Welcome to a world of fantasy . Paul Dacre in charge of OFCOM and Lord Charles Moore as Chairman of the BBC . Obviously neither of these appointments could be made by a Tory Government with an 80 majority – right ?
Start the Week 28 September 2020
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Spookily the BBC have found a lady “Health Professional” who works for NHS Test and trace who said she had only been given one contact to speak to in 4 months, thus casting doubt on the whole “Government” devised system…
Spookily the lady “Health Professional” is also a former BBC journalist.
Spookily the BBC are about to run an episode of Panorama with….
“Watch BBC Panorama: Test and Trace Exposed at 19:30 GMT on BBC One, or afterwards on BBC iPlayer.”
The BBC often “expose” themselves but not usually this transparently.
The BBC have produced the following interactive game which they have as a feature article and have headlined on their news homepage as: Who will be the next US president? You decide
When will this joke of an organisation be stopped, all its employees fired, and then taken to court and forced to pay back all the taxpayers money it has wasted.
Poor love.
Play the game on the bBC website
Predict the president 2020: Will Trump or Biden win the US election? You decide
If you select Biden, you get the summary of
Biden wins!
“Welcome back to Washington”
If you select Trump, you get the summary of
Trump wins!
“Four more years”
I’m sure the bbc doesn’t like Trump, not sure if anyone else has noticed it over the years!!
Here is another media bubble dweller (re-tweeted by our very own Gary Lineker) …………
The double standards rightly pointed out. I detest them , i really do. Hypocrites !!!
I am Angry with the civil servants. Angry with those politicians that don’t have any scientific qualifications. Angry with the ignorant elite and the left-wing police chiefs, angry with violent white BLM members. Angry at being called a conspiracy theorist by environmental activists pretending to be scientists. Angry at experts on the telly turning out less scientifically educated than myself. I am very angry with the BBC because all the scientific experts better educated than myself, say that they are banned by the BBC.
Lockdowns don’t seem to make any difference. They just make it seem more serious than it is. Give more power to authoritarian socialists and cause the death rate from other causes to sky rocket.
Civilised states which have not imposed any Lockdown include Iceland, Japan, Latvia, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Uruguay, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.
Does seem a bit strange that these characters don’t realise how angry they have made ‘normal ‘ ‘ordinary ‘ people ?
I suppose it’s the divergence of world view ….. fantasy v reality .the left is never angry though is it ? ( see brexit for example )
Apparently there is a political party called the ‘Liberal Democrats’- it has a’ leader ‘ called Edward Davey . Mr Davey has done a party conference speech . It was quite funny . Funny because he looked like a bloke talking to himself in the mirror .
I bet the BBC love him ….
Catch the news before it disappears.
Claudia Webbe: Leicester MP charged with harassment
Q: How can you tell it wasn’t a Tory MP?
A: The party affiliation isn’t mentioned in the headline.
Keith Vaz might land up as a character witness ….
Webbe seems to have been in dispute with Jewish journalists
They say she’d taken to routinely blocking Jewish journalists on Twitter
#1 She served Ken Livingstone and defended him against claims of anti-Semitism
#2 She was deep in the Corbynista clan, so when no London seat could be found for her, she was touted around various provincial seats, until she was presented with Keith Vaz’s Leicester seat.
#3 The got the job of Labour’s chief investigator of racism.. Jewish journos say she used that to whitewash all the complaints of anti-Semitism against Labour members.
#4 With Corbyn demoted she’s lost her shield.
Oh here’s a tweet from July
She’s big on being the victim.
Harry – screen shot time – more good news – innocent until proved guilty ….. wonder if it will make to trial ….
Is it really too much to expect the BBC North American Editor, or whatever his title is, to do more than just parrot the Democrat side?
I don’t know how accurate this may or may not be, though it seems plausible, but they could at least try to do some work such as this to lend context.
I have a screenshot of parts of the NYT article if some kind soul can explain how to get it up here
It’s a bit fiddly, but when posting a comment there’s a section under your comment preview where you can add images from a web address. You may need to scroll down to see it.
To get a web address for your picture you’ll need to upload to an image hosting site. I use https://imgbb.com/ but others are available.
Thank you Sir!
Load Dropbox (free). Drag the image into Dropbox. Chick on Share, make link, copy link. Paste the link here.
I’ve never met anyone who did not use every opportunity of the laws to their own benefit
What was it Tallulah Bankhead once said, “I’m as pure as the driven slush”?
???? Tallulah Bankhead was a right goer Dobyns!
Think she was in Hitchcock’s ‘Lifeboat’ ????????
