heading to charge onto the screens to out woke ârace each other on the body of a shot copper RIP.
The telegraph is describing the killer as ….Shri Lankan … which – if true – you know the coming narrative ……
Wasn’t Sri Lanka once a colony of UK. We all know whats coming like Fed Up i wish I could spend my hours commenting on positive aspects of our society….expect the BBC to withold his nationality and concentrate on the failings of police procedures. I expect in SW1 they have already called a meeting to discuss how they will handle the story , expect a picture of a BME lady leaving flowers, we have already been shown a BME policeman outside Croydon police station…..its a disgrace.
Black or muslim? Any bets? Has to be one of the two.
So Radio4 are you disproportionately black again this morning ?
– The author on Desert Island Discs, 10am Windrush, followed by the Nigerian drama,
Then a prog pushing the narrative “Tory austerity”
Even the tweet of the Day featured bird is “black backed”
Using “defendant” but not “journalist” in the headlines, means the headline is click bait
BTW apart from the clothes, people suggested that court staff expect barristers to be much older than she looks.
(I wonder if the court staff who challenged her were actually all white anyway)
TOADY Watch #2 – what have we done to our children?
The prime interview slot really lacked a candidate today so the Bee Lady did a piece about stoodents at yooni, specifically Glasgae Yooni. (If I remembered the programme right. I know I intended to do three TWs today.) One student was interviewed – a wimmin – and what a hopeless and helpless creature she was. One could almost cry for her.
Bear in mind that these youngsters are all from the IT generation and are experienced users and are used to being glued to phones, tablets, laptops and desktops all day long. The young lady explained they had to isolate in their hall because so many had caught the Covid-19 virus during Freshers Week. They tried to book a supermarket delivery of food for their block “but there wasn’t a delivery slot available.”
OK, in that situation an old grey haired grumpy set of OAPs would be on the IT – if they had the skills – to order up a takeaway. One meal done. Loo rolls, cleaning stuff, breakfast? On-line search. Or telephone directory, if there’s one available.
If not, well, Yoonis employ lots of people called Student Counsellors and, possibly, Chaplains as well although they may be unpaid. There will be a notice on the Hall wall with ‘phone numbers. Call them next. No good? OK, what about local churches? Can they help? Social Services? Different supermarkets? There are more than one, I’m sure, in the vicinity of Glasgow University.
Nope. {That’s an abbreviation for ‘No, hopeless’ to describe this baby.) Bear in mind this is someone thought to be intellectually capable of attending University (a good one) to obtain a Degree. What have we done to our children?
I blame the teachers.
Oh, and the BBC.
I think the state should just buy them all a ÂŁ20 Alexa and send them on their way …… as for schooling ? Damaged education ? Iâm sure the furloughed parent ( s ) will busily educate their children – assuming – of course said parent is âeducated â…..
TOADY Watch #3 – a pleasant interlude after Nasty Nick and Helpless Wimmin
Dave Brubeck is dead and in the grand old tradition (I remember Jim Reeves …. or was it Christopher Reeve? …. just kiddin’) of dead musicians he has released a new album. It was recorded shortly before his death and was really a gift to his grandchildren.
Are the BBC about to make a gift to the British public who have supported them so well over nearly a century? Are they going to give up the Licence Fee and pay for their services via advertising? After all that is what this segment on the TOADY Programme was.
Don’t all rush …..
This is the BLM that the BBC reveres and wants us all to bend the knee to, in that obscene gesture of abject submission.
Their leaders openly admit to being trained Marxists whose aims are to burn down the system, loot in the name of ‘reparation’, murder the police, instigate violent revolution, and other such delights.
And we’re meant to kneel to THAT??
No wonder the BBC worships them.
“Their leaders openly admit to being trained Marxists whose aims are to burn down the system, loot in the name of âreparationâ, murder the police, instigate violent revolution, and other such delights.”
All the BBC’s aspirations.
This is the BBC new word of the day for British Children:
The BBC is at war with Britain and every day it exists through British taxpayer funding is a day lost to the destruction of Britain.
The BBC are seeding future rebellion and civil war through the brainwashing and training of British children similar to what the Ottomans did when creating their Janissary:
“Janissaries began as elite corps made up of young Christian boys … were taken from the Balkans, enslaved and converted to Islam, and incorporated into the Ottoman army. They became famed for internal cohesion cemented by strict discipline and order. Unlike typical slaves, they were paid regular salaries.”
The BBC must be stopped before they destroy Britain.
That’s The Newsround page news page
It first appeared on March 16th
and is re-edited with current news
and a footer “News words of the day”

Seems like Newsround read it in the Guardian
or perhaps cutNpasted from the same PR as they did.