Legendary quote from Hitchcock when told by the crew that Bankhead wasn’t wearing underwear during the filming of Lifeboat:
“I don’t know if this is a matter for the costume department, makeup, or hairdressing.”
Hee-hee, excellent TrickCyclist ????????
American Booty has drunk the Kool Aid, massacred any child for blocks and disappeared so far up Pelosi’s colostomy bag he can almost see Lurch’s sneaker soles.
Here’s the link to the complete NYT article
I have just been watching a series about Donald Trump’s business career, and very interesting it was.
The Donald did very well in New York real estate in the 1980s. He then went into casinos in Atlantic City. He did well at first, but then borrowed heavily to build the Taj Mahal casino at high interest rates (remember those?).
When a recession came the Taj Mahal went bump, not because it wasn’t a good business, but because it could not repay the interest. Trump lost a fortune. He is probably still using those losses to offset his taxes. It’s perfectly legal, and he’d be a fool not to. If he were breaking the law the IRS would have come down on him years ago, before he was President.
So this is yet another nothingburger from the New York Times. They were a newspaper once, I believe.
Anyone with a decent wedge regardless of political bent probably has creative accountants. The Leona Helmsley line ”We don`t pay taxes-only little people pay taxes.”
still isn’t right no matter who’s at it.
There is nothing “creative” about offsetting losses against profits. Any accountant who didn’t do that would be struck off.
That’s why it was the lead story on the BBC a day ago!
Our awful state-funded bunch of chumps really believe some of the rubbish the NYT spurts out. When they ‘need’ confirmation, they make their problem worse by getting quotes from some air-head at Huffpo or The Hill!
Then you really have confirmation that the whole shebang is utter bollocks!
Jon Sopel, (23), is small and ashen-faced.
It will be interesting to see what this is about. The usual attempts to spice up a flavourless nothing burger, or actually something of note.
The tentacles of the swamp dwellers certainly seem to have a long reach.
As we get closer and closer to election day, we can expect ever increasing propaganda from the MSM – something new every day, something bad about Trump- and it will get ever more hysterical.
Expect the NYT and WP to take a lead in the US while BBC and Channel4 head up the anti-Trump campaign in GB.
What will they unearth next? Will it be ‘North by Northwest’ recast with Kamala Harris dangling from the arms of Joe Biden as he pulls her up Mt Rushmore with the newly added head of Obama chiselled into the stone, as backdrop?
Actually, I should be careful not to give them any ideas; they are capable of anything. Anything at all.
Great film fakenewswatcher ????????
I mean the Hitchcock version, not yours ????
tlwei – they don’t make them like that anymore.
No they don’t fakenewswatcher ????????
Ch4 does not leap to mind as a major investigative machine here, and especially the USA.
Why would they be devoting such resources to scoop all US media and the mighty BBC?
And if handed a gift by deep dem, why to a small channel in another country no one in the US has heard of?
At least they didn’t use ‘Boom! or ‘blockbuster’, rather stripped of meaning by the armchair Woodward and Bersteins at BBC NA central.
I hope to God Trump has a plan for if he loses to detonate a metaphoric bomb under the swamp. I’m not sure how he’d get traction with today’s bent media, but it’s essential that evil cannot be allowed to prevail.
I try not to view those with differing opinions in such stark terms but seeing what they promote and what they are prepared to do leaves me with no other conclusion.
The Mirror delivers.
Kev, you beauty.
Breaking, CBS runs template too.
The anti Trump section of Ch4 news is compulsive viewing in our house.
There is a deranged woman, Shibiawm something with mad eyes who reports from windswept parts of Washington of Trump’s evil deeds, an anti Trumper of colour visits oppressed black people, feeding them obvious anti Trump lines, and occasionally the woman with a hijab and appalling dress sense, gets her say with sentences like this: ‘Trump said, without evidence, that….’
Surely few Americans are watching, but it flags up to the EU and the world in general, that the UK elite, and
their government, are hostile to the US President.
I haven’t been a regular listener to ‘Two minutes past nine’ on R4, but caught snatches. Has anyone else here? Another opinion?
It seems to be another perfect vehicle to smear Christians, whitey, the ‘Right’ etc, by association. Blurring boundaries. Lumping together. Ever so subtly, of course.
The dastardly Timothy McVeigh, Oklahoma City bomber, is apparently the central character. Today, it appears a ‘government-hating’ group started off as a Christian ‘back to the land’ set-up which then morphed into a gun-loving group of evil doers, which eventually spawned mass murderer Mc Veigh.
They were initially the CSA, or something, the C for Christian; somehow that also allows the Confederate State Association to be squeezed in, along with all the other Lefty targets you can think of.
Leah Sottile allows her imagination to run wild, but nay, we are assured that she is an ‘investigative journalist’ who happens to freelance i.a. for the Washington Post. So it must all be true? And she just happens to be living in Portland Oregon.
I close my eyes and see her, flaming torch in hand, lurking in the streets of Portland, Oregon, searching for a statue of Robert E Lee, to topple and set ablaze. R4 would no doubt wish her every success.
I haven’t listened to the whole sad story, and perhaps I do this little opportunist an injustice. In which case she will have to forgive me, for I too, have imagination.
Get ready for Woke heads to explode again
As a senior visiting fellow at the university of life ( formerly poly of life ) can i nominate President for a 4th time ?
Anyone see Ghosts, the new BBC show they keep plugging, absolutely utter shite, defund the BBC
Im outraged . Where is my MP going to get a drink in the Commons after 10pm – ?
Jeez – he might have to go to an offee in Victoria street to get his stella – he might have to mix with the plebs ! Ugh ! Send an intern i reckon . Dont forget the receipt – we ll claim it on expenses …..
Earlier today the comedic phenomenon that is HIGNFY set twitter afire with another zinger.
ITBB has kindly gone into more depth.
7:30pm #BBCPanorama’s ‘Test and Trace Exposed’.
” An #investigation into the government’s tracing system, hearing from #whistleblowers inside #NHSTestandTrace.”
Translation : an ex-beeboid got a job in a TaT call centre and wasn’t asked to do many calls, so we paid her to make a film about it.
AFAIK bureaucracy got in the way. Like cos of data privacy they weren’t allowed to leave a messy saying this is Test and Trace call us back.
So when people got the call, most thought ‘call from a strange number, must be a scam, so I’ll just ignore them if they call again’
@G 10pm Channel4 doco about female European sex tourists going to Gambia
… surely AIDS has put a stop to stuff like that ??
Did it stop blokes going to the sex bars of Thailand ?
Uncle Ray clearly making a day of it.
Well, otherwise they don’t get RTd every minute by BBC American BS.
Today the BBC reminded me of the Robertson’s jam pottery musician figures of the 1960’s. You could get a guitar player, a bass player, an accordion player, a saxophone player, a clarinet player and a drummer. All you needed was a few paper gollies from mummy and granddad.
Never had any of them, did have the badges though. I expect I will need to pay reparations now?
That’ll be money for jam then!
There is nothing racist in these representational figurines. There was a time when various white communities knew nothing of black people and vice versa.
That looks like when Noddy went to downtown Croydon ????
Whilst on the subject…
Interesting article from the Enid Blyton society..
First edition,,, 1990 edition..
It is wiping away history. Genocide is when a culture is destroyed and the first thing they attack is its history. There is absolutely nothing racist in the originals – it is all in the minds of the woke generation who are erasing history like the Taliban of Afghanistan.
In the mid 50’s I was given a black doll complete with straw hat, gold hoop earrings and red gingham dress. At that time the only black people the Isle of Thanet saw, were the occasional American Air Force personnel who were stationed at Manston Airfield.
I befriended a little black American girl of the same age who came to my infant school, and apparently my parents were horrified when I showed her my doll and said “look my dolly is the same colour as you”. Out of the mouths of babes.
Yes indeed Brissles, my wife also had a girl golly-my grandparents had a picture of a little Black child sitting on the floor with mouth wide open crying as he looked into a hand held mirror-there was one word underneath the little chap-DISAPOINTMENT. Wonder how that would be viewed today? The media and BBC would be all over it no doubt. Saw my first black person in 1951-My Grandmother told me not to stare at him as we walked along. It was about 14 years later that I saw a number of Muslim women entering John Lewis in Ox ford Street-I certainly did stare, having never seen a real one!
“There was a time when various white communities knew nothing of black people and vice versa.”
Ah! those were the trouble free days………………
Say what you like about Mark Thompson, he’s everywhere.
And minted of the back of it.
‘We’ve overrun the planet’ – Attenborough
Speak for yourself mate. I hear one single trans-atlantic flight equates to the recycling efforts of a family for a year.
He is great value.
Careful Rob:
Mayhaps pointing to yesterday …
There were lots of folks from the South who were proud to be “Crackers”, including some of my ancestors
Dobyns, thanks for that. Haven’t heard that since listening to Childrens Favourites on a valve radio on the BBC Home Service with Uncle Mac in the 1960s.
Was that a Gibson in the photo?