Pubs : good to see that people who would have left the put at 10:30pm, 11pm 11:30pm are now compressed together on the same tubes/buses with those that usually leave at 10pm anyway
typo : pub
Restaurant near me, is now open for dining from lunchtime, and taking bookings until 8pm, with pre-ordered menu until 9pm , and offering a ‘take home’ pudding !
Its workable and money can still be made – just takes a bit of initiative.
Sicily : Quarantined Migrants Grow Angry, Set Fires in Italian Hotel
Some hospitalised after jumping.
“Earlier this week, migrants set fire to mattresses and other furniture, which in turn unleashed a wave of panic through the accommodation, Italian newspaper Il Giornale reports.”
More stabbings in Paris, outside the Charlie Hebdo offices.
They have nabbed one.
Surely not those pesky ‘men’ again?
Crewe / Worcester spate of attempted baby snatches.
Well, I suppose we will hear the argument soon, “we are not being fed properly and in accordance with our normal diet”
Barnet Sep 23 : 11 armed officers doing a drugs raid were attacked with acid.
“Corrosive substance” aka acid.
According to local witness statements, who were asked for help by the police and who rushed to get their garden hose and hose the officers down.
One had his shoe melted off, down to his foot, according to one of the witnesses.
I am only an occasional visitor to this informative site so apologies in advance if this link, regarding lockdown legislation impinging on liberty, has been posted here before:
BBC already pushing the narrative that the shooting is due to “Tensions”over stop and search, a truly disgusting piece of journalism before the facts are out….from the BBC report.
The Reverend Catherine Tucker, who was at the centre earlier, said: “The action taken against the police is really unacceptable but I also feel sorry for the perpetrator.
“Sadly, I am not surprised there has been a shooting in Croydon.
“There are tensions between the police and young people particularly in relation to stop and search and the way the police relate to the community.”
Is the shooter dead yet ? Would help a lot …
Fed, that is a dishonourable comment and is not worthy of you or this site. But I can guess what you are getting at. Saving the taxpayer the cost of jailing the murder for 17½ or 20 or 25 years and all the parole & support costs thereafter.
But it deprives the family and colleagues of the deceased officer a fair trial and some closure with the cell door slamming shut.
It also deprives the nation of the spotlight on what happened and the chance of (yet another) wake-up call to the authorities and to Government.
Revd Catherine Tucker
Just been to the Windmill Road Croydon Police Station shooting incident site. Talking with press, local community and those laying flowers. The community are shocked but sadly not surprised. Praying again for the relationship between the police and local young people.
Can anyone post this tweet? Stew…
Replies could be going better….
Here it is. She is getting the flak she deserves.
Thanks for putting that up theisland
Looks like itâs gone though..
Wonder why,,
@Davylars Sheâs deleted her account.
but I hacked a screenshot
Seems the deletion came after her BBC appearance and the next tweet
\\ Revd Catherine Tucker on Twitter: “Just been to the Windmill us
22 hours ago – Revd Catherine Tucker to BBC: The action taken against the police is really unacceptable but I also FEEL SORRY FOR THE PERPETRATOR. //
We must know now that the scum who killed the policeman
cannot be of Caucasian ethnicity ,because that would of been the first thing the BBC would of told us. Yes BBC all animals are
equal , but some are more equal than others when it comes
to murder.And all you footballers going down on your knees
tomorrow perhaps a minutes silence for the dead policeman
might be a better idea!!!
And now I read on the BBC website that
we are supposed to feel sorry for the perpetrator . And basically that the policeman had it coming. The anarchist BBC reporting
on its website makes me want to vomit.
Looks like what has become fashionable in the US, due to BLM/Antifa and the Ocasio-Cortezes of this world -shooting police officers- has come to Britain.
So far the invasion hasn’t shaken Bojo from his stupor, that Britain is actually in an undeclared war, wonder whether this will?
There will be many, many words from Priti, but -as usual- no significant action.
I suppose we’re going to have to wait for Nigel to say anything meaningful?
What can they do? They’ll settle back to watch the deterioration and increasing danger from a distance – well protected personally. After all, they have acquiesced for decades. Thanks Bliar – it was only a matter of time, you wound up the ticking clock.
Any rubber boaters in today, just to join the fray.
I’ll predict here and now: as in the US, it will take the public to put this whole mess right – ‘Hate Crimes’ or not will be an irrelevance.
G – The public may well be able to put things right in The US, they have not been disarmed.
Britain is a different story. Citizens were disarmed. And -as we saw last night- this excludes criminals, who have always kept/found their guns.
fnw and G
” … they have not been disarmed. ”
Confiscating American’s firearms is one of the top priorities for Democrats and their useful idiots on the Left
Suddenly in recent days, lotsa beeb publicity for Ed Davey and his 11 mini-party members. Labour lite. No sign of Nigel, who probably has considerably more support throughout Britain than Davey, but is undercut by 1st past the post system.