That scroll top to the body was unusual. Be worth a fortune now.
Not plaintiff. Not plaintiff at all.
‘Labour MP Claudia Webbe has been charged with harassing a woman.’
‘Ms Webbe, who represents Leicester East, is accused of one count of harassment between September 2018 and April this year.’
‘She remains a councillor in Islington, north London, since 2010, and was also a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee.’
Busy lady.
Riddle me this Batman …
How can one simultaneously represent a constituency in Leicester AND Islington??
Dobyn – what you don’t know is that there is a bookshop in Upper St Islington where you can buy an A to Z of Leicester …
Leicester – as we all know – is on the northern line …..
Brilliant Fed, a good chuckle. I suppose having all of the Labour MPs and BBC Presenters live in the millionaire territory known as Islington is good as they can all vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Whatever happened to him?
Corbyn might never have been an MP without that help.
And Bliar lived there before he got rich from all those property deals!
Scrob – I take it ‘property deals ‘ is a euphemism for bribes ….
Up2 – I worked in Islington during Mrs Ts era and it really was a socialist republic – red flag on the town hall. Margaret hodge was in charge and was a communist then – they tried to out red each other in the way they out woke each other now … a curse on them ,.
It’s likely she would have stood down as a councillor in March, but the elections got cancelled.
And I sure she is not taking her pay for one or other of those ‘jobs ‘….
In England councillors don’t get a salary
instead they are given an allowance to cover their time
In Islington it’s about £10K
ie £200 per week
I wonder if that is for about 10 hours time each week.
Someone tweeted
“Why are you still collecting your full allowance as an Islington councillor of £10,519.04 until May 2021 along with your MP’s salary of £81,932? “
Stew – you wretched pedant – pay includes remuneration- which would include allowances and expenses and other taxable income …..
You really really are getting Fedup being corrected so do something else like look in an effing mirror
Yet again I actually checked the claim.
And gave the exact numbers.
and I am quoting what the council websites say that it is an allowance not a salary.
However we both know that makes little difference except that “pay” would cost the taxpayer twice , cos that would include pension and paid holidays etc.
The basic claim is that she’s doing the councillor job for the money
Generally that is not true in the UK, there is a shortage of councillors in the UK, cos many people consider the allowance not high enough to cover the time they’d have to give up.
Sorry, I’m not being personal or trying to wind you up..
but people just keep throwing out grand claims .. then often when I check I find the reality is much smaller than the claim.
If a car repair guy works normally for an hour he is earning his pay and his pension
If he takes the afternoon off to do council business, he loses both elements.. So in London £80 might be needed to cover his financial loss.
“Uber is the employment agency for illegal migrants.”
comment on the Ian Collins show after he spoke about his Uber experiment week last year.
Where he typified Uber drivers as unconfident, often unable to speak English , and therefore unsafe on the roads
And mostly terrified of driving on motorways
: One drove at 38mph in the middle lane
: One drove on the hard shoulder, insisting it was legal
: One drove with the windows open “to stop me falling asleep, cos I didn’t get much sleep”
Collins chose not to talk about the drivers often being enrichers.
“Michael Gove: Brexit provisions to stay in Internal Market Bill”
IMHO the Tory Government should have walked away and gone for WTO rules. Does the EU want to sell us goods? Of course they do! ‘All’ our ports should be opened up to trade with the rest of the world. I am afraid Boris is going for a BRINO.
He is appearing to look more like Chamberlain not Churchill. He’s is making some strange decisions .
taffman, I note with some dismay that our PM has pushed back another Brexit deadline to the EU to mid-October this year. I’ve lost count of how many the EU have missed and Bojo has let them get away with it every time.
Mind you, British businesses ought to be prepared for No Deal/WTO Rule by now as they were told to get ready for it way back in 2018! Courtesy of Yahoo News yesterday, I had a 48 page walk through all the way from Cameron in 2015 and before through to the present day.
An agonising journey for a Brexiteer.
SkyNewsAust covering Saturday’s anti-lockdown protest
..Brendan O’Neil giving a view
Interesting that even Norman Brennan – the retired cop who advocates for plod – is calling for prosecution of the TSG thug who punched and batoned an elderly woman in traf square saturday – im sure he ll enjoy prison …
@FedUp2 You are mistaken there
He takes the police side almost always
They claim
#1 the woman is fake
he says “him/her” and mocks the Irish accent
#2 The officer “did not PUNCH”
it was a side push
Stew – I’ve seen another Brennan tweet which is where I state my case – thanks for being so corrective – as always – do you spend your life telling people they are wrong – is your hobby pedantry .?
Fed if you believed your point, you would simple post that tweet, instead of typing words attacking my personality.
I know Brennan’s personality, so when you posted a claim totally contrary I checked.. and found it wanting .. So what did you expect me to do ?
There is also the TalkRadio video
Douglas Murray: “Our police have become highly politicised.”
I’m confident Cressida Dick would be pleased to provide an explanation for us.
Meghan and Harry (Whinge and Ginge) to appear in fly-on-wall doco.
Remind me again, what is it that flies are attracted to?
Vlad, it’s ‘Ginge and Minge’, hence the attraction to flies…
I haven’t watched al beeb for 18 months now but follow what’s on YouTube and have a TV app that I never got rid of ☹️
Tonight’s offering on 1, a Panorama anti-government expose that deliberately ends at 20:05 to catch the Eastenders audience who thought their show would start at 20:00 ✅
22:45 – Stand Up for Live Comedy
I can’t even be arsed to explain that one except that one’s a Somalian refugee from Wales ????????????????????????????
00:30 – HARDtalk – a black fella wrongly convicted of an NY rape that manages to shoehorn Trump in as a baddie somehow ????
Relentless shite ????
Have watched University Challenge for years.
Tonight, and in other recent editions, I’ve noticed the inclusion of questions on semi-famous women and also black writers.
Clearly the thought police are out promoting their agenda.
But happily the teams don’t know the answers so the narrative falls flat.
The BBC announced some time back that questions on UC would in future be better balanced between men and women. They’re not disguising it and are, in fact, very proud that this is the case.
The classical music questions present a bit of a problem, though!
I was shocked, shocked, that all eight contestants on last night’s show were white men. None of them even seemed gay!
I must say that I dislike the habit of many teams lately of just giving their Christian names when introducing themselves. It makes them sound like children.
Even more annoying is the use of metric measures in all the questions. Now we are out of the sodding EU can we please go back to feet and miles?
Searching Twatter on
: UniversityChallenge white
gives us dozens of outrage tweets
‘How dare they be 8 white men’
.. Well who is the racist ?
of the 8 : 4 were non 100% British
Half-Japanese, Irish and Italian and a Romanian is that not diverse enough!
All 4 foreigners were all on the Oxford team
Oh, yes.
Guest – why, what a sweet old man!
Yes indeedy, all he wants is ‘diversity’! Wonder what he actually means by that term?
Surely bbc chairs have recognised the importance of ‘diversity’?! So, they should have done what, exactly -in this still overwhelmingly white country?
Wasn’t Lennie knighted? Wasn’t that very kind of HM, recognising ‘diversity’ like that? Has the man no gratitude? Lots of quiet achievers around who actually contribute to society in a real way, who never get a smell of a knighthood. Not even a whiff.
Knighted for being a stand-up? Wow! It doesn’t take a lot, does it? Always assuming that’s what he was actually knighted for? On the other hand, Lennie could be hinting to the beeb that he is available for the position? What with him being a knight, and all.
Of course, Lennie could use his stature by going to preach ‘diversity’ in an African country. I understand there’s not much of it over there. Well over fifty nations to practice the old nag, nag. Of course, not a great deal over there either, that’s amusing….
Probably no Guardian either.
Better stay here, eh Lennie?
Last night I watched an old Michael Palin Pole to Pole – circa 1992, an edition when he was travelling from Kenya to Tanzania and into the heart of the old slave centre. (you couldn’t pay me to travel in the conditions he did).
Perhaps it would educate some of those screamers who have a touch of the vapors when mentioning us Brits and slavery in the same breath, if they read the following from Brittanica…………..
“In their constant search for slaves, Arab traders began to penetrate farther into the interior, particularly in the southeast toward Lake Nyasa. Farther north two merchants from India followed the tribal trade routes to reach the country of the Nyamwezi about 1825. Along this route ivory appears to have been as great an attraction as slaves, and Saʿīd ibn Sulṭān himself, after the transfer of his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar, gave every encouragement to the Arabs to pursue these trading possibilities. “
Diversity of thought – not skin colour -which is a distraction
I could imagine that Boris would make Lenny Henry chair of the BBC.
What bbc show is not improved by the inclusion of Owen Jones?
On the subject of diversity………GW+fake around 2220
Three cheers for the ITV true crime drama , ‘Honour’.
In which in 2006ish a Kurdish Muslim girl was murdered by her Muslim male family for the despicable act of ……wanting to marry the person she chose…….and thereby bringing the family into some perceived disrepute.
To them, that behaviour is a cultural norm.