I’m pretty sure Nigel would be an MP anyway had there not been a little…er…creative efforts by the Tories.
BBC Radio Wales mentioned the knifings near the Charlie Hebdo offices. They mentioned that it follows a terrorist attack taking place some years ago, but, oddly, omitted who the terrorists were.
It’s a start, but still a long way to go.
BBC Singapore Grip- have you seen this tripe? according to my wife and her brother who were both born and brought up in Singapore for the first 10 years of their lives, c1947, this BBC prog is in most cases rubbish. In the first place It was expected that those from wherever they had come to live and work in Singapore should employ local people to work in their homes or businesses. My wifes folks would never have allowed their children to act in any other way than with respect, and the same went for their friends living there. Many who had fought and been prisoners of the Japs surviving terrible torture and hardships interestingly returned after 1946 to live in Singapore. It was then a decent place by all acounts. Singapore was well run with excellent schools -Army, Navy, and other as my wife went to and for which her parents paid. It is the interpretation of what the producers thought Singapore was like back then, that is so misleading, giving completely the wrong picture. My father-in-laws brother fought against the Japs with the Gurkha’s as a Major and later against the communists attacking through the jungle of Malaya. My Stepmother’s Grandfather built Chaingi which later was turned into a terrible prison by the Japs and it is where that good man lost his life in 1943 after being badly treated. Really it would be better to show how just how horrific the invasion of the Japanese into Malaya/Singapore was-far worse than anything the Nazis did, if you can believe such a thing. Example-When the Japs entered Singapore they killed every Nurse and Doctor in the main Hospital-inc the patients. What can you make of that? They were beyond being called animals-we are making sure our Grandchildren learn as they grow, just what really happened during the Japanese invasion of Malaya/Singapore.
Tarien – not seen âthe gripâ and never will . But the story of the loss of Singapore is a painful one – and if you dont know it – have a read – you will wince .
The aftermath was even worse and when people hand wring about dropping the 2 bombs on japan – reflect . Im just glad so much of japan was destroyed .
On the upside i recall seeing something about how singapore had rebuilt itself consciously taking the best of the West but dumping the liberal crap . I think it worked .
They use that word a lot.
They know exactly what it means.
The Home Secretary said: âThis is a sad day for our country and another terrible reminder of how our police officers put themselves in danger each and every day to keep the rest of us safe.â
The saddest day for our country was when ‘liberals’, politicians and the BBC decided they would take it away from the British people.
How many more are coming in across the English Channel ?
Meanwhile, BBC American BSâ main gal….
Latest from 38 Beegees, and it is a cracker….
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Dear Rube,
This is scary. An anti-BBC lobby group have crowdfunded ÂŁ60,000 to pay for billboards and Facebook adverts – scaling up their negative campaign to convince the public and politicians to defund the BBC. [1] They’re planning to raise hundreds of thousands more in the next few weeks. [2]
If this group is left unchallenged to build a huge anti-BBC lobby, the future of our getting minority activist time prime time coverage will be on the line. Itâs a risk we just canât take.
One of us alone couldn’t match their efforts. But there are thousands of us reading this email, and by working together we could run a counter-campaign so big they wouldnât stand a chance. Assuming all reading it have signed up for reasons other than perverse interest.
With enough of us on board, we could launch our own digital marketing campaign to show how valuable the BBC is to all of us, matching their ads punch for punch. So not only lawyers win, but now media companies too!
But Rube, it will only work if we know that hundreds of thousands of us are on board to protect our BBC. So, are you in? Your response will be logged at the click of a button:
The BBC is not perfect, and when they get things wrong viewers like us hold them to account by writing to their Complaints system. and then waiting six months to be told to sod off.. With dangerous fake news about just about everything on on all channels, this supposed public service broadcaster has never been so important for propaganda dissemination and undermining ideological foes. [3]
From our children watching educational shows during lockdown like â Fisting With Nish, to tuning into the Views at 10, the BBC provides invaluable programming for activist PR people across the country. [4] Thatâs why 38 Degrees members – thatâs people like you – have come together to protect our BBC time and time again when they have stuck it to the public once too often before. [5] With a new anti-BBC lobby growing in power and money each day, we need to step up. It is crazy to expect the BBC to try and be what its Charter obliges it to be, so they have asked us to run interference in return for a lot of coverage of pet outrages.
But we can only match them if enough of us on board. So, are you up for protecting our BBC? Hit the button below:
Thanks for everything you do,
Maggie, Ruby, Gary, Zoe, Mishal, BS, Faisal, Kamal, Tim, Fran and the 38 Degrees team