Is it the sort of thing LeftMob want us to celebrate?
And emulate?
Is it racist to denounce it as despicable?
Or do we give it equal merit with the Western civilisation norms that the likes of BLM and their fellow travellers love to hate?
In the interests of equality and diversity, you understand.
Not a drama, you will notice, on the BBC.
Read about it, and feel the enrichment.
Notice how ‘straight’ the reporting is, even back then. No opinions, no criticisms. No wondering why the murdering b******* were in our country in the first place.
It makes me pretty sick.
Interesting Ian Collins show today
#1 He had debate about the Saturday protest
His angle was : what’s the deal with these Conspiracy theorists with their anti Bill Gates & anti-Vax stance ?
#2 He booked Kathryn Joyce who explained that Bill Gates conspiracy theories originate with church orgs being against his contraception funding.
#3 He’ booked snooker champ Peter Eldon who is now working as a healer ..and said he knew what he would say ..audio *
#4 He booked anti-Conspiracy Theory psychologist Jovan Byford
#5 Although he concentrated on the CT people he did say he understood that most people there were just general anti-lockdown people
He did promise that in the future he will get Vernon Coleman on to debate a virologist, cos so far no one has taken up Coleman’s offer to debate.
#3 He wasn’t that well prepared cos he wasn’t able to debunk Peter Eldon straight off
Rather his producer did fact check later
And this revealed that Peter Eldon had done 2+2=5 thinking
e.g. Bill Gates had said that his $40bn investment in vaccines would generate $200bn of benefits for the world
CT people read that as it would be $200bn personal profit for Gates
see that’s 2+2=5 thinking
… Similarly other things were true quotes but reading to much in to them eg when the WHO downgraded the Covid danger, it wasn’t saying the risk was zero
#4 Jovan Byford didn’t articulate properly
but did say CT has benefits to people it closes the DOUBT GAP
life is not uncertain, rather big powerful people are in control
AFAIK CT is very akin to religion
This showed up in the way dozens of CT people angrily tweeted the prog to say Collins is just an establishment stooge.
The elephant in the room was the way psychologist Byford and Collins claimed
‘conspiratorial 2+2=5 thinking is THEM loonies over there’
… denying the most common actually comes from MSM Guardianland
‘oh the Russians got Trump & Brexit elected
there’s Moscow hotel photos’
Another leftwing conspiracy theory ..is “The driver for the Global warming skeptic movement is money and organisation from Big OIl ..that is BS
Years ago some American coal org did do some PR, but the vast majority of skeptics are independents.
Another common lefty CT is that any movement that opposes lefty policy is organised by dark “far right, “fascist” powers
typo “too much”
Collins hardly mentioned the police violence
Rather he made out the protesters were sinister
“They chanted pick a side , that sounds sinister”
He failed to mention the anti-BBC chant
However his good point is
‘It’s one thing to say there is cockups and disorganisation, but how can you then move to say Covid is an organised conspiracy”
Collins has a lot of experience with Vernon Coleman, and called him a Conspiracy Theorist.
Anna Brees has a thread of videos about the day
Baby out with the bath water
= dismissing all protesters are Conspiracy Theorists
Such denial is the flipside of Conspiracy Theory without proper evidence
…which is quite different from a properly evidenced conspiracy say Tony Blair/ Campbell’s WMD narrative.
another interesting parallel
Yes some EXTREMISTS Cherrypick & Misrepresent quotes from Bill Gates etc.
Yet making out those EXTREMISTS represent the marchers
.. is itself Cherrypicking & Misrepresentation
..debunking such an extreme is not a proper debunk.
I do wonder if this a trick that is used
I can imagine Antifa or police sending infiltrators in a local movement to make some extremist public comments like throwing P word and N word around
and then use that to dismiss the entire local movement.
I can’t believe the blatant lies from the leftist media regarding the “bombshell” about the Donald’s taxes. The New York Times story itself says in black and white that Trump paid the IRS $1m in tax in 2016 and $4.2m in 2017. So when the likes of the BBC or Grauniad claim he paid only $750 in 2016/2017 it is an utter lie.
em that is not the end of the story.
He did make those 2 big payments … whilst getting permission to file his tax return late
Then when his accountants filed that he only owed $750 for that year , the tax office agreed to roll the overpayment forward to use it to pay future years tax.
Once again i have complained to the BBC about their biased coverage of Donald Trump. The report in question was so blatantly for Joe Biden and against DT it was laughable. How are they getting away with it??
I watched the BBC programme about Shipman .
It has echoes of the paki paedo racist gangs ….
MSM didn’t want to look at a favourite – NHS GP / muslims
Both go against a narrative
Shipman – who is thankfully dead – is just one of a number of GPs put on a pedestal – stealing and killing at will because no one wants to see the worst . And of course affiliation to the `NHS gives a free pass . ….
I have for some time predicted that Biden would not debate on the pretext of self isolating. So this looks interesting.
Agree the Democrats must have some ‘cunning’ plan
Maybe it’s to let Trump aniliate a pathetically decrepid Biden, whom keels over, mid debate – under the stress of actually having to think for himself .. .
Biden is then pulled from the presidential race, on health grounds, the Democrats hoping it makes Trump look like a bully.
Not convinced myself yet, but anyway, just can’t see Biden lasting much longer.
So a £100 bet on Trump for the white House at just over evens, and a small £1 hedge on Kamala Harris at a hundred to one.
Equalls a dead cert to win cash…..
or maybe not ????
The Economist, which has made the BBC look the soul of impartiality on the US election (hence a popular one degree of separation ‘source’) rather setting the faithful up for a change in tack…
“American presidential debates rarely change election outcomes“
BBC Moaning Emole
Election set-piece looms
The first televised debate in the US presidential election campaign will be held on Tuesday. We’ll have the debrief in tomorrow’s News Daily, but for now, read the thoughts of our North America editor Jon Sopel ahead of the contest, and get the lowdown from reporter Anthony Zurcher on the two men’s strengths and weaknesses.
Tough call for Lurch.
Joe Biden is senile but has a Corvette.
Jon has zero integrity and a Fiat 500.
Odd how the left-wing press including the BBC are piling on Barrett, Trumps pick for head of the supreme court.
Apparently they accuse her of being a member of a “cult” religion that places men at the head of the family and subjugates women as secondary in importance.
Like Islam for instance?
Nope…. nothing to see there, just an attempt to get the feminists on-side with Biden!
Barrett is also apparently so “subjugated” that she is a contender for the highest judicial role in the USA. Some subjugation hey?
Can’t wait for the American Booty version of Dem attack points.
Maybe he’ll fly over Mishal instead of BS.
For now he is trying out new flounce intros…
These cutesy twitter trawls are increasing.
Then the ‘selection process’ starts.
Twitter clips of media ‘interviewer’ loons sound off are educational.
You can see how deranged they are in blissful silence.
Listening to Al Beeb and MSM news traffic this morning l wonder how much longer will Boris be PM ?
If there is a snap leadership or general election, it will likely be for the loser to take office.
Yes, they are all inept, served by inept civil service inspired and trained by the hand of Blair’s GOD, with no clue better than any other country, but with the feral, hypocritical, ideological, partial MSM now unleashed, who in their right mind would want the role?
“who in their right mind would want the role?”
I’ll not support the buffoon but perhaps he’s got, “Long Covid”. No me neither until this morning compliments of Toady.
A few weeks ago Anne Marie Waters looked into Bill Gates
Boris is certainly on board
Can’t say I am.
Given all these ‘New Covid offences…’ as outlined on the front page of the ‘i’, such as: ‘singing and dancing in the pub’ and ‘failing to inform employers of illness’ one finds it only fair that: ‘Bulger killer Venables is denied parole’ – as exclusively revealed in the Mirror.
Much more of these restriction on the British public and we’ll reckon we’ll feel freer and might as well all be banged up in chokey.
At least the Guardianistas are happy: ‘Tory rebels set to fail in bid to tackle virus laws’ – purrs the BBC’s favourite house mag in unabashed pleasure. If it weren’t mixing metaphors to mention Sweden in a covid context I’d swear our Left had caught a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.
The Guardian reminds me of that scrawny prisoner in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, the one chained up for years in the dungeon who insisted “Brilliant race the Romans, taught me respect!”
Human rights and civil liberties for everyone, except us, here and now, eh?
The further left the more bonkers. The ‘i’ runs a feature today: ‘Family. The big reveal. Why it’s healthy to be naked around your kids’
There’s a bit of a nudist trend set this morning. The Telegraph asks: ‘Naked truth. Was Gwyneth right to bare all at 48?’ The Express can’t resist: ‘Gwyn and bare it. Paltrow shocks in her birthday suit. See page 3’ but one draws the line at Robert Crampton in the Times: ‘Like Gwyneth I’ve taken my kit off too’
As the Artist Formerly Known as Prince might say here’s a couple of stories that are a “Sign O’ the Times”…
Now we can no longer rely on our NHS to cure our many ills – since it all but disappeared under a mountain of Chinese Flu inspired PPE – the Mail offers: ‘Eat to beat disease recipe pullout’
With the all out assault on small business through crippling state restrictions and regulation we note the big global corporations are still flush – the Telegraph tells us: ‘Billionaire brothers bidding for Asda’ and the FT boasts: ‘HSBC shares climb 10% after China’s Ping Am raises stakes’ with ‘Caesars taps into expanding US sports betting with £2.9bn William Hill offer’
The FT’s love affair with Brussels lingers on. Why its printed on pink and not blue with stars is frankly a mystery: ‘London clearing sector faces EU heat’ – the headline is a little mysterious if you’re not a City boy but you get the idea.
Oh, our european friends, how we sacrificed so much in the fight for their freedoms. The Times has: ‘Malta demands return of Attenborough’s fossil gift to Prince George’ – perhaps it’s time we called it quits and demanded the return of our George Cross in exchange for the old shark’s tooth?
AISI, the FT show themselves to be as far behind the curve as the BBC. Or is it below? They have a front page ‘taster’ about the price of gold being ‘at record levels’ (not) because it is actually 6%+ off in the last four weeks and more probably since the recent high.
I’m not sure if This comment is a rant or not – but it’s not directly BBC so I’ll invoke ‘moderator privilege ‘.
I’ve disclosed here before that I am under house arrest again after returning from a place overseas with a lower R rate than my current home town – londonistan .
Well I did as required – filled out the online immigration form giving all my details and went home from the airport .
2 days later my phone rang – “ this is the NHS – I’m I talking to Mr Fedup ?” Yes . ‘ I’m ringing to check to make sure you know the lock down rules” ….. an exchange of views followed .
Anyway – Monday night 8pm . Knock on the front door . 2 uniformed cops – “are you mr Fedup “ yes . I thought’ wow – the y think I’m watching the BBC without a licence – or I’ve said something here and I’m nabbed”
“We re checking to make sure you’re abiding by lock down . What’s your date of birth? Do you any idea to prove you are you ? “ _ as I stood at my own front door …..
So there you have it . We now live in a country which checks to see if you are at home . Being ‘monitored ‘.
Some reading this might say – ‘well if you don’t want that then don’t go abroad “
Well my response is that people on this site recorded – week in – week out – hoards of aircraft coming into the UK from across the world with no restrictions or checks or anything for months .
And now it’s the night time knock on the door
Incidentally – Richard little John has a piece in the mail today about regulations and whether you can have sex in the garden in a Wendy house ……… I got a bit confused but must state I haven’t got a Wendy house -yet .
Britain’s finest Police Officers cannot be bothered to check car licence plates or Local Authority records to find out who lives at an address.
This is a force that claims it is ‘modern’.
As for having sex with Wendy in the garden, I’m sure there will be some Officers to oblige.
IMPROVISE Fed !!! use the dog kennel (no further comments needed 😉 )
yer not gettin’ any, yer filthy beast!
Always the, “night time” isn’t it? For what reason is this I wonder.
I’ll top that Fed. My night time visit happened on a Saturday night.
9am Radio4
“Birdgirl* talks to Zakiya Mckenzie about her love of green spaces and how to increase *diversity outdoors* ”
* she’s the teenage British Bangladeshi birdwatcher the BBC love
She doing a Monbiot and looking to bring in vultures and sky burials?
Question: Does Al Beeb report any news coming from Sweden ?
Had a guts full of the ceaseless ‘diversity’ propaganda from our ‘national broadcaster’? No?
Well, at 9.30 on R4 you can listen to Zackia McKenzie talking on increasing ‘diversity’ outdoors. No, this is not about more red kites, curlews, beavers, seals or even wolves. Nor about increasing the diversity of flora.
No, its that she doesn’t see Bangladeshis, like herself, in forest and fen. In fact, there appear to be too few bame about, admiring daffodils etc. Could that be because this is Britain, and the Bangladeshis/BAME here, who are all free to roam, prefer it indoors or in the cities?
Maybe the Bangladeshis are all in the Sundarbans or Sajnekali, admiring Tigers.
Zackia could go back there and promote ‘diversity’. I understand there’s not much of it about?
Perhaps giving them free passes to our zoos would make them feel more at home 🙂
The same channel that reckons stuff like social distancing is confusing.
*You don’t see the expanded tweet unless you click.
More ‘beach landing’s at Dover this morning .
Al Beeb?
Tory Government?
Priti ?
Border Farce ?
All this when the people in this country are in lockdown . I expect more illegals will be brought in under the cover of ‘lockdown’.